May 29, 2016 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton


May 29, 2016 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
SETON Sunday News
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - A Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Community
(Part 5)
pg 4-5
May 29, 2016
Volume 2
Number 27
2 | The SETON Sunday News | Corpus Christi, 05/29/16
The Readings Today—Corpus Christi
There are many kinds of hunger and yearning that can only be satisfied in the kingdom of God. Jesus responds to the hungry
crowd (see Luke 9:11b-17), and he gives himself to us in the Eucharist as a pledge of the life to come (see second reading: 1
Cor. 11:23-26). In today’s first reading Melchizedek celebrates Abram’s victory with bread and wine (Gen. 14:18-20),
which is a forestage of what is to come, in the Eucharist we celebrate the victory over sin.
Daily Spiritual Nourishment
Mon., May 30: 2 Peter 1:2-7; Mark 12:1-12
He will come, put the tenants to death, and give the vineyard to
others. As we in the United States observe Memorial Day, it strikes
me that, like the tenants in the parable, we’re slow to learn that
violence begets violence. Let us make every effort to supplement
our faith with virtue, virtue with knowledge, knowledge with selfcontrol, self-control with endurance, endurance with devotion,
devotion with mutual affection, mutual affection with love.
situation: seven brothers who marry the same woman, each one after
the death of the previous brother. “Whose wife is she in the
Thurs., June 2: 2 Tim 2:8-15; Mark 12:28-34
The word of God is not chained. God’s word is truth, and truth lives
on after lies die. God’s word is joy, and even in the midst of sorrow
and sin, joy finds a foothold and nourishes. God’s word is love, and
love abounds even as enemies forget why they were at war.
Fri., June 3: Ezek 34:11-16; Rom 5:5b-11; Luke 15:3-7
Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Tues., May 31: Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16; Luke 1:39-56
The love of God has been poured out into our hearts. From Pope
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
One might think that after a visit from an angel and the news that Francis: “If our hearts are closed, if our hearts are made of stone, the
she is bearing the Son of God, Mary might hold court and expect stones find their way into our hands and we are ready to throw
visitors to pay her homage. But she sets out on an 80- mile journey, them.”
presumably by donkey, to honor and attend to Elizabeth.
Sat., June 4: 2 Tim 4:1-8; Luke 2:41-51
Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Wed., June 1: 2 Tim 1:1-3, 6-12; Mark 12:18-27
His mother kept all these things in her heart. In the midst of World
Memorial of Justin, martyr
One of the Sadducees’ disagreements with the Pharisees had to do War II, Pope Pius XII put the whole world under the protection of
with the resurrection of the dead. The Sadducees didn’t believe in it. the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and in 1944 decreed that the
To both trap and ridicule Jesus, the Sadducees posited a ludicrous universal church should celebrate this memorial.
Roberto Saldivar, M.Sp.S., Pastor
Mario Rodriguez, M.Sp.S., Vicar
Jorge Gomez del Valle, M.Sp.S., Vicar
Santos Mendoza, M.Sp.S., Brother
Craig Lundberg, Deacon
Shannon Everist,
Pastoral Asst. for Administration
Lori Lowery, Secretary
Our Shared Vision
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday - 3:30 - 4:45 pm
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
Mon — Fri, 10 am — 9 pm
How to reach us:
Phone: (425) 481-0303
Fax: (425) 485-8510
2316 180th St S.E., Bothell, WA 98012
P.O.Box 12429, Mill Creek, WA 98082
Web Site: www.easbothell.or g
Facebook web link:
Email: [email protected] g
myParish app, St Elizabeth Ann Seton
Phone: 425-481-9358
Enliven Faith
Monday thru Friday:
10am - 5pm
Embrace our Ethnicities
Enhance Spirituality
Office Hours:
Mon. - Thu. 9 am - 4:30 pm
(Closed 12:30-1:30pm)
Mass Times:
Mon.-Sat. 9 am / Saturday vigil - 5:00 pm
Sunday: 9 am, 11 am,
1 pm (Spanish) & 5 pm
Officers and Councils
The Pastoral Council
Gerry Apin, Jenifer Arulnathan,
Eduardo Cardona, Jean Dellino,
Paul Gallagher, Bob Kennedy,
Jim Krieger, Alice Paine
The Leadership Team
Jonald Alejandro, Ana May Apin, Rolfson
Augustine, Shannon Everist, Marcia Gimenez,
Heidi Gogal, Dc. Craig Lundberg,
Steve Robinson
The Finance Council
Richard Carlson,
Bill Dunnigan, Shannon Everist
The Seton Sunday News Bulletin
Fr. Roberto Saldivar, MSpS, publisher
Marcia Gimenez, associate publisher
Deacon Craig Lundberg, executive vice president
Stephanie Matheny,
Administrative Assistant
Rosamaría García, Bilingual Assistant
Stephanie Moran, Early Childhood/
Stephen Kramp, Life Teen
Susie King, The Edge
Calendar of Events
Daily Readings
From Fr. Mario
Intentional Disciples
Pastor’s Corner
Sección en Español
Vocational Awareness
P A S T O R ’ S Corner
he Most Holy Body and Blood
of Christ. Today we celebrate the
Solemnity of Corpus Christi, the
expression of Trinitarian Love we were
talking about last weekend continues to
the fullest this week when we understand
that in the Sacrament of the Eucharist,
Christ, our Lord, fulfills his ardent desire
to remain with us, his brothers and
sisters, in a tangible way.
We humans need the constant
reminders. In the Gospel today Jesus
tells his disciples “Give them some food
yourselves.” When they fail to see how,
Jesus takes matters into his own hands
and shows them that everything is
possible when you bless God and pray in
His name. Jesus prays “looking up to
heaven”, while the disciples’ eyes were
downcast, thinking only about the
earthly limitations of five loaves and two
Too many times in life we also fail to
look up to heaven and pray. The
multiplication of the loaves is still
available to us, not only through the
Eucharist, but through small examples of
Divine Providence that we may not
recognize as such in the moment. Let us
take this opportunity today to give
thanks (Eucharist is thanksgiving in
Greek) to God for the gift of His Son,
and for the gift of the most Blessed
Next Friday, June 3rd, the Church
celebrates the Solemnity of the Most
Sacred Heart of Jesus. As it is First
Friday of the month, the morning Mass
will also have the Vocation Awareness
fellowship after Mass hosted by Cascade
Serra Club, and we will celebrate an
evening Mass at 7pm. Fifteen minutes
before the evening Mass a group of
parishioners will lead the Litany to the
Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Church.
Come early if you are able and join in
Corpus Christi, 05/29/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 3
Sacrament of the Body and Blood of
Christ, always present with us to nourish
us and renew our spiritual strength.
continue to pray that more people will
change that habit and stay until the end
of the celebration.
Like I mentioned last week, the
Liturgical Calendar marks we are now in
Ordinary Time, but these two feasts,
Most Holy Trinity and Corpus Christi
remind us that this time is not simple,
just orderly. We will spend the next six
months hearing about the life and
ministry of Jesus on earth, His actions
and teachings, with only a few
Solemnities here and there. These
readings are meant to show us the way of
Christian life, how we can follow Jesus’
teachings and example in our own
daily lives.
I encourage you to recall some of the
prayers we used at Mass, or look for the
Sequence we sang, and meditate this
week how the gift of the Eucharist has
changed your life, how it continuously
gives you strength to move forward in
your spiritual journey, and how it makes
you one with all the people in the world
who share in the same Body and Blood
of Our Lord.
May we all grow in our love for the
Blessed Sacrament.
St Elizabeth Ann Seton, who
joined the Catholic Faith because of
the great love she felt for the Lord
in the Blessed Sacrament even
Catholicism, said “In the Sacrament
of the Eucharist Jesus Christ
incarnates himself anew”. And
when we partake of His Body and
Blood worthily and reverently, we
take that incarnation into ourselves,
into our own souls. We become
living and moving tabernacles, have
you stopped to meditate on that?
This is why it saddens me when I
see people living Mass immediately
after receiving Holy Communion,
sometimes without even a pause to
thank God for this wonderful gift. I
The Parish Prayer Team last week
this prayer with your brothers and sisters
suggested prayers for the discernment we
of SEAS.
Missionaries of the Holy Spirit continue
The RCIA team has begun short
to work on as we organize the
presentations about becoming Catholic
communities, including St Elizabeth’s.
and what the program entails. There will
We thank you for your prayers, and ask
be one presentation a month through
that you continue praying for us. You can
August, make sure you check the
count on my prayers for you as we move
Calendar of events in the bulletin if you
forward with the Transition process. By
know of somebody that may be
the way, a Transition Team is currently
being formed, and with the help of the
Stavros continues, and we, the team, Archdiocese, they will keep you
are very pleased with your response. If informed about events and steps of the
you were not able to join us this time transition to a new Pastor.
around, there will be other opportunities
Your Brother In Christ,
in the future. We will announce the dates
Fr. Roberto Saldivar, M.Sp.S.
in the new Pastoral Calendar.
4 | The SETON Sunday News | Corpus Christi, 05/29/16
Intentional Disciples Face Temptations
We all know that we should resist sin and evil.
But, what about temptation? Temptation isn’t sin.
tempted. He faced those temptations, avoided the
slippery slope to sin, and teaches us how to do the
same. This Sunday we’ll explore the role of
temptation in the life a disciple. Yes, disciples face
drinking every night, but then my new status as a
disciple leads me to be very judgmental of people
who aren’t Christians. As we grow in discipleship,
Throughout the centuries, Christians have
re lected on the root causes of sin. Whether it’s the
envy, pride) or the four things that St. Thomas says
we substitute for God (honor, pleasure, power,
wealth).Thereisplentyforustore lecton.Ourgoal
as disciples is to face our temptations and, through
God’s grace, avoid sin. We are invited to see our
temptations for what they really are: ways we
Temptation is an encouragement to sin, arising
either internally or externally. Temptation “works”
by presenting some alternative good (i.e., lesser
good). We, often, then follow temptation into sin by
doing good. New circumstances in our lives can
remove old temptations, but also present us with
Next week the topic is “Intentional Disciples
new ones.For example, when I become a disciple of
Jesus’Temptations- Matthew 4:1-11 (In the 
The young man that chose wealth – Mark
Bible, Satan is also known as “the tempter.”
Remember that he can’t make you sin, but he
can make the path of sin look more enticing.
Jesus himself had to face similar temptations.
The three Synoptic Gospels mention Jesus’
temptations and all three place them
immediately after his Baptism. Jesus is in the
to the forty years the Israelites spent in the
desert before they reached the Promised Land.
In the desert, Jesus is fasting, an expression of
trust in God. Luke and Matthew describe three
temptations. All three temptations are related
RegardingPower- Mark 10:35-45 (James and
John feel like discipleship should give them
power over others. They are giving up a lot.
case it becomes an impediment. This young
man wants eternal life, but he wants his
Looking for Honor - Matthew 23:1-12 (The
scribes and the Pharisees are trying to follow
God and God’s law. They seem to expect that
respect. They begin to do things publically “to
Pharisee is doing some good things and
as an excuse to look down on others. I like the
Corpus Christi, 05/29/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 5
had come to pass from this world to the Father. He
end. The devil had already induced Judas, son of
Simon the Iscariot, to hand him over. So, during
supper, fully aware that the Father had put
God and was returning to God, he rose from supper
basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and dry
them with the towel around his waist. He came to
to wash my feet?" Jesus answered and said to him,
"What I am doing, you do not understand now, but
you will understand later." Peter said to him, "You
will never wash my feet." Jesus answered him,
him, "Whoever has bathed has no need except to
him; for this reason, he said, "Not all of you are
to them, "Do you realize what I have done for you?
indeed I am. If I, therefore, the master and teacher,
have washed your feet, you ought to wash one
nor any messenger greater than the one who sent
brie ly…
you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you
plenty good at that on our own). We do believe that
the temptations we face? And, how does Jesus offer us a way,
his way, to avoid following those temptations into sin? Not
Jesus, let us hear your call anew.
Bless us with the courage to respond.
Clear away all barriers.
Send your Holy Spirit and
make us your disciples.
Jesus, Savior of all People… Save them!
6 | The SETON Sunday News | Corpus Christi, 05/29/16
Sección en Español
Mensaje del Párroco
El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo. Hoy
celebramos la Solemnidad de Corpus
Christi, esa misma expresión de amor
Trinitario de la que hablaba el domingo
pasado se manifiesta nuevamente hoy
cuando entendemos que en el Sacramento
de la Eucaristía Cristo, Nuestro Señor,
cumple su ardiente deseo de quedarse con
nosotros, sus hermanos y hermanas, de
manera tangible.
Sacramento del Cuerpo y la Sangre de orando para que más personas cambien
Cristo, que siempre está con nosotros para ese hábito y se queden hasta el final de la
renovarnos celebración.
Te invito a que trates de recordar
Como mencioné la semana pasada, el algunas de las oraciones que usamos hoy
calendario Litúrgico marca que estamos en en Misa, o busca la secuencia que
el Tiempo Ordinario, pero estas dos cantamos hoy y úsalos para meditar esta
celebraciones, la Santísima Trinidad y semana sobre la manera que la Eucaristía
Corpus Christi nos recuerdan que este ha cambiado tu vida, la manera en que
tiempo no es sencillo, sino ordenado. Los continuamente te da las fuerzas para
próximos seis meses escucharemos acerca avanzar en tu caminar espiritual, y cómo
de la vida y ministerio de Jesús en la te hace uno con todas las personas en el
tierra, Sus acciones y enseñanzas, con sólo mundo que comparten el mismo Cuerpo y
algunas fiestas en el medio. Estas lecturas Sangre de Nuestro Señor.
nos mostrarán cómo se vive la vida
Quiera Dios que todos crezcamos en
cristiana, cómo podemos seguir las
enseñanzas y el ejemplo de Jesús en
nuestra vida cotidiana.
Como seres humanos necesitamos
constantemente que nos recuerden las
cosas. En el evangelio de hoy Jesús les
dice a los discípulos “Denles ustedes de
comer”. Como los discípulos no ven la
manera, Jesús provee él mismo la comida.
Les demuestra que todo es posible cuando
se bendice a Dios y se ora en Su nombre.
Sta. Elizabeth, quien se unió a la
Jesús ora “levantando su mirada al cielo”,
Iglesia Católica debido al gran amor que
mientras que los discípulos miraban a la
sentía por el Señor en el Santísimo
tierra, preocupados por las limitaciones
Sacramento, incluso antes de convertirse
terrenales de los cinco panes y dos peces.
al catolicismo, escribió: “En el sacramento
Muchas veces nosotros también nos de la Eucaristía Jesucristo se encarna
olvidamos de levantar nuestra mirada al nuevamente” .
Y cuando
cielo y orar. La multiplicación de los comulgamos digna y reverentemente,
panes todavía está a nuestro alcance, no hacemos propia esa encarnación, en
solamente en la Eucaristía, sino también nuestras propias almas. Nos convertimos
en pequeños ejemplos de la Divina en sagrarios vivos y móviles. ¿Has
Providencia que quizás no reconozcamos meditado sobre esto alguna vez? Es por
en el momento. Aprovechemos esta esto que me entristece cuando veo gente
oportunidad el día de hoy para dar gracias que se va de Misa inmediatamente
(Eucaristía quiere decir acción de gracias después de recibir la Comunión, a veces
en griego) a Dios por el regalo de su sin darse siquiera tiempo de dar gracias a
propio Hijo, y por el regalo del Santísimo Dios por este don tan precioso. Sigo
El próximo Viernes, 3 de junio, la
Iglesia celebra la Solemnidad del Sagrado
Corazón de Jesús. Ya que es Primer
Viernes del mes, después de la Misa de la
mañana tendremos un pequeño convivio
organizado por el grupo de Cascade Serra,
y celebraremos Misa en la tarde a las 7pm.
Quince minutos antes de la Misa de la
tarde rezaremos la Letanía al Sagrado
Corazón en la Iglesia. Ven temprano si
puedes, y únete a tus hermanos y hermanas
El Equipo de Oración sugirió la semana
pasada que rezaras por los Misioneros del
de Santa Elizabeth en esta devoción.
Espíritu Santo mientras continuamos el
El equipo de RCIA en inglés ya ha
comenzado a presentar pequeñas pláticas
comunidades, incluida la de Sta. Elizabeth.
para quienes buscan convertirse al
Te damos gracias por tus oraciones, y te
Catolicismo. Habrá una presentación al
pido que sigas orando por nosotros. Cuenta
mes hasta agosto, checa el calendario del
con mis oraciones ahora que avanzamos al
boletín si sabes de alguien que tenga
proceso de Transición. Dicho sea de paso,
se está formando el equipo de Transición, y
Continúa el programa de Stavros, y ayudados por la Arquidiócesis, te
quienes formamos el equipo estamos muy mantendrán informado acerca de los
contentos con la respuesta de los feligreses. eventos y pasos de la transición para
Si no pudiste acompañarnos esta vez, recibir un nuevo Párroco .
tendremos otras oportunidades en el futuro.
Tu hermano en Cristo,
Anunciaremos las fechas en el nuevo
P. Roberto Saldivar, MSpS
Calendario Pastoral.
Corpus Christi, 05/29/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 7
I am convinced that we all need to focus more and more every day on our spiritual journey. Especially when we
deepen our understanding of our own spiritual life as a process in continuous growth, and of strengthening our
relationship with God.
To be Catholic implies a special and profound relationship with God which calls us to live the Christian vocation as
an extension of the human experience. When we mature in the human aspect of our lives, we grow spiritually, and the
other way around. But this growth can only happen if it stems from a founding experience centered around God, who is
the core of all our life: we need to attain a great love for God, our Creator and Savior.
Our life must revolve around Him. The more we focus on God, life acquires a more profound and real meaning. Fr
Felix used to say “Focused on God! Take up the beautiful habit of presenting everything to God, and, if you live your life
completely in love with God, in line with your incomparable vocation, it will be quite easy. Live focused on God!”
The more we focus our life on God, life becomes more and more a process of falling in love with God. And each
day you will feel God’s love for you grow, and at the same rate the desire to love Him will grow as well, of loving Him
with all your heart and all your strength.
Let us focus our lives on God and not
allow other things or people distract our
attention from God, or even worse, let us not
allow them to distance us from God. Let us
make an effort to live in union with the God of
Según el diccionario “afocar” significa
enfocar. Yo creo que en la vida espiritual cada
uno de nosotros nos tenemos que enfocar más
cada día. Sobre todo al ir profundizando y entendiendo nuestra vida espiritual como un proceso continuo de crecimiento
y de profundización en nuestra relación con Dios.
Ser católico es tener una relación especial y profunda con Dios que nos llama a vivir la vocación cristiana como una
extensión de la experiencia humana. Al madurar humanamente crecemos espiritualmente y a la inversa. Pero este
crecimiento se da desde una experiencia fundante en Dios que es el centro de toda nuestra experiencia vital: tenemos que
llegar a tener un gran amor por Dios nuestro creador y salvador.
Tenemos que referir toda nuestra vida a él. En la medida que más nos enfocamos en Dios, la vida va teniendo un
sentido más profundo y más real. El P. Félix escribía: “¡A focados a Dios! Tomad la costumbre preciosa de referirlo todo
a Dios, y si, como debéis, según vuestra hermosa, vuestra incomparable vocación, vivís enamorados de Dios, será cosa
fácil. V ivid afocados a Dios”.
En la medida que nos enfocamos más en Dios la vida se va haciendo un proceso de enamoramiento con Dios. Cada
día sintiendo más grande el amor que Dios te tiene y además va creciendo en ti el deseo de amarlo con todo el corazón y
con todas las fuerzas.
Enfoquemos nuestra vida en Dios y no permitamos que las demás cosas o personas nos distraigan de Dios y peor
aún, no dejemos que ellos nos alejen de Dios. Esforcémonos por vivir la unidad con el Dios del amor.
8 | The SETON Sunday News | Corpus Christi, 05/29/16
Vocation Awareness
Religious priest; diocesan priest. Why the separate designations?
Religious priests usually live in a religious community which centers
their lives. It is from this root and from his own interior life that a
religious priest is able to meet the needs of the Church in ministries
such as teaching, overseas ministry, social work, pastoral ministry,
chaplaincy and the like. He takes vows of chastity, poverty and
obedience according to the spirit of his own congregation. A person
who feels called to this life may contact any member of a community
with which he is familiar.
A diocesan priest ordinarily serves the people of God in a given area (a
diocese) as a parish priest. Yet, diocesan priests are also involved in
administration, campus ministry, hospital and prison chaplaincy and
the like. Beneath the visible surface of these ministries lies an abiding
prayerful relationship with our Lord, for whose sake and for whose
people he ministers. Are you serving our Church?
Pray for vocations.
Serra for priestly and religious vocations
Monday May 30—Memorial Day
Daily Mass
Clase Estudio Bíblico
Tuesday May 31
Women’s Fellowship
Rosary for Life
Adoration/Bible Study
Wednesday June 1
Thursday June 2
Knights of Columbus
Luz y Vida—Gpo de Oración 7pm
Friday June 3
Vocation Awareness, Mass and Fellowship
Grupo de Jóvenes
First Friday/Sacred Heart Mass
Saturday June 4
Sunday June 5
WYD Pizza Fundraiser
St. 4
This week
please pray for
Jeffrey Moore,
St. Bernadette
Theology III,
Jeffrey is scheduled to be
ordained a Temporary
Deacon at St. Bernadette
on June 18.
For information on becoming a Religious
Priest Missionary of the Holy Spirit or a
Diocesan Priest contact one of the
following people:
Serra Club: Arthur Adams
Youth Minister: Stephen Kramp
Priests: Fr. Roberto Saldivar, M.Sp.S.
Fr. Mario Rodriguez, M.Sp.S.
Monday May 30th: No sessions
June 6th - EDGE BBQ and Potluck- this
is open to all families of current Edge students and
to those entering 6th grade in the fall. Bring a dish
to share- Hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks will be
provided. Note BBQ begins at 6:30 PM
June 24/25 SCREAM - overnight fun event
for those going into 6th -9th.
July 11-15- Transformers- Service Day Camp for all middle
school youth.
St. 1
St. 2
St. 7
Seton House
Youth Room
St. 6
 Our World Youth Day
pilgrims will host one
last pizza sale on Sunday, 6/5. That’s right, one day only.
(We’ll be down at St. James cathedral getting Archbishop
Sartain’s special WYD pilgrim blessing on Sat., 6/4.) Help us
do something useful and delicious with all this cheese and
pepperoni and tomato sauce! And thank you for your amazing
support over the past year!
 Teens interested in joining our parish groups participating in
Steubenville Northwest, Ignite Your Torch, or 4US, contact SK
right away at [email protected]. And if you don’t know
what those phrases even mean, you can watch these videos and
learn about some amazing summertime youth events: 1) https:// 2) 3)
Corpus Christi, 05/29/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 9
Y o u t h Section
It’s Time to Stop Complaining
About the Friend Zone
by Joel Stepanek (from
In high school I was one of those ‘nice
Christian guys,’ you know, the guy who
was always the good friend, but not the
boyfriend. I used to complain with my other
‘nice guy’ friends about being put into the
friend zone, that awkward place when you
have feelings for a girl but she just wants to
be friends. I’ve been called ‘a good friend,’ ‘like a brother,’ and ‘a
catch . . . for someone else.’
My friends and I used to rant about how ‘nice guys finish last, girls
only like bad guys, and (insert name here)’s boyfriend is such a jerk.
She is so dumb.’ Actually, as I type that I realize how whiny, lame,
and un-manly we sounded. We don’t even sound like nice guys, we
sounded like boys throwing a temper tantrum.
I think, as Catholic men, we need to do away with the idea of a
‘friend zone,’ and here is why:
It disrespects our Christian sisters.
A ‘friend zone’ is a way for us to complain about rejection. I’ve
been there; rejection hurts, but do you know what’s worse? Talking
behind that girl’s back and making her seem like a bad person. Get
Real. Guys, all of the ladies aren’t going to like us. It is absolutely
impossible and unrealistic to think that they will. We aren’t going to
get the date every time, even if we are the nicest, most-Catholic guy
on the planet. Know this, accept this, and move on.
Too often we think that by sending 672 text messages, flowers, and
countless phone calls and whiny conversations we’ll change her
mind. But they just make us seem desperate, and they are annoying.
They also send a subtle, very not-nice-guy message to that woman …
‘Your friendship isn’t good enough.’
Guys, is that the message you want to send? In a world that already
sends a message to women that they are ‘only as good as their body,’
do you want to send the message, ‘your friendship with me is only
worth something if it blossoms into romance?’ That doesn’t seem
like something a Catholic man, or a ‘nice guy’ would say.
Ty p o l o g y
The End of the Friend Zone
I want to put forward an idea …
what if we treated our friendships
with women as a gift in our lives,
rather than the means to an end
(that end being a relationship).
Women offer amazing insights that
as men we cannot see. I have had
the honor of working with and for
amazing women of God, and their
friendships blessed me. If I only
looked at my friendship with
women as the stepping-stone to a
relationship, I would have missed out on all of that.
Here’s a final thought. One day, one of those friendships may
develop into a long-term relationship and marriage. But that has to
happen naturally and over time. If it is meant to happen, it will; there
is no need to rush it. I met a woman and we became friends for
several months, and even though we both had feelings for each other
(as we later would find out), we never looked at our friendship as a
means to an end. We appreciated it for what it was and kept
appropriate boundaries.
That person became my best friend, and then my wife. Had I
gotten upset about being in the ‘friend zone,’ though, I might have
pushed her away.
So to all my Catholic bros out there who are maybe feeling a little
rejected or frustrated, or who hang out late at night on retreat and
complain about ‘nice guys finishing last’:
It’s time to man up.
Cherish the friendships you have with the women in your life as
blessings, not opportunities.
Let’s treat the girls who turn us down for a date with the same
respect as the girls who don’t.
Lay the idea of a friend zone to rest.
And finally, if you are feeling lonely and seeking a relationship
above all else – it may be time to reconnect with the one that really
matters – your relationship with Jesus Christ.
Look for LifeTeen and Edge Announcements on page 8.
Ready for a heartbreaking but inspiring story of a twelve-year-old girl
who just became a modern martyr? If so, go to
Remember, everyone—we still follow God’s paths even
during our summer break from LifeTeen!
Congratulations to the Little Sisters of the Poor, who recently fought
the Obama administration and the HHS mandate all the way to the U.S.
Supreme Court—and won! Here’s Sr. Constance Veit’s video
statement after the
Little Sisters
received the good
news that they
wouldn’t be
forced to violate
their consciences
by providing
10 | The SETON Sunday News | Corpus Christi, 05/29/16
HAPPENING Here and elsewhere
The Guadalupe Committee invites you to
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s
Masquerade Dinner Dance
Saturday June 18 2016
6:30 pm
Fellowship Hall—$30.00
No childcare available
Bring your Mask
Your parish is here to assist you and your family as you
go through difficult transitions and losses. Don’t hesitate to
call on us for support and assistance. Help us do what Pope
Francis asks of us “to become involved by word and deed in
people’s daily lives’ and be ‘supportive, standing by people
every step of the way.’ (The Joy of the Gospel)
Information in the narthex:
[email protected].
May is Foster Parent Appreciation month and Catholic
Community Services would like to take this opportunity to
thank all Washington State foster parents for answering
the call and caring for our community’s children.
Catholic Community Services – Northwest is seeking married
couples, individuals, and families of all ethnic and religious
backgrounds willing to welcome one or more foster children into
their home.
The need for foster homes is critical, as the number of children
needing a safe home grows daily. Do you have room in your
home and heart to care for a young and vulnerable child in need
a safe home? Please call Debra at CCS Foster Care at 425-3746358 or visit to request an
information packet about how you can change a child’s life. We
hope to hear from you soon!
First Communion and ConfirmaƟon photos are in. You can
pick them up in the RE office Monday – Friday 10am to
5pm. If you need to arrange for another me please call the
RE office at 425-481-9358.
The CDA scholarship applications deadline has been
extended one more week. Please turn in your application before
4:30pm on Tuesday, May 31, 2016, in the parish office. This can
be for any community college or university of your choice, and
for new or returning college students. This year we are awarding
two $300 scholarships.
We hope you consider applying for this scholarship.
Volunteer(s) needed for part Ɵme (2-3 hours/week – March
thru October) garden work on church and rectory
proper es. Work mainly involves: Weeding, pruning, watering,
plan ng etc. If interested contact Shannon Everist:
425-481-0303 ext24 Or [email protected]
La Parroquia necesita voluntarios para trabajo de jardinería en la
Iglesia y la Rectoría.
Today as we celebrate the feast of the Body
and Blood of Christ let us pr ay for those
who are hungry, malnourished and starving.
The Saint Vincent de Paul Society serves
people in need.
Our Help Line number is 425-355-3504.
The Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Conference has assisted three
hundred and forty-four adults and children during 2016 with food,
shelter, clothing, and utilities. Thank you for your loving support
with money and food donations, and prayers.
Angelorum Pregnancy Services is having their 15th Annual
Auction of the Angels!
Angelorum, dba Next Step Pregnancy Services, is a life-affirming
medical pregnancy center in Lynnwood. Last year we helped nearly
4000 people with pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and assistance with
baby items. Our 2016 Auction is on June 11 at St. Alphonsus Parish
in Seattle.
Tickets for our auction and catered dinner by Twelve Baskets
Catering are $50 each or a table of 8 for $360. To register or for
more information, please call Kathy at 425 329 4569 or go to our
website at
Women’s Fellowship: On Tuesday, May 31st we will be
watching on DVD “Divine Mercy-The Second Greatest Story Ever
Told” presented by Fr. Michael Gaitley MIC. Here we explore the
cradle of the Catholic Faith in Poland and the great Saints of
Poland who have had a part in preserving our Catholic faith
throughout the ages. All Women welcome.
All parishioners ar e welcome to join us pr aying the Rosary for
Life at noon in the sanctuar y.
Contact Mary Christie: 425-776-3967
Or Rachel Castro: 425-486-9232 if you have questions.
Rachel’s Corner
Hope and Healing After Abortion
“I have worn a mask since that very day. The day I aborted
my child. I was convinced, without a doubt, that God would
not, absolutely would not forgive me. My mask after Rachel
retreat? It is crushed here on the floor. It no longer exists. I
don’t need a mask anymore! God forgave me!
-Testimonial after Retreat
Come on a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat and hand Him your mask.
Allow His mercy to transform you completely.
August 12-14, 2016
Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673)
You are loved with an everlasting Love!
Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services.
Corpus Christi, 05/29/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 11
Counseling 425-257-2111 or 888-240-8572
Altar Servers, Jane Baer and Veronica Cardona
Apostleship of the Cross, Vicki Leone
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Elisabeth Kramp
Coffee & Donuts, Kelly Cooley
EMEs Ana May Apin and Amelia Carver
Environment Team, Claudia Galindo
Funeral Committee, Pat Maurer
Guadalupe Committee, Claudia Galindo
Homebound Ministers, Marianne Iwamoto
Home Visitation/Peer Counseling, Joan Kluck
Lectors, Nicolette Gagner and Elvira Hernandez
Linens, Linda Brownfield
Min. of Hospitality, Doug Portello and Graciela Chagoya
Music Coordinator, Kathy Egashira
Pastoral Council, Paul Gallagher/Gerry Apin
Pro-Life Ministry, Karen Salvati
Sacramentors, Scott Occhiuto
Simbang Gabi, Gerry Apin
Vine Moms group, Erin Robinson
Women’s Fellowship, Mary Christie
Young Adult Group, Roberto Martinez
Cascade Serra Club, Ken Christie
Catholic Daughters, Kathy Taylor
Knights of Columbus, Chris Harvill
St. Vincent de Paul
Connect to St Elizabeth Ann
Seton Church through
myParish App
(for I-Phone and Android)
Want to listen to Sunday’s
homily? Download the App!
Are you interested in playing this summer on the St
Elizabeth Ann Seton CoEd softball team? Must be 21
years of age or older. Please contact Susie King at
4254819358 ext 34 or email [email protected].
Please keep the sick among us in your prayers, especially:
Mina Amlag
Salvador Andrada
Roberta Autron
Tom Bender
Jane Bentley
Shawna Boger
Eulalia Castillo
Ruth Carpizo
Ed Crull
Billie Dougherty
Anna Epps
Fran Fielden
Marjorie Frye
Vanessa Griffith
Dee Holiday-Osborne
Fred Hundertmark
Rosemary Jesmer
Helen Johnston
Patricia Kramer
Jennie Leyva
Patti Means
Marie Milne
Shirley Muntz
Yolanda Noblezada
Teresa Paris
Ritzy Rafer
Floyd Roderick
Lily Ann Roderick
Joyce Rosas
Florentine Ruhland
Benita Schumacher
Jim Schumacher
Leticia Solorzano
Fran Sphung
Adrienne Steuer
Harry St Nicholas
Francis Sullivan
Richard Totorica
Barb West
Tami Wyatt
May God the Father bless you, God the Son heal you and
God the Holy Spirit enlighten you. Amen.
Staff and Clergy
Everist, Shannon
Garcia, Rosamaria
Gomez, Fr. Jorge
King, Susie
Kramp, Stephen
Lowery, Lori
Lundberg, Dn. Craig
Matheny, Stephanie
Mendoza, Br. Santos
Moran, Stephanie
Rodriguez, Fr. Mario
Saldivar, Fr. Roberto
[email protected]
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425-481-0303 ext.24
425-481-9358 ext.29
425-481-0303 ext.22
425-481-9358 ext.34
425-481-9358 ext.26
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425-481-9358 ext.31
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425-481-9358 ext.28
425-481-0303 ext.23
425-481-0303 ext.39
Adams, Arthur
Alejandro, Jon
Apin, Ana May
Apin, Gerry
Arulnathan, Jenifer
Augustine, Rolfson
Auroux, Jacqueline
Baer, Jane
Brownfield, Linda
Cardona, Eduardo
Cardona, Veronica
Carver, Amelia
Chagoya, Graciela
Christie, Ken
Christie, Mary
Cooley, Kelly
Dellino, Jean
Egashira, Kathy
Galindo, Claudia
Gagner, Nicolette
Gallagher, Paul
Gimenez, Marcia
Gogal, Heidi
Harvill, Chris
Hernandez, Elvira
Iwamoto, Marianne
Kennedy, Robert
Kluck, Joan
Krieger, Jim
Kramp, Elisabeth
Leone, Vicki
Martinez, Roberto
Maurer, Pat
Occhiuto, Scott
Paine, Alice
Portello, Doug
Robinson, Erin
Robinson, Steve
Salvati, Karen
Taylor, Kathy
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Ministries and groups
A Call to Share…
Saturday 5pm
9 am
11 am
1 pm
5 pm
Children’s Envelopes $146.00
EFT Contributions
Mid Week
Total Offering
Thank you...
Fischer Plumbing
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