St. Jerome Church - St. Jerome Catholic Church
St. Jerome Church - St. Jerome Catholic Church
St. Jerome Church MULTICULTURAL FAMILY OF FAITH 2402 33rd Street Kenner louisiana 70065 Phone: (504) 443-3174 Fax: (504) 443-5499 Ministry of Concern - (504) 441-5014 Website: MISSION STATEMENT: “We, the people of St. Jerome, share the mission of the Catholic Church to love and to worship God, our Father. We share the peace of Christ and the hope of eternal salvation with people of all cultures, races, nationalities and ages, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We are committed to developing and carrying out those programs and activities that will enable us to achieve that goal together”. Pentecost Sunday. May 24, 2015 There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit. — 1 Corinthians 12:4 Domingo de Pentecostés. 24 de mayo de 2015 Hay diferentes dones, pero el Espíritu es el mismo. — 1 Corintios 12:4 PASTORAL/ CLERICAL STAFF Rev. Quentin Moody, Pastor Deacon Lieu Tran, Permanent Deacon Mrs. Gail Bordelon, Director of Religious Education Mrs. Martha Narváez, Parish Secretary Mrs. Martha Brown, Receptionist Office Hours: 9-12Noon & 1- 5PM (Mon.-Fri.) PASTORAL COUNCIL Mike Buisson, Craig Comeaux, Linda DiMaggio, Ron Reinhardt, Gail Bordelon, Carole & Ray Schoenstein, Martha Narváez, María Granizo, Kathy Faia, Mari San Martín RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND FORMATION: Courses/Clases, Retreats/Retiros, RCIA, Religious Ed K-12 Grades (Tues. & Wed.) Neo-Catechumenate, MINISTRIES AND GROUPS Pastoral Council, Finance Committee, Liturgy Committee, Unity-Hospitality Committee, Building and Maintenance Committee. Liturgical Ministries: Altar Servers, Ushers, Choirs, Eucharistic Ministers, Proclaimers, Altar Society, St. Jerome Knights of Columbus-3310 Florida Ave. (469-6736). PRAYER AND DEVOTIONS Eucharistic Adoration: Wed. (9:45 AM-2PM) & 1st. Saturday of each month (9:30 - Noon) Novena: Perpetual Help (Tuesday after 9am Mass) Grupo Carismático (Viernes 7:00 PM) Other Services: Citizenship Classes. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PENTECOST SUNDAY WHY DO CATHOLICS ADORE STATUES? All Christians who understand our Catholic Faith know that we do not adore statues. This is a pagan custom. Every nation has monuments to its heroes: Athletes, civil servants and political figures. It is a Roman Catholic tradition to honor the men and women of virtue and spiritual life. We hold prayerful devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the Saints. We cannot ignore the sacrifice and faithful service of the martyrs. We pray to them and we celebrate their Feast Days. It is the intention of God to keep us united in his mystical Body of Heaven and Earth. We profess our Faith in the Creed every Sunday. Please reflect on the following scripture passages: Revelations, Chapter 6, Verse 10 Book of Psalms, Chapter 35, Verse 17 Hebrews, Chapter 12, Verse 1 First letter of Peter, Chapter 2, Verse 17 Fr. Moody THE CURCH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, MAY 25, IN HONOR OF MEMORIAL DAY. THE OFFICE WILL REOPEN AT 9:00AM, ON TUESDAY, MAY 26, 2015. TERESIAN SISTERS 13TH ANNUAL ROCK “N” BOWLARAMA The Teresian Sisters fund-raising will take place at Mid-City Lane/Rock “n” Bowl in New Orleans (3000 S. Carrollton Ave.) on Sunday, May 31, from 6:00-9:00pm. Everyone will be able to bowl, dance to the rhythm of the Cypress Band, good food, participate in a silent auction, and win great prizes! Tickets are $25.00. For more information please call Sr. Isabel at (985) 893-1470 THE SANCTUARY LIGHT IN CHURCH IS LIT IN MEMORY OF REYNA & WICHITA LOPEZ WHILE IN PRAYER, PLEASE REMEMBER OUR LOVED ONES SERVING IN THE ARMED FORCES. ST. JEROME SUMMER MISSION CAMP. JULY 6 - 17 ( 9:00 AM to 12:00 NOON) Children entering grades K-6TH are invited! You can find Registration Forms, by the church doors or in the church office! Space is limited! For more information, please call the Church office. DOMINGO DE PENTECOSTES ¿POR QUE SE REZA A ESTATUAS E IDOLOS? Ningún católico que conoce algo sobre la Fe Católica ha adorado a alguna estatua en algún momento (tal como la idolatría pagana). Si honramos la memoria y las estatuas de héroes politicos y aquellos monumentos de los héroes de la guerra, entonces no podría haber ninguna objection al honrar a los Santos, hombres y mujeres virtuosos. “Respeten a todos, amen a los hermanos, teman a Dios y respeten al que gobierna” (1 Pedro2:17). La intención de Dios nunca fué que los santos en el cielo fueran separados del Cuerpo de Cristo en la tierra. Hermanos: Es muy importante leer: Apocalipsis, capítulo 6, versículo 10 Salmos, capítulo 35, versículo 17 Hebreos, capítulo 12, versículo 1 Fr. Moody LAS OFICINAS DE LA IGLESIA ESTARAN CERRADAS EL DIA LUNES 25 DE MAYO EN HONOR A LOS CAIDOS. LAS OFICINAS RE-ABRIRAN EL DIA MARTES 26 DE MAYO A LAS 9:00AM. 13avo. BOLERAMA ANUAL DE LAS HERMANAS TERESIANAS. La colecta anual de fondos de las Hermanas Teresianas tendra lugar en Mid-City Rock-n-Bowl en Nueva Orleans (300 S. Carrollton Ave) el día sábado, Mayo 31 de 6pm a 9 pm. Todos disfrutarán del boliche, bailes y ritmos con la Banda Cypress, deliciosa comida y participación en la subasta con magníficos premios. El valor del ticket es de $25.00 Si desea mayor información, favor llamar a la Hermana Isabel al (985) 893-1470 LA LUZ DEL SANTUARIO DE LA IGLESIA ESTA ENCENDIDA EN MEMORIA DE REYNA Y WICHITA LOPEZ CUANDO RECE, POR FAVOR RECUERDE A NUESTROS SERES QUERIDOS QUE SIRVEN EN LAS FUERZAS ARMADAS. CAMPAMENTO DE VERANO EN SAN JERONIMO Del 6 al 17 de Julio, de 9AM a 12:00PM Los niños que cursen los grados K-6to están invitados a asistir. ¡Regístrese ahora! Pueden encontrar las hojas de matrícula en las puertas de la iglesia o en las oficinas. Para mayor información llame por favor a las oficinas de la iglesia. WEEK SCHEDULE MAY 24, 2015 SUNDAY, MAY 24TH Reflecting on God’s Word Sighs allow us to sit there for a moment or two without breathing—just being there at peace and without whatever it is that we just exhaled, without our worry or our confusion or maybe even our inner pain. It’s almost as if a sigh is a prayer for new spirit. On the other hand, hiccups are almost like breathing with potholes and speed bumps, like gulps of roughage to keep the good air flowing—or maybe they’re gulps of spirit to get the body into balance when it’s quite content to stay out of balance, a kind of forced prayer. Lately I’ve been thinking about sighing and hiccupping. Maybe it’s because I’ve grown older and sigh more often. Now when I sigh, I find myself deciding to live with life the way it is and saying to myself that it’s got to be okay, because like it or not, it’s all I’ve got. I’ve begun to realize that after fighting with some of my sins for sixty-some years without much ever seeming to change, maybe I just need to let God do whatever God is going to do. And so the Spirit sighs, which is another way of saying, “Jesus is Lord.” On the other hand, after sixty-plus years of living I also keep discovering new sinfulness in my life, little corners that I’ve allowed to get dusty by staying out of them. Like greed that I had labeled “being practical.” Like protecting myself from being used, which turns out to be no more than selfishness. And every once in a while, in a moment of honesty, I’ll come across one of those dusty corners, and it’s a bit like trying to swallow a peanut butter sandwich without any milk. It’s hard to get down, and then you start to hiccup. —Rev. Joseph J. Juknialis Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Living God’s Word We pay much more attention to hiccups because they are disruptive. Sighing comes easily. It settles us and heals. There’s good in both of them: hiccups direct our thoughts to what may need attention, sighing provides a moment of peace. Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. MAY 16 - 17, 2015 Recorded Contribution Loose Collection Total $ 2,213.00 $ 3,454.43 $ 5,496.74 The Ascension of the Lord $ 666.00 Piano & Guitar Classes MONDAY, MAY 25TH Gospel Study (English) (9:45AM) Bible Study (Spanish) (7:30PM) Clases de Liturgia (7:00PM) TUESDAY, MAY 26TH Neo-catechumenate (8:00PM) WEDNESDAY, MAY 27TH EXPOSITION & ADORATION (9:30-NOON) THURSDAY, MAY 28TH FRIDAY, MAY 29TH 7:00pm Grupo Carismático. SATURDAY, MAY 30TH 4:00 Vigil Mass AA MEETING– EVERY NIGHT (SAT-SUN 8-9 PM) KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS (#6746) 3310 Florida Ave 504-469-6736/504-352-7107 Friday Lunch Specials(11AM—1PM) Fish Plate, Shrimp Plate, Grill Shrimp Salad, Combo Plate (Phone-in orders available) Pescado, Camarones Fritos, Ensalada de Camarones a la Parrilla PLEASE PRAY FOR: David Pembo, Karen James, Kenny Harris, Michael & Joanne Montgomery Clarisa Merle, Audrey Sheuernann, Debbi Aguilar, Paul Sutphen, Nelson Leyva , Owen J. Lacour, Sr., Loraine Delk, Carol Olivier, Arthur Wail, Vita Thibodeaux, Stephanie & Gregory Frazier, Steven D. Murphy & Family, Vivian Guarisco, Lisa Devenport, Craig Dorran, Robert Munter, Julian Largaespada, Andrea Godoy, Brenda Teppen, Jean Garaudy, Bárbara Smagacaz, Vita Elmer, Terry Gleason, Michael Ayala, Grace Wallace, Stephanie Matherne, Lori Freese, Hattie & Steven Bailey, Artie Kirsch, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Du Luca, Allen Weiner, Blake Graff, Brent & Michelle Smith, Nick,Gahchan, Ted Fraiche, Nelson & Wilma Normand, Joseph Thibodeaux, Charles Stansbury, Aida del Carmen Méndez, Katelyn West, A. Varela, Beverly Phelps, Carrie Bourque, Sheila Cadow, Mary Babin, Brenda Becnel, Margarita Mesa, Mitch Leger, Diane Ladner, Roberto Otorno, Christine & Marcia Graff, Allen Jolly, Jr., Angel Ramos, Althea Alcock, Nedime Sherif, Luis Campuzano, Jr., Ismais Rende, Clair Klein, Adriana Stillwell, Audrey Gurtler, Lodge Hensley, Melvin & Marie Barnewold, Diane McCarthy, Deanna Perkins, Mary Ann Mount, Nancy Geraci, June Babin, Claire Ricciardo, Baby Elizabeth Ward, Mary L. Blanchard, Bonnie & Carmen Orillion, Dorothy Gabriel, Roger & Marilyn Bombardler, Sr, Marria N. Madere & those in hospitals, nursing homes & confined to their homes. Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios Los suspiros nos permiten quedarnos tranquilos por un momento sin respirar, en paz y sin aquello que acabamos de exhalar, desprovistos de esa preocupación o de esa confusión, o quizás hasta de nuestra pena interior. Es casi como que un suspiro fuera una oración para recibir un espíritu nuevo. Por otro lado, el hipo es casi como respirar en medio de baches y topes, como tragos de fibra, para que el aire puro siga fluyendo, o tal vez sean tragos del espíritu para equilibrar el cuerpo cuando éste se sienta bien contento de permanecer desequilibrado; es como un tipo de oración forzada. Últimamente he estado pensando en los suspiros y los hipos. Quizás sea porque me estoy poniendo mayor y suspiro con más frecuencia. Ahora con cada suspiro decido seguir viviendo tal como voy y me digo a mí misma que todo va bien porque, me guste o no me guste, es todo lo que tengo. He llegado a caer en la cuenta de que después de estar luchando con algunos de mis pecados durante más de sesenta años sin un cambio aparente, tal vez lo que necesito hacer es dejar a Dios que haga lo que quiere hacer. Y ahí va entonces un suspiro del Espíritu, lo cual es otra manera de afirmar que “Jesús es el Señor”. Por otro lado, después de más de sesenta años de vida también sigo descubriendo nuevos pecados en mi vida, pequeños rincones en donde he permitido que se acumule el polvo, por no entrar en ellos; como la avaricia, la cual me he convencido de que es “una cosa práctica”; como protegerme para no dejarme usar, lo cual ha resultado ser egoísmo ni más ni menos. Y de vez en cuando, durante un momento de honestidad, me encuentro con uno de esos rincones polvorientos y es algo así como tratar de tragar un sándwich de mantequilla de cacahuate sin leche; es difícil pasarlo y por eso comienzan los hipos. —Padre Joseph J. Juknialis Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. SUNDAY, MAY 24TH 8:00 AM Parish Family. 10:00 AM Eddie Goddard - Odile Baltazar Wayne Jospeh McWhorter - Dominick Scandurro Jeffrey Bordelon (4th. Death Anniversary) 12:00 PM GOOD HEALTH: Angel Ramos - David M. Galeas Clarisa Merle-Quirino Vásquez Marco Tulio & Juanita Pérez Eric Dávila. REST IN PEACE: Concepción Cruz Leopoldo Galván-Eduardo Aguilar - Roni Villalta Pedro Cardoza-Concepción ArriazaAmarilis Merle - Bernabe Cupertino Ruíz Rafael, Noris & Elizabeth Ortega– Coralia Mendoza Fugón - Esther Rosales José A. López - Lilliam Moody de Gutierrez William J. Almendárez (8Th. Death Anniversary) Mari Muñoz de Montenegro. BIRTHDAY: Sofía Macaluso. MONDAY, MAY 25TH 9:00 AM Rev. Amado Peña. TUESDAY, MAY 26TH 9:00 AM Mr. Corrado Campi. WEDNESDAY MAY 27TH 9:00 AM Janice Racca. THURSDAY, MAY 28TH 9:00 AM Martha Portillo de Berrios. FRIDAY, MAY 29TH 9:00AM Mr. Corrado Campi. SATURDAY, MAY 30TH 4:00 PM Joseph & Claire Lazaro Brandon Bartholomew - Janice Racca Nelson Anthony Gauthier. Vivamos la Palabra de Dios Le prestamos mucha más atención a los hipos, porque interrumpen. Los suspiros vienen fácilmente; nos calman y nos sanan. Hay algo de bueno en ambos: el hipo dirige nuestros pensamientos hacia lo que pudiera necesitar atención, mientras que los suspiros nos brindan un momento de paz. Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. SOL’S JEWELRY Monogram and Custom Made Jewelry 3304 Williams Blvd. (504) 469-4765 Please support the sponsors on the back of our bulletin. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Sir 17:20-24; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 10:1727 Tuesday: Sir 35:1-12; Ps 50:5-8, 14, 23; Mk 10:2831 Wednesday: Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Mk 10:32-45 Thursday: Sir 42:15-25; Ps 33:2-9; Mk 10:46-52 Friday: Sir 44:1, 9-13; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Mk 11:11-26 Saturday: Sir 51:12cd-20; Ps 19:8-11; Mk 11:27-33 Sunday: Dt 4:32-34, 39-40; Ps 33:4-6, 9, 18-20, 22; Rom 8:14-17; Mt 28:16-20 • Heating • Welding • Sewer & Drain Cleaning • Building Maintenance • Underground Water Mains • Gas Testing • Water Heaters • Underslab Repairs PLUMBING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC. • Video Inspection Over 50 Years Experience • Fire Hydrant Installation & Repairs 200 N. Woodlawn Ave. • Shop - 4414 Flamingo St. 504-833-1164 WWW.CTTRAINA.COM • Storm Drains 443-3557 Personal & Business Tax Return Preparation & Problem Solving Full Service Salon 3110 Williams Blvd. 443-5726 CLAUDE’S BARBER SHOP LLC Regular Haircuts LARRY JAUBERT, E.A. M.B.A. Owner • Parishioner Men, Women & Children 469-8104 3623 FLORIDA AVENUE 2538 Williams Blvd., Westland Mall CLASSIC INSURANCE AGENCY Auto - Flood - Home Commercial - Workers Comp 4207 Williams Blvd. 467-1453 Se Habla Español CHINO’S BARBER SHOP “If It Was Any Fresher You’d Be Wet At…” SMITTY’S SEAFOOD Specializing in Boiled or Fried Seafood Take Out: 469-1945 504-782-9180 Los Latinos Plaza 3521 Florida Ave. - Kenner 2000 W. Esplanade Ave. 468-1647 Ana’s Alterations Ronald A. Curran, D.D.S. Nathan Burns, D.M.D. Pediatric and Adolescent Dentistry Custom Alterations & Tailoring Ladies • Men • Children 3817 Williams Blvd., Ste. B 5036 Yale St., Ste. 302 Metairie, LA 70006 (504) 455-2213 [email protected] 443-3824 Business Hours Monday-Friday 9am-6pm Saturday 9am-2pm Closed on Sundays SOL’S JEWELRY Platinum, White & Yellow Gold Silver, Diamond Jewelry Monogram and Custom Made Jewelry 10K & 14K Gold and Diamond Jewelry 3304 Williams Blvd. Fasi By Burlington Coat Factory Manager Kenner, LA 70062 (504) 469-4765 Cell: (504) 430-7138 WE BUY GOLD BATTERY $5.00 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 504-464-4696 Shay Von J Salon Accessories Designer Suits 504.468.1688 Evening Gowns 3207 Williams Blvd. Prom/Quinceañera Dresses Kenner, LA Wedding Gowns • Jewelry • Shoes Cakes • Cookies • Tarts The Esplanade Mall Pastries Sandwiches and more. 1401 W. Esplanade Ave., Ste 102 Kenner, LA 70065 504-464-4698 Endless Pampering Shay Jones (504) 654-6424 [email protected] MASTER STYLIST/OWNER Reservations available @! 4228 WILLIAMS BLVD., SUITE 210, KENNER, LA 70065 953198 St Jerome Church 860.399.1785 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931