January 24, 2016 - St. Rose of Lima


January 24, 2016 - St. Rose of Lima
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time—January 26, 2014
615 Vine Avenue
Roseville, CA 95678
Phone: (916) 783-5211
Fax: (916) 783-5212
[email protected]
We, the family of St. Rose of Lima Catholic Parish, are called by virtue of our baptism and guided by the Holy Spirit to be disciples of Jesus. As disciples of Jesus, we are dedicated to foster the growth of God’s Kingdom on earth by praising God and living
the Gospel values of love, justice, forgiveness and service to all.
6:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
Wednesday 6:30 p.m. (Spanish)
8:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m. (Spanish)
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
12:30 p.m. (Spanish)
Fr. Joel Genabia
Fr. Orlando Gomez
Fr. Jhay Galeon
Fr. Michael Cormack
Fr. Michael McKeon
Deacon Pete Silott
Deacon Mark Van Hook
Contact the Parish office or visit www.strosechurch.org
Contact Deacon Mark Van Hook for preparation & scheduling
Make arrangements with the Celebrant of the Mass.
783-5211 x7012
783-5211 x7005
783-5211 x7016
783-5211 x7014
Saturday 3:00 p.m.—4:30 p.m. Saturday 6:30 a.m.-7:30 a.m.
Parochial Vicar
Parochial Vicar
Pastor Emeritus
Pastor Emeritus
Frida Callejas
Carmen Dizon
Deborah Fazzino
Dona Gentile
Cathie Newman
Coordinator of Spanish
Religious Education
Administrative Assistant//
Office Manager
Director of Religious
Edge Coordinator
Assistant to DRE
783-5211 x7011
783-5211 x7017
783-5211 x7008
783-5211 x7010
783-5211 x7010
Monday –Friday
Closed from 12-1PM
Johnatan Prado
Joy Robles
(916) 782-1161
633 Vine Ave. Roseville, CA 95678
Suzanne Smoley
Assistant Youth Minister 783-5211 x7004
Music Director/Liturgy
783-5211 x7006
School Principal
Contact Parish Office
783-5211 X7008
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 26, 2014
Wait for the Lord with courage; be stouthearted, and
wait for the Lord.
Psalm 27:14
God’s Word Today
“I belong to Christ.” This line, taken from today’s second
reading, sums up the message of today’s Liturgy of the word.
Each year, the first few weeks in Ordinary Time include passages about the call of the first disciples. It is startling how
immediately these disciples abandon everything to follow
Jesus, to “Belong to Christ.” And just what does “belonging
to Christ” bring about? The passage from Isaiah, quoted by
Matthew in today’s Gospel, says it all: “The people who sit
in darkness have seen a great light, on those dwelling in a
land overshadowed by death light has arisen.” As we listen
to the call of the first disciples, let us remember the call
made to us at the moment of our baptism, the call that
brought us out of the darkness of sin into the light of redemption in Christ Jesus.
Treasures from our Tradition
The prayers surrounding baptism often speak of
being “clothed in Christ,” and clothes are an important
consideration. In ancient times, adults were probably
baptized without any clothes at all, and old texts survive asking people to leave fancy garb and jewelry behind as they enter the font. Baptism was typically in a
private place, the community waited elsewhere, and
the casting off of clothing was hardly a public moment,
nor was it embarrassing in ancient cultures where privacy was largely unknown.
Nonetheless, what was left behind on one side of the
font was replaced on the other as a white robe was
wrapped around the newly baptized. It was a robe of
honor, a dazzling sign of a new beginning for a society
that valued clothing as a sign of personal identity. For
the newly baptized, a whole week in white garments
was the rule, through the second Sunday of Easter,
called “Sunday in Albis,” because of all the folks wearing their baptismal robes.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
New Parishioner/
Information Update
New Parishioner
Change of
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
Next Sunday, February 2, 2014, is the Feast
of the Presentation of the Lord or traditionally called the Candle Mass. There will be
blessing of candles on this day. All my bring
candles if you want them to be blest.
One Campaign Update
As of January 8, 2014, St. Rose Parish has pledges totaling
$794,617.20. We are now at 73% of our goal. To date, 328
parish families have made a pledge. It’s not too late for our
other parish members to join in and make their pledge! Pick up
a Capital Campaign envelope at church or in the parish office,
make your pledge, and drop it in the mail this week! We need
every parish family’s help to reach our goal! Thank you! Those
paying on their pledges are requested to MAIL their payments
directly to the Diocese of Sacramento; 2110 Broadway; Sacramento, CA 95818.
It is a situa on that plays itself out in more and less significant ways:
Chris ans divided.
A CYO basketball game between two neighboring parishes. Parents of
the young players scream insults and threats at one another and assert their “superiority.”
A Protestant and a Catholic church sit on adjoining proper es. Each is
vigilant about having parking violators removed from its own
“private” parking lot.
An old pastor re res but con nues to reside at the parish. A
new pastor arrives and quickly finds his faith “community”
choosing sides against him. Saint Paul addresses similar disagreements in the early church at Corinth. He encourages the
church there to make up their differences and to be united
again in their belief and prac ce.
Today’s first reading from Isaiah speaks of a people weighed
down by the yoke of sin and darkness. Certainly the bickering
and differences among us can be classified
as such. The Gospel tells of the beginning ministry of Jesus. The
Light has come, encouraging us to “repent, for
Phone Number
Please cut this out and place it in the collection basket if you wish to register with our parish ,
St. Rose of Lima School
St. Rose School
Open House
January 26th, 2014
10:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
We welcome new student’s as we plan to enter
our 54th year at St. Rose School! Families are
invited to our Open House on Sunday, January
26th from 10:15 – 12:00 following the 9:00 a.m.
Mass as we kick off Catholic Schools
Week. The Open House features tours and
classroom visits with students, parents and
teachers. A student Art show, Book Fair and
Parent Guild hospitality will take place in the
parish hall. All are welcomed!
Children’s Liturgy
Dismissal for the Liturgy of the Word
9 am Mass - October Through May
Please, join us as we proclaim and explore the Sunday Lectionary Readings with our children. All children are welcome. Those under 5 years of age should be accompanied
by a parent or older sibling. All who participate in the dismissal for the Liturgy of the Word will return to the church
after the Homily.
Senior (Young at Heart) Fellowship
Our Seniors gather every Thursday (unless
otherwise published) in the Parish Hall for
Gospel, Good Eats, Gab, and Gusto! Each
week begins at 4:30 pm with Faith Sharing
followed by a Dinner[$7.00] at 6:00 PM. At
7:00 there is a program which varies every
week. Please check the dates to see what is
planned. You are welcome to join in at any
time during the evening. Please contact Dona
at 783-5211 x7010 and she will
set the table for you:
January 30th, - still thinking!
February 6th, - Crafts/Valentine Cards
February 20th—BINGO
February 27th—Fr. Michael O’Reilly
ACTS Retreats
Ladies, please save the date for Thursday, February 6th
- Sunday, February 9th, 2014 for your next retreat! Men,
please save the date Thursday, May 1st - Sunday, May 4th,
2014 for your next retreat! More exciting details below:
St. Rose Parish Women’s A.C.T.S. Retreat
Thursday, February 6 – Sunday, February 9, 2014
Applications are Available on a first-come-first served
basis to the first 34 women beginning
Saturday, January 11th at 8:45 – 10:30 am
(in the parish hall)
An A.C.T.S. retreat is designed to provide an opportunity for
retreatants to enter into a new and deeper relationship with
OUR LORD and fellow parishioners.
The St. Rose A.C.T.S. retreat will be held at the beautiful Applegate Retreat Center located just outside of Auburn. The cost of
the retreat is $250.00 per person, which includes a 3-night stay,
meals, and transportation to and from St. Rose.
A $125.00 non-refundable deposit is due with the A.C.T.S. application. Please don’t let financial difficulties discourage you
from attending. Financial assistance may be available. Any
woman, age 19 or older is welcome. Don’t miss out; space is
We hope you will prayerfully consider attending this life changing retreat. St. Rose A.C.T.S. parishioners will also be in the
front of the church after all the Masses to answer any questions
you may have about the ACTS movement within our parish.
God, Family, and Everything Else!
(916) 672-ACTS
email: [email protected]
St. Rose ACTS Women’s Retreat Return Mass
February 9th
ACTS stands for Adoration, Community, Theology
and Service. Thirty-six women will live their
ACTS retreat February 6-9, 2014. During the retreat the women will spend time focusing on the
important things in life: things that bring Peace,
Love and Joy. It is no secret that the door is opened
to a closer relationship with God when you have
your priorities: God, family, and everything else.
The Women’s ACTS retreat will end on February
9th at the 10:30 Mass here at St. Rose. Please join
us for the return Mass as the Women return with a
deeper love for our St. Rose community and each
other. St. Rose ACTS will be providing the music
for the return Mass.
Preparing for Mass by Praying at Home
The joy of being Catholic is in the Eucharist. The Most Holy Eucharist, also
called Holy Mass, is the wellspring of Catholic life and its summit. The Catholic is, at
every moment, caught up in one of three movements. Either one is on the way to church,
giving witness to the Kingdom by preparing for the Sacred Banquet; or one is in church,
participating fully, consciously, and actually in the Sacred Liturgy; or one is sent forth
out of church into the world to bear witness to “that which we have heard, which we have
seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon and touched with our hands, concerning
the word of life” (1 John 1:1). The Church lives from Eucharist to Eucharist, amazed by
the wonder of so great a gift, and awaiting her “blessed hope” (Titus 2:13), the return of
Christ in glory.
The Eucharistic life begins on the way to church. Go to church with a heart made
ready for the Mystery. Begin at home by reading the texts appointed for the day’s Mass:
first reading, responsorial psalm, second reading, and Gospel. The references for these
texts are readily available in your parish bulletin, on your church calendar, or in your
missal. Let the Word of God resonate in your heart; read the texts aloud, slowly, and
with attention. Repeat the phrases that strike you. Let the Word itself become your
prayer; send back to God the Word he has addressed to you. Then, for a few moments,
remain in silence. Adore the God who has spoken to you. Ask Him to give you hunger
for the “daily bread” (Luke 11:4) you will receive at Mass. Go to church with hunger and
desire; you will not be sent away empty (cf. Luke 1:53). Faithful to his
promise, God will fill you with good things (cf. Luke 1:53).
For your Yearly Donations to St. Rose of Lima
Please call the Parish Office with your name, address
and envelope number.
Consuming a traditional meal of corned beef, cabbage, carrots, and taters is most delicious but the
benefits that the true recipients of the meal received from it were more along the lines of the divine.
More than 300 ravenous people attended the 13th annual St. Patrick’s dinner celebration held at St.
Rose of Lima Catholic Church in Roseville. The scrumptious meal that was cooked by Lazarus
Project board members and volunteers and served by Americorps volunteers brought in $30,000.
The funds support operational costs for the Lazarus Project that provides housing and comprehensive support services for homeless men and women. After satisfying their appetites those attending
were treated to music from The Black Irish Band of Sonora and a performance by The Irish Dance
Academy of Roseville. All participated in a raffle that garnered some wonderful prizes. Sponsors of
the dinner included Eskaton, Morrison Management, 1st Bank, JMJ Seekers, St. Teresa of Avila,
St. Claire Catholic Church, attorneys Don Braner and Patrick Keegan, and Carlson Financial and Accounting Services. A former
homeless person who has reaped the benefits provided by the Lazarus Project spoke of a journey from a life of nothing to one of
fulfillment and happiness. David Loya who heads up this very meaningful project truly believes that a hand out is a temporary fix
to a problem that a hand up can solve.
This year tickets will be on sale beginning January 25th., after Mass outside the front of the Church. Tickets are $40pp and $35
for Seniors. Tickets may be obtained at the Parish Front Office Monday—Friday 9AM– Noon and 1-3 PM ONLY.
Please get your tickets early as they always “Sell Out”.
Parish Ministries
Bible Jam, an interactive study of the Word of
God meets every Monday evening at 7:30pm
in the Convent. There are no fees, textbooks
or homework assignments. BYOB (Bring Your Own Bible)!
For more information contact Chris Keller at 792-4656.
Prayer Line
If you have a prayer intention that you would like added to
the prayer line, you may call or email the Front Office and
the intention will be added:
Front office Phone: 916-783-5211
Front office email: [email protected]
Novena to Our Lady of
Perpetual Help
Every Wednesday
after the 8:00 AM Mass
Mary’s Hour
Every Thursday
After the 6:30 AM Mass
St. Rose of Lima Charismatic Prayer
Group Praise and Worship Meetings!
Meeting Day: Every Tuesday evening
St. Rose Parish: Room B-Room
Time: 7:30 pm.
We pray, sing praise, and worship.
All are welcomed!
For more information or questions, contact:
Sharon Bracco 916 782-4513
Associates of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate
The A.C.M.I. group will begin their new year meetings at the general Mass the last Saturday of the
month at 8 AM and afterwards for prayer and fellowship at the convent. Everyone is welcome!
Catholicism Series
Due to the outstanding response to the initial CATHOLICISM
series this last year, a follow-up 11 week 2014 series will be
provided for those who missed out. Please sign up early for
the 10 Lesson epic documentary series called CATHOLICISM
produced by Fr. Robert Barron which will run on Thursday
evenings from February 6, 2014 to May 1, 2014. We will
gather for an 11 week journey around the world and deep into
the Catholic faith in a 10 lesson series in preparation for the
Easter season. Applications will be taken after every Mass for
3 weeks starting January 19,2014. The DVD presentation will
immerse you in the art, architecture, literature, music and all
the riches of our Catholic Tradition for $25.00 per person.
Optional Catholic Study Bibles and Catechisms of the Catholic
Church will be for sale for a small cost. Classes will be held in
the convent room D-1 on Thursday evenings from 7 PM to 9
A.C.T.S—Sunday, February 23rd Join us for Koffee
A.C.T.S. will be hosting our next parish community
breakfast, with a new sweet twist to explore;
Koffee Bar and a Sweet Shoppe.
Our Koffee Bar will be returning with specialty coffees (Lattes and Mochas) and hot chocolate at the
bargain price of $2.00 each or black coffee for $1.00
each cup.
We will be selling homemade baked
goods as breakfast treats to sit and enjoy with your
“Cup of Joe” as you gather with fellow parishioners.
We will also have home baked goods like pies and
cakes to purchase so you can enjoy eating them at
home. The proceeds support our upcoming women’s
and men’s A.C.T.S. retreats.
Promoting respect for all human life through
prayer, education, advocacy, and compassionate
care for everyone.
Please join us:
Respect Life Meeting-2nd Wednesday every month @6pm in room D2.
Respect Life Mass-2nd Saturday every month @8am, " remember to wear
your blue Respect Life Tee shirts!"
Praying in front of Planned Parenthood on Sunrise Blvd (next to creek
bridge), in Roseville - every Thursday @9am "JOIN US, WON'T YOU!"
FEB 22 & 23
We will be having a Baby Shower for Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home,
FEB 22 & 23 and will be accepting new/used baby items and cash
donations. Diapers are always appreciated. If you can help with the shower
after a Mass, please contact Joan Donohue at 916-417-1071.
FEB 22
The diocesan's fourth annual respect life leadership retreat will be led by Fr.
Jeremy Leatherby on February 22 at Our Lady of the Assumption parish in
MARCH 23,2014
To help stop the anti-life push around the world, the late Archbishop
Fulton J. Sheen encouraged the spiritual adoption of an unborn child. This
is done by praying that the one particular but unknown child’s life be spared
abortion and be allowed to continue to live.
Is a ministry that holds retreats for healing after Abortion, their web site
is [email protected] . Our Respect Life Ministry is willing
to sponsor a parishioner or a parishioners family member who needs
assistance covering the expense. For more information contact Joan Donohue
at [email protected] or 916-417-1071
Respect Life is looking for on call volunteers-those that are too busy to
commit a lot of time but could be called on special occasions to help us after
a Mass with a fundraiser or other events. For more information or to sign up
contact Joan Donohue at [email protected] or 916-417-1071
News from Our Neighboring Parishes
Married Couples
Valentine's Day is quickly approaching....... Can't think of that perfect gift? How about a beautiful, romantic weekend away together?
Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next two
weekend dates are: Feb 14-16, 2014 in Sacramento, CA and Mar 79, 2014 in Modesto, CA . Early registration is highly recommended.
For more information visit our website at: http://
www.sacramentowwme.org or contact John & Angelica Angarita
at [email protected] or 866-825-2046.
Thinking about Separation or Divorce? Marriage in the dumps? –
Is your marriage or that of a relative or friend heading the wrong
way? Do want to turn your relationship around, but don't know
how? Then Retrouvaille is here to help you. Retrouvaille
(pronounced retro-vi with a long i) is designed to help troubled
marriages regain their health. It helps spouses uncover or reawaken the love, trust and commitment that originally brought
them together. The program is highly successful in saving hurting
marriages, even bringing reconciliation to couples who have already separated or divorced. For confidential information about or
to register for the February Retrouvaille program (7th - 9th), call 1800-470-2230,
or visit the web site at http://
www.helpourmarrige.com for a description of the program and
location details.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
2:00-5:00 PM
Flower Farm
Auburn Folsom Road
Tickets: $30 each or two for $55
Great BBQ, Wine, Beer, Music and dancing
with the Stardust Cowboys
Every ticket is entered into a raffle to win 50lbs
of USDA Beef!
http://wwjdinc.org/rsvp/ or call 916-947-7797
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
At the request of our Bishops, we are trying to make more couples aware of Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends. Within this letter, we have included an announcement for the bulletin prior to our March 7 - 9 Weekend in Modesto, in hopes of
getting the word out to married couples about the wonderful
benefits WWME has to offer. We understand that space in
your Bulletin can sometimes be limited, so even if the more
informational announcement won’t fit, please consider a condensed version such as...
Worldwide Marriage Encounter - An amazing weekend
away with your spouse. To register, please visit: http://
www.sacramentowwme.org to register. Or for more information, contact John & Angelica Angarita at: 866-8252046, or at: [email protected].
World Marriage Day—Renewal of Vows
On Saturday, February 15, 2014 Bishop Jaime Soto will
preside at a special 11:00 am Mass at the Cathedral of the
Blessed Sacrament in which married couples may renew
their wedding vows. An informal reception for couples
and their families will follow. Special certificates will be
given to couples celebrating milestone anniversaries (10,
25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 50+). If you are interested in attending this free event, please register (names and anniversary
year) at www.SacWMD.com. For more information call
the Dept. of Evangelization & Catechesis at (916) 7330123
Join Father Michael McKeon on a Pilgrimage!
“Journeys of St. Paul in Turkey and Greece. September 825, 2014. All Inclusive price of $5098 from San Francisco.
Includes basic tour and guided sightseeing. Shore excursions on the cruise. Please contact the office for more information. (916-783-5211)
615 Vine Avenue
Roseville, CA 95678
Teléfono: (916) 783-5211
Fax: (916) 783-5212
[email protected]
Nosotros la familia de la iglesia de St. Rosa de Lima somos llamados por virtud de nuestro Bautismo y guiados por El Espíritu Santo
para ser discípulos de Jesús; como discípulos de Jesús nos dedicamos a fomentar el crecimiento del Reino de Dios en la tierra, orando a Dios y viviendo el Evangelio, con Espíritu de Amor, Justicia, Perdón y servicio a los demás.
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
12:30 p.m.
Frida Callejas
783-5211 x7011
Miércoles 5:00 p.m.—6:00 p.m.
1:00 -4:00
Para mas información llamar
la oficina parroquial
Anuncio Importante
Nuestros vecinos han notificado que un
número de vehículos están siendo estacionados en las vías de acceso en Vine Avenue.
Algunos coches están bloqueando los caminos y nuestros vecinos informan de basura de
todo tipo que han lanzado en sus patios e incluso sobre las cercas. Les pedimos que utilizen el estacionamiento hasta que no hay
más espacios. Compruebe si hay aun estacionamiento en la parte de atras antes de
estacionar en la calle. Si va a necesitar estacionar en la calle, POR FAVOR tenga la
precausion de hacerlo donde esta permitido!
Ya que si esto continúa, la policía será notificada, los coches serán etiquetados y remolcados. Estamos haciendo nuestro mejor esfuerzo para ser "buenos vecinos" y estamos
pidiendo su ayuda. Gracias por su amable
Sábado 6:30 a.m.-7:30 a.m.
Hacer arreglos con el Padre.
Hacer arreglos 6 meses
por adelantado (916) 783-5211
Hermanos, Los Talleres de Oración y Vida están listos para
comenzar este semestre. Para el beneficio de todos los hermanos estaremos ofreciendo el taller en dos horarios distintos. El primer taller comenzará el jueves 30 de enero a las 9 de
la mañana en la casita que está al lado de las oficinas de la parroquia. El segundo taller comienza el 3 de febrero a las 7 de la
noche en el salon cafeteria donde se ha reunido durante los
últimos años. El Taller los ayudará a profundizar en su comunicación con Dios y alcanzar la paz que añoran sus corazones. ¡¡Los esperamos a todos!! Si tienen preguntas por favor
comuníquense con Margarita al 916-730-1498.
Grupo de Oracion Parroquial
Oración, alabanza y palabra de Dios. Eran activos en la
enseñanza de los apóstoles, en la convivencia fraterna y en la
fracción del pan y las oraciones—Hechos 2:42
Todos los martes de 7:00 a 9:00pm. Para más información
llamar a Verónica Castro 916-667-4644
El grupo Renacimiento de Jóvenes invita a todos los jóvenes a
que vengan los viernes de 7:00 a 9:00pm. No se pierdan de una
tarde maravillosa con nuestro Padre Dios y de momentos
especiales de convivencia.
Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
26 de enero de 2014
Armate de valor y Fortaleza y en el Señor confia.
-Salmo 27 (26):14
2da parte
Viva con las 4 “E”: Energía, Entusiasmo, Empatía y sobre todo la dulce compañía del Espíritu Santo.
Recuerde que no hay sustituto para el trabajo duro. Esfuérzate, manos a la obra. Actúa como si todo
dependiera de tí y confía como si todo dependiera de Dios.
Enfóquese. Cada día pregúntese: “¿Cuáles son las tres cosas más importantes que tengo que hacer el
día de hoy que me ayudarán a conseguir el triunfo?”
En lugar de quejas busque posibles soluciones. Es la clave para la innovación.
Lea más libros de lo que usted leyó el año pasado. Asista a seminarios de superación personal, ministerial, laboral, matrimonial, financiera.
Aprenda de los errores y fracasos; deje que ellos te enseñen a hacer cambios positivos.
Cada día hay que centrarse en lo que se debe hacer, no en lo que tiene que hacerse. La vida es un regalo, no una obligación.
Cada noche antes de ir a la cama se agradecido con Dios y completa las siguientes declaraciones: Estoy
agradecido a Dios por __________. Hoy dormiré confiado en____________.
Sonreír y hacer bromas para reír más; abrazar y decir te quiero, son antidepresivos naturales.
Disfrute sanamente la vida. Sólo tiene un viaje por la vida así que disfrútalo. Y acuérdate de dejar en
la mente de los demás, especialmente de tus seres queridos, hermosos
Amigo, la vida es corta, aprovecha el tiempo que te queda para vivirla al máximo; sobre todo agradando a Dios y a los seres que te aman. Dios te diseñó y
formó para que vivas y hagas grandes cosas. “Porque somos hechura de Dios,
creados en Cristo Jesús para buenas obras, las cuales Dios dispuso de antemano
a fin de que las pongamos en práctica.” Efesios 2:10
La esencia de la vida es ir hacia adelante. No esperes a que las cosas cambien, depende de tí hacer del día
de hoy un día extraordinario.
Para Reír
• Doctor, ¿qué tal estuvo el parto de mi mujer?
• Todo estuvo bien; aunque a su hijo hemos tenido que ponerle oxigeno.
• ?Oxigeno?. Que mala suerte la mia. Yo siempre tuve la ilusión que se llamaría Guliambaro Filamberto
como yo
• Curso pre-matrimonial: El cur so es de 7 semanas de for mación y evangelización y una r eunión
final. Las clases de formación informativa general para todos los interesados el dia Miércoles 5 de Febrero; comenzaremos con la misa a las 6:30 p.m.
+ = Deceased
8:00 a.m.
Purificacion Rivera +
5:00 p.m.
Mass of the Day
7:00 p.m.
Misa por el pueblo
Febia Arias
Larry Ehrhardt
Maillet Family
Martin Zolan +
9:00 a.m.
Carmen DeBarras +
• People of the Parish
Eileen Riordan
10:30 a.m.
Grandson (Thanks)
Michael Fahey +
12:30 p.m.
Misa en espanol
5:00 p.m.
Donald H. Carothers +
Lionel Maillet
Linda Friery
Sheila Hancock (B-Day)
TUESDAY, Jan. 28
6:30 a.m.
For the homeless
8:00 a.m
Special Requests of our
6:30 a.m.
For those who are starving
8:00 a.m
+ Helen O’Connor
6:30 p.m.
Misa por el pueblo
2 Sm 6L12b-15, 17019; Ps 24;7-10; Mk 3:31
2 Sm 7L18-19, 24-29; Ps 132:1-5, 11-14;
Mk 4L21-25
2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17; Ps 51:3-7, 1011; Mk 4:26-34
2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Ps 51:12-17; Mk 4:35
Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk
2:22-40 (22-32)
Today’s Readings
MONDAY, Jan. 27
8:00 a.m.
Wednesday 2 Sm 7:4-17; Ps 89:4-5, 27-30; Mk 4:1-20
7:30 a.m.
Special Needs of our Parish
2 Sm 5:1-7, 10; Ps 89:20-22, 25-26; Mk
Requested by:
SUNDAY, Jan. 26
6:30 a.m.
First Reading — God has restored the land, and brought
great joy to the people. (Isaiah 8:23 — 9:3).
Psalm — The Lord is my light and my salva on
(Psalm 27).
Second Reading — Paul exhorts the believers at
Corinth: As there is one Christ, so too must there be no
divisions among you. (1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17).
Gospel — A er calling his first disciples, Jesus goes
throughout Galilee (Ma hew 4:12-23 [12-17]).
Saints and Special Observances
6:30 a.m.
Michael Hunt +
8:00 a.m.
Asuncion Cavanna
Antonia Parlilo +
Sunday: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time;
Catholic Schools Week
Monday: St. Angela Merici
Tuesday: St. Thomas Aquinas
Friday: St. John Bosco; Chinese New Year 4712
FRIDAY, Jan. 31
6:30 a.m.
For those suffering illness
8:00 a.m.
Sidney Chu +
Offertory Weekly
SATURDAY, February 1
8:00 a.m.
Knights of Columbus
Virgil Kraft +
5:00 p.m.
Mary Lou & Ralph Vatalaro—50th Wedding
7:00 p.m.
Misa por el pueblo
January 19, 2014
Maintenance Collection
Ministries & Organizations of St. Rose Parish
Social Outreach
Advisory Council & Committee
Parish Finance Council
Jay Conner
Parish Pastoral Council
Cyndie Whitefoot
Oversight Committee
Gary Magonigal
Faith Formation & Education
Bible Jam
Chris Keller
Religious Ed/Faith Formation
St. Rose School
Cathie Newman
Mariel Nodado
Dona Gentile
Dona Gentile
Suzanne Smoley
783-5211 x7004
St. Rose Adult Bible Study
Vacation Bible Camp
Baptismal Preparation
Catholics Come Home
Karen Grehm
Dona Gentile
Parish Office
Edie Sickman
Spirituality & Prayer
Gary Magonigal
Kim Lucero
Beginning Experience
Marie Alfuso
Associates of Carmelites of
Ken and Carmen
Mary Immaculate
Charismatic Prayer & Praise
Sharon Bracco
Couples for Christ FFL
Handmaids for Family & Life Connie Munoa
Prayer Line
Virginia DeBenardi
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Precious Blood
Natercia Varley
St. Jude
Shirley Kelly
St. Mary Prayer Group
783-5211 x7010
783-5211 x7010
783-5211 x7010
783-5211 x7013
Maria Kader
Parish Ministries & Organizations
Lois Carreon
Rosalie Guillen
Hospitality Sunday
Judy Battaglia
Senior Fellowship Ministry
Dona Gentile
New Evangelization Ministry
783-5211 x7004
Mary Christine Amurao
783-5211 x7010
Affiliated Organizations
The Gathering Inn
Roger Bailey
Lazarus Project
David Loya
St. Vincent de Paul
Tom Stanko
What Would Jesus Do
Rich Fogarty
Italian Catholic Federation
Robert Del Pippo
Knights of Columbus
Gary Brys
Cursillo Movement
Hazel Miller
Affiliated Marriage Ministries
Engaged Encounter
Bob & Trish Vlasak
Marriage Encounter Weekend Juan & Susan Munoz
Marriage Enrichment
Ralph/Licia Barsotti
Fred & Barbara Valles
(707) 616-2252
(800) 283-5952
Front Door Ministry
Diane Russell
Health Ministry
Bobbie Mazas
Homeless lunches
Dona Gentile
Ministry to the Sick
Prison Ministry
Barbara Turner
Tom Jennings
Joann Donohue
Respect Life
Robin Van Hook
Social Justice
Jan Spangler
Ministries in Spanish - Comité Pastoral
(760) 449-8860
Coordinador General
José Plata
Sixto Salinas
Secretario del comité Pastoral
Verónica Castro
Grupo de Oración
Soldados de Cristo
Martín Vargas
Tony y Verónica Ortiz 749-9897
Matrimonios para Cristo
Johnathan Prado
Grupo Juvenil
Rosario de Amor Guadalupano
Rocío Vargas
Alma Fragoso
Grupo de Adolecentes
Nivia Talavera
Solidaridad Social
Chonita Plascencia 847-8814
Joanna e Israel Jaimes
Pre-Cana curso pre-matrimonial Rafa y Mayra Plascencia
Pre-Bautismal Y Bautismos
Juan Carlos Amezquita
Carol Irizarry
Coro de Niños
Coro de Adultos
Jorge Rivera
Edgardo Maldonado 673-8710
Coro – Grupo de Oración
Venancio De Los Santos 201-7083
Gente Puente
Margarita Toledo
Talleres de Oración y Vida
783-5211 x7011
Frida Callejas
Coordinadora de Catequesis
Ministries in Spanish - Comité de Liturgia
Rocío y Martín Vargas 969-3299
Coordinador General
Olimpia Prado
Secretaria y Lectores
Rocío y Martín Vargas 969-3299
Ministros Extraordinarios
Martha y Juan
Carlos Valdez
María y José Medina 969-4964
Guillermo Contreras 676-5617
Bienvenida y Bienestar
Ramiro Sierra
Ramón Tellez
Martín Vargas y
Orden y decoro del templo
Soldados de Cristo
Liturgy & Worship
Cyndie Whitefoot 632-9843
Altar Servers
Sylvia Fauria
Altar Society
Mary Epling
Arts & Environment
Marlene Mesich
Children's Sunday Mass
Dona Gentile
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Barbara Turner
Filipino Choir
Jose Namoc
Roger Anderson
Lifeteen Music Ministry
Shawn Amato
Deacon Mark Van Hook 783-5211 x7014
Liturgy Committee
783-5211 x7006
Music Ministry
Joy Robles
Ed Silva