Milestones - National Geographic Learning
Milestones - National Geographic Learning
ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING 2012 Understanding the way the world learns English } HEINLE K – 12 Adult Education Higher Education To place an order or to inquire about prices, availability of material, customer service, or delivery: } Call: 800-354-9706 rEquEST ExAmInATIOn And dESK cOPIES To request examination and desk copies: } PLAcE An OrdEr Call: 877-NEED-ESL (877-633-3375) Online: Mail orders to: customer Service Heinle PO Box 6904 Florence, KY 41022-6904 Mail Requests to: Academic resource center Heinle 10650 Toebben drive Independence, KY 41051 Fax orders to: 800-487-8488 or Fax: Elementary and Secondary Education: 800-487-8488 Higher Education: 859-647-5020 Telex: 214-239 PUBNET Easy Link: 6290-5841 For more information, see inside back cover. VISIT ELT.HEInLE.cOm For international customers, visit ● Access student resources ● Access instructor resources ● Learn about products ● Locate your local Heinle Sales representative ● Place an order ● request a desk copy/examination copy ● discover useful links Look for this icon for products with interactive tours! Look for this icon for products with interactive demos! For valuable information on pricing, previous editions, changes to current editions and alternate formats, please visit (search by ISBN, author, title or keyword). WelCome to Heinle Heinle is a part of Cengage learning Contents 8 K – 12 Programs 26 DiCtionaries 38 aDult eDuCation/integrateD sKills 50 grammar 58 reaDing 70 Writing 80 listening, sPeaKing & PronunCiation 90 VoCabulary & iDioms 92 Heinle etools 98 test PreParation & College PreParation 100 englisH For business & sPeCiFiC PurPoses 102 ProFessional DeVeloPment & resourCes 112 autHor inDex 114 title inDex/isbn/PriCing guiDe For ordering information and to request examination copies, see inside back cover. } Heinle Hot Titles! 30 COBUILD TO GO 80 PATHWAYS 92 HEINLE eTOOLS i,a 1,2 i,a a 1,2 a b 1 b 3,4 b s 2 b 5,6 b s 2 b 5,6 C g 3 • • • • • • 1 2 2 transition intro advanced 8 25 14 25 46 highintermediate • • • intermediate lowbeginning • • • lowintermediate pre-literacy/ newcomer 13 8 14 beginning page C C C g C K – 12 PROGRAMS neWComer/Pre-literaCy Heinle Phonics & intervention Kit, the milestones: intro Visions: intro Core Programs milestones: intro, a, b, C shooting stars: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Visions: intro, a, b, C Voices in literature: bronze, silver, gold World english: intro, 1, 2, 3 neW! intro intro Content gateway to science gateway to social studies neW! World english: intro, 1, 2, 3 neW! reading adventures: 1, 2, 3 neW! reading explorer: intro, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 neW advanced level! strategies for test-taking success: Writing, reading, math 32 33 46 18 58 25 intro 1,2,3 intro 1 3 2 2 3,4 4,5 W,r,m W,r,m W,r,m W,r,m W,r,m sKills PraCtiCe academic Vocabulary toolkit: 1, 2 neW! more grammar Practice, 2/e: 1, 2, 3 neW edition! step-by-step Writing: 1, 2, 3 Visions grammar Practice: intro, a, b, C 16 56 24 14 intro i,a 1,2 2 1,2 b 1,2 2 2 b 1,2 3 3 C 1,2 C C • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 a inDePenDent reaDing Classic graphic novel Collection, the neW! Footprint reading library neW! Foundations reading library Heinle reading library, the: academic Content Collection biography Collection illustrated Classics Collection milestones introductory reading library mini-reader Collection Page turners reading library neW! 2 877-NEED -ESL 22 19 24 20 20 20 20 20 20 23 • • • • • • • • 31 • • 31 • • transition advanced 31 lowintermediate • beginning • lowbeginning 29 page pre-literacy/ newcomer highintermediate intermediate Level Guide DICTIONARIES Collins CobuilD DiCtionaries Collins CobuilD advanced Dictionary of american english Collins CobuilD advanced Dictionary of american english, english/Chinese neW! Collins CobuilD advanced Dictionary of american english, english/Japanese Collins CobuilD advanced Dictionary of american english, english/Korean Collins CobuilD illustrated basic Dictionary of american english Collins CobuilD english/español glossary Collins CobuilD english/spanish student’s Dictionary of american english Collins CobuilD intermediate Dictionary of american english Collins CobuilD school Dictionary of american english CobuilD to go Dictionary of american english neW! Collins escolar PLUS Dictionary, 2/e • 27 • 31 • • • 31 • • • 29 29 30 31 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Content-baseD DiCtionaries gateway to science gateway to social studies neW! 32 33 PiCture DiCtionaries Heinle Picture Dictionary, the Heinle Picture Dictionary for Children, the 34 36 • • neWbury House DiCtionaries Heinle’s basic newbury House Dictionary of american english, 2/e Heinle’s newbury House Dictionary of american english with integrated thesaurus, 4/e 37 • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 1 basic 1 1 1 1 1 intro 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 4 4 4 3 37 ADULT EDUCATION/INTEGRATED SKILLS literaCy literacy in lifeskills: 1, 2 sam and Pat: 1, 2 49 49 • 1 2 Core Programs Crossroads Café: Photo stories a, b Crossroads Café: Worktexts a, b Downtown: basic, 1, 2, 3, 4 english in action, 2/e: 1, 2, 3, 4 neW edition! Just right: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 new grammar in action, the: basic, 1, 2, 3 Practical english, 2/e: 1, 2, 3 stand out, 2/e: basic, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 stand out, 2/e Video Program: basic, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 up Close: 1, 2, 3, 4 World english: intro, 1, 2, 3 neW! World link, 2/e: intro, 1, 2, 3 neW edition! 49 49 42 40 49 57 49 38 39 49 46 44 basic 1 basic basic basic 1 intro intro 4 4 4 3 3 • • 5 5 5 For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 3 lowintermediate intermediate highintermediate advanced 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 48 • • 49 67 67 49 1 2 3 • • • • • • transition beginning 1 lowbeginning intro pre-literacy/ newcomer 45 48 49 page ADULT EDUCATION/INTEGRATED SKILLS continued World link Video Program: intro, 1, 2, 3 World Pass: 1, 2 Writing Practical english, 2/e: 1, 2, 3 CitizensHiP u.s. Citizen, yes, 3/e reaDing access reading: 1, 2, 3, 4 at Home in two lands, 2/e Far From Home, 3/e sam and Pat: 1, 2 1 4 2 GRAMMAR advanced grammar book, the, 2/e applied english grammar grammar Café: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 grammar Clips grammar Connection: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 grammar Dimensions, 4/e: 1, 2, 3, 4 grammar in Context, 5/e: basic, 1, 2, 3 neW edition! grammar links: basic, 1, 2, 3 more grammar Practice, 2/e: 1, 2, 3 neW edition! new grammar in action, the: basic, 1, 2, 3 Practice: grammar 57 57 53 53 54 55 50 56 56 57 57 1 1 • • 1 1 basic basic 1 1 basic basic • • • • 6 2 3 4 5 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 3 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 5 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 3 3 4 4 3 grammar For Writing read, Write, edit think about editing top 10 top 20, 2/e Writing Clearly: an editing guide, 2/e neW edition! Writing essentials 77 79 75 75 77 79 • • • • READING a good read: 1, 2, 3 access reading: 1, 2, 3, 4 aCtiVe skills for reading, 2/e: intro, 1, 2, 3, 4 american short stories, 2/e at Home in two lands, 2/e Classic graphic novel Collection, the neW! College reading: 1, 2, 3, 4 Far from Home, 3/e Footprint reading library neW! Foundations reading library Heinle reading library, the Hot topics: 1, 2, 3 4 877-NEED -ESL 69 49 64 69 67 22 66 67 19 24 20 67 intro 1 1 1 2 2 2 • • • • • • • • • 1 2 3 4 • • • • • • • • • • 1 2 2 3 • highintermediate advanced 1 2 2 transition intermediate lowintermediate beginning lowbeginning page pre-literacy/ newcomer Level Guide READING continued impressions: 1, 2 inside out/outside in life, language, & literature multicultural Workshop, the: 1, 2, 3 Page turners reading library neW! reading advantage, 2/e: 1, 2, 3, 4 reading adventures: 1, 2, 3 neW! reading Connections: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 neW! reading & Vocabulary Development series: 1, 2, 3, 4 reading explorer: intro, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 neW advanced level! reading for today series, 2/e: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 neW edition! reading matters, 2/e: 1, 2, 3, 4 reading the news rethinking america: 1, 2, 3 sam and Pat: 1, 2 steps to academic reading series: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 stories Worth reading: 1, 2 tapestry reading: 1, 2, 3, 4 20th Century american short stories: Volumes 1, 2, anthology Weaving it together, 3/e: 1, 2, 3, 4 neW edition! 67 69 69 69 23 69 18 62 65 58 60 68 68 69 49 69 68 69 69 72 • • 1,2,3 1 intro 1 1 2 2 3 • • • • 1 2 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 3 5 4 3,4 4 4 • 4,5 5 • • • 1 2 3 4 5 2 1,2 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 • • 2 3 4 • • 3 4 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 3 4 2 4 WRITING basic Composition for esl, 3/e blueprints: 1, 2 Catalyst: 1, 2 College Writing: 1, 2, 3, 4 Composition Practice, 3/e: 1, 2, 3, 4 Destinations: 1, 2 Developing Composition skills, 3/e neW edition! Discoveries in academic Writing great Writing series: 1, 2, 3/e; 3, 2/e; 4, 3/e; 5, 2/e neW edition! Key Concepts: reading and Writing across the Disciplines: 1, 2 Past, Present, & Future, 4/e read, Write, edit refining Composition skills, 6/e neW edition! sourcework, 2/e neW edition! tapestry Writing: 1, 2, 3, 4 think about editing tools for Writing top 10 top 20, 2/e Weaving it together, 3/e: 1, 2, 3, 4 neW edition! Write from the start, 2/e Write ideas Write Path, the Writing Clearly: an editing guide, 2/e neW edition! Writing essentials 79 79 78 78 79 78 74 79 70 1 1 1 2 1 • • • 4 5 5 78 1 1 2 79 77 74 76 79 79 79 75 75 72 79 79 79 77 79 • • • • • • 1,2 1 2,3 2 • 1 2 • • • 2 3 4 • • • • • • 3 4 • • • • • • For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 5 intermediate highintermediate advanced 1 1 1 1,2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 LISTENING, SPEAKING & PRONUNCIATION listening & sPeaKing aCtiVe skills for Communication: intro, 1, 2 all Clear: 1, 2, 3 College oral Communication: 1, 2, 3, 4 Communicating effectively in english, 2/e Communication strategies: 1, 2, 3, 4 Culturally speaking, 3/e From College to Careers: listening in the real World Key Concepts: listening, note taking, and speaking across the Disciplines: 1, 2 listen in, 2/e: 1, 2, 3 listen to me!, 3/e listening advantage: 1, 2, 3, 4 listening and notetaking series, 3/e: 1, 2, 3 now Hear this!, 3/e now you're talking: 1, 2, 3 neW! on speaking terms: 1, 2 Pathways: listening, speaking, and Critical thinking: 1, 2, 3, 4 neW! say it naturally, 2/e: 1, 2 so to speak: 1, 2 step up: 1, 2 talk it! series, 2/e: 1, 2, 3 tapestry listening & speaking: 1, 2, 3, 4 World english: intro, 1, 2, 3 neW! 85 87 84 88 89 88 89 intro 1 1,2 • 3 4 • • • 86 89 85 89 87 85 83 84 80 89 89 89 86 89 46 • 1 1 1,2 2 3 1,2 3 4 1 2 • • • 1 1 intro 1 2 1 1 2,3 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 1,2 3 2 4 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 • • • 1 2 • • • • • • • 1,2 3,4 PronunCiation Pronouncing american english, 3/e neW edition! sounds great: 1, 2 targeting Pronunciation, 2/e Well said series 3/e: intro, 1 82 89 89 88 VOCABULARY & IDIOMS iDioms academic Word Power: 1, 2, 3, 4 against all odds all Clear: 1, 2, 3 big Picture, the 91 91 87 91 1 2 2 • • 3 3 • VoCabulary academic Vocabulary toolkit: 1, 2 neW! american business Vocabulary College Vocabulary: 1, 2, 3, 4 Developing Vocabulary skills, 2/e essential academic Vocabulary Walk, amble, stroll: 1, 2 HEINLE eTOOLS For more information, see Heinle eTools pp. 92 – 97 6 877-NEED -ESL 16 101 90 91 91 91 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 3 4 • • • • 1 1 2 2 2 transition lowintermediate beginning lowbeginning pre-literacy/ newcomer page • • • • • • transition highintermediate • • • • • • • • advanced intermediate lowintermediate beginning lowbeginning page pre-literacy/ newcomer Level Guide TEST PREPARATION & COLLEGE PREPARATION bridge to College success Complete guide to the toeFl® test: ibt edition, the Complete guide to the toeFl® test: Pbt edition, the neW! Complete guide to the toeiC® test, 3/e Heinle toeFl® test assistant series, the ielts express: intermediate, upper-intermediate ielts Practice tests introductory guide to the toeiC® test online tutorial for the toeFl® ibt linkages 99 98 98 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 • • • • • • • • • • ENGLISH FOR BUSINESS & SPECIFIC PURPOSES american business Vocabulary best Practice: elementary, Pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate business Concepts for english Practice, 2/e english for business life: 1, 2, 3, 4 english for Cabin Crews energy english language of meetings, the new business matters Presenting in english Professional english series: english for Professional success english for Health sciences english for business english for the Humanities english for science and engineering • 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 100 100 100 100 100 elem elem P-int intro u-int 1 2 • • • • • • 3 4 • • • • • • • • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & RESOURCES For more information, see Professional Development & Resources pp. 102 – 111 For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 7 milestones milestones Intro – C Neil J. Anderson, Jill Korey O’Sullivan, Jennifer Trujillo Proficiency: pre-literacy to transition interest: middle school/high school readability level (by grade): 0 – 8 intro a 0–4 4–6 b C 5–7 6–8 lexile scores available upon request The most widely adopted ESL textbook nationwide! using a unique embedded assessment plan along with a balanced blend of literature and content readings, Milestones ensures that students are mastering skills and standards before being introduced to new ones. this consistent, research-based approach will lead your students to success on state exams as well as language acquisition and content knowledge crucial for academic success. ● Embedded assessment helps prevent problems with skills and standards before they occur. ● Academic vocabulary instruction, practice, and assessment prepare students for success inside and outside the classroom. ● Differentiated instruction for every reading selection through adapted readings, point-of-use suggestions, and multi-level questioning strategies ensures access for all students. ● Complete remediation support through MilestonesTracker and examView® provides a standards-aligned review, practice activities, and assessments for all unmastered skills and standards. ComPonents For students: Student Editions NEW! E-Books Workbooks with Test Preparation Independent Practice CD-ROMs Milestones Introductory Reading Library For teachers: Teacher’s Editions Assessment Books Audio Programs Teacher’s Resource Book Teacher’s Resource CD-ROMs with ExamView® MilestonesTracker Online Assessment and Remediation System The Heinle Phonics & Intervention Kit Graphic Reader Blackline Master Companions Online Professional Development Program For a guided tour, visit } 8 877-NEED -ESL Milestones has been proven to help increase students’ standardized exam scores! to learn more about this study, please visit K – 12 Programs Milestones has EVERYTHING you need to help your students succeed! Research-based Learning Strategies Clearly defined “Objectives” and “Focus Questions” direct student learning. “Academic Vocabulary” and “Academic Content” are introduced for support across all disciplines. “Academic Vocabulary” and “Reading Strategies” are clearly introduced and practiced to assist in comprehension. “Checkpoints” ensure students are on the road to skills and standards mastery. “Reading Checks” verify comprehension. More Milestones pp. 10 – 12 For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 9 Milestones has EVERYTHING you need to help your students succeed! Outstanding Vocabulary Support introDuCe Milestones includes three opportunities for vocabulary instruction, practice, and assessment in eVery chapter. ✔ Academic Vocabulary—for cross-curricular support ✔ Vocabulary From the Reading—for reading comprehension ✔ Vocabulary Development—for strategies inside and outside of the classroom exClusiVe to MILESTONES: Dr. robert marzano Every vocabulary lesson incorporates Dr. Marzano’s six-step process for teaching new vocabulary. 1. Provide a description, explanation, or example of a new term. 2. Ask students to restate the description, explanation, or example in their own words. instruCt 3. Ask students to construct a picture, symbol, or graphic representing the term. 4. Engage students periodically in activities that help them add to their knowledge of the terms in their notebooks. 5. Periodically ask students to discuss the terms with one another. 6. Involve students periodically in games that allow them to play with terms. } PraCtiCe “ of the most crucial services that teachers can provide, particularly for students who do not come from academically advantaged backgrounds, is systematic instruction in important academic terms.” Robert J. Marzano (milestones Vocabulary Advisor) and Debra J. Pickering, 2005 assess For NEW vocabulary teaching strategies and assessment materials from Dr. Robert Marzano, see pp. 102 – 103. 10 877-NEED -ESL K – 12 Programs Embedded Assessment Milestones provides explicit and systematic instruction to ensure proficiency and mastery of skills and standards with numerous opportunities to monitor progress. Here’s how it works: “Checkpoints” on student edition pages keep students on track to meeting skills and standards. “Reading Checks” help build reading comprehension and reading skills. “Progress Checks” provide a snapshot of all skills and standards introduced in the chapter and offer re-teaching suggestions to make certain that students are on the right track to mastery. “Assessment Practice” at the end of every chapter assesses chapter content and introduces students to the formats of standardized exams. also see “milestones to achievement” at end of unit. More Milestones p. 12 For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 11 milestones traCKer online assessment and remediation system Proficiency: pre-literacy to transition interest: middle school/high school readability level (by grade): 0 – 8 intro a 0–4 4–6 b C 5–7 6–8 lexile scores available upon request Here’s how it works: Complete assessment and remediation support! For tHe teaCHer: teachers can generate individual student or full classroom standards and skills mastery reports, plus district level reports. MilestonesTracker is a groundbreaking online assessment and remediation system for use with Heinle’s new Milestones learning program. Powered by myelt, MilestonesTracker evaluates, reteaches, and reinforces the skills and concepts taught in each chapter of the Milestones textbooks. MilestonesTracker offers: ● Fully automated, interactive, online assessment and remediation support ● Customized student learning paths for all unmastered skills and standards ● Extra practice activities to enhance skills and standards knowledge ● At-a-glance state standards reporting for teachers For tHe stuDent: Assess: students take a test online. Re-Teach: students receive immediate reteaching of eVery skill or standard not mastered. 12 877-NEED -ESL Evaluate: students see an instant graded report and a list of unmastered skills and standards. Reinforce: students then receive extra practice on all skills and standards missed. K – 12 Programs tHe Heinle PHoniCs & interVention Kit Proficiency: pre-literacy/newcomer interest: middle school/high school readability level (by grade): 0 – 8 intro a 0–4 4–6 b C 5–7 6–8 lexile scores available upon request Outstanding phonics and language development support! the Heinle Phonics & Intervention Kit provides extensive phonics and phonemic awareness support for pre-literacy and newcomer students as well as for struggling readers. the kit can be used as a stand-alone program or as a supplement to other Heinle programs for differentiated instruction in multi-level classrooms. based on current and confirmed research! ComPonents ● the kit offers extensive support and strategies for struggling readers. ● 66 Decodable Readers with 9,000 words of decodable text provide instruction and practice of all sounds in the english language. ● Four-color Transparencies represent visual interpretations of each sound. ● a Teacher’s Guide includes pacing options, practice activities, and assessments for everything taught in the kit. ● the Audio Program features support of every sound and word introduced and practiced in the program. 66 Decodable Readers Transparencies Teacher’s Guide Audio Program Can be used seamlessly with Milestones or Visions! For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 13 Visions Visions intro – C literacy, language, literature, Content Mary Lou McCloskey, Lydia Stack, Jill Korey O’Sullivan, Christy M. Newman Proficiency: pre-literacy to transition interest: elementary/middle/high school readability level (by grade): 0 – 6 From pre-literacy to transition, Visions has it all! Visions, Heinle’s best-selling language development and reading program, supports students from pre-literacy through transition into mainstream classrooms. using the into, through, beyond methodology (shown on the following page), Visions helps guide your students through every lesson to ensure skills development and academic success! ● Intro level for non-schooled and low-beginning students provides systematic language development, as well as instruction in phonics and phonemic awareness. ● High-interest, level-appropriate literature and content readings motivate students. ● Scaffolding throughout all four books follows a three-pronged approach to reading and meeting the standards: into, through, and beyond. ● Writing activities reinforce and recycle strategic skills. ● Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® test-generating software are aligned with state standards and state exams—and help teachers teach for remediation. ● Staff Development Handbook and Video allow for easy program implementation. ● Student CD-ROMs offer extra interactive skills practice. ComPonents For students: Student Editions E-Books Activity Books Student Handbook Grammar Practice Books Grammar Café, see p. 53 The Heinle Reading Library, see p. 20 Student CD-ROMs For teachers: Teacher Editions Teacher Resource Books Teacher Resource CD-ROM Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® Assessment Programs Audio CDs Remediation Tool Transparencies Staff Development Video CNN® Video (DVD or VHS) Staff Development Handbook Placement Test Visions Online In-Service Grammar Practice Answer Keys For virtual tours of the Visions Remediation Tool and Visions Online In-Service visit 14 877-NEED -ESL Visions offers online solutions for teachers and students! Visions Remediation Tool offers a better—and easier— way to assess skills and standards mastery and provide instant remediation. Visions Online In-Service trains new and seasoned teachers to use the complete Visions program effectively, including how to integrate each component. K – 12 Programs Visit visionsworksdata Visions for student works! improvement data. Into: Clearly defined objectives and backgroundbuilding activities help students access the reading. Through: Pointof-use reading strategies help build reading fluency and comprehension. Beyond: Word study, grammar, writing, and cross-content activities reinforce and extend skills introduced through the readings. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 15 aCaDemiC VoCabulary toolKit aCaDemiC VoCabulary toolKit 1 & 2 NEW! mastering High-use Words for academic achievement Dr. Kate Kinsella Proficiency: low-intermediate to advanced Learning academic vocabulary has never been easier! ComPonents Student Texts Teacher’s Guides with Professional Development DVD Professional Development DVD Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Dr. Kate Kinsella’s neW Academic Vocabulary Toolkit is designed for long-term middle and high school english learners who are under-prepared and struggling to progress. students are provided the opportunity to not only learn high-use academic words, but also correctly employ these words in speaking and writing exercises. using Dr. Kate Kinsella’s unique vocabulary teaching process, students will receive the tools needed to master key academic vocabulary, re-engage in school settings, and increase scores on state assessments. Student texts feature: ● 100 academic/high-utility vocabulary words in each book, for a 200 word total, to promote academic fluency ● Words found on standardized exams and state academic word lists ● Guided speaking and writing practice for correct academic vocabulary usage ● Teacher’s Guides that provide detailed instructional routines, guided lesson scripts, and observation/feedback tools for teachers ● Professional Development DVD featuring Dr. Kate Kinsella and other educators with model lessons to assist teachers with instruction } 16 877-NEED -ESL “the Academic Vocabulary Toolkit ensures that english learners have the communicative competence to confidently utilize highleverage words in critical speaking and writing assignments.” Kate Kinsella K – 12 Programs Lesson design promotes the “I do, We do, You do” learning approach to optimize and increase word mastery. Scaffolded writing instruction provides independent and pair work writing tasks that range from filling in sentences, to writing complete sentences, to paragraph frames. “Academic Vocabulary Toolbox” sections provide clear, simple definitions with engaging example sentences and images about topics students can relate to. “Verbal Practice” sections help students master academic vocabulary through speaking and writing practice. “Grammar Tip” sections provide support for independent writing practice activities with grammar targets that pinpoint the most common grammar problems for english learners. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 17 reaDing aDVentures 1 – 3 Carmella Lieske, Scott Menking Proficiency: low-beginning NEW! A world of reading adventures! Reading Adventures is a low-beginning level reading series which uses age-appropriate text, images, and video from national geographic Digital media to develop reading and vocabulary skills for learners of english. ● Reading passages feature cross-curriculum topics such as science, history, technology, and literature. ● “Reading Comprehension” activities include question types commonly found on high-stakes standardized exams. ● Video from National Geographic Digital Media motivates learners and aids in visual learning. ● “Vocabulary Practice” activities and ”Vocabulary Builder” boxes teach the highfrequency academic vocabulary needed to succeed in the classroom. ● “Language Focus” sections offer students an opportunity to practice the grammar structures found in the reading passages. ComPonents Student Texts Classroom Audio CD/DVDs Teacher’s Guides Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® READ learners develop reading and vocabulary skills through engaging content and stunning visuals from national geographic Digital media. 18 877-NEED -ESL K – 12 Programs FootPrint reaDing library Robert Waring, Series Editor NEW! Proficiency: low-intermediate to transition Read, Listen, and Watch over 100 titles! The Footprint Reading Library is a unique collection of leveled content readers designed to help students develop language and reading skills. Featuring audio recordings of each reader, as well as video from national geographic Digital media, students can read, listen, and watch for full skills support. READ ● NEW! Online E-Books for every Footprint reader feature video, vocabulary and pronunciation activities, integrated comprehension checkpoints, audio support, and answer keys to make comprehension fun. ● Photographs and organizational aids such as graphs, tables, maps, and charts assist students in reading non-fiction and expository readings. ● Activities integrated into each reader aid comprehension and help students apply information. ● Audio recordings of EVERY reader help develop pronunciation, intonation, and listening skills. ● Video from National Geographic Digital Media motivates students and aids in visual learning. Featuring video from National Geographic Digital Media! ComPonents Readers NEW! Online E-Books Level Collections Audio CDs DVDs (with videos from National Geographic Digital Media) Teacher’s Manuals Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® Eight-levels, five themes: ✔ incredible animals ✔ exciting activities ✔ Fascinating Places ✔ amazing science ✔ remarkable People Sold in 5-Packs, 25-Packs, and complete Library Sets For a guided tour, visit Online E-Books of each reader feature point-of-use vocabulary activities and embedded video from national geographic Digital media. For a complete list of titles by theme, see pp. 121 – 124. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 19 tHe Heinle reaDing library lexile scores available upon request A great way to introduce your students to the joys of independent reading! The Heinle Reading Library includes five collections of readers that feature high-interest works of fiction, non-fiction, and adapted literary classics. Written for newcomer through advanced students, the collection helps students practice and expand reading skills, develop fluency, and meet independent reading standards. The Heinle Reading Library: The Heinle Reading Library: mini-reaDer ColleCtion Proficiency: newcomer to low-beginning readability level (by grade): 1 – 3 ComPonents Readers Audio CDs the Mini-Reader Collection consists of ten lively stories designed for students to practice sounds, letters, grammar, and vocabulary in new contexts. illustrateD ClassiCs ColleCtion Proficiency: beginning to advanced readability level (by grade): 3 – 7 ComPonents Readers Workbooks Audio CDs Teacher Guide Popular with students and teachers, Illustrated Classics Collection helps english language learners access the world’s greatest literature through three leveled collections of adapted literary classics. The Heinle Reading Library: milestones intro reaDing library Proficiency: newcomer to low-beginning readability level (by grade): 1 – 3 ComPonents Readers these colorful, high-interest, low-level readers are a perfect compliment to Milestones Introductory. independent reading support aids reading fluency while full-color illustrations on each page increase reading comprehension. The Heinle Reading Library: biograPHy ColleCtion Proficiency: beginning to advanced readability level (by grade): 3 – 7 ComPonents Readers Audio CDs the Biography Collection teaches students the life stories of great american heroes while enhancing reading skills. 20 877-NEED -ESL The Heinle Reading Library: aCaDemiC Content ColleCtion Proficiency: beginning to advanced readability level (by grade): 3 – 7 Featuring full-color photos and organizational aids such as diagrams, graphs, and maps, the Academic Content Collection helps students master non-fiction reading. ComPonents Readers Workbooks Audio CDs Teacher Guide with Reproducible Masters K – 12 Programs tHe Heinle reaDing library by leVel Introductory newcomer/ low-beginning Level A beginning/ low-intermediate Level B intermediate Mini-Reader Collection First Day of School Here is My Family After School Work Teenagers in the Morning Saturday Afternoon Friends at Lunch Working at the Supermarket Career Day at School Holiday Scrapbook Joel’s Senior Yearbook Milestones Introductory Reading Library Bad Dog? Good Dog! Go Jimmy Go! Goodbye, Hello! I Always Win! My Mom, The Movie Star No, You Can’t! Old Boat, New Boat Quiz Night Singer Wanted SK8 for Jake Slam Dunk for Mark The Bear’s Mouth The Cave The Golden Monkey The New Guitar The Shipwreck The Tickets Think Daniela! Trouble at the Zoo Where’s Lorena? Who’s Best? Level C early-advanced Biography Collection Benjamin Franklin Clara Barton Eleanor Roosevelt Jackie Robinson Martin Luther King, Jr. George Washington Babe Ruth Academic Content Collection The Pilgrims Rain Forests The Solar System The Hopi How Do I Become a Firefighter? Frida Kahlo Arctic The Oregon Trail Space Travel Anne Frank Alexander Graham Bell Photosynthesis Dolphins Life in a Cave The Navajo The Statue of Liberty Tony Hawk Energy Illustrated Classics Collection The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Aesop's Fables The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde The Red Badge of Courage The Invisible Man Moby Dick Dracula The Phantom of the Opera Tales of Mystery and Terror The Three Musketeers The Time Machine The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Hound of the Baskervilles Pollyanna Jane Eyre Treasure Island David Copperfield Ivanhoe Journey to the Center of the Earth Pride and Prejudice The Call of the Wild Oliver Twist Anne of Green Gables The Man in the Iron Mask Heidi The Secret Garden The Mutiny on the HMS Bounty King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table The House of the Seven Gables The Prince and the Pauper The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes The Swiss Family Robinson 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Black Beauty Little Women A Christmas Carol The Count of Monte Cristo The Wind in the Willows Great Expectations White Fang Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm The War of the Worlds A Little Princess Gulliver's Travels The Hunchback of Notre Dame A Tale of Two Cities Frankenstein For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 21 tHe ClassiC graPHiC noVel ColleCtion NEW! Proficiency: intermediate Bringing the classics to life! this revolutionary new series of graphic novels re-tells classic literature for learners of english. the fresh blend of accessible storytelling and captivating artwork ensures that students will want to return to these stories time and again. ComPonents Readers Workbooks Audio CDs Teacher’s Manuals Sold in 5-Packs and 25-Packs graded at the intermediate level, the series is great for mainstream literature preparation. ● an Audio CD for each text offers full recordings of the story featuring professional actors and sound effects. ● Perfect for Reader’s Theater and struggling readers! } 22 ● 877-NEED -ESL tHe ClassiC graPHiC noVel ColleCtion A Christmas Carol Frankenstein Great Expectations Henry V Jane Eyre Macbeth Romeo & Juliet The Tempest NEW! A Midsummer Night’s Dream NEW! The Canterville Ghost NEW! Dracula NEW! Wuthering Heights K – 12 Programs Page turners reaDing library NEW! Sue Leather, Julian Thomlinson, Rob Waring, Series Editors Proficiency: beginning to advanced Readers you won’t want to put down! Page Turners is a new 12-level series of high-interest readers for learners of english. Fun and easy to read, this is a series learners won’t want to put down! ● genres include action, romance, thriller, crime, mystery, drama, and more. ● Each reader includes a Review section assessing comprehension, an extra nonfiction reading related to the reader topic, and glossary. ● Free MP3 recordings of every reader available online. ● Downloadable worksheets are available for instructors online. ComPonents Readers Downloadable MP3 files (available online) Downloadable Worksheets Sold in 5-Packs and 25-Packs For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 23 FounDations reaDing library Robert Waring, Maurice Jamall Proficiency: low-beginning to beginning Foundations Reading Library is a series of colorful, high-interest, low-level readers written for grades 6 – 12. Carefully sequenced vocabulary and grammar are presented contextually through the adventures of a group of teens living in a small u.s. town. ComPonents Readers Activity Books Audio CDs Lesson Planners Level Collection Volumes ● seven levels, with six readers per level, are graded by vocabulary words. ● Full-color illustrations on each page support comprehension. ● adventure, drama, detective, and romance stories capture teens’ interest. ● systematic recycling and extension of vocabulary, phrases, and expressions are found throughout each reader. ● Carefully-controlled grammar points cover those most typically taught at the low level. ● activity books (including tests), lesson Planners, and an audio Program for each level are available. Sold in 5-Packs, 25-Packs and complete Library Sets Level collections containing all six stories in one volume are also available! See pp. 124 – 126. steP-by-steP Writing 1 – 3 a standards-based approach Linda Lonon Blanton Proficiency: beginning to high-intermediate this three-level series covers the same genres across all levels. it covers standardsbased writing genres, conventions, and organizational strategies. through a variety of activities, students progress from words to sentences to paragraphs, developing the skills and confidence required for successful composition writing and improved test scores. ● standards-based writing and test-taking skills are taught through a step-by-step approach with the use of writing models, grammar activities, graphic organizers, revision/editing practice, checklists, and timed writings. ● a comprehensive approach to writing allows teachers to handle a range of ability and proficiency levels while exploring various genres. ● teacher’s guide contains differentiated instruction strategies, additional writing prompts, graphic organizers, and answer keys. ● technology skills are integrated through online research activities and word processing skills. ● assessment CD-rom featuring examView® helps teachers create customizable, standards-aligned exams. ComPonents Student Editions Teacher’s Guides Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® 24 877-NEED -ESL K – 12 Programs strategies For test-taKing suCCess: Writing, reaDing, matH Christy M. Newman, Judith Diamond Proficiency: low-intermediate to transition readability level (by grade): 3 – 6 Strategies for Test-Taking Success is an innovative test preparation series designed to help all students develop effective test-taking skills and strategies, regardless of their english language proficiency or academic level. each book in the Strategies series focuses on a major testing discipline. ● effective multi-level instruction provides scaffolding for foundational skills while teaching and practicing advanced ones. ● accessible language with concrete examples and practical activities support and clarify concepts, while higher order thinking skills are developed. ● Preparation materials represent a matrix of skills and standards common to all secondary standardized tests. ComPonents ● Pretest helps teachers evaluate students’ current skills and record areas of need on a skills Chart. Student Editions Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® ● review tests and two Cumulative Practice tests simulate real tests and real test questions. aDDitional K – 12 titles sHooting stars 1 – 6 VoiCes in literature bronze, silver, gold ProFiCienCy: low-beginning to high-intermediate mary lou mcCloskey, lydia stack ProFiCienCy: beginning to advanced interest: middle/high school readability level (by grade): 4 – 8 For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 25 CobuilD DiCtionaries the learner’s dictionary transformed! “these dictionaries should be in every classroom in the country. then the task of looking up word meanings would not be so odious, frustrating, and nonproductive…the entries in CobuilD really communicate a word’s meaning.” Margaret McKeown, University of Pittsburgh NEW! more than simple reference books, the Collins CobuilD dictionaries are pedagogically rich, engaging, full-color language learning tools. While any good learner’s dictionary will help a student understand the meaning of a word, the CobuilD dictionaries go beyond by showing students how to use the word appropriately. Also available! See page 30 for more information. Offering a complete student resource package, each dictionary contains: ✔ unparalleled vocabulary support ✔ outstanding reference tools ✔ Full-sentence definitions ✔ interactive CD-rom Free dictionary mobile application! Full-sentence definitions help learners use words correctly. the bank of english™ is the original and most current computerized corpus of authentic american english. search entire contents of dictionary with sound and activities on the interactive CD-rom. For a guided tour of all our CobuilD dictionaries, visit 26 877-NEED -ESL Dictionaries Collins CobuilD illustrateD basiC DiCtionary of american english now with free dictionary mobile application! beginning to low-intermediate The complete vocabulary resource for beginning learners—featuring Dr. Robert Marzano’s complete list of basic vocabulary words! the Collins COBUILD Illustrated Basic Dictionary of American English makes vocabulary acquisition efficient and effective by offering beginning-level students extra support in language learning through a high level of visual support, level-appropriate definitions, CobuilD’s unparalleled vocabulary support, and a controlled vocabulary list. ComPonents Softcover (608 pp.) with Interactive CD-ROM Softcover (608 pp.) Hardcover (608 pp.) } “every student should have this book!” Dr. Robert J. Marzano, Advisor “Sound Partners” familiarizes learners with words that sound alike but have different meanings and spellings, for an enriched vocabulary. Free mobile application available CD-ROM Site License available “Spelling Partners” presents common words that are spelled the same but have different meanings, enhancing student comprehension. “Word Builder” boxes teach the meanings of prefixes, suffixes, and word roots for vocabularybuilding skills. “Word World” boxes expand students’ vocabulary by presenting target words and domain-related vocabulary. . “Picture Dictionary” boxes illustrate vocabulary and concepts for a deeper understanding. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 27 sCHool, intermeDiate, and aDVanCeD DiCtionaries now with free dictionary mobile application! the Collins CobuilD school, intermediate, and advanced dictionaries are the complete vocabulary resources for middle school, high school, and college students. each is designed to address the specific needs of intermediate to advanced-level english language learners. Each of these dictionaries features the following six vocabulary builders: Word Web wave As wind blows across water, it creates waves. It does this by transferring energy to the water. If the waves encounter an “Word Links” teach prefixes, suffixes, and word roots for increased language awareness. object, they bounce off it. Light also travels in waves and behaves the same way. We are able to see an object only if light waves bounce off it. Light waves can be categorized by their frequency. Wave frequency is usually the measure of the number of waves per second. Radio waves and microwaves are examples of low-frequency light waves. Visible light consists of medium-frequency light waves. Ultraviolet radiation and X-rays are high-frequency light waves. Word Partnership ADV. N. “Word Webs” present related vocabulary within a context for a broader understanding of language and concepts. V. ADJ. Use moment with: a moment ago, just a moment 1 moment of silence, moment of thought 1 stop for a moment, take a moment, think for a moment, wait a moment 1 an awkward moment, a critical moment, the right moment 2 “Word Partnership” sections show high-frequency word patterns that increase students’ ability to use language appropriately. “Thesaurus” entries offer both synonyms and antonyms to expand vocabulary. Usage “Picture Dictionary” entries illustrate vocabulary and concepts for enhanced comprehension. For a guided tour of all our CobuilD dictionaries, visit 28 877-NEED -ESL less and fewer Less is used to describe general amounts (or noncount nouns). Less snow fell in December than in January. Fewer is used to describe amounts of countable items. Maria is working fewer hours this semester. “Usage” notes explain shades of meaning and clarify cultural references, bringing the learner’s language closer to that of a native speaker. Dictionaries Collins CobuilD sCHool DiCtionary of american english low-intermediate to high-intermediate The Collins COBUILD School Dictionary of American English is an intermediate level dictionary designed to help students succeed both in the classroom and on state examinations. ● thousands of academic vocabulary terms help prepare students for state examinations. ● Word origins help students gain a rich understanding of the words they are looking up. ComPonents Softcover (1232 pp.) with Interactive CD-ROM Free dictionary mobile application! Free mobile application available CD-ROM Site License available Collins CobuilD intermeDiate DiCtionary of american english low-intermediate to high-intermediate ideal for english language learners who need an intermediate level dictionary, the Collins COBUILD Intermediate Dictionary of American English provides full sentence definitions, each created using a controlled vocabulary and reviewed by a team of classroom teachers, to ensure that they are appropriate for learners at this level. ● over 2,400 pedagogical features encourage curiosity and exploration. ● includes built-in Writers Handbook, speakers Handbook activity guide, and much more! ComPonents Softcover (1232 pp.) with Interactive CD-ROM Free dictionary mobile application! Free mobile application available CD-ROM Site License available Collins CobuilD aDVanCeD DiCtionary of american english advanced the Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary of American English offers students at an advanced level the challenging language development tools that they need. the dictionary also includes a list of common words found on the toeFl® and toeiC® examinations. ● over 3,000 pedagogical features encourage curiosity and exploration. ● Highlights the 2,500 most frequently used words in english. Free dictionary mobile application! ComPonents Softcover (1680 pp.) with Interactive CD-ROM Free mobile application available CD-ROM Site License available For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 29 now with free CobuilD to go dictionary mobile application! DiCtionary oF ameriCan englisH NEW! low-intermediate to high-intermediate Learners master the most useful words in English— anywhere, anytime! the COBUILD To Go dictionary is a pocket learner’s resource that covers the most useful words in english, enabling learners to master the words they need and want to know in order to communicate effectively. The COBUILD To Go includes dynamic vocabulary builders which increase students’ comprehension! ComPonents Softcover (501 pp.) Free mobile application available “Word Partners” introduce the most common collocations in english. “Word Link” helps learners to recognize and understand common words. 30 877-NEED -ESL the built-in “Thesaurus” helps learners develop fluency by providing alternatives to the 50 most over-used words in english. Dictionaries Collins CobuilD englisH/sPanisH stuDent’s DiCtionary of american english (Collins CobuilD inglés/español Diccionario Para estudiantes latinoamericanos) low-intermediate to high-intermediate The Collins COBUILD English/Spanish Student’s Dictionary of American English is specially designed for spanish-speaking learners of english who need the extra support of their native language. this bilingual learner’s dictionary provides spanish translations for all definitions, senses, examples, and explanatory terms to complement the english material and to provide additional support to the learner when they encounter a difficult word or expression. ComPonents Softcover (1008 pp.) with Interactive CD-ROM CD-ROM Site License available spanish translations are provided for all definitions. Collins CobuilD englisH/esPañol glossary low-intermediate to high-intermediate the Collins COBUILD English/Español Glossary is a perfect reference tool designed to assist students with: ● learning new academic vocabulary words found in all disciplines as well as standardized exams ● understanding homework assignments ● success in test-taking Perfect for test preparation! ComPonents Softcover (400 pp.) otHer bilingual DiCtionaries NEW! Collins CobuilD aDVanCeD DiCtionary of american english, Collins CobuilD aDVanCeD DiCtionary of american english, Collins esColar Plus DiCtionary, second edition english/Chinese english/Korean (english/Portuguese/Português/inglês) leVel: high-intermediate to advanced leVel: high-intermediate to advanced leVel: low-intermediate to high intermediate softcover (1700 pp.) with CD-rom softcover (1704 pp.) with CD-rom softcover (1056 pp.) Collins CobuilD aDVanCeD DiCtionary of american english, english/Japanese leVel: high-intermediate to advanced softcover (1712 pp.) with CD-rom For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 31 gateWay to sCienCe Vocabulary and Concepts Tim Collins beginning to intermediate Give your students a BOOST to success! Gateway to Science is a unique program designed to introduce students to content-area knowledge and skills needed to meet the requirements of science programs as well as state and national assessments. students acquire key vocabulary, concepts, and learning strategies to help boost their success in science! ● Every lesson follows a distinctive four-page format that develops the vocabulary and concepts needed for the study of science. ● the Audio Program features all readings to boost auditory learning. ● the Teacher Resource CD-ROM with ExamView® and Classroom Presentation tool feature customizable test-generating software aligned to state standards. an interactive presentation tool with animated graphic organizers helps students comprehend new vocabulary and concepts introduced in the student text. ComPonents Softcover (304 pp.) Hardcover (304 pp.) Workbook with Labs Audio CD Teacher’s Edition Teacher Resource CD-ROM with ExamView® and Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROMs Assessment Book science content for ells! For more science support, see p. 19. 32 877-NEED -ESL ● the Workbook with Labs provides expansion activities for each lesson in the student text. Dictionaries gateWay to soCial stuDies Vocabulary and Concepts NEW! Bárbara C. Cruz, Stephen J. Thornton beginning to intermediate The KEY to unlocking the path to academic success! Gateway to Social Studies is a neW content-area program designed for english learners to introduce and reinforce social studies terms and skills. each lesson presents material with a globally and culturally relevant format through beautiful images and engaging content, such as Primary source documents and graphic organizers. Gateway to Social Studies is aligned to the nCss (national Council for the social studies) standards. ● the text is comprised of four sections to ensure academic success: geography, World History, u.s. History, and government. ● every four-page lesson presents vocabulary and key social studies concepts in a highly visual format for increased comprehension. ● the Student Workbook provides practice activities for each lesson of the student text including extension readings (including Primary source documents), virtual field trips, and oral presentations. ● Online Image Gallery houses every visual in the student text to aid student comprehension of content-area vocabulary and concepts. these include maps, paintings, pictures, and timelines. ● the ExamView® CD-ROM provides lesson assessments in a customizable format that are aligned to nCss standards. ComPonents Softcover (320 pp.) Hardcover (320 pp.) Workbook Audio CD Teacher’s Edition Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Online Image Gallery social studies content for ells! For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 33 tHe Heinle PiCture DiCtionary tHe Heinle PiCture DiCtionary newcomer to low-intermediate A picture is worth 4,000 words! unlike other dictionaries, The Heinle Picture Dictionary presents new vocabulary in contextualized, thematic readings and high-frequency collocations. it also offers immediate practice and reinforcement through “Words in action.” Whether used as a classroom text or a self-study tool, The Heinle Picture Dictionary will rapidly move students toward fluency. ● 16 thematic units focus on everyday themes such as people, food, housing, work, clothes, school, and recreation. ● 4,000 words are taught in context through color photographs and illustrations, readings, and activities. ● “Words in Context” shows how the language is actually used through accessible, contextualized readings at a high-beginning level. ComPonents ● “Word Partnerships” Student Text (262 pp.) Beginning Workbook with Audio CD Intermediate Workbook with Audio CD Audio CDs Lesson Planner with Activity Bank & Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROMs Transparencies Interactive CD-ROM Bilingual Editions: Brazilian Portuguese; Chinese, Simplified; Chinese, Traditional; Haitian Creole; Japanese; Korean; Spanish CD-ROM Site License available expands students’ use and understanding of high-frequency word patterns and collocations. ● “Words in Action” gives students opportunities to learn new vocabulary through critical thinking and active learning. ● Beginning and Intermediate Workbooks by barbara H. Foley feature their own complete listening programs as well as constructive, entertaining activities for solidifying new vocabulary. ● a comprehensive Lesson Planner provides three levels of lesson plans featuring hours of vocabulary, grammar, and life skills instructional support for the busy teacher. it also includes an activity bank and Classroom Presentation tool on CD-rom. ● Fully searchable Interactive CD-ROM offers full audio support, voice recording capabilities, and abundant interactive vocabulary practice games and activities. For a guided tour, visit } 34 877-NEED -ESL “[this book] offers far more challenging and motivating activities than most dictionaries, basic or otherwise, while maintaining an uncluttered, appealing visual impression to the reader.” Sally Gearhart, Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, CA “this dictionary goes beyond other picture dictionaries with only attractive artwork. this one directly contributes to the learners’ overall development in the use of the vocabulary in context through short and informative readings and conversations. Congratulations!” Bari Ramirez, Stockard Middle School, Dallas, TX Dictionaries “Words in Context” allows students to see target words in brief contextualized readings. “Word Partnerships” helps develop fluency. Multi-level Lesson Planner by Rob Jenkins “Words in Action” provides opportunities for critical thinking and active learning. Lesson Planner provides 342 fully developed lesson plans at three levels. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 35 tHe Heinle PiCture DiCtionary For CHilDren Jill Korey O’Sullivan Pictures plus a world of fun! pre-literacy to low-intermediate readability level (by grade): K – 3 The Heinle Picture Dictionary for Children is the only children’s dictionary that presents vocabulary within thematic readings and offers opportunities for multi-level practice of every word introduced to help develop english language skills. ● ● 1,100 words are taught contextually through colorful illustrations and photographs, readings, and activities in eight thematic units. students encounter words in context through engaging “Rhyme Time” and “Fun Facts” readings. ● “Playing with Words” offers fun activities in which students increase semantic understanding and develop their language skills. ComPonents Softcover (160 pp.) Hardcover (160 pp.) Workbook Multi-level Lesson Planner with Activity Bank CD-ROM and Audio CDs Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROMs Full-color Transparencies Audio Program Sing-Along Audio CD Interactive CD-ROM Spanish/English Bilingual Edition ● Multi-level Lesson Planner provides three different ‘mini-lessons’ for each level focusing on vocabulary, phonics, and language development. ● the Sing-Along with The Heinle Picture Dictionary for Children Audio CD presents 63 original songs that reinforce words introduced in the lessons. “Rhyme Time” and “Fun Facts” readings present vocabulary in context. Vocabulary words appear directly next to the corresponding image. CD-ROM Site License available For a guided tour, visit “...this book is very engaging—not just ‘another’ dictionary. it’s colorful, informative, age appropriate, and Fun.” Melissa Jones, Jupiter Elementary School, FL } “Playing with Words” activities give students opportunities to demonstrate their language development and apply semantic awareness. 36 877-NEED -ESL Dictionaries Heinle’s basiC neWbury House DiCtionary of american english with built-in Picture Dictionary, second edition New edition coming Spring 2012! Philip Rideout, Chief Editor low-beginning to low-intermediate ideal for emerging readers and writers, Heinle’s Basic Newbury House Dictionary focuses on what english language learners need and want to know. to help students build their vocabulary and make the transition from bilingual and picture dictionaries to more comprehensive dictionaries, this dictionary contains: ● Clear definitions for 15,000+ words using a controlled vocabulary of 2,500 words ● useful sample sentences to show proper usage ● 800 illustrations to improve comprehension ● Cultural and usage notes ● extensive appendixes ● built-in Picture Dictionary and activity guide ComPonents Softcover Dictionary (632 pp.) Hardcover Dictionary (632 pp.) Softcover Dictionary with Interactive CD-ROM Hardcover Dictionary with Interactive CD-ROM Dictionary on CD-ROM CD-ROM Site License available Heinle’s neWbury House DiCtionary of american english with integrated thesaurus, Fourth edition New edition coming Spring 2012! Philip Rideout, Chief Editor low-intermediate to high-intermediate Heinle’s Newbury House Dictionary focuses on what english language learners need and want to know. to help students build their vocabulary and increase their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills, this library includes: ● Clear definitions for 40,000+ frequently used words with up-to-date words and expressions ● useful sample sentences, illustrations, cultural references, and usage notes ● extensive appendixes with maps, countries, and more ComPonents ● integrated thesaurus and built-in activity guide Softcover Dictionary with Interactive CD-ROM (1232 pp.) Hardcover Dictionary (1232 pp.) Hardcover Dictionary with Interactive CD-ROM Dictionary on CD-ROM CD-ROM Site License available For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 37 stanD out stanD out basic – 5 standards-based english, second edition Rob Jenkins, Staci Johnson low-beginning to advanced Stand Out works! And now it works even better! built from the standards necessary for adult english learners, the second edition of Stand Out gives students the foundation and tools they need to develop confidence and become independent, lifelong learners. ComPonents Student Texts* Grammar Challenge Workbooks Reading & Writing Challenge Workbooks NEW! Technology Tool Kit NEW! Lifeskills Video Program Audio CDs Grammar Café, see p. 53 Lesson Planners with Audio CDs and Activity Bank CD-ROMs with audio NEW! Online Lesson Planners Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROMs Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® Placement Test with CD-ROM The Heinle Picture Dictionary ● Ground-breaking Lesson Planners (available online and in print) offer high-interest, meaningful language activities and three pacing options for each book. activity bank CD-rom includes multi-level worksheets for each lesson. ● the Lifeskills Video Program creates engaging opportunities for students to become more successful learners of english. ● student books integrate language development, life skills, and real-world project activities in a proven format, utilizing many sCans competencies and increasing workplace skills. *Split Editions available. Ask your Heinle representative for details. Need more vocabulary support? See The Heinle Picture Dictionary p. 34. teCHnology tool Kits For eaCH leVel inCluDe: } For a guided tour and interactive technology demo, visit ● guided tour CD-rom ● Lifeskills Video on DVD ● Classroom Presentation tool ● activity bank CD-rom with audio CD ● assessment CD-rom with examView® with audio CD ● The Heinle Picture Dictionary interactive CD-rom For professional development, see author Rob Jenkins’ ELT Advantage course on p. 105! 38 877-NEED -ESL Adult Education/Integrated Skills Stand Out works… and here are just a few of the many reasons why: Transitions Stand Out helps learners transition to the academic classroom and to the workplace. academic Workplace Benchmarks (CASAS and other standardized tests) Stand Out is proven to help students meet important benchmarks. The Stand Out Lifeskills Video Program helps learners achieve important lifeskills benchmarks. ● Video clips reinforce lifeskills, grammar, and vocabulary taught in the student books. ● Free Worksheets & teacher's guide are available online. Stand Out users at Vista adult school in Vista, Ca consistently exceed Ca state goals. Multi-Level Instruction Stand Out addresses the needs of multi-level learners. ● the activity bank CD-roms include over 2,400 multi-level worksheets (400 per level). ● three levels of activities are available for every lesson. 1 below-level 2 on-level 3 above-level For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 39 englisH in aCtion englisH in aCtion 1 – 4 NEW Edition! second edition Barbara H. Foley, Elizabeth R. Neblett low-beginning to high-intermediate Students learn better and are more motivated when they can put English into action! the second edition of English in Action provides learners with competency-based support for building language, life, and work skills in real-world settings. learners are engaged as workers, family members, and citizens through a communicative, practical, and active approach. ● FUN! English in Action is filled with fun and exciting content and activities which motivate students to master the skills presented. ● ENGAGING! English in Action empowers students and promotes learner persistence through dynamic, communicative activities, helping to build confidence in and out of the classroom. ● ACTION-PACKED! English in Action encourages learners to communicate and participate in a lively learning process that offers interactive technology options, providing various avenues to learning. ComPonents Student Texts Workbooks with Audio CD Interactive CD-ROMs Teacher’s Guides Audio CDs Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROMs Teacher Training Video For a guided tour and interactive technology demo, visit New to this edition: ● Teacher Training Video features teaching tips from the authors and actual footage of English in Action being used in the classroom. ● “English in Action" sections practice the everyday skills students need to interact and solve problems in the real world. ● “Word Partnerships” provide students with frequent collocations to promote fluency. ● “Word Builder” activities provide additional vocabulary practice and encourage students to get a deeper understanding of the target words. Updated for this edition: ● Need more vocabulary support? See The Heinle Picture Dictionary p. 34. 40 877-NEED -ESL “Working Together” activities build learner persistence through cooperative tasks, enhancing the classroom community. Adult Education/Integrated Skills “Active Grammar” sections present clear, contextualized grammar explanations along with a rich variety of practice activities. “Working Together” activities build learner persistence through cooperative tasks, enhancing the classroom community. “English in Action” sections practice the everyday skills students need to interact and solve problems in the real world. eTools for teaching and learning! Exciting new software tools provide additional fun and engaging, action-packed learning and teaching opportunities for both students and teachers. the Interactive CD-ROM features additional engaging practice exercises including Casasbased listening activities. available free with purchase, the Teacher Training Video shows the program “in action” in the classroom along with teaching tips from the authors. Delivered on CD-rom, the Presentation Tool brings student book content to life in a fun and interactive way. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 41 DoWntoWn DoWntoWn basic – 4 english for Work and life Edward J. McBride low-beginning to high-intermediate Combine the grammar syllabus you want with the standards alignment you need! Downtown offers a contextualized, balanced approach that emphasizes the language skills needed in daily life as well as in the workplace. Combining a standards-based and a grammar-based syllabus, Downtown gives english learners the comprehensive language skills they need to succeed. ● Picture Cards include 100 images which can be used for presentations, classroom activities, games, and more. ● “Game Time” offers lively communicative activities that allow students to relax and have fun with the language. ● Theme-based chapters include three lessons, with a strong focus on workplace skills and vocabulary. ● The strong grammar syllabus supports the integrated language learning focus. ● A humorous serial-style cartoon in levels basic, 1, and 2 and the “Downtown Journal” newspaper in levels 3 and 4 review instructional content and introduce additional activities at the end of each chapter. ● Alignment with the CASAS, SCANS, EFF Competencies, and state standards supports classroom and program goals. ● Teacher’s Editions include an Art Bank PowerPoint® Presentation Tool on CD-rom which provides colorful and dynamic presentations for classroom use. ComPonents Student Texts Workbooks Audio CDs Grammar Café, see p. 53 Teacher’s Editions with Art Bank CD-ROM Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® NEW! Picture Cards Transparencies Need more vocabulary support? See The Heinle Picture Dictionary p. 34. 42 877-NEED -ESL Adult Education/Integrated Skills one third of the book is workplace oriented providing a complete workplace and standards-focused curriculum. Abundant grammar practice, in a variety of exercise formats, scaffolds and recycles throughout the book to allow for maximum student success. Games and team activities in each unit make for interactive and fun classes. High-interest storylines are integrated throughout Downtown providing context and engaging situations for student participation and learning. Downtown Picture Cards can be used in the classroom for interactive activities to increase student motivation, build classroom community, and to help make learning fun. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 43 WorlD linK WorlD linK intro – 3 NEW Edition! second edition Susan Stempleski, Nancy Douglas, James R. Morgan low-beginning to high-intermediate The new edition of World Link helps learners communicate more confidently and fluently! World Link is Heinle’s best-selling core series for young adult and adult learners of english. the second edition has been completely updated and enhanced to reflect modern teaching methods and user feedback. Combining dynamic vocabulary with essential grammar and universal topics, World Link, second edition, helps learners to communicate confidently and fluently. ● a completely new video segment—“good morning World”—is available for each unit. ● Vocabulary instruction is enhanced to cover collocations, phrases, expressions, and patterns. ● Updated skills instruction helps learners develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing strategies. ● Technology resources for students, including student CD-roms, online Workbooks, and online Video Workbooks, provide additional practice and flexibility. ● Lesson Planners come with Teacher’s Resources CD-ROMs, packed with additional photocopiable materials for in and out of the classroom. ● Interactive Presentation Tools combine student book, Workbook, video, audio and other resources, for use with an interactive whiteboard or data projector with computer. ● Online Lesson Planners allow teachers to create, customize, and share personalized lesson plans. ComPonents Student Texts with Student CD-ROMs Student Texts Student CD-ROMs Workbooks (Print or Online) Online Video Workbooks Classroom Audio CDs Classroom DVDs Lesson Planners with Teacher’s Resources CD-ROM Interactive Presentation Tools Online Lesson Planners Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® For a guided tour and interactive technology demo, visit unique FluenCy FoCus: 44 877-NEED -ESL Adult Education/Integrated Skills Vocabulary— including common collocations, phrases, and expressions—is presented in context, and practiced through a series of controlled exercises. “Language Link” sections provide enhanced presentation and practice of target grammatical structures, helping learners to see how structures convey meaning in different contexts. World Link Video Program New video segment— “Good Morning World”— for each unit! Can be used as a stand-alone video program! this 4-level video program consists of: ● student CD-roms ● Classroom DVDs ● online Video Workbooks ● Classroom Presentation tools ● teacher’s resources available in the lesson Planner ● three clips per unit: ✔ a tV talk show (“good morning World”) Exciting new technology solutions ● online lesson Planner ● interactive Presentation tool, with interactive whiteboard compatibility ● online Workbook and online Video Workbook GOOD MORNING WORLD ✔ an engaging sitcom (“City living”) ✔ real-life interviews (“global Viewpoints”) For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 45 WorlD englisH WorlD englisH intro – 3 NEW! real People • real Places • real language Martin Milner, Kristin L. Johannsen, Becky Tarver Chase low-beginning to high-intermediate Real content for all skill areas! World English is an exciting new four-skills program which uses lively and compelling content, images, and video to teach the language that learners need to succeed in their classrooms and daily lives. World English uses real people, real places, and real language to connect english language learners to the world. ● students develop reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills seamlessly through engaging content with integrated grammar. ● Communicative tasks develop language strategies that increase students’ comfort level in real-world settings. ● Video from National Geographic Digital Media on DVD and student CD-rom allows teachers to bring the text to life both in the classroom and individually. ● Extensive teacher support provides complete, time-saving solutions. ComPonents Student Texts with Student CD-ROM Student CD-ROMs Workbooks Online Video Workbooks Teacher’s Editions Audio CDs DVDs Online Lesson Planners Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROMs Site licenses available for CD-ROMs and Online Video Workbooks For a guided tour and interactive technology demo, visit READ WRITE COMMUNICATE Online Video Workbook and Student CD-ROM Online Video Workbooks for each level contain all national geographic Digital media video clips and additional, automatically graded comprehension exercises. The Student CD-ROM includes: 46 877-NEED -ESL ✔ all video clips from the DVD ✔ all listening and speaking activities ✔ interactive activities Adult Education/Integrated Skills “Video Journal” sections use video clips from national geographic Digital media. Magazine-style readings provide opportunities for learners to use grammar and vocabulary presented earlier in each unit. Online Lesson Planner and Classroom Presentation Tool the Classroom Presentation Tool provides interactive versions of the student book and full audio and video program and is compatible with all forms of interactive whiteboards. the Online Lesson Planner offers timesaving solutions for busy instructors with the ability to create and customize lesson plans—anytime, anywhere. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 47 NEW Edition! u.s. Citizen, yes Preparing for Citizenship, third edition beginning to low-intermediate the new edition of U.S. Citizen, Yes helps students succeed on the new citizenship test and to become engaged and active citizens. } Ronna Magy updated for the new u.s. Citizenship test! ComPonents New to this edition: Student Text Audio CD ● updated readings, vocabulary support, and expanded activities help students learn about u.s. history and government covered on the test. ● guided practice tests give students the confidence they need to succeed on the naturalization test. ● Community and Civics Participation Projects provide ideas for students to learn about and participate in their communities. ● an audio CD gives students interactive practice for the naturalization interview and the dictation portion of the redesigned exam. For citizenship flashcards, visit and click “Companion Websites.” WorlD Pass 1 & 2 expanding english Fluency Susan Stempleski, Nancy Douglas, James R. Morgan, Kristin L. Johannsen with Andy Curtis high-intermediate to advanced to help students expand their fluency, World Pass focuses on dynamic vocabularybuilding, essential grammar, and stimulating activities that emphasize the language they need for real-world communication. ComPonents two workbook formats! in addition to printed versions, the workbooks are available online, offering auto-graded exercises and a learning management system that allows both teachers and learners to track progress. ● “language Focus” sections highlight essential grammar points and provide opportunities for fluency practice through a wide variety of communicative activities. ● “speaking” sections present a specific speaking skill or strategy and an open-ended communicative task to help expand fluency. Student Texts Workbooks (Print or Online) Combo Split Editions (Student Text/ Workbook combined) Audio CDs Teacher’s Editions Teacher’s Resource Books CNN® Videos (DVD or VHS) Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® 48 ● 877-NEED -ESL For a fully articulated, six-level curriculum, use World Link p. 44, followed by World Pass. Adult Education/Integrated Skills Just rigHt 1 – 5 Carol Lethaby, Ana Acevedo, Jeremy Harmer beginning to advanced Just Right is an integrated english language course that combines exciting stories with everyday life skills, making it easy for learners to use and simple for teachers to adapt. ● integrated instruction and practice for listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary development enhance all aspects of language acquisition. ● life-like illustrations and transparent charts clarify challenging concepts. ● all student books include “mini-grammar” and “audio script booklets” for additional independent practice. ComPonents Student Texts Workbooks with Audio CD Classroom Audio CDs Teacher’s Manuals sam anD Pat 1 & 2 beginning reading and Writing Jo Anne Hartel, Betsy Lowry, Whit Hendon pre-literacy to low-beginning Sam and Pat is a phonics-based series that uses a clear and interesting character-based storyline to teach reading and writing skills at the challenging low-beginning level. ● the intriguing storyline explores a family’s daily life experiences at work, school, and home. ● each lesson focuses on a target sound or sounds. ComPonents Student Texts Audio CDs ● “Phonetic Word grids” give students extra practice in identifying and writing phonetic words. ● basic phonics-based writing activities enhance vocabulary acquisition and enhance reading skills development. ● Photocopiable flash cards are provided at the back of each text. aDDitional aDult eDuCation/integrateD sKills titles literaCy in liFesKills 1 & 2 uP Close 1 – 4 reading in the real World aCCess reaDing 1 – 4 sally gati english for global Communication tim Collins leVel: pre-literacy anna uhl Chamot, isobel rainey de Diaz, Joan baker gonzalez with Deborah gordon and nina Weinstein leVel: beginning to high-intermediate PraCtiCal englisH 1 – 3, second edition CrossroaDs CaFé K. lynn savage, Series Director anna Cuomo, Patricia mooney gonzalez, mary mcmullin, elizabeth minicz, lydia omari, Kathryn Powell leVel: beginning to advanced tim Harris, allan rowe leVel: beginning to intermediate leVel: low-beginning to intermediate Writing PraCtiCal englisH 1 – 3, second edition tim Harris, allan rowe leVel: beginning to intermediate For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 49 grammar in Context grammar in Context NEW Edition! basic – 3, Fifth edition Sandra N. Elbaum, Judi P. Peman beginning to high-intermediate The original contextualized approach for success in today’s world—in and out of the classroom! students learn more, remember more, and use language more effectively when they learn grammar in context. Grammar in Context, fifth edition, presents grammar in interesting, informative readings and then recycles the language and context throughout every activity. ComPonents Student Texts Split Editions Online Workbooks Audio CDs Teacher’s Editions Online Lesson Planner Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® For a guided tour and interactive technology demo, visit learning PaCKages } 50 ● Package the audio with the text for only $1 more. ● Package the new online workbook with the text for only $5 more. ● Package the audio and the new online workbook with the text for only $6 more. 877-NEED -ESL The fifth edition of Grammar in Context has MORE! ● MORE visual support offers an exciting, new full-color design to help students effectively navigate through the program. ● MORE connection between grammar and writing, demonstrated through writing models and enhanced by more editing practice, encourages the relevant application of target grammar points. ● MORE technology support for the teacher and student: ✔ online lesson Planner offers time-saving solutions for the busy instructor. ✔ online Workbook features additional exercises that learners can access in the classroom, language lab, or at home. ● MORE contemporary and relevant readings like the Hudson river plane-landing, President obama, and social networking, provide relatable and engaging topics. ● MORE accessible and contextualized grammar charts and presentations provide students with added clarity. Grammar Grammar charts offer straightforward explanations and provide contextualized examples of the structure. “Language Notes” refine students’ understanding of the target structure by providing meaningful examples of the grammar in natural language. } High-interest, informative readings present grammar in context, illustrating the grammatical structure in an informative and meaningful way. grammar is presented in clear, manageable sections to make learning easier. Enhanced editing sections guide students to first identify and then correct common grammatical errors in context. Turn the page to learn about exciting new technology for Grammar in Context! For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 51 The NEW edition of Grammar in Context now offers technology that makes teaching easier and learning more effective. grammar in Context online WorKbooK this unique student resource for every level of Grammar in Context features expansion exercises that learners can access in the classroom, language lab, or at home. students have the option of following a learning path or choosing the self-paced option. This interactive tool: ● identifies and helps students focus on skills that require additional practice ● Provides customized learning paths based on student performance ● re-teaches grammar through interactive grammar charts ● Features interactive games for fun practice and to solidify grammar points ● allows instructors to track student performance with gradebook feature 1 Here’s HoW it WorKs: Step 1. students take a test to identify skills that require additional instruction and practice. Step 2. 2 students receive immediate reteaching of unmastered grammar skills. Step 3. students get fun practice through interactive games on all unmastered grammar skills. } Step 4. students are re-tested to assess progress on unmastered grammar skills. 3 Customized learning paths for every student! 4 52 877-NEED -ESL Grammar View a Grammar in Context technology demonstration at grammar in Context online lesson Planner this ground-breaking new tool offers time-saving solutions for the busy instructor. Teachers can: ● Create step-by-step pacing guides based on course length and time constraints ● Customize and edit lesson plans in a few easy steps ● Plan classes around holidays or events when class won’t meet POWERED BY Set the frequency and duration of your course. Click on a day to view your lesson plans and customize as needed. For additional grammar practice: grammar CaFé 1 – 6 grammar CliPs Online Practice Video Practice this online grammar course presents key grammar lessons with the help of animated text, graphics, and real-world conversations. these DVDs cover 26 important grammar points through grammar charts, animations, video dialogues, and comprehension checks. Bundle Grammar Café with any Heinle writing or grammar text. Only $5!é For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 53 grammar ConneCtion 1 – 5 structure through Content Marianne Celce-Murcia, M.E. Sokolik, Series Editors book 1: book 2: book 3: book 4: book 5: Jill Korey O’Sullivan Richard Firsten Karen Carlisi Sharon Hilles, Noel Houck Cathleen D. Cake beginning to advanced The level-appropriate grammar your students really need! at each level, Grammar Connection teaches the grammar students really need to know for academic and professional success. ● Accessible grammar presentation through readings and conversations offers natural language instruction and prepares learners for academic success. ● Authentic contexts from academic disciplines provide essential background for grammar presentation and practice. ● Concise lessons with clear grammar charts create an easy-to-follow framework. ● High-frequency academic vocabulary is systematically developed in “Content Vocabulary” sections. ● Multi-skills practice in reading, writing, listening, and speaking simulates the skills learners need in academic contexts. ● Workbooks reinforce language through controlled grammar practice, recycled academic vocabulary, and an extended writing tutorial. ● Teacher’s Annotated Editions include detailed teaching suggestions as well as a Classroom Presentation tool CD-rom with activity bank Worksheets for interactive grammar presentation and additional communicative practice. ComPonents Student Texts Workbooks Audio CDs Grammar Café, see p. 53 Teacher’s Annotated Editions with Activity Bank and Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROMs Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® learning PaCKages ● Package the audio with the text for only $1 more. ● Package the workbook with the text for only $10 more. ● Package the audio and the workbook with the text for only $11 more. ● Package Grammar Café, 20 hours of interactive online grammar practice, for just $5 more. } Also by Marianne Celce-Murcia: The Grammar Book, p. 109. 54 877-NEED -ESL Grammar grammar Dimensions 1 – 4 Form, meaning, use, Fourth edition Diane Larsen-Freeman, Series Director book 1: book 2: book 3: book 4: Victoria Badalamenti, Carolyn Henner-Stanchina Ingrid Wisniewska, Heidi Riggenbach, Virginia Samuda Stephen Thewlis Jan Frodesen, Janet Eyring high-beginning to advanced The most comprehensive and communicative series available! through clear and comprehensive grammar explanations, extensive practice exercises, and lively communicative activities, Grammar Dimensions helps students develop the skill of “grammaring”—the ability to use structures accurately, meaningfully, and appropriately. ComPonents ● Enhanced College Edition of Grammar Dimensions includes Grammar Café, the online grammar solution that increases students’ understanding of key concepts and provides 20 hours of Free extra practice! ● “Opening Tasks” can be used as a diagnostic or warm-up exercise to explore students’ knowledge of each structure’s form, meaning, and use. ● the “Use Your English” pages offer communicative activities that meaningfully apply grammar to reading, writing, listening, and speaking opportunities. ● Workbooks provide additional exercises to improve grammar, editing activities to increase students’ writing skills, and a test-taking section to enhance students’ application skills. ● Lesson Planners contain step-by-step teaching instructions with a choice of lesson plans to suit the needs of individual classrooms and teachers. School Editions Enhanced College Editions featuring Grammar Café Split Edition Texts Workbooks Audio CDs Grammar Café, see p. 53 Lesson Planners Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® learning PaCKages ● Package the audio with the text for only $1 more. ● Package the workbook with the text for only $10 more. ● Package the audio and the workbook with the text for only $11 more. } Also by Diane Larsen-Freeman: The Grammar Book, p. 109, Teaching Language: From Grammar to Grammaring, p. 107, and ELT Advantage: Teaching Grammar for ESL/EFL, p. 105. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 55 grammar linKs basic – 3 a theme-based Course for reference and Practice, second edition M. Kathleen Mahnke, Series Editor basic: book 1, 2/e: book 2, 2/e: book 3, 2/e: Linda Butler Linda Butler, Janet Podnecky M. Kathleen Mahnke, Elizabeth O’Dowd Janis van Zante, Debra Daise, Charl Norloff, Randee Falk low-beginning to advanced With engaging universal themes and an emphasis on formal versus informal language, Grammar Links integrates concise and manageable grammar presentation with reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills practice. ComPonents Student Texts Split Edition Texts Workbooks Split Edition Workbooks Audio CDs Grammar Café, see p. 53 ● an accessible design features easy-to-read grammar charts that highlight structures and serve as reference points to revisit throughout the course. ● Compelling themes introduce students to concepts they will encounter in their academic work. ● a strong emphasis on formal versus informal language helps students make grammatical choices with confidence. ● abundant and varied practice exercises and activities emphasize reading, writing, speaking, and listening. more grammar PraCtiCe 1 – 3, second edition NEW Edition! beginning to high-intermediate used alone or in conjunction with your grammar, reading, writing, or listening/speaking course books, the second edition of More Grammar Practice has even more to help students learn and review the essential grammar skills necessary for comprehensive and ongoing language learning. ComPonents Student Books NEW! Online E-Books 56 ● NEW! editing activities reinforce and consolidate target grammar structures. ● NEW! online e-books offer an interactive approach to the charts and exercises from the student book. ● accessible two-page spreads keep students’ practice focused and controlled. ● Clear grammar charts present the target grammar structures on every spread. ● language notes encourage students to apply the target grammar to meaningful circumstances. ● a wide array of exercises keeps students motivated and engaged. new online e-book! 877-NEED -ESL Grammar tHe neW grammar in aCtion basic –3 Barbara H. Foley, Elizabeth R. Neblett low-beginning to high-intermediate this four-level series offers a dynamic approach to teaching grammar and presents vocabulary and structures through inviting contexts while integrating listening, speaking, writing, and reading practice. each unit progresses from controlled exercises to creative, real-world tasks, preparing students for success in english outside of class. ● the “grammar in action” section introduces each unit with listening activities and illustrations, setting the context and grammar focus. ● graphs, charts, and illustrations engage learners in using english in real situations. ● Various exercise types help students of various learning styles and keep classes lively and motivating. ● assessment booklet includes pre-and post-tests, as well as tests for each unit. ComPonents Student Texts with Audio CD Audio CDs Answer Key Assessment Booklet Correlation Guide tHe aDVanCeD grammar booK, second edition Jocelyn Steer, Karen Carlisi, Dawn Schmid advanced to transition this best-seller presents grammatical structures through sophisticated and up-to-date contexts. the wide range of communicative activities, simplified charts, and an expanded writing section lead students from grammar recognition to production. ● students increase their conversational and written competence by analyzing and practicing grammar in context. ● the workbook provides extensive additional exercises for classroom use or self-study. ● engaging topics such as social changes and alternative medicine suit the interests of both community college and ieP students. ● expanded instructor’s manual includes testing materials. ComPonents Student Text Workbook Instructor’s Manual aDDitional grammar titles aPPlieD englisH grammar PraCtiCe: grammar Writing Clearly Patricia byrd, beverly benson milada broukal grammar for editing, third edition leVel: high-intermediate to advanced leVel: intermediate to advanced Janet lane, ellen lange leVel: high-intermediate to advanced For more information, see p. 77. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 57 reaDing exPlorer reaDing exPlorer NEW Advanced Level! intro – 5 Nancy Douglas, Paul MacIntyre low-beginning to advanced Teach reading and vocabulary through the lens of the world! Reading Explorer is a six-level, content-based reading series featuring video from national geographic Digital media to help develop reading and vocabulary skills for all learners. each unit of Reading Explorer contains two reading passages and an optional video activity. reading passages cover a wide range of real-world topics related to culture, science, social studies, travel, and adventure. ComPonents Student Texts Student CD-ROMs Teacher’s Guides Audio CDs DVDs (featuring video from National Geographic Digital Media) Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® Site licenses available for Student CD-ROMs Features: ● motivating real-world content supported by stunning visuals help develop learners’ understanding of the world. ● Reading passages develop visual literacy and incorporate graphic organizers to help learners become better readers of english. ● “Reading Comprehension” activities cover essential reading skills and question types commonly found on standardized tests. ● “Vocabulary Practice” activities and “Vocabulary Builder” boxes present and reinforce high-frequency vocabulary items. ● Audio CD contains recordings of all reading selections to help with comprehension. ● Video from National Geographic Digital Media motivates students and aids in visual learning. For a guided tour, visit READ For additional reading practice and resources, see Footprint Reading Library, p. 19. 58 877-NEED -ESL Reading “Reading Comprehension” questions ensure student comprehension and encourage critical thinking. units cover a wide range of real-world topics including culture, natural science, social issues, the humanities, and travel and adventure. “Word Link” and “Word Partnership” boxes from the Collins CobuilD dictionaries build vocabulary by highlighting common collocations, affixes, and usage to develop learner independence. Bundle the Student Text with the Student CD-ROM for only $6! Student CD-ROM contains: ✔ all video clips ✔ Full readings with audio ✔ additional reading and vocabulary activities For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 59 } reaDing For toDay reaDing For toDay series 1 – 5 NEW Edition! Lorraine C. Smith, Nancy Nici Mare level 1: level 2: level 3: level 4: level 5: Themes for Today, Third Edition Insights for Today, Fourth Edition Issues for Today, Fourth Edition Concepts for Today, Third Edition Topics for Today, Fourth Edition beginning to advanced Reading for Today for a better academic tomorrow! ComPonents Student Texts Audio CDs Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Online Instructor’s Materials 60 877-NEED -ESL Reading for Today is a five-level academic skills program that systematically develops students’ reading and vocabulary skills through engaging themes and comprehensive practice. the Reading for Today series teaches essential reading strategies like skimming, scanning, fact-finding, and paraphrasing, and gives students opportunities to talk and write about what they’ve read. New and enhanced in this edition: ● NEW! systematic vocabulary development in every chapter helps learners build and apply vocabulary development skills through: ✔ “Vocabulary in Context” sections ✔ “Word Forms” sections ✔ “Word Partnership” boxes from the Collins CobuilD dictionaries ● enhanced “think about it” sections teach critical thinking skills necessary for academic success. ● Enhanced Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® includes two additional readings per chapter, providing reading and vocabulary practice. ● Updated readings of universal interest and academic content engage readers. ● Full-color design makes navigation easy for students. Reading “Word Partnership” boxes from the Collins CobuilD dictionary series show common collocations for target vocabulary. New readings on current and relevant topics engage and motivate learners. “Vocabulary in Context” sections teach the vocabulary from the readings, along with related words and concepts. Post-reading exercises focus on building academic reading skills. “Critical Thinking Strategies” encourage students to form their own opinions and ideas on the topic discussed, while actively practicing vocabulary from the reading. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 61 reaDing ConneCtions reaDing ConneCtions 1 – 5 NEW! From academic success to everyday Fluency Andrew E. Bennett beginning to high-intermediate Building everyday language through contemporary content! Reading Connections is a neW five-level series designed to develop the language and fluency necessary for success in real-world and academic settings. Features: ● unique and engaging readings, including contemporary topics such as “going green” and “computers of the future,” connect academic content to real-world fluency. ● Vocabulary-building activities teach word forms, prefixes, and suffixes enabling students to learn unfamiliar words in multiple contexts. ● transparent extension activities enhance student reading comprehension and reinforce communication skills. ● integrated grammar instruction strengthens students’ understanding of key language structures and offers meaningful practice. ● opportunities for students to relate unit themes to their own lives encourage critical thinking and support oral and written communication. ComPonents Student Texts Audio CDs Downloadable MP3 files (available online) Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® audio in mP3 files available for download online! exPlore exCiting toPiCs suCH as: } 62 ● Crowdsourcing ● going Carbon neutral ● Web 2.0 ● Viral marketing ● Cell Phone novels ● Kidults 877-NEED -ESL Reading Post-reading instruction includes reading skills, reading comprehension, and vocabulary development that build real-world fluency. unique and contemporary readings engage students. Expansion activities include thematicallyrelated discussion and writing prompts. “Word Parts” sections teach root words, prefixes, and suffixes for comprehensive vocabulary development. integrated grammar sections practice structures introduced in the reading. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 63 aCtiVe sKills For reaDing intro – 4 second edition Neil J. Anderson low-beginning to high-intermediate Students develop reading fluency! ACTIVE Skills for Reading uses thematically organized non-fiction reading passages to teach reading comprehension and vocabulary skills. Written by reading specialist neil J. anderson, this innovative series uses an aCtiVe reading methodology to help learners become more confident, independent—and active—readers. ● Twelve thematic units in each book carefully develop active reading skills by incorporating pre-reading activities, vocabulary development activities, critical thinking opportunities, and opportunities to increase students’ reading fluency. ComPonents ● Four Review Units feature timed readings and focus on developing reading speed and fluency. ● Enhanced and varied reading selections include newspaper articles, websites, blogs, journals, letters, and more. ● “Critical Thinking” sections encourage students to go beyond reading comprehension to analyze each text and the author’s intent. ● Students increase their reading fluency by reading passages, graphs, charts, and interviews, and by practicing academic reading skills. Student Texts Audio CDs Teacher’s Guides Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® Author Neil J. Anderson’s ACTIVE Methodology Activate Prior Knowledge C ultivate Vocabulary T hink About Meaning I ncrease Reading Fluency Verify Strategies E valuate Progress See ACTIVE Skills for Communication, p. 85. Also see p. 106 for Exploring Second Language Reading, Neil J. Anderson’s reference guide on teaching reading, or take his online course, ELT Advantage: Teaching ESL/EFL Reading, p. 105. 64 877-NEED -ESL Reading reaDing & VoCabulary DeVeloPment series 1 – 4 Patricia Ackert, Linda Lee beginning to high-intermediate Increase reading, vocabulary, and dictionary skills! through intriguing readings and carefully designed activities, this best-selling series helps students develop reading skills and systematically increase their active vocabulary. learners develop useful and relevant vocabulary while exploring and expanding critical thinking skills. ● Five thematic reading selections per unit recycle vocabulary, sentence structure, and content knowledge. ● Carefully designed pre-reading work and post-reading comprehension activities build students’ reading and critical thinking skills. ● a variety of exercises and games as well as dictionary activities and collocations recycle key vocabulary found throughout the readings. ● CNN® video clips and activities expand vocabulary and provide authentic input. ● Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® allows instructors to create tests and quizzes quickly and easily. ComPonents Student Texts Audio CDs Answer Key and Video Transcripts Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® CNN® Videos (DVD or VHS) For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 65 College reaDing 1 – 4 Patricia Byrd, Joy M. Reid, Cynthia Schuemann, Series Editors book 1: book 2: book 3: book 4: Cheryl Benz with Myra M. Medina Linda Robinson Fellag John D. Avery, Linda Robinson Fellag Cheryl Benz, Cynthia Schuemann low-intermediate to advanced Prepares students for the rigorous reading demands of college-level courses! College Reading, part of the English for Academic Success series, focuses on the development of the reading skills students need to be successful in college. authentic academic readings and carefully selected topics help students build general background knowledge which will be valuable in their future college studies. ● Authentic reading selections from college and high school texts represent a range of disciplines with high enrollment patterns at u.s. colleges. ● Practical exercises and activities improve reading skills and enhance the teaching-learning process. ● Content and academic skills are developed through the inclusion of appropriate academic tasks and through strategies that help students understand and handle what is expected of them in college classes. ● The Academic Word List is thoroughly integrated, drawing student attention to high-frequency academic words found across disciplines. ● Chapter objectives are tied to the series’ competencies, which were derived from a review of educator-generated course expectations. ComPonents Student Texts Online Instructor and Student Resources otHer titles in tHe ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC SUCCESS series inCluDe: ● College Writing 1 – 4, p. 78 ● College Oral Communication 1 – 4, p. 84 ● College Vocabulary 1 – 4, p. 90 } For professional development or in-service training on teaching academic English, see: Essentials of Teaching Academic Reading series, p. 109. 66 877-NEED -ESL Reading Far From Home, third edition at Home in tWo lanDs William P. Pickett high-beginning to intermediate Far From Home and At Home in Two Lands work together to introduce high-frequency, low-level vocabulary in high-interest readings featuring different cultural backgrounds. ● updated readings and enhanced content covering contemporary topics ● systematic presentation of high-frequency vocabulary in cross-cultural and everyday situations ● mini-dictionary entries and word family exercises for vocabulary development imPressions 1 & 2 ComPonents Student Texts Audio CDs Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® america through academic readings Cheryl Benz, Stephen Benz intermediate to advanced through academic readings, Impressions helps students explore american culture and develop the reading, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills necessary to be successful learners. ● authentic academic readings focus on american culture and values to help students achieve cultural literacy. ● High-frequency vocabulary chosen from the academic Word list helps students become proficient readers across all academic disciplines. ● excerpts from real student essays function as models for student writing. ComPonents student texts Hot toPiCs 1 – 3 Cheryl Pavlik low-intermediate to advanced Hot Topics is guaranteed to engage readers, stimulate thinking, and provoke conversation while supporting reading skills development. ● each unit features three readings on a related controversial topic. ● students increase reading fluency through pre-reading questions, skimming and scanning activities, use of context clues, vocabulary analysis, and development of critical thinking skills. ● open-ended questions allow students to voice their opinions and defend their viewpoints. ComPonents Student Texts Audio CDs CNN® Videos (DVD) Instructor’s Manuals Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 67 stories WortH reaDing 1 & 2 skills Worth learning Betsy Cassriel, Gail Reynolds high-beginning to low-intermediate Stories Worth Reading uses up-to-date, multicultural readings taken from news, feature articles, and authentic literature to engage low-level readers. ComPonents Student Texts Audio CDs Instructor’s Manual CNN® Video (DVD) Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® ● two readings per unit explore the topic and develop vocabulary skills. ● Fun application activities encourage students to use their new vocabulary. ● Writing models support students as they produce their own writing samples. ● research activities teach library and internet search skills to help students find information on their own. reaDing tHe neWs Pete Sharma intermediate to advanced With Reading the News, students not only improve their ability to read newspapers in english—they gain practice that will help prepare them for toeFl®, toeiC®, and ielts® exams. authentic articles on contemporary issues from the international Herald tribune encourage students to read english outside the classroom. ● Presents a wide variety of high-interest articles grouped thematically by newspaper section. ● targets the reading, listening, vocabulary and other essential language skills learners need most for functional literacy in reading newspapers in english. ● includes “special Focus on the newspaper” sections offering strategies for analyzing an article’s content and viewpoint. ComPonents Student Text Audio CDs Instructor’s Manual reaDing matters 1 – 4 an interactive approach to reading second edition books 1 – 2: Mary Lee Wholey books 3 – 4: Mary Lee Wholey, Nadia Henein high-beginning to high-intermediate through stimulating vocabulary-rich readings and a communicative, integrated-skills approach, Reading Matters helps students develop fluency and accuracy in academic reading. ComPonents Student Texts Online Instructor and Student Resources ● Paired reading selections are organized thematically and enable students to compare and contrast points of view. ● abundant practice exercises and reading activities help students master different texts and vocabulary. 68 877-NEED -ESL Reading a gooD reaD 1 – 3 20tH Century ameriCan sHort stories Developing strategies for effective reading Carlos Islam, Carrie Steenburgh Jean A. McConochie high-intermediate to advanced beginning to intermediate these classic texts introduce students to american literature through a rich selection of contemporary authors. A Good Read is a three-level reading strategies course intended for young adult and adult learners. the series promotes fluent and effective reading through specially-written texts, extensive coverage of reading strategies, and an explicit focus on lexical development. ComPonents ComPonents Student Texts Audio CDs Teacher’s Guides Volumes 1 & 2 Anthology aDDitional reaDing titles ameriCan sHort stories reaDing aDVantage 1 – 4 taPestry reaDing 1 – 4 exercises in reading and Writing, second edition second edition rebecca oxford, Series Editor m. e. sokolik, Reading Editor greg Costa leVel: beginning to high-intermediate Casey malarcher leVel: intermediate retHinKing ameriCa 1 – 3 insiDe out/outsiDe in exploring american literature Victoria Holder, Dorothy lindsay, lyn motai, Deborah vanDommelen, Karen Wiederholt leVel: advanced liFe, language, & literature linda robinson Fellag leVel: advanced tHe multiCultural WorKsHoP 1 – 3 a reading and Writing Program linda lonon blanton, linda lee leVel: high-beginning to high-intermediate m. e. sokolik leVel: intermediate to advanced book 1: Virginia guleff, m. e. sokolik, Carol lowther book 2: michael ryall book 3: linda robinson Fellag book 4: m. e. sokolik leVel: high-beginning to advanced stePs to aCaDemiC reaDing series book 1: steps and Plateaus Jean zukowski/Faust book 2: out of the ordinary Jean zukowski/Faust book 3: across the board Jean zukowski/Faust book 4: in Context Jean zukowski/Faust, susan s. Johnston, elizabeth e. templin book 5: between the lines Jean zukowski/Faust, susan s. Johnston leVel: beginning to high-intermediate For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 69 tHe great Writing series tHe great Writing series NEW Edition! great Writing 1: Great Sentences for Great Paragraphs, Third Edition Keith S. Folse, April Muchmore-Vokoun, Elena Vestri Solomon great Writing 2: Great Paragraphs, Third Edition Keith S. Folse, April Muchmore-Vokoun, Elena Vestri Solomon great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, Second Edition Keith S. Folse, Elena Vestri Solomon, David Clabeaux great Writing 4: Great Essays, Third Edition Keith S. Folse, April Muchmore-Vokoun, Elena Vestri Solomon great Writing 5: Greater Essays, Second Edition Keith S. Folse, Tison Pugh high-beginning to advanced Great Writing bridges the gap from ESL writers to mainstream writers! For Instructor’s Resources, visit ComPonents Student Texts Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROMs Online Student and Instructor Resources “esl students learn how to write by writing. the Great Writing series has students writing from the very first page of the first lesson. each level contains an abundance of writing exercises with a wide variety of activity types, covering grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics— everything great writers need to achieve their writing goals!” } Dr. Keith S. Folse 70 877-NEED -ESL the Great Writing series uses clear explanations and extensive practical activities to help students write great sentences, paragraphs, and essays. each book contains a wide variety of writing models in carefully selected rhetorical styles that provide practice in working with the writing process to develop a final piece of writing. ● NEW! Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM makes the editing process interactive and can be used with an interactive whiteboard or computer and projector. ● NEW! “Building Better Vocabulary” features teach students how to accurately and effectively use written english. ● NEW! “Timed Writing” activities prepare students for success on standardized tests like the toeFl®. ● NEW! Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® allows teachers to create tests and quizzes easily. ● Guided, structured activities help students to quickly master writing tasks. ● Student writing models help students focus on specific writing skills and multiple rhetorical structures. ● Brief Writer’s Handbook with Activities located at the back of the student book is a quick-reference resource for effective writing suggestions. Writing “Writer’s Note” sections provide relevant writing skills instruction to help students reach the unit’s writing goals. “Timed Writing” exercises prepare students for test-taking success. “Building Better Vocabulary” activities enhance vocabulary knowledge necessary for great writing. Writing models give students the support they need to produce original writing, practice editing, and focus on grammar and proper sequencing for successful writing assignments. NEW! bring the editing process to life in the classroom with the new Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 71 WeaVing it togetHer WeaVing it togetHer NEW Edition! 1–4 Connecting reading and Writing, third edition Milada Broukal beginning to high-intermediate Building the connection between reading and writing success! the new edition of Weaving It Together connects high-interest readings with clear writing activities. learners build both reading and writing skills through understanding relevant readings and confidently expressing concepts and ideas in carefully structured writing exercises. by connecting these two necessary competencies, learners seamlessly develop both language and academic skills. ComPonents New to this edition: Student Texts Audio CDs Instructor’s Manuals Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® Online Student and Instructor Resources ● Enhanced vocabulary instruction teaches students how to build vocabulary and words in different contexts. ● Updated reading passages on intriguing topics stimulate students to write creatively and act as models for student writing. ● Revised discussion and critical thinking questions include more exercises that challenge students to become better readers. ● “What Do You Think?” section in each unit introduces the unit theme and “What Do You Think Now?” section provides a comprehension check at the end of each unit, connecting the content to students’ lives. ● “Weaving It Together” sections include “Connecting to the internet” activities and “timed Writing” prompts, offering a full-circle connection of the unit theme to reading and writing. some interesting neW reaDing toPiCs inCluDe: } 72 ✔ secret languages ✔ influential architecture ✔ american foods ✔ gender issues ✔ the Peace Corps ✔ animal therapy 877-NEED -ESL Writing Current and interesting readings provide target vocabulary in context and act as a springboard for writing topics. Writing models and exercises encourage learners to move from structured practice to free writing activities. “Discussion” and “Critical Thinking” sections challenge students to compare and contrast themes to their own lives. “Weaving It Together” sections connect the theme as well as the reading and writing from the unit. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 73 DeVeloPing ComPosition sKills NEW Edition! academic Writing and grammar, third edition Mary K. Ruetten intermediate reFining ComPosition sKills NEW Edition! academic Writing and grammar, sixth edition Regina L. Smalley, Mary K. Ruetten, Joann Rishel Kozyrev high-intermediate to advanced Students achieve academic success by learning writing through reading! ComPonents Student Texts Online Instructor Resources Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® } now with expanded vocabulary development! 74 877-NEED -ESL the new edition of this best-selling series combines comprehensive development and practice in the rhetorical modes while integrating instruction in reading, grammar, critical thinking, and vocabulary. ● Developing Composition Skills focuses students on narrating, describing, analyzing, comparing and contrasting, classifying, and evaluating at the paragraph level and offers a complete introduction that bridges the gap between the paragraph and the essay. ● Refining Composition Skills develops essay writing skills needed for success at the college level by thoroughly reviewing and presenting the following rhetorical modes: compare and contrast, example, classification, process analysis, cause and effect, and argument. New and updated in this edition: ● “building Vocabulary skills” sections provide vocabulary skills presentation and practice. excerpts from the Collins COBUILD dictionaries enrich development. ● Editing practice in every chapter focuses students on common writing mistakes and helps them develop accuracy. ● New and updated readings act as springboards and models for student writing. ● updated grammar instruction and practice provide students with tools needed to achieve their writing goals. ● a full-color and more visual presentation offers a contemporary and streamlined approach that makes it easier for students to learn. ● New Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® to ensure mastery. Writing toP 10 great grammar for great Writing Keith S. Folse, Elena Vestri Solomon, Donna M. Tortorella low-intermediate to intermediate toP 20 great grammar for great Writing, second edition Keith S. Folse, Elena Vestri Solomon, Barbara Smith-Palinkas intermediate to advanced Students learn the essential grammar that supports excellent writing! Top 10 and Top 20 help students master the essential grammar they need to produce great writing. they can be used as stand-alone coursebooks or to supplement any writing series, such as the Great Writing series (p. 70). Top 10 focuses on correcting the ten most common grammatical errors beginning writers make. ● Straightforward grammar explanations allow students to understand how structures are used in writing. ● Guided activities encourage students to learn about typical grammar errors, identify them, and then correct them. ● strong emphasis on editing exercises teaches the self-editing skills students need to develop into successful writers. ComPonents Student Texts Online Teaching and Study Centers Top 20 reviews the twenty most troublesome grammar points students struggle with in their writing. ● Authentic academic writing models help contextualize grammar exercises. ● a variety of exercises show students how to find and correct common grammatical errors. ● new chapter on how to edit essays enhances learner independence. ● Improved grammar explanations help students to bridge the gap between their writing and native-speaker writing. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 75 sourCeWorK NEW Edition! academic Writing From sources second edition Nancy E. Dollahite, Julie Haun advanced Students produce strong academic essays with the new edition of Sourcework! the second edition of Sourcework, designed to help students make use of outside sources, has been updated and enhanced to better guide writers through the challenges of their first academic research papers. With new university-level readings and updated activities, this flexible text helps students master the writing and critical thinking skills necessary to produce strong academic essays using supporting evidence. ● NEW! Corpus-based grammar activities help students master the key grammar necessary for building strong, cohesive research papers. ● NEW! High-interest, university-level readings are thematically organized to provide the background knowledge necessary for students to produce sophisticated essays. ● UPDATED! Activities offer in-depth practice in essential critical thinking and writing skills, such as synthesizing concepts, selecting evidence, avoiding plagiarism, and supporting ideas. ● Student writing models give students the opportunity to think critically about the work of others and see how others apply the writing process to their essays. ● a revised chapter on using online sources helps clarify the use of internet reference materials in effective academic writing. ComPonents Student Text Online Student and Instructor Resources } 76 877-NEED -ESL the Sourcework website includes a free online instructor’s guide, as well as additional student resources. Writing NEW Edition! Writing Clearly grammar for editing, third edition Janet Lane, Ellen Lange high-intermediate to advanced the third edition of Writing Clearly: Grammar for Editing helps students become independent self-editors through thorough error analysis. Focusing on the fifteen most common areas of difficulty for english language learners, this definitive guide offers clear grammar explanations, self-help strategies, and additional exercises for practice. NEW! expanded pre-test and post-test sections help pinpoint trouble areas and ● measure students’ successes. ● NEW! a full-color design engages learners and makes navigation easier. ● NEW! a comprehensive online instructor’s guide helps instructors effectively and efficiently respond to and correct students’ writing. ● UPDATED! Photo-based assignments encourage students to practice the writing skills learned in every unit. ● UPDATED! in-depth editing exercises reflect changes in technology and new trends in instruction. ComPonents Student Text Online Instructor Resources reaD, Write, eDit grammar for College Writers Patricia Porter, Deborah vanDommelen high-intermediate to advanced Read, Write, Edit focuses on grammar structure and editing strategies to help students learn the necessary skills to express themselves accurately and effectively in college writing. readings from a variety of academic genres and disciplines expose students to writing and grammar concepts as they appear in context. ● grammar structures are presented through clear charts offering usage tips and examples of common problems. ● a variety of activities support grammar learning through dictation, board work, individual work, peer discussion, and group presentation. ● each reading is supported by pre-reading guides, comprehension checks, and writing prompts. ● editing skills are practiced on readings from the book, from students’ own writing, and work from their peers. ComPonents Student Text For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 77 Destinations 1 & 2 Key ConCePts 1 & 2 Writing for academic success and Writing across the Disciplines Nancy Herzfeld-Pipkin Barbara Smith-Palinkas, Kelly Croghan-Ford low-intermediate to high-intermediate intermediate to advanced Destinations prepares students for academic achievement. stepby-step writing explanations and tasks centered on content area readings help students develop and refine academic writing. ● a variety of writing activities coach students in effective sentence and paragraph (book 1) and paragraph and essay development (book 2). ● authentic and adapted readings in academic content areas prepare students for the next step in their education. Key Concepts helps students master the academic content, vocabulary, and reading and writing skills they need to succeed. ● authentic readings from real college textbooks act as models and help students build on their knowledge of academic subjects. ● Practice of each step in the writing process guides students in perfecting their writing. ComPonents Student Texts Grammar Workbooks Instructor’s Manuals: Writing and Grammar Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® Writing from reading 1–4 Steve Jones, Series Editor Patricia Byrd, Joy M. Reid, Cynthia Schuemann, Series Editors low-intermediate to intermediate book 1: book 2: book 3: book 4: Connecting students’ everyday experiences to different academic disciplines, Catalyst uses a variety of readings as a springboard for writing. ● Compelling readings on topics such as personalities, the meaning of art, and the history of architecture engage students and act as a catalyst for writing. ● a balanced approach to writing, along with grammar explanations, guides students through the writing process and teaches them the mechanics of good writing. ComPonents Student Texts Audio CDs Karen E. Walsh Eileen Cotter Gabriella Nuttall Li-Lee Tunceren, Sharon Cavusgil low-intermediate to advanced College Writing, part of the English for Academic Success series, prepares students for academic writing by teaching them the language, content, and rhetoric needed for success in college courses. ● authentic writing assignments are drawn from actual college courses across the curriculum, motivating students to study. ● authentic Writing models allow students to compare styles, discuss strategies, and understand instructor expectations. 78 877-NEED -ESL Student Texts Online Student and Instructor Resources For an integrated approach, see Key Concepts 1 & 2: Listening, Note Taking, and Speaking Across the Disciplines, p. 86. College Writing book 1: Steve Jones, Suzanne Kalbach book 2: Marianne Brems ComPonents Catalyst 1 & 2 reading ComPonents Student Texts Online Student and Instructor Resources Writing bluePrints 1 & 2 ComPosition PraCtiCe Composition skills for academic Writing 1 – 4, third edition Keith S. Folse, M. Kathleen Mahnke, Elena Vestri Solomon, Lorraine Williams Linda Lonon Blanton high-beginning to high-intermediate intermediate to advanced this classic, step-by-step approach emphasizes the fundamentals of great composition writing. the Blueprints 1 & 2 academic writing series offers a unique combination of instruction in the rhetorical processes as well as paraphrasing, summarizing, and synthesizing. this multi-layered approach helps students develop good writing habits and avoid plagiarism. ● a focus on composition skills motivates students to practice academic writing. ● a combination of author-generated, student-generated, and authentic readings gives students a wide variety of ComPonents writing models covering Student Texts diverse academic topics. ● books 1 & 2 focus on developing strong skills for descriptive and narrative writing on familiar, everyday topics. ● books 3 & 4 develop expository and argumentation writing skills, and build students’ analytic abilities. ● richly detailed sequential illustrations, maps, photos, and graphs help students with comprehension of vocabulary and idioms in both readings and model compositions. ● Varied exercises on comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, semantic organization, and writing techniques prepare ComPonents students to write successful Student Texts compositions. Online Teaching and Study Centers aDDitional Writing titles basiC ComPosition For esl an expository Workbook, third edition Jann Huizenga, gladys berro Francis, Courtenay meade snellings leVel: high-beginning to low-intermediate DisCoVeries in aCaDemiC Writing barbara Harris leonhard leVel: high-intermediate to advanced Past, Present, & Future a reading and Writing Course, Fourth edition taPestry Writing 1 – 4 Write From tHe start rebecca oxford, Series Editor meredith Pike-baky, Writing Editor second edition book 1: meredith Pike-baky book 2: meredith Pike-baky, laurie blass book 3: marie Hutchison Weidauer book 4: m. e. sokolik leVel: high-beginning to low-intermediate leVel: beginning to advanced Connie shoemaker, susan Polycarpou David m. Davidson, David blot Write iDeas a beginning Writing text leVel: beginning tHinK about eDiting a grammar editing guide for esl Writers tHe Write PatH allen ascher basics of Paragraph Writing leVel: intermediate Kelly Kennedy-isern leVel: intermediate Joan young gregg, Joan russell tools For Writing leVel: intermediate a structured Process for intermediate students linda robinson Fellag, laura t. le Dréan leVel: intermediate Writing essentials exercises to improve spelling, sentence structure, Punctuation, and Writing Paige Wilson, teresa Ferster glazier leVel: intermediate to advanced For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 79 PatHWays PatHWays 1 – 4 NEW! listening, speaking, and Critical thinking Becky Tarver Chase, Milada Broukal low-intermediate to advanced The pathway to academic achievement! Pathways is Heinle’s new four-level listening and speaking skills series that helps learners develop the language skills needed to achieve academic success. learners develop academic literacy skills through content, images, and video from national geographic Digital media. this innovative series provides learners with a pathway to success! ● Meaningful and authentic content from national geographic Digital media stimulates learners’ curiosity and participation. ● a clear pathway from formal presentations to student-to-student interactions helps students become active, informed listeners in lectures and conversations. ● Communication skills are taught and practiced through realistic contexts designed to model the academic classroom. ● Presentation skills, including organization, preparation, and delivery techniques, are introduced and practiced in every unit, sharpening learners’ ability to interact in different academic settings. ● Opportunities for critical thinking throughout each unit prepare learners to succeed in the academic classroom. ComPonents Student Texts Online Workbooks Audio CDs Teacher’s Guides Presentation Tool CD-ROMs DVDs Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® For a guided tour and interactive technology demo, visit WitH PATHWAYS, learners: } 80 ● DEVELOP academic literacy skills ● CONNECT to the real world through content from national geographic Digital media ● ACHIEVE academic success 877-NEED -ESL Listening, Speaking & Pronunciation “Exploring the Theme” sections provide a visual introduction to the unit and encourages learners to think critically and share ideas about the unit topic. a variety of activity types simulate the academic classroom where multiple skills must be applied simultaneously for success. “Engage” sections challenge learners with an end-of-unit presentation project and offer speaking tips for formal and informal group communication, instructing students to interact appropriately in different academic situations. “Viewing” sections work as a content bridge between lesson a and lesson b and include two pages of activities based on a fascinating video from national geographic Digital media. Technology Resources include: ✔ online Workbooks ✔ audio CDs ✔ Presentation tool CD-roms ✔ DVDs ✔ assessment CD-roms with examView® For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 81 PronounCing ameriCan englisH NEW Edition! sounds, stress, and intonation, third edition Gertrude F. Orion intermediate to advanced Perfect for the classroom, self-study, or in a language lab! newly updated, this classic text continues to be the most comprehensive overview of the american sound system. With an easy-to-follow format and thorough coverage of vowels, consonants, stress, and intonation, Pronouncing American English guides students to develop clear speech. ComPonents Student Text Audio CDs Online Instructor’s Manual Downloadable MP3 files (available online) Pronouncing American English focuses on: ● a balance of recognition and production activities to build student confidence through clear models and abundant practice ● Communicative group and pair activities to encourage practical use of the language ● a mix of activity types including sentences, rhymes, dialogs, and tongue twisters to give students a better feel for the flow and rhythm of american english in different settings New to this edition: 82 877-NEED -ESL ✔ updated exercises ✔ new discussion questions, dialogs, and fun activities ✔ a full-color design and illustrated word definitions ✔ online instructor’s guide and downloadable mP3 files Listening, Speaking & Pronunciation noW you’re talKing! NEW! 1 – 3 strategies for Conversation Jeannette D. Bragger low-intermediate to high-intermediate Students communicate naturally with Now You’re Talking! Now You’re Talking! is a three-level strategies-based conversation series designed to help learners develop natural spoken english skills through a wide range of contexts and topics. guided listening and speaking activities prepare students for the types of realistic conversations they will encounter in their daily lives. ● Communicative strategies are explicitly introduced at the beginning of each chapter, focusing learners on the practical goals of the unit. ● “Professional Context” sections introduce learners to the challenges of using english in business and academic environments. ● “Language Focus” sections offer instruction in the grammar and vocabulary found uniquely in spoken english. ● Guided listening comprehension activities serve as models for learners, preparing them for longer improvisational assignments in every chapter. ComPonents Student Texts Audio CDs Instructor’s Guides For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 83 College oral CommuniCation 1 – 4 Patricia Byrd, Joy M. Reid, Cynthia Schuemann, Series Editors book 1: book 2: book 3: book 4: Marsha Chan Ann E. Roemer Cheryl L. Delk Steve Jones low-intermediate to advanced College Oral Communication, part of the English for Academic Success series, helps meet the academic needs of students by teaching them how to comprehend the spoken english used by instructors and students in college classrooms. ● authentic classroom interactions and lectures provide opportunities for students to learn how to listen to lectures, take notes, and use their notes for other academic tasks such as tests or small group discussions. ● academic speaking tasks reflect the types of tasks expected of college students, such as participating in class, engaging in formal and informal small group discussions on lecture content, and presenting oral summaries. ● the academic Word list is integrated throughout to help students develop techniques for learning and using new academic vocabulary in order to recognize the words when they hear and use them in spoken english. ComPonents Student Texts Audio CDs Online Instructor and Student Resources Other titles in the English for Academic Success series include: College Reading 1 – 4, p. 66 College Writing 1 – 4, p. 78 College Vocabulary 1 – 4, p. 90 on sPeaKing terms 1 & 2 real language for real life book 1: Eliana Santana Williamson book 2: Eliana Santana Williamson, Yvonne Cramner high-beginning to low-intermediate a two-level, corpus-informed listening and speaking series that focuses on functional, real-life situations to prepare students for social and academic life. ComPonents Student Texts Audio CDs Online Instructor and Student Resources ● uses corpus-informed spoken english to provide authentic examples of formal and informal speech, giving lower-level students natural and relevant language models. ● speaking strategies (such as hesitation and reaction) are designed to help students become better speakers and converse with more confidence. ● integrated grammar lessons teach the grammar necessary for students to communicate effectively and naturally in conversations. 84 877-NEED -ESL Listening, Speaking & Pronunciation aCtiVe sKills For CommuniCation intro – 2 Curtis Kelly, Chuck Sandy, Neil J. Anderson, Series Consultant beginning to high-intermediate ACTIVE Skills for Communication is an exciting three-level series that develops learners’ speaking and listening skills. the series uses neil J. anderson’s aCtiVe approach to help learners become more fluent, confident—and active—speakers of english. ● Fluency strategies help learners develop effective conversation management skills. ● Critical thinking activities encourage learners to think deeply about how they express themselves in english. ● useful expressions help learners interact more freely in personalized speaking activities. ● ● Presentation tips assist learners in developing confidence and effective presentation skills. “spoken english” sections show learners how native speakers of english really talk. Author Neil J. Anderson’s ACTIVE Methodology Activate Prior Knowledge C ultivate Vocabulary T hink About Meaning I ncrease Reading Fluency Verify Strategies E valuate Progress listen to me! noW Hear tHis! third edition third edition Barbara H. Foley beginning ComPonents Student Texts Workbooks Audio CDs Classroom Audio CDs Teacher’s Editions Barbara H. Foley high-beginning to low-intermediate using real-life themes, high-interest narratives, and natural speech, Listen to Me! and Now Hear This! teach the listening and speaking skills relevant to students’ lives. ● new and updated topics on money, jobs, communication, and families make learning more interesting and relevant. ● listening comprehension and listening discrimination activities foster better listening strategies. ● integrated pronunciation and grammar exercises improve students’ speaking skills. ● group speaking activities personalize the language and allow students to use the skills they have learned. ComPonents Student Texts Audio CDs For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 85 Key ConCePts 1 & 2 listening, note taking, and speaking across the Disciplines Elena Vestri Solomon, John Shelley intermediate to high-intermediate ComPonents Student Texts Audio CDs Online Instructor and Student Resources Key Concepts exposes students to the material they will encounter in college— including discipline-based lectures, academic vocabulary, and structured speaking activities. ● Content-based lessons introduce students to key concepts from major academic disciplines such as humanities, communications, history, and business. ● Vocabulary from the academic Word list is introduced and extensively practiced to ensure mastery of the terms most commonly used in higher education. ● listening, note taking, and group-work activities provide opportunities for students to practice vital skills needed to achieve success at the college level. For an integrated approach, see Key Concepts 1 & 2: Reading and Writing Across the Disciplines, p. 78. talK it! series 1 – 3 listening, speaking, and Pronunciation the Talk It! series helps intermediate through advanced students learn to communicate fluently and accurately by integrating listening, speaking, and pronunciation practice. ● the sounds, rhythms, and intonations of english are taught through pronunciation lessons which hone in on trouble areas for esl students. ● listening passages in each chapter include pre- and post-listening activities and feature interviews, radio documentaries, and dialogues in a variety of accents and styles. 1. talK it uP!, second edition Joann rishel Kozyrev intermediate 2. talK it tHrougH! Joann rishel Kozyrev, marni baker stein ComPonents high-intermediate Student Texts Audio CDs Online Instructor and Student Resources 3. talK it oVer!, second edition Joann rishel Kozyrev advanced 86 877-NEED -ESL Listening, Speaking & Pronunciation all Clear 1 – 3 listening and speaking Helen Kalkstein Fragiadakis high-beginning to advanced All Clear teaches students to recognize and produce the high-frequency idioms, phrases, and contemporary expressions needed in a range of conversational situations. a variety of listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities work with language in realistic contexts, integrating development of all language skills. ● Dialogues set up the lesson theme and serve as springboards for learning idioms and other expressions. ● listening skills are developed through pre-, while-, and post-listening activities related to each unit’s introductory dialogue. ● “your turn” speaking activities encourage learners to use the newly acquired idioms and expressions interactively. ● numerous listening and speaking activities help build fluency through the integration of reading, writing, and grammar skills. ● special attention is given to the grammar related to expressions in order to help develop fluency and accuracy. ● Pronunciation sections use the language and theme of that lesson to practice specific pronunciation points. ComPonents Student Texts Audio CDs Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® listening anD notetaKing series 1 – 3, third edition this groundbreaking listening and notetaking series includes videotaped lectures that simulate the academic lecture experience. Great for TOEFL® prep! 1. intermeDiate listening ComPreHension Patricia a. Dunkel, Phyllis l. lim intermediate this text is designed to familiarize students with the major rhetorical patterns of formal, spoken english. 2. noteWortHy Phyllis l. lim, William smalzer high-intermediate to advanced Noteworthy develops students’ listening and notetaking skills, provides insights into u.s. life and culture, and builds cross-disciplinary vocabulary. 3. aDVanCeD listening ComPreHension ComPonents Patricia a. Dunkel, Frank Pialorsi Student Texts Audio CDs DVDs advanced lectures and readings on topics of universal interest provide stimulating contentbased material for developing comprehension, notetaking, and academic study skills. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 87 Well saiD intro Well saiD third edition Clear Communication, third edition Linda Grant Linda Grant Pronunciation for intermediate to advanced low-intermediate the Well Said series offers a lively, communicative approach to building and improving pronunciation and speaking skills through strategies development and abundant confidence-building activities. ● toeFl® ibt exercises link pronunciation practice to specific speaking tasks on the toeFl® ibt. ● Corpus-informed exercises allow students to practice the features of speech in natural, high-frequency chunks. ● Focus on the high-priority features of stress, rhythm, and intonation helps students improve overall speech intelligibility. ● emphasis on pair and small group activities help students practice their pronunciation and listening skills in motivating, interactive settings. ComPonents ● Student Texts Audio CDs Instructor’s Manuals Different formats such as poems, speeches, and text messages offer varying cultural points while providing contextualized pronunciation practice. Well Said Intro also includes: ● “Practice” and “Helpful Hints” sections include visual, auditory, and kinesthetic approaches for reinforcing learning and building self-monitoring skills. Culturally sPeaKing third edition Rhona B. Genzel, Martha Graves Cummings intermediate ● ● oral Communication for non-native speakers, second edition Patricia Porter, Margaret Grant Culturally Speaking builds useful, comfortable, communication skills in a new culture through an interactive exploration of everyday experiences. students share their own cultural thoughts and traditions and compare them with contemporary american customs and everyday situations. ● CommuniCating eFFeCtiVely in englisH high-intermediate to advanced this student-centered text presents a highly interactive, experiential format for developing stronger speaking and listening skills in a variety of contexts. Content on current topics such as safety and law, values, and the american Dream engage students and promote discussion. ● interpersonal, small group, and large group settings develop speaking and listening skills. model “dialogues” on audio CD provide students with culturally accurate conversational examples. ● students sharpen their interview, discussion, and public speaking skills through activities, examples, and assignments. ● activities help students progress from informative to persuasive speeches. ComPonents ● oral speaking assignments develop delivery skills for more engaging presentations. Case studies encourage students to talk critically about what to do in challenging cultural situations. ComPonents Student Text Audio CD 88 877-NEED -ESL Student Text Instructor’s Manual Listening, Speaking & Pronunciation targeting PronunCiation Communicating Clearly in english, second edition Sue F. Miller intermediate to advanced Targeting Pronunciation uses an interactive approach and clear explanations to help students communicate effectively in english. ● ● Diagnostic package is helpful for evaluating individual speech needs, setting priorities, and providing student feedback. self-quizzes at the end of each chapter reinforce students’ understanding of chapter material. ● “talk times” communicative activities—planned in the classroom and executed outside the class—facilitate the transfer of pronunciation targets to real-life situations. ComPonents Student Text Audio CDs Online Instructor Resources aDDitional listening, sPeaKing & PronunCiation titles CommuniCation strategies 1–4 book 1 & 2: David Paul book 3: Jun liu, tracy Davis, susanne rizzo book 4: Jun liu, Kathryn Harper leVel: intermediate to advanced From College to Careers listening in the real World listening aDVantage 1 – 4 steP uP! 1 & 2 tom Kenny, tamami Wada listening, speaking, and Critical thinking leVel: beginning to intermediate margaret teske, Peggy marcy say it naturally 1 & 2 leVel: intermediate to high-intermediate Verbal strategies for authentic Communication, second edition allie Patricia Wall leVel: high-beginning to advanced angel bishop Petty, robert engel so to sPeaK 1 & 2 leVel: high-intermediate to advanced integrating speaking, listening, and Pronunciation taPestry listening & sPeaKing 1–4 rebecca oxford, Series Editor susana Christie, Listening & Speaking Editor sounDs great 1 & 2 book 1: Cheryl benz, Kara Dworak book 2: Pamela Hartmann, mary mcVey gill book 3: Karen Carlisi, susana Christie book 4: Helen Kalkstein Fragiadakis, Virginia maurer Pronunciation for speakers of english leVel: high-beginning to advanced listen in 1 – 3, second edition megan Webster, Judy DeFilippo David nunan leVel: low-beginning to high-beginning leVel: high-beginning to intermediate beverly beisbier leVel: low-intermediate to intermediate For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 89 College VoCabulary 1 – 4 Patricia Byrd, Joy M. Reid, Cynthia Schuemann, Series Editors book 1: book 2: book 3: book 4: Julie Howard Chaudron Gille Keith S. Folse, Marcella Farina John D. Bunting low-intermediate to advanced Prepares students for the rigorous demands of college-level courses! College Vocabulary, part of the English for Academic Success series, helps students develop the ability to understand and use the most common words in academic texts, as chosen from the academic Word list. use alone in a vocabulary class or as supplements in reading, writing, or oral communication classes. ComPonents ● Vocabulary is presented and practiced within contexts that represent real usage. Student Texts Online Instructor and Student Resources ● Varied, sequenced exercises ensure that students use new words frequently. ● Review sections provide practice with the targeted vocabulary. ● extensive online instructor and student support. otHer titles in tHe ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC SUCCESS series inCluDe: ● College Reading 1 – 4, p. 66 ● College Oral Communication 1 – 4, p. 84 ● College Writing 1 – 4, p. 78 } For professional development or in-service training on teaching academic English, see: Essentials of Teaching Academic Vocabulary, p. 109. 90 877-NEED -ESL Vocabulary & Idioms aCaDemiC WorD PoWer 1 – 4 essential aCaDemiC VoCabulary mastering the Complete academic Word list Donna Obenda, Series Editor book 1: book 2: book 3: book 4: Helen Huntley Lisa Hollinger Celia Thompson Pat Bull Barbara Jones high-intermediate to advanced intermediate to high-intermediate each book in the Academic Word Power series focuses on 140 word families from the academic Word list, ensuring students learn the vocabulary they need most for success in college-level courses. ● readings introduce vocabulary in context followed by practical development, practice, and strategies. ● interactive speaking activities link focus words with past experience and knowledge to aid retention. Essential Academic Vocabulary prepares students for academic success by helping them preview, learn, and practice vocabulary from the academic Word list in context. ● new vocabulary and word forms are introduced and contextualized through readings chosen from actual college textbooks. ● exercises and activities give students ample practice using academic vocabulary in college writing and speaking. ComPonents Student Texts Online Instructor Resources ComPonents Student Texts aDDitional VoCabulary titles WalK, amble, stroll 1 & 2 against all oDDs Vocabulary building through Domains speaking naturally with idioms marie Hutchison eichler Dee Ann Holisky, Kathy Trump, Sherry Trechter leVel: high-intermediate to advanced tHe big PiCture idioms as metaphors high-beginning to intermediate Walk, Amble, Stroll teaches students vocabulary and vocabulary learning strategies through the use of semantic fields or domains. ● a meaning system is taught to help students acquire new words. ● strategies for continued learning are provided. ● review units in instructor's manual offer further consolidation and practice. ComPonents Student Texts Online Instructor’s Manual/ Answer Key Kevin King leVel: high-intermediate DeVeloPing VoCabulary sKills second edition Dennis Keen leVel: advanced For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 91 Heinle etools Technology enhances teaching and learning at every stage. at Heinle, we know that teachers and students are turning more and more to technology as a key learning component every day. that’s why we provide solutions to all of your technology needs. Heinle has software and web-based tools for every part of the teaching and learning process. our array of technology resources help take the guesswork out of preparation, teaching, reinforcement, and assessment so that you can do what you do best: help your students succeed. Heinle etools ProDuCt Online Workbooks E-Books Online Lesson Planners Presentation Tools MilestonesTracker Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® Video PrePare teaCH reinForCe assess ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Interactive CD-ROMs ELT Advantage Grammar Café COBUILD To Go mobile application Snapshot Online Assessment of Basic Vocabulary 92 ✔ ✔ ✔ 877-NEED -ESL ✔ Visit Heinle eTools online WorKbooKs online lesson Planners Online Workbooks feature interactive activities that learners can access in the classroom, language lab, or at home. these tools: ● give learners personalized access to a range of automaticallygraded exercises ● reinforce what’s being taught in the core materials ● allow teachers to schedule assignments, monitor student and class progress, and create reports Heinle’s unique new Online Lesson Planners offer time-saving solutions for busy instructors. With the ability to create and customize lesson plans from any computer with an internet connection, teachers can: ● Create step-by-step pacing guides based on course length and requirements ● Customize and edit lesson plans in a few easy steps to fit the unique needs of individual classes aVailable For: • • • • • Grammar in Context (p. 50) Online Tutorial for the TOEFL iBT® (p. 99) Pathways (p. 80) World English (p. 46) World Link (p. 44) ● attach files, export plans to microsoft Word or a PDF, and share plans with colleagues aVailable For: • • • • Grammar in Context (p. 50) Stand Out (p. 38) World English (p. 46) World Link (p. 44) For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 93 Footprint reading library online e-booKs Presentation tools Delivered on CD-rom, these tools combine resources from the core materials for use in the classroom with an interactive whiteboard or data projector with computer. the ability to share these resources with your students creates a dynamic classroom experience and ensures: ● student motivation ● learner persistence ● aVailable For: experience the sights and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading Library Online E-Books, a fantastic new series of leveled electronic readers with video from national geographic Digital media. you and your learners can choose from 100 informative and engaging non-fiction selections accompanied by these exciting features for eVery selection: • ● audio recording of the entire reading e-booKs also aVailable For: ● record and playback functionality for pronunciation practice • • ● a video clip from national geographic Digital media • ● an interactive quiz language development • • Perfect for use with interactive whiteboards! • • • English in Action (p. 40) Great Writing (p. 70) The Heinle Picture Dictionary for Children (p. 36) Pathways (p. 80) World English (p. 46) World Link (p. 44) Milestones (p. 8) More Grammar Practice (p. 56) Visions (p. 14) See p. 19 for more information or visit: 94 877-NEED -ESL Heinle eTools milestones traCKer MilestonesTracker is a groundbreaking online assessment and remediation system for use with Heinle’s Milestones learning program. MilestonesTracker evaluates, re-teaches, and reinforces the skills and concepts taught in each chapter of the Milestones textbooks. e p. 12 for more information or visit: Features new instruction different from the text! teacher reports provide easy progress monitoring. snaPsHot online assessment oF basiC VoCabulary Dr. Robert J. Marzano Dr. robert marzano’s unique new online assessment system quickly determines a student’s level of understanding vocabulary terms that are essential to their comprehension of english. using the semantic cluster system, this tool quickly identifies knowledge of basic terms. assessment CD-roms WitH examVIEW ® available with most Heinle programs, assessment CD-roms with examView® testgenerating software allow teachers to create and customize tests, manage classes and assignments, retrieve results from online tests, and generate detailed and flexible reports. Create and customize tests in three easy steps: Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. name the test or quiz. select the book and chapter(s). Choose the number and type of test items. You’re done! For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 95 ViDeo interaCtiVe CD-roms learning through media, including video, is an important part of a balanced approach to language acquisition and Heinle’s wide array of video courses build listening comprehension skills and boost language development. used alone or alongside our core materials, Heinle’s video programs: ● bring fun into the classroom with engaging video segments ● allow students to hear natural, authentic language and understand non-verbal communication ViDeo From ● Present real-world situations to help students with everyday language development national geograPHiC Digital meDia aVailable For: • • • • • ViDeo also aVailable For: • • • 96 Crossroads Café (p. 49) Stand Out (p. 38) World Link (p. 44) 877-NEED -ESL Footprint Reading Library (p. 19) Pathways (p. 80) Reading Adventures (p. 18) Reading Explorer (p. 58) World English (p. 46) Heinle’s interactive CD-roms allow students the opportunity for practice and self-study at their own convenience. your students will feel motivated by the fun games and engaging activities. many of our programs include CD-roms that: aVailable For: • • • • ● enhance vocabulary ● reinforce language skills taught in the core materials • • ● offer interactive expansion activities • Collins COBUILD dictionaries of American English (p. 26) English in Action (p. 40) The Heinle Picture Dictionary (p. 34) The Heinle Picture Dictionary for Children (p. 36) Milestones (p. 8) Reading Explorer (p. 58) World English (p. 46) Heinle eTools elt aDVantage Professional development is important for all teachers. Keep pace with the latest instructional methods and the profession’s best practices from the comfort of your home. explore ELT Advantage, an entire suite of professional development courses, workshops, and virtual seminars that help teachers increase their expertise in english language instruction. See pp. 104 – 105 for more information. Or visit grammar CaFé Grammar Café is a revolutionary online grammar course that presents key grammar lessons with the help of animated text, graphics, and real-world conversations. Featuring six levels with 20 units per level, Grammar Café represents approximately 120 hours of instruction. See p. 53 for more information. Or visit CobuilD to go mobile DiCtionary aPPliCation Heinle is excited to offer a new Free dictionary mobile application for mobile devices. users of Collins CobuilD dictionaries can access complete definitions and pronunciation quickly and easily on most mobile phones. For more details visit most programs are powered by … myelt is Heinle's web-based learning management system which is designed to offer teachers and learners more flexibility and convenience through teacher-led assigned activities or self-study options—anytime, anywhere. newly updated with a fresher look and easier navigation, myelt delivers engaging activities to english language learners which reinforce and consolidate the language and skills covered in each Heinle program. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 97 tHe ComPlete guiDe ® to tHe toeFl test ibt edition For success on all sections of the TOEFL®! Bruce Rogers intermediate to advanced The total package for test-taking success! Written by trusted test preparation author bruce rogers, The Complete Guide to the TOEFL® Test, iBT Edition offers instruction and practice that closely mirrors the actual toeFl® test. this text will help students master the skills necessary to achieve the best possible score on the toeFl® ibt, preparing them to succeed in an academic environment. ● the text provides test-taking strategies at the beginning of each section, extensive practice with all exercise types found on the toeFl® ibt, a separate section on essay writing, additional exercises addressing the most common errors made on the toeFl® test, and two full practice tests. ● Practice for the new Speaking section of the toeFl® test provides oral prompts as well as actual examples of test-takers completing this part of the exam. ● An Interactive CD-ROM provides electronic practice through a tutorial, practice with all exercise types found on the toeFl® ibt, a test bank of toeFl®-type questions, and two complete TOEFL® tests. ● the Audio Program provides listening activities for practice on the listening portion of the toeFl® ibt. ComPonents Student Text Student Text/CD-ROM/Online Tutorial Package Answer Key/Audio Script Audio CDs Interactive CD-ROM Online Tutorial for the TOEFL® iBT } support for the toeFl® paper-based test also available. For professional development, see author Rob Jenkins’ ELT Advantage course on p. 105! 98 877-NEED -ESL Test Preparation & College Preparation online tutorial For ® tHe toeFl ibt intermediate to advanced Prepare for the TOEFL® iBT—online! analyzes student speech using advanced speech recognition technology Online Tutorial for the TOEFL® iBT combines innovative technology with a unique learning pedagogy to prepare students for toeFl® exam success. ● an electronic diagnostic test individually assesses each student and creates a customized learning path that allows them to focus their study. ● the tutorial includes over 10 hours of study for all four parts of the toeFl® exam— reading, listening, speaking, and writing. ● Speaking practice identifies errors in pronunciation, fluency, word stress, and linkage, providing immediate feedback using Carnegie speech technology. ● students independently identify areas needing improvement through selfassessment activities in each section. ® ● Two practice tests that simulate versions of the toeFl exam follow the preparation for each section of the exam. ● NEW! Now available in three configurations: the Complete edition, listening and speaking only, and reading and Writing only. all versions include Practice tests! Practice exercises based on each students’ Customized Learning Plan About Carnegie Speech Carnegie speech’s technology pinpoints errors in the sounds, grammar, rhythm, pitch and fluency of the student’s speech and provides individualized instruction that maximizes improvement and minimizes training time. improving spoken english Simulates TOEFL® iBT test-taking experience aDDitional test PreParation & College titles intensive academic Preparation for advanced students tHe Heinle toeFl® test assistant series mark Harrison, russell Whitehead milada broukal, Kathleen Flynn leVel: intermediate to advanced Heather robertson leVel: intermediate to advanced briDge to College suCCess linKages leVel: advanced tHe ComPlete guiDe to tHe toeiC® test ibt edition ielts PraCtiCe tests introDuCtory guiDe to tHe toeiC® test Patrice Connerton, Frances reid bruce rogers leVel: high-intermediate a Content-based integrated skills Program leVel: low-intermediate to intermediate bruce rogers leVel: intermediate to advanced ielts exPress series richard Hallows, martin lisboa, mark unwin leVel: intermediate to high-intermediate For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 99 ProFessional englisH series Kristin L. Johannsen, Martin Milner, Josephine O'Brien, Hector Sanchez, Ivor Williams intermediate A new approach in ESP instruction! the five-volume Professional English series is designed for both pre-work students and those already working. teachers and learners will find a variety of practice opportunities linked to specific professions that enhance problem solving, critical thinking, and professional communication. ComPonents Student Texts with Audio CD Teacher’s Resource Books englisH For ProFessional suCCess ● Professional development ● Job-hunting ● relocating ● on-the-job skills ● the language of the workplace Job-hunting ● Creating a resume ● research and development interview techniques ● Design and testing ● the language of sales, marketing, and finance ● Construction and manufacturing production ● Corporate culture ● quality control and inspection, operation and maintenance ● management englisH For tHe Humanities ● Diagnosing ● Philosophy ● Patient treatment ● language ● Critical patient care ● art ● rehabilitation and long-term treatment ● History ● social science ● Patient referrals 877-NEED -ESL englisH For sCienCe anD engineering ● ● englisH For HealtH sCienCes 100 englisH For business English for Business & Specific Purposes Presenting in englisH englisH For business liFe 1 – 4 How to give successful Presentations Ian Badger, Pete Menzies Updated! Mark Powell low-intermediate to advanced English for Business Life is a fourlevel course designed to teach the grammar, vocabulary, listening, and conversational skills necessary for success in the general business setting. intermediate to high-intermediate ComPonents Student Texts Audio CDs Teacher’s Manuals ComPonents Presenting in English provides the language and skills needed to give truly effective presentations in english. Student Text with Audio CDs Audio CDs (British English) best PraCtiCe 1 – 4 neW business matters business english business english in a global Context with a lexical approach, second edition Bill Mascull, Jeremy Comfort, David Kerridge Mark Powell, Ron Martínez, Rosi Jillett, Charles Mercer low-beginning to high-intermediate high-intermediate Best Practice is a four-level business english course designed for both pre-work and in-work students. ComPonents New Business Matters is a stimulating language course for students of business english. its unique lexical syllabus precisely identifies what business students need to learn in order to increase their fluency in english. Coursebook Workbook Teacher’s Book Audio CDs Assessment CD-ROM with View® CNN® Video ComPonents Student Texts Workbooks Teacher’s Resource Books Audio CDs Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® aDDitional englisH For business & sPeCiFiC PurPoses titles ameriCan business VoCabulary tHe language oF meetings energy englisH John Flower, ron martínez malcolm goodale For the gas and electric industries leVel: intermediate leVel: intermediate to high-intermediate Paul Dumett business ConCePts For englisH PraCtiCe, second edition englisH For Cabin CreW leVel: intermediate marianne mcDougal arden, barbara tolley Dowling terence gerighty leVel: intermediate leVel: high-intermediate to advanced For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 101 teaCHing basiC anD aDVanCeD VoCabulary Support strategies for basic and advanced terms! teaCHing basiC anD aDVanCeD VoCabulary a Framework for Direct instruction Dr. Robert J. Marzano New vocabulary teaching strategies from Dr. Robert Marzano! authored by field expert and vocabulary specialist Dr. robert J. marzano, Teaching Basic and Advanced Vocabulary provides strategies to help build general background knowledge of instrumental vocabulary by introducing terms in semantic clusters. this innovative approach is designed to maximize students’ understanding of new words by creating a framework of meaning through context. Features: ● more than 8,000 basic and advanced vocabulary terms ● Semantic clusters that group related words together ● Comparison, classification, analogy, and metaphor activities to strengthen comprehension skills ● Snapshot assessment for comprehension evaluation For secondary basal materials using Dr. Marzano’s strategies, see Milestones on p. 8. For a learner’s dictionary featuring all of Dr. Marzano’s basic vocabulary terms, see the COBUILD Illustrated Basic Dictionary of American English on p. 27. example of semantic clusters from Teaching Basic and Advanced Vocabulary } 102 877-NEED -ESL “… Teaching Basic and Advanced Vocabulary is focused on providing a framework for direct instruction in basic terms—those words that are critical to understanding and using the english language. to this end, 2,845 basic terms have been identified and listed in the book. Teaching Basic and Advanced Vocabulary also explains how a district, school, or individual teacher might use semantic clusters in a whole-class approach to direct instruction that focuses on advanced vocabulary.” Dr. Robert J. Marzano Professional Development & Resources snaPsHot online assessment oF basiC VoCabulary Dr. Robert J. Marzano The perfect companion piece to Teaching Basic and Advanced Vocabulary! Dr. robert marzano’s unique new online assessment system quickly determines a student’s level of understanding vocabulary terms that are essential to their comprehension of english. using the semantic cluster system introduced in Dr. marzano’s Teaching Basic and Advanced Vocabulary book, this tool quickly identifies knowledge of basic terms so that instruction will be focused and efficient. ● Twenty-minute testing time quickly identifies a student’s vocabulary knowledge. ● Adaptive test places students at the appropriate starting point in Dr. marzano’s vocabulary learning curriculum. ● range of vocabulary terms comes directly from Dr. Marzano’s research on the essential vocabulary that is foundational to english and to general literacy. tests can be administered to a whole class, or to an individual student. bundle a snapshot online assessment site license with Teaching Basic and Advanced Vocabulary. Ask your Heinle representative for details. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 103 } elt aDVantage elt aDVantage Ongoing Professional Development for English Language Teachers Keep pace with the latest instruction methods and industry best practices. explore ELT Advantage, an entire suite of professional development courses developed by world-renowned english language teachers and authors. the ELT Advantage professional development offerings include workshops and virtual seminars that help teachers increase their expertise in english language instruction. Online Courses for Teachers TESOL® Certificate of Completion for approved courses 104 Kevin Keating 6-week online courses, two lessons per week ● Practical assignments for each lesson ● moderated discussion board ● 5-question quiz per lesson ● Post-program assessment lessons can be anytime, completed in anywhere! 90 minutes or less! Additional Online Resources University Credits available andrew D. Cohen ● ● teacher training for Heinle’s best-selling textbook series ● tesol® virtual seminars hosted by elt professionals Kathleen m. bailey Patricia a. Dunkel michael mcCarthy anne o'Keeffe steve Walsh natalie Kuhlmal Authors Courses Related Heinle Title or Series andrew D. Cohen Assessing Language Ability in Young Adults and Adults World english p. 46 Kevin Keating Communicative Teaching for the ESL/EFL Classroom World english p. 46 David nunan annie Hughes Kathleen m. bailey Content-Based Instruction for Language Learners milestones p. 8 • World english p. 46 • gateway to science p. 32 • Key Concepts p. 78 Patricia a. Dunkel Developing ESL/EFL Listening Comprehension listening and notetaking series 1 – 3 p. 87 • listening advantage p. 89 • aCtiVe skills for Communication p. 85 • listen to me! p. 85 • now Hear this! p. 85 • listen in p. 89 michael mcCarthy, An Introduction to Corpora in English Language anne o'Keeffe, Teaching and steve Walsh Vocabulary matrix p. 108 • understanding language teaching p. 107 natalie Kuhlman An Introduction to Language Assessment in the K – 12 Classroom milestones p. 8 • strategies for test-taking success p. 25 David nunan An Introduction to Task-Based Teaching exploring second language Classroom research p. 109 annie Hughes An Introduction to Teaching English to Young Learners Heinle Picture Dictionary for Children p. 36 tom scovel An Introduction to Teaching ESL/EFL english in action p. 40 Joyce nutta Language Learning Technologies for K – 12 Teachers milestones p. 8 • Visions p. 14 • World english p. 46 • grammar Café p. 53 877-NEED -ESL Professional Development & Resources “one of the best things about this program is the wealth of hands-on activities and ideas provided in each course … the lessons are chock-full of tested strategies that improve student learning.” Michele Vaughn, Whitehouse High School, Texas select from specialized courses, watch author video segments, and access innovative content. } secure teacher training sites demonstrate for you and your colleagues how to teach with our award-winning programs. To learn more and view a demo, visit tom scovel Joyce nutta michela Clari rob Jenkins andy Curtis neil J. anderson Diane larsen-Freeman Hugh Dellar and andrew Walkley i.s.P. nation Authors Courses Related Heinle Title or Series michela Clari Making the Most of Learner's Dictionaries Heinle Picture Dictionary p. 34 • Collins CobuilD dictionaries p. 26 • Heinle's newbury House dictionaries p. 37 rob Jenkins Practical Ideas for the Adult ESL/EFL Classroom stand out p. 38 • Downtown p. 42 • english in action p. 40 andy Curtis Pursuing Professional Development teachersource series p. 106 neil J. anderson Teaching ESL/EFL Reading milestones p. 8 • Visions p. 14 • reading explorer p. 58 • aCtiVe skills for reading p. 64 • Key Concepts p. 78 • Heinle reading library p. 20 • Footprint reading library p. 19 • Foundations reading library p. 24 • Classic graphic novel Collection p. 22 Diane larsenFreeman Teaching Grammar for ESL/EFL milestones p. 8 • Visions p. 14 • World english p. 46 • grammar in Context p. 50 • grammar Dimensions p. 55 • grammar Connections p. 54 • grammar links p. 56 • grammar Café p. 53 • english in action p. 40 • stand out p. 38 Hugh Dellar and Teaching Lexically andrew Walkley i.s.P. nation Teaching ESL/EFL Vocabulary milestones p. 8 • Visions p. 14 • World english p. 46 • stand out p. 38 • Heinle Picture Dictionary p. 34 • Collins CobuilD dictionaries p. 26 • Heinle reading library p. 20 For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 105 teaCHersourCe teaCHersourCe Donald Freeman, Series Editor exPloring seConD language reaDing issues and strategies Neil J. Anderson, Brigham Young University “the teachersource series offers you a point of view on second/foreign language teaching. as a reader, you will find that each book has its own personality; it is not anonymous. it comes as a story, not as a directive, and is meant to create a relationship with you rather than assume your attention.” Donald Freeman } Exploring Second Language Reading: Issues and Strategies is a comprehensive exploration of esl reading. this text provides an overview of the key issues and practical strategies for teaching reading effectively. Also see Neil Anderson’s series ACTIVE Skills for Reading on p. 64. learning about language assessment Dilemmas, Decisions, and Directions sPeCial oFFer! teachersource—The Ultimate Collection includes all teachersource books! ................978-0-8384-4370-5 $302.75 Kathleen M. Bailey, Monterey Institute of International Studies this text provides a practical analysis of language assessment theory and accessible explanations of the statistics involved. teaCHing esl K – 12 Views from the Classroom Helene Becker, Else Hamayan Teaching ESL K – 12: Views from the Classroom addresses how to prepare english language learners to successfully enter the demands of mainstream classrooms, curricula, and schools. the authors artfully blend insightful classroom and school-based experience with frameworks of research and policy. Pursuing ProFessional DeVeloPment self as source Kathleen M. Bailey, Monterey Institute of International Studies Andy Curtis, David Nunan, University of Hong Kong intended for individual study or teacher-preparation programs, this text provides an up-to-date overview of key ideas and a comprehensive guide to the techniques and procedures of teacher self-development. 106 877-NEED -ESL Professional Development & Resources teaCHing seConD-language Writing interacting with text From grammar to grammaring Cherry Campbell, Sonoma State University Diane Larsen-Freeman, University of Michigan based on the philosophy that writing should be taught in conjunction with social and cultural expectations, this text teaches a variety of writing strategies, such as self-editing and portfolio writing, and provides practical advice on assessing writing and providing constructive feedback to students. a must-read for every language teaching professional, Teaching Language: From Grammar to Grammaring explores the regular, predictable elements of language as well as the potential creativity of its underlying system. by combining a wide range of viewpoints with her own personal experiences and studies, Diane larsen-Freeman challenges the static descriptive ideas of grammar, based on rules, and promotes the more fluid and dynamic notions of reason-driven grammaring, which she defines as “the ability to use grammar structures accurately, meaningfully, and appropriately.” Doing teaCHer researCH From inquiry to understanding teaCHing language Donald Freeman, School for International Training this text focuses on the intersection of teaching and research. by examining how research can fit within and transform the work of teaching, it offers a different perspective to teachers doing research. Designing language Courses Also see Diane Larsen-Freeman and Marianne Celce-Murcia’s The Grammar Book on p. 109. teaCHing Culture Perspectives in Practice Patrick Moran this clear and comprehensive text provides a practical guide to designing language courses by encouraging teachers to explore ways of evaluating materials and planning and organizing content. Teaching Culture: Perspectives in Practice offers multiple viewpoints on the interrelationship between language and culture and how they serve to teach meaning, offer a lens of identity, and provide a mechanism for social participation. authentic classroom experiences engage the reader and offer teachers invaluable support as they expand their ideas about how language and culture work. teaCHing bilingual CHilDren learning neW languages beliefs and behaviors a guide to second language acquisition Suzanne Irujo, Boston University, Emeritus Tom Scovel, San Francisco State University based on a vivid account of matilde’s classroom, this text is a comprehensive exploration of bilingual education theory and practice. this text explores a wide range of issues that influence how a person learns a second language. by using P.l.a.C.e. as an acronym, standing for People, language, attention, Cognition, and emotion, the text offers an accessible way to examine both the practical and theoretical sides of each issue. Kathleen Graves, School for International Training unDerstanDing language teaCHing reasoning in action WorKing WitH teaCHing metHoDs Karen E. Johnson, Pennsylvania State University What’s at stake? teachers are encouraged to reflect on their classroom practice by thinking critically about their own teaching, their colleagues’ teaching, and the environments in which they work. Earl W. Stevick by examining different methods of language teaching, this text models a way for teachers to analyze their own teaching by thinking critically about approaches, techniques, and materials. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 107 VoCabulary matrix understanding, learning, teaching Michael McCarthy, Anne O’Keeffe, Steve Walsh Vocabulary Matrix is a dynamic guide to the methodology of vocabulary instruction, offering clearly written theory and a compelling focus on practical teaching applications. ● ten chapters feature relevant, instructive teaching points, factoids, practical tasks and a full chapter review. ● invaluable task and review commentaries plus an answer Key are provided, in addition to a useful glossary of key terms. researCHing anD analyzing VoCabulary NEW! I.S.P. Nation, Stuart Webb Written for researchers and graduate students in the field of vocabulary studies, Researching and Analyzing Vocabulary covers a wide range of vocabulary research topics that include experimental, qualitative, and corpus-based work. the study of vocabulary has direct implications for teaching and learning while enhancing student knowledge of research practices. ● Provides tools for designing and critiquing research studies ● analyzes field studies for enhanced knowledge of both successful and problematic research techniques ● suggests research topics to enhance areas in the field of vocabulary studies where contributions are needed aDDitional ltP series titles 108 877-NEED -ESL tHe lexiCal aPProaCH PraCtiCal teCHniques the state of elt and a Way Forward For language teaching michael lewis michael lewis, Jimmie Hill Professional Development & Resources exPloring seConD language Classroom researCH a Comprehensive guide David Nunan, Kathleen M. Bailey Exploring Second Language Classroom Research is a comprehensive introductory manual for beginning and advanced researchers. the text is illustrated with a variety of qualitative and quantitative data and includes tasks for reflection and application. teaCHing englisH as a seConD or Foreign language, third edition Marianne Celce-Murcia, Editor this best-selling methodology resource gives experienced and prospective teachers the theoretical background and practical applications they need to succeed. new contributions from more than 40 acknowledged specialists in the field cover methodology, language skills, integrated approaches, learner variables, and teacher skills. Discussion questions and activities, methods, materials, and other resources make this ideal for classroom and/or personal use. tHe grammar booK, second edition tHe PoWer oF Context in language teaching and learning Jan Frodesen, Christine A. Holten, Editors The Power of Context in Language Teaching and Learning provides a highly accessible, in-depth study of the relationship between discourse and the context of language teaching and learning. this text contains a strong combination of theory and practice that will benefit any language teacher or student. Contributions from 30 renowned specialists provide a variety of insights and perspectives, with an emphasis on practical applications. essentials oF teaCHing aCaDemiC englisH series Oral Communication: Reading: Writing: Vocabulary: John Murphy Sharon Seymour, Laura Walsh Joy M. Reid Averil Coxhead the four books in the Essentials series, one for each skill area, provide helpful information for instructors who wish to teach academic english. these short, easy-to-read volumes are suitable for instructors for professional development or program administrators for pre-service or in-service training. they are ideal as the basis for workshops or brown bag discussions. Marianne Celce-Murcia, Diane Larsen-Freeman in this highly acclaimed revision, grammatical descriptions and teaching suggestions are organized into sections dealing with form, meaning, and use. The Grammar Book helps teachers and future teachers grasp the linguistic system and details of english grammar, providing more information on how structures are used at the discourse level. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 109 language: tHe soCial mirror language learning strategies Fourth edition What every teacher should Know Elaine Chaika Rebecca L. Oxford Language: The Social Mirror focuses on the ways language is used and how this use affects society and the individual. thoroughly revised, the fourth edition presents a modern study of sociolinguistics through updated case studies and current research findings. this text provides esl/eFl teachers with practical recommendations for developing their students’ second language strategies. Topics include: ● Detailed suggestions for strategy use in the four language skills ● Case studies and models for setting up programs ● a practical approach that translates research into suitable information ● a strong research base from a wide range of sources bilingualism • business • global Dialects • gender and language assessing language ability in tHe Classroom, second edition Dual language instruCtion Andrew D. Cohen this second edition presents various principles for guiding teachers through the assessment process (dictation, cloze summary, oral interview, role-plays, and portfolio assessment techniques). 110 877-NEED -ESL a Handbook for enriched education Nancy Cloud, Fred Genesee, Else Hamayan this popular volume provides a comprehensive, theoretical framework and practical guide to implementing, evaluating, administering, and maintaining successful two-way immersion, developmental bilingual, and foreign language immersion programs. Professional Development & Resources seConD language teaCHing & learning David Nunan Second Language Teaching & Learning is the first professional title to offer a practical introduction to the theoretical foundations of task-based language teaching. ● Provides comprehensive coverage of the topics typically addressed in methodology courses: language, the learner, the learning process, and classroom teaching ● includes illustrative scenarios and topics for discussion and writing ● Provides the pedagogical overview that esl/eFl teachers need to teach successfully with Expressions and Listen In tHe elements oF language CurriCulum tHe taPestry oF language learning the individual in the Communicative Classroom Rebecca L. Oxford, Robin C. Scarcella this teacher resource book weaves together language learning strategies, learning styles, theme- and task-based instruction, and the relatedness of skills. teachers will also find practical ideas and strategies to implement in class. teaCHing anD learning VoCabulary I.S.P. Nation Teaching and Learning Vocabulary examines the principles of vocabulary acquisition and presents a unified approach to vocabulary teaching and learning. a systematic approach to Program Development James Dean Brown The Elements of Language Curriculum provides a practical, comprehensive overview of the different phases and activities involved in developing and implementing a sound, rational, and effective language program. teaCHing VoCabulary strategies and techniques I.S.P. Nation Written especially for teachers, Teaching Vocabulary: Strategies and Techniques thoroughly examines over 60 teaching techniques and suggests clear, research-based principles for vocabulary learning. this unified approach presents vocabulary instruction through listening, speaking, reading, and writing development. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 111 A ackert, Patricia 65 anderson, neil J. 8, 64, 85, 105, 106 arden, marianne mcDougal 101 ascher, allen 79 avery, John D. 66 acevedo, ana 49 B badalamenti, Victoria 55 badger, ian 101 bailey, Kathleen m. 104, 106, 109 becker, Helene 106 beisbier, beverly 89 bennett, andrew e. 62 benson, beverly 57 benz, Cheryl 66, 67, 89 benz, stephen 67 blanton, linda lonon 24, 69, 79 blass, laurie 79 blot, David 79 bragger, Jeannette D. 83 brems, marianne 78 broukal, milada 57, 72, 80, 99 brown, James Dean 111 bull, Pat 91 bunting, John D. 90 butler, linda 56 byrd, Patricia 57, 66, 78, 84, 90 C Cake, Cathleen D. 54 Campbell, Cherry 107 Carlisi, Karen 54, 57, 89 Cassriel, betsy 68 Cavusgil, sharon 78 Celce-murcia, marianne 54, 107, 109 Chaika, elaine 110 Chamot, anna uhl 49 Chan, marsha 84 Chase, becky tarver 46, 80 Christie, susana 89 Clabeaux, David 70 Clari, michela 105 Cloud, nancy 110 Cohen, andrew D. 104, 110 Collins, tim 32, 49 Comfort, Jeremy 101 Connerton, Patrice 99 Costa, greg 69 Cotter, eileen 78 Coxhead, averil 109 Cramner, yvonne 84 Croghan-Ford, Kelly 78 Cruz, bárbara C. 33 Cummings, martha graves 88 Cuomo, anna 49 Curtis, andy 48, 105, 106 112 877-NEED -ESL D Daise, Debra 56 Davidson, David m. 79 Davis, tracy 89 DeFilippo, Judy 89 Delk, Cheryl l. 84 Dellar, Hugh 105 Diamond, Judith 25 Dollahite, nancy e. 76 Douglas, nancy 44, 48, 58 Dowling, barbara tolley 101 Dumett, Paul 101 Dunkel, Patricia a. 87, 104 Dworak, Kara 89 E eichler, marie Hutchison 91 elbaum, sandra n. 50 engel, robert 89 eyring, Janet 55 Harris, tim 49 Harrison, mark 99 Hartel, Jo anne 49 Hartmann, Pamela 89 Haun, Julie 76 Hendon, Whit 49 Henein, nadia 68 Henner-stanchina, Carolyn 55 Herzfeld-Pipkin, nancy 78 Hill, Jimmie 108 Hilles, sharon 54 Holder, Victoria 69 Holisky, Dee ann 91 Hollinger, lisa 91 Holten, Christine a. 109 Houck, noel 54 Howard, Julie 90 Hughes, annie 104 Huizenga, Jann 79 Huntley, Helen 91 I F Falk, randee 56 Farina, marcella 90 Fellag, linda robinson 66, 69, 79 Firsten, richard 54 Flower, John 101 Flynn, Kathleen 99 Foley, barbara H. 40, 57, 85 Folse, Keith s. 70, 75, 79, 90 Fragiadakis, Helen Kalkstein 87, 89 Francis, gladys berro 79 Freeman, Donald 106, 107 Frodesen, Jan 55, 109 G gati, sally 49 genesee, Fred 110 genzel, rhona b. 88 gerighty, terence 101 gill, mary mcVey 89 gille, Chaudron 90 glazier, teresa Ferster 79 gonzalez, Joan baker 49 gonzalez, Patricia mooney 49 goodale, malcolm 101 gordon, Deborah 49 grant, linda 88 grant, margaret 88 graves, Kathleen 107 gregg, Joan young 79 guleff, Virginia 69 H Hallows, richard 99 Hamayan, else 106, 110 Harmer, Jeremy 49 Harper, Kathryn 89 irujo, suzanne 107 islam, Carlos 69 J Jamall, maurice 24 Jenkins, rob 38, 105 Jillett, rosi 101 Johannsen, Kristin l. 46, 48, 100 Johnson, Karen e. 107 Johnson, staci 38 Johnston, susan s. 69 Jones, barbara 91 Jones, steve 78, 84 K Kalbach, suzanne 78 Keating, Kevin 104 Keen, Dennis 91 Kelly, Curtis 85 Kennedy-isern, Kelly 79 Kenny, tom 89 Kerridge, David 101 Kinsella, Kate 16 King, Kevin 91 Kozyrev, Joann rishel 74, 86 Kuhlman, natalie 104 L lane, Janet 77 lange, ellen 77 larsen-Freeman, Diane 55, 105, 107, 109 le Dréan, laura t. 79 leather, sue 23 lee, linda 65, 69 leonhard, barbara Harris 79 lethaby, Carol 49 Author Index lewis, michael 108 lieske, Carmella 18 lim, Phyllis l. 87 lindsay, Dorothy 69 lisboa, martin 99 liu, Jun 89 lowry, betsy 49 lowther, Carol 69 P M macintyre, Paul 58 magy, ronna 48 mahnke, m. Kathleen 56, 79 malarcher, Casey 69 marcy, Peggy 89 mare, nancy nici 60 martínez, ron 101 marzano, robert J. 10, 27, 95, 102, 103 mascull, bill 101 maurer, Virginia 89 mcbride, edward J. 42 mcCarthy, michael 104, 108 mcCloskey, mary lou 14, 25 mcConochie, Jean a. 69 mcmullin, mary 49 medina, myra m. 66 menzies, Pete 101 mercer, Charles 101 menking, scott 18 miller, sue F. 89 milner, martin 46, 100 minicz, elizabeth 49 moran, Patrick 107 morgan, James r. 44, 48 motai, lyn 69 muchmore-Vokoun, april 70 murphy, John 109 N nation, i.s.P. 105, 108, 111 neblett, elizabeth r. 40, 57 newman, Christy m. 14, 25 norloff, Charl 56 nunan, David 89, 104, 106, 109, 111 nutta, Joyce 104 nuttall, gabriella 78 O o’brien, Josephine 100 o’Dowd, elizabeth 56 o’Keeffe, anne 104, 108 o’sullivan, Jill Korey 8, 14, 36, 54 obenda, Donna 91 omari, lydia 49 orion, gertrude F. 82 oxford, rebecca l. 69, 79, 89, 110, 111 Paul, David 89 Pavlik, Cheryl 67 Peman, Judi P. 50 Petty, angel bishop 89 Pialorsi, Frank 87 Pickett, William P. 67 Pike-baky, meredith 79 Podnecky, Janet 56 Polycarpou, susan 79 Porter, Patricia 77, 88 Powell, Kathryn 49 Powell, mark 101 Pugh, tison 70 R rainey de Diaz, isobel 49 reid, Frances 99 reid, Joy m. 66, 78, 84, 90, 109 reynolds, gail 68 rideout, Philip 37 riggenbach, Heidi 55 rizzo, susanne 89 robertson, Heather 99 roemer, ann e. 84 rogers, bruce 98, 99 rowe, allan 49 ruetten, mary K. 74 russell, Joan 79 ryall, michael 69 S samuda, Virginia 55 sanchez, Hector 100 sandy, Chuck 85 savage, K. lynn 49 scarcella, robin C. 111 schmid, Dawn 57 schuemann, Cynthia 66, 78, 84, 90 scovel, tom 104, 107 seymour, sharon 109 sharma, Pete 68 shelley, John 86 shoemaker, Connie 79 smalley, regina l. 74 smalzer, William 87 smith, lorraine C. 60 smith-Palinkas, barbara 75, 78 snellings, Courtenay meade 79 sokolik, m.e. 54, 69, 79 solomon, elena Vestri 70, 75, 79, 86 stack, lydia 14, 25 steenburgh, Carrie 69 steer, Jocelyn 57 stein, marni baker 86 stempleski, susan 44, 48 stevick, earl W. 107 T templin, elizabeth e. 69 teske, margaret 89 thewlis, stephen 55 thomlinson, Julian 23 thompson, Celia 91 thornton, stephen J. 33 tortorella, Donna m. 75 trechter, sherry 91 trujillo, Jennifer 8 trump, Kathy 91 tunceren, li-lee 78 U unwin, mark 99 V van zante, Janis 56 vanDommelen, Deborah 69, 77 W Wada, tamami 89 Walkley, andrew 105 Wall, allie Patricia 89 Walsh, Karen e. 78 Walsh, laura 109 Walsh, steve 104, 108 Waring, robert 19, 23, 24 Webb, stuart 108 Webster, megan 89 Weidauer, marie Hutchison 79 Weinstein, nina 49 Whitehead, russell 99 Wholey, mary lee 68 Wiederholt, Karen 69 Williams, ivor 100 Williams, lorraine 79 Williamson, eliana santana 84 Wilson, Paige 79 Wisniewska, ingrid 55 Z zukowski/Faust, Jean 69 For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 113 all prices in this catalog reflect both the educationally discounted net price (or bookstore wholesale price) and the publisher’s list price (student price from the publisher, or suggested retail price) at the time of this publication. individual prices, single-copy orders, and orders to certain account types may vary. Prices are subject to change without notice and do not include shipping and handling. Title ISBN Net List A Academic Vocabulary Toolkit p. 16 Level 1 text ....................................................................978-1-111-82746-5 $29.50 $39.95 teacher’s guide with Professional Development DVD ....................................978-1-133-31291-8 $22.50 $29.95 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-133-31289-5 $100.00 $134.95 Professional Development DVD (1 & 2) ....978-1-111-82790-8 $10.00 $13.95 Level 2 text ....................................................................978-1-111-82747-2 $29.50 $39.95 teacher’s guide with Professional Development DVD......................................978-1-133-31288-8 $22.50 $29.95 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-133-31290-1 $100.00 $134.95 Professional Development DVD (1 & 2) ....978-1-111-82790-8 $10.00 $13.95 Academic Word Power book 1 (144 pp.) ..............................................978-0-618-39768-6 book 2 (144 pp.) ..............................................978-0-618-39769-3 book 3 (144 pp.) ..............................................978-0-618-39770-9 book 4 (144 pp.) ..............................................978-0-618-39774-7 p. 91 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 Access Reading $23.95 $23.95 $23.95 $23.95 p. 49 Book 1 text (128 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-0772-5 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4130-9462-6 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4130-0773-2 instructor’s manual ........................................978-1-4130-0774-9 Book 2 text (128 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-0680-3 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4130-9464-0 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4130-0776-3 instructor’s manual ........................................978-1-4130-0775-6 Book 3 text (144 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-0778-7 text/audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-4130-9466-4 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4130-0780-0 instructor’s manual ........................................978-1-4130-0779-4 Book 4 text (144 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-0782-4 text/audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-4130-9468-8 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4130-0783-1 instructor’s manual ........................................978-1-4130-0701-5 $22.25 $28.25 $25.75 $12.25 $29.95 $37.95 $34.95 $16.95 $22.25 $28.25 $25.75 $12.25 $29.95 $37.95 $34.95 $16.95 $22.25 $28.25 $45.25 $12.25 $29.95 $37.95 $60.95 $16.95 $22.25 $28.25 $45.25 $12.25 $29.95 $37.95 $60.95 $16.95 Across the Board* p. 69 text (288 pp.) ..................................................978-0-03-032482-6 $31.25 $41.95 *Across the Board is book 3 of the Steps to Academic Reading series. 114 877-NEED -ESL ISBN Net $40.00 $12.50 $41.75 $21.00 $31.25 $53.95 $16.95 $55.95 $27.95 $41.95 $32.00 $42.95 $40.00 $12.50 $41.75 $21.00 $31.25 $53.95 $16.95 $55.95 $27.95 $41.95 ACTIVE Skills for Reading, 2/e Intro text (176 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-0231-3 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4240-9423-3 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-0233-7 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-1-4240-0232-0 Book 1 text (176 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-0186-6 text/audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-4240-9419-6 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4240-0187-3 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-1-4240-0188-0 Book 2 text (176 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-0208-5 text/audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-4240-9420-2 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4240-0210-8 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-1-4240-0209-2 Book 3 text (216 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-0211-5 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4240-9347-2 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-0213-9 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-1-4240-0212-2 Book 4 text (240 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-0236-8 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4240-9422-6 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-0238-2 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-1-4240-0237-5 List p. 64 $32.00 $40.00 $24.25 $33.75 $42.95 $53.95 $32.95 $45.95 $32.00 $40.00 $45.25 $33.75 $42.95 $53.95 $60.95 $45.95 $32.00 $40.00 $45.25 $33.75 $42.95 $53.95 $60.95 $45.95 $32.00 $40.00 $24.25 $33.75 $42.95 $53.95 $32.95 $45.95 $32.00 $40.00 $24.25 $33.75 $42.95 $53.95 $32.95 $45.95 assessment CD-rom with examView® (intro – 2)................................978-1-4240-0235-1 $125.00 $168.95 assessment CD-rom with examView® (books 3 & 4)..........................978-1-4240-0794-3 $125.00 $168.95 Advanced Grammar Book, The, 2/e text (448 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-4715-4 Workbook ..........................................................978-0-8384-4717-8 text/Workbook Pkg. ......................................978-0-8384-8683-2 instructor’s manual ........................................978-0-8384-8099-1 p. 57 $43.75 $23.75 $60.75 $16.00 $58.95 $31.95 $81.95 $21.95 p. 85 Advanced Listening Comprehension, 3/e* $32.00 $42.95 $40.00 $12.50 $41.75 $21.00 $31.25 $53.95 $16.95 $55.95 $27.95 $41.95 text (224 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-0396-3 $35.00 $46.95 text/audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-4130-7529-8 $47.00 $63.95 audio CDs (5) ..................................................978-1-4130-0603-2 $125.00 $168.95 DVD ....................................................................978-1-4130-0605-6 $127.75 $172.95 $32.00 $42.95 ACTIVE Skills for Communication Intro student text ....................................................978-1-4130-2034-2 student text with student audio CD Pkg...............................978-1-4240-0905-3 Workbook ........................................................978-1-4240-0110-1 Classroom audio CD ......................................978-1-4240-0121-7 student audio CD ..........................................978-1-4240-0125-5 teacher’s edition ............................................978-1-4240-0102-6 Level 1 student text ....................................................978-1-4130-2031-1 Title student text with student audio CD Pkg...............................978-1-4240-0908-4 Workbook ........................................................978-1-4240-0107-1 Classroom audio CD ......................................978-1-4240-0118-7 student audio CD ..........................................978-1-4240-0122-4 teacher’s edition ............................................978-1-4240-0089-0 Level 2 student text ....................................................978-1-4130-2032-8 student text with student audio CD Pkg. ............................978-1-4240-0909-1 Workbook ........................................................978-1-4240-0108-8 Classroom audio CD ......................................978-1-4240-0119-4 student audio CD ........................................978-1-4240-0123-1 teacher’s edition ............................................978-1-4240-0090-6 p. 87 *Advanced Listening Comprehension is book 3 of the Listening and Notetaking series. Against All Odds text (228 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-2855-9 audio tapes (2)................................................978-0-8384-2856-6 p. 91 $35.25 $42.75 $47.95 $57.95 Title Index/ISBN/Pricing Guide Title ISBN Net A Good Read List p. 69 Level 1 student book....................................................978-1-4240-0422-5 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-0423-2 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-1-4240-0424-9 Level 2 student book....................................................978-1-4240-0425-6 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-0426-3 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-1-4240-0427-0 Level 3 student book....................................................978-1-4240-0428-7 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-0429-4 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-1-4240-0430-0 $26.50 $23.00 $23.00 $35.95 $30.95 $30.95 $26.50 $23.00 $23.00 $35.95 $30.95 $30.95 $26.50 $23.00 $23.00 $35.95 $30.95 $30.95 All Clear: Listening and Speaking Level 1, 2/e text (240 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-1703-8 text/audio CDs Pkg. ....................................978-1-4240-9921-4 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4130-2117-2 Level 2, 3/e text (240 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-1704-5 text/audio CDs Pkg. ....................................978-1-4240-9925-2 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4130-2118-9 Level 3, 2/e text (240 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-1705-2 text/audio CDs Pkg. ....................................978-1-4240-9435-6 audio CDs (3) ..................................................978-1-4130-2119-6 p. 87 $32.25 $38.00 $44.00 $43.95 $50.95 $58.95 $32.25 $38.00 $44.00 $43.95 $50.95 $58.95 $32.25 $38.00 $65.75 $43.95 $50.95 $88.95 assessment CD-rom with examView® (levels 1 – 3)..........................978-1-4240-0626-7 $119.00 $160.95 American Business Vocabulary text (96 pp.)......................................................978-0-906717-69-1 p. 101 $20.50 American Short Stories, 2/e $27.95 p. 69 text (240 pp.) ..................................................978-0-03-021334-2 $33.75 Applied English Grammar $45.95 p. 57 text (466 pp.) ..................................................978-0-03-033528-0 $42.25 Title ISBN Pre-Intermediate text (160 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-0908-8 Workbook ..........................................................978-1-4130-0913-2 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4130-0910-1 teacher’s resource book ..............................978-1-4130-0912-5 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4130-1469-3 Intermediate text (176 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-2185-1 Workbook ..........................................................978-1-4130-2859-1 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4130-2856-0 teacher’s resource book ..............................978-1-4130-2858-4 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4240-0886-5 Upper-Intermediate text (176 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-0065-4 Workbook ..........................................................978-1-4240-0066-1 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4240-0069-2 teacher’s resource book ..............................978-1-4240-0068-5 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4240-1617-4 Net List $27.00 $14.25 $45.25 $17.75 $72.75 $36.95 $18.95 $60.95 $23.95 $97.95 $27.00 $14.25 $45.25 $17.75 $72.75 $36.95 $18.95 $60.95 $23.95 $97.95 $27.00 $14.25 $45.25 $17.75 $72.75 $36.95 $18.95 $60.95 $23.95 $97.95 Between the Lines, 3/e* p. 69 text (352 pp.) ..................................................978-0-03-033994-3 $31.25 $41.95 *Between the Lines is book 5 of the Steps to Academic Reading series. Big Picture, The p. 91 text (208 pp.) ..................................................978-0-395-91712-1 $31.00 Blueprints $41.95 p. 79 book 1 (224 pp.) ..............................................978-0-618-14409-9 book 2 (272 pp.) ..............................................978-0-618-14410-5 $35.50 $35.50 Bridge to College Success $47.95 $47.95 p. 99 text (272 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-2907-5 $40.00 $53.95 audio tapes (2)................................................978-0-8384-3007-1 $58.75 $78.95 Videos (VHs) (2) ............................................978-0-8384-3009-5 $115.50 $155.95 Business Concepts for English Practice, 2/e text (202 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-4077-3 instructor’s manual ........................................978-0-8384-4210-4 p. 101 $38.00 $14.00 $50.95 $18.95 $56.95 C Assessing Language Ability in the Classroom, 2/e p. 110 text (400 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-4262-3 $42.00 At Home in Two Lands, 2/e $56.95 p. 67 text (240 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-2730-3 $29.75 $39.95 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-0442-3 $22.50 $29.95 assessment CD-rom with examView®* ..978-1-4240-0843-8 $125.00 $168.95 *For At Home in Two Lands, 2/e and Far From Home, 3/e. Basic Composition for ESL, 3/e p. 79 $34.25 Best Practice Elementary text (160 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-0902-6 Workbook ..........................................................978-1-4130-0903-3 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4130-0906-4 teacher’s resource book ..............................978-1-4130-0904-0 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4130-0907-1 Book 1 text (168 pp.) audio CDs (2) Book 2 text (240 pp.) audio CDs (2) $45.95 p. 101 $27.00 $14.25 $45.25 $17.75 $72.75 $36.95 $18.95 $60.95 $23.95 $97.95 p. 78 ..................................................978-0-618-47478-3 ..................................................978-1-4240-1749-2 $32.50 $40.00 $43.95 $53.95 ..................................................978-0-618-54974-0 ..................................................978-1-4240-1750-8 $32.50 $40.00 $43.95 $53.95 Cause & Effect, 4/e* B text (272 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-3004-0 Catalyst: Writing from Reading p. 65 text (304 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-0416-8 $30.00 $40.95 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4130-6240-3 $36.25 $48.95 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4130-1330-6 $27.00 $36.95 answer Key and Video transcripts (books 3 & 4)* ............................................978-1-4130-0612-4 $7.00 $9.95 assessment CD-rom with examView® (books 3 & 4)*........................978-1-4130-1327-6 $128.00 $172.95 Cnn® DVD (books 3 & 4)*............................978-1-4130-1588-1 $56.50 $75.95 Cnn® Video (books 3 & 4)*..........................978-1-4130-0611-7 $56.50 $75.95 *Cause & Effect, 4/e is book 3 of the Reading & Vocabulary Development series. For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 115 Title ISBN Classic Graphic Novel Collection, The A Christmas Carol 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-111-02405-5 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-111-03131-2 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-4575-4 Workbook ..........................................................978-1-111-00572-6 teacher’s manual ............................................978-1-4240-4632-4 A Midsummer Night's Dream 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-133-30630-6 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-133-31141-6 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-111-83848-5 Workbook ..........................................................978-1-111-83846-1 teacher's manual ............................................978-1-111-83847-8 Dracula 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-133-30629-0 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-133-31142-3 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-111-83852-2 Workbook ..........................................................978-1-111-83850-8 teacher's manual ............................................978-1-111-83851-5 Frankenstein 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3658-5 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-4676-8 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-4574-7 Workbook ..........................................................978-1-111-00571-9 teacher’s manual ............................................978-1-4240-4631-7 Great Expectations 5-Pack 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$22.00 $29.95 $81.00 $108.95 $405.00 $546.95 $20.50 $27.95 $8.00 $10.95 $22.00 $29.95 $81.00 $108.95 $405.00 $546.95 $20.50 $27.95 $8.00 $10.95 $22.00 $29.95 $81.00 $108.95 $405.00 $546.95 $20.50 $27.95 $8.00 $10.95 $22.00 $29.95 $81.00 $108.95 $405.00 $546.95 $20.50 $27.95 $8.00 $10.95 $22.00 $29.95 $81.00 $108.95 $405.00 $546.95 $20.50 $27.95 $8.00 $10.95 $22.00 $29.95 $81.00 $108.95 $405.00 $546.95 $20.50 $27.95 $8.00 $10.95 $22.00 $29.95 Title ISBN Net List The Tempest 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-111-65804-5 $81.00 $108.95 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-111-35597-5 $405.00 $546.95 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-111-22008-2 $20.50 $27.95 Workbook ..........................................................978-1-111-22006-8 $8.00 $10.95 teacher's manual ............................................978-1-4240-4297-5 $22.00 $29.95 Wuthering Heights 5-Pack 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........................978-1-4282-0308-2 audio CD ..........................................................978-0-618-23037-2 Book 2 text (270 pp.) ..................................................978-0-618-23017-4 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4282-0301-3 text/audio CD/ College Vocabulary 2 Pkg. ........................978-1-4282-0309-9 audio CD ..........................................................978-0-618-23038-9 Book 3 text (238 pp.) ..................................................978-0-618-23018-1 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4282-0299-3 text/audio CD/ College Vocabulary 3 Pkg. ........................978-1-4282-0310-5 audio CD ..........................................................978-0-618-23039-6 Book 4 text (206 pp.) ..................................................978-0-618-23019-8 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4282-0300-6 text/audio CD/ College Vocabulary 4 Pkg. ........................978-1-4282-0311-2 audio CD ..........................................................978-0-618-23040-2 p. 84 $32.75 $38.50 $43.95 $51.95 $47.25 $21.50 $63.95 $28.95 $32.75 $38.50 $43.95 $51.95 $47.25 $21.50 $63.95 $28.95 $32.75 $38.50 $43.95 $51.95 $47.25 $21.50 $63.95 $28.95 $32.75 $38.50 $43.95 $51.95 $47.25 $21.50 $63.95 $28.95 College Reading Book 1 text (256 pp.) ..................................................978-0-618-23020-4 text/College Vocabulary 1 Pkg. ..................978-1-4282-0298-6 Book 2 text (274 pp.) ..................................................978-0-618-23021-1 text/College Vocabulary 2 Pkg. ..................978-1-4130-5110-0 Book 3 text (318 pp.) ..................................................978-0-618-23022-8 text/College Vocabulary 3 Pkg. ..................978-1-4282-0322-8 Book 4 text (288 pp.) ..................................................978-0-618-23023-5 text/College Vocabulary 4 Pkg. 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Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary of American English, English/Korean *For pricing or to purchase, call 800-423-0563 and ask for support services or contact your Heinle representative. p. 31 softcover (1712 pp.) with CD-rom ..........978-1-4240-0079-1 $34.50 $46.95 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-111-05986-6 $776.25$1,047.95 CD-rom site license* ..................................978-1-111-35083-3 * * $11.95 p. 31 softcover (1008 pp.) with CD-rom ..........978-1-4240-1962-5 $29.25 $39.95 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3186-3 $658.00 $887.95 CD-rom site license* ..................................978-1-111-35082-6 * * *For pricing or to purchase, call 800-423-0563 and ask for support services or contact your Heinle representative. Collins COBUILD Illustrated Basic Dictionary of American English List $32.75 $44.75 *For pricing or to purchase, call 800-423-0563 and ask for support services or contact your Heinle representative. Collins COBUILD English/Spanish Student’s Dictionary of American English Net $43.95 $59.95 softcover (1680 pp.) with CD-rom and COBUILD To Go mobile application ......978-1-4240-0363-1 $34.50 $46.95 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0795-0 $776.25$1,047.95 CD-rom site license* ..................................978-1-4240-0810-0 * * softcover (400 pp.) ........................................978-1-4240-1964-9 ISBN $32.75 $44.75 Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary of American English softcover (1700 pp.) with CD-rom ..........978-1-133-04989-0 Title p. 27 softcover (632 pp.) with CD-rom and COBUILD To Go mobile application ......978-1-4240-0081-4 $20.00 $26.95 softcover (632 pp.) with CD-rom 25-Pack ......................................978-1-111-28556-2 $450.00 $607.95 softcover (632 pp.) ........................................978-1-4240-1940-3 $17.75 $23.95 softcover (632 pp.) 25-Pack ........................978-1-111-34649-2 $400.00 $539.95 p. 30 p. 31 softcover (1056 pp.) with CD-rom ..........978-1-4240-7588-1 $29.25 $39.95 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-111-05988-0 $658.00 $887.95 CD-rom site license* ..................................978-1-111-35104-5 * * *For pricing or to purchase, call 800-423-0563 and ask for support services or contact your Heinle representative. Communicating Effectively in English, 2/e text (252 pp.) ..................................................978-0-534-17268-8 instructor’s manual ........................................978-0-534-17269-5 p. 88 $45.25 $16.50 Communication Strategies, 2/e Level 1 text (120 pp.) ..................................................978-981-4232-59-3 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-981-4232-60-9 audio CD ..........................................................978-981-4232-61-6 Level 2 text (120 pp.) ..................................................978-981-4232-62-3 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-981-4232-63-0 audio CD ..........................................................978-981-4232-64-7 Level 3 text (120 pp.) ..................................................978-981-2659-14-9 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-981-4232-65-4 audio CD ..........................................................978-981-4232-66-1 Level 4 text (120 pp.) ..................................................978-981-4232-67-8 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-981-4232-68-5 audio CD ..........................................................978-981-4232-69-2 $60.95 $21.95 p. 89 $32.00 $35.25 $23.75 $42.95 $47.95 $31.95 $32.00 $35.25 $23.75 $42.95 $47.95 $31.95 $32.00 $35.25 $23.75 $42.95 $47.95 $31.95 $32.00 $35.25 $23.75 $42.95 $47.95 $31.95 For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 117 Title ISBN Net Complete Guide to the TOEFL® Test iBT Edition, The List p. 98 text (856 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-2302-2 $40.50 $54.95 text (856 pp.)/CD-rom Pkg. ......................978-1-4130-2303-9 $48.75 $65.95 text (856 pp.)/CD-rom/ online tutorial Pkg.....................................978-1-111-21808-9 $54.00 $72.95 text (856 pp.)/CD-rom/ audio CDs/online tutorial* ....................978-1-111-02476-5 $75.00 $100.95 interactive CD-rom ......................................978-1-4130-2328-2 $49.50 $66.95 audio CDs (13) ................................................978-1-4130-2308-4 $278.75 $375.95 audio script and answer Key ......................978-1-4130-2311-4 $47.50 $63.95 *related Product: see Online Tutorial for the TOEFL© iBT. p. 98 text (856 pp.) ..................................................978-1-111-22059-4 $34.50 $46.95 text/audio CD Pkg. ......................................978-1-111-49165-9 $50.75 $68.95 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-111-22060-0 $131.25 $176.95 Complete Guide to the TOEIC® Test, The, 3/e p. 99 text (348 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-0296-2 $40.50 $54.95 text/audio CDs/answer Key Pkg. ..............978-1-4240-9945-0 $69.00 $92.95 audio CDs (5) ..................................................978-1-4240-0377-8 $112.25 $151.95 audio script and answer Key ......................978-1-4240-0309-9 $11.00 $14.95 Composition Practice, 3/e Concepts & Comments, 3/e* p. 79 $32.50 $32.50 $32.50 $32.50 $43.95 $43.95 $43.95 $43.95 p. 65 text (264 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-0417-5 $30.00 $40.95 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4130-6245-8 $36.25 $48.95 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4130-1328-3 $27.00 $36.95 answer Key and Video transcripts (books 3 & 4)*..............................................978-1-4130-0612-4 $7.00 $9.95 assessment CD-rom with examView® (books 3 & 4)*........................978-1-4130-1327-6 $128.00 $172.95 Cnn® Video (books 3 & 4)*..........................978-1-4130-0611-7 $56.50 $75.95 Cnn® DVD (books 3 & 4)*............................978-1-4130-1588-1 $56.50 $75.95 DVDs can now be purchased directly from Heinle. some restrictions apply. Crossroads Café can also be ordered directly from inteleCom, 150 e. Colorado boulevard, suite 300, Pasadena, Ca 91105-1937 tel: 800-576-2988 or 626-796-7300 Fax: 626-577-4282. p. 88 text (192 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-0404-1 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4240-4794-9 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-5119-9 Designing Language Courses text (240 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-7909-4 $48.95 $55.95 $37.95 p. 107 $30.00 Destinations $40.95 p. 78 Book 1 text (300 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-1935-3 $32.50 $43.95 grammar Workbook ......................................978-1-4130-2244-5 $17.25 $22.95 text/grammar Workbook Pkg. ....................978-1-4240-9346-5 $45.25 $60.95 instructor’s manual: Writing and grammar................................978-1-4130-2247-6 $20.50 $27.95 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4130-2241-4 $125.00 $168.95 Book 2 text (264 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-1936-0 $32.50 $43.95 grammar Workbook ......................................978-1-4130-2245-2 $17.25 $22.95 text/grammar Workbook Pkg. ....................978-1-4130-6057-7 $45.25 $60.95 instructor’s manual: Writing and grammar................................978-1-4130-2248-3 $20.50 $27.95 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4130-2242-1 $125.00 $168.95 Developing Composition Skills, 3/e p. 74 text (304 pp.) ..................................................978-1-111-22055-6 $37.50 $50.95 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-111-22054-9 $100.00 $134.95 Developing Vocabulary Skills, 2/e 877-NEED -ESL $36.00 $41.50 $28.00 D text (272 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-4672-0 answer Key/instructor’s manual ................978-0-8384-4673-7 p. 49 List *available to license holders only Crossroads Café Net DVD set a (2) with: single site license ......................................978-1-58370-040-2 $876.50 $1,182.95 each additional set* $250.00 Pack DVD set b (2) with: single site license ......................................978-1-58370-041-9 $876.50 $1,182.95 each additional set* $250.00 Pack *Concepts & Comments, 3/e is book 4 of the Reading & Vocabulary Development series. Photo stories a: episodes 1 – 13 (232 pp.)..........................978-0-8384-6608-7 $24.50 $32.95 Photo stories b: episodes 14 – 26 (238 pp.) ......................978-0-8384-6607-0 $24.50 $32.95 Worktext a: episodes 1 – 13 (222 pp.)..........................978-0-8384-6612-4 $24.50 $32.95 Worktext b: episodes 14 – 26 (222 pp.) ......................978-0-8384-6606-3 $24.50 $32.95 Partner guide ..................................................978-0-8384-6614-8 $9.00 $11.95 teacher’s resource book a: episodes 1 – 13............................................978-0-8384-6436-6 $64.25 $86.95 teacher’s resource book b: episodes 14 – 26 ........................................978-0-8384-6434-2 $64.25 $86.95 reproducible Handouts: episodes 1 – 26............................................978-0-8384-6615-5 $75.00 $100.95 assessment Pkg. a: episodes 1 – 13 ........978-0-8384-8061-8 $150.00 $202.95 assessment Pkg. b: episodes 14 – 26 ......978-0-8384-8062-5 $150.00 $202.95 DVD Pack (4) (includes episodes a&b) with: single site license ......................................978-1-58370-042-6 $1,653.75 $2,232.95 each additional set* $250.00 Pack 118 ISBN Culturally Speaking, 3/e Complete Guide to the TOEFL® Test PBT Edition, The book 1 (112 pp.) ..............................................978-0-8384-1993-9 book 2 (160 pp.) ..............................................978-0-8384-1998-4 book 3 (176 pp.) ..............................................978-0-8384-1999-1 book 4 (208 pp.) ..............................................978-0-8384-2000-3 Title p. 91 $40.50 $16.50 Discoveries in Academic Writing text (352 pp.) ..................................................978-0-15-507255-8 instructor’s manual ........................................978-0-15-507256-5 p. 79 $40.75 $41.50 Doing Teacher Research text (272 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-7900-1 $54.95 $55.95 p. 107 $30.00 Downtown Basic text (240 pp.) 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English for Business E text (272 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-5810-5 ISBN *Pricing for ELT Advantage (Net) Picture Cards (levels basic, 1, & 2) ............978-1-111-00674-7 $50.00 $67.95 transparencies (levels 1 & 2) ......................978-0-8384-5105-2 $61.25 $82.95 assessment CD-rom with examView® (levels 1 & 2) ........................978-0-8384-5700-9 $113.25 $152.95 assessment CD-rom with examView® (levels 3 & 4) ........................978-1-4130-2266-7 $113.25 $152.95 text (240 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-8801-0 Title text with audio CD ........................................978-1-4130-2088-5 teacher’s resource book ..............................978-1-4240-0011-1 p. 100 $25.75 $25.00 English for Business Life Elementary text ....................................................................978-0-462-00755-7 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-111-62547-4 audio CD ..........................................................978-0-462-00758-8 teacher’s manual ............................................978-0-462-00757-1 $34.95 $33.95 p. 101 $22.00 $28.00 $37.75 $12.50 $29.95 $37.95 $50.95 $16.95 For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 119 Title ISBN Net List $22.00 $28.00 $37.75 $12.50 $29.95 $37.95 $50.95 $16.95 $22.00 $28.00 $37.75 $12.50 $29.95 $37.95 $50.95 $16.95 $22.00 $28.00 $37.75 $12.50 $29.95 $37.95 $50.95 $16.95 English for Cabin Crew p. 101 text ....................................................................978-0-462-09873-9 $23.00 audio CD ..........................................................978-0-462-09875-3 $23.00 teacher’s guide ..............................................Free online with Purchase English for Health Sciences text with audio CD ........................................978-1-4130-2089-2 teacher’s resource book ..............................978-1-4240-0012-8 $25.75 $25.00 120 877-NEED -ESL $34.95 $33.95 p. 100 $25.75 $25.00 assessment CD-rom with examView ....978-1-111-00166-7 interactive CD-rom site license ..............978-1-111-35125-0 Level 3 text (272 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-4992-9 Workbook with audio CD ............................978-1-111-00563-4 interactive CD-rom ......................................978-1-4266-3417-8 text/Workbook Pkg. ......................................978-1-111-22743-2 text/audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-111-22741-8 text/audio CDs/Workbook Pkg. ................978-1-111-22744-9 text/interactive CD-rom Pkg.....................978-1-111-62679-2 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-8503-3 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-1-4240-8499-9 Classroom Presentation tool CD-rom ....978-1-111-00560-3 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-111-00167-4 interactive CD-rom site license ..............978-1-111-35126-7 Level 4 text (288 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-4993-6 Workbook with audio CD ............................978-1-111-00562-7 interactive CD-rom ......................................978-1-4266-3418-5 text/Workbook Pkg. ......................................978-1-111-22746-3 text/audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-111-22745-6 text/audio CDs/Workbook Pkg. ................978-1-111-22736-4 text/interactive CD-rom Pkg.....................978-1-111-62681-5 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-8504-0 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-1-4240-8500-2 Classroom Presentation tool CD-rom ....978-1-111-00559-7 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-111-00165-0 interactive CD-rom site license ..............978-1-111-35128-1 Levels 1–4 teacher training Video .................................. ..................................................................978-1-111-35413-8 Net List $45.00 * $60.95 * $19.00 $12.00 $20.00 $26.00 $24.00 $28.50 $20.00 $45.00 $29.75 $30.00 $45.00 * $25.95 $15.95 $26.95 $34.95 $31.95 $38.95 $26.95 $60.95 $39.95 $40.95 $60.95 * $19.00 $12.00 $20.00 $26.00 $24.00 $28.50 $20.00 $45.00 $29.75 $30.00 $45.00 * $25.95 $15.95 $26.95 $34.95 $31.95 $38.95 $26.95 $60.95 $39.95 $40.95 $60.95 * Free online with Purchase *For pricing or to purchase, call 800-423-0563 and ask for support services or contact your Heinle representative. Essential Academic Vocabulary p. 91 $34.95 $33.95 text (254 pp.) ..................................................978-0-618-44542-4 p. 40 Essentials of Teaching Academic English series $19.00 $12.00 $20.00 $26.00 $24.00 $28.50 $20.00 $45.00 $29.75 $30.00 $45.00 * $25.95 $15.95 $26.95 $34.95 $31.95 $38.95 $26.95 $60.95 $39.95 $40.95 $60.95 * see individual titles: Essentials of Teaching Academic Oral Communication, Essentials of Teaching Academic Reading, Essentials of Teaching Academic Vocabulary, and Essentials of Teaching Academic Writing. $19.00 $12.00 $20.00 $26.00 $24.00 $28.50 $20.00 $45.00 $29.75 $30.00 $25.95 $15.95 $26.95 $34.95 $31.95 $38.95 $26.95 $60.95 $39.95 $40.95 English in Action, 2/e Level 1 text (256 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-4990-5 Workbook with audio CD ............................978-1-111-00565-8 interactive CD-rom ......................................978-1-4266-3415-4 text/Workbook Pkg. 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ISBN Net List Footprint Reading Library (continued) Level 2 (continued) Water Sports Adventure 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-4710-9 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3714-8 Amazing Science Dinosaur Search 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3772-8 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3645-5 The Memory Man 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-4697-3 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3707-0 Wild Animal Trackers 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-4712-3 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3716-2 level 2 Collection (bound anthology) ......978-1-4240-4514-3 teacher’s manual 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................................................................978-1-4240-4680-5 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3685-1 The Olympians 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-4704-8 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3709-4 Zoo Dentists 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-4707-9 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3718-6 Exciting Activities The Art of Making Silk 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-4687-4 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3697-4 Capoeira: The Fighting Dance 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3759-9 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3632-5 Net List $42.50 $56.95 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5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-4686-7 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3691-2 Solar Cooking 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-4689-8 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3694-3 level 4 Collection (bound anthology) ......978-1-4240-4515-0 teacher’s manual ............................................978-1-4240-4386-6 DVD ....................................................................978-1-4240-1256-5 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-4452-8 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4240-4399-6 Footprint reading library online e-book Collection – level 4 (1-year access) ......978-1-4240-7317-7 Level 5 Incredible Animals Beagle Patrol 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3750-6 25-Pack 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25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3704-9 Exciting Activities Chuckwagon Racing 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3756-8 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3628-8 Para-Life Rescue! 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-4683-6 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3683-7 Amazing Science Mysterious Crop Circles 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3793-3 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3680-6 Tornado Chase 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-4708-6 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3708-7 Net List $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 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in Trouble 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3732-2 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3664-6 Cheetahs in Focus 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3735-3 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3667-7 Fascinating Places The Black Diamonds of Provence 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-4693-5 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3693-6 Shark Alley 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3747-6 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3618-9 Remarkable People A Chinese Artist in Harlem 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3738-4 25-Pack 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25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3663-9 Fascinating Places The Hidden Treasures of Egypt 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3745-2 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3677-6 $42.00 $56.95 $21.00 $27.95 $104.75 $140.95 $31.50 $42.95 $105.00 $141.95 $20.00 $26.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 $20.00 $26.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 123 Title ISBN Net List Footprint Reading Library (continued) Level 7 (continued) The Exciting Streets of Barcelona 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3748-3 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3619-6 Remarkable People Dinosaur Builder 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3755-1 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3627-1 Snake Detective 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3751-3 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3623-3 Exciting Activities Canyaking Adventure 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3761-2 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3634-9 Space Walk 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3769-8 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3642-4 Amazing Science The Amazing Human Body 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3775-9 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3942-5 Saving the Amazon Together 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3777-3 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3944-9 level 7 Collection (bound anthology) ......978-1-4240-4518-1 teacher’s manual ............................................978-1-4240-4391-0 DVD ....................................................................978-1-4240-1259-6 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-4455-9 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4240-4422-1 Footprint reading library online e-book Collection – level 7 (1-year access) ......978-1-4240-7326-9 Level 8 Incredible Animals The Perfect Swarm 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3734-6 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3666-0 The Red Devils 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3737-7 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3669-1 Fascinating Places The Varied Cultures of China 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3741-4 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3673-8 The Orient Express 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3749-0 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3620-2 Remarkable People Natacha’s Animal Rescue 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3794-0 25-Pack 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Rain! Rain! 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9662-6 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0724-0 Bad Dog? Good Dog! 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9761-6 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0751-6 Get the Ball! 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9756-2 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0760-8 The Tickets 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9643-5 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0721-9 $20.00 $26.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 $42.50 $56.95 $175.00 $235.95 List Firewalking 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-3770-4 $42.50 $56.95 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-3643-1 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................................................................978-1-4240-9694-7 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0728-8 The New Guitar 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9666-4 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0744-8 Trouble at the Zoo 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9646-6 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0717-2 Singer Wanted! 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9657-2 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0727-1 $46.95 p. 24 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $42.00 $11.50 $21.50 $22.00 $56.95 $15.95 $28.95 $29.95 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5--Pack................................................................978-1-4240-9655-8 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0729-5 Kung Fu Kid 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9672-5 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0737-0 A Good Friend 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9764-7 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0749-3 Quick Thinking 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9664-0 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0746-2 I Always Win! 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9765-4 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0755-4 Quiz Night 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9663-3 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0747-9 level 3 Collection............................................978-1-4240-0566-6 activity book ....................................................978-1-4240-0053-1 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4240-0060-9 lesson Planner ................................................978-1-4240-0096-8 Level 4 I Spy 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9766-1 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0736-3 Go Jimmy Go! 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9755-5 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0761-5 Do I Tell? 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9759-3 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0754-7 Lost at Sea 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9670-1 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0739-4 The Shipwreck 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9648-0 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0715-8 Mystery on the Island 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9642-8 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0722-6 level 4 Collection............................................978-1-4240-0572-7 activity book ....................................................978-1-4240-0054-8 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4240-0061-6 lesson Planner ................................................978-1-4240-0097-5 $42.00 $11.50 $44.00 $22.00 $56.95 $15.95 $58.95 $29.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $42.00 $11.50 $44.00 $22.00 $56.95 $15.95 $58.95 $29.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $42.00 $11.50 $44.00 $22.00 $56.95 $15.95 $58.95 $29.95 Title ISBN Level 5 Who’s Best? 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9644-2 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0719-6 The Big Test 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9653-4 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0731-8 Where’s Lorena? 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9645-9 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0718-9 Boys vs. Girls 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9760-9 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0752-3 Think Daniela! 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9763-0 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0713-4 The Bear’s Mouth 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9654-1 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0730-1 level 5 Collection............................................978-1-4240-0691-5 activity book ....................................................978-1-4240-0055-5 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4240-0062-3 lesson Planner ................................................978-1-4240-0098-2 Level 6 The Lost Wallet 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9650-3 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0735-6 No, You Can’t! 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9665-7 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0745-5 Does He Love Me? 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9757-9 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0757-8 A Helping Hand 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9762-3 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0750-9 Trouble at Sea 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9647-3 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0716-5 The Old Promise 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9649-7 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0714-1 level 6 Collection............................................978-1-4240-0692-2 activity book ....................................................978-1-4240-0056-2 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4240-0063-0 lesson Planner ................................................978-1-4240-0099-9 Level 7 Let’s Party! 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9671-8 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0738-7 Do It! 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9758-6 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0748-6 My Mom, the Movie Star 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9668-8 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0741-7 The Secret Tunnel 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9658-9 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0726-4 Net List $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $42.00 $11.50 $44.00 $22.00 $56.95 $15.95 $58.95 $29.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $42.00 $11.50 $44.00 $22.00 $56.95 $15.95 $58.95 $29.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 $38.25 $51.95 $183.75 $247.95 For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 125 Title ISBN Net List ISBN Foundations Reading Library* (continued) Grammar Connection Level 7 (continued) Love Online 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9669-5 $38.25 $51.95 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0740-0 $183.75 $247.95 The Golden Monkey 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-4240-9651-0 $38.25 $51.95 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-4240-0734-9 $183.75 $247.95 Book 1 text (262 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-0830-2 Workbook ..........................................................978-1-4130-0834-0 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4240-9635-0 text/Workbook Pkg. ......................................978-1-4240-9675-6 text/grammar Café Pkg. ..............................978-1-4240-9036-5 audio 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..................................................978-1-4130-0840-1 Workbook ..........................................................978-1-4130-0844-9 text/audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-4240-9604-6 text/Workbook Pkg. ......................................978-1-4240-9613-8 text/grammar Café Pkg. ..............................978-1-4240-9038-9 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4130-0841-8 teacher’s annotated edition (with activity bank and Classroom Presentation tool CD-rom) ....................978-1-4240-0219-1 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4240-0409-6 Book 4 text (304 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-0845-6 Workbook ..........................................................978-1-4130-0849-4 text/audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-4240-9619-0 text/Workbook Pkg. ......................................978-1-4240-9676-3 text/grammar Café Pkg. 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Please ask your Heinle representative for more information. From College to Careers p. 89 text (206 pp.) ..................................................978-0-618-38213-2 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-0-618-60725-9 audio CD ..........................................................978-0-618-38215-6 $31.00 $37.25 $22.50 $41.95 $49.95 $29.95 G Gateway to Science p. 32 softcover (304 pp.) ........................................978-1-4240-1621-1 $33.25 $44.95 Hardcover (304 pp.)........................................978-1-4240-0331-0 $45.75 $61.95 Workbook with labs ......................................978-1-4240-0332-7 $17.75 $23.95 audio CDs (4) ..................................................978-1-4240-0334-1 $85.75 $115.95 teacher’s edition ............................................978-1-4240-0333-4 $94.00 $126.95 assessment book ............................................978-1-4240-0894-0 $119.25 $160.95 teacher resource CD-rom with examView® and Classroom Presentation tool ......................................978-1-4240-0335-8 $123.75 $166.95 Gateway to Social Studies p. 33 softcover (320 pp.) ........................................978-111-122222-2 $32.00 $42.95 Hardcover (320 pp.)........................................978-1-4240-1811-6 $42.50 $56.95 Workbook ..........................................................978-1-4240-1733-1 $16.50 $21.95 audio CDs ........................................................978-1-4240-1819-2 $59.50 $79.95 teacher's edition ............................................978-1-111-22221-5 $79.00 $106.95 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4240-1820-8 $109.25 $147.95 Grammar Book, The, 2/e text (800 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-4725-3 p. 109 $69.25 Grammar Café $93.95 p. 53 level 1 ................................................................978-1-4240-0644-1 level 2 ................................................................978-1-4240-1690-7 level 3 ................................................................978-1-4240-1691-4 level 4 ................................................................978-1-4240-1692-1 level 5 ................................................................978-1-4240-1694-5 level 6 ................................................................978-1-4240-1693-8 $28.25 $28.25 $28.25 $28.25 $28.25 $28.25 $37.95 $37.95 $37.95 $37.95 $37.95 $37.95 see individual grammar programs for additional Grammar Café packages. Grammar Challenge p. 38 see the Stand Out series. Grammar Dimensions, 4/e Grammar Clips Book 1 school edition (496 pp.) ................................978-1-4130-2740-2 enhanced College edition* (496 pp.) ........978-1-4240-9039-6 split text 1a ....................................................978-1-4240-0336-5 split text 1b ....................................................978-1-4240-0337-2 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4240-9425-7 p. 53 DVD ....................................................................978-1-4240-0449-2 Workbook ........................................................978-1-4240-0448-5 126 Title 877-NEED -ESL $28.50 $18.75 $38.95 $24.95 Net List p. 54 $39.00 $21.75 $40.00 $49.00 $44.00 $45.25 $52.95 $28.95 $53.95 $65.95 $58.95 $60.95 $43.75 $58.95 $125.00 $168.95 $39.00 $21.75 $40.00 $49.00 $44.00 $45.25 $52.95 $28.95 $53.95 $65.95 $58.95 $60.95 $43.75 $58.95 $125.00 $168.95 $39.00 $21.75 $40.00 $49.00 $44.00 $45.25 $52.95 $28.95 $53.95 $65.95 $58.95 $60.95 $43.75 $58.95 $125.00 $168.95 $39.00 $21.75 $40.00 $49.00 $44.00 $45.25 $52.95 $28.95 $53.95 $65.95 $58.95 $60.95 $43.75 $58.95 $125.00 $168.95 $39.00 $21.75 $40.00 $49.00 $44.00 $45.25 $52.95 $28.95 $53.95 $65.95 $58.95 $60.95 $43.75 $58.95 $125.00 $168.95 p. 55 $39.50 $39.50 $21.50 $21.50 $40.50 $52.95 $52.95 $28.95 $28.95 $54.95 Title Index/ISBN/Pricing Guide Title ISBN Text/Workbook Pkg. ......................................978-1-4240-9089-1 Workbook ..........................................................978-1-4240-0352-5 Audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-0348-8 Lesson Planner ................................................978-1-4240-0356-3 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® ....978-1-4240-0360-0 Book 2 School Edition (432 pp.) ................................978-1-4130-2741-9 Enhanced College Edition* (432 pp.) ........978-1-4240-9042-6 Split Text 2A ....................................................978-1-4240-0338-9 Split Text 2B 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3B......................................................978-0-618-27420-8 p. 56 $37.75 $38.75 $42.75 $22.50 $50.95 $51.95 $57.95 $29.95 $37.75 $20.75 $22.25 $11.25 $22.25 $11.25 $48.75 $38.75 $50.50 $42.75 $22.50 $50.95 $27.95 $29.95 $14.95 $29.95 $14.95 $65.95 $51.95 $67.95 $57.95 $29.95 $37.75 $20.75 $22.25 $11.25 $22.25 $11.25 $48.75 $38.75 $50.50 $42.75 $22.50 $50.95 $27.95 $29.95 $14.95 $29.95 $14.95 $65.95 $51.95 $67.95 $57.95 $29.95 $37.75 $20.75 $22.25 $11.25 $22.25 $50.95 $27.95 $29.95 $14.95 $29.95 For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 127 Title Index/ISBN/Pricing Guide Title ISBN Text/Workbook Pkg. ......................................978-1-4240-9089-1 Workbook ..........................................................978-1-4240-0352-5 Audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-0348-8 Lesson Planner ................................................978-1-4240-0356-3 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® 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Text/Workbook Pkg. ......................................978-1-4240-9090-7 Workbook ..........................................................978-1-4240-0355-6 Audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4240-0351-8 Lesson Planner ................................................978-1-4240-0359-4 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® ....978-1-4240-0833-9 Net List $49.50 $66.95 $23.00 $30.95 $21.50 $28.95 $42.50 $56.95 $119.00 $160.95 $39.50 $52.95 $39.50 $52.95 $21.50 $28.95 $21.50 $28.95 $40.50 $54.95 $49.50 $66.95 $23.00 $30.95 $21.50 $28.95 $42.50 $56.95 $119.00 $160.95 $39.50 $52.95 $39.50 $52.95 $21.50 $28.95 $21.50 $28.95 $40.50 $54.95 $49.50 $66.95 $23.00 $30.95 $21.50 $28.95 $42.50 $56.95 $119.00 $160.95 $39.50 $52.95 $39.50 $52.95 $21.50 $28.95 $21.50 $28.95 $40.50 $54.95 $49.50 $66.95 $23.00 $30.95 $43.00 $57.95 $42.50 $56.95 $119.00 $160.95 *Includes free Grammar Café Grammar in Context, 5/e p. 50 Basic Text (320 pp.) 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$40.95 $90.00 $121.95 $12.75 $16.95 $44.00 $58.95 ISBN p. 101 $29.75 Language: The Social Mirror, 4/e text ....................................................................978-1-4240-0432-4 $45.25 $30.00 Linkages $40.95 p. 108 $35.50 Life, Language & Literature text (271 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-3965-4 $40.95 p. 107 $30.00 Lexical Approach, The text (212 pp.) ..................................................978-0-906717-99-8 $60.95 p. 106 Learning New Languages text (168 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-6677-3 $39.95 p. 110 Learning About Language Assessment text (288 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-6688-9 $57.95 $47.95 p. 69 $38.25 $51.95 p. 99 text (302 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-3955-5 $40.00 $53.95 audio tapes (3)................................................978-0-8384-4204-3 $96.25 $129.95 instructor’s manual/tapescript 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..............................978-0-8384-0476-8 teacher’s edition ............................................978-0-8384-0474-4 assessment CD-rom with examView® & audio CD ............................978-0-8384-0487-4 $38.25 $51.95 $98.00 $131.95 $32.50 $43.95 $78.50 $105.95 $38.25 $51.95 $98.00 $131.95 $32.50 $43.95 $78.50 $105.95 $38.25 $51.95 $98.00 $131.95 $32.50 $43.95 $78.50 $105.95 Listen to Me!, 3/e p. 85 text (144 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-0378-5 $29.75 $39.95 text/audio CDs Pkg. ....................................978-1-4240-4714-7 $44.00 $58.95 audio CDs ........................................................978-1-4240-1832-1 $107.00 $144.95 Listening Advantage Book 1 text (80 pp.)......................................................978-1-4240-0197-2 text (80 pp.) with audio CD ........................978-1-4240-0175-0 student audio CD ..........................................978-1-4240-0195-8 Classroom audio CD 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pp.)......................................................978-1-4240-0251-1 text (80 pp.) with audio CD ........................978-1-4240-0244-3 student audio CD ..........................................978-1-4240-0248-1 Classroom audio CD ......................................978-1-4240-0246-7 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-1-4240-0245-0 p. 89 $28.75 $33.75 $22.00 $22.50 $15.50 $38.95 $45.95 $29.95 $29.95 $20.95 $28.75 $33.75 $22.00 $22.50 $15.50 $38.95 $45.95 $29.95 $29.95 $20.95 $28.75 $33.75 $22.00 $22.50 $15.50 $38.95 $45.95 $29.95 $29.95 $20.95 $28.75 $33.75 $22.00 $22.50 $15.50 $38.95 $45.95 $29.95 $29.95 $20.95 Listening and Notetaking series p. 87 see individual titles: Intermediate Listening Comprehension, 3/e, Noteworthy, 3/e, and Advanced Listening Comprehension, 3/e. Literacy in Lifeskills book 1 (128 pp.) ..............................................978-0-8384-3846-6 book 2 (160 pp.) ..............................................978-0-8384-3907-4 134 Title 877-NEED -ESL p. 49 $25.00 $25.00 $33.95 $33.95 ISBN Net List M Milestones Intro student edition ................................................978-1-4240-0895-7 e-book (CD-rom) ..........................................978-1-4240-4301-9 e-book (online)................................................978-1-4240-3187-0 Workbook with test Preparation ................978-1-4240-3204-4 teacher’s edition ............................................978-1-4240-0893-3 teacher’s resource book ..............................978-1-111-05530-1 teacher’s resource CD-rom with examView® ....................................................978-1-4240-3215-0 assessment book ............................................978-1-4240-3432-1 milestonestracker online assessment and remediation system ........................978-1-4240-2811-5 audio Program ................................................978-1-4240-3353-9 independent Practice CD-rom ..................978-1-4240-3229-7 independent Practice CD-rom site license ..................................................978-1-4240-2959-4 Level A student edition ................................................978-1-4240-0887-2 e-book (CD-rom) ..........................................978-1-4240-4320-0 e-book (online)................................................978-1-4240-3188-7 Workbook with test Preparation ................978-1-4240-2744-6 teacher’s edition ............................................978-1-4240-0890-2 teacher’s resource book ..............................978-1-111-05526-4 teacher’s resource CD-rom with examView® ....................................................978-1-4240-3220-4 assessment book ............................................978-1-4240-3433-8 milestonestracker online assessment and remediation 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teacher’s resource CD-rom with examView® ....................................................978-1-4240-3224-2 p. 8 $63.00 $84.95 $63.00 $84.95 $63.00 $84.95 $15.75 $20.95 $126.00 $169.95 $75.50 $101.95 $189.00 $254.95 $126.00 $169.95 $210.00 $283.95 $126.00 $169.95 $63.00 $84.95 * * $63.00 $84.95 $63.00 $84.95 $63.00 $84.95 $15.75 $20.95 $126.00 $169.95 $75.50 $101.95 $189.00 $254.95 $126.00 $169.95 $210.00 $283.95 $63.00 $84.95 $126.00 $169.95 $63.00 $84.95 * * $63.00 $84.95 $63.00 $84.95 $63.00 $84.95 $15.75 $20.95 $126.00 $169.95 $75.50 $101.95 $189.00 $254.95 $126.00 $169.95 $210.00 $283.95 $63.00 $84.95 $126.00 $169.95 $63.00 $84.95 * * $63.00 $84.95 $63.00 $84.95 $63.00 $84.95 $15.75 $20.95 $126.00 $169.95 $75.50 $101.95 $189.00 $254.95 Title Index/ISBN/Pricing Guide Title ISBN Net List assessment book ............................................978-1-4240-3435-2 $126.00 $169.95 milestonestracker online assessment and remediation system ..........................978-1-4240-4983-7 $210.00 $283.95 graphic reader blackline master Companion ..................................................978-1-4240-3428-4 $63.00 $84.95 audio Program ................................................978-1-4240-3359-1 $126.00 $169.95 independent Practice CD-rom ..................978-1-4240-3341-6 $63.00 $84.95 independent Practice CD-rom site license ..................................................978-1-4240-2962-4 * * *For pricing or to purchase, call 800-423-0563 and ask for support services or contact your Heinle representative. Levels Intro – C online Professional Development Program ........................................................978-1-4240-2916-7 $525.00 $708.95 the Heinle Phonics & intervention Kit ......978-1-4240-3219-8 $236.25 $318.95 (66 Decodable Readers; Audio CD; Transparencies; Teacher’s Guide) Milestones Intro Reading Library p. 20 see Heinle Reading Library: Milestones Introductory Reading Library, The MilestonesTracker Online Assessment and Remediation System p. 12 Title ISBN Net text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4240-4725-3 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-4523-5 Book 3 text (203 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-6728-2 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4240-4769-7 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-4524-2 $21.75 $30.75 $28.95 $41.95 $20.75 $21.75 $30.75 $27.95 $28.95 $41.95 answer Key (basic – 3) ..................................978-0-8384-1736-2 assessment booklet (basic – 3) ..................978-0-8384-1123-0 Correlation guide (1 – 3) ..............................978-0-8384-9931-3 $8.25 $70.25 $11.00 $10.95 $94.95 $14.95 Noteworthy, 3/e* p. 87 text (288 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-0398-7 $35.00 $46.95 text/audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-4130-7502-1 $47.00 $63.95 audio CDs (5) ..................................................978-1-4130-0593-6 $125.00 $168.95 DVD ....................................................................978-1-4130-0600-1 $127.75 $172.95 *Noteworthy is book 2 of the Listening and Notetaking series. Now Hear This!, 3/e p. 85 text (176 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-0379-2 $29.75 $39.95 text/audio CDs Pkg. ....................................978-1-4240-4715-4 $44.00 $58.95 audio CDs ........................................................978-1-4240-1614-3 $107.00 $144.95 Now You’re Talking! see the Milestones series. More Grammar Practice, 2/e p. 56 Book 1 student book (144 pp.)..................................978-1-111-22010-5 online e-book ..................................................978-1-111-22217-8 Book 2 student book (144 pp.)..................................978-1-111-22042-6 online e-book ..................................................978-1-111-22218-5 Book 3 student book (144 pp.)..................................978-1-111-22009-9 online e-book ..................................................978-1-111-22219-2 $21.00 $21.00 $27.95 $27.95 $21.00 $21.00 $27.95 $27.95 $21.00 $21.00 $27.95 $27.95 Multicultural Workshop, The p. 69 book 1 (192 pp.) ..............................................978-0-8384-4834-2 book 2 (192 pp.) ..............................................978-0-8384-4835-9 book 3 (294 pp.) ..............................................978-0-8384-5020-8 $32.50 $32.50 $32.50 $43.95 $43.95 $43.95 List p. 83 Level 1 text (176 pp.) 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..................................................978-1-4240-8743-3 p. 84 $29.50 $34.75 $42.75 $39.95 $46.95 $57.95 $29.50 $34.75 $42.75 $39.95 $46.95 $57.95 Online Tutorial for the TOEFL® iBT* p. 99 Complete edition (includes listening, speaking, reading, Writing and Practice tests)......................................978-1-4240-6860-9 $36.75 $49.95 listening/speaking with Practice tests ....978-1-4240-6862-3 $22.00 $29.95 reading/Writing with Practice tests..........978-1-4240-6861-6 $22.00 $29.95 Complete edition: online tutorial/Complete guide to the toeFl ibt text/CD-rom Pkg. ....................................978-1-111-21808-9 $54.00 $72.95 Complete edition: online tutorial/ Complete guide to the toeFl ibt text/CD-rom/audio Pkg.........................978-1-111-02476-5 $75.00 $100.95 *related Product: see Complete Guide to the TOEFL© iBT Test iBT Edition For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 135 Title ISBN Net List $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 text (375 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-5282-0 p. 69 $31.25 $41.95 *Out of the Ordinary is book 2 of the Steps to Academic Reading series. P Page Turners Reading Library Level 1 Come Home 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-133-30539-2 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-133-31330-4 Roommates 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-133-30558-3 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-133-31331-1 Soccer Crazy 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-133-30561-3 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-133-31332-8 Level 2 The Beautiful Game 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-133-30559-0 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-133-31333-5 Hacker 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-133-30548-4 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-133-31334-2 You Don't 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................................................................978-1-133-30554-5 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-133-31349-6 Level 12 Deadly Truth 5-Pack ................................................................978-1-133-30543-9 25-Pack ..............................................................978-1-133-31350-2 Out of the Ordinary* text (238 pp.) ..................................................978-0-15-506033-3 Title p. 23 $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 Level 1 text ....................................................................978-1-111-35036-9 online Workbook 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guide................................................978-1-111-39861-3 Presentation tool CD-rom..........................978-1-111-35033-8 DVD ....................................................................978-1-111-35041-3 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-111-39862-0 Level 3 text ....................................................................978-1-111-39865-1 online Workbook ............................................978-1-111-35052-9 text/online Workbook Pkg. ........................978-1-133-30575-0 audio CDs ........................................................978-1-111-39864-4 text/audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-133-30574-3 teacher's guide................................................978-1-111-83082-3 Presentation tool CD-rom..........................978-1-111-35037-6 DVD ....................................................................978-1-111-35042-0 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-111-83319-0 List $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 Past, Present & Future, 4/e Pathways $32.00 $42.95 $131.25 $176.95 Net p. 79 $40.00 $53.95 p. 80 $30.00 $40.95 $20.00 $26.95 $40.00 $53.95 $60.00 $80.95 $35.00 $46.95 $40.00 $53.95 $100.00 $134.95 $22.00 $29.95 $115.00 $154.95 $30.00 $40.95 $20.00 $26.95 $40.00 $53.95 $60.00 $80.95 $35.00 $46.95 $40.00 $53.95 $100.00 $134.95 $22.00 $29.95 $115.00 $154.95 $30.00 $40.95 $20.00 $26.95 $40.00 $53.95 $60.00 $80.95 $35.00 $46.95 $40.00 $53.95 $100.00 $134.95 $22.00 $29.95 $115.00 $154.95 Title Index/ISBN/Pricing Guide Title ISBN Net List Level 4 Text ....................................................................978-1-111-34779-6 $30.00 $40.95 Online Workbook ............................................978-1-111-35050-5 $20.00 $26.95 Text/Online Workbook Pkg. ........................978-1-133-53425-9 $40.00 $53.95 Audio CDs ........................................................978-1-111-34780-2 $60.00 $80.95 Text/Audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-133-30576-7 $35.00 $46.95 Teacher's Guide................................................978-1-111-34789-5 $40.00 $53.95 Presentation Tool CD-ROM..........................978-1-111-35038-3 $100.00 $134.95 DVD ....................................................................978-1-111-35043-7 $22.00 $29.95 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® ....978-1-111-34781-9 $115.00 $154.95 Power of Context, The p. 109 Text (288 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-0131-0 $43.00 Practical English, 2/e $57.95 p. 49 Level 1 Text (260 pp.) ..................................................978-0-15-570912-6 Audio Tape ......................................................978-0-15-570919-5 Level 2 Text (260 pp.) ..................................................978-0-15-570920-1 Audio Tape ......................................................978-0-15-570927-0 Level 3 Text (260 pp.) ..................................................978-015-570928-7 Audio Tape ......................................................978-0-15-570935-5 $22.50 $27.00 $29.95 $36.95 Practice: Grammar Text (176 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-2192-5 Practice: Grammar and Vocabulary Answer Key ..................................................978-0-8384-2572-5 $19.25 $3.00 Presenting in English $50.95 $3.95 p. 101 Text with Audio CDs ......................................978-1-111-83227-8 Audio CDs ........................................................978-1-111-83225-4 $35.00 $35.00 Professional English series $46.95 $46.95 p. 100 See individual titles: English for Business, English for Health Sciences, English for Humanities, English for Professional Success, and English for Science and Engineering. Pronouncing American English, 3/e p. 82 Text ....................................................................978-1-111-35210-3 $44.00 $58.95 Text with Audio CDs.......................................978-1-133-26119-3 $62.25 $83.95 Audio CDs (10) ................................................978-1-111-35211-0 $200.00 $269.95 Instructor’s Manual ........................................Free online with purchase Pursuing Professional Development Text (278 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-1130-8 p. 106 $30.00 $40.95 R Read, Write, Edit Text (208 pp.) ..................................................978-0-618-14495-2 p. 77 $37.25 Reading Advantage, 2/e Level 1 Text (96 pp.)......................................................978-1-4130-0114-3 Text/Audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4130-8257-9 Audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4130-0126-6 Teacher’s Guide ..............................................978-1-4130-0118-1 Level 2 Text (96 pp.)......................................................978-1-4130-0115-0 Text/Audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4130-8259-3 $37.95 $18.95 $23.25 $29.75 $28.25 $14.25 $30.95 $39.95 $37.95 $18.95 $23.25 $29.75 $28.25 $14.25 $30.95 $39.95 $37.95 $18.95 Reading Adventures Reading & Vocabulary Development series $29.95 $36.95 $49.95 p. 69 $23.25 $29.75 $28.25 $14.25 $30.95 $39.95 $37.95 $18.95 $23.25 $29.75 $30.95 $39.95 List $28.25 $14.25 $25.95 $22.50 $27.00 $38.00 Audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4130-0127-3 Teacher’s Guide ..............................................978-1-4130-0119-8 Level 3 Text (96 pp.)......................................................978-1-4130-0116-7 Text/Audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4130-8261-6 Audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4130-0128-0 Teacher’s Guide ..............................................978-1-4130-0120-4 Level 4 Text (96 pp.) ....................................................978-1-4130-0117-4 Text/Audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-4240-8809-6 Audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4130-0129-7 Teacher’s Guide ..............................................978-1-4130-0121-1 Net p. 57 $29.95 $36.95 p. 108 Text (138 pp.) ..................................................978-0-906717-55-4 ISBN Level 1 Text (128 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8400-3034-4 $25.00 Classroom Audio CD/DVD............................978-0-8400-3033-7 $80.00 Teacher’s Guide ..............................................978-0-8400-3032-0 $30.00 Level 2 Text (128 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8400-3038-2 $25.00 Classroom Audio CD/DVD............................978-0-8400-3037-5 $80.00 Teacher’s Guide ..............................................978-0-8400-2879-2 $30.00 Level 3 Text (128 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8400-3041-2 $25.00 Classroom Audio CD/DVD............................978-0-8400-3040-5 $80.00 Teacher’s Guide ..............................................978-0-8400-2975-1 $30.00 Levels 1 – 3 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® ....978-0-8400-3035-1 $150.00 $22.50 $27.00 Practical Techniques Title p. 18 $33.95 $107.95 $40.95 $33.95 $107.95 $40.95 $33.95 $107.95 $40.95 $202.95 p. 65 See individual titles: Facts & Figures, Thoughts & Notions, Cause & Effect, and Concepts & Comments. Reading & Writing Challenge p. 38 See the Stand Out series. Reading Connections p. 62 Book 1 Text ....................................................................978-1-111-34857-1 $25.00 $33.95 Text/Audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-111-62565-8 $28.00 $37.95 Audio CD ..........................................................978-1-111-34859-5 $23.00 $30.95 Book 2 Text ....................................................................978-1-111-34862-5 $25.00 $33.95 Text/Audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-111-62566-5 $28.00 $37.95 Audio CD ..........................................................978-1-111-34866-3 $23.00 $30.95 Book 3 Text ....................................................................978-1-111-34864-9 $25.00 $33.95 Text/Audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-111-62567-2 $28.00 $37.95 Audio CD ..........................................................978-1-111-34867-0 $23.00 $30.95 Book 4 Text ....................................................................978-1-111-34865-6 $25.00 $33.95 Text/Audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-111-62568-9 $28.00 $37.95 Audio CD ..........................................................978-1-111-34869-4 $23.00 $30.95 Book 5 Text ....................................................................978-1-111-34863-2 $25.00 $33.95 Text/Audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-111-62564-1 $28.00 $37.95 Audio CD ..........................................................978-1-111-34868-7 $23.00 $30.95 Books 1 – 5 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® ....978-1-111-34860-1 $119.00 $160.95 For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 137 Title Index/ISBN/Pricing Guide Title ISBN Net List Level 4 Text ....................................................................978-1-111-34779-6 $30.00 $40.95 Online Workbook ............................................978-1-111-35050-5 $20.00 $26.95 Text/Online Workbook Pkg. ........................978-1-133-53425-9 $40.00 $53.95 Audio CDs ........................................................978-1-111-34780-2 $60.00 $80.95 Text/Audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-133-30576-7 $35.00 $46.95 Teacher's Guide................................................978-1-111-34789-5 $40.00 $53.95 Presentation Tool CD-ROM..........................978-1-111-35038-3 $100.00 $134.95 DVD ....................................................................978-1-111-35043-7 $22.00 $29.95 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® ....978-1-111-34781-9 $115.00 $154.95 Power of Context, The p. 109 Text (288 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-0131-0 $43.00 Practical English, 2/e $57.95 p. 49 Level 1 Text (260 pp.) ..................................................978-0-15-570912-6 Audio Tape ......................................................978-0-15-570919-5 Level 2 Text (260 pp.) ..................................................978-0-15-570920-1 Audio Tape ......................................................978-0-15-570927-0 Level 3 Text (260 pp.) ..................................................978-015-570928-7 Audio Tape ......................................................978-0-15-570935-5 $22.50 $27.00 $29.95 $36.95 Practice: Grammar Text (176 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-2192-5 Practice: Grammar and Vocabulary Answer Key ..................................................978-0-8384-2572-5 $19.25 $3.00 Presenting in English $50.95 $3.95 p. 101 Text with Audio CDs ......................................978-1-111-83227-8 Audio CDs ........................................................978-1-111-83225-4 $35.00 $35.00 Professional English series $46.95 $46.95 p. 100 See individual titles: English for Business, English for Health Sciences, English for Humanities, English for Professional Success, and English for Science and Engineering. Pronouncing American English, 3/e p. 82 Text ....................................................................978-1-111-35210-3 $44.00 $58.95 Text with Audio CDs.......................................978-1-133-26119-3 $62.25 $83.95 Audio CDs (10) ................................................978-1-111-35211-0 $200.00 $269.95 Instructor’s Manual ........................................Free online with purchase Pursuing Professional Development Text (278 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-1130-8 p. 106 $30.00 $40.95 R Read, Write, Edit Text (208 pp.) ..................................................978-0-618-14495-2 p. 77 $37.25 Reading Advantage, 2/e Level 1 Text (96 pp.)......................................................978-1-4130-0114-3 Text/Audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4130-8257-9 Audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4130-0126-6 Teacher’s Guide ..............................................978-1-4130-0118-1 Level 2 Text (96 pp.)......................................................978-1-4130-0115-0 Text/Audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4130-8259-3 $37.95 $18.95 $23.25 $29.75 $28.25 $14.25 $30.95 $39.95 $37.95 $18.95 $23.25 $29.75 $28.25 $14.25 $30.95 $39.95 $37.95 $18.95 Reading Adventures Reading & Vocabulary Development series $29.95 $36.95 $49.95 p. 69 $23.25 $29.75 $28.25 $14.25 $30.95 $39.95 $37.95 $18.95 $23.25 $29.75 $30.95 $39.95 List $28.25 $14.25 $25.95 $22.50 $27.00 $38.00 Audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4130-0127-3 Teacher’s Guide ..............................................978-1-4130-0119-8 Level 3 Text (96 pp.)......................................................978-1-4130-0116-7 Text/Audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4130-8261-6 Audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4130-0128-0 Teacher’s Guide ..............................................978-1-4130-0120-4 Level 4 Text (96 pp.) ....................................................978-1-4130-0117-4 Text/Audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-4240-8809-6 Audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4130-0129-7 Teacher’s Guide ..............................................978-1-4130-0121-1 Net p. 57 $29.95 $36.95 p. 108 Text (138 pp.) ..................................................978-0-906717-55-4 ISBN Level 1 Text (128 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8400-3034-4 $25.00 Classroom Audio CD/DVD............................978-0-8400-3033-7 $80.00 Teacher’s Guide ..............................................978-0-8400-3032-0 $30.00 Level 2 Text (128 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8400-3038-2 $25.00 Classroom Audio CD/DVD............................978-0-8400-3037-5 $80.00 Teacher’s Guide ..............................................978-0-8400-2879-2 $30.00 Level 3 Text (128 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8400-3041-2 $25.00 Classroom Audio CD/DVD............................978-0-8400-3040-5 $80.00 Teacher’s Guide ..............................................978-0-8400-2975-1 $30.00 Levels 1 – 3 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® ....978-0-8400-3035-1 $150.00 $22.50 $27.00 Practical Techniques Title p. 18 $33.95 $107.95 $40.95 $33.95 $107.95 $40.95 $33.95 $107.95 $40.95 $202.95 p. 65 See individual titles: Facts & Figures, Thoughts & Notions, Cause & Effect, and Concepts & Comments. Reading & Writing Challenge p. 38 See the Stand Out series. Reading Connections p. 62 Book 1 Text ....................................................................978-1-111-34857-1 $25.00 $33.95 Text/Audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-111-62565-8 $28.00 $37.95 Audio CD ..........................................................978-1-111-34859-5 $23.00 $30.95 Book 2 Text ....................................................................978-1-111-34862-5 $25.00 $33.95 Text/Audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-111-62566-5 $28.00 $37.95 Audio CD ..........................................................978-1-111-34866-3 $23.00 $30.95 Book 3 Text ....................................................................978-1-111-34864-9 $25.00 $33.95 Text/Audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-111-62567-2 $28.00 $37.95 Audio CD ..........................................................978-1-111-34867-0 $23.00 $30.95 Book 4 Text ....................................................................978-1-111-34865-6 $25.00 $33.95 Text/Audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-111-62568-9 $28.00 $37.95 Audio CD ..........................................................978-1-111-34869-4 $23.00 $30.95 Book 5 Text ....................................................................978-1-111-34863-2 $25.00 $33.95 Text/Audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-111-62564-1 $28.00 $37.95 Audio CD ..........................................................978-1-111-34868-7 $23.00 $30.95 Books 1 – 5 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® ....978-1-111-34860-1 $119.00 $160.95 For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 137 Title ISBN Net Reading Explorer List p. 58 Intro Level student book....................................................978-1-111-05708-4 student book/student CD-rom Pkg.........978-1-111-21765-5 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-1-111-05712-1 DVD ....................................................................978-1-111-05710-7 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-111-05711-4 student CD-rom ............................................978-1-111-05709-1 student CD-rom site license* ..................978-1-111-34952-3 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-111-05713-8 Level 1 student book....................................................978-1-4240-4362-0 student book/student CD-rom Pkg.........978-1-4240-4761-1 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-1-4240-4551-8 DVD ....................................................................978-1-4240-5125-0 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-4554-9 student CD-rom ............................................978-1-4240-5006-2 student CD-rom site license* ..................978-1-4240-6863-0 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4240-4569-3 Level 2 student book....................................................978-1-4240-4364-4 student book/student CD-rom Pkg.........978-1-4240-4762-8 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-1-4240-4550-1 DVD ....................................................................978-1-4240-5126-7 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-4553-2 student CD-rom ............................................978-1-4240-5007-9 student CD-rom site license* ..................978-1-4240-6864-7 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4240-4568-6 Level 3 student book....................................................978-1-4240-4370-5 student book/student CD-rom Pkg.........978-1-4240-4764-2 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-1-4240-4549-5 DVD ....................................................................978-1-4240-5127-4 audio CD 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Reading for Today series Reading for Today 1: Themes for Today, 3/e student book....................................................978-1-111-03358-3 student book/audio CD Pkg. ......................978-1-111-21532-3 138 877-NEED -ESL p. 60 $31.00 $36.00 $41.95 $48.95 Title ISBN Net List audio CD ..........................................................978-1-111-05653-7 $30.00 $40.95 Reading for Today 2: Insights for Today, 4/e student book....................................................978-1-111-03361-3 $31.00 $41.95 student book/audio CD Pkg. ......................978-1-111-21533-0 $36.00 $48.95 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-111-05655-1 $30.00 $40.95 Reading for Today 3: Issues for Today, 4/e student book....................................................978-1-111-03357-6 $31.00 $41.95 student book/audio CD Pkg. ......................978-1-111-21531-6 $36.00 $48.95 audio CD 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..............................................978-0-618-47513-1 book 3 (304 pp.) ..............................................978-0-618-47514-8 book 4 (304 pp.) ..............................................978-0-618-47515-5 $27.75 $27.75 $27.75 $27.75 Reading the News $37.95 $37.95 $37.95 $37.95 p. 68 text (112 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-0381-5 text/audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-4240-9432-5 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4240-0380-8 instructor’s manual ........................................978-1-4240-0382-2 $28.25 $34.75 $48.50 $27.00 Researching & Analyzing Vocabulary text ....................................................................978-1-111-07118-9 $37.95 $46.95 $65.95 $36.95 p. 108 $41.00 Refining Composition Skills, 6/e $54.95 p. 74 text (448 pp.) ..................................................978-1-111-22119-5 $37.50 $50.95 assessment CD-rom with examView® 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..................................................978-1-4130-1965-0 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4130-1967-4 p. 49 $17.25 $24.50 $22.95 $32.95 $17.25 $24.50 $22.95 $32.95 Title Index/ISBN/Pricing Guide Title ISBN Net Say It Naturally, 2/e text/audio tape Pkg. 1..................................978-0-03-022197-2 text/audio tape Pkg. 2..................................978-0-03-022198-9 p. 89 $38.50 $38.50 Second Language Teaching & Learning text (336 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-0838-4 $51.95 $51.95 p. 111 $35.00 Shooting Stars Level 1 student book (128 pp.)..................................978-1-4240-1826-0 teacher’s book (128 pp.) ..............................978-1-4240-1883-3 Classroom audio CDs (2) ..............................978-1-4240-1885-7 student audio CDs (2) ..................................978-1-4240-1972-4 Level 2 student book (128 pp.)..................................978-1-4240-1827-7 teacher’s book (128 pp.) ..............................978-1-4240-1896-3 Classroom audio CDs (2) ..............................978-1-4240-1886-4 student audio CDs (2) ..................................978-1-4240-1980-9 Level 3 student book (128 pp.)..................................978-1-4240-1828-4 teacher’s book (128 pp.) ..............................978-1-4240-1897-0 Classroom audio CDs (2) ..............................978-1-4240-1887-1 student audio CDs (2) ..................................978-1-4240-1981-6 Level 4 student book (128 pp.)..................................978-1-4240-1829-1 teacher’s book (128 pp.) ..............................978-1-4240-1898-7 Classroom audio CDs (2) ..............................978-1-4240-1888-8 student audio CDs (2) ..................................978-1-4240-1982-3 Level 5 student book (128 pp.)..................................978-1-4240-1830-7 teacher’s book (128 pp.) ..............................978-1-4240-1899-4 Classroom audio CDs (2) ..............................978-1-4240-1889-5 student audio CDs (2) ..................................978-1-4240-1983-0 Level 6 student book (128 pp.)..................................978-1-4240-1831-4 teacher’s book (128 pp.) ..............................978-1-4240-1900-7 Classroom audio CDs (2) ..............................978-1-4240-1890-1 student audio CDs (2) ..................................978-1-4240-1984-7 List Sourcework, 2/e text (240 pp.) ..................................................978-1-111-35209-7 $31.25 $24.75 $45.25 $45.25 $41.95 $32.95 $60.95 $60.95 $31.25 $24.75 $45.25 $45.25 $41.95 $32.95 $60.95 $60.95 $31.25 $24.75 $45.25 $45.25 $41.95 $32.95 $60.95 $60.95 $31.25 $24.75 $45.25 $45.25 $41.95 $32.95 $60.95 $60.95 $31.25 $24.75 $45.25 $45.25 $41.95 $32.95 $60.95 $60.95 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4240-4564-8 $126.00 $169.95 p. 103 online assessment - 1-year access ............978-1-111-00004-2 $170.00 $229.95 *related product: see Teaching Basic and Advanced Vocabulary: A Framework for Direct Instruction. Book 1 text (144 pp.) ..................................................978-0-395-87383-0 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4282-0292-4 audio CD ..........................................................978-0-618-20885-2 Book 2 text (146 pp.) ..................................................978-0-395-87406-6 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4282-0293-1 audio CD ..........................................................978-0-618-20887-6 Sounds Great p. 89 $28.25 $35.50 $22.50 $37.95 $47.95 $29.95 $28.25 $35.50 $22.50 $37.95 $47.95 $29.95 p. 89 Book 1 text (203 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-3964-7 $32.25 $43.95 text/audio tapes Pkg. ..................................978-0-8384-0544-4 $44.25 $59.95 audio tapes (5)................................................978-0-8384-4211-1 $197.00 $265.95 instructor’s manual ........................................978-0-8384-4272-2 $16.50 $21.95 Net List Book 2 text (192 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-4273-9 $32.25 $43.95 text/audio tapes Pkg. ..................................978-0-8384-7458-7 $44.25 $59.95 audio tapes (5)................................................978-0-8384-4274-6 $197.00 $265.95 instructor’s manual ........................................978-0-8384-4275-3 $16.50 $21.95 $46.95 $41.95 $32.95 $60.95 $60.95 So to Speak ISBN p. 25 $31.25 $24.75 $45.25 $45.25 Snapshot Online Assessment of Basic Vocabulary* Title p. 76 $36.00 Stand Out, 2/e* Basic text (208 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-0254-2 grammar Challenge Workbook ..................978-1-4240-1600-6 reading & Writing Challenge Workbook ..978-1-4130-0720-6 text/audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-4240-9310-6 text/DVD Pkg. ................................................978-1-4354-3473-8 text/grammar Café Pkg. ..............................978-1-4240-2051-5 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4240-0964-0 lifeskills Video on DVD ................................978-1-4240-9569-8 lesson Planner (contains activity bank CD-rom & audio CD) ..............................978-1-4240-1927-4 online lesson Planner ..................................978-1-111-03314-9 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4240-0999-2 Classroom Presentation tool ......................978-1-4240-1853-6 technology tool Kit ........................................978-1-4240-6558-5 Level 1 text (208 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-0256-6 grammar Challenge Workbook ..................978-1-4240-0987-9 reading & Writing Challenge Workbook ..978-1-4130-0721-3 text/audio CD Pkg..........................................978-1-4240-9313-7 text/DVD Pkg. ................................................978-1-4354-3474-5 text/grammar Café Pkg. ..............................978-1-4240-2052-2 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4240-0966-4 lifeskills Video on DVD ................................978-1-4240-9567-4 lesson Planner (contains activity bank CD-rom & audio CD) ..............................978-1-4240-1929-8 online lesson Planner ..................................978-1-111-03313-2 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4240-0974-9 Classroom Presentation tool ......................978-1-4240-1854-3 technology tool Kit ........................................978-1-4240-6559-2 Level 2 text (208 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-0258-0 grammar Challenge Workbook ..................978-1-4240-0991-6 reading & Writing Challenge Workbook ..978-1-4130-0722-0 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4240-9302-1 text/DVD Pkg . ................................................978-1-4354-3475-2 text/grammar Café Pkg. ..............................978-1-4240-2053-9 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4240-0968-8 lifeskills Video on DVD ................................978-1-4240-9568-1 lesson Planner (contains activity bank CD-rom & audio CD) ..............................978-1-4240-1934-2 online lesson Planner ..................................978-1-111-03312-5 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4240-0989-3 Classroom Presentation tool ......................978-1-4240-1855-0 technology tool Kit ........................................978-1-4240-6560-8 Level 3 text (208 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-0260-3 grammar Challenge Workbook ..................978-1-4240-0993-0 reading & Writing Challenge Workbook ..978-1-4130-0723-7 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4240-9304-5 text/DVD Pkg. ................................................978-1-4354-3476-9 text/grammar Café Pkg. ..............................978-1-4240-2054-6 $41.00 p. 38 $18.50 $12.50 $12.50 $23.50 $19.50 $23.50 $41.00 $39.75 $24.95 $16.95 $16.95 $31.95 $25.95 $31.95 $54.95 $53.95 $32.75 $43.95 $40.00 $53.95 $113.25 $152.95 $30.00 $40.95 $150.00 $202.95 $18.50 $12.50 $12.50 $23.50 $19.50 $23.50 $41.00 $39.75 $24.95 $16.95 $16.95 $31.95 $25.95 $31.95 $54.95 $53.95 $32.75 $43.95 $40.00 $53.95 $113.25 $152.95 $30.00 $40.95 $150.00 $202.95 $18.50 $12.50 $12.50 $23.50 $19.50 $23.50 $41.00 $39.75 $24.95 $16.95 $16.95 $31.95 $25.95 $31.95 $54.95 $53.95 $32.75 $43.95 $40.00 $53.95 $113.25 $152.95 $30.00 $40.95 $150.00 $202.95 $18.50 $12.50 $12.50 $23.50 $19.50 $23.50 $24.95 $16.95 $16.95 $31.95 $25.95 $31.95 For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 139 Title ISBN Net List Stand Out, 2/e (continued) Level 3 (continued) audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-0970-1 lifeskills Video on DVD ................................978-1-4240-9570-4 lesson Planner (contains activity bank CD-rom & audio CD) ..............................978-1-4240-1935-9 online lesson Planner ..................................978-1-111-03311-8 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4240-0994-7 Classroom Presentation tool ......................978-1-4240-0992-3 technology tool Kit ........................................978-1-4240-6561-5 Level 4 text (208 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-0262-7 grammar Challenge Workbook ..................978-1-4240-0996-1 reading & Writing Challenge Workbook ..978-1-4130-0724-4 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4240-9306-9 text/DVD Pkg. ................................................978-1-4354-3477-6 text/grammar Café Pkg. ..............................978-1-4240-2055-3 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-0972-5 lifeskills Video on DVD ................................978-1-4240-9571-1 lesson Planner (contains activity bank CD-rom & audio CD) ..............................978-1-4240-1936-6 online lesson Planner ..................................978-1-111-03310-1 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4240-0997-8 Classroom Presentation tool ......................978-1-4240-1856-7 technology tool Kit ........................................978-1-4240-6562-2 Level 5 text (208 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-1781-2 grammar Challenge Workbook ..................978-1-4240-1784-3 reading & Writing Challenge Workbook ..978-1-4240-6899-9 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4240-9308-3 text/DVD Pkg. ................................................978-1-4354-3478-3 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-1788-1 lifeskills Video on DVD ................................978-1-4240-9572-8 lesson Planner (contains activity bank CD-rom & audio CD) ..............................978-1-4240-1937-3 online lesson Planner ..................................978-1-111-03309-5 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4240-1783-6 Classroom Presentation tool ......................978-1-4240-1789-8 technology tool Kit ........................................978-1-4240-6563-9 Basic - 5 Placement test with CD-rom ....................978-1-4130-1498-3 $41.00 $39.75 $54.95 $53.95 $32.75 $43.95 $40.00 $53.95 $113.25 $152.95 $30.00 $40.95 $150.00 $202.95 $18.50 $12.50 $12.50 $23.50 $19.50 $23.50 $41.00 $39.75 $24.95 $16.95 $16.95 $31.95 $25.95 $31.95 $54.95 $53.95 $32.75 $43.95 $40.00 $53.95 $113.25 $152.95 $30.00 $40.95 $150.00 $202.95 $18.50 $12.50 $12.50 $23.50 $19.50 $41.00 $39.75 $24.95 $16.95 $16.95 $31.95 $25.95 $54.95 $53.95 $32.75 $43.95 $40.00 $53.95 $113.25 $152.95 $30.00 $40.95 $150.00 $202.95 $29.00 $38.95 *split editions available. ask your sales representative for details. Step-by-Step Writing Step Up! p. 89 140 877-NEED -ESL ISBN Net $31.00 $37.25 $22.50 $41.95 $49.95 $29.95 instructor audio CD (books 1 & 2) ............978-0-618-35314-9 $22.50 $29.95 Steps and Plateaus, 2/e* p. 69 text (280 pp.) ..................................................978-0-03-033987-5 $31.25 $41.95 $49.95 $29.95 $41.95 *Steps and Plateaus is book 1 of the Steps to Academic Reading series. Steps to Academic Reading series p. 69 see individual titles: Steps and Plateaus, 2/e, Out of the Ordinary, Across the Board, In Context, 3/e, and Between the Lines, 3/e. Stories Worth Reading p. 68 Book 1 text (144 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-0853-1 $29.75 $39.95 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4130-6363-9 $36.00 $48.95 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4130-0854-8 $27.00 $36.95 Book 2 text (142 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-0856-2 $29.75 $39.95 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4130-6364-6 $36.00 $48.95 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4130-0857-9 $27.00 $36.95 Books 1 & 2 instructor’s manual ........................................978-1-4130-0859-3 $35.25 $47.95 Cnn® DVD........................................................978-1-4130-1826-4 $51.50 $69.95 Cnn® Video......................................................978-1-4130-1515-7 $51.50 $69.95 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4130-1827-1 $134.50 $181.95 Strategies for Test-Taking Success: Math text (224 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-0925-5 p. 25 $20.50 Strategies for Test-Taking Success: Reading text (224 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-0924-8 $20.50 Strategies for Test-Taking Success: Writing text (224 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-0926-2 $27.95 p. 25 $20.50 Strategies for Test-Taking Success: Writing, Reading, Math assessment CD-rom with examView®: math, reading, Writing ......978-1-4130-2863-8 $27.95 p. 25 $27.95 p. 25 $62.50 $83.95 T Talk It! series p. 86 see individual titles: Talk It Up!, Talk It Through!, and Talk It Over! Talk It Over!, 2/e text (176 pp.) ..................................................978-0-618-14401-3 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4240-8895-9 audio CD ..........................................................978-0-618-14404-4 p. 86 $37.25 $42.25 $21.00 Talk It Through! text (176 pp.) ..................................................978-0-395-96072-1 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4240-8892-8 audio CD ..........................................................978-0-618-21979-7 text (192 pp.) ..................................................978-0-618-14019-0 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4240-8893-5 audio CD ..........................................................978-0-618-14397-9 $49.95 $56.95 $27.95 p. 86 $37.25 $42.25 $21.00 Talk It Up!, 2/e $31.00 $37.25 $22.50 List Book 2 text (208 pp.) ..................................................978-0-618-35306-4 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4240-8950-5 audio CD ..........................................................978-0-618-35308-8 p. 24 Book 1 text (168 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-0400-3 $31.00 $41.95 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-1-4240-0499-7 $23.75 $31.95 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4240-0513-0 $119.00 $160.95 Book 2 text (192 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-0401-0 $31.00 $41.95 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-1-4240-0500-0 $23.75 $31.95 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4240-0567-3 $119.00 $160.95 Book 3 text (168 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-0402-7 $31.00 $41.95 teacher’s guide ..............................................978-1-4240-0505-5 $23.75 $31.95 assessment CD-rom with examView® ....978-1-4240-0526-0 $119.00 $160.95 Book 1 text (176 pp.) ..................................................978-0-618-35305-7 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4282-0305-1 audio CD ..........................................................978-0-618-35307-1 Title $49.95 $56.95 $27.95 p. 86 $37.25 $42.25 $21.00 $49.95 $56.95 $27.95 Title Index/ISBN/Pricing Guide Title ISBN Net Tapestry Listening & Speaking Book 1 text (288 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-0009-8 text/audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-4240-9316-8 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4240-1814-7 Book 2 text (256 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-0016-6 text/audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-4240-9319-9 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4240-1815-4 Book 3 text (256 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-0023-4 text/audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-4240-9318-2 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4240-1813-0 Book 4 text (288 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-0029-6 text/audio CDs Pkg. ......................................978-1-4240-9317-5 audio CDs (2) ..................................................978-1-4240-1816-1 Cnn® Video (books 1 & 2)............................978-0-8384-0007-4 Cnn® Video (books 3 & 4)............................978-0-8384-0026-5 instructor’s manual (books 1 & 2) ..............978-0-8384-0008-1 instructor’s manual (books 3 & 4) ..............978-0-8384-0027-2 p. 89 ISBN $34.50 $40.50 $45.25 $46.95 $54.95 $60.95 $34.50 $40.50 $45.25 $46.95 $54.95 $60.95 text (240 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-7901-8 $34.50 $40.50 $45.25 $46.95 $54.95 $60.95 text (180 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-6675-9 $59.50 $59.50 $28.00 $28.00 $79.95 $79.95 $37.95 $37.95 Teaching Vocabulary: Strategies and Techniques $30.00 Teaching Culture $43.00 $57.95 p. 69 $34.50 $34.50 $34.50 $34.50 $46.95 $46.95 $46.95 $46.95 Cnn® Video (books 1 & 2)............................978-0-8384-0051-7 Cnn® Video (books 3 & 4)............................978-0-8384-0057-9 instructor’s manual (books 1 & 2) ..............978-0-8384-0052-4 instructor’s manual (books 3 & 4) ..............978-0-8384-0059-3 $59.50 $59.50 $28.00 $28.00 $79.95 $79.95 $37.95 $37.95 Tapestry Writing p. 79 book 1 (224 pp.) ..............................................978-0-8384-0033-3 book 2 (256 pp.) ..............................................978-0-8384-0038-8 book 3 (208 pp.) ..............................................978-0-8384-0042-5 book 4 (240 pp.) ..............................................978-0-8384-0045-6 $34.50 $34.50 $34.50 $34.50 $46.95 $46.95 $46.95 $46.95 Cnn® Video (books 1 & 2)............................978-0-8384-0030-2 Cnn® Video (books 3 & 4)............................978-0-8384-0043-2 instructor’s manual (books 1 & 2) ..............978-0-8384-0032-6 instructor’s manual (books 3 & 4) ..............978-0-8384-0044-9 $59.50 $59.50 $28.00 $28.00 $79.95 $79.95 $37.95 $37.95 Targeting Pronunciation, 2/e p. 89 text (288 pp.) ..................................................978-0-618-44418-2 $39.50 $52.95 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4282-0303-7 $51.75 $69.95 audio CDs (5) ..................................................978-0-618-44421-2 $136.75 $184.95 TeacherSource - The Ultimate Collection p. 106 includes all teachersource books ..............978-0-8384-4370-5 $302.75 $408.95 Teaching Basic and Advanced Vocabulary p. 102 $28.00 $37.95 $30.00 Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 3/e text (592 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-1992-2 p. 109 $58.75 $30.00 Teaching Language: From Grammar to Grammaring $78.95 $40.95 p. 107 $30.00 Teaching Second-Language Writing text (112 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-7892-9 $40.95 p. 107 $30.00 $40.95 p. 111 text ....................................................................978-1-4240-0565-9 $41.00 Think About Editing $54.95 p. 79 text (352 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-3976-0 $40.50 Thoughts & Notions, 2/e* $54.95 p. 65 text (214 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4130-0419-9 $30.00 $40.95 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4130-6391-2 $36.25 $48.95 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4130-1334-4 $27.00 $36.95 answer Key and Video transcripts (books 1 & 2)*..............................................978-1-4130-0609-4 $7.00 $9.95 assessment CD-rom with ® examView (books 1 & 2)*........................978-1-4130-0613-1 $128.00 $172.95 Cnn® DVD (books 1 & 2)*............................978-1-4130-1587-4 $56.50 $75.95 Cnn® Video (books 1 & 2)*..........................978-1-4130-0610-0 $56.50 $75.95 *Thoughts & Notions, 2/e is book 2 of the Reading & Vocabulary Development series. Tools for Writing p. 79 text (240 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-5294-3 $40.50 Top 10 $54.95 p. 75 text (256 pp.) ..................................................978-0-618-48105-7 $36.50 Top 20, 2/e $48.95 p. 75 text (320 pp.) ..................................................978-0-618-78967-2 $36.50 20th Century American Short Stories Volume 1 (160 pp.) ........................................978-0-8384-4850-2 Volume 2 (160 pp.) ........................................978-0-8384-4851-9 anthology (288 pp.) ......................................978-0-8384-6146-4 $48.95 p. 69 $33.50 $33.50 $40.75 $44.95 $44.95 $54.95 U U.S. Citizen, Yes, 3/e text (144 pp.) ..................................................978-1-4240-9599-5 audio CD ..........................................................978-1-4240-3139-9 text/audio CD Pkg. ........................................978-1-4240-4752-9 Understanding Language Teaching Teaching and Learning Vocabulary text (160 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-6690-2 $43.00 $40.95 p. 106 related product: see Snapshot Online Assessment of Basic Vocabulary. p. 111 $40.95 p. 107 text (192 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-6676-6 Teaching ESL K-12 p. 111 List p. 107 $46.95 $54.95 $60.95 book 1 (208 pp.) ..............................................978-0-8384-0568-0 book 2 (224 pp.) ..............................................978-0-8384-0056-2 book 3 (256 pp.) ..............................................978-0-8384-0050-0 book 4 (240 pp.) ..............................................978-0-8384-0060-9 text (275 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-2863-4 Net Teaching Bilingual Children $34.50 $40.50 $45.25 Tapestry Reading text ....................................................................978-1-4240-6713-8 Title text (144 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-6098-6 Tapestry of Language Learning, The text (256 pp.) ..................................................978-0-8384-2359-2 List p. 48 $18.75 $20.50 $23.00 $24.95 $27.95 $30.95 p. 107 $31.50 $42.95 $57.95 For pricing, ISBNs, and ordering information see pp. 114 – 144 141 Title ISBN Net Up Close List p. 49 Book 1 text (144 pp.) with student audio CD ......978-0-8384-3136-8 Workbook ........................................................978-0-8384-0541-3 Classroom audio CDs (2) ..............................978-0-8384-2452-0 teacher’s edition ............................................978-0-8384-0550-5 Book 2 text (144 pp.) with student audio CD ......978-0-8384-3258-7 Workbook ..........................................................978-0-8384-3274-7 Classroom audio CDs (2) ............................978-0-8384-2453-7 teacher’s edition ............................................978-0-8384-3867-1 Book 3 text (144 pp.) with student audio CD ......978-0-8384-3285-3 Workbook ........................................................978-0-8384-3878-7 Classroom audio CDs (2) ..............................978-0-8384-2454-4 teacher’s edition ............................................978-0-8384-3257-0 Book 4 text (144 pp.) with student audio CD ......978-0-8384-3393-5 Workbook ..........................................................978-0-8384-3827-5 Classroom audio CDs (2) ............................978-0-8384-2455-1 teacher’s edition ............................................978-0-8384-3289-1 $23.00 $16.25 $62.00 $30.75 $30.95 $21.95 $83.95 $41.95 $23.00 $16.25 $62.00 $30.75 $30.95 $21.95 $83.95 $41.95 $23.00 $16.25 $62.00 $30.75 $30.95 $21.95 $83.95 $41.95 $23.00 $16.25 $62.00 $30.75 $30.95 $21.95 $83.95 $41.95 situation Cards (books 1 – 4) ......................978-0-8384-0613-7 $91.00 $122.95 Cnn® Video (books 3 & 4)............................978-0-8384-3416-1 $62.75 $84.95 teacher’s resource CD Pkg. with examView® (books 1 – 4) ..........................978-1-4130-1504-1 $163.50 $220.95 V Visions p. 14 Intro student book (400 pp.)..................................978-1-4130-1486-0 e-book (CD-rom) ..........................................978-1-4240-4511-2 e-book (online)................................................978-1-4240-4512-9 activity book ....................................................978-1-4130-1487-7 grammar Practice ..........................................978-1-4240-1702-7 grammar Practice answer Key ....................978-1-4240-1799-7 grammar Café for Visions intro ..................978-1-4240-1916-8 text/grammar Café Pkg. ..............................978-1-4240-2074-4 student CD-rom ............................................978-1-4130-1492-1 audio CDs (7) ..................................................978-1-4130-1490-7 teacher edition ................................................978-1-4130-1493-8 teacher resource book..................................978-1-4130-1494-5 teacher 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