Child Care Resource and Referral Child Care Resource and Referral


Child Care Resource and Referral Child Care Resource and Referral
News for the community, families and early childhood educators of Duplin County.
Child Care Resource and Referral
Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) program is
designed to help families find quality child care. This
program offers a lending library which includes toys,
books, music, videos, and resources for parents and
teachers. Additionally, this program offers trainings to
childcare providers. Contact Hour Credits (CHC) are
awarded per hour of training. For more information
regarding trainings offered, please contact
Karen Pacheco, Child Care Resource & Referral
Assistant at 910-296-2000 Ext. 114.
Recursos y Referencias del Cuidado del Niño
Recursos y Referencias del Cuidado del Niño (CCR&R)
esta diseñado para ayudar a las familias a encontrar
cuidado infantil de calidad. Este programa ofrece una
biblioteca que incluye juguetes, libros, música, videos y
recursos para padres y maestros. Además, este
programa ofrece capacitación a los proveedores de
cuidado de niños. Créditos por horas de Contacto
(CHC) son otorgadas por hora de formación. Para
obtener mas información acerca de los entrenamientos
que ofrecen, llame a Karen Pacheco al 910-296-2000
ext. 114.
June 2015
Inside this Issue
Page 1
Child Care Resource
& Referral
Car Seat Workshop
Page 2
Celebrate Friendship
Page 3
Provider Trainings &
Agency Sharing
Page 4-5
Water-Drink Up
Page 6
Page 7
Early Literacy
Page 8
Father’s Day Poem
Page 9
Car Seat
June 19, 2015
9:00 am-11:00 am
At Duplin County
Partnership for Children
For more information,
please call 910-296-2000.
Taller de Asientos
de Niños:
19 de Junio 2015
9:00 am-11:00am
Al Duplin County
Partnership for Children
Para mas información,
llame al 910-296-2000.
Parent Corner
Page 2
Celebración de la Amistad
El 3 de Agosto es el Día de la Amistad en el Estados Unidos.
Celebre la Amistad en grade y también de pequeñas maneras
este y otros días del ano. Las amistades pueden traer alegría
y satisfacción tanto a niños como adultos. Recuerde que todas
las amistades necesitan tiempo, esfuerzo y ánimo para crecer.
Celebrate Friendship
August 3rd is Friendship Day in the United States. Celebrate
friends in big and small ways on this or any other day of the
year. Friendships can bring joy and fulfillment to both
children and adults. Remember that every friendship needs
time, effort and encouragement to grow.
Young children develop social skills and a sense of self in each
other’s company. Infants and toddlers start by playing side
by side, while preschoolers begin to play cooperatively,
assigning roles to each child. Supervise children closely as
they play together. Toddlers and preschoolers are learning to
take turns and to use their words to express their feelings.
Talk with preschoolers about friendship. Ask them “How do
you make a friend?” What do you think it means to be a good
friend? Write down their answers. Review them together
later. Take pictures of children playing together and put
them in a photo album or on a wall dedicated to friendship.
Help other children make cards or crafts for friends they
already have. Plan activities that encourage children to make
new friends. For example, have each child trace another
child’s hand, color it in and write the other child’s name on it.
Stories about friendship help teach children how to play
together and support each other when needed. Try one of
the following books about friendship.
Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle
Duck and Goose series by Tad Hills
How Do Dinosaurs Play with Their Friends? By Jane Yolen
Should I Share My Ice Cream? By Mo Willems
For more information, please visit: http://
Los niños pequeños desarrollan capacidades sociales y su
sentido de identidad en compañía de otros niños. Los bebes y
los niños pequeños comienzan a jugar uno junto a otro. Los
preescolares comienzan a cooperar en el juego asignándose
mutuamente papeles específicos. Supervise a los niños de
cerca mientras juegan juntos. El niño pequeño y los
preescolares están aprendiendo a turnarse y a expresar sus
sentimientos con palabras.
Hable con los preescolares sobre la amistad. Pregúnteles
“¿Cómo te haces amigo?” “¿Qué crees que significa ser un
buen amigo?” Escriba sus respuestas. Repáselas con ellos más
tarde. Tomarles fotos a los niños jugando juntos y póngalas en
un álbum de fotos o en una pared dedicada a la amistad.
Aude a los niño mayores a hacer tarjetas o proyecto de
artesanía para los amigos que ya tienen. Planee actividades
que animen a los niños a hacerse amigos. Por ejemplo, dígales a
los niños que tracen el contorno de la mano de otro niño y que
luego coloreen el contorno y le pongan el nombre del otro niño.
Los cuentos sobre la mistad permiten ensenarles a los niños a
jugar juntos y a apoyarse mutuamente cuando lo necesitan.
Lea un de los siguientes libros sobre amistad.
Little Blue Truck por Alice Schertle
Duck and Goose series por Tad Hills
How Do Dinosaurs Play with Their Friends? Por Jane Yolen
Should I Share My Ice Cream? Por Mo Willems
Para mas información, por favor visita: http://
Provider Corner
Page 3
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
1.5 Credit
Building Partnerships With
6:00 am - 8:30 pm
1.5 Credit
Block Play
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
1.5 Credit
BSAC - Basic School Age Care
When: Saturday, June 6, 8:30am – 2:30pm
Where: The YWCA Lower Cape Fear, 2815 South
College Road, Wilmington, NC 28412
Cost: $25.00
To register, please call Daniel Bates at
1800-653-5212 or 910-642-7141
(Basic School Age Care) is a 5 hour introductory
level training event for school age care professionals that are new to the field. This training in required by the NC Division of Child Development
for school age care professionals working in licensed programs but is a great training for new
staff in any afterschool program setting. Cost:
$25.00 Credit - 5 DCDEE
Rainy Day Activities
When: Wednesday June 10, 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Where: YWCA Lower Cape Fear, 2815 South
College Road, Wilmington, NC 28412
Credits: 2 DCDEE
Cost: $10.00
This interactive session will encourage the use of
both gross and fine motor skills to get children
up and moving. Participants will learn about
activities that are fun, exciting and
developmentally appropriate, while identifying
the four developmental domains.
To register, please call Daniel Bates at
1800-653-5212 or 910-642-7141
Limit to 20 Participants
If you are needing First Aid & CPR training, please contact Karen Pacheco
at DCPFC at 910-296-2000.
DCPC Early Childhood Lending Library
is open daily from
8:30am-4:00pm. Please call
for more information about
memberships and fees.
Hope to see you soon!
Parent Corner
Page 4
Water ~ Drink Up!
Water, like air, sustains life. An essential nutrient,
water is found in every cell, tissue and organ. It makes
up more than 50% of the human body. Water provides
hydration and aids the body with circulation, digestion,
and respiration. In addition, most drinking water
contains small amounts of fluoride which strengthens
teeth and helps prevent cavities.
According to the NC Child Care Rules 10A NCAC 09.0901 and .1706, child care centers and
family child care homes must make water freely available to children. Drinking fountains or
individual drinking utensils should be available so that children can drink water whenever
they are thirsty.
Early educators can help children develop a taste for water by making it appealing.
Include fruit or a small amount of juice to add a healthy source of flavoring.
Offer ice as an choice. Have children help make colorful ice cubes. Add food coloring or
fruit juice. Red, yellow, orange, and blue…..
Offer water frequently, as young children are just learning to recognize feeling thirsty…..
Have children provide plants with water. Observe what happens when a plant is thirsty.
Ask “How do you feel when you are thirsty?”
Keep a water pitcher accessible so children can get a drink whenever
they are thirsty.
Bring plenty of water outside, especially during warm weather and
active play.
Have each child and adult decorate his or her own water cup or bottle.
What fun to drink from the cup they made special!
Be a model. Enjoy drinking water with the children!
Pulled from
Parent Corner
Page 5
Agua. ¡A Beber!
El agua, como el aire, es fundamental para la vida. El agua
es un nutriente especial y se encuentra en todas la s células,
tejidos y órganos del cuerpo. El agua constituye mas del
50% del cuerpo humano. El agua hidrata y favorece la
circulación, la digestión y la respiración. Además, la mayor
parte del agua potable contiene pequeñas cantidades de
fluoruro, que fortalece los dientes y contribuye a la
prevención de la caries.
Según las Reglas 10A NCAC 09.0901 and .1706 de cuidado Infantil en Carolina de Norte, los niños
deben tener acceso fácil al agua potable en los centros de cuidado infantil y los hogares de cuidado
infantil en familia. Los niños deben tener a su disposición fuentes de agua potable o utensilios
individuales para beber a fin de que puedan beber agua cuando sea que tengan sed.
Los educadores de temprana edad pueden ayudar a los niños a desarrollar el gusto por el
agua aumentando su atractivo.
Póngale fruteas o una pequeña cantidad de jugo al agua para agregarle un Fuente saludable de
Ofrezca hielo, dígales a los niños que hagan cubos de hielo de colores. Écheles colorante de
alimentos o jugo de fruta. Rojo, amarillo, anaranjado, y azul…..
Ofrezca que frecuentemente, pues los niños menores están recién aprendiendo a reconocer la
sensación de sed.
Pídales a los niños que rieguen las plantas. Observen lo que pasa cuando la planta tiene sed.
Pregunte ¿como te sientes cuando tienes sed?
Ponga a disposición de los niños una jarra con agua para que los niños
puedan beber cuando sea que tengan sed.
Lleve abundantes cantidades de agua a los ambientes exteriores,
especialmente cuando haga calor y los niños estén jugando activamente.
Pídale a cada niño y adulto que decore su propio vaso o botella. Que
entretenido es beber de su vaso especial.
Sea un modelo de hidratación. Disfrute de beber agua con los niños.
Pulled from
Parent Corner
Page 6
How To Make Fireflies That Really Light Up
These fireflies are super easy to make. Just pop a flameless
LED tea light into a plastic Easter egg. You don't even need
glue! Poke holes through the egg with a thumbtack to insert
the pipe cleaners. The eyes are drawn onto white sticky
labels, and the wings are silver duct tape. Quick, easy, and
totally cute!
For more great craft ideas, visit
Parent Corner
Page 7
Parent Corner
Page 8
Walk With Me, Daddy
By Helen Bush
Walk alongside me, Daddy
And hold my little hand
I have so many things to learn
That I don’t yet understand
Teach me things to keep me safe
From dangers every day
Show me how to do my best
At home, at school at play
Every child needs a gentle hand
To guide them as they grow
So walk alongside me, Daddy
We have a long way to go
Provider Corner
Page 9
Cucumber Boats With Roasted Turkey & Guacamole
Butterball’s new line of Natural Inspirations lunchmeat are great to keep in the fridge for a quick
lunch. They're fantastic for sandwiches or on top of a salad, but we've got another fun idea for you:
cucumber boats! It couldn't be easier. Just slice a cucumber lengthwise, scoop out the seeds, and fill
with guacamole, roast turkey, and a bit of pico de gallo. Garnish with cilantro and you've got a tasty,
filling and refreshing lunch that comes together in a snap.
~4 cucumbers, peeled, halved lengthwise and seeded
~1/2 cup guacamole (store bought or homemade)
~8 ounces Butterball Natural Inspirations Oven Roasted
Turkey Breast, coarsely chopped
~2 tablespoons pico de gallo (store bought or homemade)
~1/2 tablespoon finely chopped cilantro
~Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
~Hot sauce (optional)
1. Divide guacamole among cucumber boats and top each with turkey breast and pico de gallo.
2. Finish with cilantro garnish, freshly ground black pepper, and hot sauce to taste, if desired. Serve
Buffalo Chicken Wrap
Buffalo chicken in a new way - a tortilla spread with spicy mayonnaise and topped with
Butterball® Deep Fried Buffalo Style Chicken Breast, lettuce, carrots, blue cheese and, of
course, hot sauce.
1 12-inch whole wheat tortilla, warmed
2 tbsp. Chipotle Mayonnaise
4 oz. (about 3 slices) Butterball® Deep Fried Buffalo Style Chicken
¼ cup shredded lettuce
2 tbsp. shredded carrots
¼ cup blue cheese crumbles
1½ tbsp. hot pepper sauce
1. Spread the Chipotle Mayonnaise over center of the tortilla, leaving 2 inches on each side.
2. Arrange the sliced chicken down the center. Top with lettuce, carrots and blue cheese. Drizzle with hot
3. Fold the sides edges of the tortilla over the chicken mixture in the center. Fold the bottom portion of the
tortilla towards the center and roll tightly. Cut diagonally in half to serve.
For more great recipes, visit
Donor Levels:
$1000 +
Duplin County Partnership for Children is a 501(c) 3
private, nonprofit organization. Therefore, all donations
are tax deductible. All contributions are appreciated. If
you would like to make a contribution, make checks
payable to the Duplin County Partnership for Children.
Contact Information
Telephone: 910-296-2000
Fax: 910-296-1497
Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Library Hours
Monday-Friday: 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Daytime phone (____) ___________________
Amount enclosed ___$100
Your donation will help ensure that young children in
Duplin County are healthy, safe, and ready for school.
149 Limestone Road
PO Box 989
Kenansville, NC 28349
Duplin County
Partnershhip will be
closed on July 6, 2015.
The office will resume
regular business
hours on July 7, 2015.