Uxfouz.gjgui!Tvoebz!jo!! Psejobsz!U jnf!
Uxfouz.gjgui!Tvoebz!jo!! Psejobsz!U jnf!
fàA VÉÄxààx Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv{ 3900 Meadow Drive, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Parish House: 847-394-8100 Fax: 847-394-8102 Website: stcolette.org Email: [email protected] Pastor Rev. Peter Galek Deacons Mr. John Connor (retired) Mr. Eddie Ortiz Mr. Antero Santos Tfqufncfs!2:-!3121! Uxfouz.gjgui!Tvoebz!jo!! Psejobsz!U jnf! Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 6:30 PM Sat. 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Sunday - Closed St. Colette School 3900 Pheasant Drive (847) 392-4098 Principal Mrs. Valerie Zemko ext. 125 WELCOME TO ST. COLETTE PARISH If you are interested in becoming a parishioner please contact the Parish House at 847-394-8100 ext. 102. Nbtt!! Tdifevmf! Weekend Liturgy Saturday: 8:30am and 5:00pm Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am & 12 Noon Espanol Weekday Liturgy Monday - Friday 6:30am Liturgy of the Word 8:00am Mass Reconciliation Saturday: 9:00am Baptism English - The first and third Sunday of the Month at 2:00pm Spanish - The second, fourth and fifth Sunday of the Month at 1:30pm For registration and more information contact the Parish House. Weddings: Contact the Parish House at least 6 months before the wedding date or call the Parish House at 847-394-8100 for more information. Page Two Nbtt!Joufoujpot! -------------- Joufodjpoft!efm!! Epnjohp! Each Mass is offered for all the faithful, living and dead. The following specifically remembered this week -------------Nuestras Misas son ofrecidas por todos los fieles, vivos y difuntos. En esta semana recordamos a las siguiente personas SUNDAY September 19 7:30a Sr. JoAnn Brdecka OSF Joseph J. Brdecka Ed Armstrong Bob Duffey SUNDAY September 26 7:30a Sr. JoAnn Brdecka OSF Joseph J. Brdecka Ed Armstrong Jerome Loesch Joseph Paweleck Sr. 9:00a Frank Gillihet Joseph C. Jay Thomas McKevett Michael O’Malley Mary O’Reilly Diane Arscott (successful surgery) 10:30a Carolyn Groell Anthony Friedhof Peyton Lawnicki 12noon The People of St. Colette 9:00a Tom Reading Joseph C. Jay Thomas McKevett Michael O.Malley 10:30a Catherine Sureck William Sureck Peyton Lawnicki Antonio Constantino 12noon The People of St. Colette MONDAY September 20 Florence Bittolo TUESDAY September 21 Jesus Arroyo WEDNESDAY September 22 Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Hobin Tom Carlson THURSDAY September 23 All Souls Intentions FRIDAY September 24 Mary Agnes O’Reilly SATURDAY September 25 8:30a 5:00p Harold Hill Henry Geisen Emanuel Rossillo Monday September 20 7:30pm Finance Council /PHCR Tuesday September 21 7pm A&E setup/CH 7pm St. Colette School Parent Orientation/PC 7:30pm Lectors/CH Wednesday September 22 5pm Share Faith/SCHL 5:30pm Hisp. Music Min./CH Thursday September 23 Kids Clothing Sale/PC 2:45pm Children/Choristers/CH/HH 6pm Share Faith/SCHL 7:30pm Adult Choir/CH Friday September 24 Bingo/HH 7p Wedding Reh. Rodriguez/Isabel Saturday September 25 Tamale Prep and Sale 10p Rel. Ed. Span./SCHL Sunday September 26 Tamale Sale 6pm 7th Grade Retreat/HH 6p Share Faith/SCHL Page Three Today's gospel reminds me of a story that a priest had written to his parishioners. It is about an enterprising soldier. “A young man joined the Israeli army and after his training was assigned to a tank division near the Israeli-Syrian border. He had only been working for one week when he went to his commanding officer and asked for a leave. The commanding officer started laughing and then said to him, "You want a leave? You just got here. OK, I'll give you a leave, but on one condition, you have to capture a Syrian tank." "No problem," said the young man. Later on that afternoon, a Syrian tank waiving a white flag pulled into the Israeli camp. The young Israeli soldier got out. The commanding soldier said, "The leave is yours. But how did you get this tank?" "Simple," said the soldier, "I drove to the DMZ in one of our tanks and saw a Syrian soldier on one of his tanks. I asked him if he wanted a weekend pass. He said, ‘Sure’ so we s w i t c h e d t a n k s . " The old comedian Danny Thomas used to tell a story about two salesmen, Harry and Al. Harry saw Al walking down the street and said to him, "Al, I have a great deal for you. A real bargain! An elephant; a whole elephant is yours for only $500." Al said, "Are you crazy? What am I going to do with an elephant?" "Al," said Harry, "This is a magnificent beast. All grey. Complete with a working trunk." Then Harry said, "But I have no place to keep an elephant. I live in a small three room apartment." "Al," said Harry, "Did I tell you about the tusks? Two three foot long tusks. This is a beautiful animal. They don't make them like this anymore." At this Al went wild and started screaming, "Look I live on the third floor, I couldn't feed the elephant. I don't even want an elephant." "You're a hard man, Al" says Harry, "OK, I will throw in a second whole elephant for only a hundred bucks extra." And then Al said, "Harry, now you're talking." It is amazing how astute we can be when making business deals. Whether it's buying a used car or selling a house, all of us learn how to get the most for our money. This is not something new. It's part of human nature to get the best deal possible. Jesus was aware of this. The parable he told about the steward who had to think quick to get himself out of a financial jam recognized human ingenuity. The Lord's point is that we often demonstrate our intelligence, but we don't apply this intelligence to the one thing that really matter: our eternal salvation. Consider the number of times we've sat down and worked out how we can use our talents to be better Christians. Consider the number of times we've thought out how we can put ourselves in situations which would avoid moral problems we've had in the past. Consider the number of times we've plotted out how we can implant the practice of our faith in our families. If we were to add up the minutes spent a month doing this and compare them to the minutes a month spent working out our financial deals, would there b e a n y c o m p a r i s o n a t a l l ? Christ tells us: You have the intelligence, use it. Use it to fulfill the mission you assumed when I called you to be my disciples. We must be as resourceful and dedicated in the ways of God as we are in the ways of commerce and politics. Jesus' parable challenges us to be eager and ingenious for the sake of G o d ' s r e i g n . Some people, like those in the first reading from the prophet Amos have perfected how they can out-smart others. They cheat with their scales. They inflate money. That is not why God gave us intelligence. He gave us intelligence to make His presence real in the world. The cleverness, skill and plain nerve that the manager used to save his skin, and that the soldier used to secure a weekend pass, and that Al used to get a good deal from Harry, we must use to make God's ways real in our world. Today we ask the Lord to help us use our ingenuity to promote His Kingdom. ************************ As many of you have noticed, the asphalt is almost completed and will serve us for the next few, hopefully many years. The only place left to finish will be the ground surrounding the garbage but that will be done at another time. The next project we will undertake in our church will be the installment of new kneelers because our current ones are quite old and worn out; it is time for a change. More information will be found in next week’s bulletin. I am hopeful that these changes will be to everyone liking. ************************** As you know, last Tuesday, September 14, there was a PPC meeting. After the meeting, the members and I went to the church to identify what else we could do to make our church look more modern. One of the decisions made was that the tabernacle will be moved from the Chapel to the front of the church near the Baptismal font. Before we do this, we must find a good place for the holy oils. Also, in the future, we are planning to work on modernizing the altar. We will keep you updated about our plans. **************************** To everyone who will be trying the pierogis today after all Masses, Buone Appetit! Fr. Peter We are grateful to all who give regularly of their treasure, time and talent. May God Bless you! Collection for the Weekend of Sept. 12, 2010 Actual: Required: Difference: $11,668. $15,560. -$3,892. Year-to-Date July 1, 2009 - Sept. 12, 2010 Collection: $125,487. Budget: $171,160. Short of Goal: -$45,673. Page Four Our ministry would be honored to accept pyx and Pastoral Care of the Sick prayer books from those "retired" ministers who would like to donate them back to the ministry. Please place them in an envelope and write Ministry of Care on it. They may be dropped off at the parish house or put in the collection basket. We accept your generosity with a heartfelt thank you. Welcome to the visitor within our doors...St. Colette Church welcomes you and yours into our parish fellowship today. We sincerely hope you have felt at home and among friends. If you are a visitor just for today, we bid you Godspeed on your journey. If you are seeking a church home, we will welcome you into our parish family. You may have come as a stranger to us, yet you are known to our Lord Jesus Christ. In His name we pray you will find here peace, inspiration and friendship. St. Colette has a program called Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) for adults who wish to become Catholic or complete their sacraments. The program is for adults who: •Have never been baptized •Were baptized in another faith •Were baptized Catholic but never received the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation. Sessions will begin in early September. Please contact Diane Ryzner 847-925-0619 or by email at [email protected] >>>>>>>>>>> COMMUNION CORNER Thank you to all of you who signed-up to become Eucharistic Ministers! For those still thinking, please sign-up anyway and we will answer any lingering questions you may have. Jesus Christ invites us to the ministry, as long as we believe in God, follows Christ, and trusts in the Holy Spirit. We should not fear because when we trust in God, confidence will be instilled in us. We should remember that as long as we perform this role focused on serving God in reverence, anxiety will disappear. Being an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is a way of offering back to God all the wonderful blessings He has given us. If you are interested, please complete the form below to join us in the Formation Day on October 16, 2010 (Saturday) at St. Colette Church from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. =========================================================================== Name: _______________________________ Tel No.:__________ Email: ________________ Please return by Sept. 26, 2010 - drop in the Eucharistic Ministry box at the vestibule or call Lourdes Lota-Eucharistic Ministry Coordinator at 847-651-8516. Thank you. Page Five In support of the pro-life movement, our church will be participating in The Baby Bottle Project benefiting The Women’s Centers of Greater Chicagoland. This non-profit organization directly assists mothers and families experiencing crisis pregnancies by offering emotional, financial, material, and spiritual support through counseling, clothing & monetary provisions, prayer, and other aid. By God’s Grace, The Women’s Centers have saved over 34,000 babies from abortion since opening in 1984. Please take a Baby Bottle home with you the weekend of Oct. 3rd and fill it with your spare change over the next three weeks, and return it the weekend of October 24. This is a simple, but crucial fundraising effort for The Women’s Centers. Thank you for helping defend life, and remember to keep all pro-life undertakings in your prayers, especially during this Respect Life Month. The Annual K of C Tootsie Roll Drive to help support those with Mental Health issues is September 17th, 18th and 19th. You will find volunteers at local businesses, street corners and here at St. Colette at all of the Masses. Please be generous with your donations and your St. Colette SPRED group and your Church will directly benefit from your efforts and kindness. What does it mean to be a Knight of Columbus? Are you interested in helping others in a fraternal way with a Catholic foundation? If you are over the age of 18, consider joining the Knights of Columbus. Your opportunity is Thursday, October 7th at the Holy Rosary Hall. Located at 15 N. Hickory, the ceremony begins at 7:30 PM. Please contact Mark Stastny, Past Grand Knight for any questions or concerns with the ID Drive or on becoming a member of the Knights. Thank you and God Bless us all. Mark Stastny Sunday, September 19, 2010 Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading:Amos 8:4-7 Psalm:Psalm 113:1-2, 4-8 Second Reading:1 Timothy 2:1-8 Gospel:Luke 16:1-13 Page Six Pierogies are semi-circular dumplings of unleavened dough stuffed with various ingredients. These pierogies are homemade from Alexandra Food Co. in Chicago. They come frozen and they can be boiled or fried before serving. We are hoping to bring different kinds of pierogi in the future. Not only could you enjoy these delicious pierogies but the proceeds will help towards the parish’s deficit. You will also be able to purchase Pierogies at the Parish House during business hours—9am to 4pm Page Seven St. Colette Bulletin Deadline All articles must be dropped off at the Parish House or emailed to Darlene Bulak at [email protected] by Noon on Mondays to appear in next Sunday’s Bulletin. Held in Halpin Hall EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Doors open at 5:00 PM BINGO begins at 7:00 PM Snacks & Refreshments Available Pull Tabs too! Non-Smoking Facility Open to the Public Must be 18 yrs of age or older to play Don’t forget your boxed and canned good items: 2 items equals a $1 off card pack 4 items equals a $2 off card pack TREE OF LIFE Our parish TREE OF LIFE, dedicated to Sr. JoAnn Brdecka OSF, provides our parishioners with a means to remember significant persons and events in their lives. Whether it be a deceased loved one, an anniversary, children, or other special happenings, the TREE OF LIFE stands as a perpetual memorial. The gift of $1,000 dedicates a leaf: a gift of $5,000 dedicates a stone. All gifts made in connection with the TREE OF LIFE are 100% tax deductible. We invite you to consider our TREE OF LIFE as a special “Remembrance gift” to your parish and your family. For more information, please call Darlene at the Parish House, 847-394-8100. Thank you for your support! NEW Parishioners To register at St. Colette Parish please complete the information below and drop it into the collection basket, mail it or stop by the Parish House. A registration form will be sent to you. Name___________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________ City________________________________ Phone______________________________ Zip Code__________ Page Eight Ministerio Hispano De Sta. Colette Liturgia Coordinadora de Liturgia Jacqueline Moyeno 847-372-9488 Lectores Francisco Ramos 847-754-1477 Ujieres José Oscuna: 847-776-0443 Coordinador de Música Nicolás Guadarrama: 847-707-1392 Ministerio de la Eucaristía Servidores del Altar Diacono Eddie Ortiz 847-394-8100 o [email protected] Sacramentos y Bendiciones Para los siguiente Sacramentos : Presentaciones, Bautismos, Quinceañeras, Catecismo, Bodas, o el programa del Rito de Inciación Cristiana (RICA) por favor de comunicarse con el Diacono Eddie 1847-394-8100 o 847-331-1579; correo electrónico [email protected] Presentaciones Tercer Domingo de todo los meses: NO HAY Presentaciones en Adviento o Cuaresma Por favor de comunicarse con el Dc. Eddie Ortiz Bautismos Segundo y Cuarto Domingo del Mes: NO HAY Celebraciones de Bautismos los Sábados: Preparación PreBautismal: Padres y Padrinos el Segundo Sábado del Mes 6:00p.m.: Por favor NO Traer Niños Comunicarse con el Dc. Eddie Ortiz Bodas Toda pareja que desea asesorarse para el matrimonio por favor de comunicarse con el Dc. Eddie; los arreglos matrimoniales deben de hacerse con seis meses de anticipación. Quinceañeras Entrevista inicial: Quinceañera y sus Padres;30 horas servicio en la Iglesia y la Comunidad : Necesita tener lo siguiente Bautismo, Comunión Confirmación: Celebraciones el Primer Sábado del Mes o el segundo Domingo del mes dentro de la celebración dominical Intenciones para la Misa Dominical Reserve con una semana previa favor de comunicarse con la Jackie Moyeno 847-372-9488: Intenciones son para los siguientes: Enfermos, Recién Fallecidos o celebración de Aniversario de Difunto: Excepciones Aniversario Jubilar de Bodas Vigésimo quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 19 de septiembre de 2010 Dios . . . él quiere que todos los hombres se salven y todos lleguen al conocimiento de la verdad. — 1 Timoteo 2:4 LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — El Señor nunca se olvida del pecado de los que hacen trampa a los pobres y abusan de ellos (Amós 8:4-7). Salmo — Que alaben al Señor todos sus siervos (Salmo 113 [112]). Segunda lectura — Reza al Señor, que quiere que todos se salven (1 Timoteo 2:1-8). Evangelio — Sé responsable en todo. Sirve a Dios, el único Señor, no a mamón (Lucas 16:1-13). Cuando leo un texto de los evangelios me pregunto cómo me hace sentir y por qué. Al leer el evangelio de hoy (Lc 16, 1-13) me siento incómodo y confundido. ¿Por qué será? Creo que en parte porque no es un mensaje sino tres. Primero una parábola acerca de la necesidad de ser ingenioso y creativo en usar los bienes de Dios. A este mensaje Lucas añade otros dos mensajes relacionados con el dinero. También me siento incómodo porque el fondo cultural es uno de amos y sirvientes o esclavos y cómo deben portarse. Como cristianos modernos el concepto de la servidumbre y la esclavitud nos chocan. Al leer el evangelio es importante tener en cuenta la cultura del mundo en que Jesús vivió. Otra pregunta que me hago cuando leo el evangelio es, “¿Qué es lo que más me llamó la atención?”. Y hoy respondo que la última frase, “En resumen, no pueden Uds. servir a Dios y al dinero.” El escritor inglés C.S. Lewis habla de su conversión al cristianismo y recuerda que como joven buscaba algo que le llenara, que le diera una felicidad duradera. Por un tiempo fue la música, pero no duró y lo dejó vacío y desilusionado. Después encontró felicidad en el estudio o el éxito o el poder. Pero uno por uno lo traicionaron y lo dejaron sintiéndose solo. Por fin decidió abandonar la búsqueda por la felicidad y volvió a vivir simplemente. Como tenía un carácter generoso encontró que al vivir sencillamente y compartiendo con los demás, un buen día cayó en la cuenta que Dios le había llenado el alma de una felicidad que no se acaba. O sea, viviendo como Dios manda y sin identificando la felicidad con algo o alguien alcanzó una paz duradera. Los primeros capítulos del libro de Génesis no narran que todo lo que Dios creó es bueno pero, como S. Ignacio de Loyola observó siglos después, todo lo que hay en este mundo fue creado para ayudarnos a amar a Dios y al prójimo. Todo depende de si usamos lo creado para el bien o si nos dejamos dominar por él. Hay tantas cosas que nos pueden desviar y distraernos del fin para que Dios nos creó. Hoy S. Lucas menciona una: el dinero. Pero uno puede dejarse esclavizarse por muchas cosas: la familia (y su extensión la bandera; no olviden: el patriotismo no es una virtud cristiana), las drogas adictivas, el trabajo, la tele, la computadora, la pornografía. Page Nine Nos encontramos rodeados de cosas malas y - más común y tal vez más peligroso - cosas buenas que, divorciadas del fin para el que Dios nos creó - nos distraen y nos separan del Reino de Dios. El desafío consiste en usar las cosas buenas del mundo que Dios creó, comenzando con el dinero, sin que nos dominen. Recuerdo del caso de una joven que hace unos 25 años era estudiante en la Universidad de St. Louis. Me impresionó por su espíritu cristiano y la invité a hablar con mis estudiantes del grado 12 en un colegio católico donde yo enseñaba. Les habló de cómo pasaba sus vacaciones viajando a Tijuana para enseñar a los analfabetos a leer y escribir y trabajar con ellos en construir y pintar sus casas nuevas. En eso uno de los estudiantes le preguntó si era hija de una pareja muy conocida y bastante adinerada de esa ciudad. Contestó que sí , Dios la había hecho nacer en un ambiente rico para que así en sus días de descanso de sus estudios pudiera emplear el dinero para mejor servir a los necesitados. Con la ayuda de Dios había aprendido a usar los bienes de la tierra de una manera constructiva y no destructiva. El ministerio del P. Richard Vogt, S. J., es con la comunidad hispanoparlante de la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en St. Louis, Mo. Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos RICA El programa "Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos"- RICA, es el proceso por el cual los adultos son recibidos dentro de la Iglesia Católica. RICA, es una "Jornada de Fe" y un proceso de conversión para adultos bautizados en otras religiones Cristianas y aquellos que no están bautizados y desean hacerse Católicos o aprender más acerca de la Fe Católica. Son presentados a las enseñanzas de la Iglesia, vida, liturgia y trabajo Apostólico. Es un trabajo de comunidad en el cual nosotros y otros miembros de la Iglesia, reflexionamos sobre nuestra relación con Dios. RICA consiste en Ritos sucesivos que culminan con la Vigilia Pascual, donde los adultos que han decidido hacerse Católicos, o desean completar sus Sacramentos de Iniciación, son recibidos en la Iglesia por los Sacramentos del Bautismo, Confirmación y La Santa Eucaristía. Comenzaremos el 24 de Septiembre a las 7:00p.m. Invitamos a todo/a persona que no tenga los Sacramentos de Bautismo, Confirmación o la Comunión que se inscriban conmigo Dc. Eddie 847-331-1579 o 847-394-8100 ext. 45 El Programa FOCUS Para Jóvenes de la High School Tendrá venta para una cena de pescado por $20.00 todas las veces que guste repetir el platillo. Se llevara a cabo el día 2 de Octubre. Pueden comunicarse con la Sra. Lori Brandt para mas Información 847-392-4098 Ext. 121 Anuncios Semanales Ministerio Hispano de Sta. Colette Matrimonios Están buscando el Sacramento Matrimonial? Conviven y están buscando como arreglar sus vidas personales y las de sus familias? Están dispuestos en asistir a unas platicas para construir su Iglesia domestica? Quieren ser un ejemplo modelador para sus familias y para la comunidad? Comuníquense con El Dc. Eddie Ortiz o con la Sra. Jackie Moyeno para poder obtener mas información 847 331-1579 0 847 394 8100 ext. 45 Hoy es Domingo de la Catequesis Con esta celebración, que llamamos del «Envío del Catequista», queremos dar comienzo al curso catequético 2010-2011. Sin los catequistas no habría catequesis. Por ello, vamos a celebrar comunitariamente la grandeza y la belleza de la vocación del catequista. La Iglesia tiene una tarea muy importante de engendrar y de iniciar hijos en la fe, y para realizar esta misión cuenta con la ayuda del catequista. Estos son hombre, mujeres y jóvenes elegidos de entre los miembros de nuestra comunidad parroquial, y en nombre del Obispo de la Arquidiócesis son enviados para anunciar con valentía e ilusión la Buena Nueva del Evangelio. Hoy celebramos esta Eucaristía agradeciendo a Dios el don de nuestros catequistas parroquiales. Oremos por nuestros Catequistas y por la vocación a la educación religiosa para los niños/as . El Sábado 25 de Septiembre Elaboración del Ministro de Tamales Vamos a tener la elaboración de nuestros deliciosos tamales el Sábado 25 de Septiembre a las 8:00a.m. Esperamos la cooperación y la ayuda de toda aquella persona que pueda venir y asistir un rato de su tiempo. Para poder salir con las ventas nosotros necesitamos de toda la ayuda posible. Pueden hablar con el Sr. José Oscuna 847776-0443 Nuestro presupuesto de la Parroquia esta en necesidad de la ayuda de todos. ¡Que podemos contribuir! ¡Como lo podemos hacer! Porque necesita dinero nuestra parroquia. Las respuestas son las siguientes. Pedimos ayuda sea para los ministerios, o para cualquier evento y solamente se aparece las mismas personas que ya están sobre giradas. Podemos ingresar en colaborar en los ministerios como también pensando si Dios esta en nuestro presupuesto o si Dios es lo ultimo que tenemos como prioridad. Tenemos que comenzar en abrir nuestro corazón y nuestro bolsillo. Pensemos lo bien. Es Dios lo ultimo en nuestro pensamiento? Demos con gratitud y orgullo para que entre todos hagamos la diferencia. English Ministries Food Pantry - Alsip, Marilee ……………………………………………………………………………..847-394-8100 FOCUS - Brandt, Lori …………………………………………………………………………………………847-392-4098 ext. 121 Admin. Asst - Bulak, Darlene…..email: [email protected]………..847-394-8100 ext. 103 Sacramental Records/Receptionist - Michelle Adamowski…………………………..847-394-8100 ext. 102 Music Min. - Dosogne, Pierre……..email: [email protected]…….847-394-8100 ext. 107 Religious Ed - Fischer, Howard …….email: [email protected]………..847-392-4098 ext. 122 Sacristan - Foropoulos, Esther …………………………………………………………………………847-394-8100 ext. 113 Altar Servers - Galek, Fr. Peter …………[email protected]….………………847-394-8100 ext. 105 Children’s Liturgy - Goritz, June ………………………………………………………………………847-870-7560 Co-usher - Herzeg, Jeanine…[email protected]…............................312-406-7105 Wedding Coordinator - Hoyos, Kathy…[email protected]……,……….847-322-7123 Eucharistic Min .- Lota, Lourdes…………………………………………………………………………847-651-8516 Min. of Care - Meyer, Bonnie………………………………………………………………………………847-259-8496 Spred - Mulé, Maureen………………………………………………………………………………………….847-364-6789 Parish Council - Chair - Neumayer, Judy…………………………………………………………..847-397-8247 Funeral Luncheon - O’Connor, Nicolette ..………………………………………………………...847-381-1217 Bereavement - Rosauer, Peg ..……………………………………………………………………………..847-397-1489 RCIA - Ryzner, Diane, Lay Minister ..……email [email protected]...…………..847-925-0619 Baptism Prep & Wedding Reh. - Santos, Antero………………………………………………847-394-8100 ext.142 Lectors - Shirmer, Donnie…………………………………………………………………………………….847-259-3410 Art & Environment - Vinezeano, Julie…………………………………………………………………847-253-4382 Ushers - Vinyard, Len…………………………………………………………………………………………….847-394-8100 Page Twelve Welcome through the Waters of Baptism The following children were baptized through water and the Holy Spirit into our Community of Faith. Jessica Gutierrez Nery Martinez Alexandra Martinez Peña Jesus Ruben Hernandez Carrillo Jassmin Hernandez Carrillo Genesis Briana Salgado II Joan Simeon & Anthony Dulski II & III Steven Gagliano & Lisa Perry I Adela Reyes Maltos & Erick Valdes Pray for... Please remember the sick in our parish and keep them in your prayers. Vinny Sabella Emma St. Onge Allen Hollatz Werner Kronau Tom Joyce Rosemary Bielarz Robert McCormack James Stastny Delphine Kronau Ana L. Rodriguez Matt Horbath Paul Fackler James Kincl Judith Moody Helen Marino Constance Sandine Davis James Kuhn Zamayah Ortiz Lizdania Ortiz Bertil Aviles Aida Patino Steve Miller Kristi Miller Virginia Zawacki Mary Balmes Pat Ulincy Barbara Simek Raymond May Judy Flickinger Bob Bugiel To appear on our Prayers For the Sick list, please notify the Parish House at (847) 394-8100. We try to revise our list the every two weeks. Liturgical Roles September 25 and 26 Presider 5:00pm Fr. Peter 7:30am Fr. Peter 9:00am Fr. Peter 10:30am Fr. Bob 12Espan Fr. Carlos Lectors 5:00pm Foropoulos & Bennett 7:30am Shirmer & Sanoica 9:00am Brandt & Lukawski 10:30am Thomas & Healy 12Espan Eucharistic Ministers 5:00pm J. Monahan, R. Anesi, P. Rosauer, R. Pelc, M.Lund, K. Dederich & K. Hoyas 7:30am J. Simeon, M. & T. Loesch, I. Vardon, J. Healy & C. Switchenberg 9:00am S. Kirmse, L. Schoenfeld, E. Chauvin, C. Gibson, J. Leschman, A. DelGiudice & L. Kincl 10:30am J. Schutz, L. Kuivinen, S. Kuivinen, J. Velasquez, J. Velasquez, M. Reza & A. Reza 12Espan. Altar Servers 5:00pm M. Koehler, D. Scharlau, J. Shirmer, A. Burgos & M. Garcia 7:30am A. Schurke, M. Lombardo, E. Hilgert 9:00am C. Koch, C. Stastny, V. Dickerson, A. Fiscu 10:30am B. Watson, S. Feikes, E. Schindler, S. Watson, N. Thomas 12Espan. Mary Agnes O’Reilly was called home to heaven. Please remember her in your prayers. If you are ill, recovering from an operation, or homebound, the St. Colette Ministry of Care to the Sick and Homebound would like to bring you communion. Please call the Rectory to set up an appointment.