El tercer sector en España - Observatori del Tercer Sector


El tercer sector en España - Observatori del Tercer Sector
El tercer sector en España:
Una mirada desde la investigación
Gregorio Rodríguez Cabrero
Pau Vidal
Barcelona, 9 julio 2008
Methodology of workshop
A) General overview of Spanish Third Sector (STS)
1. Economic and Political context and recent developments in STS
2. Mapping organizational development: growth, diversity and functions
B) Analysis of four crucial problems in the development of STS
1. Where do we come from. Historical roots.
2. How the STS is structured. The functional and territorial levels.
3. How the STS is financed and managed
4. Institutional relations between TS, Governments and markets
Pau Vidal
Observatory for Third Sector, Barcelona
Gregorio Rodríguez Cabrero
University of Alcalá, Department of Economic Analysis, Madrid
The road to become a relevant policy actor
No single variable can explain the transfromation of Spain’s Third
Sector in the last 30 years.
Spain has had dramatic social change in this period, and the Third
Sector also changes to become a relevant policy actor.
2 key factors:
-40 years of dictatorship
-Influence of the European Community
The Third Sector research in Spain
Review of main third sector research studies in the last 25
-First studies around beginning ‘90s
-Some national Third Sector studies in the 90’s
-Specialization of the studies (by field of activity and regional views)
during the 2000’s
-Nowadays, there are some specialized research centers, some
departments in several universities and a specialized journal
Historical and institutional starting point
The spanish third sector development: from a scarce civil
society to a new third sector
A) Factors conditioning the development of Spanish civil society and TS in particular
- Internal factors
1. Deep tradition of scarce civil society until 1978 typical of a country of late process of
economic and political modernization and lacking democratic civic culture.
2. The expanding of a mid-size Welfare State shapes the material and institutional base of
the rebuilding of TS as autonomous space and also as enlarged arm of Public
- External factors
1. The entrance of Spain in EU in 1986 implies the Europeization of social policies and also
the growth and modernization of NGOs. Participation in European projects is one the best
ways of learning for NGOs on how to manage its targets in a global world.
2. The restructuring and contention of Welfare State in European welfare regimes, new
social problems (social exclusion, vulnerability, immigration, ageing) and demands of new
ways of social participation allows the growth of social organizations and social economy in
Institutional developments from 1980 to 2008, new functions
and management
A) Institutional development:
1. Institutional reinforcement: recognition of TS on the part of public powers;
recognition as interlocutor in the process of developing public policies:
national system of social protection of dependending citizens or national
plans against social exclusion.
2. Participation in public councils as “public voice” and central, regional and
local level: State Council for NGOs.
3. Public visibility by Spanish society as solidarity organizations and means of
civic participation.
B) Economic and organizational growth:
1. More than half of the social organizations have been created after 1990
2. Greater focus on the providing of public services
3. The creation of platforms, networks, federations and confederations
4. Modernization of management and new and complex roles.
Ambivalences in third sector developments (I)
A) Tension between Organizational growth and institutionalization:
- Social recognition
- Fostering of volunteer work
- Defense of social rights
- Boosting participative democracy
Corporate growth:
- Search for re sources
- Organizational management
- Professionalization
- Setting up of networks and platforms
This tension has increased in a context of development where:
1. Social organizations form an active and central part in the process of
building the Spanish welfare state and the re-building of Spanish civil society
2. The TS competes selectively with profit sector directly (providing services)
and indirectly (marketing of causes, sponsorships,)
3. Growing competition among NGO at the same time that cooperation
Ambivalences in third sector developments (II)
B) Ambivalences in the NGO government system because of:
1. Increase in social actors and different interests: managers, users,
volunteers, private financing
2. Different demands: managerial government versus democratic
government; economic autonomy versus economic cooperation
motivation; global strategies versus local interests.
3. Different models of governance as a mix of board government,
volunteers participation and
interests of managers. A corporate
Overview of Third Sector in Spain
Dimension of the sector has big changes according to
different studies and according to the used definition and
limits of the Third Sector:
-Main fields: Social organizations, cultural and educational, sports
and international affairs (development,…)
-Around 100,000 organizations (associations and foundations).
-More than 400,000 paid workers and more than 1,000,000
-Public incomes represents nearly 50% of the budget: higher in the
social organizations and less in the other fields.
Third Sector terminology in Spain
Lack of unanimity in terms of concepts, but reviewing the main studies:
-NGO is the generic name for organizations that work with volunteers. Originally only
was used in International organizations (development, humanitarian aid…) but it is
extended to the domestic scene. Also is common non-profit organization, voluntary
organization or more recent civil society organizations
-Third Sector Organizations also represents the same concept, but originally was
referred mainly to the social action third sector. It has become a general concept for
non-profit sector.
Social Economy is mainly used to refer to economic activity that shares the values of
democratic organization, horizontal organization and profit sharing, regardless the
social form. The most important organizations are cooperatives. Some researchers
also differentiate between Market social economy and non-market social economy.
Infrastructure of Third Sector in Spain: National level
Creation of several umbrella organizations in main fields: Social,
Development, Young and Volunteer.
-Plataforma ONG’s Acción Social
-Coordinadora ONGD de España
-Consejo de la Juventud de España
-Plataforma de Voluntariado Social de España
But there is not an umbrella organization for all Third Sector
organizations in Spain: No umbrella organization represents the
general point of view of the Third Sector issues.
Infrastructure of Third Sector in Spain: Regional level
Also, there are several second and third level umbrella organizations'
by regions, similar to the national way. But this process is still not
This means:
-the need of coordination at the regional level to ensure a national
point of view
-national organizations participate in different umbrella organizations
at national and regional level
-The majority of nonprofit organizations in Spain participate in one or
more umbrella organizations.
Organization and funding
-Boards and governance bodies: 8-9 members and near 20% have 1 or more
members in paid staff.
-Only 50% of organizations have formal long-plan terms
-Almost 50% of organizations have no paid staff and 15% doesn’t have volunteers
-Women represent more than 70% of total members (salary staff and volunteers)
-Majority are small organizations: more than 50% have budget less than € 100,000
and less than 10% have budget over € 1,000,000
-There is an evidence of dependence of public funding in a big part of organizations.
-47% of organizations do not charge for the provision of services
Relationship with other social actors
With the public sector:
-Third sector provides a wide range of services to the public administration, especially
social services.
-Many entities (more than 70%) receive some kind of subsidies
-There is dependence of public funding in a big part of organizations. Funding focuses
often the relation, without establishing links covering strategic considerations.
-At the same time, advocacy is growing fast
With the business sector:
-Recent and no-strategic relationships
-Growing because of CSR
Risks and potentialities of relationship with public sector
-To be more and more dependent on the public sector. Small
organizations or not service-oriented organizations find it difficult to
-A sector with enough political weight to orient certain social policies,
and with organizations of various sizes that are not limited to
provide various services.
Main challenges for
Third Sector in Spain
1 – Autonomy versus dependent collaboration with the state
STS needs to continue reinforcing its financial STS needs public financing in order to develop
social projects
STS needs to reinforce its own institucional STS can not be developed without collaboration
Public agreements and partnership with other social and
Administration and profit sector organizations
institutional spheres
STS needs to reinforce its organizational image in STS develops more and more its image in
Spanish society
connection with profit sector organizations
2 – Local versus global
Value of proximity
Value of procedures and dimension
Structure in networks: The collaboration issue
Structure in big organizations: Internal growth
Essence of Third Sector: civil society participation
Social service and global social needs
3 – Production of services versus movilization and defense of
Services production is one of the main TS Advocacy, defence of social rights and citizen
financial resources
participation is what differentiates NGOS
Production of services is a crucial way of Social groups at risk defence is a main source of
social social innovation and creativity in social policies
giving The social rights defence of vulnerable groups is
answers to social needs of excluded groups not previous to the production of services for this
satisfied by State and market
4 – The need of a new model of labour relationships
The power of commitments: high motivation and low salaries
Differences for the business or public model
Limited resources in the organizations for the mission: Volunteers and
5 – Participative democracy versus corporate management
To participate in the government of NGOs is an identity An efficieny management is necessary to garantee the
signal of TS
viability of TS organizations
NGO are one of the main sources of development for civil Training allows NGOs to improve permanently
Voluntary work is a way of democratic learning as well as of Volunteers must be subordinated to corporate targets and
citizens integration into solidarity experience
efficiency management
6 – To promote the third sector research
Attract more researchers and more research centers
More resources and promote the training and development of professional
Improve the usefulness of research (applied research)
El tercer sector en España:
Una mirada desde la investigación
Gregorio Rodríguez Cabrero - Pau Vidal
Vicente Marbán
- Ana Villa
Barcelona, 9 julio 2008