Escuela de Matemáticas Lluís Santaló 2006: Mathematics and Biology
Escuela de Matemáticas Lluís Santaló 2006: Mathematics and Biology
Real Sociedad Matemática Española Escuela de Matemáticas Lluís Santaló 2006: Mathematics and Biology: Maths, Development and Cancer Fecha: Del 11 al 15 de septiembre de 2006 Lugar: Santander. COURSE TOPICS 1.- A. Gyshen ( Montpellier ): Developmental Biology.. Formation of spatial patterns . Cell fate and determination. Morphogenesis,. Genetic circuits in development. Cell signalling and integration of intracellular signals. [email protected] 2.- H . Othmer ( Minneapolis ): Models in Developmental biology. Basic problems and current theories .Reaction-Diffusion systems in fixed and growing domains. The role of mechanics and cell motility in pattern formation. Robustness in signal transduction and in the genetic control circuits. [email protected] 3.- L. Preziosi ( Torino ): Mathematical models of tumour growth. Vascular growth. Mechanical problems in tumour growth. Models of vascular net formation . Angiogenesis . [email protected] 4.- R. Solé ( Barcelona ): The Biology of cancer . Cancer as an illness : a medical viewpoint. Cellular aspects and cell transformation. Signal transduction in cancer . cancer genetics. [email protected]: Real Sociedad Matemática EspañolaDirectores Miguel Ángel Herrero García Catedrático de Matemática Aplicada Universidad Complutense de Madrid Fernando Giráldez Orgaz Catedrático de Biología del Desarrollo Universidad Pompeu Fabra PROGRAMA Lunes 1110:30 h. Opening Session Fernando Giráldez Orgaz Catedrático de Biología del Desarrollo Universidad Pompeu Fabra Miguel Ángel Herrero García Catedrático de Matemática Aplicada Universidad Complutense de Madrid -10:45 h. Developmental Biology I Alain Ghysen Université Montpellier II -12:00 h. Models in Developmental Biology I Hans Othmer University of Minnesota, Minneapolis -16:30 h. Invited speaker Domingos Henrique Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon -17:30 h. Developmental Biology II Alain Ghysen Université Montpellier II Martes 1210:00 h. Models in Developmental Biology II Hans Othmer University of Minnesota, Minneapolis -11:15 h. Developmental Biology III Alain Ghysen Université Montpellier II -12:30 h. Invited Speaker Miguel Torres Sánchez Centro Nacional de Biotecnología CSIC-UAM, Madrid - Potenciado por Joomla! Generado: 9 December, 2016, 22:11 Real Sociedad Matemática Española 16:00 h. Developmental Biology IV Alain Ghysen Université Montpellier II -17:15 h. Models in Developmental Biology III Hans Othmer University of Minnesota, Minneapolis -18:30 h. Panel Discussion 1: Mathematics and development Miércoles 1310:00 h. The biology of cancer I Ricard Vicente Solé ICREA. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona -11:15 h. Mathematical models of tumour growth I Luigi Preziosi Politecnico di Torino -12:30 h. Invited speaker Hugo Ferreira Universidade Nuova de Lisboa, Lisbon -16:00 h. The biology of cancer II Ricard Vicente Solé ICREA. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona -17:15 h. Mathematical models of tumour growth II Luigi Preziosi Politecnico di Torino -18:30 h. Panel Discussion 2: Mathematical and Disease Jueves 1410:00 h. Mathematical models of tumour growth III Luigi Preziosi Politecnico di Torino -11:15 h. The biology of cancer III Ricard Vicente Solé ICREA. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona -12:30 h. Invited speaker Juan Soler Vizcaíno Universidad de Granada -16:00 h. Mathematical models of tumour growth IV Luigi Preziosi Politecnico di Torino -17:15 h. The biology of cancer IV Ricard Vicente Solé ICREA. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona -18:30 h. Potenciado por Joomla! Generado: 9 December, 2016, 22:11 Real Sociedad Matemática Española Panel Discussion: Mathematics and cancer Viernes 1510:00 h. Invited speaker Tomás Alarcón Cor University College. London -11:15 h. Models in Developmental Biology IV Hans Othmer University of Minnesota, Minneapolis -12:30 h. General Discussion and Closing Session Carlos Andradas Herranz Presidente de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española Fernando Giráldez Orgaz Catedrático de Biología del Desarrollo Universidad Pompeu Fabra Miguel Ángel Herrero García Catedrático de Matemática Aplicada Universidad Complutense de Madrid Potenciado por Joomla! Generado: 9 December, 2016, 22:11