river boat
river boat
RIVER BOAT From town center to Gourjade Park « Le Miredames » is made of wood and modeled on the former river diligences of the 17th and 18th Centuries, wich were drawn by horses. It was put into service on July the 14th 1990. Its framework is made of oak and its hull of pine. Its dimensions : 15.30 m long and 4.36 m wide at the level of the master beam. The flat-bottomed hull has a shallow draught : 60 cm with a full load. The barge can hold up to 60 passengers on board with 2 crew membres ; when empty, it weights 6.8 T. It is propelled by two 25 HP engines.. L’Agout is a tributary of the Tarn, wich has its source in the Espinouse Mountains. It is the domain of numerous animals : ducks, moorhens and grey herons, wixh ssometimes come and disturb the silence. Coypus, introduced in France in 1955 for their fur, have dug large holes on the river banks. There are beautiful specimens of trees on both banks : oak, poplar, maple, beech, ash and willow. The embankments, reinforced by wooden weatherboarding, were designed in the 19th Century by «sand fishermen» who in bygone days, could be seen coming down the current on their small boats, loaded with heavy cargo. Gourjade Castle is on the right bank. Destroyed during the Religious Wars, it was rebuilt in the 17th Century. The Gourjade estate, bought by the town of Castres in 1978, is today, a park with 53 hectares of natural environment devoted to walks and leisure. Numerous playgrounds and play facilities for children, a « nine hole golf course » with a practice for golf amateurs, as well as a 100 pitch camp site (***tourism). The « Pont de Strasbourg », more commonly known as the «Pont Miredames», is were the boat’s names comes from. The bridge was inaugurated in1892. The origin of the name could come from the nearby Sister Clarisse’s convent, also known as the « minor ladies ». The river runs along the « Maisons sur l’Agout», former workshops of leather craftsmen : chamois leather makers, tanners, parchment makers, curriers, etc... The workshops, called « caussinos », a term, which comes from the lime, used with the tannin to treat pure leathers, opened on to the water level. The ground and first floor, often embellished with a balcony, were used as an abode for the master craftsmen. Drying rooms were installed on the second floor ; the rooms were equipped with tiny openings to protect the leathers from the light. Above the dryers was the «solelier», wich to the contrary, was wide open so that both air and light could get in. The present bridge dates from 1849 ; however, the old bridge has been attested since the13th Century. It had a central tower, where subjected to a cruel and humiliating chatisement, wich consisted of being plunged into the river three times. « L’Archéopole » (Center of research and archaeological research of the Castres regions - CERAC) : discover the local archeaology. The miniature train newtwork (Saturday afternoons). From 1978, the houses were restored to their original condition : both the colors an the materials. « L’Archipel » : swimming pool, aqua games ( swimming pool-ice rink), accessible by the bridge, wich spans the river, fishing, horse-riding, tennins, paddle boats, 9 hole golf ciourse... Se ilumina al caer la noche. El Puente Nuevo fue una simple pasarela de madera hasta 1368, cuando se construyó con piedras. A pesar de su nombre, es el puente más antiguo de Castres. Esperamos que conserven un bonito recuerdo de su paseo a bordo del barco “Le Miredames”. de AYUNTAMIENTO DE CASTRES TURISMO Y EVENTOS – BARCO DE PASEO BP 10406 – 81108 CASTRES CEDEX (FRANCIA) TEL.: +33 (0)5 63 62 41 76 FAX: +33 (0)5 63 62 42 12 CORREO ELECTRÓNICO: [email protected] WEB: www.ville-castres.fr En servicio de mayo a octubre. C onception : V ille En las casas de la margen izquierda del Agout vivían los tintoreros. Todavía conservan bien sus sótanos abovedados que dan al río, permitiendo el acceso para lavar las telas. El puente que se percibe río abajo es el Puente de Metz, también conocido como Puente Oblicuo (“Pont Biais”) debido al ángulo que forma con el eje del río. C astres - I mpression : C ouleurs d ’A utan - février Entre el Puente Nuevo y la calzada Después de las guerras de religión, Richelieu hizo destruir las murallas. Con las piedras que se recuperaron tras su demolición se construyó la catedral dedicada a San Benito, los palacetes y el nuevo obispado en el que el paisajista Le Nôtre diseñaría más tarde unos preciosos jardines clasificados como monumento histórico. En la actualidad el edificio alberga el Ayuntamiento y el museo Goya, donde se exhibe una importantísima colección de arte hispánico, que abarca desde la Edad Media hasta nuestros días. 2016 El Puente Nuevo En el siglo XVI, época en la que la ciudad se encontraba fortificada, una cadena tensada a la altura de la calzada se extendía a lo largo del río, entre los 2 molinos, prohibiendo las incursiones.