May 24, 2015 - St. Therese Catholic Church


May 24, 2015 - St. Therese Catholic Church
St. Therese
Catholic Church
217 Brawley School Rd.
Mooresville, NC 28117-9103
An Ignatian parish staffed by priests of the
Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus
(The Jesuits) since 1970.
May 24, 2015
Pentecost Sunday
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 8am-12pm & 12:30pm-4:30pm
Phone: 704-664-3992
Fax: 704-660-6321
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish Website:
Summer Office Hours:
Monday through Friday 9am-2pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed
Phone: 704-664-7762
Every household is invited to register. Forms are
available in the Narthex, the office or on our
website. According to Diocesan policy, parish
registration is required for faith formation, all
sacraments and ministries, and school vouchers.
MOVING? Please notify the parish office!
4:30pm Thursday for the next weekend bulletin.
All items subject to approval and editing.
Submit to Lisa Cash, [email protected]
Sacramental Celebrations Mass Times
7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am,
12:00 noon
Sunday Nursery at 9 & 10:30am Masses
2:30pm Misa en Espanol
Daily Mass 9:00am Monday thr ough Fr iday
& First Saturdays
Reconciliation 4:00pm-5:00pm on Saturdays
or by appointment
WELCOME! The parishioners of St. Therese welcome our visitors. Please introduce yourselves to your
neighbors. Your presence is very important to us. We also rely on your support and your generosity
will be much appreciated.
Please turn off cell phones and other electronic devices. The Cry Room is a convenient refuge for parents of active
children. Thank you for being with us! We hope you have a great visit!
FIRST FRIDAY of each month
Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration
9:45am - 4:45pm with Benediction at 4:45pm.
7 pm Mondays in the church
9:45 am Thursdays after Mass
Please notify the parish office if you want communion
brought to the home, hospital or nursing home.
Hospitals do not notify the church that you are there
except at your direct request.
Please notify the parish office of those who are
homebound or in hospitals or nursing homes, especially
when seriously ill.
According to Diocesan policy, registered couples must
begin marriage preparation at least SIX MONTHS
prior to the desired wedding date. Please call the parish
office for an appointment.
At least SIX WEEKS before the anticipated date of
Baptism, parents must contact the office to arrange for
required baptismal preparation. Contact Christine Leal
CHILDREN - Grades 3 thru 7 - All children in the
above grades are prepared for the first sacraments of
Initiation through the Rite of Christian Initiation of
Children. Contact: Dave Conklin in the Faith
Formation office 704-664-7762.
All adults and high school age teens who wish to be
baptized, confirmed and/or receive First Eucharist are
prepared through the Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults. This is also the process for non-Catholics to
come into full communion with the Catholic Church.
Contact: Deacon John Sims 704-662-0714.
Rev. Vincent C. Curtin, S.J., ext. 102
Parochial Vicar/Vicarios:
Rev. Dominic Totaro, SJ, ext. 225
Rev. Donald M. Ward, S.J., ext. 107
In Residence: Rev. Fr ancis X. Reese, S.J ., ext. 205
Rev. Mr. John Sims [email protected]
Rev. Mr. Robert Kratchman (retired),
Rev. Mr. Myles Decker (retired),
Rev. Mr. Joe Santen (retired)
Faith Formation/Formación de Fe: 704-664-7762
Carmen SanJuan, ext. 109
David Conklin, ext. 108
Asst. Director
Darlene McClure, ext. 110
Office Assistant
Dayna Auten, ext. 318
Pre-school Director
Music Ministry/Ministerio de Música
Phillip Haigler, ext. 106
Argelia Chavez– Misa en Español
Wesley Weaver, ext. 104
Melinda Drury, ext. 101
Parish Manager
Rosemary Hyman, ext. 315
Liturgy Coordinator
Christine Leal, ext. 100
Office Assistant/Facilities Scheduler
Leyda Carrillo, ext. 114
Latino Coordinator
Elaine Runski, ext. 301
Administrative Assistant
Lisa Cash, ext. 105
Ministry Communications Coordinator
Staff emails/correos electrónicos: (first initial, last name) (inicial de su nombre, apellido) i.e./ejemplo: [email protected]
except Deacon John who has his own email address
Pastoral Council
Bill Streiff, Pres. Bob Linden, Vice Pres. Tina Force Sec.
Maria Boaze
Mark Green
JoAnn Horan
Jack Madey
Amy Michelone
Karen Neyland
Jose Mauricio Solorio
Ron Toney
Jeff Wagner
Judy Wagner
Rick Wagner
MAY 24, 2015
In Your Prayers
Jessie Adkins, Jan
Balmat, Michelle
Bischoff, Barbara
Cahill, Steve
Coyne, Dutch
Detchemendy, Eileen Iasenza, JD
Gibbs, Jon Gorman, Laura Hanby,
Willyne Kennerly, Joan Kratchman,
Marika Lawrence, Dolores Licari,
Aldo C. Martinez, Cindy Powell,
Ron Regula, Rose Regula, Dr.
William Rezuke, Maureen Rossi,
Helen Russo, Sylvia Hope Sanchez,
Edward St. John, Ed and Margaret
Vadnois, Linda Wojtko.
If you have any changes to the
Prayer Request list, please contact
Christine Leal at 704-664-3992,
ext. 100 or [email protected].
Please remember our homebound
in your prayers: At home: Attilo
Ceraldi, William Cote, Patsy Freeze,
Julianne & Scott Jarvis, Patrick
Leuci, Angela Leuci, Mark Marchese,
Patrick Naso, Jeanne McDonnell,
Charles Memrick, Dean Nash, Helen
Odomerick, Rita Sabella, Mary Strup,
Stach Wisniewski, Pat Marilyn Zande.
Autumn Care: Betty Kincaid, Betty
Markovich Brian Center: Cynthia
Ferrer, Rosemary O’Dell, Gregory
Ramirez, Hattie Walker, Joan
Waltman. Carillon: Betty Bunyan,
Mitzi Moody. Churchill: Cecilia
Blouin, Connie Caron, Corinne
Cordillo, MaryJane Farrell, Millie
Garrison, Nancy Grimaldi, Trudy
Keller, Regina Kilcarr, Joan Koch,
Louise Logono, Jean Loeshen, Ruth
Martins, Helen Mastrianni, Robert
Matsey, Johanna McCloskey, Jean
Mueller, Lillian Pingel, Evaline Seyk,
Elly Schenne, Inga Shealy, Sherry
Thompson, Jean Woodall. Crown
Colony: Rosemar y Leonetta, Linda
Turner. Genesis: Lucille Barslow,
Joan Brennan, Lorraine Cardillo,
Leona Dreiling, Barbara Jedrey, Lelia
Leon, Margaret Lovine, Francis
Mariea, Dee Murray, Terry Nagel,
Jim Strup, Patricia Vance.
Huntersville Oaks: Car ol Osmer
Statesville Place: Ir ene Nemeth.
Summit Place: Wanda Binder , Bill
Bonsignore, Nickie Ceraldi, Connie
Ferraro, Lee Floyd, Mary Kozar,
Elaine Panuski, Beverly Wisbon,
Yvette Wynn. The Pines: Florence
Chandler, Lee Kuras.
If you have any changes to the
Homebound List, please contact
Rosemary Hyman at 704-664-3992,
ext. 315 or
[email protected]
Please remember our military personnel in your prayers:
READINGS FOR Sunday, May 31, 2015
The Most Holy Trinity
1st Reading - Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40
Responsorial - Psalm 33
2nd Reading - Romans 8:14-17
Gospel - Matthew 28:16-20
In May, the Holy Father asks us to pray that
rejecting the culture of indifference, we may care
for our neighbors who suffer, especially the sick
and the poor, and that Mary’s intercession may
help Christians in secularized cultures be open to
proclaiming Jesus.
Madison Ahlers, Dave
Berczek, Jaryl Burjoss, Janine
Campbell (USS Pickney),
Crista Campos, Garrett
Carnes, Douglas Cestari
(Afghan), John Cevasco,
Frank Comer, Steven Fotiadis,
Kody Garrison, Matthew
Geremia, Jeffrey Guild
(Afghan), Courtney Hanna,
Gregory Hanna, Richard
Hedges, Nicholas Hemm
(Japan), Mary Katherine
Hesler, Ryan Howard,
(Afghan), Jeremy Lacey,
Matthew Laxton, Rachel
Laxton, Adam Livingston,
Andres Molestina, Carlos
Molestina, John
Nickolopakos, Stephen
Nilsson, Eduardo J. Sanchez
(Afghan), Caylin Sandke
(Afghan), Jay Sandke, Ryan
Smith (Okinowa), Daniel
Spaulding (Iraq), Erik
Tarnacki, Dominic Wagner,
Donovan Wagner, John
White, Kyle Wishlinski (USS
Louisiana), Billy Wyatt
Please let
us know if
someone in
your family
is deployed
injured, or returns home.
The Ignatian Corner!
This page continues the document: A Mission Statement for Jesuits in Parish Ministry,
promulgated by Jesuits in Parish Ministry at Santa Clara University, California, July 23, 1987. Fr. Dominic
In order to be true to this commitment, we hold the following to be essential elements of our Jesuit parish
1) LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS OF THE SACRAMENTS -** characterized by a spirit of creativity and a willingness to adapt to the cultural realities of the
communities we serve, e.g., racial, ethnic, youth, singles, elderly, middle class, and many more:
** characterized by prophetic and spirit filled preaching which consoles and challenges, and which
results in deeper understanding of God's love and the destructive nature of sin and sinful structures;
** supported by para-liturgical devotions which are in the spirit of Vatican II, which arise from our
charism and traditions, and which nourish the spiritual life of people who find God in them.
2) EVANGELIZATION ** by pre-evangelization of those who have not yet heard the Good News of Jesus Christ;
** by full use of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults;
** by re-evangelization of the middle class through a Gospel critique of our culture and its addictions;
** by traditional means of Catholic schools, adult and youth religious education programs, as well as
by means of media, creative experiments, small communities, Christian Life Communities, the Jesuit
Volunteer Corp (sic), and many more means.
3) COLLABORATIVE MINISTRY in determining and fulfilling the mission of the Church -** with Catholic laity, empowered in our mutually shared baptismal call to ministry and leadership;
** with diocesan priests, women and men religious, as well as with the American bishops and Pope;
** with Jesuits in the local parish apostolate, with Jesuits in the province parish apostolate, as well as
with Jesuits in other works and communities of the Society;
** with other Christian faiths, those of other faiths, and all people of good will;
** by associating with and affecting civic services, political structures and the entire temporal sphere.
4) A PREFERENTIAL LOVE FOR THE POOR -** characterizing all of our parishes;
** sharing directly in the lives of the poor and those at the margins of society;
** fostering liberation from the addictions of consumerism, sexism, racism, rugged individualism,
national chauvinism and other cultural evils contrary to the Gospel;
** expressing solidarity with the disenfranchised and empowering them to change unjust social
5) Manifesting and imparting JESUIT CHARISMS rooted in the Spiritual Exercises ** by fostering the spiritual growth and apostolic commitment of the whole parish and of individuals
through spiritual direction, all forms of the Spiritual Exercises, preaching, the sacrament of reconciliation, and
so forth;
** by use of communal apostolic discernment of decision making with the staffs, parish councils, and
other groups;
** by personal and communal life characterized by Ignatian discernment (action and reflection) and an
attitude of availability (generosity), mobility (progress and growth) , universality (multi-cultural
consciousness), prophetic witness (the cutting edge), and the sense of mission (sent into the world).
** most especially through a personal and corporate spirit of detachment which encourages us and
demands us to respond fully to our missions and simultaneously work toward responsible relinquishment of
our apostolic works into the capable hand of our collaborators.
Fr. Dominic
MAY 24-31
Sun, May 24
Steve Guerriro+
Sam Dorsett+
9:00 AM
Joe Kennedy+
Bob Hickey+
10:30 AM Barbara Ann Kraus+
Mortoo Family (Thanks)
12:00 PM
Carey Buda+
Henry Akuffo+
5:30 PM
Monique Chau+
James F. Harper+
Mon, May 25
9:00 AM
Marge Yukich+
Johnny Capels (Healing)
Tues, May 26
9:00 AM
Johnny Capels (Healing)
Marge Yukich+
Wed, May 27
9:00 AM
Johnny Capels (Healing)
Arnold Benz+
Thurs, May 28
9:00 AM
Roy Nard+
Marge Yukich+
Fri, May 29
9:00 AM
Rose Schauerte+
Patrick Patwell+
Sat, May 30
5:30 PM
Robert Oszlanyi+
Lee Hoppe+
Sun, May 31
7:30 AM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
5:30 PM
Requested By
Rachel & George Zevan
O'Donnell Family
Powlowski Family
Dick & Remy Bryar
Elizabeth & Kathy
Mr. & Mrs. Mortoo
The Buda Family
Francesca Aryeetey
Adifon Family
Faith Formation
Requested By
Friends at St. Therese
Requested By
Marian Prayer Group
Requested By
Colucci Family
Requested By
Requested By
Auten Family
Rielly Family
Requested By
Oszlanyi Family
Rose Hoppe
Requested By
Eleanor Gestal+
Otto Critz+
Dolores & John Jacobsen
Betty Bunyan
Pat & Bill Hannagan
Frank Dowd+
John F. Mermer+
Chris Winters+
Phyllis Grace Cote+
Little Way Preschool
Lockman Family
Ann Urban
Charles & Louise Knox
Sun 5/24 FF LIGHT
Sanctuary Choir
Mon 5/25 Crafty Ladies
Rosary for the Unborn
K of C Social Mtg
Tues 5/26 Liturgy of the Hours
Social Butterflies
Marian Prayer Group
Ignatian Prayer-Spanish
Music-Handbell Choir
Wed 5/27 Music-Children's Choir
Girl Scouts Junior Group
Music-Adult Choir
Adult Bible Study
Thurs 5/28 Luminous Rosary
Music-Latino Choir
Finance Council
Peace & Justice Committee
Fri 5/29 Bridge Club
Spanish Youth Group
Sat 5/30 Sat. Morning Bible Study
K of C 1st Degree Meeting
Spiritual Exercises Training
Latino Vicariate
Sun 5/31 Latino Pot Luck
Sanctuary Choir
Youth Ministry-Senior
4:00 PM
4:00 PM
10:00 AM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
8:30 AM
11:00 AM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
4:00 PM
6:15 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
9:30 AM
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
1:00 PM
7:00 PM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
1:00 PM
1:30 PM
4:00 PM
6:30 PM
Sir 17:20-24; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk
Tuesday: Sir 35:1-12; Ps 50:5-8, 14, 23;
Mk 10:28-31
Wednesday: Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17; Ps 79:8,
9, 11, 13;
Mk 10:32-45
Thursday: Sir 42:15-25; Ps 33:2-9; Mk
Sir 44:1, 9-13; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b;
Mk 11:11-26
Saturday: Sir 51:12cd-20; Ps 19:8-11; Mk
Dt 4:32-34, 39-40; Ps 33:4-6, 9,
18-20, 22;
Rom 8:14-17; Mt 28:16-20
STEWARDSHIP...Sharing Time, Talent & Treasure
The Holy Spirit brought the early Church alive
by giving individuals gifts that would sustain
the Church. By sharing the gifts you have
been blessed with, you can keep the church
alive for years to come.
Mass Attendance
May 10, 2015
5:30 Sat
A 2nd Collection for the International – National
Combined Collection was taken over the
weekend of May 16/17.
**Please note: A check will be sent to the
Diocese of Charlotte two weeks after the
collection is taken. Any donations after that date
will be put into our regular offertory.
Soda Crackers
(Food can be dropped off on the black
rolling carts in the Narthex of the
Church or you may continue to drop it
off in the carts in the hallway of the
Administration building)
Please Remember:
 No opened or fresh food
 Check expiration dates - expired food
must be thrown away
All of us are called to be good stewards of our time, but
to different causes or activities according to God's
specific call. What is God's call to me?
$21,000 $1,936
10 May
Active Families 3,647 as of 5/12/15
Thank You for Your Generosity
2015 Diocesan Support Appeal
Everyone prepares an annual
budget. The ministries funded by
the DSA are no different. They
depend on your contributions to
meet their annual budget needs. If
you have not yet made a gift,
please give prayerful consideration
to how you can “Share God’s
Gifts” with thousands of people throughout our
As of May 18th, 594 of our parishioners have paid
$104,056.54 and pledged $67,018.00 towards our
goal of $133,108.64. Thank you for your
*Please note: If you have already made a pledge
and are making a payment, please send it directly to
the Diocese at:
Food Pantry is open Mondays from
10:00am to 11:30am
2015 Diocesan Support Appeal
1123 South Church Street
Charlotte, NC 28203-4003
(Please make checks payable to DSA)
The pantry is closed on church Holy Days &
all Federal holidays.
Thank you for your support!
Frequently Asked Questions about
our New Church!
Exiting the Church Campus on Weekends
If you are exiting the Church campus by the
lower driveway you will only be able to make a
right turn. If you need to turn left, please use the
upper drive. Thank you!
Commonly Used Terms:
Description of the stained glass windows in the
narthex going from left to right from the inside:
1. Jesus calling Peter and Andrew to leave their
fishing to come be his disciples
2. Jesus welcomes all e.g. “Come to me all you
who are weary and burdened, and I will give
you rest” Matt. 11:28-30
3. Jesus welcomes the prodigal son
4. Jesus washes the feet of Peter at the Last
5. Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene after his
6. Jesus appears to two of his disciples on the
road to Emmaus on Easter.
Church - New Church
Day Chapel - Our original Church (Daily Mass will
be held in the Day Chapel)
Administration Building - The Church Offices,
Day Chapel, Church Store, Sunday Nursery, Family
Room, Food Pantry and Classrooms 14, 15, 16 & 17
are located in the Administration Building
PLC - Parish Life Center
The Faith Formation Office, Parish Library, MPR
(Multi-Purpose Room), Kitchen and Classrooms
202, 203, 204, 205, 206 are upstairs and the Choir
Room, Little Way Preschool, and Classrooms 103,
104, 105, 106, 107 and 110 are downstairs in the
Parish Life Center
MPR - The Multi-Purpose room is located in the
“And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it
filled the entire house in which they were” (Acts 2:2). The Holy Spirit’s arrival on
that first Pentecost was signaled by a rush of wind. We all know what it’s like when
our windows are open just as a summer storm rises up. Curtains fly, papers become
airborne, house plants shudder, dust is scattered. A rush of wind disrupts the
orderliness of our home. The coming of the Holy Spirit, as celebrated each year at
Pentecost, can also disrupt ways that have become comfortable and orderly. The
Church always needs Pentecost. We need the breath of God’s Spirit to blow away
any complacency or malaise that has settled into our faith. Jesus breathes on his
disciples and they receive the Holy Spirit. With that reception comes the power to
share the Good News of salvation. Today, this is no less true for us.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
The American Cancer Society’s – Mooresville/Lake Norman Relay For Life®
Friday, May 29th at the Mooresville High School Stadium
One day. One night. One community. Relay For Life® is about celebration,
remembrance, and hope. By participating, you honor cancer survivors, pay tribute to the
lives we've lost to the disease, and raise money to help the fight against cancer – all right
here in your community. You won't want to miss one moment of this community
affirming event!
Help support the St. Therese Relay for Life Team!
Join our team or make a financial donation by going to .
For additional information contact Kim Mertes at 704-500-7896.
Little Way Preschool
Little Way Preschool has spaces available for the
2015-16 school year! There are 5 open spots in the
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 2 year-old class and 5
open spots in the Tuesday/Thursday 3 year-old class
There is a registration fee of $80.00.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule a
tour, please contact Dayna Auten at
[email protected] or call 704-664-7762.
Little Way Preschool’s
registration form can be
found on our website under
Little Way Preschool at
Preschool Summer Camp - We
are Always Learning While
Having Fun!
Open to rising 4 year olds and 5 year olds (going
into kindergarten) Hours: 9am to 1pm
Using our Core Knowledge Curriculum, our
Summer Program brings
together FUN,
LEARNING. Your child
will enjoy our unique
summer activities where
play and educational
opportunities come
together. We will explore Ocean, Science and Safari
animals during our one week summer camps.
To register, please visit our website at and fill out a
registration form, or contact Dayna Auten at
[email protected] or call 704-664-7762.
Parish Library Update
We will be hosting a First Degree Initiation
Ceremony on Saturday, May 30th at 9:00AM in
rooms 202-203 of the Parish Life Center. If you are
interested in joining please contact Tracy Neumann
ay (817) 729-1970 or [email protected].
Candidates should arrive by 8:30AM. Team
members should arrive by 8:00AM. Please give
some prayerful thought to who you would like to
bring into the council and reach out to any
prospective brother and ask them to join.
The Saint Therese library will
be closed for summer holiday
from June 1st through
September 7th.
Please return any books that you have checked
out to the Library Monday-Thursday between
9:30AM-11:30AM. If you stop by when the
Library is closed, books can be returned to the
Parish Office.
Thank you!
Operation Lamb Volunteers Needed for Saturday, June 6th
Operation LAMB is a fundraising program of the Knights of Columbus. This non-profit public charity
assists people with intellectual disabilities.
We need volunteers for the LAMB WalMart Tootsie Roll giveaway on Saturday, June 6th.
This is a great opportunity to earn service hours!
Please call Larry Rasmussen at
704-224-0959 for more information.
“an IGNATIAN book of days” by Jim Manney
The Ignatian team is coordinating a parish wide book selling event for “An Ignatian
Book of Days” by Jim Manney. We invite you to experience Ignatian Spirituality in a
personal tangible way by having a daily reflection that will assist you in growing
closer to God, seeking God in your Day.
Cost - Discounted Price from Loyola Press of only $5.00
Pre-Orders: After ALL Masses on May 30/31 and June 6/7 (Please make
checks payable to St. Therese and write “Ignatian Book” in the memo line)
Book Distribution: Begins J uly 31st on the Feast Day of St. Ignatius - we will also distribute
books after some weekend Masses in August
This will make a great gift idea for a graduation, anniversary, birthday, or just because!
Please see the below entry as a way to peek into this priceless gift. (Excerpted from A n Ignatian Book of
Days. Used with permission.
May 24
Our Lady of the Way
Today is the feast of Our Lady of the Way, Santa Maria Della Strada, patroness of the Jesuits. Ignatius
and the early Jesuits were drawn to this devotion, which honors Mary as the protector of travelers,
because they saw themselves as men on the road, willing to go everywhere to serve Christ. The Church
of Santa Maria della Strada in Rome was the first Jesuit mother church. The Church of the Gesu, the
current Jesuit mother church, was erected on that site in 1568.
Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Jesus
said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If
you know me, you will know my Father also.” - John 14:5-7
Recall your spiritual journey-the road you have travelled with Christ. What comes to mind? Spend some
time with those memories.
Free Estate Planning Seminar Offered Thursday, June 4th
Do you have a valid will and do you know if it needs to be updated? Are you interested in learning more about
how to coordinate estate planning within your overall financial plan and provide security for your family and loved
These and other questions will be addressed at a free seminar on estate planning in Charlotte. Attendees will learn
about wills, trusts, powers of attorney, probate, bequests and other planned gifts as well as Catholic teaching on end
of life issues.
Attorney Christian Cherry with Grier Furr & Crisp will present legal information. Mr. Cherry is an estate planning
attorney with a concentration including wills, estates, trusts, and probate. His presentation will include an open
question and answer period. Information on planned giving, bequests and Catholic teaching on end of life issues
will also be provided by the planned giving office.
The seminar is Thursday, June 4th at the Catholic Diocese Pastoral Center, 1123 South Church Street in Charlotte
from 7:00 to 8:30pm. Light refreshments will be served. Contact Judy Smith at [email protected] or
704-370-3320 to register and reserve your free take home materials or for more information.
The Roman Catholic Diocese
of Charlotte Office of
The Diocese of Charlotte's third
annual Quo Vadis Days, a five-day
vocations discernment camp for
young men (ages 15-25), will take
place at Belmont Abbey College on
June 15-19, 2015.
This camp will help you to know
Jesus more deeply and help you to
discern your vocation in life while
having a lot of fun with other
Catholic young men.
The Latin phrase quo vadis literally
means "Where are you going?" and
it is a fitting title to an event that
prompts young men to reflect upon
this fundamental question.
This five-day experience allows
young men a unique opportunity to
grow in their faith and delve into
the meaning and mystery of the
What will we do for five days?
The event itself strikes an effective
balance between the activity of a
summer camp and the quiet of a
The day is structured to include
Holy Mass, the Liturgy of the
Hours, Eucharistic Adoration, time
for personal reflection and
Parish Education Director Opportunity
Saint Peter Catholic Church, a dynamic and growing
1,700+ household parish in Charlotte, NC is seeking
a Parish Education Director. The Parish Education
Director will be responsible for Faith Education
from birth to death. A minimum of 3-5 years of
administrative experience in education/parish setting
is required. The candidate should be a practicing
Catholic, familiar with Ignatian spirituality, with a
degree in Education/Theology or Pastoral Ministry.
For more information, including a detailed job
description, please visit our website
St. James the Greater 2015 Trip to
Germany, Switzerland, Austria from
September 1-14, 2015
Join travelers from St. James the Greater Parish and
Visit Heidelberg, Lucerne, Interlaken, Innsbruck,
Munich, Neuschwanstein, Salzburg, Melk Abbey,
Vienna, extend for two days in Budapest!
Seven Optional Excursions includes: Castles,
Dachau, Mozart Concert & Dinner, Mount Pilatus,
Bratislava, Traditional Viennese Dinner
Trip includes: Airfare, hotels, daily breakfast, six
dinners, all entry fees Just $4,599
Contact: John Green [email protected]
Complete itinerary and sign up:
or call GoAhead Tours 1-877-264-1348
Reference trip# 65424641
Hurry! Make your deposit today
Final payment due 6/23/15!
interaction with priests and
There is also ample time devoted to
activities and fellowship.
Bishop Peter J. Jugis and priests
and seminiarians from the Diocese
of Charlotte will be participating in
the camp.
For more information and to
register: http://
The camp fee is $100. This cost
includes lodging at Belmont Abbey
College, all meals and supplies.
Assistance is available.
Theme: The Family that Prays
Together Stays Together. Kindly
reserve your seats for this event at
St. Mark Catholic Church,
Huntersville, on Sat., June 13,
2015 from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00
p.m. Bishop Jugis will be our
main celebrant. Our priest guests will be an EWTN
speaker from New Orleans and a priest from Mexico,
who has spoken on the importance and urgency of
deliverance and exorcism in the priestly ministry.
Call 1-844-YES-MARY or go online and pay $15 thru
Centering Prayer as an 11th Step Practice
When: June 6th, 9:30AM – 3:00PM
Where: Davidson United Methodist Chapel,
304 S. Main Street in Davidson, NC
Centering Prayer is a prayer method, used as an 11th
Step practice by many people who are in a 12-Step
recovery program. This workshop is open to members of ANY of the 12-Step recovery programs. In
addition to the workshop, participants may attend six
continuing sessions to help support and ground their
Early Registration by May 23: $25.00. After May
23; $35.00 Registration closes June 2.
Information: at [email protected]
Contact: Emily Bumann 704-892-8277,
[email protected]
FAITH FORMATION 704-664-7762
Memorial Day
This week we celebrate Memorial Day and
remember all who have served our country.
Did you know there is an Archdiocese for the
Military Services? It was created by Pope
John Paul II to provide the Catholic Church's
full range of pastoral ministries and spiritual
services to those in the United States Armed
Forces. This includes more than 220
installations in 29 countries, patients in 153
V.A. Medical Centers, and federal employees
serving overseas in 134 countries.
Numerically, the AMS is responsible for
more than 1.5 million men, women, and
children. Because base/command chapels are
United States government property, all
records of sacraments performed on U.S.
Military installations are maintained by the
Archdiocese in its Office of Sacramental
Records. The Archdiocese currently
maintains more than 2.5 million records of
sacraments performed on military
installations. The Archdiocese receives no
funding from the United States government.
Rather, the Archdiocese is solely funded by
the generosity of its chaplains, men and
women in uniform and private benefactors.
Faith Formation Schedule
Confirmation Schedule
5/26 Classes ABCD - 7pm
5/28 Classes EFGH - 7 pm
Youth Ministry-Senior Night - honoring our
graduating High School Seniors - 6:30pm
Last week of HS Youth Ministry - 7pm
Vacation Bible School
Faith Formation registration for the 2015/16
school year has begun. Students in weekly
classes have been given preprinted family
registration forms in class. Families that
participated in home schooling or last year’s
Summer FF, need to come to the office to get
their forms. Blank forms are available at http:// Do
not wait too long to register because popular
classes will fill up fast.
July 13-17 from 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Registration forms available
outside the Faith Formation office
or at
Misas en Español
Todos los Domingos a las 2:30 p.m.
Adoración al Santísimo
Sacramento. El viernes 5
de Junio del 2015. Todos
los primeros viernes del
mes, de 9:30 am—4:45 pm
tendremos adoración eucarística.
Confesiones: Todos los domingos a las 2:00 p.m.
Usted puede llamar para hacer una cita.
Clases de Bautismos:
Todos los tercer fines de semanas tendremos clases
de bautismos. La duración de la clase es de 2 horas,
la asistencia es requerida padres y padrinos. La
próxima clase será el sábado 20 de Junio y el domingo 21 de Junio de 4:00 pm– 6:00 pm. Por favor
llamar a la Iglesia para registrarse como miembro.
Atención Padres: No niños en las clase.
Quinceañeras: Las personas que quieran
organizar 15 años tienen que ser miembros de la iglesia, por un periodo de 6 meses luego llamar a la iglesia, para hacer
una cita con el coordinador del misa.
Matrimonios: Clases pre matrimoniales, favor avisar con seis meses de
Primeras Comuniones y Confirmaciones: Llamar a Carmen San Juan al 704-664-7762
Grupo Ignaciano: El grupo de oración Ignaciana
abren sus puertas todos los martes en la iglesia a
partir de las 7:00 pm. Los esperamos !
24 de Mayo 2015
San Pablo nos recuerda hoy que todos nuestros dones tienen su fuente en el Espíritu Santo, y que esos
dones nos han sido entregados para el bien común.
¿Cuáles son mis dones que debo compartir?
Asistencia de Alimentos: Atención a todas las familias latinas, nuestro servicio de ayuda de alimentos
será distribuida, Lunes en el siguiente horario
10:00 am– 11:30 am. Si usted necesita asistencia en
otros horarios, por favor diríjase a las Misiones cristianas.
Congreso Mariano del Rosario 2015. La
iglesia de San Marcos en Huntersville,
invita todos los católicos del área a disfrutar de la presentación del P. Pedro
Nuñez, director del programa EWTN en
New Orleans. El día 13 de Junio de 8:00
am hasta 10:00 am. El P. Nuñez hablara
sobre El poder de los Sacramentos hacia
la santificación. Luego de 10:00 am a 12:00 pm, el Padre
Ernesto Maria Caro, de Monterrey México , estará hablando del poder de rezar el santo rosario y la urgencia
de conocer sobre el Exorcismo en los ministerios.
El Rev. Obispo Peter Jugis estará celebrando una misa
para cerrar nuestro congreso. La dirección de la iglesia de
San Marcos es : 14740 Stumptown Road, Huntersville,
NC 28078. Los boletos estarán vendiéndose en la entrada
de la iglesia a 10 dólares por persona. Para mas información llamar a la oficina de nuestra parroquia.
Las personas interesadas en ver las fotos
de la Primera Comunión en Español, celebrada el sábado 16 de Mayo. Pueden visitar la pagina web,
click sobre la palabra ECOMMUNITY,
luego buscar la palabra St. THERESE
PHOTO GALLERIES, click , luego buscar
2015 FIRST COMMUNION at 3:00 pm.
Es usted nuevo miembro de Santa Teresa? Los miembros activos en nuestra Iglesia son elegibles para ser padrinos o madrinas de Bautismo, recibir ayuda financiera
para educación católica, recibir el Sacramento del Matrimonio y preparar a sus niños para los sacramentos de
iniciación Cristiana. Registrando a los niños en clase de
Formación de fe para niños y adolecentes.
Para aquellas personas que recientemente se han mudado
a los Estados Unidos, y son parroquianos pueden obtener
cartas de ser parroquiano de nuestra iglesia, a través de la
solicitud en la oficina principal. La parroquia puede ayudar a proveer documentación al servicio de Inmigración,
si es necesario. Ser parroquiano significa participar en
una vida de oración y asistencia a la Iglesia. Compartiendo nuestros talentos, tiempo y dinero. Si usted todavía no
se ha hecho parroquia de nuestra iglesia, puede llamar a
nuestras oficina o buscar la forma de registración en las
oficina de la parroquia.
Feliz Día de Pentecostés !!!
Para más información, llamar a Leyda Carrillo a 704-664-3992 Extensión 114, fax 704-660-6321
“La Esquina Ignaciana”
Cuando el Papa Juan XXIII proclamó el inicio del Concilio Vaticano II, habló
de una esperanza de que el don de un nuevo Pentecostés amaneciera entre los
miembros de la Iglesia. En proclamar eso el “Papa Bueno” estaba expresando
el sueño que nuestro Señor tenía para su iglesia - que el Espíritu Santo siempre
la guiará en cada época de su historia. Hoy día, en nuestra liturgia, celebramos
de nuevo esta fiesta de Pentecostés. Animados por las palabras del papa, otra
vez más podemos proclamar nuestra esperanza de que el mismo Espíritu llene
las vidas del pueblo cristiano con un nuevo entusiasmo por el Evangelio.
Y ¿cuál es el signo de que esa acción del Espíritu de Jesús permanece en la
comunidad? San Pablo es muy claro en su convicción de que esta realidad se
pueda medir. Él escribe:
Los frutos del Espíritu son: el amor, la alegría, la paz,
la generosidad, la benignidad, la bondad, la fidelidad,
la mansedumbre y el dominio de sí mismo.
Hoy es un día para pedir aquellos frutos del Espíritu. También es un momento a buscar las huellas de
esos mismos frutos en nuestras experiencias parroquiales y en las personas que forman la iglesia acá
en Santa Teresita, Mooresville. Encontrarlas y celebrarlas es una cierta confirmación de que estamos
viviendo el misterio pentecostal, el don que Jesús garantizó a sus discípulos hasta el fin de los
Uno no necesita pensar mucho a ver que existe acá una alegría y generosidad entre nuestra
comunidad. Hemos experimentado el gozo y la participación de todos con la construcción del nuevo
templo. Vemos también entre nosotros muchos que se han entregado alegremente a las varias
responsabilidades de la comunidad. Se notan los que se ofrecieron para ayudar en muchísimas cosas
- para las convivencias y las estaciones de la cruz, para el círculo de la oración ignaciana y la ayuda
de familias que tienen distintas necesidades, para el coro y los otros ministerios litúrgicos de la
lectura y la eucarística, y para la enseñanza de nuestros niños. El esfuerzo recién para reunir a los
jóvenes como un grupo necesario y un elemento constitutivo para el bienestar de la comunidad
simboliza un empuje impresionante del Espíritu. La generosidad de cada una de estas personas
muestra que los dones del Espíritu sigan dotándonos en abundancia. Que se lo hacen con ternura y
con fidelidad son señales más seguras aun de que el Espíritu está vivo y sano dentro la comunidad.
Y hoy rezamos juntos que el mismo Espíritu venga con nueva fuerza para vivificar a todos de la
parroquia, a sus familiares y a sus amigos y amigas y a todo el mundo que tiene hambre por su
presencia. Recemos que más parroquianos se ofrezcan para enfrentar estos mismos desafíos
parroquiales y que ellos propongan nuevos servicios como el Espíritu de Jesús los inspiran. El día de
Pentecostés fue un día cuando muchísima gente de muchísimos países escuchó la misma palabra y
alabó al mismo Señor y se dedicó al mismo mundo para que fuera más cerca de hacerse el verdadero
reino del Padre. Hoy, el día de un nuevo Pentecostés, recemos que nos toquemos también en una
manera parecida. “Este es el día que hizo el Señor. Regocijemos y alegrémonos en ella” Que el
amor del Espíritu de Jesús llene los corazones de todos de nuestra parroquia hoy y por todos los días.
P. Donald Ward, SJ