PDF - Contini Art


PDF - Contini Art
[email protected]
San Marco, 2288 - Calle larga XXII marzo
Venezia, Italy
Dal 18 giugno al 23 ottobre 2016
June 18th / October 23rd 2016
Stefano e Riccarda Contini
Traduzioni / Translations
Galleria d’Arte Contini
Fotografie delle opere / Photographs of works:
Don Queralto
Claudio Franzini
Renzo Cargasacchi
Stampa e legatoria / printing & binding
Peruzzo Industrie Grafiche
Copertina / Cover
The Kamakanga
Quarta di copertina / Back cover
Malacara, a Man Called the Pharaoh
tratto dal testo di Edward Lucie-Smith
Julio Larraz è un esiliato da Cuba, ma non per scelta: fa parte della grande migrazione cubana.
Sebbene sia emigrato in America quando era solo un adolescente e quindi prima di iniziare
la sua carriera di artista, ha sempre conservato un forte senso di identità con Cuba, anche
se il suo lavoro è stato influenzato dalla conoscenza dell’arte nord-americana e dal lavoro di
Winslow Homer con i suoi dipinti ed acquerelli ispirati ai numerosi viaggi nei Caraibi.
Un altro ascendente importante e duraturo nasce dall’appassionata conoscenza da parte
di Larraz della tradizione spagnola e franco-spagnola, soprattutto dell’opera di Velázquez e
dell’interpretazione fatta da Manet di Velázquez e di Goya.
Larraz iniziò la sua carriera come caricaturista professionista e ancora oggi le sue più memorabili
composizioni sono taglienti satire politiche, con una particolare enfasi sugli abusi di potere e
sulla sinistra compiacenza dei potenti.
La caricatura come forma d’arte, è stata surrealista ancor prima della comparsa del Movimento
Surrealista nei primi anni del XX secolo. Essa offre all’osservatore una realtà parallela a quella
familiare, toglie i veli delle convenzioni e mostra allo spettatore le cose ad occhio nudo. Questo tipo di trasformazione – dal superficialmente “reale” a qualcosa di più profondamente
vero – è stata anche la promotrice del movimento del Realismo Magico nella letteratura
latino- americana del XX secolo. Infatti per molti aspetti è più semplice comparare l’arte di
Larraz non a quella visiva, bensì a quella di alcuni dei maggiori autori latino-americani del XX
secolo : egli sembra a mio avviso, avere una speciale affinità con Gabriel Garcia Marquez, al
punto che diversi dipinti qui esposti sembrano delle illustrazioni per delle storie che Marquez
avrebbe potuto scrivere, ma che per qualche motivo, non vi è mai riuscito.
Le opere esposte in questa mostra coprono un’ampia gamma di temi. Si passa attraverso
un mondo familiare per chiunque abbia studiato il lavoro di Larraz in passato. Esso è un
universo fatto di simbolismi potentemente sinistri. Larraz è un maestro dell’immagine losca
ed inquietante, che diventa in qualche modo anche poetica in maniera risonante. I suoi dipinti
tornano alll’immaginazione molto tempo dopo l’averli visti per la prima volta.
Essi sono molto più reali della realtà.
An excerpt from a text by Edward Lucie-Smith
Julio Larraz, who comes from Cuba, is an exile, but not by choice. He belongs to the great Cuban
diaspora. Though he emigrated to America when he was still only a teenager, before he began
his career as an artist, he retains a strong feeling of Cuban identity. At the same time, however,
his work has been influenced by an experience of North American art – perhaps most of all
by the work of Winslow Homer, who made many paintings and – especially – watercolours
inspired by regular visits to the Caribbean.
Another important and lasting influence has been Larraz’s keen awareness of the Spanish and
Franco-Spanish tradition, in particular the work of Velazquez, and the use made by Manet of
both Velazquez and Goya.
Larraz began his career as a professional caricaturist, and to this day a number of his most
memorable compositions are sharp-edged political satires, with a particular emphasis on
misuses of power and on the sinister complacency of the powerful. Caricature, as an art form,
was surrealist long before the emergence of the Surrealist Movement in the early years of the
20th century. It offers the viewer, not familiar reality, but a parallel reality. It tears aside the veils
of convention, and shows the viewer how things are when we view them completely naked.
This kind of transformation – from the superficially ‘real’ into something more profoundly
truthful – has also been the mainspring of the Magic Realist movement in 20th century Latin
American literature. In many ways, it makes more sense to compare Larraz’s art, not to that of
other visual artists, but to that of some of the major 20th century Latin American authors – he
seems to me to have a special affinity to Gabriel García Márquez, to the point where a number
of the paintings exhibited here seem like illustrations to stories that Márquez should have
written, but somehow never got around to.
The works shown in this exhibition cover a wide spectrum of subjects. From here one moves
into a world familiar to anyone who has studied Larraz’s work in the past. It is a world of
powerfully sinister symbolisms. Larraz is a master of the sinister and unsettling image, which
somehow also becomes resonantly poetic. His paintings haunt the imagination long after one
has first seen them. They are more real than reality.
Malacara, a Man Called the Pharaoh
2016, olio su tela/oil on canvas
183 x 152,5 cm - 72 x 60 in
Plebis Scitum
2016, olio su tela/oil on canvas
183 x 152,5 cm - 72 x 60 in
Operaciones Navales
1998, olio su tela/oil on canvas
152 x 177 cm - 60 x 69.5 in
2008, olio su tela/oil on canvas
214 x 192 cm - 84.5 x 75.5 in
Soft Rumors from the Gulf Stream
2009, olio su tela/oil on canvas
153 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
El jefe de la policia secreta
2011, olio su tela/oil on canvas
198 x 153 cm - 78 x 60 in
The Producer
2008, olio su tela/oil on canvas
155 x 122 cm - 61 x 48 in
A Video Show in the War Room
2009, olio su tela/oil on canvas
152 x 182 cm - 60 x 72 in
2004, olio su tela/oil on canvas
151,5 x 182 cm - 59.5 x 71.5 in
Homer at Work
olio su tela/oil on canvas
165 x 145 cm - 65 x 57 in
2015, olio su tela/oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
Radames in the Hall of Prophecies
2016, olio su tela/oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
The Governor’s House
1981, olio su tela/oil on canvas
122 x 152,5 cm - 48 x 60 in
2015, acquerello e pastelli su carta/watercolor and pastels on paper
99 x 135 cm - 39 x 53 in
The Kamakanga Star
2016, olio su tela/oil on canvas
183 x 152,5 cm - 72 x 60 in
La Fragoletta at Le Bourget,
2015, olio su tela/oil on canvas
152 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
The Artist and His Model
2011, olio su tela/oil on canvas
152 x 198 cm - 60 x 78 in
Above the Clouds
2015, olio su tela/oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
2016, olio su tela/oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
Night Watch
2011, olio su tela/oil on canvas
152.5 x 185.5 cm - 60 x 73 in
Port of Call on the Sea of Rains
2016, olio su tela/oil on canvas
183 x 244 cm - 72 x 96 in
Taurus Littrow
2016, olio su tela/oil on canvas
152,5 x 198 cm - 60 x 78 in
Our Friend’s House, The Villa Procellosa
2016, olio su tela/oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
Hunters in the Snow at Punta Cobadiles
2016, olio su tela/oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
Flower Storm over Sappho’s House
2016, olio su tela/oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
High Winds
2016, olio su tela/oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
Salt Marshes
2016, acquerello e pastelli su carta/watercolor and pastels on paper
151 x 183 cm - 59.5 x 72 in
Smoke Signals
2015, olio su tela/oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
Per Ardua Ad Astra
2015, olio su tela/oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
Et Tu Brute
2012, olio su tela/oil on canvas
152 x 182 cm - 60 x 72 in
2015, acquerello e pastelli su carta/watercolor and pastels on paper
99 x 135 cm - 39 x 53 in
Cuerpo Celeste
2001, olio su tela/oil on canvas
180 x 149,5 cm - 71 x 58.5 in
A Day at the Aquarium
2014, olio su tela/oil on canvas
183 x 152,5 cm - 72 x 60 in
Study for Declarations by the Sea
2006, acquerello e pastelli su carta/watercolor and pastels on paper
183 x 132 cm - 72 x 52 in
Poet of the Depths
2008, pastello su carta/pastel on paper
152 x 115 cm - 60 x 45 in
One Day in the Life of Monsieur Vincent
2009, olio su tela/oil on canvas
182 x 244 cm - 72 x 96 in
Verde Esmeralda
2008, olio su tela/oil on canvas
35,5 x 46 cm - 14 x 18 in
1989, olio su tela/oil on canvas
123 x 185,5 cm - 48.5 x 73 in
The Left Wing
2011, olio su tela/oil on canvas
152 x 198 cm - 60 x 78 in
Study for La Fuga del #1
2012, acquerello e pastelli su carta/watercolor and pastels on paper
99 x 135 cm - 39 x 53 in
A Walk with Homer
2015, olio su tela/oil on canvas
269 x 175 cm - 106 x 69 in
The Fall of Icarus
2000, olio su tela/oil on canvas
177,8 x 177,8 cm - 70 x 70 in
Polyphemus Wrath
2012, olio su tela/oil on canvas
127 x 152 cm - 50 x 60 in
The Port of Casabianca
2016, olio su tela/oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
2006, olio su tela/oil on canvas
50 x 60 cm - 20 x 23.5 in
Corrida II
2007, pastello su carta/pastel on paper
91,5 x 130,5 cm - 36 x 51.5 in
Space Station
2007, acquerello su carta/watercolor on paper
61 x 71,2 cm - 24 x 28 in
Space Station
2007, bronzo/bronze
740 x 165 x 165 cm - 291 x 65 x 65 in
Partial Eclipse
1998, bronzo/bronze
54 x 95 x 49 cm - 21 x 37 x 19 in
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,
1998, bronzo/bronze
81 x 64,5 x 36,6 cm - 32 x 25 x 14 in
2007, bronzo patina viola
bronze with purple patina
129 x 85 x 70 cm - 51 x 33.5 x 27.5 in
2007, bronzo patina fucsia
bronze with fucsia patina
135 x 95 x 70 cm - 53 x 37.5 x 27.5 in
2014, bronzo patina gialla
bronze yellow patina, ed. 3/8
51 x 35 x 22 cm
20 x 13,8 x 8,7 in
2006, bronzo patina azzurra
bronze blue patina, ed. 2/8
45 x 32 x 22 cm
17,7 x 12,6 x 8,7 in
2014, bronzo patina rosa antico
bronze antique rose patina, ed. 3/8
41 x 37 x 22 cm
16 x 14,5 x 8,7 in
2014, bronzo patina rossa
bronze red patina, ed. 3/8
45 x 31 x 22 cm
18 x 12 x 8,7 in
2014, bronzo patina verde
bronze green patina, ed. 3/8
51 x 32 x 22 cm
20 x 12,6 x 8,7 in
2006, bronzo patina rosa
bronze rose patina, ed. 1/8
42 x 32 x 24 cm
16,5 x 12,6 x 9,5 in
2014, bronzo patina celeste
bronze light blue patina, ed. 3/8
47 x 34 x 25 cm
18,5 x 13 x 10 in
2014, bronzo patina viola
bronze purple patina, ed. 3/8
45 x 32 x 22 cm
17,7 x 12,6 x 8,7
20014, bronzo patina blu
bronze blue patina, ed. 3/8
44 x 39 x 22 cm
17 x 15 x 8,7 in
Julio Larraz nasce a L’ Avana , Cuba, il 12 marzo del 1944. Figlio di Julio Fernandez un editore di quotidiani, inizia a disegnare già
in tenera età. Nel 1961 la famiglia lascia Cuba per trasferirsi a Miami, Florida, e l’anno successivo a New York, dove Julio vive
per cinque anni. Qui comincia a realizzare caricature a sfondo politico che vengono pubblicate sul “New York Times”, “Washington Post”, sul “Chicago Tribune” e sulla rivista”Vogue”, per citarne solo alcune.
Nel 1967 inizia a dedicarsi a tempo pieno alla carriera di pittore. Larraz riconosce a numerosi artisti di New York, tra i quali Burt
Silverman, il merito di avergli insegnato varie tecniche pittoriche.
Il 1971 è l’anno della sua prima personale alle Pyramid Galleries di Washingon, D.C. . nel 1972 Larraz espone alla New School
for Social Research a New York e un anno dopo la FAR Gallery, sempre a New York. Nel 1976 Julio Larraz vince i premi dell’
American Academy of Arts and Letters e dal National Institute of Arts and Letters e nello stesso anno ottiene la borsa di studio Cintas dall’Institute of International Education.
Un anno dopo Larraz trasferisce la sua residenza a San Patricio, Nuovo Messico, affascinato dalla luce e dall’atmosfera delle
aspre colline della Hondo Valley. Qui incontra Ron Hall, gallerista del Texas, che in seguito diverrà il suo agente.
Nel 1978 Larraz acquista una casa a Grandview, nello stato di New York, e qui incontra Nohra Haime, la cui galleria newyorkese
lo rappresenterà fino al 1994. Nel 1983 si trasferisce a Parigi dove vivrà per due anni. Un anno dopo Larraz si trasferisce a
Miami, Florida.
L’artista, utilizzando l’ironia, ci fa conoscere le sue invettive espressioniste e i ritratti burleschi fortemente ostili a ogni genere
di sopruso, a ogni prevaricazione, a ogni ingiustizia, in una contestazione morale velata e giocosa. La varietà dei suoi quadri
abbraccia numerose tematiche dalla politica al paesaggio, alle donne, uno dei suoi temi prediletti. Nelle sue opere si ritrovano
molti i riferimenti culturali alla nativa Cuba e al Surrealismo. Julio Larraz deve la sua notorietà a una tecnica precisa fin nel
dettaglio, alla grande fantasia e a un tocco delicato e unico, tre elementi che hanno contribuito a farlo annoverare tra i pittori
latinoamericani più importanti della scena contemporanea. Dal 2005 collabora con la Galleria d’Arte Contini, con sedi a Venezia
e Cortina d’Ampezzo. Dopo aver vissuto a Firenze per tre anni, si è attualmente stabilito a Miami, Florida.
Julio Larraz was born in Havana, Cuba, on 12 March 1944. The son of a newspaper publisher he began to draw at a very early age. In
1961 his parents moved to Miami Florida, taking the whole family with them. In 1962 they moved to Washington, D.C. and in 1964
in New York City, where Larraz lived for the next five years. There he began to draw political caricatures which were published by the
New York Times, the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune and Vogue Magazine, among others.
In 1967 Larraz began working full time as a painter. He credits several New York artists. Including Burt Silverman, for teaching him
various painting techniques. Four years later his first solo exhibition was held as the Pyramid Galleries in Washington, D.C.. In 1972 he
had an exhibition at the New York School for Social Research in New York. A year later, his paintings were shown at the FAR Gallery in
New York. In 1976 he won awards from the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the National Institute of Arts and Letters. The
same year he was also awarded the Cintas Grant from the Institute of International Education.
In Larraz’s art there is the sunshine of Cuba, Miami and Tuscany, which was his home for four years; sunlight that collides with the
objects on canvas. His past history as a caricaturist and skilled graphic artist is evident in his political satires. Light is predominant in
all of his canvases.
In 1977 Larraz moved to San Patricio, New Mexico, fascinated by the light and atmosphere of the barren hills of the Hondo Valley. It
was there that he met Ron Hall, His future dealer, who is based in Texas. In 1978 Larraz bought a home in Grandview, New York. There
he met Nohra Haime whose New York gallery represented him until 1994.
In 1983 he moved to Paris, remaining there for two years. A year later Larraz moved to Miami, Florida.
Larraz brings to us his Expressionist outbursts and burlesque portraits that reject every kind of abuse of power, prevarication and
deliberate injustice, a moral veiled in a playful spirit. His paintings are multi-faceted and embrace numerous themes from political to
landscapes to his many female subjects, one of his favorite. There are many cultural references to his native Cuba and a nod to his
passion for Surrealism. He is considered one of the most important contemporary Latin American painters. Since 2005 he has collaborated with Contini Art Gallery, with locations in both Venice and Cortina d’Ampezzo. He spent four years in Florence, Italy, between
1999 and 2003, before returning to Miami, where he currently lives.
“Omaggio a Julio Larraz”, Galleria d’Arte Contini, Venezia , Italia
Diario Las Americas, May 20, 2016 “El Arte de Julio Larraz” by Wilma Hernandez , full page 14 A
Art Fuse, Feb. 21, 2016 “ Freedom and Ambiguity; An interview with Julio Larraz ”
Huffington post , Oct 15, 2015 “Julio Larraz, Creator of Dreams”
Newsweek, Oct 17, 2015, “Cuban born artist Julio Larraz opens solo show” at Chelsea Gallery
Cuban Art News Oct 20, 2015 “In Conversation: Julio Larraz”
Bellus Magazine, Dec 24, 2015 “Julio Larraz, an artist in his prime”
Art In America magazine, Dec 2014, “Julio Larraz”, P.34 &35
The London Magazine, Oct/Nov 2014, “The Magic Realism of Julio Larraz”, by Edward Lucie-Smith, P.130 to 136
Kensington & Chelsea RIVIEW,Contini Art UK , “Rules on engagement”, P. 26, Volume two, issue twelve 2014
Mayfair times, “The art issue”, London UK, Q&A with Julio Larraz P. 32 & 33 October 2014
Arte al Dia, US 145, “Julio Larraz”, P. 114 & 115
Giornale di Sicilia, March 2014, “Mostre, Il mare e i doppi giochi di Larraz”, p. 37
Il Venerdi di Repubblica, Catania, “Julio Larraz. Del mare, dell’aria e altre storie”
Beatrice, Luca. “Julio Larraz. Del mare, dell’aria e di altre storie”. Fondazione Puglisi Cosentino e Galleria d’Arte Contini, Catania, Italia
El Nuevo Herald, Miami, “Julio Larraz, Soledades y optimismo” P.1D and 6D, July 21, 2013
El Mundo- elmundo.com.co, Colombia, “Obras de Julio Larraz se exhiben en Medellin”, July 28, 2013
Jet Set Magazine – jetset.com.co, Colombia, “Julio Larraz en Medellin”, August 8, 2013
El Nuevo Herald, Miami, “Julio Larraz: el regreso a casa”, December, 28, 2013
Azureazure.com magazine , “Homecoming for a Great Cuban Artist”, Nov 27, 2013 and “Julio Larraz”, December 9, 2013.
ARTDISTRICTS Magazine, No 27 “Julio Larraz: Coming home” interview, Page 14 to page 17. Dec. 2013
Arte Cubano magazine, 1/2013, “Como un Graffiti en una Pared Milenaria” , “Like a Grafitti in a Millennial Wall”. P. 64 to 69
IL TEMPO, “Mostra al Complesso del Vittoriano: cento opere dell’ artista cubano” p. 37, Italy, July 12, 2012.
Il Giornale, “Un Cubano a Roma: caricature e non solo nei sogni di Larraz” p. 20. Italy, July 14, 2012.
Tempo Libero, “Larraz, l’orgia del potere”, p. 16, Italy, July 22, 2012.
La Repubblica, Trovaroma magazine “Julio Larraz” p.63 Italy, July 18, 2012
El Nuevo Herald, Miami, “Sorpresas te da Roma”, August 10, 2012
Luca Beatrice, “Julio Larraz”, Roma, Skira ed., Galleria D’arte Contini, Venezia, Italia
Libero ,“Omaggio agli artisti” , May 27, 2011
Andrea M. Campo “Larraz, arte e ironia” Corriere del Veneto, Italy, June 2010
Il Giornale “Julio Larraz” p. 14 , Italy, June 5, 2010, p.10 June 6, 2010.
Libero, “Julio Larraz”, Italy, June 5 2010 and p.18 June 6, 2010.
Real Life magazine. “Julio Larraz-Master of metaphors” P. 50, Fall 2010
“Julio Larraz”. Galleria d’Arte Contini, Venezia, Italia
Juan Fernandez “El Universo de Julio Larraz” Summus magazine, June 2009, P56 to 64.
Hiassen, Scott. “Melon a ‘Steal’ at Art Auction.” Miamiherald.com, August 31.
Le Bellevue. France: Tactique graphique/A&R de Gorostarzu. « Julio Larraz: Biarritz”
“Latin American Art – Fernando Botero, Claudio Bravo, Kcho, Julio Larraz, Tomas Sánchez, Rufino
Tamayo.” New York: Marlborough Gallery, Inc.
Antei, Giorgio – Caprile, Luciano – Mallegni, Massimo – Spina, Daniele. “Julio Larraz. Giochi di Potere”. Galleria d’Arte Contini,
Venezia, Italia
Giutacchini, Enrico. “I Mondi Possibili di Julio Larraz,” Stile Arte, July-August, p. 68.
Carli, Carlo Fabrizio. “Un realismo imaginario”, Architectural Digest: Le Più Belle del Mondo. May 2006, pp.122-124.
Leffingwell, Edward. “Julio Larraz at Marlborough.” Art in America, May, pp. 163-164.
Barral, Alberto. “Review: New York: Julio Larraz, Galería Marlborough” Art Nexus, Year 2005, no. 56 vol. 3, pp. 152-153.
Antei, Giorgio. “Julio Larraz: Il sapere dell’ occhio”
“Larraz altri soli, other suns”, Tuscan Sun Festival
Toniato, Toni. “Le Visioni Recenti di Julio Larraz, lo stile di un realista moderno.” Galleria D’Arte Contini
“Sculptures Monumentales à Saint-Tropez”. Monaco: Marlborough Monaco.
Promocion de Arte Mexicano. “Resume: Pintores Y Pintura Mexicana”. September-October 2004.
Sullivan, Edward J. “Julio Larraz: Between Stassis and Flux”, Marlborough Gallery, New York, New York
“La Fête”, Biarritz: Pentagraf Impresores, S.L.
Lucie-Smith, Edward. “Julio Larraz”, Milan: Skira Editore.
“Julio Larraz: Treinta años de Trabajo”. Bogotá: Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá.
Arensi, Flavio. “L’ultimo sguardo dopo la Terra.” Venice: Galleria Forni.
“Julio Larraz: Oeuvres récentes: peintures et sculptures” Monaco: Marlborough Monaco.
Calcagni, Giancarlo and Lorella Pagnucco Salvemini, “Alma visionaria. “ Arte In, pp. 21-27.
“Julio Larraz: New Works.” Boca Raton: Marlborough Gallery.
Alvarez Bravo, Armando. “Julio Larraz: La Realidad de la Imaginación”. Arte al Día, July, No. 75, pp. 28-31.
Di Corato, Luigi. “A Thought for Julio”. Milan: Galleria Tega.
Romanini, Alessandro. “Declinations of Surprise”. Milan: Galleria Tega.
Sánchez, Amores Lidia. “Julio Larraz: Rebeldía en lo cotidiano” Casa y Estilo Internacional, p. 24.
Bolge, George. “Julio Larraz: Diary of the Soul”, Boca Raton: Boca Raton Museum of Art.
Shaw, Edward. “Julio Larraz, Don Quijote en el País de las Maravillas”. Buenos Aires: Galería Der Brucke.
Gutierrez, Fernando. “Latin American Paintings: Cuban Art at Auction”, Christie’s Art from the Americas, pp. 16-17.
Rey, Irán, ed. “Julio Larraz”. Coral Gables: Palette Publications.
Cubillos, Carlos. “Decoracion Internacional”. AXXIS, August, pp. 48-54.
Steinmetz, Klaus. “Sotheby’s and Christie’s – May 1996.” Art Nexus, October-December, pp. 104-106.
Squier, Prudence. “A Place in the Sun”. Southern Accents Magazine, July-August, pp. 90-97.
Sharp, Deborah. “Dream Maker”. Southern Accents Magazine, May-June, pp. 126-133.
“Julio Larraz, The Planets.” Dallas: Hall Gallery.
Sullivan, Edward, ed. “Latin American Art in the Twentieth Century:” Cuba. London: Phaidon, 1996, p. 96.
Garcia, Fernando. “Julio Larraz pide luz al sol para sus obras.” El Norte, January 29, p. ID.
Fuerra, Eulalio G. “Jorge García Murillo.” March 29.
Hernandez, Raquel. “Julio Larraz: La Pintura es la única forma para crear.” ABC, January 29.
Julio Larraz New Works. Dallas: Hall Galleries.
“Julio Larraz.” Art Today, Summer, p. 65.
McCombie, Mel. “Larraz’s Mundane Subjects Radiate Light and Strength.” Austin American-Statesman, November 26, p. F3.
Sullivan, Edward J. “Art: Latin American Still Lifes.” Architectural Digest, September, pp. 158-159.
Kozik, K.K. “Julio Larraz.” Art Nexus, June, pp. 48-52.
Kozolchyk, Mirta. “Sabor Mediterráneo.” Vogue Magazine.
Santiago, Francisco. “Está en México al artista cubano Julio Larraz”.Cultura/Reforma, September 29, p. 12.
Betti, Claudia, and Teel Tale. Drawings: A Contemporary Approach. New York: Holt, Reinhard and Winston.
Zelenko, Lori. “Julio Larraz.” Art/World, December.
Garcia-Cisneros, Florencio. “Julio Larraz.” Noticias de Arte, New York, December, p. 5.
Ichaso, Mari Rodriguez. “El Mundo de Julio Larraz.” Vanidades Continental, pp. 10, 11.
Monett, Alexandra and Lowery Sims.”Landscape, Seascape, Cityscape”. New Orleans: Contemporary Arts Center.
Doherty, M. Stephen. “Painting Watercolor Sketches.” American Artist, August, pp. 58-65.
“Julio Larraz Recent Paintings.” New York: Nohra Haime Gallery.
“Points of View in Landscape.” Art Nexus, trans. Brian J. Mallet, May, pp. 113, 164-5.
Alzola, Concha. “Julio Larraz.” Vanidades, No. 24, p. 10.
Blanc, Giulio V. “Julio Larraz Watercolors.” Art Nexus, May, pp. 199, 168-169.
“Works of 30 country artists opens to public in Sterlington.” Rockland Review, September 26, p. 27.
Cacioppo, Nancy. “Top local artists mount a sterling fund-raising exhibit.” Rockland Journal-News, May 29.
“Julio Larraz en Nohra Haime Gallery.” Noticias de Arte, March-April, p. 1.
Tallmer, Jerry. “Bold Man and the Sea.” The New York Post, April 5, p. 36.
Martinez, Dionisio D. “Julio Larraz: Moments in Time”. New York: Nohra Haime Gallery.
“Art Papers”, July and August, vol. 15, no. 4, p. 61.
Mullarkey, Maureen. “Julio Larraz.” Arts Magazine, September, p. 67.
Myers, Adele. “The Sterlington Exhibit Art to Live With”. Sterlington: Art Council of Rockland & Good Samaritan Hospital.
“Nature and Art are Wed at Sterlington Exhibit.” Arts Happenings, September-October, vol. 16, n. 6.
Brubaker, Mary Jean. “Julio Larraz.” Hamptons Newspaper, August 11, pp. 8-9.
Gil Tovar, Francisco. “Julio Larraz.” El Tiempo, January.
“Julio Larraz Recent Paintings”. New York: Nohra Haime Gallery.
Marcos, Regina de. “Pintura: Julio Larraz.” Vanidades, Miami, December 10, p. 12.
“Art in Embassies Collection”. Embassy of the United States, March, p. 14.
Bass, Ruth. “Reviews: Julio Larraz.” ARTnews, October, pp. 179-180.
Bass, Ruth. “Julio Larraz.” ARTnews, November, p. 103.
“El Mundo de los Libros & Julio Larraz.” Noticias de Arte, December, p. 6.
Guevara, Roberto and Gabriel García Márquez. “Figuracion Fabulacion”. Caracas: Museo de Bellas Artes.
Brenson, Michael. “Reviews.” New York Times, December 22, p. C33.
“Julio Larraz: Recent Paintings, Prints and Monotypes”. New York: Nohra Haime Gallery.
Lau, Jenni. “The World of Julio Larraz.” Women’s Wear Daily, November 16, p. 6.
Sullivan, Edward. “Julio Larraz”. New York: Hudson Hills Press, 1989.
Torruella, Susana. “Arte Latino.” Arte en Colombia, December, pp. 102-105, 160-161.
“Julio Larraz Recent Paintings”. New York: Nohra Haime Gallery.
Melian, Maria. “Julio Larraz.” Arte, December.
Barrera, Yolanda. “Define la Obra de Larraz.” El Norte, March 29.
“Julio Larraz at Nohra Haime.” Art in America, March, p. 142.
“Revistas de arte elogian a pintore de AL.” Miami Herald, March 20.
Frank, Peter and Lori Zelenko. Julio Larraz. Mexico: Museo de Monterrey.
Atwood, Judy. “Miami Bacardi Gallery Showing Larraz Works.” Times of the Americas, January 19, p. 8.
“Julio Larraz: Recent Work.” New York: Inter-American Art Gallery.
Joubert, Jean. “Julio Larraz.” Wichita: Wichita Falls Museum and Art Center.
“New Perspectives, Paintings by Julio Larraz.” Wichita Falls Museum and Art Center Newsletter, Summer.
Alloway, Lawrence, “Realism and Latin American Painting: the Seventies”. New York: Center for Inter American Relations.
Haime, Nohra. “Dibujantes Latinoamericanos en Nueva York”. Bogotá: Galería Garcés-Velasquez.
“Julio Larraz: Recent Still Lifes”. New York: Hirschl & Adler Galleries.
“Julio Larraz”. Fort Worth: Hall Galleries.
Bourdon, David. “Art: The Canopy Above: Artistic Perceptions of the Skies.” Architectural Digest, October, pp. 128-133.
“Julio Larraz: Recent Paintings”. New York: Hirschl & Adler Galleries.
Brown, Gordon. “Julio Fernandez Larraz.” Arts Magazine, December, p. 15.
Brown, Gordon. “Art on Paper.” Arts Magazine, September.
Winokur, James. L. “Julio Larraz.” Tribune Review, May.
Haacke, Lorraine. “ Handsome Show at Valley House.” Dallas, Times Herald, February 5, p. 4E.
Brown, Gordon. “Julio Fernandez Larraz.” Arts Magazine, January, p. 15.
“Julio Fernandez Larraz: Paintings, Pastels, and Drawings.” New York: FAR Gallery.
Magan, Doreen. “Julio Fernandez and His Rogues Gallery.” American Artist, pp. 52-57
esposizioni personali/solo exhibitions
“Julio Larraz: Recent Paintings”, Marlborough Gallery, New York, New York
“Treinta años de trabajo”, Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia; Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, Mexico; Museo de Arte de Zapopan, Guadalajara, Mexico; Museo de Arte Costarricense, San José, Costa Rica
“Omaggio a Julio Larraz”, Galleria d’Arte Contini, Venezia, Italia
“L’ultimo sguardo dopo la Terra”, Forni Galleria d’Arte, Bologna, Italia
“Julio Larraz”, Ameringer, McEnery & Yohe Gallery, New York, New York
“Julio Larraz”, Art Basel Miami, Ameringer, McEnery & Yohe Gallery, New York Rules of Engagement, Contini Art UK, London
“Del mare, dell’aria e di altre storie”, Catania, Italia, Fondazione Puglisi Cosentino in collaborazione con / in collaboration with
Galleria d’Arte Contini
“Two Hundred Years in Power”, Galería Arteconsult, Panama city, Panama, in collaborazione con / in collaboration with Ascaso
“Julio Larraz”, Marlborough Gallery, New York, New York
“Julio Larraz”, Marlborough Gallery Monaco, Monte Carlo, Monaco
“Omaggio a Julio Larraz”, Galleria d’Arte Contini, Venezia, Italia
“Julio Larraz”, Galeria Duque Arango and Art of the World, Medellin, Colombia
“Coming Home”, Ascaso Gallery, Miami, Florida
“Oeuvres récentes: peintures et sculptures”, Marlborough Monaco, Monte Carlo, Monaco
“Julio Larraz”, Galerie Patrice Trigano, Parigi, Francia
“El sueño es vida”, Galleria Tega, Milano, Italia
“Julio Larraz”, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venezia, Italia
“New Works”, Marlborough Florida, Boca Raton, Florida; Galería A.M.S. Marlborough, Santiago, Chile
“Julio Larraz”, Galleria Tega, FIAC, Parigi, Francia
“Julio Larraz’s Sculptures”, Galleria Tega, Art Miami, Miami, Florida
Luis Perez Galeria, ARCO, Madrid, Spagna
“Julio Larraz”, Atrium Gallery, St. Louis, Missouri
“Julio Larraz”, Galleria Tega, FIAC, Parigi, Francia
“Julio Larraz”, Complesso del Vittoriano, Roma in collaborazione con / in collaboration with Galleria d’Arte Contini
“Julio Larraz”, Boca Raton Museum of Art, Boca Raton, Florida
“Julio Larraz”, Museo Pedro de Osma, Lima, Peru
“Julio Larraz”, Galería Der Brucke, Buenos Aires, Argentina
“Julio Larraz”, Galería Marlborough, Madrid, Spagna
“Julio Larraz”, Galleria d’Arte Contini, Venezia, Italia
Ron Hall Gallery, Art Miami, Miami, Florida
“Watercolors and Pastels by Julio Larraz”, Peter Findlay Gallery, New York, New York
“Recent Works by Julio Larraz”, Ron Hall Gallery, Dallas, Texas
“The Gulf Stream”, Atrium Gallery, St. Louis, Missouri
“Julio Larraz”, Ron Hall Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
“Works on Paper” by Julio Larraz, Ron Hall Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
“Julio Larraz”, Marlborough Gallery, New York, New York
“Julio Larraz”, Galleria d’Arte Contini, Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italia
“Julio Larraz”, The Bellevue, Biarritz, France, in collaborazione
con / in collaboration with Marlborough, New York, New York
“Monumental Sculpture Show”, Pietrasanta, Italia
“Julio Larraz - Giochi di potere”, Chiesa e Chiostro di Sant’Agostino,
Piazza del Duomo, Pietrasanta, Italia
“The Planets”, Tampa Museum of Art, Tampa, Florida
“Julio Larraz”, Gallerie Vallois, Parigi, Francia
“The Planets”, Ron Hall Gallery, Dallas, Texas
Peter Findlay Gallery, New York, New York
Complesso del Vittoriano - Roma, 2012
“Julio Larraz”, Galleria d’Arte Contini, Venezia, Italia
“Julio Larraz: New Work”, Marlborough Gallery, New York, New York
“Julio Larraz - trienta años de trabajo”, Centro Cultural Metropolitano, Quito, Ecuador; Museo de Arte Costarricense, S. José, Costa
“Altri Sol / Other Suns”, Tuscan Sun Festival, Cortona, Italia
“Julio Larraz”, Galleria d’Arte Contini, Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italia
“Julio Larraz”, Ron Hall Gallery, Dallas, Texas
Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois
“Witness to Silence”, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
“Works on Paper”, Atrium Gallery, St. Louis, Missouri
“Moments in Time”, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
“Works on Paper”, Atrium Gallery, St. Louis, Missouri
“Prints”, Colleen Greco Gallery, Nyack, New York
Janey Beggs Gallery, Los Angeles, California
Gerald Peters Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
“Watercolors”, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
esposizioni collettive/group exhibitions
Ravel Gallery, Austin, Texas
Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
Frances Wolfson Art Gallery, Miami-Dade Community College, Miami, Florida
Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
Art New York, Miami, Florida, Ascaso Gallery
Art Wynwood, Miami, Florida, Ascaso Gallery
Group exhibition, NH Gallery, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Museo de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico
Hall Galleries, Dallas, Texas
Museo de Arte Moderno, Bogotá, Colombia
Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
Galleria II Gabbiano, Roma, Italia
Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
Galería Iriarte, Bogotá, Colombia
Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
Galería Arteconsult, Panama City, Panama
Wichita Falls Museum and Art Center, Wichita Falls, Texas
Works IL Gallery, Southampton, New York
Nohra Haime Gallery, FIAC, Parigi, Francia
Works IL Gallery, Southampton, New York
Belle Arts Gallery, Nyack, New York
Bacardi Gallery, Miami, Florida
Inter-American Art Gallery, New York, New York
Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, New York
Hall Galeries, Fort Worth, Texas
Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, New York
FAR Galleries, New York, New York
Westmoreland Museum of Art, Greensburg, Pennsylvania
FAR Gallery, New York, New York
New School for Social Research, New York, New York
Pyramid Galleries, Washington, DC
Art Miami, Miami, Florida, Ascaso Gallery; Galeria La Cometa, Bogotà, Colombia
Art Southampton, Ascaso Gallery, Miami, Florida
“Imaginarios Urbanos”, Galería Enlace – Arte Contemporáneo, Lima, Perú
Art Wynwood, Miami Florida, Ascaso Gallery
“Caribbean: Crossroads of the World”,Perez Art Museum, Miami Florida
“Papertrail, Latin American Masters”, Santa Monica, California
Art Miami, Miami Florida, Ascaso Gallery
The Armory Show, New York, New York, Marlborough Gallery
Art Southampton, Southampton, New York, Ascaso Gallery, Miami Florida
FIA, Galeria de Arte Ascaso, Caracas, Venezuela
Art Miami, Miami Florida, Ascaso Gallery
Exposition de groupe, Marlborough Monaco, Monte Carlo, Monaco
“Omaggio agli artisti”, Galleria d’Arte Contini, Venezia, Italia
Art Basel Miami, Miami, Florida, Marlborough Gallery
The Miami Sculpture Biennale, Miami, Florida
“Works on Paper”, Marlborough Gallery, New York, New York
Art Basel Miami, Miami, Florida, Marlborough Gallery
Art Miami, Miami Florida, Galleria d’Arte Contini
“Latin American Art”, Marlborough Gallery, New York, New York
“Painting and Sculpture”, Marlborough Gallery, New York, New York
“Wit & Whimsy”, Marlborough Gallery, New York, New York
“Summer Exhibition”, Marlborough Gallery, New York, New York
“Sobre el Humor”, Galería Marlborough, Madrid, Spagna
“Represenation 2007 New York & San Francisco”, Jenkins Johnson Gallery, San Francisco, California
“Latin Masters”, Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, New York
“Summer Group Show”, Marlborough Gallery, New York, New York
“Landscape, Cityscape”, Marlborough Gallery, New York, New York
“Works on Paper”, Marlborough Gallery, New York, New York
“Group Show”, Peter Findlay Gallery, New York, New York
“Octava Exposición de Pintura y Escultura Latinoamericana”, Galería Espacio, San Salvador, El Salvador
“Latin Viewpoints into the Mainstream”, Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, New York
Sculptures Monumentales à Saint-Tropez, La Citadelle, Saint Tropez, Francia
Art Basel, Basilea, Svizzera, Galleria Tega
“Magic & Mystery”, Austin Museum of Art at Laguna Gloria, Austin, Texas
“Point/Counterpoint”, Santa Barbara Museum, Santa Barbara, California
“Parcours Figuratif”, Galerie Patrice Trigano, Parigi, Francia
“Paraiso Perdido: Aspectos del Paisaje en el Arte Latinoamericano”, Lowe Art Museum, Coral Gables, Florida
“Modelvrouwen”, The Hague Sculpture-Kloosterkerk, L’Aia, Olanda
“La Fête”, Le Bellevue, Biarritz, Francia; Museo Valenciano de la Ilustración y la Modernidad, Valencia, Spagna
Art Miami, Miami, Florida, Marlborough Gallery
“Latin American Art Masters”, Gary Nader Fine Arts, Miami, Florida
Arte Fiera, Bologna, Italy, Marlborough Gallery
Arte Fiera, Bologna, Italia, Galleria Tega
FIAC, Parigi, Francia, Galerie Patrice Trigano
“Latin American Artists”, Marlborough Gallery, New York, New York
Art Basel, Basilea, Svizzera, Galleria Tega
“Arte de America Latina”, Galleria Lucia de la Puente, Lima, Perú
“Selections”, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
“Topography of Landscape”, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
“Fifth Anniversary”, Atrium Gallery, St. Louis, Missouri
The Sterlington Exhibit, Sterlington, New York
FIAC, Parigi, Francia, Galleria Tega
FIAC, Parigi, Francia, Galerie Patrice Trigano
Art Basel, Basilea, Svizzera, Galleria Tega
Arte Fiera, Bologna, Italia, Galleria Tega
Arte Fiera, Bologna, Italia, Marlborough Gallery
Arte Fiera, Bologna, Italia, Galleria Tega
Art Miami, Miami, Florida, Marlborough Gallery
MiArt, Milano, Italia, Galleria Tega
Art Basel, Basilea, Svizzera, Galleria Tega
Biennale di Arte Sacra, Museo di Castello Ursino, Catania, Italia
“Sobre el humor”, Galería Marlborough, Madrid, Spagna
“Latin American Still Life: Reflections of Time and Space”, Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, New York; Museo del Barrio, New
York, New York
“Silent Things, Secret Things, Still Life from Rembrandt to the Millenium”, Albuquerque Museum, Albuquerque, New Mexico
“Figuración Internacional”, Galería Marlborough, Madrid; Spagna; Caja Burgos, Burgos, Spagna; Centro Cultural Rioja, Logroño,
Giardino botanico di Paul Klee, Museo di Arte Moderna di Catania, Catania, Italia
“Maestros Latinoamericanos”, Galería Espacio, San Salvador, El Salvador
“Cuban Masters of the Twentieth Century”, Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
“Leaving our Earth – the Artistic Vision”, Taejon International Expo, Padiglione USA, Taejon, Korea
“Voyages of the Modern Imagination-The Boat in Twentieth Century American Art”, William A. Farnsworth Library and Art Museum, Rockland, Maine
“Selections”, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
“Figuración Fabulación”, Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela
“Contemporary & Modern Masters”, Ron Hall Gallery, Dallas, Texas
“17 Contemporary Prints & Multiples”, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
“Dali, De Palma, Haring, Kuzio, Larraz, Warhol”, Montebello Park, Suffern, New York
42 Annual Academy - Institute Purchase Exhibition, American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, New York, New York
“Works on Hanji Paper”, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea
“Points of View in Landscape”, M. Gutierrez Fine Art, Key Biscayne, Florida
“Selections”, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
“June Moon-Lunar Reflections by Contemporary Artists”, G.W. Einstein & Company, New York, New York
“Master Prints”, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
“Figurative-Abstract”, Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, University of Texas, Austin, Texas
“Nocturne Portraying the Night”, Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, Missouri
“Blues and Other Summer Delights”, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
“La Naturaleza Muerta”, Galería Iriarte, Bogotá, Colombia
“Landscape, Seascape, Cityscape 1960-1985”, Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans, Louisiana; New York Academy of Art,
New York, New York; City Art Gallery, Raleigh, North Carolina
V Bienal de Artes Graficas, Museo de Arte Moderno, La Tertulia, Cali, Colombia
“Maestros en la colección del Museo”, Museo de Arte Moderno, Bogotá, Colombia
The Mount Aramah Exhibition, Orange County Historical Society, Arden, New York, New York
“Major Works Gallery Artists”, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
“Pastels”, Aleman Galleries, Boston, Massachusetts
“Outside Cuba”, Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey; Museum of Contemporary Hispanic
Arts, New York, New York; Miami University Art Museum, Oxford, Ohio; Museo de Arte de Ponce, Ponce, Puerto Rico; Center
for the Fine Arts, Miami, Florida; Atlanta College of Art and New Visions Gallery of Contemporary Art, Atlanta, Georgia
Fifth Anniversary Exhibition, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
“The Anatomy of Drawing”, Hooks/Epstein Gallery, Houston, Texas
“Latin American Artists in New York Since 1970”, Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, University of Texas, Austin, Texas
“Watercolors Plus”, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
“Eccentric Images”, RVS Fine Arts, Southampton, New York
Inaugural Exhibition: New Space, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
Artistas Latinoamericanos en Paris, Galería Arteconsult, Panama City, Panama
Rotating, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
Summer Group Exhibition, Galleria II Gabbiano, Rome, Italy
MIRA, Museo del Barrio, New York, New York; Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, Illinois; Cuban Museum of Art and Culture, Miami, Florida; Midtown Art Center, Houston, Texas; Arvada Center for Arts and Humanities, Denver, Colorado
“Latin American Artists in New York”, Arteconsult International, Boston, Massachusetts
“Pastels”, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
“Gallery Artists-Recent Work”, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, New York
The Art of South America, Saint Paul’s Companies, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Julio Larraz-Hugo Robus, Blue Hill Cultural Center, Pearl River, New York, New York
Candidates for Art Awards, American Academy of Arts and Letters and National Institute of Arts and Letters, New York, New
“A Sampling from the Academy Collection”, American Academy of Arts and Letters and National Institute of Arts and Letters,
New York, New York
“Recent Latin American Drawings (1960-1976) Lines of Vision”, organizzata da / organized by International Exhibitions Foundation, Washington, D.C.; Center for Inter-American Relations, New York, New York; Florida International University, Miami,
Florida; Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock, Arkansas; Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, University of Texas, Austin, Texas; Art
Gallery of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; Oklahoma Art Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
“Nine Cuban Artists”, Saint Peter’s College Art Gallery, Jersey City, New Jersey
“Art in the Kitchen”, Westmoreland Museum of Art, Greensburg, Pennsylvania
Thirty-Ninth Annual Midyear Show, Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, Ohio
“American Still Lifes”, FAR Gallery, New York, New York
Paintings available for the Childe Hassam Fund Purchase, American Academy of Arts and Letters and National Institute of
Arts and Letters, New York, New York
The Fine Art of Food, Galleries of the Claremont Colleges, Claremont, California
“Still Life” – Thematic Survey, Zin-Lerner Gallery, New York, New York
“Maestros Latinoamericanos: Obras sobre papel”, Galería Arteconsult, Panama City, Panama
Group Exhibition, Rossi Gallery, Morristown, New Jersey
“Clouds”, Stuart-Neill Gallery, New York, New York
Inaugural Exhibition, Mary Anne Martin Fine Arts, New York, New York
“Diciembre en Iriarte”, Galería Iriarte, Bogotá, Colombia and Bonino Gallery, New York, New York
“Dibujantes Latinoamericanos en Nueva York”, Galería Garcés-Velasquez, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia
5a Bienal del Grabado Latinoamericano, Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueño, San Juan, Puerto Rico
“Modern Latin American Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture”, Center for Inter-American Relations and Sotheby Parke-Bernet,
New York, New York
“Realism and Latin American Painting: The Seventies”, Center for Inter-American Relations, New York; Museo de Monterrey,
Monterrey, Mexico
“Five Realists”, Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, New York
“Image and Illustration”, Squibb Gallery, Princeton, New Jersey
“Art in Decoration”, High Museum of Art, Atlanta, Georgia
premi / awards
Gold Medal Award 2011, Casita Maria, Center for the arts and education, New York,
Cintas Grant, Instituto de Educación Internacional, New York
Grants, The American Academy of Arts and Letters e il National Institute of Arts and Letters, New York
Purchase Prize, Childe Hassam Fund Purchase Exhibition, the American Academy of Arts and Letters e il National Institute of
Arts and Letters, New York, New York
1997 Facts About Cuban Exile, FACE, Miami
Malacara, a Man Called the Pharaoh
Operaciones Navales
2016, olio su tela
oil on canvas
183 x 152,5 cm - 72 x 60 in
1998, olio su tela
oil on canvas
152 x 177 cm - 60 x 69.5 in
2008, olio su tela
oil on canvas
214 x 192 cm - 84.5 x 75.5 in
pag 10
pag 12
pag 14
pag 16
Soft Rumors from the Gulf Stream
El jefe de la policia secreta
2011, olio su tela
oil on canvas
198 x 153 cm - 78 x 60 in
2008, olio su tela
oil on canvas
155 x 122 cm - 61 x 48 in
The Producer
A Video Show in the War Room
pag 18
pag 20
pag 22
pag 24
Homer at Work
2009, olio su tela
oil on canvas
153 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
Plebis Scitum
2016, olio su tela
oil on canvas
183 x 152,5 cm - 72 x 60 in
2004, olio su tela
oil on canvas
151,5 x 182 cm - 59.5 x 71.5 in
olio su tela
oil on canvas
165 x 145 cm - 65 x 57 in
pag 26
pag 28
2015, olio su tela
oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
pag 30
2009, olio su tela
oil on c anvas
152 x 182 cm - 60 x 72 in
Radames in the Hall of Prophecies
2016, olio su tela
oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
pag 32
The Governor’s House
1981, olio su tela
oil on canvas
122 x 152,5 cm - 48 x 60 in
pag 34
The Artist and His Model
2011, olio su tela
oil on canvas
152 x 198 cm - 60 x 78 in
2015, acquerello e pastelli su carta
watercolor and pastels on paper
99 x 135 cm - 39 x 53 in
pag 36
Above the Clouds
2015, olio su tela
oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
pag 42
pag 44
Port of Call on the Sea of Rains
Taurus Littrow
2016, olio su tela
oil on canvas
183 x 244 cm - 72 x 96 in
2016, olio su tela
oil on canvas
152,5 x 198 cm - 60 x 78 in
pag 50
pag 52
The Kamakanga Star
La Fragoletta at Le Bourget,
pag 38
pag 40
2016, olio su tela
oil on canvas
183 x 152,5 cm - 72 x 60 in
2016, olio su tela
oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
pag 46
Our Friend’s House,
The Villa Procellosa
2016, olio su tela
oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
pag 54
2015, olio su tela
oil on canvas
152 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
Night Watch
2011, olio su tela
oil on canvas
152.5 x 185.5 cm - 60 x 73 in
pag 48
Hunters in the Snow
at Punta Cobadiles
2016, olio su tela
oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
pag 56
Flower Storm over Sappho’s House
2016, olio su tela
oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
pag 58
Per Ardua Ad Astra
2015, olio su tela
oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
High Winds
Salt Marshes
Smoke Signals
2016, olio su tela
oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
2016, acquerello e pastelli su carta
watercolor and pastels on paper
151 x 183 cm - 59.5 x 72 in
pag 60
pag 62
pag 64
Cuerpo Celeste
Et Tu Brute
2012, olio su tela
oil on canvas
152 x 182 cm - 60 x 72 in
2015, acquerello e pastelli su carta
watercolor and pastels on paper
99 x 135 cm - 39 x 53 in
pag 70
2015, olio su tela
oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
2001, olio su tela
oil on canvas
180 x 149,5 cm - 71 x 58.5 in
pag 66
pag 68
A Day at the Aquarium
Study for Declarations by the Sea
2006, acquerello e pastelli su carta
watercolor and pastels on paper
183 x 132 cm - 72 x 52 in
2008, pastello su carta
pastel on paper
152 x 115 cm - 60 x 45 in
Poet of the Depths
One Day in the Life of Monsieur Vincent
pag 74
pag 76
pag 78
pag 80
2014, olio su tela
oil on canvas
183 x 152,5 cm - 72 x 60 in
pag 72
2009, olio su tela
oil on canvas
182 x 244 cm - 72 x 96 in
Verde Esmeralda
The Left Wing
Study for La Fuga del #1
Partial Eclipse
1989, olio su tela
oil on canvas
123 x 185,5 cm - 48.5 x 73 in
2011, olio su tela
oil on canvas
152 x 198 cm - 60 x 78 in
2012, acquerello e pastelli su carta
watercolor and pastels on paper
99 x 135 cm - 39 x 53 in
1998, bronzo
54 x 95 x 49 cm - 21 x 37 x 19 in
pag 82
pag 84
pag 86
pag 88
pag 106
A Walk with Homer
The Fall of Icarus
Polyphemus Wrath
The Port of Casabianca
pag 94
pag 96
Space Station
Space Station
2015, olio su tela
oil on canvas
269 x 175 cm - 106 x 69 in
pag 90
2008, olio su tela
oil on canvas
35,5 x 46 cm - 14 x 18 in
2000, olio su tela
oil on canvas
177,8 x 177,8 cm - 70 x 70 in
pag 92
Corrida II
2012, olio su tela
oil on canvas
127 x 152 cm - 50 x 60 in
2016, olio su tela
oil on canvas
152,5 x 183 cm - 60 x 72 in
2006, olio su tela
oil on canvas
50 x 60 cm - 20 x 23.5 in
2007, pastello su carta
pastel on paper
91,5 x 130,5 cm - 36 x 51.5 in
2007, acquerello su carta
watercolor on paper
61 x 71,2 cm - 24 x 28 in
2007, bronzo
740 x 165 x 165 cm - 291 x 65 x 65 in
pag 98
pag 100
pag 102
pag 104
2006, bronzo patina azzurra
bronze blue patina, ed. 2/8
45 x 32 x 22 cm
17,7 x 12,6 x 8,7 in
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,
1998, bronzo
81 x 64,5 x 36,6 cm - 32 x 25 x 14 in
pag 108
2014, bronzo patina rossa
bronze red patina, ed. 3/8
45 x 31 x 22 cm
18 x 12 x 8,7 in
pag 112
pag 112
2014, bronzo patina rosa antico
bronze antique rose patina, ed. 3/8
41 x 37 x 22 cm
16 x 14,5 x 8,7 in
pag 113
pag 110
pag 111
2007, bronzo patina viola
2007, bronzo patina fucsia
bronze with purple patina
bronze with fucsia patina
129 x 85 x 70 cm - 51 x 33.5 x 27.5 in 135 x 95 x 70 cm - 53 x 37.5 x 27.5 in
2006, bronzo patina rosa
bronze rose patina, ed. 1/8
42 x 32 x 24 cm
16,5 x 12,6 x 9,5 in
2014, bronzo patina viola
bronze purple patina, ed. 3/8
45 x 32 x 22 cm
17,7 x 12,6 x 8,7
pag 112
2014, bronzo patina verde
bronze green patina, ed. 3/8
51 x 32 x 22 cm
20 x 12,6 x 8,7 in
pag 113
pag 112
20014, bronzo patina blu
bronze blue patina, ed. 3/8
44 x 39 x 22 cm
17 x 15 x 8,7 in
pag 113
2014, bronzo patina gialla
bronze yellow patina, ed. 3/8
51 x 35 x 22 cm
20 x 13,8 x 8,7 in
pag 113
2014, bronzo patina celeste
bronze light blue patina, ed. 3/8
47 x 34 x 25 cm
18,5 x 13 x 10 in
pag 113
finito di stampare - giugno 2016