Hispania News - US Hispanics


Hispania News - US Hispanics
Hispania News
VOL. 18. NO. 32
2006 Impala
See page 12
11 de agosto - 18 de agosto 2005
Discovery, una misión exitosa
Antimio Cruz , El Universal
Students are: From left: Scott and Molly Riddock, Chris Trujillo, Robert Krakow, Lisa Holman
and Beverly Courney. Photo by Steve Bigley
CTU Cuts Ribbon on Pueblo Campus
Colorado Technical University
officially opened the doors of its
Midtown Center campus in Pueblo
Thursday, August 4 with a ribboncutting ceremony for the entire
CTU Pueblo students, members
of the first classes to be held at the
new campus, cut the ribbon and
welcomed all into the new, stateof-the-practice learning facility.
Praising Pueblo as the “Home of
Heroes,” CTU Pueblo President
Greg Mitchell paid tribute to all
students at the Pueblo campus.
“What these students are doing
today at Colorado Technical
University is not only building the
future for themselves and for their
families,” Mitchell said.
“They are building the future of
Pueblo. We’re very proud to send
them soaring to meet their
Cont. on page 8
The BBB reaches out to our soldiers as they
reach American soil
The Better Business Bureau of
Southern Colorado, along with
many area businesses are deeply
grateful to the men and women of
our armed forces who have been
overseas fighting for our freedom.
We want our military to know we
are here to serve you and your
families. Our mission is to ensure
that local businesses act with
integrity and ethics.
We also report and investigate
companies that do not abide by our
standards. Sadly, it is these
companies that prey on those of
you who are either new to the area
or who have been away, serving
our country.
Here are a few scams to watch out
• Advance fee loans: legitimate
lenders never guarantee you’ll get
a loan before you apply.
• Be wary of “work at home”
schemes, such as stuffing
envelopes, reading books, or doing
medical billing though the internet.
These companies entice you with
promises of lucrative jobs, but in
reality, you end up paying them.
• Avoid payday loans. They charge
extraordinarily high fees. There
are better borrowing sources.
• Identity theft has become a huge
problem. Do not give out any
personal information such as your
social security number or bank
account numbers unless it is a
company you have done business
If you believe your identity
may have been stolen call the
Federal Trade Commission’s
hotline at 1-877-IDTHEFT.
And here are some solutions:
The Better Business Bureau
operates an autoline for all
branches of our military to protect
themselves against fraudulent
dealers and practices.
Cont. on page 8
Care & Share food bank asks for
community help
Care & Share Food Bank is
drastically low on emergency food
supplies. This lack of food at Care
& Share means fewer meals for
hungry families across southern
Colorado served by agencies such
as the Marian House, Boys & Girls
Clubs, Silver Key and the
Salvation Army in Pueblo.
As of August, the Marian House
Soup Kitchen will receive 500
fewer pounds of emergency food
each month because of this
Food donated during “Stamp Out
Hunger,” Care & Share’s last food
drive, is almost expended. The
need for emergency food rises in
the summer at the same time that
donations drop off.
This summer, the problem is
compounded by a number of
factors. “This year’s summer food
gap is particularly bad,” says Gary
McDonald, Care & Share’s
President and CEO. “The number
of folks just walking into Care &
Share to drop off a few bags of
groceries is lower because we
moved and are not yet on the radar
screens of families along the
Powers corridor.
The bigger problem is the
continued demand on food
pantries because the state is still
Cont. on page 3
Después de 14 días en órbita, en
los que siempre estuvo presente el
fantasma de la tragedia del
Columbia , ayer a las 7:12 (hora
del centro de México), el
transbordador Discovery aterrizó
con éxito en la base militar
Edwards, en California.
Tras dos intentos fallidos de
descenso en la base original, el
Centro Espacial Kennedy, en
Florida, la Administración
Nacional de Aeronáutica y el
Espacio (NASA) ordenó a la
tripulación que aterrizara en
California ante las condiciones
meteorológicas desfavorables en
Florida de donde había partido con
siete astronautas el 26 de julio.
Millones de personas en el
mundo respiraron aliviadas frente
a las pantallas de televisión, al
presenciar el aterrizaje de la
misión que representó el regreso
de la NASA a los vuelos
espaciales, tras dos años y medio
de pausa después de la explosión
del Columbia cuando ingresaba a
la atmósfera el 1 de febrero de
Como un reconocimiento a los
siete tripulantes que entonces
perdieron la vida fue celebrado por
Bill Parsons, director del programa
de transbordadores, el retorno de
la nave: “Hoy rendimos homenaje
a la tripulación del Columbia .
Trajimos al Discovery de vuelta
sano y salvo”.
“Felicitaciones por un vuelo de
pruebas realmente espectacular”,
dijo a los tripulantes del Discovery
el astronauta Ken Ham desde el
centro de control de la misión en
transbordador se detenía en la
pista. “Bienvenidos a casa,
amigos”, añadió.
En Cabo Cañaveral, la NASA
descartó enviar nuevas misiones al
espacio hasta que resuelva la falla
que causó el desprendimiento de
cinco trozos de material aislante
durante el despegue del Discovery.
“Vamos a tratar de volver este
año al espacio, pero la seguridad
es primero”, dijo el administrador
de la NASA, Bill Parsons.
Melissa Mathews, vocero de las
oficinas centrales de la NASA en
Washington, informó en entrevista
con EL UNIVERSAL que desde
ayer revisan el Discovery dos
Continua en página 4
Is Home
Page 2
11 de agosto 2005 - 18 de agosto 2005
Penrose Community
Club Rotario Roaring Fork
Hospital holds annual
The 3rd Festival Las Américas place on Sat, Sep10, from 12 - 7 Deadline for application is Tue,
returns to the Roaring Fork pm at Sopris Park, in downtown Aug 22. Mail applications to PO
on Saturday September Carbondale. The day will include Box 2871, Glenwood Springs,
special care nursery picnic Valley
10th, 2005 at Sopris Park in cultural, artistic and recreational CO 81602-2871.
Come and celebrate the joy of
all of our wonderful special care
nursery babies who have now
grown-up into healthy toddlers to
While most of the babies born
at Penrose Community Hospital
are healthy, there are some babies
who need specialized care
including premature babies and
multiple births.
The Neonatal Intensive Care
Unit at Penrose Community
Hospital Nursery will hold its 12th
Annual “If They Could See Me
Now” NICU Reunion Picnic for
former patients and their families
from 11 am - 2 pm, Sat, Aug 13 in
the pavilion area of Memorial
More than 250 people are
expected to attend.
The staff at Penrose Community
Hospital sponsors this reunion as
a time to honor these healthy
children and share their progress.
Please join us for this special and
unique event.
Biodiesel Workshop
Sponsored by the Pikes Peak Justice and Peace Commission and LHE
Energy, Come learn how to make fuel out of recycled grease. Sunday
August 28th from 12:00pm to 4:00pm at 1134 Manitou Ave (end of
town past tubbies) Manitou Springs.
Contacts for more information and to register Robin Shankman 3281095, Niki Hankins 651-8816, Larry Erpelding 685-4514.
The event celebrates the
richness of culture and traditions
of the American continent. The
Festival is organized by Club
Rotario Roaring Fork and serves
as a fundraiser for educational
projects throughout the area.
Club Rotario Roaring Fork is
organizations, community
groups and businesses interested
in showcasing their services and
products during the festivities.
This year’s event will take
activities for the whole family, plus
a great variety of food styles
representing flavors from the
Chilean coast to the Rockies.
Live entertainment will feature
Native American dancers,
Mexican Folklorico dancers, salsa
music, and full Mariachi band.
Volunteers are also needed for a
variety of tasks during the day. To
receive an application, to volunteer
or for more information, please
call Julian from Club Rotario
Roaring Fork at (970) 309-5169,
or visit www.festivalamericas.com
Organizers are also requesting
artistic submissions for the
poster design, which will also be
in t-shirts. The design should
represent the idea of a united and
varied continent. Must be
presented in approximately 11”
x 17”. Deadline for poster
contest is August 15th, 2005.
Please drop submission with
name and address in back to: Mi
Casita Real Estate, 1030 Grand
Ave, Glenwood Springs, CO
81601, or send them by mail in
a sturdy envelope.
Gala in the Garden
Dig out the old boots and put
on your best western dress and
join the Trails and Open Space
Coalition at its 11th Annual Gala
in the Garden for an evening of
fun, food, and music at Rock
Ledge Ranch on Fri, Aug 19,
5:30 - 8:30 pm.
We will also be celebrating the
10th anniversary of the Garden
of the Gods Foundation that
helps provide stewardship for the
Garden that so many of us use.
Fajitas will be cooked at the
Ranch and we will again have our
sarsaparilla floats and sundaes.
Entertainment will be provided
by the String Dudes, and General
Palmer, Winfield Scott Stratton
and Helen Hunt will stroll the
grounds with stories of their past.
Make your reservations today
www.trailsandopenspaces.org or
by calling us at 633-6884.
Reservations are $40 per person.
Funds raised go to support the
Coalition in its efforts to
preserve open space and rural
land; and create a network of
trails, bikeways and greenways
in the Pikes Peak region.
Election Law Violations Being Prosecuted
District Attorney’s Office Diligent
The Hispanic Community’s Newspaper
Established Cinco de Mayo, 1987
Published weekly by
Con Fé Communications, Ltd.
ISSN -0895-7355
No part of Hispania News may be reprinted or reproduced
without the written consent from the Editor.
All rights reserved.
Robert L. Armendariz
Marketing Director
William Green
Daniel T. Chaparro
Sara Rodríguez
Composition, Design and Layout
Sami R. Armendariz
Hispania News
[email protected]
Toll Free • 866-723-2220
Located at 2527 Airport Rd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 15116, Colorado Springs, CO 80935-5116
(719) 540-0220 • (719) 540-0221
• Fax (719) 540-0599
El Paso County Clerk and
Recorder’s office reports that
Election law violation cases
continue to be prosecuted due to
a cooperative effort with the El
Paso County District Attorney’s
Recently, one individual who
was charged with voting twice in
the November 2005 Presidential
Election pled guilty to a
misdemeanor, while another
charge of declaring a false
residency (a felony) was
dropped. The sentence included
a $5,000 fine and a one year jail
sentence (both of which were
suspended), along with a
requirement of 48 hours of
community service and 12
months probation and $198.50 in
court-related costs.
According to Robert C. “Bob”
Balink, El Paso County Clerk &
Recorder, “It is important to note
that only one of the two ballots
cast by this young women was
counted…the vote here in El
Paso County.”
Two others cases, both
involving felony forgery charges
arising from fraudulent Voter
Registration Drive activities, have
been working through the legal
Today, one individual who
worked for the “New Voters
Project” and was charged with
multiple counts of election fraud
pled guilty to one charge of forgery
(a Class V felony), and was
sentenced to 2 years probation,
200 hours of community service,
and was ordered to pay $322.50
in court-related costs.
“Election fraud undermines our
democracy, and we take the matter
very seriously. The El Paso
County Clerk & Recorder Bob
Balink is extremely diligent in
reporting these offenses and
documentation, which facilitates
prosecution,” said District
Attorney John Newsome.
Another case involving 19 counts
of forgery by an individual
associated with “ACORN” is
pending further court appearances.
ACORN is an acronym for the
“Association of Community
Organizations for Reform Now.”
Balink continued, “We are
very pleased that District
Attorney John Newsome is very
willing to investigate all
instances involving potential
Election fraud. These are Illegal
actions that threaten one of the
most basic activities of this great
nation, the right to vote, and the
need to ensure fair and honest
Most of the activity involving
voter registration drives is
legitimate and helpful to many
electors, But, it still baffles me
that people would pass along
personal and confidential
information to a stranger who
has the potential to misuse that
Citizens with questions
regarding voter registration
drives or any other aspect of
elections are encouraged to
contact the El Paso County
Election Office at 719-575VOTE (8683) or via e-mail at
[email protected]
Auraria Parkway Closed August 11-15
For 2005 Centrix Financial Grand Prix Of Denver
Thursday, August 11, 2005:
10:00 a.m.: Inbound/East lanes
of Auraria Parkway between 7th
Street and Speer Blvd. and
Chopper Circle will be closed for
the weekend. The intersection of
7th Street and Auraria Parkway
will remain operational
throughout the weekend.
Monday, August 15, 2005: 6:00
a.m.: Inbound/East lanes of
Auraria Parkway reopen for
morning rush hour. 3:00 p.m.:
Outbound/West lanes of Auraria
Parkway reopen for afternoon
rush hour. Suggested Alternate
Route: For easy access to the
downtown area from I-25
between August 11 and August
15, 2005, it is suggested that
commuters exit at Speer Blvd.
11 de agosto 2005 - 18 de agosto 2005
Page 3
Sand Creek Massacre named National Historic Site
US Senator Wayne Allard (RColorado) said that legislation
designating the Sand Creek
Massacre site near Eades, in
southeast Colorado as a national
historic site, has been, “Signed,
sealed and delivered to the people
of Colorado,” after President Bush
signed the bill into law.
“I am proud to have introduced
this bill and pushed it through the
Senate so swiftly. It is fitting that
we commemorate the Native
American tribal members who
were killed at Sand Creek in a
dispute with the US Army in
1864,” Senator Allard said. “This
is the right thing to do.”
The bill designates the 2,400
acres as a national historic site,
which will be overseen by the
National Park Service in
partnership with the Northern and
Southern Cheyenne and Arapaho
Tribes. The legislation allows for
land that is acquired from willing
sellers to be placed in a tribal trust
in order to facilitate long-term
legislature. Rizzuto emphasized
that the establishment of the
College Opportunity Fund does
not provide any additional funding
for higher education.
“The funding is the same state
support students have always
received. Historically the support
has been part of a student’s tuition
amount, but it has never been
reflected on students’ tuition bills.
Instead, institutions have shown
only the student’s portion of tuition
on the bill.
Now colleges are required to
show total tuition cost on a
student’s tuition bill and then
reduce the total tuition by the
stipend amount,” he said.
Students will not automatically
get their stipend when they enroll
in a Colorado college unless they
sign up for the College
Opportunity Fund.
To sign up, students may access
the site through the OJC website
at: www.ojc.edu or by accessing
www.CollegeInColorado.org and
click on the College Opportunity
Fund logo located on the
The process is simple: Type in
the student’s name, Social Security
number and date of birth in the
appropriate boxes and click on the
“submit” button. Students only
have to sign up once, even if they
transfer to a different in-state
college. For more information
about signing up for the College
Opportunity Fund, contact Otero
Junior College at (719) 384-6831.
The Student Services Center at
OJC has dedicated a bank of
computers in the Student Services
lobby for use by students signing
up for COF.
Specific questions concerning
the College Opportunity Fund can
be emailed to: [email protected]
College Opportunity Fund
In about two weeks the State of
Colorado will begin funding
higher education through a new
process called a student stipend.
The stipends will be
administered through the College
Opportunity Fund (COF) and
establishes a new way to provide
tax support for undergraduate
higher education. Area students
who are currently in college, or
who plan to enter college in the
next few weeks, still have time to
sign up for the Colorado
Opportunity Fund (COF) before
they begin classes. Failure to sign
up for COF will result in higher
tuition for in-state students.
The stipend is not financial aid
— students should apply
separately for those funds.
While Colorado has long
subsidized the cost of college for
its residents, the funding has
historically been directed to
colleges in the form of enrollment
funding. According to Jim
Rizzuto, president of Otero Junior
College, the new funding formula,
passed into law last spring, serves
a dual purpose.
“The new funding formula
shows all Colorado residents that
college is possible with the help
of the state subsidies and it also
releases some state colleges and
universities from the revenue
limitations of TABOR - the
Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights,” said
“If a college meets Tabor’s
criteria of receiving 10 percent or
less of their revenues from the
state’s general fund they could
potentially be relieved of the Tabor
limitation that restrict the
percentage of tuition increases.
The stipends will be considered
cash funds rather than state funds
for Tabor purposes. To accomplish
this, state funding will first go to
the student, and then be transferred
to their in-state college of choice.
There are some limiting factors for
students attending private in-state
colleges,” Rizzuto explained.
Once the College Opportunity
Fund is activated in fall 2005,
students will be able to go online
and see the total dollars the state
contributes to their college
education and then direct those
dollars to the college they are
attending. Students will be able
to monitor the number of credit
hours for which their stipend has
To be eligible to receive the
stipend, students must first sign up
online with the College
Opportunity Fund. Those who do
not sign up will be liable for higher
tuition rates, similar to the rates
paid by out-of-state students.
A student only has to sign up
once; however, the student will
have to authorize payment of the
funds each semester to the college
they are attending. Those funds
will not pass directly into the hands
of the student; instead, payment
will be sent to the student’s college
in their name. The
value of the stipend
is a per-credit-hour
amount that will be
annually by the
Care & Share food
bank Cont. from page 1
dealing with delays in issuing food stamps.”
Thirty thousand people each year experience physical
hunger in southern Colorado. Another 100,000 are at
risk of hunger.
Care & Share is taking steps to offset the low number
of donations by purchasing extra cases of food. This,
however, is not a permanent solution.
Care & Share is asking for the community’s help to
fill their warehouse before the holiday season by
extending an offer to the public to visit their new
warehouse, located at 2520 Aviation Way, Suite 130,
and drop off their donation in person on Friday, August
12, from 8 am - 5 pm. Most needed items include cereal,
canned soups, canned fruits and vegetables, pasta, chili
and rice.
Contributions by both individuals and organizations
make a significant impact on hunger relief efforts in our
For information on how you can contribute to Care
& Share, please contact Gary McDonald, Care & Share
President and CEO at (719) 528-1247.
management of the park.
“I supported similar legislation
in the 108th Congress which
passed in the Senate, and am glad
we moved this through the
Congress this year,” Senator
Allard said. “This legislation will
benefit all of Colorado, mark our
history and protect a site that is not
only historic but also sacred to the
descendants of the individuals who
were killed there.”
Congresswoman Marilyn
Musgrave introduced companion
legislation in the House. Both
measures were approved last
Similar legislation
introduced by former Colorado US
Senator Ben Campbell and
Senator Allard was approved by
the Senate last year, but failed to
gain final approval in the House
before the session ended.
Page 4
11 de agosto 2005 - 18 de agosto 2005
Este verano manténgase fresco
a pesar del calor con un refrescante
chapuzón en la piscina – sólo
recuerde cuidar sus oídos. El
exceso de humedad puede
producir mal de oído de nadador,
que consiste en una inflamación en
el conducto auditivo externo.
“No se meta nada en los oídos
para sacar el agua – hisopos,
llaves, etc. Puede secar el
conducto auditivo usando una
secadora de pelo en velocidad
baja,” dice el Dr. Ravi Samy,
Southwestern Medical Center. Si
no lo hace, la piel en el conducto
puede ponerse escamosa y permitir
que se alojen dañinas bacterias en
el tejido.
El resultado es una infección que
produce picazón y dolor.
El oído de nadador por lo general
se elimina en unos cuantos días
con el uso de gotas de oído que
contengan hidrocortisona para
detener la picazón y antibiótico
para detener la infección.
Para ayudar a aquellas
personas que padezcan de
Alzheimer, haga de su
hogar un lugar seguro y
Los implantes dentales: que los dientes naturales, los las fuentes de temor y lo
algo para poder morder y implantes requieren de chequeos desconocido. Sin embargo, con la
y de una higiene oral meticulosa,” tecnología de medios disponible
Si usted vive con una persona
con enfermedad de Alzheimer o
demencia, usted puede ayudar a
brindarle una mejor calidad de
vida haciendo de su hogar un lugar
seguro. La Dra. Peggy Higgins del
Centro de Enfermedad de
Alzheimer en UT Southwestern
Medical Center dice que la clave
es “simplificar, simplificar,
Las caídas son unas de las
principales causas de lesión, dice
la Dra. Higgins, profesora auxiliar
de servicios de cuidados de la
salud. Deshágase del desorden,
agregue iluminación adecuada y
haga que el paciente use zapatos,
no pantuflas, con buena sujeción.
Quite las alfombras individuales.
La enfermedad de Alzheimer
remueve gradualmente la
habilidad de una persona para
razonar o presentir peligro, por lo
que es necesario que sea diligente
en mantener su hogar seguro y
benévolo. Las herramientas a
prueba de niños son útiles
alrededor de la casa – por ejemplo,
mantener bajo llave los cuchillos
y las soluciones de limpieza en la
cocina, y mantener medicamentos
guardados en los gabinetes del
Para más información, visite
w w w. a l z h e i m e r s . o r g / p u b s /
Los implantes dentales pueden
ayudar a quienes usan dentadura
postiza a comer sus alimentos
preferidos de nuevo, a reír
espontáneamente y a sonreír con
“Los implantes fijan las
dentaduras a la mandíbula con
tornillos de metal así que es
garantizado que no se mueven, a
diferencia de las dentaduras
convencionales, las cuales
permanecen en el lugar mediante
succión,” dice la Dra. Kathia Steel,
una dentista y profesora auxiliar de
cirugía de UT Southwestern
Medical Center.
Con el tiempo el uso de las
dentaduras convencionales puede
ir deteriorando el hueso de la
mandíbula por la falta de
estimulación y por la succión. Los
implantes dentales, los cuales se
ven y se sienten como dientes de
verdad, dan estímulo al hueso y
ayudan a soportar las fuerzas
aplicadas al hueso de la
mandíbula, previniendo así la
pérdida del hueso.
Las dentaduras con soporte de
implante pueden ser permanentes
o removibles. Las removibles se
fijan al implante mediante
ligaduras especiales y son fáciles
de poner y quitar. Las dentaduras
permanentes son parecidas a un
puente y se unen a los implantes
con tornillos.
“Mucho del éxito del tratamiento
de implantes dentales depende de
mantener sus nuevos dientes
limpios y libres de sarro. Al igual
dice la Dra. Steel.
hoy en día, algunas veces
El estrés en los tiempos de experimentamos una sobrecarga
guerra – he aquí cómo sensorial y nuestro nivel de estrés
El Sr. Tiner nos brinda los
La guerra con Irak, los recientes
bombardeos en Londres y la
amenaza de más ataques terroristas
locales pueden crear distintos
niveles de estrés en muchas
familiares de militares. Es
importante no dejar que el nivel de
estrés se le vaya de las manos y
resulte en problemas mentales y
“La Guerra es una experiencia
inusual para la mayoría de
nosotros, a menudo conlleva
sentimientos de vulnerabilidad,
ansiedad e inutilidad,” dice Patrick
M. Tiner, asociado en psiquiatría
de la facultad y director del
Programa de Asistencia para
Empleados de UT Southwestern
Medical Center. “Estas son
reacciones normales.
conocimiento y la información nos
ayudan a obtener dominio sobre
siguientes consejos para controlar
dicho estrés:
• Reduzca la exposición a la
noticias – manténgase informado,
pero no se obsesione con la
Manténgase en
contacto con amigos y familiares
que puedan estar experimentando
sentimientos similares de estrés, y
comparta sus pensamientos.
Desarrolle y mantenga una rutina
regular de ejercicios. Evite las
drogas y el alcohol.
• Obtenga algo de control
participando en actividades de
rutina. Tome precauciones de
seguridad razonables tales como
hacer un plan de comunicaciones
de emergencia con la familia y
amigos. Sea optimista sobre los
retos que tiene por delante, y
busque ayuda profesional si los
niveles de estrés se elevan
Discovery Continua de página 1
equipos de ingenieros de la NASA
para hacer una evaluación
completa de los daños que provocó
en la nave el desprendimiento de
espuma del Tanque Externo (TE)
de combustible.
“Uno de los equipos, que es
especialista en el TE, proviene del
Centro Espacial Marshall, de la
NASA, en Alabama, mientras que
el otro grupo, integrado por
ingenieros de todo el país, hará un
diagnóstico general del estado de
la nave; su primera evaluación
podría estar lista antes de 24
horas”, indicó.
Desafortunadamente, la
evidencia más importante del
desprendimiento de espuma
durante el despegue, que es el TE,
no podrá ser estudiada
directamente, ya que cayó en el
océano Índico, señaló la vocera.
Fue un final de cuento de hadas
para un viaje lleno de problemas.
Una vez más, los directivos de la
NASA arrugaron la frente,
preocupados durante los 14 días
que duró la misión.
Buen día brillo de Sol
Con la esperanza de que las nubes
no impidieran el aterrizaje, el
control del transbordador despertó
a los tripulantes con una canción
de The Beatles, Good day
Sunshine (Buen día, brillo de Sol)
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Una vez que se autorizó el
aterrizaje, el Discovery sobrevoló
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11 de agosto 2005 - 18 de agosto 2005
Page 5
por Sara Rodriguez
Roque Montesino es miembro del CSAG (Colorado Springs Art. Guild) y del BAC (Business of Art. Center) Su obra “Ritmo del Viento” gano entre 100 piezas artísticas
la elección de la gente, People’s Choice Award. Roque Gabriel Montesino (38), nacido y criado en Valencia, Venezuela vino a Estado Unidos en 1995.
colores, él celebra sus memorias
y sus sentimientos de su Venezuela
natal. (Cuando Carla habla con
tanto orgullo del arte de su esposo
se le ilumina la mirada)
Usa arena, usa colores, usa óleo,
usa acrílicos y por medio de las
texturas y los brillantes colores
logra esos efectos que él desea;
que la gente al acercarse pueda ver
en sus pinturas cosas que quizá, le
hagan recordar o sentir su aprecio
por el arte, por los colores y
especialmente por la naturaleza.
P: - Que es lo que lo diferencia
de otros artistas?
Carla.: - Lo que hemos notado es
que no hay artista que celebre la
cultura por medio del arte
abstracto. Muchos artistas utilizan
lo mas conocido es decir el paisaje.
Su esposa y agente es Carla Cobian (35), nacida en Los Ángeles, Es difícil comunicar cultura por
California, criada en Argentina. Allí se graduó en la universidad de medio de figuras y colores en
Bellas Artes de Córdoba, también obtuvo una licenciatura en Arte de forma abstracta, sin embargo, que desea.
cuadros que de sí mismo, se dirige
la Universidad de BYU, Utah
Roque lo logra y sus criticas han El pintor venezolano
hacia un par de ellos y me cuenta )
El Arte Nuevo
Roque: - Estos se llaman “Por
Estoy en el hogar de la familia P: - Como describiría el estilo con respecto a como él logra su primera vez?
siempre tuyo”, yo tengo una
objetivo a través del arte.
Montesino, apenas pase por la artístico de Roque?
Roque Montesino: - Hace siete memoria muy especial de
puerta sentí una emoción especial. Carla Montesino: - Roque tiene un P: - Y en cuanto a las técnicas que años comencé a pintar, viendo a Venezuela y en estos cuadros he
Los cuadros en la pequeña galería estilo abstracto en naturaleza, no usa para pintar?
mi esposa porque ella es artista y utilizado los colores de la bandera
me seducen y quiero saber por que. encaja en ninguno de los Carla: -Roque utiliza pinceles, siempre estaba pintando y a mí me amarillo, azul y rojo. No son
Le pregunto entonces a la “esposa movimientos clásicos, por ejemplo esponjas, espátulas, como dije gusto la idea de experimentar un colores puros, los he mezclado con
del pintor” sobre este nuevo arte. el
el acrílicos, oleos y otros tipos de poco y desde ese momento diferentes colores para obtener
(Así es como ella se presenta impresionismo, sin embargo, con texturas. El mezcla todos estos comencé a pintar. (Roque parece diferentes matices.
siempre, aclarando quien es el formas abstractas y con muchos elementos para lograr los objetivos tímido y prefiere hablar mas de sus
Continua en página 19
Page 6
11 de agosto 2005 - 18 de agosto 2005
Mi-Jack Conquest Racing listo para la carrera en Denver
Los pilotos de Mi-Jack
Conquest Racing, Nelson
Philippe y Andrew Ranger
tienen inmensos deseos de sumar
puntos este fin de semana
cuando compitan en el Centrix
Financial Grand Prix de Denver,
en la que será la novena ronda de
la Serie Champ Car.
En la carrera pasada –un
evento impresionante disputado
en las calles de San José-,
Philippe corrió entre los mejores
durante todo el fin de semana,
consiguiendo un sexto lugar, que
es hasta el momento la mejor
posición de clasificación que ha
logrado en su carrera en la
categoría. Sin embargo las cosas
no se dieron como el equipo
esperaba y Philippe tuvo que
retirarse -a causa de la rotura de
una manguera de aceite
provocada por un circuito cuya
superficie era muy irregular-,
cuando marchaba entre los cinco
“Realmente Nelson tuvo un
buen fin de semana en San José,
y ahora está trabajando muy bien
con el equipo, así que esperamos
que pueda mantener el impulso y
lograr un buen resultado final en
Denver”, dijo el copropietario de
la escudería, Eric Bachelart.
La carrera en Denver marcará
el primer año de Philippe con
Mi-Jack Conquest Racing y el
piloto francés siente que nunca
ha trabajado mejor que ahora con
la escudería, cuya sede está en
“Denver es uno de mis lugares
favoritos para correr porque el
trazado en muy técnico y el
evento, en si mismo, es
realmente divertido”, dijo
Philippe. “Tengo grandes
recuerdos de ese lugar porque
allí fue mi primera carrera con
Mi-Jack Conquest, el año
pasado, y fuimos rápidos de
inmediato pese a que estábamos
corriendo con un chasis Reynard.
Este año tenemos un coche muy
bueno en circuitos callejeros y
hemos tenido un buen fin de
semana tras otro, así que
definitivamente vamos en
ascenso. El equipo y yo
esperamos mantener el impulso y
lograr ese resultado que todos
En San José aprendimos que
tenemos lo que se necesita para
estar allí, así que nuestra meta es
nuevamente estar entre los cinco
Para Ranger, sin embargo, el
evento en San José es uno que él
prefiere olvidar, ya que un
contacto acabo temprano con su
jornada y le impidió sumar
puntos en la batalla por el título
al Novato del Año.
“Realmente queremos que este
fin de semana Andrew se
concentre en sumar algunos
puntos, porque ha cometido un
par de errores en las últimas
carreras que lo han perjudicado
en la puntuación”, dijo
Bachelart. “El ha mostrado que
es muy rápido y que puede poner
el coche al frente, pero tiene que
mantenerse alejado de los
problemas y terminar”.
Por su parte, Ranger espera
que el evento en Denver le
permita retomar la buena forma
que tenía a principios de
temporada, mientras se prepara
para disputar la carrera frente a
sus compatriotas canadienses en
dos semanas.
“Para nosotros, cuando restan
seis carreras en la temporada, es
el momento de movernos y
cerrar la diferencia en la carrera
de los novatos y volver a
meternos entre los diez mejores
del campeonato”, dijo Ranger.
“Después de toda la adversidad
que hemos encontrado
recientemente, este fin de
semana nuestra meta principal es
llegar a la línea final y sumar
cuantos puntos sea posible.
Esperamos poder mejorar
nuestro desempeño en
clasificación y evitar tener que
pelear para ir avanzando
posiciones durante la carrera,
algo que en un circuito callejero
es difícil. La otra motivación
para querer lograr un buen
resultado es el hecho de que la
próxima carrera es en Montreal y
me gustaría mucho llegar a mi
‘casa’ con una nota alta”.
SPEED Channel | Domingo 14
de agosto, 3:00 pm (Hora del
Este de EE.UU.) Bridgestone
Pole Qualifying Show
SPEED Channel | Domingo 14
de agosto, 14 3:30 pm (Hora del
Este de EE.UU.) Carrera, en
El campeón de la Serie Indy
Lights en 1991, Eric Bachelart
comenzó el equipo Mi-Jack
Conquest Racing junto con Mike
Lanigan en 1997 para competir
en la Serie Indy Lights,
consiguiendo un podio gracias al
piloto Christophe Tinseau, en la
primera temporada de la
escudería. Mi-Jack Conquest
Racing compitió los siguientes
cuatro años en la Indy Lights,
ganando carreras con Felipe
Giaffone y Kristian Kolby antes
de pasar a participar en la Indy
Racing League en el 2002, con el
novato Laurent Redon,
conquistando un podio en apenas
su tercera carrera en la
la princesa del baile
de graduación
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11 de agosto 2005 - 18 de agosto 2005
Page 7
Energy Outreach awards nearly $75,000 to SE Colorado
Energy Outreach Colorado will
distribute $74,236 in August to
seven emergency assistance
southeast Colorado to help seniors
and families with children who are
concerned they will be unable to
pay energy bills due to the state’s
record-breaking heat wave.
“All too often, families in need
feel forced to sacrifice comfort and
temperatures because they can’t
afford to heat or cool their homes,”
said Skip Arnold, executive
director, Energy Outreach
“This can be particularly
dangerous for the elderly and small
A record-breaking heat wave
descended on Colorado in July.
Colorado Springs-area residents
endured 17 days of temperatures
that reached at least 90 degrees,
more than twice the average for the
area in July.
Farther south in Pueblo, the
temperatures during the third week
of the month soared into the triple
digits, in one day climbing as high
as 108 degrees.
Hot weather is a significant
safety issue for the elderly and
small children.
Of the nearly 105,000 Colorado
households that have received
assistance so far this year from
Energy Outreach and the Colorado
LEAP program, 64 percent include
children. Twelve percent include
Energy Outreach is the only
statewide organization raising
money and distributing funds yearround to help these families in
need pay unaffordable energy
“Energy poverty is a year-round
crisis in Colorado,” said Arnold.
“Many of the families we help in
the summer still are trying to pay
off past-due winter heating bills,
and higher electricity bills from a
month-long heat wave just add to
the problem.”
Across the state in August,
Energy Outreach Colorado will
distribute $528,000 to its network
of 90 crisis assistance sites. In
total, the organization plans to
distribute about $3 million to its
network this year – Nov 1, 2004 Oct 31, 2005.
Energy Outreach also
contributed $3.15 million to the
Colorado LEAP program this year.
Colorado residents can help
neighbors in need pay energy bills
and avoid shutoffs by making a
tax-deductible donation to Energy
Outreach Colorado through its
Also on the website are tips for
staying cool at home during the
summer without turning on an air
conditioner, which can be costly.
Neighbors also are encouraged
to check in on seniors and families
with children to make sure they’re
coping well and staying safe
during summer’s extreme
About Energy Outreach
Energy Outreach Colorado is the
only non-profit organization in the
state that raises money to help lowincome Coloradoans afford home
energy. Its programs include
energy bill payment assistance,
energy efficiency upgrades for
affordable housing and energy
efficiency education.
Since its inception in 1989, the
organization has distributed more
than $49 million to fund these
Buyers not on vacation in sizzling resort
(NUE) - The phenomenal real
estate boom of the past several
years has not been confined to
sales of primary residences alone.
Sales of second homes also have
ratcheted up dramatically as
vacationers and investors look to
snap up these properties amid the
lure of low mortgage rates and
rapidly increasing home values.
According to a study conducted
by the National Association of
Realtors, 2.82 million vacation
home purchases were made in
2004, up 16 percent from the
previous year.
With the rising demand, prices
also escalated; the price of a
typical vacation home increased
21 percent from 2003 to 2004,
about twice the rate of appreciation
for the overall home market.
In addition to vacation homes,
sales in the second-home market
were bolstered significantly by
those searching for steadily
appreciating investments. Nearly
25 percent of all homes purchased
in 2004 were done so for
investment purposes - a 14 percent
increase from 2003.
Against this backdrop, real estate
firms are recognizing the
importance of understanding and
servicing this influential group of
“Second-home buyers represent
a vital and growing part of the
overall market,” said Brenda
Casserly, president and chief
operating officer of ERA Real
“These discerning buyers have
extremely specific and often
widely varying needs, and real
estate firms looking to lead in this
segment must continue to provide
these consumers with an efficient
mix of one-on-one and Web-based
services and resources.”
ERA Real Estate has been an
industry leader in this area with its
established Resort Properties
International program. The
program features a team of trained
resort experts who can instantly
access key resources from around
the world and provide specialized
information on second-home
properties across all price levels
and comfort needs.
ERA Real Estate also recently
launched Resorts.ERA.com, a
Web site designed specifically to
meet the needs of second-home
buyers. Visitors to the site can
search for properties categorized
by state or other criteria, such as
waterfront locations, ski resorts
and golf club communities.
Through the site, consumers can
connect with sales associates who
specialize in the resort and secondhome market, and access links to
state and local resources as well
as market trends. For more
information, visit http://
Free Small Business Resource Fair
to be held in Denver
The US Small Business
Administration (SBA), in
partnership with the Minority and
Women Chambers’ Coalition, the
Downtown Denver Partnership,
the Colorado Small Business
Development Centers, and the
Denver Public Library will host
the free “2005 Small Business
Resource Fair” to be held Thu,
Aug 18 from 10 am - 3 pm at the
downtown Denver Public Library,
10 West 14th Avenue Parkway
(14th & Broadway).
Representatives from various
commercial lenders, angel
investors, business assistance
organizations, local Chambers of
Commerce, and federal/ state
government agencies will be on
hand to answer business questions
relating to all aspects of starting,
operating, and growing a business.
There will also be three panel
discussions entitled “Starting Your
Business”, “Ask the Lender”,
“Building Through Exporting”,
and “Marketing Your Business”.
Event is Free to the Public. West
entrance in Conference Center B2
In May 2005, Energy Outreach
assisted with the passage of
legislation to create an optional
energy assistance program in
Colorado that is unique in the
Energy Outreach Colorado is an
organization that relies on private
donations, corporate contributions
and foundation grants. More
information and opportunities to
donate are available at
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LKJ Networking
Will be holding it’s AUGUST Networking Luncheon for everyone to
Network with each other about Your Businesses and ideas
To Be Held August 24th, 2005
From 11:30 to 1:00 at the
Western Sizzlin Wood Grill Buffet
(221 S. 8th Street)
The cost for the luncheon will be $15.00
you don’t need to pay the cashier,
just come back to our room and we will
collect from you and pay one bill to the restaurant
Please RSVP by noon on Monday, August 22nd, 2005
by either calling Linda Jensen at 331-6385 or 635-0328
or emailing [email protected].
Hope to see you all there and be sure to bring your Business
Cards and Literature And of course invite your friends
and business acquaintances
Any Reservations not canceled within 48 hours of the luncheon
will be invoiced for the luncheon. Thank you for your support.
We will be having a Business Card Name drawing, so bring
your cards and if you. Would like to donate an item for the give
away please bring it with you to the luncheon.
I don’t take credit cards; so if you are paying by check please make the
check payable to Linda Jensen I will give you a receipt for your records
Page 8
11 de agosto 2005 - 18 de agosto 2005
Sen. Salazar calls for investigation of VA issues
United States Senator Ken
Salazar last week continued his
push for Washington to keep its
promise to America’s veterans by
calling for a federal investigation
of a surprise $1 billion shortfall in
health care funding for the
Department of Veterans’ Affairs.
“Our men and women in
uniform put their lives on the line
every day as part of a compact with
the government that we will
provide for them when they return
home. That promise needs to be
assured. I want answers as to how
this shortfall failed to be
anticipated,” Sen. Salazar said.
In a letter sent on July 27 to
David Walker, Comptroller
General of the United States by
Sen. Salazar and Sens. Richard
Durbin (D-IL), Patty Murray (DWA), and Daniel Akaka (D-HI),
the Ranking Member on the
Committee on Veterans Affairs,
they requested that the nonpartisan
Accountability Office (GAO)
conduct an investigation into the
VA’s process for estimating patient
The letter requested the GAO
examine several aspects of the VA’s
budget process and the surprise
shortfall, as well as recommend
fixes, including:
• The decision-making process
that led to the FY 05 shortfall;
• The strengths and weaknesses
of VA’s process for monitoring
health care demand, including its
models for long-term care, mental
health care and prosthetics;
• The strengths and weaknesses
of the VA’s two-year budget
process; and
• The strengths and weaknesses
of VA’s process of communicating
budget issues to Congress.
“America’s taxpayers and
veterans both deserve hard
answers about how the
Administration wound up in such
a mess to begin with. Hopefully,
this investigation will tell us where
the problem started so we can
move swiftly to correct it,” said
Sen. Salazar.
In late June 2005, the Department
of Veterans’ Affairs acknowledged
a surprise $1 billion health care
funding shortfall for FY 05 and
admitted it had borrowed from
construction funds as well as next
year’s budget to fill the gap.
Thanks in part to the efforts of
Sen. Salazar and his fellow
members of the Veterans Affairs
included in the
I n t e r i o r
Appropriations bill
passed by the Senate
on July 29 was an
extra $1.5 billion for
the Department of
Veterans Affairs for
veterans’ medical
There are 26.5
million veterans in
the United States,
including 433,000
in Colorado and
100,000 across the
Nation that have
returned home from
service in Operation
Iraqi Freedom (OIF) or Operation
Enduring Freedom (OEF).
Senator Ken Salazar
High temperatures inflate air conditioner prices
As we reach the dog days of
summer, there have been reports
that many people are looking to
purchase air conditioners, but
supplies are limited and even
contractors who install the systems
are behind schedule.
The Better Business Bureau of
Southern Colorado recommends
that you don’t wait until summer
to purchase an air conditioner.
“Summertime is not necessarily
the best time to buy one,” says
Rebecca Herrera, director of
operations at the BBB.
“Not only are the prices going
to be higher, but you may be
inclined to pay a contractor more
to get it installed just because you
are desperate to get relief from the
heat. It’s like anything else: supply
and demand.”
Here are some quick tips from
the BBB of Southern Colorado
about looking for an air
conditioning contractor:
• All air conditioning installers are
not equal.
Make sure you get references
from the contractor and then check
them out.
• Make sure you are clear about
what the project involves, as well
as what it will cost.
Get an estimate in writing so you
aren’t sideswiped by any
“unforeseen” charges.
• Contact your local regional
building office to make sure the
company is properly licensed and
• Call the BBB of Southern
Colorado at (719) 636-0511 to
check the contractor’s status.
The Bureau maintains reliability
reports on more than 23,000
businesses in our area.
We can tell you if a company
meets our standards, has a
satisfactory rating and even
provide information about the
number and resolution of
complaints that have been filed
against a particular business.
BBB reaches out to our soldiers Cont. from page 1
Call us at (719) 636-1155 to get
the numbers.
• If you have any doubts about
doing business with a group,
organization, charity or company,
you can speak to a representative
from 9 am - 3 pm. Through our
automated system, you may
receive a reliability report 24 hours
a day.
• You can always go to our
national website at www.bbb.org
or our local website at
www.bbbsc.org to view company
reports or to get additional
Carol Odell, CEO of the BBB of
Southern Colorado says, “We are
thrilled to welcome back our
soldiers.” We want them to know
that while they have been overseas
protecting Americans, we have
been working here at home to
protect them against unsavory con
artists and scams.”
The BBB continues to develop
programs specially aimed at
helping the military community
and the special challenges they
face. If you or your dependents
need any assistance, please call us
or email us at the BBB of Southern
Colorado. We are here for you.
CTU Cuts Ribbon Cont. from page 1
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Mitchell singled out for praise the
students who wielded the scissors.
As members of the first CTU
classes to start at the Midtown
campus, several started with CTU
in April, when classes were held
in interim classroom facilities at
the historic downtown Thatcher
The CTU students who cut the
ribbon are: Molly and Scott
Riddock, who are earning
Bachelor of Science degrees in
Accounting and IT.IT Security,
respectively Robert Krakow, who
is earning an MBA with
concentration in Technology
Lisa Holman, who is attending
CTU with her mother, Beverly
Courney, and is earning a Bachelor
of Science in Criminal Justice
Beverly Courney, who is earning
a Bachelor of Science in Criminal
Justice Chris Trujillo, who is
earning an MBA.
Colorado Technical University,
which celebrates its 40th
anniversary this year, announced
its plans in January to serve Pueblo
with a campus. In welcome
ceremonies Jan. 21 at the Pueblo
Convention Center, Mitchell
pledged $1 million in CTU
scholarships for residents of
Pueblo and Southern Colorado.
“The Greater Pueblo Chamber
of Commerce is excited about the
opening of Colorado Technical
University as it will help[ us
diversify our workforce by
providing opportunities for our
citizens to improve their
education’s. That will make them
more employable, able to earn
higher paying jobs, and that is
extremely important to the future
economic stability of the Pueblo
Also present to welcome CTU
Pueblo were representatives of the
Latino Chamber of Commerce and
Development Corp. Colorado
Technical University Pueblo is an
active member of all three
organizations, as well as many
others in the Pueblo area.
The CTU campus at Midtown
sits in the former location of Sears,
which was gutted and renovated to
Cont. on page 18
11 de agosto 2005 - 18 de agosto 2005
Page 9
Moose or Elk? Don’t mistake the two
By Holger Jensen
Introduced to Colorado 24 years
ago, moose are thriving in many
parts of the state and elk hunters
should know the difference
between these two ungulates. A
hunter who mistakes a bull moose
for a bull elk can be fined more
than $11,000.
This is a mistake that should not
be made, being that the animals are
vastly different in size, color, horn
shape and habits. The Shiras
moose is the smallest of four subspecies and much smaller than an
Alaska moose but a mature bull
still weighs 1,200 pounds, about
twice as much as the average bull
elk. Moose are dark brown and
appear almost black. Elk are light
brown — a bull can be almost
golden — with a pale yellow
A moose has a very large, long
nose and a “bell” under the throat,
compared to the relatively narrow
snout of an elk. A mature bull also
has broad, flat antlers with paddles
unlike the pointed antlers of an elk.
But the antlers on some young bull
moose have not flattened out yet,
so hunters need to look over the
entire animal before pulling the
The largest member of the deer
family, moose have adapted to a
variety of habitats. They favor
abundant willows along streams
and ponds, but “ridge runners”
also forage in areas of lodgepole
pine, oakbrush, aspen, spruce fir
and even sagebrush — in other
words where elk can be found.
They act very differently,
however, when approached by
humans. Typically, moose will not
flee like elk at the sight of a hunter.
Despite these readily apparent
differences, every hunting season
brings a number of illegal moose
kills. Circumstances vary from
mistaken identity by hunters to
blatant poaching. And the
common denominator in most
accidental kills is the absence of
optical aids, such as binoculars or
spotting scope, to properly identify
the species.
The Division of Wildlife stresses
that the accidental killing of a
moose does not necessarily lead to
prosecution and may not count as
part of the hunter’s bag limit if he
or she reports the incident
promptly and takes care of the
meat. Officers will conduct an
investigation to determine if the
kill is accidental — i.e.
unintentionally taking wildlife that
is not due to carelessness or
negligence — and a hunter who
field dresses the animal will be
looked at more favorably than one
who doesn’t. However, anyone
who shoots a moose legally or
illegally and takes only part of the
animal or walks away and leaves
the carcass to spoil will be
The first moose to reach
Colorado, 12 from Utah, were
planted in the North Park region
near Walden in 1978. There are
now more than 2,000 moose in the
state and they can be found just
about anywhere. Moose have an
uncanny ability to wander where
least expected. They have been
spotted near Cripple Creek, Salida,
Westcliffe, Gunnison, Hayden,
Steamboat Springs and Summit
County. One was seen near the
Eisenhower Tunnel on heavily
traveled Interstate 70 and another
made its way into downtown
The Colorado Wildlife
Commission began issuing a
limited number of moose hunting
licenses in 1985. In the first six
years, when the number of licenses
ranged from three to seven, there
were more illegal or accidental
kills of moose than the legal
harvest. But the number of moose
hunting licenses increased
substantially in 1992 and the kill
ratio has gone up exponentially
since then. This year 156 moose
licenses are being issued for the
three moose seasons — archery
Sep 10 - 25, muzzleloading Sep 10
- 18 and rifle Oct 1 - 9.
Un Fin De Semana De Pretemporada Repleto;
Tres Partidos Transmitidos En Todos Los Eeuu
Y ‘Los Vistazos’ De Nfl Network Destacan La Fecha
¡Todos listos! Es hora que todo
jugador de NFL se ponga su casco
y ajuste la cinta. La primera
semana de pretemporada de lleno
en la NFL ha arribado y todos los
equipos participarán.
La afición de la NFL en los
EEUU podrá apreciarlo casi todo
debido a la cobertura de ESPN y
la cadena NFL Network. Tres
partidos esta semana será
transmitidos en vivo y NFL
Network comenzará un verano de
‘vistazos’ a partidos de
pretemporada en su programa
NFL Total Access: No Huddle los
viernes por la noche. Esta semana,
la cadena de la NFL mostrará
imágenes en vivo de 12 partidos.
Si el mariscal J.P. LOSMAN de los
Búfalo Bills está a punto de
ejecutar su primer saque como
titular, NFL Network llevará al
televidente a ese partido para tener
un ‘vistazo’.
La NFL inicia cuatro semanas de
partidos de pretemporada. Estos
son algunos de los partidos claves
de la primera fecha:
(jueves en español sólo en ESPN
Deportes en los EEUU y en
ESPN2 en la Cuenca del Caribe, a
las 8:00 PM, hora del Este).
¡Retorna Brett, y Drew es el señor
Tras considerar el retiro
alegadamente, el “Señor mariscal
de la NFL”, BRETT FAVRE de
Green Bay, decidió jugar en su
decimoquinta temporada de NFL
y quizás no sea la última (“todavía
quiero jugar este deporte”,
Su contrapartida en este choque
de campeones de división de 2004,
DREW BREES, fue seleccionado
como el Jugador retorno del año
de la NFL al guiar a los Chargers
a un registro de 12-4 y al terminar
con el tercer mejor índice de
pasador en la NFL (104.8).
FRANCISCO (sábado, en inglés
en los EEUU a través de NFL
Network, a las 10:00 PM, hora del
Este). Hola Randy…Alex…… y
Los tres debutarán con sus
nuevos equipos el sábado, en una
atmósfera que siempre es pesada
– Raiders contra Niners. Para
Oakland, su número 18 es nada
más y nada menos que RANDY
MOSS, debutando en el
negroyplateado uniforme de los
Raiders tras convertirse con los
Minnesota Viking en el primer
jugador en la historia de la NFL
en acumular al menos 1,000
recibidas en cada una de sus
primeras seis temporadas (hasta el
¿Quién debuta por San
Francisco? La primerísima
selección del Sorteo de la NFL del
2005, el mariscal ALEX SMITH,
recibirá sus primeros saques bajo
centro en la NFL. Lo observará
de cerca su entrenador en jefe
debutante MIKE NOLAN, quien
se convierte en el primer hijo en
la historia de la liga en dirigir
permanentemente un equipo que
su padre entrenó (DICK NOLAN,
Niners 1968-75).
Trust us with.............
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Accepting Medicaid, Colorado Access,
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Does your child have trouble with any of the following:
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FACT: 80% of all learning is visual
Your child’s eyes ........Are important to us
Page 10
11 de agosto 2005 - 18 de agosto 2005
Jazz Aspen Snowmass Finalizes
Labor Day Festival Line Up
Organizers of the Jazz Aspen
Snowmass (JAS) festival have
announced the final line up for this
years Labor Day Festival taking
place Sept. 1-5 in Snowmass
Jam band Widespread Panic
will headline the first two nights
of the festival, Sept. 1st and 2nd.
Opening acts for the Thursday
show include Johnny Clegg and
Jerry Joseph and Friends.
Friday opening acts include
Galactic and deSoL.
In addition to the previously
announced Loggins & Messina
and later with a chart-topping
Reunion on Saturday, Sept. 3rd,
solo career, will
co-headline on
Joan Osborne
S u n d a y ,
and trumpeter
September 4th
T e r e n c e
with previously
Blanchard will
both perform on
the main stage.
Willie Nelson.
John Fogerty,
Karl Denson’s
who achieved
fame as the lead
Tiny Universe
will open the day
s i n g e r /
at 2pm.
songwriter and
On Monday,
September 5th,
JAS brings back the sounds of
Clearwater Revival
reggae with a double billing of
Alpha Blondy and Maxi Priest.
Boulder based jam band The
Motet will start the day off at noon.
Tickets for all shows are
available now by calling the
festival box office at 866-JASTIXX
www.jazzaspen.org. Tickets may
also be purchased at the Wheeler
Box Office, 970-920-5770.
A limited number of four day
festival passes including concerts
Friday ( Widespread’s second
performance ) through Monday
are available for $150.
Individual tickets for Thursday
and Friday are $45, Saturday and
Sunday $55 and Monday $30.
Patron (VIP) tickets are available
at 970-920-4996.
Unfortunately there is no
camping available for the festival
Affordable lodging and ticket
packages are available at 800SNOWMASS.
For full festival information
please visit www.jazzaspen.org or
contact the JAS office at 970-9204996.
Pueblo Art Guild Western/ Southwestern entries
The Pueblo Art Guild is calling
The show is open to all artists
for entries for its annual Western/ working in all media including
Southwestern Show to be photography. Entries will be
exhibited Sep 23 - Oct 28.
accepted at the Gallery in Mineral
Johnny Nolon’s
Casino slots
are looser
than the
The results are in:
According to the official 2004
Colorado Gaming Statistics
Johnny Nolons Slots were over 13%
LOOSER than the Cripple Creek
Our Nickels are over 14% looser
Our Quarters are over 14% looser
Our Dollars are over 16% looser
Our 5 Dollars are over 3% looser
Palace Park on Sat, Sep 17, from
1 - 5 pm. For more information,
call (719) 543-2455 or (719) 5477805. Judge: Victoria Hansen,
Associate Professor of Art at CSUPueblo. Classes: Professional and
Non-Professional Media: ( In both
Classes) Oil, Acrylics, Watercolor,
Graphics, 3-Dimensional, Mixed
Media, Photography, No Crafts,
No Wet Paintings
Show Dates: Sep 23 - Oct 28
Check-Out: Oct 29 and 30 from
12 - 4 pm. Entry Fees: $4 per item
- members, $6 per item - non-
members. All work must be ready
to hang with screw eyes and wire.
No exceptions! Maximum size 30
inches by 40 inches or equivalent
area. Limit 5 entries per artist.
All entries must be original work
of the exhibiting artist, except for
reproductions, which must give
credit to the original artist. Copies
of other artists’ work and class
work or workshop pieces will be
juried out. All entries must adhere
to PAG gallery rules for display.
The Pueblo Art Guild Reserves
the right to refuse to exhibit any
work not considered in good taste
or that may be offensive to the
general public. All entries will be
handled with care.
management of the exhibit will not
be responsible for any loss or
damage. An Artist Reception and
Awards Presentation will be held
Friday, October 7, 6 - 8 pm. All
Artists and guests are invited.
Entry forms are available at time
of entry or may be obtained at the
gallery prior to day of
entry.Commission is 25% on all
sales. For more info call 543-2455
Great choral singing opportunity!
Singers, here’s your chance!
The award-winning Colorado
Springs Chorale invites vocalists
throughout the area to sing in our
remaining 2005 - 2006 Season
appearances at the Pikes Peak
Join us for our sell-out Deck the
Hall Christmas Program; and
Handel’s Messiah, with the
Colorado Springs Philharmonic, in
In March, help us present our
Great Works classical production
with full orchestra, Masterworks
IV, featuring Mozart’s Grand Mass
in C, originally composed for his
own wedding, and works by
Haydn, Brahms, and Vaughan
In May, perform with us as we
join the United States Air Force
Academy Band in, Stars and
Stripes, Forever!
Auditions for membership in the
Chorale will be held Tue,
Sep 6 from 6:30 - 10 pm, at First
Christian Church, 16 E. Platte Ave.
Auditions are by appointment
For further information we invite
you to call Jackie at the Chorale
Office, 634-3737. Additional
material is also available on our
web page, www.cschorale.org
You haven’t seen Colorado
until you’ve seen
And if you haven’t seen Seven Falls lately, you
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wildlife and cultural history with our new
self-guided audio tours in Spanish and English.
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our new computerized lighting system.
• Located in Cheyenne Canyon, Seven Falls is
Colorado’s best choice for educational family fun.
For rates and hours to this outstanding
entertainment value, visit www.sevenfalls.com or
call (719) 632-0765 today. Map available in Spanish.
Take I-25 to exit 138 and head west.
And our multi denomination slots are
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New Players Join our Player’s Club,
bring in this ad and get 100 extra points.
(Up to 6 admissions. Expires December 2005.)
11 de agosto 2005 - 18 de agosto 2005
Page 11
Carta de Javier Duran
Querido primo:
Tras enviarle el pésame al
admirado Alejandro Sanz por el
fallecimiento de su padre, amigo
y maestro, comprendí mejor la
clase de personas que él y su ex
(Jaydy Mirchel) son. Estuvieron
juntos en todo momento, durante
el sepelio. Tras la separación, dada
a conocer públicamente por ella
esa misma semana, se consolaron
guardando silencio sobre su vida
Aunque no faltó quien le
preguntó a Jaydy por Lena, con
muy mala uva y muy poco respeto.
Ya sabes que el nombre de
Alejando y el título de “Lena” van
unidos en su lanzamiento y
equivale al famoso dilema de qué
fue primero, la gallina o el huevo.
Es decir, el nombre de Alejandro
Sanz ligado a la producción, ha
sido un factor esencial para su
triunfo, pero Alejandro no se
habría subido a la carreta si no
hubiera habido calidad y talento en
la producción de Lena, Nacida en
Cuba. Su abuela fue la legendaria
sentimiento”). Su madre, Malena
Burke. Junto a ella, salió de Cuba
a través de España. Y con ella
estuvo actuando (la acompañaba
formando parte del grupo y
encargándose de arreglos, etc.)
hasta que llegó el momento de la
“independencia” y de “Lena”.
— Desde antes de salir el disco,
ya se hablaba de romance.
— Y yo no hago más que repetir
que es mi padrino.
superpadrino de lujo, imagínate,
¡Alejandro Sanz!
Escuchó mis temas, me presentó
al presidente de la compañía
Warner, que me firmó contrato, y
además grabó a duo conmigo el
tema “Tu corazón”, ¿qué más se
puede pedir, se puede soñar?
Lena recibe felicitaciones del mundo entero por “Lena”,
como la de nuestro primo Durán.
terminamos, le dije a Alejandro:
sabes. El es mi padrino. El disco
“Jamás pude imaginarme que me
pasaría esto”, “pues ya pasó!”, me — Creo que por las fotos de un fue grabado en Milán. Contiene
paseo en bote, nada más, sólo 12 temas impresionantes, con
dijo simplemente.
— ¿Cómo surgió el chisme del imágenes de amistad, pero ya letras muy importantes: “Ven y...”,
“Oroneyra”, “Que te perdone
Dios”, “Puedo jurarlo”, “Eterna
pasajera”, dedicado a su abuela,
etc. Corriendo, corriendo, te
contaré que en México están
transmitiendo (o alargando) “La
madrastra” con sólo 1/2 hora diaria
y grabaron 5 finales diferentes para
no desvelar el definitivo; aunque
se asegura que el asesino va a ser
(seguramente) uno de los 3
personajes interpretados por:
Sabine Moussier, Guillermo
García Cantú o René Casados. En
cuanto a Victoria Ruffo, va a tener
una “colaboración especial” en la
nueva producción de Carla Estrada
Respecto a a polémica
presentada por la venta exclusiva
del bautizo de sus mellizos a una
revista (al igual que cada día hacen
más y más las figuras conocidas)
te daré mi opinión en la próxima
carta, porque ésta se ha extendido.
Escuchando de nuevo a Lena en
“Tu corazón”, con Alejandro Sanz,
me despido con un gran abrazo.
Sí TV kicks off production of “The Drop”
Sí TV, the first English-language
Latino cable network, today kicks
off the third season production
cycle of “The Drop.”
Twenty-four episodes of the
music series are slated to be shot
through Sep 20, with an additional
twenty-four episodes beginning
Jan 2006.
“Pairing up hot acts like Ivy
Queen and established actors like
Anthony Anderson is exactly what
‘The Drop’ is all about; seamlessly
featuring multicultural performers
who reflect the changing face of
entertainment,” says Jeff Valdez,
Sí TV co-founder and chairman.
“We are excited about our third
season and look forward to
continuing to project the
multifaceted interests of our
“The Drop” is a music variety
show featuring celebrity
interviews, live performances,
videos, and dance competitions.
Season three confirmed guests
include Machete Music marvel the
queen of reggaetón herself Ivy
Queen, Reggaetón super-duo
producers Luny Tunes, Latin
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants),
Carlos Mencia (Mind of Mencia),
Judy Reyes (Scrubs), Freddie
Rodriguez (Six Feet Under),
Frankie J., Tego Calderon and
Daddy Yankee.
As Sí TV’s top rated series, “The
Jeff Valdez, Sí TV co-founder
and chairman.
alternative rock band—La Secta
Allstar—Puerto Rico’s answer to
the Rolling Stones,
Latium recording artist Natalie,
TVT recording artists Ying Yang
Twins, singing sensation Nina Sky,
Norteño Hip Hop artist Chingo
Bling, actress Constance Marie
from “The George Lopez Show”,
Gina Torres, who is starring in Josh
Whedon’s upcoming film
“Serenity”, and Anthony Anderson
who is currently starring in “Hustle
& Flow.”
Past guests include Eva
Longoria, Ricardo Chavira and
Emmy nominee Lupe Ontiveros
(Desperate Housewives), Wilmer
Valderrama, America Ferrera (The
Drop,” continues to entertain
viewers age 18 - 24 with a young
and hip daily variety show focused
on what’s hot in urban music and
culture. A notable destination of
choice, the daily variety show airs
at 5 PM EST/ PST on DISH and
various cable channels across the
nation. “The Drop” features live
in-studio performances by some of
today’s hottest chart toppers, as
well as candid interviews
highlighting celebrity-talent from
the world of film and TV.
Page 12
11 de agosto 2005 - 18 de agosto 2005
2006 Impala builds on
reputation through
strength and refinement
Hispania News had the opportunity to see and learn about the new
Impala for 2006. The countryside outdoors of Nashville provided
a scenic and pleasant experience. The visit to the Country Music
Hall of Fame was value added and most appreciated.
The Impala has been a mainstay with Hispanic auto buyers; you
will be pleased with the 06 editions.
Quiet strength exemplifies the
new 2006 Chevy Impala – an
inherited attribute that is blended
into a sporty sedan that offers
stylish design, captivating
performance and surprising
details, including the latest version
of the legendary small-block V-8
in the Impala SS.
The new Impala competes in the
mid-car segment, delivering
features and attention to detail,
including innovative flip-and-fold
flat rear seats and revised
suspension systems that deliver
comfortable, quiet and more
confident ride and handling
characteristics. These new
ingredients improve on an already
popular recipe for driving
“Strength is an assuring
attribute of the
2006 Impala that
supports its
c o m f o r t ,
features and
said Ed Peper,
g e n e r a l
manager. “The
I m p a l a
competes in the
largest segment of the industry and
the ’06 model – with all of its
enhanced comfort, performance
and safety features – will help
Chevrolet assert a leadership role
including more than 290,000 in
2004 – an 8.4 percent increase over
2003 – Chevy’s flagship sedan has
cultivated a growing family of new
and returning customers. The ’06
model builds on the qualities on
which those customers have come
to rely by adding new features
and enhancing others.
Standard and available
safety features include
ABS, traction control and
side-curtain roof rail air
bags on Impala. A new
family of premium-feature
V-6 engines, which include
variable valve timing to optimize
performance and economy, is
With more than 1.2 million sales standard in the LS, LT and LTZ
since its 1999 introduction, models, with LS and LT models
receiving a new 3.5L V-6 that
produces 211 (157 kw)
horsepower and 214 lb-ft (290
Nm) of torque.
Standard in LTZ and available in
LT models is a new 242horsepower (180 kw)* 3.9L V-6
built on the same architecture as
the 3.5L engine, but with
additional features such as variable
intake technology.
The unique Impala SS is
powered by the all-new 5.3L
Displacement on Demand (DOD)
technology, which regulates
between eight-cylinder and fourcylinder operation and
provides up to 8 percent
improved fuel economy
in certain light-load
driving conditions. The
5.3L small-block V-8 is
rated at 303 horsepower
(226 kw) and 323 lb-ft
(438 Nm) of torque.
Highlights of the 2006
Impala include:
• New exterior styling
with bold headlamps and
• Retuned suspensions
with wider track,
providing sporty, more
comfortable ride
• Standard roof rail sidecurtain air bags for front
and rear passengers
• New family of 16-, 17- and 18inch wheels and tires
• Enhanced ABS and traction
control standard on LTZ and SS
models, and available on LS and
• Comfortable interiors with highquality attention to detail,
upholstery stitching, low-gloss IP
components and jewel-like IP
• High-quality Nuance leather
seating surfaces (available)
• New family of audio systems,
with a standard auxiliary input jack
for external devices (iPod/MP3) to
be played through the vehicle’s
audio system
• Factory-installed remote vehicle
starter standard on all models
except LS
• OnStar Gen 6 standard,
including 1-year Safe and Sound
package. Visit OnStar.com or call
1-888-466-7827 for system
limitations and details
The ’06 Impala has a new look,
both inside and out, that conveys
sophistication and exudes big-car
roominess. On the exterior, large
headlamps have a premium,
jeweled appearance with three
independent lighting units. These
details complement other highquality attributes, such as tight
tolerances between body
components and substantial
“grab”-style door handles, to
provide an overall feeling of
solidity. Also, new, flat-blade
windshield wipers are used to
provide consistent pressure on the
glass, which helps eliminate
streaking and wind noise.
The Impala SS receives a distinct
front-end appearance that is
separate from other models. It
includes a dual-split grille with a
SS-signature black-diamond
crosshatch pattern. At the rear, a
rear spoiler is standard on LTZ and
SS models, and is available on LT.
The Impala SS also receives bright
exhaust tips.
Inside, the ’06 Impala is packed
with useful features, including
clever, segment-exclusive flipCont. on page 13
11 de agosto 2005 - 18 de agosto 2005
Page 13
2006 Impala Cont. from page 12
and-fold flat rear seats. The
forward-flip rear seat cushions
create a covered storage area
beneath the seat when the cushions
are down and offer convenient
grocery bag hooks when the
cushions are flipped forward. The
seat back also folds down flat to
create a generous pass-through
from the trunk.
All of Impala’s available seating
features cleaner, simpler and more
tailored appearances. Available
Nuance leather-covered seating
surfaces feature premium deck
seams around their perimeter and
French seams on the center
sections. The seats also have
firmer cushions and increased
lumbar support that provide more
comfort, especially during long
The Impala also has an all-new
instrument panel design that wraps
around into the door panels and
has a double-hump design that is
reminiscent of early Corvettes.
Impala LS, LT and LTZ models
have a wood-trimmed appearance,
while a sportier, brushed sterlingappearance trim is available. The
Impala SS comes standard with a
“techno”-metallic pattern trim
panel, with the wood-trimmed
appearance as an option.
(standard on LTZ)
• Glove box is 20 percent larger
than previous models
There also is a new family of
audio systems. The three systems
feature new, simple-to-operate
radios that are compatible with the
enhanced Generation 6 OnStar
system. The base CD-radio
includes a six-speaker system. An
uplevel MP3/ CD-radio is
configured for XM Satellite Radio,
with a two-line, 32-character
reconfigurable display and the
capability to select between AM,
FM and XM stations without
having to reset the band. (XM
Satellite Radio is available only in
the 48 contiguous states. Service
fees apply.
Visit gm.xm.com for details.)
An uplevel ICDX radio adds an indash six-CD changer. Impala also
offers a premium Bose audio
system. All radios include a
standard auxiliary input jack for
external devices such as an iPod
or remote cassette player. Located
in the lower right-hand corner of
each radio, the input allows for
plug-and-play through Impala’s
sound system.
Chassis and suspension
Quiet, smoothness and
refinement are the ride and
Completing the Impala’s
comprehensively new interior is
a host of useful comfort and
convenience features, including:
• Available dual-zone climate
control system with up to 12
degrees F temperature setting
difference between the two front
• Available factory-installed
remote vehicle start system with a
200-foot (60-meter) range and
preconditioning to warm or cool the
vehicle prior to entry
• Informative gauge clusters and
an expanded driver information
center – with more than 50 alerts,
depending on the vehicle’s
• Standard easy-access, steering
wheel-mounted cruise control
• Steering wheel radio controls on
uplevel models
• Eight-way, heated power driver
seat and six-way, heated front
passenger seat available on
vehicles with leather trim
handling traits conveyed through
the Impala’s revised chassis and
suspension systems. A robust
front-end structure provides a firm
foundation to help reduce noise
vibration and harshness (NVH),
while also enhancing steering and
handling performance.
Impala’s fully boxed upper
frame rail assemblies have a wide,
deep and structurally strong upper
front tie bar. Stronger ties between
the upper and lower rails stiffen the
front structure for improved ride
and handling. Also, the lower
front-of-dash panel has been
strengthened and is constructed of
“Quiet Steel” laminated steel,
which consists of sound deadening
material bonded between sheets of
steel and is designed to reduce
resonant sound. An extruded
aluminum engine cradle is used on
both vehicles, too, and contributes
to a smoother ride.
The front suspension features a
MacPherson strut coil-over-spring
independent design, with gascharged struts and a stabilizer bar.
Taller jounce bumpers in the front includes P225/ 55R17 AL2 steering system is standard on all
suspension help enhance stability (touring) Goodyear Eagle LS2 models, with a quiet, improvedand control. The rear suspension radials matched with the 17-inch performance power steering pump
uses a trailing arm, tri-link setup aluminum wheels.
and fluid reservoirs. The new
with gas-charged struts and coil FE3 (SS): Impala SS models system optimizes internal flow of
springs. A rear stabilizer bar is receive a FE3 suspension, which the hydraulic steering fluid within
standard on all models. Based on includes 18-inch W-rated P235/ both the pump and the reservoirs.
the basic front and rear suspension 50R18 AL3 (performance) tires Powertrains
designs, the Impala offers three and five-spoke alloy wheels, to
Impala’s new family of
levels of suspension tuning, each provide a sporty ride that sophisticated V-6 engines features
matched to the power and complements the 5.3L small-block the first use of variable valve
expected performance level of its V-8’s performance. A 34-mm timing in an overhead-valve
respective model:
hollow front stabilizer bar and 18- engine design. A 3.5L V-6 is
FE1 (16-inch wheels): Standard mm solid rear stabilizer bar standard in the Impala LS and LT,
on models with the 3.5L V-6, the combine to provide roll control. delivering 211 horsepower (157
Cont. on page 18
A power rack-and-pinion
FE1 suspension provides
improved control over previous
compromising ride quality. The
package includes 16-inch wheels
and P225/ 60R16 ALS (all-season)
Goodyear Integrity radials,
specifically developed to provide
a quieter ride compared to
previous base models. A 10-mm
(0.4-inch) wider track also is
as the 16i n c h
each are
moved 5
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Page 14
11 de agosto 2005 - 18 de agosto 2005
“eating for two” has misled
generations of women into
overindulging during pregnancy.
And in recent decades, as people
have been getting heavier and
heavier in general, the temporary
gains of pregnancy have more and
more often become permanent for
It’s not at all uncommon to meet
who never had a weight
by Caroline J. Cederquist, MD
problem at all until they became
Got a baby on board? If you’re extra cargo long after you’ve pregnant, even if their first baby
not careful, you could be carrying delivered. That old adage about wasn’t until they were into their
30s. We hear it all the time from
female patients: “I just never could
get the weight off again after my
And if the weight sticks after a
pregnancy, that story often holds
true through several babies, with
more and more gains. But
overweight women have higher
risks for pregnancy and delivery
complications including preeclampsia and gestational
diabetes. And that’s to say nothing
of how the maternal body
chemistry of an overweight
mom—with the elevated blood
glucose and likely insulin
resistance—might affect the
developing fetus. Researchers are
exploring whether those factors
might eventually make the child
Gains of “baby weight”
in pregnancy can be
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Caroline J. Cederquist, MD
more prone to weight problems.
Studies have already shown that
for moms, there’s a high
correlation between being
overweight before pregnancy and
ending up with that long-term
additional weight gain after a
pregnancy. Because of this,
overweight women in many
European countries are advised to
gain less weight during pregnancy
than healthy weight women.
But that’s not really a good idea
for the little person who is trying
to get bigger, the one who needs
high- quality, ready nutrition for
the hard work of growing and
getting ready to be born. You’re
supposed to gain some weight
during pregnancy; there’s a whole
other person in there! Trying to
avoid long-term weight problems
for mom shouldn’t be done at the
expense of the baby.
But a long-term study out of
Sweden showed that’s not where
to focus the effort anyway.
Overweight women apparently
don’t gain more weight during
pregnancy than healthy-weight
women, they just seem more likely
to keep what they do gain for
The 15-year study of more than
500 women was somewhat
comically titled the Stockholm
Pregnancy and Women’s Nutrition
study, or SPAWN. The SPAWN
study gathered data about the
relationship between weight and
pregnancy and maternal and child
The women in the study were
classed as either overweight or
normal weight before pregnancy,
and then classed as low,
intermediate or high weight
gainers during pregnancy, and
finally, as low, intermediate or
high weight retainers at one-year
after the birth.
They checked the women again
after 15 years to see what their
long-term weight outcome was,
and it seems the best indicator of
whether a woman would have
long-term weight problems was
not whether she was heavy or not
before her pregnancy, or even how
much weight she gained during her
pregnancy or pregnancies.
Rather, it was whether or not
she’d lost her excess pregnancy
weight within the first year after
the baby’s birth that had the
strongest correlation with long-
term excess weight. After that
one-year window of opportunity,
the chances of a woman ever
returning to her pre-baby weight
dropped off dramatically.
And that was true across the
weight classes, and no matter how
much the women gained during
the pregnancy, though women who
overgained during pregnancy,
even if normal weight to start with,
were also more likely to keep the
weight long-term.
But the more a woman took off
in her first year following
pregnancy, the more likely she was
to be of healthy weight years later.
Is it any wonder the celebrities
who trade on their looks and their
healthy image invest a lot of
money in personal trainers to help
them drop their baby weight as
quickly as possible? Long-term
weight retention could mean the
end of a career.
Not that they’re the only ones
who promptly drop their post-baby
weight. I see many women who
come in for guidance with weight
loss within just weeks of the
baby’s birth, and I often marvel at
their determination. Having had
three babies, I remember being
wiped out just by caring for the
new baby and dealing with the
sleep deprivation, let alone trying
to take on a new diet and exercise
But many more mothers fall into
unhealthy patterns of inactivity
once there’s a baby to be looked
And having grown
accustomed to eating a little more,
some women don’t cut back to an
appropriate eating-for-one level
after birth. The study shows that
getting back into healthy habits as
soon as possible is key to avoiding
that lifelong burden started by a
pregnancy gain.
Of course, weight is like most
health problems in that prevention
is easier than a cure. If you’re
overweight and contemplating
getting pregnant, think about
bringing your weight down
beforehand. Because of the
serious risks to the baby that are
associated with maternal obesity
or diabetes, it’s best to be at a
normal weight before you get
But at any weight, it’s critical
during pregnancy to eat
particularly well, but that doesn’t
mean to eat a whole lot more.
Because while a pregnant woman
literally is “eating for two,” it’s
important to remember that one of
those two is a really, really tiny
Get plenty of fresh vegetables
and good, low-fat dairy. The extra
300 calories a day a pregnant mom
should be eating could easily be
accounted for with a morning
snack of yogurt and fruit, or by
adding three glasses of milk to the
daily intake.
And as soon afterward as you’ve
started to normalize your schedule
and get some good sleep, start
getting your exercise and get right
to work getting rid of that baby
Cont. on page 19
11 de agosto 2005 - 18 de agosto 2005
Page 15
Grants awarded to help low-income, first-time mothers to become better
Grants totaling $8,301,543 have
been awarded to Colorado Nurse
participating agencies throughout
Colorado to permit experienced
registered nurses to continue to
visit low-income, first-time
pregnant women and to assist them
in acquiring the skills and support
and knowledge they need to
deliver health babies and to be
effective parents.
The 2005-2006 grants for the
program, also known as the NurseFamily Partnership, include
$7,051,543 from the state’s
Tobacco Settlement funds, with an
additional $1.25 million match
coming from Medicaid funding to
provide continued support for the
Nurse-Family Partnership.
The Tobacco Settlement funds
were earmarked for the program
by the Colorado Legislature during
its 2005 session.
The program, which began in
2000, is based at the Colorado
Department of Public Health and
Environment. It is a voluntary,
evidence-based, prevention
program that has been proven to
improve the health and well-being
of low-income, first-time mothers
and their children through nurse
home visitation services.
Currently serving over 20,000
families in 20 states, several
independent studies have weighed
the costs and benefits of
implementing the program and
concluded that over time, the
program will return $2 - 4 for
every dollar invested.
Douglas H. Benevento, the
executive director of the Colorado
Department of Public Health and
Environment, said, “This is an
important program for Colorado.
New and continued funding will
allow the department to continue
supporting our local health
agencies and partners in delivering
these types of programs that help
keep our communities strong.”
During the grant period, which
began on July 1, 2005 and will
continue through June 30, 2006.
2,167 families in 50 Colorado
counties will be served by the
Esperanza Ybarra, the program
director explained that the
program sends highly educated
and experienced registered nurses
to visit low-income, first-time
pregnant women and assist them
in acquiring the skills, support and
knowledge they need to deliver
healthy babies and be effective
Women participating in the
program receive education and
counseling on healthy lifestyle
changes, self-sufficiency and
Since the program began, the
Nurse-Family Partnership in
Colorado has achieved the
following outcomes:
• 23 percent reduction in cigarette
smoking during pregnancy;
• 38 percent reduction in family/
domestic violence;
• 90 percent child immunization
• The number of women who got
Update your child's immunizations
Colorado Department of Public
Health and Environment officials
have reminded parents and
guardians to make certain their
children have had all the
immunizations required for their
age group before they return to
school this year or are enrolled in
preschool or school for the first
Douglas H. Benevento, the
executive director of the
Department of Public Health and
Environment, said, “Parents will
help give their children a healthy
start to the new school year by
making certain they are up-to-date
on their immunizations.”
He explained that
immunizations prevent children
from getting serious infectious
diseases, such as whooping
cough and the measles and
encouraged parents to schedule
an appointment with their
health care providers to have
their children immunized.
“For individuals who do not
have health insurance and who
want to have their children
immunized, they can call the
department’s Family Healthline to
obtain a list of public health clinics
offering free and low-cost
immunizations. The number for
individuals living in the Denver
metropolitan area is (303) 6922229, or outside the metropolitan
Denver at 1-800-688-7777,” he
A new Web site, launched in
July, also is available and contains
clinic locations and an
immunization schedule that
parents can download and take
with them to their doctor’s office.
The schedule helps track a child’s
The Web site address is
Sept. 1st
Make your reservation now.
married during participation in the
program increased from 19 percent
to 33 percent.
• Fewer babies in the program
were born prematurely than the
Colorado rate. The statewide rate
for premature births is 9.6 percent
as compared to 9.1 percent for
program participants.
Continuation Awards
Continuation awards for fiscal
year 2005 - 2006 include the
• Boulder County Public Health,
$429,897 Counties to be served:
Families to be served: 100
Contact: Jane McKinley, (303)
[email protected]
• Denver Health and Hospital
Authority: Best Babies Denver,
Counties to be served: Denver
Families to be served: 100
Contact: Marti Potter, (720) 9562057 or [email protected]
• El Paso County Department of
Health and Environment,
Counties to be served: El Paso
Families to be served: 100
Contact: Carolyn Johnston, (719)
[email protected]
• Prowers County Public Health
Nursing Service, $290,391
Counties to be served: Baca, Bent,
Kiowa and Prowers
Families to be served: 50
Contact: Donna Walker, (719)
336-8721, extension 3 or
[email protected]
• Pueblo Community Health
Center, $428,913
Counties to be served: Pueblo
Families to be served: 100
Contact: Sherry Richert, (719)
543-8718, extension 741 or
[email protected]
San Juan Basin Health
Department, $429,413
Counties to be served: Archuleta,
Dolores, La Plata, Montezuma and
San Juan
Families to be served: 112
Contacts: Bonnie Tonkin, (970)
247-5702, extension 275 or
[email protected]
Bobbi Lock, (970) 565-3056,
[email protected]
• Valley-Wide Health Services,
Inc., $434,784
Counties to be served: Alamosa,
Conejos, Costilla, Mineral, Rio
Grande and Saguache
Families to be served: 100
Contact: Deb Gabbel, (719) 5871038 or [email protected]
New And Expansion Awards
• El Paso County Department of
Health and Environment,
Counties to be served: El Paso
Families to be served: 100
Contact: Carolyn Johnston, (719)
[email protected]
• Pueblo Community Health
Center, $121,657
Counties to be served: Huerfano
Families to be served: 25
Contact: Sherry Richert, (719)
543-8718, extension 741 or
[email protected]
For more information, call (303)
Springs Health and Wellness
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Page 16
11 de agosto 2005 - 18 de agosto 2005
Johnny Nolon’s Casino in
Cripple Creek Colorado has
a unique and exciting
opportunity for a newly
created position of Hispanic
Player Development.
Since this is a new position it may be
ideal either for a recent graduate, or a
more experienced professional. Pay/
salary will be consummate with
experience. The candidate must be
bilingual (written and speech). They will
be responsible for group promotions,
marketing, advertising, special events as
well as one on one customer service and
involvement in the Hispanic community.
This position will require high energy,
enthusiasm, and a flexible work
schedule. The position will interact with
senior management to create an
atmosphere that is comfortable,
enjoyable and special for our Hispanic
patrons. All applications are encouraged
for this unique position where
opportunities are endless. Successful
results could make this a very lucrative
position. Resumes or applications can
be mailed to PO Box 1707, Cripple
Creek, CO 80813, or faxed to (719) 689
3598, or in person at Johnny Nolon’s 301
E. Bennett Ave, CC, CO 80813.
Lost your Avon Representative?
Are you tired of working twice as
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Cellular One’s #1 seller in the nation
and we are looking to add top notch
people to our winning team in our
Trinidad Walmart location. Sales
experience a plus but, we will train
anyone with the right level of
commitment and enthusiasm.
We are a fast growing company that
offers tremendous opportunity for
advancement and places a high
emphasis on its employees. We
offer many benefits including
training, sales bonuses, Health
Insurance, and a guaranteed salary.
Will work with juvenile offenders and
at-risk youth, assisting with
accomplishing various tasks while
providing supervision and serving as a
role model. Tasks will include
construction scrap removal, policing
sites, landscaping, tie wall construction,
repair and light renovations, and
wheelchair ramp or deck construction.
Req. HS diploma or equivalent is
required; Associate’s Degree or related
experience also essential. F/T,
$10.79.hr. Fax to 719-572-6129, or visit
us online at www.ppmhc.org. EOE
Incredible opportunity for
a few individuals!
Independent contractor status. Earn
excellent pay selling Nextel Phones
and GPS products. Draw vs.
Commission Will train the right
person(s). Sales experience
preferred. Email resume.
No phone calls.
Cold call and/or telemarketing
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[email protected]
House Cleaning
Limpiadores de Casas
- Trabajamos en grupos de 4
- Podemos enseñarle
- Pagamos cada semana
- No trabajamos las noches ni los fines de semanas
- Licencia de conducir en Colorado es un plus
- Bilingüe es un plus
“Contestants wanted for
Reality Television
serious applicants apply”
Bilingual Customer
Service Positions
Must be Bilingual – Spanish English
6 Months Customer Service Exp
Must be somewhat flexible on hours
available to work to include weekends.
Able to pass criminal background check.
3 week training in English - $8/hr.
Once done with training Pay rate is
$9.50. Please call 574-4200 or stop by
in person at: Job Store Staffing, 3631
Galley Road, Colorado Springs.
Oportunidades de Empleos
Taylor Farms
Apply by calling David at
406.239.9099 or email to
[email protected]
Work Crew Supervisor
Workout Limited
B2B Sales – NEXTEL
Colo. Spgs. - Pueblo
Please call LINDA And she can help you
with yourAVON needs. 331-6385
or email [email protected]
Join Us At The Top!
- Work in teams of 4
- Training provided
- Paid weekly
- No nights, no weekends
- Bilingual a plus
Hiring: Team Members
Valid Colorado Driver’s licence a plus
(Car Not Required)
2725 Ore Mill Drive, Unit 22, Colorado Springs
ICT está aceptando
solicitudes de empleo
para oportunidades en
nuestro centro de
Representante Atención Al Cliente
“inbound”. Nosotros ofrecemos un ambiente
relajado, varios turnos y tenemos un
compromiso a brindarle un servicio de
excelencia a nuestro cliente: Virgin Mobile,
Si usted tiene la disponibilidad para trabajar
diferentes turnos y se ve como parte de
nuestro equipo, es bilingüe (Español /
Ingles,) por favor preséntese en persona para
una entrevista inmediata.
980 Elkton Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
(719) 265-9200
Lunes a Viernes: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
¡Estamos ansiosos para conocerlo! EOE
Necesitamos Fontaneros Para Casas
Nuevas en Colorado Springs.
Sueldo bueno. Llame Excel
Plumbing Co. 719-499-9458.
Plumbers Needed For New Homes
In Colorado Springs. Base,
Top-Out,Trim Crews Needed.
Bilingual Is Helpful. Good Pay.
Call - Excel Plumbing Co.
CLP Resources is hiring Concrete
Workers! Jobs for form setters,
finishers, and muckers. (2+ years
verifiable experience required)
$11 to $20/hr (depending on
experience). Long term work with
great benefits. Call 719-266-8690.
¡CLP Resources está contratando
trabajadores de cemento! Empleo
para poner formas, acabado, y
muckers. (Requiere de 2 o más
años de experiencia con
verificación). De $11 a $20/hora
(basado en la experiencia).
Trabajo a largo plazo con buenas
Llame al 719-266-8690.
Plumbers Needed
For new houses in Colo. Spgs.,
$25 hr. Bilingual helpful.
Please call: 719-499-9458
Se Solicitan Plomeros
Para casas nuevas en Colo.
Spgs.., $25/hora. Bilingüe de
preferencia. Favor de llamar
al 719-499-9458
Buscamos obreros de
construccion que tienen
en carpinteria.
Experiencia con trusses (cabrias) es
preferido. Por favor apliquese a 1025
Garden of the Gods Rd. Suite A.
Necesita trabajadores con
documentación apropriada. Se
empieza a $6/hr. Solicite en persona:
3147 N. Century St. Colo. Spgs.
pregunte por Tammy.
Pueblo Community College
Associate Producer/Editor
Responsible for coordinating, arranging,
and developing a wide variety of
multimedia production technology
including video production and
expanding web design. Complete
vacancy announcement and PCC
application can be accessed at
www.pueblocc.edu/jobs/. Submit PCC
application, resume, unofficial
transcripts, and letter expressing interest
and addressing listed qualifications to:
Human Resources, Pueblo Community
College, 900 W. Orman Ave., Pueblo,
CO 81004. Telephone (719)549-3220,
FAX (719)549-3127 August 5, 2005.
Se necesitan vendedoras. Empieze
ganando 50%. Be your own Boss.
Call Now! 1 (877) 875-2912.
Ind. Rep.
Denver Law Office in need of a
Administrative Asst.
Must be detail oriented and be
computer literate.
E-mail resumé to: [email protected]
Hiring Immediately for all
Housekeeping positions.
Apply in person at 1055
Kelly Johnson Blvd.
Molly Maid
Limpiadores de Casa
Lunes a Viernes, 8 - 5, tiempo lleno.
Se debe tener Licensia de Manejar
Automoviles de Colorado.
Aplica en persona, 2960 N. Academy
Blvd., #205 o llame a (719) 638-7055.
Taylor Farms
Now hiring. Must have proper
documentation. Starting at $6/hr.
Apply in person: 3147 N. Century St.
Colo. Spgs. Ask for Tammy.
Electrical PM!!
Established Local Company
( 40 + years) seeking PM/Estimator
with Comprehensive Electrical
Knowledge. Great work environment
and Salary package.
Fax Qualifications to 719-633-0814
Pikes Peak Library District
Is Hiring!
• Ruth Holley Branch Page,
15 hours/week (closes 8/9)
• East Library Temp. Part-Time
Department Asst.,
20 hours/week (closes 8/8)
• East Library Maintenance Tech I /
Courier, full-time (closes 8/8)
Call Job Line at 531-6333, x1253 for
info or see job listings at ppld.org.
Obtain application at any of our
branches or get printable version from
website. Must apply at HR Office at
5550 N. Union. // EOE
FT position directs community outreach,
including the strategies behind the
associations and interactions between
Colorado College and community
organizations. Provides leadership and
direction in identifying ways to increase
a positive image and knowledge of the
college locally, nationally and
internationally. Bachelor’s degree + 5
years exp. Proficient with Microsoft and
Web editing software. Send cover letter,
resume + 3 references to Community
Relations Search, Colorado College HR
Office, 14 E. Cache la Poudre, 80903.
www.coloradocollegehr.org. EOE
11 de agosto 2005 - 18 de agosto 2005
Fund Development
Coordinator - F/T Exempt:
Dodge Grand Caravan
LE, 1990
Must have experience w/grant writing
& special events. Knowledge of
Blackbaud/Razor ’s Edge highly
desirable. Prefer college and 3+years
development experience. Mail or fax
resume & cover ltr. by 7/22/05 to:
CASA, HR, 701 S. Cascade, C/S CO
80903 or fax 667-1818. EOE
Asientos de cuero para 9 personas.
$950. 964-6153.
Tractor para cortar el pasto
(Riding lawnmower.)
CD'S & Cassettes
Taking orders for Doreen Martinez’s award
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available now is Muéveme, Con Fe y Amor.
Her latest CD “Santo Es El Señor” only
available in CD. Cassettes $7, CDs $10.
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out! Her Christmas “Ven A Jesus Esta
Navidad” CD $9. Call Joseph (719) 448-0805
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Call 719-448-0805
Page 17
Compro y Vendo casas
y condos.
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Se habla Español.
Penrose R.E. 719-636-2113
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Comunicarse Con Enrique.
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Gates open and registration begins at
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Sale starts and registration ends at
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Auctioneer will sell vehicles in
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For vehicle listing take the link from
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SEMA Construction, Inc. is requesting sub bids and material
quotes from all UDBE/DBE subcontractors and suppliers to
meet the 6.70% UDBE goal for CDOT Project IM 0701-162,
C14315. Project consists of bridge replacement, HBP,
guardrail, MSE walls, fencing, sidewalk, curb & gutter,
lighting, signage, and striping in Mesa County.
Project bids August 11, 2005 at 10:00 AM (MDT).
Infant/Toddler Teacher (12 month) $27,287.00/year
Infant/Toddler Literacy Teacher (12 month) $27,287.00/year
Responsible for the Infant/Toddler Room in the Pikes Peak, Pike or Gorman
Center. Must foster consistency and assure a quality program for children
newborn to 3 and their parents that is safe and developmentally appropriate.
Conduct Home Visits. Literacy Teachers will plan and facilitate
PACT (Parents and Child Together).
ALL positions require: minimum of an AA in Early Childhood
Education; must be DHS Director Qualified. Bilingual in English/Spanish
is strongly preferred. We will help you further your education in ECE
through tuition reimbursement. Must have a physical exam and drug
screen. Must be able to lift/carry a minimum of 40 pounds.
Apply: CPCD (Head Start),
2330 Robinson St, CSC 80904.
Fax: (719) 457-0615 or e-mail: [email protected].
Positions are open until filled.
Equal Opportunity Employer
SEMA Construction, Inc. 7353 S. Eagle St., Centennial, CO 80112 (303) 6272600; (303) 627-2626 fax. All UDBE/DBE firms are encouraged to participate.
Bonding, lines of credit, and special insurance limits may be required; please
contact SEMA for assistance.
Hispania News
Project bids August 25, 2005 at 10:00 AM (MDT). SEMA Construction, Inc.
7353 S. Eagle St., Centennial, CO 80112 (303) 627-2600; (303) 627-2626 fax.
All UDBE/DBE firms are encouraged to participate.
Bonding, lines of credit, and special insurance limits may be required;
please contact SEMA for assistance.
5.9% interest, $695 Monthly,
2/2 condo near Airport & Chelton,
24 hr. Message - 266-9515
To provide a developmentally appropriate early childhood education
program for 3 and 4 year old children. Literacy Teachers will plan and
facilitate a literacy program.
SEMA Construction, Inc. is requesting sub bids and material
quotes from all UDBE/DBE subcontractors and suppliers to
meet the 10.90% UDBE goal for CDOT Project HB 0852-097,
C15139R. Project consists of concrete pavement, HBP, utility
adjustments, landscaping, curb and gutter, signals, striping,
and traffic control in Douglas County, CO.
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We offer excellent commissions.
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Page 18
11 de agosto 2005 - 18 de agosto 2005
How to buy a home with a low Down Payment
If you’ve been dreaming about
buying a home but don’t have
much money saved up, you can
still make your dream a reality.
How to Buy a Home With a Low
Down Payment from the Mortgage
Insurance Companies of America
and the Cooperative State
Research, Education, and
Extension Service of the US
Department of Agriculture covers
how you can qualify for a low
down payment mortgage with
mortgage insurance.
Use the handy worksheet to
evaluate your financial resources
and figure out what kind of house
you can afford.
For your free copy, send your
name and address to the Federal
Citizen Information Center, Dept,
597M, Pueblo, CO 81009.
Or call toll-free 1 (888) 8
PUEBLO, that’s 1 (888) 878-3256
and ask for Item 597M. And visit
www.pueblo.gsa.gov to place your
order online or to read or print out
this and hundreds of other FCIC
publications for free.
to work at a comfortable pace.
• Take time to get the right tools.
It’s much harder to do a job
correctly if you don’t have the
right tools.
For example, if you have a paint
job on your list, you may want to
check out the latest paint sprayers,
which release less paint at a lower
pressure so that the user has more
control and wastes less paint.
Wagner Spray Tech’s Control
Spray High Volume Low Pressure
(HVLP) is designed for applying
materials such as stains, sealers,
wood preservatives, enamels and
other light-bodied materials-not
latex paints.
It’s a handy tool for homeowners
who want to finish decks, railings,
play sets, shutters, lawn furniture
and small projects around the
house that do not require the high
pressure of a latex paint sprayer.
• Don’t hesitate to ask for help if
you need it.
One of the smartest moves a doit-yourselfer can make is to ask for
help when it’s needed.
Go to the hardware store and
admit that you need some free
Take a free clinic to get some
pointers. Sometimes all it takes is
a more efficient tool or a new way
to view the project.
For more information, visit
creates “dual equal” valve timing
The ’06 Impala SS reinstates
small-block V-8 power, with the
all-new 5.3L all-aluminum V-8
that features fuel-saving
Displacement on Demand
technology (DOD).
Developed exclusively for frontdrive applications, the 5.3L engine
produces 303 horsepower (226
kw) and 323 lb-ft (438 Nm) of
torque, with DOD helping to
reduce fuel consumption by up to
8 percent in certain driving
DOD technology enables fuel
economy gains by reducing the
number of cylinders engaged in
the combustion process. A
sophisticated engine controller
determines when to deactivate
cylinders, allowing the engine to
maintain vehicle speed in lighterload conditions such as highway
All of Impala’s engines are
matched with the Hydra-Matic
4T65-E electronically controlled
transmission, which is renowned
for its smoothness and durability.
A strengthened version is
equipped with the 5.3L engine to
handle the V-8’s torque.
Safety plus crash avoidance
Impala offers standard sidecurtain air bags, which provide
optimum head protection for
outboard passengers. The side
curtain air bags are mounted in the
side roof rails and deploy down to
the lower edge of the windows
from the A-pillar to the C-pillar.
Impala’s other safety features
• Standard frontal dual-stage air
• Improved four-wheel-disc brake
system with all-new front brakes,
improved rear brakes and
increased brake boost quieter
operation, longer pad life, and
more resistance to brake pulsation
• New ABS system includes
• Available full-function traction
control system (available only
with ABS)
• Pretensioners standard on the
front outboard safety belts
• LATCH (Lower Anchors &
Tethers for CHildren) child seat
attachment system included in all
second row seating positions
The Easiest Way To Get The Job Done
(NAPSA)-The first step in any
do-it-yourself project may be to
get some advice from the experts.
Professionals have learned the
hard way how to make home
improvement jobs easier and more
Here are some tips that may help
you get the job done:
• Start with a list. Although you’re
MEMORIAS Continua de página 20
Recibir una critica positiva de
parte de ellos nos da esperanzas
de nuevos horizontes y para seguir
adelante con este arte. Con la
ayuda de las personas y de los
medios podremos lograr los
objetivos que tenemos.
La velada con la familia
Montesino fue un deleite para los
sentidos y para el alma.
Descubrir a un hispano que usa
su nostalgia y los recuerdos de su
patria para crear un nuevo
movimiento artístico es motivo de
Nos demuestra que se puede
trascender y hacer mas que
solamente extrañar la tierra
Montesino pinta a su querida
Venezuela y muestra su belleza
en cada una de sus obras.
eager to get started, picking up a
pen and paper can save you some
time in the long run.
Make a plan for how you’re
going to tackle the job-whether
you’re painting the deck or putting
up new siding.
Create a list of materials and tools
you’ll need for the project, plus a
budget of how much you want to
• Check the calendar. How long
will the project take? A day? Two
weeks? An afternoon?
Does the project depend on good
Decide on start and finish dates
for the job-and factor in enough
time to get all your supplies and
2006 Impala Cont. from page 13
kw) and 214 lb.-ft. (290 Nm) of
torque* – more standard power
than previous models and, in fact,
more power as a base engine than
some key competitors’ base
Vehicles in the United States
equipped with the 3.5L engine are
compatible with E85 ethanol fuel,
allowing the vehicle to run on any
combination of gasoline and/ or
E85. In Canada, the E85compatible 3500 engine is
Standard in LTZ and available in
LT models is a 3.9L V-6 built on
the same architecture as the new
3.5L V-6.
It uses variable valve timing and
a variable-length intake manifold
to help produce 242 horsepower
(180 kw) and 242 lb-ft (328 Nm)
of torque.* The 3.9L engine offers
more power and usable torque,
with 90 percent of peak torque
available from 1800 to 5800 rpm.
The V-6 engines have an all-new
cylinder block casting and new
cylinder heads, sharing only valve
lifters with any previous GM
engine. The 3.5L V-6 and 3.9L V6 share more than 80 percent
common parts, with the 3.9L V-6
achieving increased displacement
with a longer-stroke crankshaft.
The 60-degree “V” configuration
is naturally balanced, ensuring
drivetrain smoothness and
eliminating the need for costly
balance shafts.
The adaptation of variable valve
timing with the Impala’s V-6
engines is a first for cam-in-block
engines. The system incorporates
a vane-type camshaft phaser that
changes the angular orientation of
the camshaft, thereby adjusting the
timing of the intake and exhaust
valves to optimize performance
and economy, and help lower
emissions. It offers infinitely
variable valve timing in relation to
the crankshaft. The cam phasing
CTU Cuts Ribbon Cont. from page 8
create classrooms and labs
equipped with industry-current
technology for communications
and learning success.
The new environment is
designed to promote CTU’s
modern, hands-on approach to
learning, in which students are
surrounded by a sensitive and
motivating environment of
services in career planning,
academic advising, financial aid*
and career services to enhance
their probability of success.
CTU will provide the $1 Million
in scholarships to students at the
Pueblo campus based on their
needs and those of the Pueblo
Examples may include the
$1,000 Military Appreciation
Scholarship awarded to military
personnel and their family
Scholarship, a $3,000 award given
to recent high school graduates
entering CTU; and the $15,000
Doctorate of Management or
Computer Science.
“We will adapt our scholarship
structure to Pueblo, because at
CTU, we are committed to
meeting the needs of our
communities, both in building a
skilled workforce for existing
business and industry, but also in
helping to attract new employers
that will help Pueblo prosper,”
Mitchell said.
11 de agosto 2005 - 18 de agosto 2005
Page 19
Continua de página 5
Roque: - Porque he utilizado arena natural en este cuadro y los colores
También he utilizado arena para mostrar las costas de Venezuela.
En la mayoría de mis cuadros siempre utilizo movimientos del mar,
utilizo arena para mostrar las costas.
P: - Este par de cuadros forman la obra?
Roque: - Son piezas independientes porque cada una tiene un centro
de interés pero también pueden utilizarse en forma conjunta.
P : - Cómo se llama este cuadro y en que se inspiro para pintarlo?
de la arena de la costa de
Venezuela. Yo crecí cerca de la
costa y extraño mucho el tener la
costa cerca para disfrutar las cosas
que hacia cuando era un
P: El usar la arena lo pone en
Roque : Si! (rotundamente
afirmativa la respuesta)
P: Por que en este cuadro uso
mucho color rojo?
Roque: - Este cuadro es un
recuerdo de Puerto Escondido, en
Roque: -Se llama “Fiesta” me inspire en el día viernes en Venezuela.
Venezuela hay un lugar donde la
arena es roja y por eso lo he
llamado “Un amanecer en Puerto
P: -El siguiente cuadro me
provoca alegría, me impresiona
el colorido de la pintura.
(comentototalmente hipnotizada
por la obra, perdón estimado
lector usted sabe si alguien vio a
donde fue a para mi objetividad?.
Por favor mire el cuadro en la
siguiente hoja y juzgue por Usted
Roque: - Si, lleva alegría por el
hecho de celebrar diferentes
culturas. Cada país hispano tiene
mucho color, mucha fiesta y
mucho ritmo en su cultura por lo
que me inspiro pintar un fondo
azul para identificar el mar, las
Ese día es muy importante allá, es un día de fiesta, después del trabajo costas del mar Caribe y diferentes
hay que celebrar la semana culminada y es una cosa que extraño. En colores para mostrar cada una de
Venezuela todos los viernes salía a rumbear y aquí no lo hago
las diferentes banderas que
P: Porque llamo a este Fantasía en arena?
tenemos los hispanos.
Continua en página 20
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Page 20
11 de agosto 2005 - 18 de agosto 2005
Continua de página 19
Es como celebrar nuestras culturas. Por eso lo llame: “Pintando la
vida celebrando la cultura”
P: - Como es el proceso durante la creación de una de sus obras,
como elige los colores?
Roque: - Lo más importante para mí es que los colores puedan comunicarse entre
ellos y que puedan comunicarse con lo que estoy sintiendo en ese momento en que
voy a pintar. Si los colores no hablan entre ellos definitivamente no son los colores
que van a ir en la pieza.
P: - Colores que hablan... Que cree que le dijeron esos colores a la gente que
eligió este cuadro en la muestra. ?
Roque: - Este es “Un atardecer en Tiraya”.
Los atardeceres en Tiraya de Falcón, son de estos colores púrpura y violeta y
todos los movimientos representan las palmas que no son de color violeta pero en
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mis sentimientos yo las veo de esa
manera y creo que la gente pudo
ver que yo quiero expresar mis
sentimientos a través de una obra
abstracta, una memoria de un
paisaje venezolano. Un paisaje
realista mostraría a partir del verde
y marrones todos los colores que
la naturaleza nos ofrece pero en mi
arte yo expreso mis sentimientos
con los colores que yo estoy
sintiendo en ese momento.
P: - Cree que pintaría de la misma
manera estando en Venezuela?
Roque: - Creo que seria diferente
porque tendría todas mis memorias
mas vivas porque ahora son
recuerdos que tengo
P: - Hay un poco de nostalgia?
Roque: - Hay nostalgia porque
extraño Venezuela, eso es algo que
sentimos todos los extranjeros
cuando vivimos fuera de nuestra
tierra sentimos nostalgia y
extrañamos todas esas cosas que
añoramos, familia, amigos...
Logros en la comunidad
P: - Que los incentiva a
perseverar con este arte?
Carla: - Lo primero que podemos
mencionar es que gano el “People
choice award” esto fue algo que
lo motivo mucho. El hecho de que
entre 100 piezas de 100 artistas
diferentes la gente misma
escogiera su obra como la que más
les gusto, el cuadro más original
y diferente.
Como artista fue el empuje que
lo motivo para seguir adelante.
Roque: -Algo importante que debo
mencionar es el hecho de descubrir
un talento porque es un logro
descubrir un talento y usarlo. Otra
es que la gente de Univision vino
a mi casa para hacerme un
reportaje y estuve en un segmento
llamado “Orgullo Hispano” eso
fue otro empuje que me ayudo a
seguir adelante, a seguir pintando
y luchando por nuestro arte.
P: ¿Qué repercusiones tuvo en
su vida social el haber sido el
Orgullo Hispano de Univision?
Roque: - Fue muy importante para
mí que Univision haya reconocido
mi trabajo y el haber salido por
televisión entre tantos hispanos
que viven aquí en Colorado. Fue
muy importante para mí que ese
medio me reconocieran como
artista y muchas personas después
de ese segmento me reconocieron
también como artista y me
hicieron lindos comentarios acerca
de mi arte.
P : - Cómo reaccionaron las
Carla: -Con respecto a las criticas,
hemos mandado un portafolio a
una galería reconocida de arte
contemporáneo en Santa Fe, NM
y ha regresado con muy buenos
comentarios y eso es algo muy
difícil de lograr.
Son galerías muy cotizadas
comercialmente y reconocidas en
la comunidad artística y a nivel
nacional. Recibir una critica
positiva de parte de ellos nos da
esperanzas de nuevos horizontes
Continua en página 18
11 de agosto 2005 - 18 de agosto 2005
MEMORIAS Continua de página 19
y para seguir adelante con este
arte. Con la ayuda de las personas
y de los medios podremos lograr
los objetivos que tenemos.
La velada con la familia
Montesino fue un deleite para los
sentidos y para el alma.
Descubrir a un hispano que usa
su nostalgia y los recuerdos de su
patria para crear un nuevo
movimiento artístico es motivo de
Nos demuestra que se puede
trascender y hacer mas que
solamente extrañar la tierra
Montesino pinta a su querida
Venezuela y muestra su belleza
en cada una de sus obras.
Page 21