Saint Lawrence Catholic Church


Saint Lawrence Catholic Church
Saint Lawrence Catholic Church
319 Grayson Highway Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Phone: 770.963.8992 Fax: 770.963.1710
Parish Center
Dcn. Terry Millinger | Facilities Mgr.
Rev. Mr. Bob Riddett | Deacon
Sr. Louise Sommer, CSJ | Outreach
Alma Martínez | Parish Secretary
Janet Volion | Bookkeeper & HR Mgr.
Richard Clawson | Liturgy &
Music Director
Kathi McKenna | Liturgy &
Music Associate
Gloria Kennerty | Safe Environment
Amy Titshaw | Custodian
Barbara Baez | Nursery
Faith Formation
Diane Maguire | Director
Rita Schieber | Initiation Coordinator
Beth Hodgson | PSR Coordinator
Vickie LaClair | Secretary
Youth Ministry
Kelly Schreckenberger |
Wendy Guillory | Director
Ministerio Hispano
Cristina Corbin | Coordinadora
Sr. Jose Ortiz | Diácono
Counseling Services
Sylvia Elaine Smith, MS, LPC, NCC
En español:
Dunia Lobo, MA, LPC
First Sunday of Advent
From the Pastor’s Hand
A Blessed Advent to you and your household!
The word “Advent” is derived from the Latin ad venio, “to come.” We begin,
in fact, an entirely new liturgical year with the season of Advent, anticipating
the Adventus Domini, or the "coming of the Lord.” This is the perpetual
stance of the Christian, year-in and year-out. But during this four-week season specifically called Advent, while the days grow shorter and colder, we
prepare for the return of the “Sun of Justice” who will come again to kindle
our hearts with his light and his love.
God, the Eternal Word, who is outside of time, became Incarnate in time,
thereby making all time sacred. In the unfolding of the Advent and Christmas Seasons combined, we await the coming of Christ on all the levels in
which we experience time: in the past - as a babe in the stable of Bethlehem;
in the present - as grace in our souls; and in the future - as the Judge at the end of
Practically speaking, the Advent season is filled with preparation and expectation, insofar as everyone is getting ready for Christmas: shopping and decorating, baking and cleaning. Too often, however, we are so busy with the
material preparations that we lose sight of the real spiritual reason for our
activity: the Word-Made-Flesh coming to dwell among us. We must urge
one another to preserve the spiritual focus of both Advent and then Christmas, amid our prevailingly secular and consumer-driven society.
Therefore, in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the season, let us strive to
keep Advent a season of waiting and longing for His glorious Second Coming at the end of time; a season of conversion and hope, meditating on the
return of the Lord in all His Glory, as Bringer of justice and peace in its fullness, Judge of the world and all its inhabitants, Creator of a new heaven and
a new earth! Then when Christmas comes, we can reflect on the incredible
love and humility of our God in already having taken on the flesh of our sister, Mary of Nazareth, through whom Jesus made our invisible God visible!
And so in all our shopping and baking, let us remember to purchase and prepare something for the poor. When we clean our homes, let us distribute
some of our possessions to those who lack many necessities. While we are
decking the halls of our homes, let us not forget to prepare a peaceful place
in our hearts wherein the Savior may come to dwell anew.
Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus! Quickly come!
Yours in Christ Risen,
Page 1
Our Advent Penance
Service is tomorrow,
Monday, November 30,
from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00
p.m. Father John and Father Rey will have the assistance of 16 neighboring priests. Plan now to
make this night an important part of your preparation
for Christmas.
If You Are Unable to Attend Our
Penance Service, remember that
Father John and Father Rey are assisting in the penance services of
14 other parishes and missions this
Advent, and you are welcome to
join them at one of those. This
week’s services:
St. Lawrence, Lawrenceville, 6:00 p.m.
Prince of Peace, Flowery Branch, 7:00 p.m.
St. Stephen, Lilburn, 7:00 p.m.
St. Oliver, Snellville, 7:00 p.m.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy
Communion: There will be a mandatory meeting on Saturday, December 5 after the 9:00 a.m. mass
in Cogswell Hall. If you are not able
to attend please contact Father Rey
at 770.963.8992. Everyone else
will be presumed able to attend.
The Angel Tree, coordinated by
our parish St. Vincent de Paul Ministry, has returned to the narthex.
Please help by taking an angel and
returning the wrapped gift, placing
it under the tree by noon Friday,
December 18. Thank you for your
Beginning Saturday, December 5
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
will be celebrated Every Saturday
from 3:30 p.m.– 4:30 p.m.
NOV 29, 2015
8:00 a.m. Mass: Juanita Thomas 
10:00 a.m. Mass: All People of the Parish
12:00 p.m. Mass: Jim & Nell O’Gorman 
3:00 p.m. Mass (Spanish): The Patino Family
5:00 p.m. Mass: Bruce Kevin Carra 
Last Sunday’s Collections
Not available due to early publishing deadline
9:00 a.m. Mass: Rick Renner 
Next Sunday’s Second Collection is the monthly appeal
for our parish St. Vincent de Paul Society. The volunteers of
St. Vincent de Paul respond daily to the emergency needs of
parishioners and neighbors alike, and they do so in our
name. Thank you for your support.
9:00 a.m. Mass: James Baker
9:00 a.m. Mass: Sheryl Ann Buck
9:00 a.m. Mass: Lloyd Glover 
With the Year-End Approaching, there are opportunities
for you to be tax-wise in your charitable giving. A cash gift
to St. Lawrence of any amount will provide an income tax
deduction for this year. A gift of stock or real estate avoids
capital gains tax on the sale of appreciated assets and provides a charitable deduction. For information about giving
strategies that can provide additional tax savings and cash
flow, contact Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning,
The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia: 404.497.9440
or [email protected].
9:00 a.m. Mass: The Infante Family
7:00 p.m. Mass (Spanish): Cristina Corbin
9:00 a.m. Mass: Rosario Talbo
3:30 p.m.Confessions
5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass: Richard Clawson
7:00 p.m. Vigil Mass (Spanish): Ilda Codio
8:00 a.m. Mass: Thomas J. Grassi 
10:00 a.m. Mass: All People of the Parish
12:00 p.m. Mass: Joan Patterson 
3:00 p.m. Mass (Spanish): Olga Ortiz
5:00 p.m. Mass: Miriam Cruz
Please remember St. Lawrence in your will. A charitable
bequest to our parish endowment fund will allow you to
continue in death the Christian stewardship you practiced
in life. For more information, contact Diane Duquette, director of gift planning at the Catholic Foundation of North
Georgia: [email protected] or 404.497.9440.
Please Pray for Our Sick: Robert Barnard, Marcia Bassett, Betty Fitzpatrick, Lilly Gibbs, Billy Gibbs, Tom Gillis,
Christy Jewell, Barbara Levinsky, Tim McNamara, Dale
Messick, John Plasman, Steven Robinson, Leonard Sabbat, Ginny Schulte, Caroline Wright, along with their families and caregivers.
To add or remove names, contact Alma Martínez, parish secretary,
at 770.963.8992 x300 or [email protected]. Unless we are
told otherwise, names remain for one month.
New and Improved Parish Website! Check out the St.
Lawrence website at to see all of the
new changes and to get up-to-date information about our
parish. Please contact our Communications Director Kelly
Schreckenberger, [email protected], with
any questions.
Respect Life Committee has a heartfelt thank you for your
generosity to all who donated baby items for the Pregnancy Resource Center of Gwinnett. Thanks to St. Lawrence
Knights of Columbus for helping with the distribution of
envelopes after mass. Your kindness is most appreciated
by all.
This Week at a Glance
Sun, Nov 29
Mon, Nov 30
Tue, Dec 1
Wed, Dec 2
Th, Dec 3
Fri, Dec 4
Sat, Dec 5
9:00 am Adult Bible Study
11:00 am Alpha & Omega
10:00 am Book by Book Adult Study
700 pm Guadalupe Committee Meeting
7:30 pm Raised in Christ Prayer Group
10:00 Woman to Woman
10:00 am Choir
7:00 pm Life Teen Choir
7:00 pm Haitian Support Group
5:30 pm Children’s Choir
7:00 pm Life Teen Study
7:00 pm Adult Choir
7:00 pm YAM
7:00 pm Haitian Adoration
7:00 pm CRHP Men/Women
7:00 pm LOSL Meeting
7:30 pm YAM Choir (sp)
6:30 pm EM (sp)
6:30 pm SVDP Christmas Party
7:00 pm Mass
7:00 pm Altar Servers (sp)
3:30 pm Confessions
4:45 pm ESL clasess
5:00 pm Apostoles de la Palabra
5:00 pm CRHP (sp)
6:00 pm Cursillo/Ultreya
7:00 pm Haitian Christmas Party
First Sunday of Advent
Adult Faith Formation
The Parish Library is now open
during parish office hours and after
Mass. If you are looking for insights
for this Advent season check out
our display of books and DVD’s.
Our collection is located upstairs
around the corner at the end of the
hallway in room 209. It has been
computerized and you will now
need a library card to check out
materials. Contact Diane at
[email protected] to sign up
for a card. We also now have a children’s collection across the hall.
Psalms 1 The Book of Psalms is a
unique collection of the songprayers of Israel. Using the Little
Rock Scripture Study program we
will be challenged to reflect on our
own prayer and life experiences.
Join Diane Maguire on Monday, November 30 in the Divine Mercy
Room at 10:00 a.m.
God is Near In this booklet, Fr.
Thomas Connery enriches our spiritual lives through the art of storytelling to help with our search for
the Divine in daily life. His stories
and reflections bring laughter and
tears to the Advent quest for Jesus.
Booklets are available for $1.00
from Diane Maguire or from the
literature rack. Come and join a
group discussion of selections from
the booklet on Wednesday, December 2 or Sunday December 6 at
6:15 p.m. in the Divine Mercy
The Ladies of St. Lawrence December meeting will include our
annual cookie exchange. This year
we will also bring a new toy to donate to those in need. We will meet
on Thursday, December 3 at 7:00
p.m. in Johnson Hall. Email Tina
Moon [email protected] for
more information.
page 3
Thanksgiving Break
Woman to Woman will meet on
Tuesday December 1 at Karol
Gaines’ home and at Church on December 8 and 15 in Johnson Hall.
Join us on Tuesday mornings for
faith sharing and fellowship. Newcomers are always welcomed.
Child care is available.
Life Teen, Edge, and PSR will be
off today, Sunday, November 29.
Sunday programs will resume on
December 6. Week-night programs
including RCIA, PSR, and Gospel
Study resume this week.
Men’s Quest addresses the issues
men face in living out their Catholic
beliefs in today’s world. Join them
on Wednesday, December 2 at 7:30
p.m. in the Divine Mercy room
(Adult Ed. room). Contact Mike at
[email protected] or
404.242.5985 for more information.
Young Adults (20s and 30s, Married or Single) will be gathering at
St. John Neumann church on Thursday, December 3 at 7:00 p.m. for
Mass and a social activity afterwards. For updates go to the YAM
Facebook Connected North East
Atlanta Deanery at
Young Adult Ministry
Around the Parish
Cursillo Ultreya will meet on Saturday, December 5 at 6:30p.m. We will
begin with a Potluck Dinner in Cogswell Hall followed by our evening program. Join us if you would like information on attending a Cursillo retreat.
For more information contact Glenn & Fran Zipfel at
770.822.9134 or [email protected].
The St. Lawrence Weds Group will meet this Saturday December 5 at 7:00
p.m. at the home of Bob and Joy Hernandez. This gathering for couples who
have experienced a Marriage Encounter weekend gives us a chance to support one another through discussion about marriage and family life. For
more information contact Bob and Joy Hernandez at 678.985.0125 or email
at [email protected]. The next Marriage Encounter weekends will be held
February 26-28 and April 15-17 at the Marriott Norcross.
The African Community of St. Lawrence (ACOSL) will have an end of the
year meeting on Sunday, December 6, immediately after the noon mass in
the gym. All are welcome. Come as you are.
Pancake Breakfast with St. Nicholas is Sunday, December 13, 8:30-11:30
a.m. in the gym. Dine-in or take-out. Join us for scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and all the pancakes you care to eat. Have your picture taken with St.
Nicholas! Bring a new toy for the Quinn House and receive a free breakfast.
Sponsored by the St. Lawrence Knights of Columbus.
Widows Social Group will meet for a potluck lunch on Tuesday, December
15 at 12:30 p.m. in Johnson Hall. For information contact Lynne Gormley at
770.963.7777 or Elaine Vetter at 770.605.2562.
The Festival of Nativities is Saturday and Sunday, December 19 and 20 in
Cogswell Hall. Registration forms are available in the hall literature rack and
at the Welcome Window after Mass.
NOV 29, 2015
prevent and
report abuse.
We work
with law
We provide
outreach to
those abused.
We report all
We require
with law
The Atlanta Homeward Choir,
founded at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, has been invited
to sing at the White House on Monday, December 21, 2015
With two successful seasons, this
choir consists of men who share the
temporary community of the Central Night Shelter, a joint effort of
Central Presbyterian and the Shrine
of the Immaculate Conception.
The non-profit choir has earned
national and
international attention
with over 12 performances over the
last two seasons. The beauty
to of the
story is in the lives of its members
who daily battle fear and hopelessthose
ness, but discover
genuine inspiration and community in singing for
the choir.
report all
They will be raising approximately
$25,000 towards clothing, transallegations.
portation, shelter and musical support. Please keep them in your
prayers as they journey forward.
We require
Around the Archdiocese
The “Called by Name” Project
identifies young men who may be
called to the priesthood, inviting
them to discern more closely with
the Church, and providing opportunities like the annual Archdiocesan men’s discernment retreat
where they are given information
and opportunities for discernment
so that they may discover God’s
plan for their lives.
If you know any men ages 18 – 40
who would like to attend our Annual Discernment Retreat at the
Monastery of the Holy Spirit on
December 30th – 31st, please have
them register
-retreat. If they have any questions,
please have them call Fr. Tim Hepburn in the Archdiocesan Vocations Office at 404.920.7460.
Catholic-Orthodox Ecumenical
Gathering: Monday, December 7,
2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation, 2500 Clairmont Road.
A reception will take place immediately following the event.
His Excellency, the Most Reverend
Wilton Gregory, Catholic Archbishop of Atlanta and His Eminence
Alexios, Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of Atlanta will officiate. The
Keynote Speaker will be Bishop Sevastianos of Zela, Chief Secretary of
the Holy Eparchial Synod of the
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of
The theme of this year’s gathering
is: Focusing Our Prayers for the
Christians Persecuted in the Middle
East. Questions? Contact: Fr. Paul A.
Burke at 404.252.4513 ext. 229 or
[email protected].
First Sunday of Advent
page 5
Anuncios en Español
Un Adviento bendecido a usted y su familia!
El mundo, "Adviento" se deriva de la venio Latina ad, "a."
Empezamos, en realidad, un nuevo año litúrgico con el tiempo
de Adviento, anticipando el Adventus Domini, o la "venida del
Señor." Esta es la posición perpetua de la cristiana, de año y
año. Pero durante esta temporada decuatro semanas específicamente llamado Adviento, mientras que los días crecen más
cortos y más fríos, nos preparamos para el regreso del "sol de
justicia" que se vuelve a encender nuestro corazón con su luz y
su amor.
Dios, la palabra eterna, que está fuera de tiempo, se convirtió
en Verbo encarnado en el tiempo, lo que todos los tiempos
sagrados. En el desarrollo del Adviento y Navidad estaciones
combinadas, esperamos la venida de Cristo a todos los niveles
en los que experimentamos tiempo: en el pasado - como un
niño en el establo de Belén; en el presente - como gracia en
nuestras almas; y en el futuro - como el juez en el fin del tiempo.
Prácticamente hablando, el tiempo de Adviento está lleno de
preparación y expectativa, en la medida en que todo el mundo
se prepara para la Navidad: compras y decoración, cocción y
limpieza. Demasiado a menudo, sin embargo, estamos tan
ocupados con los preparativos materiales que perdemos de
vista de la razón espiritual de nuestra actividad: carne hecha
palabra que viene a habitar entre nosotros. Debemos instar a
uno otro para conservar el foco espiritual de Adviento y Navidad de entonces, en medio de nuestra sociedad consumista y
principalmente secular.
Por lo tanto, en medio del bullicio de la temporada, esforcémonos por mantener Adviento una temporada de esperando
y anhelando su venida gloriosa al final de los tiempos; una
estación de conversión y esperanza, meditando sobre el regreso del Señor en todo su esplendor, como portador de la justicia y la paz en su plenitud, juez del mundo y todos sus habitantes, creador de un cielo nuevo y de nuevo la tierra! Entonces cuando viene la Navidad, podemos reflexionar sobre el
increíble amor y humildad de nuestro Dios en haber asumido
ya la carne de nuestra hermana, María de Nazaret, por quien
Jesús hizo nuestro Dios invisible visible!
Y así en todas nuestras compras y de la hornada, recordemos a
comprar y preparar algo para los pobres. Cuando limpiamos
nuestras casas, nos dejan distribuir algunos de nuestros bienes
a quienes no tienen muchas necesidades. Mientras estamos
decoradon los pasillos de nuestros hogares, no olvidemos a
preparar un lugar tranquilo en nuestros corazones en el Salvador puede llegar a vivir nuevamente.
Maranatha! ¡ Ven, Señor Jesús! ¡ Ven rápido!
Suyo en Cristo resucitado,
Nuestro Servicio De Penitencia Es este
Lunes, 30 de Noviembre de 6:00-8:00
p.m. el Padre John y Padre Rey tendran la
asistencia de muchos sacerdotes vecinos.
Planee desde ahora hacer de esta noche
una parte importante de su preparacion
para la Navidad.
Del Escritorio del Párroco
Viernes 11 , 2015
Horario de la Tarde
4:00 p.m. Comienzo de la Kermes
6:00 p.m. Rosario
Por los Ninos de Nuestra Parroquia (monaguillos)
8:00 p.m. Rosario
Por el Fin de la violencia en Latinoamerica (RICA)
10:00 p.m. Rosario
Por los Inmigrantes (Padres de Familia)
Tendremos Bailables y
Serenata de grupos Parroquiales
De 4:00 p.m. Hasta las 11:00 p.m. en el GYM
11:30 p.m. Procesion hacia el templo
(Ofertorio de flores e incienso durante la misa)
Sabado 12 de Diciembre
Oracion de la manana
7:00 a.m. Mananitas
Ofertorio de Incienso
Ofertorio Floral
8:15 a.m. Desayuno
** La venta de tiquetes para la Kermes
Será durante las misas de fin de semana y todo el día
Viernes 11 de Diciembre.
Costo: 10 tiquetes por $ 5.00
La Kermes tendrá comienzo a las 4:00 p.m.
en el GYM Parroquial.