J25 SEP 2014. Intermediæ. Festivales Internacionales +
J25 SEP 2014. Intermediæ. Festivales Internacionales +
J25 SEP 2014. Intermediæ. Festivales Internacionales + Videoinstalaciones > INTERMEDIÆ . 25 sep - 05 oct 2014. J25 set 19h > PROYECTILES J25 SEP 2014. 19h. ENRIQUE RAMÍREZ (chi) + CHIARA CATERINA (ita) + JAVIER LLORET (esp) + OLAIA SENDÓN (esp) + RO CAMINAL (Esp) + > FESTIVALES INTERNACIONALES J25 SEP 2014. 20h. VAFA - Video Art For All (macão) + COLOGNEOFF (alem) + OJO DE PERRO (mex) + V26 SEP 2014. 20h. VIDEO BABEL (per) + VISUAL CONTAINER (ita) + FONLAD (por) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++ > PROYECTILES > ENRIQUE RAMÍREZ (chi) TAFEL 12:36 TAFEL es un proyecto que realiza un viaje y una conversación imaginaria entre dos de las principales culturas belgas: wallon y flamand. A partir de entrevistas, el proyecto busca ejemplificar, en un objeto como la mesa, aquellas divisiones culturales, políticas y sociales que muchas veces son incomprensibles. Cuales son las 4 patas que sostienen a Europa ? MESA es una excusa para retomar estas preguntas, y reflexionar sobre ciertas diferencias y separaciones invisibles. > CHIARA CATERINA (ita) Avant la nuit 2:30 A short reflexion about prison and sunset in the centre of the European capital city, in that time of day during which things may seem possible. Before night falls prisoners are called by identification numbers and their voices combine in a new abstract dimension giving space for an imaginary new life. Sound, as the only perceptible witness of these lives, crosses a physical border between the inside and the outside, between what is near and what is inaccessible. > JAVIER LLORET (Esp) Detached Series 5:51 Detached series es una serie de vídeos artísticos en la que sus personajes presentan síntomas de alienamiento. Su falta de expresividad crea un alto contraste con la violencia de las transformaciones generadas por las repetidas acciones que realizan. Una serie de personajes secundarios observan e interfieren en el desencadenamiento de los acontecimientos. > OLAIA SENDÓN (Esp) Kauflan 5:47 Pertenezco a una generación a la que se le dijo que todo era posible, pero ese mundo de oportunidades no era más que la sección de oportunidades de un comercio global. De este shock nace Kauflan, una metáfora del mundo en el que acordamos vivir, con una lógica y unas normas ocultas que crisis como la actual hacen patentes de manera lamentable. > RO CAMINAL (Esp) Le Détournement 3:52 Al impulso inicial de la Revolución sigue un punto muerto, incluso un retroceso. Los jóvenes tunecinos, protagonistas de la revolución, ven como sus demandas han sido sustituida por debates identitarios e intereses económicos y políticos. Un plano fijo, estático como los acontecimientos post-revolucionarios, sirve de marco visual para la narración para que uno de los jóvenes de la revolución nos cuente el desvío revolucionario. > FESTIVALES INTERNACIONALES > COLOGNE OFF (alem) > COLOGNEOFF _ ALE CologneOFF X 10th Cologne International Videoart Alienating Festival Power(s). Selection curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne JOHANNA REICH (alem) Phoenix 3:20 2012 Mr MVIN (esp) BREAK GLASS IN CASE OF CRISIS 1:50 2013 SANGLIM HAN (S.Korea) Bloom 3:35 2012 ALEXANDER YELTSIN (ukra) Warning 5:37 2014 GIOVANNI BUCCI (ita) Never-Never 3:44 2013 WEIGANG SONG (chi) Walling Dissensus 5:01 2014 GABRIELE TOSI (ita) The Extreme Challenge 4:56 2014 SANDRA DOLLO (ita) Tweng 2:15 2013 KAISER NAHHAS (syr) Anti Censoship Protest at Taksim 4:27 2014 Duración: 35:45 > JOHANNA REICH (alem) Phoenix 3:20 2012 The artist dressed in black is covering a white wall with fiery paint. With her hand raised high the brush seems to transform into a torch. The protagonist keeps on painting until a flaming pattern of lines is formed. Then she pauses for an instant and starts to undress herself. Under her black clothes her body consists of flames: she melts with the flames on the wall and disappears. > SANGLIM HAN (S.Korea) Bloom 3:35 2012 A woman is lying on the floor upside down. She looks up and blinks her eyes. Fluids, which look like thick slimy paint, start to drip down on her face. Fluids of various colors keep dripping down on her face and it creates an abstract painting on the screen. By the time the video ends the female face is almost completely indistinguishable and she seems to be a part of the painting. > GIOVANNI BUCCI (ita) Never-Never 3:44 2013 Directed by Dutch-Italian filmmaker Giovanni Bucci -Never Never tackles the old theme of love gone bad through the unexpected perspective of time. In this video the band is seen performing through alternating scenes, shot in green screen, which some are played at super slow motion and others at very high speed. In post they were composited with 3D elements and the final result sees the band playing inside the exploded machinery of a clock, whose slick and mechanical hands inexorably travel towards and all around them. They are maneuvered by the battling clock-demon woman, the cruel mistress of time, the symbolic human soul of this machine. > GABRIELE TOSI (ita) The Extreme Challenge 4:56 2014 Between two old fashioned chimneys hangs a sculpture of colored cables: apparently a spider web stretched between the vestiges of an industrial civilization that no longer exists; but in hindsight, perhaps, a radiant sun, above whose disk the tightrope walker will pass, near the end of the path. The way out from the end of an industrial era is a narrow, dangerous and uncertain path to the point, that can be effectively represented by the metaphor of a tightrope walker who must cross an abyss walking on a thin wire stretched at high altitudes. > KAISER NAHHAS (syr) Anti Censoship Protest at Taksim 4:27 2014 A protest against the censorship laws issued by the Turkish government; which would allow the government to block access to certain websites and track down people’s activity on the internet. This was the second protest regarding this matter, and the protesters failed to protest in Taksim square because the police surrounded it, so they started the protest from Istiklal Street. The protest didn’t last more than 4 minutes and then it was clashes with police in the allies and streets for two hours. I shot this video without having a gas mask and I faded out at one point but some protesters helped me regain consciousness. > Mr MVIN (esp) BREAK GLASS IN CASE OF CRISIS 1:50 2013 Video about the spanish crisis trauma. > ALEXANDER YELTSIN (ukra) Warning 5:37 2014 I don't want to see that the anxiety for the future of Ukraine which I conveyed in this work comes true. Let it be an artist's nightmare. But unfortunately everything that happens convinces in the possibility that a nightmare could be a prophetic dream.Mechanism of the splitting Ukraine is launched. Integrity of the country in jeopardy. Dreams of Ukrainians of a prosperous and stable Ukraine start being replaced by fear and worries for its future. Dream become a reality. > WEIGANG SONG (chi) Walling Dissensus 5:01 2014 Walling Dissensus investigates a political criticality between different performative acts staged in a fictional space. Different identities are performed from soccer players, referees to police guards; and different situations are staged from police marching, soccer players walling to police striking rebels. A critical space is thus created concerning violence, political dissensus, protests and sportsmanship through aesthetic experience. repressing > SANDRA DOLLO (ita) Tweng 2:15 2013 This is the future! the underground sewers of the mutant city. the machine controls everything, but something is wrong. A crack of light appears. a peek into the inside of the universe or just the brain-spam of a depraved mind? The superhero on the space-mofa takes a rollercoaster ride to find out and break free from eternal slavery. His evil twin in the tower of power always close, trying to stop him. but which one is the evil twin? they all look the same! We use a 2ddigital, stop-motion like technique, where each frame is composed like a collage, out of photos, drawings and text. > OJO DE PERRO (mex) Curaduría de ¨Ojo de Perro num. 7¨ para la 7ª edición de PROYECTOR. - Ojo de Perro es un proyecto que genera muestras internacionales de video experimental. A través de estas acciones artístico curatoriales de intervención en espacios públicos y de libre acceso. ARTISTAS > Himno 01:30 2014 EFRAÍN VELASCO Nacional (mex) Mexicano Ejercicio de reescritura en aproximación verbicovisual al HNM en los límites de la legalidad, caracterizada por la ley que determina el uso del himno, bandera y escudo nacionales. > BRUNO VARELA (mex) Ak-pulco 00:51 2013 Un disco de view master de los cincuentas encontrado en un mercado de pulgas es el detonador de este experimento de imágenes estereoscópicas que amplifican la realidad nacional de forma elocuente. El puerto paradisiaco de Acapulco, alguna vez el lugar de la vacación planetaria se desbarranca por la quebrada de forma irreversible. > JULIA BARCO (mex) Borderline 02:52 En la naturaleza no existen fronteras. Hay reglas especies. de convivencia sobre el ir y venir de las Sólo el género humano delimita lo que considera su espacio, y por tanto define su relación con “el otro”. > ROBERTO OLIVARES (mex) El privilegio de privilegiar la política 02:53 2013 Conversaciones telefónicas que revelan la sumisión de un senador de la república mexicana, ante un empresario que financia campañas y hace negocios con el poder. > TANIA BOHÓRQUEZ (mex) S / T 01:04 2014 El cuerpo es un territorio de poder, el espacio fronterizo de intercambio y dominación, éste video, aborda la idea del cuerpo femenino identificado y definido desde su relación con un otro, relación generada desde la sexualidad, La artista sustituye la presencia fálica masculina por la introducción en su cuerpo de la palabra PUTA, para desarrollar la idea del prejuicio en la libertad de la práctica sexual desde el entendimiento social en ciertos contextos. > EFRAÍN CONSTANTINO (mex) Snuff it / Snufar 09:14 > SAÚL LÓPEZ VELARDE (mex) Bestiario 03:37 El video formula un impulso lirico, una sencilla estructura a suerte de retablo fílmico, donde lo marginal despliega el vínculo entre la cultura y la sociedad, lo real y su representación, las acciones y los símbolos. Film Súper 8 / Revelado a mano. > RICHARD MOSZKA (mex/can) Di no y hazlo 01.40 Dos imperativos, negación y afirmación, privarse y ser productivo, las consignas de la vida moderna repetidas ad infinitum, ad absurdum, ad nauseam… el super-yo nunca se desanima, sus reclamos nunca amainan, y al yo le cuesta cada vez más manifestar su libre albedrío. > Caleidoscopio 02:31 ANIS MICHOUD (fra) Caleidoscopio busca mirar desde otro punto de vista la obra de arte mas visitada del mundo, revelándola en su contexto de consumo cultural de masa. > BYRT WAMMACK (mex) Mano Dura 01:05 El encanto de la guerra se desvanece ante la impotencia de la fuerza. > FERNANDO Lines (Report from the kitchen) 01:56 Report from ARROCHA (esp) the kitchen > ELENA PARDO (mex) Próxima Parada Dadar 01:51 Trayecto entre estaciones del tren en Mumbai, desde el vagón reservado para las mujeres. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > VAFA - Video Art For All (macão) ALL Curated ROADS by LEAD José TO ROME Drummond Words are means to express situations or thoughts. They exist with us but they are only one option of something else. Experimental film and found footage are joined together to display some serious concerns over the position and practice of US military over the world. Somewhere in a desolate and wild place the mythical figure of a Cowboy loses his place while wandering around. A highway in LA brings the thoughts of serial killers. A computer voice in 2001 is after all a woman. So what? A women’s toilet in a Beijing nightclub is then public to us. Are we sure we want to know? Borders are spaces of confrontation or of reunion? Israel? Palestine? Turkey? Kurdistan?... And what to say about the overacting of Hollywood actors? All this are just roads that lead to Rome. And Rome is the eternal historic figure of power. This screening more than speaking about power speaks about the roads that lead to it. Just imagine that to the viewer we give blue velvet seats and to the artist the only way is to be Lee Harvey Oswald and to risk on everything to get to Rome. This screening reunites videos from the collection of VAFA – Video Art For All, a moving image festival from Macau, and is made possible by the joint efforts of the not-for-profit art association AFA – Art For All and the art platform XA – Xiǎng Art. ARTISTAS STEFAN RIEBEL Untitled #68 00:46 2011 CUI XIUWEN Lady's 6:25 2000 CAROLINE KOEBEL Sunroof (Benazir Bhutto Assassination) Part 2 of Flicker On Off 6:10 2008 ALLEN FERGUSON Mike Schofield As Nicholas Cage Loosing His Shit… 2:31 2014 MITRA AZAR Border Project // Turkey-Kurdistan // A War Gesture 00:41 MITRA AZAR Border Project // IsraelPalestine // Live #1 3:50 2013 RUI CALÇADA BASTOS If You're Going Through Hell Keep Going 3:55 2012 MAXIMILIAN SCHMÖTZER & FABIAN HEITZHAUSEN The Conversation 6:11 2011 SERGIO BELINCHÓN Adiós Amigo! 15:00 2011 > Untitled 00:46 2011 CAROLINE KOEBEL All The House (Haditha massacre) Part 3 of Flicker On Off 5:50 2008 STEFAN RIEBEL Untitled #81 1:14 2013 Duración: 45 STEFAN RIEBEL #68 “Untitled” is a series of short text pieces. They are realized as video sequences, posters or text propositions on the internet, in festival programs or in public media space. All of them ask and inform about fictional or real circumstances, sharpen the viewers awareness for significant details of the surrounding they are presented in and provoke the imagination of the beholder. > Sunroof 6:10 2008 (Benazir Bhutto CAROLINE Assassination) Part 2 of Flicker KOEBEL On Off Sunroof (Benazir Bhutto Assassination) reconsiders the December 27, 2007 assassination of Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan and leader at the time of the Pakistan People's Party. Gun shootouts in Miller’s Crossing by Joel Coen are re-shot with a Bolex 16mm camera and then hand processed and clashed against nonfiction images of rioting and a multi-lingual audio collage. Part 2 of Flicker On Off, a trilogy applying the idiom of experimental film and artist's video to big-budget movies in order to speak about world affairs in what could be described as an alternate essay format. > Border 00:41 Project // MITRA Turkey-Kurdistan // A War AZAR Gesture A video of an old deaf-mute Kurdish man probably evoking through his body language some of the atrocities related to the Kurdish-Turkish conflicts. The video focuses on the relation between language and image, addressing as well the theme of the un-speakability of war. A video of nomadic Kurdish children from Caucasus settled in a remote area of the Kurdistan region in Turkey, close to the border with Iran. The children sing a very popular Turkish song called "Seni seviorum" (I love you). The video is reflecting about the infiltration of Turkish Westernized culture in isolated area of the country, where Kurdish people have been historically prevented from manifesting their own culture and speaking their own language. > If 3:55 2012 You're RUI Going Through CALÇADA Hell Keep BASTOS Going Accompanying the slow, rhythmic movement of headlights, reminiscent of the ocean’s waves nearby, is a dark soundtrack whose monologic narration of short sentences does not add up to a coherent story; rather, it relays an inconsistent and almost schizophrenic stream of consciousness. The sentences, which were in fact quotes from infamous serial killers, ranged from supposed innocence and delight (‘See you in Disneyland’ and ‘I have a good time’) to dystopian visions (‘People in this time and age are brain-washed, programmed like a computer, being nothing more then puppets’, and ‘I want to see the whole city burned down’). > MAXIMILIAN SCHMÖTZER The 6:11 2011 & FABIAN HEITZHAUSEN Conversation A post dubbing of several scenes cut together from Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. It is played in a loop and negotiates the question of what makes art into art. To create gravity outer space, the vast space station Discovery One revolves on its own axis, just as the voyage through infinite space moves in circles, forever and unnoticed. The protagonists are caught in an argumentative loop, unable to solve the question. The computer Hal 9000, a supposedly omniscient artificial intelligence, tries to give answers but a solution seems impossible. Again and again, the discussion ends up at the beginning. The two male astronauts with the same female voice represent humanity’s insatiable quest for knowledge. And knowledge is power. > Adiós 15:00 2011 SERGIO BELINCHÓN Amigo! This project involves a revision of the imaginary American western, relocated here to the geography of Huesca, Spain, the stage for shooting of some thirty spaghetti westerns between the 60s and 70s. A cowboy leaves behind a completely abandoned town and crosses landscapes in which Huesca dressed up as Texas, in not only a geographical but also temporal movement, and that culminates in the current moment. It is about a twilight film – in this case, a crepuscular spaghetti western -, where what was has been transformed into something else; an update in the eternal topic of the search for a promised land. CUI > XIUWEN Lady's 6:25 2000 Consisted of footage from a hidden camera in the ladies room of a Beijing night club this work is a daring documentary of the relations of a society where the figure of power is always present. The image focuses on a limited area of mirror in front of which young women are seen stopping. Between social critique and representation of a social space challenges the notion of what is public or private simultaneously questioning the empowering and dominant role of the state. > Mike 2:31 2014 Schofield As ALLEN Nicholas Cage Loosing His FERGUSON Shit… Channeling Bertrand Russell's mischaracterization of the writings of Nietzsche as the "Power Phantasies of an Invalid", Fargosonini took non-actor and civil engineer Mike Schofield and placed him in his own bizarre power fantasy; a highlight reel of Nicolas Cage's most intense, or "cagey", moments. Cage has characterized his style as "nouveaux-shamanic", cultural theorists have called it "mega acting". Schofield had to say of the role, "I cannot be Caged. I cannot be controlled. Know this as you die, ever pathetic! Ever Fools!" > Border 3:50 2013 Project // MITRA Israel-Palestine // Live AZAR #1 Live #1 was shot in different places of the Westbank. The clashes between soldiers and Palestinian youth were filmed at Belein, one of the Palestinian villages that for years has enacted forms of active resistance against the Israeli occupation. Every Friday peaceful demonstrations are held in vicinity of the wall and they are regularly repressed by the Israeli army with tear gas and rubber bullets fired at head height. The images of the clashes show a surreal space-time component. The images seem to fit in an impossible simultaneity of the before, during and after the fighting. Both the Israeli army and the Palestinian youth seem to be fighting an invisible enemy. The audio emphasizes the alienating component of the image and of the action, and it is built from recordings of Orthodox Jewish prayers at the Wailing wall in Jerusalem. > All The 5:50 2008 House (Haditha CAROLINE massacre) Part 3 of Flicker KOEBEL On Off All the House (Haditha Massacre) collects and reconfigures far-ranging source materials to ponder the November 19, 2005 killing by US Marines of 24 unarmed civilians in Haditha, Iraq. Featured is ten-year-old Iman Walid, who witnessed the slaughter of her family. The Atlantic City massacre scene from Godfather III by Francis Ford Coppola is reshot with a Bolex 16mm camera and then hand processed.Part 3 of Flicker On Off, a trilogy applying the idiom of experimental film and artist's video to big-budget movies in order to speak about world affairs in what could be described as an alternate essay format. STEFAN > RIEBEL #81 Untitled 1:14 2013 “Untitled” is a series of short text pieces. They are realized as video sequences, posters or text propositions on the internet, in festival programs or in public media space. All of them ask and inform about fictional or real circumstances, sharpen the viewers awareness for significant details of the surrounding they are presented in and provoke the imagination of the beholder. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++ > > Metáforas 06:04 VIDEO MÁRIA BABEL(per) JÚDOVÁ del (slo) cuerpo. 2013. Video performance inspirada en la danza contemporánea “Animalinside” de Jaro Viňarský. > Miscellanea 09:17 GABRIEL HOSOVSKY XIII. (slo) 2013 En esta video-performance, Gabriel Hosovsky, de manera rutinaria y eficiente, prepara su propia caída cortando las ramas sobre las que está sentado. > ROCIO GAUNA (arg) Inconstante. Adj. No estable ni permanente. 2012 15:00 “Inconstante” es una video-danza experimental, protagonizada por cuatro mujeres de la tercera edad que dan cuenta de la llegada de la muerte a sus cuerpos. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++ > VISUAL CONTAINER (ita) ITALIAN VIDEOART PLATFORM Since 2008, the first italian videoart distributor and platform for videoart promotion and special projects. > CON.TATTO (ita) Indifference 2:46 2013 Although TV and internet give us the possibility to see images from all over the world and learn in just a few moments what is happening in other places, we are becoming indifferent. Contemporary society is creating self- centered people who see but really don't care, who knows but doesn't make anything abut it. In this video performane the Con.Tatto group reflected on theis situation with a special attention to the facts that filling the news paper news: wars, woman's conditions and the lack of vision of the ones who are leading the nations of the world. > KATARINA GRUZEI (aus) Workers leaving the factory (again) 11:00 2012 Flashing neon transforms a factory corridor into a stunning light and sound sculpture. The workers move silently towards the exit. A multitude of silent factory workers walk down a seemingly endless corridor towards the exit. The flashing neon transforms the space into a surreal light and sound show. At the end, they pose one last time for the camera before leaving the building. The automatic gates close slowly behind them. La sortie de l’usine Lumière à Lyon by the Lumière brothers dates back to 1895; now we face the end of the industrial age. > VALENTINA FERRANDES (ita) BERG 11:53 2011 Teufelsberg is a well-known man-made hill in the outskirts of Berlin. It was built by the American Allies with the rubble of a city destroyed by World War 2, in the 20 years that followed its end. Created out of debris, on Grunewald’s plateau, Teufelsberg became the highest viewing point in Berlin and a favourable location for military observation of the city. Prior to establishing the first permanent buildings on site in the very late 1950s, American Mobile Allied listening units used to drive to various other locales throughout West Berlin hoping to gain the best vantage point for listening to Soviet, East German, and other Warsaw Pact nations military traffic. Due to the evident vantage point it could offer, a permanent listening station was then built on Teufelsberg, to be run by the National Security Agency until the fall of the Berlin wall. With the end of the Cold War, the listening station became redundant, it was closed down and its equipment removed. It remained a disused structure for over 10 years, to which followed another 10 years of negotiations between various property developers interested in purchasing the land around it, the possibility to create a spy museum, and the final decision to classify the hill as forest in the land use plan of Berlin, halting any possible attempts to build. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++ > FONLAD (por) O Festival On Line de Artes Digitais chega à sua 9ª edição sob o paradigma da viragem e da renovação. Centrado no Espaço de Artes, Multimédia e Performance, pretende-se celebrar os 50 anos da vídeo arte através da realização de projectos de intervenção em espaços não convencionais e a experimentação de novas linguagens e formas de apresentação das artes digitais. Comissários: José Vieira e Sérgio Gomes. FADRIÁN REGNIER CHÁVEZ (mex) H. 7:36 2014 First part of the experimental video art modular complex 'H.U.I.D.A.S.', project awarded the 'Jóvenes Creadores' grant, by Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes.. H. is a hybrid piece that integrates experimental stop motion animation, motion graphics, 3D animation and other resources to illustrate a clear reality: the international arms race as a phenomenon on the brink of detonation. With more than 30,000 atomic bombs on the face of Earth, together they have enough critical mass to not only to turn our planet into a nuclear cloud, but to extend its impact to the sky, the stars and space beyond them. This is the story of nine nuclear nations, nine types of men, nine types of bombs, nine planets and nine forms of nubifying them. TAHIR UN (tur) The Game 2:56 2013 Mardin is an ancient city of Mesopotamia Coombe and nearest to the border of Syria. The city is established above the hill and some border villages can be viewed from. The civil war in Syria has been effective economically as well as socially in southeastern Anatolia because of the affective commitment between the peoples. Maybe someday, the children will establish peaceful World who share the pain. FILIP GABRIEL PUDLO (pl) Operation Castle 4:20 2013 Linguistic summaries for "Operation Castle" (1954) film where possible machine analysis and description of moving image were examined. Framework for linguistic summaries using video mining algorithms was proposed. Image analysis based on machine algorithms was simulated on technical level. In a near future full analysis on both technical and symbolic, more abstract levels may be also considered. Hermeneutic character of the original footage was retained. The study of peripheral vision, technology development and politics. GRUPO SINESTÉTICO (ita) Synaesthetic Wall 8:21 2013 The wall and the understood book as tool-hinge of the transmission of thought, the Group Sinestetico offers something tangible to revere in his/her fundamental relationship, physical, tactile. VIDEO INSTALACIÓN para ESPACIO MALMO MARCO SCHIELFELBEIN (alem) I Can. You Can 7:22 2012 A woman is sitting on a couch while focusing her iron view into the camera and suddenly starts to talk. Out of her grows a canny and calm monologue that manifests her world of thoughts and ideas. The at first independently created monologue starts to get tangled up into contradictions, torn between different views and ideologies. It is a result of phrases taken out from different commercials that were combined into a continuously ongoing monologue. The monologue turns out to be commanded and alienated by advertisement. Pases: V25 sep 2014. INTERMEDIAE. 20h ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++ > INTERMEDIÆ (Matadero Madrid) Paseo de la Chopera, 14, Madrid D. 25 sep - 05 oct. H: 10-21h I. 25 y 26 nov. H: 20.00 (proyecciones) http://www.fonlad.net [email protected]