Si Si m so Jun i Str. des 17. nw m so Friedrichstr. Friedrichstr. DENKMAL FÜR DIE IM TO THE SINTI nw MEMORIAL NATIONALSOZIALISMUS eAND OF EUROPE ERMORDETEN SINTI g ROMA eg Pariser Platz Brandenburger Tor Brandenburger Tor Behre nstr. ndt -St Jäg ers tr. r In den Ministergärten tr. Vo ß s Mohrenstr. a r te . Lei pzi ger Str Potsdamer Platz Potsdamer Platz . Lei pzi ger Str Voß str. r. S r. se ner re ma nn . str St r S tr K.ö th e Nied erki rchn erst St S tr. t Po Field of stelae te Al accessible 24 hours a day Nie derk irch ners tr. Koc hst r. se ma ene re Opening times of the Information Centre . r S tr Ko chs tr. a lt e Anh Apr.– Sep.: Tue – Sun 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. . (last admission 7.15 p.m.) r S tr a lt e Anh Oct.– Mar.: Tue – Sun 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. (last admission 6.15 p.m.) Closed on: 1 Jan, 24 to 26 Dec. Admission is free of charge. nn . str K ö th An assistant in discussion with guests at the Information Centre Visitors with audio guide at the Information Centre Students‘ workshop in the Field of Stelae Address Cora-Berliner-Strasse 1, 10117 Berlin Public Transport Bus: 100, 200, M 41, M 48, M85, TXL S-Bahn Station: Brandenburg Gate or Potsdamer Platz (Lines S1, S2, S25) U-Bahn Station: Potsdamer Platz or Mohrenstrasse (Line U2), Französische Strasse (Line U6) or Brandenburg Gate (Line U55) C O N TA C T O U R R E C O M M E N D AT I O N S F O R Y O U R V I S I T ADDITIONAL OFFERS P U B L I C AT I O N S Service for visitors (Mon – Thurs 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Fri 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.) Tel. +49 – (0)30 – 26 39 43 – 36 Fax +49 – (0)30 – 26 39 43 – 21 Email: [email protected] Audio Guide The audio guide offers an insight into the history and European dimension of the Holocaust. It includes reports by the historians who curated the exhibition. Available languages: German, English, Dutch Price per person: 4 euros (2 euros reduced charge) Free Public Guided Tours for Individuals Saturday at 3 p.m. (English), Sunday at 3 p.m. (German) A reservation is not required. Meeting point: the elevator on the corner of Cora-Berliner and Hannah-Arendt-Strasse Maximum number of participants: 25 Free of charge Folder A folder on the Holocaust Memorial is available in 20 languages and in Braille. Foundation Tel. +49 – (0)30 – 26 39 43 – 11 Email: [email protected] Press Office Tel. +49 – (0)30 – 26 39 43 – 26 Email: [email protected] Donations Donations can be transferred to: Berliner Sparkasse, Account No.: 6600 0076 62 BLZ: 100 500 00, BIC: BELADEBEXXX IBAN: DE24 1005 0000 6600 0076 62 We are very grateful for your support. Audio Translation Audio translations of the exhibition texts are available. Languages: Spanish, Italian, French, Hebrew, Polish and Russian Price per person: 4 euros (2 euros reduced charge) Guided Tours for the Impaired We offer a hand-held video in sign language for the hearing impaired and a special interface for the blind and visually impaired. Only available in German Free of charge These three offers are provided at the information counter. Guided Tours for Groups The Foundation offers guided tours for groups in various languages and a city walk »Berlin as a Memorial Landscape« in German, English, French, Polish and Swedish. Preliminary knowledge and possible special interests will be taken into account. Workshops and Project Days A wide range of workshops on themes relating to the memorial and the exhibition are available for students. A full-day project in the video archive that includes interviews with Holocaust survivors is especially designed for students. For adult groups the Foundation offers a workshop in German and English with information on the German culture of remembrance. Further educational offers are listed on our website: For reservations please contact our Service for visitors. Funded by upon a Decision of the German Bundestag Book shop at the Information Centre s tr. er e lm s m da W il h St . Lei pzi ger Str s tr. er O P E N I N G lteTPoIts M ES AND ADDRESS t r. Site plan e lm m Potsd amer Str. da . Lei pzi ger Str W il h Potsd amer Str. A Mohrenstr. hst r.dric hst r. Frie dricFrie tr. Ebe rts tr. e lm s tr. re h-A Französische Str. t ark t nm ark rm enm Ge nda Ge nda rme tr. W il h e lm s Eb ert str. W il h na Fran zösi sche Str. Jäg ers tr. tr. H Han rl.-S rl.-S g Tie r -Be nnel MEMORIAL AND INFORMATION POINT FOR THE VICTIMS OF THE e n s tr. a rt Französische Str. Behre nstr. -Be Cora rt e n tu DENKMAL FÜR DIE IM MEMORIAL TO NATIONALSOZIALISMUS VERFOLGTEN THE MURDERED JEWS OF EUROPE MEMORIAL TO THE HOMOSEXUELLEN r. HOMOSEXUALS PERSECUTED -St ndt UNDER THE NATIONAL Are ahSOCIALIST REGIME ann . SOCIALIST GEDENK-NATIONAL UND INFORMATIONSTie rg »EUTHANASIA« ORT FÜR DIE OPFER DER KILLINGS NATIONALSOZIALISTISCHEN . »EUTHANASIE«-MORDE n s tr Unt er d. Lin den Brandenburger Tor Pariser Platz DENKMAL FÜR DIE ERMORDETEN JUDEN EUROPAS Tiergarten en Unt er d. Lind Brandenburger Tor MURDERED UNDER UND ROMA EUROPAS NATIONAL SOCIALISM Cora Ju ni Str. de s 17. Tiergarten a Tie rg r. Scheidemannstr. Scheidemannstr. © Stiftung Denkmal Photos: Marko Priske, Dirk Laupner Layout and graphic design: DVD and Catalogue You can buy a catalogue and a DVD on the memorial at the book shop at the Information Centre. Both publications offer further additional material on the topics dealt with in the exhibition. The Background of the Exhibition A book has been published by the Deutscher Kunstverlag (German Art Publishers) which for the first time provides comprehensive background information on both the genesis of the exhibition and the Information Centre. It also supplies a tour to related historic sites in the vicinity. Testimonials The Foundation publishes the testimonials of Holocaust survivors in German. Additional publications can be found at: INFORMATION MEMORIAL TO THE MURDERED JEWS OF EUROPE AND INFORMATION CENTRE B Construction of the memorial, July 2004 Entrance to the subterranean Information Centre CHRONOLOGY The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in the centre of Berlin is the Holocaust memorial for Germany. It has its origins in a citizens‘ initiative that was facilitated by journalist Lea Rosh and historian Eberhard Jäckel at the end of the 1980s. On 25 June 1999, the German Federal Parliament took the decision to build the memorial according to a design by Peter Eisenman and to establish a federal foundation to run it. Construction began on 1 April 2003 and the memorial was opened to the public on 12 May 2005. The memorial consists of a Field of Stelae covering an area of 19 000 m2 and containing 2 711 concrete blocks plus an Information Centre. The exhibition about the persecution and extermination of the European Jews and the historical crime sites was designed by Dagmar von Wilcken. The exhibition attracts nearly half a million visitors per year. Following an amendment on 3 July 2009, the Federal Foundation Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe is now also responsible for the Memorial to the Homosexuals Persecuted under the National Socialist Regime and the Memorial to the Murdered Sinti and Roma of Europe. Room of Dimensions R O U N D - T R I P T H R O U G H T H E I N F O R M AT I O N C E N T R E Thank you for your interest in the memorial! Please take note of the following information: FIELD OF STELAE · Visitors enter at their own risk at all times. · Climbing onto or hopping across the stelae is not permitted. · Please refrain from noisy behaviour, smoking and drinking alcohol. I N F O R M AT I O N C E N T R E · Short waiting periods may occur when entering the Information Centre, due to the large number of visitors and a brief security check. · It is not recommended that children under 14 years of age visit this exhibition. · Please switch off your mobile telephone before entering the Information Centre. Photographing is only permitted without flash. · All baggage should be left with our cloakroom service free of charge. Please contact our visitors‘ attendants in the event of questions or requests. EXHIBITION PRELUDE 0 The exhibition starts with an overview of the nationalsocialist terror policy between 1933 and 1945. A timeline of images and texts deal with the persecution and murder of European Jews. Six large-scale portraits represent the six million victims. ROOM OF DIMENSIONS 1 The first room centres on diary entries, letters and last notes that were written during the Holocaust. The personal level is enhanced above by a circumferential row that provides the number of the victims for the European countries concerned, using the borders in 1937. Room of Families Room of Sites ROOM OF FAMILIES 2 ROOM OF SITES Various Jewish lifestyles are shown, using the examples of 15 families. Photos and personal documents reflect the variety of European Jewish culture before the Holocaust and illustrate the destruction, displacement and murder of these people. This room shows the geographical extent of the Holocaust in the whole of Europe. The focal points are the crime sites in Central and Eastern Europe. Historical film and photo material represent 220 exemplary places of persecution and murder of European Jews and other victims. ROOM OF NAMES 3 C O M M E M O R AT I O N S I T E P O R TA L 5 Here the names and brief biographies of murdered and missing Jews from all over Europe can be heard. Presenting all victims’ names in this way would take six years, seven months and 27 days. A portal offers current and historical information concerning commemoration sites, museums and memorials and provides insight into the world of European remembrance of the Holocaust and the Second World War, also at: Thanks to the generous financial support of the Association Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, the content of this room is being continuously extended. 4 Commemoration site portal A D D I T I O N A L D ATA B A S E S 6 The name database of the Holocaust victims at the Israeli Yad Vashem commemoration site with over three million entries and the »Commemoration Book of the Federal Archive for the Victims of the National-Socialist Persecution of Jews in Germany (1933 –1945)« are available for individual research. VIDEO ARCHIVE 7 The »Voices of Survival« video archive offers ten computer terminals for interviews with Holocaust survivors in ten languages. It is open on Sundays. The videos can be searched for places, persons or events, using a multitude of search options. The lobby contains a terminal that documents the debates on the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe between 1999 and 2005.