Are you between the ages of 18-24 years old?


Are you between the ages of 18-24 years old?
Are you between the ages
of 18-24 years old?
Need your HiSet or additional
education in math?
Want a career in
Electronic Manufacturing?
¿Tiene Ud. entre los
18 y 24 años de edad?
¿Necesita conseguir el HiSET o
requiere estudio adicional en
¿Le gustaría tener una carrera
en Manufacturas Electrónicas?
Register for an Information Session at ValleyWorks Career Center to learn about an
education and Electronic Manufacturing program. If you are unable attend, please call
978-722-7000 for an appointment with a Counselor.
Regístrese y asiste una sesión informativa en el Centro de Carreras de ValleyWorks para enterarse
sobre el Programa de Educación y Manufacturas Electrónicas. Si Ud. no puede asistir la sesión
informativa, favor de llamar a nuestros Representantes del Servicio al Cliente al 978-722-7000
para pedir una cita con una Consejera del Programa.
Program provides the following skills: HiSET Preparation or Remediation Classes; Safety; Through Hole Assembly; Though Hole Soldering; Color Coding;
Documentation; Surface Mount Assembly & Soldering; IPC-7 Sins of Soldering; Media and Certification; Intro to PTH and SMT Media and Certification; and IPC
Computer Training. Training to be held at LARE INSTITUTE.
Easily Accessible by Public Transportation | A NAMC-POP Sponsored Event—
To Register: You Do Not Need to be a
ValleyWorks Career Center Member;
Call ValleyWorks Career Center
Membership Desk at 978.722.7000
or register in person at ValleyWorks
Career Center.
Program may be free based on
eligibility criteria.
Para registrarse: No se requiere
ser miembro del Centro de
ValleyWorks. Llame a nuestro
servicio al cliente en
ValleyWorks a 978-722-7000
o regístrese personalmente en
ValleyWorks Career Center.
El Programa puede ser gratis
si usted califica según
los requisitos.