neighborhood news


neighborhood news
Check Us Out on the Web!
APNA meets at 6:30 p.m. the 4th Tuesday
of each month (except December) at the
Valverde Community Church,
430 S. Tejon St.
Upcoming Meetings: July 28th, August 8th
(at Picnic), and September 22nd.
Please join us!
Ian Harwick – 303-506-4386
Planning & Economic Development Chair
[email protected]
Vice President
Mountain Miller – 303-619-6976
Recording Secretary
Karen Cuthbertson – 303-936-9206
[email protected]
Adopt-a-Spot Graffiti Removal Chair
Membership Secretary
Sherrie Miller – 303-881-4821
Animal Issues Chair
Newsletter Editor
Jay Zebrowski – 303-954-0910
[email protected]
Kathe Greenstein – 303-922-1736
NW Quadrant Leader
Daniel Guaydacan – 303-928-9108
NE Quadrant Leader
Patrick Hieb – 720-807-2761
SW Quadrant Leader
Glenna Cornish – 720-298-0968
SE Quadrant Leader
Brandon Parker –720-202-4254
Derek Medina – 303-619-5830
Eric Bernal– 720-280-7269
Karen Lowitz – 303-296-1142
Lindsay Hieb – 720-550-2624
Communications Chair
Daniel & Nicole Guaydacan – 303-928-9108
Education Committee
Brandon Parker – 720-202-4254
Speed Enforcement Committee
Tracy Cochran – 303-934-8838
Athmar Park Neighborhood Association
and on Facebook – Athmar Park Neighborhood Association
Abandoned Vehicles ………………………………………………………………. 303-295-4367
Alley Cleaning (thru the Juvenile Youth Offender Program) …………………… 311
Alley / Street Repair ………………………………………………………………………...….... 311
Animal Abuse / Neglect …………………………………………………………… 303-923-0022
Animal Control (Head; Alice Nightingale) ……………………..………… 720-913-1311
Athmar Branch Library ……………………………………………..…………..... 720-865-0230
Building Inspections ………………………………………………..……………… 720-865-2505
Building Permit Verification ……………………………………..………………720-865-2790
City Information ……………………………………………….. 311 or
Denver Mediation Center (free help between neighbors) ………… 303-651-6534
DPS Security …………………………………………………………………………..… 720-309-3777
Drug Hotline ……………………………………………………………….. 720-913-DRUG (3784)
Dumpster Violations / Illegal Dumping ………………………………………………….. 311
Environmental Health …………………………………………………………………………….. 311
(unsafe/over-crowded housing, food peddlers, noise/fumes)
Forestry …………………………………………………………………….………………720-913-0651
Gang Hotline ……………………………………………………….…………………… 303-331-5912
Graffiti ……….………….. 311 or → “Report a Problem”
Neighborhood Inspection Services (NIS) …… 311 or
Athmar Park Inspector:
Amy Crisler, [email protected] ………………………..….. 720-865-3251
Neighborhood Liaison, Mayor’s Office:
Tony Young, [email protected] ……………………………… 720-865-9018
Parks and Recreation: Jill Coffman ……………………………..…………….303-937-4638
Planning and Development: Caryn Wenzara …………………...……… 720-865-2940
Dispatch (non-emergency) …………………………………….…………….…720-913-2000
District 4 Station …………………………………………………………………… 720-913-0200
Community Resource Officers
Nick Grove, [email protected] …………….……….…………… 720-913-0276
Tyler Blakesley, [email protected] .…................720-913-0277
Neighborhood Police Officers
Raul Velasquez (desk)……………..…………………………………………. 720-913-7203
Strategic Crime Attack Team Supervisor
Sgt. Tom Sherwood …………………………………………...……………… 720-913-0287
Crime Statistics (down to address-level): ...
Potholes ……………………………………………………………………………………………….… 311
Right-of-Way / Dangerous Sidewalks: David Moore……………….. 303-446-3687
Street Light Repair ………………………………….………………………..…… 1-895-4999, #4
Trash and Large Item Pick-Up ………………………………………………………………… 311
Wastewater Hotline …………………………………..…………………..… 303-446-3700, #1
Zoning / Permits ……………………………………………………………………… 720-865-3000
District 7 Jolon Clark, [email protected] ……………....…… 720-337-7777
Robin Kneich, [email protected] …………….………….. 720-337-7712
Debbie Ortega, [email protected] ………….………. 720-337-7713
District 5 (all of Athmar Park), Crisanta Duran…………………….……. 303-866-2925
[email protected]
District 32 (all of Athmar Park), Irene Aguilar……..………………..…….303-866-4852
[email protected]
P.O. Box 19732 Denver CO 80219
[email protected]
The Athmar Park Neighborhood Association is an all-volunteer organization
composed of residents and business owners working to improve the health,
safety, and spirit of the area from West Alameda Avenue to West Mississippi
Avenue and from the South Platte River to Federal Boulevard.
Issue 92
August 2015
Costco to Open at Alameda Square
By Jay Zebrowski
Costco plans to open a new store in Alameda
Square. Located at Alameda and Zuni, the store will
fill the vacant space left by the abandoned Lowe’s
home improvement store.
The new Costco is slated to open soon after the New
Year, says Mike Dobrota, representative of Costco’s
exclusive real estate development company in the US
and Mexico. Dobrota negotiated the real estate
transaction. He warns that this Costco store is still in the
approval and permitting stages, and delays in permitting
can delay theopening date. “We never open a store over
Costco moving into the neighborhood
the holidays,” says Dobrota, “in order to get things right.”
The store will be different from the usual Costco. It will be a “Business Center,” devoted to serving businesses, not
regular people, in a 50-mile radius. The customers targeted will be front range offices, convenience stores, and
restaurants. Office supplies and food items in big portions will be emphasized. All Costco members will be
welcome in the new store, but the food portions will be even bigger than the usual Costco bulk items. The
Business Center will make deliveries to business customers. The location was chosen partly because of quick
access to Santa Fe Drive and I-25.
Costco has 10 Business Center locations in the U.S., and each averages about 17,000 transactions per week. This
activity will require about 150 new employees, to start. According to the City of Denver, these jobs will pay
between $15 to $25 per hour. “Typically during construction,” says Dobrota, “we’ll put a trailer in the parking lot,
or lease a nearby storefront, and take (employment) applications there.”
Dobrota made a presentation to the Athmar Park Neighborhood Association, and was enthusiastically supported.
Huston Lake Park Receives New Art
By Derek Medina
In 2014, our very own Huston Lake Park was selected to receive a grant from Denver
Arts and Venues to enhance our public space with an art installation. Since then,
several residents of the neighborhood have been working with a local and incredibly
talented artist named Nikki Pike to complete and collaborate on the final piece
which is now available for everyone to enjoy.
What looks like a steady, old and wise stump at the edge of the park, nested within
a mound of mulch, is in fact a strong and scarred vessel for a whimsical little secret.
To find it, you must first locate the little wooden door, flush against the scratched
and scarred exterior of the tree. Open it with a cautious curiosity, and inside you
discover images of music notes, birds, and the title to the song that begins playing. Sound totem, Photo: Jessica Alvarado
Music made by musicians that live right here in Athmar Park will change monthly to In This Issue:
feature a new artist in the neighborhood.
New Art
Many people have already visited this wonderful addition to our park and enjoyed
the pleasing music; however, sometimes the music is not working. This is due to the Alameda Falls
batteries becoming discharged, but a solar collector for recharging them has
Arte Nuevo
recently been installed to make it much more reliable. So be patient and use your
En todo el barrio
imagination to hear the music if you need to.
Around the Neighborhood
APNA Contact Info
There will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony and official unveiling on August 8th
City Resources
during the annual APNA picnic where you can meet the artist and learn more.
Athmar Park Neighborhood Association
August 2015
Issue 92
Issue 92
August 2015
“Alameda Falls”
Around the Neighborhood
Headed to Broadway? The rains of May and June really made it clear to Athmar Park residents that we have a
problem getting to the other side of the Platte when it rains. Deep water under the bridges at Alameda and Santa
Fe and at Mississippi and Santa Fe made it impassable for those going east. Cars stalled out in deep water. Nasty
spray from the few eastbound cars that did get through high water under the railroad bridge on Alameda thrashed
westbound drivers. Those eastbound drivers braced for massive amounts of water cascading over the retaining
wall that supports those bridges; what we locals now call “Alameda Falls.” The sudden threat of all that water
crashing down onto the right lane caused many drivers to swerve left – often without signaling or even looking for
other cars next to them. Finally the city closed it. It is, to put it mildly, a huge mess every time we get any decent
amount of rain.
Those areas have always had some problem with flooding during rain storms, but recently the problem has become
much worse. There is a high probability that the increase in runoff is a direct result of the changes brought to
nearby properties in the form of new development. The buildings going up at the Alameda Light rail station and the
Broadway Light Rail station and on the former Gates Rubber property have diminished the amount of permeable
soil and replaced it with hard, water shedding surfaces. There is no question that changes in the grading on these
properties has contributed to alteration in drainage flow patterns. The issue now is whether the negative impacts
that we have recently observed, which appear to be a result of
these changes to drainage, will be fixed as the projects proceed.
We have been told for a number of years by the powers that be that
the drainage issues impacting Alameda and Santa Fe and Mississippi
and Santa Fe would be fixed soon. So far we have seen no
improvement. In fact, the situation has consistently gotten worse.
We don’t like being cut off from other areas of our city. We don’t
like endangering ourselves and our families because the drainage
issues have not been addressed. We want the promises made in
the past to finally be kept and we want safe, passable streets.
At the last Athmar Park Neighborhood Association (APNA) board
meeting, it was agreed that we would send a letter expressing our
concerns to the Governor, Mayor, City Council, Denver Wastewater,
“Alameda Falls” at Alameda and Santa Fe
Denver Public Works department, CDOT, RTD, the BNSF and UP
railroads who own the tracks, Upsher-Smith and D4 (builder/developer of the buildings at Alameda station). A draft
of that letter is posted on the APNA Facebook page and your comments and suggestions are welcome. The aim is a
clear community statement on this important subject.
Coming soon! Saturday August 8th from noon to 4
p.m. Note the changes from the past: not a Sunday,
and we will set up on the west side of the lake along
S. Clay Street. We supply burgers, brats, hot dogs,
drinks. We’ll have face painting, door prizes, and
maybe a firetruck. Please bring a side dish, salad or
dessert. There’s still time to volunteer, and anyone
able to bring chairs, tables, canopies or help with
setting up/cleaning up please contact Sherrie Miller at
[email protected]. The picnic also serves as
APNA’s annual general membership meeting (see
below). Following the picnic will be the showing of the
Movie "Book of Life". The movie will begin at dusk.
By Debi Drewes
Athmar Park Neighborhood Association
Looking to promote your business or wares?
Vendor Booths are available during movie nights.
Interested? Contact Yvette De La Cruz for more
information at [email protected]
Movies in the Park
July 24th
Back to the Future
August 8th
The Book of Life
September 4th
Ghost Busters
Elections for APNA board members takes place at the
Annual Picnic, Saturday, August 8th, as above. APNA
board members will be elected to two-year terms with
the board elected annually. Board members elected
at this time will take office in January 2016. Board
members are expected to attend each of the monthly
This year the following officers will be elected:
President. Is the principal executive officer. He or she
presides at all meetings and manages the affairs of
APNA, subject to the board.
Recording Secretary. Keeps minutes of the board and
membership proceedings, keeps all documents and
records pertaining to the operation and activity of
Huston Lake Park . Starts at Dusk
APNA, and files reports required by law.
Newsletter Editor. Responsible for publication of the
APNA newsletter. Supervises
distribution of the newsletter.
4 At-Large Directors. Have a vote at
board meetings.
If you wish to be added to the ballot or
have questions about board positions,
email Sherrie Miller at
[email protected]. Most of the
current officers are running for
reelection, but we are always looking
902 S Lipan St, Denver CO 80223. 303-922-0960
for new blood, whether
as a board member,
committee chair,
or project volunteer.
1229 W. Nevada PL
Athmar Park Neighborhood Association
August 2015
Issue 92
Issue 92
August 2015
Athmar Park Neighborhood Association
En todo el barrio
Costco para Abrir en Alameda Square
Por Jay Zebrowski, Editor, Trad por Amanda Cameron
Trad por Nicanor Diaz
Costco tiene planes para abrir una tienda nueva en Alameda Square. Ubicada en la avenida Alameda y la calle Zuni, la
tienda ocupará el edificio que fue abandonado por la tienda de mejoras de hogar Lowe’s.
El nuevo Costco está planeado para abrir en las primeras semanas del año nuevo, dice Mike Debrota, representante
exclusiva de las bienes raíces de los EEUU y México para Costo. Debrota negoció la operación inmobiliaria. Él advierte que
la tienda todavía está por recibir la licencia y el proceso burocrático puede provocar retraso. “Nunca abrimos una tienda
durante días festivos,” dice Dobrota, “para que podamos arreglarlo todo bien.”
Esta tienda será diferente que un Costco normal. Será un “Centro de Negocio” – dedicado a servir empresas en un radio de
50 millas en vez de el público general. El público objetivo será oficinas del front range, tiendas de conveniencia y
restaurantes. Productos de oficina y comidas en porciones por mayor estarán enfatizados. Cualquier miembro de Costo
está bienvenido, pero las porciones de comida serán aún más grandes que lo que se encuentra generalmente en un Costco
normal. El Centro de Negocio ofrecerá servicio de entrega para sus clientes. El lugar fue elegido en parte por el acceso fácil
a la calle Santa Fe y I-25.
Actualmente, Costco tiene 10 Centros de Negocio en los EEUU y cada uno tiene un promedio de 17 mil transacciones por
semana. La tienda se requerirá unos 150 empleados nuevos para empezar. Según la Ciudad de Denver, estos puestos se
pagarán entre $15 y $25 por hora. “Típicamente durante la construcción,” dice Dobrota, “ponemos un tráiler en el
estacionamiento o alquilamos un lugar vecino para recibir solicitudes de empleo.”
Dobrota hizo una presentación al Athmar Park Neighborhood Association, y fue recibido con apoyo y entusiasmo.
24ª Athmar Park Picnic Comunitario Anual,
¡Ya se acerca! Sábado 8 de Agosto a partir del mediodía hasta las 4pm. Noten el cambio de fecha con respecto al año
previo. Es un sábado, no un domingo. Nos situaremos al oeste del lago sobre la calle S. Clay. Proporcionaremos
hamburguesas, bratwursts, salchichas y bebidas. Tendremos pinturas para la cara, premios, y a lo mejor un camión de
bomberos. Por favor traigan una comida para acompañar, por ejemplo, una ensalada, o un postre. Si pueden traer sillas,
mesas, y toldos por favor comuníquense con Sherrie Miller at [email protected]. Todavía hay tiempo para ofrecerse
como voluntario para ayudar con las preparaciones y la limpieza. El picnic también sirve como la junta general de APNA.
Al término del picnic estaremos mostrando la película “Book of Life”. La película comenzará al anochecer.
Elección del Consejo Directivo APNA
Elecciones para el consejo directivo de
APNA tomaran lugar durante el picnic
anual previamente mencionado arriba,
el sábado 8 de agosto. Se erigirán
miembros por un término de dos años.
Candidatos electos durante esta fecha
asumirán su cargo en enero de 2016.
Miembros del consejo directivo
deberán asistir a todas las reuniones
mensuales.Este año se erigirán los
siguientes miembros:
Presidente: Es el ejecutivo principal.
El presidente preside todas las
reuniones y administra los asuntos de
APNA, sujeto al consejo directivo.
Secretario de actas: Registra las actas
de las reuniones y los procedimientos
de afiliación, mantiene un registro de
todos los documentos y registra
actividades y operaciones pertinentes
a APNA. Presenta reportes requeridos
por la ley.
Editor del Boletín: Es responsable de la
publicación del boletín de APNA Y
supervisa la distribución del boletín.
4 Directores Generales: Tienen un voto
en las juntas de consejo directivo.
Si desea estar incluido en la boleta o si
tienen preguntas sobre las vacantes del
consejo directivo contacte Sherri Miller
al [email protected]. Varios de los
oficiales se están presentados para la
re-elección. Recuerde que siempre
estamos buscando gente nueva ya sea
para el consejo directivo, presidente
de un comité, o voluntarios para
distintos Proyectos.
El Parque Huston Lake Alberga Arte Nuevo
Por Derek Medina, Trad por Amanda Cameron
En el 2014, nuestro querido Parque Huston Lake fue elegido para recibir un subsidio de Denver Arts & Venues para
embellecer nuestro espacio publico con una instalación de arte. Desde entonces, varios residentes del barrio han estado
trabajando con una artista local y sumamente talentosa, Nikki Pike, para colaborar y completar el trabajo final que ahora
mismo está disponible para su uso y disfrute.
Lo que parece un tocón sabio y viejo, situado al borde del parque entre un montón de corteza de árbol, en realidad
esconde un pequeño secreto. Para encontrarlo, hay que localizar primero la puertecita de madera que se encuentra al
mismo nivel que la madera antigua y arañada. Si se abre con cuidado y curiosidad, adentro se encontrarán imágenes de
notas musicales, pájaros, y el título de una canción que comenzará a sonar. La música hecha por compositores locales de
Athmar Park se cambiará mensualmente para dar a conocer a nuevos artistas de la comunidad. Éste es nuestro Tótem
Sonoro – y es hermoso.
Mucha gente ya ha visitado esta increíble novedad de nuestro parque, ubicada en la avenida Ohio y S. Bryant, y ha
disfrutado de la agradable música. En ocasiones, la música no ha sonado al agotar las pilas. Para evitarlo, se ha instalado un
cargador solar que asegure su funcionamiento. Tenga paciencia y utilice su imaginación para escuchar la música cuando no
está disponible.
El tótem sonoro ha sido erigido y cualquier persona puede visitarlo y disfrutar de él. La ceremonia donde procederá al
corte de la cinta inaugural tendrá lugar el 8 de agosto durante el picnic APNA anual donde se podrá conocer a la artista y
aprender más sobre el proyecto.
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