2011 Annual Report - Herbalife Family Foundation


2011 Annual Report - Herbalife Family Foundation
our commitment is deep
from the HFF Chairman
Michael O. Johnson
To our global HFF family:
Our mission is simple. The Herbalife Family Foundation (HFF) is committed to improving
the lives of vulnerable children. We do this by supporting charitable organizations
that serve children in impoverished communities to provide one of life’s most basic
necessities, good nutrition.
Our flagship Casa Herbalife program began with an orphanage in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
that Herbalife’s founder Mark Hughes built in 1998. Since then this program has led to
meaningful relationships with more than 70 organizations around the world. In 2011,
HFF gave more than $1.5 million in grants to worthy organizations in 44 countries. These
funds helped feed more than 16,000 children on a daily basis.
The generosity and sincere commitment of our Herbalife Independent Distributors, the
company, employees and friends are the reason for our Foundation’s growth and success.
Without the ongoing support of the Herbalife family, none of this would be possible.
It is truly amazing what we have accomplished together, and we are just getting started.
On behalf of the children, thank you,
from the HFF Executive Director
Dear HFF friends and supporters,
Our commitment is deep. Every year, we are touched by the personal connection so
many of our Herbalife family members make with the children and organizations we
serve. Through our network of Casa Herbalife program organizations we are improving
the lives of vulnerable children every single day. We are proud to say that through the
generosity of our supporters, we have become a constant, reliable source for financial
assistance and volunteer support for more than 70 charitable groups around the world.
HFF supporters have given of their time, their money and their hearts to make our
presence truly felt by the organizations we support, and the children they serve. We
are committed to maintaining positive growth so that we may sustain our programs
and continue to provide for those who need it most. Our pledge to the children we
support is to continue to envelope them in the Herbalife family as long as a need
With overwhelming gratitude,
Robyn M. Browning
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Mark Hughes 1956-2000
Founder of Herbalife and the Herbalife Family Foundation
The Herbalife Family Foundation was established in 1994 by Herbalife
founder Mark Hughes and is dedicated to improving children’s lives by
helping existing charitable organizations provide healthy nutrition to vulnerable
children. HFF also provides financial support for disaster relief efforts around
the world.
Herbalife, its Independent Distributors, employees and friends provide the
generous contributions that enable HFF to help children in impoverished
communities overcome the difficult challenges they face and reach their
greatest potential.
Casa Herbalife Korea
Casa Herbalife, HFF’s flagship program, was introduced in 2005 to support
existing charitable organizations that help children in need around the globe.
The program, named after the Brazilian orphanage Mark Hughes and HFF
built in 1998, helps to provide proper nutrition to vulnerable children through
more than 70 programs in more than 40 countries.
Casa Herbalife programs receive funding from HFF on an annual, ongoing
basis, as well as invaluable support from HFF donors and Herbalife
volunteers through numerous volunteer projects throughout the year.
HFF is committed to supporting every Casa Herbalife program organization,
with both financial and volunteer support, until their need no longer exists.
Team Herbalife Asia Pacific gets
“hands on” during volunteer projects.
Casa Herbalife
SOS Children’s Villages
600+ children served
Since 2010
SOS Children’s Villages exist
to care for children who have
been orphaned, abandoned or
experienced extreme poverty or
abuse at home. At the villages,
children from infancy up to age 13
are given shelter, necessities and a
sense of home and affection from
a team of professional caregivers.
Since 2010, HFF has helped to
provide healthier, more nutritious
meals and snacks on a daily basis
to the children cared for in the eight
SOS Children’s Villages locations
in the Philippines. In addition
to financial support, Herbalife
Philippines staff and Distributors
have arranged quarterly social visits
with the children to develop lasting
relationships and give the children a
greater sense of community.
In December 2011, approximately
100 children served by this Casa
Herbalife program received a very
special treat as the Los Angeles
Galaxy soccer team paid the
children a visit during their tour of
Asia. The Galaxy players spent
the day meeting the children,
exchanging autographs with the
kids, taking photos and, of course,
playing soccer with their new tiny
Asia Pacific & China
Casa Herbalife Program
Number of children
Singapore Children’s Society ........................... Singapore ................... Singapore ........................ 100
Kobe Jitsugyo Gakuin (KJG) ............................ Japan ........................ Kobe.................................. 50
Rumah Bakti Hulu Kelang ............................... Malaysia ..................... Selangor .......................... 108
Foundation for Children ................................... Thailand ..................... Bangkok .......................... 100
Caritas Garden Children’s Home ...................... Japan ........................ Tokyo ................................. 50
Sang Rok Won ................................................ Korea ......................... Seoul ............................... 100
Po Leung Kuk.................................................. Hong Kong ................. Hong Kong ........................ 90
The Infant’s Home Child & Family Services....... Australia ..................... Ashfield ............................ 130
Hong Hua Orphanage ..................................... Taiwan ....................... Taipei ................................. 87
SOS Children’s Villages. ................................... China ......................... Chengdu.......................... 200
Child Fund ....................................................... Korea ......................... Seoul ............................... 600
SOS Children’s Villages .................................... India ........................... Bangalore ........................ 100
SOS Children’s Villages .................................... Philippines................... Multiple locations ............. 800
Hoa Binh Center .............................................. Vietnam ..................... Hanoi ................................. 50
SOS Children’s Villages .................................... China ......................... Beijing ................................ 40
Smile Foundation ............................................. India ........................... New Delhi ..................... 1,000
Good Samaritan Home .................................... Malaysia ..................... Klang ................................. 72
Futbol superstar Leo Messi signs autographs for the children
from Sang Rok Won, location of the first Casa Herbalife
program in Korea.
Casa Herbalife
Action for Children
London, UK
60 children served
Since 2006
The children and teens who take
part in the Casa Herbalife program
at Action for Children (AFC) have
found themselves caring for
parents who have severe illnesses,
disabilities or addiction issues
and are unable to care for their
dependents. These “young carers”
are taught to budget, shop for their
families, prepare and cook nutritious
meals and find a sense of pride in
caring for their parents and, in many
cases, siblings.
This Casa Herbalife program
was met with such success at
AFC’s London location that it was
duplicated in Scotland in 2010.
Since then, HFF has proudly
supported both programs with both
annual financial grants and volunteer
service. Herbalife employees and
Herbalife Independent Distributors
regularly plan outings with the
“young carers,” giving them a day
off from their responsibilities just to
enjoy being kids.
Dom Tuskanac Zagreb, Croatia
Europe,Middle & East Africa
Casa Herbalife Program
Number of children
Aga Pé Foundation .......................................... Hungary ..................... Budapest ........................... 55
SOS Children’s Villages .................................... Greece ........................ Athens ............................... 30
Action for Children – ........................................ England ..................... London ............................ 175
Hackney Young Carers Project
Acres of Love .................................................. South Africa ............... Johannesburg .................. 160
SOS Children’s Villages .................................... Italy ............................ Rome................................. 30
SOS Children’s Villages .................................... Spain ......................... Madrid ............................... 72
Obra Do Frei Gil ............................................... Portugal ..................... Oporto ............................... 40
VanHarte Resto ............................................... Netherlands ............... Den Haag ........................ 300
Udelnaya Orphanage ....................................... Russia ........................ Moscow............................. 40
Sara Rose Children Foundation, Inc. ................ Zambia ...................... Kitwe ............................ 2,300
AIP - Urgent Needs Project Foundation ........... Turkey ........................ Istanbul .............................. 31
The Children’s Home at Falbogi ....................... Poland ....................... Falbogi ............................... 35
Fjölsmiðjan ...................................................... Iceland ....................... Reykjavík............................ 90
Garmoniya ....................................................... Ukraine ...................... Kharkov ............................. 60
Dětské Centrum Zlín ........................................ Czech Republic .......... Zlin..................................... 25
Yad B’Yad — Hand in Hand............................. Israel .......................... Tel Aviv............................... 22
Children’s Ark .................................................. Russia ........................ St. Petersburg.................... 65
Dom Tuskanac ................................................ Croatia ....................... Zagreb ............................... 70
General Direction of Social ............................... Romania .................... Bucharest ........................ 100
Assistance & Child Protection, District 5
Taloe Orphanage ............................................. Russia ........................ Krasnoyarsk ....................... 20
Bereginya ........................................................ Ukraine ...................... Kiev ................................... 60
CasaOz ........................................................... Italy ............................ Turin................................. 420
Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk e.V. ..........................Germany ..................... Berlin ..............................2,500
Pedagogisch Centrum Wagenschot.................. Belgium ..................... Nazareth Eke ..................... 40
Children’s Ark
St. Petersburg, Russia
Casa Herbalife
Ministerios de Amor
México City, México
250 children served
Since 2006
The Casa Herbalife program at
Ministerios de Amor has helped
improve the well-being of more
than 250 boys for more than five
years. Through this program, the
organization is able to purchase
healthier food, renovate kitchen
facilities and purchase necessary
equipment for food preparation, as
The children who call Ministerios de
Amor home have been abandoned,
orphaned or removed from their
homes. Children often come to the
organization extremely malnourished
but thanks to the resources
provided by the Casa Herbalife
program, the charity reports
exceptional individual improvement
and better overall health for all of the
children at Ministerios de Amor.
The children also receive regular
holiday visits, complete with
gifts and fun activities with
Herbalife volunteers. These visits
have become a regular part
of the children’s lives and the
children, Herbalife employees
and Distributors all report looking
forward to the holidays with great
Casa Herbalife Program
Number of children
Albergue Infantil Los Pinos............................... México ........................ Guadalajara ..................... 100
Ministerios de Amor, A.C. ................................ México ........................ México City ...................... 250
Centro Nutricional de Celaya, A.C. .................. México ........................ Celaya, Guanajuato ............ 40
Fundación Castro Limon, A.C. ........................ México ........................ Tijuana, Baja California ......... 40
La Alegría de los Niños, I.A.P. ......................... México ........................ Querétaro ........................ 100
Hogar Providencia Don Vasco, I.A.P. ............... México ........................ Michoacán ......................... 40
Fundación Don Juan Navarrete y Guerrero, I.A.P. ... México ........................ Sonora ............................... 80
Fundación Castro Limon, A.C.,
Tijuana, Baja California
Hogar Providencia Don Vasco, I.A.P., Michoacán
Casa Herbalife
A Place Called Home
Los Angeles, California
United States
4000 members served
Since 2005
A Place Called Home (APCH) is
a community center located in
south central Los Angeles, an area
notorious for gang violence and
extreme poverty. As a beacon of
hope for hundreds of children and
their families, APCH provides a safe
haven where services include free
educational, counseling, arts, cultural
enrichment and recreation programs,
free meals and assistance for families
in need. Since this Casa Herbalife
program’s launch in 2005, the
Herbalife family has fully embraced
the center and the community they
serve. The financial support provided
by HFF Casa Herbalife grants at
the center have provided for a state
of the art “Casa Herbalife” kitchen
that both serves as a culinary
learning center and resource for the
preparation of thousands of healthy
meals and snacks as well as an
organic community garden and a
part-time nutritionist.
What makes this program so
special is the constant commitment
from Herbalife Distributors and
employees. Team Herbalife
members volunteered more than
1,000 hours of time to APCH in
2011, beautified the community
center grounds during an annual
day of service, made holiday wishes
come true for more than 30 families
in need, and donated time and time
again to provide school supplies,
non-perishable food, clothes and
toys to hundreds of families who
would otherwise go without.
North America
Casa Herbalife Program
Number of children
A Place Called Home ....................................... USA ............................ Los Angeles, CA ........... 1,400
Atlanta Children’s Shelter ................................. USA ............................ Atlanta, GA ...................... 100
Wayne Barton Study Center ............................ USA ............................ Boca Raton, FL ................ 210
Walker’s Place of Safety................................... Jamaica ...................... Kingston............................. 50
Erie Neighborhood House ............................... USA ........................... Chicago, IL ...................... 210
City House....................................................... USA ............................ Dallas, TX......................... 230
Koinonia Teen Homes ...................................... USA ............................ Loomis, CA ........................ 40
Casa de Esperanza de los Ninos ..................... USA ............................ Houston, TX ..................... 100
Bill Ryland, executive director
of Koinonia Teen Homes,
celebrates with one of the
teens in the center’s care at the
launch of the Casa Herbalife
program in Loomis, CA.
Members of A Place Called Home eagerly await
the annual Thanksgiving dinner where more than
50 Herbalife volunteers serve meals, play games
and help families feel a sense of community.
Herbalife volunteers enjoy a day of active
play at the Atlanta Children’s Shelter.
Casa Herbalife
Fundación Sinsoluka
Quito, Ecuador
300 children served
Since 2010
Named after a highly addictive
glue called soluka that is abused
by homeless children in Quito,
this organization has been pulling
children from the streets to provide
shelter, food and hope for a
better future. HFF’s commitment
to this organization began with a
Casa Herbalife grant that would
subsidize the entire annual food
budget, allowing the organization
to feed even more homeless
children and, hopefully, move
them off the streets. In February of
2010, Herbalife Distributors visited
Fundación Sinsoluka and were
so overwhelmed by the amount
of good being done in such small
quarters that they committed
themselves to raising enough
money to purchase the organization
a new home.
After mere days, more than
US$150,000 had been raised and
Herbalife Distributor leaders handed
over symbolic keys to the charity’s
new home in an extremely emotional
presentation during the South
American Herbalife Extravaganza,
to the approval of 17,000 cheering
Just one year later, the organization
is in a new, larger home and serving
twice as many children, offering
work training programs to teens and
young adults and saving the lives of
more children than ever before.
South & Central America
Casa Herbalife Program
Number of children
Casa do Menor São Miguel Arcanjo................. Brazil........................... Rio de Janeiro .................... 30
Associação Casa Da Criança de Santos .......... Brazil........................... Santos ............................... 30
Corporación NAIM ........................................... Chile ........................... Santiago ............................ 55
Mis Alumnos Más Amigos (MAMA) .................. Argentina .................... Buenos Aires ................... 140
Asociación Probienstar Infantil (APROBI).......... Colombia .................... Bogotá............................. 250
Casa do Menor São Miguel Arcanjo................. Brazil........................... Fortaleza ............................ 20
Fundación Arco Iris, Casa Betania ................... Bolivia ......................... La Paz ............................. 230
Asociación La Buena Esperanza...................... Perù ............................ Lima ................................ 160
La Casita de Maria Children’s Foundation ........ Colombia .................... Medellin ............................. 30
Fundación Sinsoluka ....................................... Ecuador ...................... Quito................................ 300
Associação Beneficiente Betsaida ................... Brazil........................... Sao Paulo .......................... 20
Fundación Alirio Henao Hogar San Jose .......... Bolivia ......................... Santa Cruz ......................... 80
Fundación Cooperadora para la Nutricion Infantil ... Paraguay .................... Asuncion.......................... 140
Asociación La Buena Esperanza – Lima, Peru
Disaster Relief 2011
In 2011, HFF spearheaded campaigns to
collect funds for families in need in Asia, North
America, South America and eastern Europe.
More than US $200,000 in donations resulted
from these campaigns and HFF was proud to
distribute 100% of these donations to worthy
organizations working at the site of the major
natural disasters, helping to provide shelter,
food, clean drinking water and other forms of
life-saving assistance to children, and their
With hundreds of thousands displaced,
injured and forever affected by the earthquake
and subsequent tsunamis in Japan, HFF
supporters quickly organized to help. More
than US$120,000 was collected and
distributed; funds are being used to help house
children and families while their homes and
villages are being rebuilt.
HFF is proud to work alongside the
International Red Cross and Save the Children
and will continue to support our friends around
the world in their greatest time of need.
Forever affected by the earthquake and subsequent
tsunamis in Japan, more than US$120,000 was
collected and distributed; funds are being used to
help house children and families while their homes
and villages are being rebuilt.
Mario and Mary Barreiro
previous honorees
2010 Leslie Stanford (USA)
2009 Guillermo Luna and Carola Lichtman (Bolivia)
2008 Thomas Hayes (USA)
2007 Garry and Jennifer de Brabander (Australia)
HFF Humanitarian Award 2011
For their selfless and inspiring charity efforts,
Mario and Mary Barreiro were presented the
Herbalife Family Foundation’s Humanitarian
Award at Herbalife Honors 2011. Their humble
goodwill has had a positive impact on lives
all over the world, setting an example that all
should aspire to.
The Barreiros are passionate supporters of
numerous causes, such as charities that help
children and adults with HIV and AIDS,
afterschool programs for at-risk youth and
nutrition programs for children in need. They
are major longtime advocates of the Herbalife
Family Foundation and its Casa Herbalife
program that aids children all over the world.
In the last two years, the Barreiros have
spearheaded the expansion of fundraising for
charitable organizations in Mexico.
As the recipients of the 2011 HFF Humanitarian
award, HFF made a $10,000 donation in
honor of Mario and Mary Barreiro to PAIPID,
A.C. in Mexico. As long time supporters of
the organization, the Barreiros selected this
organization as the recipient of their donation
prize for the incredible work they do on behalf
of those living with HIV and AIDS.
“It is a blessing from God having known Herbalife and we consider this is our
mission to continue sharing the message of working toward a better world.”
— Mario and Mary Barreiro,
2011 Humanitarian Award Recipients
The Herbalife Family Foundation awards this
honor to an Herbalife Independent Distributor
who exemplifies the foundation’s mission
and, through their outstanding involvement
and dedication, has made a significant
contribution to changing lives. Nominations
are received from around the world and
are evaluated based on the nominee’s
philanthropic activity, community leadership,
volunteerism and advocacy.
financial report 2011
total net assets
Interest and Other Income
Investment Loss, Net
Releases Of Restrictions
Unrestricted Net Assets
Support and Revenue
Total Contributions
Total Support and Revenue
Program Services
Supporting Services
Management and General
Increase (Decrease) In Unrestricted Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
Disaster Relief
Releases Of Restrictions
Increase In Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
Net Change In Net Assets
All numbers are taken from the 2011 audited financial statements.
For more information, please contact the HFF office.
Note: All figures
are in U.S. Dollars.
Grant making:2011
financial report 2011 (cont.)
$ 379,682
2011 total
Funds raised in 2011 will fund
Casa Herbalife programs in 2012.
Top HFF donors for 2011
The Herbalife Family Foundation would like to thank the following
leadership donors for their exceptional generosity in 2011.
Mary & Mario Barreiro
Tae Ho Kim & Hyun Mo Koo
Chondelle Bell
Queenie Leung
Margarita Cervantes Arcos
Juan Miguel Mendoza
Shih-Hao Chan
John & Fernanda Peterson
Pedro B. Climaco
Elizabeth Sanchez Troncosa
Raquel Cortes & Abraham Benitez
Yolanda Sebera Soberanes Orduña
Michiko Dejaeghere
Leslie Stanford & Don Bailey
Armando Fernandez Luarca
Enrique Varela & Graciela Mier
Dr. Louis Ignarro
Katiuzka Vera
Mari & Michael Johnson
Des Walsh
2011 donors
Through the support of many, the Herbalife Family Foundation is improving the lives
v of children all
over the world. We would like to recognize the following donors for their inspired support
of HFF
through donations of $100 or more in 2011.
Christian Abegg
Ernie & Diane Abeita
Vicente Hipolito Abrin Oliver
Luigi Marcello Abruzzo
Lucy Acevedo
Rosa Lelio Acevedo Lopez
Kristian Achilles
Elisar Achilov
Norma Acosta
Margarito Acosta Bella
Rainer Adamek
Brett Adams
Terry Adams
Mark Anthony Addy
Olubunmi Adinlewa
Boris Adrian
Lindsay Adusei
Marcellus Aerts
Annaliza Agoncillo
Soraida M. Aguayo
Judith D. Aguiar Querero
Hrafn Adalsteinn Agustsson
Erika Akiyama
Hattie Alexander
Kika Alexandrou
Maria Sara Alfaro Cazares
Anders Alhbin
Nicole l. Alio
Yoven Allagapen
Sheila Allaire
Adriano Allegretti
Jan Allen
Ulla Alm
Stephen R. Alosio
Roberto Carlos Alpuing Jimenez
Elany Alvarado
Maria E. Alvarez
Pablo E. Alvarez
Raul Alvarez
Helenice Alves
Srinivas Amaram
Mehran Amini
Danielle D. Amours Hofmann
Pardhiveswar Anam
Lizette Anaya
Maria Elena Anaya Chavarria
Beatrix Andersen
Renee Anderson
Steven Anderson
Pablo Andrade
Cristina Andrade Vazquez
Mika Andreas
Dante Andry
Doran & Emiko Andry
Naomi Andry
Hugo A. Angel
Peter Anno
Marco Anzani
Lorelli Apolinar
Hal Apple
Graziella Apruzzese
Gabriella Aquino
Ana M. Arana
Graciela Araujo Campos
Vanessa Arauza
Raul Arceo
Ruben Arcila
Cristina Arenas Rodriguez
Esther Arenas Rodriguez
Ashley Arevalo
Juan Antonio Arias Cabrera
Jose Juan Marcelino Arias Rangel
Dorothy Arivella
Jose M. Armenta
Maria Guadalupe Arrellano Landeros
Maria Arzola
Luis E. Ascanio Inciarte
Jossie Aspauza
Antonia Asta
Carole Astoll
Donald W. Atchley
Paul Aular
Anna Ault
Astolfi Aurelio
Jeana D. Austin
Enriqueta I. Avalos
Vincente Avalos
Ricardo Avelar
Cesar Aviles Saavedra
Maria L. Ayala
Ana A. Ayala Montero
Alfredo Ayala Quevedo
Juan Francisco Ayala Sierra
Gerardo Ayub
Irina Azarova
Anicela Ba
Silva Babajanian
Johanna Badget
Alejandra Badillo
Araceli Badillo
Edgar Balbas
Geovanni Balderas
Mauro Baldi
Merci Balinado
Armando Ballarin
Marco Antonio Ballesteros Macias
Salvador Ballesteros Nava
Tiziana Bandini
Jennifer Bangit
Anicela Bañuelos Sanchez
Roberto Baptista Piteri
Arie & Ilana Baratz
Jose J. Barba
Carolina Barba Barba
Albo Barbi
Jim Barbieri
Ezequiel Barillas
Leroy T. Barnes, Jr.
Diana Barney
Nicoletta Barogi
Omar David Barreiro Murillo
Mary & Mario Antonio Barreiro Vera
Isabel Barreto
Veronica Patricia Barreto Lobato
Martine S. Bartholomay
Tom Bartholomeeussen
Martin Bartlett
James Bastable
Sergey Batalov
Carlota Moraes Batista
Carlota M. Batista
Venkat Praveen Bayyapu
Melissa Beardley
Salvador Becerra
Isabelle Beche
Zelda Beckford
Wil Jan Bekkers
Wendy Belcher
Oren Belilti
Chondelle Bell
Angelica Edith Beltran Navarrete
Annette Bender
Cecilia Benitez Cortes
Hannah Berger
Jim Berklas
Richard Bermingham
Domingo Bermudez Gonzalez
Hector Bernal
Angel Bernales Arias
Carlos Bernardino
Donna Bertch
David W. Bevan
Stefano Bianchi
Ana Bienvenue
Jasmine Bigornia
Pamela Biller
Alicia Billups
Andrea Blackwood Harriett
Carol Blanchard
Rodolfo Blanco Castañeda
Ryan Blaney
Els Bliek
Dawn Bloomquist
Angelica Bocanegra
Bob Bogard
Miquel Boleda Garrido
Patrizia Bolzoni
Rene Bonilla
Takako Bonoshita
Mani Boroze
Mani-Kilim Boroze
Milton A. Borrero
Bea & Ronald Bos
Justin Boston
Gary Boswell
Rosemary Bottai
2011 donors (cont.)
William R. Bowden
Mariana Braga
Midalia Rocio Brambila
Tammi Brander
Marco Brandolini
Lucia Breccia
Kelly Brennan
Gaby Brensing
Diahanna Brown
Gennie N. Brown
Valerie Brown
Jermaire Brown
Robyn M. Browning
Dave Brubaker
Judith Brunner
Dario Brusadelli
Brad J. Buck
June Burgess
Gerda Burggraaff
Mark Burkush
Breanna Burnett
Clare Burton
Dava Buyum
Tatiana S. Byrne
Odilon Caballero Morales
Magdaleno Caballero Ortiz
Shari Angelina Cabrera
Julian Cacchioli
Jean Marie Cacciatore
Helberth Caceres
Marisol Cadena
Pablo Caicedo
Manuel Gil Caldeira
William Calder
Maria C. Calderon
Gustavo Calderon
Nancy Calderon
Sonia Calderon Rojas
Miriam Calibuso
Leo Callaert
Juan Calmona
Milton Camas
Maria Campa
Dawn Monique Campbell
Laurie Campbell
Fernando I. Campos
Mirna L. Campos
Ma. De Jesus Campuzano Vences
Delfida Canales
Peggy Cappadonna-Passer
Paolo Cara
Roman Cardenas Ponce
Pedro and Juliane Cardoso
Paulo Motta Carneiro
Ana Cristina Carneiro
Martha Carreon Naranjo
Henry Carrillo
Maria Del Carmen Carrillo Cruz
Luisa Cartagenova
Lucia Maria Casanou
Roberto Daniel Casso Lanza
Jose Guillermo Castañeda Marmolejo
Maria Guadalupe Castañeda Martinez
Elisabeth Castellanos
Kelly J. Castillo
Alicia Castillo
Diana M. Castillo
Diana Elizabeth Castillo Coria
Vilma Yolanda Castillo Palomares
Erika Castro
Maurice Castro Melo
Carlos Maurice Castro Melo
J. Jesus Castro Villalobos
Patrizia Catalano
Nestor Ceballos
Rafael Ceballos Sanchez
Alessandro Cellentani
Elizabeth Cerda
Viviana Cerda
Rubi Elizabeth Cerda Estrada
Martha Elena Cerda Galindo
Elisa Ceriotti
Enrico Cerrato
Martha E. Cervantes
Margarita Cervantes Arcos
Cedric Cerveau
Laura Chacon-Garbato
Joyce Jochi Cham
Eloise Chambers
Shih-Hao Chan
Anne Chan
Derek Chan
Shih-Hao Chan
Sonn Yik Chan
Guang-Han Chang
Kuo-Chiang Chang
Shih-Feng Chang
Alice Chang
Guang-Han Chang
Shih-Feng Chang
Julia Chantrey
Jorge Miguel Chapedi
Brett R. Chapman
Teresa Catalina Chavero Espinosa
Carmen E. Chavez
Maria D. Chavez
Maria G. Chavez
Gustavo Cesar Chavez Partida
Jenny Chen
Kai Yuan Cheng
Than Cheng Fon
Choong Cheon Wai
Janice Chew
Shilow-Lin Chiang
Tay Chin Keong
Karina Chocos
Seongmin Choi
Chin Seong Chong
Pow Kim Choong
Beate Chory
Laddawan Chotikul
Wei Sen Chow
Jacqueline Chow
Tse Kai Chow
Wei Sen Chow
Hsuanyu Chu
Gan Chu Sim
Chen Chun Lung
Young Hee Chung
Dong Keun Chung & Young Hyang Park
Carolina Cipriano Gonzalez
Marisol Cisneros
Lorena Edith Cisneros Barba
Marisol Cisneros Barba
Dupont Caire
Mark P. Clark
Jo Clayton-Reyna
Jennifer Clennon
Pedro B. Climaco
C. Dyan Cloyd
Sandy Cockrum
Jorge Angel Cofre
Amertat & Julia Cohn
Michael Cole
Juan Colin Moreno
Antonio J. Colmenares
Sandy Combs
Stephen Conchie
Jennifer Coney
Luz Elena Contreras
Ariadna Contreras Martinez
Felix Coraza Rojas
Maria Vicenta Coraza Rojas
Yvonne Coronado
Tim & Hiromi Corrigan
Jose Cortes
Raquel Cortes & Abraham Benitez
Guillermo Adolfo Cortes Florez
Leyda Cortes Gomez
Misael Cortes Jaimes
Elaida Cortes Jaimes
Misael Cortes Jaimes
Raquel Cortes Jaimes
Sergiu Costache
Michael Craigie
Montserrat Crawford
Michele Crocker
Gloria Crowley
Angelica Cruz
Lasaunta Cruz
Melvin A. Cruz
Dora Elizabeth Cruz Garcia
Maria Angelica Cruz Garcia
Maria Guadalupe Cruz Saldivar
Maria De Lourdes Cruz
Eduardo Cuellar & Sylvia Anzola
Patricio Cuesta
Maria De Jesus B. Cuevas
Jean Culver
Servio Cunha
Magdolna Cure
Raluca Curelaru
Carol Curtin
Mike Curtis
Sheri Curtis
Leopold Cverle
Geri Cvitanovich
Donatella D’adamo
Peter Dahl
Shawn & Nicole Dahl
Thomas J. Darcy
Cristian Dates
Julie Davidshofer
Maria Davila
Kimara Davis
Francis De Combejean
Idalia De Gante Perez
Marlenny De La Cruz
Maria Guadalupe De La Fuente Lopez
Carlos De La Luz Beltran
H. Dan De La Torre
Angel De La Trinidad Rubio
Rosalva De Regil
Maria E. De Salazar
Anna De Santis
Vitor De Sousa Pereira
Moreno De Zotti
Garry & Jennifer de Brabender
Eliana Dedola
Michiko Dejaeghere
Diane Dela Torre
Julie Delaney
Sandro Delbufalo
Cesar Delgado
Daniel Delphia
Alberto Demo
David DeSaegher
John DeSimone
Giovanni Di Bari
Leonardo Di Paola
Ousmane Diallo
Jorge Diaz
Laura Diaz
Rafael Diaz
Arturo Ellery Diaz Ocampo
Cynthia Dickerson
Janny Van Dijk
Rod & Adriana Disanto
Dayna M. D’Itria
Juventino Domingues Fernandes
Crescencio Dominguez Niebla
Ricardo Benjamin Dominguez Ocañas
Rosemarie Donaldson-Ivery
Jose Jaime Dorantes Resendiz
Maria Irene Dosamantes
Laurie Doucette
Dennis Dowdell
Silke Dr Boeger
Soledad Drago
Maja Dreier
Dan You Du & Yan Ma
Charles Duarte
Evelyn Duenas
Saul Duenez
Micheline Chambrelin Dufays
Ray Duncan
Jeff Dunn
Carolynne Dyner
Mark Eaton
Danielle Edwards
Elis Mar Einarsson
Eric Elam
Narelle Eldridge
Jaime Elkin
Michelle M. Elliott
Marcel Martins Emidio
Leticia Enriquez
Roberto Enriquez Jarquin
Martin & Yvonne Ernst
Alessio Errico
David Escamilla
Lilia Leticia Escamilla Vela
Monica Escobedo
Carlos Espinoza
Cristina I. Espinoza
Dalia Esquivel
Emilio Estepa
Judy Estes
Freddy A. Estrada
Gwendolyn Estrada
Manuel Estrada
Pedro Jesus Estrada Rojas
Manuel Estrada Soto
Mark Evans
Alejandro Falcon
James S. Falconer
Silvia Ana Falfan Bolivar
Miki Fang
Yong Jie Fang
Martyn Farmer
Susan Farrington
Dee Fekjar
Mario Carlos M. Fernandes
Isabel Margarida Fernandes
Alex A. Fernandez
Miguel Fernandez
Mariela Fernandez Casanou
Armando Fernandez Luarca
Julises Fernandez Maldonado Noriega
Natalia Ferreira
Nicholas Fevola
George Fischer
Hartmut Fischer
Ibelis Fleming
Yafit Flimelech
Kim Floor
Sebastian Flores
Araceli Flores Jimenez
Julio Flores Montalvo
Maria De Jesus Flores Portillo
Flora Flores Vergara
Gigliola Florez
Teresa Syau Pann Fong
Cherie Foong
Andrew Foot
Noriko Fujitani
Shigehiro Fukuhara
Arakaki Fumio
Mary Fusco
Marco Gabardi
Denise Gaetano
Susan Gail
Aaron Gaines
Barbara Gajate
Eva Gajate
Patricia Galaviz
Jose Galaviz
Patricia Galaviz
Nancy Gallardo Fuentes
Martha S. Gallegos
Maria Yolanda Gallegos Rodriguez
El Gallegos-Sanchez
Olga Patricia Forero
Ellie Forkers
Myriam Foronda
Roberto Najera Fortuna
Carl Foster
Joe & Pat Fraguglia
Gabby Franco
Jorge L. Franco
Vasilios Frankos
Connie Frausto
Marco Fronzaroli
Simone Monteiro Frota
Nicole Fuchs
Verena Fuchser
Carina Fuentes
Carina Veronica Fuentes Torres
Fabio Fugihara
Tokuko Fujita
Daniele Galles
Fe Gallinal
Teresa Galvan
Richiebert Gambon
Claudia Gamero
Gloria Gandara
Maria Gaona
Constantino Garcia
Cecy Garcia
Gloria Garcia
Jenny Garcia
Lety Garcia
Martin Garcia
Antonia Garcia Aceves
Jose Manuel Garcia Ayala
Jorge Garcia Herrera
Alicia Garcia Martinez
Leticia Garcia Rodriguez
2011 donors (cont.)
Andres Garcia Sanchez
Jazmin Garcia Vazquez
Milena Gariboldi
Azalia Garrido
David Garris
Scott Garvey
Sandra Garza
Carla Andrea Genri
Ilian Gentchev
Casey T. Gibbs
Jack & Kara Gibson
Bruce Gilling
Steven Gillott
Joan Marie Giodano
Casula Giovanni
Claudio Giuseppe Giraudo
Pierluigi Giuliante
Rick Glass
Zinni Gloria
Gina Glover
Carlos Godinez Herrera
Ana Gomez
Angie A. Gomez
Delfino Gomez
Mike Gomez
Pedro Gomez
Rito Gomez
Baruc Gonzaga Santana
Marco Gonzales
Dr. Luigi Gratton
Stephan Gratziani
Susan Y. Green
Sue Green
Paul & Louise Greenberg
Amy Greene
Patricia Grella
Peter A. Grella
Alison Griffiths-Brown
Solorio Griselda
Lorie Grose
Kevin & Laurie Gross
Maria Gudino
Donaciano Guerra
Wendy Guerra
Jorge Luis Guerra Fernandez
Eduardo Guillen Lobo
Charlotte J. Gunter
Juan Onesimo Gonzales Estela
Arpit Gupta
Dalia Gonzalez
Lucero Gutierrez
Jose Gerardo Gonzalez
Melina Gutierrez
Luisa Margarita Gonzalez
Carmen Gutierrez Quintana
Maria Gonzalez
Isabel Gutierrez Quintana
Raul Gonzalez
Vincente Gutierrez Silva
Arnulfo Gonzalez
Maria Lourdes Gutierrez Echeveria
Carlos Gonzalez
Marta Guzman
Dulce Y. Gonzalez
Nicolas Guzman Cifuentes
Jose Antonio Gonzalez
Marie Gwery
Jose Gerardo Gonzalez
Shirley Hadfield
Juana Gonzalez
Jo Erland Haga
Luisa Margarita Gonzalez
Arshalis Hagopian
Maria Gonzalez
Christopher Hale
Osiris Gonzalez
Kate Halkett
Raul Gonzalez
Shunna Hall
Leticia Gonzalez Cortes
Ulla Hamberger
Maria Josefina Silvia Gonzalez Fonseca
Andrea Hamilton
Eduardo Gonzalez Ortiz
Vernice L. Hamlet
Joost Goovaerts
Michael Andy Hansen
Andria A. M. Gordon
Jude Hanton
Rushell Gordon
Sarah Harbert
Dan Gottlieb
Ivonne Harcano
Richard Goudis
Lance Harding
Marsha Goulet
Carole L. Hardy
Ulises Gracida Figueroa
Thomas Harms
Luz Sylvia Grajeda Perez
Randy O. Harper
David Gram
Nur Nabihah Hashim
Anthony Granger
Heidi Haugland
Samuel D. Hayes
Cheng-Chen He
Stacy Heard
Dr. David Heber
Hannes Heidegger
Veronica Hein Schenstrom y
Andre La Faye
Amy Heinzen
Dekhar Helene
Tara Helman
Barb Henderson & Joe Macrum
Dr. Steve Henig
Joan Huls Hennigar
Mario Hector Henrik
Vicky E. Henriquez
Anna Hernandez
Brenilda Hernandez
Clotilde Hernanadez
Julissa Hernandez
Karla J. Hernandez
Liset Hernandez
Lucia Hernandez
Richard Hernandez
Scarlett Hernandez
Tamara Hernandez
Francisco Hernandez Bazante
Marisela Hernandez Castro
Javier Hernandez Hernandez
Norma Guadalupe Hernandez
Emma Hernandez
Rolando Hernandez Paredes
Fernando Javier Hernandez Rodriguez
Manuela Magdalena Hernandez Rojas
Laura Elena Hernandez Rojo
Luz Natalia Hernandez Vazquez
Fernando Javier Hernandez Rodriguez
Martha Herrera
Yolanda Herrera
Yvonne Hicks
Kuniko Hida
Sally Hidalgo
Edi Hienrich
Sarah Higgins
Angela Hillman
Trong Hai Hoang
Png Hock Theng
Willy Hoeydal
Nicolle Hofman
Eirene E. Hofstetter
Jeremy Hogan
Petra Hollerith
Mary Holloway
Gerald T. Holly
Karen M. Holmes
He Hong Blng
Frederick Hopson
Keiko Hori
Kellie Hosaka
Vange Hoyos
Chih-Yu Hsin
Yao-Li Hsu
Kuang Yi Huang
Sandra Huerta Martinez
Young Ran Huh
Alastair Hunte
Roger Hurtado Angel
Leticia Hyder
Su-Chu I
Angel F. Ibara
Maria Del Rosario Iervasi
Dr. Louis Ignarro
Mayumi Ikeda
Takayuki Ikeda
Laura Ikonen
Keisuke Imai
Thierry Imbert
Heidi Inaebnit
Skarphedinn Ingason
Prashant Ingle
Luz Maria Iniguez
Patricia Iniguez
Brianna Isaacs
Masumi Ishihama
Olga Iskoz
Akihiro Iwabu
Angela Ellen Jackson
Deborah Jackson
Mike Jackson
Sabrina Jacques
Rosa Jaime
Elia Jaimes Jaimes
Humberto Jaimes Jaimes
Nordicka James
Roman Janiga
Elizabeth P. Jaramillo
Paquita Mayorga Jarrin
Valentin Jauregui
Gerhard Jehn
Andreas Jennerich
Johnny Jeong
Lena Jernberg
Kristal Jetkins
Juan Carlos Jimenez
Edgard Ivan Jimenez
Marcelo Jimenez
Ricardo Jimenez
Veronica Rubi Jimenez Arroyo
Marcelo H. Jimenez
Jaime Alejandro Jimenez Romo
Roseiro Joao
Janifer Joel
Antillon Johanna
Robert W. Johnson
Deborah Johnson
Doria Johnson
Janet June Johnson
Kelly Johnson
Lynn Johnson
Mari & Michael Johnson
Seth Johnson
Teresa Johnson
Ranveig Jon
Barbara L. Jones
Gigi Jones
Cay Anders Josefsson
Liliana Juarez
Ruth Juarez
Tina Jukarainen
Otilia Julian Caballero
Nuria Trapaga Kaauwai
Paul Kambanaros
Kathy Kamran
Marilyn Kanas
Yae Kanehira
Mary Ley Chin Kang
Michael J. Kann
Judy Kanoskie
Guliz Kaplan
Anja Kartes
Stanislav Kartin
Maki Kasuga
Chikako Kato
Matsuya Katsumi
Michael N. Katz
Bart Kauwenberghs
Jack Kavulich
Hiromi Kawahara
Kazumi Kawakubo
Koichi Kawamura
Laura Kebschull
Matthew Kendall
Roni C. Kermode
Amit Khanna
Kumar Khatwani
Jacks Khawaja
Gamze Kilic
Hye Sook Kim
Myung Ja Kim
Tae Ho Kim & Hyun Mo Koo
Phang Kim Loi
Shobie-Ann King
Midori Kinuya
Glenn Kirkpatrick
Brook L. Kirwin
Nobutaka Kishioko
Karin Klaver
Ruud Klazinga
Maja Klemencic
Yuriy Klyepikov
Siegfried Knecht
Julie S. Ko
Rejane Koenig
Susan Koethe
Werner Komarnyckyj
Hiroyuki Kondo
Seija Kotipalo
Hans Kramer
Heather Kranz
Pawel Krasinski
Michael Kraus
Shiau Shi Kuah
Kumiko Kuba
Dagmar Kuhn-Cabrera
Hu Kuo-Wei
Edyta Kurek
Karianne kvalen
Yee Lei Kwan
Yuen Fan Vanita Kwan
Ok Hee Kwon & Song Rak Kim
Mei Chyn Geary Kwong
Nunzio La Monica
Michelle Labriola
Michel Lachance
Pi-Yun Lai
Crystal Lakey
Kam Lam
Frank Lamberti
Marisol Landero Ruiz
Stephen Lange
Antonio Lanni
Yelitza Lanzilli
Julie Lanzilli
Tony Lanzilli
Giancarlo Lanzilli & Vivana Lenarduzzi
Karen Lappalainen
Jorge Alberto Lara Vargas
Tina Lark
Donna Lashof
John Latini
Daria Laudeman
Gabrielle Lauenstein
Margaret Launzel-Pennes
Thomas Lauren
Helena Lauriala
Massoud Lavian
Svetlana Lavrentieva
Khristina Lazalde
Roberta Lazzari
Maria Leal
Javier Leal
Raymonde Lebel
Kenny Lee
Samantha Lee
Terry S. Lee
Yap Lee Foon
Soo Lee Yin
Markus Lehman
James Mike Leivas
Mike Leivas
Elizabeth S. Lekganyane
Ryan Lemmartson
Carlos Lemus
Gloria Lemus
Marvin Lemus
Gloria Maribel Lemus Vallejo
Hugo Martin Lerma Garcia
Nikolaos Letsou
Queenie Leung
Robert Levy
Moises Leyva
Erfeng Li
Wenjie Li
Chih-Hui Liao
Carola Lichtman
Lawrence Lip Pin Liew
BeeLeng Lim
Kar Bee Lim
2011 donors (cont.)
Yee Chia Lim
Geraldo De Souza Lima
Thorsten Limnell
Li Ying Lin
Sheng-Chih Lin
Anne Linden
Amleth Lingad
Edith Linian Quiroz
Vinnie Lipiz
Yu-Hsiu Liu
Pauline Liu
Sandy Liu
Wei Liu
Yu-Hsiu Liu
Michelle Loayza
Fidel Victoriano Lobato Nuñez
Angelo Locher
Carolina Loera
Gabriela Lomeli
Cyrill London
Lau Long Guek
Amy Longmire
Debbie Lonski
Jennifer Shing Loo
Salvador Lopez
David Lopez
Oscar Lopez
Carmelita Lopez Gamboa
Oscar Jaime Lopez Morales
Elena Monica Lopez Torres
Alan Lorenz
Carol Lorenz
Hui Phin Low
Paulina Lucero Rodriguez
Ray Miguel Lucero Rodriguez
Robert Lucic
Angela Lue
Sally Luedtke
Rebeca Lufsky
Randy O. Lugo
Wengfang Lui
Mia Luijten
Yoliber Luis
Deborah Lujan
Peter Luke
Emily Lukk
Mun Wune Lum
Guillermo Luna
Teresita Luna
Eduardo Luna Islas
Rosa D. Luna Razo
Nicole Luque
Maria Lurence
Janet Lutkenhouse-Kissner
Luis Y. Luz Poma
Kelly K. Lyons
Sergiu Macadrai
Azalea Macedo
Guadalupe Maciel
Abraao Macola
Norma Madera
Keith Leo Madsen
Claudia A. Madueno
Juan Manuel Mahugo Castuera
Nancy Makowski
Oscar Malatasig
Maurizio Wolfgang Mamino
David Manago
Andrea Manni
Bruna Mantovani
Rodolfo E. Manzano
Salvador Manzano
Bhaskar Mareedu
Carmen Mares
Xochitl Guadalupe Marin Escutia
Alfredo Marin Notario
Laura Marksbury
Paul Marlowe
Jorge Marques
Rachel G. Marsh
Sergio Martin
Carmen Martin
Fred Martin
Stanislav Martin
Antonio Martina
Angela Martinelli
Arlen Martinez
Juana Martinez
Alicia Garcia Martinez
Arnulfo Martinez
Carmen Martinez
Herlinda Martinez
Juana Martinez
Margarita Martinez
Michelle Martinez
Rosario Martinez
Shealene Martinez
Sulema Y. Martinez
Doris Betzhabe Martinez Moreno
Leonor Martinez San Nicolas
Ma Concepcion Martinez Torres
Bernardita De Lourdes Martinez Vargas
Gamaliel Martinez Velasco
Mauro Marzola
Jessica A. Masserman
Michael Mathias
Mark Matika
Koichiro Matsumoto
Masumi Matsuura
Dimitrios Mavroforos
Rose Marie May
Guadalupe May Garcia
Marlene C. McCollim
Sandie McDonald
Laura McClure
Victoria McCullough
Mike McKee
Stacey McKeever
Marcia McKenzie
Charquintha L. McKinney
Oya Mechen
Alexander Medina
Jorge Medina
Rosa Elena Medina Cardoso
Laura Meister
Julian Mejia Duque
Igor Mekibel
Tomislav Meleh
Sharon l. Melios
Rafael Mendivil Miranda
Juan Miguel Mendoza
Jose Jorge Serafin Mendoza Armenta
Denise Mercado
Diana Mercado
Fabio Merlini
Lydia Messika Bosnino
Jared Mewborn
Gary Meyer
Barbara Miazzetto
Fontanive Michele
Marco Micheletti
Dominic Micheli
Angel Gonzalo Mier Hernandez
Maria Luisa Mier Hernandez
Mauricio Mier Nava
Jose Luis Mier Sanchez
Lilian Resende Milagres
Tiffany S. Miller
Diana Millne
Judy Mills
Keiko Mima
Akihiko Minematsu
Chen Ming Chieh & Yang Mo-Li
Lars Minns
Martha Alejandra Miranda Carreon
Fabio Mirandola
Maria C. Mireles
Carmen y Juan Mireles
Don Mohorn
Ana Lucia Molina
Fernando Molina
Guillermo A. Molina
Milton Molina
Evangelina Monroy
Alessandra Montagnese
Art Wesly & Lourdes Montero
Richard Montes
Carmen Reinelda Moo
Narghis Moon
Bertha Angelica Morales Miranda
Venancia Evodia Morales Santiago
Elsa Morales Soto
Ann-Marie Morefield
Tomasa Moreno
Nora A. Moreno
Claudia Moreno Carreon
Rocco Moreno Carreon
Emilia Moreno Flores
Blake Morgan
Scott Morgan
Jennifer Morgan-Petgrave
Sergio Morlett
Chris Morris
Suzanne M. Morrow
Michele Morton
Mykaill Moscosa
Mariann Mosqueda
Sergey Motailo
Arleen Mtz Valdez
Bianca G. Mujica
Shiela Mundy
Francisco Munoz
Juan A. Munoz
Maria Eugenia Muñoz Torres
Takashi Murata
Elizabeth Murillo
Marcela L. Murillo
Tine Murko
Lesley Murphy
Andrew Myers
Christoph Nachtigall
Betty Naderi
Hiroshi Nagayama
Sukhdeep Nagra
Juan Jose Najera Diaz
Yukiko Naka
Naoko Nakasone
Palmira Nalon
Julio Cesar Narvaez
Rosa A. Narvaez
Norma Nava
Luis Adolfo Navarro
Ximena Carla Navarro Monzon
Siew Choo Neoh
Diane V. Netzel
Karina Nevarez
Julie New
Rosalyn Newdow
Ryan Ng
Koh Ngait Por
Tina Nguyen
Colombe Nicholas & Leonard Rosenberg
Blanca Niebla Garcia
Tine Gunn Lock Nilsen
Per-Morten Nilsson
Lois Nimmo
Karol Niton
Maria R. Niven
Alan Noake
Kristin Norlander
Carolina Nunez
Rosy G. Nunez Amaya
Brian C. Obermiller
Maria Del Socorro Obregon Loera
Nazaria Dalia Ocampo Mendoza
Norma Rubi Ochoa Ramirez
Cindy & Kurt O’Connell
Kunihisa Ohno
Nobuyukio Ohno
Hiroyo Ohta
Kouhei Ohta
Hector Manuel Ojeda Barraza
Ruben Adrian Ojeda Olivares
Gisele Oliveira
Luciano Oliveira
Alma Irais Olivo Campillo
Chuan Huat Ooi
Lourdes T. Ornelos
Cristina Orozco
Jesus Ortega
Leticia Ortega
Rebecca Ortega
Claudia Ortiz
Jorge Ayala Ortiz
Maria Ortiz
Mayra G. Ortiz
Victor Manuel Ortiz Aguilar
Javier Oseguera
Paulino Osorio Lopez
Alba R. Ossa
Rachel M. Ostler
Tove Raa Ottesen
Laura Ouwens
Claudia Paddison
Sandra Padilla
Ismael Padilla Huerta
Rafael Padilla Paramo
Elizabeth Padilla Sepulveda
Marie Elizabeth Padron T.
Tiziano Pagani
Marco V. Palacios
Ana Palaez
Stella Maris Palmieri
Michael Palmstierna Hamilton
Monique Panchard
Florian Panin
Ranjan Panwar
Jamie Papatheodoulou
Evaleen R. Paredes
Seung Ja Park & Young Ho Kang
Michelle Parkinson
Martin F. Pascale
Oscar Pascual
Maria Susana Pascuccio
Germano Pasquetto
Antonia Pastrana
Enrique Adalid Patiño Cruz
Alfred Patron
Megan Patton
Simone Marie France Pehrson
Ricki Peitchel
Ana L. Pelaez
Gary Pellant
Marie-Ange Pellerin
Mara & Marco Peloni Azzolari
Ricardo Peralta Peñaloza
Piotr Percik
Antonio Pereira
Denisse Pereira
Carmen C. Perez
Alexis Perez
Francisco Paco Perez
Gustavo G. Perez
Jezabel Perez Marin
Ruben Perez Muro
Olga Peterimova
Bruce Peters
Danette Peterson
John & Fernanda Peterson
Margaret Peterson
Susan Peterson
Jan Pethrus
Eva Petrik
David Pezzullo
Vysal Phou
Tracy Phu
Jesus Alberto Pi
Srihari Pidaparthi
Emmanuel Pietquin
Prakongchai Pitichaichan
Achille Pitigliani
Steven G. Pitt
Joseph Pittman
Gian Luigi Pittui
Maria Plascencia
Eduardo Plaza Lopez
Giovanni Pleitez
Natalia Plejic
Ekaterina Podolyanu
Christine Poix
Rafael Enrique Polanco Beltran
Luis Y Luz Poma
Fabio Pomatti
Ein Popham
Fabio Poppe
Rinaldo V. Porcile
Carina Y. Portillo
Griselda Portillo
Carmen Del Pilar Posada
Adriana Possidonio
Martina Pousek
J. Ines Pozo
Jonathan Pozo
Pablo Pozo
Etelvina Prazeres Marques
Dina Price
Fernando Prieto
Veronique Prins
Fernando Prinz
Steven Prioh
Lorena Puma
Maria Puplies
Stanislav Puskov
Daniel Qi
Simone Quarta
Emma Quayle
Dinora Queriapa
Claudia L. Quezada De Carillo
2011 donors (cont.)
Carlos Alberto Quezada Lopez
Ivan Quinones
Herlinda Quiroz Solis
Jose Quizhpi
Merida Rachel
Hilesh Radia
Inez Radoi
Diana B. Raeymaekers
Petra & Stefano Raffeis Gatti
William M. Rahn
Amalia Ramirez
Elizabeth Ramirez
Eva Ramirez
Hector Ramirez
Leticia Ramirez
Maria E. Ramirez
Martha Ramirez
Nancy Ramirez
Silvia Ramirez
Javier Ramirez Jimenez
Jeronimo Ramirez Mata
Jose Alfredo Ramirez Rubio
Jose G. Ramones Cardenas
Manuel Ramos
Misael Ramos
Silvia Ramos
Eduardo Guadalupe Ramos Magana
Nani y Judith Rancel
Sailesh Ranchod
Sumathi Ranganathan
Maria Rangel Perales
Ana Maria Rant
Marcelo Rappaport
Suzanne Rath
Nikki Rawnsley
Michel Ray
Tammy Read
Alberto Rebollo
Olga Redko
Christopher & Mayumi Reese
Linda Reister
David Renteria-Gonzalez
Claudia Y. Reyes
Luz Maria Reyes
Juan Carlos Reynoso
Oyuky S. Reynoso
Sonia Reynoso
Mukesh Riagoo
Adrian Rice
Jennifer Rice
Debra K. Rich
Corinne Richardson
Gwen Richardson
Xavier Richart-Pintor
Kimberly Ricks
Georgina Rico
Virginia Rico
Charles Riddle
Mariano Rin
Susie Rios
Vicha Ritruthai
Maria Veronica Rivas Esparza
Carlos Francisco Rivera
Pilar Rivera
Maria Rivera-Ramirez
Paulina Riveros
Alejandro Riviello
Nikulas Robertsson
Abraham J. Robles
Olga A. Robles
Brian Robson-Burrell
Anna Rocha
Maria Del Refugio Rocha Arredondo
Lourdes Roda
Cesar Rodarte
Ma Del Rocio Rodarte Mier
Alejandro Rodrigues Armas
Jairo E. Rodriguez
Juana P. Rodriguez
Ruben Rodriguez
Elliot Rodriguez
Juan W. Rodriguez
Mayra Rodriguez
Oscar E. Rodriguez
Willevaldo Rodriguez
Alejandro A. Rodriguez Armas
Leonel Rodriguez Castillo
Claudia Aurora Rodriguez Chong
Armando Rodriguez Gallegos
Lily Alicia Rodriguez Garza
Jose E. Rodriguez Jr.
Maria Librada Rodriguez Nino
Jonathan Rodriguez Reed
Nelida Rodriguez Utrera
Sheila Roemeling
Andreas Rohe
Angel Rojas
Salvador Rojas
Adan Isaac Rojas Hernandez
J. Jesus Rojas Sanchez
Ernest Romanov
Jazmin Romero Arrieta
Oliverio Israel Romero Jantes
Edgar V. Romero Salinas
Anne Romero-Lecamus
Antonio Rosado robledano
Destani Rosales
Narcisse Rosalie
Ronald J. Rosenau
Modiana Rossi
Raf Rottiers
Mikkel Roulund
Huon Roxane
Gloria E. Ruano
Gabriel Evenedicto Rubio Osorio
Debbie Ruiz
Gabriel Ruiz
Graciela Ruiz
Karla Ruiz
Marcelo Real Ruiz
Olga Ruiz
Rosalia Haydee Ruiz Corral
Jonas Josue Ruiz Garcia
Ludmila Rutman
Roy Rutten
Moy Mckayla Sab
Zohaib Saeed
Sonal Sahay
Vajinder Singh Saini
Maria Salazar
Marianella Salazar Almeida
Christian Salcedo
Jose Saliguino
Luis Miguel Salvador Gomez
Guiliana Salvi
Uldis Salzirnis
Midori Samoto Lundh
Tatyana Sampson
Jose Antonio San Juan Nuñez
Leonor Martinez San Nicolas
Sonia Sanabria
Andrew and Juanita Sanchez
Jose D. Sanchez
Juanita Sanchez
Nuvia Sanchez
Raul Sanchez
Jovita Sanchez Correa
Miguel Sanchez Iniguez
Rosa Ma Sanchez Romo
Guadalupe Conrrado Sanchez Salamanca
Elizabeth Sanchez Trancosa
Manuela Sanchez Vallarta
Esperanza Sanchez-Grimaldo
Emma & Gabriel Sandoval
Karla Sandoval
Salvador Sandoval
Venkata Sangubhotla
Tim Sanson
Wendy Santana
Otilio Santiago Cruz
Sandro Santoni
Antonio Jorge Santos
Jeremith Santos
Rene Guillermo Santos
Maria Del Socorro Santoyo Serrano
Mehmet Zeki Sarac
Irma Sarate
Amy Sarkisyan
Luisa Sasso
Giovanna Sbatella
Stefania Scalabrini
Jan M. Schaap
Carol Schaub
Mark J. Schissel
Katherine Schnaider
Rumpung Schultz
Ray Schwarz
Cristina Elsa Scorza
Pietro Sebastiani
Arie Seelen
Gabriela Seiler
Yolanda Sejas
Bernadette Semerad
Rosalinda Sepulveda
Alma Rocio Sepulveda Ruiz
Juan Fernando Sepulveda Ruiz
Martha Serrano
Wendy M. Severns
Mona Shah
Jeff Shankel
Li-Li Shao
Andrew Shao
Donna Shattuck-Johnson
Tang Sheng
Ko Shengzhen
Jessica Shepherd
Madhavi Shetty
Irina Shevchenko
William Shew
Sakiko Shinoda
Margaret Yoko Shintaku
Leong Shiu Wfei
Kailash Shrivastava
Kenneth Shropshire
Silvano Sicuranza
Lee Siew Moi
Dora Sifuentes
Rene Bonilla Siguenza
Celia Silva
Luis Eduardo Silva Castelan
Jose Antonio Silva Hernandez
Gabriela Simeon Martinez
Wendi Simeone
Kenneth Simon
Marios Sinas
Jaime Sinchi
Moukda Sisavanh
Halldora Skuladottir
Cheryl Sloat
Donna-Marie Sloma
Gary Small
Brian A. Smith
Cameron Smith
Edward J. Smith
Vanelle Smith
Kit Yi So
Siv Solberg
David Solomon
Sung Sook Song & Hyo Suk Park
Wan Chuen Soon
Maria Rosio Soria Herrera
Sturla Sorum
Marisella Soto
Veronica Soto
Juana Sotomayor
Tina Spalding
Cherayne D. Spence
Neil Spiers
Teresa St. Clare
Kathy A. Stadanlick
Leslie Stanford & Don Bailey
Susan J. Stanton
Tiffany Starr
Marina Steinberger
Hakan Steinholtz
Valentin Stenko
Donald R. Sterry
Sandy Stevens
Anna Stewartz
Oscar Alfredo Stickel
Ljiljana Stojsic
Angelica H. Stone
Sandra Strassner
Cecil Strickland
Richard Strulson
Francesca Chiara Sturloni
Hsiang-Chin Su
Enedina Suarez Pedraza
Yi Su-Chu
Ravi Sundaram
Jozef Surina
Svetlana Surova
Budi Susanto
Mario Sydler
Shinichi Sygiura
Hartati Syukur
Kim Ta
Michelle A. Tabach
Michael Taeymans
Antonino Tafuri
Shinsou Taguchidani
Akiko Tahata
Shigeyuki Takahashi
Yumiko Takekawa
Satwant Takk
Betty Talley
Kin Heng Tan
Toshikazu Tanaka
Gary W. Tandy
Mary Tang
Myriam Tank
Yang Tao
Judith Tapia
Maria V. Tapia
Irina Tarasenkova
Leszek Tarasewicz
J.D. Tartol
John & Lori Tartol
John Tartol Sr.
Francis Taye
Carmen Techalotzi Mastranzo
Marina Eleonora Tenace
Jasmine Teng
Belinda L. Tennon
Ching Nam Teoh
Carla Terenzio
Lazaro Terry
Oy Luontaishoitola Terveyden
Kevin Test
Chee Hoe Tham
Jenny Thijs
Helen R. Thomas
John A. Thomas
Elizabeth Thomason
Jean Ross Thompson
Jean Thompson
Sheree Thompson
Joelle Thone
Jennifer Tiet
Mee Lin Tiong
Peter Tirado
Alberto Tlatenchi
Ismael Tobella
Julia A. Toledo
Tamayo Tomehara
Bruce Tomoike
Erika M. Tomoike
Nancy Tong
Ana F. Torralbo
Elvira Torres
Francisca Torres
Juan Torres
Maria M. Torres
Olga Torres
Alicia Townsend
Mohamed Traore
Massimo Traverso
Jesus Trejo
Jean-Marc Tridon
Unni Troen
Doris Troppmann
Carlos Trujillo
Monica Trujillo
Yolanda Trujillo
Fang-Lai Tsai
Yueh-Ling Tsai
Alison Tsang
Oji Tsang
Shih Teng Tsao
Karen Tsharakyan
Tankiso Tshehla
Fannie Tso
Chin Chih Tu
Deborah Twichell
Tamiko Ueda
Mutlu Umaro Älu
Karen Umstattd
Zoran Urbanc
Alberto Urbinati
Angelica H. Urdiano Lopez
Martina Urena
Jose Uribe
Michie Ushizawa
Glenda Uy
Eva M. Vadenmark
Guadalupe De Jesus Valadez Cruz
Gabino Valderrama
Jorge Valdes Hernandez
Iracema Valdez
Rosario Esmeralda Valdez Chargoy
Jorge D. Valdovinos
Socrates y Lina Valencia
Arquimedez Valencia Rojas
Alfonso Valenzuela
Jose Valladares
Sara M. Valladares
Erika Yolanda Valle Torres
Maria Arlene Vallejera
Ids Van Der Iest
Ramon Varas
Enrique Varela & Graciela Mier
Cynthia Paloma Varela Mier
Enrique Javier Varela Mier
Nadezhda Varenova
Jone lvy Vargas
Maria E. Vargas
Ramses E. Vargas
Meera Varsani
Leticia Vasquez
Pedro A. Vasquez
Teodolmira Vasquez
Isidro Vazquez
Ivette Vazquez
Jaime Luis Vazquez Borja
Martha Graciela Vazquez Murillo
Neli Vazquez Perez
Jorge Alberto Vazquez Ruiz
Saul Vazquez Sanchez
2011 donors (cont.)
Lizzet Vega
Martha L. Vega
Veronica M. Vega
Beatriz Vega Loya
Miroslava Vejarano
Camilo Vela
Connie Vela
Maria Alejandra Velasco Galindo
Lorraine Velasquez
Dr. and Mrs. Horace Anthony
Alfonso Ventura Mendez
Katiuzka Vera
Martine Verdonck
Martin Vergara-Castaneda
Monica Verweijen
Rigoberto Victoria Pascacio
Francisco Vidili
Rafael Vidrio
Erika Villafana
Edward Villalobos
Alejandro Villalobos Morales
Maria Villalpando
Alfredo Villani
Marina Villee
Raul Villegas Munguia
Katharina Vingmark
Maria Vital
Rigoberto Vital
James Vitale
Vanda Isabel Vitorino das Dores
Alvin Vizina III
Esther & Wolfgang Von Burg
Mark Wagner
Marla Wagner
Leon & Irina Waisbein
Terry A. Waiters
Alison Wakuta
Dan & Vicki Waldron
Yvonne Walheim
Des Walsh
Robert A. Walsh
Edmund Wang
Irene Wang
Keith Wang
Pou-Hsiung Wang
Roger S. Wang
Larry Ward
Stefani Washington
Kenji Watanabe
Timothy Waters
Dominique Wauters
Casey B. Weaver
Heike Weber-Ihrig
Chang Wei Hong
Daniela Weidinger
Evert Weijers
Jeremy Weinbach
David Weinberg
Andrea Wertz
Debbie White
Jeffrey B. Whitson
Kunto Wibisono
Amber Wick
Gloria Wilkins
Steve William
John Williams
Deanna K. Williamson
Amanda Wilson
Chris Wilson
George Wilson
Jennifer Wilson
Christi Winchel
Anthony W. Wing
Jeaniene Wisdom
Soo Hee Won
Lai Ping Wong
Chee Lang Wong
Jessica Wong
Mei Fun Wong
Lisa Wonson
Magnolia Workman
Xu Xiaoli & Wu Yunqin
Meemee Xie
Xiaojie Jie Xu
Satoshi Yamaguchi
Richard Yamashita
Kiyomi Yamazaki
Feyh Yang
Yanti Yanti
Lee Foon Yap
Guillermo Yauri
In Dong Yeo
Khai Chee Yeoh
Nessipkhan Yerdimbekov
Mandy Yeung
Felan Yu
Liu Yu Chiao
Seiji Yuasa
Nami Yukawa
Hirano Yuko
Pui Ling Yun
Diana Zaharevska
Claudia I. Zambrano
Jo Zammit
Porfirio Zamora
Marco Antonio Zamora Perez
Maria Cristina Zanco
Beatriz Zapata
Federico Zapata
Martha Zapata
Ramon Zaragoza
Alicia Zelaya
Gustavo & Mary Zepeda
Pedro Zetino
Henry Zhou
Yiran Zhou
Vanessa Zimmer
Gloria Zinni
Violetta Zlatareva
Flora Zugno
Lydia Zuliaga Ibarra
Victoria Eugenia Zuluaga Suarez
Elsa Guadalupe Zuñiga Ramos
Board of Directors
Michael O. Johnson Chairman
Barbara B. Henderson President
Richard P. Goudis Treasurer
Brett R. Chapman Secretary
Leroy T. Barnes Director
Diane V. Netzel Director
Des J. Walsh Director
Herbalife Family Foundation
800 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 406
Los Angeles, CA 90015
310-410-9600 phone 213-765-9812 fax
The Herbalife Family Foundation is a 501 (c) (3)
non-profit organization. U.S. Federal Tax ID#51-0523266
©2012 Herbalife Family Foundation