Cherokee Heights Middle School
Cherokee Heights Middle School
Cherokee Heights Middle School J a nu a r y /F e b ru a r y 2 01 4 Cherokee’s Website Address: 4301 Cherokee Drive Madison, WI 53711 204-1240, Fax: 204-0378 Rick Rogness, Interim Principal Rick Reynolds, Assistant Principal Greetings Parents/Guardians: My name is Rick Rogness, and I am honored to have been appointed interim principal of Cherokee Middle School for the duration of the 2013-14 school year. I am a recently retired Madison School District employee, serving for the last 13 years as an assistant principal at the high school level. As you know, Principal David Watkins has left the District to accept another position. I have certainly been able to confirm during the short time that I have been at Cherokee that Mr. Watkins did an outstanding job, and that many great programs and services to support our students were put in place during his tenure. On behalf of the Cherokee staff, I would like to commend David Watkins and thank him for his service. He will be missed. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to work hand in hand with our excellent assistant principal, Rick Reynolds, and other dedicated staff as we strive to provide excellent leadership at Cherokee Middle School. As a collective staff, we will dedicate ourselves to work to support our students, and to implement our School Improvement Plan (SIP), which guides our work around improving student achievement. I look forward to meeting many of you during the upcoming weeks and months. Sincerely, Rick Rogness, Interim Principal Cherokee Middle School EARLY RELEASE DAYS Mondays, 1:37 pm February 3, 10 and 24 SCHOOLS CLOSED FOR PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES Friday, January 31 -1- SCHOOLS CLOSED FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY Friday, February 21 Student News Muchos saludos a los padres/tutores: Me llamo Rick Rogness, y tengo el gran honor de ser el director provisional de la escuela intermedia de Cherokee por el resto del año escolar 2013-14. Hace poco que me jubilé de ser empleado del Distrito escolar de Madison donde trabajé por 13 años como asistente director al nivel de secundaria. Como ustedes saben, el director Watkins ha dejado el distrito para aceptar otro puesto. En el corto tiempo que he estado en Cherokee he podido confirmar que el Sr. Watkins hizo un trabajo increíble e inició muchos programas y servicios excelentes para apoyar a nuestros alumnos. De parte del personal de Cherokee, quisiera felicitarlo a David Watkins y agradecerle por su servicio. Lo extrañaremos mucho. Soy muy afortunado de tener la oportunidad de trabajar en conjunción con el asistente director Rick Reynolds y otros empleados muy dedicados a proporcionar liderazgo excelente. Como personal de Cherokee nos dedicaremos a trabajar para apoyar a nuestros alumnos e implementar nuestro Plan de mejora escolar que nos guía. Estoy con muchas ansias de conocerlos a todos durante las semanas y meses que siguen. Atentamente, Rick Rogness Director provisional Escuela intermedia de Cherokee Let the Battle Begin! Our annual Cherokee Heights Battle of the Books will take place on Tuesday February 18 and Wednesday February 19. Our readers formed teams back in October. Now teams at each grade level will compete to see who will earn a trip to the district Battle of the Books Competition. This will take place on March 4th for 6th grade at O’Keefe Middle School, March 5th for7th grade at Toki Middle School, and March 6th for 8th grade at Hamilton Middle School. All district competitions will start at 2:00 PM. Participants will be bringing home more details soon. ¡Que comience la batalla! Nuestra batalla de los libros será el martes el 18 de febrero y el miércoles 19 de febrero. Nuestros lectores formaron equipos en octubre. Ahora equipos de cada grado concursarán a entrar a la Batalla de los libros al nivel del distrito. Esto será el 4 de marzo para el 6º grado en la escuela intermedia O’Keefe, el 5 de marzo para el 7º grado en la escuela intermedia Toki y el 6 de marzo para el grado 8º en la escuela intermedia de Hamilton. Todos los concursos empezarán a las 2:00 PM. Los participantes llevarán más información a casa pronto. -2- Student Recognition 30th Annual MLK Youth Recognition Breakfast The Martin Luther King Jr. Youth Recognition Breakfast was held January 19th at Edgewood High School. One of the highlights is the presentation of the 2014 Outstanding Young Person Awards. The awards are presented to students of color who exemplify a commitment to academics, extra-curricular involvement at their school and volunteerism in the community. Congratulations to Cherokee’s 2014 recipients: Jackson Wheeler, Malik Moss, Danielle Crim, Alana Caire, Janessa Bingham,Shamya Gilmore, Jasmine Adams-White 30º Desayuno de Reconocimiento Anual de Jóvenes MLK El Desayuno de Reconocimiento de Jóvenes de Martin Luther King Jr. Fre el 19 de enero en la Escuela de Edgewood High. Uno de los aspectos más destacados es la presentación de los Premios 2014 de los jóvenes sobresalientes. Los premios se otorgan a los estudiantes de color que ejemplifican un compromiso académico, participan en actividades extra curriculares en la escuela y hacen trabajo voluntario en la comunidad. 2014 Spelling Bee Winners We would like to commend all those who participated in the Cherokee All School Spelling Bee ! Congratulations to our 2014 Cherokee Heights winner, Molly Jetzer. She will represent Cherokee at the Madison AllCity Bee on Saturday, February 15, 2014 – 10 am at Mitby Theater, Madison Area Technical College Also, congratulations to our runner-up Andrew Glasgow, and our third place winners Maya Nitschke Alonso. Good Luck Molly ! Ganadores del concurso de ortografía 2014 ¡Queremos felicitar a todos los que participaron en el concurso de ortografía de Cherokee.! -3- Student Recognition Felicitaciones a nuestra ganadora del 2014 de Cherokee, Molly Jetzer. Ella estará representando a Cherokee en la competencia de toda la cuidad el sábado 15 de febrero del 2014 a las 10 am en el teatro Mitby en Madison Area Technical College. Tambien quiero felicitarlos a nuestros ganadores de segundo puesto, Andrew Glasgow y nuestra ganadora de tercer puesto, Maya Nitschke Alonso. ¡Buena suerte Molly! 2013 -2014 Geography Bee Classroom Geography Bees were held throughout the month of November. Cherokee’s qualifying students participated in the AllSchool Geography Bee held on December 4, 2013. Seventh grader, James Schaak, was declared the winner of the 2013 Geography Bee for the second year in a row. Last year , James took 10th place in the State Geography Bee. As first place winner, James completed a written test in hopes of qualifying again for the State Geography Bee to be held on April 4th , 2014. Sixth grader, Ian McPhee was a very competitive runner up. Our third place winner was eighth grader, Andrey Vorontsov . Congratulations to James, Ian and Andrey , as well as our other finalists: Calvin Armstrong, Kallie Buscemi, Natalia Peterson, Lucas Hammer, Noah Reesen, Freddy Vicunna-Moreno, Genevieve Anex, Katrina Marty, Reid Nachreiner, Erik Nuenninghoff, Jacob O’Brien, Rachel Valentine, Jo WIllis, Max Cohen, Henry Gottschalk, Sid Ram, Kira Schukar, Dennis Yan, and Gus Zeiss. Log on to to test your geography skills and answer questions just like the ones used in the bee. 2013 -2014 Competencia de geografía Durante todo el mes de noviembre los estudiantes participaron en competencias de geografía. Los estudiantes de Cherokee que calificaban participaron en la competencia de geografía de todas las escuelas el 4 de diciembre, 2013. El estudiante de 7º grado, James Schaak, fue declarado el ganador de esta competencia de geografía del 2013 por segunda vez. El año pasado James agarró el 10º puesto en la competencia de todo el estado. Como ganó la competencia local este año James dio un examen escrito para entrar de nuevo a la competencia de todo el estado que será el 4 de abril, 2014. El estudiante de 6º grado, Ian McPhee agarro el 2º puesto y el ganador de tercer puesto fue el estudiante de 8º grado, Andrey Vorontsov. Felicitaciones a James, Ian, Andrey y a todos nuestros finalistas: Calvin Armstrong, Kallie Buscemi, Natalia Peterson, Lucas Hammer, Noah Reesen, Freddy Vicunna-Moreno, Genevieve Anex, Katrina Marty, Reid Nachreiner, -4- Yearbook Erik Nuenninghoff, Jacob O’Brien, Rachel Valentine, Jo Willis, Max Cohen, Henry Gottschalk, Sid Ram, Kira Schukar, Dennis Yan, and Gus Zeiss. Ingrese a la pagina para probar su conocimiento y responder a preguntas que aparecen en las competencias. CHEROKEE YEARBOOK SALE Name_____________________ Grade__________ If you did not order or pay for a yearbook, there is still time. To reserve a yearbook return this slip to the office with payment of $15.00 by March 28, 2014. If you are unsure if you have already ordered a yearbook, contact the Main Office at: 204-1241, email: [email protected] ) VENTA DEL ANUARIO DE CHEROKEE! Nombre_____________________ Grado__________ Si no ha ordenado o pagado por el anuario (yearbook por su sigla en inglés), todavía hay tiempo. Para reservar su anuario devuelva esta hoja a la oficina con el pago de $15.00 para el 28 de marzo de 2014. Si no está seguro/a de haber ordenado un anuario póngase en contacto con la Sra. Contrucci al 204-1241, email: [email protected] ) -5- Health News From the Health Office If your child is not feeling well in the morning, take their temperature. Any child with a temperature of 100° or higher should stay home. Also, if your child has been coughing all night or has had diarrhea or vomiting during the night, PLEASE KEEP THEM HOME! Encourage lots of sleep and good hand washing! Be sure to call school if your child is home ill (204-1247 for English or 204-1242 for Spanish). Please, also remind your children to wear hats, mittens, long pants, boots and warm coats during this cold, winter weather. All children are expected to go outside for lunch recess. If you send snacks to school, do not put peanuts or other nut products in the food due to the number of students with nut allergies. If you plan on sending snacks to school, please talk this over with the teacher ahead of time so children with dietary needs can plan ahead. A list all ingredients is required on food brought into the classroom. February is dental health month. Encourage flossing and tooth brushing daily! Noticiero de febrero Si su hijo/a no se sienten bien en la mañana, tómenle la temperatura. Cualquier niño/a que tenga una temperatura de 100° F o más necesita quedarse en casa. Además, si su hijo/a a estado tosiendo toda la noche o tiene diarrea o vómito, ¡QUE SE QUEDEN EN CASA! ¡Asegúrense que duerman bien y que se laven las manos! También asegúrense llamar a la escuela si su hijo/a se va quedar en casa (204-1247 para inglés o 204-1242 para español). Por favor, asegúrense que sus hijos usen gorras, guantes, pantalones largos, botas y abrigos gruesos para este clima de invierno. Todos los niños tienen que salir afuera durante el recreo. Si va mandar comida a la escuela, que no contengan cacahuate o otras nueces porque hay muchos niños que tienen alergias. Si piensa mandar comida a la escuela, por favor consulte primero con la profesora con anticipación para que niños/as con dietas especiales puedan planear. Una lista de todos los ingredientes es necesario para toda la comida que se lleve a la escuela. El mes de febrero es el mes de la salud dental. Asegúrense que sus hijos se laven los dientes todos los días con cepillo e hilo dental. -6- Letter from President Obama 8th Grade Spanish Language Arts Students Urge President Obama to Lead on Immigration Reform th In the fall of 2012, the 7 grade Spanish Language Arts class at Cherokee Heights Middle School was engaged in persuasive writing and was also studying the electoral process and avidly following the presidential campaign. The campaign issue which inspired the greatest amount of passion in the students was immigration reform, given that many of them may be directly affected by the proposed Dream Act. Students watched and listened to convention speeches, analyzed the Electoral College (and the Latino vote) and viewed the inauguration ceremony. Kristen Scott, their teacher, suggested that the class write a formal, persuasive letter in Spanish (since that is the language of instruction of the class) to President Obama to express their position(s) and opinion(s) on the Dream Act and to persuade him of the need to take action. The letter was published by the Wisconsin State Journal. On the Friday before Christmas break, an envelope from the White House arrived addressed to the students and containing a beautiful, autographed photo, a letter responding to the students’ requests, an invitation to take a virtual tour of the White House and a photo of Bo, the dog. The letter said, “Each day, I hear from young people who are concerned about our Nation’s broken immigration system, and I appreciate that you took the time to share your thoughts with me…Your generation deserves better. Anyone who is willing to work hard and play by the rules deserves a fair chance to join the American family.” The students were thrilled to receive his response and said, “We were surprised to receive an envelope from the White House! We didn’t think that President Obama would actually respond to our letter! “ When asked how they felt when they saw the letter, photo and materials he’d included, they said, “PROUD.” The class responded to President Obama by email to thank him for his letter and to reiterate their support for the DREAM ACT. The students said, “We are studying very hard. We are the dreamers. The DREAM Act will have an important impact on our lives, so we ask that you please do everything you can to move ahead with immigration reform.” Everyone has a voice in our political system, and it was empowering for the students to use their voices and to be heard. -7- Letter from President Obama El grado 8 de Artes de lengua en español piden al Presidente Obama que sea líder Fen la reforma inmigratoria En el otoño del 2012, el 7º grado de arte de lenguas en español en Cherokee estaba estudiando escritura persuasiva y también estudiando el proceso electoral y siguiendo la campaña presidencial. El tema que inspiraba mucha pasión era la reforma inmigratoria dado que muchos de ellos estaban directamente afectados por el Acto de sueño que se proponía. Los estudiantes miraban y escuchaban discursos de las convenciones, analizaban el Colegio electoral (y el voto latino) y vieron la ceremonia de inauguración. Kristen Scott, su profesora, sugirió que las clase escriba una carta formal persuasiva en español (como eso es la lengua de instrucción) a el Presidente Obama para expresar sus posiciones y sus opiniones sobre el Acto de sueño y a persuadirlo a tomar acción. La carta fue publicada en el Wisconsin State Journal. El viernes antes de las vacaciones de navidad, un sobre de la Casa blanca llego con una foto muy bonita firmada por el presidente y una carta de respuesta y una invitación a tomar un tour de la Casa blanca y también una foto de Bo, su perro. La carta decía: “Cada dia, escucho de jóvenes que están muy afectados por el sistema inmigratoria rota de este país y aprecio mucho que tomaron el tiempo para compartir sus pensamientos conmigo….Tu generación merece mucho más. Cualquiera que está dispuesto a trabajar duro y seguir las reglas merece una oportunidad de ser parte de la familia Americana.” Los estudiantes estaban muy emocionados de recibir su repuesta y dijeron, “¡Estábamos muy sorprendidos de recibir una respuesta de la casa blanca! ¡No pensábamos que el Presidente Obama de verdad respondería a nuestra carta!” Cuando se les pregunto cómo se sentían al recibir la respuesta, la foto y los materiales incluidos, dijeron, “Orgullosos.” La clase respondió al Presidente Obama por email agradeciéndole por su carta y reiteraron su apoyo por el ACTO DE SUEÑO. Los estudiantes escribieron, “Estamos trabajando muy duro. Somos los soñadores. El Acto de sueños tendrá un impacto muy profundo en nuestras vidas así que le pedimos que haga todo lo que pueda para que se encamine la reforma inmigratoria.” Todos tienen una voz en nuestro sistema político y el usar sus voces para que el sistema político los escuche los lleno de un sentido de poder. -8- Club News French Club News Thanks to all the hard working French Club students who made books for the students in Guinea and helped to organize and count the money collected for the students in Guinea. French Club will continue to meet second semester on Wednesdays after school from 2:45-3:30. French Club is open to all students who would like to learn about the culture of Francophone countries through a variety of activities. Sixth graders are welcome and encouraged to attend a meeting to learn more about French and the option to take a French class next year. This semester French Club will be watching French films, playing French games, cooking French food and working on special projects for St. Valentin and Mardi Gras. We will have a special project in the spring for school children in Haiti. Please feel free to e-mail Madame Blanchard with any questions about the French Club. [email protected] Cherokee Heights Running Club: Rain, sleet, and snow don't stop the Cherokee Heights Running Club from being on the go! We meet on Monday and Tuesdays right after school. Runners come dressed to go for a run no matter the weather. As a result of the good snowfall this winter, there have been many opportunities for club members to learn how to cross country ski- with all equipment provided free of charge. New members are always welcome to join. The Cherokee Heights Running Club is lead by Roger Nicolai. He is a retired MMSD teacher who works as a naturalist and belayer at the school forest. Roger is an active member of the MadNorSkis and will ski his 13th American Birkebeiner in February. El club de carrera de Cherokee Heights: ¡No importa que llueva, caiga granizo o nieva, el club de carrera de Cherokee Heights seguirá corriendo! Nos reunimos los lunes y martes después de la escuela. Los corredores vienen vestidos a correr no importe el clima. Como ha nevado tanto hemos tenido muchas oportunidades de esquiar de fondo con todo el equipo que tenemos gratis. Nuevos miembros siempre están bienvenidos. El director del club de carrera de Cherokee Heights es Roger Nicolai. Es un profesor jubilado de MMSD que trabaja como naturalista del bosque de la escuela. Roger es un miembro activo de los Mad-City Norskis y cumplirá su 13ª vez esquiando en la competencia del Birkebeiner Americano en febrero. -9- Misc. News Wellness Classes Receive Donation I would like to thank the anonymous donor who gave the Wellness classes $200 towards food purchases at HyVee! What a generous and useful surprise! It came with a note that said: "...I believe it is very important for kids to have the opportunity to experience healthy cooking in our middle schools. Thank you to you and the wonderful teachers that enrich our children's lives." How kind of you to say that! I really appreciate the support for Family Consumer Science programming. I also echo the sentiment for the outstanding work my colleagues do everyday with our students. For your information, Cherokee is one of 6 out of 11 middle schools that has cooking as part of student's course work. If you want any of the recipes the kids make, please let me know and I will send your child home with them. Thanks again anonymous! – Jo Jensen Las clases de salud reciben una donacion Quisiera agradecer a nuestro donante anónimo que le regaló a la clase de salud $200 para comprar comida de HyVee! Que sorpresa más generosa! Incluyeron una nota que decía: “….Siento que es muy importante que los niños tengan la oportunidad de conocer como es cocinar comida saludable en nuestras escuelas intermedias. Gracias a los maestros que enriquecen las vidas de nuestros hijos/as.” ¡Que amable! Aprecio mucho el apoyo del programa de Ciencia de consumo familiar. Tambien aprecio mucho el gran trabajo que mis colegas hacen con nuestros alumnos todos los días. Para su información, Cherokee es uno de los 6 de 11 escuelas intermedias que incluyen cocina como parte de su currículo. Si quiere obtener alguna receta que están usando los niños, avísenme no más y la mando a casa con su hijo/a. ¡Muchas gracias a nuestro donante anónimo! – Jo Jensen Save the Dates – 8th Grade Parents/Students TH MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2014 – 8 GRADE ORIENTATION 7:00 pm in the Aud – West High School Overview of SLC structure and elective classes MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014 – MOVIN’ WEST 7:00 pm in the Aud – West High School Answers about the West experience—extra-curricular activities and the social scene. ARQUEN LA FECHA – PADRES/ESTUDIANTES DEL OCTAVO GRADO LUNES, 3 DE FEBRERO, 2014 – ORIENTACION DEL OCTAVO GRADO 7:00 pm en el auditorio – West High School Resumen de la estructura de SLC y las clases electivas LUNES, 5 DE MAYO, 2014 – VIAJANDO AL OESTE 7:00 pm en el auditorio – West High School Respuestas sobre la experiencia en West – actividades extracurriculares y la vida social. - 10 - The Madison Museum of Contemporary Art Honors Your School for Its Participation in MMoCA Art on Tour On Friday, February 7, 2014, the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art will host an opening reception for an exhibition of works of art by three students from your school. The reception honors the three-year partnership that the museum has formed with nine Dane County elementary and middle schools, including yours, through MMoCA Art on Tour. The evening will be held from 5 to 7 pm in the museum’s lobby and Works on Paper Study Center (WPSC), where the students’ art will be on view. The event will celebrate the conclusion of the first year of the program. Light refreshments and a variety of non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. Also on hand will be the collaborating art teachers and their colleagues, the students and their families and friends, MMoCA’s volunteer docents (tour guides) who have visited the art room to talk about the works of art, and museum education staff. We hope you will join us. After the February 7 celebration, the Art on Tour student exhibition will be on display in the WPSC for public viewing from noon to 4 pm on Saturdays and Sundays in February (February 8 and 9; 15 and 16; and 22 and 23). Admission to MMoCA is always free and there is no fee to attend the celebration. Visitors may stop by MMoCA’s lobby desk for friendly directions to the second-floor WPSC. Launched in January 2013, Art on Tour brings works of art from the museum’s permanent collection to the schools for month-long display. The program supports learning through visual art and provides students with unique opportunities to experience original, museum-quality art in their schools. Although the art classroom is the focus of teaching and learning for Art on Tour, the program also supports crossdisciplinary applications. This past year’s theme, What’s Going on Here? Stories in Art, enabled students to learn about visual and literary narrative forms and apply this understanding to their own works of art. A new exhibition, When and Where Is It? Time and Place in Art, is on the road from January through December 2014. The final exhibition in the series, Can You Imagine This? Fantasy in Art, travels to schools in 2015. Participating schools are Cottage Grove Elementary School; Kegonsa Elementary School, Stoughton; Indian Mound Middle School, McFarland; Prairie View Middle School, Sun Prairie; and Midvale, Glendale, and Muir elementary and Hamilton and Cherokee middle schools in Madison. More information on the program may be found at MMoCA Art on Tour MMoCA Art on Tour is generously funded in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts and Marie Wunsch. - 11 - El Museo de arte contemporáneo de Madison (MMoCA) reconoce la participación de su escuela en el programa Artes de gira del MMoCA El viernes, 7 de febrero, 2014, el Museo de arte contemporáneo de Madison auspiciará una exhibición de arte de tres estudiantes de su escuela. La recepción reconoce la colaboración de tres años entre el museo y nueve escuelas del Distrito del condado de Dane, incluyendo la suya. El evento será desde las 5 hasta las 7 pm en vestíbulo en el Centro WPSC, donde el arte do los alumnos se presentará. El evento celebra el primer año de este programa. Servimos refrescos y bebidas no alcohólicas. También estarán presentes los profesores, sus colegas, los estudiantes y sus familias, los docentes de MMoCA y el personal del museo. Ojalá que nos acompañen. Después del evento del 7 de febrero, la exhibición de arte estudiantil se podrá ver en el WPSC de mediodía hasta las 4pm los sábados y domingos de febrero (febrero 8 y 9, 15 y 16, 22 y 23). La entrada al MMoCA siempre es gratis y la celebración también. Los visitantes pueden preguntar en el escritorio del vestíbulo del museo y ellos los podrán dirigir al segundo piso donde se encuentra el WPSC. Iniciado en enero del 2013, el programa de Artes de gira lleva arte del museo a las escuelas por todo un mes. El programa incentiva el aprendizaje por medio de las artes visuales y abre una buena oportunidad para que los alumnos sean expuestos al arte de calidad de museo en sus escuelas. El programa no solo se enfoca en las artes visuales pero también apoya la enseñanza interdisciplinaria. El año pasado el tema fue, ¿Qué sucede aquí? Historias en el arte, donde los estudiantes pudieron aprender sobre formas de contar cuentos en sus propias palabras por medios de las artes visuales y literarias. Una nueva exhibición, ¿Donde y cuándo es? Un momento y lugar en el arte, está de gira desde enero a diciembre del 2014. La última serie, ¿Te puedes imaginar esto? Arte de fantasía? empezará en el 2015. Las escuelas que participan son la escuelas de la Escuela de Cottage Grove, Escuela de Kegonsa,en Stoughton; la Escuela de Indian Mound en McFarland; la escuela de Prairie View en Sun Prairi; la escuela de Midvale, y las escuelas de Glendale, Muir, Hamilton y Cherokee en Madison. Más información sobre el programa se puede encontrar en el enlace: MMoCA Art on Tour Arte de gira de MMoCA es auspiciado por una beca del Fondo Nacional de las Artes y por Marie Wunsch. - 12 - Contacts Cherokee Middle School Auto Attendance: 204-1240 Secretaries Safe Arrival: 204-1247 Diane Blum 204-1246 [email protected] Elizabeth Contrucci 204-1241 [email protected] Assistant Principal Rick Reynolds 204-1250 [email protected] Interim Principal Rick Rogness 204-1241 [email protected] College Club Sarah Buechel 204-1335 [email protected] Counselor Rafael Gomez 204-1276 [email protected] Dean of Students Becky Gilman 204-1336 [email protected] Food Service Keola Exum 204-1323 [email protected] Learning Coordinator Colleen Shapleigh 204-1275 [email protected] MSCR Reginald Lee 204-1273 [email protected] Nurse Elly Chybowski 204-1263 [email protected] PBS Coach Hong Tran 204-1264 [email protected] Psychologist Steven Honer 204-1257 [email protected] Social Worker Kim Stalker-Herron 204-1269 [email protected] Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Asistencia: 204-1240 Secretarias Asistencia en – Español: 204-1242 Diane Blum 204-1246 [email protected] Elizabeth Contrucci 204-1241 [email protected] Sub-Director Rick Reynolds 204-1250 [email protected] Director provisional Rick Rogness 204-1241 [email protected] College Club Sarah Buechel 204-1335 [email protected] Consejero Rafael Gomez 204-1276 [email protected] Dean of Students Becky Gilman 204-1336 [email protected] Cafetería Keola Exum 204-1323 [email protected] Coordinadora de Aprendizaje Colleen Shapleigh 204-1275 [email protected] MSCR Reginal Lee 204-1273 [email protected] Enfermera Elly Chybowski 204-1263 [email protected] PBS Coach Hong Tran 204-1264 [email protected] Psicólogo Steven Honer 204-1257 [email protected] Trabajadora Social Kim Stalker-Herron 204-1269 [email protected] - 13 - Calendar Calendario! 1/31 Parent Teacher Conferences - NO SCHOOL FOR MIDDLE SCHOOLS 1/31 Conferencias con los padres – NO HAY ESCUELA PARA LOS DE ESCUELA INTERMEDIA 2/3 2/3 EARLY RELEASE @ 1:37 for PCT th 8 Grade Orientation (Parents & Students) @ West, 7:00 pm EARLY RELEASE @ 1:37 for PCT PTO Meeting, LMC, 6:30 pm Cherokee Battle of the Books (time tba) No School - PD day EARLY RELEASE @ 1:37 for PCT 2/3 2/3 SALEN TEMPRANO @ 1:37 PCT Orientación para los padres y estudiantes del octavo grado en West, 7:00 PM SALEN TEMPRANO @ 1:37 PCT Reunión directive del PTO en la bibioteca a last, 6:30 pm No Hay Clases – Día de capacitación Professional SALEN TEMPRANO @ 1:37 PCT 2/10 2/12 2/18-2/19 2/21 2/24 3/3 3/4 3/5 3/6 3/10 3/12 3/14 3/17 3/24 3/28 3/31 3/31 4/5 4/7 4/9 4/14 – 4/21 4/22 4/28 4/30 5/5 5/5 5/7 5/12 5/14 5/19 5/21 5/26 5/28 6/4 6/11 6/12 2/10 2/12 2/21 2/24 EARLY RELEASE @ 1:37 for PCT th 6 Grade Battle of the Books, 2:00 pm @ O’Keeffe th 7 Grade Battle of the Books, 2:00 pm @ Toki th 8 Grade Battle of the Books, 2:00 pm @ Hamilton EARLY RELEASE @ 1:37 for PCT PTO Meeting, LMC, 6:30 pm Cougar School Dance 1:00-2:30 pm EARLY RELEASE @ 1:37 for PCT EARLY RELEASE @ 1:37 for PCT 3rd quarter ends 4th quarter begins EARLY RELEASE @ 1:37 for PCT 3/3 3/10 3/12 3/14 3/17 3/24 3/28 3/31 3/31 4/5 4/7 4/9 Geography Bee- State Bee EARLY RELEASE @ 1:37 for PCT PTO Meeting, LMC, 6:30 pm Spring Break – No School School resumes EARLY RELEASE @ 1:37 for PCT th th 5 to 6 Grade Transition Parent Orientation Mtg, Cherokee LMC, 6:30 pm 4/14 – 4/21 4/22 4/28 4/30 5/5 5/5 EARLY RELEASE @ 1:37 for PCT th Movin’ West – 8 Grade Orientation Mtg, 7:00 pm @ West DQ Fundraiser EARLY RELEASE @ 1:37 for PCT PTO Meeting, LMC, 6:30 pm EARLY RELEASE @ 1:37 for PCT 7th grade Band, Choir, Orchestra Concert 7:00 pm Memorial Day - No school 6th grade Band, Choir, Orchestra Concert 7:00 pm 8th grade Band, Choir, Orchestra Concert 7:00 pm th 8 grade Farewell Ceremony & Celebration Last day of school - early release 5/7 5/12 5/14 5/19 5/21 5/26 5/28 6/4 6/11 6/12 - 14 - SALEN TEMPRANO @ 1:37 PCT SALEN TEMPRANO @ 1:37 PCT Reunión directive del PTO en la bibioteca a last, 6:30 pm Baile escolar 1:00-2:30 pm SALEN TEMPRANO @ 1:37 PCT SALEN TEMPRANO @ 1:37 PCT Termina el tercer trimestre Comienza el cuarto trimestre SALEN TEMPRANO @ 1:37 PCT Competencia de geografía – todo el estado SALEN TEMPRANO @ 1:37 PCT Reunión directive del PTO en la bibioteca a last, 6:30 pm Vacaciones de Primavera- No Hay Clases Se reanudan las clases SALEN TEMPRANO @ 1:37 PCT Orientación sobre la transición de 5º grado a 6º grado, reunión en la biblioteca de Cherokee 6:30 PM. SALEN TEMPRANO @ 1:37 PCT Moviendose a West. Reunión de Transición de 8vo grado en el auditorio de West a las 7:00 p.m. DQ evento para recaudar fondos SALEN TEMPRANO @ 1:37 PCT Reunión directive del PTO en la bibioteca a last, 6:30 pm SALEN TEMPRANO @ 1:37 PCT Concierto de Séptimo grado Banda, Coro y Orquesta 7:00 pm Día de Conmemoración /Memorial Day – No Hay Clases Concierto de sexto grado Banda, Coro y Orquesta 7:00 pm Concierto de Octavo grado Banda, Coro y Orquesta 7:00 pm Celebración y ceremonia de la despedida de los estudiantes de 8º grado. Ultimo día de escuela- Salen temprano Cherokee PTO January 2014 PTO Update Welcome to 2014! With the second semester now underway, it’s a good time to remind everyone that one third of our student-body will be saying farewell to Cherokee at the end of this school year … along with most of the PTO Board! There are many opportunities to make a direct impact – however big or small – on the Cherokee experience for all students. Please consider contacting a PTO Board member or attending a PTO meeting to learn how you can help continue PTO programs and events. Cherokee 2013-2014 PTO Board Members: Name Title e-mail Beth Dohrn President [email protected] *** OPEN *** Amy Boutelle Jean Clegg *** OPEN *** *** OPEN *** Vice President Secretary Treasurer Volunteer Coordinator Fundraising Committee [email protected] [email protected] Cherokee 2013-2014 PTO Committee Chairs: Cherokee Dances Staff Appreciation Lunch Wisconsin REAP Sale Grounds Clean-up Newsletter Coordinator Directory Coordinator Bucky Book Sales Ingrid Beamsley Julia Peterson Tracey LaReau Andrea Encell Bobbi White Michele Frehner Diana Mahaffey Jackie Cooper Connie Smith Jenny Albrecht [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Remaining 2013-14 PTO Board Meetings Date Wed. Feb. 12, 2014 Wed. March 12, 2014 Wed. April 9, 2014 Wed. May 14, 2014 Time/Location 6:30pm/Cherokee LMC 6:30pm/Cherokee LMC 6:30pm/Cherokee LMC 6:30pm/Cherokee LMC Interested parents are welcome to attend. 15 Cherokee PTO From the PTO President … “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Socrates Goodbye and Good Luck Mr. Watkins Change happens. It’s not always the way we plan, but we at Cherokee move forward and continue to build on the successes Mr. Watkins has facilitated at Cherokee. At our January PTO meeting, we sadly said farewell to Mr. Watkins with a small token of our appreciation. He began Cherokee with the now-8th graders and introduced school initiatives to improve success for all students. The Positive Behavior Intervention and Support program is aimed to increase student respect and responsibility – with positive outcomes! He also brought AVID to the school, first as a pilot and now available for more students to become college bound. Mr. Watkins has worked for the past two years with the PTO discussing and planning an upgrade to the playground and garden. With his guidance and assistance, we are continuing to move forward on this effort. We appreciate his input, ideas and willingness to grow this project. While we hate to see him leave Cherokee, we support him in his new challenge as a Director of Instruction in Minnesota. Good luck, Mr. Watkins and we hope you stop by to see the new playground in a year or so! Welcome to our Interim Principal, Rick Rogness! Mr. Rogness is already getting acquainted with the school and meeting staff and families. I am confident that Mr. Rogness, along with Mr. Reynolds and the Cherokee staff, will make the transition seamless for the students. He has been an administrator in Madison schools, understands the district, and is current with the new Superintendent’s vision and mission. Say hello to him when you see him (maybe we can get him to wear a bright, shiny nametag for awhile!). Beth Dohrn, Cherokee PTO President 16 Cherokee PTO Playground Upgrade NEWS The PTO is in the process of identifying potential sources of grants, gifts of money, and or in-kind support toward the development of the new playground/recreation area. If you have any connections in the Madison area that might support these efforts, please contact Elizabeth Dohrn, PTO President at 608-358-1416 or [email protected]. Mr. Laufenberg is working on 2-D and 3-D renderings on the proposed upgrade and we are developing a brochure to come home soon. The Cherokee Wellness Committee submitted a grant application in January to support our efforts for the garden and playground development. More news on this soon! Cougar Dance: March 14 The next Cougar dance will be Friday, March 14 from 1:00-2:35pm. Watch for an email link in mid-February to volunteer via "Sign-up Genius" for the March dance. A big thank you to coordinators Julia Peterson and Ingrid Beamsley – and their crew of parent volunteers – who made the December Cougar dance a success. Ultrazone Fundraiser Repeats: April 7 Mark your calendar for April 7th for the next Cherokee social and fundraiser at Ultrazone! We will need at least three parents to help, so please consider volunteering -- it's easy, fun, and you can play some Laser Tag, too!! Contact PTO President Elizabeth Dohrn ([email protected]) if you can help out. Details for registering will be distributed closer to the date. 8th Grade Celebration and Farewell: Weds. June 11 Please SAVE the DATE! Parent volunteers will be needed for this important event on Wednesday, June 11th to recognize the 8th grade students’ completion of middle school at Cherokee. Please contact Mr. Reynolds ([email protected]) or Ms. Shapleigh ([email protected]) to indicate your willingness to help plan and organize this celebration. Tentative 8th Grade Celebration & Farewell Schedule: 10 am Promotion Ceremony 11 am Picnic Lunch 12 noon Student Yearbook Signing 12:45-2:30 pm Student Dance A reminder to parents of 8th graders – please make note of the upcoming parent & student meetings at West High School regarding this upcoming transition: Parent Meeting (Jan. 27 at 7pm), and Orientation (parents & students, Feb. 3 at 7pm). Both meetings are held in the West High School Auditorium. Families should have received a letter from West – if you have not, please contact the West High School Office for more information. 17 Cherokee PTO Giving Back to Cherokee Trying to think of a way to give back to the staff and school? Consider a “gift” to Cherokee in honor of your 8th grader (or any student) to support the playground/recreation area upgrade! ****** LOOKING BACK ****** Here is a recap of some recent PTO-sponsored events and activities: Bucky Book Wrap-Up Many thanks to all the Cherokee families who bought or helped sell Bucky Books in the fall and early winter. The sale earned a total of $390 for Cherokee. The PTO appreciates the work of Cherokee parent and Bucky Book Sale Chair Jenny Albrecht! Taste of Wisconsin Holiday Fundraiser Results The 2013 Taste of Wisconsin REAP fundraiser was another success for Cherokee. The sale raised $400 – an average of 37.7% per item ordered. A big PTO thank you to Chairperson Bobbi Chandler and all of the Cherokee families who participated! ****** ONGOING ****** Great American Sale Continues It’s not too late! The Cherokee PTO’s online fundraiser with Great American continues – thank you to those who have already purchased. Choose from over 1500 gift ideas while shopping in the comfort of your home. In addition to finding great gifts for your family and friends, you help support our school. You are welcome and encouraged to share sale information with family and friends! • • • Go to: and click “Shop Now” Enter the on-line code for Cherokee: 661835 Enjoy your shopping! 18 Cherokee PTO Box Tops for Education This is always an easy fundraising opportunity – Box Top$ for Education. When you buy a product with a Box Top$ For Education label, simply clip it and save it. When you get 10 or more, send them to the PTO mailbox in an envelope. EBox Top$ can be found online at Shop online to earn money for school! Questions? Contact PTO President Elizabeth Dohrn ([email protected] or 358-1416). Target REDcard Benefits Cherokee Target will donate 1% of all your Target REDcard purchases if you are a cardholder and designate Cherokee Middle School as the recipient (Google “Target school donation”). It’s quick and easy, with no cost to you! 19
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