the parish of the holy cross la parroquia de la santa cruz
the parish of the holy cross la parroquia de la santa cruz
JA NUAR Y 2 4 , 20 1 6 THE PARISH OF THE HOLY CROSS LA PARROQUIA DE LA SANTA CRUZ 46 CENTRAL AVENUE, BRIDGETON, NJ 08302 Immaculate Conception / Inmaculada Concepcion 312 N. Pearl Street, Bridgeton, NJ 08302 CONFESSION / CONFESION Saturday after the 8:00 AM Mass or by appointment Domingo .................................................................... 12:00 PM y 6:30 PM ADORATION / ADORACION Thursday / Jueves..................................................... 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Pastoral Team Rev. Vincent G. Guest ...............................................................Pastor Rev. Daniel A. DiNardo .... Parochial Vicar/Hispanic Ministry Rev. David Rivera ..................................................... Parochial Vicar C.J. Achee..................................................................................... Deacon William Johnson ....................................................................... Deacon Christopher D. Nichols........................................................... Deacon Donald W. Rogozenski ........................................................... Deacon Convent telephone: 856-455-9960 Saint Teresa of Avila / Santa Teresa de Avila 46 Central Avenue, Bridgeton, NJ 08302 CONFESSION Saturdays................................... 4:00 to 4:30 PM or by appointment Sr. Rafaela Valadez, M.D.P.V.M. ..................................... Superior Sr. Graciela Rosas, M.D.P.V.M. Sr. Oralia De La Paz, M.D.P.V.M. Sr. Maria de Jesus Herrera, M.D.P.V.M. Parish Office Hours Saint Mary’s / Santa Maria 732 Morton Avenue, Bridgeton, NJ 08302 CONFESSION Saturdays................................... 3:30 to 4:00 PM or by appointment ADORATION Wednesdays ............................................................... 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM Saint Michael / San Miguel 367 Main Street, Cedarville, NJ 08311 1st, 3rd, and alternating 5th Sunday CONFESSION: By appointment with a priest Saint Anthony / San Antonio 1560A Main Street, Port Norris, NJ 08349 2nd, 4th, and alternating 5th Sunday CONFESSION: By appointment with a priest PARISH MEMBERSHIP: Welcome! New parishioners are asked to register at the parish office as soon as possible. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: In case of serious illness at home, phone the parish office. For hospital patients this is done by the hospital chaplain. In case of emergency call the parish office. BAPTISM: Arrangements must be made by the parents through the parish office. Baptismal sessions for parents are required. DAY -- 46 Central Avenue, Bridgeton 856-455-2323 -- Parish Fax: 856-455-7291 Monday - Friday.................................................9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Kathie Downie, Bookkeeper............................................. ext. 302 Alice Olszewski, Secretary................................................. ext. 300 Maria Lopez, Secretary/Parish Bulletin Ed. .............. ext. 301 EVENING -- 312 N. Pearl Street, Bridgeton, 856-451-0254 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday............. 5:00 - 9:00 PM Mission Statement We, the people of the Parish of the Holy Cross, are a Multi-cultural parish of the young and elderly, married and single, healthy and broken. We welcome all to come together and give praise and thanks to God. Through the celebration of the Eucharist and the other sacraments and devotions of the Church, we reach out to others in mercy and compassion and seek to share the joy of the Gospel throughout our large community. Here, with the support, strength, and inspiration we receive from one another, we are nourished daily on our journey of faith. WEDDINGS: Please make arrangements at the parish office one year prior to the date of the wedding. Maryann MacDonald, CRE 856-455-2323, ext. 309 BISHOP SCHAD REGIONAL SCHOOL: Dr. Patrice DeMartino, Principal 856-691-4490 RCIA / ADULT EDUCATION: 856-455-2323 PARISH WEBSITE -- January 24th, 2016 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 2 From the Pastor’s Desk A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE (John 2:13-25) st The 1 Letter of Paul to the Corinthians: “You are the Body of Christ.” The next few weeks at Sunday Mass you will be hearing from the 1st Letter of Paul to the Corinthians. I encourage you to open your Bibles at home and read the entire letter a little bit each day. In most Bibles it is only about 20 pages long. Read the letter as if Paul is writing personally to you. If a particular word or image or passage strikes you, then pause and pray with that passage. Allow God’s Word to speak to your heart. In this Sunday’s reading from Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians we are presented with the beautiful image of the Body of Christ. Jesus died for you and rose from the dead and by your Baptism you now share in the life of Christ. That reality gives fundamental direction to your life. That reality unifies us as Church. Pretty awesome isn’t it? The Eucharist we receive each week gives you the strength to live that reality. Using this image from Paul ask yourself this week, what part of Christ’s Body are you? Are you part of His mind, teaching the faith? Are you part of His heart, showing the love of Christ? Are you His hands, reaching out to help others? Are you His ears, gently listening to another’s worry and anxiety? Are you His arms, embracing a person who is alone and afraid? Just as every part of your body is essential so all of you are essential to the Body of Christ – the Church. As I mentioned several weeks ago, you are all called to live your Baptism. You are called to serve the Church and one another. What is your mission? How can you serve your family, your church and your community? God Bless you and your Family, Fr. Vince Today’s gospel says Jesus chased the merchants out of the temple, it doesn’t say He was angry. Jesus teaches us to act from conviction and not from anger. He didn’t condemn the merchants, only their business practice. Attack the behavior and not the person. STEWARD SHARE “Go, eat rich foods and drink sweet drinks, and allot portions to those who had nothing prepared…” (Nehemiah 8:10 a) Ezra’s instructions to the people show us that God does not forbid us from enjoying the good things in life, he wants us to be happy! However, He expects us in Stewardship to generously share our blessings with those who are in need, without expecting anything in return. Offertory Collection Totals: January, 17th : $12,975.75 Maintenance: $2,470.00 Thank you for your generosity! THE WEEK AT GLANCE Monday, January 25 -Legion of Mary, 7 pm, ICC Basement Tuesday, January 26 -Bingo, St. Teresa’s B., Opens 4:30- Game 7pm -Choir “Luz y Vida” ICC B, 7 pm Wednesday, January 27 -Adult R.C.I.A. (English), ICC, 7 pm. -Teen R.C.I.A., STA, 7 pm -Adoration at St. Mary’s C., 8:30 am – 3 pm -Knights of Columbus, ICC-Rec. B, 3pm. Thursday, January 28 -Adoration, ICC, 8:30 am – 6 pm, ICC -Scripture Classes, 10 am, ICC Rec. B. -Scripture Classes, 7 pm, ICC Rec. Dining Rm. -R.I.C.A. Adults in Spanish ICC Rec. B. 7pm-9pm. Saturday, January 30 -Eucharist Adoration, Miraculous Medal Novena & Rosary, ICC after 8:00 am Mass. January 24th, 2016 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3 PARISH NEWS… THIS MONTHS THEME: “Feed the Hungry” SOUP FOR THE SOUL, RESCHEDULE! Due to weather predictions the “Soup for the Soul” Will be held next Saturday, January 30th P.R.E.P. CONFIRMATION LEVEL 1 ATTENTION PARENTS & STUDENTS Monday, February 1st at 7 pm Mandatory Meeting at Saint Teresa’s Church MOVIE NIGHT February 3, 2016 at 6:00 pm At: Saint Teresa’s Church Basement “MARY OF NAZARETH” The Altar Rosary Society is inviting all women of the parish. CEMENTARY CLEAN UP Please remove all Christmas decorations from the parish cemeteries before 2/15/16 Thank you SHOP RITE REGISTER TAPES – Thank you for continuing to donate your Shop Rite register tapes. The Parish of the Holy Cross receives a check from Shop Rite for 1% of the total dollar amount of these tapes (minus sales tax). In 2015, we received $6,843.093! Remember that we are collecting only tapes from Bottino Shop Rites (Shop Rite of Upper Deerfield, Millville and Delsea Drive). Tapes must total a minimum of $10.00; tobacco items, gift cards and prescriptions are excluded. Tapes may be put in the collection basket. ASH WEDNESDAY MASS SCHEDULE February 10, 2016 6:30 am 8:00 am 12:15 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Mass at Saint Mary’s Mass at Saint Mary’s Service at Saint Teresa’s Mass at Immaculate Service at St. Michael’s STATIONS OF THE CROSS Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Fridays 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 12:15 pm 7:00 pm St. Michael’s St. Anthony’s St. Teresa’s St. Mary’s “THE LIGHT IS ON” The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available every Wednesday during Lent at Immaculate Conception Church from 7:00 PM until 8:00 PM LENTEN SOUP & BREAD NIGHT Beginning on Friday, February 12th, we invite you to “Soup and Bread Night” at St. Mary’s on the Fridays during Lent followed by Stations of the Cross. It is a time for friendship and sharing. Everyone is invited to attend on Friday evenings from 5:00 P.M. until 6:30 P.M. (you may come anytime between 5:00-6:30 P.M.) If you would like to prepare and share a meatless soup or dish with us, please call Marlene Munson at 696-4494. CHURCH DIRECTORY! Coming this February . . . Free family portrait sessions for a new parish directory! With a church directory we can preserve this special time in the life and ministry of our parish. And what a great way to visually connect faces with names and make new friends. Check back next week for more information. SUPER BINGO! $6000.00 Tickets are now on sale Volunteers needed for Bingo, One Tuesday a month. WE WANT YOUR NEWS! Publish your ministry on the bulletin and send us your information to: [email protected] Please send it no later than Monday morning. FIND US ON: FACEBOOK: Parish of the Holy Cross TWEETER: @FrVinceGuest Page 4 January 24th, 2016 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Del Escritorio del Pastor… La Primera Carta de Pablo a los Corintos: “Tu eres el Cuerpo de Cristo.” Las próximas semanas en la Misa Dominical estarás escuchando de la Primera Carta de Pablo a los Corintios. Yo te animo a que abras tu Biblia en tu casa y leas por completo la carta un poquito cada día. En la mayoría de las Biblias son solo como 20 paginas la carta completa. Lea la carta como si Pablo te está escribiéndote a ti personalmente. Si una palabra en particular o imagen o pasaje te golpea, entonces pausa y ora con ese pasaje. Permite que la Palabra de Dios le hable a tu corazón. En esta lectura dominical de la carta de Pablo a los Corintios se nos presenta a nosotros con la imagen preciosa del Cuerpo de Cristo. Jesús murió por ti y resucito de la muerte y por tu Bautismo tu hora compartes en la vida de Cristo. Eso da fundamento verdadero y dirección a tu vida. Eso realmente nos unifica como Iglesia. ¿Bastante impresionante que no? La Eucaristía que nosotros recibimos cada semana nos da la fuerza para vivir esta realidad. Usando esta imagen de Pablo pregúntate esta semana, ¿cuál parte del Cuerpo de Cristo eres? ¿Eres parte de Su mente, que enseñas a otros de la fe? ¿Eres parte de Su corazón, enseñas el amor Cristianos? ¿Eres Sus manos, esforzándote a ayudar a otros? ¿Eres Sus oídos, con calma escuchas a las preocupaciones y ansiedades de otros? ¿Eres Sus brazo, abrazando a personas quienes están solas y con miedos? Igual que cada parte de tu cuerpo es esencial así que todos ustedes son esenciales para el Cuerpo de Cristo – la Iglesia. Como mencione hace algunas semanas, todos ustedes son llamados a vivir su Bautismo. Tú ere llamado a servir la Iglesia y uno a otro. ¿Qué es tu misión? ¿Cómo puedes tu servir tu familia, tu iglesia y tu comunidad? Dios te Bendiga a ti y a tu familia, Fr. Vince UNA PERSPECTIVA DE FAMILIA (Juan 2:13-25) El evangelio de hoy dice que Jesus corrió a los comerciantes fuera del templo, No dice que Él estaba enojado. Jesús nos ensena a actuar con convicción no con coraje. El no condeno a los comerciantes, solo a su práctica de negocio. Ataca el comportamiento y no a la persona. ADMINISTRADORES COMPARTAN 3er Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario “Id y comed manjares grasos, bebed bebidas dulces y mandad su ración a quien no tiene nada preparado..." (Nehemías 8:10) ¡Las instrucciones de Esdras al pueblo nos muestran que Dios no nos prohíbe disfrutar de las cosas buenas de la vida, Él quiere que seamos felices! Sin embargo, Él espera de nosotros que seamos generosos con aquellos que tienen necesidades, sin esperar nada a cambio. Pray for the Deceased: Juleen Bourgeois PRAY FOR OUR SICK Ora por nuestros Enfermos Sharon Biondi, Ann Brago, Anthony DiGregorio, Rose Earnest, Mildred Fleming, Patricia Gutierrez, Bob Griffith, Mary Randazzo, Doug Riggins, June Riggins, Dot Sackie, Wilson Saul, Deanna SperanzaMurphy, Jan Waddell, Maria Ines López, Karen Weis, Brian Filipone, Nelva Ancona, Edith Myers, Joann Chiari-Cervini & Lyndal Kellogg, Kim Wagner, Veronica Vickers, Patrick Mullin, Kristi, Carlos Diaz, Jacob Riley-Wasserman, Trevor Ward, Trudy Contino, Kathleen Charlton, Rosemarie Gaburo, Frank Gergenti, Louis Bush, Jill Lloyd Pino, Esther Spagnola, Maryann Bramante, Patricia Lee, Karen Wuzzardo, Francis Grzybowski, Lucy Gharp, Tyler Vit, Fred Pangburn, Fred Baker, Betsey Miletta, Jillian Sayre, Elisie Smith, John Randazo Sr., Jeanette Gaggiotti & Rose Vagnarelli Maryann MacDonald & Beverly Szymborski January 24th, 2016 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 NOTICIAS PARROQUIALES… TEMA DE ESTE MES: “Dale de Comer a el Hambriento” “SOPA PARA EL ALMA” Debido a el clima inclemente Fue movido para el sábado, enero 30. P.R.E.P. CONFIRMACION NIVEL 1 Reunión, lunes 1 de febrero, a las 7 pm Iglesia de Santa Teresa de Ávila Mandatorio para padres y estudiantes PRECENTACION DEL SEÑOR FEBRERO 2, 2016 MISA EN ESPAÑOL SANTA TERESA DE AVILA 7 PM ¡GRAN KERMES! FIESTA FAMILIAR La Parroquia de la Santa Cruz Los Invita Sábado, 6 de febrero ALM CENTER Disfrute música, comida y compañerismo Boletos: $20.00, $25.00 en la entrada Niños: 11 a 15 Años, $15.00 Menores de 10 Años gratis GRAN RIFA GUADALUPANA Se llevara a cabo el 7 de Febrero De 2:30 pm a 4:00 pm En el sótano de la Iglesia Santa Teresa PUBLICATE EN EL BOLETIN ¿Qué está haciendo tu ministerio? ¿A qué quieres invitar a la comunidad? ¿Cuándo y dónde se reúnen? [email protected] a más tardar el lunes por la mañana. MIERCOLES DE CENISA Febrero 10, 2016 6:30 am, Misa, Inmaculada Concepción 7:00 pm, Misa, Santa Teresa de Ávila ESTACIONES DE LA CRUZ Viernes Cada Semana: 6:30 pm, Inmaculada Concepción ASISTENCIA LEGAL DE INMIGRACIÓN El Centro de Camden de Derecho y Justicia Social ofrece asistencia legal de inmigración cada dos martes en Rectoría de la Inmaculada Concepción, de 1:00 PM hasta 6:00 PM. Para una cita por favor llame al (856) 583-2950. CARIDADES CATÓLICAS Para hacer una cita llame al (856) 691-1841. DESPENSA de PAPA FRANCIS Abierta el 3 º sábado de cada mes, de 9:00 AM a 11:00 AM en el sótano del Convento. COMEDOR del BUEN PASTOR El almuerzo se sirve de lunes a viernes, 12:00-1:00 PM en Sótano de la Iglesia de Santa Teresa de Ávila RECIVOS SHOP RITE– Gracias por continuamente donar tus recibos de Shop Rite. La Paroquia de la Santa Cruz recive un cheque de Shop Rite por 1% del total por dolar gastado de las cintas (menos tax de ventas). En 2015, nosotros recivimos $6,843.093! Recuerda que solo colectamos de Bottino Shop Rites (Shop Rite de Upper Deerfield, Millville y Delsea Drive).Cintas deven ser de un total de $10.00; tabacco, tarjetas de regalo y recetas son excluidas. Usted puede poner las cintas en la canasta de colecta. DIRECTORIO PARROQUIANO Viene este febrero…¡Sesión gratis portada de familia para un nuevo directorio de parroquial! Con un directorio podemos preservar este tiempo especial en la vida y ministro de nuestra parroquia. Y que buena manera de visualizar y conectar las darás con los nombres y hacer nuevas amistades. Revisa la próxima semana para más información. Page 6 January 24th, 2016 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time SAINT MARY’S CHURCH IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH Saturday, January 23, 2016 4:30 pm, Eupha Montana: John & Paula Montana Sister Elizabeth: John & Maria Bevecqua Annie Gionnascoli: Everett & MaryCatherine Brogen Maria Sacco: Mary Lippincott Anna Leonardo: Everett & MaryCatherine Brogen Sunday, January 24, 2016 9:30 am, Anita Barbagallo: Jeanne Uber Nate Bisconte: Angie & Nate Pizzo Anna Leonardo: Paul & Jean Ritter Monday, January 25, 2016 8:00 am, Annie Giannascoli: Ken & Theresa Williamson Annie Leonardo: Mr. & Mrs. Gene Annacone & Family Tuesday, January 26, 2016 8:00 am, Claire & Marshall Peterson: Celeste Hitchner Stevens & Her Family Annie Leonardo: Mr. Frank Paladino Wednesday, January 27, 2016 8:00 am, Anna Leomardo: Angie & Nate Pizzo James Paul Daniels: Kathryn Daniels Saturday, January 30, 2016 4:30 pm, Jennie Ferrara: Children & Grandchildren Annie Ferrari: Everett & MaryCatherine Brogen Annie Gianniscoli: Nick Martorana Nate Bisconte: Frank & Dolly Buono Anna Leonardo: Brother, Frank & Dolly Sunday, January 31, 2016 9:30 am, Norman Garrison: John & Maria Bevacqua Annie Giannascoli: Lucille Martorana Sr. M. Elizabeth Stanziola, D.M.: Deacon Chris & Dale Nichols Nate Bisconte: Natalie Buono Alfreda Mackay: Mary & Richard Viable Sunday, January 24, 2016 8:00 am, Anna May Hitchner: Dominic & Nancy Valella Ignatius D’Agostino: Holly & Mario D’Agostino John West: Laura Chew In Honor of St. Anthony: Parishioner Norman Garrison: Anna Sorrentino 7:00 pm, Por la Salud de Juana Acá Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:30 pm / Misa en Español Wednesday, January 27, 2016 6:30 pm / Misa en Español Thursday, January 28, 2016 8:00 am, Karl & Flora Haaf: Kathy Bischer & Children 6:30 pm / Misa en Español Friday, January 29, 2016 8:00 am, Jennie Gondolf: Frank & Sherri Catalana & Family Saturday, January 30, 2016 8:00 am, Jim Camarote: Lynda, Mark & Brian Sunday, January 31, 2016 8:00 am, Anna May Hitchner: Love, Celeste Charles VanSant: Celeste & Family Anthony Copare: Catholic War Vets, Post 1578 Carmella Barlam: Everett & Nancy Marino John West: Delly Harris 7:00 pm / Misa en Español SAINT ANTHONY CHURCH Sunday, January 24, 2016 11:30 am, Philip Capaldi: Family The Deceased Members of the Yawczak Family: Kathryn Daniels SAINT MICHAEL CHURCH Sunday, January 31, 2016 11:30 am, Connie Barlam: Steve Kutney Michael & Mary Sullivan & Fr. Ronald Falatico: The Sullivan Family Sunday, February 7, 2016 11:30 am, Michael & Mary Sullivan: The Sullivan Family Carmella Barlam: Everett & Nancy Marino SAINT TERESA CHURCH Saturday, January 23, 2016 5:00 pm, Lynn Quinn: Family John West: Ed & Mary Cesta Tony Copare: Jeff & Veronica Vickers Rose Thomas: Dan & Susan Bitters James & David Yates: Dolly & Susan Sunday, January 24, 2016 10:30 am, Anthony Copare: Kathleen Catalano-Strang Rose Thomas: Andrea Bianco-Ritter Carol Morrison: Dr. Margot Watkins & Family Willian Vain: Betty Johnson & Rachel Rottkamp Glenn Murray: Tony & Donna Pierce 12:30 pm, +Remedios Huerta, +Guillermo y +Lidia Gaspar F.: De Sus Hijos y Sus Nietos Saturday, January 30, 2016 5:00 pm, Rose Marie Thomas: Paul & Jean Ritter Al Caggiano: Celeste Stevens & Family Deceased Members of the Ingegneri Family: Family William Vain: Holy Cross Altar Rosary Society Joel Bermudez: Devon & Mike Bermudez Sunday, January 31, 2016 10:30 am, Anthony Copare: Knights of Columbus Liberty Co. 1910 William Vain: Tom & Jean Brown Robert Carlaw, Sr: Martha Carlaw & Children Tony DiBuono: Ted & Margaret Mary Proper Anna & Angelo Terringo: Family 12:30 pm, Misa en Español NOW OPEN 761 Landis Ave., Rosenhayn 856-391-5198 Luciano J. Bispo, MD, FACOG · Carolyn E. Rivera, RN, APN, C Announcing To Our Practice ~ Raechel A. Fockler, DO Phone: 856-205-0606 · Fax: 856-205-0044 Accepting New Patients 2950 College Drive · Suite 2F · Vineland, NJ 08360 Upper Deerfield ShopRite 1000 North Pearl Street • Bridgeton, NJ 856-453-1782 Pharmacy 856-453-5993 Owned and Operated by the Bottino Family In this memoir, set as deeply in his mind as in the Southeast Asian jungle, a young American soldier embarks on a journey to a war that, for him, will never be over. The world was a playground for Mickey, a naive Irish American kid bored with his life. His father served in World War II, his brother was a Marine in Vietnam; now it was his turn. His 365 days in Vietnam builds in torment until an attack on a bunker complex in Cambodia. Wounded, his friend captured, he becomes a tormented survivor knowing he is always just a heartbeat from death. C40281 (JA) - Holy Cross, Bridgeton AVAILABLE NOW! Scan Here: or visit: Bon Venture Services, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders NJ 07836 • 800-883-4343 Inside BRIDGETON FAMILY DINER AND RESTAURANT Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner BEST OF THE BEST! CUMBERLAND COUNTY JOURNAL OPEN EVERY DAY 6:00AM-11:00PM TERRIGNO’S FAIRFIELD INN 153 Bridgeton-Fairton Rd. Bridgeton, NJ 08302 856-451-7592 Fax: 856-451-1834 10% OFF 856-455-1010 WITH THIS AD 825 NORTH PEARL STREET BRIDGETON, NJ 08302 FREITAG FUNERAL HOME ~ Established 1897 ~ OFFERING THE FINEST IN SERVICE & FACILITIES Kenneth W. Freitag, Owner / Manager N.J. Lic. No. 3666 Christopher K. LaBree, Funeral Director NJ Lic. No. 4497 The Maria Collection 10% Off w/Coupon 1048 N. PEARL ST. CARLLS CORNER 856.453.9523 1181-1183 E. LANDIS AVE. VINELAND 856.696.3600 Email: offi[email protected] Website: SPECIALIZING IN PRE-NEED FUNERAL PLANNING 137 West Commerce Street 856-455-2600 DRUGS CERVICAL CANCER AWARENESS MONTH WOODRUFF’S Fast, Friendly Service Get your PAP SMEAR! Free for uninsured women. Obtenga su prueba de Papanicolaou Gratis para mujeres sin seguro 856-641-8484 (ENGLISH) • 856-641-8686 (SPANISH) Se Habla Español Ask About Delivery 856-451-6755 30 N. LAUREL STREET, BRIDGETON 12 Park Dr. Bridgeton, NJ THE “NICEST” PRICES PAID FOR GOLD & SILVER SI LV ER W AR E 856-455-7400 PRE 196 COINS 4 M. Pizzo, LLC t/a J.A. Mariano Agency Personal INSURANCE Business For Personalized & Professional Service Call 451-9531 Landis Avenue, Rosenhayn CUMBERLAND INSURANCE GROUP SHILOH MEDICAL GROUP Robert W Dickson III MD John H Gould MD 856-455-1464 · 856-455-6381 PO BOX 110 · 851 MAIN STREET · SHILOH, NJ 08353 Denise Lorenzo 633 Shiloh Pike · PO Box 556 Bridgeton, NJ 08302 HUGHES-RIGGS REALTY, INC (856) 451-4050 1255 Highway 77 Bridgeton, NJ 08302 609-501-1865 Cell 856-451-9200 x1346 Office 856-451-3944 Fax [email protected] Each office is independently owned and operated McGlynn Family Dental Care John P. McGlynn, D.M.D. “Where you’re treated like a member of the family” New Patients Welcomed / Payment Plans Available Most Insurance Plans Accepted • Modern State-of-the-Art Facility Call 455-6262 1117 Highway 77 C40281 (JA) - Holy Cross, Bridgeton Upper Deerfield Bon Venture Services, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders NJ 07836 • 800-883-4343 Outside