PERSONAL INFORMATION Full name: Isabel Ayerdi Olaizola Date


PERSONAL INFORMATION Full name: Isabel Ayerdi Olaizola Date
Full name: Isabel Ayerdi Olaizola
Date of birth: 10 September 1968
Nationality: Spanish
June 1992
Degree in Industrial Engineering, majoring in Electricity and Electronics.
TECNUN, Engineering School, San Sebastian, Gipuzkoa
December 1998
Professional Doctorate in Industrial Engineering (PhD)
TECNUN, Engineering School, San Sebastian, Gipuzkoa
Researcher in the Microelectronics and Microsystems Department at CEIT.
Paseo Mikeletegi, 48
20009 San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa
phone: 943 21 28 00 Ext. 2905
e-mail: [email protected]
Adjunct Professor (Profesora Asociada) in the Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering Department at TECNUN,
Engineering School.
Technological Campus of the University of Navarra
Paseo Manuel Lardizábal, 13
20018 San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa
phone: 943 21 28 00 Ext. 2905
e-mail: [email protected]
Chemical and physical microsensors – MEMS technology
Microfluidics – Polymer Microfabrication
Pressure sensor developed by silicon technologies for industrial applications
Sensor de presión diferencial por tecnología de silicio para aplicaciones industriales
Funded by: Programa GAME I (Acción especial del programa ESPRIT)
Partners: COPRECI S. Coop.
Duration: 1992-1994
Role: researcher
Pressure transmitter based on a ceramic microsensor on silicon
Transmisor de presión basado en microsensor cerámico sobre silicio
Funded by: Programa GAME II (Acción Especial Programa ESPRIT)
Partner: COPRECI S. Coop.
Duration: 1993- 1995
Role: researcher
Radiation thermoelectric sensor for safety systems in gas burners
Sensor termoeléctrico de radiación para sistemas de seguridad en quemadores de gas
Funded by: Programa GAME II (Acción Especial Programa ESPRIT)
Partner: ORKLI S. Coop. (Grupo MCC)
Duration: 1994- 1996
Role: researcher
Ceramic microsensor based on tin oxide for methane detection in home and industrial environments
Microsensor cerámico basado en óxido de estaño para la detección de gas metano en sistemas de seguridad domóticos e
Funded by: Basque Government
Partners: GAS EUSKADI S.A. (Grupo EVE), ORKLI S. Coop. (Grupo MCC)
Duration: 1997- 1999
Role: researcher
Pre-industrialization of low-pressure silicon microsensors for electrical appliances
Preindustrialización de microsensores de silicio de baja presión para su aplicación a electrodomésticos
Funded by: Basque Government
Coop. Duration: 1997-1999
Role: researcher
Development of a microsensor for measuring the humidity in the automotive brake fluid
Desarrollo de un detector de humedad en el líquido de frenos del automóvil
Funded by: Spanish Government - Iniciativa ATYCA
Partners: KRAFFT, S.A., ZERTAN, S.A.
Duration: 1999
Role: research coordinator
A microsystem for fluids analysis. Microsensors
Microsistema para el análisis de fluidos. Microsensórica
Funded by: Basque Government
Duration: 2000
Role: Researcher
A microsystem for fluids analysis. Microfluidics
Microsistema para el análisis de fluidos. Microfluidica
Funded by: Basque Government
Duration: 2000
Role: Researcher
Microfluidic systems: automotive oil analysis
Microsistemas fluídicos: análisis de aceite en el automóvil
Funded by: Spanish Government - Programa PROFIT
Duration: 2000-2002
Role: researcher
Development of thin silicon membranes for ultrasonic microsensors
Desarrollo de membranas delgadas de silicio para su aplicación a la obtención de microdetectores de ultrasonidos
Funded by: Basque Government
Duration: 2000-2002
Role: researcher
Microsistemas fluídicos
Funded by: Basque Government
Duration: 2001-2002
Role: researcher
Development of micromachining and packaging techniques
Desarrollo de Técnicas de Micromecanizado y Encapsulado
Funded by: Basque Government
Duration: 2001-2002
Role: researcher
Basic techniques in integrated optics
Técnicas básicas de óptica integrada
Funded by: Basque Government
Duration: 2001-2002
Role: researcher
Thermal conductivity microsensor for measuring the natural gas quality
Microsensor de conductividad térmica para la medida de calidad del gas natural
Funded by: Basque Government - INTEK
Partners: Gas de Euskadi S.A., Wartsila Ibérica S.A., Kosorkuntza A.I.E.
Duration: 2001-2003
Role: research coordinator
Portable and autonomous microlab
Microlaboratorio portable y autónomo (NIMITEK)
Funded by: Basque Government - ETORTEK
Partners: tekniker, Ikerlan
Duration: 2002-2004
Role: researcher
Low-cost flow and temperature sensors for water heaters
Caudalímetro de bajo costo con medida de temperatura para calentadores de agua
Funded by: Basque Government - INTEK
Partners: ORKLI S. Coop., Fagor Electrodomésticos S. Coop.
Duration: 2002-2005
Role: researcher
New thermal conductivity microsensor for the assessment of gas generated in dumps
Nuevo microsensor de conductividad térmica basado en Silicio micromecanizado para la valoración del gas generado en
Funded by: Basque Government - Fondo para la Cooperación Aquitania-Euskadi
Partners: Université de Bordeaux I /CNRS
Duration: 2003- 2004
Role: research coordinator
Microsystems for analyzing the degradation of engine and transformer oils
Microsistema para la evaluación de la degradación de aceites en motores y transformadores
Funded by: Basque Government - INTEK
Partners: Wärtsilä Ibérica, S.A., Kosorkuntza A.I.E., OASA transformadores XXI
Duration: 2003-2006
Role: research coordinator
Catalytic microsensor for measuring the High Calorific Value, HCV, of natural gas
Microsensor catalítico para la determinación del poder calorífico superior del gas natural
Funded by: Spanish Government - PROFIT
Partners: Naturcorp Redes S.a.u., Wärtsilä Ibérica, S.A., Kosorkuntza A.I.E., Orkli S. Coop.
Duration: 2004-2005
Role: research coordinator
Cooperative Research Center in Micro- and Nanotechnology
Centro de Investigación Cooperativo en Micro-Nanotecnologías (MICROGUNE)
Funded by: Basque Government - ETORTEK
Partners: Ikerlan, Tekniker, CMIC, Tecnun, MU
Duration: 2004-2006
Role: researcher
Optimization of a microsystem to measure the Methane Number of Natural gas
Optimización del microsistema de medida del número de metano en el gas natural
Funded by: Naturcorp Multiservicios S.A., Wartsila Ibérica S.A., Kosorkuntza A.I.E.
Duration: 2006
Role: research coordinator
Development of lithography technology for nanoscale structuring of materials using laser beam interference
Development of lithography technology for nanoscale structuring of materials using laser beam interference
Funded by: European Commission (VI FP)
Partners: Cardiff University, Tampere University of Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Silios Technologies S.A.
Duration: 2006-2008
Role: researcher
Development of a telemetric gas meter for natural gas
Desarrollo de un contador de termias con telemetría para gas natural
Funded by: Basque Government - INTEK BERRI
Partners: ZIV Medidas, Naturcorp Redes S.A.U
Duration: 2006-2008
Role: research coordinator
Microsystems applied to healthcare
Microsistemas aplicados a la salud (MICAS)
Funded by: Basque Government - ETORTEK
Partners: Ikerlan, Tekniker, CMIC, Tecnun, MU
Duration: 2007-2009
Role: researcher
Wireless pressure sensor for biomedical applications
Sensor de presión inalámbrico para aplicaciones biomédicas
Funded by: Basque Government - INTEK BERRI
Partners: Oiarso S. Coop., Incide S.A., Iquimesa Servicios Sanitarios S.L.U. Facultad de Medicina (EHU/UPV)
Duration: 2007-2009
Role: research coordinator
Bioengineering for the Society
Bioingeniería al Servicio de la Sociedad
Funded by: Spanish Government - Proyectos Estratégicos Singulares PROFIT
Duration: 2008- 2011
Role: researcher
Development of biosensors based on molecular and immunochemical techniques for the detection of pathogens
Desarrollo de biosensores para la detección de patógenos basados en técnicas moleculares e inmunoquímicas
Funded by: Spanish Government - Proyectos Estratégicos Singulares PROFIT
Duration: 2008- 2011
Role: researcher
In vitro microtechnology for high-speed diagnosis
Microtecnología in vitro para diagnóstico rápido (mivDIRA)
Funded by: Basque Government - ETORTEK
Duration: 2009-2011
Role: researcher
Cochlear atraumatic surgery and flat electrode arrays
Cochlear atraumatic surgery and flat electrode arrays
Funded by: CEBIO
Duration: 2009- 2012
Role: researcher
Ceramic pressure sensor based on tantalum thin film
I.Ayerdi, E. Castaño, A. García-Alonso y F.J. Gracia
Sensors & Actuators A, 42-45, pp. 435-438 (1994)
Characterization of tantalum oxynitride thin films as high-temperature strain gauges
I.Ayerdi, E. Castaño, A. García-Alonso y F.J. Gracia
Sensors and Actuators A, 46-47, pp. 218-221 (1995)
High-temperature ceramic pressure sensors
I.Ayerdi, E. Castaño, A. García-Alonso y F.J. Gracia
Sensors and Actuators A, 60, 72-75 (1997)
Thermal conductivity microsensor for determining the methane number of natural gas
D. Puente, F.J. Gracia, I. Ayerdi
Sensors and Actuators B, 110, 181-189 (2005)
Thermal behavior of freestanding microstructures fabricated by silicon frontside processing using porous silicon
as sacrificial layer
D. Puente, S. Arana, F.J. Gracia, I. Ayerdi
IEEE Sensors Journal, 6 548-556 (2006)
SU8 protective layers in liquid operating SAWs
N. Arana, D. Puente, I. Ayerdi, E. Castaño y J. Berganzo
Sensors and Actuators B, 118, 374-379 (2006)
BaTiO3–CuO sputtered thin film for carbon dioxide detection
G. García Mandayo, F. González, I. Rivas, I. Ayerdi y J. Herrán
Sensors and Actuators B, 118, 305-310 (2006)
Influence of silver as an additive on BaTiO3–CuO thin film for CO2 monitoring
J. Herrán, G. Gª Mandayo, I. Ayerdi, E. Castaño
Sensors and Actuators B, 129, 386-390 (2008)
High-power laser interference lithography process on photoresist: Effect of laser fluence and polarisation
M. Ellman, A. Rodríguez, N. Pérez , M. Echeverria, Y.K. Verevkin, C.S. Peng , T. Berthou, Z. Wang, S.M. Olaizola, I.
Applied Surface Science, 255, 5537-5541 (2009)
A comparative study of sputtered piezoresistive materials for mechanical sensors
E. Castaño, A. García-Alonso, I. Obieta, I. Ayerdi, F.J. Gracia
First International Conference on Materials for Microelectronics, Barcelona 1994
High temperature ceramic pressure sensor
I. Ayerdi, E. Castaño, A. García-Alonso, F.J. Gracia
Eurosensors X - Leuven, Bélgica (1996)
Análisis de las propiedades piezorresistivas de los oxinitruros de tántalo
I. Ayerdi, E. Castaño, A. García-Alonso, F.J. Gracia
V Reunión Nacional de Materiales – Cádiz 1996
Microsensor superficial de nitruro de tántalo sobre silicio micromecanizado para la medida de presión
G. Theodorou, S. Alvarez, I. Ayerdi, E. Castaño, F.J. Gracia
Conferencia de dispositivos microelectrónicos, CDE’97, Barcelona 1997
Transmisor de presión basado en microsensor cerámico sobre silicio
G. Theodorou, S. Alvarez, I. Ayerdi, E. Castaño, F.J. Gracia
Jornada de Clausura de la Acción Especial GAME, Madrid 1997
Pyrex Glass Anodic Bonding for the packaging of low pressure piezoresistive sensors
J.M. Artola, I. Ayerdi, G. Bistué, E. Castaño, F.J. Gracia
2ª Conferencia de Dispositivos Electrónicos CDE’99 – Madrid 1999
Influence of the palladium adding method on methane selectivity in SnO2 thin-film sensors
S.M. Olaizola, G. García, I. Ayerdi, E. Castaño, F.J. Gracia, J.A. Díez de Ulzurrun, A.M. Gutiérrez
IGU 21st World Gas Conference – Nice 2000
Impedance measurements for the development of moisture sensors in brake fluids
D. Puente, I. Ayerdi, E. Castaño, F.J. Gracia
Conferencia de dispositivos microelectrónicos, CDE’01 – Granada 2001
N-type silicon as masking material in porous silicon formation process
D. Puente, I. Rivas, S. Arana, I. Ayerdi y F.J. Gracia
Conferencia de Dispositivos Electrónicos, CDE’03 – Barcelona 2003
Humidity sensor based on a commercial polyimide sensitive layer
I. Rivas, D. Puente, I. Ayerdi y F.J. Gracia
Conferencia de Dispositivos Electrónicos, CDE’03 – Barcelona 2003
Development of a novel and low cost thermal conductivity microsensor to measure the methane number of natural
D. Puente, J. Gracia, I. Ayerdi et al.
International Gas Research Conference (IGRC 2004) – Vancouver 2004
Thermal Conductivity Microsensor to measure the Methane Number of Natural Gas
D. Puente, J. Gracia and I. Ayerdi
Conferencia de Dispositivos Electrónicos, CDE’05 – tarragona 2005
Ag/AgI quasi-reference electrodes
I. Rivas, D. Puente, I. Ayerdi y E. Castaño
Conferencia de Dispositivos Electrónicos, CDE’05 – Tarragona 2005
SU8 protective layers in liquid operating SAWs
N. Arana, D. Puente, I. Ayerdi, E. Castaño
Eurosensors XIX – Barcelona 2005
Effect of electrode geometry in amperometric glucose sensors based on poly(o-phenylenediamine) membranes
N. Arana, D. Puente, I. Ayerdi, E. Castaño
Eurosensors XIX – Barcelona 2005
BaTiO3-CuO sputtered thin film for carbon dioxide detection
G. García Mandayo, F. González, I. Rivas, I. Ayerdi, J. Herrán
Eurosensors XIX – Barcelona 2005
New thermal conductivity microsensor to measure the methane number of natural gas
A. Gutiérrez, D. Puente, D. Toro, E. Pérez, I. Ayerdi, J. Gracia, J. Sabin
23rd World Gas Conference – Ámsterdam 2006
SAW devices with SU8 protective layers and Ti/Pt shielding for measuring liquids viscosity
N. Arana, D. Puente e I. Ayerdi
Eurosensors XX – Goteborg 2006
Carbon dioxide gas sensors based on BaTiO3-CuO thin films technology
J.Herrán*, G.Gª Mandayo, I. Ayerdi, E. Castaño
Eurosensors XX – Goteborg 2006
Principios y aplicaciones de la fotolitografía por interferencia láser de múltiple haz
A. Rodríguez, N. Pérez, I. Ayerdi, Y. Verevkin, V.N. Petryakov, E. Ya. Daume, T. Berthou, C. Peng, Z. Wang, S.M. Olaizola
III Taller Nacional de Procesado de Materiales con Láser – Valencia 2006
High resolution CMOS integrated sensor for human body temperature measurement
A. Ubarretxena, I. Mayordomo, D. pardo, A. Vaz, I. Ayerdi, R. Berenguer
XXII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS) - 2007
Processing of BaTiO3-CuO films for gas sensing applications using pulsed Laser Interference Lithography
A. Rodríguez, J. Herrán, N. Pérez, I. Ayerdi, G. Gª. Mandayo, S.M. Olaizola, Y. Verevkin, V.N. Petryakov, A.Y. Klimov, B.A.
Gribkov, C.S. Peng, Z. Wang
Congreso: 9th International Conference on Laser Ablation – Tenerife 2007
System Requirement Analysis of Laser Interference Nanolithography
Autores: Zuobin Wang, Jin Zhang, Changsi Peng, Chunlei Tan, Isabel Ayerdi, Ainara Rodríguez, Yury K. Verevkin, Thierry
Berthou and Stéphane Tisserand
IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation - 2007
Aplicación de la fotolitografía por interferencia láser de múltiple haz a la fabricación de estructuras nanométricas
A Rodríguez, N Pérez, I Ayerdi, S M Olaizola, Y Verevkin, V N Petryakov, E Ya Daume, T Berthou, CS Peng and Z Wang
5º Reunión Española de Optoelectrónica OPTOEL ’07 - 2007
Novel Microsystem with a SU8 protective layer for engine oil monitoring
Autores: N. Arana, N. Pérez, F. Arizti, I. Ayerdi
Eurosensors XXII – Dresden 2008
Method for the determination of the Methane Number of combustible gases
Método para la determinación del número de metano en gases combustibles
Number: P200400652
Applicants: Naturcorp Multiservicios S.A., Kosorkuntza A.I.E. y Wärtsilä NSD Ibérica S.A.
Inventors: Castaño Carmona, Enrique; Gracia Gaudó, Javier; Ayerdi Olaizola, Isabel; Puente Pousada, David; Olaizola
Izquierdo, Santiago y García Elizalde, Jorge
Laser Interference Lithographic System
Sistema de litografía por interferencia láser
Number: P200701546
Applicants: Institute Of Applied Physics, Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Técnicas de Gipuzkoa, Optoelectronics
Research Centre (Tampere University of Technology)
Inventors: Konstantinovich, Yuri; Nikolaevich Petrykov, Vladimir; Olaizola, Santiago; rodríguez, Ainara; Ayerdi, Isabel;
Peng, Changsi; Tan, Chunlei; Pessa, Markus
Capacitance-frequency converter for capacitive transducers
Circuito conversor de capacidad-frecuencia para transductores capacitivos
Number: P200701489
Applicants: Farsens s.l.
Inventors: Berenguer, Roc; Sevillano, Juan Francisco; García-Alonso, Andrés; Ayerdi, Isabel; Vélez, Igone; Gutiérrez, Iñigo
et al.
Low consumption ring oscillator protected against supply voltage variations
Circuito oscilador en anillo de bajo consumo con protección frente a variaciones de tensión de alimentación
Number: P200801086
Applicant: Farsens s.l.
Inventors: Ubarretxena, Aritz; Berenguer, Roc; Pardo, Daniel: Ayerdi, Isabel; Solar, Héctor; Bistué, Guillermo
Capacitance-frequency converter with the variable capacitor as oscillator power supply
Convertidor capacidad-frecuencia con la capacidad variable como fuente de alimentación del oscilador
Number: P200801085
Applicant: Farsens s.l.
Inventors: Berenguer, Roc; Alexander Vaz; Ubarretxena, Aritz; Ayerdi, Isabel, Sevillano, Juan Francisco; García-Alonso,
Multiple prototyping process for capacitive mechanical microsensors
Proceso de prototipado múltiple para microsensores mecánicos de tipo capacitivo
Number: P200801029
Applicant: Farsens s.l.
Inventors: Ayerdi, Isabel; García-Alonso, Andrés; Vélez, Igone; Fernández, Iñaki; Cortés, Ainhoa; Valderas, Daniel
TECNUN, Engineering School, San Sebastian, Gipuzkoa
Teaching Assistant in
Linear Electronics, Engineering Degree (1993-1998)
Adjunct Professor in
Microsystems Technology, Doctoral Program in Applied Engineering, since 2005
Micro- and Nanotechnology, Master in Biomedical Engineering, since 2008
Predoctoral grant from Basque Government, from 1994 to 1997.
FSRM Course Microdevices for Fluid Handling - Neuchâtel, September 2001
Course Semiconductor lasers: their physics and applications (20 hours), given by Carmen S. Menoni, from the
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Colorado State University, CEIT, July 2004.
Course Cofabrication of MEMS and electronics - IMEC (Leuven, Bélgica), December 2008
Member of the jury in the doctoral thesis titled New catalysis and filtering strategies to improve the performance of
carbon monoxide sensors based on tin oxide nanoparticles presented by Gemma García Mandayo in TECNUN,
Engineering School, University of Navarra, October 2002.
Member of the jury in the doctoral thesis titled Thin films of high magnetoresistance nanogranular alloys for the
development of contact-less position sensors presented by Sergio Arana Alonso in TECNUN, Engineering School,
University of Navarra, February 2003.
Director of the thesis entitled A Laser Interference Lithographic Tool for Micro- and Nano-scale Patterning of Materials
presented by Ainara Rodríguez González in TECNUN, Engineering School, University of Navarra, February 2010
Member of the Selection Commission in the Electronic and Communications, Optoelectronic and Photonic Devices,
Sensors and Microsystems Area within the National Program of Basic Research Projects (MEC), Call 2008.