Accumulated biomass and nutritional quality indicators in chaco
Accumulated biomass and nutritional quality indicators in chaco
4 ARTICLES RIA / Vol. 38 / N.º3 Accumulated biomass and nutritional quality indicators in chaco bromegrass (Bromus auleticus Trinius ex Nees) BUSTAMANTE, E.G.R.¹; RUIZ, M.A.1,²; MORICI, E.1,³; BABINEC, F.J.2,3; PORDOMINGO, A.B.1,2 ABSTRACT Bromus auleticus (chaqueña bromegrass) may be considered as one of the most valuable forage species for the Southern Cone. This species shows variation among populations, determined in diverse vegetative characters, which could result in differences in production and forage quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate two origins of Bromus auleticus (Argentina and Uruguay) for characters of biomass accumulated and quality in two periods of the year (Summer-Autumn and Autumn-Spring). Five Uruguayan (U) and Argentine (A) clones were compared, randomly arranged in rows spaced one meter from each other, with 10 plants each one. Biomass accumulated per plant (B) and biomass quality were determined in two times of the year measuring neutral detergent fiber (NDF), crude protein (CP) and dry mater digestibility (DMD). In general, quality of biomass was poor due to time cuttings, limiting the scope of the results. However, differences between the clones in this stage of development could be indicating the presence of variation among genotypes of “chaqueña” prairie grass U and A in biomass and nutritional quality. Significant effect of origin for B was not observed. In all biomass quality variables evaluated in Summer-Autumn, significant differences between origins were found. In Autumn-Spring, differences between origins were significant in DMD. U clones showed more CP, less NDF and higher DMD. Within each origin, A showed less differences than U both in B and quality. Concerning A or U clones, no coincidence between high biomass and high quality was found. Keywords: winter grasses, biomass accumulated, fiber, crude protein. INTRODUCTION Chaqueña bromegrass (Bromus auleticus Trin. Ex Nees) is considered one of the most valuable forages in the Southern Cone (Traverso, 2001; Millot, 2001), and thus its incorporation to pastures is recommended due to its significant growth during Autumn-Winter and its high persistence (Olmos, 1993, Costa et al., 1995; Saenz et al., 1995; Mombelli and Spada, 1996; Romero and Ruiz 1997, Ruiz et al., 2004). In Argentina its distribution extends over a vast meadow area that comprises the provinces of La Pampa, Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Santa Fe, Entre Rios and Corrientes. Chaqueña bromegrass also grows in Uruguay and the Brazilian states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina (Steibel et al., 1997, Gutierrez and Pensiero, 1998; Millot, 2001). The acceptability and preference by livestock is evidenced by its decline in natural community due to the intensive and continuous grazing (Ragonese, 1985). Chaqueña bromegrass forage has been defined from “good” to “excellent” (Berreta et al., 1990; Olmos, 1993, Gasser et al., 1996). In the livestock-farming area (Argentina, coastline area of Uruguay and southern Brazil) it has almost disappeared as a result of continuous tillage (Millot, 2001). Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Uruguay 151, (6300) Santa Rosa, La Pampa. ²INTA EEA Anguil “Ing. Agr. Guillermo Covas”, CC11, (6326) Anguil, La Pampa. ³Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Ruta 25, Santa Rosa, La Pampa 1 Received January 7th 2011 // Accepted May 18th 2012 // Published online June 13th 2012 Accumulated biomass and nutritional quality indicators in chaqueña bromegrass (Bromus auleticus Trinius ex Nees) December 2012, Argentina This species shows variation among populations for features such as seed production (Millot et al., 1990; Ruiz and Covas, 2007, Pinget et al., 2007), seedling vigour (Ré et al., 2006), and different vegetative characteristics including pilosity, length and width of leaves and growth habits (Millot et al., 1990). In the accessions of the Germplasm Bank at EEA INTA Anguil differences were observed in the width and color of the leaves (Traverso, 2001). These characters may result in forage production and quality differences (Methol and Freire, 1990), which has also been suggested by De Battista and Costa (1998). The aim of this work was to evaluate chaqueña bromegrass from two sources, Argentina (A) and Uruguay (U) for accumulated biomass and nutritional quality indicators in two periods of the year (Summer-Autumn and Autumn-Spring), to determine its possible use in future plans for forage improvement, in particular for its use as deferred forage in associated pastures and its reintroduction into natural fields. 5 Determinations: Accumulated material was determined in four plants per clone. Plants were hand-cut using a sickle at ground level. The cuts were performed twice after the made on two occasions after the trimming on December 28th, 2007: on April 11th (1631 ° Cd) and October 29th (1466 ° Cd). Thereafter, both “cut dates” will be referred as Summer-Fall and FallSpring. The collected material was dried in oven at 60° C for 48 hours and weighed to determine the accumulated biomass per plant (g DM/plant-1). An aliquot of the obtained dry material was grinded using a Wiley Mill (mesh: 1 mm) to perform nutritional quality analysis: Crude Protein (CP, Kjeldahl method, AOAC, 1990), NDF and ADF (Goering and Van Soest, 1970). DM digestibility (DMD) was calculated using the formula DMD = 88.9 x (0.779 x %ADF), (Moore and Undersander, 2002). Statistical analysis: MATERIALS AND METHODS We worked with five Uruguayan and five Argentine clones of chaqueña bromegrass, obtained from a collection of 200 clones previously characterized based on leaf traits. We chose those considered more representatives of each group: glaucous green leaves, 2-6 mm width in Argentine specimens, and dark green leaves, 6-10 mm, in the specimens from Uruguay (Traverso, 2001). Plants were obtained from regenerating patches at the INTA EEA Anguil Germplasm Bank. These plants were transplanted (2001) in unreplicated rows, spaced 1 m, randomly arranged. Each clone included ten plants spaced 0.50 m. Clones were trimmed on December 28th 2007. Average temperature during the first period of biomass accumulation was 20.6 ºC and 12.9 ºC during the second. Rainfall during the trial was 475 mm. Monthly rainfall is shown in Figure 1 along with historical averages. Although the annual total was similar to historical (2008= 623 mm; historical average= 664 mm) in 2008 rainfalls were more abundant during January and February and lower during March and April. Soil was Haplustol Entish type, 41.86 ppm of phosphorus and 0.12% nitrogen, a field capacity of 15.7% and permanent wilting point 11.6%. As clones were not replicated, we used a methodology derived from the one recommended for augmented design tests (Wolfinger et al., 1997). Results were analyzed using a mixed model with fixed effects of origin, Argentine (A) and Uruguayan (U), and random clones within each source, using the PROC MIXED of SAS (1997). We used the mean square of clones within provenance to prove the existence of differences between sources (Singer, 1998). Means were obtained from sources and compared by F test. Predictors were obtained for clones (BLUPs: Best Linear Unbiased Predictor) and confidence intervals (α = 0.10), which were used in the respective comparisons (Panter y Allen, 1995a, 1995b, Littell et al., 1996). RESULTS When cuts were performed senescent material was present next to the green material. No trace of inflorescences was observed in Autumn, while in Spring the plants were in early panicle (panicle not fully emerged). No significant differences were detected between accumulated biomass depending on the origin of the plant in any of the cuts. Argentine clones accumulated a similar amount of biomass during the Summer-Autumn cut. U102 was the Uruguayan clone that accumulated most biomass, unlike U191. No differences were observed in Argentine clones in the Autumns-Spring cut. Among the Uruguayan clones, U102 displayed higher biomass, differing from the rest (Table 1). The quality of accumulated biomass (Table 1) in the Summer-Autumn cut differed between origins in all variables. However, in the Autumn-Spring cut differences were only observed among origins in regards with DMD. Figure 1. Rainfall at Anguil (La Pampa) during 2008 and historical average 1921-2006. Differences among origins for crude protein were significant in Summer-Autumn, and we observed that Uruguayans clones displayed the higher protein content, whereas Argentine clones presented 1.37% less protein. Among origins, significant differences were observed in Autumn- BUSTAMANTE, E.G.R.¹; RUIZ, M.A.1,²; MORICI, E.1,³; BABINEC, F.J.2,3; PORDOMINGO, A.B.1,2 6 ARTICLES RIA / Vol. 38 / N.º3 Clon B (g/pl.) DM (%) NDF (%) DMD (%) CP (%) Summer-Fall Argentina Uruguay Fall-Spring Argentina Uruguay 167 71,48 69,56 78,03 47,68 6,28 176 77,55 74,35 78,45 47,70 5,07 184 71,81 68,03 76,58 48,87 6,19 192 82,79 70,19 76,45 49,49 6,06 196 90,85 70,71 78,55 48,02 5,61 102 126,43 61,39 74,45 52,41 6,93 128 94,67 61,74 75,56 51,98 7,03 130 94,83 61,04 74,19 53,07 7,46 189 89,29 66,64 77,01 50,92 6,66 191 71,30 66,13 73,42 52,28 8,02 11,12 167 22,15 41,96 75,40 54,96 176 17,28 43,67 75,04 53,49 8,94 184 21,84 45,38 74,97 56,40 10,38 192 26,02 44,59 78,01 57,42 11,00 196 17,38 42,51 76,44 56,45 10,61 102 67,13 42,38 72,96 57,90 10,19 128 44,23 42,16 73,71 59,00 11,23 130 38,18 43,48 73,47 56,60 9,52 189 24,22 43,92 77,08 58,06 11,86 191 21,44 42,79 75,19 60,14 12,07 Table 1. Predictors (BLUPs) for accumulated biomass (B), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and dry matter digestibility (DMD) in chaqueña bromegrass clones from two different origins. Spring. In Summer-Autumn, the highest percentage of protein among Argentine clones was presented by clone A167, which differed from A176. Among Uruguayan cloned, U191 presented the highest protein contents and differed from U167 (Table 1). In Autumn-Spring, the Argentine clones displaying the highest protein content were A167 and A192, and differed from A176. Among the Uruguayans, U189 and U191 displayed the highest values of CP, and differed from U130. We analyzed the ratio between biomass and CP, considering that the protein content of plant covers dilutes as accumulated biomass increases (Gastal and Lemaire, 2002), and to a greater degree if dead material or inflorescences are present. This dilution is due to the increase in the proportion of structural tissue in detriment of tissues containing the highest N proportion. Figure 2 shows the relationship between the biomass per plant and CP for the clones of the two origins, in both cuts. We observed that the ratio followed approximately the same trend, except during the Autumn-Spring period in Argentine clones, as a result of low accumulated biomass variability that induces an erratic relationship. The negative relationship between biomass and protein is significant only if both cuts are considered together. Analyzed Uruguayan genotypes presented higher %CP (and %N) that Argentine, compared to similar biomass. The difference seems to reduce at lower biomass values. However, this type of comparisons should be made comparing similar live accumulated biomass, and in this work, in both courts, the N content observed is typical of advanced development pastured, with low sheets proportion, where most of the plant N is located (Evans, 1983). Significant differences were detected in regards to NDF among origins in the Summer-Autumn cut, where Argentine clones presented higher NDF than Uruguayan clones. No differences among origins were detected in the AutumnSpring cut. Although Argentine cloned were similar in the Summer-Autumn cut, Uruguayan clone U191 presented lower NDF, as opposite to U189. No differences were observed among the Argentine clones in the Autumn-Spring cut, whereas among the Uruguayan clones U198 displayed the higher NDF and differed from 102, 128 and 130. Both in the Summer-Autumn cut, as in the Autumn-Spring cut, DMD was significantly higher in clones from Uruguay. In the first case, no differences were observed among Argentine clones, whereas among the Uruguayans U130 presented the higherst DMD, and differed from U189. In the second, Argentine clones with higher DMD were A184, A192 and A196, which differed from A176. Among the Uruguayans, U191 presented the higher DMD and differed from U130. Accumulated biomass and nutritional quality indicators in chaqueña bromegrass (Bromus auleticus Trinius ex Nees) December 2012, Argentina 7 Figure 2. Relationship between biomass and crude protein in Uruguayan and Argentine clones. DISCUSSION The temperate forages commonly used in the country have a foliar half-life of 500 to 600 °Cd (Agnusdei et al., 1998). This indicates that when the interval between harvests exceeds that period, the net accumulation will tend to reach a ceiling as a result of the death of older leaves. Considering that accumulation periodios during this experience lasted between 1631 and 1466 °Cd, accumulated biomass values should not be taken as accurate productivity estimators of materials. In this work we have observed differences in accumulated biomass in Uruguayans clones, not among Argentines. Variations in fiber content and digestibility between and within a cultivar have been reported in other species such as alfalfa, suggesting the possibility of improving species using such characters (Julier et al., 2000). For chaqueña bromegrass populations, both from Argentina and Uruguay, the existence of a significant variation in leaf traits has been indicated, including length, width of leaf, pilosity and plant size (Methol and Freire, 1990 ; Millot et al., 1990; Traverso, 2001). All these characters suggest the existence of differences between populations for biomass and nutritional quality. However, evaluations have been generally conducted out only in improved cultivars and/or populations (Olmos, 1993, Costa et al., 1995, Saenz et al., 1995; Mombelli and Spada, 1996; Romero and Ruiz 1997, Ruiz et al., 2004). Results show the negative impact of excessive biomass accumulation on the nutritional quality of the forage. For example, the highest NDF content was detected in Argentine clones, with a rank between 73 and almost 79%. These are very high levels, typically associated with forages in an advanced state of maturity, with high contents of senescent material and structural fractions. Similar considerations apply to DMD parameters (less than 58%) and CP (range 5-12%). This would explain the high proportion of NDF, low DMD and the low values of CP, which are associated to pastures with high content of senescent material. In adult leaves, after their growth period, an export of soluble compounds may have occured, which would increase of NDF (Avila et al., 2010), which may even have worsened by water deficit (Fulkerson et al., 2007). In fact, NDF values found in this work are higher than those reported for other winter grasses as Bromus inermis Leyss, and even higher than those reported for C4 species (Buxton and Redfeam, 1997). Protein values and DMD in both periods were also high when compared to other assessments in C3 grasses including Festuca arundinacea, Dactylis glomerata and Bromus wildenowii (Fulkerson et al., 2007). This may be attributed in Summer–Autumn to the long period of biomass accumulation and drought, whereas in Autumn-Spring, these factors add to reproductive development, since the forage was in early panicle. Different studies conducted in Argentina and Uruguay found a wide range of values of CP including levels ranging from below the requirements for a functioning rumen (8%) to high levels (21%), although always relate to a single cultivar or native population (Costa et al., 1995; De Battista and Costa, 1998, Romero and Ruiz, 1997; Olmos, 2003, Ruiz et al., 2004). One of the causes of the observed variability is that sometimes trials were fertilized. Although certain differenced in the anatomy and proportion of leaf tissue in chaqueña bromegrass genotypes have beenindicated, in those investigations CP was not analyzed (Methol and Freire, 1990; Millot et al., 1990; Gasser et al., 2005). As in Argentina, in Uruguay’s natural fields protein values range from 9% to 15% (Olmos, 1993), whereas in fertilized cultivated pasture, values range between 10% and 21% (Costa et al., 1995; Olmos, 1993). The % of CP in chaqueña bromegrass Pampera INTA in three regions of the BUSTAMANTE, E.G.R.¹; RUIZ, M.A.1,²; MORICI, E.1,³; BABINEC, F.J.2,3; PORDOMINGO, A.B.1,2 8 ARTICLES Pampean caldenal ranged from 7 to 11% CP (Ruiz et al., 2004). These latter values are closer to those found in the present study, where the soil was not fertilized nor received irrigation. The higher values in Uruguayan clones SummerAutumn can be possibly explained by the foliar morphology, wider and greener leaves. This should be confirmed in further investigations, where green biomass should be solely evaluated. Some authors suggested the possible existence of variation in digestibility and protein (Methol and Freire, 1990; De Battista and Costa, 1998) for Chaco bromegrass. In this work we found that Uruguayan genotypes had higher DMD that Argentines, which would be related to leaf morphology, as the Argentine clones presented narrower and pubescent leaves (Methol and Freire, 1990; Gasser et al., 2005). CONCLUSION Forage nutritional quality was very low in all cases, due to prolonged accumulation periods, with NDF values above 72%, DMD values lower than 58% DMS and CP 5-12%. Differences were detected between clones from Uruguay and Argentina that suggest the existence of genotypic variation in the evaluated chaqueña bromegrass materials. Uruguayan clones presented more PB, lower NDF, and increased DMS. Within each source, Argentine clones were more similar to each other than the Uruguayans. REFERENCES RIA / Vol. 38 / N.º3 GASSER., M.; TIVANO, J.C.; GALLARDO, M.; GAGGIOTI, M. 1996. Calidad de forraje de cebadilla chaqueña (Bromus auleticus Trin.) en estado vegetativo. RAPA 16: 264-265. GASSER, M.; RAMOS, J.; VEGETTI, A.C.; TIVANO, J.C. 2005. 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