Bound Brook Arbor Day Celebration La celebración de Bound Brook
Bound Brook Arbor Day Celebration La celebración de Bound Brook
Bound Brook Arbor Day Celebration La celebración de Bound Brook: Día del árbol FREE tree seedlings (1-3 ft. tall) Los árboles semilleros GRATIS (1 - 3 pies de altura) Tree seedlings provided by NJ Tree Recovery Campaign. The Celebration will include a Tree Planting Demonstration, a Program on Tree Pruning, and Free Refreshments. 11:00 am, Saturday, April 30, 2016 11:00 am, sábado, el 30 de abril, 2016 Ben Maggio Recreation Center, Codrington Park Bound Brook, NJ Hosted by the Bound Brook Shade Tree Commission. The Arbor Day program will start promptly. The tree giveaways will be on a first come, first served basis.