Colombia Cleanup
Colombia Cleanup
Colombia Cleanup 2015 By Avery Bartels Avery Bartels, Adam Timpf, David Bell and Jeremy Gatten Itinerary 15-Feb-15 - Medellin – Turbo-Apartado – Bocas del Atrato 16-Feb-15 - Bocas del Atrato - Medellin 17-Feb-15 - Medellin - Bahia Solano 18-Feb-15 - Bahia Solano 19-Feb-15 - Bahia Solano 20-Feb-15 - Bahia Solano - Medellin - bus to Rio Claro 21-Feb-15 - Rio Claro – RNA El Paujil (Proaves) 22-Feb-15 - El Paujil 23-Feb-15 - El Paujil - Bogota 24-Feb-15 - Sumapaz National Park – Monterredondo – night in Guayabetal 25-Feb-15 – Monterredondo – llanos east of Villavicencio 26-Feb-15 - Villavicencio – Mitu (Urania) 27-Feb-15 – Mitu (Mitu Cachiveira) 28-Feb-15 – Mitu (Ceima Cachiveira) 01-Mar-15 – Mitu (Urania) 02-Mar-15 – Mitu (Santa Marta) 03-Mar-15 - Mitu (Mitu Cachiveira) – flight to Villavicencio 04-Mar-15 – Villavicencio - Puerto Lopez 05-Mar-15 - Puerto Lopez 06-Mar-15 - Puerto Lopez - Villavicencio 07-Mar-15 - Villavicencio – Bogota (Parque La Florida) – Valledupar – night in Manaure 08-Mar-15 - Manaure - RNA El Chamicero (Proaves), Perija Mountains 09-Mar-15 – El Chamicero - Valledupar 10-Mar-15 – Los Besotes Reserve- afternoon flight from Valledupar to Bogota. Notes on Logistics: Flights: I booked all of our domestic flights ahead of time. Often it is possible to book internal flights in Colombia for the economy price with only a week or sometimes less in advance. However, obviously do not count on this to be the case. I booked our flights about 1 month in advance to be safe. We flew with Avianca and Satena for all our flights. Avianca is the biggest operator in Colombia and goes to most of the bigger cities and a few smaller ones where they are the principal city in the region (eg. Mitu). Most of the more remote destinations are only served by Satena, whose prices are usually better but the quality of flight is reflected in this (especially in allowed baggage weight), when compared with Avianca. Accommodation: Any time we stayed in a city or town we didn’t book ahead. As long as you don’t mind spending a bit of time searching upon arrival or doing some research beforehand, it is usually very simple to find accommodation. The one exception to this was the Hotel Centro Ecoturistico in Bocas del Atrato who I contacted ahead to inform them of our visit as they need to be prepared for visitors. They can also arrange a private boat for transport to/from Turbo. Hotel Centro Ecoturistico, Bocas del Atrato Contact: Patrocinio (Turbo) cell 313-602-7206 [email protected] More info: Proaves Reserves: To book stays at the Proaves reserves visit their website and go to “Contact” where you can request reservations for any of their reserves that have accommodation or arrange to visit those that do not. You can also find out more information about each reserve and read reviews for some. Oddly enough, the reviews are found in the “Sustainability” drop-down menu. Transport: We used Jovani Florez to arrange our transport between the Magdalena Valley and Villavicencio (Feb. 21-25). Jovani’s company is used by many of the tour operators in Colombia and he himself has been driving for birding tours since aviturism was just starting, 10 years or so ago. Note Jovani doesn’t speak much English. To organize transport in English, contact Luisa Conto at Ecoturs (who use Jovani’s company) [email protected]. Ecoturs can also organize anything else, including complete itineraries. Our transport for the Perija Mountains (Chamicero Reserve), at the end of our trip, was organized through Ecoturs. Jovani Florez: cell 311-227-1259 [email protected] In general, taxis are a very affordable and safe way to get around cities and even go birding. We hired taxis by the hour a few times, usually for around COP20 000/hr. In addition to the above people, many thanks to: Pablo Florez (Multicolor Birding), Diego Calderon (Colombia Birding) and Trevor Ellery (Ecoturs) for their assistance with a few queries I had leading up to our trip! Daily Notes Feb. 15: 0715hr flight with Satena, Medellin – Apartado. Taxi ride from Apartado Airport to Turbo (1hr, COP 55 000, price posted on a laminated pamphlet in the back seat pocket). In Turbo we caught a private boat (50 mins, COP 200 000) to Bocas del Atrato. The ride is very bumpy and wet. Ask in the wooden building at the wharf “El Waffe” about scheduled public boats, as these will be a lot cheaper, if you are willing to wait until the next one or get there before 8am. Accommodation at the one hotel in Bocas del Atrato is basic in shared dorms, but clean; food is mediocre (COP 55 000/pp/night inc. meals). Bocas has one small shop that sells refreshments and snacks but that is it. Note that the village is under about a foot of water at high tide, which means you are stuck birding the 150m boardwalk behind the hotel until the water drops and the track through town is wet the rest of the time. Rubber boots are pretty much a necessity. Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird by Dave Bell Best birds: Muscovy Duck, Black-collared Hawk, Collared Forest-falcon, Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird, Rufous-necked Wood-rail (H), Sooty-capped Puffbird (H) Turbo and Area checklist Bocas del Atrato checklist Feb. 16: There is one scheduled boat back to Turbo from Bocas, unfortunately it leaves at 0700hrs. As we had not seen the Puffbird yet, we organized through the hotel to take a private boat (COP 200 000) at mid-day back to Turbo. Bocas del Atrato checklist From there we taxied to Apartado for our 1635hr flight with Satena to Medellin. Night in dorm room at Hostal Casa Kiwi, in barrio El Poblado. This is a back packers hostel, but we had a room to ourselves at the back that was quiet enough. Best birds: Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird, American Pygmy Kingfisher, Sooty-capped Puffbird (H) Feb.17: We caught a 5:30 taxi to La Romera Reserve (~25 mins w/out traffic) where we birded a couple hours before our 1000hr flight with Satena to Bahia Solano. We arranged with our taxi driver to return to pick us up at 0745hr, which was a bit risky but he did show up, if a bit late. Note, if you arrange something like this, get the drivers phone number so you can call if they are running late. Best birds: Colombian Chachalaca, Green-fronted Lancebill, Western Emerald, Stiles’ Tapaculo, Yellow-headed Manakin, Metallic-green Tanager, White-naped Brush-finch, Redbellied Grackle La Romera checklist We arrived at Bahia Solano around noon where we caught a pair of “Moto-taxis” – tuk-tuks – to El Valle (about 45mins). The drivers knew the local bird guide, Balmes, so we stopped by his house first. Balmes turned out to be very knowledgeable and he guided us throughout our 3 days there. He can also arrange boat transport to nearby Utria National Park at a fair price (we initially agreed to go with another fellow who the taxi drivers knew who wanted to charge us twice what Balmes arranged). For the 4 of us we ended up paying 250 000 return for the boat ride to the park, with a 5am start, and returning as night fell. You can also organize transport with any of the hotels. We stayed at the very pleasant Hostal Kipara, located on the beach at the edge of town. It costs between 30 000 – 60 000/pp/night depending on the season. As we were there in low season (most of the tourism is for whale watching, which peaks later in the year) we stayed for 30 000. Dinners and lunches cost 15 000 each, breakfast 10 000. The owner also agreed to prepare us a packed lunch for our second day. The food was pretty good, although the theme wherever we ate the in the area was FISH. Rooms were basic but clean, with mosquito nets and (not very private) private bathrooms. The balcony had hammocks and the large swimming pool was kept very clean. In the afternoon we used the two tuk-tuks to go birding along the road back towards Bahia Solano with Balmes. Our drivers agreed to roll our fee from the airport in to the afternoon transport (4hrs) and we paid 80 000 to each driver total, a fair price in our minds. Baudo Oropendola by Jeremy Gatten Best birds: Gray-headed Chachalaca, Dusky Pigeon, Great Potoo (adult with young), Spotcrowned Barbet, White-ringed Flycatcher, Black-tipped Cotinga, Blue-whiskered Tanager, Scarlet-browed Tanager, Baudo Oropendola El Valle - Bahia Solano Road checklist Feb. 18: 5am Transport by boat to Utria National Park (~45mins). Balmes arranged with the operators of a small restaurant on a scenic little island (Los Cocos) near the park for us to have lunch there. After dropping off the cook en route we got to the park at 6am.We spent all day birding in the park. Trails seem to be very limited in the park as we birded the Cocolitos trail in the early am and mid-afternoon with time spent on the excellent boardwalk, and along a trail that follows the shore south from the headquarters (which held Brown Wood-rail and Uniform Crake first thing in morning!). Near constant rain all day hampered our efforts somewhat. While you can stay in the park in nice looking accommodation it is quite expensive at around 190 000/night, not including park entrance fee (38 000/pp) or local guide (required). Best birds: Brown Wood-rail, Uniform Crake, Purple-chested Hummingbird, Rose-faced Parrot, Great Green Macaw, Thicket Antpitta (H), Blue Cotinga (boardwalk), Black-tipped Cotinga, Stripe-throated Wren (cocolitos), Slate-throated Gnatcatcher (cocolitos), Lemon-spectacled Tanager (cocolitos) Utria National Park checklist Feb. 19: We spent all day birding from El Valle along the trail to the park (9km one way). The trail has plenty of large puddles to navigate around but birding was productive though a mix of forest ages and clearings. After arriving at the park boundary the trail climbs up a hill, at the top we turned around. The forest after entering the park is, unsurprisingly, the best along the trail. A redcapped Manakin lek is located half way up the hill. Best birds: Tawny-faced Quail (H), Common Potoo (roosting), Black-breasted Puffbird, Spot-crowned Antvireo, Streak-chested Antpitta, Black-headed Antthrush, Choco Sirystes, Rufous-winged Tanager, Lemon-spectacled Tanager El Valle area and trail to Utria NP checklist. Feb. 20: Balmes organized for a single, slightly larger tuk-tuk with a roof rack for our luggage to transport us for the morning birding along the road on the way to Bahia Solano for our mid-day flight. As we had no internet while there we didn’t realize that our flight time had been changed to two hours later, so we ended up spending a couple hours in the restaurant/bar across the street from the airport that could have been spent birding. Upon arrival in Medellin we taxied to the “Terminal Norte” bus depot where we caught a bus for Doradal (3hrs) in the Magdalena Valley, near Canon del Rio Great Potoo with young by Avery Bartels Claro. Here we stayed at the basic Hotel Colonial for 20 000/pp in a dorm that we had to ourselves. We bought supplies for breakfast/snacks for the following morning at a bakery and supermarket in town. Best birds: Green-and-rufous Kingfisher, Black-breasted Puffbird, Thicket Antpitta (H), Whiteringed Flycatcher, El Valle - Bahia Solano Road checklist Feb. 21: We tried to catch a taxi around 6am for the nearby Cueva del Condor, but it turned out that the only taxis in the plaza were “colectivos” with a set schedule which meant we had to wait 15 minutes, despite the fact that the four of us took up the whole taxi. After rousing the owner of the property at the trail head of Cueva del Condor we paid the 4 000/pp entrance fee. If you have never visited here, ask to be pointed towards the trail that follows a stream on the far side of the pasture. Antioquia Bristle-tyrant by Jeremy Gatten Best birds: Oilbird, Gray-cheeked Nunlet, Antioquia Bristle-tyrant, Southern Bentbill, Blackfaced (Yellow-tufted) Dacnis Cueva del Condor checklist At 1100hrs our pre-arranged transport arrived from Bogota. Our driver was the excellent William and our vehicle was a Suzuki Vitara 4x4 that accommodated the four of us fine. After a lunch at the the El Tekal restaurant on the banks of the Magdalena River (about 10km north of the turnoff to El Paujil), we drove the long dirt road from the Hwy to Proaves’ El Paujil reserve. The drive is about 2.5hrs but we made a few stops en route, arriving at the lodge around 5:00pm. On the drive we found a couple nice birds such as Northern Screamer, Yellow-chinned Spinetail, Black-capped Donacobius and best of all, a male Long-winged Harrier. In the dry season it is possible to drive right in to the lodge, at other times though it can be necessary to take a boat from the nearby village of Puerto Pinzon (20mins, and a very pleasant ride that I have made on a previous trip!). Shining-green Hummingbird by Jeremy Gatten El Tekal Restaurant checklist Best Birds: Vermiculated (Choco) Screech Owl (stream trail at Paujil), Shining-green Hummingbird, Bare-crowned Antbird, Black-billed Flycatcher El Paujil Reserve checklist Feb. 22: I had heard that the Blue-billed Curassows were coming to a feeding station near the lodge regularly over the past year, unfortunately when we arrived, the forest guard Luis Rubelio informed us that they hadn’t been around the past few weeks. As we had the whole day to bird in the reserve we spent the morning along the trail on the opposite side of the river. This is perhaps the most productive trail in the reserve. After a late lunch we relaxed around the lodge before spending the afternoon birding from the new observation tower, located back along the entrance road (5min walk form the lodge). Best birds: Colombian Chachalaca, Blue-billed Curassow (H), Barred Puffbird (lodge), Channel-billed (Citron-throated) Toucan, Beautiful Woodpecker (lodge), Saffron-headed Parrot (H), Black Antshrike, Sooty-headed Tyrannulet, Yellow-browed Shrike-vireo (near end of trail), Sooty Ant-tanager El Paujil Reserve checklist Feb. 23: We made an early start back up the trail we had done yesterday where we finally connected with a booming Blue-billed Curassow. Despite being able to hear that we were very close we didn’t see it until it finally flew from the sub-canopy almost right overhead! At around 1100hr we packed up, said our goodbyes to Luis and his wife (and excellent chef) Flor and started the long drive to Bogota. Best birds: Great Tinamou, Blue-billed Curassow, Striped Manakin, Forest Elaenia (H) El Paujil Reserve checklist. Road in to El Paujil checklist At 1645hr we rolled in to Laguna Tabacal, 1.5hrs before Bogota. Unfortunately the reserve closes at 5pm, so after a very brief stroll along one of the trails we birded the road until around 1800hr. In the reserve we saw a Speckle-breasted Wren and White-throated Spadebill while along the road we had Indigo-capped Hummingbird and cracking looks at a Rusty-breasted Antpitta. Rusty-breasted Antpitta by Dave Bell Laguna de Tabacal checklist. We were hoping for a hotel in the south of Bogota and eventually we arrived at the hotel Amoblados Los Cristales around 2100hr and picked up some breakfast at a nearby bakery. As this turned out to be a love hotel we got some curious looks from the hotel staff, however love hotels are often quite nice, and much cheaper than regular hotels so they provide a good option for birders on a budget. Earplugs suggested. Hotel Amoblados Los Cristales Calle 44C #72-45 Sur 24 000/private room w/bathroom and TV Feb. 24: At 0500hr we left for Sumapaz National Park, to the south of Bogota. After about 1.5hrs we arrived in the paramo. We spent most of our time around the lagoon on the right hand side of the road and the wetland on the opposite side. The Helmetcrest, Thornbill and Silvery-throated Spinetail were seen along the road in scrubby patches before the lagoon. Green-bearded Helmetcrest by Jeremy Gatten Best birds: Bogota Rail, Noble Snipe, Bronze-tailed Thornbill, Green-bearded Helmetcrest, Tawny Antpitta, Pale-bellied Tapaculo, Silvery-throated Spinetail, Plain-capped Groundtyrant, Apolinar’s Wren, Paramo Pipit, Rufous-browed Conebill Sumapaz NP checklist At 1100hr we started making our way back down to Bogota. As the access to Sumapaz is from the south side of the city, we were able to bypass Bogota completely as we headed over to the east slope to Monterredondo. It took us about 3hrs from Sumapaz to km 11.5 on the Monterredondo road where we started birding. Our main target of course was Cundinamarca Antpitta of which we heard a couple. They are rather weary of playback though and all we managed were fleeting glimpses of one. Best birds: Andean Guan, Black-and-chestnut Eagle, Andean pygmy-owl (H), Lyre-tailed Nightjar, Amythest-throated (Longuemare’s) Sunangel, Cundinamarca Antpitta, Rufous (form in east Andes a definite future split) Antpitta, Sulphur-bellied Tyrannulet Monterredondo checklist We spent the night in the noisy town of Guayebetal right beside the main highway. This is the nearest town to Monteredondo but it has very little to offer. We stayed at the Hotel El Sol for 30 000/room (double occupancy). A couple poor restaurants share the road side with the hotel and we were able to buy basic snacks/breakfast for the next morning at a small supermarket. Feb. 25: We got a 0515hr start and spent until 1330hr birding Monterredondo from around km 14 down to km 11. On our drive back down we came across a flock of Brown-breasted Parakeets that showed well in a tree in the pasture beside the road. Best birds: Brown-breasted Parakeet, Cundinamarca Antpitta (H), Rufous-headed Pygmytyrant, Mountain Cacique Monterredondo checklist We spent 15 mins near the bottom of the Monterredondo road at a flowering tree, where we spotted our target Green-bellied Hummingbird as well as a Spectacled thrush, before carrying on to Villavicencio. Monterredondo lower road checklist After a late lunch we went east of Villavicencio into the edge of the llanos. After a few stops along the main Hwy we ended up birding a side road to the north, about 16km from Villavicencio, opposite the turnoff to Santa Rosa. Best birds: Jabiru, Whistling Heron, Scarlet Ibis, Green Ibis, Burrowing Owl, Scaled Piculet, Red-bellied Macaw, Burnished-buff Tanager Llanos E. of Villavicencio checklist Night in Hotel Milan, Villavicencio, for 32 000/single or 50 000/double occupancy. Clean and friendly, rooms came with a fan and had varying degrees of internet quality. There was not much in the way of restaurants nearby, although there was one mediocre one next door and empenadas on the corner. Feb. 26: Morning birding the Bavaria forest near town (15min taxi ride). While taxi drivers won’t know the forest by name ask to go to the old Bavaria plant “planta Bavaria vieja”. A dirt road heads up the mountain just before the plant and goes through a fair bit of nice forest. Yellow-billed Nunbird by Dave Bell Best birds: Spix’s Guan, Gray-chinned Hermit, Sooty-capped Hermit, Yellow-billed Nunbird, Lettered Aracari, Spot-winged Antbird Bavaria Forest checklist At 1030hr we caught our flight with Satena to Mitu. From the airport we caught a taxi (tuk-tuk again, the only taxis in Mitu) to the Hotel Voragine. The afternoon was spent birding at Urania, 10 minutes east of Mitu. In the community itself, just across the bridge, we found a Rufous-crowned Elaenia. At dusk we sat by the river outside our hotel and watched a large mixed flock of Common and Band-tailed Nighthawks foraging. Guianan Cock-of-the-rock by Jeremy Gatten Best birds: Chestnut-capped Puffbird, Orange-cheeked Parrot, Rufous-crowned Elaenia, Guianan Cock-of-the-rock, Azure-naped Jay, Urania trails checklist Mitu townsite checklist Our taxi driver, Edison (320-389-6443), ended up driving us for the duration of our stay although on the final morning he didn’t show up (see below). Prior to that, he had been very reliable, usually arriving ahead of schedule and had been good company. In general his prices seemed fair as well as he was part of the Mitu Taxi group which have fixed prices: Mitu Cachiveira (12 de Octubre): 2 500/pp/one way Urania: 4 000/pp/one way Ceima Cachiveira: (1hr) 100 000 there and back for the group Edison also organized our boat transit to Santa Marta (on the north side of the Rio Vaupes), which cost us 180 000 for the return trip (about 20mins 1 way). We felt that this was rather steep, and I suspect that he may have fleeced us, which would explain his not showing up on our final morning. The Hotel Voragine was more than adequate with fans in the rooms and a restaurant that served a set meal each night. Rooms were 60 000/double occupancy, no internet. The location was good as well, being right across a quiet street from the Rio Vaupes. The entrance fees to the Communities and guiding fees are set at each community. For all that we visited, except Mitu Cachiveira, it was 20 000/pp for entrance and another 20 000/pp for the guide. At Mitu Cachiveira the guide fee was the same but entrance is 100 000 for groups of 1-5 and 150 000 for groups of 6-10. One thing to keep in mind is that the guides don’t usually bring food/water for themselves so a nice gesture is to bring enough snacks and lunch for them. Feb. 27: We arrived at 12 de Octubre and met our guide for the day, the excellent Miguel, at the bridge at the end of the road. Miguel is the only local guide in the Mitu area at this time who knows the birds well and he knows the territories of many of the specialities. We birded all day here, walking to near the end of the Mitu Cachiveira trail, before taking a faint connecting trail that started a little ways up the hill. We met up with the Bocatoma trail and eventually connected back to the Mitu Cachivera trail via another connector. These trails have the best White Sand forest in the area and hold many of the specialities. Best birds: Yellow-billed Jacamar, Point-tailed Palmcreeper (H), Blackish-gray Antshrike (by bridge at entrance to village), Black Bushbird (in area of thick 2-3m tall regeneration as we made our way to Bocatoma trail), Cherrie’s Antwren, Spot-backed Antwren, Gray-bellied Antbird, Cinnamon-crested Spadebill (mixed flock immediately after last pasture on main Mitu Cachivera trail), Fuscous (duidae) Flycatcher, Pompadour Cotinga, Saffron-crested Tyrant-manakin, Yellow-crowned Manakin, Brown-headed Greenlet Mitu Cachiveira trails checklist Feb. 28: We left Mitu at 5am for Ceima Cachiveira (1hr in moto-taxi). Although we hadn’t called ahead (cell reception is limited to one postage stamp sized high point in the centre of the community), we were welcomed graciously by Alejandro, the leader of the community. We proceeded with local guide Sergio for the day. There are two guides here, Sergio and Jaime (ask for them when you arrive if you haven’t arranged your visit ahead of time), who take turns guiding. The trails here go through good forest, some cleared agricultural areas, and up to the top of a Cerro that offers great views and raptor watching. Sergio knew of two spots for the highly sought after Chestnut-crested Antbird which we got good looks at! The Grail Bird - Chestnut-crested Antbird by Dave Bell Best birds: Pale-tailed Barbthroat, White-necked Puffbird, Scarlet-shouldered Parrotlet, Imeri Warbling-antbird, Chestnut-crested Antbird, Rufous-capped Antthrush (H), Spot-throated Woodcreeper, Whiskered Flycatcher, Citron-bellied Attila, Guianan Cock-of-the-rock, Redshouldered Tanager, Opal-crowned Tanager Ceima Cachiveira trails Mar. 1: We returned to Urania for the whole day. Our guide for the day was the teenage son of the community leader who had no interest in birds, although his one contribution was a Spotted Puffbird! The trails here access second-growth, scrub, some good Varzea and a bit of decent terra firme after the Varzea. At the bridge before the community the birding is always excellent and it is worth spending time here at the end of the day. In the community itself, fruiting and flowering trees were very productive, especially immediately after the bridge and then on the far edge (E) of town and provided many of our best birds. Spotted Puffbird by Avery Bartels Best birds: Straight-billed Hermit, Green-tailed Goldenthroat (E side of village), Black-bellied Thorntail (E side of bridge), Spotted Puffbird, Bronzy Jacamar (W side of bridge), Red-fan Parrot (in village), Cherrie’s Antwren (bridge), Black-chinned Antbird (bridge), Swainson’s Flycatcher (E side of village), Yellow-crowned Manakin Urania trails checklist Mar. 2: We organized through our driver, Edison, for a boat to take us to the community of Santa Marta on the other side of the river and up a tributary. Upon arrival in the village we met up with the second-in-command as the leader had passed us going the opposite way on the river, and he guided us for the day. The trail we took leads to a couple of other communities, the furthest of which is apparently an over-night trek. The going was difficult with lots of wet, muddy areas, rickety bridges/planks and plenty of mosquitoes. After leaving the community and going through some mixed forest/agricultural areas the trail passes through some white sand forest (virtually birdless for us). From there the trail was gently undulating which meant the forest alternated between varzea and terra firme. At a small community we ran into a large swift flock that was feeding low over the open areas. Amongst the many Gray-rumped Swifts were a handful of slightly smaller, darker (almost glossy from some angles) swifts that we eventually concluded must be Amazonian Swift (see below), any comments on these birds would be more than welcome! Amazonian Swifts by Dave Bell Best birds: Gray-legged Tinamou (1 seen, couple heard), Variegated Tinamou (H), Amazonian Swift, Green-tailed Goldenthroat, Bronzy Jacamar, Orinoco Piculet, Dusky-billed Parrotlet (H), White-plumed Antbird, White-chinned Woodcreeper (same antswarm as preceding species), Santa Marta trails checklist Mar. 3: On our last morning we returned to Mitu Cachiveira, birding with Miguel again. At 1030hrs we returned to the hotel to catch our flight back to Villavicencio. Best birds: Sapphire-rumped Parrotlet (H), Rusty-breasted Nunlet, Yellow-throated Woodpecker (responded strongly to playback of Golden-green which is what we thought we’d heard), Ocellated Woodcreeper, Rufous-tailed Xenops, Ringed Antpipit, Yellow-throated Flycatcher, Plumbeous Euphonia Mitu Cachiveira trails checklist In Villavicencio we stayed at the Hotel Milan again. In the afternoon we rented a taxi (by the hour, COP21 000/hr) and drove out east of the city again. We ended up birding the road to Santa Rosa that goes south from the Hwy at the same junction that we birded north from on the 24th. We found this to be much more productive than north of the Hwy. Best birds: Blue-tailed Emerald, Russet-throated Puffbird, Rufous-fronted Thornbird, Blackfaced Tanager, Wedge-tailed Grass-finch, Purple-throated Euphonia Llanos east of Villavicencio checklist Mar. 4: We spent the morning birding the Bavaria Forest again, returning to our hotel around noon. Best birds: Gray-chinned Hermit, Blue-fronted Lancebill, Yellow-billed Nunbird, White-chinned Jacamar, Paradise Tanager, Olive Oropendola Bavaria Forest checklist A trip to find a bank machine downtown en route to the airport ultimately proved a disastrous decision as it took longer than anticipated. Even though we arrived at the airport 1 hour before our flight to Puerto Inirida, due to some issues with the computer system, we were eventually told by Satena that we would not be able to board the flight as we had missed the check-in window! Small compensation was that Satena agreed to fully refund us for the tickets. After we got over this major disappointment we decided to bus to Puerto Lopez and do some llanos birding over the next few days. We ended up catching a car operated by a transport company that cost us more or less the same as bus tickets for the four of us would have. Drive from Villavicencio to Puerto Lopez checklist We spent the night in the Hotel Llano Grande, downtown. The staff here were very friendly and the rooms clean. 40 000/room double occupancy/fan/TV/WIFI Mar. 5: The hotel staff contacted a taxi driver for us (Mario 313-374-4839) who ended up being very knowledgeable on the area and an excellent driver. He knew several lagoons that we visited over our two days with him. We spent the morning driving to the Rio Meta (at Cabuyaro) passing a few lagoons en route and some nice grassland/scrub. Our first stop was at the La Campechana Restaurant at Km 7, east of Pto. Lopez, that provided a nice view out over some lagoons (scope necessary). After a brief stop at Cabuyaro (Rio Meta ferry, about 2.5 hours from Pto. Lopez) we drove a short ways back and turned East. After about 1km we arrived at a poor dirt track that went through some decent scrubby forest and was just barely navigable by taxi. At the end of the track was a lagoon (4.258458, -72.767605) with not much water but lots of birds. From the beginning of the dirt track to the lagoon is about 1km and worth walking. Best birds: Orinoco Goose (D), Whistling Heron (A, B, D), Horned Screamer (B), Buff-necked Ibis (C, D), Pied Lapwing (C), Yellow-billed Tern (C), Wire-tailed Manakin (D), La Campechana Restaurant checklist (A) Road to Rio Meta checklist (B) Cabuyaro (ferry crossing) checklist (C) Lagoon near Cabuyaro checklist (D) After lunch and a siesta back in Puerto Lopez Mario took us out to Laguna Mozambique, about 1hr south of the city. The large lagoon had lots of birds but a scope is necessary as it is set a bit back from the road. We heard a crake call at one point that didn’t quite match any tapes we had though the closest match was Gray-breasted. On the other side of the road, the pasture held a Grassland Sparrow and we could hear a distanf Yellowish Pipit Pinnated Bittern by Avery Bartels singing. We left as darkness descended, several Nacunda Nighthawks were hunting overhead and a couple Nightjars flushed off the road on the drive back including White-tailed and a probable Spot-tailed (lacked any noticeable band in the primaries). Best birds: Brazilian Teal, Pinnated Bittern, Buff-necked Ibis, Nacunda Nighthawk, White-tailed Nightjar, Yellowish Pipit (H), Grassland Sparrow Laguna Mozambique checklist Mar. 6: We were a bit unsure of how to spend the day so we ended up going to “Finca Las Avestruces” (Ostrich Farm) a little over an hour to the east and south of Puerto Lopez. A quick look around the farm indicated that the birding opportunities were scant so we drove back the way we came to a patch of roadside forest. The forest lasted for only 400m but held a few nice birds and traffic was very light. Swallow-winged Puffbird by Jeremy Gatten Best birds: Cinereous Tinamou (great looks at one crossing road), Swallow-winged Puffbird Finca Las Avestruces and road nearby checklist In the late morning we tried a lagoon immediately north of town which was poor (too deep by the looks of it) and the bridge over a river a little further north. The river edge was well forested and looked like it could be productive at a better time of day. Puerto Lopez Lagoon checklist La Esperanza bridge checklist In the afternoon we bussed back to Villavicencio. Night at Hotel Milan. Mar. 7 We had an 8am flight with Avianca to Bogota where we were hoping to be able to get transferred to an earlier flight to Valledupar (ours was scheduled to leave at 5pm), however after being informed that we would have to pay a fee to transfer we decided to spend a few hours birding Parque La Florida (20-50min. traffic depending) from the airport. As the park is officially outside the city limits, taxis cannot enter the park but they can take you to the bridge at the south edge of the park (4.7274127,-74.1510201). Note that it is difficult to catch a taxi back from here and you will probably have to walk into the edge of the city, and even then expect to spend some time flagging one down. This part of the city is dodgy, so exercise caution. Keep binoculars/cameras packed away. Best birds: Bogota Rail, Spot-flanked Gallinule, Noble Snipe, Subtropical Doradito Parque La Florida checklist After eventually getting back to the airport we caught our Avianca flight to Valledupar from where we taxied to Manaure (1hr) with what appeared to be an aspiring F1 driver. After settling in we met our driver for the next couple days, Breiner Tarazona (314-738-0623) and his excellent new truck. Breiner proved to be good company, relaxed and genuinely interested when we showed him the birds. Night at Hotel Casa Vieja. 50 000/room with 4 beds. Basic, friendly and clean. Mar. 8 We got a 5am start with Breiner arriving a few minutes early. After about 50mins climbing we stopped at first light in a patch of decent forest around 1700m. We continued birding up the very poor road, stopping at forested patches until we arrived at the reserve in the early afternoon. After lunch we went up to the paramo with the forest guard where we birded on foot through a couple kilometres of good paramo and sub-paramo. Rufous "Perija" Antpitta by Jeremy Gatten Night at Proaves Lodge. Best birds: Black-fronted Wood-quail (H), Black-and-chestnut Eagle (A), White-throated screech-owl (near lodge),Perija Metaltail (B), Lazuline Sabrewing (A), Rufous-shafted Woodstar(A), Rufous (Perija) Antpitta (B), Perija Tapaculo (common), Streak-backed Canastero (B), Perija Thistletail (B), Paltry (Venezuelan) Tyrannulet (A), Golden-breasted Fruiteater (A), Black-hooded Thrush (A), Gray-throated Warbler (A), Fulvous-headed Tanager (A), Black-headed Tanager (A), Plushcap (lodge), Perija Brushfinch (A), Yellow-breasted (endemic nigrifrons) Brushfinch (common) Chamicero road 1700-2100m checklist (A) Chamicero Reserve checklist (B) Mar.9 Birding on foot below lodge, down to 2200m, in morning. More good looks at several specialties including Black-fronted Wood-quail and Perija Tapaculo. A male Crested Quetzal put on a show at the side of the road as did an Emerald Toucanet. We thought the Toucanet looked fairly distinct from the rest of the birds in the Eastern Andes (smaller bill, greyish throat), and definitely different from Sant Marta birds. It’ll be interesting to see what happens taxonomically to them, another Perija endemic? Best birds: Wattled Guan (H), Andean Condor, Redbilled Parrot, Rufous Spinetail (future split?), Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia 1 Yellow-breasted (nigrifrons) Brushfinch by Dave Bell Chamicero Reserve checklist Breiner picked us up and brought us up to the lodge for lunch. After a short rest we started driving back to Valledupar. We birded our way down the road until sunset, arriving in Valledupar around 1900hrs. Best birds: Rufous-vented Chachalaca (H at 1100m), Rufous-shafted Woodstar, Coppery Emerald, Klages’s Antbird (1890m), Perija Brushfinch, Golden-winged Sparrow (1100m) Chamicero Road 1700-2000m Chamicero road 1100m Night at Hostal Loperena. 70 000 (talked down to 50 000)/room with 2 beds. Air-conditioning, hot water, big TV, internet. While strolling around the area we found the Hostal Plaza Loperena on the opposite side of our block which we found out was slightly cheaper (50 000/room with 2 beds, 40 000 single, both with air-cond.). Mar. 10 For our final morning we found a taxi and went out to the Ecoparque Los Besotes north of Valledupar. On our way out of town Dave spotted a couple Stripe-backed Wrens. The entrance road heads west off the hwy exactly opposite the km 9 marker. The road is fairly poor and our taxi only took us in about 500m before dropping us off and agreeing to pick us up at noon. The first 3km or so from the main Hwy passes through a couple ranches and dry scrub very similar to the Guajira desert to the north and seems to hold many of the same species. For the final bit the road starts climbing very gradually before ending at the trailhead. From here you start to climb, although the gradient was still very easy as far as we went. The walk out to our taxi was very hot (over 35C), so be sure to bring plenty of water. Best birds: Red-legged Tinamou, Chestnut Piculet, Military Macaw (H), Black-backed Antshrike, White-whiskered Spinetail, Slender-billed Tyrannulet, Pale-tipped Tyrannulet, Venezuelan Flycatcher, Lance-tailed Manakin, Glaucous Tanager, Trinidad Euphonia Ecoparque Los Besotes checklist In the early afternoon Jeremy and I caught our Avianca flight back to Bogota. Dave and Adam caught a bus to Riohacha from where they continued their Adventure on the north coast. The End Bird List Species Name Location of First Sighting Highland Tinamou Great Tinamou White-throated Tinamou Cinereous Tinamou Little Tinamou Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Ceima Cachivera CO--MET--Mozambique Area de El Valle Gray-legged Tinamou Red-legged Tinamou Variegated Tinamou Horned Screamer Northern Screamer White-faced Whistling-Duck Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Orinoco Goose Muscovy Duck Brazilian Teal Blue-winged Teal Andean Teal Ruddy Duck Gray-headed Chachalaca Rufous-vented Chachalaca Colombian Chachalaca Speckled Chachalaca Mitu--Santa Marta Ecoparque los Besotes Mitu--Santa Marta CO--MET--road to rio meta ferry CO--SAN--screamer spot CO--MET--road to rio meta ferry CO--MET--road to rio meta ferry CO--MET--Laguna near ferry crossing Bocas del Atrato CO--MET--Mozambique Parque La Florida PNN Sumapaz--Laguna Chisaca Parque La Florida Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle CO--CES--rd to chamicero 1100m CO--SAN--coch spot Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Band-tailed Guan Andean Guan Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija Monterredondo Spix's Guan Bosque Bavaria (Orange-breasted Falcon Reserve) Wattled Guan Sickle-winged Guan Blue-billed Curassow Crested Bobwhite Marbled Wood-Quail Black-fronted Wood-Quail Tawny-faced Quail Pied-billed Grebe Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija Monterredondo RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) CO--MET--road to rio meta ferry RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Area de El Valle Lago La Florida Comments heard Heard heard 1 seen v. briefly by Dave after playback, another seen by Avery crossing trail heard heard heard heard Jabiru Wood Stork Magnificent Frigatebird Blue-footed Booby Brown Booby Neotropic Cormorant Anhinga Brown Pelican CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio CO--ANT--Turbo and area Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Area de El Valle CO--ANT--Turbo and area CO--MET--Laguna near ferry crossing CO--ANT--Turbo and area Pinnated Bittern Rufescent Tiger-Heron Great Blue Heron Cocoi Heron Great Egret Snowy Egret Little Blue Heron Cattle Egret Striated Heron Whistling Heron Capped Heron Black-crowned Night-Heron Yellow-crowned Night-Heron White Ibis Scarlet Ibis Glossy Ibis Sharp-tailed Ibis Green Ibis Bare-faced Ibis Buff-necked Ibis Roseate Spoonbill Black Vulture Turkey Vulture Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture Greater Yellow-headed Vulture CO--MET--Mozambique CO--MET--Mozambique Bocas del Atrato Bocas del Atrato CO--ANT--Turbo and area CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Bocas del Atrato Parque La Florida Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio CO--SAN--paujil rd CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Bocas del Atrato CO--ANT--Turbo and area CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio CO--MET--Mozambique CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Parque La Florida CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Parque La Florida CO--ANT--Turbo and area CO--ANT--Turbo and area CO--VAU--Mitu pueblo Andean Condor King Vulture Osprey White-tailed Kite Hook-billed Kite Gray-headed Kite Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Parque La Florida Ecoparque los Besotes Mitu--Ceima Cachivera a couple seen at this excellent wetland near dusk seen twice on second day here, once right from lodge! Swallow-tailed Kite Black Hawk-Eagle Black-and-chestnut Eagle Black-collared Hawk Double-toothed Kite Plumbeous Kite Area de El Valle Area de El Valle Monterredondo CO--ANT--Turbo and area Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Long-winged Harrier Sharp-shinned Hawk Bicolored Hawk Crane Hawk Slate-colored Hawk Common Black Hawk Savanna Hawk Great Black Hawk Roadside Hawk White-tailed Hawk CO--SAN--lwha spot CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Mitu--Santa Marta Mitu--Cerro Urania Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Bocas del Atrato CO--ANT--Turbo and area Area de El Valle Parque La Florida CO--MET--Laguna near ferry crossing Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle Gray-lined Hawk Broad-winged Hawk Zone-tailed Hawk White-throated Crake Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Parque La Florida Bocas del Atrato Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Gray-breasted Crake Bogota Rail CO--MET--Mozambique Parque La Florida Brown Wood-Rail Rufous-necked Wood-Rail Gray-necked Wood-Rail PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Bocas del Atrato RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Seen well along wide trail just south of park HQ heard Uniform Crake Russet-crowned Crake Sora Spot-flanked Gallinule Purple Gallinule Common Gallinule American Coot Limpkin Double-striped Thick-knee PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) PNN Sumapaz--Laguna Chisaca Parque La Florida Parque La Florida Parque La Florida Parque La Florida CO--ANT--Turbo and area CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Seen well along wide trail just south of park HQ heard Male seen well on drive in to El Paujil reserve in Magdalena Valley heard heard, called once, a somewhat atypical call but presumed to be this species after listening to recordings Black-necked Stilt Pied Lapwing Southern Lapwing Collared Plover Semipalmated Plover Wattled Jacana Spotted Sandpiper Solitary Sandpiper Greater Yellowlegs Willet Lesser Yellowlegs Whimbrel Least Sandpiper Semipalmated Sandpiper Long-billed Dowitcher Wilson's Snipe Noble Snipe Laughing Gull Yellow-billed Tern Large-billed Tern Gull-billed Tern Royal Tern Sandwich Tern Black Skimmer Rock Pigeon Pale-vented Pigeon Scaled Pigeon Bare-eyed Pigeon Band-tailed Pigeon Plumbeous Pigeon Ruddy Pigeon Dusky Pigeon Common Ground-Dove Plain-breasted Ground-Dove Ruddy Ground-Dove Scaled Dove Blue Ground-Dove Ruddy Quail-Dove White-tipped Dove Parque La Florida CO--MET--Rio Meta ferry crossing Parque La Florida CO--MET--Rio Meta ferry crossing Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Parque La Florida Parque La Florida Parque La Florida PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Parque La Florida PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas CO--MET--Laguna near ferry crossing El Valle Lago La Florida PNN Sumapaz--Laguna Chisaca Parque La Florida CO--ANT--Turbo and area CO--BOY--El Tekal CO--BOY--El Tekal Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle CO--ANT--Turbo and area CO--ANT--Turbo and area CO--BOY--El Tekal Parque La Florida Bocas del Atrato Area de El Valle Ecoparque los Besotes Monterredondo RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Mitu--Cerro Urania Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Ecoparque los Besotes CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio CO--ANT--Turbo and area CO--MET--road to rio meta ferry Area de El Valle Cueva del Condor PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas heard "keek" call, photographed heard Gray-chested Dove Gray-fronted Dove Lined Quail-Dove Eared Dove Dwarf Cuckoo Squirrel Cuckoo Striped Cuckoo Greater Ani Smooth-billed Ani Groove-billed Ani Tropical Screech-Owl Vermiculated "Choco" Screech-Owl PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Monterredondo Parque La Florida CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Bocas del Atrato Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle CO--ANT--Turbo and area RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) White-throated Screech-Owl Crested Owl Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Spectacled Owl Andean Pygmy-Owl Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl Burrowing Owl Mottled Owl Nacunda Nighthawk Common Nighthawk Band-tailed Nighthawk Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija Monterredondo Ecoparque los Besotes CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) CO--MET--Mozambique CO--VAU--Mitu pueblo CO--VAU--Mitu pueblo Blackish Nightjar Band-winged Nightjar Common Pauraque Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Monterredondo Area de El Valle Lyre-tailed Nightjar White-tailed Nightjar Monterredondo CO--MET--Mozambique Spot-tailed Nightjar Great Potoo Common Potoo Oilbird CO--MET--Mozambique Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Area de El Valle Cueva del Condor Chestnut-collared Swift White-collared Swift Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) heard heard heard heard heard heard heard flushed off rd. pre-dawn on our way from town one female seen on road after dark flushed up by our vehicle, no white in wings - presumed to be this species Amazonian Swift Short-tailed Swift Band-rumped Swift Gray-rumped Swift White-tipped Swift Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift Fork-tailed Palm-Swift White-necked Jacobin Bronzy Hermit Rufous-breasted Hermit Band-tailed Barbthroat Pale-tailed Barbthroat White-bearded Hermit Green Hermit Straight-billed Hermit Long-billed Hermit Great-billed Hermit Pale-bellied Hermit Mitu--Santa Marta CO--ANT--Turbo and area Area de El Valle RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) a few small, very dark chaetura we eventually Ided as this species. Good looks as they foraged very low and close over open field with a flock of Gray-rumpeds. Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera CO--CUN--monterredondo lower rd Mitu--Cerro Urania Bocas del Atrato Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Bocas del Atrato Black-throated Hermit Stripe-throated Hermit Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Area de El Valle Gray-chinned Hermit Reddish Hermit Bosque Bavaria (Orange-breasted Falcon Reserve) Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Sooty-capped Hermit Green-fronted Lancebill Bosque Bavaria (Orange-breasted Falcon Reserve) RN La Romera Blue-fronted Lancebill Green Violetear Purple-crowned Fairy Black-eared Fairy Bosque Bavaria (Orange-breasted Falcon Reserve) Parque La Florida Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Santa Marta Green-tailed Goldenthroat Black-throated Mango Amethyst-throated Sunangel Mitu--Cerro Urania RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Monterredondo One seen by Dave on last morning at Mitu female seen well and photographed a few ween at flowering trees on far side of village Black-bellied Thorntail Speckled Hummingbird Long-tailed Sylph Bronze-tailed Thornbill Green-bearded Helmetcrest Mitu--Cerro Urania Monterredondo CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m PNN Sumapaz--Laguna Chisaca PNN Sumapaz--Laguna Chisaca Perija Metaltail Tyrian Metaltail Greenish Puffleg Bronzy Inca Collared Inca Booted Racket-tail Gould's Jewelfront White-bellied Woodstar Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija Monterredondo RN La Romera RN La Romera Monterredondo CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Mitu--Cerro Urania Parque La Florida Rufous-shafted Woodstar Western Emerald Red-billed Emerald Blue-tailed Emerald Coppery Emerald Gray-breasted Sabrewing CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m CO--CES--rd to chamicero 1100m CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Ecoparque los Besotes Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Lazuline Sabrewing White-vented Plumeleteer Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer Crowned Woodnymph Fork-tailed Woodnymph Versicolored Emerald Glittering-throated Emerald Blue-chested Hummingbird Purple-chested Hummingbird Steely-vented Hummingbird Indigo-capped Hummingbird CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Cueva del Condor Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Laguna de Tabacal Laguna de Tabacal Green-bellied Hummingbird Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Sapphire-throated Hummingbird CO--CUN--monterredondo lower rd Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Bocas del Atrato Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird Bocas del Atrato a female seen at flowering tree in village, near bridge common above treeline seen well at flowering Inga tree at 2000m, also seen at forested patch at 1700m males lekking at forest patch 1700m seen at flowering Inga tree near bottom of road male seen well and photographed in village Shining-green Hummingbird White-chinned Sapphire RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Golden-headed Quetzal Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija Crested Quetzal Black-tailed Trogon White-tailed Trogon Green-backed Trogon Gartered Trogon Amazonian Trogon Blue-crowned Trogon Collared Trogon Whooping Motmot Amazonian Motmot Andean Motmot Rufous Motmot Broad-billed Motmot Ringed Kingfisher Amazon Kingfisher Green Kingfisher Green-and-rufous Kingfisher American Pygmy Kingfisher White-necked Puffbird Black-breasted Puffbird Pied Puffbird Chestnut-capped Puffbird Spotted Puffbird Sooty-capped Puffbird Barred Puffbird Russet-throated Puffbird White-chested Puffbird Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Cueva del Condor CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio RN La Romera Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Bocas del Atrato Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Area de El Valle PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Mitu--Cerro Urania Mitu--Cerro Urania White-whiskered Puffbird Bocas del Atrato RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Mitu--Ceima Cachivera PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Rusty-breasted Nunlet Gray-cheeked Nunlet White-fronted Nunbird Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Cueva del Condor Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle heard pointed out by guide Balmes at river crossing heard, one might have been seen flying away by Jeremy heard seen very well in mixed flock not far from beginning of trail Rufous-tailed Jacamar Bosque Bavaria (Orange-breasted Falcon Reserve) Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas White-chinned Jacamar Bronzy Jacamar Paradise Jacamar Scarlet-crowned Barbet Spot-crowned Barbet White-mantled Barbet Gilded Barbet Lemon-throated Barbet Red-headed Barbet Emerald Toucanet Crimson-rumped Toucanet Bosque Bavaria (Orange-breasted Falcon Reserve) Mitu--Cerro Urania Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Ceima Cachivera RN La Romera Monterredondo CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Yellow-billed Nunbird Swallow-winged Puffbird Yellow-billed Jacamar Red-rumped Woodpecker Little Woodpecker Bosque Bavaria (Orange-breasted Falcon Reserve) Bocas del Atrato CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Mitu--Cerro Urania Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Mitu--Santa Marta CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Ecoparque los Besotes CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Lago La Florida PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Yellow-throated Woodpecker Golden-olive Woodpecker Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera RN La Romera Lettered Aracari Collared Aracari Chestnut-eared Aracari Many-banded Aracari Yellow-throated Toucan White-throated Toucan Choco Toucan Channel-billed Toucan Orinoco Piculet Scaled Piculet Olivaceous Piculet Chestnut Piculet Yellow-tufted Woodpecker Beautiful Woodpecker Black-cheeked Woodpecker Red-crowned Woodpecker Smoky-brown Woodpecker heard came in to call of Golden-green Woodpecker, photos Crimson-mantled Woodpecker Cinnamon Woodpecker Scale-breasted Woodpecker Chestnut Woodpecker Lineated Woodpecker Crimson-bellied Woodpecker Red-necked Woodpecker Crimson-crested Woodpecker Barred Forest-Falcon Collared Forest-Falcon Black Caracara Red-throated Caracara Crested Caracara Yellow-headed Caracara Laughing Falcon American Kestrel Merlin Aplomado Falcon Bat Falcon Peregrine Falcon Scarlet-shouldered Parrotlet Sapphire-rumped Parrotlet Orange-chinned Parakeet Cobalt-winged Parakeet Rose-faced Parrot Saffron-headed Parrot Orange-cheeked Parrot Monterredondo Bocas del Atrato Mitu--Cerro Urania Mitu--Cerro Urania Area de El Valle Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Cerro Urania Area de El Valle Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Bocas del Atrato CO--VAU--Mitu pueblo Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera CO--BOY--El Tekal CO--ANT--Turbo and area Area de El Valle CO--ANT--Turbo and area Parque La Florida CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle bogota-- fontibon Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera CO--ANT--Turbo and area CO--VAU--Mitu pueblo PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Mitu--Cerro Urania Mealy Parrot Orange-winged Parrot Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija Monterredondo CO--ANT--Turbo and area Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Bocas del Atrato PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Mitu--Santa Marta Scaly-naped Parrot Green-rumped Parrotlet Spectacled Parrotlet Dusky-billed Parrotlet Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija Ecoparque los Besotes CO--BOY--ycsp pond Mitu--Santa Marta Red-billed Parrot Speckle-faced Parrot Blue-headed Parrot Red-lored Parrot Yellow-crowned Parrot heard flyover in a large clearing heard heard heard Black-headed Parrot Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Red-fan Parrot Maroon-tailed Parakeet Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Brown-breasted Parakeet Brown-throated Parakeet Red-bellied Macaw Blue-and-yellow Macaw Military Macaw Great Green Macaw Scarlet Macaw Red-and-green Macaw Chestnut-fronted Macaw Blue-crowned Parakeet Great Antshrike Black-crested Antshrike Barred Antshrike Black-crowned Antshrike Mouse-colored Antshrike Black Antshrike Blackish-gray Antshrike White-shouldered Antshrike Black-backed Antshrike Amazonian Antshrike Black Bushbird Plain Antvireo Spot-crowned Antvireo Dusky-throated Antshrike Cinereous Antshrike Checker-throated Antwren Pygmy Antwren Moustached Antwren Yellow-throated Antwren Amazonian Streaked-Antwren Pacific Antwren Cherrie's Antwren Monterredondo CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Ecoparque los Besotes PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera CO--BOY--whmt pond CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Area de El Valle CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Cueva del Condor PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Mitu--Ceima Cachivera RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Santa Marta Ecoparque los Besotes Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Bosque Bavaria (Orange-breasted Falcon Reserve) Area de El Valle Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Area de El Valle Mitu--Cerro Urania Mitu--Santa Marta Mitu--Santa Marta Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera also seen at Uraina, feeding at fruiting tree in town! flock seen well in pasture on way down from forest around mid-day heard heard seen well in dense, regenerating old clearing heard Dot-winged Antwren White-fringed Antwren PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Ecoparque los Besotes Klages's Antbird Imeri Warbling-Antbird Yellow-browed Antbird Dusky Antbird Gray Antbird Black-faced Antbird Black-chinned Antbird Bare-crowned Antbird CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Cerro Urania RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Spot-winged Antbird Chestnut-backed Antbird Gray-bellied Antbird Black-throated Antbird Plumbeous Antbird White-plumed Antbird Bicolored Antbird White-cheeked Antbird Bosque Bavaria (Orange-breasted Falcon Reserve) Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Santa Marta Area de El Valle Mitu--Santa Marta White-flanked Antwren Long-winged Antwren Gray Antwren Spot-backed Antwren Chestnut-crested Antbird seen well in Chusquea bamboo at 1890m heard seen at antswarm The grail bird! A pair seen well, guide knew location Spotted Antbird Chestnut-belted Gnateater Chestnut-crowned Antpitta Cundinamarca Antpitta Mitu--Ceima Cachivera PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Mitu--Cerro Urania Monterredondo Monterredondo Perija Antpitta Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija brilliant views in vegetated patch above treeline Rufous (east Andes) Antpitta Monterredondo This population will be split eventually Tawny Antpitta Streak-chested Antpitta Thicket Antpitta Thrush-like Antpitta PNN Sumapaz--Laguna Chisaca Area de El Valle Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera heard heard heard, very briefly seen by Avery this population is a possible future split heard Rusty-breasted Antpitta Slate-crowned Antpitta Ash-colored Tapaculo Blackish Tapaculo Stiles's Tapaculo Laguna de Tabacal Monterredondo Monterredondo Monterredondo RN La Romera Tawny-throated Leaftosser Spot-throated Woodcreeper Olivaceous Woodcreeper White-chinned Woodcreeper Plain-brown Woodcreeper Wedge-billed Woodcreeper Northern Barred-Woodcreeper Amazonian Barred-Woodcreeper Strong-billed Woodcreeper Striped Woodcreeper Ocellated Woodcreeper Elegant Woodcreeper Cocoa Woodcreeper Buff-throated Woodcreeper Black-striped Woodcreeper Straight-billed Woodcreeper Streak-headed Woodcreeper Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija Monterredondo PNN Sumapaz--Laguna Chisaca Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Santa Marta Area de El Valle Area de El Valle Area de El Valle Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Cerro Urania Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Cerro Urania RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Area de El Valle Bocas del Atrato RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Montane Woodcreeper Slender-billed Xenops Plain Xenops Rufous-tailed Xenops Point-tailed Palmcreeper Streaked Tuftedcheek Pale-legged Hornero Cinnamon-rumped Foliage-gleaner Chestnut-winged Hookbill Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner Olive-backed Foliage-gleaner Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija Mitu--Cerro Urania RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Monterredondo Ecoparque los Besotes Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Perija Tapaculo Spillmann's Tapaculo Pale-bellied Tapaculo Rufous-capped Antthrush Black-headed Antthrush seen well at roadside a bit before park entrance heard abundant heard heard at antswarm heard Pearled Treerunner Andean Tit-Spinetail Rufous-fronted Thornbird Many-striped Canastero Monterredondo PNN Sumapaz--Laguna Chisaca CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio PNN Sumapaz--Laguna Chisaca Streak-backed Canastero Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija Perija Thistletail Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija Speckled Spinetail Yellow-chinned Spinetail Silvery-throated Spinetail Azara's Spinetail Pale-breasted Spinetail Mitu--Santa Marta CO--BOY--ycsp pond PNN Sumapaz--Laguna Chisaca RN La Romera CO--SAN--lwha spot Slaty Spinetail White-whiskered Spinetail Stripe-breasted Spinetail White-throated Tyrannulet Sulphur-bellied Tyrannulet Mouse-colored Tyrannulet Subtropical Doradito Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Ecoparque los Besotes Laguna de Tabacal Parque La Florida Monterredondo CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Parque La Florida Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Forest Elaenia Yellow-bellied Elaenia Bosque Bavaria (Orange-breasted Falcon Reserve) Bocas del Atrato Rufous-crowned Elaenia Mountain Elaenia Streak-necked Flycatcher Olive-striped Flycatcher Ochre-bellied Flycatcher Sepia-capped Flycatcher Slaty-capped Flycatcher Mitu--Cerro Urania Parque La Florida Monterredondo Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Variegated Bristle-Tyrant Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija Marble-faced Bristle-Tyrant Antioquia Bristle-Tyrant Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija Cueva del Condor Rufous Spinetail 1 seen well in paramo heard unknown song, after listeing to tapes Ided as probably this species perija ssp. may be a future split heard 1 seen perched atop tree in village, near bridge not known from the perijas (???), poss. Mis-ID Sooty-headed Tyrannulet Black-capped Tyrannulet Paltry Tyrannulet Slender-footed Tyrannulet Golden-faced Tyrannulet Northern Scrub-Flycatcher Slender-billed Tyrannulet Amazonian Tyrannulet Pale-tipped Tyrannulet Rufous-headed Pygmy-Tyrant Ringed Antpipit Black-capped Pygmy-Tyrant Double-banded Pygmy-Tyrant Helmeted Pygmy-Tyrant Pale-eyed Pygmy-Tyrant Southern Bentbill White-eyed Tody-Tyrant Pearly-vented Tody-Tyrant Rufous-crowned Tody-Flycatcher Rusty-fronted Tody-Flycatcher Common Tody-Flycatcher Black-headed Tody-Flycatcher Yellow-browed Tody-Flycatcher Olivaceous Flatbill Yellow-olive Flycatcher Yellow-margined Flycatcher Gray-crowned Flycatcher Yellow-breasted Flycatcher Cinnamon-crested Spadebill White-throated Spadebill Golden-crowned Spadebill Cinnamon Flycatcher Cliff Flycatcher Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher Whiskered Flycatcher Black-billed Flycatcher Olive-sided Flycatcher Tropical Pewee Fuscous (duida) Flycatcher RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Monterredondo Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Area de El Valle Ecoparque los Besotes Ecoparque los Besotes Mitu--Cerro Urania Ecoparque los Besotes Monterredondo Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Area de El Valle Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Santa Marta CO--MET--Avestruces and road in RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Mitu--Cerro Urania Ecoparque los Besotes Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Area de El Valle Area de El Valle Mitu--Ceima Cachivera RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Ecoparque los Besotes Area de El Valle Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Ecoparque los Besotes Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Laguna de Tabacal PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Monterredondo CO--CUN--cliff fly PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Mitu--Ceima Cachivera RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Laguna de Tabacal Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera at bridge first ebird record for Colombia! heard Acadian Flycatcher Alder/Willow Flycatcher Black Phoebe Vermilion Flycatcher Drab Water Tyrant Plain-capped Ground-Tyrant Smoky Bush-Tyrant White-headed Marsh Tyrant Yellow-bellied Chat-Tyrant RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) CO--MET--rd to rio meta ferry CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle CO--VAU--Mitu pueblo PNN Sumapaz--Laguna Chisaca Monterredondo CO--BOY--whmt pond Monterredondo Rufous-breasted Chat-Tyrant Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant Long-tailed Tyrant Cattle Tyrant Rufous-tailed Flatbill Citron-bellied Attila Bright-rumped Attila Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija PNN Sumapaz--Laguna Chisaca Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Mitu--Cerro Urania Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Choco Sirystes Dusky-capped Flycatcher Swainson's Flycatcher Venezuelan Flycatcher Panama Flycatcher Short-crested Flycatcher Great Crested Flycatcher Brown-crested Flycatcher Lesser Kiskadee Great Kiskadee Boat-billed Flycatcher Rusty-margined Flycatcher Social Flycatcher Gray-capped Flycatcher Dusky-chested Flycatcher White-ringed Flycatcher Yellow-throated Flycatcher Golden-crowned Flycatcher Streaked Flycatcher Piratic Flycatcher Sulphury Flycatcher Tropical Kingbird Eastern Kingbird Area de El Valle Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Cerro Urania Ecoparque los Besotes Bocas del Atrato Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas CO--SAN--donacobius pond CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio CO--ANT--Turbo and area CO--BOY--whmt pond CO--ANT--Turbo and area CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio CO--ANT--Turbo and area Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Parque La Florida CO--ANT--Turbo and area seen well along trail from town to National park Gray Kingbird Fork-tailed Flycatcher Green-and-black Fruiteater Golden-breasted Fruiteater Red-crested Cotinga Guianan Cock-of-the-rock Purple-throated Fruitcrow Amazonian Umbrellabird Blue Cotinga Spangled Cotinga Rufous Piha Screaming Piha Black-tipped Cotinga Pompadour Cotinga Dwarf Tyrant-Manakin Saffron-crested Tyrant-Manakin Yellow-headed Manakin Lance-tailed Manakin Black Manakin Blue-crowned Manakin Yellow-crowned Manakin Golden-collared Manakin White-bearded Manakin Wire-tailed Manakin Striped Manakin White-crowned Manakin Red-capped Manakin Golden-headed Manakin Black-tailed Tityra Black-crowned Tityra Masked Tityra Brown-winged Schiffornis White-browed Purpletuft Cinnamon Becard Chestnut-crowned Becard White-winged Becard One-colored Becard CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio CO--ANT--Turbo and area Monterredondo CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija Mitu--Ceima Cachivera PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Area de El Valle Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera RN La Romera Ecoparque los Besotes Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) CO--MET--Laguna near ferry crossing RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Area de El Valle Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Area de El Valle Mitu--Santa Marta Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Ceima Cachivera RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle flyover pointed out by guide Miguel at known site heard Brown-capped Vireo Red-eyed Vireo Lemon-chested Greenlet Brown-headed Greenlet Scrub Greenlet Tawny-crowned Greenlet Rufous-naped Greenlet Golden-fronted Greenlet Lesser Greenlet Yellow-browed Shrike-Vireo Rufous-browed Peppershrike Black-chested Jay Green Jay Violaceous Jay Azure-naped Jay Blue-and-white Swallow Brown-bellied Swallow White-thighed Swallow White-banded Swallow Southern Rough-winged Swallow Gray-breasted Martin Brown-chested Martin White-winged Swallow Bank Swallow Barn Swallow Cliff Swallow Scaly-breasted Wren House Wren Sedge Wren Apolinar's Wren Monterredondo Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Ecoparque los Besotes Mitu--Ceima Cachivera RN La Romera Bocas del Atrato Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Mitu--Cerro Urania Bocas del Atrato CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera RN La Romera Parque La Florida RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Mitu--Santa Marta Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle CO--ANT--Turbo and area CO--MET--Altos de Menegua CO--ANT--Turbo and area CO--MET--Mozambique CO--ANT--Turbo and area Mitu--Santa Marta PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Parque La Florida PNN Sumapaz--Laguna Chisaca PNN Sumapaz--Laguna Chisaca Stripe-backed Wren Bicolored Wren Black-bellied Wren Whiskered Wren Coraya Wren Valledupar Ecoparque los Besotes RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Mitu--Cerro Urania Speckle-breasted (Colombian) Wren Laguna de Tabacal Rufous-and-white Wren Stripe-throated Wren Bosque Bavaria (Orange-breasted Falcon Reserve) PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Fairly common around Mitu seen at outskirts of town from vehicle Sendas Bay Wren Buff-breasted Wren Rufous Wren White-breasted Wood-Wren Gray-breasted Wood-Wren Collared Gnatwren Tawny-faced Gnatwren Tropical Gnatcatcher Slate-throated Gnatcatcher Black-capped Donacobius Andean Solitaire Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush Gray-cheeked Thrush Swainson's Thrush Yellow-legged Thrush Pale-breasted Thrush Hauxwell's Thrush Spectacled Thrush Black-billed Thrush Black-hooded Thrush Great Thrush Glossy-black Thrush White-necked Thrush Tropical Mockingbird Yellowish Pipit Paramo Pipit Northern Waterthrush Black-and-white Warbler Prothonotary Warbler Tennessee Warbler Mourning Warbler American Redstart Tropical Parula Bay-breasted Warbler Blackburnian Warbler Yellow Warbler Blackpoll Warbler Rufous-capped Warbler Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Bocas del Atrato Monterredondo Area de El Valle Monterredondo Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Area de El Valle PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas CO--SAN--donacobius pond RN La Romera CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Laguna de Tabacal CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m CO--BOY--El Tekal Mitu--Cerro Urania CO--CUN--monterredondo lower rd Laguna de Tabacal CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Parque La Florida Monterredondo Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera CO--ANT--Turbo and area CO--MET--Mozambique PNN Sumapaz--Laguna Chisaca Parque La Florida Parque La Florida Bocas del Atrato Parque La Florida CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Parque La Florida Ecoparque los Besotes Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Parque La Florida Parque La Florida Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle CO--CES--rd to chamicero 1100m seen a couple times in canopy heard heard male in near full alternate (breeding) plumage Golden-crowned Warbler Three-striped Warbler Black-crested Warbler Buff-rumped Warbler Gray-throated Warbler Russet-crowned Warbler CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Monterredondo Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Monterredondo Canada Warbler Slate-throated Redstart Golden-fronted Redstart Red-capped Cardinal Black-faced Tanager Magpie Tanager Black-capped Hemispingus Superciliaried Hemispingus Oleaginous Hemispingus Gray-hooded Bush Tanager Fulvous-headed Tanager Gray-headed Tanager Flame-crested Tanager Fulvous-crested Tanager White-shouldered Tanager Tawny-crested Tanager Red-shouldered Tanager Flame-rumped Tanager Silver-beaked Tanager Crimson-backed Tanager Hooded Mountain-Tanager Grass-green Tanager Bosque Bavaria (Orange-breasted Falcon Reserve) CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Monterredondo CO--MET--La Campechana rest CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Monterredondo Monterredondo CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Monterredondo CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Bocas del Atrato Monterredondo Monterredondo Lacrimose Mountain-Tanager Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager Buff-breasted Mountain-Tanager Blue-gray Tanager Glaucous Tanager Palm Tanager Blue-capped Tanager Black-headed Tanager Black-capped Tanager Burnished-buff Tanager Scrub Tanager Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija PNN Sumapaz--Laguna Chisaca Monterredondo CO--ANT--Turbo and area Ecoparque los Besotes CO--ANT--Turbo and area CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Laguna de Tabacal in forest patch at 1700m Masked Tanager Golden-hooded Tanager Blue-necked Tanager Blue-and-black Tanager Beryl-spangled Tanager Metallic-green Tanager Plain-colored Tanager Turquoise Tanager Paradise Tanager Opal-rumped Tanager Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Laguna de Tabacal Monterredondo Monterredondo RN La Romera Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Opal-crowned Tanager Rufous-winged Tanager Bay-headed Tanager Green-and-gold Tanager Blue-whiskered Tanager Golden Tanager Swallow Tanager Black-faced Dacnis Yellow-bellied Dacnis Scarlet-thighed Dacnis Blue Dacnis Short-billed Honeycreeper Purple Honeycreeper Red-legged Honeycreeper Green Honeycreeper Scarlet-browed Tanager Yellow-backed Tanager Blue-backed Conebill Capped Conebill Rufous-browed Conebill Glossy Flowerpiercer Black Flowerpiercer White-sided Flowerpiercer Rusty Flowerpiercer Bluish Flowerpiercer Masked Flowerpiercer Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Laguna de Tabacal Mitu--Ceima Cachivera Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle RN La Romera RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) Monterredondo Monterredondo Parque La Florida PNN Sumapaz--Laguna Chisaca Parque La Florida CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Parque La Florida Monterredondo Monterredondo Plushcap Plumbeous Sierra-Finch Orange-fronted Yellow-Finch Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija PNN Sumapaz--Laguna Chisaca CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio a few seen well in mixed flock at Cerro several seen, including pair at nest Saffron Finch Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch Blue-black Grassquit Chestnut-bellied Seedeater Ruddy-breasted Seedeater Thick-billed Seed-Finch Chestnut-bellied Seed-Finch Large-billed Seed-Finch Variable Seedeater Yellow-bellied Seedeater Plain-colored Seedeater Paramo Seedeater Bananaquit Black-faced Grassquit Dusky-faced Tanager Rosy Thrush-Tanager Buff-throated Saltator Grayish Saltator Streaked Saltator Slate-colored Grosbeak Common Chlorospingus Grassland Sparrow Yellow-browed Sparrow Black-striped Sparrow Perija Brushfinch Orange-billed Sparrow Golden-winged Sparrow Pectoral Sparrow Chestnut-capped Brushfinch Rufous-collared Sparrow White-naped Brushfinch Slaty Brushfinch Pale-naped Brushfinch Yellow-br. (nigrifrons) Brushfinch Summer Tanager Scarlet Tanager Sooty Ant-Tanager Lemon-spectacled Tanager CO--BOY--whmt pond CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Cerro Urania CO--BOY--ycsp pond Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Cerro Urania CO--BOY--ycsp pond Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle CO--CUN--monterredondo lower rd PNN Sumapaz--Laguna Chisaca Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija Bocas del Atrato Ecoparque los Besotes Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Laguna de Tabacal Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Laguna de Tabacal Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m CO--MET--Mozambique CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Cueva del Condor CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas CO--CES--rd to chamicero 1100m Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m PNN Sumapaz--Laguna Chisaca RN La Romera Monterredondo Monterredondo CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Parque La Florida Mitu--Ceima Cachivera RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y heard skulky, but seen well at 1700m seen in steep sloped coffee plantations common, future split, already split by some Sendas Yellow-green Grosbeak Rose-breasted Grosbeak Blue-black Grosbeak Eastern Meadowlark Red-breasted Meadowlark Great-tailed Grackle Carib Grackle Oriole Blackbird Red-bellied Grackle Yellow-hooded Blackbird Shiny Cowbird Giant Cowbird Yellow-backed Oriole Epaulet Oriole Yellow Oriole Baltimore Oriole Yellow-billed Cacique Scarlet-rumped Cacique Yellow-rumped Cacique Mountain Cacique Red-rumped Cacique Russet-backed Oropendola Green Oropendola Crested Oropendola Chestnut-headed Oropendola Baudo Oropendola Olive Oropendola Plumbeous Euphonia Purple-throated Euphonia Trinidad Euphonia Thick-billed Euphonia Fulvous-vented Euphonia Golden-bellied Euphonia White-vented Euphonia Mitu--Ceima Cachivera CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Parque La Florida CO--ANT--Turbo and area CO--ANT--Turbo and area CO--SAN--paujil rd CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio RN La Romera Parque La Florida Parque La Florida Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Parque La Florida Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera CO--BOY--El Tekal Bocas del Atrato CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Monterredondo Mitu--Ceima Cachivera CO--CES--Chamicero rd 1700m Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera RNA Paujil (Dept. Boyaca) PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Orange-bellied Euphonia Rufous-bellied Euphonia Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera CO--MET--Llanos east of Villavicencio Ecoparque los Besotes Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Bahia Solano--Camino El Valle PNN Ensenada de Utria--Sede y Sendas Mitu--Senda Mitu Cachivera Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia Reserva Natural de las Aves Chamicero del Perija great looks at a displaying male along road Lesser Goldfinch Andean Siskin CO--CUN--monterredondo lower rd Parque La Florida