DIgSILENT Home Office Updates on International !" # $ $ !% " & " !' (") *+ , ! (! *+ , !% ! ' - %) *!+ ' , !) *!+ . ! + + ! !* Grid Codes ( !% by DIgSILENT Ibérica Techwindgrid ’09 20/21 April 2009, Madrid DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. DIgSILENT Group , / ! 0 1 * % . Activities 6! $ +,+ * -+2+ , ! /!% !" ! ( # + +, ! &! %0 3 , , !* % !% 4!* "%! # ( 5 4% - !& 5 & 5 % "- + *+ - ! & 5 - ($ 3$ 6! % " ! - % ! / *% % 7 & ! !% 8 !*! +, - ! ! 9! % %*+ + + *! !"! ! , % % ( 4! * ! ! !1 # # * /! ! !%- + / / +0 : !% % " ! " ! +,* -+2 /**% ! ' ! ;, :!! &! ! < 6! ! * ,! != > *! ) ! ! !* ' =( 6 0! "/ 3 / %* *) 6!"3 6 * 3 % !* & $ ( ? $, ( !/ % ! / ,?, +,+-+ ! * ,! ! ,%# !* !*+@- + < ! %< " + 68% !* ? % ;1! ! < 4 1/! # /-; *< * @ % !* ! !* 2 (6 % *+ DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 2 21.04.2009 21.04.2009 !*6! ! A ! &$ " # - % # (6 " # " # ! 3 3 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. ! *$ ! * ! 21.04.2009 4 1 DIg SIL ENT DIgSILENT PowerFactory 1000.00 800.00 600.00 400.00 200.00 0.00 ? *6 ! * % % ! % 6 1 # ! * ! !% " 6 !% % ! ! BB B 1.00 5.00 7.00 D-3: Current, Magnitude in A D-4: Current, Magnitude in A T-BL_UW3: Current, Magnitude/HV-Side in A 11.0 13.0 17.0 19.0 23.0 25.0 29.0 31.0 [-] 2.0E+3 1.0E+3 0.0E+0 -1.0E+3 -2.0E+3 -0.00 0.02 D-3: Current in A D-4: Current in A T-BL_UW3: Current/HV-Side in A 10000 % [s] 0.04 0.06 Masterpac MP M20H1/800A 0.08 [s] 0.10 Iberian product: Testing system for wind farm and solar plants DIgSILENT #/ I =113974.200 pri.A $ %& I =1850.301 pri.A I =1821.774 pri.A # Fuse 300 A A055C300E 100 #/%% # ! ! #@ 10.588 s 1 0.687 s OC-Relay Type I>/I>> 0.01 0.40 kV 100 20.00 kV DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 1000 10 Motor 1 SS-L2/SS-T Cub_2\Motor Relay 21.04.2009 10000 100 100000 1000 SS-T/T-LV Cub_2\I>I>>_Trafo Cub_2\Fuse Cable 1000000 10000 [pri.A] 10000000 100000 5 Testing Centralized Voltage Controllers DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 6 Testing Centralized Voltage Controllers PROJECT STAGE 1: Strategies definition Central Controller design Verification with simulation PROJECT STAGE 2: The same wind farm is used to test the controller implemented in c++. Interface PF-DLL Q CONTROL MODE 1 Total Q set (i ) = Total Qset number of available wind turbines Q CONTROL MODE 2 Total Total i Q set (i + 1) = Q set (i ) − Q set DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 7 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 8 2 Testing Centralized Voltage Controllers Testing Centralized Voltage Controllers Wind Farm Controller: 1.075 1.15 U_SET_MAX 1.05 p.u. 1.050 U_WT_MAX 1.10 p.u. 1.10 DIgSILENT PROJECT STAGE 3: The same wind farm is used to test the controller implemented in c++ on an OPC server. Interface PF-OPC server. 1.05 1.025 1.00 0.95 1.000 U_WT_MIN 0.90 p.u. 0.90 0.975 0.85 13.88 U_SET_MIN 0.95 p.u. 0.950 0.925 13.88 64.08 114.3 164.5 214.7 [s] 2-Winding Transformer: Tensión, Magnitud/Lado HV in p.u. 2-Winding Transformer: Tensión, Magnitud/Lado LV in p.u. 264.9 3.00 64.08 114.3 164.5 WT1: Tensión, Magnitud in p.u. WT2: Tensión, Magnitud in p.u. WT3: Tensión, Magnitud in p.u. WT4: Tensión, Magnitud in p.u. WT5: Tensión, Magnitud in p.u. WT6: Tensión, Magnitud in p.u. WT7: Tensión, Magnitud in p.u. 214.7 [s] 264.9 64.08 114.3 RunCtrl: qoutPu RunCtrl: qoutPu RunCtrl: qoutPu RunCtrl: qoutPu RunCtrl: qoutPu RunCtrl: qoutPu RunCtrl: qoutPu 214.7 [s] 264.9 0.30 0.20 2.00 0.10 1.00 0.00 0.00 -0.10 -0.20 13.88 -1.00 -2.00 -3.00 13.88 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 9 64.08 114.3 164.5 214.7 2-Winding Transformer: Posición Actual del Tap DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 264.9 21.04.2009 10 Grid Codes: Short worldwide overview Updates on International Grid Codes DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. [s] 164.5 11 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 12 3 Spain P.O.12.2: “INSTALACIONES CONECTADAS A LA RED DE TRANSPORTE Y EQUIPO GENERADOR: REQUISITOS MINIMOS DE DISEÑO, EQUIPAMIENTO, FUNCIONAMIENTO, PUESTA EN SERVICIO Y SEGURIDAD” Current version: April 2009 Status: Under discussion SPAIN Starting from: 01/01/2011 (or 2012) Applicable to: - Generation connected to HV network - Generation connected to MV network if P>10MW - Distributed generation sharing the same connection point if Pgrouped>10MW New features: - Power quality limits - Distinction between directly coupled Sync. Generators, WP and PV - Power and Voltage regulation requirements at PCC level - Requirements on negative sequence currents - Islanding features DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 13 21.04.2009 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. Spain P.O.12.2: “INSTALACIONES CONECTADAS A LA RED DE TRANSPORTE Y EQUIPO GENERADOR: REQUISITOS MINIMOS DE DISEÑO, EQUIPAMIENTO, FUNCIONAMIENTO, PUESTA EN SERVICIO Y SEGURIDAD” Specific requirements: 1) Synchronous Generators directly coupled to the grid. General Power Quality Requirements: Planning level Emission limits Flicker According to IEC61000-3-7 Pst 1.0 Plt 0.8 Pst 0.8 Plt 0.6 Harmonics According to IEC 61000-3-6 THD: 3.00% THD: 3.00% I-/I+ 1% for short duration unbalance (>10 min) 2% for very short duration unbalance (<10min) I-/I+ DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 14 Spain P.O.12.2: “INSTALACIONES CONECTADAS A LA RED DE TRANSPORTE Y EQUIPO GENERADOR: REQUISITOS MINIMOS DE DISEÑO, EQUIPAMIENTO, FUNCIONAMIENTO, PUESTA EN SERVICIO Y SEGURIDAD” Unbalance 21.04.2009 I-/I+ I-/I+ 0.7% for short duration unbalance (>10 min) 1% for very short duration unbalance (<10min) 21.04.2009 15 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 16 4 Spain Spain P.O.12.2: “INSTALACIONES CONECTADAS A LA RED DE TRANSPORTE Y EQUIPO GENERADOR: REQUISITOS MINIMOS DE DISEÑO, EQUIPAMIENTO, FUNCIONAMIENTO, PUESTA EN SERVICIO Y SEGURIDAD” P.O.12.2: “INSTALACIONES CONECTADAS A LA RED DE TRANSPORTE Y EQUIPO GENERADOR: REQUISITOS MINIMOS DE DISEÑO, EQUIPAMIENTO, FUNCIONAMIENTO, PUESTA EN SERVICIO Y SEGURIDAD” Specific requirements: 1) Synchronous Generators directly coupled to the grid. Specific requirements: 1) Synchronous Generators directly coupled to the grid. Low Voltage Ride Through: - Capability to stay connected in case of 3PH/1PH voltage dip 0% duration 1 second. - Capability to stay connected in case of 2PH voltage dip 0.5% duration 1 second. - Capability to stay connected in case of phase shift 30º -Reactive power support controlled by AVR DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 Overvoltage Ride Through: -3PH/2PH/1PH figure -Occasionally, up to 125% if voltage was 110% -Reactive power support controlled by AVR 17 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. Spain 18 Spain P.O.12.2: “INSTALACIONES CONECTADAS A LA RED DE TRANSPORTE Y EQUIPO GENERADOR: REQUISITOS MINIMOS DE DISEÑO, EQUIPAMIENTO, FUNCIONAMIENTO, PUESTA EN SERVICIO Y SEGURIDAD” P.O.12.2: “INSTALACIONES CONECTADAS A LA RED DE TRANSPORTE Y EQUIPO GENERADOR: REQUISITOS MINIMOS DE DISEÑO, EQUIPAMIENTO, FUNCIONAMIENTO, PUESTA EN SERVICIO Y SEGURIDAD” Specific requirements: 1) Synchronous Generators directly coupled to the grid. Specific requirements: 1) Synchronous Generators directly coupled to the grid. Frequency disturbances: - Capability to stay connected unless f < 48 Hz during 3 seconds or more - Instantaneous disconnection if f < 47.5 Hz - Capability to stay connected if f reaches 51.5 Hz - Capability to stay connected during df/dt < ±2Hz/second. DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 21.04.2009 Frequency regulation: - Primary regulation mandatory - PSS mandatory when rated power P>50MW 19 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 20 5 Spain Spain P.O.12.2: “INSTALACIONES CONECTADAS A LA RED DE TRANSPORTE Y EQUIPO GENERADOR: REQUISITOS MINIMOS DE DISEÑO, EQUIPAMIENTO, FUNCIONAMIENTO, PUESTA EN SERVICIO Y SEGURIDAD” P.O.12.2: “INSTALACIONES CONECTADAS A LA RED DE TRANSPORTE Y EQUIPO GENERADOR: REQUISITOS MINIMOS DE DISEÑO, EQUIPAMIENTO, FUNCIONAMIENTO, PUESTA EN SERVICIO Y SEGURIDAD” Specific requirements: 1) Synchronous Generators directly coupled to the grid. Specific requirements: 1) Synchronous Generators directly coupled to the grid. Islanding: - Coordination with MV islanding protections to avoid unneeded disconnection. - New thermal units are requested to stay connected on islanding mode + auxiliary services. - New hydro + pumping units are requested to provide: - self-starting - auto-energization - islanding regulation capabilities. DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 Voltage regulation: - A Voltage deadband setpoint will be provided by the operator. - Voltage error inside the deadband. - Q regulation capability 0 Prated. - Out of margins 1- V V 1+ V, as allowed by Pproduced. 21 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 Spain 22 Spain P.O.12.2: “INSTALACIONES CONECTADAS A LA RED DE TRANSPORTE Y EQUIPO GENERADOR: REQUISITOS MINIMOS DE DISEÑO, EQUIPAMIENTO, FUNCIONAMIENTO, PUESTA EN SERVICIO Y SEGURIDAD” P.O.12.2: “INSTALACIONES CONECTADAS A LA RED DE TRANSPORTE Y EQUIPO GENERADOR: REQUISITOS MINIMOS DE DISEÑO, EQUIPAMIENTO, FUNCIONAMIENTO, PUESTA EN SERVICIO Y SEGURIDAD” Specific requirements: 2) Wind, solar and other power plants without Synchronous Generator directly coupled to the grid. Specific requirements: 2) Wind, solar and other power plants without Synchronous Generator directly coupled to the grid. a a Low voltage ride through: - 3PH faults as in the figure - 2PH faults 0.5 and 0.6 p.u. instead Phase shift ride through: -Capability to stay connected in case of phase shift 30º DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 23 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 24 6 Spain Spain P.O.12.2: “INSTALACIONES CONECTADAS A LA RED DE TRANSPORTE Y EQUIPO GENERADOR: REQUISITOS MINIMOS DE DISEÑO, EQUIPAMIENTO, FUNCIONAMIENTO, PUESTA EN SERVICIO Y SEGURIDAD” P.O.12.2: “INSTALACIONES CONECTADAS A LA RED DE TRANSPORTE Y EQUIPO GENERADOR: REQUISITOS MINIMOS DE DISEÑO, EQUIPAMIENTO, FUNCIONAMIENTO, PUESTA EN SERVICIO Y SEGURIDAD” Specific requirements: 2) Wind, solar and other power plants without Synchronous Generator directly coupled to the grid. Specific requirements: 2) Wind, solar and other power plants without Synchronous Generator directly coupled to the grid. a Overvoltage ride through: - 3PH/2PH/1PH as in the figure - Occasionally, up to 125% if voltage was 110% - Power Electronic Converters can be blocked if V>125% providing Ir=0 p.u. - Reactive power support controlled by AVR a Voltage regulation during disturbances: - Voltage support during distubances Imax = Irated - Voltage regulation provided by an AVR during disturbances: - To maintain Vsetpoint = Vprior to the disturbance - In case of unbalance, positive seq voltage - In operation when V is out of normal operation range. - Reactive current absorption/injection DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 25 as in the next slide DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. Spain 21.04.2009 26 Spain P.O.12.2: “INSTALACIONES CONECTADAS A LA RED DE TRANSPORTE Y EQUIPO GENERADOR: REQUISITOS MINIMOS DE DISEÑO, EQUIPAMIENTO, FUNCIONAMIENTO, PUESTA EN SERVICIO Y SEGURIDAD” P.O.12.2: “INSTALACIONES CONECTADAS A LA RED DE TRANSPORTE Y EQUIPO GENERADOR: REQUISITOS MINIMOS DE DISEÑO, EQUIPAMIENTO, FUNCIONAMIENTO, PUESTA EN SERVICIO Y SEGURIDAD” Specific requirements: 2) Wind, solar and other power plants without Synchronous Generator directly coupled to the grid. Specific requirements: 2) Wind, solar and other power plants without Synchronous Generator directly coupled to the grid. a a Power regulation during disturbances: DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 27 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 28 7 Spain Spain P.O.12.2: “INSTALACIONES CONECTADAS A LA RED DE TRANSPORTE Y EQUIPO GENERADOR: REQUISITOS MINIMOS DE DISEÑO, EQUIPAMIENTO, FUNCIONAMIENTO, PUESTA EN SERVICIO Y SEGURIDAD” P.O.12.2: “INSTALACIONES CONECTADAS A LA RED DE TRANSPORTE Y EQUIPO GENERADOR: REQUISITOS MINIMOS DE DISEÑO, EQUIPAMIENTO, FUNCIONAMIENTO, PUESTA EN SERVICIO Y SEGURIDAD” Specific requirements: 2) Wind, solar and other power plants without Synchronous Generator directly coupled to the grid. Specific requirements: 2) Wind, solar and other power plants without Synchronous Generator directly coupled to the grid. a Requirements during the disturbances: - Limits on P, Q consumption as in P.O.12.3, during the dip and after the dip - NEGATIVE SEQUENCE CONTRIBUTION (not a requirement yet, to be discussed and fixed according to the network requirements) Frequency disturbances: - Capability to stay connected unless f < 48 Hz during 3 seconds or more - Instantaneous disconnection if f < 47.5 Hz - Capability to stay connected if f reaches 51.5 Hz - Capability to stay connected during df/dt < ±2Hz/second. - Coordination with MV islanding protections to avoid unneeded disconnection. DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 a Frequency regulation: - Primary regulation mandatory K =− ∆P / M base ∆f / f base -Time response: 1-30 sec or inertial response emulation if agreed with the TSO. -PSS damping, to be agreed with the TSO 29 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 30 21.04.2009 32 Spain P.O.12.2: “INSTALACIONES CONECTADAS A LA RED DE TRANSPORTE Y EQUIPO GENERADOR: REQUISITOS The WF should guarantee MINIMOS DE DISEÑO, EQUIPAMIENTO, FUNCIONAMIENTO, PUESTA ENreserve SERVICIO Y SEGURIDAD” the availability related to wind speed Specifictorequirements: be able to increase 2) Wind, Produced solar and other power plants without Power Synchronous Generator directly coupled to the grid. a GERMANY (exception if Pproduced<20%) Frequency regulation: - Primary regulation mandatory K =− ∆P / M base ∆f / f base -Time response: 1-30 sec or inertial response emulation if agreed with the TSO. -PSS damping, to be agreed with the TSO DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 31 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 8 Germany Germany Operator: Technische Richtlinie. Erzeugungsanlagen am Mittelspannungsnetz (Richtlinie Anschluss und Parallelbetrieb von Erzeugungsanlagen Mittelspannungsnetz) Operator: Technische Richtlinie. Erzeugungsanlagen am Mittelspannungsnetz (Richtlinie Anschluss und Parallelbetrieb von Erzeugungsanlagen Mittelspannungsnetz) für am für am By: BDEW, Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V. By: BDEW, Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V. Network: Distribution level Network: Distribution level Frequency regulation as in 2007 Transmission Grid Code TYPE 2 TYPE 1 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 TYPE 2 33 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 34 21.04.2009 36 Germany Operator: Technische Richtlinie. Erzeugungsanlagen am Mittelspannungsnetz (Richtlinie Anschluss und Parallelbetrieb von Erzeugungsanlagen Mittelspannungsnetz) für am By: BDEW, Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V. Network: Distribution level DENMARK Reclosing DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 35 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 9 Denmark Denmark Operator: Operator: Network: Distribution level (< 100kV) Network: Distribution level (< 100kV) Particularity: Double Disturbance Particularity: Double Disturbance. Capacity to stand: - Two 2PH/3PH Short Circuit within a 2 min interval - Energy reserve enough to stand SIX 2PH/3PH Short Circuits within 5 min interval DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 37 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. Denmark DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 38 Denmark Operator: Operator: Network: Transmission level (> 100kV) Network: Transmission level (> 100kV) Particularity: For Wind Farms: - 3PH short circuit 100ms - 1/2PH short circuit 100 ms, followed by a new one after 300-500ms For Wind Turbine: - Two 1/2/3PH Short Circuit within 2 min interval - Energy reserve for SIX 1/2/3 PH short circuit with 5 min interval. Particularity: SIMULATIONS - Slow voltage recovery 21.04.2009 39 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 40 10 Denmark Operator: Network: Transmission level (> 100kV) Particularity: SIMULATIONS - Unbalance and reclosure CHINA DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 41 21.04.2009 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. China 21.04.2009 42 China Grid Code: Technical Rule for Connecting Wind Farm into Power Network Grid Code: Technical Rule for Connecting Wind Farm into Power Network By: State Grid Corporation / China Electric Power Research Institute By: State Grid Corporation / China Electric Power Research Institute Network: Voltages above 100(66) kV Network: Voltages above 100(66) kV Primary control mandatory: setpoints will be sent by the operator. Recommendations on the power ramp rate during: - Cut in / Shut down - Increasing wind speed (not mandatory during wind speed decrease) - Maximum power rate can be discussed with the operator The installed capacity of wind farm (MW) 10min maximum ramp rate (MW) LVRT Requirements: 1min maximum ramp rate (MW) <30 20 6 30-150 installed capacity /1.5 installed capacity /5 >150 100 30 -Emergency control: capability of reducing power when f>50.5Hz, even disconnect. DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 43 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 44 11 China China Grid Code: Technical Rule for Connecting Wind Farm into Power Network Grid Code: Technical Rule for Connecting Wind Farm into Power Network By: State Grid Corporation / China Electric Power Research Institute By: State Grid Corporation / China Electric Power Research Institute Network: Voltages above 100(66) kV Frequency limits: Network: Voltages above 100(66) kV Range of frequency Requirements Below 48Hz According to the permissible lowest operation frequency of the wind turbine. 48Hz 49.5Hz Maintaining continues operation for 10 min at least when frequency is lower than 49.5Hz Operating continuously. 50.5Hz 51Hz Above 51Hz Limit the output power with the order of the dispatching department. 21.04.2009 45 h-1 d R 1 1 r 10 10 Maintaining continues operation for at least 2 minutes whenever frequency is above 50.5Hz, and no more shutting wind turbine cutting-in. R 49.5Hz 50.5Hz DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. Power Quality issues: Voltage deviations: V<10%Vrated. In general -3%Vrated<V<7%Vrated Voltage variations: The number of voltage variations per unit time 100 3 2.5 r 100 1.5 r 1000 1 Flicker: It should meet the requirements stated in GB 12326-2000. Plt and Pst will be allocated depending on the short circuit power of the network. Harmonics: It should meet the requirements stated in GB / T 14549-1993. Harmonic emission levels should be allocated depending on the short circuit harmonic power of the network. DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. China 21.04.2009 46 Conclusions Grid Code: Technical Rule for Connecting Wind Farm into Power Network By: State Grid Corporation / China Electric Power Research Institute Network: Voltages above 100(66) kV •More and more restrictive requirements are arising in many countries. Simulations: -Wind Farm developers will provide models (PowerFactory DIgSILENT) which include: - parameters of wind turbines. - wind farm layout - wind turbine/wind farm control system - Maintenance/Update of models should be guaranteed by the Wind Farm Developer. DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 •Trend Simulation procedures to test/verify at wind farm level •Towards harmonization?? 47 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 48 12 Conclusion DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L.: Contacto DIgSILENT Ibérica S.L. C\ Honduras, 8 - Bajo 3 28016 Madrid – Spain Phone: +34 911273723/24 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Website: DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 49 DIgSILENT Ibérica, S.L. 21.04.2009 50 13