Dyalá Jiménez - DJ arbitraje internacional costa rica


Dyalá Jiménez - DJ arbitraje internacional costa rica
Dyalá Jiménez
[email protected]
Languages: Spanish, English,
French and Portuguese
Dyalá Jiménez works in the fields of commercial arbitration and investment
arbitration. Due to her vast experience in international commercial arbitration,
she has been appointed sole arbitrator and president of the tribunal in two
ICC cases. For two consecutive years, the Legal Who’s Who distinguished
Dyalá as one of the five top experts in international commercial arbitration of
Chile in its annual publication “The International Who’s Who of Commercial
Arbitration”. Dyalá Jiménez is a member of the ICC Latin American Arbitration
Group, the International Arbitration Institute (IAI), and Asociación Latinoamericana de Arbitraje (ALARB).
Dyalá Jiménez participates in both ICC and AAA-ICDR arbitrations as counsel
to parties. Dyalá has been involved in the setting aside proceedings of an ICC
award in Chile. In addition, Dyalá formed part of the team that represents
a Chilean company in an ICSID arbitration against the Plurinational State of
Before joining private practice, Dyalá Jiménez worked for seven years in the
ICC’s International Court of Arbitration, first in Paris and later in Chile, as
Director for Latin America. Between 1996 and 1998, she was advisor to the
First Vice-president of the Costa Rican government, in connection with conflict
Dyalá Jiménez is visiting professor of International Commercial Arbitration at
the Law School of Universidad de Chile, first from 2005 to 2008 and currently
in 2011. Since the year 2004, she teaches International Law for the LL.M.
program at Heidelberg University - Universidad de Chile.
Dyalá Jiménez obtained her Law degree with honors from Universidad de Costa Rica and has a LL.M. from Georgetown University (1999, Fulbright Scholar;
graduated with honors).
Av. Vitacura 2939, floor 10 · Santiago Chile · Postal code 7550011 · Phone: +562 431 5347 · Fax: +562 431 5050
· “Recent International Arbitration Developments in the Chilean Courts”
(with Johanna Klein Kranenberg), IBA Arbitration Newsletter, March 2010, pp. 161164.
· “Comentario al fallo de Gold Nutrition, de la Corte Suprema de Chile”
Revista Ecuatoriana de Arbitraje (2009), pp. 379-413.
· “La evolución de las normas de exequátur de laudos extranjeros en Chile”
(co-authored with Gonzalo Fernández), in: Carlos A. Soto Coaguila (dir.), Arbitraje
Comercial y Arbitraje de Inversión, Tomo 2 (Instituto Peruano de Arbitraje, 2009).
· “Las Convenciones Anteriores a la Convención de Nueva York: Discusiones
y Problemas”
In: Tawil y Zuleta, (dirs.), Abeledo Perrot (ed.), Arbitraje Comercial Internacional, Estudio
de la Convención de Nueva York con motivo de su 50° aniversario (2008), pp. 1-14.
· “Renuncia al recurso de anulación contra el laudo: alcances y análisis comparado”
In: Carlos A. Soto Coaguila (dir.), El Arbitraje en el Perú el Mundo, Tomo 1 (Instituto
Peruano de Arbitraje, 2008), pp. 531-538.
· “El sistema de la Corte Internacional de Arbitraje de la Cámara de Comercio Internacional”
In: Estudios de Arbitraje: Libro homenaje al profesor Patricio Aylwin Azócar, Editorial
Jurídica de Chile (2007), pp. 519-534.
· “Apuntes sobre el Arbitraje Comercial Internacional en la República Popular de China”
Revista Peruana de Arbitraje, No. 3 (2006), 195-208.
· “La Nueva Ley Chilena sobre Arbitraje Comercial Internacional”
(with Angie Armer), Revista Chilena de Derecho Privado (U. Diego Portales), July 2005.
Published in English in 20 Mealey’s International Arbitration Report 7.
· “La Madurez del Arbitraje Internacional: laudos extranjeros y laudos internacionales”
Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem No. 5, pp.129-143; also in Revista Internacional de
Arbitraje, No. 4.
· “Amicable means to Resolve Disputes, How the ICC ADR Rules Work”
Journal of Int. Arbitration, Vol 21 No. 1 (2004).
· “Will the Approach to Multi-Tiered Clauses in ICC Arbitration be Influenced
by a Recent U.K. Decision?”
In: ADR and the Law (2003), 19th Ed.
· “Multi-tiered Dispute Resolution Clauses in ICC Arbitration”
Introduction and Comment, 14 Bull. ICC ICA (2003).