Mass Intentions June 22—June 29
Saint Joseph Catholic Church 87 Lacy Street NW, Marietta, Georgia 30060-1111 Mission Statement We, Saint Joseph Catholic church, the Body of Christ, seek to grow in faith, love, and service of God and one another. Parish Contact Numbers BUSINESS MANAGER ADULT EDUCATION HISPANIC MINISTRY Bruce Reed...............(770)422-5633 x27 Tina Harding..............(770)422-5633 x24 Sister Olivia……..(770)422-5633 x32 PARISH SECRETARY YOUTH MINISTRY Dolores Lomeli..........(770)422-5633 x37 Carol Donofrio...........(770)422-5633 x22 Ralph Keene.............(770)422-5633 x50 SAINT JOSEPH SCHOOL EDGE/MIDDLE SCHOOL MINISTRY Pat Allen..........................(770)428-3328 PASTORAL MINISTRY/ Laura Fenton.............(770)422-5633 x53 FACILITIES MANAGER OUTREACH Jim Arnold.................(770)422-5633 x39 Tom Reichert.............(770)422-5633 x25 MUSIC MINISTRY John Brandt...............(770)422-5633 x62 PRESCHOOL PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION Pat Roberts...............(770)422-5633 x75 Kathy Christianson....(770)422-5633 x52 Schedule of Masses Parish Office Phone: (770)422-5633 Fax: (770)422-1148 Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday Tuesday 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 8:00 AM Wednesday 12:00 PM Anointing of the Sick 7:00 PM en Español Thursday 8:00 AM 12:00 PM Friday Saturday 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 8:00 AM 5:30 PM Vigil 7:30 PM Vigilia en Español Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:45 AM, 12:30 PM,2:30 PM en Español 5:00 PM Life Teen Pastor: Monsignor John Walsh Parochial Vicars: Rev. Michael Sherliza • Rev. Mark Starr Deacons: Deacon Thomas Shaver, OFS • Deacon Bruce Reed Deacon Frank Devereux • Deacon Norman Keller • Deacon Jose Trinidad Merlo • Deacon Greg Smilski June 22, 2014 • The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Get Inspired Get Enriched Get Transformed Layette Program We are in need of donations of NEW items of clothing, blankets, booties, caps, sleepers, etc., for our program. All items are distributed to families in need within our community. Thank you for your tremendous generosity in helping us with this wonderful ministry that brings hope and comfort to new families. Saint Joseph Preschool Is Currently REGISTERING for the 2014-2015 School Year! We offer a weekday preschool program for ages 2 to 4 years in a loving, faith-based environment. Our developmentally appropriate program is designed to provide experiences that focus on the growth of the whole child. For more information contact Pat Roberts, Director, at (770)422-5633 x75 or [email protected]. Please join us on Saturday, June 28 after the 7:30 PM Mass or Sunday, June 29 after the 2:30 PM Mass as we say farewell to Father Mark. He will be leaving us on July 1 to begin his new position as administrator of the projected parish in Acworth. We have been truly blessed with his presence here the last two years and wish him all the best in his future ventures! Adult Formation (770)422-5633 x24 ☼ [email protected] INQUIRY CLASS FOR NON-CATHOLICS Do you go to Church with your spouse, and are interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith? Do you have questions about what Catholics believe? Is the Catholic Church a right fit for you and your family? Please join us for our next RCIA Inquiry Session on Sunday, August 17 at 10:00 AM in the Adult Education Room. Our meetings are weekly on Sundays beginning in August. Please contact Tina Harding to register. There is no pressure to join, just an open forum to discuss God, Jesus, the Church, and more. CATHOLIC BOOK CLUB Our next book club is Monday, September 8 at 7:00 PM in the School Library. For the summer, we are reading A Good Hard Look by Ann Napolitano. This interesting fiction novel is set in Milledgeville, Georgia. As with most novels, there are a myriad of characters, including the hometown author who lives in Milledgeville—Flannery O’Connor. This is not a novel solely about Flannery—it is a novel about the people in the town and the intricate ways their stories interact. Join us! SMALL CHURCH COMMUNITIES Are you new to Saint Joseph Church? Are you finding it hard to find a “place of belonging” in this large community? Would you like a safe place to talk about your life of faith? We offer several small groups that meet in homes and neighborhoods and some on the church campus. We are in diverse places because we have a geographically diverse parish. We come together to PRAY, STUDY, BUILD COMMUNITY, AND SERVE OTHERS. Some groups study books of the Bible, some study and discuss the Sunday Readings, some study Church teachings, but ALL meet once a week during the Fall, Winter and Spring. We have morning groups and evening groups. We meet every day of the week except Friday and Saturday. Please contact Tina Harding (770)422-5633 x24 for more information and she will help you find a small Church Community. Saint Joseph Catholic Church • Marietta, Georgia • No one has ever become poor by giving. ~Anne Frank Mass Intentions June 22—June 29 Offertory June 14 and 15…...……………………………..$39,582.10 Mission to Guatemala……………………………..$5,966.00 Second Collection, June 28 and 29 Peter’s Pence Next week our diocese will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, which provides the Holy Father with the funds he needs to carry out his most important charitable works. The proceeds benefit the most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression, and disasters. Your gift makes you a pilgrim of charity around the globe. PLEASE NOTE, THIS IS NOT A TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATION. With the summer in full bloom and beaches, barbeques and outdoor activity becoming our weekend escape, we understand if you cannot make it to your home parish every Sunday. Remember, the church is open year round, 7 days a week, offering the sacraments, the Mass, the same valuable spiritual service, programs and guidance in the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. Therefore, we need your support year-round. Please consider on-line giving! It’s safe and secure. Go to and sign up today! Thank you! Scripture Readings June 22—June 29 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Dt 8:2-3,14b-16a 1 Cor 10:16-17 Jn 6:51-58 Liturgy of the Hours: Psalms IV Monday 2 Kgs 17:5-8,13-15a,18 • Mt 7:1-5 Tuesday Is 49:1-6 • Lk 1:57-66,80 The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Wednesday 2 Kgs 22:8-13;23:1-3 • Mt 7:15-20 Thursday 2 Kgs 24:8-17 • Mt 7:21-29 Friday Dt 7:6-11 • 1 Jn 4:7-16 • Mt 11:25-30 The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Saturday Lam 2:2,10-14,18-19 • Mt 8:5-15 Saint Peter and Saint Paul, apostles Acts 12:1-11 2 Tm 4:6-8,17-18 Mt 16:13-19 Liturgy of the Hours: Psalms I The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 5:30 PM (Vigil).........................† Ed Lathrom 7:30 PM (Vigilia) En Español……………….. † Fabiana Vanegas 7:30 AM……………………..….. † Ivan Vlach 9:00 AM.................... Father’s Day Novena 10:45 AM….............................. Parishioners 12:30 PM................................... Edith Gelan 2:30 PM En Español………... † Adele Folse 5:00 PM Life Teen……………………………. (birthday) Sofia Rodriguez Monday, June 23 8:00 AM…………….. Father’s Day Novena 12:00 PM.. (intention) Mary and Blair McDougal Tuesday, June 24 8:00 AM.................................. † Dave Beard 12:00 PM...………..... Father’s Day Novena Wednesday, June 25 8:00 AM............................ Oselia Rodriguez 12:00 PM...................... For those who are ill 7:00 PM En Español…. (intención) Kris Kawol Thursday, June 26 8:00 AM.................................. † David Perry 12:00 PM……Uenmployed and Underemployed Friday, June 27 8:00 AM................................ † Nora Cazalet 12:00 PM…… (thanksgiving) Maria Ramirez Saturday, June 28 8:00 AM.................... (intention) Bruce Reed Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles 5:30 PM (Vigil)..........................† Beau Clark 7:30 PM (Vigilia) En Español……………….. † Hermana Dora Ramirez 7:30 AM..………………..….. † Andrew Gazo 9:00 AM.................... † Rosa and Pat Farrell 10:45 AM….............................. Parishioners 12:30 PM.............. † Rebecca Reese Martin 2:30 PM En Español.. † Salvador Mendoza 5:00 PM Life Teen……..… † Barbara Olson June 22, 2014 • The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ We pray for our loved ones For the sick and suffering Kaymen Adair Rose Adkins Steven Gensler Jean Goad Joanna Edwards Adkins Josephine Godowski Egan Allen Susan Gordon Fran Anderson Katie Grant Heather Malone Baggett Barbara Green Clint Barrett Christine Grisby Lena Basile Pete Gudenzi David Beard Chris Guertin Simone Begin Penny B. Guthrie Selwin Bernard Barry Hall Libby Bradley Maddie Harris Daniel Brown Joe Heiberger Donny Burrows Julia Henderson Michael Butler Sally Henkiel John Cervini Courtney Hicks Christopher Cook Susan Kim Holland David Cole Valerie Hogan Michael Darby Hagan Hussey Luke Cornille Ryan James Trudy Delhey Jack John Wayne Dempsey Jack Johnson Rob Doeschner Karen Johnson Andrew Dubois Edward Johnston Shelly Dusek Kevin Jones Tom Eshelman Tyler King Betty Fenton Cheryl Lee Kodobocz Lena Ferree Donna Lassiter Ed Flynn Marie Leday Ed Magner Phillip Maloney Francess Marnell Joanne McDonald James McNeal Marilyn Merchant Timothy Murphy Melissa Hudson Nagel Leland Alan Overstreet Stephanie Patenande Daniel Pazak Michael Porter Bill Ramsay Sandra Lee Sable Linda Simmons Leeann Sims Brandon Slat Anne Smith Tina Carlini-Smith Adele Szymanski Mary Tankersley Linda Taylor Mary Temple Florencia Thomas Charlene F. Tillis The Wagner family Jeff Wilson For all of those in nursing homes and hospice, especially those who are suffering or dying. Names appear on the prayer list for two weeks unless otherwise requested. To add someone to our prayer list, please email [email protected] For our loved ones serving in the military Mike Alvarado Brandt Ange The flowers on the altar today are in loving memory of Brian Wolf on his birthday requested by his friends at Peachtree Dekalb Airport Nicholas Mieszala Wesley Farren William J. Strapp Gabriel Fennelly Matthew Molmer Anna Marie Sweat Jeremy Moore Andrew C. Arbogast Lisa Flanagan Brian M. Sweat Justin Austin Stephen Gaughan Andrew Mulcare John T. Sweat Joseph Bailey Andrew Gebert Russell O’Neill Michael Sweeney Ramon Bargallo Michael Gnall Kenny O’Reilly Arthur L. Tarantino Andrew Barron John B. Greene IV Patrick O’Reilly Tyson Thibault Michael Haley Alex Bartlett Jim Orfe Heidi Ultzer Chris Brinkmann Drew Hanshaw Alexandria Patterson Matthew Ultzer Ryan Parker David Brinkmann Ryan Harris John Ryan Walsh Matthew A. Burgess Theresa Humphries Preston Pass Patrick J. Walsh James R. Cater Michael Ivey Sean Pitts Matt Whittenburg Logan Jackson Kevin Regan Adam Cole Jalil Williams Brandon Jennings Andrew Cole Ryne Regan Mike Williams Danielle Colson Chad Jennings Blane Risinger Bob Wright Russell Johnson Jr. Arista Cowan Jason M. Robb Timothy Johnson Carlos Rodriguez III Dan Cowen Jeremy Sanusi Mason Danner Ryan Jones Todd Sartian Matthew Danner Hunter Jordan Patrick Kane David Scafe Michael Darby Michael DeStefano Ali Medford Kent Jamie Scheirer Stephen Deuble John Kruszuwsky Clayton Sears Michael C. DiMartino Derek Lowery Joseph Sellman Alexander Echols Alixandra Mackey Brian Sexton Daniel Eugenio William J. Mackey Misty Sheerer Esteban Eugenio Jeffrey Majkrzak Matt Schlosser Anthony J Falvo IV Tyler McCaslin Logan Steele Brian P. McCartney Micheal Falvo Clayton Stokes Kenneth McIntosh JAMS (Joseph’s Awesome Middle Schoolers) Meets the 3rd Friday of each month From 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. All students in 6th to 8th grades are invited to join us! Evening includes snacks, fun, and fellowship. Life teen [email protected] Meetings: Sundays, 6:00 PM—6:30 PM food and fellowship, 6:30 PM—7:45 PM meeting BLT—Beyond Life Teen SUMMER BIBLE STUDY SERIES Sunday, June 22, July 13 and 27 from 3:00-4:30 PM Refreshments provided. Open to ALL rising High School Juniors and Seniors AND college students home for the summer. Learn how to deal with life’s challenges in a scriptural and biblical fashion. GOT FACEBOOK? Find us at St. Joseph Catholic Church Life Teen to find out what’s happening Saint Joseph Catholic Church • Marietta, Georgia • Limited Kindergarten Openings Now Available for 2014-15 school year! Good News! Saint Joseph Catholic School has a few newly opened spots in kindergarten for the upcoming year. Please visit our website at for more information and to apply. Take advantage of this unique opportunity as we expect those vacancies to fill up quickly. For more information, to schedule a tour, or learn more about our wonderful school, please contact Judy Brodell, at (770)428-3328 or [email protected]. Music Ministry [email protected] Life Teen Musicians/Singers The Life Teen Music Ministry (we play at the 5:00 PM Sunday Mass) is seeking teens and adults who have felt called to offer their talents and can sing or play an instrument (drums, flute, or piano). Please contact Mark Anderson at (678)687-1325 for more information. Knights of Columbus Super Raffle Winners Week 17 $30 Donna Czerwinski, Mary Lea Heroux, Christine Verrone $40 Tom Hanten $100 Michael Yudiskas Interested in becoming a Knights of Columbus member? If so, please visit for more information Saint Joseph Parish desires additional Annulment Case Sponsors. If you would like to become one please obtain the required application for a new Case Sponsor from the church office and have it signed by our Monsignor Walsh after completion. The application form should then be faxed to the Tribunal. Case Sponsor training is mandatory for certification. You will receive the 2014 training schedule for new Case Sponsors from the Tribunal by e-mail and be able to then choose a date that best suits you. Your participation in this Ministry will be greatly appreciated. Parish Meetings and Support Groups Centering Prayer Group: Second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM in the PMC building. Please contact Linda Lee Davis at [email protected] or (770)218-1584 for information. Divine Mercy Group. Fourth Monday of every month after the 8:00 AM Mass in the Sugar Hill House. Please call Dick Bomeisl (770)971-4473 for more information. Separated and Divorced Support Group: Wednesdays, at 7:00 PM upstairs in the PMC building. Call Pattie (770)422-1783 for more information. WEDS: Join us monthly for ongoing support of the Sacrament of Marriage. Call the Armstrongs (770)795-0853 for more information. Ignatian Spirituality Project (ISP) The Ignatian Spirituality Project (ISP) is a nationwide ministry sponsored by the Jesuits to give spiritual retreats to homeless men and homeless women in recovery. This is an active ministry in our Atlanta diocese which is carried out with volunteers and in collaboration with Ignatius House. Overnight retreats are offered four times a year and Days of Recollection are also offered 4 times a year separately for men and women. The ministry relies on volunteers to: Help facilitate retreats with the assistance of a well planned agenda. Provide transportation for the retreatants to and from their shelters or the MARTA station and Ignatius House. Prepare “goody bags” (hygiene articles etc.) for the participants (12-16 people). Provide bag lunches for 12-16 people at the conclusion of the overnight retreat. Make prayer shawls for the participants.(Saint Josephs has already generously donated shawls). If you or your prayer/support group would like to offer your service in support of this ministry in any of the above ways please contact Eileen Perkins (parishioner) at [email protected] or Marian Monahan (regional coordinator) at [email protected] for more information. 22 de Junio de 2014 El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo Lecturas de Hoy: Deuteronomio 8, 2-3. 14-16; Salmo 80; 1 Corintios 10, 16-17; Juan 6, 51-58 A Los Nuevos Parroquianos El Padre Mark Starr les da la mas cordial bienvenida a nuestra comunidad parroquial! Horarios de Oficina Lunes a Viernes, 9:30 AM—4:30 PM Oficina del Ministerio Hispano 770 422-5633 extensiones: 34, 32, 37 Fax 770 422-1148 Horario de la Santa Misa Sábado: 7:30 PM Domingo: 2:30 PM Miércoles: 7:00 PM Confesiones: 6:00 PM Grupos del Ministerio Hispano Grupo de Oración Stella Novoa 678 598-8094 Grupo Nueva Vida Luis Carlos 678 755-5011 Grupo de Biblia D. José T. Merlo 404 644-0691 Grupo Apóstoles de la Misericordia Aura Trivino 678 891-7012 Visita a enfermos Rosa Juárez 678 668-6045 Unidos en Cristo Amalia Cervantes 678 934-1385 Ministerio Stephen Karina Garcia 770 422-5633 ext. 81 Cuantos días aguantarías sin comer? Se supone que no muchos. Y cuanto tiempo sueles pasar sin en alimento espiritual que es la Eucaristía? No pierdas de vista lo que Jesús revelo: Que si no comemos su cuerpo y bebemos su sangre no tendremos vida en nosotros. Bodas Comunitarias Se hace una atenta invitación a las parejas que lo necesiten o lo deseen a que se acerquen porque nuevamente tendremos preparación para las bodas comunitarias el 22 de noviembre. Interesados llamar a la oficina para su información se admitirán solicitudes solamente hasta el Catequesis Inscripciones abiertas para la catequesis en la oficina hazlo pronto ya que el cupo es limitado. También ofrecemos catequesis para Con motivo del día de la Independencia, el viernes 4 de julio NO habrá misa ni adoración. Las oficinas estarán cerradas el viernes 4 reabrimos el lunes 7 de julio. Despedida Padre Mark: estamos muy agradecidos por la gran dedicación que en estos dos años 2012-2014 disfrutamos de su ministerio sacerdotal. Gracias a Dios por darnos la dicha que su primer destino como sacerdote haya sido en esta comunidad Anglo-Hispana de San Jose Marietta. Con su celo sacerdotal ha marcado una nota histórica en nuestra comunidad Hispana. Con su amor ha demostrado que la vida espiritual es lo mas importante en el ser humano. Resaremos por usted para que su sacerdocio siga siendo fecundo en donde quiera que Dios lo necesite y sea siempre dócil y dispuesto para extender el Reino de Dios. Dios lo bendiga. “El Sacerdocio es el amor del Corazón de Jesús” (Sto. Cura De Ars). Convivio con el Padre Mark el sábado 28 y domingo 29 después de las misas de español. Los esperamos. Diezmo Semanal: Ofrece lo que ganas en una hora de trabajo du- rante la semana. Dios te lo duplicara. Se va de vacaciones? No olvide que nuestra Iglesia necesita de su apoyo. Gracias! Santo Rosario en Familia Este nuevo año continuaremos con la visita de la Santísima Virgen de Guadalupe a los hogares con el rezo el Santo Rosario, pidiéndole por las necesidades de los migrantes, vocaciones Sacerdotales y la vida Religiosa. Miércoles, Sábados y Domingos. Para mas información llama a la Hna. Olivia 404 755-7291. Adoración Perpetua—Todos los días las 24 horas.. Tendrás tiempo para El? Si estas interesado en acompañarlo una hora, llama a Lubin para que te informe 770 906-2123. Sacramentos Bautizos se celebran el cuarto sábado del mes. Llama a la oficina para confirmar fechas y horarios 770 422-5633. Próximo fecha: Julio 21 @ 10 AM; platicas pre bautismales Julio 19. Matrimonios llamar a la oficina y pedir cita con el Padre Mark. Ver folletos de información localizados en el Kiosco. Misas de XV años se celebran Sábados @1:00 PM. Llama a la oficina para reservar la fecha deseada. Quinceañeras que tengan su celebración registrada deberán asistir obligatoriamente a una charla de preparación, asi como chambelanes, padres y padrinos. Presentaciones para bebes de 40 días y 3 años de edad, es necesario pasar a la oficina para anotarlo y recibir recomendaciones.
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