FERNANDA GUTIERREZ-NAVRATIL Department of Economics, University of Oviedo, School of Economics and Business, Av. del Cristo s/n 33006, Oviedo, Spain phone: +34985106239 mobile: +34635482268 e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Web: http://personales.uniovi.es/web/gutierrezluisa EDUCATION University of Oviedo (Spain) Ph.D. Candidate in Economics. (distinguished by a mention of quality awarded by the Ministry of Education) Supervisors: Luis Orea and Víctor Fernandez-Blanco 2010 - 03/2014 (expected) Dissertation: Competition in the movie industry: releasing dates and theater allocations as strategic variables University of the Basque Country, University of Cantabria and University of Oviedo (Spain) MA. in Economics: Economic Analysis Tools. 2007 - 2008 Thesis: Effective Competition: a study of the elevators maintenance and repair sector in Catalonia National University of Cuyo (Argentina) BA. in Economics. (with distinction) 1999 - 2004 RESEARCH STAY • The Johns Hopkins University -Carey Business School (USA) Visiting Ph.D. Scholar 08/2013 -11/2013 RESEARCH INTERESTS • Industrial Organization, Cultural Economics, Antitrust Issues and Policies PUBLICATIONS • Gutiérrez-Navratil, F., Fernández-Blanco, V., Orea, L., & Prieto-Rodríguez, J. (2012). How do your rivals’ releasing dates affect your box office? Journal of Cultural Economics , (forthcoming). PAPERS UNDER REVIEW • • Do movie majors really collude? Some indirect evidence from release schedules (with Víctor Fernández-Blanco, Luis Orea and Juan Prieto-Rodríguez) Theatre allocation as a distributor’s strategic variable over movie runs (with Juan PrietoRodríguez and Victoria Ateca-Amestoy) RESEARCH IN PROGRESS • Does Television Entry Deter Movie Theater Entry? Evidence from TV Stations and Movie Theaters in Spain (with Ricard Gil) OTHERS PUBLICATIONS • • • • Do movie majors really collude? Some indirect evidence from release schedules (with Víctor Fernández-Blanco, Luis Orea and Juan Prieto-Rodríguez ) FUNCAS Working paper, nº 726/2013 Gutiérrez-Navratil, F., Fernández-Blanco, V., Orea, L., & Prieto-Rodríguez, J. (2011). How do your rivals’ releasing dates affect your box office? ACEI Working Paper Series . AWP-4-2011, the Association for Cultural Economics International. García Juan Ramón, Puch Luis A., García Emma & Gutiérrez L. Fernanda (2011). Inversión e innovación en el País Vasco. El caso de Álava. Papeles de Economía Española nº 127, p. 298-316. ISSN 0210-9107. Gutiérrez L. Fernanda, Marrero Gustavo & Puch Luis A. (2011). Los efectos medioambientales del boom y el parón inmobiliario en España . Revista Economía Industrial nº 379, p. 145-158. • • • • • Gutiérrez L. Fernanda, Marrero A. Gustavo & Puch Luis A. (2010). Los efectos medioambientales del boom y el parón inmobiliario. FEDEA Economic Reports nº 01. Gutiérrez Fernanda, Jiménez-Martin Sergi, Vegas Sánchez Raquel & Vilaplana Cristina. (2010) The Spanish Long-term Care System. Contribution to WP1 of the ANCIEN Project (7th EU Research Framework Programme). ENEPRI Research Report nº 88, p. 1-27. URI: http://aei.pitt.edu/id/eprint/14603 Impacto de la inmigración sobre el mercado laboral de Canarias (with F. Alfonso Arellano) Project financed by the Regional Government of the Canary Islands, Sep. - Dec. 2008. Principal researcher: F. Alfonso Arellano Estudio sobre la Competencia Efectiva en el Sector de Mantenimiento y Reparación de Ascensores en Cataluña. Master’s dissertation, September 2008. Evaluación Económica de la Producción Primaria de Durazno Industria en Mendoza. Degree’s dissertation, June 2005. PARTICIPATION IN PROJECTS • • Competitive Strategies in the Spanish Movie Industry: Distribution and Exhibition Principal researcher: Victor Fernandez Blanco Financed by: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. National Fundamental Research Projects Program (ECO2011-27896) 01/2012 -12/2014 PUCK - Assessing Effective Tools to Enhance Cultural Participation Principal researcher: Juan Prieto Rodriguez Financed by: European Commission. Culture 2007-2013 (EU project 20120298/001-001 CU7PAG07) 05/2012 -04/2014 HONORS, FELLOWSHIPS AND RESEARCH GRANTS • • • • • • Mobility grants for teaching and research excellence. University of Oviedo, co-financed by the Council of Gijon 2013 Research Awards from the Fundación Autor for the Ph.D. thesis project in Cultural Economics 2012 Doctoral Fellowship from the Basque Government, Department of Education, Universities and Research Mobility Grants for Official Masters Student. Ministry of Education and Science 2010 - 2013 2007 Mobility Grants of the UPV/EHU and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Basque Government 2007 - 2008 Graduated with honors in the B.A. received the mention of Distinguished Alumni. Promotion 2004-2005 2004 TEACHING EXPERIENCE University of Valladolid (Spain) Visiting Lecturer – Master in Economics of Culture and Cultural Management 03/2012 and 2013 University of Oviedo (Spain) Teaching Assistant – Introduction to Macroeconomics (undergraduate) 01/2012- 06/2012 National University of Cuyo (Argentina) Teaching Assistant – Macroeconomics I (undergraduate) REFEREE • Journals: Journal of Cultural Economics, Economics and Business Letters LANGUAGES • • Spanish – native language English – upper intermediate 03/2004- 06/2004 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE University of Navarra - IESE Business School, Public–Private Sector Research Center (Spain) Research Assistant 11/2009- 01/2010 Foundation for Applied Economic Studies - FEDEA (Spain) Research Assistant 10/2008- 10/2009 Catalan Competition Authority – ACCO (Spain) Master’s internship 06/2008- 09/2008 Foundation Institute of Rural Development - IDR (Argentina) Degree’s internship 03/2005- 09/2005 Directorate of Statistics and Economic Research - DEIE (Argentina) Chief of census worker in the National Economic Census 2004 -2005 04/2005- 05/2005 CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS • • • • • • • • • Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía - Spanish Economic Association (SAEe), Santander, Spain, December 12 -14, 2013. Paper titled: “Theatre allocation as a distributor’s strategic variable over movie runs”. IV Workshop on Cultural Economics and Management, UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain, November 29 30, 2012. Paper titled: “Do movie majors really collude? Some indirect evidence from release schedules”. 17th International Conference on Cultural Economics, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan, June 21 - 24, 2012. Paper titled: “Do movie majors really collude? Some indirect evidence from release schedules”. 1erPhDay workshop, University of Oviedo, Spain, July 5, 2012. Paper titled: “Do movie majors really collude? Some indirect evidence from release schedules”. XXXVI Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía - Spanish Economic Association (SAEe), Málaga, Spain, December 14 -17, 2011. Paper titled: “How do your rivals’ releasing dates affect your box office? III Workshop on Cultural Economics and Management, University of Girona, Spain, November 24 25, 2011. Paper titled: “How do your rivals’ releasing dates affect your box office? V European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, September 2 - 3, 2011. Paper titled: “How do your rivals’ releasing dates affect your box office? Seminar, Department of Economics, University of Oviedo, Spain, July 26, 2011. Paper titled: “How do your rivals’ releasing dates affect your box office?” Workshop en Economía: Instrumentos del Análisis Económico, University of Cantabria, Spain, October 8, 2008. Master's Thesis: “Estudio sobre la Competencia Efectiva en el Sector de Mantenimiento y Reparación de Ascensores en Cataluña”, selected as one of the top three. REFERENCES Prof. Víctor Fernández-Blanco Prof. Luis Orea Associated professor Associated professor School of Economics and Business School of Economics and Business University of Oviedo University of Oviedo Phone: +34 985103770 Phone: +34 985106243 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Prof. Juan Prieto-Rodriguez Prof. Ricard Gil Full professor Assistant Professor School of Economics and Business Carey Business School University of Oviedo The Johns Hopkins University Phone: +34 985103768 Phone: +1 410 2349458 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]