St. Clement of Rome Catholic Church
St. Clement of Rome Catholic Church
St. Clement of Rome Catholic Church On West Esplanade Avenue between Cleary & Richland Avenues Volume 33 Number 48 November 30, 2014 PARISH CENTER 4317 Richland Ave. Metairie, LA 70002 Phone: (504) 887-7821 Fax: (504) 454-3906 E-mail: [email protected] PRIESTS Rev. Luis F. Rodriguez, Pastor Johnston, Parochial Vicar Rev. Matthew Peter P. Finney, Parochial Vicar DEACONS David Caldero Carlo Maniglia Ian Bozant, Intern EUCHARISTIC ADORATION MASS SCHEDULE Our adoration chapel is open 24 hours SATURDAY VIGILfor one4:00 daily. To volunteer hourpm each SUNDAY 8:00 am week, contact the Parish Center. 10:00 am Noon RECONCILIATION / CONFESSIONS 6:00pm pm Wednesday 5:00 – 5:45 MISA EN ESPAÑOL 2:00 pm Saturday 3:00 – 3:45 pm MONDAY-SATURDAY 8:15 am or by appointment TUE / WED / THU 6:00 pm PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK DEVOTIONS Please notify the Parish Center when a Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help— parishioner is in the hospital or unable Tuesdays after both Masses to attend Mass. 7:45 am (Cry Room) Rosary—Mon-Sat, Holy Hour—1st Fridays after 8:15 am Mass BAPTISMS Children underADORATION seven years of age are EUCHARISTIC baptized on the firstisand third Saturday Our adoration chapel open 24 hours of each after the 4:00 pm Mass. daily. To month volunteer for one hour each week, Please contact Parish Center to contact the Parishthe Center. schedule an appointment. RECONCILIATION / CONFESSIONS MATRIMONY Wednesdays 5:00 – 5:45 pm Saturdaysa parish priest 3:00 – or 3:45 pm Contact deacon at or by appointment least six (6) months before the desired wedding date. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Please notify the Parish Center when a FUNERALS parishioner is in the hospital or unable to Please contact the Parish Center attend Mass. before making the final arrangements BAPTISMS with the funeral home. Children under seven years of age are baptized on the first and third Saturday of each month after the 4:00 pm Mass. Please contact the Parish Center to schedule an appointment. MATRIMONY / WEDDINGS Contact a parish priest or deacon at least six (6) months before the desired wedding date. FUNERALS Please contact the Parish Center before making the final arrangements with the funeral home. PARISH STAFF Cynthia Bird, Operations Manager Kevin Fountain, Maintenance Technician Claire Gallagher, Religious Education & Youth Ministry Coordinator Louis Hackett, Music Director Theresa Laughlin, Administrative Assistant Gail Stromeyer, Technology Coordinator Patricia Swonger, Pastoral Assistant PARISH SCHOOL 3978 West Esplanade Ave. Metairie, LA 70002 Phone:(504)888-0386 Fax:(504)885-8273 Roselyn K. Tindall, Principal Dr. Patricia Speeg, Assistant Principal NEW PARISHIONERS — WELCOME! Registration forms are available on the table in back of church or on our website. Visit our Website at Follow us on twitter@St Clement of Rome. Like us on facebook “St. Clement of Rome Parish” BLESS THE BABY JESUS All families are invited to join us Sunday, December 14 at 10:00 am Mass. Bring your family nativity figure of Baby Jesus to be blessed during Mass. Stop by the table, in the back of Church, to have your figure Baby Jesus wrapped before leaving Church. This “most special” gift can then be placed under your tree to be the first gift opened Before all other gifts Christmas morning! Then place the newborn Baby Jesus in his manger for all to adore! BENDICIÓN DE LAS FIGURITAS DEL NIÑITO JESÚS El domingo, 14 de diciembre en la Misa de las 10:00 am, invitamos a todas las familias a que traigan su figurita del Niño Dios para bendecirla y envolverla como regalo. Exhortamos a sus niños a que la pongan bajo el árbol de Navidad y que sea el primer regalo que abran el día de Navidad, para después situarla en el pesebre. Para más información, llame al Centro Parroquial al (504) 887-7821 WATCH! “Watch!” This word occurs three times in today’s Gospel passage. Moreover, it is placed at significant points: the beginning, the center, and the end. Though this is technically a parable, it is quite short (four verses). The threefold repetition of “watch” leaves no doubt as to what the story is about. We often think of Advent as a time of waiting, but it truly is a season of watchfulness, a very active form of waiting for the coming Day of the Lord. It is that day, more than Christmas day, that the Christian community faithfully expects, using all of our gifts and talents for this purpose, as Paul reminds us in the Letter to the Corinthians. When we use these gifts in faithful watching and expectation, we become like the servants of the parable, set to their tasks, not waiting around idly, but engaged in the master’s work until his return. May our Advent be a time when we return or rededicate our lives and our communities to this work—the active and diligent faithfulness that the Lord will expect to find. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. ¡VIGILEN! “¡Vigilen!” Esta palabra se menciona tres veces en el Evangelio de hoy, situada en puntos estratégicos: al principio, en el centro, y al final. Aunque técnicamente sea una parábola, el texto es bastante breve (cuatro versículos). La repetición triple de “vigilen” no deja duda de lo que trata este relato. A menudo pensamos en el Adviento como un tiempo de espera, pero en realidad es un tiempo de vigilancia, una forma muy activa de esperar la llegada del Día del Señor. Ese es el Día, más que el día de Navidad, que la comunidad cristiana espera fielmente, ya que usa todos sus talentos y dones para este fin, así como nos lo recuerda Pablo en la carta a los Corintios. Cuando usamos estos dones en fiel espera y anticipación, nos hacemos como los sirvientes de la parábola, entregados a sus tareas, no esperando como vagos, sino encargados de la labor del maestro, hasta su regreso. Que nuestro Adviento sea un tiempo en que reencaminamos o rededicamos nuestra vida y nuestra comunidad a esta labor, la fidelidad activa y diligente que el Señor espera encontrar. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Parish Calendar News Monday/Lunes, December 1 7:45 am Rosary (Church) 8:15 am MASS 9:00 am Bible Study (Seton & Drexel) 6:00 pm Bible Study (Vosbein Hall) 7:00 pm Comité Virgen de Suyapa (Seelos) 7:30 pm Monday Night Disciples (Seton) 7:30 pm Grupo Mariano (Drexel) Tuesday/Martes, December 2 7:00 am Men’s Prayer Group (Seton) 7:45 am Rosary (Church) 8:15 am MASS 6:00 pm MASS 6:30 pm Colombian Volunteers (Seelos) 6:45 pm Pastoral Council (Conference Room) 7:00 pm Bereavement Ministry (Drexel) 7:00 pm Cub Scouts Den Leaders (Padua) 7:15 pm Handbell Practice (Church) Wednesday/Miércoles, December 3 7:45 am Rosary (Church) 8:15 am MASS 5:00 pm Confessions 6:00 pm MASS 6:00 pm Tiger Den #1 & Wolf Den #1 (Gym) 7:00 pm RCIA (Conference Room) 7:15 pm Legion of Mary (Drexel) 7:30 pm Boy Scouts (Vosbein Hall) 7:30 pm Baptismal Seminar (Seelos) 7:30 pm Ensayo—Coro Latino (Padua) Thursday/Jueves, December 4 7:45 am Rosary (Church) 8:15 am MASS 9:00 am St. Anthony Ministry (Padua) 3:30 pm St. Anthony Food Distribution (Padua) 6:00 pm MASS 7:00 pm Golden Anniversary Committee (Seton) 7:00 pm Cancer Survivors Support Group (Drexel) 7:30 pm Knights of Columbus (Seelos) Friday/Viernes, December 5 7:45 am Rosary (Church) 8:15 am MASS 9:00 am First Friday Holy Hour (Church) 3:00 pm Brownie Troop (Seton) Saturday/Sábado, December 6 8:15 am MASS 9:00 am Breakfast with Santa (Gym) 3:00 pm Confessions 3:30 pm Rosary 4:00 pm VIGIL MASS Sunday/Domingo, December 7 8:00 am MASS 10:00 am MASS 12:00 pm MASS 2:00 pm MISA 6:00 pm MASS Please pray for the protection of all our troops who are stationed in the Middle East, especially for: Eli Arnold,Tyler Brewer Astin, Drew Bouysou, Thomas P. Brewer II, Ian Erickson, Eldhen Fajardo, Jason Hammett, Dimian A. Lozano, Chris Munguia, Troy A. Pridemore, Louis M. Reese, Jr., David Sowell, Soldiers 3/4 Marines, Carlos Macías, David Jeansonne St. Clement CYO Calendar of Events Sunday, Dec. 14-Confirmation Session 4:00-7:00pm (Vosbein Hall / Church) Sunday, Dec. 21-CYO Christmas/Toilet Paper Party after 6:00pm Mass (LaCour Residence) Bring unopened toilet paper to donate to the Harry Thompson Homeless Shelter downtown. Also bring a $10 value gift if you want to participate in the white elephant gift exchange game. Monday, Dec. 22—Baking cookies and visiting homebound parishioners, 2:00-5:00 pm (Vosbein Hall) Monday, Dec. 29—Celebration in the Oaks Evening time (TBA) Come and spend an hour with the Lord! Adorers are needed on Wednesday 4:00am Friday 9:00pm Saturday 8:00pm Sunday 3:00am Please contact the Parish Center at 887-7821. REMINDER Just a friendly reminder that if you took an angel from the Angel Giving Tree, the gifts are due by Monday, Dec. 1. Please bring your gifts to the Parish Center. Thank you for your generosity to those in need. SCHOOL NEWS We return to school this week for a full week! It is Advent, and we will be praying daily at our Advent Wreaths for you, our parish family! This Wednesday, K4J will meet at 3:15 pm. On Friday, December 5, we will have our Saint Nicholas Outerwear Drive. The school’s Co-Op volunteers are collecting new or gently worn winter jackets and coats during morning carpool (7:30 am-8:00 am). Outerwear in youth and adult sizes are needed! If you have a coat to donate, please bring it by on Friday morning, or you can drop it by the school office on Thursday, December 4. On Saturday, December 6, Santa Claus is coming to visit Saint Clement on his feast day! Please see the school’s web site for information on “Breakfast with Santa”! The 4th annual St. Clement of Rome 'O Holy Night Nativity Exhibition' will be the weekend of December 20th - 21st. We are looking for people to display their nativity sets or help in the decoration and setup of Vosbein Hall. Students can earn service hours. Contact Greg Livaudais at 232-0131 or [email protected] if interested. We welcome to our St. Clement of Rome family our newly baptized members: Kate Howard, daughter of Trievor and Dana; Cooper Zibilich, son of Kuzma and Brittany; Keynni García, son of Antonio Garcia and Nakia; and Alexis Thibodeaux, daughter of James and Brandie. SCR Families are invited to join us in the gym on Saturday, December 6th from 9:00 – Noon for "Breakfast with Santa" hosted by the Co-op Club! There will be Christmas themed crafts, a Kids Parade of Prizes, photos with Santa, and a chance to make your very own Happy Birthday Cupcake for Jesus! Cost is $5 per person in advance, $7 at the door. Registration flyers will be sent home and posted on the school website. We are seeking donated new, age appropriate small toys, books or other items for the children's Parade of Prizes; please bring to the school office so the elves can start wrapping! Volunteers are also needed for set up the evening before, and on the day of the event; please contact the school at 888-0386 for more information or if you can lend a hand. This is an excellent opportunity for your teens to earn service hours. Thank you. CHRISTMAS FLOWERS SCR GUILD MEETING & CHRISTMAS PARTY TUESDAY, DEC. 9 @ 6:30 PM PARISH CENTER DINNER WILL BE SERVED Ron Fonseca will entertain us with a selection of his stories titled, My Crazy Cajun Cousins. Please bring an unwrapped gift for our homeless brothers at the New Orleans Mission. Call Pat Levy at 885-5994 or Charlotte Ruiz at 887-8992 for gift suggestions or more information. We hope you will join us and bring a friend. PRAY FOR VOCATIONS The best way of supporting our New Orleans Seminarians is by praying for them. Please pray this week for Thien The Nguyen If you wish to help provide flowers in the Church as a memorial to deceased relatives and friends, please make your donation payable to “St. Clement of Rome Church”. You may place your donation of $20 in the collection basket or send it to the Parish Center. Thank you. In memory of ______________________________ (PLEASE PRINT) And there is a time to die... Y hay un tiempo para morir... United with the families of our deceased members, we pray for their eternal rest, especially for Mercedes Berrios. May their families find comfort as a result of our prayer. And there is a time for healing / Y hay un tiempo para sanar Those who are sick asking the Lord that they may regain their strength. May they find comfort as a result of our prayers, especially, Andrea Apusso, David Alexander, Jorge Arana, Lillian Arnold, Rose Augello, Abraham Ayuso, Stephen Bauer, Maryrose Beard, Millie Belin, Bertrand Blatcher, Val Brousse, Ferry Becnel, Ligia Buitrago, Kathleen Brown, Leila Byrne, Connie Campbell, Avenel Carlini, Joshua Cassaday, Lang Caucer, Bridget Celestine, Jeremy Claverie, Janice Coari, Morrell Crane, Betty Cutrera, David Da Cunha, Edmond Daigle, Carol Descant, Collin Duke, John DiStefano, Alex Dupuy, Ryan Dyck, Rebecca Ernst, Arlene Fayard, Chris Fradella, Glenn Feliu, Robert Feliu, Renee Filostrat, Frank Fortunato, Diane Gambino, Elizabeth Gaiennie, Warren Gambino, Mario Garetano, Jr., Angie Garganta, Lou Garrick, Reynaldo García, Carol & Brian Gassen, Louise Gee, Ryker Gibbe, Weston Golden, Cathy Goodier, Faith Hamby, Serina Hardy, Joan & Cindy Haro, Jay Hebert, Dwight Hillman, John Hirsius, Rosalind Hirsius, Frances Hornung, Christina James, William Joffrion, Richard Judlin, Alma & Bernard Knese, Sherry Keppler, Katie Kelly, Emad Kandil, June Kepler, Karen Kocke, Marie Labella, Donna Lawler, Alvina Legendre, Felecie Lester, Wayne Levet, Frank & Yvonne Lovecchio, Brenden Maestri, Jackie Markey, Kathlyn Martino, Chere Marchese, Vida Meneses, Fred Mikill, Anne McGinnis, Michael McNally, Mercedes Mendoza, Denise Mignogna, Rita Miller, Jake Morris, Beverly & Charles Murray, Brian Murray, Gregg Nicolich, Marvin Owen, Socorro Peña, Olga Pérez, Armine Person, Kitty Perre, Lois Marie Pelt, Malcolm Philip, Bonnie Porter, Laurie Rabalis, John Ranzino, Charlotte Rempel, Jay Rink, Alan Ruiz, Karen Ridgeway, Henry Sabido, Avery Sallean, Shirley Schneider, Anne Schneider, Alexa Schexnaildre, Allen Shinault, Pat Shepherd, Tom Short, Jack Strauser, Martin Stokes, Suzanne Selig, Rick Speeg, Kleo Tonglet, Ralph Tortorich, Rodney Trentadue, Sr., Loli Urtecho, Patricia Vezina, Joel Warren, Eilis Willis, Celeste & Nathan Williamson, Aubrey Windstein, Elena Zambrano Ecclesiastes 3:1,3-5 Saturday/Sábado, November 29 4:00 pm John Fowler, Mary Matranga †, Peter Catalano †, Joseph & Rosalie Molere †, Evelyn Omner †, Stephen & Elizabeth Marcev †, Andy Troyer †, Slemmer & Ferrantelli Families, Kim Champagne †, David Clifford, Leslie Webre †, Dr. Oscar J. Ory †, María Bernal †, José Silva †, Jorge Díaz †, Rowland James †, Armando Aldana †, Julia Callahan, Florence Vignes † Sunday/Domingo, November 30 8:00 am All Parishioners 10:00 am Joshua Cassaday, Helen M. LeBourgeois †, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Doulgas Boyce †, Marilyn Middleton, John Smuck, Cathy Goodier, Claire Tatum-Palestina †, Msgr. Ralph Carroll †, Catherine R. Archer †, Della Viator, Virginia M. Speeg †, Alan Rusnak †, Lisa McCann Fogarty †, Florence Vignes †, Lynn F. Ross †, Patrick Ross †, Alma Koehl † 12 noon Carole Roussell † 2:00 pm Medardo L. Ortega, Jr. †, Fructuoso Rodríguez †, Ed LaBruyere †, Betsy Carlini †, Armando Aldana † 6:00 pm Fotis Emmanuel Antoniou Cabrera † Monday/Lunes, December 1 8:15 am Dino Bertucci † Tuesday/Martes, December 2 8:15 am Lt. Col. Daniel Murray † 6:00 pm Goldie Jouandot † Wednesday/Miércoles, December 3 8:15 am Lt. Col. Daniel Murray † 6:00 pm Hugh Humphrey, Jr. † Thursday/Jueves, December 4 8:15 am Carol Dares † 6:00 pm Lt. Col. Daniel Murray † Friday/Viernes, December 5 8:15 am Michael Escudier † Saturday/Sábado, December 6 8:15 am Rita Clancy † TODAY’S READINGS First Sunday of Advent First Reading — We are the clay and you, O Lord, are the potter: we are the work of your hands (Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7). Psalm — Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved (Psalm 80). Second Reading — God is faithful; by God you were called to fellowship with the Son (1 Corinthians 1:3-9). Gospel — Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come. (Mark 13:33-37). Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come. Mark 13:33 ST. CLEMENT OF ROME’S 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 2:1-5; Ps 122:1-9; Mt 8:5-11 Tuesday: Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Lk 10:21-24 Wednesday: Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 15:29-37 Thursday: Is 26:1-6; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27a; Mt 7:21, 24-27 Friday: Is 29:17-24; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Mt 9:2731 Saturday: Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Ps 147:1-6; Mt 9:35 — 10:1, 5a, 6-8 Sunday: Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Ps 85:9-14; 2 Pt 3:8-14; Mk 1:1-8 Organizers are asking founding members of the parish to share their experiences, photos, and memories of St. Clement’s early years. If you are a founding member and would like to share those with us please contact Theresa at the Parish Center, 504-887-7821, ext. 128. Thank you. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: First Sunday of Advent St. Francis Xavier St. John Damascene First Friday St. Nicholas / First Saturday BIG AMBITION Give up your small ambitions; come with me to save the world. FIRST FRIDAY SACRED HEART DEVOTIONS On December 5, SCR will have a Holy Hour in church immediately following the 8:15 am Mass (from 8:45 until 9:45 am). This holy hour will conclude with Benediction by 9:45 am. The Adoration Chapel will be closed during this hour. St. Francis Xavier Living Stewardship Now Drop something you usually do at this time of year but do not enjoy. Choose an Advent custom and make it part of your family routine. Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. LECTURAS DE HOY Primer Domingo de Adviento Primera lectura — Isaías ruega por el retorno del Señor (Isaías 63:16-17, 19; 64:2-7). Salmo — Señor, Dios nuestro, restáuranos que brille tu rostro y nos salve (Salmo 80 [79]). Segunda lectura — Pablo está agradecido por las bendiciones que los corintios han recibido debido a su fe en Jesús (1 Corintios 1:3-9). Evangelio — Jesús dice a los discípulos que estén siempre alerta a la llegada del tiempo designado (Marcos 13:33-37). Sé vigilante! Esté alerta! Usted no sabe cuándo llegará el momento. - Marcos 13:33 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Is 2:1-5; Sal 122 (121):1-9; Mt 8:5-11 Martes: Is 11:1-10; Sal 72 (71):1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Lc 10:21-24 Miércoles: Is 25:6-10a; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Mt 15:29 -37 Jueves: Is 26:1-6; Sal 118 (117):1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27a; Mt 7:21, 24-27 Viernes: Is 29:17-24; Sal 27 (26):1, 4, 13-14; Mt 9:27-31 Sábado: Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Sal 147 (146):1-6; Mt 9:35 — 10:1, 5a, 6-8 Domingo: Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Sal 85 (84):9-14; 2 Pt 3:8-14; Mc 1:1-8 DESAYUNO CON SANTA Invitamos a las familias de San Clemente a compartir con nosotros el evento “Desayuno con Santa,” organizado por el Club de Co-Op!, el sábado, 6 de diciembre, de las 9:00 am a las 12:00 del medio día, en el gimnasio del colegio. Habrá oportunidad para los niños de hacer artesanías navideñas, fotos con Santa Claus, rifas, y la oportunidad para decorar su propio mini pastel de cumpleaños para Jesús. El costo es de $5 por persona, por adelantado, ó $7 en la puerta. Volantes para registrase se encontrarán en el website del colegio. Se necesitan donaciones de juguetes nuevos pequeños, para edades apropiadas; libros, u otros artículos para las rifas. Favor traerlos al colegio para que los duendes comiencen a empacarlos. También se necesitan voluntarios la tarde antes para preparar todo, y para el día del evento. Llamar al colegio al (504) 888-0386, para más información, o si puede ayudar. Esta es una oportunidad excelente para sus hijos ado- LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Primer Domingo de Adviento San Francisco Javier San Juan Damasceno Primer viernes San Nicolás Primer sábado SIN ARRUGAS No deje que el corazón se arrugue, mantenga la esperanza, sea amable, alegre y reverente: esa es la manera de vencer la vejez. Thomas Bailey Aldrich Devoción del Sagrado Corazón Primer Viernes El día 5 de diciembre, San Clemente de Roma celebrará la Hora Santa en la iglesia, de las 8:45 am a las 9:45 am. (a continuación de la misa de las 8:15 a.m.). La hora Santa concluirá con la Benediccion. El Santísimo estará cerrado durante esta hora. La corresponsabilidad vivida ahora Durante este tiempo del año, deja de hacer algo que normalmente haces durante y que te agrada hacer. Búscate una devoción de Adviento y hazla parte de tu rutina. Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. ¡Ven a pasar una hora con el Señor! FLORES PARA LA NAVIDAD Si desea colaborar con las decoraciones de la iglesia para esta Navidad puede hacerlo a nombre de su familia o en memoria de familiares o amigos fallecidos. ¡Ayúdenos a embellecer nuestra iglesia en esta Navidad! En memoria de // Por la familia Se necesitan adoradores los viernes a las 9:00 pm sábado a las 8:00 pm domingos a las 3:00 am _____________________________ (Favor de subrayar su intención.) Donación = $20 por pascua Si puede comprometerse a una de estas horas, llámenos al 887-7821. CELEBRACION DEL 50 ANIVERSARIO DE SAN CLEMENTE DE ROMA Los organizadores están solicitando a los miembros fundadores de la parroquia que compartan sus experiencias, fotos y recuerdos de los primeros años de San Clemente. Apostolado Hispano Vino, Queso, Pasta y Cultura en Abundancia Bar Abierto Viernes, 5 de diciembre 7:00—11:00 pm $50 por persona Para más información llame a Marla Donovan al (504) 881-7645. Si usted es un miembro fundador y quisiera compartir sus recuerdos con nosotros, por favor contacte a Theresa Laughlin al Centro Parroquial al 887-7821. ext. 128. ¡Gracias! ORAR POR LAS VOCACIONES La mejor forma de apoyar a nuestros seminaristas es orar por ellos. Por favor, oren esta semana por: Bill Chaucer SALES CONSULTANT New & Pre-Owned 3724 Veterans Boulevard,, Metairie, LA 70002 Office: (504) 887-8410 Cell: (504) 402-3334 Fax: (504) 780-6033 Thien The Nguyen McKenzie Tree Experts Licensed & Fully Insured Ph. 456-1300 897-5585 10% disc. if mentioned at time of estimate Parishioner Email: [email protected] Se Habla Español Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • “We Cater to Cowards” Lakeside Shopping Center in Metairie (Second Floor) Call (504)88-SMILE • Same Day Appointments • Emergencies & Walk-ins Welcome • Most Insurance Plans Accepted (Including Medicare Supplements) • In-House Denture Lab WE’LL SEE YOU.....TODAY! FOR A COMPLETE LISTING OF OUR SERVICES, 12 LOCATIONS AND DOCTORS VISIT: 515146 St Clement of Rome Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931 Frostea’s Caffe 5000 W. Esplanade Ave. Best Bubble Tea in Town 454-5007 PHO • Salads • Vietnamese Cuisine M-F 8:30am-6pm Sat 9am-2pm, Sun-Closed • Packaging Services • Mailbox Services • Copying / Finishing • Office Supplies 3400 Cleary Ave. Met. Dorignac’s Food Center One Stop Shopping 710 Veterans Bl. Stephen Berry, Owner • Heating • Welding • Sewer & Drain Cleaning • Building Maintenance • Underground Water Mains • Gas Testing • Water Heaters • Underslab Repairs • Video Inspection • Fire Hydrant Installation & Repairs • Storm Drains Over 50 Years Experience PLUMBING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC. 200 N. Woodlawn Ave. • Shop - 4414 Flamingo St. 504-833-1164 WWW.CTTRAINA.COM Italian Restaurant BEEF, VEAL, SEAFOOD Ph. 888-9600 HOME AUTO FLOOD BUSINESS Greg Brown Parishioner/Agent 101 W. ROBERT E. LEE, #303 Open for Lunch & Dinner 7 Days Sunday Champagne Brunch 3100 19th St. • Metairie ph: 834-8583 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA TONY BORDLEE, CLAYTON CHARBONNET, D.D.S. ORTHODONTICS 5036 YALE ST., SUITE 301 METAIRIE, LA 70006 AGENT 456-7874 3312 Cleary @ Vets 455-6557 A&J Landscaping Services Lawncare Andrew J Bandera 504-717-9588 Certified Horticulturist Tuesday, October 28, 2014 11:00am 5100 Pontchartrain Blvd. | New Orleans, LA 70124 A TOUR IN HISTORY! • Tour of Beautiful, Historic, & Unique Metairie Cemetery FREE • Experienced, Entertaining Tour Guide • Luxury Tour Bus • Catered Lunch Provided Open Early - Close Late LUNCH & DINNER OPEN 7 DAYS 4301 Clearview 885-4845 WHY IS IT • “The Benefits of Pre-Planning Seminar” • Space is limited: reserve your spot today 4801 Veterans 889-1550 Coffee House & Cafe by calling 504.729.1912! A tour you don’t want to miss! A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. 3701 N. Causeway Blvd. Metairie, LA 70002 A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? 1-877-512-8274 Shelley Toujouse Ross integrity is the key to your real estate dreams! 3197 Richland Ave. Metairie, LA 70002 504-455-0100 504-491-7246 [email protected] Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Licensed in the State of Louisiana USA. 515146 St Clement of Rome Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers KEITH NOONAN GENERAL 504-488-0826 SALON HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Specializing in Cut & Color Aveda Lifestyle Store Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 482-1866 2201 Veterans Memorial Blvd. (504) 831-2120 $25 OFF Service Call $100 OFF Installation WEBRE LAW FIRM, A.P.L.C. Gerald P. Webre, Parishioner 800 Metairie Rd. Keith Noonan, Parishioner GREG & RICK RAYMOND EXPERT JEWELRY & WATCH REPAIRS * CUSTOM DESIGNS FOR OVER 45 YRS * ALL WORK PERFORMED ON PREMISES 504-443-2440 4103 WILLIAMS BLVD., KENNER Your Neighborhood Law Firm for 44 years Attorney at Law Wills • Successions • Personal Injury • Notary Public 3408 Clearview Pkwy. S T. A N T H O N Y ’ S Healthcare and Rehab Center (Veterans & Clearview) [email protected] 6001 AIRLINE DR., METAIRIE, LA 70003 504.733.8448 FAX 504.733.1917 (504) 888-0622 SUNRISE OF METAIRIE Federico’s Family Florist 3732 West Esplanade Ave S, Metairie, LA 815 Focis St. Metairie, LA 70005 504.889.9777 (504) 837-6400 ✹ Trained staff available 24-hours a day ✹ Daily physical fitness, creative, social, learning and spiritual activities, scheduled group trips and resident-sponsored clubs for a variety of interests ✹ 3 delicious meals per day ✹ Monthly wellness visits ✹ Weekly personal laundry ✹ Weekly housekeeping and daily trash removal Joshua J. Jones, D.D.S. Larry Federico Owner/President Kenny Thone Co-Owner/Vice President [email protected] Serving Residents of Jefferson Parish. 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Periodical Postage Paid at Metairie, LA 70009-9998. EDENBORN SHELL Certified Technicians · Brake Tags Touch Free Car Wash 3534 Edenborn Ave · 456-7377 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. CLEMENT OF ROME CHURCH — 4317 Richland Avenue, Metairie, LA 70002-3097. CARL BRONDUM, JR. Licensed & Insured Electrician “No Job Too Small” 833-4026 • 455-4161 JOHN MONTALBANO PLUMBING & HEATING 114 Colby Street 833-6500 Lic #3655 Tues. - Fri. 11am to-5:30pm 3527 Ridgelake Dr., Metairie 504.831.9918 Edward N. Ameen, President Member FDIC Checking • Savings • Home Loans Marrero • Algiers • Westwego • Metairie • Mandeville 504.362.7544 • • 888.362.7544 Donnaway Insurance Jimmy Tarleton III • Terry Tarleton Auto • Business • Home • Life • Flood Leave it to Good Hands People 454-0008 4323 Division St. At W. 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