certified list of posted notices affidavit
certified list of posted notices affidavit
CERTIFIED LIST OF POSTED NOTICES AFFIDAVIT CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCSICO I, Michael Lathrope, hereby certify that the list below are locations of where notices were posted on poles on conspicuous places throughout the block face where the proposed facility is to be located. I further certify that the posted notices comply with Public Works Code § 1512 (b)(2), Foreign Language requirement of Order 184504. Locations of posted notices: I, certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. 150BROADWAYSY 820BATTERYST 298PACIFICAVE 394PACIFICAVE 850SANSOMEST 248BROADWAYST ____ Signature _________________________ __03/02/16________________________________________ Date the notices were posted Application No: 15WR-0370 Node 53 NOTICE OF FINAL DETERMINATION TO APPROVE A PERSONAL WIRELESS SERVICE FACILITY SITE PERMIT Date: 2/1/16 Application No.: 15WR-0370 Applicant Name: ExteNet Systems, Inc. Location: 150 Broadway St. San Francisco Public Works has finally approved the above-referenced Application for a Personal Wireless Service Facility Site Permit in the vicinity of 150 Broadway St. A photo-simulation of the approved Personal Wireless Service Facility is attached hereto. Each of the following City departments made a determination that the Application satisfied the applicable requirements of the Public Works Code. San Francisco Public Works/ Bureau of Street Use & Mapping San Francisco Department of Health Planning Department The final approval includes the following condition(s): Public Works Conditions: 1. This recommendation based on no variation from the depicted drawings and/or photo simulation; if a variation is different a re-submittal is required. Should the installation vary from said conditions, it should be resubmitted to Department(s) for further review and comment 2. New Poles: no new poles shall be erected or placed in underground districts. 3. Down Guys: Follow all excavation codes to obtain the necessary permits for placement of down guys. Down guy shall avoid crossing conflicting areas but not limited to driveways, curb ramps. 4. Comply with ADA code requirements for Federal, State, local laws. Make sure path of minimum required clear width for accessible path of travel is four feet. 5. At the conclusion of the work, provide a set of as built photos of the installation to the Bureau Street Use & Mapping Permit Office. 6. Maintain a valid certification of insurance annually and forward a copy to the Bureau of Street Use & Mapping Permit Office. Department of Public Health Conditions: 1. None of the equipment being installed should produce any noise. However, ensure that any equipment associated with the pole installation of this antenna does not produce a noise in excess of 45 dBA as measured at three (3) feet from the nearest residential building façade. 2. Ensure that there are no publicly occupied areas within eight and one half (8 1/2) feet of the face of the antenna and in the direction of the antenna’s orientation. The antenna’s orientation is at 255° facing west on Broadway Street. 3. Once the antenna is installed, ExteNet must take RF power density measurements with the antenna operating at full power to verify the level reported in the Hammett and Edison report and to ensure that the FCC public exposure level is not exceeded in any publicly accessible area. This measurement must be taken again at the time of the permit renewal. IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN SAN FRANCISCO Customer Service Teamwork Continuous Improvement 4. 5. 6. ExteNet should be aware that the general public may have concerns about the antenna and potential RF source near their dwellings. ExteNet should have in place a mechanism for taking RF power density levels in nearby dwellings when requested by the members of the general public. In accordance with the San Francisco Public Works Code, Art. 25, Sec. 1527 (a)(2)(C) Extenet is responsible for paying a fee of $181.00 to the San Francisco Department of Public Health for this review. Please note that this approval and any conditions apply only to the equipment and installation as described. If any changes in the equipment or any increase in the effective radiated power described above are made, a new review by the Department of Public Health must be conducted. Planning Department Conditions: 1. Plant and maintain an appropriate street tree. 2. No exposed meter, meter pan or meter pedestal may be used. 3. Antenna, and all equipment (external conduit, radio relay units, blinders used to shroud bracket bolts [if utilized], and mounting mechanisms); except signage if used for screening, shall all be painted to match the pole and repainted (maintain Italian flag tricolor, if present) as needed. 4. Cabling below radio relay units shall enter the pole with no more than a five-inch gap between bottom of each radio relay unit and t e bottom of the corresponding entry hole on the pole. Conduit connection at pole entry points shall utilize the smallest fitting sizes available. Sealing compounds, if utilized, shall be tidy without excess bubbling and painted to match pole. 5. Remove raised equipment signage (including filling in manufacturer logo indentations on radio relay units/cabinets) and equipment decals that may be visible from sidewalk and dwellings, unless required by government regulation. 6. Utilize smallest RF warning signage allowed (4 x 6 inches); and place the warning sticker facing out toward street, at a location as close to antenna as is feasible. Sticker shall face away from street, when not facing a nearby window within 15 feet. Background color of sticker shall match the pole-mounting surface; and logo and text shall be white. 7. Stack equipment enclosures (not including antenna) as close as allowed by applicable regulation and manufacturer equipment standards. 8. Seams and bolts/screws at antenna and shroud assembly area shall be fabricated and installed in a manner so as to reduce their visibility (e.g. flush mounting screws) from sidewalk level. 9. Not utilize any visible flashing indicator lights or similar. 10. Not obstruct the view from, or the light into any adjacent residential window. 11. New below ground enclosure excavations (vault), if utilized, shall not damage or remove granite curbs. No significant gaps shall be created between vault enclosure lid and primary sidewalk material due to installation. Any other existing historic architectural elements within the public right-of-way shall be retained and protected during installation. No carrier logo or carrier name may be placed on the vault lid. 12. Non-essential radio relay unit elements (handle and legs) shall be removed. 13. The installer shall arrange to have Planning Department staff review the initial installation, in order to ensure compliance with the aforementioned conditions (notwithstanding inspections by pole owner and Department of Public Works). Within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of the issuance of this notice, any person may appeal the issuance of this permit to the Board of Appeals. Appeals must be filed in person by either the appellant or the appellant’s agent. Generally, the Board of Appeals requires that an appointment be made to file an appeal. For further information regarding the appeal process, or to schedule an appointment, please contact the Board of Appeals in person at 1650 Mission Street, Suite 304 or call 415-575-6880. To obtain additional information concerning the Application and final approval you may contact Nicole Mason representative of ExteNet Systems, Inc. at 510-468-3802 and [email protected]. You may also contact Public Works at 415-554-5810. Amanda Higgins Public Works Wireless Program AVISODEDETERMINACIÓNFINALPARAAPROBAR LAINSTALACIÓNDEUNEMPLAZAMIENTODE SERVICIOMÓVILPERSONAL Fecha:1defebrerode2016 No.desolicitud:15WR-0370 Nombredelsolicitante:ExteNetSystems, Inc. Ubicación:150BroadwaySt. ObrasPúblicasdeSanFranciscohafinalmenteaprobadolasolicituddepermisoparala instalacióndeunemplazamientodeserviciomóvilpersonalantesmencionadaenlas proximidadesde150BroadwaySt. Seadjuntaunasimulacióndelafotodelemplazamientodeserviciomóvilpersonal aprobadoalpresentedocumento. Cadaunodelossiguientesdepartamentosmunicipalesdeterminóquelasolicitud cumplíaconlosrequisitoscorrespondientesdelanormadeObrasPúblicas. Obras Públicas de San Francisco/OficinadeusodelacalleyCartografía DepartamentodeSaluddeSanFrancisco DepartamentodePlanificación Laaprobaciónfinalincluyelassiguientescondiciones: CondicionesdeObrasPúblicas: 1. Estarecomendaciónsebasaennorealizarningunavariaciónsobrelosdibujosy/olasimulaciónde lafotoproporcionada;siunavariaciónesdiferente,serequiereunanuevapresentación.Encasodeque lainstalaciónvaríeconrespectoadichascondiciones,deberávolverapresentarsealosDepartamentos parasuposteriorrevisiónycomentarios. 2. Nuevospostes:nosepuedeninstalarocolocarnuevospostesenlosdistritossubterráneos. 3. Riendas:Sigatodaslasnormasdeexcavaciónparaobtenerlospermisosnecesariosparala colocacióndelasriendas.Lasriendasdeberánevitarcruzarzonasenconflicto,peronoquedan limitadasalascalzadasoalasrampasdelcordón. 4. CumplaconlosrequisitosdelanormaADAylasleyesfederales,estatalesylocales.Asegúresede quequedeuncaminodelanchomínimonecesariodecuatropiesparagarantizarlaaccesibilidad. 5. Alfinalizarlaobra,deberáproporcionarunconjuntodefotosdelainstalaciónconlaobraterminada alaOficinadePermisosdelaOficinadeusodelacalleyCartografía. 6. MantengaunacertificaciónválidadelseguroanualyenvíeleunacopiaalaOficinadePermisosdela OficinadeusodelacalleyCartografía. CondicionesdelDepartamentodeSaludPública: 1. Ningunodelosequiposqueseinstaledebeproducirruidoalguno.Sinembargo,asegúresedeque todoequiporelacionadoconlainstalacióndelpostedeestaantenanoproduzcaunruidosuperiora 45dBA,medidoatres(3)piesdelafachadadeledificioresidencialmáscercano. 2. Asegúresedequenohayazonasocupadaspúblicamentedentrodelosochopiesymedio(81/2)del frentedelaantenayenladireccióndelaorientacióndelaantena.Laantenaestáorientadaa255° apuntandoaloesteenBroadwayStreet. MEJORANDO LA CALIDAD DE VIDA EN SAN FRANCISCO Servicio al cliente - Trabajo en equipo - Mejoramiento continuo 3. 4. 5. 6. Unavezinstaladalaantena,ExteNetdebetomarmedidasdedensidaddepotenciadeRFconla antenafuncionandoaplenapotenciaparaverificarelnivelreportadoenelinformeHammetty EdisonyparaasegurarquenoseexcedaelniveldeexposiciónpúblicadelaFCCenningúnáreade accesopúblico.Estamedicióndeberealizarsenuevamenteenelmomentodelarenovacióndel permiso. ExteNetdebeserconscientedequeelpúblicoengeneralpuedetenerinquietudesacercadela antenaydelafuentepotencialdeRFcercadesusviviendas.ExteNetdebedisponerdeun mecanismoparalatomadelosnivelesdedensidaddepotenciadeRFenlasviviendascercanas cuandoseasolicitadoporlosmiembrosdelpúblicoengeneral. DeacuerdoconlaNormadeObrasPúblicasdeSanFrancisco,Artículo25,Sección1527(a)(2)(C) Extenetesresponsabledepagarunacuotade$181.00alDepartamentodeSaludPúblicadeSan Franciscoparaestarevisión. Tengaencuentaqueestaaprobaciónylascondicionesseaplicansóloalosequiposyala instalacióncomosedescribe.Siserealizaalgúncambioenelequipooseaumentalapotencia radiadaefectivaindicadaanteriormente,elDepartamentodeSaludPúblicadeberárealizaruna nuevarevisión. CondicionesdelDepartamentodePlanificación: 1. Planteymantengaunárbolapropiadoenlaacera. 2. Nosepuedeutilizarunmedidorexpuesto,cajademedidoresopedestaldemedidor. 3. La antena, y todo el equipo (conducto externo, unidades de radio enlace, cegadores utilizados para cubrir los pernos de soporte [si se usan], y los mecanismos de montaje); salvo la señalización, si se utilizaparadetección,todosseránpintadosdelmismocolorqueelposteyrepintados(manteniendo lostrescoloresdelabanderadeItalia,siexiste)cuandoseanecesario. 4. Elcableadopordebajodelasunidadesderadioenlace,entraráenelposteconunabrechadenomásde cincopulgadasentrelaparteinferiordecadaunidadderadioenlaceylaparteinferiordelorificiode entradacorrespondienteenelposte.Laconexióndelconductoenlospuntosdeentradadelposte deberáutilizarlosacoplesdelmenortamañodisponible.Loscompuestosselladores,deutilizarse, deberánquedarprolijosysinexcesodematerial,ypintadosdelmismocolorqueelposte. 5. Remuevalaseñalizacióndelosequiposelevados(incluyendoelrellenadodelasmuescasdellogotipo delfabricanteenlasunidadesderadioenlace/gabinetes)ypegatinasenequiposquepuedanverse desdelaaceraylasviviendas,amenosquesearequeridoporregulacionesgubernamentales. 6. UtilicelaseñalizacióndeadvertenciadeRFmáspequeñaquesepermita(4x6pulgadas);ycoloquela pegatinadeadvertenciaapuntandohaciaafuera,hacialacalle,lomáscercanoalaantenacomosea posible.Lapegatinadebeapuntarhaciaelotroladodelacalle,cuandonoestéfrenteaunaventana cercanadentrodelos15pies.Elcolordefondodelapegatinadebecoincidirconelcolordela superficiedelpostedemontaje;yellogotipoyeltextodebenserblancos. 7. Apilelosgabinetesdelosequipos(exceptolaantena)tancercacomoseapermitidoporlas reglamentacionescorrespondientesylasnormasdelfabricantedelosequipos. 8. Lascosturasylospernos/tornillosenlaantenayeneláreadelacubiertadebenestarfabricadose instaladosdeunamaneratalquereduzcasuvisibilidad(porejemplotornillosdemontajealras) desdelaacera. 9. Noutiliceningúnindicadorluminosointermitentevisibleoalgosimilar. 10. Noobstruirlavistaolaluzqueentreporcualquierventanaresidencialadyacente. 11. Lasnuevasexcavacionespararecintospordebajodelsuelo(bóvedas),deutilizarse,nodeberándañar oeliminarcordonesdegranito.Nodebenquedarespaciosimportantesentrelatapadelabóvedayel materialprimariodelaaceracausadosporlainstalación.Todosloselementosarquitectónicos históricosexistentesdentrodelavíapúblicaseránmantenidosyprotegidosdurantelainstalación.No sepuedecolocarellogotiponielnombredelacompañíaprestadoradelservicioenlatapadela bóveda. 12. Loselementosnoesencialesdelaunidadderadioenlace(manijaypatas)debensereliminados. 13. ElinstaladorseencargarádequeelpersonaldelDepartamentodePlanificaciónreviselainstalación inicial,conelfindegarantizarelcumplimientodelascondicionesantesmencionadas(apesardelas inspeccionesrealizadasporelpropietariodelospostesydelDepartamentodeObrasPúblicas). Dentrodelosquince(15)díascalendariodelafechadeemisióndeestanotificación,cualquierpersona puedeapelarlaemisióndeestepermisoantelaJuntadeApelaciones.Lasapelacionesdebenrealizarseen personaporelapelanteoporsuagente.Generalmente,laJuntadeApelacionesrequieresolicitarunacita pararealizarlaapelación. Pormayorinformaciónacercadelprocesodeapelación,oparasolicitarunacita,póngaseencontactoconla JuntadeApelacionesenpersonaen1650MissionStreet,Suite304ollameal415-575-6880. Paraobtenerinformaciónadicionalsobrelaapelaciónylaaprobaciónfinal,puedecomunicarseconNicole Mason,representantedeExteNetSystems,Inc.al510-468-3802oescribirlea [email protected]énpuedecomunicarseconObrasPúblicasal415-554-5810. Amanda Higgins ProgramainalámbricodeServiciosPúblicos PAUNAWANGPANGHULINGPAGPAPASIYAUPANG APRUBAHANANGISANGPERSONALWIRELESSSERVICE FACILITYSITEPERMIT PetsaPebrero1,2016 AplikasyonBilang:15WR-0370 PangalanngAplikante:ExteNetSystems,Inc. Location:150BroadwaySt. InaprubahansawakasngSanFranciscoPublicWorksangnabanggitsaitaasna AplikasyonparasaPermisongisangPersonalnaWirelessServiceFacilitySitemalapit sa150BroadwaySt. Naka-attachditoangisangde-letratongsimulationnginaprubahangPersonalWireless ServiceFacility. GumawangpasiyaangbawatisasasumusunodnakagawaranngLungsodna natugunanngAplikasyonangmgaangkopnakinakailanganngKodigongPagawaing Bayan. PagawaingBayanngSanFrancisco/KawanihanngPaggamitngKalsadaat Pagmamapa SanFranciscoKagaw KagawaranngPagpaplano Kasamasapanghulingpag-aprubaang(mga)sumusunodnakondisyon: MgaKondisyonngPagawaingBayan: 1. Nakabatayangrekomendasyongitosawalangpagbabagomulasamgainilarawangguhitat/o de-letratongsimulation;kungangpagbabagoayiba,angmulingpagsusumiteaykinakailangan. Kungibamanangpaglalagaymulasamganasabingkondisyon,kailanganitongisumitemulisa (mga)Kagawaranparasahigitpangpagsusuriatpuna 2. MgaBagongPoste:walangmgabagongposteangitatayooilalagaysamgaundergroundna distrito. 3. MgaDownGuy:Sundinanglahatngmgakodigosapaghuhukayupangmakuhaangmga kinakailangangpermisoparasapaglalagayngmgadownguy.Iiwasanngdownguyang pagtawidsamgadi-akmanglugarkasamaangmgadaananngsasakyanatcurbnarampa. 4. SusunodsamgakinakailangangkodigongADAparasamgabatasngFederal,Estadoat lokal.Tiyakingangdaannapinakamababangkinakailanganglapadparasaaccessiblenadaan sapaglalakbayayapatnatalampakan. 5. Sapagtataposngtrabaho,magbigayngisanggrupongmgaginawangletratong paglalagaysaOpisinangPagpapahintulotngKawanihanngPaggamitngKalsadaat Pagmamapa. 6. Magpanatilingisangmaybisangsertipikasyonngkasiguraduhantaun-taonatmagbigayng isangkopyasaOpisinangPagpapahintulotngKawanihanngPaggamitngKalsadaatPagmamapa. MgaKondisyonngKagawaranngPampublikongKalusugan: 1. Walasamgakagamitangnilalagayangdapatgumawanganumangingay.Ngunit,sisiguruhing PAGPAPABUTI SA KALIDAD NG BUHAY SA SAN FRANCISCO Customer Service Teamwork Patuloy na Pagpapabuti 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. anumangkagamitangmaykinalamansapaglalagayngpostengantenangitoayhindigagawang ingaynalampassa45dBAnasinukatsalayongtatlong(3)talampakanmulasapinakamalapitna harapanngtinitirahanggusali. Siguruhingwalasawalo'tkalahating(81/2)talampakananglayongpampublikongokupadonglugar mulasaharapanngantenaatnasadireksyonngpagkakabitngantena.Nakaharapnang255° pakanluransaBroadwayStreetangoryentasyonngantena. Saorasnamailagayangantena,kinakailangangkumuhaangExteNetngmgasukatngpowerdensity ngRFhabangangantenaaytumatakbonangbuonglakasupangmasuriangantasnainulatsaulatng HammettatEdisonatupangmatiyaknaangFCCnaantasngpublicexposureayhindihigitsa anumanglugarnanapupuntahanngpubliko.Kailangangkuninulitangsukatnaitosaorasngpagrenewngpermiso. BatiddapatngExteNetnamaaaringmayalalahaninangpangkalahatangpublikotungkolsaantenaat potensyalnaRFsourcemalapitsakanilangmgatirahan.Kailangangmaynakalaangmekanismoang ExteNetparasapagkuhangmgaantasngpowerdensityngRFsamgakalapitnatirahankapag hinilingngmgamiyembrongpangkalahatangpubliko. AlinsunodsaKodigongPagawaingBayan,Art.25,Sec.1527(a)(2)(C)ngSanFrancisco,responsable angExtenetsapagbabayadnghalagang$181.00saKagawaranngPampublikongKalusuganngSan Franciscoparasapagsusuringito. Pakitandaannaangpag-aprubangitoatanumangmgakondisyonayparalamangsainilarawang kagamitanatpaglalagay.Kungmayginawanganumangpagbabagosakagamitanoanumangpagtaas saepektibongradiatedpowernainilarawansaitaas,kailangangisagawangKagawaranng PampublikongKalusuganangisangbagongpagsusuri. MgaKondisyonngKagawaranngPagpaplano: 1. Magtanimatpanatilihinangisangwastongpunosakalsada. 2. Walangmaaaringgamitinglantadnametro,meterpanometerpedestal. 3. Pinturahanangantenaatlahatngkagamitan(panlabasnaconduit,mgaradiorelayunit,mgablinderna ginagamitupangtakpanangmgabracketnatrangka[kungginamit],atmgamekanismosamounting); maliban sa karatula kung ginamit para sa screening, upang tumugma sa poste at pipinturahan muli (pananatilihinangtatlongkulayngbandilangItalyano,kungmayroon)kungkinakailangan. 4. Angpaglalagayngkablesaibabangradiorelayunitsaypapasoksapostenanghindilalampassalimang pulgadangespasyosapagitanngibabangbawatradiorelayunitatibabangkatumbasnaentryholeng poste.Gamitinngkoneksyonngconduitatngmgaentrypointngposteangmgapinakamaliliitna availablenafittingsize.Angmgasealingcompound,kungginamit,aydapatmalinisnangwalanglabisna pagbubulaatpipinturahanupangtumugmasaposte. 5. Alisinangmgalantadnakaratulangkagamitan(kabilangangmgafillinginmanufacturerlogo indentationsamgaradiorelayunit/kabinet)atmgakagamitannadecalnamaaaringnakikitamulasa bangketaatmgatirahanmalibankungkailanganngregulasyonnggobyerno. 6. GumamitngpinakamaliitnaRFnakaratulangpangbabalangpinahihitulutan(4X6napulgada);at maglagayngstickernapangbabalangnakaharapsakalsadasaisanglokasyongmalapitsaantena hangga'tmaaari.Haharapnangnakaiwassakalsadaangstickerkapaghindinakaharapnang15 talampakansaisangbintanangnasamalapit.Tutugmaangbackgroundnakulayngstickersasurface nanaka-mountsaposteatanglogoatsulataygagawingputi. 7. I-stackangmgaenclosurengkagamitan(hindikasamaangantena)nangpinakamalapitsa pinahihintulutangumiiralnaregulasyonatmgapamantayanngkagamitanngmanufacturer. 8. Bubuuinatilalagayangmgaseamattrangka/turnilyongnasaantenaatassemblyareangshroud saparaangmakababawasnamakikitaangmgaito(hal.mgaflushmountingnaturnilyo)mulasa antasngbangketa. 9. Huwaggumamitnganumangnakikitangumiindapnaindicatorngilawomgakatuladnito. 10. Huwagharanganangtanawinmulasa,oangilawmulasaanumangkatabingbintanangbahay. 11. Hindisisirainoaalisinngmgabagongbelowgroundnaenclosurenghukay(vault),kungginamit,ang mgagranitenacurb.Walangkapansing-pansingespasyoanggagawinsapagitanngenclosurenatakip ngvaultatpangunahingmateryalngbangketanangdahilsapaglalagay.Pananatilihinat poprotektahansapanahonngpaglalagayanganumangibapangumiiralnamgaelementong arkitekturalngkasaysayansaloobngpampublikongright-of-way.Walangmaaaringilagayna pangalannglogoocarriersatakipngvault. 12. Aalisinangmgahindimahalagangelementongradiorelayunit(hawakanatmgabinti). 13. KakausapinngtagapaglagayangstaffngKagawaranngPagpaplanonasuriinanginisyalnapaglalagay upangsiguruhinangpagsunodsamganaunangnabanggitnakondisyon(sakabilangmgainspeksyonng may-aringposteatngKagawarangngPagawaingBayan). Saloobng(15)arawngkalendaryomulasapetsangpaglabasngabisongito,maaaringi-apelangsinumang taoKonsehongPag-aapelaangpaglabasngpermisongito.Kailangangisumitemismonghumihingingapela ongahentenghumihingingapelaangmgaapela.Sapagsusumitengapela,kailanganngKonsehongPagaapelasapangkalahatanangappointment. Parasahigitpangimpormasyontungkolsaprosesongapela,osapagtatakdangappointment,mangyaring makipag-ugnayanmismosaKonsehongPag-aapelasa1650MissionStreet,Suite304otumawagsa415575-6880. UpangmakakuhangkaragdagangimpormasyontungkolsaAplikasyonatpanghulingpag-apruba, makipag-ugnayankayNicoleMason,kinatawanngExteNetSystems,Inc.sa510-468-3802atsa nmason.ctr@extenetsystems.com.Maaarikaringmakipag-ugnayansaPagawaingBayansa415-554-5810. Amanda Higgins ProgramasaWirelessngPagawaingBayan 最後裁定興建個人無線服務設施據點許可之申 請案的公告通知 日期:2016年2月1日 申請案編號:15WR-0370 申請案名稱:ExteNetSystems,Inc. 地點:150BroadwaySt. 公共工程署最終核准有關於在Broadway街150號的鄰近區域,興建個人無線服務設施 據點的上述申請案。 在此附上經核准的個人無線服務設施照片模擬資料圖。 以下每間市府部門均判定申請案符合適用的公共工程署規章之要求。 舊金山公共工程署/街道使用和勘測製圖局 舊金山衛生署 規劃署 最終核准 容包含以下條件: 公共工程署條件: 1. 本建議是以與描繪之圖例和/或照片模擬之精準情況為基礎;若有任何差異,則需要重新提交。 若安裝與所述情況有任何差異,應重新提交至相關各署,進一步審核和評估 2. 新電線桿: 不得在地下室區域豎立或放置任何新的電線桿。 3. 地錨拉線: 請遵守所有開挖規章,以取得放置地錨拉線的必要許可。地錨拉線應避開十字路 口交會區,但不限定於車道、路緣坡道。 4. 遵循聯邦、各州、地方法律之 ADA 規章規定。確保維持最小凈寬為四英尺之規定的行進路徑。 5. 在完工時,應對街道使用和勘測製圖許可局提供一組安裝的建構照片。 6. 每年皆應維持一份有效的保險憑證,並將一份複本轉送給街道使用和勘測製圖許可局。 舊金山公共衛生署條件: 1. 任何安裝之設備皆不得發出任何噪音。確保本天線之電線桿安裝相關之任何設備,在從最近居住 建築物牆面至少三 (3) 英尺測量時,皆不得發出超過 45 dBA 之噪音。 2. 確保在天線正面及天線方向的八又二分之一 (8 1/2) 英尺範圍內,無任何公有用地。天線方向為 25 5°,位置位於 Broadway 街面向西方。 3. 一旦安裝天線之後,ExteNet 就必須在天線以全功率運作的情況下執行射頻 (RF) 密度測量,確認 在 Hammett 和 Edison 報告中的等級,並確保在任何公共空間中皆不得超過 FCC 公共空間曝露值。 應在更新許可時,重新進行本測量。 4. ExteNet 應知悉一般民眾可能會對其住所附近的任何天線和潛在射頻 (RF) 來源感到疑慮。ExteNet 應在一般民眾要求時,在附近建築物放置檢測射頻 (RF) 密度等級之設施。 5. 根據舊金山公共工程署規章第 25 條第 1527 (a)(2)(C) 小節,Extenet 需負責對舊金山公共衛生署支 提升舊金山的生活品質 客戶服務 團隊合作 不斷提升 6. 付 $181.00 美元之審核費用。 請注意,本核准和任何條件僅適用於本文所指涉之設備和安裝設施。若設備有任何變更或增加前 述之有效輻射功率,就必須由公共衛生署實施新的審核。 規劃署條件: 1. 種植和維護適當之街道樹木。 2. 不得使用任何外露之計量器、計量盤或計量基架。 3. 天線以及除看板之外任何用來遮蔽的所有設備(外部導線、無線電中繼系統、用來遮蔽托架螺栓之 馬眼罩 [若有使用] 和安裝設施),皆應漆上與電線桿同色之油漆,或視需要重新油漆(例如維持義 大利國旗之三種顏色)。 4. 應在每個無線電中繼系統底部和電線桿上相對應入口的底部之間不超過五吋間隙的情況下,將無線電 中繼系統下方之佈線埋入電線桿內。電線桿入口點之導體連線應採用儘可能最小的裝配尺寸。若使用 任何密封膠,應保持整潔,不得出現過多起泡,並應漆上與電線桿同色之油漆。 5. 拆除任何可從人行道和住所看到之非政府法規規定以外的凸出設備看板和設備貼紙(包括無線電中 繼系統/機櫃中的製造商標誌凹口內的填充物)。 6. 可使用最小型的射頻警告看板(4 x 6 吋),並盡可能在靠近天線的位置放置面朝向外面街道的警 告貼紙。貼紙應面朝街道,但不面朝 15 英尺範圍內之附近窗戶。貼紙之背景色應與柱式安裝表面 相符,而標誌及文字應為白色。 7. 應在適用法規和製造商設備標準之許可範圍內,儘可能緊密圍住疊架設備(不包括天線)。 8. 天線處之接合口和網罩組件區域之螺栓/螺絲,應以儘可能降低其從人行道上目測可見程度之 方式製造及安裝(例如齊平式安裝螺絲); 9. 不得使用任何明顯之閃光指示燈或類似設備。 10. 不阻礙視線或阻擋光線照射任何相鄰住宅窗戶。 11. 若使用新的地下機箱開鑿(圓拱),則不得損壞或去除花崗岩緣石。不得因為安裝設備,而在圓拱 機箱蓋和主要人行道材質之間造成重大間隙。公共道路用地內的任何其他現有歷史建築體,皆應在 安裝設備時予以維持和保護。不得在圓拱蓋上標示任何電信商標誌或電信商名稱。 12. 應拆除非必要的無線電中繼系統元件(把手和腳架)。 13. 安裝人員應安排規劃署人員審查初步安裝作業,藉以確保遵守上述所有條件(不論是由電線桿所有 人或公共衛生署檢驗)。 自本通知核發的十五(15)個曆日 ,任何人都能向上訴委員會針對本許可的核發提出上訴。上訴人或其代 理人必須親自提起上訴。一般來講,需與上訴委員會安排預約,方能提出上訴。 如欲取得更多關於上訴流程之資訊或安排預約,請親自前往位於1650MissionStreet,Suite304的上訴 委員會或透過415-575-6880聯絡。 如欲取得更多關於申請案與最終核准之資訊,您可透過510-468-3802及[email protected] 與ExteNetSystems,Inc.之NicoleMason聯絡。您亦可透過415-554-5810與公共工程署聯絡。 Amanda Higgins 公共工程署無線計畫 15WR-0370 Wireless Box Permit Address : 150 BROADWAY Name: Address: Contact: Cost: $1,007.50 Block:0141 Lot: 011 Zip: 94111 ExteNet Systems, Inc. ExteNet Systems, Inc. 3030 Warrenville Road, Suite 340 Lisle, IL 60532 Rick Hirsch Phone: 415-377-7826 "IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN SAN FRANCISCO" We are dedicated individuals committed to teamwork, customer service and continuous imrovement in partnership with the community. Customer Service Teamwork Continuous Improvement Page 1 of 9 Conditions Contact247 Permit Comments Service Address Wireless Machine Type Wireless Tier Permit Pole Location Permit Wireless Antenna Permit Wireless AntMakeModel Permit Planning Location Permit Tier Comments Permit Wireless DPH Permit Planning Approval Permit Utility Conditions Permit Tier3 Std Permit Tier3 Std1 Permit Tier3 Std2 Permit Wireless Documents Permit_Auto_StartDate_Ind Nicole Mason 510-468-3802 Ericsson - mRRU TierB between Battery and Front Streets (Node 53b) 1 Amphenol WB3X080X06Fx60 Tri sector Applicant is using equipment for the first time. Attached is an original verified statement from a registered engineer that: (i) potential human exposure to radio frequency emissions from the proposed Personal Wireless Service Facility is within the FCC guidelines; and (ii) noise at any time of the day or night from the proposed Personal Wireless Service Facility is not greater than forty-five (45) dBA as measured at a distance three (3) feet from any residential building facade. Approval of the Planning Department is required because the proposed Personal Wireless Service Facility is in a Zoning Protected Location. Applicant has a valid Utility Conditions Permit Y The undersigned Permittee hereby agrees to comply with all requirements and conditions noted on this permit Approved Date : 02/25/2016 Applicant/Permitee Printed : 2/25/2016 3:05:26 PM Date Plan Checker Amanda Higgins "IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN SAN FRANCISCO" We are dedicated individuals committed to teamwork, customer service and continuous imrovement in partnership with the community. Customer Service Teamwork Continuous Improvement Page 2 of 9 "IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN SAN FRANCISCO" We are dedicated individuals committed to teamwork, customer service and continuous imrovement in partnership with the community. Customer Service Teamwork Continuous Improvement Page 3 of 9 Special Conditions 15WR-0370 Conditions Department of Public Health Conditions: 1. None of the equipment being installed should produce any noise. However, ensure that any equipment associated with the pole installation of this antenna does not produce a noise in excess of 45 dBA as measured at three (3) feet from the nearest residential building façade. 2. Ensure that there are no publicly occupied areas within eight and one half (8 1/2) feet of the face of the antenna and in the direction of the antenna’s orientation. The antenna’s orientation is at 255° facing west on Broadway Street. 3. Once the antenna is installed, ExteNet must take RF power density measurements with the antenna operating at full power to verify the level reported in the Hammett and Edison report and to ensure that the FCC public exposure level is not exceeded in any publicly accessible area. This measurement must be taken again at the time of the permit renewal. 4. ExteNet should be aware that the general public may have concerns about the antenna and potential RF source near their dwellings. ExteNet should have in place a mechanism for taking RF power density levels in nearby dwellings when requested by the members of the general public. 5. In accordance with the San Francisco Public Works Code, Art. 25, Sec. 1527 (a)(2)(C) Extenet is responsible for paying a fee of $181.00 to the San Francisco Department of Public Health for this review. 6. Please note that this approval and any conditions apply only to the equipment and installation as described. If any changes in the equipment or any increase in the effective radiated power described above are made, a new review by the Department of Public Health must be conducted. Planning Department Conditions: 1. Plant and maintain an appropriate street tree. 2. No exposed meter, meter pan or meter pedestal may be used. 3. Antenna, and all equipment (external conduit, radio relay units, blinders used to shroud bracket bolts [if utilized], and mounting mechanisms); except signage if used for screening, shall all be painted to match the pole and repainted (maintain Italian flag tri¬color, if present) as needed. 4. Cabling below radio relay units shall enter the pole with no more than a five-inch gap between bottom of each radio relay unit and t e bottom of the corresponding entry hole on the pole. Conduit connection at pole entry points shall utilize the smallest fitting sizes available. Sealing compounds, if utilized, shall be tidy without excess bubbling and painted to match pole. 5. Remove raised equipment signage (including filling in manufacturer logo indentations on radio relay units/cabinets) and equipment decals that may be visible from sidewalk and dwellings, unless required by government regulation. 6. Utilize smallest RF warning signage allowed (4 x 6 inches); and place the warning sticker facing out toward street, at a location as close to antenna as is feasible. Sticker shall face away from street, when not facing a nearby window within 15 feet. Background color of sticker shall match the pole-mounting surface; and logo and text shall be white. 7. Stack equipment enclosures (not including antenna) as close as allowed by applicable regulation and manufacturer equipment standards. 8. Seams and bolts/screws at antenna and shroud assembly area shall be fabricated and installed in a manner so as to reduce their visibility (e.g. flush mounting screws) from sidewalk level. 9. Not utilize any visible flashing indicator lights or similar. 10. Not obstruct the view from, or the light into any adjacent residential window. 11. New below ground enclosure excavations (vault), if utilized, shall not damage or remove granite curbs. No significant gaps shall be created between vault enclosure lid and primary sidewalk material due to installation. Any other existing historic architectural elements within the public right-of-way shall be retained and protected during installation. No carrier logo or carrier name may be placed on the vault lid. 12. Non-essential radio relay unit elements (handle and legs) shall be removed. 13. The installer shall arrange to have Planning Department staff review the initial installation, in order to ensure compliance with the aforementioned conditions (notwithstanding inspections by pole owner and Department of Public Works). "IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN SAN FRANCISCO" We are dedicated individuals committed to teamwork, customer service and continuous imrovement in partnership with the community. Customer Service Teamwork Continuous Improvement Page 4 of 9 Conditions This Personal Wireless Service Facility Site permit is issued pursuant to San Francisco Public Works Code Article 25 and Department of Public Works Order no. 184,504, and is subject to all of the requirements contained therein. Installation of the permitted Personal Wireless Service Facility must be started within one (1) year of the date of this permit, unless Public Works authorizes an extension of the required start date. Permittee must notify Public Works upon the start of installation. Permittee must substantially complete installation of the permitted Personal Wireless Service facility within sixty days of the start date. Permittee must notify Public Works upon substantial completion of installation. This Personal Wireless Service Facility Site permit will expire ten (10) years after Public Works has completed its inspection. This Personal Wireless Service Facility Site permit is subject to the authority of the City and County of San Francisco to legislate underground utility districts pursuant to San Francisco Public Works Code Section 911. Permittee shall remove this permitted Personal Wireless Service Facility from the Public Right-of-Way upon receipt of a notice from the City that the facility is located on a newly legislated underground utility district. DPW Conditions: 1. This recommendation is based on no variation from the depicted drawings and/or photo simulation; if a variation is different a resubmittal is required. Should the installation vary from said conditions, it should be resubmitted to Department(s) for further review and comment 2. New Poles: no new poles shall be erected or placed in underground districts. 3. Down Guys: Follow all excavation codes to obtain the necessary permits for placement of down guys. Down guy shall avoid crossing conflicting areas but not limited to driveways, curb ramps. 4. Comply with ADA code requirements for Federal, State, local laws. Make sure path of minimum required clear width for accessible path of travel is four feet. 5. At the conclusion of the work, provide a set of as built photos of the installation to the Bureau Street Use & Mapping Permit Office. 6. Maintain a valid certification of insurance annually and forward a copy to the Bureau Street Use & Mapping Permit Office. "IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN SAN FRANCISCO" We are dedicated individuals committed to teamwork, customer service and continuous imrovement in partnership with the community. Customer Service Teamwork Continuous Improvement Page 5 of 9 Permit Addresses 15WR-0370 *RW = RockWheel, SMC = Surface Mounted Cabinets, S/W = Sidewalk Work, DB = Directional Boring, BP= Reinforced Concrete Bus Pad, UB = Reinforced Concrete for Utility Pull Boxes and Curb Ramps Number of blocks: 1 ID Total repair size:0 sqft Street Name From St 1 BROADWAY Total FRONT ST Total Streetspace: To St Sides BATTERY ST North Total Sidewalk: sqft *Other RW : False SMC : False S/W Only : False DB: False BP: False UB: False Asphalt Concrete 0 0 0 0 Street Space Feet "IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN SAN FRANCISCO" We are dedicated individuals committed to teamwork, customer service and continuous imrovement in partnership with the community. Customer Service Teamwork Continuous Improvement Page 6 of 9 Sidewalk Feet Exceptions - Coordination It is mandatory that you coordinate your permit with the following jobs listed. You will be required to call each contact listed and create a note including the date contact was made, agreed coordination, name of contact, or date message(s) left if unable to reach a contact. Job # Activity Contact 16EXC-1228 ExteNet Systems, Inc. - Conflict with existing excavation permit. It is mandatory that you coordinate all work for joint paving. Edgar Aguilar/530-933 -4272 - 209-365-3598 Your Notes: Streets: BROADWAY / FRONT ST - BATTERY ST - "IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN SAN FRANCISCO" We are dedicated individuals committed to teamwork, customer service and continuous imrovement in partnership with the community. Customer Service Teamwork Continuous Improvement Page 7 of 9 Exceptions 15WR-0370 Street Name From St To St Message Job Contact Dates FRONT ST BATTERY ST - Blocks with Bicycle Route designations require special attention. For details see Section 10 of DPT's Blue Book and Section 6.3 of DPW's Order No. 171.442. FRONT ST BATTERY ST - DPT Blue Book Traffic Restriction. Time of day during which lanes must be kept clear: NORTH 7AM - 9AM 3PM - 7PM MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY // SOUTH 7AM - 9AM 3PM - 7PM MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY FRONT ST BATTERY ST - Please refer to Figure 12 of Section 9.4(A) of the DPW Order No. 171,442 for special conditions for excavation in the vicinity of AWSS. FRONT ST BATTERY ST - Conflict with existing Street Use 13SMF-0200 Permit. Refer to Agent Refer to Agent FRONT ST BATTERY ST - Conflict with existing Street Use 13SMF-0280 Permit. Refer to Agent Refer to Agent FRONT ST BATTERY ST - Conflict with existing Street Use 13SMF-0434 Permit. Refer to Agent Refer to Agent FRONT ST BATTERY ST - Conflict with existing Street Use 15B-0055 Permit. (415) 431-2950 Jun 10 2015-Jun 10 2016 - (415) 4312950 FRONT ST BATTERY ST - Conflict with existing Street Use 15MFF-0109 Permit. Refer to Agent - Mar 16 2015-Mar 15 2016 Refer to Agent FRONT ST BATTERY ST - Conflict with existing Street Use 15TC-0230 Permit. Refer to Agent - Mar 16 2015-Mar 15 2016 Refer to Agent FRONT ST BATTERY ST - Please see special paving requirements for Moratorium Streets. BROADWAY 1871J Sep 25 2013-Sep 25 2018 "IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN SAN FRANCISCO" We are dedicated individuals committed to teamwork, customer service and continuous imrovement in partnership with the community. Customer Service Teamwork Continuous Improvement Page 8 of 9 "IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN SAN FRANCISCO" We are dedicated individuals committed to teamwork, customer service and continuous imrovement in partnership with the community. Customer Service Teamwork Continuous Improvement Page 9 of 9 view from Broadway Street looking west at site Existing MTAPOLY-VZW Node 53B 150 Broadway/ APN 0141/011, San Francisco, CA Photosims Produced on 5-11-2015 Proposed Extenet Antennas & Equipment Contact ( 925 ) 202-8507 Proposed Existing Proposed Proposed Extenet Antennas & Equipment view from Broadway Street looking northeast at site MTAPOLY-VZW Node 53B 150 Broadway/ APN 0141/011, San Francisco, CA Contact ( 925 ) 202-8507 Photosims Produced on 5-11-2015
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Department of Public Health Conditions: 1. Ensure that any equipment associated with the pole installation of this antenna does not produce a noise in excess of 45 dBA as measured at three (3) feet...
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