Messenger the - City of Las Cruces
Messenger the - City of Las Cruces
November 2015 the Messenger The newsletter of City of Las Cruces Senior Programs Lisa Padron, Editor SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST Activities, p 2 & 3 Lunch Menu, p 7 The Network Volunteer Center, p 4 & 5 Nutrition News, p 6-7 Centers and Contacts, p 8 DANCE Thu, Nov. 19, 2pm —4 pm Dance at Munson Center Door Prizes Light refreshments It is that time of the year again for our: SPECIAL THANKSGIVING Es el tiempo de ano de Nuevo para nuestro: DAY MEAL COMIDA ESPECIAL DEL DIA DE GRACIA Thursday, November 19, 2015 Jueves, Noviembre 19, 2015 11 AM—12:30 PM 11 AM—12:30 PM One seating for all four centers. Solo un turno para todos los cuatro centros. The Office Assistant at your center will have a special signup sheet for you to sing up for this meal or you can call us before the deadline at 528-3012. La Asistente de Oficina tendrá la especial para que haga su reservación. O puede llamar antes de la fecha y hora de plazo al número 528-3012. We will be taking reservations until Monday, November 16, 2015 at 1 PM. NO EXCEPTIONS! Anyone calling in their reservation after the deadline will be placed on a waiting list and will have to wait to be served until 12:15 PM. Tomaremos reservaciones hasta el día lunes, Noviembre 16 del 2015 hasta la 1 PM. ¡NO EXCEPCIONES! Cualquiera que llame para hacer reservaciones después del día y tiempo de plazo será puesto en una lista de espera y tendrá que esperar que le sirvan hasta las 12:15 PM. Medicare Open Enrollment November 12, 2015 Eastside Center 9 am—4 pm Walk-Ins Welcome! All this fun for $3 per person! The line dance class is having a howling good time at their Halloween party! Medicare Open Enrollment November 17, 2015 Munson Center 9 am—4 pm Walk-Ins Welcome! Medicare Open Enrollment November 20, 2015 Munson Center 10 am—2 pm Appointments Only! For Appointment, please call Lena at 575-528-3011. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Presentation by Lawrence Kronen from Pegasus Legal Services for Children. Presentation on November 20, 2015 at 10:30 am, with a question and answer period to follow. If you have any questions, please call Luis Castro at 575-541-2365. AARP General Meeting November 18, 2015 Munson Center, Meeting Room 1 1:30 pm PAGE 2 ARTS & CRAFTS China Painting Clay Works—Open Studio Clay Works—Open Studio Clay Works—Open Studio Crocheting (this is not a class) Knitting (this is not a class) Quilting ( this is not a class) Lapidary Certification Class Jewelry Making (Silver) Activities DAY TIME 1:30 pm-3:30 pm 8:00 am-12:00 Tue & Thu pm 12:00 pm-4:00 Tue & Thu pm 8:00 am- 4:00 Fri pm 8:30 am- 11:30 Tue & Thu am 10:00 am– Thu 12:00 pm 8:30 am-11:30 Tue& Thu am 12:00 pm- 3:30 Mon pm 9:00 am- 12:00 Fri pm Mon Jewelry Making & Lapidary Lab Tue & Thu Faceting Fri Gourd Painting Wed Mosaic—Open Studio Fri Mosaics Tue Painting—Open Studio Mon Into to Painting (beginner) Wed Landscape Art (painting) Fri Stained Glass Mon Stained Glass Wed Stained Glass Wed Stained Glass Fri Wood Carving Wed & Fri 8:00 am –4:00 pm 9:00 am–12:00 pm 1:00 pm-4:00 pm 1:00 pm– 4:00 pm 1:00 pm– 4:00 pm 8:30 am–11:30 am 11:30 am-1:30 pm 11:30 am-1:30 pm 8:30 am-11:30 am 8:30 am-11:30 am 1:00 pm-4:00 pm 1:00 pm-4:00 pm 8:00 am-12:00 pm Class Registration dates for next session are Mon-Fri November 2-6 at the Munson Front Desk! COST/6 wk session REGISTER AT MUNSON FRONT DESK $6 Munson, Studio 2 $6 Munson, Studio 3 $6 Munson, Studio 3 $6 Munson, Studio 3 No charge Eastside Center classroom; items donated locally No charge Sage Café No charge Munson, Studio 2; items donated locally $12 Munson, Studio 1. Limit of 6 students $12 Munson, Studio 1. $50 kit required $4/day Munson, Studio 1. pay $4 at front desk on day you use lab. (proficiency test required for independent use of lab.) $12 Munson, Studio 1. $16.50 supplies fee $9 Munson, Studio 4 $6 Munson, Studio 4 $9 Munson, Studio 4 $6 Munson, Studio 2 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 Sage Café, see instructor for list of supplies. Class limited to 12 participants. Class begins September 30. Sage Café, see instructor for list of supplies. Class limited to 12 participants. Class begins October 2. Munson, Studio 1. $5 kit for beginners. Class limited to 12 students, with a limit of 4 new students included. Munson. Studio 1, $5 kit for beginners. Class is limited to 12 students, with a limit of 1 new student included. Munson, Studio 1, $5 kit for beginners. Class limited to 12 students, with a limit of 4 new students included. Munson, Studio 1, $5 kit for beginners. Class limited to 12 students, with a limit of 4 new students included. No Charge Eastside Center classroom; join anytime Ceramic Glaze $2 per cup, Kiln firing $2. $3, $4 depending on size; Clay $13 for 10 pound bag. NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED—JOIN ANYTIME Sage Café—one free pastry and one free coffee for a limited time only! Join Jean for a lively discussion of current events. Munson, Room 2. Come join this great group of gardeners! Munson, Room 1. Class dates Nov. 9—Nov. 25. Registration required. Supplies and Materials LIFELONG LEARNING Coffee & Conversation Tue-Fri 9:30am10:30am SPECIAL! Community Garden Meeting Munson Center Garden 3rd Wed 1:00pm-2:00pm No charge Computers (Basic) Mon & Wed 9:00am11:00am No charge Spanish (Conversational) Tue 1:30pm-3:00pm No charge Munson, Room 4; Join anytime Spanish (Intermediate) Spanish (Spoken for Beginners) Mon No charge Munson, Room 4; Join anytime No charge Munson, Room 2; Join anytime Desert Writers Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm 10:00am11:00am 9:00am11:00am No charge Munson, Studio 2; Join anytime Fri FITNESS Enhance Fitness Enhance Fitness NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED—JOIN ANYTIME Mon, Wed, Fri Tue, Wed, Fri 8:00am-9:00am No charge Munson, auditorium 9:45 am–10:45 am No charge Sage Café, dining area Frank O’Brien Papen Community Center $30/4-week session, $15/4-week session for age 60+, Meet at Munson Center Tai Chi *NEW LOCATION* *NEW TIME* Mon. & Fri. 5:30 pm— 6:30 pm $15/4week session for 60+ Walking Group Wed & Fri 6:30 am-8:00 am No Charge More Activities PAGE 3 FITNESS CONTINUED 5:30pm-6:30pm $1 ages 60+ $2 under age 60 Munson, auditorium Mon 2:00 pm—3:00 pm No charge Munson, auditorium Fri 2:00 pm-3:00 pm No charge Munson, auditorium Zumba Gold Mon & Tue Line Dance (Beginning) Line Dance (Intermediate) GAMES Billiards (Daily) Billiards (Daily) Mon-Fri Mon-Fri 8:00am-2:00pm 8:00am-5:00pm Billiards Tournament Last Wed. 9:00am-1:00pm Bingo (Weekly) Wed Bingo (Weekly) Thu Bridge Mon & Wed Canasta Wed Chess Fri Horseshoes Wed & Fri Mah Jongg Thu Mah Jongg Fri Michigan Rummy Fri Pinochle Fri Train Dominoes Tue 12:45pm1:45pm 12:45 pm-1:45 pm 11:30am3:30pm 11:00am3:00pm 8:30am12:00pm 1:00 pm– 3:00 pm 9:00 am-12:00 pm 11:00 am-1:45 pm 11:00 am-1:45 pm 11:30 am-4:30 pm 11:00 am-1:45 pm No charge No charge $3 per person NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED—JOIN ANYTIME Eastside Center Munson Multipurpose Room Munson Multipurpose Room—last Wed of the month No charge Benavidez Center No charge Sage Café—join Jean for a FUN game of BINGO with prizes! No charge Munson, Room 3 No charge Munson, Room 3 No charge Munson, Room 3 No charge Munson, outdoors on east side of Munson No charge Munson, Room 3 No charge Sage Café No charge Sage Café No charge Munson, Room 3 No charge Sage Café No charge Benavidez Center No charge Munson, Room 2 No charge Papen Center No charge Munson, Room 2 SUPPORT GROUPS Grandparents (Monthly) 2nd Tue Low Vision (Monthly) 1st Tue Low Vision (Monthly) 1st Tue Stroke (Monthly) 1st Thu 10:30 am-11:30 am 2:30 pm-4:00 pm 9:30 am-11:00 am 1:00 pm-2:00 pm SPECIAL EVENTS Senior Programs Advisory Board Meeting 2nd Thu 9:00 am-11:00 am Medicare Enrollment Vary Vary 50+ Programming TBA TBA Open to Public Open to Public No charge November 12 at Frank O’Brien Papen Center Contact 575-528-3000 for location, date, and time. Sage Café Munson, Keyboard Café. Bring in your phone, camera, Electronic Friday Fri No charge or other portable electronics for free assistance in set up and use of features. Senior Programs Monthly Thurs., 2:00 pm-4:00 $3 per per- Munson Center. Door prizes, light refreshments, Dance Nov 19 pm son games, and a haunted house. For any questions about activities, please contact Jeneca Maya; Recreation Services Leader Senior at 575-528-3017. Activities and programs at our centers are open to all who are age 50 plus. (Age 60+ for the nutrition program.) There are no income or residency requirements to participate in senior programs. 9:00 am-10:00 am Email us at: [email protected] Like us on Facebook to receive up-to-date postings in your newsfeed! Volunteer Happenings Volunteer Spotlight: Munson Center Quilters by Ryan Steinmetz Did you know that the Munson Center has its own quilting group? 12 Network Volunteers make up the Munson Center Quilters who come together every Tuesday and Thursday to make quilts for the community. Last year alone, the quilters sent out over 280 quilts to the community. The quilts, which are nearly all made from donated materials, are distributed to places like La Casa, Mesilla Valley Hospice, Gospel Rescue Mission, and Jardin de los Niños with the goal of helping people feel comfort and warmth, especially during times of difficulty and distress. The ladies of the quilting group talk much about finding comfort and warmth in each other’s company as they gather every Tuesday and Thursday. Lynne Anderson of the quilting group noted, “We had just moved here, and I got connected to these lovely ladies who have become my dear friends.” Joyce Harp talked about the loyalty of the group. “There’s lots of laughs. When you spend so much time with each other, your connection is quilted into the fabric of the relationship.” “This group feeds our quilting addiction,” says Carmen Johnson, “and we’ve become best friends.” Long-time quilter Renate Flores commented that in 1994 she attended a china painting class originally after she retired. It wasn’t for her. “Soon after, I was introduced to the quilters by another senior and have been here ever since!” Margaret Hubbard also started with other interests. “I took a stained glass class here at Munson and had to walk by the quilting room door. I got closer and closer and eventually got hooked!” In fact, when I came to interview the ladies, I was offered a quilting needle! They let me know that gentlemen are welcome to quilt too, even though they may be subject to a little grief here and there. “We welcome all new members and donations of quilting materials, and you don’t have to have any experience in quilting.” The Network Volunteer Center’s eldest volunteer, Maria Ickler (who turned 98 in July), is a regular. “I moved here from Tucson and wanted to find friends. I found these quilters on the second try—my first quilting group was a failure! I love quilting with these ladies.” Renate Flores said of Ickler, “She’s teaching us! She’s our inspiration. She paints too and has had some of her quilts shown at city hall.” The quilters make smaller “tied quilts” to be donated, and they work on larger quilts as well. They also work on special project quilts such as quilts for breast cancer survivors. They repair each other’s old quilts and work on cross-group quilting projects with other quilters. They love to hear from those who have received a quilt or see a quilt of theirs in use. “When you quilt for others, you give your whole heart,” says Joyce Harp, “no strings attached.” The quilters meet at the Munson Center every Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Come on by! They’ll make sure to give you a needle! Above: Network Volunteer Renate Flores working on a quilt in progress! Far left: Quilters from L to R, Margaret Hubbard, Nivedita Pai, Renate Flores, Joyce Harp, Maria Ickler, Carmen Johnson, and Lynne Anderson standing in front of their New Mexico quilt and showing one of their donation quilts. SAVE THE DATE! Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast Tuesday, Dec. 15 The Network Volunteer Center will be holding a Holiday Thank You Breakfast for our Volunteers on Tuesday, December 15 at 8:30 am. The breakfast will be held in the Munson Senior Center meeting rooms. Please RSVP with Ryan Steinmetz by doing one of the following: Call our office at 575-528-3035 (Ryan will be out from Nov. 23-Dec. 2—you can also call the front desk during this time—528-3000) Send an email to [email protected] We hope to see you there for the celebration! THE MESSENGER The Network Volunteer Center PAGE 5 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES—We have lots of places who have been waiting for a volunteer like you! Contact Ryan Steinmetz at [email protected] or 528-3035 to schedule a time to discuss volunteer possibilities and to sign up for a volunteer orientation. Animal Services Center of Mesilla Valley The local Animal Services Center is always in need of volunteers. Network Volunteers interested in volunteering with the Center must also go through their volunteer orientation process in addition to the Network’s. Branigan Cultural Center Volunteer Cleaning Crew—Old books create a lot of dust! We need volunteers to help with the continuous cleaning of bookshelves and books throughout the library. Codes Enforcement—Senior Programs is developing a partnership with Codes Enforcement Juvenile Citation Program—Office Volunteers are needed for this important program working with youth in our community. Museums—All Museums—There is a huge need for greeters, tour guides and receptionist people for these museums, and on weekends in particular. Museum volunteers are also especially needed for the afternoon hours. Rat-on-a-Stick Booth—No it’s not really “rat”, but every year the museum has a booth at the Renaissance Fair (Nov. 7th and 8th) to fundraise for museum expenses and events. Volunteers are needed to help with running the booth! It’s a fun event that also allows for you to get into the Renaissance Fair for free. Railroad Museum—Many volunteers are needed for the upcoming Winterfest on Dec. 4 from 3:00-8:00. Volunteers will be helping with kids’ crafts, serving cookies and assisting with crowd control for this amazing event that has Santa Claus coming in on a train! Volunteers are also needed on Saturdays, Dec. 12 and 19 to help with kids’ crafts making ornaments. Senior Programs: General Spanish Translator—Our Senior Programs Office Assistant, Lisa Padron, is looking for volunteers who will help in the Spanish Translation of articles that will be going in to our monthly messenger. Help us make our Messenger more accessible for all of our community members! Senior Programs: Nutrition and Meals Meals on Wheels Respite Driver—Help deliver much-needed meals to our senior population. We are in need of a crew of volunteers willing to drive their own vehicles to help with “mini-routes” that will deliver food to our seniors. Breakfast Packer—Help to pack nutritious breakfasts for Meals on Wheels recipients. Help is needed on Mondays and Fridays. Food 4 Paws Driver—Another volunteer driver is needed to help collect pet food donations and make deliveries of much needed pet food and supplies for the four-legged friends of our Meals on Wheels recipients. Weed and Seed Program and After-School Programs—Working with Youth Tutor/Activity Support—Working on tutoring and other programming with area youth through Weed and Seed Mentor—Working one-on-one with a youth matched with you through the Weed and Seed program Office Assistant—Volunteers are needed to help run the front desk, organize youth registrations and answer incoming phone calls The Network Volunteer Center Volunteer Fair Steering Committee—Volunteers are needed to help plan this important event in our community highlighting volunteer opportunities. Community Volunteer Needs CARE Las Cruces The Cancer Aid Resource and Education organization, serving local cancer patients, survivors and their families by helping them obtain services or other assistance as they cope with their cancer diagnosis. A fully volunteer organization, CARE is currently looking for office assistants to help with various office tasks so that more people are aware of the services that are offered by CARE in our community. Catholic Charities Legal Program Bilingual volunteers are needed to help with the coverage of the receptionist desk and assist in translating documents that will be sent as a part of clients’ immigration packets. Catholic Charities Legal Program offers affordable immigration services for families as well as VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) clients. Mesilla Valley Community of Hope The Mesilla Valley Community of Hope serves homeless individuals in our community. Volunteers are needed to help serve area homeless individuals and families by serving at the front desk and connecting people to needed services. Nutrition News Page 6 Roger Bishop, Nutrition and Meal Services Program Manager A special note to our Congregate Consumers A Message from Roger Bishop: This is, without question, my favorite time of year in Las Cruces. What a joy to see the deep blue skies fading into the horizon against the backdrop of 70 degree day time weather. Each weekend tends to be packed with community events, festivals and all things that are special to the place we call home. Senior Nutrition enters its busiest time of year as well, with a series of special events and activities all aimed at making it a little better to 60 or older and enjoying a productive and meaningful retirement. We hope that you will participate in the many wonderful activities Senior Programs has to offer. Drop a line in the suggestion box and give us feedback about how we can make things better for the community. Este es, sin duda, mi época del año favorita en Las Cruces. Me da un gusto ver los cielos azules cuando se desvanecen en el horizonte en el clima cálido del otoño. Cada fin de semana tiende a estar lleno de eventos comunitarios, festivales y todas las cosas que son especiales al lugar que llamamos nuestro hogar. Senior Nutrition entra en su temporada más ocupada también, con una serie de eventos especiales y actividades inclinadas a mejorar la vida de las personas con 60 años o más de edad, al igual que ayudarlos a disfrutar sus vidas de jubilación. Esperamos que usted participará en las muchas actividades maravillosas que tiene Senior Programs para ofrecerle. Deje una idea en la Speaking of events, our annual Thanksgiving caja de sugerencias y denos retroalimentación Day meal will be Thursday, November 19, de cómo podemos mejorar nuestra 2015 from 11 am to 12:30 pm at all four comunidad. community meal sites. Participants can expect Ya que estamos en el tema de eventos, la a delicious meal of cranberry salad, roast comida anual del Día de Acción de Gracias turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, peas and será jueves, 19 de noviembre, 2015 de 11 de carrots, clover roll and a slice of pumpkin pie. la mañana a 12:30 de la tarde en los cuatro Wow! The suggested donation for this meal is sitios comunitarios de comida. Los $2.50. For guests who are under age 60, the participantes pueden esperar una comida price is $7.50. Be sure you make your deliciosa de ensalada de arándanos, pavo reservation for this special feast no later than rostizado, puré de papas, relleno, chícharos y Monday, November 16, by 1 pm. Call our zanahorias, y una rebanada de torta de calabaza. ¡Que rico! La donación sugerida para reservation hotline, 528-3012 today. Are you interested in becoming a volunteer driver for esta comida es $2.50. Para los invitados our Meals-on-Wheels Program? We serve over 400 menores de 60 años, el precio es $7.50. Aseseniors, 60+ who are homebound. The growing gúrese de hacer su reservación para esta number of clients is making it impossible to stay comida especial antes de lunes, 16 de within the required 2 hour delivery time. We are seek- noviembre, a la 1:00 de la tarde. Llame a ing caring volunteers to complete small nuestra línea telefónica para hacer su neighborhood routes on the same day each week. It reservación hoy al (575)528 – 3012. takes approximately one hour. Currently we need help Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday and Friday. If you want to make a difference in someone’s life, call Ryan Steinmetz, Volunteer Coordinator, at 528-3035 or stop in the Munson Center at 975 S. Mesquite to get more information. Please note that our centers will be closed on Wednesday, November 11 in observance of Veteran’s Day and again on Thursday and Friday, November 26 and 27 in observance of Thanksgiving. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all Veterans as well as wish each and every one a wonderful Thanksgiving. Sincerely, Roger Bishop Nutrition and Meal Services Program Manager ¿Está usted interesado en hacerse conductor voluntario del programa Meals-on-Wheels? Servimos a más de 400 personas de la tercera edad que no pueden salir de casa. El creciente número de clientes hace imposible que nos quedemos dentro del límite de 2 horas para hacer entregas. Estamos buscando a voluntarios que hagan entregas en rutas pequeñas el mismo día, cada semana. La ruta dura aproximadamente una hora. Actualmente necesitamos ayuda los lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, y viernes. Si usted quiere hacer la diferencia en la vida de alguien, llame a Ryan Steinmetz, el coordinador de voluntarios, al (575)528-3035 o llegue al Munson Center, localizado en 975 S. Mesquite para adquirir más información. Many of our cooks are hearing things like, “give me a little more of this, and a bit more of that”, or, “you just gave him more than me, I want more too.” All of our Food Service Workers are instructed to use portion control tools on the serving line. In addition, standardized recipes are utilized to produce a consistent, high-quality product in the amount shown on the recipe. The tools on the serving line can predict the exact number of servings a recipe yields. This helps reduce leftovers and minimize variance. The bottom line is that we cannot give our guests more food on the serving line just because they are requesting it. At the end of the serving period, the Senior Cook may allow second portions to be served to our guests if that meal cannot be made into a weekend frozen meal for our homebound clients. The decision to offer seconds is at the discretion of the Senior Cook. If you should have any questions regarding this procedure, feel free to give me a call at 528-3013. Thank you. Roger Bishop An important message to our Meals-on-Wheels Clients To cancel or resume your meal call Teresa Carrillo at 541-2301 by 9 AM. If you call 541-2451, 528-3012 or a Case Manager, Senior Nutrition may not get your message before your meal is prepared for you. The best person to call is Terry. When she is not in the office, her phone line automatically rings to her backup. If you should have any questions about this please call Ms. Terry at 541-2301. Una nota especial para nuestros consumidores, A muchos de nuestros cocineros les gusta escuchar, “dame un poquito más de esto, y un poquito más de aquello,” o “a él le diste más que a mí. Yo también quiero más.” Todos nuestros trabajadores de servicio de comida y alimentos están advertidos a practicar el control de porciones mientras sirven. Además, las recetas están estandarizadas para producir un producto de alta calidad en la cantidad que enseña la receta. Estas herramientas en la línea de servicio pueden predecir el número exacto de porciones que produce una receta. Esto ayuda a minimizar diferencias y que se queden sobras. Esencialmente, no podemos servirles a nuestros consumidores más comida en la línea de servicio simplemente porque nos lo pidan. Al final del periodo de servir, el cocinero principal decidirá si se puede servir una segunda vez si la comida no se puede congelar para los clientes que no pueden salir de casa. Está decisión será hecha con la prudencia del Por favor tenga en mente que los centros cocinero principal. estarán cerrados miércoles, 11 de noviembre para observar el Día de los Veteranos y de Si tiene alguna pregunta en cuanto a este procedimiento, favor de nuevo se cerrarán el jueves y viernes, 26 y 27 llamarme al 528-3013. de noviembre para festejar el Día de Acción Gracias, de Gracias. Me gustaría tomar esta oportunidad para agradecer a los veteranos, y Roger Bishop también desearles a cada uno de ustedes un Día de Acción de Gracias maravilloso. Un mensaje importante para nuestros clientes de Meals-on-Wheels Sinceramente, Para cancelar o continuar de recibir su comida, llame a Teresa CaRoger Bishop rrillo al (575)541-2301 antes de las 9 de la mañana. Gerente de servicios de nutrición y comida Si llama al 541-2451, 528-3012 o al gerente de casos, puede que la oficina de Senior Nutrition no reciba su mensaje antes de que se le prepare su comida. La mejor persona para contactar es Terry (Teresa). Cuando ella no está en su oficina, su línea telefónica automáticamente se transfiere a otra persona encargada. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre esto, por favor llame a la señorita Terry al 541-2301. PAGE 7 PAGE 8 Sonia Saldana Roger Bishop Lora G. Palacios Senior Programs Nutrition and Meal Long Term Care Administrator Services Program Services 541-2464 Manager Manager [email protected] 528-3013 541-2459 Office location: [email protected] [email protected] Munson Center Office location: Office location: Eastside Center Munson Center PLUS nearly 50 staff members—office assistants, case managers, living assistance workers, hostesses, senior cooks, food service workers, supervisors, and delivery drivers who work to promote and enhance the physical, intellectual and social well being of people 50+ who live in Las Cruces. Munson Center Eastside Community Center Frank O’Brien Papen Center Dining Room Henry Benavidez Community Center Sage Café Senior Program Facilities 975 S. Mesquite Street 575-528-3000 Las Cruces 31 N. Tornillo 575-541-2304 Las Cruces 304 W. Bell 575-541-2454 Las Cruces 1045 McClure Road 575-541-5185 Las Cruces 6121 Reynolds Drive Las Cruces 575-528-3151 Open Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Open Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 2:00 pm Open Monday – Friday 10:30 am – 1:00 pm Open Monday – Friday 10:30 am – 1:00 pm Open Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 2:00 pm No Congregate Meals. Resource Phone Number Information and Referrals Meal Reservations and Cancellations Dial A Ride Meals On Wheels Intake 575-528-3011, 975 S. Mesquite Street, Las Cruces 575-528-3012 575-541-2777 575-541-2451, 975 S. Mesquite Street, Las Cruces Refer-A-Friend Back in Action The refer-a-friend incentive is up and running now through December 18, 2015. The contest is simple. Refer a friend or family member who you think will participate in the congregate meal program. Ask the Office Assistant at the meal site for a postcard. Fill in the blanks on the front of the card. Have your friend bring in the postcard when they register for Senior Programs. Then, the new client gives the card to a Senior Program staff member. Sign up for a meal and enjoy! Both the inviter and invitee will be eligible to win a prize. Earlier this year, Senior Nutrition gave away two Kindle Fires as the prize. The more people you refer, the more chances to have to win. Good Luck! .Refiere-A- un Amigo Patras en acción. El incentivo a Refiere-A-un Amigo será disponible hasta el 18 de diciembre del 2015. El concurso es fácil. Los participantes refieren a un amigo o pariente para que se registre y participe en el programa de la comida de congregación. Pidale a la asistente de oficina una tarjeta. Llene el frente de la tarjeta y dele a su amigo o familiar la tarjeta y dígale que la traiga cuándo se registre en el Programa de Nutrición. El cliente nuevo le entrega la tarjeta al empleado del Programa cuando llene los papeles de registración. Ambos serán parte de una rifa para recibir un regalo impresionante. A principios del año, el Programa de Nutrición dio dos Kindle Fires (Aparato para leer) como premio. Entre más personas refiere más oportunidades lleva para ganar. ¡Buena suerte! William Sears, MD Nutrition Education Presentation Nine Simple Steps to Prime-Time Health When: Wednesday, November 4, 2015 Where: Eastside Community Center Classroom Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Enjoy a DVD presentation by Dr. William Sears for helpful tips on how to prevent disease, sharpen thinking, boost energy and take charge of your life. Dr. Sears received his pediatric training at Harvard Medical School’s Children’s Hospital in Boston and The Hospital for the Sick Children in Toronto. He serves as an associate clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of California—Irvine School of Medicine and has appeared on numerous television programs including Oprah, Good Morning America, Today, 20/20, Dateline and The Doctors. Presentación Educativa de Nutrición Nueve pasos sencillos para mejorar la salud Cuando: Miércoles, 4 de noviembre, 2015 Dónde: Eastside Community Center en el Salón de clase Hora: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Disfrute una presentación en DVD por Dr. William Sears que le proveerán consejos para ayudarlo a prevenir enfermedades, agilizar su mente, aumentar su energía y tomar control de su vida. El Dr. Sears recibió su entrenamiento de pediátrico en Harvard Medical School’s Children’s Hospital en Boston y en El Hospital para Niños Enfermos en Toronto. Él sirve como un profesor asociado de pediatría en La Universidad de California Irvine Escuela de Medicina y se ha presentado en numerosos programas de televisión, incluyendo Oprah, Good Morning America, Today, 20/20, Dateline y The Doctors.
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