THANK YOU! iGRACIAS! - River to Coast Children`s Services


THANK YOU! iGRACIAS! - River to Coast Children`s Services
Helping Children Grow
Resources, Referrals, and Support / Recursos, Referencias, y Apoyo
December 2010 diciembre
January 2011 enero
Mission Statement: Our mission is to nurture the healthy development
of children and parents in our community. We offer resources, referrals
and support to families and child care providers in western
Sonoma County.
RCCS depends on donations from the
community to keep our many services
available to the children (and their
families) in west Sonoma County. Our
recent donors:
Community Foundation Sonoma County
First 5 Commission
First Community Bank
Kaiser Permanente
Marin Community Foundation
Rainbow Cattle Company
Santa Nella House
Traditional Medicinals
Our Board Of Directors:
Staff wishes to acknowledge and thank the
community members who serve on the River to
Coast Board of Directors. They are the guiding
lights who generously give their time, expertise
and monetary support to keep the doors open
and programs running here at RCCS.
• Jodi Chung
• Brendan Coen
• Patty Gerlach
• Vicki Halstead
• Dominic Maccario
• Alicia Montano
Bobbi Noel
Mike Nicholls
Jennell Parr
Nancy Saxe
Andrew Sullivan
Amber Twitchell
Board service is a wonderful way to help support the work
that RCCS does for the children and families of west Sonoma County. It is also an excellent opportunity to make
new connections with other community-oriented individuals who want to be a positive force for children. We
extend an invitation to parents, providers and community
members to volunteer energy, experience and expertise
by becoming a member of the RCCS Board of Directors.
Interested individuals please contact Donna Roper at
707.869.3613 or e-mail to: [email protected].
The RCCS Staff and members of the Board of Directors
wish you all a Happy New Year, Welcome 2011
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Passalacqua
Karen Padgett
Lyn Guittard
Ray Allen
Mr. Robert Pettingil
Vicki Halstead
Yuriko Tanaka
Thank you Whole Foods, Safeway, Hales Pumpkin Patch, Andy’s
Produce, and Walmart for the PUMPKINS! From all the children,
families, and staff at River To Coast Children’s Services for your
generous donation to our “Fall Festival” for families and children in
West Sonoma County. We were able to have pumpkins for a science
activity, and a pumpkin patch where the children could choose their
own pumpkin to take home.
We had games, prizes, face painting, and a dental presentation with
free tooth brushes donated by Robert Oliver, DDS. We had a lot of
very happy children.
Earn It! Keep It! $ave It!
olunteer today to help local families receive the tax refunds
they deserve. Last year, volunteers helped bring $1.3 million in
refunds back into our community!
olunteer for our community’s largest coalition of free tax
preparation sites and help hardworking families get the refunds
they deserve - which often exceeds several thousand dollars. For many
families, this is the largest one-time check they will receive all year.
olunteer opportunities are available at more than 20 locations
throughout Sonoma, Mendocino and Lake Counties:
Tax preparers - receive free IRS training and certification
Greeters - welcome taxpayers to the site
Interpreters - interpret between the taxpayer and the tax
preparer, when needed
Community Resource Coaches - connect individuals and
families to community resources that can make all the difference
(only at select locations)
o experience is necessary. All training will be provided. Training
for tax preparers will take place on each of three Saturdays from
9 AM - 4 PM: January 8, 15, and 22, 2011. Training locations vary
by county. Sonoma County volunteers will receive training at Empire
College in Santa Rosa. Mendocino County volunteers will receive
training at Mendocino County Office of Education in Ukiah. Lake
County volunteers will receive training at a location to be determined
in Lake County.
Make a difference. Sign up today. or call 707-528-4485
Thank you child care providers who provided continuity
of care for those children who had their program
subsidies put on hold and/or payments delayed.
Rebuking Gov. Schwarzenegger’s veto, Alameda County judge approves extension of child care through 2010
OAKLAND, CA –Alameda County Superior Court Judge Wynne Carvill approved a groundbreaking settlement today which
preserves child care services for the families of more than 56,000 California children. These services are indispensible
to working parents who have successfully transitioned off welfare but whose wages are still too low to cover child care.
The settlement came in a lawsuit filed by Parent Voices Oakland and four California mothers who were told that their
child care assistance, known as CalWORKs Stage 3 child care, would end on November 1. In a last-minute veto, Gov.
Arnold Schwarzenegger cut that entire program from the budget, creating havoc for thousands of people who were suddenly forced to choose between keeping their jobs and staying off welfare or taking care of their children.
On October 29, Judge Carvill issued an emergency order halting the governor’s veto. A few days later, he modified his
order to require the state to continue Stage 3 child care and to use its “best efforts” to screen parents for alternative
childcare services. Today’s settlement extends the Stage 3 program through December 31, 2010 and requires state-contracted child care agencies to inform families of their right to request a screening for any available child care alternatives.
“We are grateful to the judge for recognizing that these working families need reliable child care, and also need to be
informed where to find it,” said Patti Prunhuber, an attorney at the Public Interest Law Project, the lead counsel for the
petitioners. “The settlement takes the court’s rulings one step further by ensuring that families will have, at least in the
short term, Stage 3 care while they seek viable alternatives.”
Through the settlement the California Department of Education agreed to a process that allows any Stage 3 family who
asks to be screened before December 10 to be considered for other available child care. “We are happy with this decision – it means parents will be able to stay employed! We need to make sure families know about their rights. We need
parent groups, child care agencies, counties – everyone – to work with families to make sure they ask for a screening and
get screened in time,” said Corean Todd, a board member for Parent Voices Oakland, the lead petitioner in the case.
“The settlement creates much-needed breathing room during the holidays for the families that Gov. Schwarzenegger
cut off last month – but it is a short-term measure, not a permanent fix,” said Melissa Rodgers, the directing attorney of
the Child Care Law Center, which represents the petitioners. “There is not enough funded child care to meet the needs
of all these families.” Indeed, even the families that request a screening may be put on a waiting list that already has
200,000 children on it statewide.
Under the terms of the settlement, the families cut off from child care by the Governor’s veto
retain the right to return to the Stage 3 program if funding is restored. Pressure remains on the Legislature and the new
Governor to enact a permanent solution. “We are looking to the
Legislature and the Governor-elect to step in quickly,” said Robert Newman, Senior Counsel at
the Western Center on Law & Poverty. “Otherwise many of these hard-working families will
have nowhere to send their children in the New Year.”
The suit was brought by the Public Interest Law Project, the Child Care Law Center, the Western Center on Law & Poverty, Neighborhood Legal Services
of Los Angeles County, Public Counsel Law Center, and Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles.
The Public Interest Law Project provides crucial litigation and advocacy support to local legal services and public interest law programs throughout
California. (
The Child Care Law Center is a national nonprofit legal services organization that works to make high quality, affordable child care available to every
child, every family, and every community.
The Western Center on Law & Poverty, Inc. fights for justice and system-wide change to secure housing, healthcare and a strong safety net for lowincome Californians. (
Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County provides free legal services to low-income residents throughout Los Angeles County. (http://www.
Public Counsel Law Center is the nation’s largest public interest law firm specializing in delivering pro bono legal services to low-income communities.
The Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA) is the frontline law firm for low-income people in Los Angeles. (
CALENDAR December/diciembre 2010
 January/enero 2011 CALENDARIO
12/4/10; Parade of Lights, 7PM in Guerneville
12/5/10: Attendance sheets due in RCCS by 5 PM y Hoy es el día límite de las Hojas de Asistencia a las 5 PM
12/6 & 7/10: Kindergym
12/8/10 Board of Directors meeting y Mesa Directiva de RCCS se reúne, 6:30 at RCCS
12/8/10: Outreach Committee meeting 5:30 PM at RCCS y El comité de publicidad de RCCS se réune de
5:30 PM en RCCS
12/13 &14/10: Kindergym
12/14/10: Parent, Provider and Program (PPP) Committee meets at 6:00 PM at RCCS. Call Soledad at
869.3613 x 107 y El Comité de Padres, Proveedores y Programas (PPP) se reúne a las 6:00 PM en RCCS.
Por favor llamar a Soledad al 707-869-3613 x 107
12/16/10: Staff Luncheon OFFICE CLOSES at noon today y LA OFICINA CIERRA a mediodia de hoy
12/20/10: Provider Payday y Día de pago de los proveedores
12/20-21/10: Kindergym
12/21/10 Winter begins y invierno comienza
12/23/10 - 1/3/11: Happy Holidays!, OFFICE CLOSED Dec 23 - Jan 3, 2011 y Feliz fiestas! LA
OFICINA CERRADA 23 diciembre - 3 enero 2011
Happy New Year  Feliz Año Nuevo!
1/3/11: Office Closed y oficina cerrada
1/3 & 4/11 NO KINDERGYM
1/5/11: Attendance sheets due in RCCS by 5 PM y Hoy es el día límite de las Hojas de Asistencia a las 5 PM
1/10 &11/11: Kindergym
1/11/11: Parent, Provider and Program (PPP) Committee meets at 6:00 PM at RCCS. Call Soledad at
869.3613 x 107 y El Comité de Padres, Proveedores y Programas (PPP) se reúne a las 6:00 PM en RCCS.
Por favor llamar a Soledad al 707-869-3613 x 107
1/17/11: OFFICE CLOSED for Dr. Martin Luther King’s Birthday (1/15/11) y oficina cerrada para el
cumpleaños de Dr. Martin Luther King (1/15/11)
1/17 &18/11: NO KINDERGYM
1/18/11: Provider Payday y Día de pago de los proveedores
1/19/11: Provider Workshop,“Preschool English Learners” y Taller de proveedores, “Estudiantes de
Inglés en Edad Prescolar”, 6:15 to 8:18 PM, RCCS, RSVP Mendy or Olga at 869-3613
1/24 & 25/11: Kindergym
1/26/11 Board of Directors meeting y Mesa Directiva de RCCS se reúne, 6:30 at RCCS
1/26/11: Outreach Committee meeting 5:30 PM at RCCS y El comité de publicidad de RCCS se réune de
5:30 PM en RCCS
1/31/11: Kindergym
Kindergym is held at the Guerneville Vets’ Hall, corner of 1st & Church Streets, Mondays
and Tuesdays starting at 9:45 AM and ending at 12:20 PM
Kindergym se lleva a cabo todos los lunes y martes, empezando a las 9:45 AM hasta las
12:20 PM en el Guerneville Vets’ Hall, en la esquina de 1st y Calle Church.
Books read for the month
of December
Libros que leíste en
Snuggle together
Write a story
Escriban una historia juntos
Read books about
Tengan una fiesta
de baile
Read a book
before bed
Lean libros sobre
el invierno
Salgan a caminar y
recojan basura de
su vecindario
Lea un libro antes
de dormir
Fold the laundry
Hagan galletas
Look for and count
bugs outside
Have a tea party
Hagan una fiesta
para tomar el té
Bake cookies
Doblen la ropa
December 2010: Some suggested, simple activities to do with children each day.
Draw self portraits
Dibuje un retrato
de si mismo
Busquen y cuentes
insectos afuera
Take a walk and
pick up litter in
the neighborhood
Make up a song
Inventen una
canción juntos
Attend Kindergym
Count the days
left until a special
Mimic sounds back
to a baby
Play “Sink or
Float?” in the
Tell a story from
your childhood
Asistan a Kindergym
Laven los platos
Wash the dishes
Juegue en la tina
de baño
Repita sonidos a
un bebe
Build a fort
Cuenten los días
que faltan para un
día especial
Play hide and seek
in the house
Construyan una
casita de sabanas y cartón
Create a menu for
a meal together
Jueguen a las escondidas juntos
Cuente una historia sobre su niñez
Have lunch or
snack by candle
Hagan un menú
para la cena
Take a field trip to
the grocery store
Make a grocery
list together
Tomen un paseo al
Tengan un bocadillo o almuerzo
junto a la luz de
una vela
Sing during clean
up time
Hagan la lista del
mandado juntos
Trace each other’s
Canten mientras
la hora de limpiar
Play hopscotch
Tracen sus manos
Jueguen a brincar
Talk about family
Talk about your
favorite things
that happened
this year
Vayan por un paseo en el autobús
Sing The Wheels
on the Bus
Platiquen sobre
tradiciones familiares
Go for a bus ride
Canten una
canción sobre el
autobús escolar
Platiquen sobres
sus cosas favoritas
que pasaron este
December 2010 / diciembre 2010
Fecha Completados:
Date completed:
Firma de Padre
Parent signature
Firma de Personal de RCCS:
RCCS staff signature
Titulo del Libro Recibido:
Escribe los títulos de los
libros leídos en 1-10 para
recibir tu libro gratis.
Fill in 1-10 with the titles
of books you read and
earn a free book each
River to Coast Children’s Services
Growing Readers Calendar
River to Coast Children’s Services Growing Readers Calendar
Save the dates! Stand for Children Day: May 4th, 2011 in Sacramento
The annual Stand for Children day ia an opportunity to display our powerful collective commitment to California’s
children through skill-building, advocacy, testimony and celebration.
Last year over 500 parents and child care supporters from more than 22 counties advocated on behalf of California’s children. Call RCCS for information on how you can participate.
4th Annual Early Learners Summit
The 21st Century Child: Anti-bias Education as a Key to
Children’s Success
Presenter– Julie Olsen Edwards
he children we work with today are growing up in a complex world where they will need to live, learn, play, and work side-by-side
with people who are very different from their own families. This new diversity challenges everything we do in our classrooms. Few
of us have been prepared to teach children respect and joy across lines of racial identity, culture, language, family structure, religious
belief, and economic opportunity. Yet, children’s success in learning at school and in the larger world is dependent on feelings of pride in
their own identity, language to address human difference, and tools to counter bias and unfairness in their world.
In addressing this topic, the fourth annual Early Learners Summit will feature Julie Olsen Edwards, founding director of the Children’s Center
and chair of the Early Childhood Education Department at Cabrillo College. Throughout her career, Olsen Edwards has been a primary-grade
reading specialist, family child care provider, and teacher of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. She brings a knowledgeable, lively, and
provocative understanding of children, families, and teachers to her presentations. Based on years of teaching, parenting, and study, her
lectures are filled with stories of real children and families, providing common-sense guidance and uncommon perspectives. She is a keen
observer of children and an unapologetic advocate for children and teachers.
Saturday, May 15, 2010 - Deadline for registration May 7
8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
$10 per person
Sonoma County Office of Education, 5340 Skylane Blvd, Santa Rosa
Kindergarten teachers, preschool staff, and child care providers
Content Questions:
Please contact Pamela Turner at [email protected] or 707.524.277
Registration Questions:
Please contact Jill McIntyre at [email protected] or 707.524.2816
Please Note:
On-line registration is preferred -
Early Learners Summit ~ May 15, 2010 ~ Deadline for Registration - May 7, 2010
School/Program address
Daytime phone
Email address
A purchase order/check payable to the Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE) must accompany registration. Please mail to the attention of Jill McIntyre,
Sonoma County Office of Education, 5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403; or FAX to (707) 578-0220. No phone registrations. Registration is not
complete until payment is received. Cancellation policy: To cancel, please provide notice 3 days prior to the event. We cannot refund for no-shows. On-line
registration: PayPal services are provided as a convenience for online registration by credit card. SCOE cannot guarantee the security of
any third-party website. Registration questions, please contact Jill McIntyre at (707) 524-2816 or [email protected]. Content questions, please contact Pam
Turner at (707) 524-2779 or [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you at the workshop!
Your Government Officials
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-2841
Fax: (916) 445-4633
Email: [email protected]
Senator Barbara Boxer
1700 Montgomery Street, Suite 240
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone: (415) 403-0100
Fax: (415) 956-6701
Email: [email protected]
Senator Diane Feinstein
One Post Street, Suite 2450
San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: (415) 393-0707
Email: [email protected]
Representative Mike Thompson
240 Main Street, Suite 101
Napa, CA 94959
Phone: (707)226-9898
Fax: (707)251-9800
Email: [email protected]
Representative Lynn Woolsey
1101 College Avenue, Suite 400
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone: (707) 542-7182
Fax: (707) 542-2745
State Senator Mark Leno
455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 14800
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 557-1300
Fax: (415) 557-1252
Email:[email protected]
State Senator Patricia Wiggins
50 D Street, Suite 120 A
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone: (707) 576-2771
Fax: (707) 576-2773
Email: [email protected]
Assemblyman Wes Chesbro
50 D Street, Suite 450
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone: (707) 576-2526
Fax: (707) 576-2297
Email: [email protected]
Assemblywoman Noreen Evans
50 D Street, Suite 301
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone: (707) 546-4500
Fax: (707) 546-9031
Email: [email protected]
Assemblyman Jared Huffman
3501 Civic Center Drive, Room 412
San Rafael, CA 94903
Phone: (707)938-8157
Fax: (415)479-2123
Email: [email protected]
Following are the names of
River to Coast Children’s Services
Staff and their phone number extensions.
(707) 869-3613 / from the Sonoma Coast 1-800-994-3613
Donna Roper (Executive Director) 111
Kellie Nunez(Operations Manager) 105
Fran Levy (Bookkeeper) 106
Sally Ingram (Case Management Coordinator) 109
Soledad Cardona (Family Case Manager) 107
Tess MacNeil (Family Case Manager) 114
Rosie Hernnadez (Family Case Manager) 110
Mendy Behrens (Child Development Resource Specialist)
Cara Colombo (Child Development Resource Specialist)
Olga King (Child Development Resource Specialist) 103
Elaina Boyce (Community Resources Coordinator,
Newsletter Editor) 104
Vesta Griffith (Office/Reception) Front Desk Staff 101
Breeze Holloway, Counseling Intern. For an appointment,
please leave message & phone number at extension 153
and Breeze will return your call.
The Emergency Resources Program at RCCS
Parents, did you know…
IF your children need food, infant formula,
diapers, lice treatment, or other over-the-counter
medications, such as acetaminophen, you may access
the RCCS Emergency Resources Program. Families
can obtain up to $30.00 worth of basic needs for
their young children once a month. All that West
County families need do is come by and pick up the
items. Families whose children are enrolled in RCCS
subsidized child care programs are eligible too. We
will need the zipcode of your residence and a contact
phone number.
For lice treatment, infant formula, or OTC
medications, the family should call RCCS before
coming by, to assure that the items are on hand in
the office. Food and diapers are usually on hand
Monday through Friday, 9AM to 5PM at the River to
Coast Children’s Services office located at 16300 1st
Street in Guerneville.
Call 869-3613 for more information or to request a
specific item.
El Programa de Emergencia de RCCS
Padres, ustedes saben que...
Si sus hijos necesitan comida, formula para bebes,
pañales, tratamiento contra el piojo, o cualquier
medicamento que se puede obtener sin receta,
como acetaminófeno, usted puede tener acceso al
Programa de Emergencia de RCCS. Las familias pueden
obtener hasta un valor de $30 al mes en necesidades
básicas para sus pequeños. Todo lo que las familias
del West County (el oeste del condado) tienen que
hacer es pasar a recoger los artículos. Las familias
que reciben subsidios de RCCS también son elegibles.
Necesitaremos el código postal de su residencia y su
número de teléfono.
Para el tratamiento contra el piojo, formula para
bebes, o medicamentos que puede obtener sin
receta, es necesario que la familia llame a RCCS
antes de venir para confirmar que tenemos los
artículos necesarios en la oficina. Comida y pañales
normalmente están disponibles de lunes a viernes de
9am a 5pm en nuestras oficinas localizadas en 16300
1st Street en Guerneville.
Llame al 707-869-3613 para obtener más información
o para solicitar un artículo específico.
The RCCS Emergency Resources Program is
funded by a grant from:
Community Foundation Sonoma County
Thank You!
National Women’s Law Center Tax Credits Outreach Campaign, 2011 Tax Filing Season
Families in California:
Whether or not you owe income tax, you could get
thousands of dollars in tax credits. You could qualify for:
Familias en California:
Deba usted o no impuestos sobre sus ingresos, podría
obtener miles de dólares en créditos fiscales.
Si pudiera calificar para:
Up to $2,100 from the federal Child and Dependent Care Tax
Credit and up to $1,050 from the California Tax Credit for Child
and Dependent Care Expenses.
Hasta $2,100 del crédito fiscal federal Child and Dependent
Care Tax Credit y hasta $1,050 del crédito estatal California
Tax Credit for Child and Dependent Care Expenses.
Up to $5,666 from the federal Earned Income Credit.
Hasta $5,666 del crédito fiscal federal Earned Income Tax
Up to $1,000 per child from the federal Child Tax Credit.
Hasta $1,000 por cada niño del crédito fiscal federal Child Tax
Up to $800 from the Making Work Pay Credit, if you haven’t
already received it in your take-home pay.
Hasta $800 del crédito federal Making Work Pay, si aún no lo ha
recibido en su salario neto.
More families than ever are eligible for these credits this year.
To get these credits, you must file a tax return.
Más familias que nunca son elegibles este año para estos créditos.
Para obtener estos créditos, debe presentar una declaración de impuestos.
Find out where you can get FREE help with your taxes by calling the IRS toll-free Para más información y para conseguir dónde se ofrece ayuda GRATIS de la preparación
de los impuestos, llame de gratis al (800) TAX-1040 ó (800) 829-1040.
at (800) TAX-1040 or (800) 829-1040. Or go to
O bien acceda al sitio web También puede ponerse en
You can also contact Child Care Connection toll-free at (800) KIDS-793 or
contacto con el Child Care Connection al (800) KIDS-793 ó (800) 543-7793.
(800) 543-7793.
in partnership with California Child Care resource & referral Network
In partnership with California Child Care Resource & Referral Network
River to Coast Children’s Services Upcoming Workshops
Presented to Providers, Parents, and LEP Providers.
December: Ho-Ho-Ho….No workshop this month!
January: “Preschool English Learners” Pam Turner bilingual from SCOE. From Preschool Learning & Development Foundations
training series.
February: “Substance Abuse In The Family” How young children are effected. Presented by ELI (Early Learning Institute) and DAAC.
March: “Social Emotional Development” Infant/Toddler Learning & Development Foundations Training Series. Presented by Olga
April: “Language Development” Infant/Toddler Learning & Development Foundations Training Series. Presented by Olga King.
May: “Cognitive Development” Infant/toddler Learning & Development Foundations Series. Presented by Olga King.
June: TBA
July: TBA
All of our workshops are scheduled for the third Wednesday of the month unless you are notified otherwise.
Don’t forget the “Fall Festival” on October 29. It will be at our Kindergym location from 10:00 Am –12:00. Hope to see you there.
River to coast children’s services’ referral policy is based on
respecting parental choice. Responsibility for selecting child
care rests with each parent. RCCS assists parents in finding the
widest range of available child care and offers information to
help families evaluate available child care options. A RIVER TO
COAST CHILDREN’S SERVICES referral is not a recommendation
or a guarantee of quality care. Parents should carefully
interview and check references of potential child care
providers before leaving a child in their care.
La poliza de referencias de RIVER TO COAST CHILDREN’S SERVICES
respeta la preferencia de los padres. La responsabilidad de
escoger el cuidado de niños es de los padres. Asistimos a los
padres a encontrar la variedad más amplia de cuidado de niños
que se ofrece y ofrecemos información para evaluar el cuidado
de niños. Una recomendación de RCCS no significa una garantía
de calidad. Les pedimos a los padres que hagan una entrevista
cuidadosa y que examinen las recomendaciones antes de que
dejen un niño al cuidado de otra persona.
For Information on all licensed family child care homes and
centers call Community Care Licensing at 707.588.5026
Padres que están buscando información acerca de quejas
previas de una casa o centro con licencia para cuidar niños,
pueden llamar a Community Care Licensing tel. 588-5026.
River to Coast Children’s Services. 707.869-3613.
[email protected] /
Para registrar una queja llamen al mismo numero al River to
Coast Children’s Services. 707.869-3613.
October 2010
October 2010
YOu’ve beeN WOrkiNg hArd—
geT The TAx CrediTS YOu deServe!
National Women’s Law Center Tax Credits Outreach Campaign, 2010 Tax Filing Season
to your basic disaster supplies kit depending
on the specific needs of your family.
Maintaining Your Disaster Supplies Kit
Basic Disaster Supplies Kit
The following items are recommended for
inclusion in your basic disaster supplies kit:
• Three-day supply of non-perishable food.
• Three-day supply of water - one gallon of
water per person, per day.
• Portable, battery-powered radio or television
and extra batteries.
• Flashlight and extra batteries.
• First aid kit and manual.
• Sanitation and hygiene items (moist
towelettes and toilet paper).
• Matches and waterproof container.
• Whistle.
• Extra clothing.
• Kitchen accessories and cooking utensils,
including a can opener.
• Photocopies of credit and identification
• Cash and coins.
• Special needs items, such as prescription
medications, eye glasses, contact lens
solutions, and hearing aid batteries.
• Items for infants, such as formula, diapers,
bottles, and pacifiers.
• Other items to meet your unique family
If you live in a cold climate, you must think
about warmth. It is possible that you will not
have heat.
Think about your clothing and bedding supplies.
Be sure to include one complete change of
clothing and shoes per person, including:Jacket
or coat, long pants, long sleeve shirt, sturdy
shoes., hat, mittens, and scarf.
Sleeping bag or warm blanket (per person).
Be sure to account for growing children and
other family changes.
You may want to add some of the items listed
Just as important as putting your supplies
together until needed. Here are some tips to
keep your supplies ready and in good condition:
• Keep canned foods in a dry place where the
temperature is cool.
• Store boxed food in tightly closed plastic or
metal containers to protect from pests and
to extend its shelf life.
• Throw out any canned good that becomes
swollen, dented, or corroded.
• Use foods before they go bad, and replace
them with fresh supplies.
• Place new items at the back of the storage
area and older ones in the front.
• Change stored food and water supplies
every six months.
• Be sure to write the date you store it on all
Re-think your needs every year and update
your kit as your family needs change. Keep
items in airtight plastic bags and put your entire
disaster supplies kit in one or two easy-tocarry containers, such as an unused trashcan,
camping backpack, or duffel bag.
Botiquín Básico para Desastres
Se recomienda que los siguientes suministros
sean incluidos en su botiquín básico para
Suficiente suministros de comida no
perecederos para tres días.
Suficiente agua para tres días – un galón
de agua por persona, por día.
Un radio o televisión portátil de baterías,
con baterías extra.
Linterna con baterías extras.
Botiquín de primeros auxilios con un
manual de instrucciones.
Artículos de sanidad y de higiene
(toallitas humadas y papel higiénico).
Fósforos y un envase a prueba de agua.
Ropa adicional.
Accesorios de cocina y utensilios para
cocinar, incluyendo un abridor de latas.
Fotocopias de tarjetas de crédito e
Dinero, ambos billetes y monedas.
medicina por receta, espejuelos, solución para
lentes de contactos, y baterías para audífonos.
Artículos para bebes, tales como
formula, pañales, biberones y chupones.
Otros artículos que sean necesarios para
su familia.
Si usted vive en un clima frió, usted debe de
pensar sobre la calidez. Existe la posibilidad de
que haya frío. Piense en su ropa y la ropa de
cama. Incluya ropa y zapatos adicionales por
persona, incluyendo:
Abrigo o chaqueta.
Pantalones largos.
Camisa de mangas largas.
Zapatos fuertes.
Sombrero, guantes y bufanda.
Bolsa de dormir o colchas (para cada
Esté conciente de que los niños crecen y la
familia cambia. Consulte el Apéndice B para
una lista detallada de provisiones para un
Puede ser que usted quiera añadir algunos de
esos artículos dependiendo de las necesidades
de su familia.
Manteniendo su Botiquín para Desastres
Es tan importante mantenerlo al día como el
prepararlo. Aquí hay algunos consejos para
mantener las provisiones listas y en buenas
Mantenga las latas en un sitio seco
donde la temperatura esté fresca.
Almacene las cajas de comida en un
recipiente plástico o de metal para protegerlas
contra insectos y extender la fecha de vigencia.
Deseche cualquiera lata que no esté en
buena condición.
Utilice la comida antes que se dañe, y
reemplácela con suministros frescos.
Coloque los suministros más frescos en
la parte de atrás y los más viejos al frente en
Reemplace los suministros de comida y
agua cada seis meses. Escriba la fecha en los
artículos de comida cuando los almacene.
Piense sobre sus necesidades cada año
y ponga al día su botiquín dependiendo de las
necesidades actuales de su familia.
Mantenga todos los artículos en bolsas plásticas
y meta todos los suministros en recipientes que
sean fáciles de cargar, como botes de basura o
bolsas de acampar.
Child Care Providers: Keep up-to-date on what’s
happening at Community Care Licensing. There is now
a website designed by CCL just for you, MyCCL.
g the
b Portal
We are pleased to announce the new “MyCCL
Web Portal”. This is our first step in the development of a web based licensing information center
and the future of Community Care Licensing. Try
our new features
Securely register your email address.
Update your emergency contact information.
Sign up for periodic information releases and
Be the first to
Check the website often as we expand
our service features!
The holidays can be a stressful time for parents,
especially if you’re wondering where to get the money
to buy holiday gifts. In fact, a recent poll by the
American Psychological Association shows that 61% of
Americans cite lack of money as a top cause of holiday
stress followed by the pressures of gift giving, lack of
time, and credit card debt. What’s more, one in five
Americans are worried that holiday stress could affect
their physical health and 36% say they either eat or
drink alcohol to cope with holiday stress. Forty-five
percent say they rely on exercise to relieve stress while
44% turn to religious and spiritual activities.
People tend to reduce stress in ways they have learned
over the course of time because they turn to what they
know. You may take comfort from eating or drinking
because it’s familiar, even though it’s not good for your
health. But, there are other behaviors you can learn to
further relieve stress and its effects that may be both
better for you and longer lasting.
Here are some tips to help parents deal with holiday
stress and build resilience:
Set expectations. Talk to your kids about expectations
for gifts and holiday activities. Be open with them if
money is an issue. Depending on a child’s age, parents
can use this as an opportunity to teach their kids about
the value of money and responsible spending. And be
realistic. Take small concrete steps to deal with holiday
tasks instead of overwhelming yourself with goals that
are too far reaching for a busy time.
Keep things in perspective. Try to consider stressful
situations in a broader context and keep a long-term
perspective. Avoid blowing events out of proportion.
And teach your kids how to keep things in perspective,
including what type of and the number of gifts they
Make connections. Good relationships with family and
friends are important. So, view the holidays as a time
to reconnect with people. Additionally, accepting help
and support from those who care about you can help
alleviate stress. Even volunteering at a local charity
with your kids is a good way to connect with others,
assist someone in need and teach your kids about the
value of helping others.
Take care of yourself. Pay attention to your own
needs and feelings during the holiday season. Engage
in activities that you and your family enjoy and find
relaxing. Taking care of yourself helps keep your mind
and body healthy and primed to deal with stressful
situations. Consider cutting back television viewing for
kids and instead, get the family out together. It promotes
activity and takes kids away from sedentary time and
possible influence from advertisements.
Documents from APA Help Center may be reprinted in their entirety
with credit given to the American Psychological Association. Any
exceptions to this, including requests to excerpt or paraphrase
documents from APA Help Center, must be presented in writing to Help
Center and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Permission for
exceptions will be given on a one-time-only basis and must be sought
for each additional use of the document.
La temporada de celebraciones puede ser un tiempo
de mucha presión para los padres, especialmente
si tienen que pensar en como obtener el dinero para
comprar regalos. De hecho, una encuesta reciente de
la Asociación Americana de Psicología encontró que
el 61% de las personas en los Estados Unidos dicen
que la falta de dinero es la causa principal del estrés
durante la temporada de celebraciones, seguido de las
presiones para conseguir los regalos, la falta de tiempo
y las deudas de tarjetas de crédito. Más aún, uno de
cada cinco estadounidenses están preocupados de que
el estrés pueda afectar su salud física y el 36% dice que
comen o ingieren alcohol para enfrentar el estrés de la
temporada de celebraciones. Un 45% dice que recurren
al ejercicio para aliviar el estrés, mientras que el 44%
lo hace a través de actividades religiosas y espirituales.
Las personas tienden a reducir el estrés de la manera
como lo han aprendido a través del tiempo, pues buscan
hacer lo que ya conocen. Pueden encontrar comodidad
en comer o ingerir alcohol porque les es familiar, aunque
no sea bueno para su salud. Sin embargo, hay otras
conductas que usted puede aprender para aliviar el
estrés, con mejores y más duraderos resultados.
Aquí encontrará algunas recomendaciones para ayudar
a los padres a sobrellevar el estrés producto de la
temporada de celebraciones, y a desarrollar resiliencia:
Establezca expectativas. Hable con sus hijos sobre
las expectativas de regalos y actividades para las
celebraciones. Si el dinero es una preocupación sea
abierto con ellos. De acuerdo con la edad del niño,
los padres pueden utilizar esta oportunidad para
enseñarles sobre el valor del dinero y como gastarlo
responsablemente. Sea realista. Dé pasos pequeños para
trabajar en las tareas de las celebraciones en lugar de
sobrecargarse con metas difíciles de alcanzar en una
temporada tan ocupada.
Mantenga las cosas en perspectiva. Trate de ver
las situaciones estresantes en un contexto mayor y
mantenga la perspectiva de largo plazo. Evite sacar
los eventos de proporción. Enseñe a sus hijos como
mantener las situaciones en perspectiva, inclusive sobre
el tipo y número de regalos que recibirán.
Haga contactos. Las buenas relaciones con la familia
y las amistades son importantes. Vea las celebraciones
como un tiempo para conectarse con las personas.
Aceptar la ayuda y el apoyo de aquellas personas
que se preocupan por usted puede aliviar su estrés.
Ser voluntario junto a sus hijos en una organización
caritativa es una buena manera de conectarse con otras
personas. Ayude a alguien en necesidad y enseñe a sus
hijos a valorar y ayudar a otras personas.
Cuide de sí mismo. Preste atención a sus necesidades
y sentimientos durante las celebraciones. Participe
en actividades que usted y su familia disfrutan y les
relajan. Cuidar de si mismo mantiene su mente y su
cuerpo saludable, y listo para sobrellevar situaciones
estresantes. Considere reducir el tiempo en que sus
niños ven televisión y en su lugar invítelos a salir juntos
en familia. Esto promueve otras actividades, y puede
alejar a los niños del sedentarismo y la posible influencia
de la publicidad.
Cualquier documento de Centro de Apoyo puede ser reproducido
íntegramente siempre y cuando se acredite que proviene de la
Asociación Americana de Psicología. Cualquier excepción a esto,
incluyendo frases o citas de Centro de Apoyo o APA Help Center, deberá
ser presentada por escrito a Help Center y será considerada caso por
caso. Estas autorizaciones serán dadas una sola vez por cada caso y
tendrán que ser solicitadas para cada uso adicional del documento.
Community Care Licensing Update:
There has been confusion over how the Community Care
Licensing Division (CCLD) is addressing resource issues
and managing its workload. As was reported at budget
hearings, CCLD has been forced to prioritize work on all
mandates as a result of the worsening budget situation.
CCLD proactively put forth a Spring Finance Letter which
would have realigned the licensing mandates to the
available resources; however, the Legislature rejected
that proposal. CCLD has been prioritizing its workload
in order to cover the most critical mandates. However,
the situation continued to worsen with the “no budget”
situation and CCLD’s ability to perform the most critical
health and safety activities has further deteriorated. As
a result, CCLD has reassessed its workload priorities in
order to ensure the most significant health and safety
activities are addressed. This does not mean that any
mandated functions are completely suspended, but it
does mean there will be further delays until licensing
mandates are aligned with resources. The Regional
Office will work through the priorities given available
resources to ensure critical health and safety activities
are completed on time.
The following lays out the order of workload priorities:
1. Enforcement Actions
2. Enforcement Follow-up
3. Complaint Inspections
4. Annual Required Inspections
5. 5 Year Inspections
6. Random Inspections
7. Applications
8. Orientations
9. Appeals
Enforcement Actions (i.e. Temporary Suspension Orders,
License Revocation, and Exclusion Orders) is a priority
and will be processed whenever needed.
Enforcement Follow-up is a priority to ensure the safety
of clients in care and will be completed.
Complaint Inspections within 10 days of receipt of the
complaint is a priority to ensure the safety of clients in
care and will completed.
Community Care Licensing Division Priorities
Annual Required Inspections of facilities
that have had a history of compliance issues will be
prioritized with the above priorities and completed as
resources permit.
5-Year Inspections of facilities will be prioritized
with the above priorities and completed as resources
Random Inspections of facilities will be
prioritized with the above priorities and completed as
resources permit.
Licensees should continue to work with their
local licensing office as questions arise.
Original Signed by Jeffrey Hiratsuka
Deputy Director
Community Care Licensing Division
e level.
Welcome to our newest staff members:
Cara Colombo, Child Development Resources
Specialist and Rosie Hernandez, Family Case
Manager. Glad you’re here at RCCS!
P.O. Box 16
Guerneville, CA 95446
n esp
os e
Holiday gift program for West County Children in Need
It’s easy for you to make a child’s wish for a gift
come true this holiday season!
Support the Gingerbread Tree Children’s Holiday
Wish Program
When: Now until December 15th
Rebuking Gov. Schwarzenegger’s veto, Alameda County
judge approves extension of child care through 2010
Read about it on page 2 of this newsletter!
River to Coast Children’s Services
River to Coast Children’s Services
P.O.Box 16/16300 1 St.
Guerneville, Ca 95446
Fax(707) 869-2616
email: [email protected]
P.O.Box 16/16300 1st St.
Guerneville, Ca 95446
Fax(707) 869-2616
email: [email protected]
River to Coast Children’s Services
Sirviendo el Oeste del Condado de Sonoma
River to Coast Children’s Services
Serving west Sonoma County with:
Referencias para el Cuidado de Niños
Recursos para los Niños y sus Familias
Apoyo para los Proveedores del Cuidado de
Ayuda Monetaria para el Cuidado de Niños
Programa de suministros de Emergencia
Gimnasio para Niños en Guerneville
Programa de Asientos de Seguridad
Programa de Conserjería
Help paying for child care
Referrals for child care
Resources for children and their families
Support for child care providers
Emergency Resources Program
Kindergym and Infantgym in Guerneville
Car Safety Seat Program
Counseling Program for children and their
Gingerbread trees have been placed at WestAmerica
Bank, Guerneville branch, Frank Howard Allen
Realtors offices in Guerneville, St Elizabeth’s Catholic
Church in Guerneville,St Colman’s Catholic Church in
Cazadero and St Catherine’s Catholic Church in Monte
Rio, with gingerbread ornaments listing the individual
wishes of the children. To fulfill a child’s wish, please
select a gingerbread ornament describing the wish. Fulfill the wish and bring the wrapped gift, with the
child’s gingerbread person attached, to any of the
above listed places BY DECEMBER 15th. River to Coast
Children’s Services will ensure that the gift gets to
the child.
WestAmerica Bank is located at 16264 Main Street, Guerneville. They are
open Monday through Thursday, 9am-4pm, and Friday 9am–6pm (closed
Saturday and Sunday).
Frank Howard Allen is located at 16203 1st Street, Guerneville, open daily
For more information contact River to Coast Children’s
Services at 707-869-3613 or [email protected]
Remember: The deadline for turning in your
purchased gifts is December 15th.
Printed with funds provided by the California Department of Education