Cheryl Motha + Tuesday 8.00 am(E)
Cheryl Motha + Tuesday 8.00 am(E)
ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH BETHESDA, MD MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF November 7, 2016 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8.00 a.m.(K) 8.00 a.m.(E) 8.00 a.m.(K) 8.00 a.m.(E) 9.00 a.m.(E) 8.00 a.m.(TD) 5.00 p.m.(K) 7.00 a.m.(E) 8.30 a.m.(K) 10.00 a.m.(TD) 12 Noon (K) 6.00 p.m.(TD) 8.00 p.m.(E) + deceased Cheryl Motha + Alberto Roque Musalem + All Souls All Souls Sharon Coyle + Carmen Musalem (L) All Souls Deacon Eugene Cummins + Mass for the People Joseph Spellman + Claire Calis + Vilma Meira + NOVEMBER 6, 2016 The priests of the parish will offer some of our 8.00 a.m. weekday Masses during the month of November for the All Souls. You may fill out one of the special “All Souls” offertory envelopes on the lectern near the Baptismal Font if you want to have family and friends remembered - either place in the offertory basket or hand in to the Rectory in November. You may write the names of others you wish to be remembered in the Book of Remembrance which will also be on the lectern. If you have a large list of souls please include in the envelope with all names clearly spelled out. The priests will announce the names at various weekday Masses when possible. SOCIAL CONCERNS (L) living Scripture Readings for Week Of November 6, 2016 Sunday Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 Mc 7:1-2, 9-14; Ps 17:1, 5-6, 8, 15; 2 Thes 2:16—3:5; Lk 20:27-38 or 20:27, 34-38 Monday Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-2, 3-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, and 23, 27, and 29; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Thursday Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7, 8-9a, 9bc-10; Lk 17:20-25 Friday Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1, 2, 10, 11, 17, 18; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-2, 3-4, 5-6; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Mal 3:19-20a; Ps 98:5-6, 7-8, 9; 2 Thes 3:7-12; Lk 21:5-19 The Poor Box for the month of November is for Bread for the City, a nonprofit agency which provides clothing, food, medical care, legal assistance, and social services to an average of 10,000 needy DC residents each month. Sister Betsy Hartson RSCJ seeks gently-used and working laptops with power adapters for Living Wages, a nonprofit educational program for DC residents age 25 and over seeking their high school diplomas. If you can help, please leave your donation at the rectory. Our parishioners have generously donated to Sister Betsy's work in the past. We will be having our annual food drive to benefit Sacred Heard Parish for Thanksgiving. We will be collecting food donations through November 18 at the back of the Church. SAVE THE DATE! Advent Wreath Workshop in the Church Hall, Sunday, November 27, 9.00 a.m.-2.00 p.m. Come and learn how to make a beautiful wreath for your home. Please see the enclosed flyer for a registration form which must be received by Wednesday, November 23. SAVE THE DATE! Saturday, December 3 @ 7:30 p.m. for the Choir’s Messiah benefit concert for Mt. Carmel. STEPHEN MINISTRY Listening, Comforting, Caring Under direct supervision of Fr. Mark Knestout, this is an ongoing pastoral care ministry. St. Stephen Ministers are members of the parish, intensely trained to care for people who are experiencing a loss, or going through difficult times or life transitions. Please contact: Deacon Julio Blanco-Eccleston for assistance as a care receiver or to get involved in the ministry. Tel: 703-821-1654; [email protected]. THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME If you would like to sponsor flowers on the altar in memory of loved ones, living or deceased, please print your name, phone number, and the occasion or loved one you wish to remember on a purple Flower Contribution envelope, which you will find in the church vestibule. Minimum contribution for two vases on the main altar is between $90—100. Please drop off your envelope in the collection basket, or call the parish office, 301-2297933, and your request will be posted in the weekly bulletin. We can only honor one individual request per weekend, so please bear in mind that, sometimes, the date you require may already be taken. Also, for your information, we will not be able to accept requests for the sponsoring of flowers on specific liturgical dates. ADULT EDUCATION LECTURE Saturday, November 12, 9.00 - 10.30 a.m., Church Hall - Dr. Stefan Megyery will present the last part of his two part lecture on Martin Luther and the Church. Please take advantage of this great opportunity to learn and grow in your knowledge of the Church. St. Bart's Middle School Youth Group: we are 6th, 7th and 8th graders interested in serving our neighbor, playing together and getting to know Our Lord Jesus Christ! All are welcome! If you would like to learn more please email: John & Maria Archer, [email protected]. 11/6 Earth Treks (Rockville), 2:20pm- 6pm. We will meet by the gym. 11/13 Service Event: Canned goods collection and packing.5: 45- 7:45pm, we will meet by the gym. Donations are welcome from the whole parish. The more the better! Calling all lectors - your new workbooks are ready for pick-up from the Sacristy. *** This Friday, November 11, Veteran’s Day, Mass will be at 9.00 a.m. and the Parish Office will be closed. *** LIGHTHOUSE MINISTRY NEWS CD of the Week: Making Sense Out of Suffering (Dr. Scott Hahn) FOR YOUR INFORMATION The Board of Directors of the Catholic Business Network of Montgomery County invites you to its next monthly 2nd Friday Networking Breakfast Meeting being held on Friday, November 11, 2016 at 7:30am. The breakfast is held at Timpano's Steakhouse on Rockville Pike. November's speaker is Geoff Gonella. Geoff is a founding member and the President & Managing Partner of Washington, D.C.-based Cornerstone Government Affairs, LLC. He will speak on the recent elections. This is a great opportunity to invite guests and business colleagues to attend this program and to see and learn what CBN-MC is all about. Please register at Holy Redeemer Parish in College Park, MD (4902 Berwyn Rd.) invites you to their 44th Annual Harvest Bazaar on Friday, November 11 and Saturday, November 12. There will be crafts, kiddie games, mystery gifts, games of chance, raffles, a live auction, a yard sale, white elephant, lunch both days, dinner both nights, a bakery, and much, much more. For more information contact Marie at 301-474-3920 or [email protected]. Center for Deaf Ministries: Annual Holiday Bazaar and Turkey Dinner - looking to do some holiday shopping? Hoping to sit down to a full turkey dinner that is completely prepared for you? Come to the Center for Deaf Ministries in Landover Hills, MD (7202 Buchanan St.) for the Annual Holiday Bazaar and Turkey Dinner on Sunday, November 13. Mass is at 10am, the Bazaar is from 11am-5pm, and the Turkey Dinner is from 12-4pm. Raffle Tickets: Win a cash prize---First Prize, $500!! These tickets sell for $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. The lucky winner will be announced at 5pm on Sunday, November 13. (You need not be present to win!) All proceeds go to the Department of Special Needs Ministries of the Archdiocese of Washington. For more information, call 301-853-4560 or e-mail [email protected]. Come join in the fellowship and fun! Fall Theology on Tap Series for Young Adults - tired of election talk? Join other young adults (ages 21-39) at Buffalo Billiards in Dupont Circle for our 4-week speaker series on “Beyond Politics: Working through Conflict to Build a Peaceful World”, Tuesday evenings Nov. 15-Dec. 6. This Fall we have encountered daily examples of conflict in politics, violence on our streets and across borders, and in our own lives. How do we make a change to build peace in our world, communities, and in our hearts? Hear from our lineup of speakers featuring a priest, professor, communications director, and hostage survivor. All young adults are invited for Happy Hour specials from 6-7pm with a talk and Q/A to follow from 7-8pm. Learn more at #totdc Our Lady of Mercy's Middle School Drama Club Presents Rogers and Hammerstein's Oklahoma! Shows will be held Friday, Nov. 18 at 7 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 19 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets cost $7 and are available at the door. Our Lady of Mercy School, McAuley Hall, 9222 Kentsdale Drive, Potomac, tel: 301-365-4477. ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH BETHESDA, MD NOVEMBER 6, 2016 NOVENA A LA VIRGEN DE LA MEDALLA MILAGROSA Un camino hacia Dios de la mano de María. Los segundos martes de cada mes a las 7:30PM en la Iglesia de San Bartolomé. Rezada en español, con exposición del Santísimo Sacramento. Informes con María Lelia Orozco: 301-469-0103. TRIGESIMO SEGUNDO DOMINGO ORDINARIO 06 DE NOVIEMBRE 2016 Los saduceos no creían en la resurrección de los muertos. Por eso proponen a Jesús una historia imaginativa y extraña para dejarlo en ridículo. Siete hermanos que al morir se han ido casando sucesivamente con su cuñada. Por último, muere la mujer. Cuando llegue la resurrección ¿de cual de ellos será la mujer? Porque los siete han estado casado con ella. Jesucristo afirma expresamente la resurrección diciendo: Que resucitan los muertos, el mismo Moisés los indica en el episodio de la zarza, cuando llama al Señor: Dios de Abrahán, Dios de Isaac, Dios de Jacob. No es Dios de muertos sino de vivos: porque para él todos están vivos. Se refiere Jesús a los que ha muerto y han sido juzgados dignos de la vida futura, seran iguales en la eternidad . PAGINA WEB DE SAN BARTOLOME – Ver Comunidad Hispana MISA DIARIA Y EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTISIMO Lunes-sábado Exposición del Santísimo a las 7:30 y Misa 8:00 a.m. La adoración es entrar con la profundidad de nuestro corazón en comunión con el Señor que se hace presente corporalmente en la Eucaristía. Vengamos a adorarle. CONFESIONES Domingos: 5:15 - 5:45 p.m. en español El Señor los espera siempre, en especial todos los domingos. REZO DEL SANTO ROSARIO Domingos a las 5:30PM, antes de la Misa de las 6:00PM. EL SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO Celebración de Bautismos en español, favor llamar al Diácono Julio Blanco Eccleston al teléfono 703-821-1654. O escribirle a su correo electrónico [email protected] INFORMACION PARA EL BOLETIN La fecha límite es el día domingo anterior a la publicación del mismo. Contactar a Rafael Espinosa. [email protected] PASTORELA 2016 Para los padres de los niños que quieren participar en el tradicional Pesebre Viviente a ser representado durante la Santa Misa de las 6:00 p.m. el 11 de diciembre, por favor póngase en contacto con la directora, Mariagustina Fabara Martínez por teléfono o por email. 3015035398. [email protected] GRUPO DE JUVENTUD DE SAN BARTOLOME El grupo de Juventud de San Bartolomé se reunirá el Domingo 13 de Noviembre en que estarán empacando comida y enlatados para los pobres. Será de 5:45 P.M. a 7:45 P.M. Nos reuniremos en el patio o en el gimnasio si hay mal tiempo. Contactar a María Kaufmann. [email protected] PRIMERA COMUNION Están abiertas las inscripciones para niños/as que deseen recibir preparación para recibir el Sacramento de Primera Comunión. Para más información y para registrarse, contactarse por favor con: Valeria Conde (202) 4600632 [email protected] Lucy Yepez (301) 518-4513 [email protected] DIA DE ORACIÓN Y SANACION Ha tenido usted sentimientos de culpabilidad, vergüenza, remordimiento y tristeza después de un aborto provocado? Siente usted que Dios jamás podrá perdonarla? Esta invitada a “Un día de Oración y Sanación” que será el sábado 12 de Noviembre. Se sentirá en un ambiente de paz y confianza para sanar todas las emociones negativas que vienen luego de un acto de esta naturaleza. El lugar es confidencial y se le dirá el día de la inscripción. Para más información contactar a Luz Menjívar al 301-9822008. [email protected] JUBILEO EXTRAORDINARIO DE LA MISERICORDIA Está por terminar el Año de Jubileo Extraordinario de la Misericordia, Este año al haber sido declarado por el Papa como Extraordinario es un regalo muy especial que se da muy pocas veces, los invitamos a leer la página web a continuación donde se darán cuenta que han habido muchos años de Jubileo pero Extraordinarios son tres. Traten de ir y pasar por la Puerta Santa. CATEDRALES EN ESTA AREA QUE TIENEN “LA PUERTA SANTA”; NATIONAL SHRINE BASILICA b.4719297/k.BF65/Home.htm CATEDRAL DE ARLINGTON SAN TOMAS MOORE CATEDRAL DE SAN MATEO EN WASHINGTON DC GRUPO DE ORACIÓN RIOS DE AGUA VIVA El grupo de oración “Ríos de Agua Viva” le invita a compartir un momento con el Señor, los lunes de 10:30 a.m. a 12:30 pm. En la oficina hispana, al lado de la Sacristía. Dirigido por Sonia Ruiz, informes: [email protected] THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME St. Bartholomew Parish Office 6902 River Road, Bethesda, Md. 20817 Tel: 301-229-7933 ♦ Fax: 301-229-7998 ♦ ♦ Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.—4:30 p.m. [email protected] Baptisms—3rd Sunday of the month, appointment only. Parents are obliged to take a brief class related to the Sacrament prior to the Baptism. Class is held 1st Wednesday of the month. Registration is required. Call the Parish Office for more information. Weddings—Please contact one of the priests at least 6 months prior to anticipated wedding date. Pre-Cana and instruction are required. Sacrament of Reconciliation—Saturday, following 8.00 a.m. Mass, and 3:30-4:30 p.m.; Sunday, 5:15-5:45 p.m. (Español), or by appointment. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) - The process of becoming a Catholic Christian. Call the Parish Office for information. Adult Choir—Weekly rehearsals on Wednesday, 8:00-10:00 p.m. Choir sings every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Mass. Pastoral Care of the Sick and Homebound—Please notify the Rectory Office if you know of any parishioner who is sick or homebound and who would like to receive Holy Eucharist or the Sacrament of the Sick so that we can arrange to take him/her the Eucharist or the Sacrament of the Sick. Note to New Parishioners—We extend to you a warm welcome from our Parish Community and encourage you to become active, involved members of the parish. Please obtain a registration form from the parish office, or from the Church vestibule. Please Note: Bulletin notices must be received no later than 12 Noon on the Monday prior to the desired weekend of publishing. ST. BARTHOLOMEW ORGANIZATIONS/MINISTRIES Pastoral Council Finance Committee Altar Servers Monaguillos/Hisp. Coord. Arimatheans Bartholomew House Busy Men at Work Group CYO Children’s Liturgy Choir Church Guild Eucharistic Ministers Ministros Eucarísticos Gabriel Network Home and School Assn. Hospitality & New In the Pew Ignatian Volunteer Corps Knights of Columbus Lectors/Liturgy Committee Lectores Hispanic Liturgy Prayer Chain Respect for Life Sick and Homebound Social Concerns Sodality Stephen Ministry Ushers Ujieres Wedding Coordinator Youth Minister Rollie Flynn (Chair) ........................... 301-335-2374 Hernan Oyarzabal (Hisp. Rep.) .......... 301-732-9586 Valeria Conde (Hisp. Rep.) ................ 301-340-8227 Paul Johnson (Chair) .......................... 301-320-4632 Roberto Garcia-Lopez (Hisp. Rep.).... 301-469-8482 Richard Elliott .................................... 202-686-0263 Jesus Manuel Berard, Ph.D. ............... 631-793-2005 Bill Ayers ........................................... 301-469-8023 Joe Hanle, Dir .................................... 301-320-6151 Jesus Manuel Berard, Ph.D. ............... 631-793-2005 Tom Serena ........................................ 301-320-0578 Diana Carter ....................................... 301-229-5117 Valeria Conde (Hisp.Coord.) ............. 301-340-8227 Carole Wysocki (Director) ................. 301-717-8850 Maria El-Khouri ................................. 301-897-9005 Margaret Johnson ............................... 301-335-4011 Selma deLeon .................................... 301-229-6591 Jennifer Bautista ................................ 301-793-1899 Bonnie Perkins ................................... 301-299-8091 Nancy Brouillard McKenzie .............. 301-229-1071 John Vivian ........................................ 301-461-3597 AnneMarie Economopoulos ............... 301-365-1233 Hernan Oyarzabal .............................. 301-732-9586 Susan Schill ....................................... 301-469-4973 Contact Rectory ................................. 301-229-7933 Tom Carty .......................................... 301-587-8860 Sally Aitken ....................................... 301-365-4719 Deacon Julio Blanco-Eccleston .......... 703-821-1654 Theresa Kowal ................................... 301-320-8876 Mary Ann Chalfant ............................ 301-299-3739 Maria Archer ...................................... 901-296-9786