All Saints Day - The Church of St Bernard, White Plains, NY


All Saints Day - The Church of St Bernard, White Plains, NY
S .B
51 Prospect Street, White Plains, New York 10606
November 1, 2015
Rev. Robert J. Morris
Pastor &
Director of Rel. Ed.
All Saints Day
Weekend Associates:
Rev. Ernie Lukaschek M.M.
Rev. Michael McFarland, S.J.
Rev. Msg. Peter O’Donell
Rev. Hernan Paredes, S.J.
Verónica Meléndez
Office Manager
Jennifer Frías
The Little Disciple
Learning Center
Brenda López
of Religious Education
Parish Trustees:
Elizardi Castro
Millie Castro
5:30 pm
9:00am, 10:30am,
Saturday 4:00-5:00 pm
Almighty ever-living God, by
whose gi we venerate in one
celebra on the merits of all the
Saints, bestow on us, we pray,
through the prayers of so many
intercessors, an abundance of
the reconcilia on with you for
which we earnestly long.
Dios Todopoderoso y eterno, por
cuyo don veneramos en una celebración los méritos de todos los
Santos, te pedimos nos otorgues, a
través de las oraciones de tantos
intercesores, la plenitud de la reconciliación con go que tanto anhelamos.
The Pastor’s Page
The idea of sacrifice has an important place in the Sacred Scriptures beginning with God’s command to Abraham to sacrifice his
son down to the sacrifice of God’s only Son on
the Cross. Today, sacrifice is not prized as a
cultural value the way it was in biblical mes.
How do we relate to the no on of sacrifice in
our own lives? The most meaningful way to
answer that ques on is to begin with the Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross which we remember at every Mass.
As Catholics we believe that the Sacrifice of
Jesus on the Cross on Calvary is mysteriously
re-presented or made present during the celebra on of Mass. That is why it is so fi ng
that the Crucifix which adorns our sanctuary
hangs above the altar during the Eucharis c
Prayers. It is not a new sacrifice, as if Jesus
were dying on the cross another me, but the
same sacrifice, which Jesus made once and for
all on Good Friday.
Through our presence and par cipa on at
Mass we are invited to join the sacrifices we
make in our daily lives to the sacrifice of Christ
on the cross. Sacrifice is not simply an occasional obliga on that we undertake, but a
deep inner need that we all have to give ourselves for the good of others. It represents a
part of ourselves that connects us to the mystery of what God is doing in our world. God is
constantly trying to help and heal us through
the graces that flow from the sacrificial death
and resurrec on of Jesus. In the depths of
the human person, made in the image and
likeness of God, is a desire to love others in a
sacrificial way. This is love’s most profound
expression. May it be ours too.
-Fr. Morris
La Página del Párroco
La idea del sacrificio ene un lugar importante
en las Sagradas Escrituras comenzando con el
mandato de Dios a Abraham que sacrificara a su
hijo hasta el sacrificio del Hijo único de Dios en
la Cruz. Hoy en día, el sacrificio no es apreciado
como un valor cultural como era en los empos
bíblicos. ¿Cómo nos relacionamos con la noción
de sacrificio en nuestras propias vidas? La forma
más significa va para responder a esa pregunta
es comenzar con el sacrificio de Jesús en la Cruz,
el cual recordamos en cada misa.
Como católicos creemos que el sacrificio de Jesús en la cruz en el Calvario se representa misteriosamente o se hace presente durante la celebración de la Misa. Es por eso que es tan apropiado que el crucifijo que adorna nuestro santuario cuelgue sobre el altar durante las plegarias eucarís cas. No es un nuevo sacrificio, como si Jesús estuviera muriendo en la cruz otra
vez, sino el mismo sacrificio que Jesús hizo una
vez y para siempre el Viernes Santo.
A través de nuestra presencia y par cipación en
la Misa se nos invita a unir los sacrificios que hacemos en nuestra vida diaria con el sacrificio de
Cristo en la cruz. El sacrificio no es simplemente
una obligación ocasional que llevamos a cabo,
sino una profunda necesidad interior que todos
tenemos que dar de nosotros mismos por el
bien de los demás. Representa una parte de nosotros mismos que nos conecta con el misterio
de lo que Dios está haciendo en nuestro mundo.
Dios está constantemente tratando de ayudarnos y sanarnos a través de las gracias que fluyen
de la muerte sacrificial y la resurrección de Jesús. En lo más profundo de la persona humana,
hecha a imagen y semejanza de Dios, esta el deseo de amar a los demás de una forma de sacrificio. Esto es la más profunda expresión de
amor. Que sea la nuestra también.
-Fr. Morris
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Increase Offertory Campaign Sharing our Gi s
Thank you to all the families and parishioners
who par cipated in the Sharing Our Gi s campaign and are maintaining their commitment to
our spiritual home. Your generosity ensures a
stable financial future for our parish. To those who have
not yet par cipated, it is not too late! Special campaign
envelopes can be found in the church ves bule. If you
would like to make your contribu ons online, please go
to to sign up or for more informa on.
-Fr. Morris
Upcoming Parish Mee ngs
Virgin of Caacupé mee ng, today, November 1st at
1:30pm in the Cafeteria.
♦ Divine Infant Jesus mee ng, today, November 1st at
1:30 pm in the Guadalupe Room.
♦ Divine Mercy mee ng, today, November 1st at 1:30
pm in the main church.
♦ Ladies of Charity mee ng, Tuesday, November 10th
at 9:30 am in Chapel Hall.
Test for Admission Into
Catholic High School TACHS
The Test for Admission into Catholic High School
(TACHS), will be administered on Friday, November 6th
in selected high schools throughout the Archdiocese.
Students may register online via or
via telephone from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm at 1-86661TACHS (1-866-618-2247).
All Souls Day
This Monday is All Souls Day. Throughout the month of November we will be
remembering the souls of our loved
ones in prayer during all Masses. There
are special envelopes in the pews on
which you can write the names of your
deceased loved ones to be prayed for. Please place
these envelopes in the special receptacle located in the
back of the Church.
The St. Bernard’s Crea ve Cra Group
The St. Bernard’s Crea ve Cra Group will meet on Friday, November 6th at from 6:00pm - 7:00pm in the cafeteria. This group is open to all adults and children who
enjoy being crea ve and making arts & cra s. Please
join us for some crea ve fun! Any ques ons, please contact the Rectory at 914-949-2111.
Catechist Needed
One of our Catechists is reloca ng out of state in December. We will be in need of a fourth grade Catechist for
our Religious Educa on program in early December. If
you are interested in teaching a fourth grade religious
educa on class on Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm 8:00pm, please speak to Father Morris a er Mass or
contact him at the Rectory during the week at 914-9492111.
Dollar Sunday & Thanksgiving Baskets
Volunteers are needed to help purchase and
organize the Thanksgiving Baskets. Presently
we need volunteers to shop for clemen ne,
potatoes, onions, le uce, and celery. A volunteer is also needed to collect 30-40 empty
boxes to organize the Thanksgiving Baskets.
Please speak to Fr. Morris if you are able to help.
On Saturday, November 7th and Sunday, November 8th,
you will have an opportunity to contribute to this Chrisan effort by adding your dollar(s) to the "Dollar Sunday" collec on following each of the Masses.
Bereavement Ministry Training
As Catholics, God’s call to comfort those who mourn is
of great importance. The Family life & Respect Life
Office for the Archdiocese will be offering Bereavement
Facilitator Trainings services in the near future. If you
are interested in learning more about this important
ministry please speak to Fr. Morris a er Mass.
If there is a needy family (e.g., an elderly individual with
very low income; an unemployed head of household; a
low-income family with four or more children) who
could benefit from a thanksgiving basket (incl. turkey)
which is made available on Tuesday, November 24th,
such family informa on should be given to St. Bernard's
Rectory (949-2111) no later than November 18th.
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Aumento en la Campaña de Ofertorio—ComparƟendo Nuestros Dones
¡Gracias a todas las familias y feligreses que par ciparon
en nuestra campaña, ComparƟendo Nuestros Dones y
que están manteniendo su compromiso con nuestro hogar espiritual. Su generosidad asegura un futuro financiero estable para nuestra parroquia. Para aquellos que
todavía no han par cipado, no es demasiado tarde! Podrán encontrar los sobres para esta campaña especial en
el ves bulo de la iglesia. Si usted desea hacer sus contribuciones en línea, por favor vaya a
para inscribirse o para obtener más información.
Grupo crea vo de Artesanía
de San Bernardo
a la
a la
Se necesita Catequista
Próximas Reuniones
Virgen de Caacupé, hoy, 1ro de noviembre
1:30pm en la Cafetería.
♦ Divino Niño Jesús, hoy, 1ro de noviembre
1:30pm en el Salón de Guadalupe.
♦ Divina Misericordia, hoy, 1ro de noviembre
1:30pm en la iglesia principal.
♦ Damas de la Caridad, martes 10 de noviembre
9:30 am en el Chapel Hall.
Este lunes es Día de los Difuntos. A lo largo del mes de
noviembre estaremos recordando y orando por las almas de nuestros seres queridos durante todas las misas.
Hay sobres especiales en los bancos donde puede escribir los nombres de sus seres queridos fallecidos por los
cuales quiere que oremos. Por favor, coloque los sobres
en el receptáculo especial situado en la parte de atrás de
la Iglesia.
El Grupo Crea vo de Artesanía de San Bernardo se reunirá el viernes, 6 de noviembre de 6:00-7:00pm en la
cafetería. Este grupo está abierto a todos los adultos y
niños que disfrutan de ser crea vos y hacer manualidades. Por favor, únase a nosotros para la diversión crea va! Cualquier pregunta, por favor contacte a la Rectoría
al 914-949-2111.
-Padre Morris
Día de los Difuntos
a la
a las
Prueba de admisión a las Escuelas
católicas Secundarias (TACHS)
La prueba de acceso para las escuelas católicas secundarias de la Arquidiócesis de Nueva York (TACHS), se administrará el viernes, 6 de noviembre, en las escuelas secundarias seleccionadas en toda la Arquidiócesis. Los
estudiantes pueden inscribirse en línea a través de o por teléfono
8:00 a.m.-7:00 pm 1-866-61TACHS
Formación Ministerio de Duelo
Como católicos, el llamado de Dios para consolar a los
que lloran es de gran importancia. La oficina de la Vida
Familiar y Respeto a la Vida de la Arquidiócesis estará
ofreciendo un taller de formación al ministerio de duelo
en un futuro próximo. Si usted está interesado en aprender más sobre este importante ministerio, por favor hable con el padre Morris después de la Misa.
Uno de nuestros catequistas se transladará del estado
en diciembre. Estamos en la necesidad de un Catequista
para el cuarto grado de nuestro programa de Educación
Religiosa empezando en enero. Si usted está interesado
en la enseñanza de clases de educación religiosa a los
jóvenes de nuestra parroquia los miércoles por la noche
de 6:30-8:00pm, por favor hable con el Padre Morris
después de la misa o en contacto con él en la rectoría
durante la semana al 914-949-2111.
Domingo del Dólar y las Cestas
de Acción de Gracias
Se necesitan voluntarios para ayudar a comprar y organizar las Canastas de Acción de Gracias. Necesitamos voluntarios para comprar clemen nas, cebollas, lechuga y
apio. Por favor póngase en contacto con el Padre Morris
si usted está interesado en ayudar.
El sábado 7 de noviembre y el domingo, 8 de noviembre
tendrán la oportunidad de contribuir a este esfuerzo
cris ano añadiendo su dólar o dólares a la colecta del
"Domingo del Dólar" después de cada una de las misas.
Si hay una familia necesitada (por ejemplo, una persona
de edad avanzada con ingresos muy bajos; una cabeza
de hogar desempleado, una familia de bajos ingresos
con cuatro o más hijos) que podrían beneficiarse de una
cesta de acción de gracias (Incl pavo), que estará a disposición el 24 de noviembre, la información de la familia
se debe dar a la rectoría (949-2111) a más tardar el 18
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de noviembre.
Ministry Schedules & Hymns
This weekend–Oct. 31st & Nov. 1st, 2015
5:30 Mass
Altar Servers
J. Cardona (A1) , G. Cardona (A2)
J. Flores (CB) , G. Huaman (BB)
Hymns in English
S. Cortes, A. Riso
EucharisƟc Minister
Offertory - Hymnal 476 / Holy Spirit
9:00 Mass
Altar Servers
A. Bravo (A1) , C. Bravo (A2)
J. Canete (CB), K. Chacha (BB)
R. Gelson, L. Quintero
EucharisƟc Minister
B. Gelston, J. Rush
10:30 Mass
Altar Servers
T. Castro-Tapia (A1 ), E. Gardner (A2)
S. Garcia (CB), N. Garcia (BB)
R. O’Neil , M. Guarin
EucharisƟc Minister
L. O’Neil, E. Rodríguez
9:00 Mass
Entrance - Hymnal 550 / Glory and praise to
our God
Communion - Hymnal 357 / One Bread, One Body
Closing - Hymnal 383 / Tale the Word of
God with You
5:30/ 10:30 Mass
Entrance - Hymnal 601 / Alleluia No.1
Offertory - Hymnal 389 / Open My Eyes (5:30)
Hymnal 739 / For All the Saints (10:30)
Communion – Hymnal 418 / How Great Thou Art
Closing—Hymnal 549 / All Creatures of Our God
and King
Hymns in Spanish - Cán cos en Español
Himno a la alegría
El Peregrino de Emaus
12:00 Mass
Altar Servers
C. Aguilar (A1), M. Almiron (A2)
O. Hidalgo (CB), E. Juarez (BB)
R. Avila—Commentator
V. Bonilla—1st Lector
N. Bonilla —2nd Lector
EucharisƟc Minister
E. Sánchez, M.V. Pérez, F. Mambru
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Invest just five minutes a day,
and your faith will deepen and
grow—a day at a time.
Happy feast day to you!
Today the Catholic community remembers the canonized saints of the church
who are models of fidelity and “heroic lives of virtue,” according to the Catechism. Many among us also cherish the memories of our beloved dead who
we believe are among God’s communion of saints. However, few of us realize
that all of us who are members of the church are called “saints,” so today is,
in fact, our feast day. It is a day to celebrate those who have gone before us,
a day for gratitude for the lives of holy men and women who inspire and
intercede for us, and a day to sustain us in our efforts to “live heroic lives of
TODAY’S READINGS: Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14; 1 John 3:1-3; Matthew 5:1-
12a (667). “Be glad and rejoice for your reward is great in heaven.”
Nothing to fear
When it comes to colorful holidays, Mexico’s Día de los Muertos, or Day of the
Dead, is hard to beat. It is celebrated over the course of Halloween, All
Saints’ Day, and All Souls’ Day and involves visiting graves and creating
often elaborate and beautiful altars, and honoring deceased loved ones with
flowers, their favorite foods, and other gifts. There are parades and dancing
in costume. Such festivity shared with the dearly departed is a reminder to
all Catholics that Christ’s victory over death is something to celebrate indeed.
TODAY’S READINGS: Wisdom 3:1-9; Romans 5:5-11 or Romans 6:3-9;
John 6:37-40 (668). “For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life.”
Mix it up for racial harmony
The story of Martin de Porres couldn’t be more timely. Born in present-day
Lima, Peru in 1579, Martin’s father was from Spain and his mother was a
freed black woman from Panama. Having to overcome countless barriers and
prejudices to achieve distinction in religious life, he devoted himself to the
care of those brought from Africa in chains. Martin is the patron saint of
mixed-race people and all those seeking interracial harmony. We need a
Martin—many Martins—today. You and I can each “be Martin” in our own
ways if we reach across all that divides us—race, class, prejudice, and most
of all, fear—and work for the justice that creates harmony.
TODAY’S READINGS: Romans 12:5-16ab; Luke 14:15-24 (486). “Go out
with Christendom’s privileges and abuses. His reform-minded agenda of
austerity and simplicity did not go over well in the halls of power. Yet the call
continues to go out, to each of us here and now living in a world of poverty,
to live simply so that others may simply live.
TODAY’S READINGS: Romans 13:8-10; Luke 14:25-33 (487). “Every one
of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my
Follow the leader
The Good Shepherd image appears often on the walls and ceilings of the
Christian catacombs near Rome. Like other images in the catacombs, such as
the fish, anchor, dove, and peacock, the Good Shepherd reflects early Christian ideas about Jesus. In some illustrations, the Good Shepherd is depicted
with sheep at his side or following him. In others, the Good Shepherd is carrying a sheep on his shoulders. The images convey the early Christians’ understanding of Jesus’ leadership, love, and care for them. How does the image of the Good Shepherd reflect your relationship with Jesus?
TODAY’S READINGS: Romans 14:7-12; Luke 15:1-10 (488). “ ‘Rejoice
with me because I have found the lost sheep.’ ”
Reach beyond belief
The responsibility of a disciple goes far beyond belief. Part of being a disciple
means being a steward, that is, taking care of the goods and graces with
which God has entrusted humanity. A good steward gives her or his all to live
in fidelity to God’s call. That means offering your time, talent, and treasure to
fulfill God’s will and serve God’s people. Sometimes this can seem like a
thankless task, but true stewards find joy in living their calling and giving
their all. Holding true to that call takes faith, but the reward for such stewardship is beyond measure.
TODAY’S READINGS: Romans 15:14-21; Luke 16:1-8 (489). “I myself am
convinced about you, my brother and sisters, that you yourselves
are full of goodness.”
Who’s on first?
We can make excuses for the countless ways in which God takes second place
in our lives. Time is scarce, work and parenting demand our attention, maintaining a home, planning schedules, and, yes, even worrying about all these
things become our false gods. We tell ourselves that we will make time for
God when we find some extra time. But in reality, God too often is not the
master we are serving. Status, material wealth, social media, obsession with
relatively trivial matters—these are the things that seem to absorb our
hearts. Ask today for the grace to see as God sees.
TODAY’S READINGS: Romans 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Luke 16:9-15 (490).
“What man thinks is important, God holds in contempt.”
©2015 by TrueQuest Communications
to the highways and hedgerows and make people come in . . .”
’Tis a gift to be simple
Reformers of powerful institutions tend to be admired at a distance and resisted up close. We hear how our current reformminded pope is one of the most popular in history, except perhaps
in the inner Vatican sanctums of high privilege where the comfortable are feeling the heat. Charles Borromeo, bishop of Milan in the
1500s, found a church leadership lax and comfortable
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Mass Intentions for the Week
Saturday, October 31, 2015
5:30 Jacoba, Rosa, & Miguel
Sunday, November 1, 2015
9:00 Consuelo Aguilar-Diaz & Vicente
Last Sunday’s Collec on :
First Collec on 10/25/15: $ 4,415
Second Collec on 10/25/15: $ 1,578
First Collec on 10/18/15: $ 5,358
Second Collec on 10/18/15: $ 1,830
10:30 Constan no & Felipa Cardenas
12:00 For the people
Monday, November 2, 2015
9:00 Communion Service
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Today’s Second Collec on is for All Saints. Next week’s
second collec on will be for Fuel. Thank you for your
generous support of our parish.
La segunda Colecta de hoy es para el Día de Todos los
Santos. La segunda colecta de la próxima semana será
para el Combus ble. Gracias por sus generosas
contribuciones a nuestra parroquia.
9:00 Communion Service
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Glenn Palmer
Thursday, November 5, 2015
9:00 Jacoba, Rosa, & Miguel
Friday, November 6, 2015
9:00 Angelina Parco
Saturday, November 7, 2015
5:30 William B. Finn
Sunday, November 8, 2015
9:00 Luis Perez
10:30 For the people
12:00 Lidia Chiu
Prayers for the Sick
This Friday, November 6th, is the First Friday of the
Month. Please join the community at 7:00 pm for an
hour of Prayer with Christ during the Exposi on of the
Blessed Sacrament the Benedic on.
Exposición del San simo
Este viernes, 6 de noviembre es el primer viernes del
mes. Les invitamos a todos a reunirse como comunidad a
las 7:00 pm en una hora de oración ante Nuestro Señor
Jesucristo durante la Exposición del San simo.
Please remember in your prayers those who are ill and
those who serve them. Recemos por todas las personas
de nuestra parroquia quienes se encuentran enfermas.
Elma Caprio
Gertrude Keogh
Shyrlye Jaramillo
Fr. Dan Muray
María Ripari
Isaura Rodríguez
Rosario M. Rosales
Micky Stagg
Isabel E. Villar
Elia Velazquez
St. Bernard’s
Capital Campaign Update
Total Amount Pledged: $580,912
Total Amount in Payments: $372,898
Average Pledge: $2,095.97
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