September 28, 2014 - St. Julie Billiart Catholic Parish in Hamilton
September 28, 2014 - St. Julie Billiart Catholic Parish in Hamilton
ST. JULIE BILLIART September 28, 2014 THIS WEEK PASTOR’S CORNER SATURDAY, September 27 1:00 Wedding 3:00 Reconciliation - Church 4:30 Mass [The Parish Family] SUNDAY, September 28 8:30 Mass [Mary Ann Hornung+] 9:30 RCIA - Dayton House 9:45 PREP 11:00 Mass [ Jeanne Doehlman] 1:00 Misa en Español 1:00 Secular Franciscans—Dayton House MONDAY, September 29 St. Michael 12:00 Mass [Ken Schoettmer] 7:00 St. Vincent de Paul– Fenmont 7:30 Procession - Fenmont to Church 8:00 Misa en Español– Church TUESDAY, September 30 8:00 Mass [The Parish Family] WEDNESDAY, October 1 8:00 Communion Service 7:00 BINGO - Fenmont 7:00 Pastoral Region Core Group Church Office 7:00 Spanish Choir - Church 7:00 RCIA - Dayton House St. Michael THURSDAY, October 2 Guardian Angels 8:00 Mass [Nancy Jo Huntington] 7:00 RCIA Inquiry Meeting – Dayton House 7:00 Choir Practice - Church 7:30 Parish Council—Church Office FIRST FRIDAY, October 3 12:00 Mass [Merle & Diana Ferry 50th Wedding Anniv.] 4:00 Wedding -Church 7:00 Holy Hour—Church SATURDAY, October 4 RESPECT LIFE SUNDAY 9:00-1:00 BLOCK PARTY 1:00 Blessing of Pets-Parking Lot 3:00 Reconciliation - Church 4:30 Mass [Dominic Francis Chilbert*] SUNDAY, October 5 RESPECT LIFE SUNDAY 8:30 Mass [Altar Rosary Society Members] 9:30 RCIA - Dayton House 9:45 PREP 11:00 Mass [Ken Schoettmer] 1:00 Misa en Español VOCATION VIEWS: “Your ways, O Lord, make known to me; teach me your paths.” The paths of the Lord lead to eternal life, if we but have the courage to walk where He leads. (Psalm 25:4) Next weekend is Respect Life Sunday. I believe that many of the moral principles that undergird the Church’s teaching on Respect for Life form a moral approach to immigration, as well. As you’ve heard me say on various occasions many issues are both moral and political. For instance, who can deny that abortion is both political and moral? That is why we Catholics should strive to form our conscience on these and all matter s of mor al consequence. Too often we “take a stand” without doing the tough work of examining what moral principles underlie my “take”. We allow the rhetoric of talk radio or some other source to form our conscience without even stopping to look at the hierarchy of values that are in play. Forming a Catholic conscience means giving first place in the chaos of voices to the voice of the Church. When a Catholic says, “I don’t agree with the Church” on this or that, what value or values do you put higher than the values the Church lifts up? It means measuring my “take” against Catholic moral principles; not measuring Catholic moral principles against my opinion. If this is something that you want to explore further, I will be giving an overview on what is uniquely Catholic about scripture, morality, and spirituality in a series of three classes in October. You’ll find more info elsewhere in the bulletin. On Oct. 27 I’ll be at St. John’s, West Chester addressing the Catholic Church’s approach to immigration, both internationally and nationally. I’m sure they’d welcome anyone from St. Julie Billiart. Unlike a homily, this forum, though, allows for responses and questions. READINGS FOR THIS WEEK Readings for the Week of September 28, 2014 Sunday Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ez 18:25-28; Ps 25; Phil 2:1-11 or 2:1-5; Mt 21:28-32 Monday Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a; Ps 138; Jn 1:47-51 Tuesday Saint Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; Ps 88; Lk 9:51-56 Wednesday Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church Jb 9:1-12, 14-16; Ps 88; Lk 9:57-62 Thursday The Holy Guardian Angels Jb 19:21-27; Ps 27; Mt 18:1-5, 10 Friday Jb 38:1, 12-21, 40:3-5; Ps 139; Lk 10:13-16 Saturday Saint Francis of Assisi Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Ps 119; Lk 10:17-24 Sunday Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 5:1-7; Ps 80; Phil 4:6-9; Mt 21:33-43 ST. JULIE BILLIART September 28, 2014 STEWARDSHIP TREASURE: July 2014-June 2015 Weekly Collection Review Collection September 21, 2014 Adult Envelopes Received 198 Regular Collection Goal: $11,000.00 Regular Collection Received 7,873.03 Over/Under Goal: (3,126.97) YTD Regular Collection Goal: 132,000.00 YTD Regular Collection Received 116,646.05 YTD Over/Under Goal: (15,353.95) “MAKE MAKE -A-CHANGE” FOR SEPTEMBER ST. VINCENT DE PAUL St. Julie Billiart Capital Campaign Drive: Preserving our Past – Preparing for Our Future As of 09-21-14 we have received $453,182.66 in donations for the drive. We received several additional pledges and donations from members who had made pledges/ donations at the beginning of our drive in June 2012. Thanks for your continued support of this drive which will help us maintain and update or buildings so that we can continue to bring Christ to others through a variety of religious programs as well as recreational and social activities. Donation envelopes for our Capital Campaign Drive can be found in the vestibule of church and are in you’re your regular donation packets. PLAN ON ATTENDING the next ALTAR ROSARY MEETING Monday, October 6, 2014 at 12:45 following the noon Mass in the Fenmont. See you there!! St. Julie Celebrates Marriage! Are you celebrating a wedding anniversary milestone in 2014? If so, St. Julie’s would like to invite couples whose 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th, 55th, 60th, th th 65 or 70 anniversary occur in 2014 to be their special guests at the upcoming parish Irish Heritage Dinner on Saturday, November 8th. The dinner, sponsored by our Hospitality Committee, takes place at our Fenmont Center after the 4:30 Mass. Reservations are necessary for this event, so be sure to fill out a reservation form and return it to the parish office by Saturday, October 18th. Also at all the Masses November 8th and 9th couples celebrating these milestone sacramental anniversaries will receive a blessing at the end of Mass. Our Thanks and Prayers to Deacon Tom Strodtbeck on the Occasion of the 16th Anniversary of his Ordination September 26, 1998. FIRE DRILL at PREP on Sept. 28 Please drive slowly around the Fenmont and Church areas. 215 PREP students will be conducting their FIRE DRILL on Sunday, Sept. 28 at 10:00 am. Thank you! RAIN DATE: Oct. 12 FIRST RECONCILIATION PARENT MEETING ON SUNDAY OCT. 5 All parents who have children who attended PREP all last year and are preparing for First Holy Communion this year are asked to attend the Parent Meeting on Sunday, Oct. 5 at 9:45 to 10:45 am in the Fenmont. Special materials and books will be given to each Parent to be used at home and at PREP. This is an exciting time for the families! Let’s keep them in our prayers as they pass on the Catholic Faith! BLOCK PARTY VOLUNTEERS All our CONFIRMATION families are asked to contact Tami Urcia to volunteer to help at the St. Julie BLOCK PARTY on Sat. Oct. 4. We need volunteers from 7 am to 3 pm. Work one or more hours. Carve out some time to help out our neighbors by working at a booth, children’s activity or handing out donations. See the website for more information or call 863-1040 ext. *825 or *815 for Mary Pat Austing. A great opportunity for sponsors to work side by side with their Confirmation Candidate! CONFIRMATION SPONSOR FORMS ARE DUE Parents and Candidates are asked to turn in the forms with the information about their place of Baptism and who their Sponsor will be with their Pastor’s Church Seal and Signature. Forms were in the Blue Folders given out last April and are online at CONFIRMATION MENTORS We are asking for help on, 2nd Sundays of October, November, February & March for adults or high schoolers who have been Confirmed to help our candidates this year in small group discussions about the Catholic Faith, prayers, and the assignments they are working on in class and at home. Discussion guidelines and agendas will be provided. The dates are: October. 12, Nov. 9, Feb. 8 , March 8 from 9:45 am to 10:45 am in the Fenmont. Call Mary Pat Austing to offer your help or to ask any questions. 863-1040 [email protected] ST. JULIE BILLIART September 28, 2014 A CATHOLIC APPROACH TO… 2014 WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are going to need lots of volunteers on Saturday, October 4. This is a whole parish event . Thank you so much for your generosity! Call 863-1040 to let us know if you can help. Virtual Pilgrimage of Lourdes, France St. Julie Billiart 224 Dayton Street, Hamilton North American Lourdes Volunteers will present a 90-minute prayerful VIRTUAL PILGRIMAGE to Lourdes, France, at St. Julie Billiart Parish on Sunday, October 26th at 6:30 PM. During this guided Lourdes experience, you will immerse yourself in the Message of Lourdes as given by Our Lady to St. Bernade-e. You will have the opportunity to touch the Gro-o Rock and to experience the liquid grace of Lourdes Water. As part of this spiritual opportunity to draw nearer to God with Our Lady and St. Bernade-e, you will receive a Eucharis5c blessing and pray the Rosary. Come and experience the healing grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ through His Immaculate Mother. The next best thing to visi5ng Lourdes is a Virtual Pilgrimage journey without the travel! We need volunteers to make this happen! People to help with processions, audiovisuals and refreshments, ushers, greeters, musicians, and altar servers are needed. If you are interested in helping, please contact Mary Richter for more informa5on at 513 863 1040. Our Lady extends her invita on to all! Invite your family, children and friends! All are welcome! Several years ago Fr. Mike offered a series entitled “A Catholic Approach to Scripture, Sacraments and Spirituality, and Morality”. He will be offering them again. The purpose of the three-part series is to highlight the uniquely Catholic approach to these three areas. Many Catholics approach these areas of Christianity with points of view they have picked up from the more Protestant atmosphere of the U.S. The goal is not to enter into polemics but to clarify differences. Obviously, this will be the most superficial of studies so that another goal is to offer resources for continued study. Because this will be a cursory look, it makes no claim to be the only way to look at these areas with Catholic eyes. The sessions will be offered in the “St. Stephen Hall” of the Fenmont from 7:00 to 8:30 on the following days: A Catholic Approach to Scripture Thursday, Oct. 23 A Catholic Approach to Sacraments and Spirituality Thursday, Oct. 30 A Catholic Approach to Morality Thursday, Nov. 13 “Be All You Can Be” Walk 2014 The 6th Annual Walk-a-Thon for St. Peter in Chains School is scheduled for Friday, October 10th, 2014. Please consider making a donation to the school in general or perhaps to sponsor a particular student(s). There are envelopes in the back of church. If you do not have an official donation envelope, you could also send your donation (cash or check made payable to “St. Peter in Chains School”) to the Walk-a-Thon Committee, St. Peter in Chains School, 451 Ridgelawn Avenue, Hamilton, OH 45013. This is our major PTO fundraiser for the year and your support is greatly appreciated! Thank you very much for your generosity! THE ST. JULIE COOKBOOK HAS ARRIVED! “Thanks to all of the great cooks in our parish, friends and families, we have a nice assortment of 400 LARGE PRINT recipes. The cookbooks are $12 each and will be for sale during parish office hours, 9am-noon and 1-4pm, as well at some of the Masses and parish events….They will make great gifts! And it is another way to support the Capital Campaign. ST. JULIE BILLIART September 28, 2014 NATIONAL LIFE CHAIN SUNDAY October 5, 2014 2:00—3:00pm HAVE YOU WALKED INTO A CHURCH ON A SUNDAY MORNING AND REALLY FELT WELCOMED?ARE YOU WILLING TO MAKE A SMALL EFFORT TO MAKE ST. JULIE BILLIART THAT KIND OF PARISH? First impressions last. What is a visitor’s first impression when walking in the door for Sunday Mass? Hospitality involves a diversity of ministries: Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, choir, priest, deacon, people who assist with the collection, and GREETERS. A greeter, simply enough, is someone who helps the per son walking through the door feel welcome. You can be an individual, couple of friends, or a family. You need to know some basic information about our buildings and about “who’s who” so as to answer questions. But most of all, you need to put yourself in the person’s shoes and consider, “What will make him/her/them feel like they not only belong, but have been expected?” Earlier in the year as part of her Lay Ministry Program Mary Richter presented a workshop about becoming a more welcoming parish and now we want to get ourselves organized to do just that. If you ar e inter ested please join us on Tuesday evening, Oct. 21 [note changed date] from 7:00 to 8:00. If you have questions, contact Fr . Mike. Dear Moms and Dads, In our attempt to make St. Julie’s Parish ever more family friendly, we are considering starting up a nursery during one of our weekend Masses. In order to make it work, we would have to have enough families interested and enough volunteers. Is this something your family would benefit from? It would be for children ages 6mo through 2nd grade. Please contact Tami Urcia in the Family Ministry Office to express your thoughts. 513-863-1040 or [email protected] Meet in front of the Butler County Government Services Center at 1:45pm to get a sign provided by Butler County Right to Life. We will space ourselves out from each corner at the intersection of High Street and Martin Luther King for a prayerful silent witness. Defend human life against abortion. Pray for the 950+ Life Chains in the U.S. and Canada. How about YOU? Yep, YOU! We would love some help with our classes for PREP. Could you be a substitute catechist? A co-catechist? A guest speaker? A mentor? A craft helper? An office helper? The opportunities to use your gifts are limitless! Come join in on the fun! Call the Parish Office to offer your help SERVICE IS JOY – CATHOLIC “HAPPY HOUR” FOR YOUNG ADULTS Theology on Tap leaders from the Cincinnati area have teamed up to create a special event on the evening of November 6, 2014, at the Centennial Barn for young adults. Representatives of a wide range of service organizations will be on hand to provide information about volunteering with their organizations, answer questions, and befriend young adults. The young adults who participate will enjoy time with one another, sampling of various craft beers, and an invitation to serve. People may come when they can and stay as long as they like, between 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. The Centennial Barn is located at 110 Compton Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45215, and here is a link: La Gro La ces mo De eve wil the ma ST. JULIE BILLIART September 28, 2014 St. Julie Billiart Capital Campaign Drive Raffle 2014 Handmade Irish Chain Quilt Handmade By Parish Members In Honor Of Our Irish Heritage The Capital Campaign is in its third and final year and most of the projects for this drive have been completed. The goal of this three year campaign is to both preserve our buildings and enhance them to better accommodate the growing needs of our parish. The drive has received great support from our members as well as the Hamilton community. IRISH QUILT RAFFLE History of the Irish Chain Quilt - The first Irish Quilt that came to America from Ireland was quilted in 1805 and brought to West Virginia by Margaret McKee when she immigrated to America in 1807. The earliest documented Irish Chain Quilt made in America was made in Kentucky about 1814. The quilt measures 78 x 82 and has a tone on tone off white background with muted fall colors making the chain. The quilting is done with double Celtic knots and shamrocks and is reversible. The quilt was made and donated by Freddie and Andy Lampl from Seams Sew Easy Fabrics. Winner will be drawn at our Irish Heritage Dinner on November 8th. Winner need not be present to win. Your donation is not tax deductible Quilt Raffle Suggested donation: 1 for $5; 6 for $25 Freddie and Andy with the finished Quilt. Please note that some of the tickets printed say “Progressive Raffle”. This is an error and all of the tickets that we sent out are for the IRISH QUILT RAFFLE. Thanks! Quilt Raffle Suggested donation: 1 for $5; 6 for $25 Name______________________ Name______________________ Address____________________ City/State:__________________ Address____________________ City/State:__________________ Zip:______ Phone:___________ ——————————————————— Quilt Raffle Zip:______ Phone:___________ ——————————————————— Quilt Raffle Suggested donation: 1 for $5; 6 for $25 Suggested donation: 1 for $5; 6 for $25 Name______________________ Name______________________ Address____________________ City/State:__________________ Address____________________ City/State:__________________ Zip:______ Phone:___________ ——————————————————— Quilt Raffle Zip:______ Phone:___________ ——————————————————— Quilt Raffle Suggested donation: 1 for $5; 6 for $25 Suggested donation: 1 for $5; 6 for $25 Name______________________ Name______________________ Address____________________ City/State:__________________ Address____________________ City/State:__________________ Zip:______ Phone:___________ ——————————————————— Zip:______ Phone:___________ ——————————————————— ST. JULIE BILLIART 28 DE Septiembre 2014 XXVI DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO LEER: Ezequiel 18:25-28, Salmo 24, Filipenses 2:1-11, Mateo 21:28-32 MISA Y PROCESIÓN PARA LA FIESTA DE SAN MIGUEL ARCANGEL El lunes, 29 de septiembre es la fiesta de San Miguel Arcangel. Como es de costumbre, tendremos una procession y una misa especial. La procesión va a empezar en el Fenmont a las 7:30pm y celebramos la Misa inmediatamente después a las 8:00pm. ¡Todos están cordialmente invitados! COMITÉ REGIONAL Dentro de los próximos tres años habrá un solo párroco para las tres parroquias: Santa Julia de Billiart, San Pedro en Cadenas, y San José. Eso es debido a los pocos sacerdotes que se ordenan estos días. Este cambio está ocurriendo no solamente en Hamilton, ni solamente en la Arquidiócesis de Cincinnati, sino en todo el país. Sin duda habrá cambios para todos. Podría ser en la frecuencia de las Misas dominicales. Podría ser en el tiempo que el nuevo párroco tendrá disponibles para los feligreses de cada parroquia. Podría ser en las finanzas. En este momento no se sabe nada con certeza. Para preparar para ese día se está formando un comité de representantes de las tres parroquias. Es importante que haya un representante de la Comunidad Hispana. Se busca una persona que: • Esté cómoda participando en reuniones en inglés • Tenga tiempo disponible en la tarde (generalmente a las 7pm) • Pueda dedicar tiempo para escuchar las inquietudes de la Comunidad Hispana y darle a conocer el trabajo del comité. • Esté dispuesto a leer unos pocos documentos. Se espera que el comité se reunirá no más que una vez al mes por los próximos tres años. Si le gustaría formar parte del comité o si tiene preguntas acerca de ello, hable con el P. Mike. Muchas Gracias. Encuentro Matrimonial-Oct 3-5, 2014 El Fin De Semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial es un programa de 44 horas en donde las parejas pueden alejarse de el trabajo, los niños, el telefono y las tareas de la casa para enfocarse solamente en el uno para el otro. Si están buscando que su relación crezca, sea mas profunda y rica, entonces no va a querer faltar! Para Registrarse llame a Alfredo y Lupita al (513)227-0536. RETIRO PREMATRIMONIAL Y DE PAREJAS Fecha: 22 de Noviembre de 8:30am-5:00pm Dirección: Igl. Sta. Susanna, 616 Reading Rd, Mason OH Información: P. Samuel González Tel. (513) 383-8867 email: [email protected] o Karla Eysoldt: Tel. (513) 398-3821 Ext. 3112, email: [email protected] Nota: Se aceptan parejas que vivan en unión libre, o que estén casadas por lo civil o matrimonios católicos que quieran participar Costo: $20 por pareja para refrigerios y almuerzo. : **Todas las parejas que piensan en casarse en los próximos 12 meses deben asistir en este retiro.** El BLOCK PARTY es este sábado de 9:00am-1:00pm. Todos están invitados! Peregrinaje Virtual de Lourdes, Francia Voluntarios Norte Americanos de Lourdes van a presentar un PEREGRINAJE VIRTUAL de Lourdes, Francia, en la Parroquia de St. Julie Billiart el domingo, 26 de octubre a las 6:30 PM. Durará aproximadamente 90 minutos. Durante esta experiencia guiada de Lourdes, podrá profundizar en el mensaje de Lourdes dado por Nuestra Señora a Sta. Bernadette. Tendrá la oportunidad de tocar una piedra del grotto y experimentar la gracia que brota del agua de Lourdes. Como parte de esta oportunidad espiritual de acercarse a Dios y Nuestra Señora y Sta. Bernadette, recibirá una bendición Eucarística y rezaremos el rosario. Vengan a experimentar la gracia sanadora de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo a través de su Madre Inmaculada. A parte de visitar al mismo Lourdes, el Peregrinaje Virtual es lo mejor, y sin viajar! Necesitamos voluntarios para ayudar con este evento. Buscamos gente para ayudar con la procesión, audiovisuales, meriendas, ujieres, equipo de bienvenida, músicos, y monaguillos. Tendremos una reunión organizativa el 15 de septiembre en la oficina parroquial. Si desea ayudar por favor comuníquese con la Sra. Mary Richter para más información al 513 863 1040. Nuestra Señora extiende su invitación a todos! ¡Inviten a su familia, sus hijos y amigos! ¡Todos están bienvenidos! Lecturas de la Semana - Septiembre 29-Octubre 4 Lunes: Daniel 7:9-10 y 13-14, Salmo 137, Juan 1:47-51 Martes: Job 3:1-23 y 10-13, Salmo 87, Lucas 9:51-56 Miércoles: Job 9:1-12 y 14-16, Salmo 87, Lucas 9:57-62 Jueves: Job 19:21-27, Salmo 26, Mateo 18:1-5 y 10 Viernes: Job 38:1, 12-21 y 40:3-5, Salmo 138, Lucas 10:13-16 Sábado: Job 42:1-3,5-6,12-16, Salmo 118, Lucas 10:17-24
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