The Messenger -El Mensajero December
The Messenger -El Mensajero December
Christmas to-do list es are home, when the shepherds are back with their flock, the work of Ramsey Memorial United Methodist Church when the kings and princ- 5900 Hull Street Road star in the sky is gone, Richmond VA 23224 gels is stilled, when the ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED When the song of the an- Christmas begins: The Messenger -El Mensajero December - Diciembre 2015 January - Enero 2016 to find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, to rebuild the nations, to bring peace among brothers, to make music in the heart. Non Profit Org. U. S. Postage PAID Richmond VA Permit No. 2045 —Howard Thurman RAMSEY MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 5900 Hull Street Road, Richmond, VA 23224 804-276-4628, Just These Lines My Friends…. To say I am so looking forward to all the awe and wonder of the Advent season: of preparing our hearts in worship, sharing in the liturgy, hearing the sacred text, and pondering God’s miraculous story in our midst. Walking through Bethlehem, meditating upon the Christmas story and the Christ child, sharing from our bounty and giving of ourselves during this most joyful and generous of seasons is what the ‘heart’ of Christmas is all about. Once again at this time of year, I find myself deeply thankful for the gifts of our vibrant music ministries. Tammy Heller continues to bring her gifts of excellence in music and leadership to our Chancel Choir and Praise Choir; Sue Newman continues to share her gifts of musical accompaniment with grace and love; Sarah Russo blesses us with her sharing of music and worship leadership. Our Hispanic Music Ministry Team led by Milton Bonilla continues to share their passion for worship, along with bassist Oswaldo Aguilar and the return of our excellent drummer Sammy Aguilar. All of the many hours that these servant-hearted and talented musicians share with us is a great blessing here at Ramsey Church! Each Sunday they gather to lead us in worship, in beautiful inspiring music in praise of God! We will all be touched by the wonder of the Christmas season during this year’s Cantata, and our holy Advent and Christmas Eve services. Won’t you join me in praying in thanksgiving for all who serve in music ministries, and for God’s leading in what God has in store for us into our future? Especially during this holy season, come home to worship! Be here every time you can be; you do not want to miss what God is doing in our midst! My Christmas and New Year’s Prayer for each one of us, is that we seek the heart of God….and the heart of Christmas! It is my continued joy, to be at this time, and this place, with all of you. In Advent Hope and Anticipation, Pastor Deb “On behalf of Virginia Blood Services and the patients, who are the ultimate beneficiaries, please extend our gratitude to everyone who donated to help others. Their generosity will help our neighbors in need, including cancer patients, critically ill newborns, burn patients, accident victims, transplant patients and many more who require blood products.” Sherry Driskill, Account Manager, Virginia Blood Services THANK YOU to our Ramsey Folks: 13 signed in to donate and 10 units were collected. Ramsey Church Family, Thank you so much for all the cards, calls and especially the prayers during Ethel’s recent hospital stay. Thanks too to Pastor Deb for her visits and the beautiful prayer shawl! Ethel uses it daily. Stuart & Ethel Baltz From the Pickleballers, In this season of Thanksgiving, the pickleball community of players thanks you for the year round use of your church facilities. We are so grateful for your hospitality, as it allows us to meet and enjoy pickleball with old and new friends every Wednesday morning. We look forward to sharing our love for the game with more Ramsey members in the near future. The Ramsey Church family remembers those who have claimed the promise of resurrection this year. We offer prayers and thoughts to the family and friends of: Margaret Bridgers Winfree Beulah Harrison Margaret Kelley Marjorie Gene Layne Marion Woodcock Charles W. Kraft Virginia Gupton Kathy Smith Susan Turnes Charles Brown Rita Yoss Evers Bernice Vaughan Paul Hrip Kathryn Belcher Virginia Laine Hattie Lindsey Heaven Moné Salley Alex Wicker Hilda Baughan Anne Stauffer Kathryn Belcher Louise Sweat Andy Jorgenson Kitty Belcher Forrest Kirby Pollard Sarah B. Warren Effie Smith Charlie Burch Te amo, Jehová fortaleza mía. Jehová, roca mía y castillo mío, mi libertador; Dios mío, fortaleza mía, en el confiare; mi escudo y la fuerza de mi salvación, mi alto refugio. Invocare a Jehová, quien es digno de ser alabado…Salmo 18. En esta última edición de nuestro periódico mensual deseamos incluir dos ediciones en una, la edición de diciembre y la de enero. La razón, es porque el mes de diciembre es un mes lleno de muchas actividades no solamente a nivel de la iglesia pero también a nivel familiar y laboral. En el mes de diciembre nuestra iglesia cambia sus vestidos con el fin de celebrar y recordarle al mundo que la salvación llego en Jesucristo, el tan esperado Mesías. El gozo, la paz, la esperanza y el amor de Dios en Jesucristo, nuestro Señor es la razón de la estación. En Jesús, celebramos la luz que conquisto la tinieblas, al bebe que nació en Belén de Judea en un establo lleno de muchos desafíos y al mismo tiempo lleno de las muchas realidades que rodean este mundo; la carencia de la justicia divina y una despreocupada actitud hacia Dios y el prójimo. Y es por esto que nuestra iglesia une sus manos, recursos y amor hacia Dios y a nuestro prójimo con el fin de alcanzarlos y anunciar el amor de Dios. Es a través de nuestras actividades y programas de alcance como queremos recordarle a nuestros vecinos y comunidad que Dios sigue presente en este mundo y en Su iglesia. Como pueblo de Dios es nuestro deseo el aplicar las palabras de Jesucristo en esa primera comisión a sus discípulos, "de gracia recibisteis, dad de gracia". Mateo 10.8. El evangelio de Jesús es buenas nuevas tanto para el enfermo como para el sano, para el doctor como también para el carpintero. Para el nativo como también para el extranjero. Jesús es buenas nuevas en enero como también en Diciembre. Es también el Mesías prometido para el Judío como también para el gentil, el pan de vida para el hambriento como también manantiales de agua viva que nace en el desierto. En esta temporada navideña como también en las muchas o pocas que nos quedan, queremos seguir siendo un pueblo que anuncia a Jesús como nuestro libertador y la fuerza de nuestra salvación. Y que igual que en el año viejo, en el nuevo Jesús quiere seguir siendo nuestra Roca y Castillo, nuestro más alto refugio. Iglesia "Grita de alegría, porque Dios se ha compadecido de nosotros y nos ha rescatado, porque nos ha bendecido y nos ha colmado de alegría. Hagamos fiesta, bendigamos su nombre y celebremos su presencia en nuestras familias, iglesia y lugares de labor. Escucha oh iglesia "No tengas miedo. Miren que les traigo buenas noticias que es motivo de mucha alegría para todo el pueblo. 11 Hoy les ha nacido en la ciudad de David un Salvador, que es Cristo el Señor." Lucas 2.10-11. "Gloria a Dios en las alturas, y en la tierra Paz a los que gozan de su buena voluntad" Lucas 2.14. Su colaboradora en Cristo Jesús, Pastora, Norma Ramsey Church Christmas Dinner December 12th, 6pm in the CLC. Come for spaghetti, music, and entertainment. This event is sponsored by the youth group. Únase a nosotros para una cena de espagueti libre el 12 de diciembre a las 6:30 pm para celebrar la Navidad juntos. OFFICE CLOSING The Church office will closed from noon on December 24th until Monday, January 4th for the Christmas holiday. La oficina de la iglesia estará cerrada del 24 de diciembre al 4 de enero. Advent is just around the corner and this year’s Advent Study is entitled – SENT: Delivering the Gift of Hope at Christmas. Dynamic pastor Jorge Acevedo leads us on a 5-week Advent journey to discover how, where, and why we are sent. Joining him on the journey are four young clergy who challenge us through story, art, and Bible study. The study runs from November 22th through December 27th, starting at 9:45a.m. in the sanctuary. Participant books will be ordered so if you are interested in one, please call the church office, fill out the yellow card in your bulletin, or see Sue Newman. Please come join us. We would love for you to be a part of the Advent Study. Manchester High School Reunion Come for a covered dish supper in the CLC on Friday Celebrate Christmas Eve at one of our services of Carols, Candlelight, and Holy Communion. Celebre la víspera de Navidad en uno de nuestros servicios. December 4th. 7:00PM Servicio en Espanol en el CLC 7:30PM Worship Service in the Sanctuary 11:00PM Worship Service in the Sanctuary Sunday, January 10th After morning worship, join us in the CLC to support missions and crown the Chili Champion! Richmond District Conference and Leadership Training Event Sunday, January 10, 1:30-5:00PM. It is Love Basket time again! By participating in the Love Basket ministry, you are connecting with our members and loved ones in the community who are homebound or have experienced difficulties this year and need to know the Love of God. You can help by contributing the following items: Woodlake UMC 15640 Hampton Park Dr Chesterfield, VA DODGEBALL The deadline for contributions is Sunday, December 6. You can drop off your donations in the church office or in a bin located at the CLC entrance. Please know you can begin dropping off items at any time beginning in early November. If you would like to add a name to the list, contact Pat Beville or the church office. If you have any questions, contact Pat at 804-303-2660—(NEW HOME NUMBER FOR PAT) Lotion Hard Candy Toothpaste Cookies Shaving Cream Little Debbie’s Deodorant Nab Crackers Tissues Slipper Socks Hand Sanitizer Men’s Socks Chocolate (soft, no Applesauce/Pudding nuts) (small containers) Sunday, January 17th, Valentine’s Dinner Dance February 13, 2016, 6:30pm $15.00 per person Cena del día de Valetine el sábado 13 de febrero. 4:00PM-8:00PM. The Ramsey Youth are sponsoring another dodgeball tournament. We had 80+ people in attendance last year, and this year we plan to exceed that number. There are lots of ways you can help, so sign up with Sarah Russo and come cheer on the Ramsey players! United Methodist Women Events On November 14, Scotty Doyle, Sally Wheat, and Katie Smith attended the UMW District Officer and Leader Development at Forest Grove UMC. Neighborhood Supper We appreciated your support of Ramsey's United Methodist Women's Bake Sale. We hope your family and friends enjoyed your purchases of baked goods. 55+ Luncheons: Please note the change of date for December. 12/5 UMW District Advent Service Beulah UMC, 6930 Hopkins Rd. Richmond, VA 23234 Speakers: Len and Susan Eastwood, Missionaries to Kenya Mission Emphasis: Offering for Mission Support to Kenya WHITE CHRISTMAS: Please bring items from the list provided according to your Sunday school class, and place them in bins marked “White Christmas” in the foyers in the education building and CLC. Please bring your items on Sundays, now through December 20th. White Christmas Items to be contributed: Class: Distribution: Peanut Butter, Jelly, Children: The White Christmas Food Spaghetti/Macaroni/Pastas and Sauce for Pasta Boxes and Family Gifts will be Canned or Dried Soups distributed on Sunday, Decem- Youth/ ber 20, 2015 at 2:30 pm in the Young Adults (soups that children and older adults would like) Fellowship Hall. If you would Canned Fruit (Peaches, Pears, Pineapple, like to help prepare these boxes Agape Fruit Cocktail, Applesauce, etc.), Bisquick, for delivery, please contact Loaf Bread Scotty Doyle at 804-640-5355. Escuela DoRice, Beans Helpers will meet in the Felminical lowship Hall immediately after Kirkie Powell Tuna, Salmon, Chicken, Canned meat, Cofthe 11 am Sunday service to fee, Bisquick, Vegetable Oil prepare. We will need approxi5 lb. bags of Sugar, Cake/Muffin Mixes, New Spirit mately 16 people. Thank you Oatmeal, Cereal Potatoes (White & Sweet for sharing your blessings of Fresh or Canned) food, gifts and time with these Canned Vegetables (Tomatoes, Green Beans, Otto Whitt families. Peas, Corn, Butterbeans, Beans, etc.) December 4th: Join us at noon for our Christmas celebration. Bring a friend, and bring your canned goods for White Christmas! January 2 (Christmas supper) & January 30th 5:00PM in the Fellowship Hall Come share the love of Christ and the joy of the holiday season with your Ramsey family and our local neighbors. Ven a nuestras comidas gratuitas comunidad el 2 de enero y 30 de enero a las 5:00 pm. There will not be luncheons in January or February. We will meet again in March. Nativity Ministry and Bethlehem 2015, Dec 22nd-24th Volunteers are needed in these areas: Nuestra natividad de la Navidad es 22 de diciembre al 24. Necesitamos muchos voluntarios! We are offering a special invitation for the community and other churches to come participate. Estamos invitando a los miembros de la comunidad y de otras iglesias para ayudar. Cast members to fill the different roles each night. Necesitamos actores para interpretar a los personajes bíblicos. Help with our yard crew. Necesitamos ayuda en el estacionamiento. Donations of food, beverages and goodies each night for the cast members. Ayudar a proporcionar la cena para los actores. Help with dressing each cast. Necesitamos ayuda con los trajes. The first cast goes on at 6:30p.m. and the second cast at 7:00 p.m. El primer show es a las 6:30 PM, entonces esos actores se toman un descanso, mientras que otro grupo de actores se haga cargo a las 7:00 PM. If you can help, contact Tammy Howe 804621-4959 [email protected] or Carole Harper [email protected] Birthdays & Cumpleaños Let Ramsey help with your Christmas gift giving! If you have people on your list that are hard to buy for, or already have everything, we have a solution – Designated Giving. Instead of buying another tie or sweater, just send a check to Ramsey in honor of that person and designate it for a cause that person is interested in. It could be Missions, Vacation Bible School, church maintenance, the Living Nativity, our Youth Group, the Food Pantry, or just to help with the regular monthly expenses like the electric bill or cutting the grass. We will send that person an acknowledgement card telling him or her of your gift. Envelopes are available in the back of the church. Just fill it out and we will take care of the rest. So this year, skip that trip to the mall and give a gift that really makes a difference. December—Diciembre 2015 January—Enero 2016 Phyllis Tyler 2 Cachet Brown 3 Milton Bonilla 5 Jean Chandler 5 John Hall Ann Hallinan Morris Sings Robin Davis 1 1 1 3 Carol Hotchkiss 9 Maria Ahles 10 Patricia Finestone 10 Kacky Grubb Julia Lainez Louise Smith 3 6 10 C. Riley Irving 10 12 Daniel Vaughan 12 Lois Crafton 14 11 12 14 16 Thank you for your stewardship — The Finance Committee Pattie H. Madison Cole Irving Joyce Walsh Nancy Hoover Mary Brame Jane Cummings 14 Darlene Sweat 14 Katherine A Rivera Katie Smith 15 16 Tray Alan Rives June Bryant Laura K. McHale 18 20 20 McKenzie Jump 17 S. Craig Lane 17 Beth Lane Janet Sheek Oswaldo Aguilar 21 22 24 Adam Madison 17 Rodney Taylor 17 Chante Brown 18 Cecil Goolsby Ann Harris Sally Wheat Gail Barker 24 25 25 26 Sue Newman 19 Hazel Stewart 19 Dolores G. Thomas 21 Scott Cummings Keishla Rodriguez Laura Coleman 26 26 28 We are blessed with a wonderful Mission Team that have been doing our Lord and Savior’s work for several years. We are also blessed with a congregation that supports these servants for Jesus Christ. There are many of us that wish they could do mission work but because of age, infirmities, work, family, finances etc. can’t go on mission trips. We have recently received a letter from Rev. Ben Horrocks, Pastor of Asbury Memorial UMC that gives us the opportunity to serve our Armed Forces Personnel (3,000 per month) as they pass through RIC. We can do this by supporting our USO with individually wrapped small packages of cookies, candies, crackers, and individually wrapped bags of chips. If you would be interested participating in this wonderful Stewardship please call Dan Hallinan (804) 271-4758 or the church office for more information. You will be asked to make up some of these packages and drop them off at the church and a member from Asbury Memorial UMC will pick them up on a monthly basis and take them to the USO for distributing them to our Armed Forces as they transition to and from their duty stations through the USO at RIC. You can read more about the RIC USO along with a great testimony at the following web site: Sherry Fox 25 Violet Williams 28 Carolyn Wood 29 Margaret Flynn Matthew Meadows Miriam Ferrer 28 28 29 Anniversaries & Aniversarios Mr. & Mrs. Morris Sings 12/6 Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick Heller 12/17 Tim Eells & Wendy Inge 12/17 Mission Stewardship for Ramsey Moreover; we are currently looking at the possibility of sending a team of volunteers to SC in the near future. If you would be interested in good hard work and helping the poor victims from the recent floods please contact Dan Hallinan (804) 271-4758 or call the church office. Each year the area is involved in a “Bikes for Christ Campaign” they are looking for donations to get bikes to needy children in the area. Last year they were blessed to hand out 200 bikes to smiling faces. But there were many children they had to turn away. Therefore; their goal this year is 1000 bikes. If you can help in this great mission campaign please contact the church office. God is always there for us and asks that we be there for others that need a spiritual moment in their life. Pray that we are listening to him as he speaks to our hearts and mind through the Holy Spirit. Happy Thanksgiving and be blessed in Jesus’s name. Missions Coordinator—Dan Hallinan JANUARY—ENERO 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Church office closed Sat 2 Happy New Year! 5:00PM Neighborhood Supper 3 8:30AM Worship 4 5 9:30AM Sunday School 11:00AM Worship 11:00AM Escuela Dominical 12:30AM Servicio en Espanol 6:30PM Youth 8:00AM Care A Van 5:30PM H.O.P.E. Basketball 10 8:30AM Worship 11 7 7:00PM Administrative Council 8:00AM Care A Van 12 13 14 5:30PM H.O.P.E. Basketball 10:00AM Pickleball 2:00PM Nina Woodfin Circle 7:00PM Board of Trustees 8:00AM Care A Van 20 21 18 19 9:30AM Sunday School 11:00AM Worship 11:00AM Escuela Dominical 12:30AM Servicio en Espanol 4:00PM Youth Dodgeball Tournament 8:00AM Care A Van 5:30PM H.O.P.E. Basketball 10:00AM Pickleball 6:00PM Communications Team 10:00AM Food Pantry 6:00PM Finance Committee 6:30PM Come and See 24 8:30AM Worship 25 9:30AM Sunday School 11:00AM Worship 11:00AM Escuela Dominical 12:30AM Servicio en Espanol 6:30PM Youth 31 8:30AM Worship 9:30AM Sunday School 11:00AM Worship 11:00AM Escuela Dominical 12:30AM Servicio en Espanol 6:30PM Youth 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 9:30AM Prayer Group/Knitting 7:00PM Estudio Biblico 9:30AM Sunday School 11:00AM Worship 11:00AM Escuela Dominical 12:00PM Chili Cook-off 12:30AM Servicio en Espanol 1:30 District Training Day 17 8:30AM Worship 6 9:30AM Prayer Group/Knitting 7:00PM Estudio Biblico 8:00AM Care A Van 9:30AM Prayer Group/Knitting 7:00PM Estudio Biblico 6:00PM SPPRC 26 5:30PM H.O.P.E. Basketball 27 28 6:00PM SPPRC (inclement 8:00AM Care A Van 5:00PM Neighborhood Sup- weather) 9:30AM Prayer Group/Knitting 7:00PM Estudio Biblico per DECEMBER - DICIEMBRE Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 5:30PM H.O.P.E. Basketball 6:30PM EL/Civics 10:00AM Pickleball 8:00AM Care A Van 9:30AM Prayer Group/Knitting 6:00PM James River Highschool Group 6:30PM EL/Civics 7:00PM Estudio Biblico 12:00PM 55+ Luncheon 8:30AM BUCS 6:00PM James River Highschool 2:00PM McGuire Park Circle Group Manchester Group Event 9 10 11 12 6: 2nd Sunday of Advent 7 8 8:30AM Worship 9:30AM Sunday School 11:00AM Worship 11:00AM Escuela Dominical 12:30AM Servicio en Espanol 6:30PM Youth 6:00PM James River Highschool Group 11:00 Ada Mae Bookman Circle 10:00AM Pickleball 5:30PM H.O.P.E. Basketball 2:00PM Nina Woodfin Circle 6:00PM Hazel Gibbs Circle 7:00PM Board of Trustees 6:30PM EL/Civics 8:00AM Care A Van 9:30AM Prayer Group/Knitting 10:00AM BonSecours/Shalom Farms 6:00PM James River Highschool Group 6:30PM EL/Civics 7:00PM Estudio Biblico 1:00PM Hazel Gibbs Private event 6:00PM James River Highschool 6:00PM Ramsey Christmas Group Dinner—sponsored by youth 13: 3rd Sunday of Advent 14 15 16 17 18 8:30AM Worship 9:30AM Sunday School 11:00AM Worship 11:00AM Escuela Dominical 12:30AM Servicio en Espanol 6:30PM Youth 6:00PM James River Highschool Group 5:30PM H.O.P.E. Basketball 6:30PM EL/Civics 10:00AM Pickleball 10:00AM Food Pantry 6:00PM Finance Committee 6:30PM Come and See 8:00AM Care A Van 9:30AM Prayer Group/Knitting 6:00PM James River Highschool Group 6:30PM EL/Civics 7:00PM Estudio Biblico 6:00PM James River Highschool Group 20: 4th Sunday of Advent 21 22 23 24 Church office closes at noon. 25 Church office closed 8:30AM Christmas Cantata 9:30AM Sunday School 11:00AM Christmas Cantata 11:00AM Escuela Dominical 12:30AM Servicio en Espanol 2:30PM Children’s Christmas Party White Christmas 27 10:30AM Combined Worship 6:30PM Living Nativity & Bethle- 6:30PM Living Nativity & Bethlehem hem 6:30PM Living Nativity 7:00 Servicio en Espanol 7:30 Candlelight Service 11:00 Candlelight Service Christmas Day 28 Church office closed 29 Church office closed 30 Church office closed 31 Church office closed 19 26