- Grupo de Paleobotánica Ibérica


- Grupo de Paleobotánica Ibérica
 16th OFP INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS. PRESENT ADN FUTURE OF PALAEOBOTANY IN SOUTHWEST EUROPE, in honour of Robert H. Wagner Aguilar de Campoo (Spain), 9‐11 September 2009 Coordinated by: Edited by: José Bienvenido Diez Ferrer Organisation Francophone de Paléobotanique Printed by: GAMESAL – VIGO ISBN: 978‐84‐692‐5534‐6 16th OFP International Congress
in honour of Robert H. Wagner
Aguilar de Campoo (NW Spain)
9-11 September 2009
Organisation Francophone de Paléobotanique
With the support of:
Ayuntamiento Aguilar de
Ayuntamiento de Barruelo de
With the institutional support of:
Universidad de Valladolid
Universidade de Vigo
Universidad de Zaragoza
Sociedad Española de Paleontología
Asociación Palinólogos de Lengua Española
Coordinator: José Bienvenido Diez Ferrer. Universidade de Vigo
José Maria del Arco. Universidad de Valladolid
Antoine Bercovici. Université de Rennes
Fernando Cuevas. Centro Interpretación de la Minería, Barruelo de Santull.an
Javier Ferrer Plou. Universidad de Zaragoza
Estefanía Puente Arauzo. Univ. de Zaragoza, Univ. de Vigo
Raquel Sánchez Pellicer. Universidade de Vigo
Luis José Sardina Antolín. Barruelo de Santullán
Luis Miguel Sender Palomar. Universidad de Zaragoza
Uxue Villanueva Amadoz. Universidad de Zaragoza
Natalia Martínez Carreño. Universidade de Vigo
Marta Pérez Martínez. Universidade de Vigo
Cristóbal Rubio. Universidad de Zaragoza, Paleoymas
Local organization:
María Mar Espartero
Que Aguilar de Campoo se convierta en el foro de discusión de
expertos investigadores del más alto nivel sobre paleobotánica de todo
el mundo es, sin duda, una oportunidad única para promover y difundir
el rico patrimonio geológico de la Montaña Palentina. Como
Presidente de la Diputación considero un honor que la organización del
Congreso Presente y futuro de la Paleobotánica en Europa del Sur
Oeste haya elegido la localidad aguilarense para celebrar esta reunión
científica a nivel internacional.
No cabe duda de que esta iniciativa para potenciar la ciencia española
revertirá en nuestra provincia en un importante beneficio para las
localidades implicadas, no sólo directamente, ya que la celebración de
este encuentro supondrá la puesta en valor del importante patrimonio
paleobotánico de la provincia de Palencia, del que es buena muestra la
Montaña Palentina; sino porque, indirectamente, será el escaparate
internacional en el que promocionar a través de los representantes
europeos nuestros numerosos atractivos turísticos, y el patrimonio
natural, cultural e histórico de nuestras comarcas.
Conscientes del valioso aprovechamiento socioeconómico de un evento
de estas características, desde la Diputación de Palencia hemos
querido ofrecer todo nuestro apoyo a la organización del congreso, más
aún, al rendir homenaje al profesor R. H. Wagner, cuyas
investigaciones han venido desarrollándose en la Montaña Palentina
desde el año 1951. Toda una vida dedicada al estudio de los materiales
carboníferos de la región que se ha visto plasmada en más de 150
publicaciones, logrando así una gran difusión de nuestro rico patrimonio
Por tanto, sólo me queda felicitar al profesor por sus reconocidos
trabajos científicos y desear a los participantes y expertos que nos
visiten estos días que disfruten de un foro tranquilo y de una feliz
estancia en la bella localidad de Aguilar de Campoo.
Enrique Martín
Presidente de la
Diputación de Palencia
Es un honor y una gran satisfacción recibir en
nuestro municipio de Aguilar de Campoo a un nutrido
grupo de expertos en Paleobotánica.
Aguilar de Campoo es una hermosa villa en la que se respira por todos
sus rincones arte, historia y cultura. La gran concentración de
Románico, el magnífico paisaje, y desde luego, sus habitantes, hacen de
ella un lugar perfecto donde desarrollar cualquier tipo de actividad,
cultural, artística, deportiva, lúdica... El acogedor ambiente que se
respira hace que el visitante se sienta como en casa y establezca unos
lazos de unión que no romperá jamás.
En Septiembre nuestra villa se convertirá en la sede del Congreso
Internacional de Paleobotánica, donde se darán cita Franceses,
Belgas, Portugueses, Italianos, Japoneses, Mexicanos, Ingleses y por
supuesto Españoles. Sus conferencias versaran sobre un tema que
hasta hoy era un autentico desconocido y que forma parte importante
de nuestra historia pues no podemos olvidar la importancia que dentro
de la formación geológica tiene nuestra Montaña Palentina, donde
encontramos importantes referencias como el Bosque Fósil de
Verdeña entre otros puntos de gran interés.
Espero y deseo que este Congreso sea de interés para todos cuantos
participan en él y para todos los que deseen acercarse para conocer un
poco más sobre un tema interesante y desconocido como es la
Paleobotánica. A todos los participantes y visitantes desearles una
feliz estancia e invitarles a conocer nuestra villa y sus rincones, pues
estoy segura que disfrutarán y se irán con el deseo de volver y un
“dulce” recuerdo.
Bienvenidos a la villa de los Cinco Sentidos.
Mª José Ortega
del Ayuntamiento de
Aguilar de Campoo
La celebración del Congreso Internacional de
Paleobotánica en este bello rincón de la Montaña
Palentina, es un gran honor y un privilegio.
Recibir la visita de estudiosos de numerosos países
para exponer en público los resultados de las
investigaciones efectuadas durante los últimos años, será muy atractivo
para estudiantes e investigadores y también para los ciudadanos de
Barruelo de Santullán y comarca, que conocerán en profundidad la
riqueza geológica que atesora esta tierra.
Es una ocasión que queremos aprovechar para rendir homenaje al
doctor Robert H. Wagner estudioso e investigador incansable a quien
debemos el descubrimiento de tantos yacimientos y vestigios del
carbonífero superior del Norte de España que han significado grandes
adelantos en la Paleobotánica y en la historia geológica del sudeste de
Europa. Roberto Wagner que en la década de los 50 vino a trabajar a
las explotaciones mineras de Barruelo de Santullán, es un gran
experto que ha desarrollado una labor incansable y fructífera durante
tantos años y que ha cristalizado en numerosos descubrimientos
científicos que han labrado su prestigio internacional en el presente y
futuro de la Paleobotánica mundial.
Quiero aprovechar esta oportunidad para dar a conocer los
numerosos atractivos que presentan nuestro pueblo Barruelo y el Valle
de Santullán. Un entorno natural privilegiado (limitando con el Parque
Natural Fuentes Carrionas Fuente Cobre Montaña Palentina, con
una flora y fauna riquísimas), un patrimonio histórico profundo
(Románico, Geológico, Industrial, Arqueológico, etc.), un enorme
patrimonio cultural, gastronómico, etnológico. El Museo Minero y la
Mina Visitable reciben miles de visitas todo el año, así como el museo
de madera y maquetas móviles de Herminio Revilla. En nuestro entorno
se pueden practicar todo tipo de actividades y deportes relacionados
con la naturaleza, montañismo, senderismo, escalada, la nieve en los
inviernos ofrece muchas posibilidades. Barruelo de Santullán es un
lugar ideal para visitar o para residir y disfrutar de épocas vacacionales,
de ocio y descanso.
Invitar a todos a conocer Barruelo y su encantador Valle de Santullán
y sobre todo a su gente tan acogedora, abierta y hospitalaria, nuestro
lema, Barruelo de Santullán ver, oír y vivir.
Arturo Ruiz Aguilar
Alcalde de
Barruelo de Santullán
La Fundación para el Estudio de los Dinosaurios en Castilla y León
se constituyó el 20 de enero de 2004 al amparo de la Ley 13/2002, de
Fundaciones de Castilla y León. Nace como necesidad para la gestión
del patrimonio arqueológico y paleontológico tan amplio y rico de la
Comunidad de Castilla y León.
Promovida por el Ayuntamiento de Salas de los Infantes y el
Colectivo Arqueológico - Paleontológico Salense (CAS) y apoyada
por Caja de Burgos, Cajacírculo y la Excma. Diputación Provincial de
Burgos, apuesta por la colaboración y cooperación con todo tipo de
instituciones públicas o privadas y personas que impulsen nuestros
La Fundación Dinosaurios promueve en el ámbito estatal e
internacional servicios y programas de formación científica y didáctica a
través del Museo de Dinosaurios, ya que éste cuenta con piezas
fósiles que lo convierten en uno de los principales museos de
dinosaurios de España. Esto se debe a que se muestran restos únicos
en España, en Europa y en el mundo, y posee una amplia diversidad y
cantidad de fósiles de dinosaurios.
Las visitas periódicas de expertos nacionales e internacionales, los
intercambios y colaboraciones con universidades y de centros de
investigación, ratifican su carácter de lugar de referencia necesaria para
la comunidad científica.
La Fundación Dinosaurios pretende aportar su contribución a la
sociedad desde el apoyo al estudio, protección y difusión de los restos
de fósiles e icnitas de Dinosaurios y desde la participación y la
implicación de todas las personas, grupos y organizaciones que
persigan los mismos fines.
Fernando Castaño
Presidente de la Fundación
para el estudio de los
dinosaurios en
Castilla y León
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Timetable .......................................................................................................................................2
Abstracts ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Barrón, E.; Comas-Rengifo, M.J.; Duarte, L.V. Palynomorph assemblage succession in the
proposed GSSP for the base of the Toarcian Stage (Lower Jurassic) of Peniche (Portugal). .... 11
Barrón, E.; Lassaletta, L.; Comas-Rengifo, M.J.; Alcalde-Olivares, C. New vegetational
data and climatic implications of the southwestern lacustrine outcrops of the La Cerdaña
Basin (Late Miocene, Spain). ....................................................................................................... 12
Barrón, E.; Ureta, S.; Goy, A.; Lassaletta, L. Palynology of the Toarcian–Aalenian Global
Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) at Fuentelsaz (Lower–Middle Jurassic,
Iberian Range, Spain). ................................................................................................................. 13
Bartiromo, A.; Gaiotto, G.; Romano, R.; Roghi, G. The Cretaceous flora from Faierazzo,
Friulia Venezia Giulia, Italy: preliminary results. ...............................................................................14
Bercovici, A.; Villanueva-Amadoz, U.; Hadley, A. Improving depth of field resolution for
palynological photomicrography...................................................................................................15
Calvillo-Canadell, L.; Rodríguez-Reyes, O.; Cevallos-Ferriz, S.R.S. Early evidence of a dry
tropical vegetation in Eocene sediments of La Popa, Nuevo León, México. ...............................16
Cascales-Miñana, B.; Martínez-Pérez, C.; Botella, H. The oldest macrofossil remains of
vascular plant in the Iberian Peninsula, Spain. ............................................................................17
Cascales-Miñana, B.; Muñoz-Bertomeu, J.; Ros, R.; Segura, J. Trends and patterns in
vascular plants evolution: Macroevolutionary implications of multilevel taxonomic analysis. ......18
Castro, M.P. The Stephanian B flora of the La Magdalena Coalfield (León, NW Spain), an
European reference......................................................................................................................19
Carrión, J.; Fernández, S. General trends and and unexpected trajectories in the Late
Quaternary vegetation dynamics of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands. ...............................20
Cevallos-Ferriz, S.R.S.; González-Torres, E.A.; Calvillo-Canadell, L. Geologic factors
promoting increased plant diversity during the Cenozoic in Mexico. ..............................................21
Cleal, C. The biogeographical relationships of late Westphalian and earliest Stephanian
floras of the Iberian Peninsula...................................................................................................... 22
De Franceschi, D.; Solé, F. Premiers éléments de paléoflore d'un nouveau gisement
Paléogène dans l'Oise. ........................................................................................................................23
Galtier, J. Morphology and ecology of the Paleozoic Tedelean ferns. ...........................................24
Gerrienne, P.; Meyer-Berthaud, B. On some specimens of the putative early lignophyte
Crossia (Stenokoleales) from Ronquières (Middle Devonian, Belgium). .......................................25
Gómez-Orellana, L.; Ramil-Rego, P.; Muñoz Sobrino, C. Upper Pleistocene in NW Iberia:
vegetation dynamics during the last 80 ky BP. ..................................................................................26
Gonez, P.; Gerrienne, P. Unusual vegetative body, growth and affinities of Tarrantia, an
early Polysporangiophyte from the Lower Devonian of Brazil. .................................................... 27
Legrand, J.; Pons, D.; Yamada, T.; Nishida, H.; Broutin, J. Palynoflores des Formations
Ashakajima et Kimigama (Groupe Choshi, Zone Externe du Japon). ............................................28
Meyer-Berthaud, B.; Dambreville, A.; Rey, H.; Barczi, J.F. Numerical modeling of
Pseudosporochnus (Cladoxylopsida), a tree of Middle Devonian age. ..........................................29
Montero, A. The Paleobotanical Museum of Córdoba (Spain). .......................................................30
16th OFP International Congress.
Nishida, H.; Hinojosa O., L.F.; Uemura, K.; Terada, K.; Yamada, T.; Asakawa, T.; Rancusi
H., M. New permineralized plant-debri assemblage from the Upper Cretaceous of south
Chile............................................................................................................................................. 31
Puente-Arauzo, E.; Sender, L.M.; Torcida, F.; Diez, J.B.; Ferrer, J.; Huerta Hurtado, P.;
Villanueva-Amadoz, U. Paleobotanical heritage of classical dinosaurs sites of Early
Cretaceous of Salas de los Infantes (Burgos, Spain). ......................................................................32
Rivas-Carballo. M.R.; Valle Hernández, M.; Alcalde Olivares, C. Nuevos datos sobre la
vegetación neógena de la provincia de Burgos (España) a partir de la palinología. .................. 33
Rubio, C.; Ferrer, J.; Diez, J.B. Paleobotanical and paleoecological data from Lower-Middle
Miocene in Alto Ballester ravine cite of Rubielos de Mora (Teruel, Spain). ..................................... 34
Sender, L.M.; Diez, J.B.; Ferrer, J.; Villanueva-Amadoz, U.; Puente-Arauzo, E. Freshwater
aquatic plants from the Upper Albian – Lower Cenomanian of Teruel province
(Northeastern Spain). ...........................................................................................................................35
Sender, L.M.; Diez, J.B.; Villanueva-Amadoz, U.; Puente-Arauzo, E.; Ferrer, J.; Bercovici,
A.; Sánchez-Pellicer, R.; Paleoibérica’08 & 09 teams. Preliminary data on a new Upper
Albian – Lower Cenomanian flora from the NE Spain. .........................................................................36
Strullu-Derrien, C.; Gerrienne, P.; Georges-Strullu, D. Echoes of the paleozoic
terrestrialization. .......................................................................................................................... 37
Vieira, M.; Pais, J.; Pereira, D. Pliocene flora of Portugal: present knowledge. ......................... 38
Villanueva-Amadoz, U.; Diez, J.B.; Ferrer, J.J.; Pons, D. Palynological studies of the
transitional marls unit (Albian-Cenomanian) from the Northeastern Spain.
Paleophytogeographical implications. ......................................................................................... 39
Wagner, R.H. Omphalophloios, a Pennsylvanian lycopsid. ........................................................ 40
Wagner, R.H.; Castro, M.P. A study of compositional changes in Stephanian B flora at La
Magdalena (León, NW Spain) in the context of a basin at the western end of the
Palaeotethys. ............................................................................................................................... 41
Fieldtrips..................................................................................................................................... 43
Precongress Fieldtrip Tuesday 8th September ..................................................................................45
Congress Fieldtrip Thursday 10th September ....................................................................................47
Wagner, R.H. Geology of the Palaeozoic strata in northern Palencia. ....................................... 49
List of Participants .................................................................................................................... 71
NOTES ........................................................................................................................................ 77
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
16th OFP International Congress.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Tuesday 8th
Departure 9:00/Return 20:00 – Precongress Fieldtrip. Geological tour of the Northern Province
of Palencia.
Meeting Point – Monastery of Santa María la Real.
Wednesday 9th
Morning - Opening
Registration at Monastery of Santa María la Real.
Uploading of Powerpoint presentations.
Reception by town council of Aguilar de Campoo.
14:00 – 15.30 Lunch
Afternoon - 1st Session Oral Presentations.
Conveners: Cascales-Miñana, B. & Galtier, J.
Keynote: Galtier, J. Morphology and ecology of the Paleozoic Tedelean ferns.
Cascales-Miñana, B.; Muñoz-Bertomeu, J.; Ros, R.; Segura, J. Trends and patterns in
vascular plants evolution: Macroevolutionary implications of multilevel taxonomic
Strullu-Derrien, C.;
Gerrienne, P.; Meyer-Berthaud, B. On some specimens of the putative early
lignophyte Crossia (Stenokoleales) from Ronquières (Middle Devonian, Belgium).
Gonez, P.; Gerrienne, P. Unusual vegetative body, growth and affinities of Tarrantia,
an early Polysporangiophyte from the Lower Devonian of Brazil.
Coffee break and Palaeobotanical carboniferous fossils- Luis Sardina collection's.
Cascales-Miñana, B.; Martínez-Pérez, C., Botella, H. The oldest macrofossil remains
of vascular plant in the Iberian Peninsula, Spain.
Cleal, C. The biogeographical relationships of late Westphalian and earliest
Stephanian floras of the Iberian Peninsula.
Wagner, R.H. Omphalophloios, a Pennsylvanian lycopsid.
Wagner, R.H.; Castro, M.P. A study of compositional changes in Stephanian B flora at
La Magdalena (León, NW Spain) in the context of a basin at the western end of the
OFP Meeting.
16th OFP International Congress.
Thursday 10th
Departure 9:00/Return 20:00 - Fieldtrip Verdeña Paleoforest and Barruelian Stratotype.
Meeting Point – Monastery of Santa María la Real.
Friday 11th
Morning - 2nd Session Oral Presentations.
Conveners: Sender, L.M. & Pons, D.
Keynote: Sender, L.M.; Diez, J.B.; Ferrer, J.; Villanueva-Amadoz, U.; Puente Arauzo,
E. Freshwater aquatic plants from the upper Albian – lower Cenomanian of Teruel
province (NE Spain).
Barrón, E.; Comas-Rengifo, M.J.; Duarte, L.V. Palynomorph assemblage succession
in the proposed GSSP for the base of the Toarcian Stage (Lower Jurassic) of Peniche
Bartiromo, A.; Gaiotto, G.; Romano, R.; Roghi, G. The Cretaceous flora from
Faierazzo, Friulia Venezia Giulia, Italy: preliminary results.
Villanueva-Amadoz, U.; Diez, J.B.; Ferrer, J.J.; Pons, D. Palynological studies of the
transitional marls unit (Albian-Cenomanian) from the Northeastern Spain.
Paleophytogeographical implications.
Bercovici, A.; Villanueva-Amadoz, U.; Hadley, A. Improving depth of field resolution for
palynological photomicrography.
Coffee break and Poster session (see list).
Legrand, J.; Pons, D.; Yamada, T.; Nishida, H.; Broutin, J. Palynoflores des
Formations Ashakajima et Kimigama (Groupe Choshi, Zone Externe du Japon).
Nishida H.; Hinojosa, L.F.; Uemura, K.; Terada, K.; Yamada, T.; Asakawa, T.; Rancusi
H., M. New permineralized plant-debri assemblage from the Upper Cretaceous of
south Chile.
Cevallos-Ferriz, S.R.S.; González-Torres, E.; Calvillo-Canadell, L. Geologic factors
promoting increased plant diversity during the Cenozoic in Mexico.
Calvillo-Canadell, L.; Rodríguez-Reyes, O.; Cevallos-Ferriz, S.R.S. Early evidence of
a dry tropical vegetation in Eocene sediments of La Popa, Nuevo León, México.
Social Program - Visit guided ROM Museum.
14:00 - 15:30 Lunch
Afternoon - 3th Session Oral Presentations.
Conveners: Vieira, M. & Carrión, J.
Keynote: Carrión, J.; Fernández, S.; González Sampériz, L. General trends and
unexpected trajectories in the Late Quaternary vegetation dynamics of the Iberian
Peninsula and Balearic Islands.
Rivas-Carballo. M.R.; Valle Hernández, M.; Alcalde Olivares, C. Nuevos datos sobre
la vegetación neógena de la provincia de Burgos (España) a partir de la palinología.
De Franceschi, D.; Solé, F. Premiers éléments de paléoflore d'un nouveau gisement
Paléogène dans l'Oise.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Vieira, M.; Pais, J.; Pereira, D. Pliocene flora of Portugal: present knowledge.
Montero, A. The Palaeobotanical Museum of Córdoba (Spain).
Coffee break.
Act in Honour of Dr. R.H. Wagner. Laudatio by C. Cleal.
Closing ceremony.
Conference dinner in the city centre.
Saturday 12th
Morning – Post-congress, optional social program
09:00 – 13:00 Visit to 12th and 13th century romanesque churches of Palentian Mountain.
Castro, M.P. The Stephanian B flora of the La Magdalena Coalfield (León, NW Spain), an
European reference.
Barrón, E.; Ureta, S.; Goy, A.; Lassaletta, L. Palynology of the Toarcian–Aalenian Global
Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) at Fuentelsaz (Lower–Middle
Jurassic, Iberian Range, Spain).
Puente Arauzo, E.; Sender, L.M.; Torcida, F.; Diez, J.B.; Ferrer, J.; Huerta Hurtado, P.;
Villanueva-Amadoz, U. Paleobotanical Heritage of classical dinosaurs sites of Early
Cretaceous of Salas de los Infantes (Burgos, Spain).
Sender, L.M.; Diez, J.B.; Villanueva-Amadoz, U.; Puente Arauzo, E.; Ferrer, J.; Bercovici, A.;
Sánchez-Pellicer, R.; Paleoibérica'08 & 09 Teams. Preliminary data on a new Upper
Albian - Early Cenomanian flora from the Northeastern Spain.
Rubio, C.; Ferrer, J.; Diez, J.B. Paleobotanical and paleoecological data from Lower-Middle
Miocene in Alto Ballester ravine cite of Rubielos de Mora (Teruel, Spain).
Barrón, E.; Lassaletta, L.; Comas-Rengifo, M.J.; Alcalde-Olivares, C. New vegetational data and
climatic implications of the southwestern lacustrine outcrops of the La Cerdaña Basin
(Late Miocene, Spain).
Gómez-Orellana, L.; Ramil-Rego, P.; Muñoz Sobrino, C. Upper Pleistocene in NW Iberia:
vegetation dynamics during the last 80 ky BP.
16th OFP International Congress.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
16th OFP International Congress.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Palynomorph assemblage succession in the proposed GSSP
for the base of the Toarcian Stage (Lower Jurassic) of Peniche
Barrón, E.1; Comas-Rengifo, M.J.2; Duarte, L.V.3
Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME), Ríos Rosas 23, 28003
Madrid (Spain)
Departamento y UEI de Paleontología (UCM-CSIC), José Antonio Nováis 2,
28040 Madrid, Spain
Departamento de Ciências da Terra and IMAR-CMA, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia. Universidade
de Coimbra, Portugal.
Keywords: Palynology; Pliensbachian/Toarcian; Early Jurassic; GSSP; Peniche;
The proposed candidate for the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the
base of the Toarcian Stage (Lower Jurassic) is the Peniche section which is located in
western Portugal. This section comprises a Late Pliensbachian to Early Toarcian
marine hemipelagic succession of coccolith-bearing marls and limestones, deposited
on a NW-facing carbonate ramp in the extensional Lusitanian Basin. The strata from
Peniche have a good biostratigraphic record, based mainly on ammonites. The present
Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary in this section. All studied levels yielded low diverse
assemblages dominated by pollen grains of anemophilous gymnosperms. Particularly,
Classopollis dominates in the Pliensbachian levels whereas Spheripollenites is relevant
in the Toarcian ones. Other gymnospermous pollen grains such as Araucariacites,
Cerebropollenites and Ginkgocycadophytus sporadically occur. Spores of vascular
Leptolepidites and Anapiculatisporites scarcely appear. In addition, acritarchs of the
genera Michrystridium and Baltisphaeridium as well as phycomes of Prasinophiceae
and dinoflagellate cysts are relevant in some levels. The obtained taxonomical data are
in concordance with the preliminary study of Veiga de Oliveira et al. (2007). All
identified palynomorphs exhibit widespread and temporally long ranging along the
Lower and Middle Jurassic. Three different assemblages mainly based in the
abundance of gymnospermous pollen grains have been inferred: (i) the basal one is
Late Pliensbachian in age and was distinguished by the abundance of Classopollis
classoides and Classopollis torosus, (ii) the lowermost Toarcian (levels 3 to 41,
Polymorphum Zone) is determined by the abundance of both Classopollis and
Spheripollenites, (iii) the Toarcian levels up to level 41 (base of Levisoni Zone) present
very high values of Spheripollenites psilatus which becomes the unique identified taxa
in levels 91 and 96 (middle part of the Levisoni Zone). The quantitative results exhibit in
the first and third assemblages a similar pattern to the regarded in the
Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary in the Rambla del Salto section (Iberian Range,
This abstract is a contribution to the Research Project: CGL2008-03112.
16th OFP International Congress.
New vegetational data and climatic implications of the
southwestern lacustrine outcrops of the La Cerdaña Basin
(Late Miocene, Spain)
Barrón, E.1; Lassaletta, L.2; Comas-Rengifo, M.J.3; Alcalde-Olivares, C.4
Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME), Ríos Rosas 23, 28003 Madrid (Spain)
Departamento de Ecología (UCM), José Antonio Nováis 2, 28040 Madrid (Spain)
Departamento y UEI de Paleontología (UCM-CSIC), José Antonio Nováis 2,
28040 Madrid (Spain)
Departamento de Silvopascicultura, Unidad de Botánica, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de
Montes, Universidad Politécnica, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 Madrid (Spain)
Key Words: Palynology; Vegetation; Palaeoclimatology; Late Miocene; La Cerdaña
basin; Spain
The La Cerdaña basin is one of the small basins that formed during the Neogene in
connection with a series of NE–SW- and east–west-running fractures in the Axial Zone
of the Eastern Pyrenees. This basin is characterised by siliciclastic sedimentation in
alluvial, fluvial, deltaic, and lacustrine depositional settings. Two depositional units
which correspond with two stages in the evolution of the Neogene basin have been
distinguished: (i) the Lower Unit (Vallesian; early Late Miocene) where the majority of
the outcrops with palaeobotanical content occur (ii) the Upper Unit (late Turolian;
Uppermost Miocene) only preserved at the southern edge of the basin. A palynological
study has been conducted in three successive Vallesian lacustrine outcrops from the
eastern sector of the basin, and in another one located in the base of the Turolian
Upper Unit. Forest vegetation determined by temperate taxa such as Pinus, Abies,
Ulmaceae, Carya, Fagus, deciduous Quercus, Alnus, Betula, Corylus and Tilia has
been inferred. Coniferous forests were predominant in a regional context. The
presence of Abies, Fagus, Acer, Tilia and several herbs such as Ranunculaceae,
Caryophyllaceae and Asteraceae reflects more local pollen input. Riparian
communities were mainly characterised by Alnus and hygrophilous plants such as
Sparganium and Typha. Mixed mesophytic forests with several subtropical elements
such as Sapotaceae, Acacia, Engelhardia and Platycarya developed in the basin. The
application of the “coexistence approach” analysis of every studied outcrop indicates a
mean annual temperature which ranges between 15.6º to 17ºC, a mean temperature of
the warmest month which was between 24.7º y 26.3ºC and a mean temperature of the
coldest month which indicates the non-existence of frosts. The calculated mean annual
precipitation shows a wide interval which ranges between 823 and 1167 mm. In the
first two dimensions of a multivariate statistical analysis (CA) were identified five groups
which could related to Vallesian mixed mesophytic vegetation, Vallesian coniferous
forests, Vallesian pioneer vegetation, Turolian mixed mesophytic vegetation and
Turolian per-humid vegetation.
This abstract is a contribution to the Research Project: CGL2008-03112.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Palynology of the Toarcian–Aalenian Global Boundary
Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) at Fuentelsaz (Lower–
Middle Jurassic, Iberian Range, Spain)
Barrón, E.1; Ureta, S.2; Goy, A.2; Lassaletta, L.3
Departamento de Investigación en Recursos Geológicos, Área de Investigación en Patrimonio Geológico
y Minero, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME), Ríos Rosas 23,
28003 Madrid (Spain).
Departamento de Paleontología y UEI de Paleontología, Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas e Instituto de
Geología Económica (CSIC–UCM), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, José Antonio Novais 2, 28040
Madrid (Spain).
Departamento de Ecología (UCM), José Antonio Novais 2, 28040 Madrid (Spain).
Keywords: Toarcian–Aalenian stratotype; Palynology; Biostratigraphy; Environmental
The Fuentelsaz Section is located in the Castilian Branch of the Iberian Range
(Guadalajara, Spain). Its exceptional Lower–Middle Jurassic transition outcrops led to
its designation as the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point for the base of the
Aalenian by the International Commission on Stratigraphy (under the auspices of the
International Union of Geological Science) during the 31st International Geological
Congress (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000).
The sediments of the Toarcian–Aalenian transition at Fuentelsaz are composed of
marls with interbedded limestones in rhythmic alternation. Marls are dominant in the
Toarcian and the Opalinum Zone up to the middle part of the Comptum Subzone. In
the remaining Comptum Subzone, marly materials are scarce and limestones
predominate. Sedimentation at Fuentelsaz took place over an extensive marine epeiric
carbonate platform that was well connected with the open sea. Hydrodynamic
conditions were generally of low energy, with the sea bottom located below fair weather
wave action but at a shallow depth.
In a study of the Fuentelsaz Section, a total of 43 palynomorph taxa were recorded: 23
spore taxa, 13 pollen taxa, 4 acritarchs, 2 prasinophytes and 1 dinoflagellate cyst. The
studied sediment samples were always dominated by terrestrial allochthonous
miospores. In general, miospore assemblages are biased due to the transport of pollen
from land or islands to the continental platform. Spheripollenites, Classopollis or indeed
both pollens numerically dominate the assemblages. Other miospores appear in low
numbers. Aquatic palynomorphs are also scarce; Michrystridium lymensis is the most
common. Five palynological assemblages (PA) were distinguished: PA1, PA2 and PA3
are Toarcian in age, PA4 is located at the boundary between the Toarcian and the
Aalenian, and PA5, in the Comptum Subzone of the Aalenian, shows a strong
reduction in palynomorph diversity and preservation. All these assemblages, the
compositions of which are not significantly different from a biostratigraphic point of
view, are compared with others similar in age from Europe and North Africa.
Palaeoecological analysis of the palynomorphs indicated the presence of calm,
oligotrophic sea water. The palaeofloral communities of gymnosperms and vascular
cryptogams - which grew in subtropical arid conditions - were poorly diversified.
This abstract is a contribution to the Research Project: CGL2008-03112.
16th OFP International Congress.
The Cretaceous flora from Faierazzo, Friulia Venezia Giulia,
Italy: preliminary results
Bartiromo, A.1; Gaiotto, G.2; Romano, R.3; Roghi, G.4
Dipartimento delle Scienze Biologiche, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”,
Via Mezzocannone, 8, 80134, Napoli.
Via Giacomo Leopardi 19, Cordignano, 31016, Treviso.
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Ferrara,
Via Saragat, 1, 44100, Ferrara.
Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse -CNR -, Via Matteotti 30, 35137, Padova.
The Cretaceous palaeoflora from Faierazzo (Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Italy)
represents an important and rich flora known since 1881. It belongs stratigraphically to
the Albian-Cenomanian? bitouminous shale and mudstone interval intercalated in the
active reef growing in the Friuli Platform. It is impossible to date the section because
the levels bearing the fossils result tectonized and the direct contact with the above or
below limestone has not been found.
The macroflora is composed of impressions, compressions and carbonaceous
compressions belonging to Pteridophyte, Gymnosperm, Angiosperms? and
unrecognizable plant detritus. The following genera have been recognized up to now:
Ruffordia, Phlebopteris, Sagenopteris, Frenelopsis and Ranunculus?
It is worthy to note the presence of the sterile and fertile frond fragments belonging to
the genus Phlebopteris. The details of pinnules and sorus are well visible, but the
sporangia have not preserved any structure. Moreover, some specimens are preserved
with a root systems. The genus Frenelopsis is preserved with branched (up to 24 cm)
and isolated axes; the internodes are difficult to elucidate and cuticle remains (~ 10 μm
in thickness) show monocyclic stomatal apparati (~ 50 μm in diameter) aligned along
longitudinal rows.
The plants debris are found in levels belonging to little anoxic basins near or inside a
Friuli Carbonate Platform. Their presence could be ascribed to storm events which can
remove large plant fragments. Moreover, the type of preservation assumes that the
vegetal remains have been fossilized under anoxic conditions. It is difficult to establish
the distance of the source area but owing to the dimension and the anatomical
connection of the specimens, a parautochtonous condition could be hypothesized.
Although preliminary, the general composition of the flora well fits with that of the EuroSinian province of the Northern Hemisphere.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Improving depth of field resolution for palynological
Bercovici, A1.; Villanueva-Amadoz, U2.; Hadley, A.3
UMR 6119 (CNRS/INSU), Géosciences Rennes, Université de Rennes 1,
Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France.
Departamento Ciencias de la Tierra (Paleontología), Universidad de Zaragoza.
C/Pedro Cerbuna, 12. 50009 Zaragoza, Spain.
5 Ronald Road, Darnall, Sheffield, UK.
Keywords: Image processing; Optical microscopy; Optical sections; Palynology; Depth
of field reconstruction
Optical microscopy continues to be the preferred method for imaging in
paleopalynology. While the usefulness of other tools, such as the scanning electron
microscope, is not questioned, the ease of use and rapidity of optical microscopy
remains unsurpassed. However, obtaining good quality microphotographs requires the
use of the highest magnifying power objectives available, which are inevitably
associated with very limited depth of field. To avoid the need for multiple
photomicrographs to fully describe each palynomorph, a software solution for
reconstructing depth of field is proposed.
While some free and commercially available software already propose depth of field
reconstruction algorithms, they are usually targeted to work on scenery and opaque
object and were found to produce disappointing results on translucent palynomorphs.
To address this issue, collaboration with Alan Hadley, creator of the free open sourced
CombineZP software, allowed for improvements over the rendition of such objects. A
set of workflows (do stack and do weighted average) allows for the reconstruction of a
subset of the focus plane or its entirety. Additionally, a batch processing module was
created in order to process large number of specimens (groups of optical sections)
This solution allows for keeping the main advantages of high magnifying power
objectives (better resolution and improved contrast) while suppressing their main
weakness. In addition, microphotographs published using depth of field reconstruction
has a more natural appearance, similar to when directly viewed with the eye under the
microscope. The technique can be applied similarly to many other paleontological and
geological objects as well.
16th OFP International Congress.
Early evidence of a dry tropical vegetation in Eocene sediments
of La Popa, Nuevo León, México.
Calvillo-Canadell, L.1; Rodríguez-Reyes, O.2; Cevallos-Ferriz, S.R.S.1
Depto. De Paleontología, Instituto de Geología, UNAM; Ciudad Universitaria, Del. Coyoacàn, 04510
México DF., México
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, P.O. Box 0843-03092. 8232 Balboa, Ancon Republic of Panama
or Unit 0948, APO AA 34002-0948 USA
Keywords: Dry topical vegetation; Eocene; Leguminosae; Burseraceae
Fossil plants represent a unique source of information to become aware of
diversification processes. The relative scarce information on fossil plants from Mexico
has been overcome in the last decades, and the new information has suggested that a
diverse tropical Cretaceous community from northern Mexico was the source of
different types of vegetation further south, as sea retrited. Leaf architecture and fruit
morphology of the fossil plants from the Eocene La Carroza Formation in La Popa,
Nuevo León, include members of Inga, Chamaecrista, Senna (Leguminosae) Lannea,
Astronium y Pentaspadon (Anacardiaceae), Bursera (Burseraceae), and Myrcia
(Myrtaceae), as well as pollen of Bombacaceae, Arecaceae, Fagaceae, Sapindaceae
and Aquifoliaceae. The sedimentary sequence is composed of sandstones, siltstones,
shales, with intercalations of lake coquinas, volcanic ashes, and paleosoils. The floristic
elements of the La Poppa region and the sedimentary sequence contrast with the
paleosoil analysis; the leaves and sediments suggest based on size, abundance,
diversity and taxonomic affinity some humidity in the region, in contrast the analysis of
the paleosoils proposed the presence of a xeric place. Plant affinities can be traced to
the Cretaceous/Paleocene floras from southern North America (USA) and Coahuila,
Mexico, from which plants suggesting warm and humid environments are well known.
Their presence in areas where water availability appears to be a conflict may be
overcome by postulating that in the Middle Eocene in La Poppa region seasonality was
well marked, perhaps with a relatively short humid season during which plants
completed their life cycle, that alternated with a larger warmer and water restricted
season. This scenario is compatible with natural areas occupied today with some
members of the families so far recognized.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
The oldest macrofossil remains of vascular plant in the Iberian
Peninsula, Spain
Cascales-Miñana, B.1; Martínez-Pérez, C.2; Botella, H.2
Department of Plant Biology. Faculty of Pharmacy. University of Valencia. Av/ Vicente Andrés Estellés
s/n, 46100 Burjasot (Valencia, Spain)
Department of Geology. Faculty of Biological Sciences. University of Valencia. C/ Dr. Moliner 50, 46100
Burjasot (Valencia, Spain)
Keywords: Zosterophyll-like plan; Lower Devonian plants; Spain
Lower Devonian flora illustrates one of the most important episodes in plant life history,
marked by the important diversification of land plants. Unfortunately, the fossil record of
this flora is scarce; therefore, all new data concerning their diversity, morphology and
geographical distribution are important to increase the understanding of their early
evolution and diversification. Although, studies on Devonian flora have increased
during last decades, in the Iberian Peninsula they are rare and limited to precise
findings (Montero, 2008). As far as we know, to date, the oldest unequivocal vascular
plants macroremains in the Iberian Peninsula belong to Lepidodendraceae indet. from
the Emsian (Lower Devonian) of Ciudad Real (Pardo, 1997, see Montero, 2008 for
discussion). Here, we describe the first record of early vascular plants from the
Lochkovian (Lower Devonian) of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain). The new material
studied here have been recovered from levels of the Nogueras Formation, in the
locality South of Barranco Santo Domingo (Province of Teruel, Spain, see e.g. Carls,
1999). Plant remains present small predominantly dichotomous axes with a
pseudomonopodical pattern of branching, and lateral sporangia distributed along the
length of stems which follow the Zosterophylls-like plan. Zosterophylls were one of the
most important groups among the first vascular plants, being a characteristic element
of the flora during Lower Devonian times. Our finding increases the palaeogeographical
distribution of this important group of primitive vascular plants.
16th OFP International Congress.
Trends and patterns in vascular plants evolution:
Macroevolutionary implications of multilevel taxonomic
Cascales-Miñana, B.; Muñoz-Bertomeu, J.; Ros, R.; Segura, J.
Department of Plant Biology. University of Valencia. Av/ Vicente Andrés Estellés s/n,
46100 Burjasot (Valencia, Spain). [email protected]
Keywords: Vascular plant; Radiation; Extinction; Diversification; Fossil record;
Evolutionary innovations.
Several investigations have documented the plant life history on the basis of
evolutionary patterns from the reconstruction of the fossil record. Nevertheless, the
divergence of plant life has been mainly studied in specific groups or periods. In the
present investigation we have analyzed the macroevolutionary patterns of vascular
plants from the Silurian to the present time providing a global vision of plant life
evolution. We focus on the biotic crises, the origination processes, the floral turnover
patterns and the structural diversity. We also discuss the concept of mass extinction in
vascular plants. Our methodology is based on palaeobiological and evolutionary
inference. First of all, we analyzed the evolutionary rates (origination, extinction and
diversification) of vascular plants at four taxonomic levels (families, orders, classes and
divisions). Subsequently, abundance and richness analyses at 21 time intervals were
performed. Finally, an accumulative analysis based on total plant fossil record,
accumulated extinction and relative diversity was undertaken.
The diversification rate showed a unique constant and progressive reduction from the
end of the Carboniferous to the Permian, where the lowest values were registered. The
Cretaceous extinction seems to be reflected as very small peaks for families. The
abundance analysis showed that only two intervals of time presented clearly higher
extinction than origination at Family level. The richness and accumulative analyses
showed that only 32% of families analyzed become extinct and approximately 90% of
them disappeared at the Palaeozoic. The taxonomic composition of the plant records
shows a turnover process in a macroevolutionary scale. The absence of important
extinction events or evolutionary innovations caused diversification patterns without
abrupt changes. Our results support that plants did not suffer mass extinction events in
the sense of the “big five” but mass ecological reorganization.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
The Stephanian B flora of the La Magdalena Coalfield
(León, NW Spain), an European reference.
Castro, M.P.
c/ Guzmán el Bueno, 84, 28003 Madrid, Spain.
Keywords: Carboniferous; Stephanian; NW Spain; Cantabrian Mountains; province
In NW Spain, the Cantabrian Mountains contain the most complete succession of
Stephanian floras in the World, thus becoming a necessary reference for comparison
La Magdalena Coalfield, in the northwestern part of the province of León, is a tectonic
remmant of a post-Asturian basin which represents the latest part in the tectonostratigraphic history of the Cantabric-Asturian arcuate fold belt. With 1,200 m of plantbearing strata, La Magdalena succession represents fluvio-lacustrine environments on
an alluvial plain and is justly famous for its abundance of plant fossils as reported since
1950s that constitute a beautiful representation of mid-Stephanian B flora. For a
systematic taxonomic study, floral assemblages of plant impressions were collected
here from a total of 85 localities along three transects in the steeply dipping normal
flank of an isoclinal syncline. They have yielded 4,827 samples containing 11,334
identifiable fossil plant remains which were identified as belonging to 140
paleobotanical taxa, representing to c. 100 natural species. A compositional analysis
shows a predominance of pteridosperms in this coalfield, as well as a proportional
increase in pecopterid ferns in the higher part of the succession, accompanied by a
decrease in calamitalean sphenopsids.
16th OFP International Congress.
General trends and unexpected trajectories in the Late
Quaternary vegetation dynamics of the Iberian Peninsula and
Balearic Islands
Carrión, J.1; Fernández, S.2; González Sampériz, P.3
Departamento de Botánica, Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Murcia, 30100 Murcia, Spain.
Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Universidad de Murcia, 30100 Murcia, Spain.
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología. Dpto. Procesos
Geoambientales y Cambio Global. Av/ de Montañana 1005, 50059 Zaragoza, Spain
Keywords: palaeobotany, palaeoecology, historical biogeography, palynology, Iberia,
Quaternary, Pleistocene, Holocene.
Here we discuss long term vegetation dynamics in the Iberian Peninsula during the
Late Quaternary with emphasis on the lateglacial and Holocene. Along this period,
landscape diversity, ecological history, fire activity and long-term human occupation
have often defined unexpected vegetation responses. Human occupation has played a
determinant role shaping the Iberian landscapes as we know them since the MidHolocene; grazing, agriculture, mining, coppicing, burn and slash, etc., are all activities
exerting deep transformations. As we gain resolution in pollen records, we can see
concentration of the major changes into relatively short episodes; the rate of change is
definitively uneven, which points to the need of a conceptualization based in an
ecological-contingent rather than a deterministic approach.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Geologic factors promoting increased plant diversity during the
Cenozoic in Mexico
Cevallos-Ferriz, S.R.S.1; González-Torres, E.A.2; Calvillo-Canadell, L.1
Depto. de Paleontología; Instituto de Geología, UNAM; Ciudad Universitaria;
Coyoacan; 04510 México D.F.; México
Depto. de Geología Regional; Instituto de Geología, UNAM; Ciudad Universitaria;
Coyoacan; 04510 México D.F.; México.
Keywords: Diversity; Mexico; Cenozoic; Geologic activity; Physiography
Plant diversity in Mexico has been explained most of the time as a recent
phenomenon, due to the expansion of the Neotropical and Neartic floras toward low
latitude North America; an aspect facilitated by the establishment of the Isthmus of
Panama. Recognizing that at least some plant lineages that today are an important
component of the Neotropical flora were incorporated from the north some time during
the Cenozoic has complemented this idea. Several examples have been used to
explain this expansion of area distribution, like Inga, Pithecellobium, and Prioria
(Leguminosae), or Tapirira and Haplorhus, but the simple expansion of distribution of
taxa does not explain the increased biodiversity, to the point that today Mexico is
considered one of the megadiversity sites of the world. We propose that both tectonic
and volcanic activities are responsible of promoting biological processes that increased
biodiversity. It is the geological instability the responsible of offering plants continues
varied condition that influences main habitat types and species grouping. Emphasis will
be given to two geological models responsible of altering the physiographic of the
regions, i) creation of a volcanic belt and 2) physiographic changes due to tectonism.
These geologic processes will alter edaphic, atmospheric, and other
climatic/environmental conditions that will further select plant types. Three particular
areas will help to exemplify this situation, suggesting that the diverse vegetation types
recognized today in Mexico evolved from a warm humid (tropical) vegetation. First a
Cretaceous-Eocene replacement of a paratropical forest for a dry forest in Coahuila
and Nuevo León. Second, continues change from an evergreen forest to the
establishment of conifer forest and grasslands in central Mexico (Tlaxcala, Puebla and
Hidalgo). Finally, modification of a wet tropical forest to a somehow drier tropical forest
in Chiapas will introduce the need to recognize paleodiversity-paleogeographic zones
through the Cenozoic in Mexico.
16th OFP International Congress.
The biogeographical relationships of late Westphalian and
earliest Stephanian floras of the Iberian Peninsula
Cleal, C.
Department of Biodiversity & Systematic Biology, National Museum Wales,
Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NP, UK
Keywords: Carboniferous Biogeography Pteridosperms Lycophytes
The late Westphalian and earliest Stephanian medullosalean pteridosperms and
arborescent lycophytes from the Iberian Peninsula give different signals as to their
biogeographical relationships with the rest of Europe and easternmost North America
(the Canadian Maritimes). Although there are a number of species in common, the
overall composition of the Iberian medullosaleans seems quite different. In contrast, the
lycophytes seem to be generally similar to those of the rest of the European Variscan
Foreland basins, but different from those of the Canadian Maritimes. These different
biogeographical signals can probably be explained through differences in the
reproductive and dispersal strategies of these two groups of plants.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Premiers éléments de paléoflore d'un nouveau gisement
Paléogène dans l'Oise
De Franceschi, D.1; Solé, F.2
UMR7207 MNHN-CNRS-UPMC57 rue Cuvier CP3875231 Paris cedex 05
UMR 7207 MNHN-CNRS-UMPC57 rue Cuvier75231 Paris cedex 05
Keywords: Paléocène; Graines; Bois; Lodes; Vitaceae
Après la dècouverte d'ambre et d'une paléoflore très riche d'âge Eocène inférieur au
Quesnoy (Houdancourt, Oise, France), un nouveau gisement très proche à Rivecourt
(Oise), présente également une flore diversifiée, mais légèrement différente. Conifères
et Angiospermes dicotylédones sont très biens représentées particulièrement par des
structures végétatives dans les sédiments ligniteux d'âge probable Paléocène terminal.
Les Arecaceae sont également révélés par la présence de leurs structures
anatomiques caractéristiques. On retrouve aussi sous forme de graines, le genre Iodes
(Icacinaceae) et des Vitaceae variées, comme déjà observés sur le site du Quesnoy,
mais présentant ici de petites différences. Les études sédimentologiques en cours et
des fouilles méthodiques permettront une meilleure connaissance de cette paléoflore
qui permettra la comparaison entre Paléocène et Eocène.
16th OFP International Congress.
Morphology and ecology of the Paleozoic Tedelean ferns
Galtier, J.
Laboratoire de Botanique et bioinformatique de l’architecture des plantes (AMAP), UMR 5120 CNRS,
CIRAD, TA -51/PS2, Boulevard de la Lironde, 34398 Montpellier Cedex 05, France
The Tedeleaceae are late Paleozoic Filicalean ferns with two known genera,
Ankyropteris and Senftenbergia, which partially overlap morphologically and have the
same known stratigraphic ranges – Namurian A to Lower Permian in Euramerica.
Ankyropteris is anatomically known and Senftenbergia is almost exclusively based on
compression specimens. Both genera exhibit abaxially, laminar-borne sori and/or
solitary sporangia with some schizaeoid attributes. The sporangia are pyriform, erect to
slightly curved with a two to multiseriate apical annulus and mature spores usually of
the Raistrickia type. Detailed morphological comparisons of Ankyropteris with
Senftenbergia emphasize generic overlaps. Ankyropteris brongniartii provides recurrent
ecological observations of habit and associated plants in ecotonal swamp reaches as
well as in volcanic environments and on other clastic substrates. Ankyropteris may
have originated from the clepsydroid zygopterid clade outside of the swamps.
Ankyropteris brongniartii occurred as an epiphytic vine on Psaronius tree ferns as they
expanded into coal swamps and often co-occurred with Paralycopodites even earlier in
Middle Pennsylvanian. Vine stem anatomy and functional morphology of aphlebiae are
emphasized in A. brongniartii with comparisons to Austroclepsis, an early “vining” false
tree fern. Anatomical comparisons of Ankyropteris species based on shoots emphasize
divergent habits with similar robust sizes, all exhibited aphlebiae. Known only from coal
balls, A. corrugata (Westphalian A-B) had a rampant habit on exposed peat with a
succulent, dichotomous rhizome and erect fronds. The Lower Pennsylvanian specimen
of A. hendricksii is a compact tree fern with crowded frond bases and intercalated
roots. Tyloses commonly occur in A. corrugata and A. brongniartii indicating water
stressed conditions. Apical meristems of shoot and fronds are reported for the first
time, suggesting response growth to disturbance and rapid burial.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
On some specimens of the putative early lignophyte Crossia
(Stenokoleales) from Ronquières (Middle Devonian, Belgium)
Gerrienne, P.1; Meyer-Berthaud, B2
Paléobotanique, Paléopalynologie et Micropaléontologie, Département de Géologie,
Université de Liège, B18, Sart Tilman, 4000 Liège, Belgium, [email protected];
Botanique et bioinformatique de l’architecture des plantes, AMAP-CIRAD, TA40/PS2, Boulevard de la
Lironde, 34398 Montpellier cedex 5, France, [email protected].
The Middle Devonian is a period of important taxonomic turnover for early terrestrial
plants, which showed high origination rates. This pattern coincides with the evolution of
phenotypic novelties (tree habit, megaphyllous leaves with increasing laminate
surfaces, proto-ovules) that potentially increased the range of growth, reproductive,
and dispersal strategies of the plants, modified interactions between organisms, and
may have initiated a profound modification of terrestrial landscapes.
Based on current evidence, the lignophytes (plants that possess a bifacial vascular
cambium, producing secondary phloem-inner bark-outwards, and secondary xylemwood-inwards) evolved during Middle Devonian times. Plant deposits of Middle
Devonian age are numerous and widely distributed over the Palaeozoic
palaeocontinents; yet the richest and most diverse in terms of lignophytes and related
taxa occur in Laurussia, a distribution also observed in the Late Devonian.
The genus Crossia has been originally reported from an Eifelian locality from Virginia
(Beck and Stein, 1993). The authors described a narrow peripheral zone of radially
aligned tracheids from a single specimen, and interpreted it as a small amount of
secondary xylem. On this basis, the genus has been presented as the earliest
lignophyte (Kenrick and Crane, 1997), even though the presence of a bifacial vascular
cambium has still to be demonstrated.
In this presentation, we focus on the occurrence of permineralized remains of Crossia
from a middle to late Givetian (TA spore Zone) locality in the Ronquières area
(Belgium). The locality is contemporaneous and geographically close to the locality that
provided the proto-ovule Runcaria (Gerrienne et al., 2004) which is no longer
Seven permineralized axes have been collected. All are similar to the single fragment
interpreted as a first-order axis by Beck & Stein (1993). They show a large three-ribbed
protostele containing a central protoxylem stand and up to 20 protoxylem strands
arranged along the mid-planes of the primary xylem. Lateral appendages are produced
alternately and in pairs, each member of a pair containing two separate strands of
unequal size proximally.
We demonstrate that a ring of secondary xylem with radially aligned tracheids and
narrow rays is present in several specimens from Ronquières. Pitting is continuous
over the radial and tangential walls of tracheids. Rays are 1-3 seriate and up to 45 cells
high. Until now, we failed to demonstrate the presence/absence of a bifacial vascular
cambium and of secondary phloem.
The primary body of Crossia is compared to coeval or slightly younger woody plants
and early spermatophytes. The phylogenetic position of Crossia is discussed.
Beck, C.B. and Stein, W.E., 1993. Crossia virginiana gen. et sp. nov., a new member of the Stenokoleales
from the Middle Devonian of southwestern Virginia. Palaeontographica, 229B: 115-134.
Gerrienne, P., Meyer-Berthaud, B., Fairon-Demaret, M., Streel, M. and Steemans, P., 2004. Runcaria, a
Middle Devonian seed plant precursor. Science, 306: 856-858.
Kenrick, P. and Crane, P.R., 1997. The origin and early diversification of land plants. A cladistic study.
Smithsonian Series in Comparative Evolutionary Biology. Smithsonian Institution press, Washington and
London, 441 pp.
16th OFP International Congress.
Upper Pleistocene in NW Iberia: vegetation dynamics during
the last 80 ky BP
Gómez-Orellana, L.1; Ramil-Rego, P.1; Muñoz Sobrino, C.2
GI-TTB Lab. Botánica & Biogeografía, IBADER, Universidade de Santiago, E-27002 Lugo, Spain
Departamento de Biología Vexetal e Ciencias do Solo, Facultade de Ciencias, Universidade de Vigo,
Campus de Marcosende s/n, E-36200 Vigo, Spain
Keywords: Upper Pleistocene; Pollen; Vegetation dynamic; NW iberia
During the last decades several detailed stratigaphical, cronological and pollen
analyses have been performed in NW Iberia. These data enable: 1) the reconstruction
of regional vegetation dynamics, which can be compared with other pollen sequences
in SW Europe, and 2) a better knowledge of the major climatic events affecting the
area since the Upper Pleistocene, which can be contrasted with the North Atlantic
isotopic records.
Most of these data were obtained in ponds or peatbogs covering to the last 18 ky BP.
Nevertheless, a number of sites near the coastline also include some limnetic facies
that were formed during the Upper Pleistocene.
The coastal deposit of Area Longa (Gómez-Orellana et al. 2007) is located in the
country of A Mariña Lucense (Lugo, NW Iberia), a rather plain territory extending
between the Galician-Asturian Mountains and the Cantabrian Sea. Its record extents
from the Prewürm towards the last Würm stadial. Furthermore, several other sites
recording different stages of the last 25 ky BP exist located between the inner
mountains and the shoreline. Therefore, the data from Area Longa may be combined
with other deposits to obtain a regional sequence that records the major climatic
oscillations driving vegetation changes in the western corner of Iberia during the last 85
ky BP.
The obtained regional record starts in the Prewürm. Palaeoecological data for this
stage show a dominance of woodland, with high percentages of Fagus pollen.
Subsequently, a landscape of grassland and shrub prevails during the first stadial
stage. Later, the pleniglacial interstade reflects a complex period (“A Mariña Complex”)
in which three warmer woodland phases alternated with periods of more open
vegetation. The upper pleniglacial reveals a new woodland retreat.
Late-glacial enclose two main colder periods: Oldest Dryas and Younger Dryas
intercalated with a warmer Late-glacial interstadial. Postglacial tree colonization follows
the following sequence: Betula-Pinus-Quercus. Nevertheless, the representation of
pine is much reduced in these oceanic areas that it was recorded in the innermost
mountains, so no Pinus expansion has been recorded in any site from the Cantabrian
coastal mountains. Alternatively, a final Corylus expansion is also commonly recorded
in the Cantabrian territories that have not been recorded in other southernmost areas
(Ramil-Rego et al. 1998; Muñoz Sobrino et al. 2007).
Gómez-Orellana L, Ramil-Rego P, Muñoz Sobrino C (2007) The Würm in NW Iberia, a pollen record from
Area Longa (Galicia). Quaternary Res 67: 438-452
Muñoz Sobrino C, Ramil-Rego P, Gómez-Orellana L (2007) Late Würm and early Holocene in the
mountains of northwest Iberia: biostratigraphy, chronology and tree colonization. Veg Hist Archaeobot 16:
Ramil-Rego P, Muñoz Sobrino C, Rodríguez-Guitián M, Gómez-Orellana L (1998) Differences in the
vegetation of the North Iberian Peninsula during the last 16,000 years. Plant Ecol 138: 41-62
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Unusual vegetative body, growth and affinities of Tarrantia, an
early Polysporangiophyte from the Lower Devonian of Brazil
Gonez, P.; Gerrienne, P.
Université de Liège Laboratoire PPM - Département de Géologie – Bât. B18, Parking 40Allée du 6 Août,
Sart Tilman4000 Liège 1BELGIUM;
Keywords: Tarrantia; Lower Devonian; Early land plants; Asymmetric branching
Thirteen specimens of Tarrantia Fanning et al. 1992 have been collected from two
Lower Devonian localities of the Paraná Basin (Brazil). The genus was originally
described on the basis of fragmentary and poorly preserved material from the Lower
Devonian of Wales. The Brazilian specimens are well preserved compression fossils
and provide additional information. Eight specimens show an almost complete
vegetative body. Five of these eight specimens that show more than one branching
level present asymmetric branching. This plasticity of the vegetative body is consistent
with the concept of overtopping. The sporangium is precisely described. Some
specimens show morphological disparities within their sporangia. Some of these
sporangia, on the basis of growth reconstruction, are interpreted as immature and
compared to those of Salopella marcensis Fanning et al. 1992. Several specimens of
Tarrantia and other taxa from the Paraná Basin flora present a very long proximal axis.
They suggest that the Lower Devonian green mats were structured as a minute
16th OFP International Congress.
Palynoflores des Formations Ashakajima et Kimigama (Groupe
Choshi, Zone Externe du Japon)
Legrand, J.1,2; Pons, D.1; Yamada, T.3; Nishida, H.2,4; Broutin, J.1
Université Pierre-et-Marie Curie, UMR 7207 CNRS, Centre de Recherche en Paléobiodiversité et
Paléoenvironnements (CR2P), MNHN, Paris, France; [email protected]
Université de Tokyo, Japon
Université de Kanazawa, Japon
Université Chuo, Tokyo, Japon
Mots-clés: Palynologie ; Barrémien ; Flore de type Ryoseki ; Groupe Choshi ; Japon.
Les plantes du Jurassique supérieur – Crétacé inférieur sont abondantes et diversifiées
dans le Sud-Est asiatique. Dans la Région Euro-Sinienne, les flores montrent
d'importantes différences par rapport à celles de la Région Sibéro-Canadienne des
hautes latitudes et celles du Gondwana situé plus au Sud. Au Japon, on reconnaît
deux flores distinctes: la Flore de type Tetori comparable à celle de la région
sibérienne au niveau de la zone interne (côté ouest le long de la Mer du Japon), et la
Flore de type Ryoseki possédant des éléments des flores euro-sinienne ou sud
laurasienne au niveau de la Zone Externe (côté Sud-Est, le long de l'Océan Pacifique).
Entre ces deux flores coexiste une flore mixte regroupant des éléments appartenant
soit à la Flore « Tetori » soit à la Flore « Ryoseki ». Seules de rares études
palynologiques ont déjà été effectuées sur des sédiments d'âge Crétacé inférieur au
Japon. Les auteurs présentent les premières associations palynologiques préaptiennes découvertes dans le Groupe Choshi.
Le Groupe Choshi, affleure au niveau d'une zone étroite qui court le long de la côte Est
de la Péninsule de Choshi, Préfecture de Chiba, Sud-Est du Japon. Ce Groupe
comprend cinq Formations lithologiques: Ashikajima, Kimigahama, Inubouzaki,
Toriakeura et Nagasakihana, datées par les biozones à Ammonites. La localité de
Choshi, située dans la Province floristique Ryoseki, a été largement étudiée pour sa
riche macroflore contenant des organes de plantes perminéralisés remarquablement
conservés. Les échantillons étudiés pour la palynologie proviennent des argiles
compactées et des limons des Formations Ashikajima et Kimigahama, toutes deux
assignées à un âge barrémien par les ammonites Holcodiscus ojii et Hamulina aff.
Brestakensis et les assemblages de foraminifères. Les Formations, déposées en milieu
côtier à marin peu profond, contiennent de riches assemblages, caractérisés par une
prédominance de divers palynomorphes terrestres associés à des dinoflagellés et tests
de foraminifères. On note l’abondance et la variété des spores triletes lisses et des
spores cicatricosées (Appendicisporites, Cicatricosisporites). Les autres spores
ornementées (verrues, bacules, épines, cônes, poils etc...) sont moins abondantes,
mais très diversifiées. Les gymnospermes sont présentes essentiellement sous la
forme de grains monosulqués. Les bisaccates sont peu nombreux et les
Araucariaceae, rares, en dehors du genre Araucariacites. En revanche les genres
Spheripollenites et Classopollis atteignent de forts pourcentages. Dicheiropollis est
trouvé pour la première fois au Japon. C’est une microflore très originale qui possède
des éléments floristiques communs avec ceux de la Région Euro-Sinienne définie par
Vakhrameev et le Royaume téthysien.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Numerical modeling of Pseudosporochnus (Cladoxylopsida), a
tree of Middle Devonian age
Meyer-Berthaud, B.; Dambreville, A.; Rey, H.; Barczi, J.F.
Address (all authors): botAnique et bioinforMatique de l'Architecture des Plantes (AMAP), ℅ Cirad, TAA51/PS2, Boulevard de la Lironde, F-34398 Montpellier cedex 5
Keywords: Cladoxylopsida, Paleozoic, Devonian, tree architecture, 3-D numerical modeling, carbone
There have been a few attempts to date to use numerical models in the architectural
reconstruction of fossil plants (Daviero & Lecoustre 2000; Daviero et al. 2000). Here we present
a new approach applicable to a wide range of fossil taxa, and show the type of information than
can be derived from such studies.
The earliest plants to have reached the tree habit belong to the Pseudosporochnales, a Middle
Devonian order of Cladoxylopsida. Several divergent reconstructions of arborescent
pseudosporochnaleans have been presented in the 20th century literature. The recent
reassessment of Belgian remains of Pseudosporochnus together with the discovery of wellpreserved specimens of Wattieza borne on Eospermatopteris stumps at Gilboa (New York)
have provided a wealth of information relative to the morphology of these trees, and suggested
a high level of consistency in the architecture of the Pseudosporochnales (Schweitzer 1973;
Fairon-Demaret & Li 1993; Berry & Fairon-Demaret 2002; Stein et al. 2007). These leafless
plants comprise a main stem, or trunk, bearing closely spaced determinate branches. These
branches are digitate and covered with small lateral branching systems of various
morphologies, that eventually bear pairs of sporangia. The root system appears entirely
adventitious and borne on the swollen base of the stem.
The 3-D numerical plant model we propose for Pseudosporochnus incorporates this information
supplemented by that derived from the quantitative analysis of a large number of specimens of
Pseudosporochnus nodosus from the collections of Laboratoire de Paléobotanique,
Paléopalynologie et Micropaléontologie de l'Université de Liège. These specimens were
formerly studied and illustrated by S. Leclercq, M. Fairon-Demaret and C. Berry. The data are
processed with the AmapSim software (Barczi et al. 2008) in order to construct and simulate a
3-D growing numerical plant model. Two contrasting hypotheses of growth have been modeled:
(i) the "tree fern hypothesis" presented by Meyer-Berthaud et al. (in press) where secondary
growth is considered insignificant for the radial expansion of the stem and where the maximal
diameter of the trunk is acquired early during ontogeny; (ii) the "Berry and Fairon-Demaret
hypothesis" where the radial expansion of the stem results from secondary growth, and where
the maximal diameter of the trunk is acquired late during ontogeny. The two scenarios provide
significant differences in the morphology of the juvenile states. We made an attempt to use
these 3-D numerical models to estimate the amount of carbon that Pseudosporochnus may
have accumulated during its growth. This preliminary analysis suggests that Pseudosporochnus
sequestered a low amount of carbon. Despite their large size and wide paleogeographical
distribution, the impact of such trees on the carbon cycle may have been moderate.
Barczi, J.-F. et al., 2008. AmapSim: A Structural whole-plant simulator based on botanical knowledge and
designed to host external functional models. Ann. Bot, 101(8): 1125-1138.
Berry, C.M. & Fairon-Demaret, M., 2002. The architecture of Pseudosporochnus nodosus Leclercq et
Banks: a Middle Devonian cladoxylopsid from Belgium. Int. J. Plant Sci., 163: 699-713.
Daviero, V. et al., 2000. Computer simulation of sphenopsid architecture. I. Principles and methodology.
Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol., 109: 121-134.
Daviero, V. & Lecoustre, R., 2000. Computer simulation of sphenopsid architecture. II. Calamites multiramis
Weiss, as an example of Late Paleozoic arborescent sphenopsids. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol., 109: 135-148.
Fairon-Demaret, M. & Li, C.-S., 1993. Lorophyton goense gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Givetian of
Belgium and a discussion of the Middle Devonian Cladoxylopsida. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol., 77: 1-22.
Meyer-Berthaud, B. et al. (in press). The land plant cover in the Devonian: a reassessment of the evolution
of the habit. In: M. Vecoli et al. (eds) The terrestrialization process: Modelling complex interactions at the
biosphere-geosphere interface. Geological Society of London, Special Vol.
Schweitzer, H.P., 1973. Die Mitteldevon-Flora von Lindlar (Rheinland). 4. Filicinae - Calamophyton
primaevum Kräusel & Weyland. Palaeontographica B, 140: 117-150.
Stein, W.E. et al., 2007. Giant cladoxylopsid trees resolve the enigma of the Earth's earliest forest stumps
at Gilboa. Nature, 446: 904-907.
16th OFP International Congress.
The Paleobotanical Museum of Córdoba (Spain)
Montero, A.
Centro Paleobotánico, Jardín Botánico de Córdoba
The Palaeobotanical Museum is located in a late medieval water mill in the
Guadalquivir River, adjoining the Botanical Garden of Córdoba. The building was
restored in 1998-2002, and the Museum opened in 2002. It consists of two exhibition
rooms in the higher part of the building (1st and 2nd floors). Furthermore, several large
specimens are displayed outside the Museum, Syringodendron (lycopsid), Calamites
(sphenopsid) and a fern frond 2 m width. All of these specimens were obtained from
Stephanian B coal-measures at Villablino (León). A number of specimens of silicified
wood from the latest Carboniferous/basal Permian of Valdeviar in Sevilla province are
displayed as well.
The exhibition within the Museum is organised so as to ascend through geological time
with regard to plant records, from Devonian times to the Present, with a particularly
good representation of Carboniferous and Permian.
There are a few notable elements such as the full size reconstruction, of the isoetalean
tree Omphalophoios; a display of a fossil site (a Palaeobotanical Pompei), a large
board with a visual image of the successive geological periods with landscapes and the
principal stages in the history of land plants on Earth, etc.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
New permineralized plant-debri assemblage from the Upper
Cretaceous of south Chile
Nishida, H.1; Hinojosa O., L.F.2; Uemura, K.3; Terada, K.4; Yamada, T.5;
Asakawa, T.6; Rancusi H., M.7
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University, 1-13-27 Kasuga,
Bunkyo, Tokyo 112-8551, Japan
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
National Science Museum, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
Fukui Prefectural Danosaur Museum, Katsuyama, Fukui, Japan
Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan
Faculty of Science, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
Colegio Compania de Maria, Santiago, Chile
We here preliminarily report a new finding of permineralized fossil assemblage
consisting of a variety of plant debri preserved in calcareous concretions derived from
shallow marine sediments of the Late Cretaceous Quiriquina Formation (CampanianMaastrichtian) exposed at coastal cliff north of Temu (approx. 36°S, 73°W), VIII
Region, Chile. Associated marine mollusca such as ammonoids can be used for age
determination. The plant debri are well-preserved with their internal anatomy, and are
composed of fragments representing various parts of plants. Based on five concretions
studied, it has been identified by now a lycopsid strobilus; fern rhizomes and rachises,
including those of possible dennstaedtioid ferns; conifer wood and leaves; and various
angiosperm remains. Other organisms such as wood decay fungi are also preserved.
The assemblage shows a diverse array of plants that probably had been components
of humid temperate mixed forest during the latest Cretaceous. We have already
reported the occurrence of similar plant-containing concretions of Late Cretaceous to
Early Eocene in age from Magallanes Province of Chilean Patagonia. Such
permineralized debri assemblage can provide anatomy-based rich paleobiological
information in southern South America in the future.
This work is supported by Monbusho Grant #18405013 to HN, and is realized with the
courtesy of Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales de Chile, under permission #0022 of
the year 2007.
16th OFP International Congress.
Paleobotanical heritage of classical dinosaurs sites of Early
Cretaceous of Salas de los Infantes (Burgos, Spain)
Puente-Arauzo, E.1,2; Sender, L.M.1; Torcida, F.3; Diez, J.B.2; Ferrer, J.1; Huerta
Hurtado, P.3; Villanueva-Amadoz, U.1
Departamento Ciencias de la Tierra (Paleontología), Universidad de Zaragoza
C/Pedro Cerbuna, 12. 50009 Zaragoza, Spain, [email protected]
Departamento Geociencias Marinas y Ordenación del Territorio. Universidad de Vigo
Campus Lagoas-Marcosende, 36200 Vigo (Pontevedra), Spain
Museo de Dinosaurios de Salas de los Infantes, Burgos, Spain
The Salas de los Infantes region is located at south-east of Burgos Province,
northcentral Spain and it is placed between the Duero Basin and the Demanda Massif.
This region contains a hight diversity of fossils plants early Cretaceous in age. This
paper deals with the rich collection of paleoflora exhibited in the Museum of Dinosaurs
of Salas de los Infantes and with the fossil plants which have been recently found in
several outcrops of this region.
The area of Rabanera del Pinar shows two main outcrops containing fossil plants
within the Upper Barremian-Lower Aptian (Castrillo de la Reina Fm.). The first one, that
is named as Arroyo de la Vega site, contain several types of microfossil and
macrofossil plants corresponding to spores of briophytes and pteridophytes and pollen
grains of various types of gimnosperms, pinnae of ferns, axes of conifers, trunks of
Cycadophytes and several plant remains of uncertain affinities.
The second site is located in an abandoned railway tunnel in the same area of
Rabanera. The Museum of Dinosaurs of Salas de los Infantes exhibit a trunk of
Bennettital found in this site. This specimen show in section, the different parts of the
trunk, the bases of leaves and the cones which are extraordinary well preserved.
Fragments of fossil trees are common in the early Cretaceous deposits of this region
and some of them have been yet studied by paleobotanist. However, villagers of the
region have frequently found long fragments of fossil logs in this area. This is the case
of the fossil trunk found in the Ledania of Salas de los Infantes, Hacinas, Castrillo and
Monasterio de la Reina. The big fossil log (18 m long, at the moment, and 60 cm wide)
which is located on the deposit called Matalaguna site within the Upper HauterivianLower Barremian (Pinilla de los Moros Fm.).
The Museum of Dinosaurs of Salas de los Infantes exhibit several big trunks of
Bennettitals and a long fragment of the cretaceous fossil tree fern Tempskya riojana.
This specimen was found in the Horcajuelos site corresponding to the Castrillo de la
Reina Fm. (Barremian-Aptian) It is noteworthy remarkably that this fossil specimen
show two rings of scars in its apical zone corresponding to the insertion of fronds.
Apart from the museum of Salas de los Infantes, there is the Fossil Tree Visitors'
Centre situated in the locality of Hacinas, where principally it is possible to contemplate
a recreation of the subtropical landscapes of the Cretaceous Period, approximately 120
million years ago. The fossils that played a leading role of this iniciative were found by
habitants of the village and the scientific community baptized Protopodocarpoxylon
hacinensis and Agathoxylon (García Esteban et al., 2006). Both fossil trees were
formed part of dense forests of coniferous where once fallen and transported by fluvial
currents, remained buried until today.
The perspectives of study in this region will be pointed to the identification of the plant
taxa that have been found in both old and newly discovered fossil sites, to characterize,
the taphonomic processes implicated in the preservation of the fossil tree trunks from a
geochemical point of view, and to improve the techniques of datation of the fossil sites
by using pollen and paleomagnetism.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Nuevos datos sobre la vegetación neógena de la provincia de
Burgos (España) a partir de la palinología
Rivas-Carballo. M.R.1; Valle Hernández, M.1; Alcalde Olivares, C.2
Dpt. Geología (Paleontología). Fac. Ciencias, Universidad de Salamanca. 37008 Salamanca.
[email protected]; [email protected]
Dpto. de Silvopascicultura, Unidad de Botánica, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Montes,
Universidad Politécnica, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 Madrid. [email protected]
Desde que se comenzaron los análisis palinológicos en la Cuenca del Duero se
observo que la zona nororiental, correspondiente al corredor de los Montes de Oca y
conocida como Paraje de La Bureba, presentaba una composición florística diferente a
la del resto de la Depresión (Valle et al, 1995). Si bien en un principio de pensó que
esta diferencia se debía a la edad de los sedimentos (García Talegón, 1989),
posteriores trabajos han puesto de manifiesto que también puede deberse a unas
condiciones geográficas particulares y que su ubicación facilitaría el establecimiento
de refugios de vegetación (Valle et al., 2006). Durante estas revisiones también se ha
observado la similitud existente con la palinoflora de otros afloramientos, situados en la
parte oriental de la provincia de Burgos (Civis et al 1990), por lo que se está
realizando, en diferentes puntos de la provincia, análisis para determinar las
variaciones del clima aplicando el método de aproximación de Mosbrugger y Utescher
(1997) que implica el uso del software ClimStat y la base de datos Paleoflora. En La
presente comunicación se presentan los primeros resultados.
García Talegón, 1989. Estratigrafía del Terciario continental en el sector: Belorado-Pradoluengo (Burgos).
Tesis de Licenciatura.(no publicada)
Civis, J. Valle, M., González, J.A., Armenteros, I., Sierro, F.J., Flores, J.A., Andrés, I. y Rivas, M.R., 1990.
Invertebrados y Palinofloras en el Neógeno de la provincia de Burgos (Cuenca del Duero). Actas de
Paleontología, 103-119.
Valle, M., Alonso Gavilán, G., Rivas Carballo, M. R., 1995. Analyse palynologique préliminaire du Miocene
dans le NE de la Dépression du Duero (Aire de Belorado, Burgos, España). Geobios, 28, 407-412
Mosbrugger, V., Utescher, T., 1997. The coexistence approach – a method for quantitative reconstructions
of Tertiary terrestrial paleoclimate data using plantfossils. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 134,
Valle, M. Rivas Carballo, M.R., 2006. Síntesis de la vegetación y clima durante el Mioceno de la Cuenca
del Duero. Geotemas 9, 213-217
16th OFP International Congress.
Paleobotanical and paleoecological data from Lower-Middle
Miocene in Alto Ballester ravine cite of Rubielos de Mora
(Teruel, Spain)
Rubio, C.1,2; Ferrer, J.1; Diez, J.B.3
Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra (Paleontología), Universidad de Zaragoza. C/ Pedro Cerbuna, 12.
50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Paleoymás, Actuaciones Museísticas y Paleontológicas S.L. Pol. Empresarium, C/ Retama 17, nave 24c
50720 La Cartuja Baja, Zaragoza ([email protected])
Departamento Geociencias Marinas y Ordenación del Territorio. Universidad de Vigo. Campus LagoasMarcosende, 36200 Vigo (Pontevedra), Spain
The basin of Rubielos de Mora is formed by lacustrine Miocene deposits where three
different sedimentological units are observed. Micromammal fauna of the Upper Unit is
assigned to the lower-middle Miocene (Ramblian-Aragonian). Plant remains are
preserved in marls and lutites from the centre of the paleolake. Macroflora preservation
was favored by low oxygen concentration. Leaf remains and pollen from two outcrops
have been studied. Several ecological groups have been distinguished:
- Thermophilous elements: Taxodium dubium, Glyptostrobus europaeus, Myrica
lignitum, Quercus rhenana, Daphnogene polymorpha, Lindera benzoin,
Daphnogene sp., Laurus primigenius, Lomatites aquensis and pollen grains of
Taxodiaceae, Myrica, Nyssa.
- Mesophilous elements: Sequoia langsdorfii, Cathaya, Carya minor, Comptonia
oeningensis, Carpinus suborientalis, Ulmus cf. campestris, Zelkova zelkovifolia and
also Carya, Engelhardia, Platycarya, Ulmus and Zelkova in the palynoflora.
- Mountain elements: Abies, Calocedrus sp., Betula insignis, Acer integerrimum, Acer
sp. aff. A. Heldreichii, Acer decipiens, Acer tricuspidatum, Sorbus cf. aucuparia.
- Aquatic elements: Potamogeton, Sparganium, Botryococcus.
- Riparian elements: Thuya sp., Alnus julianaeformis, Populus cf. tremula, Salix.
- Xerophilous elements: pollen of Ceratonia, Olea, Phillyrea, Microtropis fallax and
Identified taxa from Rubielos testify to the existence of mesophilous forest vegetation
growing under warm to warm-temperate and humid climatic conditions.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Freshwater aquatic plants from the Upper Albian – Lower
Cenomanian of Teruel province (Northeastern Spain)
Sender, L.M.1; Diez, J.B.2; Ferrer, J.1; Villanueva-Amadoz, U.1; Puente-Arauzo, E.1,2
Departamento Ciencias de la Tierra (Paleontología), Universidad de Zaragoza. C/Pedro Cerbuna, 12.
50009 Zaragoza, Spain, [email protected]
Departamento Geociencias Marinas y Ordenación del Territorio. Universidad de Vigo. Campus LagoasMarcosende, 36200 Vigo (Pontevedra), Spain
Macrofloral and microfloral remains from the Lower and Middle Albian deposits of
Teruel Province (northeastern Spain) are very abundant and diverse. The various plant
fossil assemblages include both vegetative and fertile remains of briophytes,
pteridophytes, gimnosperms (conifers, cycadales, bennetitales, ginkgoales and
gnetales) and also angiosperms of terrestrial affinity. Nevertheless, deposits from the
Upper Albian – Lower Cenomanian in this area show a remarkably change in relation
to previous plant fossil assemblages. In this frame, one of the most striking points of
divergence consists of the presence of diverse plant macrofossil taxa with aquatic and
hydrophytic affinities. They are associated to other typically terrestrial plants (conifers,
arbustive pteridophytes and broad leaved angiosperms) within fluvial and freshwater
swampy related deposits.
The upper part of the Utrillas Fm. where these aquatic plants were found consists of a
succession of sand bodies and light brown sandstone intercalated with coloured silty
claystones which increase upwards. The thin laminated sediments deposited in
lacustrine environments of moderate energy containing minute leaves of the aquatic
angiosperm Ploufolia cerciforme, which is probably associated to Nymphaeales.
Related deposits corresponding to nearshore and shoreline freshwater bodies presents
massive accumulations of leaves of the hydrophytic angiosperm Klitzschophyllites
choffati. In some cases, the latter taxon occurs in association with leaves or
occasionally complete plants of the aquatic lycopod Isoetites sp.
Fine grained and laminated sediments which are related to oxbow lake and channel-fill
depositional environments contain floated-body Nymphaeales corresponding to
Aquatifolia cf. fluitans species. These deposits also show abundant leaves of
Klitzschophyllites choffati, which is probably related to Ranunculaes, besides of
containing several kinds of aquatic plants of undetermined affinity.
Several of these plant fossil taxa and their related facies at Teruel are equal to those of
the same age found in several outcrops of Portugal, North Africa, North America and
South America. Palaeogeographycal and palaeoecological implications can be infered
from these new findings for the Upper Albian – Lower Cenomanian interval of the
northeastern of Iberian Peninsula.
This work is a contribution to the Research Projects CGL2005-01121/BTE and
CGL2008-00809 of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of the Spanish government.
16th OFP International Congress.
Preliminary data on a new Upper Albian – Lower Cenomanian
flora from the Northeastern Spain
Sender, L.M.1; Diez, J.B.2; Villanueva-Amadoz, U.1; Puente-Arauzo, E.1,2; Ferrer, J.1;
Bercovici, A.3; Sánchez-Pellicer, R.2; Paleoibérica’08 & 09 teams
1 Departamento Ciencias de la Tierra (Paleontología), Universidad de Zaragoza
C/Pedro Cerbuna, 12. 50009 Zaragoza, Spain, [email protected]
2 Departamento Geociencias Marinas y Ordenación del Territorio. Universidad de Vigo
Campus Lagoas-Marcosende, 36200 Vigo (Pontevedra), Spain
3 UMR 6119 (CNRS/INSU), Géosciences Rennes, Université de Rennes 1,
Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France
This paper focused in a new and important palaeoflora recently discovered near the
village of Estercuel that is located at North of Teruel Province (NE Spain). The outcrop
is located in the Oliete subbasin within deposits of the Utrillas Fm. This unit is
composed of sand bodies and light brown sandstone intercalated with coloured silty
claystones which increase upwards. The upper part of this unit comprises a negative
sequence that finish with grey to dark coloured marls containing the studied flora.
The outcrop is wedge shaped laterally and it is composed of two main levels
differentiated by their floral assemblages. The stratigraphic level at the base is
composed of grey clays and claystones intercalated with mid grained yellow
sandstones, which probably were deposited in a fluvial sedimentary environment tidally
influenced. It contains the most diverse and exceptionally well-preserved floral
assemblage of the outcrop. It is composed of a great abundance of conifer axis
corresponding to form genera Pagiophyllum and Brachyphyllum, male and female
cones of conifers with different sizes and a scarcity of shoots of genus Frenelopsis.
Terrestrial angiosperms in this level are represented almost exclusively by simple
mesophyll leaves up to 25 cm long and 10 cm wide, elliptical to spatulate in shape with
strong decurrent lamina tissue, emarginate apex, margin structurally reinforced,
primary vein strong and pinnate, and secondary veins semicraspedodromus departing
at right angles in the base to acute angles at the apex. Aquatic angiosperms consists of
great accumulations of leaves of Klitzschophyllites genus, floral receptacles of
Nymphaeales and plants of the unique Aquatifolia cf. fluitans species which developed
a spherical float on the petiole. The Filicales are present in a less number consisting in
a few fragments of primary pinnae of dicksoniales (Coniopteris sp. and Onychiopsis cf.
psilotoides), schizaeaceales (Anemia cf. dicksoniana) and in a much less quantity of
ferns of the Cladophlebis type. Leaves of aquatic lycopods (Isoetites sp.) and remains
of Marchantiales constitute a residual component of this assemblage.
The upper stratigraphic level consists of dark grey to black claystones deposited in a
swampy environment containing much less quantity of floral elements. In this
assemblage prevail in number the axis and shoots of scaly conifers and in less quantity
the fragmented remains of undetermined angiosperms of simple leaves and broad and
long parallel veined leaves of genus Pelourdea with undetermined affinity.
These floral assemblages and their related facies and sedimentary environments can
be compared directly with those of the same age found in the deposits of the lower part
of the Dakota Formation which are located in the east and mid-west of North America.
This work is a contribution to the Research Projects CGL2005-01121/BTE and
CGL2008-00809 of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of the Spanish government.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Echoes of the paleozoic terrestrialization
Strullu-Derrien, C.1,2; Gerrienne, P.2; Georges-Strullu, D.1
Laboratoire Mycorhizes, UFR Sciences, Université d’Angers, 2 bd Lavoisier,
49045 Angers Cedex, France
Paléobotanique, Paléopalynologie et Micropaléontologie, Département de Géologie,
Université de Liège, 4000 Liège 1, Belgium.
Keywords: Lower Devonian plants; Psilophyton; Symbiosis; Mycorrhization
Major advances have recently been made in understanding the terrestrialization
processes, and especially the development of the early vegetation and the interactions
between microorganisms and plants. We present here our results focusing on these
two aspects.
1. A new Lower Devonian plant from France
Striking changes in the evolution of plants occurred during Lower Devonian times. A
new plant of this age represented by compression/impression and permineralized
specimens has recently been discovered in the Châteaupanne Unit (Armorican Massif,
France). In compressions, axes divide anisotomously and produce helically arranged
lateral branches that divide again up to three times. They bear longitudinal ribbing and
punctiform scars. Some of those plant remains are close in vegetative morphology to
the genera Pertica, Trimerophyton and Psilophyton. Short length axes are
permineralized by pyrite and occur isolated in the sediment. In transverse section, axes
show a massive circular to elliptical xylem strand with an elongate centrarch to
mesarch protoxylem area. The central part of the strand with randomly arranged
tracheids is surrounded by a zone of tracheids placed in radial rows. Xylem comprises
P-type tracheids. Those anatomical features are characteristic of the genus
Psilophyton. On the basis of their anatomy, and on the presence of dispersed paired
fusiform sporangia, our specimens are attributed to the genus Psilophyton, and
possibly represents a new species.
2. New insights into the symbiosis sensu de Bary
Plants associated with microorganisms colonized lands in a complicated network that
can be related to de Bary’s definition of symbiosis, i.e. a phenomenon in which « unlike
organisms live together ». This definition included mutualism and parasitism. We
describe the mutualistic aspect of the symbiosis in the Carboniferous material from
Grand’Croix (Massif Central, France), in which Cordaites (basal conifers) are the major
component of the flora. Our study documents the unequivocal mycorrhizal status of
Radiculites-type cordaitalean rootlets. Evidence is given by the occurence of the fungal
zone in the inner cortex and by the arbuscules. Mycorrhization takes place on primary
roots that are characterized by a reticulum of thickening material including phi
thickenings. On the other hand, the reinvestigation of the English Oliver and Scott’s
collections has allowed to document for the first time the parasitic nature of the
association occuring on the pteridosperm Lyginopteris. Rootlets host structures in a
definite zone of the cortex, just outside the endodermis, in a pattern similar to a fungal
arbuscular zone. However, this association differs from mycorrhizae. The endodermis
is exempt of infection, but the cylinder strand is attacked. Zoospore cysts have been
observed in the outer cortex of a stem. The microorganism involved in this colonization
is unknown to date, but it is tentatively related to modern members of the
16th OFP International Congress.
Pliocene flora of Portugal: present knowledge
Vieira, M.1,2,a; Pais, J.2,b; Pereira, D.1,c
Centro de Geologia da Universidade do Porto / Núcleo de Ciências da Terra,
Universidade do Minho, Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal
Centro de Investigação em Ciência e Engenharia Geológica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Quinta
da Torre, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Emails: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
The first palaeofloral studies undertaken in Portugal took place in the 1940´s. Between
1940 and 1950 Carlos Teixeira studied several Pliocene outcrops and found a diverse
palaeobotanical assemblage with several macroremains including Glyptostrobus
europaeus, Osmunda Strozzi, Salix nympharum, Fraxinus, Pinus sylvestris, Stratiotes,
Lygodium gaudini, Nerium pliocenicum var. lusitanicum, Castanea sativa, Quercus
robur, Castanea vulgaris, Acer negundiformis, Populus nigra, Salix sp., Phyllites sp.,
Osmunda strozii, Glyptostrobus europaeus, Tamus communis, Salix scalabitana,
Populus balsamoides, Carpinus grandis, Fagus pliocenica, Quercus hispanica,
Castanea vulgaris, Myrica oeningense, Laurus nobilis, Sassafras ferretianum, Acer
trilobatum, Nerium oleander, Osmunda cf. parschugiana, Sequoia cf. langsdorfii, Pinus
sp., Pinus praepinaster, Chamaerops humilis, Sabal cf. haeringiana, Cinnamomum
polymorphum, Myrica sp., Salix sp., Fagus pliocenica, Quercus faginea, Oreodaphne
heeri, Pittosporum tavaresi, Smilax targionii and Smilax mauritanica.
Later, in the 1960´s, Filomena Diniz started to investigate the Rio Maior Basin. This
palynological study was the first important contribution to characterisation of the PlioQuaternary vegetational history on the Southwestern Europe Atlantic margin.
Recent studies of several outcrops and cores from the Pliocene of the Portuguese
Atlantic margin have led to a better understanding of the history of vegetation and
evolution of climatic conditions of this region. Palynological analysis shows a complex
and diverse flora, which today is found in climatically contrasting regions. Several
important climatic indicators were identified such as: Engelhardia, Nyssa, Taxodiaceae,
Tsuga, Symplocos, Zanthoxylum, Trigonobalanopsis, Cercidiphyllum, Craigia,
Mortoniodendron, Mastixiaceae (Diplopanax) and Sapotaceae (Manilkara, Sideroxylon)
for the Pliocene.
The flora contained relatively warm and humid climate taxa developed in subtropical–
warm temperatures and wet climates up to the Piacenzian. In the Upper Pliocene,
paratropical elements became rare and disappeared progressively, having been
substituted by temperate species.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Palynological studies of the transitional marls unit (AlbianCenomanian) from the Northeastern Spain.
Paleophytogeographical implications
Villanueva-Amadoz, U.1; Diez, J.B.2; Ferrer, J.1; Pons, D.3
Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra (PaleontologÍa), Universidad de Zaragoza.
C/ Pedro Cerbuna, 12, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Dpt. Xeociencias Mariñas e Ordenación do Territorio, Facultade de Ciencias do Mar,
Universidade de Vigo, 36310 Vigo, Spain
UMR 5143 CNRS, Universitè Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6),12 rue Cuvier, 75 005 Paris, France
Keywords: Palynology, Albian-Cenomanian boundary, Paleophytogeography
Detailed records of spore-pollen assemblages from four sites located in the EscuchaUtrillas and in Oliete subbasins provide new insights into the palaeoclimatic and
palaeogeographic settings during the Albian-Cenomanian boundary in the Maestrazgo
basin (southeastern Spain).
At the Aragonian Branch of the Iberian Range the passage from the continental Utrillas
Formation to the marine Mosqueruela Fm. is through a marly unit informally defined as
Transitional Marls. This unit, interpreted as lagoon bottom deposit, has been described
as a deposit composed of green laminated marls intercalated with marly limestones
and dolomitic limestones with ostracods, flora remains and other lamelibranches.
The Transitional Marls Unit includes some taxa which do not extend through the
Albian-Cenomanian boundary at the base of the unit (Cicatricosisporites subrotundus,
Concavisporites punctatus, Concavissimisporites verrucosus, Converrucosisporites
platyverrucosus, Ischyosporites disjunctus, Liliacidites doylei, Liliacidites inaequalis,
Lophotriletes babsae, Microfoveolatosporis baconicus, Neoraistrickia robusta
Perinopollenites halonatus, Plicatella potomacensis, P. tricostata, Reticulatisporites
arcuatus, Singhia acicularis and Undulatisporites undulapolus), together with the
presence of Crybelosporites pannuceus, Afropollis jardinus, Asteropollis asteroides,
Rousea brenneri, R. georgensis distributed during the middle Albian-Cenomanian,
Stellatopollis barghoornii during the middle Albian-middle Cenomanian, Elaterosporites
klaszi, Equisetosporites ambiguus and Dichastopollenites reticulatus during the upper
Albian-Cenomanian, Tricolpites blechrus during the upper Albian-Turonian,
Cyclonephelium chabaca and Senectotetradites varireticulatus during the uppermost
Albian-Cenomanian, Gabonisporis pseudoreticulatus during the upper Albianlowermost Turonian, allow us to stablish an uppermost Albian-lower Cenomanian age
for this unit.
The rapid diversification of early angiosperms during a phase of pronounced
environmental instability in the uppermost Albian to Cenomanian was favored by the
extensive marine transgression of the mid-Cretaceous permitting ecological strategies
of early angiosperms and their dominance in coastal disturbed habitats. The sea level
rise also permitted the dispersion of parent plants producing the spores and pollen
grains across the Tethys from Northern Gondwana to Southern Laurasia and vice
versa. In the area of study, the gondwanic influence on the flora is supported by the
taxa Elaterosporites klaszi, Afropollis jardinus, Penetetrapites mollis and Stellatopollis
barghoornii. These palynostratigraphical data improve our knowledge of the midcretaceous phytogeographical provinces and their distribution through time.
16th OFP International Congress.
Omphalophloios, a Pennsylvanian lycopsid
Wagner, R.H.
Centro Paleobotánico, Jardín Botánico de Córdoba, Avenida de Linneo, s/n,
14004 Córdoba, Spain; e-mail: [email protected]
Omphalophloios is an isoetalean lycopsid described by David White on a series of
vegetative stem impressions, mixed in with the imprints of totally disarticulated fertile
apices, which were mistaken for stem impressions. This genus has not been recorded
very often because the stem imprints were probably regarded, more often than not, as
poorly preserved Lepidodendron. However, the lepidodendroid leaf cushions and leaf
scars only contain a vascular bundle (leaf trace), no parichnos. Omphalophloios is the
same plant as Sporangiostrobus Bode and Bodeodendron Wagner & Spinner, referring
to fertile and vegetative remains, respectively. Fertile remains are often quite
fragmentary because the fertile apices of this monopodial plant (a small tree), with rare
subequal dichotomies at the top, disarticulated on maturity, shedding distal laminae
and sporangia successively, from the base upwards. It appears that the disarticulated
remnants, sometimes with a few sporangia still attached, were shed from a tree which
may have been capable of regenerating a new fertile apex in successive stages of its
growth. The fertile apices were heterosporous, with micro- and megaspore-bearing
sporangia occurring in patches without apparent organisation. Megaspores are
Zonalesporites in some cases, Superbisporites in others. Microspores are densospores
(Densosporites, Cristatisporites, Cingulizonates). Omphalophloios seems to have had
a tolerance for mildly brackish conditions.
The thousands of specimens collected from a volcanic ash band in coal of Stephanian
C (= early Autunian) age in the Puertollano Coalfield of south-central Spain have
allowed a full analysis of the morphology of this isoetalean lycopsid which seems to
have been much more common than the published records suggest. Both habitat and
taphonomic conditions played a role.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
A study of compositional changes in Stephanian B flora at La
Magdalena (León, NW Spain) in the context of a basin at the
western end of the Palaeotethys
Wagner, R.H.1; Castro, M.P.2
Centro Paleobotánico, Jardín Botánico de Córdoba, Avenida de Linneo, s/n,
14004 Córdoba, Spain; E-mail: [email protected]
c/ Guzmán el Bueno, 84, 28003 Madrid, Spain: E-mail; [email protected]
Keywords: Palaeogeography, Carboniferous, Stephanian, floral assemblages, NW
Spain, province León.
The broad overall configuration is described of a post-Asturian basin of late Barruelian,
Stephanian B and early Stephanian C ages. This basin represents the final episode in
the tectono-stratigraphic history of the Cantabric-Asturian arcuate fold belt in NW
Spain. Tectonically controlled erosional remnants of the landward part of this basin,
which accumulated at least 6,700 m of strata, are found in a string of coalfields in
northern León and western Asturias, following the outline of the arcuate fold belt.
These show tightly compressed folds which are often near-isoclinal, and limited by
steeply angled thrusts on the hinterland side. The thrusting is foreland-directed. An
almost fully marine sucession was laid down on the foreland which had a
Palaeotethyan connection. An initial basin of late Barruelian age coincides with the
eastern end of the Sabero Coalfield. A brackish marine fauna has been recorded from
these earliest deposits. Westerly onlap has been demonstrated for the occurrences in
northern León, linking progressively higher parts of the overall stratigraphic succession
as found in the Sabero, Ciñera-Matallana, La Magdalena, and Villablino coalfields.
Lacustrine flooding events, represented by Leaia bands at the base of lacustrine
intervals at Sabero and Ciñera-Matallana are most likely linked to marine
transgressions on the foreland, coming in from the east where the Palaeotethys was
Sedimentary facies are discussed, with the general conclusion that a substantial
palaeotopography was associated with the basin margin and the drainage area beyond
(hinterland). The basinal area in northern León apparently corresponded to a broad
alluvial plain, with a high rate of subsidence.
A palaeobotanical study carried out in the La Magdalena Coalfield shows changes in
overall floral composition in a c. 1,200 m thick succession of fluvio-lacustrine strata of
mid-Stephanian B age. A total of 85 localities yielded 4,827 samples containing 11,334
identifiable remains attributed to 140 palaeobotanical taxa, representing about a
hundred natural species. An overall compositional analysis shows a proportional
increase in pecopterid ferns in the higher part of the succession, accompanied by a
decrease in calamitalean sphenopsids. Though always a small percentage of the flora,
lycopsids become a noticeable element of the floral composition in the highest interval,
containing the more important coal seams. The changes in composition are
commented on for four successive parts of the succession, and tentative conclusions
are drawn with regard to facies changes in relation to palaeogeographic position on the
alluvial plain. The broad groupings considered are pteridosperms, tree ferns, smaller
ferns (possible undergrowth), calamitalean sphenopsids, sphenophylls, cordaitaleans,
and lycopsids. The latter two are insignificant in proportion, cordaitaleans in part
because of collector’s bias. The very significant sample size allows a quantitative
approach, but statistical treatment is excluded because a rigorous sedimentological
and palaeoecological analysis is still lacking. It is concluded that compositional
changes in floral assemblages may reflect general changes in groundwater level in a
broad alluvial plain environment.
16th OFP International Congress.
Stephanian C
(lower Autunian)
Stephanian B
(sensu St. Étienne)
Stephanian B
(sensu Carmaux)
(Stephanian A s.l.)
Assise d’Avaize
(Beaubrun seams)
Assise de St. Étienne
Assise de Tronquié
Assise de Rive-de-Gier
(lower Barruelian)
Assise de
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
16th OFP International Congress.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Precongress Fieldtrip Tuesday 8th September
Leader R.H. Wagner. Centro Paleobotánico, Jardín Botánico de Córdoba, Avenida de Linneo,
s/n, 14004 Córdoba, Spain; e-mail: [email protected]
Departure 9.00/Return 20.00.
Drive from Aguilar de Campoo to Cervera de Pisuerga. Turn off the main road for the
“Ruta de los Pantanos”, past the Parador de Turismo and Ventanilla towards the
watershed between the Pisuerga and Carrión river basins.
Stop 1. Brief halt on the road beyond Ventanilla to explain the thrust units in the Palentian
Domain (with a view of Peña Santa Lucía).
Stop 2. General view across the Sierra del Brezo from the Mirador (viewing balcony) of Alto de
la Varga, on the watershed. Explanation of the Carrionas Thrust Front separating areas
of the Cantabrian Zone (Sierra del Brezo) and the Palentian Zone (North of the fault
Stop 3. Village of La Lastra. Explanation of exposures at the head of the Carrionas Thrust
Sheet, showing a recumbent anticline in Famennian and Viséan nodular limestones
followed by Serpukhovian and lowermost Bashkirian limestone (Barcaliente Formation)
overlain disconformably (with a washed-out palaeokarst) by Lower Moscovian marine
shales (Perapertú Formation). Time (not much) for refreshment.
Stop 4. Return to Cervera for a brief visit to the “Casa del Parque”, taking the road to Potes
afterwards. Drive to the watershed at the Piedrasluengas pass. Consume packed lunch
at the Mirador (viewing balcony). Weather permitting, the Picos de Europa (Mons
Albans) may be seen in the distance.
Drive back through the Piedrasluengas Gorge in Lower Moscovian limestone, repeated
by folding, and enter an upper Moscovian succession of shales and two major limestone
formations (Cotarraraso/Camasobres and Sierra Coriza/Maldrigo limestones) in a major
syncline and intervening anticline with axial depression (Castillería valley). These
structures overlie a decollement plane at a low angle with respect to the strata
overlying the Curavacas Conglomerate. If practicable, a brief stop on the road should
allow explanation of the stratigraphic succession.
Turn off towards San Felices de Castillería and Celada de Roblecedo.
Stop 5. Before reaching Celada examine roadside exposures in Upper Moscovian (also lower
Asturian) limestone overlain disconformably (erosion hollows on steeply dipping
limestone surface) by lower Cantabrian strata.
Stop 6 (time permiting). Return to San Felices and continue to Herreruela de Castillería for
examination of upper Cantabrian Brañosera Formation with debris flows.
Return to Aguilar de Campoo. End of field trip.
R.H. Wagner. Geology of the Palaeozoic strata in northern Palencia. (In this volume)
16th OFP International Congress.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Congress Fieldtrip Thursday 10th September
Leaders Wagner, R.H. Centro Paleobotánico, Jardín Botánico de Córdoba, Avenida de Linneo,
s/n, 14004 Córdoba, Spain; e-mail: [email protected]
Diez, J.B. Dpt. Xeociencias Mariñas e Ordenación do Territorio, Facultade de Ciencias
do Mar, Universidade de Vigo, 36310 Vigo, Spain. [email protected]
Departure 9.00/Return 20.00.
Fieldtrip Verdeña Paleoforest and Barruelian Stratotype
Stop 1. Guided tour of Carboniferous Paleoforest of Verdeña (see Wagner & Diez, 2007).
Stop 2. Visit to “The Interpretation Centre of Coal Mining”
Stop 3. Lunch by town council of Barruelo de Santullán.
Stop 4. Visit to Barruelian stratotype.
Stop 5. The Barruelian stratotype - Lecture of Dr. R.H. Wagner.
Return to Aguilar de Campoo. End of field trip.
Wagner, R.H. Geology of the Palaeozoic strata in northern Palencia. (In this volume)
Wagner, R.H.; Diez, J.B. 2007. Verdeña (Spain): Life and death of a Carboniferous forest
community. C. R. Palevol, 6, p. 495-504. (Paper enclosed with the rest of the Congress
16th OFP International Congress.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Geology of the Palaeozoic strata in northern Palencia
R.H. Wagner.
Centro Paleobotánico, Jardín Botánico de Córdoba, Avenida de Linneo, s/n, 14004 Córdoba,
Spain; e-mail: [email protected]
The geology of this very complicated area was not understood until quite recently.
Although the first attempt at a geological sketch map dates from Prado (1861) and
incidental data were published in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, there was no
geological map worthy of the name until Quiring (1939) published the results of his
investigations carried out just before the Spanish Civil War. His maps covered a wide
swathe of terrain in northern Palencia from the mining town of Guardo in the West to
Barruelo de Santullán in the East. The latter had a long history of coal mining from
strata dipping around 65º which were sheared with an overall loss of at least 15% of
succession. The exploitation of these partially marine, coal-bearing strata was
correspondingly difficult and very dangerous with periodic pit disasters in which whole
shifts in certain workings died.
Fig. 1.- General map of the Palaeozoic rocks in northern Palencia showing Palentian Domain overriding
Asturian-Leonese Domain in Devonian, Mississippian and lower Pennsylvanian strata, and overlying
deposits corresponding to different basins of later ages (Wagner & Winkler Prins, in prep.).
16th OFP International Congress.
Quiring’s map was a creditable effort at a time when the topographic maps (at scale
1:50,000) were not very reliable and the mountainous area involved required physical
exertion as well as geological expertise. However, it was totally superseded when a
major geological mapping project by the University of Leiden commenced in 1950 with
support from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas in Madrid, through
the good offices of Professor B. Meléndez (Madrid) and Professor W.J. Jongmans
(Heerlen). Various publications resulted from 1952 onwards culminating in 1980. These
included doctoral theses as well as smaller publications. The resultant map differed
significantly from that of Quiring, and brought out, for the first time, the substantial
difference in geological history between an Asturian-Leonese Domain in the southern
part of the Palaeozoic outcrops in northern Palencia (broadly coincident with the Sierra
del Brezo) and a Palentian Domain to the North of a fault line which de Sitter (1962)
called the León Line. This was interpreted as a basement fracture (although no
basement outcrops exist) by de Sitter (1962) and a major strike-slip fault by Heward &
Reading (1980). Presently, after a few decades of remapping of selected areas
accompanied by detailed stratigraphic work, it is clear that major thrusting is involved,
with large-scale southward translation of the Palentian Domain. This structure is totally
different from the “Léon Line” as interpreted by de Sitter and subsequent authors (e.g.
Keller et al., 2007). Remapping at scale 1:10,000 is required, as is a general
recognition of the unsuitability of the wilder theories propounded up to quite recently.
The existing map data were incorporated in the Barruelo, Camporredondo and
Tudanca sheets (at 1:50,000) of the Instituto Geológico y Minero de España. These
maps have been taken into account for the general summary map of Fig. 1, which also
corrects some of the major errors in the published information.
Geological history
A total range of upper Silurian to upper Pennsylvanian strata is involved. This includes
two different basins (with different palaeogeographical positions) for the earlier part,
from late Silurian to Early Moscovian, altogether a succession of c. 4,000 m of strata.
An Asturian-Leonese Domain is contrasted with a Palentian Domain. Whereas the
former coincides with the Cantabrian Zone of Lotze (1945), occupying most of the
Palaeozoic core of the Cantabrian Mountains (Cordillera Cantábrica), the latter occurs
at present as a wedge squeezed in at the southeastern end of the Cantabrian
Mountains and showing a stratigraphic development similar to that of the western
Pyrenees. This is the Palentian Zone of Martínez-García (2006), which may have been
situated originally due East of the Cantabrian Zone. Its present contacts with areas of
the Cantabrian Zone are major thrust faults of different Pennsylvanian ages, early
Westphalian (Moscovian) and Stephanian C (Gzhelian), respectively. In northern
Palencia the Palentian Zone overrides sediments of Asturian-Leonese facies in
southward direction (Carrionas Thrust Front) (Fig. 2). The other fault contact is with the
Picos de Europa, an area of stacked thrust sheets in Carboniferous limestones
(Tournaisian to Kasimovian included), which are thrust across sediments of the
Palentian Zone, also approximately southwards (this fault strikes WSW-ENE). Both
faults, the later one particularly, form part of the progressive tightening of the
Cantabric-Asturian arcuate fold belt, which happened during Pennsylvanian times.
This complex early history of the area has only recently become apparent. Within
northern Palencia the most important tectonic line is the fault trace separating the
Asturian-Leonese Domain as found in the Sierra del Brezo, extending from Guardo to
Cervera de Pisuerga, from the Palentian area to the North. This fault trace, which was
interpreted by de Sitter (1962) as a basement fracture, the so-called León Line,
primarily corresponds to the head of a large thrust sheet involving c. 4,000 m of strata
overriding the Sierra del Brezo (Figs 1, 2). Later fault movements (Ruesga Fault)
modified part of the trace, but the head of the thrust sheet (a recumbent anticline) is
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
clearly visible south of the village of Santibañez de Resoba and westwards up to
including La Lastra. Several tens of kilometres displacement is involved. Internal
thrusting within this major thrust sheet has produced further shortening, so that a total
shortening of perhaps a hundred kilometres or more may be involved.
Fig. 2.- View eastwards from Alto de la Varga, showing Palentian Domain thrust across Asturian-Leonese
Domain at the Carrionas Thrust Front. Overturned Serpukhovian-lowermost Bashkirian limestone
(Barcaliente Formation) forms part of the anticlinal head of the thrust sheet which overrides upside-down
mid-Bashkirian limestone (Valdeteja Formation) followed disconformably by Lower Moscovian submarine
slide conglomerates in turbiditic shales and sandstones (Carmen Formation), also upside-down. Two
different palaeogeographical areas (Palentian Zone and Cantabrian Zone) are in tectonic contact at the
Carrionas Thrust Front. Arrows denote way-up.
The stratigraphic development of Devonian, Mississippian and lower Pennsylvanian
strata is markedly different for the Cantabrian and Palentian zones. Marine strata are
involved in both areas, but the Devonian of the Cantabrian Zone shows near-shore
facies, whereas the middle to upper Devonian deposits of the Palentian Zone were laid
down in more condensed facies representing a area more remote from the shore. The
most striking difference is found in a mid-Famennian uplift (Comte, 1938) affecting the
foreland region of the Cantabrian Zone, whereas a continuous Devonian succession
without any signs of uplift characterises the Palentian Zone. Equally striking differences
exist with regard to the Carboniferous (Wagner & Winkler Prins, 2000). In the northern
part of the Sierra del Brezo (Asturian-Leonese Domain, Cantabrian Zone) an E-W
striking area of uplift produced two disconformities with palaeokarst surfaces
corresponding to mid-Bashkirian and early Moscovian times (Fig. 3).
16th OFP International Congress.
Fig. 3.- Two contrasting stratigraphic successions of Upper Devonian, Mississippian and lower
Pennsylvanian strata belonging to the Palentian and Asturian-Leonese domains, respectively (after
Wagner & Winkler Prins in Kullmann et al., 2007). A. Palentian Domain (southern part). B. Asturian
Domain (northern subarea of the Sierra del Brezo).
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
In contrast, the Palentian area shows signs of uplift in latest Bashkirian times, also with
palaeokarst phenomena. The various tectonic movements, of uplift and, more
particularly, of compression, produced complex stratigraphic and structural
relationships which are not reflected adequately on the published 1:50,000 scale
geological maps. Tectonic structures include nappes. It is of historical interest that
these are the first nappe structures documented from the Cantabrian Mountains.
After all this complex tectonic deformation had taken place in Langsettian (also Early
Moscovian) times, uplift and erosion produced an erosion surface characterised by a
fairly spectacular palaeokarst (with karst breccia) where limestone outcrops were
involved. Subsequently, after an astonishingly short time, a major conglomerate
formation was laid down, viz. the 500-800 m thick Curavacas Conglomerate. This
inaugurated a new palaeogeographic configuration which basically corresponds to the
Palentian Zone, although this is not quite clear. Indeed, it is possible that the new area
of sedimentation incorporated the old Asturian-Leonese Domain in the Sierra del
Fig. 4.- Map showing the decollement structures engendered by the Asturian Phase (mid-Barruelian) (from
Wagner & Varker, 1971). The Castilleria Syncline is a synclinal depression on the anticlinal structure in
between the near-isoclinal Casavegas and Redondo synclines.
16th OFP International Congress.
Fig. 5.- Generalised stratigraphic succession of Bolsovian and lower Asturian strata East of Herreruela
(Castillería area) (from Wagner & Winkler Prins, in Wagner et al., 1983).
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
The Curavacas Conglomerate Formation shows predominantly fluviatile facies in the
lower part, with occasional marine intercalations. It appears that the coastline was
orientated roughly SW-NE, with a hinterland to the Southeast. This must have had
considerable topographic relief judging from the vast amount of quartzite boulders
generated. Northwestwards, submarine fans existed, fed by the same conglomerates
(Colmenero et al., 1988). These graded upwards into turbidites. The age of the
Curavacas Conglomerate Formation has been established as late Langsettian and
early Duckmantian (Stockmans & Willière, 1965; Wagner & Álvarez-Vázquez, 1995;
Wagner in Kullmann et al., 2007). The subsequent turbidites are dated by inference as
late Duckmantian and Bolsovian, since these are followed by deltaic deposits (Vergaño
Formation) of early Asturian age (Fig. 5).
Fig. 6.- Detail of the post-Leonian succession in the Casavegas Syncline (compare Fig. 4) (from Wagner &
Varker, 1971).
16th OFP International Congress.
Fig. 7.- Coarsening upward sequences in the upper Asturian Ojosa Formation, Casavegas Syncline (from
Wagner & Varker, 1971). Compare Fig. 6.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Fig. 8.- Scale diagram of sedimentation on W and E sides of the syn-sedimentary fault of Los Llazos,
separating carbonate platform on the eastern basin margin, from the basinal succession in the West
(compare Fig. 6) (from Wagner & Varker, 1971). Vertical scale = horizontal scale.
Fig. 9.- Stratigraphic sections showing progressive thinning and feather-edging eastwards after uplift and
fracturing of the carbonate platform limited by the Los Llazos syn-sedimentary fault (from Wagner &
Winkler Prins, 1985). Vertical scale = horizontal scale.
Interestingly, in the Sierra de la Demanda (Burgos province), at 120 km to the
Southeast, conglomeratic valley fills are followed by mixed marine and terrestrial, coalbearing deposits which are dated as early Asturian. This is interpreted as a remnant of
the hinterland which became gradually incorporated into the sedimentary basin. The
valley fill conglomerates of the Sierra de la Demanda confirm the topographic relief
associated with the hinterland of a very mobile basin in which c. 3000 m of sediment
16th OFP International Congress.
accumulated during latest Langsettian, Duckmantian, Bolsovian and early Asturian
times. In accordance with its palaeogeographical situation, the lower Asturian
sediments in northern Palencia are more generally marine than those in the Sierra de
la Demanda where marine facies are more incidental due to its more landward position.
In the other direction, to the Northwest, entirely marine strata are found until the mixed
marine and terrestrial strata of the Central Asturian Coalfield are reached. The physical
connection between these two areas is unclear.
Fig. 10.- Correlation between stratigraphic sections in La Pernía/Castillería (East) and different parts of the
Guardo Coalfield (West) including area of valley fill deposits at Tejerina (NW basin margin in early
Cantabrian times) (from Wagner & Winkler Prins, 1985).
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Fig. 11.- Successive stages in the development of the post-Leonian basin in late Asturian, Cantabrian and
early Barruelian times, with fracturing of late Asturian carbonate platform in the East and
palaeotopography (valley fills) in the West. (after Wagner & Winkler Prins, 1985).
16th OFP International Congress.
Fig. 12.- Correlation between stratigraphic successions in different parts of the post-Leonian basin, from
West (Casavegas Syncline) to East (Barruelo) (from Wagner & Varker, 1971). Westphalian D = Asturian
Substage. Stephanian A = Barruelian Substage.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
In northern Palencia, substantial movements of uplift, presumably linked to normal
faulting, took place in mid-Asturian times. These produced an unconformable contact
between lower and upper Asturian strata in the region known as La Pernía (Figs 4, 5).
The unconformity is most apparent on the map (Fig. 6) where local sagging of the
Sierra Coriza (= Maldrigo) Limestone (lower Asturian) produced small-scale
depressions which received the first upper Asturian sediments. In the central parts of
these depressions a false appearance of continuity in marine strata exists which hides
a disconformity. This is only the case in La Pernía, however. On the broader scale in
northern Palencia, a different palaeogeographic configuration is clearly apparent, the
different elements of which have been elucidated by detailed stratigraphic work backed
by geological mapping. The history of this later Palentian Basin has been outlined by
Wagner & Winkler Prins (1985), and added to by Iwaniw (1985) and Wagner &
Martínez-García (1998) (Figs 7-15).
This basin accumulated a total of 5,500 to 6,000 metres of strata involving the upper
Asturian, Cantabrian and lower Barruelian. It contains the boundary stratotypes of the
Cantabrian and Barruelian substages (Fig. 16). Its area extended across the Sierra del
Brezo which apparently experienced uplift prior to the late Asturian. On the southern
flank of the Sierra del Brezo upper Asturian strata of the Guardo-Cervera Coalfield
overlie the highly deformed Devonian, Mississippian and lower Pennsylvanian strata
with high-angle unconformity. It is assumed that the c. 3,000 m of upper Langsettian to
lower Asturian strata found elsewhere in northern Palencia were also deposited in the
area of the Sierra del Brezo, and that this succession was removed by uplift prior to the
deposition of the upper Asturian sediments.
The history of this Palentian Basin and the palaeogeographic changes which took
place during this history are well documented (op. cit.). During late Asturian (ex
Westphalian D) times the eastern margin of the basin was marked by a carbonate
platform accumulating a limestone succession totalling 90 m (Fig.8). Interestingly, the
adjacent siliciclastic basin, accumulating a total succession of c. 2,500 m of strata,
contains sporadic limestone intervals adding up to the same 90 m thickness as the
carbonate platform succession. If proof was needed at all, this shows up the
incompleteness of limestone successions and the greater potential of sediments
represented by several different facies.
The carbonate platform is separated from the basinal succession by the Los Llazos
Fault (Fig.8), an approximately N-S striking normal fault on which repeated movements
occurred. This started to break up in earliest Cantabrian times (Fig. 11). Both faulting
and basinward tilting took place on the erstwhile platform. Both thinning and
featheredging occurred in eastward direction (Fig. 12). Westwards, as recorded most
convincingly in the Guardo-Cervera Coalfield succession bordering the Sierra del
Brezo on its southern edge, alternating marine and terrestrial intervals (see Fig. 10)
show thinning of the marine intervals westwards and the corresponding increase in
coal-bearing strata. Also, boreholes in the Guardo-Valderrueda Coalfield, at the
western end of the basin, proved that a fault-controlled western-northwestern basin
margin existed, which was most apparent for the lower Cantabrian deposits. As
investigated by Iwaniw (1985), this basin margin shows a strong palaeotopography with
deeply incised valleys accumulating up to 150 m thick valley fills. Limestone ridges
bordering these valleys show karst pipes and at least one fossilised limestone scree.
The valley fills are coal-bearing and contain numerous limestone and quartzite
conglomerate intervals which attest to periodic tectonic movements tilting the valley
floors. These conglomerates are invariably coarse, with both pebbles and boulders,
and containing a mixture of rather angular limestone clasts of local origin, and well
rounded quartzite pebbles and boulders of more remote provenance. They were
interpreted by Iwaniw (op. cit.) as containing both river bed load (quartzites) and
16th OFP International Congress.
reworked scree material (limestones). Mixing will have taken place at the same time as
this coarse material became mobilised as debris flows when periodic movements on
the basin margin produced tilting of the valley floors. The debris flow conglomerates
accumulated at the bottom end of the tilted valleys. Although the sea was never very
far, only one marine horizon has been recorded from the coastal area with
palaeovalleys, viz. the Otero Marine Band. This has been correlated with the rather
substantial Verdeña Limestone at 40-45 km to the East (Fig. 10). Coal-bearing strata
follow upon this marine interval (San Salvador coal-measures of La Pernía and
Castillería). Near the top of the San Salvador Formation lies the sandstone surface with
the imprints of rooting bases of lycopsid trees (Sigillaria, Omphalophloios?) and fallen
logs of a cannelate Sigillaria and of a woody tree corresponding most likely to
Cordaites. This is the Verdeña Forest as described most recently by Wagner & Diez
(2007). Its life ended with a marine transgression provoked, most probably, by tectonic
movements (faulting?).
This early part of the history of the Palentian Basin, with a basin fill of up to 3,500 m of
strata, was concluded before a major expansion of the sedimentary basin took place at
mid-Cantabrian times. This was clearly tectonically induced and resulted in new, much
expanded basin margins and a sudden deepening of the existing basinal area which
shows up as a major marine transgression. The transgressive Brañosera Formation is
widespread. The eastern basin margin is marked by limestone olistoliths in shales.
These are exo-olistoliths of a Moscovian limestone on a tectonically mobile basin
margin from which they slid into Kasimovian mudstones. Subsequent deposits are
turbidites in a succession of c. 300 m thickness, following upon the c. 250 m of
mudstones with bands of olistoliths. Another 300 m of more shallow marine mudstones
with at least two lenticular limestone bands with brachiopods, crinoids and other fossils
follow in succession until a mixed marine and terrestrial interval with several coal
seams is reached. This is the Peñacorba coal-bearing unit of the Barruelo Coalfield, an
interval of only a few tens of metres thickness but occurring over a wide area in the
eastern part of the basin (Fig. 12).
On the West side of the basin the Brañosera transgression is marked also by an abrupt
contact of coal-bearing strata with totally marine deposits characterised by shales
containing occasional sandy layers with sole markings. Substantial expansion of the
Palentian Basin northwards is shown by a succession at Valdeón in northeastern León,
at about 50 km WNW of the Barruelo region. Here, as in the Barruelo region, the
succession equivalent to the Brañosera Formation overlies an Upper Moscovian
formation with limestone, in this case limestone olistoliths in mudrock (Covarres
Formation, a lateral equivalent of the Sierra Coriza Limestone in northern Palencia). It
is followed by another marine succession with a small, lagoonal (?) interval with drifted
plant remains near the top. This has been correlated with lower Barruelian coalmeasures at Barruelo (Palencia) (Wagner & Martínez-García, 1998).
Returning to the well studied section at Barruelo, the Peñacorba coal-bearing interval is
followed by c. 300 m of marine deposits which are succeeded by 60 m of coal-bearing
strata (Carboneros), which have been designated the Barruelian boundary stratotype
(Wagner & Winkler Prins, 1985). Another 200 m of totally marine strata follow in
succession, after which the main coal-bearing interval (Calero beds) of the Barruelo
Coalfield occurs. This is still largely marine in the lower part, with stigmarian rootlet
beds and coals occurring at the top of coarsening upward sequences (seams
numbered IV to VIII, in reverse order). However, in seam interval numbered III to IV,
instead of marine fauna, there are a number of Leaia bands of lacustrine/brackish
connotations. These have been used as marker bands in the whole length (11 km) of
the Barruelo Coalfield. Subsequent deposits (Fig. 14) are almost wholly terrestrial. The
southeastern part of the Barruelo Coalfields shows the more terrestrial facies in the
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Calero beds, whereas the marine influences are strongest towards the Northwest.
Interestingly, this shows the same tendency as recorded for the earlier basin, of late
Langsettian to early Asturian ages. In the seaward part, to the Northwest, there is a
paucity of records, thus making it almost impossible to predict the total size of the
sedimentary basin. However, marine deposits of approximately the same age have
been recorded from an area at c. 90 km to the NW (Martínez-García et al., 1985).
Fig. 13.- Generalised stratigraphic successions at Barruelo (Palencia) and Sabero (León) showing lower
and upper Barruelian (which are in continuity with upper Cantabrian and lower Stephanian B, respectively)
(from Wagner & Winkler Prins, 1985).
16th OFP International Congress.
Fig. 14.- Stratigraphic succession at Barruelo de Santullán showing formations and members as well as
the position of Cantabrian/Barruelian boundary. (from Wagner & Winkler Prins, 1985).
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Fig. 15.- Stratigraphic succession of upper Cantabrian and lower Barruelian in the eastern part of the
Barruelo Coalfield. (from Wagner & Winkler Prins, 1985). Thickness in metres.
16th OFP International Congress.
Fig. 16.- Detailed section of the Barruelian boundary stratotype in the old railway section at
Barruelo/Helechar. (from Wagner & Winkler Prins, 1985). Thickness in metres.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Fig. 17.- Cross section of the Barruelo Syncline produced by Asturian compressional phases and
unconformable Stephanian B (to the left) and Permian/Triassic strata (on the right). (From Wagner &
Winkler Prins, in Wagner et al., 1983).
The lower Barruelian strata at Barruelo were folded into an isoclinal syncline (Fig. 17)in
what appears to have been mid-Barruelian times. The overturned flank and remnants
of the synclinal core are preserved, whereas the normal flank dipping approximately
65º NE has been eliminated by a steeply dipping major strike fault which brings the
upper part of the lower Barruelian succession in contact with a variety of strata of
earlier ages, including Devonian of the Palentian Domain.
The steeply folded and faulted lower Barruelian strata of the Barruelo Coalfield are
overlain with high-angle unconformity by Stephanian B conglomerates and coalbearing strata of the Peña Cildá outlier. This is the Asturian unconformity which
underlies upper Stephanian strata everywhere in the Cantabrian Mountains and most
notably in a string of tectonically isolated coalfields in northern León. These represent
another change in palaeogeography with marine foreland deposits in the concavity of
the Cantabric-Asturian arcuate fold belt and a large alluvial plain with coal-bearing
deposits in between the marine foreland (with a Tethyan connection) and a rising
hinterland to the West and Southwest. Most important for an understanding of the postAsturian basin is the fact that its earliest deposits (partially marine) occur in a basin sag
at the eastern end of the Sabero Coalfield. These belong to the upper Barruelian.
Western onlap links the successive coalfields in northern León, with a total recorded
succession of 6,700 m of coal-bearing strata covering mainly Stephanian B. It is quite
likely that the small outlier at Peña Cildá in northern Palencia, of Stephanian B age,
represents an easterly onlap from Sabero, but the evidence is incomplete.
The unconformable outlier at Peña Cildá is covered, also with total unconformity, by a
practically unfolded succession of Autunian red beds followed, with low-angle
unconformity, by fluviatile Triassic conglomerates. The Autunian red beds are most
completely represented on the flank of Peña Labra, near the mountain pass of
Piedrasluengas. Peña Labra is crowned by thick, flat-lying Triassic conglomerates. The
Autunian red beds and the much later Triassic deposits are apparently unrelated to the
Cantabric-Asturian arcuate fold belt which reached its final deformational stage in
Stephanian C (= early Autunian) times.
The Autunian (uppermost Carboniferous), Permian and Triassic cover rocks form part
of a later history centred on the Mesozoic Basque-Cantabrian basin to the EastSoutheast. The town of Aguilar is built on Jurassic rocks and its castle is situated on
16th OFP International Congress.
Jurassic limestone. However, this is a different history, not to be attempted in the
present account.
Summary of stratigraphic succession in northern Palencia (pre-Cretaceous)
c. 450 m of mainly fluviatile deposits followed by marls and dolomites overlain
by Jurassic limestones.
Stephanian B
Uplift and tilting producing a low-angle unconformity
Several hundred metres of red beds with volcaniclastic intervals.
Folding and faulting associated with the final phase of tightening of the
Cantabric-Asturian arcuate fold belt (high-angle unconformity).
c. 500 m of fluviatile conglomeratic and coal-bearing deposits.
Folding and thrusting including the decollement structure of La Pernía and
Castillería (Asturian Phase of tectonic deformation).
up to 5,500-6,000 m of mainly shallow marine deltaic sediments with a major
turbiditic and debris flow interval, and coal-measures on eight different
Generalised uplift associated with substantial normal faulting in part of the area
(Leonian tectonic movements).
lower Asturian
c. 3,000 m of post-orogenic conglomerates followed by turbidites and deltaic
deposits including shallow water limestones; also a few lensing coal-bearing
Major compressional tectonic movements producing the Carrionas Thrust
Sheet, with thrust slices and nappe structures (Palentian Domain wedged in
between Asturian-Leonese area of the Cantabrian Zone).
c. 4,000-4,500 m of marine strata in two different palaeogeographic regions
(Palentian and Cantabrian zones), with rather different facies and histories of
local and more regional uplifts.
upper Silurian
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16th OFP International Congress.
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List of
16th OFP International Congress.
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Castro, M. Paz
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28003 Madrid, España
[email protected]
Álvarez Vázquez, Carmen
Centro Paleobotánico,
Jardín Botánico de Córdoba
Avda. de Linneo, s/n.
14004 Córdoba, España
Cevallos-Ferriz, Sergio
Depto. de Paleontología, Instituto
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[email protected]
Barrón, Eduardo
Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
Ríos Rosas 23
28003 Madrid, España
[email protected]
Cleal, Christopher
Department of Biodiversity & Systematic
Biology, National Museum Wales
CF10 3NP Cardiff, Great Britain
[email protected]
Bartiromo, Antonello
Dipartimento delle Scienze Biologiche
Via Mezzocannone, 8
80134 Naples, Italia
[email protected]
Bercovici, Antoine
UMR 6119 (CNRS/INSU), Géosciences
Rennes, Université de Rennes 1,
Campus de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes Cedex, France
[email protected]
Botella, Héctor
Department of Geology.
Faculty of Biological Sciences.
University of Valencia
C/ Dr. Moliner 50
46100 Burjasot (Valencia), España
[email protected]
De Franceschi, Dario
UMR7207 CR2P MNHN CP38 - 57 rue
F-75231 Paris, France
[email protected]
Diez Ferrer, José Bienvenido
Marcosende, S/N.
36200 Vigo, España
[email protected]
Fernández Jiménez, Santiago
Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Facultad
de Biología, Universidad de Murcia
30100 Murcia, España
[email protected]
Broutin, Jean
Batiment Géologie MNHN 43 rue Buffon
F-75231 Paris, France
[email protected]
Calvillo-Canadell, Laura
Depto. de Paleontología, Instituto
Geología, UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria.
4510 Coyoacan, México D.F. México
[email protected]
Carrión, José
Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Facultad
de Biología, Universidad de Murcia
30100 Murcia, España
[email protected]
Cascales-Miñana, Borja
Department of Plant Biology. Faculty of
Pharmacy. University of Valencia.
Av/ Vicente Andrés Estellés s/n
46100 Burjasot (Valencia) España
[email protected]
Ferrer, Javier
Dep. Ciencias de la Tierra. Facultad de
Ciencias. Universidad de Zaragoza. Pedro
Cerbuna 12
50009 Zaragoza, España
[email protected]
Fierro Enrique, Elena
Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Facultad
de Biología, Universidad de Murcia
30100 Murcia, España
[email protected]
Gallo, Alfonso
Marcosende, S/N.
36200 Vigo, España
[email protected]
16th OFP International Congress.
Montero, Angel
Centro Paleobotánico, Jardín Botánico de
Córdoba. Avda. de Linneo, s/n.
14004 Córdoba, España
[email protected]
Galtier, Jean
34398 Montpellier, France
[email protected]
Gerrienne, Philippe
Université de Liège, Dépt de Géologie,
4000 Liege, Bélgique
[email protected]
Gómez-Orellana Rodríguez, Luis
IBADER. Campus de Lugo s/n
E-27002 Lugo, España
[email protected]
Gonez, Paul
Université de Liège - Laboratoire PPM,
Département de Géologie, Bát. B18
4000 Liège, Belgique
[email protected]
Gutiérrez, Esther
Marcosende, S/N.
36200 Vigo, España
[email protected]
Herrero, Baudilio
E.T.S. de Ingenierías Agrarias
Universidad de Valladolid
Avenida Madrid, 57
34004 Palencia, España
[email protected]
Knight, John
Harworth Minerals Consultancy, 2 Church
Street, Shirland, Alfreton, Derbyshire
DE55 6BJ Derby, Great Britain
[email protected]
Martínez-Pérez, Carlos
Department of Geology.
Faculty of Biological Sciences.
University of Valencia.
C/ Dr. Moliner 50
46100 Burjasot (Valencia), España
[email protected]
Meyer-Berthaud, Brigitte
boulevard de la Lironde
34398 Montpellier cedex 5, France
[email protected]
Mosquera, Lara
Marcosende, S/N.
36200 Vigo, España
[email protected]
Nishida, Harufumi
3-316-20-209 Kemigawa, Hanamigawa
262-0023 Chiba, 日本
[email protected]
Pons, Denise
MNHN -Batiment de Géologie, CP 48, 57
rue Cuvier
F-75231 PARIS, France
[email protected]
Prestianni, Cyrille
Unité P.P.M Allée du 6 aout B18/P40
4000 Liège, BE
[email protected]
Puente Arauzo, Estefanía
Marcosende, S/N.
36200 Vigo (Pontevedra), España
[email protected]
Rial Muiños, Gonzalo
Marcosende, S/N.
36200 Vigo, España
[email protected]
Rivas Carballo, M. Rosario
Dept. Geología (Paleontología).
Ciencias. Univ. Salamanca
37008 Salamanca, España
[email protected]
Rubio, Cristobal
Área Paleontología, Edificio C (Geológicas),
Universidad Zaragoza,
C/ Pedro Cerbuna 12
50009, Zaragoza, España
[email protected]
Sánchez-Pellicer, Raquel
Marcosende, S/N.
36200 Vigo (Pontevedra), España
[email protected]
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
Sardina Antolín, Luis Jose
Bartolomé de Carranza Nº 42 4 IZDA
31008 PAMPLONA, España
[email protected]
Sender, Luis Miguel
Área y Museo de Paleontología. Facultad de
Ciencias (Edificio Geológicas). Universidad
de Zaragoza.
C/ Pedro Cerbuna, 12
50009 Zaragoza, España
[email protected]
Strullu-Derrien, Christine
sciences, Université d'Angers, 2 boulevard
49045 Angers Cedex, France
[email protected]
Valle Hernández, María
Dept. Geología (Paleontología).
Fac. Ciencias. Univ. Salamanca
37008 Salamanca, España
[email protected]
Vieira, Manuel
Universidade do Minho - Departamento de
Ciencias da terra, Campus de Gualtar
4710-057 Braga, Portugal
[email protected]
Villanueva Amadoz, Uxue
Área Paleontología, Edificio C (Geológicas),
Universidad Zaragoza,
C/ Pedro Cerbuna 12
50009 Zaragoza, España
[email protected]
Wagner, Roberth H.
Centro Paleobotánico, Jardín Botánico de
Córdoba. Avda. de Linneo, s/n.
14004 Córdoba, España
[email protected]
16th OFP International Congress.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe
16th OFP International Congress.
Present and Future of Palaeobotany in SW Europe