PRO SA Publication of the Hedwig and Robert Samuel Foundation Number 2 . 2002 PROSA 3 H e dw i g a n d Ro b e rt Sa m u e l Fo u n dati on NR . 1 . 2001 T H E S A M U E L F O U N D AT I O N AT A G L A N C E OUR ORIGIN: The Hedwig and Robert Samuel Foundation was established in 1932, as stated in the will of the businessman Robert Samuel and his wife Hedwig. The charitable Foundation under private law has its headquarters in Düsseldorf, Germany. OUR ASSIGNMENT: The Foundation’s aim is to help people in need. According to its motto ‘Building the future together’, the support of socially disadvantaged children and youths in developing countries stands in the centre of its activities. The financial means needed originate from profits gained from the Samuel Foundation's assets, from co-financiation projects and donations. OUR MISSION: The Samuel Foundation sees its mission in the mobilisation of forces inherent in the recipients of help, in the sense of a self-help oriented aid. The people in need shall be enabled to help themselves and thus to improve their living conditions with a lasting effect. MAIN GOALS: The Foundation’s main goal is the support of children. In the first place, the Foundation concentrates on the areas education and professional training. In its own training centres, it offers qualified professional training programmes in technical trades to adolescents from disadvantaged parts of society who are thus enabled to find a qualified job and succeed in their life. Apart from its main activities in the training area, the Samuel Foundation also realises projects in the area of health promotion and prevention as well as in humanitarian aid. OUR PROJECTS: ● ● ● ● ● ● In India, currently 100 young people per year are trained in Dress Designing in the centres located in the slums of New Delhi. In Nicaragua, the Foundation offers training in Car Mechanics and Construction as well as in Administration and Office Communication for momentarily 500 young people per year. In Costa Rica, the Foundation offers training in four different areas of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning for currently 180 students per year. On Cuba, the Foundation supports one vocational training centre in Havana since 1998. In Thailand, the Foundation looks after and supports about 40 pupils from the region around Lampang in the north of Thailand in their school education since the beginning of 2002. In Germany, the Samuel Foundation provides help to violence-stricken children as co-founder and associate of KID, Kind in Düsseldorf gGmbH (organisation ‘Child in Düsseldorf’). CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TRAINING: ● ● ● ● The selection of trades is based on market surveys that reliably identify which practically-oriented professions provide best opportunities on the local labour market. The offered training programme consists of full-time courses, of evening courses for those who work during the day and Saturday courses for specialisation. Complementary activities to encourage the development of the students’ personality are a fixed component of the training. These actions include seminars or round tables on items of special interest for young people, taking place in collaboration with local institutions, psychological care, as well as so-called ‘social services’, e.g. the students do renovation work in school buildings, distribute meals to street children or do gardening on the Foundation's own premises. The diplomas are officially recognised, whenever possible and reasonable. Depending on the requirements of the training, the graduates receive diplomas proving their qualification as workers, skilled workers or technicians. INTERNATIONAL FIELDS OF ACTION: ● ● ● ● Construction and running of training centres for adolescents, with a connected service station where possible. Supportive and operative assistance of local self-help groups and initiatives. Placement of graduates in enterprises and companies. Support of the social and productive infrastructure of the rural area. NATIONAL FIELDS OF ACTION: ● ● 2 Protection, care and support of children and adolescents from socially disadvantaged families. Support for the integration and care of foreign children. INDEX THE SAMUEL FOUNDATION AT A GLANCE 2 MASTHEAD 3 EDITORIAL 3 Dear staff members, trainees and friends of the Samuel Foundation, SEVENTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SAMUEL FOUNDATION 4-5 THE HISTORY OF THE SAMUEL FOUNDATION 6-14 STAFF MEMBERS, STUDENTS AND ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE 15 HEDWIG AND ROBERT SAMUEL 16 THE HOHENZOLLERNHAUS 17 ANNUAL FUNCTION IN INDIA 18-22 THANKS FOR THE APPRENTICESHIPS 23 Hedwig and Robert Samuel first established the Foundation seventy years ago. To mark this anniversary, in September we organised an exhibition in Düsseldorf on seventy years of the Samuel Foundation. In this edition of PROSA, too, our central theme is the anniversary, and we will trace the historical development of the Foundation from its origins until the present day. An important part of this, of course, is to give a brief profile of the two founders, since there would be no Foundation at all today but for them. SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES OF BATCH 2001/2002 24-25 THE ENYIDURU-PROJECT IN NIGERIA 26-29 THE PRESIDENT AND THE SAMUEL FOUNDATION IN COSTA RICA 30 COMPUTER COURSE IN THAILAND 31 SAMUEL-OUTFIT IN CUBA 31 READER’S LETTERS 32-33 OUR BEST STUDENTS 34-35 The annual function in India is already behind us, and preparations are in full swing for this important event at our offices in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. A timely reminder to us all that the year 2002 is slowly but surely drawing to a close. This also means that it is time for me to thank all those who this year again have contributed to our work with the underprivileged during the course of this year. May I wish you all a peaceful Christmas and a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. masthead Yours sincerely, Published by Hedwig and Robert Samuel Foundation Editor: Martin Barth, Ivonne Schönberger Translation: Lenoschka Ramírez Dorticós, Alexandra Schmitt Layout: Cornelia Aust Printing: D&S DRUCKSTUDIO GMBH, Düsseldorf Photographs: Archives of the Samuel Foundation PROSA is published three times a year in English, Spanish and German President of the Board PROSA Nr. 2/2002 has been elaborated in co-operation with the following persons: in Germany: Marita Baaske, Ivonne Schönberger in Costa Rica: Guillermo Jiménez, Alexander Saenz in Nicaragua: José Antonio Rivera, Arnoldo Largaespada in India: M.D. Krishnamurthy, Rama Kant in Thailand: Gerd Mathia 3 SEVENTIETH ANNIVER OF THE SAM T his year, the Samuel Foundation celebrated its seventieth That evening, the Foundation invited guests to its Königsal- anniversary. For us, this was a good enough reason to pre- lee offices for a talk on its project work as part of the Düssel- sent the Foundation to a wider public here in Düsseldorf for dorf EINE-WELT-TAGE ('One World Days'). The main focus of the the first time. For in contrast to the countries where we are event was the presentation of our project work on the ground engaged in project work, and where we have gained a certain by our regional managers from Costa Rica, Nicaragua, India level of publicity simply due to the many different training and Thailand, who had travelled to Head Office in Düsseldorf schemes we run, the Foundation is not so well known here in for a meeting of project leaders. Düsseldorf. Thanks to the support of the City of Düsseldorf, we were able to organise an exhibition in the foyer of the City Both of these events generated a very positive response Hall, in which we presented the history of the Foundation, and yielded immediate, direct results in the form of donations from its origins up to the present day, on a series of large dis- and agreements on project cooperation, both of which, of play panels. The exhibition was officially opened on 5 Sep- course, are extremely important for our work. tember as part of an anniversary reception by the Mayor, Ms Schiefer, and by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mar- The seventieth anniversary of the Samuel Foundation is a tin Barth. In her welcome speech, the Mayor indicated that suitable occasion for devoting the next few pages of this final she was particularly impressed by our sustained commitment edition of PROSA in our anniversary year to the history of the to vocational training in the different countries in which we Foundation and its founders. conduct project work. Opening speech of Martin Barth (I) and the mayor, Mrs Schiefer, (2nd from the left) 4 SARY U E L F O U N D AT I O N Gerd Mathia, manager in Thailand, is presenting the work of the foundation there Martin Barth (I) is talking to mayor Schiefer (m) The managers of India, Costa Rica and Nicaragua with the former board member Dr. Barth and foundation employee Ramírez Member of the board Karin Reuter, 3rd from the left, talking to guests Guests of the evening event 5 The history of the SAMUEL FOUNDATION J une 3, 1932 was the official founding date of the Hedwig and tions on the part of competing organisations than anything else Robert Samuel Foundation. That was the day on which the that the Foundation managed to survive the Nazi period. Prussian Ministry of State approved the Foundation charter and constitution, which represented the last formal stage in the process of establishing the organisation. When it was established, the Foundation received an endowment of an office and commercial building at Königsallee 14 in Düsseldorf. Revenue from this building was paid to the co-foun- The first Board of Directors consisted of the executors of the der, Hedwig Samuel, during her lifetime. In 1976, for the first will, three Jewish traders who had been friends of Robert Samu- time, the Foundation acquired funds to enable it to realise its el. In the late 1930s, these three resigned their positions under original objectives. However, the passage of time, and in parti- pressure from the National Socialists. Although the new appoin- cular the war years, had left their mark on the building at König- tees to the Board then complied with the formal demands of the sallee 14 and so priority initially had to be given to maintaining National Socialist authorities, this afforded the Foundation only this asset by completely renovating the building. Even during limited protection from the covetousness of the Nazi organisati- this period, however, the Foundation managed to provide finan- ons. In the end, it was probably more due to tactical considera- cial support for different social welfare projects, most of which were those run by the City of Düsseldorf. In 1984, the Foundation began to develop its own infrastructure, which paved the way for international aid operations. While sponsorship was initially provided only for external projects, i.e. for those run by other organisations, realisation of the Foundation's own projects in developing countries gradually began to assume greater importance. Over a relatively short period of time, the various representative offices of the Foundation were set up: in Costa Rica in 1987, Nicaragua in 1989, Nigeria in 1991 and India in 1993. In 1999, the Foundation withdrew from project work in Nigeria because of the increasing difficulties of working there. In early 2002, it opened a further representative office in Thailand. Document of approval of the year 1932 6 1931 Death of Robert Samuel 1932 Official approval of the foundation. Revenues were paid to Hedwig Samuel during her lifetime 1985 Inauguration of the foundation's office in Düsseldorf, Germany 1987-1989 Commencement of the foundation's own activities by realization of different sponsorship schemes for social institutions in Costa Rica 1990 Establishing of the Asociación Hedwig y Robert Samuel in Costa Rica. Inauguration of the foundation's office in Managua, Nicaragua. 1991-1992 Realization of several aid supplies transports in the Banat and to Transylvania, Romania 1992-1993 Construction and official inauguration of a training centre in Managua, Nicaragua 1993 Establishing of the Samuel Foundation Charitable India Trust and inauguration of a training centre in New Delhi, India Inauguration of a training centre in San José, Costa Rica 1998 Commencement of the support of training centers in Havana, Cuba 1999 Inauguration of the extensions of the training centre in Managua 1927 Robert Samuel stipulated in his will the foundation of the Hedwig and Robert Samuel Foundation 1976 Death of Hedwig Samuel 1976-1986 Donations to local and international charitable institutions. Revitalization of the fortune and establishing of an own infrastructure 1989 First own projects in Nicaragua 1989-1996 Support of a street children project of the Dominicans in San Salvador, El Salvador 1991 Establishing of the Hedwig and Robert Samuel Medical Foundation Ebenebe in Ebenebe, Nigeria. 1992 Establishing of the charitable organization 'Kind in Düsseldorf gGmbH (KID)', an institution set up to protect child victims of violence Commencement of the foundation's work in India Inauguration of a hospital with a nursing school in Ebenebe, Nigeria 1994 Extension of the hospital in Ebenebe, Nigeria 1995-1996 Inauguration of two more training centers in New Delhi, India 1998-1999 Construction and official inauguration of a training centre in San José 2002 Inauguration of the foundation's office in Lampang, Thailand 7 M ost of the funds that the Samuel Foundation received from the second half of the 1970s on, in the form of investment income, were initially spent on urgently needed renovation and roof construction work on its own business premises in Königsallee. Accordingly, meeting the objectives of the Foundation had to be postponed for a time. However, even during this phase, smaller donations were made to assist social welfare projects, mostly in Düsseldorf. Later, when work on safeguarding the value of the assets had been completed and a separate infrastructure was beginning to develop, the Samuel Foundation was finally in a position to sponsor larger pro- Art exhibition in the Hohenzollernhaus in the year 1993 jects as well. The first donations to improve facilities in the city's old people's homes 'Gallberg' and 'Flehe' were followed by measures to assist those in extreme need. Examples included financing a care scheme for children in the container housing project in Schmiedestrasse, infrastructure improvements for a city refuge for the homeless, and providing homework assistance for the children of foreign residents. This would not have been possible without the support of the Samuel Foundation, because the city had no budget allocations for any of these projects. Social housing units in Düsseldorf-Wersten Early on, the Foundation established contacts with the Düsseldorf Academy of Art (Kunstakademie Düsseldorf), and assisted art students from low-income families by organising competitions and exhibitions, and awarding individual scholarships. In doing so, the Foundation was following in the footsteps of its founder, Robert Samuel, who had himself assisted artists by providing them with studios in the Königsallee building. The Foundation facilitated the purchase of major extensions for the social centre for old people in Oberkassel as part of its social welfare operations and, as a contribution to better living Domicile of "KID" in Düsseldorf conditions for those in need, constructed 25 well-equipped social housing units in Wersten. The Foundation is a founding shareholder of Kind in Düsseldorf (KID), an institution set up to protect child victims of violence, and a member of the Friends of the Child Assistance Centre (Kinderhilfezentrum) in Eulerstrasse in Düsseldorf. Children looked after by KID 8 I n the mid-1980s, the Samuel Foundation began to extend its aid programme for the socially disadvantaged to include international operations. Prompted by the steadily rising levels of poverty in underdeveloped countries around the world, the Samuel Foundation began to focus its efforts more and more on such countries. Initial donations to organisations engaged in development work, for example to the foundation Menschen für Menschen (People for People) or to Friedensdorf International (International Peace Village), were followed by direct assistance to Karl Heinz Böhm in front of a jeep donated by the Foundation people and institutions in developing countries. From simply providing financial assistance with individual projects, the Samuel Foundation's involvement quickly developed into providing on-the-spot aid. Its main focus was on providing education for children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, thus giving them a basis for a worthwhile future. Aid supplies to Romania Project for street children in El Salvador 9 T he Samuel Foundation arrived in Costa Rica in 1987 through personal contacts. Initial small-scale assistance to institu- tons in San Isidro del General, a local centre in the south-west of the country, were followed in 1989 by the establishment of the Asociación Hedwig y Robert Samuel Costa Rica. It was through this institution in San Isidro that the Samuel Foundation commenced its operations on the ground in Costa Rica. For example, it financed and organised an extension to the Lomas de Cocorí school, which comprised three new classrooms, a kitchen and refectory, and new sanitary facilities. Additionally, it provided a minibus for the local old people's home and an air-conditioning system for the hospital's intensive care unit. In 1991, the Samuel Foundation built two residential homes, each of which could Student of Industrial Air Conditioning accommodate ten children in need of help and protection. The Foundation pays for the maintenance of these two facilities in conjunction with the Costa Rican Ministry for the Family. Following its decision to become involved in technical training in Costa Rica as well; the Foundation then leased suitable premises in the capital, San José, and in 1996 began training courses there in four specialist areas of refrigeration and airconditioning technology. In 1999, the Foundation moved to its own premises near the centre of San José, where it now also runs a service workshop with trainees. Housing project Don Heinz Training area of the foundation in San José, Costa Rica 10 Training area of the foundation in Managua, Nicaragua n 1989, the Samuel Foundation commenced operations in I electrical systems, automotive air-conditioning, building trades, Nicaragua. Following the long years of civil war, the level of secretarial skills, computer applications, and also courses for poverty and want was visible everywhere in this Central Ameri- driving instruction or repeating primary school classes. can state. In the early stages, therefore, the Foundation provided general aid, such as providing mosquito nets for children's In addition, the Foundation provides regular assistance for homes in Managua, buying medicine and medical equipment for kindergartens and schools close to the training centre, and a health centre near Granada, and providing financial support implements and co-finances development projects from the Ger- for child day-care centres in an effort to alleviate the general man Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation. The El Tepeyac level of poverty. Health Centre near Granada, for example, was fully renovated and extended, and an extension comprising five extra clas- The end of the civil war in 1990 meant that many young people in particular were left living on the streets, because they had srooms and sanitary facilities was added to the primary school in Bello Amanecer, a small town near Managua. learnt no profession other than how to wage war. The task of integrating this group of people into society was an enormous responsibility and one that the government was unable to shoulder, since it was already heavily in debt from high military spending. The final decision by the Samuel Foundation to involve itself in vocational training for manual professions had the goal of creating a viable future for these young people. In 1992/93, therefore, the Foundation set up a training centre in Managua, which began by offering technical training for car mechanics. Over time, additional training schemes were added. Today, courses are taught in a range of subjects: automotive Pupils of the preparatory course 11 Samuel Mobile Hospital, Ebenebe, Nigeria I n 1990, following an initiative by the Düsseldorf child psychiatrist Dr. Eugen Jungjohann, the Samuel Foundation launched a project to provide basic medical care in Ebenebe, a community of around 20,000 inhabitants in eastern Nigeria, in the region formerly known as Biafra. The Ebenebe Samuel Medical Foundation was founded to assist in realising this project. In 1991, it began construction of a small hospital, providing outpatient care, and including a 20-bed inpatient wing and an operating theatre. A special operation theatre in the Mobile Hospital feature of the hospital was a mobile unit to allow it to provide services to the widely scattered towns and villages throughout the vast district. This meant that the old and frail, and mothers with children would not need to make a journey of many kilometres on foot to get to the hospital. In 1992, the construction of the hospital was completed and the official opening ceremony took place. In 1994, a new wing housing also a nursing school with a total of eight training places was added to the building. Some of the investment costs were covered by the auction of works of art donated by Düsseldorf artists for this purpose. Nursing students with Doctor Jungjohann 12 T he Samuel Foundation began its work in India in 1991, following a donation of DM 500,000 from an Indian busin- essman. Once bureaucratic obstacles had been surmounted, the Samuel Foundation Charitable India Trust, based in New Delhi, was set up in 1993, and training courses were commenced that same year. Until the Trust was officially recognised in 1995, we were obliged to work together with the 'Coordination Committee for Leprosy Welfare', an association providing help to leprosy sufferers, and to operate the training facility jointly with them. Since achieving independent status, the city of New Delhi has provided us with rent-free premises for our vocational training operation in the three suburbs Gahri, Pahar Ganj and Raghubir Nagar. All of these centres train young men and women to become tailors and dressmakers. Students at the annual function Students of the Centre Pahar Ganj, New Delhi I n 1997, it was the desperate economic situation on the Caribbean island of Cuba that prompted the Samuel Foundation to make first contacts with educational institutes there, with the goal of providing financial support and advice. One year later, the Foundation concluded the first cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Education, which was aimed at improving the infrastructure of the Fernando Aguado y Rico training centre in Havana. In 1999, it donated funds to establish a training workshop for electrical machine construction. Since 2001, the Foundation is looking after the “Hermanos Almeijeiras” Training Centre in the centre of Havana. The Samuel Foundation provides financial assistance, as well as material donations and advice. As one might imagine, however, its scope of its work has been somewhat limited because the Cuban government doesn't want an independent working there. Training Centre “Hermanos Almeijeiras, Havana, Cuba 13 The foundation's office in Thailand S ince early 2002, the Samuel Foundation has also been active in Thailand. Following an initiative by Gerd Mathia, a former Düsseldorf marketing and product consultant who has lived in Thailand for many years, the Foundation now provides care and support in the education of children of school age, and advises local associations and initiatives on matters relating to product development and sales, and on how to obtain funding. Even though one has the impression that Thailand is a generally well-developed country, this applies only to the major population centres. In contrast, the level of poverty among the rural population is rising steadily. For that reason, the centre for the Foundation's operations is located in the far north of the country, roughly one hour by car from the local centre, Lam- Weaver in the women cooperative Ban Na Lang pang. In this region, the slump in the agricultural sector has resulted in high unemployment and severe hardship. School education is free in Thailand, but transport, school materials and uniforms are not. Without the assistance of the Samuel Foundation, most of the children and young people it assists would be unable to attend primary school, let alone go on to secondary education. This is in spite of the fact that the financial costs involved are relatively small. It is possible to finance a child's education through primary school to secondary school leaving certificate at an average cost of just 20 Euro per month. Needless to say, this calculation covers only the costs for materials. 14 Children looked after by the foundation Staff members, students and organizational structure TOTAL Number of staff members 109 courses 23 Actual number of training posts Number of graduates til date 439 2.225 INDIA GERMANY Start of the training activities 1997 Start of the training activities 1993 Number of staff members 9 Number of staff members courses - courses 14 Actual number of training posts 1 Actual number of training posts 100 Number of graduates til date 2 Number of graduates til date 818 3 COSTA RICA NICARAGUA Start of the training activities 1994 Start of the training activities Number of staff members 39 Number of staff members courses 12 courses 1996 34 7 Actual number of training posts 169 Actual number of training posts 105 Number of graduates til date 890 Number of graduates til date 491 NIGERIA THAILAND Start of the training activities 2002 Start of the training activities 1994 Number of staff members 3 Number of staff members courses - courses 1 Actual number of training posts 8 pupils looked after 40 Number of graduates til date - 10 Number of graduates til date 16 Samuel Foundation Head Office Düsseldorf Board of Directors Düsseldorf Samuel Medical Foundation Ebenebe Hedwig and Robert Samuel Foundation office in Hedwig and Robert Samuel Foundation office in Hedwig and Robert Samuel Foundation office in Samuel Foundation Charitable Trust KID gGmbH Kind in Düsseldorf Nigeria Costa Rica Nicaragua Thailand India Germany Ebenebe San José Managua Lampang New Delhi Düsseldorf 15 The founders Hedwig and Robert Samuel their life and work Hedwig and Robert Samuel in Marienbad, 1927 R obert Samuel was born in Düsseldorf on 8 February 1871, was following in the tradition of affluent Düsseldorf citizens at the second of four children. Following the early death of his the turn of the century who often donated part of their fortune father, he earned his living by importing and selling tobacco for charitable purposes. An additional motive may have been products. By the time he was in his early thirties, he had alrea- that the Samuels' marriage had not produced any children. dy become so successful that he was appointed purveyor to the Robert Samuel died on 22 January 1931, at the age of 61. The court of the King of Württemberg. In 1906, at the age of 35, Foundation was officially approved on 3 June 1932. Robert Samuel purchased the land section at Königsallee 14, on ween 1907 and 1911, he had an office building erected there. He H established it as his business address and expanded his ope- there again in the early 1950s with her second husband, the rations into retail sales. He named the building the 'Hohenzol- physician Theo Olbert. She always kept in close contact with lernhaus', presumably in honour of the King of Württemberg, the Foundation's Board of Directors, and was always on hand to who was a member of the Hohenzollern family. lend an attentive ear to any problems that arose. She proved a the corner of Blumenstrasse, from the City of Düsseldorf. Bet- edwig Samuel was born on 15 June 1893. She had left Düsseldorf after Robert Samuel's death, but returned to settle reliable source of help and advice for the Board, which during 16 In 1920, Robert Samuel married Hedwig Göldner, from Lan- this period exercised a purely administrative role. Hedwig genberg in the Rhineland, the third of six children. In 1927, he Samuel died on 29 April 1976 at the age of 82, in the city she stipulated in his will that a foundation be set up. In doing so, he had made her home. The Hohenzollernhaus Principal source of revenue for the Foundation A t the turn of the twentieth century, Robert Samuel purchased the land section of Königsallee 14/Blumenstrasse 2 and commissioned the Düsseldorf architect Hermann vom Endt to build the Hohenzollernhaus there. This was built between 1907 and 1911, and today functions as the Foundation’s headquarters and principal source of revenue. The name was given to the building presumably in honour of the King of Württemberg, who was a member of the Hohenzollern family. Although the upper floors were originally intended for production and storage for Robert Samuel's wholesale and retail tobacco business, they were used from the start as office Damaged after an air raid in the year 1942 About 1911 after its completion Reconstruction of the roof and renovation of the facade 1980-1982 space, since Robert Samuel retired a short time later and withdrew from his business interests. During the war, the building suffered two direct hits from firebombs, and was badly damaged each time. The roof structure was completely destroyed, and a proper replacement was built only in the early 1980s, with the construction of the present roof extension. Today 17 Annual Funcion for the 2001/ Dress Designing courses / 2002 in India O n 9th November this year's annual function for our suc- of cloth because also in India the recycling is getting more cessful students of the Dress Designing and Quality and more important. Naturally the parents were more than Supervision course was being held in our training center in proud of their descendants being in the spotlight of the Raghubir Nagar, New Delhi. event, but also the guests of the textile industry were impressed of the ability and the grace of the graduates. 100 students have started the training in September last year and 90 of them finished successfully the training period To gain these entrepreneurs for us and our commitment ist in our centers until this August as well as an additional two most important in order to guarantee our students also in month's apprenticeship. Together with their parents they were future a sufficient number of apprenticeships. Because these awaiting exitedly and full of suspense the handing over of aprenticeships are not only an important element of our trai- their official diplomas. ning but offer as well a good opportunity to stress one´s distinguished features as a qualified worker. Which in many In the course of the colorful annual function once again our graduates were given the opportunity to present their skills, cases leads to direct employment. So this year again a good number of our graduates has already got job offers. their creativity and also their choreographic sense to the nearly 400 family members and other guests in a charming fashion show. All clothes presented by the graduates have been designed and produced by themselves. The range of products varied from traditional Indian clothing to ceremonious evening dresses, from western fashion for young people to children's dresses. The latter were even only made out of remnants Martin Barth talking to Kuku Ahluwalia, director of Guru Exports, and Rupinder Singh, director of Marcos Ltd. 20 Dance interlude of the new students Fashion show contribution of the centre Ghari 21 Mr and Mrs Ahluwalia in the showroom Official handing-over of the diplomas Congratulations of the best student Mr Ahluwalia is handing over the winner's cup of the fashion show contest to the centre Raghubir Nagar 22 THANKS FOR THE APPRENTICESHIPS The Samuel Foundation would like to thank all the entrepreneurs and companies for providing once again this year the opportunity of an apprenticeship in their company to our students. Our thanks are addressed to: IN COSTA RICA Corporación T.C, AC frío de la montaña, Maersk Sea Land, Inter frío Standard Fruit Company, Multi frío, Chiquita Brands, Saire, STZ, Clima Idea, l´Artica, Laboratorios Abbout, Coopemontecillos,Tecno aire, Mc. Donalds, Valeuman, Refrigeración Omega, Reficentro Hosa, Red Frigorífica Nacional, Soluciones Climáticas, Electro Frío, Refritica, Wimmer Hermanos, Real Inter-Continental, Refrigeración Aire acondicionado, MAZ, Musmanni, Ivemep, Refrigeración Romero, Breaddy, Lunaca, Leaho Refrigeración, Auto Boutique, Automercantil, Kilimautos/Otto Wimmer, Friogama, Ecofrio, Servi S.O.S frío, Taller automotriz/Centro de lavado, Maxifrio Costa Rica IN NICARAGUA Alcaldia ciudad Sandino, Auto Servicios Luis, Auto Servicios Membreño, Hiundai, Julio Martinez, Kia Motors, Mercedes Benz, Mitsubishi, Nimac, Nissan, Taller Almir, Taller Barberena, Taller Capricornio,Taller Padilla, Taller Silva, Taller Ulloa, Taller Varela, Yale de Nicaragua, BAC, BANPRO, CEPAD, EAAI, IADE, IADE-UAM, ISSDHU, Panadería El “Suizo”, Servicios Médicos Profesionales S. A., TiTop Industrial , UNA IN INDIA Silvia Apparel Ltd, Balloons, Fashion Traders, Kay Stars, Nicaragua Basant International, Kurele International, Kitchwamaji, Marcos, Guru Export House, Trend Setter, Chelsia Mills, Nirmal Kumar & Company, Asia Pacific, Fashion Machine, Le Apparels, Nissie India Agencies, Orchid Oversease Pvt. Ltd, NAWA Exports, Beri and Company, Charu oversease, Scorpio International, Little Star Enterprises , SM International, Eagle Fashions, Bimla Fashions, Phulkari Boutique, Pummi Boutique, Chunky Boutique, Gulati Boutique, Lovely Boutique, Persona Boutique, Roop Kala Boutique, Ankur Boutique, The Lady Boutique, Divya Boutique, Shivam Fashion Points, Shilpa Boutique India 23 THE SAMUEL FOUNDATION THE 339 GRADUATES OF THE AND WISHES THEM COSTA RICA INDUSTRIAL REFRIGERATION (EVENING COURSE) Alvaro López Hernández Benjamín Oviedo Ulate Christian Aguilar Sánchez Eliécer Monge Ramírez Jairo Mora Atencio Johan Carvajal Arguello José Bustos Jiménez José Vega Angulo Mauricio Ruíz Ortíz Orlando Díaz Chinchilla Oscar Corredera Quesada Raúl Rodríguez Solano INDUSTRIAL AIR CONDITIONING (EVENING COURSE) Allan Cabezas Valerio David Eliel Campos Jiménez Edward Garro Sotela Heiner García Ortíz Jonathan Mena Barrantes Nelson Escamilla López Roberto Castro León Ronald Alfredo Soto Araya AUTOMOBILE AIR CONDITIONING (FULL-TIME COURSE) Alexander Rivera Ortíz Antoniy Espinoza Cruz Carlos L. Fallas Loría Christopher Calvo Cortés Erick Gutiérrez Narváez Geovanny Jensen Quirós Héctor Acuña Guzmán Iris Solís Martínez José Fco. Guzmán Porras Leonardo Barrantes Barboza Marco Sancho Chacón Marlon Arguedas Bermúdez Marvin Gutiérrez Sibaja Olger Quesada Umaña Ricardo Sánchez Pérez Wagner Jiménez Brenes 24 REFRIGERATION IN TRANSPORT (FULL-TIME COURSE) Edgar Ulices Acuña Sequeira José Arturo Avellán Campos Michael Coronado Ramírez Luis Carlos Hernández Chavarría Ismael Mesén Castillo Ricardo Montoya Mejías Juan Carlos Muñoz Rivas Pablo Saldías Rojas Renato Vinces Portero INDUSTRIAL REFRIGERATION (FULL-TIME COURSE) David Santamaría Solís Diego Pizarro Caravaca Donikler Bolaños Retana Eddy Torres Enríquez Fabián Cháves López Irving Reyes Acuña Julio Porras Mora Malver Montero Bonilla Marlon Delgado Madrigal Mauricio Arrieta Ramírez Michael Mata Lobo Raúl Arce Fallas Ricardo Peraza Rodríguez Roberth Solano Sánchez Rudy Solano Jiménez Salvador Rivera Hernández Wendy Piedra Brenes Wilson Castro Calderón Wilson Guido Arce INDUSTRIAL REFRIGERATION (FULL-TIME COURSE) Abarca Espinoza Erick Alvaro Rojas Muñoz Carlos L. Cháves Madrigal David J. Chávez Soano David Rodríguez Duarte Diego Osoria Astorga Esteban Barboza Arrieta Esteban Matamoros Villanea Gabriel Solano Fallas Jerry V. Portuguez Palma José Manuel Triunfo Juan P. Alvarado Altamirano Luis Diego Fowler Mariano Mora Saénz Nelson Moreno Ortega Steicy Bastos Leiva Steven Berrocal González Viviana Elizondo Velásquez William Herrera Ugalde Yahaira Calvo Mayorga NICARAGUA PREPARATORY COURSE FOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Abdias Samuel Fernández Aguilar Alfonso Antonio González Noguera Álvaro Mauricio Luna Rosales Cairo Adalberto Silva Carlos Alberto González Ñamendiz Franklin Efraín Sánchez Jarquín Franklin Ochoa Fajardo Gengli Raquel Sánchez Jarquín Gina Valeska Cañada Vanegas Juan Carlos Mayorga Maltez Juan Lucas Blandon Portocarrero Luis Yader Gómez Méndez Marlon Antonio Morales Meza Mauricio José Bustamante Arguello Mirna Josefa Quintanilla Carcache Oscar Danilo Guerrero Medina Samuel Enrique Estrada Chávez Yamil Isaac Padilla Ordóñez CAR MECHANICS (FULL-TIME COURSE) Aharon Bernhard Escorcia Fonseca Bismarck Antonio Saballos Cardoza Carlos Arnulfo Morales Aguilar Carlos Iván García Traña Elbert Castillo Largaespada Erick Noel Torres Avendaño Héctor Antonio Aragon Roa José Luis Hernández Martínez José Luis Torres Pérez Juan Ramón Murillo Olivas Marlon Antonio Martínez Zelaya Milton Javier Carazo Estrada Olman Antonio Martinez Lainez Pedro Moisés Acuña Rafael Enrique Munguia Delgado Roberto José Mendoza García Rodolfo Adan Miranda Pérez Roldan Stive Nicaragua Díaz Stanley Danilo Rocha Gonzalez Willian Reynaldo Vásquez Moraga Wilmer Antonio Reyes Garíca Yalmer Andres Arguello Castro CAR MECHANICS (AFTERNOON COURSE) Adonis Alexander López Navarro Cristian Gabriel Herández Tercero Elvis Rafael Dávila Gómez Engel Javier Gómez Aranda German Danilo Quintana Flores Juan Rafael Dávila Gómez Lusi Manuel Aburto Zepeda Omar de Jesús Amador Santana Oscar Antonio Reyes Loza Oscar Enriquwe Amador Urbina Roger Antonio García Pérez Ronald Antonio Matamoros Guido Yasser Anahuac Zambrana Zuñiga Yeri Isaac García Pérez FUEL INJECTION (SATURDAY COURSE) Angel Pastor Ordoñez Ochoa Gerardo Jesús Solorzano Pérez Juan Carlos Acuña Santeliz Manuel de Jesús Ramírez Álvarez Marcos Antonio Aleman Rodríguez ADMINISTRATION AND OFFICE COMMUNICATION (FULL-TIME COURSE) Adilia Nohemi Fonseca Solis Ana Mercedes Molina Mejia Arlen del Socorro Acuña Ruiz Cristian Danelia Benavidez Urbina Fatima Francisca Chavez Moreno Heidi d. l. Concepción Almendarez Gutierrez Jahel Paulina Corea Paiz Jaqueline d. l. Ángeles Sandoval Mena Josefina del Rosario Castillo Malespin Karen Nohemy Martinez Hernandez Kenia Francela Ramirez Flores Marisol del Carmen Tellez Ortega Marjorie Nalieth Garcia Arancibia Martir Marlene Lopez Herrera Reyna d. l. Ángeles Gutierrez Torrez Reyna Teresa Rivas Marenco Rossio Mariel Nicaragua Sanchez COMPUTERHANDLING (MORNING COURSE A) Cristian Eloisa López Gaitán Denis Rafael Morales Artola Dorothy Antonia Ruiz Benavidez Ericka Celina Gonzales Ingrid Jessenia Escobar Canales Jaquelin del Socorro Obando Castro Leslly del Carmen Martinez Escobar Lesly Azucena Cortez María José Martinez Espinoza WARMLY CONGRATULATES YEAR 2001/2002 ALL THE BEST FOR THEIR FUTURE! Rebeca Cristina Saravia Tercero Ronald Emilio Zamora Somarriba COMPUTERHANDLING (MORNING COURSE B) Alejandro Zambrana Zamora Alexis Rafael Arguello Laguna Alfredo de Jesús Corea Hernández Arnoldo Francisco Valle Sobalvarro César Humberto González Quintero Darlyng Elizabeth Urroz Trejos Katherine Nathaly Téllez Nadir Rafaello Gutiérrez Chávez Ricardo Antonio Flores Hernández Sandra María Cruz Rodriguez Tania Lilly Garmendia Valenzuela COMPUTERHANDLING (EVENING COURSE) Álvaro Agenor Somarriba Otero Álvaro José López Altamirano Jeane Margareth Lewis Lewis Jessica Corina Maradiaga Gómez Luis Alfonso Sandoval Palma Nuncia Otilia Canales Solís Sinai Elena Otero Sánchez COMPUTERHANDLING (SATURDAY COURSE) Alina Esperanza Hunter Peña Daysi del Socorro López Herrera Juana Rosa Ruíz Tórrez Lea del Socorro Canales Zamora Maria José Soto González Mayra Ruth Martínez Escobar Nedelia Salvadora Canales Zamora Rebeca Herrera Ríos Richard Herrera Ríos Ronny Joel Zeledón Tijerino COMPUTERHANDLING (FULL-TIME COURSE) Antony Manuel Delgado Rivas Aroldo Ezequiel Areas Mendoza Cliffor Edinson López Mora Douglas de Jesús Espinoza Zeledón Heakell Camilo Boone Hernández José Amilcar Martínez Polanco José Jorge Aragón Sandoval José María Ramirez Saénz Lazaro de Jesús Rivas Mendoza Luis Antonio Sánchez Espinoza Marcos Martin Estrada Muñoz Marío José Gonzalez López Ricardo Isaac Árauz Jiménez Sergio Francisco Cordoba Chang HOME ELECTRICITY (FULL-TIME COURSE) Cristian Roberto Mendoza Engel Eliezer Amador Santana Martin de los Angeles López López Nixon Javier Mojica Calero Oscar de Jesús Urcuyo González Pedro Jose Aburto Zepeda Ulises Ramón Jirón Montes DRIVING COURSE (FULL-TIME COURSE) Francis Carolina Borge Gòmez Ivett del Carmen Luna Guido Lester Antonio Lechado Espinoza María d. l. Ángeles Gussen Sequera María Mercedes Cruz Reyes Pedro Joaquim Acevedo Urbina Trujillo Ariel Domingo DRIVING COURSE (SATURDAY COURSE) Elbert Castillo Largaespada William Vásquez Moraga Aarón Benard Escorcia Fonseca Wilmer Antonio Reyes García Bismarck Antonio Saballos Cardoza Erick Noel Torrez Avendaño Armando José Arce Campos Juan de la Llana Marínez Adolfo Florentino Torrez Salazar Norwin Antonio Murillo González Fredy Ramón Roa Martínez Francisco José Mendoza Moreno Luis Alfonso Sandoval Palma DRIVING COURSE (SATURDAY COURSE) Jamileth d. Socorro Rocha Camacho José María Ramírez Sáenz Josefina d. Rosario Castillo Malespin Juan Ramón Murillo Olivas Lazaro de Jesús Rivas Mendoza Marcos Martin Estrada Muñoz María Teresa Urbina Padilla Pedro Moisés Acuña Ricardo Isaac Arauz INDIA GARHI CENTRE Amirja Anja Gandhi Anita Bharti Sharma Deepa Sanwal Hemlata Harpreet Kaur Indu Bala Kiran Kalpana Kumari Lakshmi Lata Sharma Meenu Niti Malhotra Prabha Aswal Promila Rekha Vishwas Reeta Bhist Sukhjeet Kaur Suman Rathee Sonia Sunita Savita Chauhan Taruna Gurpreet Kaur Deep Mala Geetika Narang Ashu Goyal Kavita Garg Nisha Goyal Timsi PAHAR GANJ CENTRE Anja Bala Bharti Sharma Bharti Bhavna Mehandiratta Dolly Fauzia Geeta Rani Getanjali Kapoor Kanchan Madhuwati Mahesh Kumar Mamta Nisha Sharma Pooja Varshney Poonam Shekhar Ritu Ritu Aggarwal Rohi Kareer Roma Gupta Ruby Sandeep Negi Sapna Verma Shaista Shama Shelly Grover Sumanlata Kavita Nagpal Monika RAGHUBIR NAGAR CENTRE Ashima Sharma Anita Chawala Dipti Deepa Grupreet Kaur Bhatia Harpreet Kaur Ishvinder Kaur Kanchan Arora Kamna Dargan Kavita Kumari Kawaljeet Kaur Mala Athwal Nishi Sharma Narinder Kaur Navneet Kaur Prabhjeet Kaur Rekha Ravinder Kaur Shobha Varma Shalu Chopra Sheela Rani Seema Bansal Shama Gupta Shilpa Malhotra Shilpa Kohli Sandhya Singh Shasi Kumari Surinder Kaur Urvashi Chhabra Vijeta Verma Vandana Pathak 25 The Enyiduru-Project IN NIGERIA A private education scheme to assist children in need rigitta Schneider, from Germany, spent a year living in B monitor the pupils' progress. The actual work quickly demon- Nigeria assisting and supporting the Enyiduru Project. strated that there were enormous benefits from this “pupil sup- Donations to the Samuel Foundation from a Düsseldorf banker port” scheme for both the pupils' families and the schools. As a helped finance her stay there, and the Project itself. In the fol- result, we were soon able to implement what had initially been lowing article, Ms Schneider describes her impressions and merely our unspoken objective: the development of a discussi- experience of Nigeria. on and education scheme in teamwork with the school administration, teaching staff and parents. This was the start of the “I spent one year in Nigeria, from 1 August 2001 to 31 July “parent-teacher initiative”, which generated great interest, and 2002, helping to set up a project as part of an education sche- was received with enthusiasm and gratitude by everyone invol- me. The aim of the project is to provide assistance for intelligent ved. children who are unable to attend school for financial reasons, to establish scholarships for school attendance, and to help and The first steps towards achieving this end had been modest ones. The Catholic priest Dr. Boniface Amu, in the Nsukka diocese in the state of Enugu, had begun to pay school fees for individual pupils from his own pocket. He deliberately chose girls because, in terms of education, girls in Nigeria are discriminated against in favour of boys. In choosing girls, he also wished to raise greater awareness of their situation. These girls visited him once a fortnight to show how they were progressing with their schoolwork. They came in from their home villages with their schoolbooks, ate their meals and slept in the community centre. In the evening, they sat down together with Dr. Amu to discuss the problems that they were experiencing in their schools and families, and to look together for solutions. Changes in beha- school building viour were recorded, practised and reflected on. The girls received water, soap, a clean towel and enough clean water to wash their clothes. In this way, they learnt the basics of hygiene. The joy they experienced and the positive results of the undertaking were the first seeds that germinated into the “school project” plan, and thus the idea to launch an education scheme that would be available to a greater number of children. I had heard about the initiative, and slowly the desire grew in me to spend a year in Nigeria, to help organise and coordinate this “parent-teacher-pupil scheme”. It soon became apparent that it was not enough just to pay the school fees. Many other questions needed to be answered as well. How should the 26 Pupils of the diocese Nsukka pupils be chosen? In many families, there was a temptation to parents to consider: if the child goes to school instead of doing cheat if there was a chance of obtaining paid school fees, to the daily work in the fields, performing household chores and ensure they received something too. What kind of dynamic pro- looking after their mostly younger brothers and sisters, there cess is triggered within a family unit when a child whose parents would be one less important worker at home. Then the “spon- and siblings are illiterate goes to school? Who pays for the trans- sor” should also be responsible for, e.g., the food costs. portation to the school, if it is too far away to reach on foot? Who pays for exercise and textbooks and for the schoolbooks that are All these specific problems, as well as questions relating to required? Who pays for school uniforms and sandals, which are health and hygiene, became the agenda for the regular "parent- compulsory in every school? Who pays for school desks and sea- teacher meeting". This resulted in a separate adult learning pro- ting, for which each pupil is responsible? What happens if a gramme, which involved joint reflection, planning and decision child falls ill? Who pays the doctor's fees? The genuinely poor making. Needless to say, this new learning process was far from never go to a doctor because they have no money to pay for tre- easy for people who had grown up under a military regime, and atment. They struggle along with their illness until it is often too for whom issuing and obeying orders had become a way of life. late. It was found in practice, for example, that the majority of pupils in secondary schools suffered from severe headaches At present, school fees are paid for roughly fifty pupils of both and reading disabilities. The reason was simply that they all nee- sexes from the diocese of Nsukka, Enugu State. An entrance test ded glasses. In addition, there were the needs of some of the was developed for the girls, who receive a scholarship to go on 27 Pupils in the St. Catherine Secondary School to secondary school. If they pass the entrance test, they are invi- had an accident and lost his two legs. Others are house helps ted to attend an interview. If they are accepted for secondary to people. There is no financial help coming from her family or school, the school administration prepares a short report on from her relatives. She managed to train herself in the primary each girl, e.g.: school through the sale of brooms she made after school and during the holidays. She is in secondary school today becau- 28 “Loveth’s father died in 1995. She has three brothers and se of the help of “Enyiduru-Organisation” who gave her scho- four sisters. Her mother is a poor subsistent farmer in her vil- larship. Problems: Her major problem in spite of the financial lage. Her oldest brother who could have been of help to her, assistance from the above organization is lack of pocket money to meet her needs, such as feeding, text book, transport, medicare etc….” I am constantly amazed and fascinated by the enthusiasm shown by many children at the possibility of acquiring basic educational skills. A number of measures were developed over the course of the year to address the problems that arose and to assist the pupils with the various problems they were experiencing at school. For example, an annual “health budget” is being provided for pupils receiving sponsorships. A school library is being built and equipped on the grounds of St. Catherine's Secondary School. The first schoolbooks have been bought, and the pupils already have a provisional room they can use until the library is completed. All the books that they will need until their school-leaving examination will be available there, and there will also be a reading and study room. All of the sponsored children are to receive an identity card, giving them the authorisation to study free of charge. A year in Nigeria: I am grateful to have had this opportunity, and for what I was able to do and experience there. I have discovered, for example, how willing to learn children are, and how happy they are when given this opportunity, and when properly assisted. I have experienced how happy parents and teachers are when they discover a new approach to life, which inspires them with new confidence and a sense of purpose. In Africa, you need to be patient. Hope and despair are constant companions. I am very happy that, together with the people who live there, I had the patience during my time in Nigeria to allow the school project to develop, with feelings of care and attention that were tempered by a sense of joyful optimism.” Meeting of parents and teachers 29 COSTA RICAN PRESIDENT impressed by the commitment of the SAMUEL FOUNDATION The president of Costa Rica, Dr. Abel Pacheco, talking to the manager of the foundation F ollowing an invitation of the association of Entrepreneurs view of the inside of the Foundation's purposes and of its for Development and Progress (Asociación de Empresario commitment in Costa Rica and other project countries by our para el Desarollo) AED, the Samuel Foundation participated manager in Costa Rica, Guillermo Jiménez. The president sho- in an exhibition on the 31st of October where organizations wed himself impressed and stated clearly how important are met which are being supported by the AED in their efforts for such altruistic organizations like the Samuel Foundation for development and progress. Costa Rica, especially in their social function in favor of the adolescents of the socially disadvantaged classes. Every one of the eight participating organizations had got an own place where they could present themselves showing evidence of their social work. The president of Costa Rica, Dr. Abel Pacheco, was invited as chief guest so that he could obtain an overview for the social commitment of those organizations being supported by the AED. Visiting the place of the Samuel Foundation the president was given an extensive 30 SAMUEL FOUNDATION in Thailand offers COMPUTER TRAINING A fter seeing for the technical equipment and a meaningful syllabus of the courses, the Samuel-Foundation in Thai- land now offers also computer training. The courses have regular contents and after a successful completion every participant will receive an official diploma. The perspective is to make the computer training of the Foundation to be positively renowned in the whole area. We will continuously update the content to adjust it to the ongoing developments. We expect the successful completion of the course being an important advantage for the participating children and young persons in their struggle for a job. During the vacations we will offer additional courses, workshops and also games and fun for motivation. technology and there is still some convincing to be done to make them forget their fear for the unknown. The necessary In the very first course participate 31 of the children of our efforts and concentration still makes them sweat. In the support program and 10 externs. Even a Buddhist monk is par- beginning everybody starts with one lesson per week only. ticipating. The youngest participants are 11 and 12 years old And to facilitate everybody's access to the new medium from and the oldest 18. For all of them it is the first contact with this time to time a computer game is part of the schedule. STUDENTS IN HAVANA now as well in the Samuel-Outfit P ossible that the one who is walking through the centre of Havanna in these days becomes aware of the Samuel Foundation. Because on a request of the manager of the by us supported training centre Hermanos Almeijeras, we have donated work clothes and t-shirts and poloshirts of the Samuel Foundation for the instructors and the students of the center. An important contribution, not only because it increases the protection at the workshops. In many cases the t-shirts and the polo shirts are an urgently needed additional donation by Cubana Aviación, the Cuban airline. We thank garment for private use. The textiles were produced in Costa Cubana Aviación as well as the Cuban Consul in Costa Rica, Rica and have been shipped to Cuba free of cost, thanks to a who has supported this donation. 31 READERS’ LETTERS I thank the Samuel Foundation for the of my life. In the beginning I was a little thought that it would give my life such a big help given to me; otherwise I bit afraid but soon I became very familiar positive turn. I hope that all the young wouldn't have had this opportunity to with the faculty and my colleagues. people who are trained by the Samuel change my life. I know that with this Samuel gave a feeling of inner confiden- Foundation will achieve their aims. We change I will make progress and I feel ce and scope for better, bright and suc- shouldn't disappoint those who believe realized, and this all thanks to the Samu- cessful future. Apart from Dress Desi- in us. el Foundation. I thank all the teachers of gning I am learning a lot of other things CARMEN BALLON BONILLA, 17 years, the Foundation as well, who with their that would help me prepare for my future. Industrial Air Conditioning, Samuel care and cooperation helped me to get RICHA SHARMA, Ghari Centre, Samuel Foundation Costa Rica along. I am grateful to the Samuel Foun- Foundation India he Samuel Foundation gave me a big H opportunity to receive tecnical trai- deem ourselves lucky to be members of help! ning and I won't disappoint all those the Samuel family. The experiences we GEOVANNY GONZÁLEZ, 15 years, Prepara- who did help me. And certainly not my have gained in this stage of our life are tory course for professional training mother, who has had a lot of confidence numerous. They have helped us on a lar- 2002/ 2003, Samuel Foundation Nicara- in me and has supported me graciously. ge scale and very positive in our training. gua In the Samuel Foundation I mellowed and Furthermore the Foundation has aroused dation for its help and that it takes care bless the foundation for the enormous T of the young people of this country. Got H 32 ello dear friends, we are students of the Car Mechanics course and we I realized that I have to make all efforts the interest, the wish and the desire to ello, dears readers of PROSA, my and to learn a lot for a good future. The continue the training. The relationship name is Richa Sharma, a student of director, Marianela, has helped me a lot between teachers and students is excel- Dress Designing in Ghari centre. I would and now I know very well, what I want for lent and we all a very satisfied. We say like to tell you about the new experience me. I see my aims very clear ahead of me goodbye with a lot of greetings. I am having right now as a student of and one of which is to graduate to get a LUIS CAJINA E., 23 years, Car Mechanics, Samuel Foundation. After passing 12th good job to be able to support my mother full-time course 2002/ 2003, Samuel class my life was going on meaningless, and my brothers and sisters. I would like Foundation Nicaragua aimless and totally frustrated. Sitting to tell the young people that the training Idle, days were boring and dull and there of the Samuel Foundation is a unique seemed no hope for me until I joined the opportunity. Especially because I can see H Samuel Foundation. This institute sho- the immense changes which have taken Garhi centre. In the beginning I was a bit wed me a beam of hope in the darkness place in me and I would never have scared but after three weeks I have come i, I am Rushmi Choudhary, aged 22, a student of Dress Designing in the to know the place and the staff members ly this is due to the Samuel Foundation, wish for every student of Samuel Founda- and fellow students and feel very good. I which has strengthend my mind and my tion to be successful in life. must confess that I have learnt a lot in moral and which motivates me every day SAURABH KAKKAR, 21 years, Dress Desi- these three weeks. Samuel is a ray of to keep on going with my future plans. gning, Raghubir Nagar, Samuel Foundati- happiness for the poor people. I always With this letter I express my feelings to on India used to feel that “Beggars cannot be motivate you to reach your aims as well choosers” but after joining I strongly feel by making all necessary efforts. I thank that “Beggars must be choosers” since the Samuel Foundation for the strengt- T Samuel is giving so much status and hening of my self-esteem as well as for graduation, which we have achieved due opportunity to the poor people to come the dedicated attention. I appeal to give to the support of the Samuel Foundation, up in life with their own efforts. I believe each other a chance for a future as our own efforts, the support of our that every human being should have a human being and a future in the profes- parents and above all due to the guidan- chance to design his/her life and future sional life. ce of God. Once again the Foundation and have a right to learn a professional MICHAEL PINTO, Industrial Air Conditio- attributes to the development of Nicara- skill. For the needy Samuel provides this ning, Samuel Foundation Costa Rica gua by awarding grants to young people, wonderful chance. I would like to conclu- his year we have set as our new goal to end the training with a brilliant who like us have only few possibilities in life for those who want to reach their goal. H very happy to be with the Samuel the desire to make you realize how Just be reminded, knowing is wanting. Foundation and I will try everything to not important and necessary education is, RUSHMI CHOUDHARY, Ghari Centre, disappoint you. I don't want that some- academically as well as technical; and Samuel Foundation India body could complain about me and I that you understand to make full use of want to share my personal experiences such an opportunity to learn, for a per- would like to tell you about my experi- with you. God helps all the people, who sonnel, social and economical improve- ences here with the Foundation, which help themselves and we have to confront ment of the developing Nicaragua. We have been very helpful for me. Before I the life. The willingness to learn is a duty have the opportunity to further training came to the Foundation, I was very shy for all of us. Every single day of our life and by doing this, build a better future and I didn't know how to behave. But can be a lucky one if we only want it. We together. then I started to put into action what my students of the Construction Course Sara María Alemán Castillo, 20 years, instructors had taught me. I don't want to would like to tell you how proud we are of Administration and Office Communicati- tell you about my needs for many things being part of the Samuel Foundation. We on, full-time course 2002/ 2003, Samuel here in Nicaragua, but that since I am are full of hope to make a big step for- Foundation Nicaragua with the Samuel Foundation, I have been ward to achieve something in our life. able to gather experiences of my work, I VÍCTOR GALEANO, 22 years, Construction am more diligent now and I have learned Course 2001/ 2002, Samuel Foundation H a lot of new things. I would be happy if all Nicaragua Samuel Foundation through a friend, who de stating that there are no boundaries in I ello, my name is Víctor Galean. I am their life to improve. I approach you with ello, my name is Glendy and I live in Peregrina, La Uruca. I heard from the was as well a student in training of the the students of the Samuel Foundation, would make even more use of the oppor- H Kakkar, aged 21, a student of Dress the course I have learned to see my futu- tunities beeing offered to them by the Designing in Raghubir Nagar centre. I re much more clearly. And that is why I Foundation and that they once will beco- have completed my graduation this year. won't miss this opportunity because now me good technicians, secretaries, brick- Before joining this course I was unable to it is my biggest wish to graduate and for layers and so on. decide about my career. But, this course this I will fight. as well in the other training centers, ello, my dear friends, I am Saurabh Samuel- Foundation. In the beginning of JOSÉ ALEXANDER ALEGRÍA, 17 years, full- has shown me a way and an opportunity GLENDY VIVIANA UGALDE ORTIZ, 18 time course Car Mechanics 2002/2003, to improve my abilities, self-confidence years, Industrial Air Conditioning, Samu- Samuel Foundation Nicaragua and much more. After completing this el Foundation Costa Rica course I am sure my future would be very I live in Alajuelita, Tejarcillos, a small bright and I would be able to support my town 3 km apart from the capital San family. Soon, I would be a specialist in José, Costa Rica. With these lines I would Dress Designing. In this course we also like to express my happiness, which I feel learn personality development, English when I get closer to my aims and primari- Communication and career planning. I 33 Our I am Ruchi Sharma, a student in Dress Designing at the Pahar Ganj Centre. I H ello, I am Deepamala Aggarwal, a student in Dress Designing at the Pahar Ganj Centre, and it is around three on for giving me an opportunity to join weeks since I joined the Samuel Foundati- this course. Now a days, it has become on. I feel very happy for having joined this indeed very difficult to choose a career course. Earlier, I had no particular aim in because there is a lot of unemployment life. But, now I think I can achieve some- and poverty. I was quite confused about thing in my life and create my own identi- my career but Samuel Foundation has pro- ty. I am interested in Dress Designing and vided the right opportunity for me to after joining, I find that I am learning not choose a career and achieve success in just Dress Designing but also many other life. I am quite confident to face the pres- useful things like English Communication sure and various situations in life after and Personality development. I almost completing my training. I am sure this feel that I have got a new family since the could be achieved with the training and teachers and fellow students are very co- KENIA FRANCELA RAMÍREZ, 21 years old, guidance received from the Teachers operative and helpful. I want to be an Administration and Office Communication, here. I strongly feel that anything could be expert Dress Designer and am thankful to Samuel Foundation Nicaragua achieved with dedication and hard work Samuel and to my family for providing this and I already feel like a confident and opportunity. strong girl. The Samuel Foundation is a DEEPAMALA AGGARWAL, Pahar Ganj Cen- M “God Gift” for poor students like me tre, Samuel Foundation India 2 years old beautiful child, whose name is Nicaragua y name is Kenia Francela Ramírez Flores, I am 21 years old and mother of a Abner Stanley Rayo Rayo Ramírez. When I because the training is almost free of opened in various countries for the bene- H ello, my friends, My name is Anita, came to the Samuel Foundation I noticed aged 18. I am a student of Samuel that you can reach all your aims, if one only fit of poor students like me. Foundation in Dress designing and Quali- exerts oneself. Due to the strong support of RUCHI SHARMA, Pahar Ganj Centre, ty Supervision course. I have completed the Samuel Foundation I am able to help my Samuel Foundation India graduation and wish to thank God for ena- family to make progress. I will never stop to bling me to be a member of the Samuel thank god, my fellow men and my wonderful came to the Samuel Foundation with the teacher, who taught us plenty with an cost. I pray God for more centres to be I family. I always wanted to seek a career intention to become a very good technician but could not do so since I come from a immense patience. I thank Mr. Barth becau- to be able to help my parents to improve and lower middle class family and had lost my se he is a person who cares for our future, to relieve them economically and professio- father when I was very young. And my bro- for the future of the poor , who only dream nally. I would also like to learn all about long ther is the only eaRaghubir Nagaring of getting a job but do not have means for it. and hard work and to make use of the member in our family. I was feeling very But the Samuel Foundation gives us the perhaps last opportunity given to me to get a bad and shameful to trouble my family for means to make this dream become true and training and be somebody. I don’t want to any help. I could not help my family after to every day create a safe future for us, our belong to those who are underpaid and for graduation since I did not get any job, families and our country. I am proud of whom it is difficult to find a job or to those Now, I am happy that I can help my bro- being a part of the Samuel Foundation and who have to work more every time for less ther after completing this course. After all my colleagues feel the same, as to and less money. Perhaps and if it’s God’s joining, I look forward to life with renewed having hit the jackpot. Best regards and wish , I will progress and achieve my goals vigour and confidence. thank you very much! because of all the opportunities being offe- ANITA, 18 years, Raghubir Nagar Centre, red to me by the Samuel Foundation. And I Samuel Foundation India ask God for wisdom to manage this with ambition and determination. I hope that the other students make progress as well. MICHAEL ESQUIVEL RODRIGUEZ, 22 years, Industrial Air Conditioning, Samuel Foundation Costa Rica 34 AS USUAL, WE WILL INTRODUCE YOU LUCK AND SUCCESS TO CONTINUE. would like to thank the Samuel Foundati- U BEST Students TO OUR BEST STUDENTS (OF THE FIRST TRIMESTRE 2002) AND WISH FOR THEIR Costa Rica India Thailand ISSAC GONZALEZ CAMPBELL, 19 years, ANJU GANDHI, 23 years, student of Dress MANLIKA DJAIWANDEE, 12 years, Samuel Automobile Air Conditioning, Samuel Foun- Designing, 01-02 Garhi Centre Foundation Thailand I H M a student of the Automobile Air Conditio- diploma in Textile Designing and was inte- mary school in Ban Lauyao, a small village ning course, because I am interested in this rested in doing a course in fashion desi- in the province Lampang. Unfortunately my subject and cars are my passion. I also gning to improve my career prospects. mother is mentally handicapped and so she would like to establish a garage on my own However, due to financial problems I could can't care even for herself. My father I have and in addition to that collaborate with my not do this course. I was fortunate enough never got to know. So my grandparents are father, who is a mechanic himself. In my to join the Samuel Foundation and have taking care of me and my mother which is opinion this would be a good complemen- successfully completed the course in Dress very difficult for them, because they are tation. I have lived in Limón, a province 16 Designing with the help of experienced and already old. We are very poor and daily after km away from the capital San José. But kind teachers. Now I find a new change in school I have to help my grandparents to when I started my training at the foundati- my personality and am employed as an find nourishment. I like going to school and on, I first had to move to Heredia, 30 minu- instructor in textile and fashion designing I always get good marks. It was a big luck for tes away from the capital and later to Alaju- faculty on National Institute of Fashion me that Gerd Mathia began to support me 4 elita, 3 km away from San José, where I live Design (NIFD) in Palwal, Haryana, India. I years ago. At that time I was only in 2nd right now. Due to the low social and econo- also conduct classes for English communi- class. Next year in April I will finish primary mical level it is a very poor district. I like to cation and personality development and am school and I am very glad then to continue do sport, especially athletics, which is my earning Rs. 4000.00 per month. Besides, I learning at the secondary school with the favorite. Here I have had quite some succes- am also taking order work for tailoring at my help of the Samuel Foundation. Without this ses which motivated me to go ahead. But residence and earn around Rs. 1000.00 per help it wouldn't be possible. Just now the everything in life depends on a lot of efforts; month. I would like to thank Samuel Foun- Samuel Foundation started to give compu- therefore I have taken the decision to keep dation for my present position in life and ter lessons, I have participated already two going on with my training to be once a good future prospects. I would also take this times and I am very interested. I would like technician. My family supports me in this opportunity to wish the best of luck to the to learn a lot and to exert myself to find a job decision and therefor I am very grateful to fresh batch of students. to be able to care for my grandparents and dation Costa Rica am a teenager who is looking for education and effort to have a better future. I am ello, dear readers of PROSA, My name is Anju Gandhi. I had completed a y name is Manlika, I am 12 years old and I am in the 6th class of the pri- them. I thank all the instructors for the great my mother. I will always be grateful to the opportunity which they have given to me. I Samuel Foundation and its staff members hope to make progress, to be good in future. here in Thailand for such a good care and support. 35 Help us building a future Become a patron and sponsor the training of a young person... …. and give this or other young persons a chance to have a worth living future. Namthip, 8 years, and her sister Paveena, 10 years old, are orphans. The parents died of AIDS in the past two years. Today the girls are living together with her also needy grandmother. There is neither own income nor support from the government. With only 60, - € per month for food, clothes, school and other basic needs you can help all the three of them; the girls will then be enabled to go to school and they will have again a future ahead... For further information, as well about sponsorships in one of our other project countries, please contact us in one of our offices or through: [email protected] Donations accounts Hedwig und Robert Samuel Stiftung · Deutsche Bank 24 · Bank code: 300 700 24 · Account no.: 390 80 50 05 Samuel Foundation Charitable India Trust · FCRA no.: 231 650 827, Punjab National Bank, Delhi · Account no.: 18941 H e d w i g a n d Ro b e rt Sa mu e l Fo u n dat i o n www.samuel.de Headoffice: Germany Königsallee 14 40212 Düsseldorf Tel: +49-211-1386666 Fax: +49-211-1386677 [email protected] 36 Office in Costa Rica Calle Blancos Frente a Durman Esquivel Goicoechea · Apartado Postal 5275 1000 San José Tel: +506-258-4080 Fax: +506-222-5242 [email protected] Office in India MCD Community Centre Raghubir Nagar Vishal Enclave New Delhi 110027 Tel: +91-11-5168862 Fax: +91-11-5454021 [email protected] Office in Nicaragua Contiguo a la terminal de buses 105 Colonia Unidad de Propósito Apartado Postal 5317 Managua Tel: +505-2-631243 Fax: +505-2-631935 [email protected] Office in Thailand 20 M.3 T. Sermklang A. Sermngarm Lampang 52210 Tel: +66-53-225834 Fax: +66-53-225834 [email protected]