05292011 Bulletin
05292011 Bulletin
S T . T HERESA OF THE C HILD J ESUS P RAY FOR US S TA . TERESITA DEL N IÑO J ESUS R UEGA POR NOSOTROS OFFICE HOURS: 4401 PRESTLEY MILL ROAD TELEPHONE: 770-489-7115 MON. TUE. TH. FRI. 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM FAX: 770-489-4873 DOUGLASVILLE, GA 30135 WED. 12:00 PM NOON - 6:00 PM www.sainttheresacatholicchurch.org e-mail: [email protected] MAY/ 29 DE MAYO, 2011 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER/ SEXTO DOMINGO DE RESURRECCION FR. FERNANDO WOULD LIKE TO SAY ‘THANK YOU’ TO EVERYONE WHO CONTRIBUTED TO THE SUCCESS OF OUR CONFIRMATION CELEBRATION AND TO ALL THE CATECHISTS WHO ASSISTED IN PREPARING OUR CHILDREN SPIRITUALLY TO RECEIVE THIS BEAUTIFUL SACRAMENT! A SPECIAL ‘THANK YOU’ TO OUR AUXILIARY BISHOP LOUIS ZARAMA AND TO OUR PREVIOUS PASTOR, REV. RICHARD TIBBETTS, IN JOINING US FOR THIS SPECIAL DAY. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2011 CONFIRMANDI! S T .T HERESA P ARISH M ISSION S TATEMENT : AS A PARISH, we will support and further the spiritual growth of our members through celebrating the SACRAMENTS, proclaiming the WORD, building the COMMUNITY, and serving all GOD’S P EOPLE. LA MISIÓN DE LA PARROQUIA DE SANTA TERESITA es apoyar y fomentar el crecimiento espiritual de sus miembros con la celebración de los SACRAMENTOS, proclamando la PALABRA, construyendo la COMUNIDAD, y sirviendo a todo EL PUEBLO DE DIOS. ST. THERESA CATHOLIC CHURCH, DOUGLASVILLE, GEORGIA PRAYER LIST Please keep the following parishioners, family and friends in your prayers, and please continue to pray for our troops. Thank you for your prayers. Each name will remain on the prayer list for one month. If continued prayers are needed for someone on the list or you would like to add someone, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or contact Annette at 770-942-9581. Rita Armstrong Madelin Behrman David Bessiere James Carlson Vince Columbo Autumn Cox Noel Daniell James Dzwonchyk Dave Douglas Ada de Jesus Al Evers Mary Glenn Jennifer Gould Francis Guarrera Angelo Grisetti Margaret Harris † John Hart Mary Ann Harvard Rogelio Hendricks Madlin Hibbard Terry H. Holmer Pauline Ingold Geraldine “Rose” Hicks Norma Hopkins Joyce Ichter Marilyn Irick Cruz Irizarry † Katherine Jackson George Johnson Susan Johnson Steve Kingsley Gerald Landers Christina Long Don and Dee Maher Jerome Matherne Shamus McCarthy Taylor McDowell Ronnie Metcalf Nelcy Molina Restrepo Michele Moran Celeste Newton Nora Orozco Diane Paradise Douglas Peach SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR WEEK OF MAY 29, 2011 Sunday: Sixth Sunday of Easter Acts 8:5-8, 14-17; Ps 66; 1 Pt 3:15-18; Jn 14:15-21 Monday: Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149; Jn 15:26—16:4a Tuesday: The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16; Is 12:2-6; Lk 1:39-56 Wednesday: Saint Justin, martyr Acts 17:15, 22—18:1; Ps 148; Jn 16:12-15 Thursday: The Ascension of the Lord Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47; Eph 1:17-23; Mt 28:16-20 Friday: Saint Charles Lwanga and his companions, martyrs Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47; Jn 16:20-23 Saturday: Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47; Jn 16:23b-28 Sunday: Seventh Sunday of Easter Acts 1:12-14; Ps 27; 1 Pt 4:13-16; Jn 17:1-11a GIFTS OF TREASURE FOR WEEK MAY 22, 2011 Sunday offertory for May 22: $13,589.50 Edward Valiquette Santo Vizzina Karen Wilber Deborah Wilson Jim Winter Gwin Young Fr. Kevin Peek Dennis Piazza Harvey Rand Martin Ramos Collazo Richard Reyes Joan Rizzo Margaret Roberts Gail Robinson Eva Romick Edwin Ruckwardt Leonard Santangelo Fred Schilling LaFortune Scott Shelby Scott Jenny Serbes Philip Shamaly † Gary Andrew Smith Dominic Socciarelli Craig Straight Alberta Swanson Rachel Taylor Willy Torrence † Holy Mary Holy Mary Mother of God Mother of God pray for us pray for us sinners now sinners now and at the hour and at the hour of our death. of our death. Amen Amen MASS INTENTIONS FOR WEEK OF MAY 29, 2011 Saturday 05/28 Sunday 05/29 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 05/30 05/31 06/01 06/02 06/03 06/04 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 2:00 pm 5:00 pm 12:00 pm 9:00 am 12:00 pm 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Thomas Budlong † Uzomaka Owunta Lucy Herrera & Tille Rivera † Paul Mix † Philomena Okorie † Emilia Lopez † Propopulo of St. Theresa Susan Loritz Steven Engels Pam Owunta Erica Uremma Owunta Intention of the Priest Intention of the Priest Bob & Roseanne Wagner Fr. Josh Allen THE CHURCHES GUIDE TO SCRIPTURAL TITHE: STRIVE FOR FIVE (5%) Household Annual Gross Income Weekly Gift of Tithe to my Parish Monthly Gift of Tithe to my Parish 2011 Archdiocesan Annual Appeal $ 20,000 $ 20.00 $ 80.00 Goal Paid to Date Percent of Goal $ 25,000 $ 25.00 $ 100.00 $68,767.00 $19,573.00 $ 50,000 $ 50.00 $ 200.00 $ 75,000 $ 75.00 $ 300.00 $100,000 $ 100.00 $ 400.00 $125,000 $ 125.00 $ 500.00 Amount needed to meet weekly expenses: $17,563 28% If you have signed up for monthly payments, the Archdiocese will be sending out statements soon. Also, you may pay online athttp:// www.archatl.com/aaa and click on the “Donate Now” button. MAY 29, 2011 /29 DE MAYO, 2011 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER/SEXTO DOMINGO DE RESURRECCION St. Theresa Wedding Committee PARISH AND OFFICE INFORMATION PASTOR: Rev. Fr. Fernando Molina-Restrepo PAROCHIAL VICAR: Rev. Fr. Kizito Nkemjika Okeke DEACONS: Rev. Mr. Charles S. Patrick 770-947-5497 Rev. Mr. Terry Holmer 770-826-6483 Rev. Mr. Ron St. Michel 770-942-6018 Rev. Mr. Israel D. Melara 404-304-4842 BUSINESS MANAGER: Maria E. Sierra 770-489-7115 BOOKKEEPER: Sue Kauffman 770-489-7115 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Jeanne Owart 770-489-7115 RECEPTIONIST: Kania Del Rosario 770-489-7115 MAINTENANCE: James Smith 770-942-9765 ext. 1 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: 770-942-9765 DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION AND ELEMENTARY EDUCATION & SPECIAL NEEDS: Theresa Butorac ext. 2 Assistant to Director of Religious Education Maria Stormont ext. 3 DIRECTOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY GRADES 7-12: Jena Lanham ext. 4 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRY: Mick Butorac MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY (1ST SATURDAY ONLY) 9:00 AM SATURDAY VIGIL ( ROSARY AT 4:35) 5:00 PM (ESPAÑOL) 7:00 PM 8:00 AM SUNDAY (CHILDREN) 10:00 AM (ROSARY AT 11:30) 12:00 PM (ESPAÑOL) 2:00 PM (TEEN) 5:00 PM MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY 12:00 PM TUESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 9:00 AM CONFESSION: Every Saturday 3:30-4:30 pm 9:00 A .M . S ATURDAY M ASS : 1 ST S ATURDAY -A NOINTING OF S ICK B ILINGUAL 2 ND S ATURDAY —B APTISMS -E NGLISH - NO MASS 3 RD S ATURDAY —B APTISMS -S PANISH - NOMASS B APT ISM CL AS SE S :(E NG ) P LEA SE 3 RD S ATU R DAY 9:00 AM (E SP ) 4 TH S ATU RD AY 4:3 0 PM REFE R TO PA RISH W EB S IT E DURING INCL EM ENT WE ATH E R FO R CH ANGES IN M AS S & E VENT SCH E DULE S As a volunteer service, the primary purpose of the Wedding Committee at St. Theresa is to assist the officiating Clergy and to help the couple and their guests have a spirit of hospitality extended to them during this very special occasion. After the clergy interviews a couple for marriage, the Wedding Consultant’s role is to review the guidelines and assure completion of all required documentation with the couple before the wedding date. The Consultant also provides a calm and quiet reassuring presence and coordinates important details both at the wedding rehearsal and during the event. If you would like to be a part of this committee please contact Carrole St.Michel at 770-942-6018. Comité de Bodas de Santa Teresita Como servicio voluntario, el propósito primordial del Comite de Bodas de Sta. Teresita es asistir al sacerdote celebrante; ayudar a la pareja y a sus invitados brindándoles un espíritu de hospitalidad durante esta importante ocasión. Despues de que el sacerdote ha entrevistado la pareja para el matrimonio, el rol de la Asesora de Bodas es asegurarse que ellos siguen todas las instrucciones y obtienen los documentos requeridos antes del dia de la boda. La Asesora tambien les ofrece la presencia de una persona calmada y tranquila que se encarga de la coordinación de todos los detalles importantes tanto para el ensayo como durante la boda misma. Si deseas ser parte de este Comité, favor contactar a Carrole St.Michel al 770-942-6018 o Claudia Paz al 404-457-4769 THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Special thanks to our parishioners Mrs. Linda Miles and Mrs. Catherine Budlong for their recent donations of Altar Flowers. We greatly appreciate it! God bless! MAY /29 DE MAYO, 2011 SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION: Baptism: Parents must be active registered members of St. Theresa for three months before they may begin the Baptism process. Baptism preparation classes are held in the Conference Room of the Parish Life Center as follows: • Third Saturday of every month at 9:00 a.m.— Eng. • Fourth Saturday of every month at 4:30 p.m. - Esp. Baptism Ceremonies are held in our Sanctuary at 9:00 AM as follows: • Second Saturday of every month in English • Third Saturday of every month in Spanish First Communion: Prepared and Celebrated in 2nd Grade (required to attend PSR at least 1 year prior to receiving sacrament as this is a 2 year process). Confirmation: Prepared and Celebrated in 10th Grade (required to attend PSR classes at least 1 year prior to receiving sacrament as this is a 2 year process). Marriage: The couple must be registered, active members of this parish for a minimum of three months before marriage preparation can begin. Please call the Parish Office to make an appointment with Priest at least six months in advance. Anointing of the Sick: This Sacrament is available by appointment for any Catholic who is ill or entering the hospital for any reason. Please call the parish office to receive this Sacrament. THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH MAY 29-JUNE 04, 2011 Sunday May 29 Monday May 30 Tuesday May 31 Wednesday June 01 INFORMACION SACRAMENTAL: Bautismo: Los padres deben ser miembros activos de esta parroquia por lo menos tres meses antes de empezar el proceso del Bautismo. Las clases de preparación para el Bautismo se ofrecen en el Salón de Conferencias, los siguientes dias: • • Tercer Sábado de cada mes a las 9:00 a.m. -Inglés Cuarto Sábado de cada mes a las 4:30 p.m.-Español Nota: En Junio las clases serán el Sabado 18 a las 4:30 pm. Thursday June 02 La Ceremonia del Bautismo es celebrada en el Santuario a las 9:00 de la mañana, los siguientes dias: Friday • • Segundo Sábado de cada més en Inglés June Tercer Sábado de cada més en Español 03 Primera Comunión: La preparación y celebración se ofrece a niños de segundo Grado en adelante. (se requiere que atienda clases de PSR por lo menos 1 año antes de recibir el sacramento ya que es una proceso de 2 años) Confirmación: La preparación y celebración se ofrece a jóvenes de los grados décimo en adelante. (se requiere atender clases de PSR por lo menos 1 año antes de recibir el sacramento ya que es un proceso de dos años). Matrimonio: La pareja debe estar registrada y ser miembros activos de la parroquia por un mínimo de tres meses antes que comiencen la preparación matrimonial. Favor llamar a la oficina de la Parroquia para hacer una cita con el sacerdote con 6 meses de anticipación. Unción de los Enfermos: El sacramento esta disponible para cualquier católico cuando este enfermo o cuando este hospitalizado por cualquier razón. Favor llamar a la oficina para solicitar este sacramento. 3:30 PM Teen Choir Rehearsal-S 6:30 PM Mark Starr Celebration PH HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! PARISH OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED 8:00 PM-10:00 PM Ren. Carismática Crecimiento CR 8:00 PM-9:30PM NA GROUP- PLC 106-08 11:30 AM-1:00 PM LEGIO MARIAE-P.G. - PLC 202 7:00 PM-9:00 PM Spanish Choir Reh.-S 10:00 AM -11:30 AM LADY’S BIBLE STUDY- PLC -202 3:00 PM Life Teen SonFest Practice PH 6:00 PM-8:30 PM Choir Rehearsal-S 7:00 PM-9:30 PM Choir Reh. House of David Cont.-S 8:30 PM-9:30 PM NA GROUP-PLC 106-108 5:00 PM– 6:00 PM Choir Rehearsal- S 5:30 PM Welcoming Committee PH 6:00 PM-7:00 PM Hijo Pródigo Rehearsal S 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus 106-108 9:30 AM Eucharistic Adoration 10:30 AM La Leche League CR 6:30 PM Life Teen SonFest Practice CR 8:00 PM-9:30 PM NA GROUP-PLC 106-08 Saturday 10:00 AM Altar Server’s Training and Mass June 1:00 PM Life Teen SonFest Practice PH 04 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Panda Mania – Where God is Wild about You! Registration is now open. Last day to register will be June 13. Vacation Bible School June 27 – July 1, 10AM – 1PM Children Pre K 4 through rising 6th Grade Cost $20.00 per child. Limited number of spaces available. SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER/ SEXTO DOMINGO DE RESURRECCION STEWARDSHIP WORDS OF WISDOM PALABRAS DE SABIDURÍA Those who obey the commandments, Jesus says in today’s Gospel, are the ones who really love Him. Does my stewardship reveal my love for Jesus? Los que obedecen los mandamientos, dice Jesús en el Evangelio de hoy, son los que verdaderamente Lo aman. ¿Revela mi administración de los bienes de Dios mi amor por Jesús? QUESTION OF THE WEEK/PREGUNTA DE LA SEMANA Adults: What is one thing that I can do this week to Adultos: ¿Qué puedo hacer esta semana para que otros show to others the joy that my faith gives me? sean testigos del jubilo que mi fe me da? Children: What help do I need this week to be brave Niños: ¿Qué ayuda necesito esta semana para ser valiente ante los que se ríen de mí por la manera en que when others make fun of how I live my faith? vivo mi fe? WELCOMING COMMITTEE St. Theresa's Welcoming Committee will be El Comité de Bienvenida de Sta. Teresa estará ofreciendo Donuts y Café a todos hosting the Donut Connection for all parishioners, Sunday June the 5th following los feligreses, el Domingo 5 de Junio the 8:00 and 10:00 Masses. It will be at the después de las Misas de las 8:00 am y entrance of the church. This is an 10:00 am. Esto se llevará a cabo en la entrada de la parroquia. Es una gran opportunity to socialize with your fellow parishioners over a donut and some coffee. We are oportunidad para socializar con tu familia parroquial. looking forward to see you! ¡Esperamos verte! EUCHARISTIC ADORATION/ADORACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA ATTENTION: In preparation for the celebration of Pentecost, we will hold Eucharistic Adoration for 40 hours. It will start June 9th after the 7:00 PM Mass and continuing through Saturday, June 11th, 2011 with the reposition at 12:00 PM. We encourage everyone to participate . For more information, please contact Dottie Kent at 404630-2182 or [email protected] ATENCION: Como preparación para la celebración de Pentecostés, tendremos Adoración Eucarística por 40 horas empezando el 9 de Junio después de la Misa de apertura de las 7:00 pm y continuando hasta el 11 de Junio, 2011 con la reposición del Santísimo a las 12 del mediodia. Te motivamos a participar.Para mas información favor contactar a Evelyn Castro al 770-896-2807. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 2011 SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS! “Each year the Knights of Columbus Sweetwater Council #10821 here at St. Theresa can award a maximum of two $500 scholarships to parish students. This year Tricia Francisco and Rachel Weatherford each received $500 towards their future education. Ms. Francisco graduates from Douglas County High School and plans a career as a medical doctor and Ms. Weatherford graduates from Chapel Hill High School and plans to major in psychology. Both students excelled in the classroom, participated in extracurricular clubs, sports and activities, and also participated in many ministries here at St. Theresa. The Knights and our parish family congratulate and wish our winners the best in all their future endeavors. MAY/29 DE MAYO, 2011 Welcome to our Summer Seminarian! My name is Bradley Starr, and I am a seminarian attending Mount Saint Mary's Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland. I have been a Georgian for 16 years, having moved to Tucker when I was eight years old. I was born and baptized in Charleston, South Carolina. My father, Laurence Starr, was in the navy and so my family moved around a good bit. Before settling in Georgia, I had lived in South Carolina, California, Virginia, and Connecticut all in eight years! My mother, Jean Baylot, had only one other child, Christopher Starr. I received my High School diploma from Collins Hill High School in 2004 and spent three years of my life trying to get a degree from Mcneese State University. It is there that I received my calling to seminary and so never was able to finish my degree. It is also there that I became extremely involved with my faith. Being a music major, I began to play violin for liturgies there in Lake Charles, Louisiana. A year later I was confirmed into the Church. After receiving my calling in college, I spent another three years in discernment, spending one of those years filling out and completing the requirements to become an Atlanta Seminarian. It has been a rewarding experience. While I will not know if I am going to be a priest until the moment His Excellency lays his hands on me, I can expect to become a much better man while in seminary. This is my first parish assignment and can't be in more excited to serve St. Theresa's. Do you have an extra car? Our seminarian, Bradley, is in need of a car for the summer months. As an Archdiocesan seminarian, he will have some commitments to travel about the metro area. If you have an extra car that you can loan to Bradley for his summer assignment, please contact the office at 770-489-7115. Thank you for your consideration. Mi nombre es Bradley Starr, soy seminarista del Seminario Mount St Mary en Emmitsburg, Maryland. He sido un residente de Georgia por 16 años, me mudé a Tucker cuando tenia 8 años de edad. Nací y fuí bautizado en Charleston, South Carolina. Mi padre, Laurence Starr, estuvo en la marina por lo tanto mi familia se ha mudado bastante. Antes de establecernos en Georgia; en solo ocho años vivi en South Carolina, Virginia y Connecticut . Mi madre Jean Baylot tiene unicamente otro hijo, Christopher Starr. Recibí mi diploma de High School de la escuela Collins Hill en el año 2004 y pasé tres años de mi vida tratando de obtener un grado de la Universidad McNeese State. Allí fue donde recibí el llamado para el seminario, por esa razón nunca pude terminar mi grado. Fue tambien allí donde me involucre profundamente con mi fe. Siendo la música mi especialidad, empecé a tocar el violin para las liturgias en Lake Charles, Louisiana. Un año más tarde me confirmé en la Iglesia. Despues de haber recibido mi llamado, pasé tres años en discernimiento, y en uno de esos años llené y completé los requisitos para convertirme en un Seminarista de Atlanta. Ha sido una experiencia gratificante, pero solo sabré si voy a ser un sacerdote cuando Su Excelencia imponga sus manos sobre mi, mientras tanto espero convertirme en un hombre mucho mejor mientras estoy en el seminario. Esta es mi primera parroquia asignada y no puedo estar más emocionado de servir en Santa Teresa. Tienes un carro extra? Nuestro seminarista Bradley, necesita un carro para los meses de verano. Como seminarista de la Arquidiócesis, el tendrá compromisos que atender en el área de Atlanta. favor contactar la oficina al 770-489-7115 si tienes un carro disponible que le puedas prestar a Bradley durante su asignación del verano. Gracias por su consideración. GIFT SHOP NEWS/ NOTICIAS DE LA TIENDA DE REGALOS The Parishioners and Staff of St. Theresa would like to extend a very heartfelt Thank You to Dottie Kent for her many years of dedication and service to oversee the Gift Shop. Through her coordination efforts, Dottie has touched many parishioners and visitors by providing a varied selection of religious articles and organizing the volunteers to work at the Gift Shop. God Bless You Dottie! We would like to welcome and extend our appreciation to Claire Stout, who has agreed to oversee the Gift Shop. Claire has been a volunteer at the Gift Shop and is excited to serve in this position. Watch future bulletins for further information on the Gift Shop. SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER/SEXTO DOMINGO DE RESURRECCION We are blessed to be celebrating with our pastor, Fr. Fernando Molina Restrepo, his 12 year Anniversary to the priesthood on Sunday, June 12, 2011. We ask that you keep Fr. Fernando and all the priests of the Archdiocese who celebrate the Anniversary of their Ordinations in June in your prayers. Thank You. And Congratulations Fr. Fernando! Altar Servers’ Training Saturday June 4th, 2011 10:00 am – 2:30pm Training at 10:00 am Special Mass and Blessings ~ 11:30 am Lunch ~ 1:00 pm Field day on church grounds (weather permitting*) ( * a movie will be shown if weather does not permit outdoor activities) Tug of war, volleyball, soccer, water balloons, and other outdoor games. Kathleen Stento Altar Server Ministry Coordinator [email protected] or 770.577.5557 Nos sentimos bendecidos de poder celebrar con nuestro párroco, el Padre Fernando Molina Restrepo, sus 12 Aniversario de sacerdocio, el Domingo 12 de Junio, 2011. Por favor mantenga en sus oraciones al Padre Fernando y a todos los sacerdotes de la Arquidiócesis quienes estarán celebrando el Aniversario de sus ordenaciones en Junio. Gracias y Felicitaciones Padre Fernando! Entrenamiento para los Servidores del Altar Sábado 4 de Junio, 2011 10:00 am—2:30 pm Entrenamiento a las 10:00 am Misa especial y bendición a las 11:30 am Almuerzo a la 1:00 pm Dia de diversion en los alrededores de la Iglesia (si las condiciones del tiempo lo permite*) (* si las condiciones del tiempo no nos permite hacer actividades al aire libre, presentaremos una película) Voleibol, Futboll, Globos de agua y otras actividades al aire libre Kathleen Stento y Marina Romero Coordinadoras [email protected] ó 770.577.5557 o a Marina Romero al [email protected] o 706-255-6927 CATHOLIC CHARITIES ATLANTA Looking for a way to grow in your faith in current business community? Catholic Charities is excited to announce its new Leadership Class program. The mission of our Leadership Class is to inspire and empower Catholic men and women who seek to become servant leaders in the business community through development, education, and active mentoring. Nominations for this year’s inaugural class are due by May 31, 2011. For more information, form and brochures, visit CCA’s website at www.catholiccharitiesatlanta.org