fundamentals of specialized journalism
fundamentals of specialized journalism
COURSE NAME: FUNDAMENTALS OF SPECIALIZED JOURNALISM UFV CODE: 1138 ECTS: 6 TYPE OF COURSE: T, 1C INTERNATIONAL CODE: JOU1138 YEAR: 4 REQUIREMENTS: JOU1121 OBJECTIVES: To understand the fundamental role of specialized journalism in the information society. To learn and practice the genres journalism as a tool of specialized information COURSE DESCRIPTION: Specialized information and current society. The professional profile of the specialized journalist. Specialized genres: articles, reports, critiques and interviews BIBLIOGRAPHY: ESTEVE, F. y FERNÁNDEZ DEL MORAL, J.: Fundamentos de la Información Especializada. Síntesis. FERNÁNDEZ DEL MORAL, J.: Periodismo especializado. Ariel, Barcelona 2003 METHODOLOGY: Lectures with practice classes EVALUATION: Class attendance and participation. Research assignment and final exam PROFESSOR: Gabriel Sánchez Rodríguez LANGUAGE: Spanish