Award and Recognitions - Centro de investigación del Cáncer


Award and Recognitions - Centro de investigación del Cáncer
Award and
In 2014-2015 period the work of several scientists at the Cancer
Research Center (CIC-IBMCC) has been recognized through
scientific awards, appointments and recognition as detailed
ICAL 2014 Castilla & Leon Award to Eugenio Santos.
Valladolid, March 2014.
• Young Investigator Award of the International Society for
Laboratory Hematology to Alberto Orfao for the work
«Immunophenotypic alterations of bone marrow myeloid
cell compartments in multiple myeloma patients predict
for myelodysplasia-associated cytogenetic alterations»,
ISLH 2014, The Hague (Netherlands), May 2014.
•The Cancer Research Center of Salamanca is awarded
in June 2014 with the «Civil society to the Department»
distinction by the Social Council of the University of
Salamanca. The award recognizes the results obtained
in fifteen years, as well as the relationship with society
through multiple outreach activities.
• The Foundation for Excellence and quality of oncology
(ECO) rewards in July 2014 to the Cancer Research
Center (CIC- IBMCC) with the ECO prize.
182 Scientific Report 2014-2015
“Premio Servir 2013-2014” to the Cancer Research Center
(CIC- IBMCC) by Rotary Club Salamanca 23rd June 2015.
• “Premio Protagonista del Mañana 2013-2014” to Juan
Carlos Montero González by Rotary Club Salamanca 23rd
June 2015
• Award «Alirio Pfiffer» to Alberto Orfao the scientific
work «Immune reconstitution in patients with Fanconi
anemia after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation»,
best communication about hypoplasia of the Sociedad
Brasileira de Transplante de Médula Ossea (SBTMO).
Congresso Anual de la SBMTO, Belo Horizonte (Brasil),
August 2014.
• III Prize of Biomedicine of the Fundación Valdes-Salas
(University of Oviedo-Principado de Asturias) to the
Applied Research to Alberto Orfao December 2014.
• Prize «Dr Moraza» to Noemí Puig Morón to the Best
Doctoral Thesis about cancer y therapy, edition 2014.
• Best Tutor Award, XIII Archimedes University Contest to
Xosé R. Bustelo (Spanish Ministry of Education, Spain)
• Archimedes Award in Biological and Biomedical Sciences
to Luis Francisco Lorenzo-Martín (Spanish Ministry of
Education, Spain) 2014.
• Cancer Award to Luis Francisco Lorenzo-Martín from
the Vencer al Cáncer Foundation (Spain, to L.F. LorenzoMartín) 2014.
• Prize to the communication: «Analysis of tumor intrinsic
factors contributing to the variability in the response to
chemotherapy in a HER2 breast cáncer mouse model»
Adrián Blanco Gómez*, María del Mar Sáez Freiré*,
Sonia Castillo LLuva, Lourdes Hontecillas Prieto, María
Luz Hernández Muías, Begoña García Cenador, Javier
García Criado, Jian-Hua Mao, Carmen Patino, Purificación