Jornadas Informativas para Estudiantes Internacionales Orientation Week for International Students Vicerrectorado de Relaciones Internacionales y Cooperación al Desarrollo La Universidad y su entorno The University and its surroundings GRANADA: un enclave privilegiado Ciudad histórica y monumental: arquitectura árabe, renacentista y barroca a 40 minutos de la costa a 30 minutos de la Estación de esquí de Sierra Nevada Campus en las ciudades de Ceuta y Melilla (norte de África) GRANADA: a privileged location A historical and monumental city: Arabic, Renaissance and Baroque architecture 40 minutes to the coast 30 minutes to the Ski Resort of Sierra Nevada Campuses in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla (northern Africa) Universidad es ciudad The University is the city Centros universitarios distribuidos en diferentes lugares: University centres located in different places: Campus de Cartuja Campus de Fuentenueva Facultades / Escuelas en el centro Campus de Aynadamar Campus de la Salud Campus de Ceuta Campus de Melilla En Granada, uno de cada cuatro habitantes está relacionado con la Universidad In Granada, one of every four inhabitants is connected to the University Procedimiento registro / Registry Procedure 1.- El estudiante ENTREGA SU DOCUMENTACIÓN EN EL SOBRE CORRESPONDIENTE SIN CERRAR en la Oficina central de RRII (o ahora después de la sesión de las jornadas) 2.- La oficina CENTRAL de Relaciones Internacionales y Coop. procede al REGISTRO en la base de datos general UGR. 3.- El estudiante RECIBE UN E-MAIL cuando ya está incluido en la base de datos general de la UGR. 4.- A) El estudiante que hizo su solicitud online DESCARGA EL PDF DE SU CARNÉ (todos los incoming) y los Erasmus también su credencial (necesaria para el registro en la Oficina de Extranjeros), lo guarda y LO IMPRIME (en cartulina). 4.- B) El estudiante que NO hizo su solicitud online podrá recoger en unos días el carné en la Oficina de RRII de su Facultad / Escuela. 5.- El estudiante REALIZA SU MATRÍCULA EN LA FACULTAD. IMPORTANTE: El lunes 18 de febrero empiezan las clases. Aunque no hayas hecho aún tu matrícula puedes (y debes) asistir regularmente a tus cursos. Procedimiento registro / Registry Procedure 1.- Documents collection (at the envelopment without closing it) 2.- The CENTRAL International Relations and Coop. Office REGISTER ALL OF YOU at the main data base of the UGR. 3.- The student RECEIVES AN E-MAIL reporting that he/she is registered at the main data base of the UGR. 4.-A) The students who filled in the online application download their STUDENT CARD in pdf and, the Erasmus students only, download their credential as well (necessary document to register at the Foreigners Office). They must save and print the card and the credential. 4.-B) The students who didn’t fill in the online application will have to pick up their international student card at their Faculty / School some days after receiving the e-mail that confirms that they have been registered at the UGR data base. 5.- The student enrols in the courses at his/her Faculty. IMPORTANT: On Monday 18th February, lessons start and you should start attending the course you will enrol even if you haven’t enrolled at the courses yet. ¿Dónde me descargo la copia de la solicitud online, mi carné y mi credencial? • En el mismo enlace donde realizaste tu solicitud online: • SELECCIONAS LA FASE (Segunda Fase February-July) y EL PROGRAMA correspondiente (Erasmus, Intercambio o libre movilidad). • Introduces tu Nº pasaporte o carné (con el que realizaste la solicitud online) y la clave y pinchas en entrar (log in) • Si olvidaste tu contraseña, selecciona la fase y el programa, introduce el nº de tu pasaporte o carné de identidad y pincha en la opción ¿Ha olvidado su contraseña?/Forgot your password? ubicada debajo de las casillas de pasaporte y clave de acceso, y te enviaremos una clave temporal al correo electrónico asociado a tu solicitud. IMPORTANTE: El carné y la credencial solo estarán disponibles en el intervalo entre que se hace el registro general en la base de datos de la UGR y el momento en el que se realiza la matrícula en la Facultad / Escuela. Por lo que no olvides guardar e imprimir estos documentos. Where can I download my online application copy, my student card and my credential? • At the same link where you filled in the online application: • YOU SELECT THE PERIOD (FASE) (Segunda Fase February-July) AND THE PROGRAMME (PROGRAMA): (Erasmus, Intercambio / Exchange or libre movilidad / Free mobility). • YOU ENTER YOUR Passport or ID NUMBER (the one you used to fill in the online application) and the password, and you click on log in. • If you lose or forgot your password, SELECT THE PERIOD AND THE PROGRAMME (Erasmus, exchange (Intercambio ) or free mobility (libre movilidad)), fill in your passport No AND CLICK ON: ¿Ha olvidado su contraseña?/Forgot your password? placed below the boxes of the passport and password. A temporary password will be sent to the e-mail address you introduced when you filled in the application. IMPORTANT: The student card and the credential will only be available to download in the gap between the registration at the main UGR database and the moment where you enrol at the courses at the Faculty, so DO NOT FORGET TO SAVE AND PRINT THESE DOCUMENTS. Actualización de foto / Picture update • Antes de realizar la matrícula en las asignaturas: a través del enlace de la solicitud online (así tu carné de estudiante saldrá con foto). • Después de la matrícula: a través del icono Mantenimiento fotos-carné del Acceso identificado • Before the enrolment: entering your data at the link where you filled in the online application After the enrolment, at Icon Mantenimiento fotos-carné available at the Acceso Identificado / Identified access Matrícula: ¿Dónde puedo matricularme? •La matrícula se realiza en la Facultad / Escuela una vez has sido registrado en la base de datos general de la UGR (es decir, una vez has recibido el e-mail de confirmación y tienes tu carné de estudiante internacional). • Los estudiantes de posgrado se matriculan en la Escuela Internacional de Posgrado (consulta el procedimiento y las fechas de matrícula en la Facultad / Escuela o en la Escuela de Posgrado). •En la ORI de tu Facultad / Escuela te indicarán si tienes que pedir cita previa o si hay unas fechas determinadas como periodo de matriculación. •Asiste a la reunión específica de tu Facultad / Escuela donde te darán más información al respecto. Enrolment: Where can I enrol for my courses? • You must enrol at your Faculty / School once you have received the international student card. Postgraduate students must enrol at the International School for Postgraduate Studies (ask for the dates at the faculty / school or at the School for Postgraduate Studies). • At the IRO of your Faculty / School will inform you if it’s necessary to ask for an appointment for the enrolment or if there is a deadline for the enrolment. • You must attend the specific session at your Faculty where you will get some more specific information about enrolment at the courses and about the Faculty / School. E-Administració Administración - Acceso Identificado / E- Administration – Identified Access 1- Escoger la opción “Alumno” / Click on “Alumno” and then click on “Siguiente” (Next) 2.- Introducir el nº de pasaporte/carné de identidad en la casilla DNI (con el que se registró online) y la clave de 4 dígitos. Enter your Passport /ID No at the DNI box (the one you entered at your online application) and the 4 digit password at the other box. La clave se obtiene al hacer la matrícula en la Facultad o Escuela. You receive the password when you enrol at your Faculty or School. Aparecerá esta pantalla con diversos iconos: You will see this screen with different icons: ¿Qué puedo hacer a través del acceso identificado? What can I do thanks to Identified Access? • Icono “Alumnos” – Consulta de Expediente (Transcripts consultation) – Solicitud de Bonobus (Bus Pass application) – Tablón de Docencia (Teaching Platform) – Mantenimiento fotos-carné (Picture Update) • Icono C.S.I.R.C. – Correo Electrónico (con ese correo y la contraseña que creéis se accede al WIFI). E-mail (with this e-mail and the new password you create, you can access to the WIFI). • Infomación General – Menú para llevar (Take-away menu at the Refectories) – Cursos y Alta Deportiva (Sports Activities) – Pagos UGR (online payments) Registro en la base de datos principal de la UGR: entrega de documentación en la Oficina central de RR II Rellenar el sobre del programa correspondiente y entregarlo, SIN CERRARLO, después de esta jornada la siguiente documentación: Estudiantes CON solicitud online: Copia solicitud online (validada) copia del ID Card/pasaporte Vicerrectorado de Relaciones Internacionales Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales Nº DE ORDEN: INSCRIPCIÓN DE ESTUDIANTE EXTRANJERO FOREIGN STUDENT REGISTRATION LLP/ERASMUS PROGRAMA DE INTERCAMBIO / ACUERDO BILATERAL / EXCHANGE PROGRAMME / BILATERAL AGREEMENT LIBRE MOVILIDAD / FREE MOBILITY INVITADO / GUEST STUDENT MAEC-AECID / FUNDACION CAROLINA / SANTANDER / ERASMUS MUNDUS 2/ COIMBRA GROUP / PIMA Curso Académico 20__ / 20__ FOTO DATOS PERSONALES / PERSONAL DETAILS NOMBRE / FIRST NAME:............................................................................................................................................ Estudiantes SIN solicitud online: APELLIDOS / FAMILY NAME: ............................................................................................................................ .......... FECHA DE NACIMIENTO / DATE OF BIRTH:.........../............./................ DNI-PASAPORTE / ID-PASSPORT No.:……………………………………………………………………………………. NACIONALIDAD / NATIONALTIY:....................................................... SEXO/GENDER: .......................................... E-MAIL:........................................................................................................................................................................ DOMICILIO EN GRANADA / ADDRESS IN GRANADA: CALLE / STREET:.....................................................................Nº / No:...........................PISO / FLAT:..................... Hoja de inscripción LOCALIDAD / TOWN:....................................................................................... TELÉFONO EN GRANADA (MÓVIL) / PHONE IN GRANADA (MOBILE) : .................................................................. DOMICILIO PERMANENTE / PERMANENT ADDRESS: CALLE Y Nº / STREET AND No:................................................................................................................................. LOCALIDAD Y CÓDIGO POSTAL / TOWN AND POST CODE:................................................................................ PAIS / COUNTRY:..............................…..TELÉFONO FAMILIAR / FAMILY PHONE:................................................. Copia del ID Card/pasaporte DATOS ACADÉMICOS / ACADEMIC DETAILS FACULTAD/ESCUELA EN GRANADA (FAC./SCHOOL IN GRANADA):................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... AREA ESTUDIO / STUDY AREA: …………………................................................................................................... UNIVERSIDAD DE ORIGEN / HOME UNIVERSITY:............……………………………………………………………. 1 foto TITULACIÓN EN GRANADA / COURSE IN GRANADA: ......................................................................................... FECHAS DE ESTANCIA / STUDY PERIOD: DESDE / FROM ........./......../20.... HASTA / TO ......../......../20.... UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA-Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales. Complejo Administrativo Triunfo, C/ Cuesta del Hospicio s/n. 18071 GRANADA. Telf.: +34 958 24 90 30. Fax: +34 958 24 30 09 Erasmus: carta de aceptación de la Facultad / Escuela Intercambio y libre movilidad: Copia de la carta de invitación del Vicerrectorado de RRII y Coop. al Desarrollo. Registration at the UGR database : document collection at the main International Relations Office Fill in the envelope that corresponds to your programme, put these documents in it (WITHOUT CLOSING IT) and give it us at the end of the meeting. Students WITH online application: Copy of validated online application Copy of your ID/passport Vicerrectorado de Relaciones Internacionales Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales Nº DE ORDEN: INSCRIPCIÓN DE ESTUDIANTE EXTRANJERO FOREIGN STUDENT REGISTRATION LLP/ERASMUS PROGRAMA DE INTERCAMBIO / ACUERDO BILATERAL / EXCHANGE PROGRAMME / BILATERAL AGREEMENT LIBRE MOVILIDAD / FREE MOBILITY INVITADO / GUEST STUDENT MAEC-AECID / FUNDACION CAROLINA / SANTANDER / ERASMUS MUNDUS 2/ COIMBRA GROUP / PIMA Curso Académico 20__ / 20__ FOTO DATOS PERSONALES / PERSONAL DETAILS NOMBRE / FIRST NAME:............................................................................................................................................ APELLIDOS / FAMILY NAME: ............................................................................................................................ .......... FECHA DE NACIMIENTO / DATE OF BIRTH:.........../............./................ DNI-PASAPORTE / ID-PASSPORT No.:……………………………………………………………………………………. Students WITHOUT online application: NACIONALIDAD / NATIONALTIY:....................................................... SEXO/GENDER: .......................................... E-MAIL:........................................................................................................................................................................ DOMICILIO EN GRANADA / ADDRESS IN GRANADA: CALLE / STREET:.....................................................................Nº / No:...........................PISO / FLAT:..................... LOCALIDAD / TOWN:....................................................................................... TELÉFONO EN GRANADA (MÓVIL) / PHONE IN GRANADA (MOBILE) : .................................................................. Registration form DOMICILIO PERMANENTE / PERMANENT ADDRESS: CALLE Y Nº / STREET AND No:................................................................................................................................. LOCALIDAD Y CÓDIGO POSTAL / TOWN AND POST CODE:................................................................................ PAIS / COUNTRY:..............................…..TELÉFONO FAMILIAR / FAMILY PHONE:................................................. DATOS ACADÉMICOS / ACADEMIC DETAILS Copy of your ID/passport FACULTAD/ESCUELA EN GRANADA (FAC./SCHOOL IN GRANADA):................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... AREA ESTUDIO / STUDY AREA: …………………................................................................................................... UNIVERSIDAD DE ORIGEN / HOME UNIVERSITY:............……………………………………………………………. TITULACIÓN EN GRANADA / COURSE IN GRANADA: ......................................................................................... 1 photo FECHAS DE ESTANCIA / STUDY PERIOD: DESDE / FROM ........./......../20.... HASTA / TO ......../......../20.... UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA-Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales. Complejo Administrativo Triunfo, C/ Cuesta del Hospicio s/n. 18071 GRANADA. Telf.: +34 958 24 90 30. Fax: +34 958 24 30 09 Erasmus: Copy of the acceptance letter from your Faculty / School at UGR Free mobility and Exchange: Copy of the acceptance letter sent by the Vice-Rector’s Office for International Relations UGR. ¿Cómo rellenar el sobre Programa Erasmus? How to fill in the envelope Erasmus Programme? Curso (academic year): 2012- 2013 Apellidos (Familiy name): Example: García Nombre (Given name): Example: María Universidad de origen (Home University) Example: University of Edinburgh, UK Código Erasmus (Erasmus Code) Example: UK EDINBUR01 Facultad / Escuela de Granada (Fac/School in Granada) Example: Filosofía y Letras No cerrar, por favor - Please, don’t close it ¿Cómo rellenar el sobre Intercambio y Libre movilidad? How to fill in the envelope Exchange (non Erasmus) and free mobility? Curso (academic year): 2012- 2013 Apellidos (Familiy name): Example: García Nombre (Given name): Example: María Programa: Ejemplo: Acuerdos bilaterales / Ciencias sin Fronteras/ Erasmus Mundus Universidad: Universidad de origen (Home University) Example: University of Edinburgh, UK Facultad / Escuela de Granada (Fac/School in Granada) Example: Filosofía y Letras No cerrar, por favor - Please, don’t close it Preguntas frecuentes / FAQs 1.- ¿Qué hago si no sé el código Erasmus de mi Universidad? What do I do if I don’t know the Erasmus code of my University? Consúltalo en la credencial Erasmus de tu Universidad o en tu solicitud online. Check it in your Home University Erasmus credential or at the online application. 2.- ¿Qué hago si mi número de pasaporte o de carné de identidad ha cambiado y no corresponde con el que puse en la solicitud online? What do I do if my passport or ID number has changed and it’s not the same as the one I used at the online application? Por favor, anota en el sobre tu nuevo número indicando que ha cambiado para que lo podamos cambiar en nuestra base de datos Please, write a note at the front of the envelope advising about that and put a copy of the new one in the envelop so that we change it in our database. Preguntas frecuentes / FAQs 3.- Qué hago si no puedo imprimir mi solicitud online? What do I do if I cannot print my online application? Por favor, trata de pinchar en la opción “olvidaste tu contraseña” disponible en el sitio web de la solicitud. Please, try to click on the option “Did you forget your password?” available at the site. 4.- Qué hago si no tengo aquí toda la documentación necesaria? What do I do if I haven’t brought the necessary documents for the registry? Por favor, coge el sobre y recopila toda la documentación antes de entregarla. Si no lo tienes ahora puedes traerlo a la oficina central de relaciones internacionales (Complejo Administrativo Triunfo) en horario de 9 a 2 de lunes a viernes. Please, keep the envelope and get all your documents in order to hand them together as soon as possible to the Central International Relations Office: from Monday to Friday: 9.00 a.m – 2:00p.m. Certificados / Certificates ¿Quién me firma el certificado de llegada y el certificado final de estancia para enviarlo a mi Universidad? El certificado de llegada y otros documentos relacionados con tu llegada o tu final de estancia a Granada han de firmarlos en la Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales de tu Facultad / Escuela en la UGR. Who will sign my arrival certificate or other official documents? The certificate of arrival as well as the certificate for departure should be signed at the International Relations Office at your Faculty or School. ¿Learning Agreement? ¿Quién me ayuda con mi acuerdo de estudios o learning agreement? EXCLUSIVAMENTE el personal administrativo y académico en la Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales de tu Facultad / Escuela. Who will help me with my Learning Agreement? Exclusively, the academic and administrative staff of the International Office at your Faculty/School. Certificado de calificaciones (notas) • Una vez acabes tu estancia y las calificaciones son introducidas en tu expediente, • La Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales de tu Facultad o Escuela envía tu certificado de calificaciones (notas). • Asegúrate con la ORI de tu Facultad / Escuela que tu dirección está correcta para el envío. • Asegúrate en tu acceso identificado que tus calificaciones han sido ya introducidas en el expediente. Transcript of records • Once you have finished your stay and your grades are introduced in your records, • The International Relations Office at your Faculty or School will send you (and/or your Home University) the transcript of records. • Please, confirm with the IRO at your Faculty they have the right delivery address. • Check at your Acceso Identificado / Identified Access that your grades are already recorded at your Transcript. Programa Mentor / Buddy Programme •Tu mentor te puede ayudar a integrarte y te guiará y apoyará durante tu estancia. •Si aún no has solicitado un mentor y quieres hacerlo, puedes rellenar este formulario: ariosolicitudbuddiesin •y enviarlo por e-mail a [email protected] •Intentaremos buscar un mentor para ti. •Por favor, ten en cuenta que si tienes un mentor, tienes que asumir las normas del programa y rellenar los informes de evaluación a tiempo. •Más información sobre el programa Mentor y el formulario disponible en: s-iniciativas-para-estudiantes-internacionales Buddy Programme Your mentor can help you to integrate and can guide you and help you during your stay at UGR. If you haven’t applied yet, fill in the form available at our website: ormulariosolicitudbuddiesin and send it to [email protected] We will try to find a mentor for you. Please, be aware that having a mentor means that you have to follow the rules of the programme and fill in on time the evaluation reports. More information and the form available at: uevas-iniciativas-para-estudiantes-internacionales Curso subvencionado de Lengua Española Posibilidad para los estudiantes de Erasmus, Erasmus Mundus e Intercambio (Convenios Bilaterales) de inscribirse en un curso de español subvencionado hasta un nivel B1 (del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas) en el Centro de Lenguas Modernas de la UGR. Inscripción online para el curso de español abierta a partir del 30 de enero de 2013. Los estudiantes serán informados de la hora y lugar de la prueba en el momento de la inscripción. Puedes inscribirte ONLINE a través de la web del Centro de Lenguas Modernas Toda la información sobre el curso y la inscripción disponible en este enlace Para aquellos estudiantes que lleguen a Granada con posterioridad a las fechas anunciadas y no puedan realizar las pruebas de nivel convocadas por el Centro de Lenguas Modernas, informamos que habrá más pruebas de nivel que serán anunciadas aquí Subsidised Spanish Language Course We offer a subsidized Spanish language course for those students coming to UGR in the framework of Erasmus, Erasmus Mundus or Exchange programmes (Bilateral agreements). This course is partly paid by UGR and partly paid by the student. The subsidized course is offered until level B1 (of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and it is organized at the Centro de Lenguas Modernas of the UGR. Online registration for the Spanish Language Course is available from 30th January 2013. You will know the time and place of the level test at the moment you do the online inscription. You can REGISTER ONLINE at the website of the Centro de Lenguas Modernas Information about the course and online registration available at To those students arriving to Granada after the mentioned dates to take part on the spanish level test, new dates will be announced at Registro de extranjeros en Granada Trámite obligatorio para ciudadanos UE que van a residir en España más de tres meses. Los extracomunitarios realizan otros trámites de visado y el registro es previo. • Solicitud de inscripción en el Registro Central de Extranjeros debidamente cumplimentada y firmada disponible aquí: _solicitudes2/18-Certificado_Residencia_comunitaria.pdf Lee las instrucciones para rellenarla en nuestra web • 1 Fotocopia de pasaporte o ID card • Resguardo del PAGO DE LA TASA por la gestión de registro (EL DOCUMENTO SERÁ FACILITADO POR EL VICERRECTORADO DE RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES Y COOPERACIÓN AL DESARROLLO o en la misma Oficina de Extranjeros) - El pago será de 10,40€. • CREDENCIAL OFICIAL DE ESTUDIANTE ERASMUS (emitida por la UGR o por su Universidad de origen) es/residenciainspain?lang=es REGISTRATION AT THE FOREIGN OFFICE IN GRANADA Compulsory procedure for EU citizens (+Associated countries) who will be residing in Spain more than three months. Non EU citizens have to do other visa procedures before coming to Spain. • Application form, available at: d_solicitudes2/18-Certificado_Residencia_comunitaria.pdf Read here the instructions on how to fill at our website • A copy of your passport of ID (Please, be aware that a copy of the driving license is not valid). • Report of your tax payment (tax is 10.40 €). You can pick up the form during the welcome sessions, at our office or at the Foreigners Office. • OFFICIAL ERASMUS STUDENT CREDENTIAL (issued by UGR or by your Home University) es/residenciainspain?lang=en IMPORTANTE: • La inscripción en el Registro Central de Extranjeros en Granada se realiza en la Oficina de Extranjeros situada en C/ San Agapito, 2. El horario de atención es de lunes a jueves de 9h a 17.30h y viernes de 9h a 14h. • Importante: Algunos bancos no admiten el pago de la tasa con el nº de pasaporte. Por ahora sabemos que sí lo admiten los bancos BBVA, Santander y Mare Nostrum BMN (antigua Caja Granada). El horario de pago de tasas en los bancos es de lunes a viernes de 8.30 a 10.00 am. IMPORTANT: • You must hand the above mentioned documents for the Central Register of Foreign Citizens (Registro Central de Extranjeros) at the Main Office for Foreign Residents (Oficina de Extranjeros) located at C/ San Agapito, 2 (Granada). Timetable: from Monday to Thursday from 9 to 17.30 and Friday from 9.00 to 14.00. • Important: Some banks don't admit tax payments with the passport number. By the moment, we know that Banks: BBVA, Santander and Mare Nostrum BMN (former Caja Granada) do admit payments with passport number. Please, be aware that timetable for tax payments at Banks is from Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 10.00 am. La UGR en las redes sociales / UGR in social networks http://www http://www. www.facebook. com/internacionalugr Pincha en “Me gusta” para obtener la información en tu muro. Click on “I like” to have all the information at your facebook wall.!/canalugr Enlá Enlázate a las Jornadas de Bienvenida / Link the Welcome Week http://internacional.ugr .es/pages/movilidad/estudiantes/entrantes/jornadas pages/movilidad/estudiantes/entrantes/jornadas/movilidad/estudiantes/entrantes/jornadasincoming ¡BIENVENIDOS A LA UGR! International Student Handbook History, quality and innovation since 1531 Content, design and layout: Gemma Conejero Llácer Vice-Rectorate for International Relations and Development Cooperation University of Granada Translation: Alan Wilson Greensill 2012 Vice-Rector’s Office for International Relations and Development Cooperation University of Granada Complejo Administrativo Triunfo Cuesta del Hospicio s/n 18071 Granada (Spain) Contents Welcome to the University of Granada! ......................................................................................... 3 The University of Granada: Linking past, present and future .......................................................... 4 15 Reasons for studying at the UGR ............................................................................................... 6 A day at the UGR ............................................................................................................................. 8 Go for and education that provides both innovation and quality ..................................................9 At the forefront of research ............................................................................................................ 10 Univesity life ................................................................................................................................. 12 Other learning resources ................................................................................................................ 14 Granada, a privileged enclave ....................................................................................................... 16 Get to know Granada province ....................................................................................................... 17 Free time and tourist information .................................................................................................. 18 Access to the UGR as an international student .............................................................................. 20 How do I get to Granada? ............................................................................................................ 22 Cost of living in Granada .......................................................................................................... 23 Welcome to the University of Granada! The fact that you have opened this handbook means that you have already considered the University of Granada (UGR) for your study or research period abroad, which fills us with great pride. The UGR is one of Spain’s and Europe’s top universities, with a long-standing tradition in international higher-education co-operation. It offers one of the largest programmes of undergraduate and postgraduate studies, as well as being particularly active in research and social commitment projects. This International Student Handbook will give you an insight into our university - a well-established top-quality institution, proud of its history and fully-committed to a brilliant future. You will also gain useful information about the city of Granada and the UGR to help you prepare your stay and academic programme with us. We look forward to seeing you in Granada! Dorothy Kelly, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Development Cooperation of University of Granada UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students 3 The University of Granada: 500 years of history The founding of the University of Granada was granted by Papal Bull, issued in 1531, establishing a Christian university to follow in the stead of the, until then, Islamic Madrassa, dating from 1349. Indeed, the site of the Arab university is now occupied by the UGR and part of the original construction can still be seen. Since then, the UGR – drawing on its historical roots – has gradually grown and developed into what it has become today: a public higher-education institution that is committed to quality and excellence in the areas of teaching, learning and research. In line with this, the university has, throughout its history, become increasingly active in the transfer of scientific, technical and artistic knowledge, social advancement, sustainable development and, above all, internationalization. World ranking Numerous national and international ranking agencies that evaluate higher education teaching and research have placed the UGR among the top universities in Spain, as well as including it within the top 3% of the best higher education institutions worldwide. Indeed, according to the Shanghai ranking, the UGR appears as one of the world’s top 500 universities. 4 UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students Linking Past, Present and Future Internacionalization As a truly cosmopolitan institution, the UGR places great emphasis on actively participating in all initiatives that contribute towards its international dimension. For this reason, one of the UGR’s strategic hubs for deve- The UGR today Over the past decade or so, the University of Granada has grown in size and stature more than ever before. It lopment and growth is a reinforced internationalization that affects all aspects of the university: study programmes, research, services, students and staff. is not only one of Spain’s top universities, but is also a major actor in the area of higher education both in Europe and Latin America. There are currently seven university campuses, in addition to the “Central Campus”, which takes in all the UGR premises spread throughout the city centre of Granada. Two of the campuses are those of Ceuta and Melilla, which are Spanish enclaves located on the coast of northern Africa. The study programmes available at the UGR are among the most extensive in Europe, which helps to explain our high student numbers: around 65,000, of which some 10,000 are international students. The UGR is involved in a wide range of international projects and networks, as well as in innumerable internationally-renowned exchange programmes, thanks to the long list of co-operation partners it has throughout the world. UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students 5 Quality 1. The UGR, one of the best universities in Europe, is 4. The UGR is a welcoming cosmopolitan university, where you can continue your studies in an atmosphe- university life: teaching, research, culture and services. re of diversity, equality and tolerance. In fact, 10% of UGR students are not of Spanish origin. International experience A wide range of HE, Academic and Research Programme 2. The UGR is the European HE institution that both 5. The UGR offers a wide range of internationally-focu- sends and receives most students within the LLP/Erasthe Erasmus Gold Star for this very reason. sed academic programmes, which are quality-controlled and in touch with the times. These include 7 doubledegree programmes – 4 of which are international – and 3. The UGR has both a long-standing tradition and well- joint degrees that are available to over 65,000 UGR students. internationally renowned for quality in all aspects of mus Programme. In 2007, our university was awarded established experience in running and co-ordinating academic and institutional co-operation projects within the framework of international programmes. Our university is currently involved in over 60 international cooperation projects, 16 of which are co-ordinated by the UGR. 6. For 2012/13, you can follow 65 undergraduate courses, covering all areas of knowledge: Experimental Sciences, Health Sciences, Social and Legal Sciences, Technical and Engineering Studies, Humanities, etc. There are also 89 Official Master’s Programmes, including: 3 Erasmus Mundus Programmes (one of which is given totally in English); 7 Official Bilingual Master’s Programmes (Spanish-English); 3 Master’s Programmes taught in English; 35 Doctoral Programmes; 166 UGR Programmes; over 35 summer courses and more than 133 online courses. 7. If you successfully finish any of our academic programmes, you will be ensured of excellent job possibilities, since UGR graduates are highly considered on the job market. 6 UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students 15 Reasons for studying at the UGR 8. As a UGR student, you can also take classes in Spanish and/or other foreign languages. You’ll be part of the 10,000-plus students that register every year for the language courses offered by the UGR’s Centro de Lenguas Modernas. The UGR is also privileged to have agreements with the Confucius Institute, the Al-babtain Chair in Arabic Studies and the Russkij Mir Institute, offering courses in Chinese, Arabic and Russian, respectively. 9. The UGR is internationally renowned for the excellence of its research projects in many fields. Over 400 research groups work in all fields of scientific knowledge, in collaboration with other national and international teams, all of which are leaders in their particular area. Thus, the UGR is at the forefront of research in a whole range of fields. Quality services 10. The UGR provides quality in all the services it offers to all members of the university community: accommodation, library network, refectories, assistance for the disabled, centre for learning problems, sports and student services, to name but a few. University, city and surroundings 11. The UGR and the city of Granada are as one. The university’s campuses and centres – along with over 65,000 students – are located throughout the city, giving Granada a unique student atmosphere. 12. Granada, a safe modern city, has the added advantage of its location, half-way between the sea and the mountains. The Mediterranean coast – with a subtropical climate – is a 40-minute drive away, and visiting the Sierra Nevada Ski Resort will only take you 30 mins. by car. Granada will enchant you… 13. Granada is famous for many reasons: history, culture, monuments and its university. The city’s natural charm, along with all the cultural and recreational activities on offer, make it a great place to study and to discover its enchantment. Out and about in Granada – Cost of living 14. The city is full of culture: there are annual festivals covering flamenco, jazz, tango, theatre, magic, music, dance, comics, cinema, poetry, etc. Spanish cuisine is internationally renowned for its quality and variety. On top of this, Granada is well-known for its tapas, as well as being one of the cheapest cities, both in Spain and Europe, to live as a student. Solidarity and the environment 15. One of the pillars on which the UGR is based is that of solidarity and commitment to the environment. The Centre for University Development Cooperation (CICODE) provides access for students to participate in programmes aimed at development co-operation and training in areas concerning the less-developed communities around our planet. UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students 7 A day at the UGR Mi estancia en la UGR ha sido una experiencia muy positiva. Recomiendo la UGR tanto por la calidad de su oferta académica como por hallarse en una de las ciudades más bonitas del mundo Valentino Addari (Italia) 8 UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students Attend classes at one of the UGR’s 7 campuses (5 in the city itself, plus two more, in the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla). You’ll be asked to prepare seminars and reports for your continuous evaluation at the UGR. You’ll be using the UGR’s excellent laboratories and forming part of research groups. There’s a whole network of libraries available, some of which offer round-the-clock study facilities during mid-term and final exam periods Learn other languages via the UGR’s Centro de Lenguas Modernas, the Confucius Institute or the Russkij Mir Centre. The university’s cultural centre, Casa de Porras, gives students the chance to follow cultural activities alongside their academic study programme. After class, you can meet up with your classmates to have lunch or dinner at one of the UGR’s refectories. Every student has his/her own needs, and the UGR tries to cover them via its accommodation service, offering everything from places in university halls of residence to student flats around the city. All UGR premises and surrounding grounds provide free WiFi access so that students can connect to the university website or their personal accounts. Want to ski, swim, play tennis…? The UGR’s sports service can give you this, and more. As a registered UGR student, you can apply for volunteer activities. If you like music or acting, why not apply to join the UGR’s orchestra or theatre groups? Make the most of all these things. They’re there for you! Education that provides both innovation and quality The UGR offers a wide range of quality-assessed un- What Undergraduate Courses can I follow at the UGR? der-graduate and post-graduate programmes in virtually all fields of study, some of which are given bilingually For a rundown of undergraduate courses, go to: (Spanish-English) or solely in English. Some 70,000 students have chosen the UGR as their centre of higher education. There are close to 70 undergraduate programmes, over 90 Master’s courses and 35 PhD study programmes. Information on academic fees can be found at:*/noti cias/2012/07/20/normativa200712 • • For information on international double-degree programmes, go to: • What Master’s programmes are available? For a list of Master’s studies, consult: • • For all information on Master’s Programmes at the UGR, go to: • And if I want a PhD (Doctoral) Course? For a list of PhD programmes, go to: • For all information on PhD Programmes at the UGR, go to: • UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students 9 At the forefront of research Office for Research Transfer (OTRI) Promoting interaction/collaboration between the UGR’s R+D+I projects and the private sector. The OTRI promotes and helps establish links for the production, transfer and implementation of research project results. The UGR is also increasingly more involved in the international dissemination of its research findings. One of our university’s main goals is to become ever more in touch with international markets and countries around the world. International Campus of Excellence (ICE) This is a project based on 4 major strategic areas in which the UGR is a major player at an international level: Bio-Health; Information and Communication Technologies; Earth Systems; Heritage and Culture. The project itself is a strategic alliance formed by the University of Granada, the Higher Council for Scientific Research and the Health-Science Technology Park. 10 UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students For students, the OTRI promotes an enterprising culture, helping you to develop your own projects, as well as widening your professional outlook, using the scientific and technical knowledge obtained both within and outside an academic environment. Research Institutes The global increase in the publication of scientific research results means that the UGR has become one of the top European universities, with over 400 research groups investigating in all fields of knowledge. Scientific Instrumentation Centre (SIC) Houses the main equipment needed for research in such areas a bio-medicine, chemistry or materials. Some of its installations or instruments are unique, such as the cell-line bank or the ionic microsound – the only one in southern Europe, which allows the dating of micrometric pieces of rock or minerals with great precision. Health-Sciences Technology Park (HTP) The HTP Granada has grown into the first technology park in Spain, and one of the few in the world, specialising in health. It is a unique project that, backed by the UGR, provides an optimum environment for the UGR-Corporate Sector General Foundation creation, implementation and expansion of teaching, research and healthcare centres, as well as for technological and services companies. New bio-health faculties, centres of research excellence, an internationally-re- This is a privately-managed not-for-profit body, created to encourage and develop co-operation between the UGR and the firms and organisations – both private and public – in areas of R+D+I, training, promoting busi- nowned university hospital and over 60 firms currently form what the HTP is today. ness initiatives and employment. UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students 11 University Life The UGR has state-of-the-art premises, numerous student resources and top-quality services UGR-wide Wi-Fi Online Access, which gives you free access to the UGR’s computer network from any of the university’s campuses or premises. UGR-wide Library Service, available at all university centres, where you can access services such as: loan of documents and laptops, information, computer access to different bibliographic and document services, access to the UGR Wi-Fi network, reproduction and consultation of documents, as well as electronic access to thousands of highly prestigious international journals and databases. The Sports Activities Centre offers you the opportunity to practise all kinds of sports activities: athletics, swimming, mountain climbing, skiing, hill walking, cycling, canoeing, etc. It also boasts top-quality sports facilities and organises all kinds of courses and sports competitions throughout the academic year. If you have any physical disability or learning difficulties, the Student Assistance Service can guide you as regards the different programmes, rights and social resources you can access. The Accommodation Service will help you find lodgings in Granada: university residences, apartments, rooms, student halls, accommodation with elderly people or families, hostels, cheap hotels, etc. Buddy Programme (Programa Mentor), the aim is to help international students with their cultural, academic and language integration at the UGR. - “Estudiantes Internacionales” 12 UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students Centre for Employment Promotion and Work Placements: If you’re interested in working while you study, this centre has a professional Information and Orientation Service geared towards joining the job market. Furthermore, the centre handles and advertises job offers and work placements. The Student Assistance Service helps to solve different problems that can affect students during their stay at the UGR. The General Information Office handles the information requests from anyone interested in our university. (+34) 958 243 137 - [email protected] Guidance and Counselling Service, where students can receive advice on difficulties of an academic, vocational or psychological nature, as well as take part in workshops or apply for individual counselling. Scholarship Service. In addition to the grants and scholarships from other national and international bodies, the UGR runs its own scholarship programme with a range of study grants. E-Administration, a system allowing students to carry out different administrative processes online, from any computer. As a UGR student, you will have access to a wide and participative programme of cultural and leisure activities a través del Centro Cultural “Casa de Porras”, que mantiene una intensa actividad cultural a través de talleres, exposiciones, conciertos, tertulias y conferencias. Línea de atención al estudiante de la UGR: 900 10 17 72. Esta línea ofrece, a través de una llamada gratuita desde cualquier operador, información de interés para los estudiantes de la UGR Elvira, the UGR’s virtual assistant. This is a web service providing information on the university’s services, managing and governing bodies, academic posts, studies, administrative processes and activities. International Student Associations. There are a number of these associations, whose job is to help with the integration of students of any nationality, through trips, exchanges, cultural events and many activities more. UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students 13 Other learning resources International School for Postgraduate Studies If you’re thinking of following postgraduate studies at our university, here you can receive an advanced training, allowing you to specialize academically or professionally. You can also begin a career in research. E-Learning Centre (CEVUG) In order to complete your academic training, this centre offers a wide range of online services: academic subjects, complementary courses and Master’s courses, partially or fully online. Furthermore, you can take part in international projects, among which are those supporting the physical mobility of Erasmus students ( or virtual mobility ( Modern Languages Centre (CLM) If, once in Granada, you wish to study languages, you may be interested in the courses offered by the UGR’s Modern Languages Centre: Spanish courses for foreigners (Hispanic Studies Course, Spanish Language and Culture Course, Intensive Spanish Language Courses and Intensive Spanish Language and Culture Courses) or courses in foreign languages (English, French, Italian, German, Arabic, Chinese, Modern Greek, Japanese, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian and Swedish). 14 UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students Confucius Institute This is one of three such centres existing in Spain and its main objective is to promote the study of Chinese language and culture, as well as developing those related activities, through language and culture courses at different levels, film nights, seminars, conferences, workshops, etc. UGR Summer School (Centro Mediterráneo) This centre organises an extensive range of summer courses covering all disciplines and subject areas, which are taught in a number of locations (Almuñécar, Granada, Guadix and Sierra Nevada). Permanent Open Education Centre This is a UGR initiative put in place to cover the educational demands of the over-50s, allowed to enrol at the UGR with no other requisite than that of having turned 50. Granada es la mejor ciudad para los estudiantes, tanto a nivel académico como social. Estoy muy satsifecha, esta ciudad ofrece a diario muchas actividades, conciertos, festivales... Samra Tanovic, Bosnia Herzegovina UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students 15 Granada, a privileged enclave One of the city of Granada’s outstanding features is as a tourist destination, which makes it ideal not only for studying, but also for tourism. Located in eastern Andalusia, in southern Spain, the city has one of the greatest cultural heritages in the country. In addition to the world-famous Alhambra and the Arab quarter of the Albayzin (both of which have World Heritage status from the UNESCO), Granada also has a Renaissance cathedral, dating back to the 16th century. Many other historic monuments are dotted around the city. Another of Granada’s defining characteristics is as a “University City”, which turns it into a vibrant place. Likewise, Granada is a safe modern city, located in privileged surroundings: only 60 km from the tropical climate of the Mediterranean coast and at the foot of the Sierra Nevada, a mountain range that rises up to 3,400 m above sea level and which is home to the southernmost ski resort in Europe. Granada City Council tourist information: Sierra Nevada: Visits to the Alhambra: 16 UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students Get to know Granada Province Here’s the official tourism website for Granada Province: For those who prefer the peace of the countryside to the bustle of city life, there are six nature reserves, including the Sierra Nevada National Park. The foothills to the south of the Sierra Nevada, known as the Alpujarras, are speckled with villages dating back to the Middle Ages. With its dramatic scenery, benign climate and complete peace and quiet, visitors often find it difficult to leave. Further inland, the area of the Marquesado and the high meseta provide landscapes in stark contrast to those of the Alpujarras. And in the westernmost parts of the province there are still many interesting ruins from the times of the Muslim kingdom and its fortresses, The 13,000 square kilometres of the province of Granada contain an amazing number and variety of tourist attractions. At any time of the year, visitors can choose when this was the frontier between Granada and the historically Christian provinces further west. from a multitude of ways in which to fill their leisure time: visiting historic and artistic monuments, spending the night at the small hotels in the many villages dotted along the byways and tracks that form a rural tourism network spanning the hills and mountains, skiing or taking part in the other sports on offer at the ski resort, as well as other open-air activities, or just relaxing on the beach down by the coast UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students 17 Free time and tourist information The city of Granada has an extensive cultural agenda, open to its most important guests: its university students After centuries of cultural importance, Granada still has an enviable agenda of cultural and free-time activities. Film, music or theatre programmes and festivals are organised alongside permanent and temporary exhibitions that cover all fields of knowledge. Ancient Renaissance palaces house seminars, conferences and talks, while the most innovative infrastructures can be used for major events. There are three auditoria that run year-round programmes of theatre, opera, concerts, flamenco, etc. and the prestigious Granada City Orchestra has a calendar of concerts in the Manuel de Falla auditorium. 18 UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students The International Jazz Festival (October), the International Festival of Magic (November), the International Festival of Music and Dance (June/July), the International Film Festival (June), the International Tango Festival (March), the International Week of Organ Music (October and December), the International Show of Comics (Feb./March), the International Festival of Young Film-makers (April) and the Festival of Film Classics (January) are just some examples of this cultural activity that goes on throughout Granada the whole year round. Granada es una ciudad abierta, muy económica y segura. Gracias a la multitud de estudiantes que viven aquí la vida es muy divertida. Eva Ervas, Italia UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students 19 Acces to the UGR as an international student To come to the UGR as a student, you have the following possibilities: As an official student • For undergraduate studies: Contact the UGR Student Services: • For postgraduate studies (Master’s and Doctoral courses): Contact the International School for Postgraduate Studies: As an exchange student • LLP/Erasmus students: To carry out an Erasmus mobility at the UGR, you must ensure that there is a bilateral agreement signed between the Faculty/School of your home university and a Faculty/School at the UGR. Online applicaion period: • From 1st May to 15th June (for 1st semester or full academic year). • From 1st to 31st October (for 2nd semester). Instructions and online application: estudiantes_int 20 UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students • Students from outside the EU (non-Erasmus bilateral agreements): As a student from a non-EU or associated country, you can study at the UGR for a semester or a full year within the framework of a specific student exchange agreement signed between the home university and the UGR. Online application period: • From 1st March to 28th April (for 1st semester or full academic year). • From 1st to 31st October (for 2nd semester). Online application period: estudiantes_int As a free mobility student If there is no specific student exchange agreement between the home university and the UGR, you can still carry out a Free Mobility with us. This format implies having to pay the corresponding academic fees at the UGR (the same as those for official UGR students). Online application period: • From 18th April to 9th May (for 1st semester or full academic year). • From 15th October to 5th November (for 2nd semester). Instructions and online application: estudiantes_int La ciudad de Granada: cerca del mar, cerca de las montañas, ¿cerca del paraíso? Timo Eckhard, Alemania UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students 21 How do I get to Granada? By Air By train Granada International Airport “Federico García Lorca” The railway station is very close to the city centre: Avenida de Andaluces s/n, 18014 Granada is located 15 km. from the city, along the A-92 motorway, near the town of Chauchina. (+34) 958 245 000 / 223 y 902 400 500 puerto-Federico-Garcia-Lorca-Granada-Jaen/es/ Airlines (+34) 958 204 000 / (+34) 902 240 202 (national bookings) (+34) 934 901 122 (international bookings) [email protected] AIR EUROPA +34 902 401 501 AIR NOSTRUM +34 902 400 500 By coach HISPANIA AIRWAYS +34 958 109 990 IBERIA +34 902 400 500 The coach station is located at Carretera de Jaén s/n 18014 Granada. There are services to and from all the ORBEST +34 902 702 525 SERVISAIR +34 915 550 524 major Andalusian capitals, as well as with other Spanish cities, such as Madrid, Barcelona or Valencia. TRANSAVIA.COM +34 902 044 350 (+34) 958 185 480 VUELING AIRLINES +34 933 787 878 To reach Granada city from the airport, there is a shuttle service. An alternative to the bus shuttle is to take a taxi. ALSA is the main coach company operating in and out of Granada ( • • • By road Bus stop: outside the Arrivals zone Price: €3 More information: An alternative to the bus shuttle is to take a taxi. • Taxi rank: outside the Arrivals zone • Price: between 25€ and 30€ 22 UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students The A-92 links Granada to Sevilla in two and a half hours, and to Malaga in an hour and a half, making Granada an ideal starting point from which to visit Andalusia. Cost of living in Granada The city of Granada is considered one of the cheapest cities to live as a student both in Spain and Europe. Evidently, the cost of living will depend on each student’s lifestyle, but it will range from €550 to €650 a month. As a guide, here are some estimations of the cost of living for some basic necessities: • Living in a shared apartment (bills included) can range from €200 to €250 per person per month. • Eating a full meal at the university refectory costs €3,50 it you have it there and €4 if you use their take-away service. • A single-journey bus ticket costs €1,20 and €0,50 if you use the student bus-card. Elegí la UGR porque es una de las mejores universidades de Europa. Kethidi Pradeep Reddy, India UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Information for International Students 23 UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Vice-Rector’s Office for International Relations and Development Cooperation Complejo Administrativo Triunfo Cuesta del Hospicio s/n 18071 Granada (Spain) Ph.: (+34) 958 249 030 Fax: (+34) 958 243 009 [email protected] Opening a bank account in Spain Regardless of your nationality, you must document your situation, whether as a resident or as a non-resident, in order to open a bank account in Spain. If you have already formalized your residency and you have the card that proves it (NIE), all you have to do is present it at a bank when you open an account. If you do not have a residency card and you are an EU resident there are two options: 1. The first is to go to the Police Headquarters (Dirección General de la Policía) with your passport (original and photocopy) and ask for a "certificado de no residencia" (a certificate of non-residency). Ten days later (approximately) you will have to go back there to pick it up. With your passport and this certificate you can go to any bank to open an account. It will be operative from that very moment, and the money deposited in it will be immediately available. 2. The second option is to go to the bank with your passport and ask to open an account. In this case, it is the bank itself that requests the certificate of non-residency with a permission form that you can sign at the bank. If you open a bank account this way, it won’t be operative until the bank receives this document, and any money deposited will be blocked until that time. If you don’t have a residency card and are from of a non-EU country You can only open an account by presenting a passport. However, it is possible that if in less than two months you have still not obtained your residency card the bank may block your funds. It is therefore very important that you apply to open a bank account only after turning in the paperwork required for the NIE. There is no minimum deposit required to open bank accounts in euros, for other currencies there are minimums depending on which one it is. We recommend before choosing a bank that you visit the ones on the university campus. In some cases, they will allow you to open an account without asking for any documentation as long as you present your student identification. Finally, we remind you that banks usually charge for certain transactions, such the opening and maintaining of an account. It therefore makes sense to compare the different banks before choosing. Cancelling your bank account Once your time in Spain has ended, you should close your bank account. If you don’t annul the contract binding you to your bank and choose to simply leave your bank account at zero, account fees quickly put your balance into the negative. When this occurs, it will be impossible to close the account until the balance is positive again after paying the bank any fees and penalties it deems appropriate. If the account you want to cancel is associated with more than one name, the application to cancel the account should be signed by all of them. Cancelling the account obliges the bank to give the account holder/s back the balance left in the account. It also requires that the account holder/s return effects associated with the account, such as bank cards, bank books, checks, etc. It is considered bad practice to reopen an account that has already been cancelled, so if further charges are made to the account using means of payment associated with the account, the bank should reclaim the ensuing debt but may not “reactivate” the cancelled account in order to cover the movements in question.