Plant genetic resources newsletter No. 126, June 2001
Plant genetic resources newsletter No. 126, June 2001
ISSN 1020-3362 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter Bulletin de Ressources Phytogénétiques Noticiario de Recursos Fitogenéticos No. 126, 2001 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture et l'institut international des ressources phytogénétiques Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación y el Instituto Internacional de Recursos Fitogenéticos Bureau de rédaction Oficina de Redacción The designations employed, and the presentation of material in the periodical, and in maps which appear herein, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IPGRI or FAO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Similarly, the views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of IPGRI or FAO. Les appellations employées dans cette publication et la présentation des données et cartes qui y figurent n’impliquent de la part de l’IPGRI et de la FAO aucune prise de position quant au statut juridique des pays, territoires, villes ou zones, ou de leurs autorités, ni quant au tracé de leurs frontières ou limites. Les opinions exprimées sont celles des auteurs et ne reflètent pas nécessairement celles de l’IPGRI ou de la FAO. Las denominaciones empleadas, y la forma en que aparecen presentados los datos en esta publicación, no implican, de parte del IPGRI o la FAO, juicio alguno sobre la condición jurídica de países, territorios, ciudades o zonas, o de sus autoridades, ni respecto de la delimitación de sus fronteras o límites. Asimismo, las opiniones expresadas son las de sus autores y no reflejan necesariamente la opinión del IPGRI o la FAO. Cover: Mature fruits of Cucurbita pepo—a selection of species characterized by Paris from the collection at the Newe Ya’ar Research Center, Israel: discussed on pp. 41–45. Couverture: Fruits mûrs des Curcubita pepo—une sélection d’espèces caractérisées par Paris, provenant de la collection du Centre de recherche Newe Ya’ar, Israël : discussion aux pp. 41–45. Portada: Frutos maduros de Cucurbita pepo—una selección de especies caracterizada por París de la colección del Centro de Investigación Newe Ya’ar, Israel: comentario en pp. 41–45. Editorial Office Managing Editor Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter IPGRI Via dei Tre Denari, 472/a 00057 Maccarese Rome, Italy Tel.: (+39)0661181 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+39)0661979661 Web: © IPGRI/FAO 2001 Plant Plant Genetic Genetic Resources Resources Newsletter, Newsletter, 2001, 2001, No. No. 126:126 1 - 11 1 ARTICLE Classification of Italian maize (Zea mays L.) germplasm Aureliano Brandolini1 and Andrea Brandolini2 1 2 Centro Ricerca Fitotecnica, Via Mazzini 30, 24128 Bergamo Italy Istituto Sperimentale per la Cerealicoltura, 26866 S. Angelo Lodigiano (LO), Italy; e-mail: [email protected] Summary Résumé Resumen Classification of Italian maize (Zea mays L.) germplasm Classification du germoplasme Italien de maïs (Zea mays L.) Clasificación del germoplasma Italiano de maíz (Zea mays L.) The early introduction of maize from the newly discovered Americas and the central location of the Mediterranean Basin ensured the Italian peninsula an important role in maize secondary evolution and regional diffusion. The introduction of USA dent hybrids in the late 1950s significantly changed Italian maize cultivation and led to the loss of traditional varieties. In anticipation of such an event, samples of many Italian maize landraces were collected in 1954 and during subsequent years, to be maintained, studied and used as sources of useful genes in breeding programmes. Phenological studies and germplasm relationships were assessed through principal components analysis of 17 important phenological, morphological and geographical characters for 562 Italian maize accessions. These were grouped into 65 agroecotypes; major clusters contained 34 landraces in 9 racial complexes of common ancestors and/or place of origin. A brief description of the landraces and racial complexes is presented. The Italian maize collection is permanently maintained ex situ at the Bergamo Section of the Istituto Sperimentale per la Cerealicoltura, a research Institute of the Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali. La prompte introduction du maïs de l’Amérique tout récemment découverte et la localisation centrale de l‘Italie dans le bassin Méditerranéen ont joué un rôle de grande importance dans la différentiation secondaire et dans la diffusion régionale du maïs dans le pays. L’arrivée des hybrides dentés des Etats Unis a changé profondément dés la décade ’50 le panorama des maïs italiens jusqu’à la presque désapparition des variétés traditionnelles. En prévision de telle possibilité, à partir du 1954 on a récueilli la plupart des variétés italiennes, dans l’objectif de leur conservation, étude et utilisation comme source de gènes utiles au programme d’amélioration génétique. Dans cette perspective, 562 populations de maïs italien ont été évaluées phénotipiquement: leur classification a été déterminée à travers de l’analyse des components principaux de 17 importantes caractères phènologiques, morphologiques et géographiques. Les populations étudiées ont été groupées en 65 agroecotypes; à niveau supérieur on a identifié 34 landraces, dérivées de 9 complexes raciaux d’origine commune ou d’hybridation par proximité. Une synthétique description des landraces et des complexes raciaux accompagne la présentation des tables descriptives des caractères moyens des groups identifiées aux différents niveaux. La collection des maïs italiens est conservée ex situ par la Section de Bergamo de l’Istituto Sperimentale per la Cerealicoltura du Ministère des Politiques Agricoles et Forestières. La temprana introducción del maíz desde las recién descubiertas Américas y su localización céntrica en el Mediterráneo desempeñaron un importante rol en la diferenciación secundaria y difusión regional del maiz en la península Italiana. La llegada de los híbridos Dent de Estados Unidos en la década de los cincuenta cambió profundamente el panorama de los cultivos Italianos de maíz y condujo a la desaparición de las variedades tradicionales. En previsión de este evento, muestras de muchas landraces Italianas fueron coleccionadas a partir de 1954, para ser conservadas, estudiadas y utilizadas como fuentes de genes útiles en los programas de mejoramiento. Con esta finalidad, 562 muestras de maíces Italianos fueron evaluadas fenológicamente y sus relaciones fueron determinadas a través del análisis de las componentes principales de 17 importantes carácteres fenológicos, morfológicos y geográficos. Las muestras fueron divididas en 65 agroecotipos; clusters mayores evidenciaron 34 landraces, derivadas de 9 complejos raciales de antepasados u origen común. Se presenta una sintética descripción de las landraces y de los complejos raciales. La colección de maíces Italianos es conservada ex situ en la Sección de Bergamo del Istituto Sperimentale per la Cerealicoltura, un Instituto de investigación del Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali. Key words: Agroecotype, germplasm, Italy, landrace, population, racial complex, Zea mays Introduction Maize (Zea mays L.) was introduced into Italy shortly after the return of Columbus from his first voyage to the New World (1492– 93). However, due to the poor adaptation of Caribbean maize cultivars to the 38–45° latitude photoperiod, the crop did not spread until mid-1500, when better adapted varieties of the Everta (popcorns) and Indurata (flint) groups were imported from subtropical and temperate regions of Central and South America. The diffusion of maize in Italy and from Italy into southern Europe was subsequently rapid: new environments, new uses and crossing of cultivars of different provenance resulted in numerous new populations particularly suited to the range of agroecological environments. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, white Indentata maize cultivars (Caragua and Gourdseed beaked dents) were introduced from the subtropics into the farms of eastern Veneto. During the nineteenth century they were gradually substituted by higher yielding USA Corn Belt dent cultivars. During four centuries the central position in the Mediterranean area conferred a special role on Italy as a hub of diffusion towards central and eastern Europe (Brandolini 1969b, 1970, 1971) along the various commercial routes of those periods (Messedaglia 1924). In the late 1950s maize landraces still predominated in Italian agriculture. Subsequently, however, the introduction of USA dent cultivars radically changed Italy’s germplasm spectrum, substituting old varieties for new highyielding hybrids. Nevertheless, small populations of traditional landraces continue to be grown in remote valleys by amateur farmers, for use in making traditional foods such as polenta. Maize classification Maize variability, in terms of grain colour, texture and food use, as well as general appearance, was appreciated and outlined by both early explorers of America and by sixteenth and seventeenth 2 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 century herbalists in Europe. Their descriptions of maize usually included a simplified iconography of plant and ear type, as observed in the ‘herbalist gardens’ of southern Europe. The first systematic maize variety classification was attempted by Bonafous (1836, 1842), at a plurispecific level, based on his experience of southern European types. This classification, reduced to a subspecific level, was later (1885) amplified and detailed by several European authors, including Harz, Koernicke, Werner and Heuzé (cited by Succi’ 1931). A more broadly accepted classification was produced by Sturtevant (1899), who based his grouping of USA varieties (at a subspecific level) on the merceological type of the kernels. Kuleshov (1929) later used such a classification as the basis for his studies on the variability of maize in the Americas. Sturtevant’s classification scheme and criteria were criticized by Anderson and Cutler (1942) as not adequately representing the existing abundant global diversity and for the monogenic basis of some of the discriminating characters (Amylacea, Amilosaccharata, Tunicata, Saccharata, Ceratina). Therefore, they proposed a more natural classification scheme based on a holistic consideration of genetic, phenotypic, cytological, phenological and ethno-historical elements. Recently, the introduction of molecular markers able to detect genetic differences at the DNA level, has spurred new studies on maize lines and cultivar relationships (Smith and Smith 1991, Livini et al. 1992, Pejic et al. 1998). However, their application to landraces has lagged behind because the intra-population variation found in allogamous species hinders data analysis and interpretation. Furthermore, the assessment of many morpho-physiological characters in germplasm is important for an accurate measurement of the differences between populations as well as for rapid assessment of their breeding potential. The description of many traits leads to analysis and interpretation problems. For the study of such morphologically complex samples, multivariate analysis combines the capacity to provide a synthetic summary of the most relevant traits and assessment of the relative importance of different characters to the total differences (Camussi 1979, Abadie et al. 1998). Maize collection and classification in Italy After fragmented attempts during the nineteenth (Bonafous 1836) and early twentieth centuries (Venino 1916, Zapparoli 1939, Succi 1931), in 1954 the collection and classification of Italian maize germplasm was begun in a systematic way. This was done through a national acquisition programme for the Indentata and Indurata types promoted by the senior author at the Stazione Sperimentale per la Maiscoltura of Bergamo (Director: L. Fenaroli), under the aegis of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture. Through the active co-operation of the Ispettorati Provinciali dell’Agricoltura, seed samples of different populations from 65 major maize–producing provinces were harvested and transferred to Bergamo, to undergo reproduction and classification studies (Brandolini 1958). The collection was expanded during the following years, to fill possible gaps, and was further studied for karyotype morphology (Bianchi et al. 1963, Lorenzoni 1965) and for biochemical and texture composition of the kernels (Brandolini 1967, 1969a, Camussi et al. 1980). Brandolini and Mariani (1968) proposed classification of the entire Italian collection by identifying and studying, on the basis of morphological and historical information, a core-collection comprising the ‘typical strains’ of each putative landrace. Camussi (1979) and Camussi et al. (1980) confirmed this classification in principle through multivariate analysis of the quantitative characters of 102 core-collection samples. A new step in the classification of the 562 accessions collected is presented here, through multivariate analysis of 17 phenotypical and geographic characters important as hierarchic grouping criteria for the Italian situation and accurately representing plant, ear and adaptation characters. Materials and methods Accessions Accessions (562) representing the Indurata and Indentata groups were collected in 1954 from all over Italy (Fig. 1). These were grown in 1955 in nursery fields of the Stazione Sperimentale di Maiscoltura in Bergamo, Italy, at 45°41’N, 9°37’E and 240 masl. The experimental plots were 8 m long, 0.9 m wide and comprised 30 plants per plot. Fig. 1. Collection sites of the 562 Italian maize accessions discussed in this publication. Traits scored Thirty phenological, morphological and agronomic traits (five for plant architecture, three for phenology, five for ear morphology, seven for tassel morphology, six for grain morphology, three for disease susceptibility and one set for internode pattern) were measured at flowering and at harvest on ten representative plants per plot. A preliminary correlation analysis of all the traits recorded suggested consideration of only the 14 most relevant and independent plant, ear and geographic characters as well as three morphological indices (Table 1). The semi-quantitative traits (kernel type and kernel colour) were coded by attributing them a numeric value, taking into account the probable pairing of type and colour of the kernels, as evident in each of the populations studied, in order to provide meaningful averages. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 3 Table 1. Mean values and ranges of the variables measured in analysis of 562 Italian maize accessions Ear length (cm) Ear diameter (mm) Row number Kernel height (mm) Kernel width (mm) Kernel thickness (mm) 1000-kernel weight (g) Female GDU Plant height (cm) Leaf number Ear/plant height ratio Leaf area (cm2)† Conicity index‡ Kernel type§ Kernel colour¶ Latitude (°N) Altitude (masl) Mean Standard deviation Minimum Maximum 17.3 42.6 13.5 9.5 9.2 5.2 344.4 760.7 197.1 11.6 55.9 62.7 3.8 3.4 5.0 43.7 282.9 3.13 5.51 2.32 1.16 1.21 0.59 78.54 70.72 36.22 1.59 5.66 16.72 1.52 1.27 1.75 2.28 256.21 10.0 29.3 7.7 7.1 6.2 3.2 157.5 567.0 122.0 7.7 31.2 22.9 1.1 2.0 1.0 38.0 2.0 25.6 62.1 22.9 14.3 13.3 7.1 610.0 927.0 314.0 16.9 67.8 106.9 11.7 8.0 6.0 47.0 1275.0 † ¾ (leaf width x leaf length) ½ [(ear diameter at 2/3–ear diameter at 1/3) / 1/3 ear length] § 1=floury, 2=semi-floury, 3=semi-flint, 4=flint, 5=semi-dent, 6=dent, 7=dent semi-rostrate, 8=flint rostrate ¶ 1=white, 2=purple, 3=brown, 4=red, 5=yellow, 6=orange ‡ Statistical analysis Mean values, standard errors and variation indices were computed for each accession. The data matrix of 562 accessions and 17 traits was standardized (mean=0 and variance=1) and analysed using principal components analysis. Principal components (PC) were calculated from the matrix of correlations between the characters, and the original variables were transformed into a new set of independent variables. To detect natural groupings in the collection, the Euclidean dissimilarity measures computed from this new set of variables were clustered by the unweighted pair-group method, arithmetic average (UPGMA). The resulting dendrogram was pruned at a level that revealed most distinctive groups, but still retained highly related cultivars within a single group. No formal statistical criteria were used. The analysis was performed using the statistical software Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis System Version 1.70 (NTSYS-pc; Rholf 1993). 610 g, kernel height between 7.1 and 14.3 mm, width from 6.2 to 13.3 mm and thickness from 3.2 to 7.1 mm. Growth environments ranged from the high alpine valleys and slopes to the Padanian and coastal plains. A special case of adaptation was represented by material from the Sicilian highlands, where several cultivars were cropped to 1275 masl at 39°N. Results and discussion Trait variation The average, minimum and maximum values and standard deviations for the 17 traits considered, for the entire Italian collection, are presented in Table 1. Most characters showed ample variation as a result of centuries of selection and adaptation to different microenvironments and uses. Plant height varied from 122 cm for those cultivars grown in dry areas to 314 cm for those from the humid plains. Leaf number ranged from 7.7 to 16.9, while the GDU at female anthesis was between 567 and 927 and the leaf area between 22.9 and 106.9 cm2. Ear type varied from true cylindrical to extra conical, with a row number going from 7.7 to 22.9 and an ear diameter from 29.3 up to 62.1 mm. Average ear length was from 10 to 25.6 cm. Figure 2 shows some ear types. Kernel type and colour were very variable, with a strong prevalence of flint (18%) and semi-flint (52%) types, generally orange (64%), yellow (14%) or white (14%). Kernel shape and size were also highly variable, with 1000-kernel weight from 157 to Fig. 2. Ear morphology of some Italian maizes. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 –0.11** 0.14** –0.19** 0.37** –0.18** Kernel colour –0.30** 0.27** –0.20** 0.08* –0.52** 0.42** –0.37** 0.45** –0.28** Kernel type Conicity index Leaf area 0.56** –0.23** 0.28** –0.05 0.11** –0.24** Ear/plant height 0.76** 0.61** 0.85** –0.54** 0.46** –0.33** 0.31** –0.22** 0.55** 0.66** –0.44** 0.35** –0.24** 0.08* –0.22** Leaf number Plant height * and ** indicate statistical significance at P=0.05 and P=0.01, respectively. –0.03 –0.01 –0.01 –0.14** 0.03 –0.07* –0.36** –0.16** –0.20** 0.11** 0.12** 0.13** 0.11** 0.19** 0.15** 0.18** 0.21** 0.11** 0.18** –0.05 0.68** 0.17** 0.71** 0.27** 0.54** 0.22** 0.35** 0.19** 0.69** 0.35** –0.70** 0.14** 0.20** 0.07* –0.28** –0.13** 0.16** 0.15** –0.6 –0.07* 0.51** 0.64** 0.52** 0.35** 0.64** –0.32** 0.42** –0.42** 0.21** –0.18** 0.41** 0.86** –0.37** 0.48** 0.40** 0.56** 0.58** Ear diameter Row number Kernel height Kernel width Kernel thickness 1000-kernel weight Female GDU Plant height Leaf number Ear/plant ratio Leaf area Conicity Index Kernel type Kernel colour Latitude Altitude 0.17** –0.58** –0.24** 0.55** 0.60** 0.24** 0.15** 0.17** –0.04 0.41** 0.18** –0.10* 0.25** –0.25** –0.32** –0.36** –0.31** –0.32** –0.34** 0.22** –0.48** 0.08 –0.30** 0.22** 0.19** 0.30** 0.20** 0.05 0.36** –0.22** –0.10** –0.30** 0.06 –0.02 0.78** 0.64** 0.56** 0.66** –0.48* 0.31** –0.35** 0.03 –0.09 Female GDU Kernel 1000thickness kernel Kernel width Ear Row Kernel diameter number height Ear length Table 2. Correlation coefficients for morphological, agronomical and geographical traits measured in 562 Italian maize accessions Trait association Correlations among the 17 characters studied are presented in Table 2. The large number of observations raised the test power, giving significance to most of the correlations: hence, only values above 0.6 are discussed. Several vegetative traits (plant height, time to female anthesis, number of leaves, leaf area) appeared highly correlated and were correlated with ear length. Tall, latematuring accessions had more and larger leaves and longer ears. Plant height was also associated with ear/plant height ratio, as expected in vigorous plants, and also with kernel height which was also linked to leaf area. Ear length was negatively correlated with conicity index: long ears were mainly cylindrical, while short ears were generally conical. A high 1000-kernel weight was mostly a consequence of thicker kernels. –0.34** Latitude 4 Clustering Cluster analysis is often used to assess genetic diversity and to classify species (Stanton et al. 1994, Rincon et al. 1996, Van Beuningen and Busch 1997). In our study, the correlations existing between traits suggested the need to transform the variables to have independent linear variables as input for cluster analysis. Projection of the standardized original values on to the eigenvectors of the correlation matrix provides variable independence and balanced weighting of traits. Generally, only PC with eigenvalues larger than 1 are considered, but Jolliffe (1986) suggested retaining PC with eigenvalues as low as 0.75 if the input matrix is a correlation type. Therefore, eigenvalues as low as 0.87 were considered in our study. Hence, six eigenvalues accounting for 82% of the variation between populations, with the first two PC explaining 52% of the variation, were considered and are presented in Table 3 along with correlation coefficients among eigenvectors and original variables. The first eigenvector is mainly linked to the vegetative vigour of the plant, as shown by its correlation with ear length, kernel height, length of the vegetative cycle (GDU to female anthesis), plant height, number of leaves, ratio between ear and plant height, leaf area and, to a minor degree, kernel type and (negatively) conicity index. Populations with high scores for the first eigenvector are, hence, late flowering, tall, leafy plants with long, cylindrical ears and deep kernels. The second eigenvector is mostly connected with kernel traits; kernel width, thickness and 1000kernel weight, as well as (negatively) with row number. Hence, populations with large and heavy kernels are consequently characterized by a low number of rows. The third eigenvector summarizes the shape of the ear, since it relates to conicity index, ear diameter and row number. The other traits are linked to the remaining eigenvectors. In particular, the geographical origin of the samples is mainly summarized by the fourth (correlated mostly with latitude and altitude of the collection site) and by the fifth (connected with altitude) eigenvectors, while kernel colour is mainly associated with the sixth eigenvector. Multivariate analysis of the Italian maize collection led to the definition of several clusters. A preliminary UPGMA dendrogram, obtained from the Euclidean distances computed from the data matrix obtained by the projection of the original scores on to the eigenvectors (not presented) revealed the existence of major similarities among accessions. Therefore, accessions clustering in Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 5 Table 3. Correlation coefficients among original values and eigenvectors for a principal components analysis of important traits in 562 Italian maize accessions (eigenvalues and cumulative proportions of variance are also reported) Eigenvectors Ear length Ear diameter Rows number Kernel height Kernel width Kernel thickness 1000-kernel weight Female GDU Plant height Leaf number Ear/plant height ratio Leaf area Conicity index Kernel type Kernel colour Latitude Altitude Eigenvalues Cumulative proportion of total variance 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.75 0.38 0.17 0.76 0.03 –0.40 0.38 0.80 0.93 0.78 0.63 0.91 –0.61 0.53 –0.44 0.36 –0.29 5.97 0.35 0.24 –0.25 –0.55 –0.22 0.96 0.69 0.86 –0.02 –0.03 –0.03 –0.20 0.01 –0.09 –0.43 –0.23 –0.27 0.20 2.95 0.52 0.28 –0.85 –0.67 –0.35 –0.01 –0.16 –0.18 0.18 –0.07 0.08 –0.02 –0.03 –0.54 0.00 –0.07 –0.17 0.10 1.81 0.63 0.15 0.11 0.27 –0.08 –0.08 0.11 –0.16 0.35 0.09 0.24 0.31 -0.08 0.07 –0.26 0.30 –0.67 0.52 1.39 0.71 0.05 0.05 0.15 0.18 –0.10 –0.09 –0.04 0.04 –0.05 –0.16 –0.45 –0.06 –0.16 0.29 –0.42 0.03 0.60 0.96 0.77 0.32 0.07 0.15 –0.19 –0.02 0.17 0.05 –0.12 0.05 –0.14 –0.10 0.12 –0.29 –0.05 0.52 0.44 0.25 0.87 0.82 the terminal branches of the tree were considered to be similar or duplicate samples and were merged into 65 basic entities, after Gregor (1931, 1933), agroecotypes: population units, differing in adaptive characters, with a narrow genetic base but having certain genetic characters in common with the other varieties. Each agroecotype included a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 26 accessions. The means and standard errors for each original variable are presented in the Appendix. Identification of the agroecotypes appears strongly based on their phenological performance as well as on regional diffusion of the samples. A second-level principal components analysis (Fig. 3), performed on the mean values of the agroecotypes, provided evidence of hierarchical relationships between and among agroecotypes, which resulted in a further grouping at a level of races or, more accurately, landraces. These are related individuals with enough broad-based characteristics in common to permit their recognition as a group (Anderson and Cutler 1942), maintained through panmictic reproduction in the populations and occupying defined areas (Brieger 1950, Brieger et al. 1958). At an even higher level evidence of racial complexes (RC) was found. These are broader groups formed by a number of races having some decisive characters in common: morphological, locational and/or phylogenetical (Brieger, 1950, Brieger et al. 1958). The relationships within and among landraces and their attribution to different racial complexes are presented in the plot of first and second principal components (Fig. 4). The average values and standard errors associated with measured variables for the 34 landraces, grouped according to the racial complexes, are presented in the Appendix. Landraces A detailed description of each landrace and of its specific agroecotypes will be reported in a more comprehensive publication.We provide here a very synthetic description of the OttofileN Der10-12f OttofilePen Tajolone OttofileTar Meliun Cannellino Granturchella Nostrale Monachello Barbina Cavolone Bufano Maggese Cinquantino Poliranghi Maggengo Spadone Culaccione Ciociarino Montano Costarolo Biancone CinquantinoB Montoro BiancoSud Rodindia Pannaro Primitivo Trentinella Primaticcio Dindico Lucano Altosiculo Poliota Paesan Trenodi Nanoprecoce Agostinello Tirolese Zeppetello Pufano Trecchinese Marano Cinquantino Brigantino Quarestivo Cadore Ostesa Pignolino Pignolo Scagliolo Rostrato NostranoIn NostranoVe BaniScaiola ZamengoB BiancoPerla RighettaB DentatoB RostratoB DentatoBII Cimalunga DentatoG DentatoSc 0.00 0.40 0.79 Coefficient of dissimilarity 1.19 1.58 Fig. 3. Dendrogram for 65 Italian maize agroecotypes. Pruning levels for landraces (solid line) and for racial complexes (broken line) are indicated. 6 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 1.00 BaniScaiola Pignolo Cadore 0.55 Zeppetello Marano Rostrato Scagliolo Ostesa Quarantino estivo PC2 (17%) Nostrano dell’Isola Pannaro Barbina 0.10 Agostinello Trenodi Poliota -0.35 Biancone Dentati antichi Poliranghi Montano Dindico Trentinella Altosiculo Dentati moderni Rodindia Monachello Cannellino Montoro Cimalunga Bianco Perla Derivato 10-12 Ottofile Ottofile tardivo Tirolese Righetta bianca Tajolone -0.80 -1.20 -0.55 PC1 (35%) 0.10 0.75 1.40 Fig. 4. Plot of principal components 1 and 2 for a group of Italian maize landraces. The lines group landraces belonging to the same racial complex. races included in each racial complex, with an indication of their regional localization and phylogenetic relationships. Of the three major groups (subspecies, after Sturtevant 1899) introduced into Italy during the last four centuries, the Everta did not play a very important role, due to small-scale production and to genetic isolation mechanisms. They are unable to accept pollen from other subspecies, allowing survival as a pure crop in farms and gardens, limiting passive intercrossing. However, some active pollination contributed to the building of a number of the Indurata landraces, of the Microsperma racial complex, which even today maintain three main characteristics inherited from the Everta introgression: a very small kernel, an extra-hard texture and a tendency to multiple ear-bearing. A multivariate test performed on major Everta strains and on representative Microsperma landraces confirmed, however, the absence of other significant similarities (data not presented). Traditional maize varieties from the various regions of Italy belong mainly to the Indurata group. Seventy percent of the samples studied had a flint or semi-flint kernel texture. Only few landraces, mainly grown in southern and eastern Veneto, can be traced back to Meso-American beaked dents (Rostrato bianco) and, in the late nineteenth century, to the dent varieties of the USA Corn Belt. A special type of dent maize—the Scaiola—is included as a dent ancestor in the Rostrato-Scagliolo group of the Insubrian racial complex, but may be included in the Gourdseed varieties of the southern USA. It was identified by Venino (1916) as an import from Philadelphia. In general we recognize within the Italian Indurata maizes several phenological characters that permit tracing their origin to different regions of the Americas.The landraces are the result of their mixing and intercrossing. There is historical evidence that maize cultivation in Italy began only in the second half of the sixteenth century, notwithstanding the documented earlier introduction of maize seeds (Martire d’Anghiera 1514). Maize types from the subtropics (West Indies, Central America) originally met serious obstacles in their photoperiodic adaptation to 38– 45°N.Maize cropping was thus possible only when samples from higher latitudes or the cold highlands of the Cordillera, and/or genetic materials insensitive to daylength, were received. Again, the long shipment routes favoured survival of hard, horny seeds of the Indurata group (Morocho type), more resistant to moulds and insects, and easily accepted in regions where the milling activity was millenarian. In addition to the detailed presentation of phenological and adaptation data included in the Appendix, a synthesis of the different complexes and identified landraces is provided, with a short description and a few comments on evidence of relationships. RACIAL COMPLEXES: (A) OTTOFILE VITREI E DERIVATI EIGHT-ROWED FLINTS AND DERIVED RACES Agroecotypes of this racial complex are present in every Italian region and are adapted to a range of agroclimatic conditions.Their adaptation ranges from extra-early maturity in the dry regions of central and southern Italy up to a full season cycle in the Padania region and in high rainfall or irrigated locations of southern Italy and Sicily. In situations of proximity to other RC (conical flints, Microsperma flints) many derived forms (10–12–14 rowed flints) Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 7 exist as a result of the introgression of neighbouring racial groups and appear to accompany the true eight-rowed forms, especially in central Italy. The following landraces, presented in two groups can be included in this complex: (D) CILINDRICI VITREI MERIDIONALI DI CICLO MEDIO MID-SEASON SOUTHERN CYLINDRICAL FLINTS These derive from southern Italy and the highlands of Sicily, this RC is characterized by a mid-season growing cycle and mediumshort plants with rather reduced leaves. Landrace Landrace Description True-bred eight –rowed flints (1) Ottofile 8-row semi-flint (3) Tajolone large grain 8-row semifloury (4) Ottofile long-eared tardivo 8-row flint Derived landraces (2) Derivati 8-row 10–12 file derived semi-flint (5) Cannellino long-eared semi-flint (6) Monachello long-eared semi-flint No. entries Region Kernel size Maturity 14 large medium 3 Northcentral North extralarge medium– late 6 North large medium– late 7 central large medium 26 Northcentral South large medium– late medium– late 8 medium (B) CONICI VITREI E DERIVATI CONICAL-EARED FLINTS AND DERIVED RACES A large number of accessions with traits suited to non-irrigated plains and hill slopes of central and northern Italy, bearing conical or subconical ears with medium sized, isodiametric, thick grains. Bonciarelli (1961) noted that the large conical cob, rich in soft parenchyma, is an adaptation to low-moisture growing conditions, where its structure functions as a water reservoir able to maintain stigma turgidity during periods of high-transpiration. An extreme form, the Ostesa landrace, characterized by extreme conicity index (11.7) and high row number (18.8), can be included in this RC. Landrace Description No. Region entries (7) Barbina conical eared 79 Northyellow flint central (8) Poliranghi multi-rowed 65 Northyellow semi-flint central (9) Montano subalpine 17 North flint (10) Biancone Apennine 7 Central yellow flint (25) Ostesa extra-conical 1 North yellow flint Maturity Description (11) Montoro long-eared white semi-flint long-eared 8 orange semiflint long-eared 7 Microsperma (12) Rodindia (13) Pannaro No. entries 13 Region No. entries (14) Trentinella subcylindrical 33 yellow semiflint (15) Dindico yellow-red 22 semi-flint (16) Altosiculo long 5 subcylindrical yellow semiflint Landrace Description (17) Poliota extra-early 6 hills flint extra early 23 Tyrrhenian flint Alpine valleys 3 early flint (18) Tre nodi (19) Tirolean No. entries Landrace medium medium a) Apennine (20) Agostinello early conical orange flint (21) Zeppetello early conical yellow flint b) Subalpine orange flint (22) Marano prolific orange flint (23) Quarantino extra-early estivo summer orange flint (24) Cadore early multi-row conical flint medium– early medium medium medium medium South Kernel size large South large South small Maturity medium– late late medium– late This last landrace is distinguished from the others by its characteristic small seed (Microsperma). South Kernel size medium South medium Maturity medium– late medium– late Sicilian medium medium– highlands late Region Kernel size Maturity central medium central medium Alpine valleys medium extraearly extraearly extraearly (F) MICROSPERMA VITREI MICROSPERMA FLINTS These are cropped in northern and central Italy and include landraces with small, hard, horny textured seeds. The seeds are generally yellow, orange or reddish, and the plants are relatively short with low ear insertion and reduced leaf area. medium medium Region (E) NANI PRECOCISSIMI VITREI EXTRA-EARLY DWARF FLINTS These are present in the mountain valleys of North and central Italy, as well as in the plains of the Tyrrhenian coast. The group is composed of three landraces characterized by extreme earliness and reduced plant and ear size. Kernel size medium (C) CILINDRICI MERIDIONALI TARDIVI LATE SOUTHERN CYLINDRICAL FLINTS This is a RC characterized by lines with long cylindrical or subcylindrical ears, a medium-late to late growing season, large grains and large, leafy plants. The following landraces are ascribed to this group: Landrace Description Description No. entries Region Kernel size Maturity 7 small early 14 centralSouth South small early 41 North small medium 7 North small extraearly 4 North small early The Pignolo landrace, which is placed in the following RC but is of typical Microsperma size, could be also related to this group. (G) INSUBRICI VITREI E SEMI-VITREI INSUBRIAN FLINTS AND SEMI-FLINTS This complex is the result of convergent adaptation to a particular agrosystem centred in the peneplains of the InsubrianEuganean region, where maize found a preferred habitat. It contains genetic material that can be traced back to various American sources and races. Their proximity and easy intercrossing generated intermediate forms, especially in the ’elliptical seed‘ group [Scaiola (Dent) x Pignoletto x Rostrato]. 8 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 Two main subsections exist: Landrace Description No. Region entries a) multi-rowed, elliptical seeded (26) Pignolo elliptical seed 5 orange flint (27) Rostrato deep grain 19 Scagliolo orange semiflint (29) Scaiola gourd seed 3 yellow dent b) long-eared, isodiametric (square) seeds (28) Nostrano long 39 dell’Isola cylindrical flint Kernel size Maturity Euganean hills Insubria small, deep small, deep mediumlate medium– late Insubria oblong, medium– deep late Transpadania cubic medium– late The Nostrano dell’Isola landrace, widely grown in different parts of Italy, originally developed in the sub-Alpine region of Bergamo province. It is characterized by a medium-late growing cycle and by a typical long ear with enlarged butt and isodiametric orange flint grains. It can be traced back to the Caribbean cylindrical maizes. Similar types are endemic in other maize-growing countries, of southern Europe, including Portugal, Spain and Romania. Bianchi veneti – Veneto white landraces Due to historical and commercial routes, the diversification of maize in the eastern and southern Venetian provinces followed specific paths from the outset of its introduction, both within the white dent group and the white flint group. It is thus possible to distinguish two major sections (white and yellow dents, and white pearls).Convergent evolution gave rise to landraces (Cimalunga and Righetta Bianca) combining dent or pearl seed in different plant types. (H) BIANCO PERLA PEARL WHITE FLINTS This is a large group of accessions mainly found in the southern Venetian plains, characterized by large cylindrical ears and white grains of pearly appearance, very similarin many traits, to the Pearl White group of varieties collected and studied in several Latin-American countries. The Italian collection includes three agroecotypes: Cimalunga, Righetta Bianca and Bianco Perla, differing mainly in their kernel type and maturity. The Bianco Perla landrace includes introgressed Hickory King strains of recent importation. Landrace Description (30) Bianco Perla (31) Righetta Bianca (33) Cimalunga pearl white semi-flint eight-rowed white dent long-eared white semiflint No. entries 25 Region Veneto Kernel size medium 4 Veneto huge 6 Veneto medium Maturity medium– late medium– late late (I) DENTATI BIANCHI WHITE DENTS This RC includes agroecotypes of the Indentata group, either as ancient introductions from Central America or from recent imports as high-yielding open-pollinated varieties from the USA. The ancient dents include both the beaked white dents (extra floury) from Mesoamerica and the equally late-maturing dent varieties from Central America and southern USA. The modern dents include open-pollinated varieties (white and yellow) imported from the USA during the first half of the twentieth century and the new local varieties developed by Italian technicians from Indurata x Indentata hybridization in the period between the two world wars. Landrace Description (32) Dentati antichi (34) Dentati moderni ancient dentsdents modern dents O.P. No. entries 19 16 Region eastern Veneto Po plain Kernel size medium large Maturity medium– late medium– late Some white dents were also grown in Novara province, Piedmont. Conclusions The multivariate analysis of the major morphological, phenological and adaptive characteristics of the Italian Maize Collection allowed a realistic clustering of the 562 entries into hierarchical groups of different levels: 65 agroecotypes, 34 landraces and, finally, 9 racial complexes. The classification confirms, at a phenotypic level, the relationships advanced by Brandolini and Mariani (1968). A better and deeper knowledge of the different types and of their similarities, supported by historical records, Table 4. Presence of accessions, agroecotypes, landraces and racial complexes in the Italian administrative regions Administrative region Accessions Agroecotypes Landraces Racial complexes Piemonte Liguria Lombardia Trentino-Alto Adige Veneto Friuli Emilia Romagna Toscana Marche Lazio Abruzzi Campania Puglia Basilicata Calabria Sicilia Sardegna 34 17 42 24 91 35 26 72 45 51 32 27 9 23 4 25 5 14 12 18 12 28 16 16 19 12 20 13 12 7 8 4 9 4 11 11 12 9 17 9 11 10 8 13 8 8 6 7 2 6 4 5 4 6 5 5 5 6 5 4 8 4 5 3 5 2 3 2 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 9 allowed highlighting of several similarities as well as systematic differences. Furthermore, it was possible to identify some agroecotypes and landraces bearing ’primitive‘ or more evolved traits, for reasons of similarity with American races of known ancient origin. Finally, it was possible to trace a number of evolutionary paths followed by maize in the course of five centuries under the multifarious conditions that characterize Italy. The information contained in Table 4 highlights the distribution of the accessions, agroecotypes, landraces and racial complexes with regard to their presence in the various administrative regions of Italy. In conclusion, we would like to emphasize the importance of the Italian maize germplasm during the four centuries after its introduction in Europe. Italian naturalists and farmers received germplasm from America, via Spain and Portugal and, later, from the European regions of the Turkish Empire as well as directly from Italians in America. This maize germplasm, after adaptation to temperate climates, was consciously transferred, via trade routes and technical exchange, to central Europe and the Balkans (Pavlicic and Trifunovic 1967) and to North Africa. During the Napoleonic era another exchange route included France and Switzerland: Bonafous worked both in Paris and Turin. Finally, in the twentieth century the Stazione Sperimentale per la Maiscoltura of Bergamo, the first institution purposely created in Europe for maize improvement, collaborated openly with many maize researchers and freely exchanged germplasm, experiences and human resources. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Drs C. Elitropi, G. Mariani, G. Orio and G. Vandoni for their precious collaboration, valuable suggestions and priceless friendship. References Abadie, T., J.R. Magalhaes, C. Cordeiro, S.N. Parentoni and R.V. de Andrade. 1998. A classification for Brazilian maize landraces. Plant Genet. Resour. Newsletter. 114:43-44. Anderson, E. and H. Cutler. 1942. Races of maize: their recognition and classification. Ann. Mo. Bot. Garden 29:69-88. Bianchi, A., M.V. Ghatnekar and A. Ghidoni. 1963. Knobs in Italian maize. Chromosoma 14:601-617. Bonafous, M. 1836. 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Rome, Italy. 10 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 Appendix Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 11 12 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126: 12 - 16 ARTICLE Collecting landscape trees and shrubs in Ukraine for the evaluation of aesthetic quality and adaptation in the north central United States† Mark P. Widrlechner1, Robert E. Schutzki2, Vasily Y. Yukhnovsky3, and Victor V. Sviatetsky3 USDA-Agricultural Research Service, North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011-1170, USA 2 Department of Horticulture, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1325, USA 3 Department of Forestry, National Agricultural University, Kyiv, 252041 Ukraine 1 Summary Résumé Resumen Collecting landscape trees and shrubs in Ukraine for the evaluation of aesthetic quality and adaptation in the north central United States Un assemblage des arbres et arbustes ornementaux dans l’Ukraine pour l’évaluation de l’esthétique et de l’adaptation dans la région nord-centrale des États-Unis Colección de árboles y arbustos de paisaje en Ucrania para la evaluación de la calidad estética y adaptación en la parte central norte de Estados Unidos Certaines expériences avec les évaluations à long terme des plantes ligneuses de la Slovénie, de la Croatie, et de la Bosnie-Herzégovine dans la région nord-centrale des États-Unis ont indiqué qu’une portion relativement petite de ces introductions a été bien adapté aux climats et terroirs régionaux. Fondé sur ces résultats, quelques critères ont été développées afin de diriger l’exploration future pour les arbres et arbrustes ornementaux des environnements plus analogues dans l’Europe orientale et centrale. L’application de ces critères a reconnu la zone de transition entre le bois et la steppe dans l’Ukraine du nord comme une région du potentiel considérable, à cause des ressemblances à la région nord-centrale des États-Unis en les extrêmes climatiques, les types de sols, et les associations naturelles de la végétation. En 1999, le Système National du Matériel Génétique Végétal a financé une mission collaborative afin de rassembler les semences, engageante les chercheurs du Département d’Agriculture des États-Unis, l’Université de l’État du Michigan, et l’Université Agricole de l’Ukraine. L’excursion d’exploration a eu lieu entre le 7 et le 26 septembre 1999 et a embrassé vers 3200 km des voyages aux bois à travers la zone de transition entre le bois et la steppe. Nous avons obtenu 89 échantillons de semences, contenant 26 genres et 45 espèces d’arbres, arbustes, et herbacées plantes vivaces. Dans notre rapport, nous décrirons la mission, ses collections, et les conditions aux lieux de collection. Experiencias en el pasado con evaluaciones de largo plazo en plantas leñosas de paisaje provenientes de Eslovenia, Croacia y Bosnia-Herzegovina en la parte central norte de Estados Unidos, han indicado que una proporción relativamente baja de estas introducciones estuvieron bien adaptadas a las condiciones climáticas y de suelo. Con base en estos resultados, se desarrollaron criterios para enfocar futuras exploraciones de árboles y arbustos de paisaje de ambientes más análogos en el este y centro de Europa. Con la aplicación de estos criterios se identificó a la zona de transición bosque–estepa en la mitad norte de Ucrania como una región con gran potencial, debido a similitudes con la parte central norte de Estados Unidos con respecto a los extremos climáticos, tipos de suelo y comunidades naturales de plantas. En 1999, el Sistema Nacional de Germoplasma Vegetal de los Estados Unidos financió una misión colaborativa para colección de semilla involucrando investigadores del Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos, la Universidad Estatal de Michigan y la Universidad Agrícola Nacional de Ucrania. El viaje de exploración se realizó entre el 7 y el 26 de septiembre de 1999 y abarcó aproximadamente 3200 km de recorrido a sitios arbolados a través de la zona de transición bosque-estepa. Se obtuvieron ochenta y nueve colecciones de semilla, incluyendo 26 géneros y 45 especies de árboles, arbustos y herbáceas perennes. En este reporte se describe la misión, sus colecciones y las condiciones de los sitios de colecta. Past experiences with long-term evaluations of woody landscape plants from Slovenia, Croatia, and BosniaHerzegovina in the north central United States indicated that a relatively low proportion of these introductions were well adapted to climatic and soil conditions. Based on these results, criteria were developed to focus future exploration for landscape trees and shrubs from more analogous environments in eastern and central Europe. Application of these criteria identified the forest– steppe transition zone in the northern half of Ukraine as a region with great potential, because of similarities to the north central United States in climatic extremes, soil types and natural plant communities. In 1999, the National Plant Germplasm System of the United States funded a collaborative seed-collection mission involving researchers from the United States Department of Agriculture, Michigan State University and the National Agricultural University of Ukraine. The exploration trip took place between 7 and 26 September 1999 and encompassed ca. 3200 km of travel to wooded sites through the forest–steppe transition zone. Eighty-nine seed collections, including 26 genera and 45 species of trees, shrubs and herbaceous perennials were obtained. The mission, its collections and conditions at collection sites are described in this report. Key words: Climatic analogue, forestry, genetic resources, ornamental, plant community, plant exploration † Journal Paper No. J-19028 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa, Project No. 1018, and supported by Hatch Act and State of Iowa. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 13 Introduction The north central United States is a region of climatic extremes, and many parts of the region have alkaline soil that developed under grasslands. Because of these conditions, the diversity found in commercially available woody plants adapted to the region is considerably less than that found in many other parts of the United States. Eastern and central Europe are potentially important sources of well-adapted landscape plants for the nursery industry in the United States. Many commonly produced shade trees and shrubs cultivated in urban areas in the eastern United States, such as Acer campestre and platanoides, Ligustrum vulgare, Quercus robur and Tilia cordata, are native throughout much of Europe, but are thought to be primarily of western European provenance because of previously restricted access to regions further east. Western European sources are often poorly adapted to the climatic and edaphic stresses found in the north central region, leading to plant loss and frequent replacement. But the native ranges of many valuable European landscape plants extend east into the more continental climates and grassland soils of central and eastern Europe, creating opportunities to acquire and evaluate plants that may be of direct utility in the north central region and that should also serve as a reservoir of stress-tolerant genotypes for plant improvement research. The most comprehensive landscape-plant evaluation program in the north central region is the NC-7 Regional Ornamental Plant Trials, which were begun in 1954 with the ultimate goal of expanding the range of useful plants in the nursery trade in the north central region (Widrlechner 1990). The emphasis in these trials is placed on detailed, long-term evaluations across a diverse array of sites and the broad sharing of such performance data rather than on direct promotion of new plants, with results made available to horticultural professionals and the general public via the Internet (Becker 2000). One of the first opportunities to evaluate landscape plants from central Europe occurred in the early 1970s, when a U.S. government-sponsored project resulted in extensive collections of horticultural germplasm throughout former Yugoslavia. Many of the tree and shrub collections made by that project were evaluated in the 1970s and 1980s in the NC-7 Regional Ornamental Plant Trials. A detailed analysis of the performance of these plants in relation to climatic variables at trial sites (Widrlechner et al. 1992) indicated that a relatively low proportion of Yugoslavian plants were well adapted in the north central region and that climates at the collection sites were not analogous to those at the trial sites. Based on these results, criteria were developed to focus a search for better-adapted landscape plants from more analogous environments in eastern and central Europe (Widrlechner 1994a, 1994b). It became obvious from this research that the northern half of Ukraine met important climatic criteria and needed to be examined more closely. Thus, in 1994, Widrlechner developed a list of woody plants native to the area in question and circulated that list widely among American botanical gardens, nursery professionals and academic horticulturists, as part of a survey to identify target species for collection. In 1995, more detailed climatic data (Slabkovich 1968) and soil maps (Anonymous 1960; Ganssen and Hädrich 1965) were obtained for Ukraine. And in 1996, distribution maps for many of the target species were located (Sokolov et al. 1977–1986). Taken together, the results of these efforts indicated that an exploration focusing on native tree and shrub populations adapted to the transition zone between the central European deciduous forest and the Ukrainian steppes should be most productive. Most of the woody vegetation in the forest–steppe transition has been cleared for agriculture. A figure in Sheljag-Sosonko et al. (1982) indicates that remnant forests constitute 10% or less of the historic forest–steppe transition zone. Ukraine is densely populated (>100 inhabitants/km2 in the target region) and, as landuse patterns change with changing economic systems, native vegetation will likely face new threats from both urbanization and the modernization of agricultural practices. The nation’s two largest cities, Kyiv and Kharkiv, are also located in the target region. A status report of the Woody Landscape Plant Crop Germplasm Committee (1996) identified Ukraine as a geographic priority for exploration. A survey of the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) database ( and of U.S. arboreta and botanical gardens also indicated that there was almost no landscape plant germplasm available from the target region. Academic exchange and collaboration agreements between Iowa State University (ISU) and the National Agricultural University of Ukraine (NAUU) led to the development of our team to conduct the exploration in 1998. We then collectively developed an itinerary for exploration to sample a broad range of sites on an east–west gradient ranging from small outliers of woody vegetation within the steppe zone in the east to rather diverse forests in the west. Sites focused on the forest–steppe transition zone in U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) hardiness zone 5 (mean minimum annual temperature between –23.4 and –28.9°C) with grassland and/or brown forest soils and moderate moisture deficits, avoiding podzolic soils in the north, cool, moist habitats of the Carpathian Mountains, and warm summer, mild winter habitats near the Black Sea. Expedition and samples collected The exploration trip was facilitated by an established collaboration between ISU and NAUU and was also aided by a Memorandum of Understanding between the National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS) of the United States and the National Center for Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine. The trip took place between 7 and 26 September 1999 and encompassed approximately 3200 km of travel to collection sites (Fig. 1). NAUU served as our base, with excursions to the east and west. The first excursion went east through Pryluky towards Okhtyrka, southeast to Kharkiv, southwest through Poltava and Cherkasy to Uman and finally returned north to Kyiv. A second excursion involved traveling west through Zhytomyr to Rivne, south through Kremenets to Ternopil, southeast through Khmelnytskyi to Vinnitsa and returning northeast to Kyiv. Military maps of each oblast (state) in 1:200 000 scale were extremely helpful in locating natural forests, potentially interesting topographic features, and navigating through both the cities and countryside. More exact locations for collection sites were verified by the use of a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver 14 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 Fig. 1. Route map. and occasional comparisons of elevational contours with a handheld altimeter. Positional data were also verified upon return to the U.S. by comparison with coordinates held by the GEOnet Names Server ( Plant exploration focused on the forest–steppe transition zone. Eighty-nine seed collections (most with herbarium vouchers) including 26 genera and 45 species of trees, shrubs and herbaceous perennials were obtained (Table 1). Collections were made between 49°14’ and 50°48’ north latitude and between 25°43’ and 35°48’ east longitude. Elevations ranged from 80 to 370 m above sea level. Based on climatological data, collection sites correspond to USDA winter hardiness zones 5a and 5b (mean minimum temperatures between –23.4 and –28.9°C). Mean annual rainfall is highest in the west and decreases towards the east/southeast. Rivne, Kremenets and Ternopil receive ca. 575 mm of annual precipitation; Khmelnytskyi is between 550 and 575 mm; Zhitomir, Kyiv, Pryluky, and Sumy between 525 and 550 mm; Vinnitsa and Okhtyrka between 500 and 525 mm; and our driest collection areas were 475–500 mm through Kharkiv, Poltava, Cherkasy and Uman. Annual rainfall for 1999 was at 76% of normal levels according to the Agricultural Attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, with slight regional variations. The crops and natural vegetation in the eastern oblasts often showed visible signs of drought stress, especially on sandy sites. Soils throughout the region can be generally described as transitional between podzolic forest soils, more specifically, grey forest soils, and chernozem soils of the steppes. Soil texture classifications were predominantly sandy loams and clay loams, with isolated areas of sands near Poltava, Okhtyrka and Cherkasy. Natural vegetation occupies approximately 18 million ha in Ukraine, with 8 million in forests, 1 million in steppes and the balance in meadows and marshes. Sixty-five percent of the for- ests are in the Carpathian Mountains. In our travels, we encountered five basic forest types. The first was Quercus–Carpinus forest, with predominant species including Quercus robur, Carpinus betulus, Corylus avellana, Cornus sanguinea and Euonymus verrucosus. These species typically exist in conditions with 500– 700 mm rainfall and annual January mean temperatures not lower than –6°C. A variant of this forest type was found in the hills above Kremenets, where Q. petraea and Acer pseudoplatanus were growing with many of the other species typically found in the Quercus–Carpinus association. The second type was Quercus– Tilia forest, with predominant species including Q. robur, Tilia cordata, Corylus avellana, Cornus sanguinea, A. tataricum, Fraxinus excelsior, A. campestre and Crataegus spp. Precipitation associated with this forest type is approximately 400–500 mm with a mean January temperature of about –4°C. A third type was riparian forest, with Q. robur, F. excelsior, A. campestre, Ulmus glabra, Pyrus communis, Populus spp. and Alnus glutinosa as dominant species. The fourth and fifth forest types were dominated by Pinus sylvestris, sometimes in nearly pure stands. On riverine sands, P. sylvestris were found growing in scrubby to impressive stands, depending upon water availability. Associated plants included Betula pendula, Corylus avellana, Sambucus racemosa, Q. robur, Rosa spp., Chamaecytisus spp. and Genista tinctoria. The other type of pine forest was observed in Zhitomir and Rivne states, where acid-soil indicator plants, such as Vaccinium spp., Rhamnus frangula and Calluna vulgaris, were growing among the pines. Tremendous diversity in Salix species was observed in or near poorly drained areas, and extensive populations of naturalized F. pennsylvanica, Acer negundo, Parthenocissus quinquefolia and Robinia pseudoacacia were commonly located along roadsides and in disturbed forests. Two general types of steppe vegetation were seen on the eastern excursion. One type was associated with very sandy Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 15 Table 1. Species list (taxonomy following the GRIN database) and number of accessions collected Species No. accessions collected Acer campestre Acer negundo Acer platanoides Acer pseudoplatanus Acer tataricum Acer tegmentosum Betula pendula Carpinus betulus Chamaecytisus sp. Cornus mas Cornus sanguinea Cotinus coggygria Crataegus meyeri Crataegus rhipidophylla Crataegus sanguinea Crataegus x kyrtostyla Crataegus sp. Daphne mezereum Dianthus campestris Dianthus carthusianorum Euonymus europaeus Euonymus verrucosus Fragaria vesca Fraxinus excelsior Genista tinctoria Juniperus communis Juniperus sabina Laburnum anagyroides Ligustrum vulgare Mentha longifolia Pinus sylvestris Quercus robur Rosa canina Rosa sp. Rubus caesius Sambucus ebulus Sambucus nigra Sambucus racemosa Sorbus aucuparia Sorbus torminalis Staphylea pinnata Tanacetum parthenium Tanacetum vulgare Tilia cordata Tilia tomentosa Viburnum opulus 3 1 4 4 5 1 3 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 5 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 4 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 soils, often adjoining P. sylvestris stands. The other was found on more typical chernozem soils, usually in very small remnants or on steep, eroded slopes. Many interesting wildflowers, including Dianthus, Limonium, Salvia, Campanula, Lavatera and Thymus, could be found on the steppe remnants, but these were not the focus of the trip. The vegetation around NAUU and Kyiv consisted of plantations of P. sylvestris edged with A. tataricum, Cotinus coggygria and other shrubs along the highways at the outskirts of the city. Boulevards and city streets were shaded by Aesculus hippocastanum, T. cordata and Betula pendula. Genetic diversity in Aesculus populations was obvious through their susceptibility to leaf blotch; damage varied from tree to tree throughout most of the country. Quercus–Carpinus forests surrounded the cultivated landscapes of NAUU. Acorn collection was not very productive on campus or in the countryside due to damage by weevil larvae. The Botanical Garden of NAUU was developed from the Golosiyeve Forest nursery in 1938. The grounds include a 9.5-ha arboretum and a 15-ha dendropark. The arboreal collections include 541 species, 60 forms and 22 hybrids. Samples were collected from several tree and shrub species from within these gardens. Directly south of the Botanical Garden lies small lakes and natural riparian forests, which produced interesting collections of Sambucus, Cornus and Euonymus. Kyiv is also home to the Central Botanical Garden of Ukraine, a 200-ha garden developed in 1935 under the direction of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. There, research has been conducted on three native species of Daphne, the rare and endangered D. cneorum and D. sophia and the somewhat more common D. mezereum. The decline of D. cneorum and D. sophia are related to the disruption and development of forested lands (Melnik 1996). Timing did not allow for seed collection; however, these species were observed and photographed in the rare plant collection. An accession of D. mezereum was collected earlier in the season from plants cultivated at NAUU. Traveling east towards Pryluky, we observed large masses of Chamaecytisus growing along the roadsides; however, their seeds were already dispersed. Pryluky has approximately 22 000 ha of forest in the forest–steppe transition zone. Samples of A. platanoides, T. cordata and Crataegus spp. were collected along the edge of a dense-canopied Quercus–Carpinus forest. In the Romny forests, populations of Quercus, Fraxinus, Acer and Corylus were prevalent, but there was little or no seed production due to late spring frosts. Seed production increased in the region southwest of Kharkiv, with collections made of Acer spp. and Fraxinus excelsior. An expansive meadow with a combination of grasses, Genista, Dianthus, Tanacetum and other herbaceous plants was found as we travelled toward Kremenchuk. We suspected this to be a typical example of steppe vegetation. Laburnum anagyroides was observed in three gardens in Ukraine. In two gardens, the plants had obviously suffered significant winter damage and produced no seeds. But at Ustimovka Dendrological Park, northwest of Kremenchuk, very large shrubs/ small trees with heavy seed production and no obvious winter injury were observed. A large seed collection was made from these plants in the hope that they have increased minimum temperature tolerance. Sofiyivka Park in Uman is a state preserve under the authority of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. It serves as a scientific research park with four units of operations: science, administration, reserve, and exhibitions. Presently, the park covers 157.6 ha, houses over 2000 species and is an important centre for plant introduction in Ukraine. Seeds of Fraxinus excelsior were abundant, Carpinus betulus and other trees towered overhead, and we were able to collect seeds of Sorbus torminalis, an extremely attractive, but uncommon tree native to Ukraine. The western excursion passed through expansive forests. F. excelsior was the dominant species on moist sites, with occasional populations of Quercus, Carpinus, Alnus and Ulmus. Near Kremenets, collection occurred on rougher terrain that surrounds the historic city. Carpinus, Fraxinus, A. pseudoplatanus, Betula and 16 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 Tilia covered the hillsides. The route to Vinnitsa passed through a few natural forests with large Tilia specimens. Vinnitsa was locally considered to have the best growing conditions in Ukraine. Rich soils and abundant moisture contribute to excellent growth and development of the forest. Time did not allow for extensive collecting in Vinnitsa oblast, though attractive plants, such as Sorbus torminalis, are reportedly native in its forests. We also observed opportunities for future germplasm exploration for plants other than landscape ornamentals. Collections from steppe remnants may yield useful forage and rangeland germplasm, and fruit and nut germplasm in the genera Prunus, Pyrus, Corylus, and Juglans was often abundant and may provide useful sources of genes for adaptation to extreme environments. Seed samples were shared with the NAUU and have now been accessioned into the NPGS through the North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station, Ames, Iowa. These have also been shared with appropriate NPGS sites for maintenance. Herbarium vouchers were divided between Ukrainian and American institutions, with most deposited at the National Arboretum, Washington DC, and the National Agricultural University of Ukraine. Many of the seed collections will be propagated for longterm evaluation in the NC-7 Regional Ornamental Plant Trials. It is expected that many of them will possess superior genetic adaptation to climatic and edaphic stresses in comparison to germplasm of these same taxa from western and other central European provenances. The sharing of landscape plant performance data from sites in the north central United States that experience climatic patterns and soil types resembling those in Ukraine and of theoretical and empirical models that relate climatic data to plant adaptation should benefit horticulturists and foresters in both Ukraine and the United States. We are confident that our experiences from this exploration serve as a first step in the development of more extensive collaboration and germplasm exchange. Acknowledgements We greatly appreciate the financial support and cooperation of the USDA-ARS National Plant Germplasm System, and especially of the Plant Exchange Office, in making this trip possible. In addition, there were many individuals both in the United States and Ukraine who gave generously of their time and expertise. They include Dr David Topel, Dr David Acker, Dr Victor Udin, Ms Lori Wilson-Voss, Dr Tatyana Shulkina, Dr Victor Ryabchoun, Dr Victor Melnik, Dr Victor Kalensky, Mr Larry Panasuk, Mr Dmitri Prikhodko, Ms Lois Simms, Mr V.M. Brezhniev, Mr Amalio Santacruz-Varela, Ms Simone Kimber, and Mr Rex Heer. Critical reviews of this report by Dr David Acker, Dr Edward Garvey and Dr Harold Pellett are also much appreciated. References Anonymous. 1960. Pochvennaya Karta SSSR. Glavnoe Pravlenie Geodezii i Kartografii MVD SSSR, Moscow. Becker, H. 2000. Locate outstanding woody ornamentals—online. Agricultural Research 48(9): 18-19. Ganssen, R., and F. Hädrich. 1965. Atlas zur Bodenkunde. Bibliographisches Institut AG, Mannheim. Melnik, V. 1996. Distribution and plant communities of Daphne cneorum and Daphne sophia in Ukraine. Thaiszia 6: 49-66. Sheljag-Sosonko, Y.V., V.V. Osichnjur, and T.A. Andrienko. 1982. Geography of vegetation cover in the Ukraine. (in Russian). Science Publ., Kyiv. Slabkovich, G.I. (ed.) 1968. Klimaticheskii Atlas Ukrainskoi SSR. Gidrometeorogicheskoe Izdatel’stvo, Leningrad. Sokolov, S.Ja., O.A. Svjazeva, and V.A. Kubli. 1977-1986. Arealy derev’ev i kustarnikov SSSR. 3 vols. Izdatel’stvo Nauka, Leningrad. Widrlechner, M.P. 1990. NC-7 regional ornamental trials: Evaluation of new woody plants. Proc. Metropolitan Tree Improvement Alliance 7: 41-47. (Updated version available at http:/ / Widrlechner, M.P. 1994a. Environmental analogs in the search for stress-tolerant landscape plants. J. Arboric. 20: 114-119. Widrlechner, M.P. 1994b. Is eastern Europe a useful source of new landscape plants for the midwest? Comb. Proc. International Plant Propagators’ Soc. 42: 451-455. Widrlechner, M.P., E.R. Hasselkus, D.E. Herman, J.K. Iles, J.C. Pair, E.T. Paparozzi, R.E. Schutzki, and D.K. Wildung. 1992. Performance of landscape plants from Yugoslavia in the north central United States. J. Environ. Hortic. 10: 192-198. Woody Landscape Plant Crop Germplasm Committee. 1996. Report of the Woody Landscape Crop Germplasm Committee, 4 June 1996. Status report for the US National Plant Germplasm System. 18 pp. Plant Plant Genetic Genetic Resources Resources Newsletter, Newsletter, 2001, 2001, No. No. 126:126 17 - 17 20 ARTICLE Colecta de germoplasma en la ecoregión de la Península de Paria, Estado Sucre, Venezuela Elena Mazzani y Víctor Segovia Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Fondo Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Apdo. Postal 4653, Maracay 2101. Venezuela. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Resumen Résumé Summary Colecta de germoplasma en la ecoregión de la Península de Paria, Estado Sucre, Venezuela Collecte de matériel génétique dans l’éco-région de Paria Peninsuala, Estado Sucre, Venezuela Germplasm collection in the ecoregion of Paria Peninsula, Estado Sucre, Venezuela En comunidades de pequeños y medianos agricultores de la Península de Paria, Estado Sucre, Venezuela, se recolectó material cultivado de diversas especies alimenticias y de interés actual y potencial para la agricultura. La colecta fue realizada visitando pequeños y medianos agricultores y patios caseros, y permitió reunir un total de 141 muestras, correspondientes a 19 especies y 21 localidades. El mayor número de muestras recolectadas correspondió a maíz (Zea mays) (54); especies de raíces como yuca (Manihot esculenta) (19), ocumo o taro blanco (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) (10) y ocumo chino (Colocasia esculenta) (4); ají dulce (Capsicum annuum) (20); auyama (Cucurbita moschata) (9) y onoto o achiote (Bixa orellana) (8). Las especias o condimentos recolectados fueron una muestra de jengibre morado (Zingiber officinale), una de cúrcuma (Curcuma sp.) y una de pimienta (Piper nigrum L.). Los frutales recolectados fueron tres muestras de piña (Ananas comosus), dos de lechosa, papaya o fruta bomba (Carica papaya), una de jobo (Spondias cytherea), una de cambur manzano (Musa AAB) y dos de parchita maracuyá o fruto de la pasión (Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa). Las unidades de producción visitadas fueron en su mayoría “conucos” o propiedades de pequeños agricultores que siembran reducidas extensiones de cultivos asociados (maíz, yuca, auyama, ají y musáseas) en terrenos distantes del lugar de vivienda. Une mission envoyée dans des communautés de petits exploitants agricoles de la Paria Peninsula, dans l’État de Sucre, au Venezuela, a recueilli des espèces cultivées et non cultivées pouvant présenter une utilité agronomique. La mission, qui s’est rendue dans des exploitations et jardins privés de petite et moyenne taille, dans 21 localités, a rapporté 141 échantillons appartenant à 19 espèces. Les échantillons les plus nombreux correspondaient au maïs (Zea mays) (54), suivi par des espèces de racines comestibles telles que le manioc (Manihot esculenta) (19), le taro blanc (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) (10) la colocase (Colocasia esculenta) (4), le poivron doux (Capsicum annuum) (20), la courge musquée (Cucurbita moschata) (9), et le rocou (Bixa orellana) (8). Les épices recueillies consistaient en un échantillon de gingembre (Zingiber officinale), un de curcuma (Curcuma sp.) et un de poivre noir (Piper nigrum L.). Les fruits se composaient de trois échantillons d’ananas, de deux de papaye (Carica papaya), d’un de pomme de Cythère (Spondias cytherea), d’un de banane (Musa AAB) et de deux de fruit de la passion jaune (Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa). La plupart des exploitations visitées étaient des « conucos », dans lesquelles de petits agriculteurs plantent des cultures associées, y compris le maïs, le manioc, la courge, le poivron et la banane sur des surfaces peu étendues. A mission in communities of smallholder farmers in the Paria Peninsula, Sucre State, Venezuela, collected cultivated and other species of potential agronomic importance. The visit to small and medium-sized local farms and home gardens in 21 localities yielded a total of 141 samples belonging to 19 species. The largest number of samples corresponded to maize (Zea mays) (54), species of edible roots as cassava (Manihot esculenta) (19), white ocumo (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) (10) and Chinese taro (Colocasia esculenta) (4), chilli peppers (Capsicum annuum) (20), pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) (9), and annatto (Bixa orellana) (8). Spices collected were one sample of purple ginger (Zingiber officinale), one of curcuma (Curcuma sp.) and one of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.). Fruits collected included three samples of pineapple, two of carica or papaya (Carica papaya), one of otaheite apple (Spondias cytherea), one of banana (Musa AAB) and two of ‘maracuya’ passion fruit (Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa). Most of the visited farms were so-called ‘conucos’ where small-scale farmers plant limited areas of associated crops including maize, cassava, pumpkin, sweet pepper and banana. Key words: Collecting, home gardens, Paria Peninsula, Sucre State, smallholder farmers, Venezuela Introducción “Tierra de Gracia” y “Paraíso Terrenal” fue como denominó el Almirante Cristóbal Colón a las hermosas tierras que descubriera el 1º de agosto de 1498 en su tercer viaje, a su llegada a la Península de Paria, siendo ésta la primera vez que tocara tierras continentales del nuevo mundo. Tal descubrimiento se produjo por la parte sur-oriental de la Península y el primer punto donde arribó fue el pueblo de Macuro (Vila et al. 1963). Las etnias de la región practicaban la agricultura. Cultivaban en sus conucos, maíz (Zea mays), yuca (Manihot esculenta) y otras plantas alimenticias (Vila 1965). Durante la época de la Colonia, se cultivaba en el Estado Sucre maíz, yuca, batatas (Ipomoea batata), auyamas (Cucurbita spp.) y cocotero (Cocos nucifera) (Humboldt 1799). Luego, durante el siglo XIX, se cultivaba cacao (Theobroma cacao), cocotero, café (Coffea arabica), caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum), maíz, plátano (Musa AAB), yuca, arroz (Oryza sativa) y frijol (Vigna unguiculata) (Vila 1965). Los productos de valor comercial en las exportaciones de la región, según Codazzi (1841), eran el cacao, el café y el cocotero, para los cuales “cada hacienda, cada valle tiene un punto para embarcar sus frutos; y la inmediación de la Isla de Trinidad ofrece un mercado ventajoso para ellos.” Texera (1991) reseña las expediciones botánicas realizadas en Venezuela desde 1754 hasta 1950. En ese período fueron ejecutadas 101 exploraciones botánicas en el territorio nacional. De éstas, señala siete que tuvieron que ver con el Estado Sucre. Ellas fueron las de Lofling en 1756, von Jacquin en 1760, Humboldt y Bonpland de 1799 a 1800, Otto de 1840 a 1841, Grossourdy en 1867, Pittier de 1913 a 1950, y Netting de 1929 a 1930. 18 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 Aun hoy en día, esta región recibe una gran influencia de la Isla de Trinidad por su cercanía a las costas de Paria. Esta influencia se manifiesta en alimentos consumidos y condimentos, entre otros. Sin embargo, en su gran mayoría los habitantes de la zona mantienen materiales autóctonos de Venezuela. Esta región ha sido cacaotera por excelencia, siéndolo aún. A diferencia de las demás regiones cacaoteras, en Oriente las haciendas estaban alejadas de los centros poblados y por ello se da el caso especial del desarrollo urbano de Yaguaraparo e Irapa, testimonio de la importancia cacaotera regional (Vila 1965), que aunque en menor cuantía aún persiste, sembrándose, para 1997, 23.735 has (Venezuela 1997). La región visitada durante la colecta comprende principalmente los valles de la Península de Paria, los cuales están sembrados con plantaciones de cacao, cocotero, frutales como mango (Manguifera indica) y aguacate (Persea americana), así como conucos donde se planta maíz, yuca, ocumo (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) y algunas musáseas. Los ríos de estos valles nacen en el sistema montañoso de la Península de Paria. Según Luque y Mazzi (1977), sus suelos son de texturas medias y arcillosas, moteados, a profundidades variables, con alta saturación de bases. Según COPLANARH (1974), la mayoría de estos suelos posee mal drenaje ya sea por inundaciones localizadas o por elevadas mesas de agua. En el norte de la Península existe un área ocupada por bosque húmedo tropical, con cultivo de café, que es una zona ecológica diferente a la región de valles, ubicada al sur de la Península. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados de la colecta efectuada en comunidades de pequeños y medianos agricultores de la Península de Paria con el fin de obtener material cultivado de diversas especies alimenticias y de interés actual y potencial para la agricultura. Descripción de las zonas de colecta bajo pastizales naturales en algunas áreas, con limitaciones de relieve, erosión de las tierras y suelos pobres. Esta región abarca toda el área norte de la Península de Paria, y es parte del sistema de la cordillera de la Costa. El macizo montañoso es relativamente bajo, oscilando sus alturas entre 500 y 1000 metros. Pertenece a las unidades fisiográficas “montaña baja premontano húmedo”, con clima de bosque húmedo premontano, temperatura media anual de 24,2 ºC y precipitación media de 1920 mm; y ”bosque tropical semi-deciduo” con dosel bajo (Ewel y Madriz 1968). El paisaje de piedemonte presenta una agricultura de subsistencia y de plantaciones, con algunas limitantes de topografía y suelos de baja fertilidad. Comprende la parte sur de la Península de Paria, cuya costa da hacia el golfo del mismo nombre. Esta región pertenece a la zona de vida “bosque seco tropical” (Ewel y Madriz 1968). El piedemonte ondulado tropical seco abarca las inmediaciones de las localidades de Bohordal, Municipio Cajigal y Parroquia Yaguaraparo. Presenta un relieve plano con pendientes de 2 a 4%, de permeabilidad media a alta. El clima es del tipo “bosque seco tropical” (Ewel y Madriz 1968), la precipitación media anual es de alrededor de 1100 mm y la temperatura media anual de 27,7ºC. Posee tierras agropecuarias, existiendo “espinar tropical ralo” con moderada intervención en la formación vegetal. Los suelos son de baja fertilidad y frecuentemente erosionados por efecto del escurrimiento. Existen plantaciones y agricultura de subsistencia. Los valles se ubican en el piedemonte. Los ubicados en el extremo sur de la Península de Paria pertenecen a la unidad fisiográfica denominada “valle bajo tropical seco”, con pendientes entre 1 y 2%. En los mismos existen plantaciones asociadas a cultivos de subsistencia, ganadería semi-intensiva y cultivos anuales mecanizados. Las limitaciones para la agricultura comprenden un alto riesgo de inundaciones cortas generalizadas y una alta pedregosidad del suelo. Corresponde a una zona de vida de “bosque seco tropical” (Ewel y Madriz 1968) cuya temperatura media anual es de 26,6ºC y precipitación media anual de 1300 mm. Predomina la formación boscosa de tipo tropical decidua y semi-decidua, con alturas y densidades de medias a altas, fuerte intervención de plantaciones y moderada intervención de la agricultura de subsistencia. El Estado Sucre se encuentra ubicado en el extremo nororiental de Venezuela, entre las coordenadas 10º02’34”, 10º45’25” de latitud Norte y los 61º51’17” y 64º31’42” de longitud Oeste. Su economía se basa en la agricultura, pesca, artesanía y turismo. La Península de Paria, región visitada durante 1995, está ubicada en la zona oriental del Estado Sucre, aproximadamente entre las latitudes 10º35' hasta 10º42' Norte y 62º10' hasta 63º00' de longitud Oeste. Limita al Norte con el mar Caribe y al Sur con el Golfo de Paria. Las muestras fueron recolectadas entre 10 y 215 m.s.n.m. Durante la colecta fueron visitados los municipios Arismendi, Mariño, Valdés y Cagigal. El Estado Sucre está conformado fisiogeográficamente por cuatro paisajes naturales: montaña, piedemonte, planicie y valles (Marín 1993). Estos paisajes determinan la variabilidad climática, diversidad de formaciones vegetales y la heterogeneidad litológica. Las regiones visitadas en la Península de Paria y parte del sur-este del Estado comprenden estos cuatro paisajes naturales. En la región montañosa se practica la agricultura Figura 1. Mapa del Estado Sucre, Venezuela mostrando las rutas de de subsistencia, cultivos permanentes y ganadería colecta en la Península de Paria. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 19 El paisaje de planicie es de “planicie de desbordamiento tropical húmeda”. Ubicadas al noreste de Irapa, estas planicies presentan una pendiente de 1% con bioclima predominante de bosque húmedo tropical (Ewel y Madriz 1968), precipitaciones de alrededor de 1500 mm anuales y temperatura media anual de 27,7ºC; los suelos son de baja fertilidad. Allí se observa predominio de áreas sin uso, y se practican cultivos anuales mecanizados y ganadería semi-intensiva y extensiva. Al sur de la Península de Paria, la carretera hacia Irapa atraviesa una sabana donde se observan, entre otras especies, la curata (Curatella americana) y el chaparro manteco (Birssomina crasssifoliaa). Estas sabanas se encuentran al pie de colinas de aproximadamente 100 m de altitud, presentando un suelo pobre y pedregoso (Vila 1965). Todo el litoral norte de la Península de Paria está cubierto de vegetación xerófita (Vila 1965). caratos o papillas, atoles, cachapas, harinas. El maíz se utiliza también para la alimentación animal. En todos los sitios donde se obtuvo muestras (21), se recolectó por lo menos una muestra de esta especie. En cuanto a las raíces recolectadas, se encontró ocumo blanco y ocumo chino sembrados en laderas de montañas, en la vía que conduce a San Juan de las Galdonas. Estas especies son sembradas con fines comerciales y para consumo. Por otra parte, todas las muestras de yuca correspondieron al tipo dulce que en su mayor parte se siembra en pequeñas extensiones o en patios caseros, para venta en los mercados locales y para consumo propio. Determinados productores poseen siembras comerciales de mayor extensión. Algunos de los materiales habían sido traídos originalmente del sur del país (Estado Bolívar). La segunda especie en importancia—en función del número de muestras recolectadas (20) y sitios de recolección (13)—fue el Resultados En la Península de Paria se visitó un total de 21 localidades, ubicadas en los paisajes descritos anteriormente. En la Figura 1 se presenta el mapa del Estado Sucre mostrando la ruta de colecta. La colecta fue realizada visitando pequeños y medianos agricultores y patios caseros donde se recolectó un total de 141 muestras correspondientes a 19 especies. El número de muestras recolectadas de cada especie, el número de localidades de colecta y los usos de los materiales se presentan en el Cuadro 1. El mayor número de muestras recolectadas correspondió a maíz (54) y especies de raíces (19 muestras de yuca, 10 de ocumo blanco y 4 de ocumo chino). El maíz recolectado pertenece mayormente a los tipos amarillo caribeño, blanco de Sucre, canilla y cariaco. En la región existen agricultores que siembran híbridos y variedades comerciales, así como también pequeños agricultores que mantienen sus variedades. A partir de los maíces recolectados en este trabajo, elaboran arepas, Figura 2. Dos muestras de ají dulce recolectadas en la Península de Paria, Estado Sucre, Venezuela. Cuadro 1. Información general de las muestras recolectadas en la Península de Paria, Estado Sucre, Venezuela Especies Nombre local Usos N° muestras N° sitios recolección Zea mays Maíz 54 21 Capsicum annuum Manihot esculenta Xanthosoma sagittifolium Cucurbita spp. Bixa orellana Colocasia esculenta Theobroma cacao Ananas comosus Passiflora edulis Carica papaya Musa AAB Spondias cytherea Phaseolus vulgaris Ricinus comunis Curcuma sp. Piper nigrum Zingiber officinale Hibiscus esculentum Ají Dulce Yuca Ocumo Blanco Auyama Achiote Ocumo Chino Cacao Piña Parchita Lechosa Cambur manzano Jobo Caraota negra Higuerilla Cúrcuma Pimienta Jengibre Chimbombó Atoles, arepas, papillas, harinas, cachapas, alimentación animal Condimento Consumo fresco Consumo fresco Sopas Colorante para alimento Consumo fresco – Consumo fresco Consumo fresco Consumo fresco Consumo fresco Consumo fresco Consumo fresco Medicinal Condimento Condimento Condimento Sopas 20 19 10 9 8 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 9 7 8 5 4 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 ají dulce (Capsicum annuum). Esta especie es normalmente sembrada en los patios caseros para consumo propio, existiendo variabilidad entre muestras. El ají dulce es un condimento muy utilizado en la región, sobre todo en la elaboración de platos típicos a base de pescados. En la Figura 2 se muestran dos ejemplares recolectados en la región. Otra especie de importancia es la auyama (Cucurbita moschata), recolectada en patios caseros. Es utilizada para consumo propio, vendiéndose en algunos casos el excedente en los mercados locales. Se encontró una alta variabilidad. También fueron recolectadas ocho muestras de onoto o achiote (Bixa orellana), las cuales fueron encontradas mayormente en patio caseros. Es utilizado para consumo propio, como colorante de alimentos, destinándose el excedente a la venta en mercados locales. Las otras especies recolectadas fueron especias foráneas y frutales de la región. Las especias o condimentos recolectados fueron una muestra de jengibre morado (Zingiber officinale), una muestra de cúrcuma (Curcuma sp.) y una muestra de pimienta (Piper nigrum L.). Estas muestras corresponden a materiales originalmente procedentes de Trinidad, por su cercanía a la región visitada. Las especies recolectadas en patios caseros son utilizadas para consumo familiar y como ornamentales. Los frutales recolectados fueron tres muestras de piña; dos de lechosa o papaya llamada comúnmente lechosa pajarito (Carica papaya) encontradas a la orilla de camino; una muestra de jobo (Spondias cytherea), ejemplar silvestre también encontrado a orilla de camino; una muestra de cambur manzano (Musa AAB) y dos muestras de parchita maracuyá o fruta de la pasión (Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa). En la Figura 3 se presenta un ejemplar de piña recolectado en patio casero. Las muestras recolectadas fueron incorporadas a los respectivos bancos de germoplasma del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (CENIAP) del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas (INIA), Maracay, para su conservación. Las unidades de producción visitadas fueron en su mayoría conucos, donde los pequeños agricultores siembran, en terrenos Figura 3. Plantas de piña en patio casero en una localidad de la Península de Paria, Estado Sucre, Venezuela. distanciados del lugar de vivienda y en asociación, pequeñas extensiones de cultivos como maíz, yuca, auyama, ají y Musáseas. Los materiales recolectados en patios caseros fueron frutales como parchita y piña, onoto y en algunos casos ají. Las muestras de pimienta, cúrcuma y jengibre fueron encontradas en un patio casero en una sola localidad. Por otra parte, las muestras encontradas a orilla de camino, silvestres o escapadas, fueron las dos de lechosa, la de jobo y la de tártago. Sin embargo, éstas se encontraban cerca de zonas pobladas. La información recabada constó de 34 datos de colecta recomendados por el IPGRI, y que constan de los registros de lugar, muestra, etc., normalmente tomados en colectas de este tipo. Los habitantes de la región guardan y multiplican su germoplasma, y realizan intercambio con habitantes de la misma región. Denominan a los materiales de igual manera, que en el resto del país, en la mayoría de los casos, a excepción de los materiales exóticos poco conocidos en otras regiones y el achiote, que en el resto del país es conocido como onoto. Referencias bibliográficas Codazzi, A. 1841. Obras Escogidas: Resumen de la Geografía de Venezuela. Caracas, Ven. 1960. Ed. Ministerio de Educación. Dirección de Cultura y Bellas Artes. V. I :761 p. Ewel, J. J. y A. Madriz. 1968. Zonas de Vida de Venezuela. Memorias Explicativas sobre el Mapa Ecológico. Fondo Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Ed. Caracas. Humboldt, A. de. (1799-1804). Viajes a las Regiones Equinocciales del Nuevo Continente. Caracas, Ven. 1956. Trad. Lisandro Alvarado. Ed. Ministerio de Educación. Dirección de Cultura y Bellas Artes. Tomo II: 364 p. Luque, O. y L. Mazzi. 1977. Estudio Agrológico Detallado. Estación Experimental de Irapa. FONAIAP, CENIAP. Boletín Técnico Nº 4. 71 p. Marín, A. 1993. Sectorización Fisiográfica de la Sub-región Carúpano Paria. Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables. División de Planificación y Ordenamiento del Ambiente. Región Sucre. s.n.p. (Mecanografiado) Ministerio del Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales Renovables. s/ f. Atlas Práctico de Venezuela. Publicación de El Nacional y Cartografía Nacional. Fasc. Nº 20. Sucre. Texera A., Y. 1991. Las exploraciones botánicas en Venezuela (1754-1950). Caracas, Fondo Editorial Acta Científica Venezolana. 186 p. Venezuela, s/f. Municipio Arismendi. Información Turística. Mimeografiado. snp. Venezuela. Comisión del Plan Nacional de Aprovechamiento de Recursos Hidráulicos (COPLANARH). 1974. Inventario Nacional de Tierras. Regiones Centro Oriental y Oriental. Regiones 7 y 8. Sub regiones 7B, 7C, 8A. Caracas, 1974. 415 p. Publicación Nº 35. Venezuela. Ministerio de Agricultura y Cría (MAC). 1997. Anuario Estadístico Agropecuario. Caracas. Vila, M. A. 1965. Aspectos Geográficos del Estado Sucre. Corporación Venezolana de Fomento. Serie “Monografías Estadales”. Caracas, Ven. 266 p. Vila P., F. Brito, A. L. Cárdenas y R. Carpio. 1963. Geografía de Venezuela. No. 2 El Paisaje Natural y el Paisaje Humanizado. Ediciones del Ministerio de Educación. 558 p. Strauss, R. 1992. El Tiempo Prehispánico de Venezuela. Fundación Eugenio Mendoza. Caracas, Ven. 279 p. Plant Plant Genetic Genetic Resources Resources Newsletter, Newsletter, 2001, 2001, No.No. 126: 126 21- 21 26 ARTICLE Plant exploration in the Talysch Mountains of Azerbaijan and Iran L. Frese1, Z. Akbarov2, V. I. Burenin3, M. N. Arjmand4 and V. Hajiyev5 Federal Centre for Breeding Research on Cultivated Plants (BAZ) – Gene Bank, Bundesallee 50, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany. Email: [email protected] 2 Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture, Vegetable village no. 2, Baku, Azerbaijan 3 N. I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry (VIR), 42-44, Bolhaya Morskaya Street, 190000 St. Petersburg, Russia 4 Sugar Beet Seed Institute (SBSI), P.O. Box 31585 – 4114 Karaj, Islamic Republic of Iran 5 Laboratory of Botany, Baku, Azerbaijan 1 Summary Résumé Resumen Plant exploration in the Talysch Mountains of Azerbaijan and Iran Découverte de plantes dans les montagnes Talysch d’Azerbaidjan et d’Iran Exploración fitogenética de las montañas Talysch de Azerbaiján e Irán Fifty-four accessions of wild species and crops have been collected in Azerbaijan and Iran. Particular attention was given to the collection of wild species of Beta section Beta and section Corollinae. Section Beta has a wide distribution area in the Mediterranean basin and the northwest Atlantic coast, while section Corollinae has its main distribution in Turkey. The western and southern part of the Caspian Sea probably forms the eastern margin of the distribution area of the wild beet species Beta lomatogona and B. vulgaris subsp. maritima. Populations of both species appeared to suffer from genetic erosion caused by land management changes and overgrazing of growing sites in Azerbaijan and Iran. The authors suggest that an in situ conservation and on-farm management project should be established in Azerbaijan and northwest Iran to rescue the wild beet populations still known to exist in the area visited, and to restore genetic diversity in the areas concerned. 54 échantillons d’espèce sauvage et des plantes cultivées ont été rassemblées en l’Azerbaïdjan et en l’Iran. Une attention particulière a été donnée de à la collection d’espèce sauvage Beta section Beta et section Corollinae. La section Beta a une zone de distribution large dans le bassin méditerranéen et la côte atlantique du nord-ouest tandis que la section Corollinae a sa distribution principale en Turquie. La partie occidentale et méridionale de la mer caspienne forme probablement la marge orientale de la zone de distribution des espèces de betterave sauvage de B. lomatogona et de sous-espèce de B. vulgaris subsp. maritima. Les populations des deux espèces ont semblé souffrir de l’érosion génétique causée par voie de terre des changements de gestion et surpâturage des sites croissants en Azerbaïdjan et en Iran. Les auteurs suggèrent d’établir un projet entretien in situ et de gestion de ferme en Azerbaïdjan et en Iran du nordouest avec l’objectif pour sauver les populations sauvages de betterave toujours connues pour exister dans la zone visitée et pour restaurer la diversité génétique dans les zones intéressées. 54 accesiones de especies salvajes y de cosechas se han recogido en Azerbaijan e Irán. La atención determinada fue dada a la colección de especie salvaje de la Beta sección Beta y de la sección Corollinae. La sección Beta tiene un área de distribución amplia en el lavabo mediterráneo y la costa atlántica del noroeste mientras que la sección Corollinae tiene su distribución principal en Turquía. La parte occidental y meridional del mar caspio forma probablemente el margen del este del área de distribución del salvaje especie de la remolocha de la B. lomatogona y del subespecies B. vulgaris subsp. maritima. Las poblaciones de ambas especies aparecían sufrir de la erosión genética causada por tierra cambios de la gerencia y overgrazing de sitios crecientes en Azerbaijan e Irán. Los autores sugieren para establecer una proyecto conservación in situ y en de la gerencia de granja en Azerbaijan e Irán del noroeste con el objetivo para rescatar las poblaciones salvajes de la remolocha todavía sabidas para existir en el área Key words: Azerbaijan, Beta lomatogona, Beta vulgaris, genetic erosion, germplasm collection, Iran, sugar beet Introduction The Talysch Mountains are located in the south of Azerbaijan between latitudes 38°30’N and 39°00’N and between longitudes 48°00’E and 48°50’E. The eastern slopes face the Caspian Sea while the southern foothills are in northwest Iran. In the 300 km from Baku to the town of Astara on the Iranian frontier, climate and soil conditions change considerably. South of Baku, desertlike areas with highly saline soil can be found, while fertile black soils occur in the South. Within a distance of about 200 km, the annual rainfall increases from 400 mm, south of Baku, to 1200 mm in the humid-subtropical provinces of south Azerbaijan and northwest Iran at the Caspian Sea (Zohary 1973). This highly variable environment has created a diverse flora with a high number of endemic plant species. The wild beet species Beta lomatogona Fischer & Meyer (Beta section Corollinae) is an element of this flora. The species was detected by Hohenacker (1838) in the Talysch Mountains at Tatuni. Buttler (1977) considered B. lomatogona as a model plant for the irano-turanian flora because the distribution limits of this wild beet species are almost congruent with the oriental-turanian geobotanical area. The species has its main distribution area in Turkey. Its abundance decreases from east Turkey to northwest Iran and Azerbaijan. A second wild beet species is believed to occur in Azerbaijan, as indications were found in the herbarium of the Institute of Botany in Tblisi (Frese and Burenin 1991) that B. vulgaris subsp. maritima, similar to the germplasm identified by M. Nasser Arjmand in Iran (Srivastava et al. 1992), can be found in inland areas of Azerbaijan. Germany and The Netherlands are co-operating closely in the field of plant genetic resources conservation, and are managing two joint germplasm collections: the Dutch–German potato collection at PRI Centre for Genetic Resources (CGN) in Wageningen, The Netherlands and the German–Dutch Beta collection at the 22 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 BAZ Gene Bank in Braunschweig, Germany. The task-sharing between both countries includes the collection of target species such as Allium, Beta, Brassica, Lactuca and potatoes. Since 1990, Beta collecting missions have often been organized together with the N. I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry (VIR). Two previous expeditions had been conducted in Armenia, Georgia and Daghestan by Frese et al. (1990) and Frese and Burenin (1991). This third mission was part of a framework programme that was approved by the German–Dutch Board for Plant Genetic Resources in 1993 and by the World Beta Network (WBN) in 1996. Detailed plans were made in 1998, and official consent was granted by the host countries in mid-1999. Objectives Buttler (1977) considers the Armenian highlands as the evolutionary centre of Beta section Corollinae because the distribution of all three basic species (B. corolliflora, B. macrorhiza and B. lomatogona overlap there. Several collectors have stressed the risk of genetic erosion within the section Corollinae (Anonymous 1990; Buttler 1977; Frese et al. 1990; Frese and Burenin 1991). Therefore, the first major objective of the team was to search for and rescue the remaining Beta populations. Though the interest of the team was concentrated on the genus Beta, there was a common understanding that the journey would be conducted as a multicrop collecting mission with the aim of safeguarding the genetic resources of selected plant species for use in beet, vegetable and pharmaceutical crop improvement programmes. In the case of the medicinal plant Hypericum perforatum, it was intended to increase the genetic diversity within a working collection that is being specifically established for screening on wilt resistance. For a forthcoming Beta genome research programme, B. lomatogona accessions from geographically distant sites are required for wide species crosses. The second objective of the exploration was an assessment of the need for, and feasibility of, in situ conservation projects for Beta species in Azerbaijan and northwest Iran. In particular, species of section Corollinae are difficult to manage in ex situ holdings. In addition to requiring tiresome manual preparation of the hard-coated fruits to facilitate seed germination, all Corollinae species are adapted to specific growing conditions. There are, therefore, good reasons to assume that, when the original seed sample is first multiplied far away from its natural mountainous habitat, plants will be selected within the population for ‘genebank management adaptation’. It seems impossible therefore to maintain the genetic integrity of Corollinae accessions through ex situ conservation. The best way to safeguard the genetic diversity of Corollinae species would be in situ conservation as already implemented for crops, and their related wild species, such as Triticum, Aegilops, Vicia, Lens and Pisum in Turkey (Firat 1999). additional information on potential growing sites of the target species. Further information on the distribution of Beta was found in literature (Grossheim 1945). In addition, a detailed geobotanical map of Azerbaijan (1:600 000) and maps of the target areas in the Azerian part of the Talysch Mountains (1:100 000) were used to plan the travel route. Photographs of different growing stages of B. lomatogona were prepared by the BAZ Gene Bank to facilitate discussion with farmers and shepherds familiar with the vegetation of potential growing areas. At each collecting site a passport data sheet of the BAZ Gene Bank was filled in. The sheet consists of a mandatory part, almost identical to the ECP/GR multicrop passport descriptors, and an optional part where notes on topography, soil type etc. can be recorded. Each collected sample was identified by a collection number of the format, country code, collection year and a sequence number, for example ‘AZE 99 01’. Longitude and latitude co-ordinates were determined by a handheld GPS system (Garmin 50). The elevation of a site was measured with an altimeter. Results and discussion A survey of the samples collected is presented in Table 1, and the collecting areas are indicated in Fig. 1. Some of the germplasm collected in Azerbaijan was partly shared with team members, according to their specific interests. A Material Acquisition Agreement (MAA) was signed by the Research Institute of Agriculture (Azerbaijan) and the BAZ Gene Bank. Copies of the complete set of passport data and a travel report were made available to all partners Material and methods To get an overview of material already existing in collections, the main database of the BAZ Gene Bank and the International Database for Beta (IDBB) were searched for collecting sites of Beta, Brassica, Daucus, Hypericum and Lactuca in Azerbaijan and Iran. The herbarium collection at Baku was also searched to gain Fig. 1. Collection areas in Azerbaijan and Iran. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 23 Table 1. Germplasm collected in Azerbaijan and Iran Genus Species Allium Allium Anethum Avena Beta Beta Beta Carthamus Coriandrum Daucus Daucus Daucus Hypericum Lactuca Lactuca Lathyrus Lens Lepidium Linum Petroselinum Phaseolus Phaseolus Phaseolus Raphanus Solanum Total cepa porrum graveolens lomatogona vulgaris vulgaris tinctorius sativum carota carota carota perforatum ? saligna serriola sativus culinaris sativum usitatissimum crispum vulgaris vulgaris vulgaris sativus tuberosum Subspecific name maritima vulgaris carota maximus ? sativa Range of elevation by genus 420 1600 2000 20 2000 420 to 800 800 to 1680 20 to 1600 1600 260 to 2000 20 to 1680 800 to 2300 800 to 1100 420 to 1100 800 1680 var. nanus var. vulgaris ? var. sativus of the collecting team. All seed samples were first left in Iran and, after signature of a separate MAA by the Plant Genetic Resources National Bank, samples were sent to the BAZ Gene Bank. In the case of B. lomatogona, the International Data Base for Beta (IDBB) documented 11 collecting sites in Iran and seven sites in the former Soviet Union, while 177 sites are recorded for the Turkish distribution area. In the literature only scant information on the species’ distribution could be found. In addition, due to translations and transcriptions between Russian and German and vice versa, some of the described places could not be clearly identified by the local experts in Azerbaijan. The herbarium of the Laboratory of Botany (Baku) provided striking additional information. Before World War II several botanists collected 18 specimens of Beta vulgaris, most of them probably subsp. maritima, and two specimens of B. lomatogona in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Iran (Table 2). The botanist and expert in the flora of the Caucasus and Transcaucasus, A. Grossheim, investigated the flora of Azerbaijan in the 1930s. He determined 10 vouchers, as B. perennis no longer a valid taxon, and collected B. lomatogona in the district of Lenkoran (Azerbaijan) and in the Iranian province of Tabris. This discovery proves that wild or weedy types of B. vulgaris occur or have occurred in Azerbaijan. The populations probably belonged to the material detected close to the Iranian coast of the Caspian Sea (Srivastava et al. 1992). The field exploration started on 20 September and ended on 1 October, 1999. Between Baku and Lenkoran cultivated B. vulgaris was found in a private garden. The population is not deliberately cultivated in gardens, but survives as a kind of tolerated weed, which is allowed to bolt and produce seed. At Shorsulu, in the district of Salyany, a few plants of B. vulgaris subsp. maritima 420 420 1100 1680 1800 Number 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 4 3 1 1 6 4 4 2 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 54 were found in an alfalfa field. This is proof that the subspecies still occurs in Azerbaijan. The west and south coasts of the Caspian Sea appear to be the northeastern limit of the distribution area of the ‘seabeet’, B. vulgaris subsp. maritima. The seabeet population at Shorsulu seemed to be heavily damaged by grazing of the alfalfa crop. The field was, until recently, used to grow cotton but was ploughed the previous autumn and cropped with alfalfa. Farmers explained that about eight plants per square metre had been growing amongst the alfalfa, and that many neighbours had come in spring to harvest leaves of the wild beet for salads. After the alfalfa was harvested and grazed, only a few short plants with mature seed remained. In an adjacent cotton field, two young plants and a small plant with mature seeds were found. It is doubtful if this wild beet population can survive at the site, even though, its high soil salinity and the ruderal character of the field margins are well suited to B. vulgaris subsp. maritima. The danger is that the use of the field may change again as it did in 1998/1999. On 22 September, a quince cultivation area was passed on the way from Lenkoran to Lerik. Many different forms of quince exist in this area, amongst them a type with soft flesh, which can be eaten fresh like an apple. In the eastern foothills of the Talysch Mountains, along the Lenkoran Chay River, rice is produced. The cultivation of rice was halted by the planned economy in 1930, and until 1990 traditional varieties were only used and maintained privately. After the independence of Azerbaijan, the cultivation of the favourite local variety ‘Ambarbo’ was increased again. The search for B. lomatogona started in the Lerik province the same day. At Tatuni, a growing site where B. lomatogona had Leg. et Det. A. Grossheim Leg. et Det. P Gurijskij Leg. A. Kolakovsky Leg. L. Prilipko Det. A. Grossheim Leg. M. Kotov Det. M. Kotov Leg. M. Kotov Det. M. Kotov Det. A. Grossheim Leg. A. Kolakovsky Det. A. Grossheim Leg. L. Prilipko Det. A. Grossheim (2 specimens) Leg. M. Sachokla Det. A. Grossheim Leg. et Det. C. Gurvitsh Leg. et Det. C. Gurvitsh Leg. et Det. A. Kolakovsky Leg. J. Doroshko et T. Heideman Det. A. Grossheim Det. A. Grossheim Leg. L. Prilipko Det. A. Grossheim Leg. A. Kolakovsky Det. A. Grossheim Leg. A. Kolakovsky Det. A. Kolakovsky Leg. et Det. L. Prilipko/A. Grossheim Leg. et Det. A. Grossheim 28.09.1925 30.01.1926 11.11.1934 29.05.1928 08.05.1928 20.06.1924 17.07.1930 27.06.1930 23.12.1929 09.03.1934 May 1930 27.06.1930 09.05.1938 02.05.1938 31.05.1929 11.05.1928 05.06.1934 04.11.1934 16.6.1929 18.11.1929 Collected and determined by Collection date (L.) (L.) (L.) (L.) (L.) (L.) (L.) (L.) (L.) Beta lomatogona F. et M. Beta perennis (L.) Halaczy Beta perennis (L.) Halaczy Beta perennis (L.) Halaczy Beta perennis (L.) Halaczy Beta lomatogona F. et M. Beta perennis Halaczy Beta perennis Halaczy Beta perennis Halaczy Beta perennis Halaczy Beta perennis Halaczy Beta perennis Halaczy Beta perennis Halaczy Beta perennis Halaczy Beta perennis Halaczy Beta perennis (L.) Halaczy Beta perennis (L.) Halaczy Beta vulgaris (L.) var. maritima Boiss. Beta perennis (L.) Halaczy Beta vulgaris (L.) var. maritima Classified as Beta lomatogona F. et M. Beta lomatogona F. et M. Beta vulgaris (L.) subsp. maritima Arcang. Beta vulgaris (L.) subsp. maritima Arcang. Beta vulgaris (L.) subsp. maritima Arcang. Beta vulgaris (L.) subsp. maritima Arcang. Beta vulgaris (L.) subsp. maritima Arcang. Beta vulgaris (L.) subsp. maritima Arcang. Beta vulgaris (L.) subsp. maritima Arcang. Beta vulgaris (L.) subsp. maritima Arcang. Beta vulgaris (L.) subsp. maritima Arcang. Beta vulgaris (L.) subsp. maritima Arcang. Beta vulgaris (L.) subsp. maritima Arcang. Beta vulgaris (L.) subsp. maritima Arcang Large bracts in the upper part indicate subsp. adanensis. Would be rather unusual. Beta vulgaris (L.) subsp. maritima Cylindrical 25cm long thickened root is very well conserved. Beta vulgaris (L.) subsp. maritima ?, Specimen was collected very late in the season. Only few seed balls existing. Beta vulgaris (L.) subsp. maritima Arcang. Beta vulgaris (L.) subsp. ? Collected very late in the season. Bleached stems and a few seed balls left. Beta vulgaris (L.) subsp. maritima Suggested classification and remarks Table 2. The herbarium collection of Beta species of the Laboratory of Botany (Baku) Persia borealis, province Tabris, Atropatania, in Jugo Meshau-Dagh, propre, st .Viae, ferr, Jam, 1960–2500 masl Azerbaijan, province Baku, District Lenkoran, vr. Ruzjmay v p. Geledera v Pirazona ? Azerbaijan, district Soljary, ad meridium m. tis Kjuram dagh sorchus Kara-tschola, ad fossos Azerbaijan, province Gandzha, district Agdam, inter p. Steppa Karabach, inter pp. Chinziristan et Bardy Georgia, province Tiflis, steppa Karajazy, inter pp. Michalijovca et Tatjanovika Azerbaijan, Steppa Shirvan, s. Chaladzh Kureams Azerbaijan, Steppa Shirvan, inter Sorchuz Karatschola et la Choladzh Azerbaijan, Steppa Shirvan, inter Sorchuz Karatschola et la Choladzh Azerbaijan, district Baku, insula Los, in maritimis Azerbaijan, district Baku, insula Bulla, in argillosis Azerbaijan, district Nucha, in Steppa Adzhinaur Azerbaijan, Steppa Shirvan, district Saljany, prope opp. Saljany, circa Kara-Tshala, inter sagetes Gossypii Azerbaijan, district Saljany, pr. Sorchos, Kara-Tshala, inter sagetes Azerbaijan, province Gandzha, district Kazach, inter p. Karasachkal et steppam Djeiran-tshely Azerbaijan, province Gandzha, district Agdam, inter p. Steppa Karabach, inter st. Viae ferr. Jevlach et Borsunly Azerbaijan, Steppa Shirvan, district Saljany, prope pag Chaladzh, inter sagetes Gossypii Azerbaijan, Steppa Shirvan, inter Tumin, dominium. Kara-tschola et st.v.f. Pirsagat Azerbaijan, Baku, district Saljany Azerbaijan, Gandza province, inter Ganja Azerbaijan, province Baku, district Saljany, dominium Kara-Tshala in steppa Shirvan Collection site and notes on the voucher 24 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 25 previously been found (Grossheim 1945), farmers and shepherds recognized the species from photos, and showed three plants growing close to a garden. In the graveyard of the small village of Geledera at 2000 masl the B. lomatogona population, described by Prilipko and Grossheim in 1930 (Table 2), was found to be still very large. The area is not as intensively grazed as sites visited earlier. A farmer reported that this species used to be found at several sites in the area. Sheep, goats and cattle prefer B. lomatogona as forage just at the time of flowering, with the result that a decreasing number of these perennial plants can produce mature seeds. There are more farm animals in the area than before because younger, jobless family members have returned from the towns to the villages to start families. They earn their living mainly by the production of domesticated animals on the pastureland, which in fact is common property. Hence, the growing human population is causing genetic erosion in B. lomatogona in the Talysch Mountains of Azerbaijan. The report of the farmer living at Geledera agrees with the account of a shepherd claiming to be 100 years old, who said that almost all of the birds which used to be abundant in the area have now disappeared and that the landscape has become silent. At the village of Pirsara, another site of B. lomatogona known from literature, the farmers did not fully recognize the plant, but showed us species with leaf shapes and roots similar to B. lomatogona, i.e. Rumex and others. Later, we learned that the following day about 50 inhabitants of the village had searched the local slopes for B. lomatogona, unfortunately without success. The slopes of Kyz-Jurdur were described as another site of B. lomatogona. The dry, southern slopes of this mountain were found to be extremely overgrazed, while the humid slopes exposed to the Caspian Sea are not suitable for B. lomatogona. Inhabitants of the village in the Kyz-Jurdur valley remembered the wild beet species, B. lomatogona, which grew on the southern slopes, but was lost years ago through overgrazing. Because the intensity of grazing did not differ very much within the mountainous plateau, the chance of detecting other populations of B. lomatogona was considered to be low, and exploration of the Talysch Mountains in Azerbaijan was stopped. At Tatuni and Pirsara two old potato varieties were collected. The farmer at Tatuni presented a red-skinned potato type which had been grown by his grandfather. The farmer living in Pirsara presented a blue-skinned potato which had long been cultivated and consumed by the family because of its good taste. Farmers sometimes mentioned preferring their own old potato varieties because of their taste. Potatoes imported from Iran would be consumed only in case of need. On the way back from Lerik to Lenkoran, at a small farm in the village of Hamarmecha, a woman farmer showed us beet seeds and explained that she had mixed fodder and garden beet seed in the sample. Her explanations were interesting because freshly collected seed is sometimes composed of roughly equal amounts of different varieties or even cultivated taxa. Curators of collections consider that this results from a seed samplehandling mistake by the collector but, in fact, is caused by farmer’s seed stock management procedures. The farmer had bought the lentil sample, AZE 99 20, a long time ago in Lenkoran and had maintained it since then. The sample is distinguishable from AZE 99 21 by its smaller seeds, and is used for soup preparations, while the large– seeded lentil sample is used as an ingredient in the traditional dish ‘Ploff’. She had also bought the climber bean accession AZE 99 22 from a neighbour who had produced the seeds himself. AZE 99 24 has a lower thousand grain mass than AZE 99 22. The tender green pods of AZE 99 24 are eaten as well as the dry seeds. Similar crops and crop uses were found in other villages, such as Hamuscham and Matlajatag, which are located in remote areas of the eastern foothills of the Talysch Mountains in the districts of Astara and Lenkoran along the Penserchay River. From Astara, on the Iranian frontier, the journey continued to Ardabil, a large city in the southern foothills of the Talysch Mountains. In 1990 and 1991 the region was explored by a national team which had found B. lomatogona at three different locations. Some of the populations sampled then were very small, and one of the objectives of the 1999 mission was to trace larger populations in the area. Trips from Ardabil to known collecting sites were disappointing. Only at one site (Gerdeh, Ardabil district) three plants had survived in a field margin. The main cause of plant and population losses proved to be ploughing for cultivation of crops like alfalfa (for example at Namin, Ardabil district). Only single populations of B. lomatogona and B. vulgaris subsp. maritima were sampled during the mission. As northwest Iran and Azerbaijan are probably the northeastern limit of the distribution area of both species, it was known in advance that tracing new material would be difficult. The narratives of local people and the experiences of the local agricultural experts show that overgrazing and intensified use of arable land has caused genetic erosion in B. lomatogona. The distribution area of this wild beet is separated into uneven parts, the major part in central Anatolia and the minor part in Armenia, northwest Iran and southern Azerbaijan. Buttler (1977) noted that B. lomatogona is not a typical plant of natural habitats, but should be considered as segetal flora preferring cultivated land. Land cultivation probably enabled the species to invade from the arid highland steppe. Although land disturbance by the early farmers favoured the distribution of the species in cereal fields and field margins, modern agriculture and overuse of land is threatening the existence of B. lomatogona today. This wild beet has a narrow ecological tolerance and cannot survive under more humid conditions. Land cultivation with modern ploughs and the shift from dryland farming of wheat to irrigated cultivation of sugar beet will therefore threaten the species. E. de Meijer, a team member of the collecting expedition in Turkey (Anonymous 1990), noticed that the central threshing places in Turkish villages contributed to the dissemination of the B. lomatogona, which is harvested together with the wheat, brought to the central threshing place and redistributed from there. Modern seed threshing equipment will probably prevent this seed distribution mechanism. In the Eskisehir province in Turkey the species is abundant and almost continuously distributed. As the species frequently occurs in field margins, land cleaning programmes can also contribute to the decline of the species (Anonymous 1990). There are, therefore, good reasons to assume that there is a need to monitor the population density and distri- 26 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 bution to prevent unexpected loss of genetic diversity. The observations made in Turkey may explain why almost no wild beet plants were found in Iran, where large fields with small field margins and few field bushes dominate the landscape in the drier area around Ardabil. Due to time constraints, it was impossible to visit all the historical sites of B. vulgaris subsp. maritima, or to get a clear idea of today’s distribution in Azerbaijan. Some places are on islands in the Caspian Sea (Table 2), the names or locations of which were unknown even to our Azerian partners. A search for B. vulgaris on islands and inland sites would be very interesting for two reasons: firstly, the subspecies may be endangered in Azerbaijan and on the Iranian coast of the Caspian Sea; secondly, because of the saline soils and warm climate, ‘maritima’ populations from these areas could contain highly salt- and drought-tolerant forms. In addition, while looking for ‘maritima’ populations, collectors could search more systematically for landraces of B. vulgaris subsp. vulgaris. Examples from this area are still under-represented in the world Beta holding. Conclusions This was one of the first plant explorations in the Talysch Mountains for many years. During the 2-week mission only a fraction of the area could be visited, making an objective assessment of the situation difficult. Nevertheless, there are strong indications that in B. lomatogona, a key species of the irano-turanian flora, genetic erosion has taken place at the margin of its distribution area, which may progress to the distribution centre with the intensification of agricultural production practices and increasing human population pressure. To allow the development of an in situ and on-farm management programme specifically focussing on the wild flora and traditional crops of the Caucasus and Transcaucaus region, a systematic assessment of the threat of genetic erosion and factors causing it should be considered. In some cases urgent measures must be undertaken to safeguard unique plant populations in Azerbaijan, such as the historical remainder of B. lomatogona at Geledera (district of Lerik) and B. vulgaris subsp. maritima at Shorsulu (district of Salyany). The wild beet population at Geledera could best be protected by establishing an in situ conservation project, whereas B. vulgaris subsp. maritima is used by the local people and would qualify for an on-farm management project. Currently, with the use of satellite remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS), maps with a scale of 1:50,000 or 1:25,000 are being produced for the Ministry of Agriculture in Azerbaijan. The management and monitoring of in situ and on-farm projects could be assisted by the national remote sensing centre that the Government of Azerbaijan intends to establish (, News & Highlights, FAO, 13 Dec. 1999). Acknowledgements We are indebted to everyone in the local administrations who supported our mission through their advice and the provision of guides and experts. We are also very grateful to all the people we met in the villages who shared their knowledge with us and always offered their hospitality. Their enthusiasm and their interest in the objectives of our mission make us believe that, with their help, it should be possible to develop in situ and on-farm conservation projects. The exploration was funded by the German Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry (BML) through the project 100 of the German–Russian programme on co-operation in agricultural science. Considerable logistic support was also provided by the Sugar Beet Seed Institute (S.B.S.I) and the S.B.S.I. staff at the branch office in Ardabil. We greatly appreciate the excellent cooperation between the different Ministries and the local authorities in Azerbaijan, Iran, Russia and Germany. References Anonymous. 1990. Collection of Beta, Lactuca and Allium in Turkey, 15.07.90 to 31.08.90. CGN collection activities 2. Buttler, K. P. 1977. Revision von Beta Sektion Corollinae (Chenopodiaceae), I. Selbststerile Basisarten. Mitt. Bot. München 13:255-336. Firat, A. E. 1999. In situ conservation and genetic diversity in Turkey in Implementation of the Global Plan of Action in Europe—Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Proc. of the European Symposium, 30 June – 3 July 1998, Braunschweig, Germany (T. Gass, L. Frese, F. Begemann and E. Lipman, compilers). IPGRI, Rome. Frese, L. and V. I. Burenin. 1991. Sammlung genetischer Ressourcen von Beta und Lactuca in Georgien und Dagestan vom 21.08.91 bis zum 14.09.91. CGN collection activities 3. Frese, L., V. I. Burenin and G. Seiler. 1990. Germplasm collection of Beta and Lactuca in Armenia and Daghestan (USSR), 19.08.90 to 09.09.90. CGN collection activities 1. Grossheim, 1945. Beta in Flora Kavkas. Ed 2, 3, 118-121. Hohenacker, R. F. 1838. Enumeratio plantarum quas in provincia Talysch collegit R. Fr. Hohenacker. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou 3:360. Srivastava, H. M., Sun Yi Chu, M. Nasser Arjmand and T. Masutani. 1992. International Beta genetic resources network in A report on the second international Beta genetic resources workshop held at the Institute of Crop Science and Plant Breeding, Braunschweig, Germany, 24–28 June 1991 (L.Frese, ed.). International Crop Network Series No. 7. IPGRI, Rome. Zohary, M. 1973. Geobotanical foundations of the Middle East. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart. Plant Plant Genetic Genetic Resources Resources Newsletter, Newsletter, 2001, 2001, No. 126: No. 126 27 - 27 30 ARTICLE Evaluation of variability in natural populations of peperina (Minthostachys mollis (Kunth.) Griseb.), an aromatic species from Argentina M. Ojeda1, R. Coirini2,, J. Cosiansi3, R. Zapata2 y J. Zygadlo4 1 Genética, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, C.C.: 509, Ciudad Universitaria, (5000) Córdoba, Argentina 2 Manejo de Agrosistemas Marginales, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, C.C.: 509, Ciudad Universitaria, (5000) Córdoba, Argentina 3 Maquinaria Agrícola, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, C.C.: 509, Ciudad Universitaria, (5000) Córdoba, Argentina 4 Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Ciudad Universitaria, (5000) Córdoba, Argentina Summary Résumé Resumen Evaluation of variability in natural populations of peperina (Minthostachys mollis (Kunth.) Griseb.), an aromatic species from Argentina Évaluation de la variabilité dans des populations naturelles de Minthostachys mollis (Kunth.) Griseb., une espèce aromatique d’Argentine Estudio de variabilidad en poblaciones naturales de peperina (Minthostachys mollis (Kunth.) Griseb.), una especie aromática de la Argentina Commerce in aromatic plant species is expanding. Minthostachys mollis (Kunth.) Griseb, peperina, is among the most intensively cultivated native aromatic species in Córdoba, Argentina. It is valued for its digestive properties and it is also used in the beverage and candy industries. An expanding market for peperina products requires rational exploitation of this valuable resource to prevent irreversible loss of germplasm resulting from over-collecting. Peperina germplasm was collected in situ for characterization and to assess diversity among accessions. Eight collection sites were selected covering a wide range of habitats within the Chaqueña Serrana phytogeographical province . Morphological characteristics, essential oils and topographical, meteorological and soil data were recorded. Regular observations in those areas revealed that plants growing in different locations varied considerably in height and leaf characteristics. Populations that contained a high number of erect plants tended to be smaller and had more branches, probably resulting from intense pruning and subsequent regrowth. The identification of preferred habitats and the characterization of meteorological and soil conditions there will allow reintroduction into depleted areas. The data summarized in this preliminary report indicate the substantial variability of peperina growing in Argentina. For example, when plant height was 30.12– 250.28 cm, leaf length ranged from 0.70 to 5.30 cm and leaf width from 0.30 to 2.60 cm. There was also significant variation in essential oil content. For example, pulegone content ranged from 3.90 to 65.10%. Le commerce des espèces de plantes aromatiques se développe. Minthostachys mollis (Kunth.) Griseb, « peperina » en espagnol, est l’une des espèces aromatiques indigènes les plus abondamment cultivées à Córdoba, Argentine. Elle est appréciée pour ses propriétés digestives et est également utilisée dans des boissons et en confiserie. L’expansion du marché de M. mollis nécessite une exploitation rationnelle de cette ressource précieuse afin d’éviter une perte irrémédiable de matériel génétique résultant de récoltes excessives. Le matériel génétique de M. mollis a été récolté in situ afin de le caractériser et d’évaluer la perte de diversité parmi les accessions. Huit sites de collecte ont été choisis, couvrant une grande variété d’habitats dans la province phytogéographique Chaqueña Serrana. Les caractéristiques morphologiques, les huiles essentielles et les données topographiques, météorologiques et édaphiques ont été enregistrées. Des observations régulières dans ces régions font apparaître des variations importantes dans la hauteur et les caractéristiques foliaires de plantes situées en différents endroits. Dans les populations comportant un grand nombre de plantes dressées, celles-ci tendent à être plus petites et à avoir des branches plus nombreuses, probablement en raison de coupes importantes et de repousse ultérieure. L’identification des habitats préférés et la caractérisation des conditions météorologiques et édaphiques permettront une réintroduction dans les régions où l’espèce s’est raréfiée. Les données résumées dans ce rapport préliminaire indiquent la variabilité importante de M. mollis en Argentine. Par exemple, lorsque la plante atteint une hauteur de 30,12 à 250,28 cm, la longueur de la feuille varie de 0,70 à 5,30 cm et la largeur du limbe de 0,30 à 2,60 cm. On observe également des variations significatives dans les teneurs en huiles essentielles. Par exemple, la teneur en pulégone varie de 3,90 à 65,10 %. El comercio de especies aromáticas se encuentra en expansión. La peperina, (Minthostachys mollis (Kunth.) Griseb), es una especie aromática, muy explotada en Córdoba, Argentina. Se la valora por sus propiedades digestivas y se la usa en las industrias de bebidas y dulces. El mercado en expansión de productos de especies aromáticas requiere una explotación racional para prevenir perdidas irreversibles de germoplasma por prácticas indiscriminadas de explotación. Se recolectó germoplasma para su caracterización in situ y para determinar su diversidad. Fueron tomados ocho sitios de recolección dentro de un amplio rango de hábitats dentro de la provincia fitogeográfica del Chaco Serrano. Se tomaron datos de caracteres morfológicos, aceites esenciales, topográficos, meteorológicos y de suelo. Se encontró una considerable variabilidad en altura de planta y caracteres de las hojas, sobre todo entre diferentes localidades. Algunas poblaciones tienen un número alto plantas erectas, éstas son generalmente más bajas y con muchas ramificaciones, esto probablemente debido a la reiterada poda y posterior rebrote. La identificación de los hábitats, con las características meteorológicas y de suelo marca un camino para la reintroducción de propágulos. Los datos aquí evaluados brindan una idea del amplio rango de variabilidad de la peperina que crece en la Argentina. Por ejemplo: altura de planta va de 30.12 a 250.28 cm, largo de hoja de 0.70 a 5.30 cm y ancho 0.30 a 2.60 cm. Se determinó una muy importante variación en aceites esenciales, como en pulegona que varió entre 3.9 y 65.10%. Se encontró una fuerte interacción genotipo—ambiente que afecta caracteres cuantitativos en general y a los componentes de aceites esenciales en particular. Key words: Essential oil, germplasm, Minthostachys mollis, peperina, population variability 28 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 Introduction Materials and methods Trade in aromatic species is expanding in Córdoba Province, Argentina, and is based mainly on harvesting natural stands (87%) and not on agricultural production. A growing market for products from aromatic species requires rational exploitation of these valuable resources to prevent irreversible loss of germplasm resulting from indiscriminate exploitation. Minthostachys mollis (Kunth.) Griseb (= Minthostachys verticillata (Griseb.) Epling) (Boelcke 1992; Bonzani and Ariza 1993; Gupta 1995; Retamar et al. 1996), peperina, is among the most intensively harvested aromatic species. Due to its menthol content its aroma resembles that of mint. It is valued for its digestive properties and it is also used in the beverage and candy industries. It is the only native aromatic species for which there is international demand (Lagroteria de Galán et al. 1987; Bocco et al. 1993). Peperina is a perennial shrub 0.30-2 m high. It grows naturally in the northwest and central areas of Argentina and is also native to Bolivia, Perú and Ecuador. In Argentina it grows in the mountainous areas of Córdoba at altitudes between 700 and 1200 masl. It is also found in the provinces of Catamarca, Tucumán and La Rioja, (Epling 1935–1937; Dimitri 1972). Previous studies detailed the essential oil content of this species (Retamar et al. 1995; Zygadlo et al. 1996). Peperina is already endangered, and current exploitation exceeds the rate of natural regeneration. For this reason, there is a need for immediate conservation measures. Studies of its population biology and genetic diversity are important for the successful development of conservation strategies. Therefore, germplasm of Minthostachys mollis was collected to determine the extent of its variability. Collecting expeditions were planned for a wide range of habitats within the Chaqueña Serrana phytogeographical province , which is characterized by mountains with xerophytic forests and native perennial grasses (Cabrera 1976). Local expertise was used in the planning stages. Within this area, the Sierras de Córdoba is where peperina is most abundant and where most plants for sale are collected. Collections were undertaken in April and May 1997 and included areas from 26ºS to 32ºS, and from 650 to 1600 masl. Collection sites were photographed and representative herbarium specimens from all locations were collected, classified and stored at our Faculty Herbarium. Latitude, longitude, altitude and meteorological data were recorded (Table 1). Notes were made on the distribution of plants and their densities, harvesting pressure, habitat and slope, species composition of the habitat and soil characteristics (Table 2). The plant material collected in the field was processed in the laboratory. A sample of seeds from each plant was catalogued. Part of the sample comprised a common population sample. The remaining seeds were labelled, dried and stored in trifoliate bags at –20 °C in a freezer for long-term conservation. Part of this sample was desiccated and stored at 0°-5 °C in the refrigerator for short-term conservation. In soil samples, organic carbon and pH (H2O 1:2.5) were determined using standard methods (Sparks 1996). Plant height and leaf characteristics of each population were recorded in the field and also in the growth cabinet. The volatile leaf constituents from each population sample were steam distilled and analyzed using gas chromatography. Statistical analyses were made in order to determine the existence of within- and between- population variability. Table 1. Location and climatic data for accessions of Minthostachys mollis collected in Argentina Province Sites Latitude Longitude Altitude (masl) Mean temperature °C January July Rainfall (mm) Córdoba Córdoba Córdoba Córdoba Tucumán Tucumán Catamarca San Luis Villa Allende Capilla del Monte Tala Cañada Cuesta Blanca Tafí del Valle Escaba Balcosna Merlo 31°17’15” 30°48’45” 31°20’15” 31 27’45” 26 52’00” 27 38’40” 27 54’40” 31 23’19” 64 16’16” 64 30’51” 64 54’00” 64 31’42” 65 38’47” 65 39’31” 65 43’10” 64 59’25” 650 1060 1600 800 1600 1100 900 1250 23.4 22.6 21.5 22.5 21.9 25.2 23.4 22.6 700 608 640 700 1300 1100 650 660 9.5 10.4 9.3 9.3 11.8 14.5 9.2 9.3 Table 2. Site characterization in Argentina from where Mintostachys mollis accessions were collected Sites Number of plants sampled Distribution pattern Extraction pressure Local exposition Slope (%) Soil characteristic Organic pH Matter (%) Villa Allende Capilla del Monte Tala Cañada Cuesta Blanca Tafí del Valle Escaba Balcosna Merlo 40 40 40 39 40 33 23 40 Isolated Continuous Ecodemo Ecodemo Ecodemo Ecodemo Ecodemo Isolated Moderate–High Moderate Moderate Moderate–High Low Moderate Low High S S E–SE S S–SW S–SE S S 10–20 30–40 30–40 20–30 20–30 30–50 30–50 10–20 12.7 7.5 10.2 9.7 5.9 1.7 0.5 7.2 6.4 5.7 6.1 5.6 5.2 7.2 7.6 5.5 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 29 Results and discussion Ecogeographical distribution Peperina was collected in the region from Tafi del Valle (26º52’S), province of Tucumán, to Merlo (32º23’S), province of San Luis. Eight collection sites were selected. Peperina is present in the phytogeographical province of Selva Tucumano-Oranense (Tafí and Escaba) according to the classification of De Fina (1974) and in the Sierras de Córdoba, (Cabrera 1976). Collection sites are shown in Fig. 1. Seeds and leaves were collected from 33 to 40 individual plants per site, except in Balcosna, where only 23 samples were taken due to the low population density. Accessions exhibited considerable morphological variability throughout the area of distribution. (Table 1). Germplasm collection The accessions were collected in different ecogeographical regions. Peperina is usually found on the southern slopes of the mountains. In lower forested areas it is always found as a lower canopy plant, whereas at unforested higher altitudes, it is found in the open. Populations were distributed in very restricted pockets (ecodemos) comprising isolated plants, probably due to overcollection. In order to collect a large number of plants it was necessary to find sites of limited accessibility, where the slopes were 10% to 50%, and where exploitation was slight (Table 2). Plants with shallow roots and soils containing abundant humus characterized all sites. Soils were classified into two groups. The first group comprised Escaba and Balcosna soils that were slightly alkaline (pH 7.2 and 7.6) and low in organic matter content (1.7 and 0.5). The second group, supporting the Tafí, Merlo and Córdoba populations, were acid soils (pH <7) with high organic matter content (>5.9) (Table 2). In situ variability Epling (1939) described M. mollis as being between 100 and 200 cm tall and with 1-4 cm leaves, but Dimitri (1972) reported plants having 30–200 cm stems and 1–5 cm leaves. In our study plants growing in different locations showed considerable morphological variability (Table 3). Our data indicate a much wider Fig.1 Collection sites for Minthostachys mollis. Table 3. Morphological characterization of Mintostachys mollis accessions collected in Argentina Leaf sizes Plant height (cm) Growth Long (cm) Broad (cm) Ratio L/B Sites means s.e erect (%) means s.e. means s.e. means Villa Allende Capilla del Monte Tala Cañada Cuesta Blanca Tafí del Valle Escaba Balcosna Merlo 108.07 a 33.15 47.5 1.60 e f 0.50 0.86 c d 0.28 79.55 b 31.77 57.5 1.73 d e 0.59 0.87 c d 90.13 b 31.61 45.0 2.22 b 0.78 74.49 b c 24.52 87.5 1.48 f 118.27 a 49.75 20.0 89.85 b 120.00 a 62.12 c 40.01 44.52 21.30 45.0 52.2 85.0 Branching means s.e. 1.51 c d 0.92 2.65 e 1.81 0.34 1.67 c d 1.16 9.21 d 6.39 1.18 b 0.39 2.86 b 1.18 15.87 a.b 6.81 0.42 0.78 d 0.30 1.26 d 0.81 10.92 c d 7.63 1.99 c 0.67 0.95 c 0.27 2.01 c 1.11 16.50 a 6.65 2.62 a 1.92 c d 1.66 e f 0.88 0.62 0.59 1.31 a 0.97 c 0.92 c 0.40 0.30 0.33 3.73 a 2.23 2.01 c 1.33 1.69 c d 1.16 Means with the same letter are not significantly different at P=0.05. s.e. 14.84 a b 7.21 12.74 b c 8.64 16.13 a b 6.92 30 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 range; average plant height was 62.13 cm in Merlo, but there were plants only 30.12 cm tall. In Tafí del Valle, where the mean height was 120 cm, some plants were 250.28 cm. Overall mean plant height was 91 cm. Leaf length ranged from 0.7 cm in Merlo and Villa Allende to 5.30 cm in Escaba. Leaf width ranged from 0.30 cm in Villa Allende to 2.60 cm in Tafí del Valle, but the means, 1.89 and 0.98 cm, respectively, were low in contrast with the extreme values. This indicates that leaves were small in a large number of the samples. Generally, plant height and leaf size decrease with increasing altitude, as reported for other species (Bhadula and Purohit 1994; Bhadula et al. 1996). This was not exactly so with peperina. Our analysis showed a tendency for a decrease in plant size in those populations where harvesting was intense, in Cuesta Blanca and Merlo. This was accompanied by a greater number of branches (16.5 and 16.13) and a large percentage of erect plants (>85%). This habit probably results from intense pruning and subsequent regrowth. Oil composition of M. mollis has been reported by other authors (Retamar et al. 1995, 1996; Zygadlo et al. 1996), and its variability from one population to another was remarked upon. Composition of the essential oils was analysed in all populations (Table 4) and so were their main constituents, pulegone and menthone. The variation in pulegone was from 3.9 to 65.1%. In nearly all of the populations pulegone and menthone together constituted the bulk of the essential oils. Only in Balcosna were the levels of menthone and pulegone low (about 9%). Such variation is an important consideration for future use of peperina. The variability between populations is more important than that within. It is necessary to initiate studies for developing conservation and selection strategies according to oil content characteristics. The prevalence of low plant population densities suggests the need for germplasm conservation measures. In this context, the identification of preferred habitats and the characterization of meteorological and soil conditions will facilitate preservation of peperina. The data summarized in this preliminary paper indicate the extent of variability in peperina growing in Argentina. As genotype by environment interaction is high for morphological characters and oil content, genetic variability could be masked by Table 4. Composition of essential oils and their main constituents in different populations of Mintostachys mollis Population Menthone Pulegone Other essential oils V. Allende C.Monte Tala Cañada C. Blanca Tafí del Valle Escaba Balcosna Merlo 54.1 27.5 29.5 32.1 20.4 17.2 5.2 24.4 36.0 63.7 44.4 35.6 41.0 32.0 3.9 65.1 9.9 8.8 26.1 32.3 38.6 50.8 90.9 10.5 environmental factors. Therefore, as a first step, a systematic trial must be designed to analyze the genetic variability and to develop suitable strategies for conservation, evaluation, characterization and eventual domestication of this species. Acknowledgements The first author thanks the International Foundation for Science and Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, for the financial assistance provided to carry out this study. References Bhadula, S.K. and A.N. Purohit. 1994. Adaptational strategies of plants at high altitudes and future prospects for the conservation of biodiversity. Adv. Plant Sci. Res. 1:1-24. Bhadula, S.K., Anoop Singh, H. Lata, C.P. Kuniyal and A.N. Purohit. 1996. Genetic resources of Podophyllum hexandrum Royle, an endangered medicinal species from Garhwal Himalaya, India. Plant Genet. Resour. Newsl. 106:26-29. Bocco, M. E., N. Vischi y N. Montani. 1997. 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Plant Plant Genetic Genetic Resources Resources Newsletter, Newsletter, 2001, 2001, No. 126: No. 126 31 - 31 40 ARTICLE Morphological and isoenzyme variability of taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) germplasm in Cuba Arlene Rodríguez Manzano1, Adolfo A. Rodríguez Nodals1, María I. Román Gutiérrez2, Zoila Fundora Mayor1 and Leonor Castiñeiras Alfonso1 Instituto de Investigaciones Fundamentales en Agricultura Tropical (INIFAT), Calle 1 esq. 2, Santiago de las Vegas, La Habana, Cuba. Tel.: +53 7 579010; Fax: +53 7 579014; Email:[email protected] 2 Instituto de Investigaciones en Viandas Tropicales (INIVIT), Cuba 1 Summary Résumé Resumen Morphological and isoenzyme variability of taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) germplasm in Cuba Variabilité morphologique et isoenzymatique du germeplasm de Colocasia esculenta L. Schott á Cuba Variabilidad morfológica e isoenzimática del germoplasma de malanga isleña Colocasia esculenta L. Schott en Cuba Forty-two accessions of taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott), from the genebank of the Research Institute on Tropical Roots and Tubers (INIVIT) were studied. Forty-two characters showing variability in the subterranean and leafy organs were selected. Principal component analysis (PCA) was carried out independently for 16 subterranean and 26 leaf characteristicss, in order to establish a list of minimum descriptors (28) enabling the identification of clones. These were subjected to another PCA, leading to a list of descriptors for the creation of a core collection, with 13 characteristics representing three main groups and eight subgroups. The isoenzyme analysis of esterases and peroxidases allowed characterization of the clones and confirmed that there were no duplicates in the collection studied, as each clone had its characteristic band pattern in the esterase system. Applying Jaccard’s similarity index to the groups derived, it was possible to conclude that there was a strong African and Japanese, as well as Southeast Asian and Philippine influence on the origin of the Cuban accessions. This result could guide future research on the origin of this species in Cuba. On a étudié 42 clones de Colocasia esculenta L. Schott, appartenant à la Banque de Gènes de l’Institut de Recherches en Racines et Tubercules Tropicaux (INIVIT). Quarante-deux caractères ayant une variabilité chez les organes souterrains et foliaires. On a fait des analyses des composants principaux sur 16 caractères souterrains et 26 caractères foliaires de façon indépendante. Cela a permis de dresser une liste de descripteurs minima ayant 28 caractères pour faciliter l´identification des clones. Ces descripteurs-là ont été l´objet d´une nouvelle analyse des composants principaux afin d´obtenir une liste rendant plus aisée la formation d´une collection ‘noyau´, laquelle a été constituée par 13 caractères représentatifs de trois grands groupes comprenant huit sous-groupes. Les analyses isoenzymatiques d´esterases et peroxidases ont permis de caractériser les clones et de vérifier l´absence de duplicata dans la collection étudiée car chaque clone a eu son étalon de bandes caractéristique chez le système isoenzymatique esterase. Les groupes formés en employant l´Index de Similitude de Jaccard ont permis de conclure qu´il y a une grande incidence africaine et japonaise concernant la provenance de la collection cubaine, ainsi qu´à partir du lieu d’origine au sud-est asiatique et aussi à partir des îles Philippines. Les résultats de cette étude peuvent servir à des travaux plus profonds sur la phylogénie de cette espèce à Cuba. Se estudiaron 42 clones de malanga isleña Colocasia esculenta L. Schott, pertenecientes al banco de germoplasma del Instituto de Investigaciones en Viandas Tropicales (INIVIT). Se seleccionaron para este trabajo 42 caracteres que presentaron variabilidad en los órganos subterráneos y foliares. Se realizaron análisis de componentes principales (ACP) con 16 caracteres subterráneos y 26 caracteres foliares de forma independiente. Esto permitió formar un listado de descriptores mínimos que facilite la identificación de los clones, el cual quedó constituido por 28 caracteres. Estos se sometieron a un nuevo ACP para crear un listado que facilitara la formación de una colección núcleo quedando la misma constituida por 13 caracteres representativos de tres grandes grupos y 8 subgrupos. Los análisis isoenzimáticos de esterasas y peroxidasas permitieron caracterizar los clones y además corroborar que no existen duplicados en la colección estudiada, ya que cada clon tuvo su patrón de bandas característico en el sistema isoenzimático esterasa. Las agrupaciones formadas empleando el Indice de Similitud de Jaccard, permitieron inferir una fuerte incidencia africana y japonesa en la procedencia de la colección cubana, así como desde el centro de origen en el sudeste asiático y también desde las islas Filipinas. Estos resultados pueden servir de base a trabajos más profundos sobre la filogenia de esta especie en Cuba. Key words: Colocasia esculenta, Cuba, isoenzyme variability, morphological variability, principal component analysis (PCA), taro. Introduction The Global Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources (GPA) has among its high priority activities ex situ conservation. In addition, the GPA emphasizes the need for studies concerning characterization, evaluation and development of core collections, as these studies are important in the effective classification of the collections and allow the users to access their information needs (FAO 1996a). There are 6000 Colocasia accessions around the world; the six largest germplasm collections are in Malaysia (22% of the total), Papua-New Guinea (13%), India (11%), USA (8%), Indonesia (7%) and the Philippine Islands (6%) (FAO 1996b). At the Re- search Institute on Tropical Roots and Tubers (INIVIT), Cuba, a collection of introduced, collected and genetically improved clones of taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott] has been held since 1967. Particular attention is paid to the maintenance and introduction of economically important species in Cuba, among them the root and tropical tuber crops that play an important role in human nutrition. One of the first attempts to classify and identify taro germplasm in Cuba was carried out by Roig (1913) in the former Agronomic Experimental Station of Santiago de las Vegas (now INIFAT). Roig characterized and identified clones belonging to 32 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 Table 1. Passport of the clones of Colocasia esculenta L. Schott studied Name Origin 1. Isleña Blanca #2 2. Isleña Mulata #1 3. Isleña Mulata #2 4. Isleña Mulata #3 5. Isleña Rosada #1 6. Isleña Rosada Escambray 7. Isleña Rosada Jibacoa 8. Isleña Rosada Mayajigua 9. Isleña Rosada Sancti Spiritus 10. Isleña Violácea 11. Isleña Japonesa Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba 12. Isleña China 13. Madere Graines 14. Madere Soufre 15. Selección Herradura 16. Camerun 2 17. Camerun 8 18. Camerun 9 19. Camerun 14 20. Camerun 22 21. Camerun 23 22. Isleña Miranda Source (Villa Clara) (Villa Clara) (Villa Clara) (Villa Clara) (Villa Clara) (Cienfuegos) 26. Isleña Blanca #1 27. Isleña Mulata #4 28. Isleña Rosada Sabanilla 29. CEMSA 75-11 Field collection Cuba (Sancti Spíritus) Cuba (Sancti Spíritus) Cuba (Villa Clara) Cuba (Isla de la Juventud) Cuba (Cienfuegos) Guadeloupe (Domaine Duclos) Guadeloupe (Domaine Duclos) Cuba (Pinar del Río) Field collection Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cuba (Villa Clara) Guadeloupe (Domaine Duclos) Cuba (Villa Clara) Cuba (Matanzas) Cuba (Matanzas) Cuba (Villa Clara) 30. México 1 31. México 2 32. México 3 33. Rosada CEMSA México (Tabasco) México (Tabasco) México (Veracruz) Cuba (Villa Clara) 34. MC-2 Cuba (Villa Clara) 35. Isleña Cienfueguera 36. Isleña Yabú Cuba (Cienfuegos) 37. Francesa 38. Sao Tomé Vietnam Sao Tomé and Príncipe Cuba (Granma) 39. Isleña Rosada Bayamo 40. Isleña Bayamesa 41. Isleña Granma 42. Panameña collection collection collection collection collection collection Cuba (Villa Clara) 23. Isleña Rosada #2 Cuba (Villa Clara) 24. Isleña Rosada Cuba (C. Habana) Habana 25. Madere Blanc Field Field Field Field Field Field Cuba (Villa Clara) Cuba (Granma) Cuba (Granma) Panama (Chiriquí) Field collection Field collection Field collection Field collection Introduction Introduction Field collection Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction Selection of somatic mutations Field collection Selection of somatic mutations Introduction Field collection Field collection Field collection Selection of somatic mutations Field collection Field collection Field collection Selection of somatic mutations Selection of somatic mutations Field collection the genera Xanthosoma and Colocasia whose identification was ambiguous, and emphasized the importance of the corm, cormel, leaf and petiole characters in the evaluation and identification of the genetic mixtures, as not all the clones have inflorescences. Rodríguez Nodals (1971, 1979) made several taxonomic studies based on morphological characters. Rodríguez Manzano et al. (1994, 1998) described the germplasm during 1989–1991, taking into account passport descriptors and morphological traits, including subterranean, leaf and inflorescence characteristics, as well as cytogenetic and biochemical aspects. This led to a better understanding of the systematics of this genus, although the lack of a statistical analysis reduced the effectiveness of the study. More recently Rodríguez Manzano et al. (1999a, 1999b) used multivariate statistical analysis to study the diversity of Colocasia esculenta existing in Cuba. In crops such as beans, chickpeas, onions and peanuts, multivariate analysis of agronomic and morphological characters have been used for the characterization, evaluation and classification of the germplasm in Cuba (Castiñeiras 1992; Fraga et al. 1996; Shagarodsky et al. 1996; Fundora et al. 1997). In this work subterranean and leaf morphological characteristics were used, along with esterase and peroxidase isozyme analysis, to establish a list of minimum descriptors for characterization, genotype identification and formation of a core collection, and to verify that there are no duplicates in the germplasm collection of Colocasia esculenta L. Schott in Cuba. Materials and methods Materials Forty-two clones introduced from Asia, Africa and America (Table 1), collected in different Cuban regions (Fig. 1), and genetically improved, were used. These clones belong to the national collection of Colocasia esculenta L. Schott maintained by INIVIT, Santo Domingo municipality, Villa Clara province, Cuba. Each clone was kept ex situ in a four-row plot, totalling 80 rows. The planting distance was 0.90 m between rows and 0.35 m between plants in row. The two central rows of each plot were evaluated (40 plants). Morphological traits Plants were harvested 10 months after planting and two consecutive years were evaluated. Sixteen descriptors were used to evaluate corm, cormel and root characteristics, as well as quality, and 26 descriptors to evaluate the leaf characteristics (Table 2). The characteristics and modalities used were those reported by IPGRI (1999 and IBPGR 1980) and Rodríguez Manzano et al. (1999a, 1999b). Selection of somatic mutations Introduction Introduction Field collection Field collection Field collection Introduction Fig. 1. Geographic distribution of the local and advanced clones of the Cuban collection. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 33 The characterization results permitted the selection of minimum descriptors to study the Cuban clones of Colocasia esculenta. For this purpose principal component analysis (PCA) was carried out, starting from a standardized correlation matrix analysing independently for the underground and foliar plant organs (n=16 and n=26). Characteristics that contributed most to variability were determined on the basis of those original variables with greater influence on the components (C1 at C5), according to the following approach. The mean values from the highest and lowest eigenvectors were used as the threshold for the selection of the most contributing variables (Fundora et al. 1992). Associations between the factors reported by Rodríguez Manzano et al. (1999a, 1999b) were also taken into account. Another PCA was done using the characteristics selected in the first analysis in order to select those contributing most to the variability, for creating the core collection. According to the C1–C2 interaction, groups of representative clones were formed. In order to select the significant associations Table 2. Descriptors used in the clone characterization according to subterranean and leaf characteristics Palatability (PAL) Consistency (CON) Corm dry matter percentage (DMC) Cormel dry matter percentage (DMS) Corm shape (CS) Corm weight (CW) Corm flesh colour of the central part (CCF) Fibre degree (FD) Number of cormels (NC) Percentage of cormels under 50 g (PCV) Percentage of cormels over 100 g (PCO) Percentage of cormels between 50 and 100 g (PCE) Shape of cormels (CLS) Flesh colour of cormels (CFL) Bud colour (BC) Root colour (ROC) Growth habit (GH) Shoots after 5 months (S5M) Shoots after 6 months (S6M) Shoots at harvest time (SHT) Plant height (PH) Petiole to lamina length ratio (PSR) Maturity at harvest time (MHT) Leaf blade margin colour (CSE) Leaf lamina length to width ratio (SLW) Leaf lamina surface (SS) Leaf blade colour—upper (SCU) Leaf blade colour—lower (SCL) Petiole junction pattern (upper surface of leaf) (LPU) Petiole junction pattern (lower surface of leaf) Colour of petiole junction pattern (upper surface of leaf) (CUP) Colour of petiole junction pattern (lower surface of leaf) (CLP) Colour of V vein pattern (upper part of leaf) (VCV) (Fig. 2) Colour of I vein pattern (upper part of leaf) (VCI) (Fig. 2) Colour of A–B vein pattern (lower part of leaf) (VAB) (Fig. 2) Petiole colour (PC) Leaf sheath colour in outer part (CAO) Leaf sheath colour in inner part (CAI) Colour of the petiole to corm insertion point (CI) Wax in the petiole (WP) Petiole transverse section (PTS) Ratio of sheath length to total petiole length (PLR) between the characteristics of the leaf and subterranean organs, limits of chance with n=40 df and a significance of 0.001% (Sigarroa 1985) were used. Isozyme analysis To study peroxidase and esterase isozyme variation, the techniques of Gonzáles and Román (1982) and Gonzáles (1989) were used for electrophoresis and preparation of leaf extracts. From the zymogram results of the peroxidase and esterase isozyme systems (Rodríguez Manzano et al. 1998) similarities between clones were calculated using the MAT–GENE statistical programme (Sigarroa and Cornide 1995) based on Jaccard’s similarity index. Data were recorded as the presence or absence of bands. Data on the similarity matrix were introduced in the programme database and processed by a cluster analysis in order to represent the phenetic relationships between clones by means of a dendrogram. The number of loci and alleles per locus, as well as the percentage of polymorphic loci and the number of alleles per polymorphic locus, were determined in both the isozyme systems, according to the following formulae: Number of polymorphic loci Percentage of polymorphic loci = x 100 Total number of loci Number of alleles per polymorphic locus Mean number of = x 100 alleles per locus Number of polymorphic locus Results and discussion Morphological and statistical traits From the results of the matrix of eigenvectors and values for the subterranean organ characteristics, the major descriptors influencing 70.9% of the total variability were accumulated until the fifth component could be selected (Table 3). Root colour (ROC), bud Table 3. Matrix of eigenvectors and values of the principal components for the subterranean characters Principal components Variance % total contribution % accumulated Eigenvectors CS CW CCF FD NC PCV PCE PCO CLS CFL BC ROC PAL CON DMC DMS C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 4.8831 30.5 1.9492 12.2 1.6611 10.4 1.6132 10.1 1.2338 7.7 30.5 42.7 53.1 63.2 70.9 –0.0018 –0.1532 –0.3399 0.1565 0.2471 0.1181 –0.0978 0.0455 –0.1310 –0.3436 –0.3468 –0.3763 –0.3362 –0.3268 –0.2610 –0.2510 0.4596 0.1717 –0.1783 0.1763 –0.1265 –0.0966 –0.1434 0.0121 0.4572 –0.1800 –0.1573 –0.1284 –0.0790 –0.1401 0.4606 0.3602 –0.0217 0.0931 –0.2354 –0.1275 0.1372 –0.4888 0.3384 0.4776 0.0981 –0.3018 –0.1173 –0.0038 0.3432 0.2571 –0.1115 –0.1018 –0.3450 0.2906 –0.3403 –0.0500 -0.1449 0.2169 0.5082 –0.5064 0.0849 –0.2653 0.0212 –0.0016 0.0795 –0.0252 0.0616 0.0813 –0.3662 –0.1716 0.0895 0.1266 –0.4620 –0.4796 0.1645 0.1168 –0.2847 –0.0749 –0.1013 –0.1768 –0.2210 –0.2495 0.1479 0.2590 34 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 colour (BC) and cormel flesh colour (CFL) showed the greatest variability in the first component. Although the colour of the corm flesh (CCF) had a high value, it was not selected for integrating the list of minimum descriptors, as Rodríguez Manzano et al. (1999a) had demonstrated that it was significantly and positively correTable 4. Matrix of eigenvectors and values of the principal components for the leaf characteristics Principal components Variance % total contribution % accumulated Eigenvectors GH S5M S6M SHT PH CSE CLW SS SCU SCL LPU LPL CUP CLP VCV VCI VAB PC CAO CAI WP CI PTS MHT PSR PLR C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 8.8275 34.1 3.8515 14.8 2.1860 8.4 1.7738 6.8 1.3883 5.3 34.1 48.9 57.3 64.1 69.4 0.2432 –0.0087 –0.0060 0.0951 0.0050 0.1790 –0.1621 0.1780 0.2084 0.2275 0.2997 0.2549 0.2948 0.2685 0.2263 0.2404 0.2800 0.2127 0.2459 0.1540 0.2626 –0.0396 0.0877 –0.0731 0.1684 0.0629 –0.0934 –0.2619 –0.2968 –0.3339 –0.3181 –0.2023 –0.0778 –0.2199 –0.1783 0.0115 0.1265 0.1852 0.1531 0.0963 0.1642 0.1107 0.1391 –0.2778 –0.2158 –0.2474 0.0469 0.3383 0.0217 –0.1635 0.1490 0.0450 – 0.0125 0.3852 0.3813 0.1861 0.1938 –0.0447 0.1730 – 0.3070 –0.2212 –0.1118 0.0731 0.1477 0.1368 0.1809 0.1575 0.1010 0.1225 –0.1381 –0.1166 0.0140 –0.0918 0.2783 0.3293 0.2724 –0.0020 –0.1278 0.1875 0.3064 0.1517 0.2542 –0.0661 –0.1209 0.2089 –0.0868 0.1565 0.2719 0.0237 –0.1872 0.0466 0.0622 –0.0788 –0.1509 –0.0067 –0.2096 –0.2118 –0.2644 0.2088 –0.0756 –0.0771 –0.3227 0.2931 0.3743 0.0133 –0.1102 0.0920 0.1214 –0.1009 –0.3481 –0.2757 –0.1068 0.2634 0.1091 –0.1501 –0.1901 –0.0677 0.0301 –0.1257 –0.1068 –0.1376 0.0868 0.0465 0.2121 0.0924 0.2241 0.3653 –0.1906 0.2642 –0.4483 Fig. 2. Vein by the sheet lower part. 1: V part, 2: I part, AB part. lated with CFL. Consequently, it was sufficient to record CFL for the characterization because the cormels can be easily removed from the plant and their colour remains the same, independent of the plant age. It should be emphasized that the characteristics selected in the first component are qualitative in nature rendering the clone characterization. Most of these traits are determined by one or a few genes and have a discrete distribution. They can be easily identified and are little affected by the environment, although sometimes their expression may be altered by the action of modifying genes (Gálvez 1997). Corm dry matter percentage (DMC), corm shape (CS) and cormel shape (CLS) were the characteristics that showed the greatest variability in component 2. Cormel dry matter percentage (DMS) was not selected as it is significantly and positively correlated with DMC (Rodríguez Manzano et al. 1999a). The characteristics showing greater influence in C3 were the percentage of cormels under 50 g (PCV) and percentage of cormels over 100 g (PCO), as well as the palatability (PAL). The percentage of cormels between 50 and 100 g (PCE), the corm weight (CW) and the total number of cormels (NC) were selected when variables in components 4 and 5 were analysed. Table 4 shows the matrix of eigenvectors and values from the principal component analysis for leaf characters in Colocasia esculenta L. Schott, and the descriptors influencing more in 64.9% of the variability accumulated up to the fifth component. The most important descriptors for clone identification were petiole junction pattern in the upper part of the leaf (LPU), colour of the petiole junction pattern in the upper part of the leaf (CUP), and colour of the vein pattern from A to B in the lower part of the leaf (VAB) (Fig. 2). VAB showed a higher value than the colour of the veins in the V-shape (VCV) and I-shape (VCI) parts described by IPGRI (1999) (Fig. 2). Rodríguez Manzano et al. (1999b) reported a significant association among VCV, VCI and VAB. In the second component, the colour of the petiole to corm insertion point (CI), shoots at harvest time (SHT), plant height (PH) and petiole colour (PC) presented the greatest variability. Rodríguez Manzano et al. (1999b) reported a significant and positive association between the shoots at harvest time (SHT) and shoots at 5 (S5M) and 6 months (S6M). Hence only SHT was used which, together with plant height, is an important agronomic characteristic for predicting yield per plant. Considering up to the fifth component, where about 69.4% of the total variability for leaf organs was accumulated, the ratio of sheath length to total petiole length (PLR), maturity at harvest time (MHT), petiole to lamina length ratio (PSR), leaf blade colour in the lower part (SCL), and leaf sheath colour in the inner part (CAI) for C4, as well as leaf blade margin colour (CSE) and leaf lamina length to width ratio (SLW) for C5, were included. Thus, CAI showed variability important for the characterization and identification of clones of this genus in the collection studied, although this was not reported by IPGRI (1999). A list of 28 minimum descriptors for the correct characterization and evaluation of the Cuban collection of this genus was established (Table 5): 12 of which represent the subterranean organs and 16 leaf characteristics. These included both quantitative and qualitative characters, and permitted coverage of an important part of the existing diversity. Rodríguez Manzano and 1.000 0.028 1.000 0.091 –0.151 1.000 –0.027 0.025 0.263 1.000 –0.341 0.240 –0.123 –0.213 1.000 0.191 –0.070 0.245 –0.485 –0.122 1.000 0.388 0.202 –0.149 –0.132 0.032 –0.086 1.000 –0.045 –0.114 –0.378 –0.075 - 0.076 –0.089 –0.014 1.000 –0.096 0.121 –0.256 –0.052 0.235 –0.176 0.160 0.639 1.000 –0.018 0.221 –0.371 –0.138 0.192 –0.114 0.256 0.625 0.745 1.000 0.000 0.268 –0.208 –0.255 0.332 0.073 0.212 0.338 0.537 0.621 1.000 0.267 0.348 –0.422 –0.178 0.016 –0.130 0.407 0.321 0.276 0.305 0.261 1.000 1.000 –0.209 –0.279 –0.267 –0.119 –0.013 –0.066 –0.100 –0.008 –0.154 –0.148 –0.014 –0.200 1.000 0.265 0.099 –0.147 0.161 –0.032 0.030 0.170 0.018 –0.352 0.084 –0.051 0.261 –0.115 1.000 –0.337 –0.239 0.267 0.229 0.152 0.192 –0.240 0.026 0.041 0.040 –0.103 0.000 0.022 –0.182 1.000 –0.024 0.178 –0.141 0.210 –0.060 0.110 –0.028 0.063 0.078 0.292 0.085 0.264 0.136 0.211 –0.023 1.000 0.289 –0.122 0.163 –0.174 –0.039 0.104 –0.167 –0.196 0.190 0.135 0.133 0.606 0.949 0.707 0.556 0.235 1.000 –0.190 0.160 0.114 0.114 –0.100 0.080 –0.197 0.206 0.097 –0.049 –0.102 0.227 –0.460 –0.160 –0.289 –0.319 –0.274 1.000 0.663 –0.437 0.188 –0.003 0.093 –0.006 0.071 –0.198 0.228 –0.022 0.018 –0.044 0.068 –0.538 –0.426 –0.627 –0.425 –0.260 The underlined correlations are significant at 0.001% probability. 1.000 0.354 0.111 0.133 0.222 –0.189 0.432 0.140 0.202 –0.047 0.014 –0.264 0.052 0.340 0.129 –0.274 0.013 –0.287 0.078 –0.021 1.000 0.923 1.000 0.896 0.852 0.371 0.340 0.148 0.185 0.056 0.122 0.225 0.281 –0.191 –0.239 0.466 0.503 0.217 0.169 0.182 0.209 0.041 –0.025 –0.037 - 0.081 –0.305 –0.310 0.170 0.132 0.147 0.184 0.235 0.118 –0.358 –0.303 0.000 0.051 –0.236 –0.246 0.148 0.143 0.000 0.057 1.000 0.576 0.565 0.441 0.310 0.203 –0.105 0.020 –0.258 0.397 0.154 –0.019 –0.121 0.045 0.052 0.006 –0.142 0.089 –0.445 –0.067 –0.348 –0.062 –0.161 1.000 0.321 0.369 0.264 0.301 0.692 0.383 –0.474 –0.039 –0.199 –0.044 0.181 –0.129 –0.186 0.060 –0.076 0.131 –0.173 0.040 –0.453 –0.421 –0.526 –0.352 0.004 1.000 –0.405 –0.369 –0.419 –0.362 –0.364 –0.276 –0.200 0.000 –0.143 0.121 –0.245 0.101 –0.053 –0.142 –0.030 –0.053 –0.245 –0.011 –0.105 0.329 0.003 0.097 0.046 –0.053 1.000 –0.183 0.492 0.333 0.493 0.352 0.421 0.486 0.314 –0.361 0.000 0.155 0.000 0.110 0.123 0.033 0.015 –0.155 0.086 –0.085 0.328 –0.383 –0.333 –0.319 0.037 –0.186 1.000 0.070 0.009 –0.172 0.116 –0.172 –0.215 –0.305 –0.170 0.084 –0.110 –0.064 0.054 0.264 0.054 –0.181 0.057 0.153 –0.011 0.150 0.030 –0.131 –0.322 –0.116 0.156 0.239 0.402 PAL ROC BC CFL CLS PCO PCE PCV NC CW CS PLR PSR MHT PTS CI CAI PC VAB CUP LPU SCL SS SLW CSE PH 1.000 0.155 0.148 0.032 0.279 0.181 0.122 0.114 0.117 0.382 0.359 –0.390 0.09 0.102 0.102 0.038 0.014 –0.365 0.694 0.282 –0.241 0.046 –0.145 –0.564 –0.411 –0.551 0.465 –0.479 Roots colour (ROC) Bud colour (BC) Flesh colour of cormels (CFL) Corm dry matter percentage (DMS) Corm shape (CS) Shape of cormels (CLS) Percentage of cormels under 50 g (PCU) Percentage of cormels over 100 g (PCO) Percentage of cormels between 50 and 100 g (PCE) Palatability (PAL) Corm weight (CW) Number of cormels (NC) Shoots at harvest time (SHT) Plant height (PH) Leaf blade margin colour (CSE) Leaf lamina length to width ratio (SLW) Leaf lamina surface (SS) Leaf blade colour by the lower part (SCL) Petiole junction pattern (upper surface of leaf) (LPU) Colour of the petiole junction pattern (upper surface of leaf) (CUP) Colour of the vein pattern (A-B vein in the lower part) (VAB) (Fig.2) Petiole colour (PC) Leaf sheath colour in the inner part (CAI) Colour of the petiole to corm insertion paint (CI) Petiole transversal section (PTS) Maturity at harvest time (MHT) Petiole to leaf lamina length ratio (PSR) Ratio of sheath length to total petiole length (PLR) SHT Table 5. Minimum descriptors for characterizing C. esculenta (L.) Schott clones in Cuba Table 6. Correlations among the most variable subterranean and leafy organs Rodríguez Nodals (unpublished data) selected five characteristics of the inflorescences to include in the minimum descriptors for the morphological characterization. Table 6 shows the correlations among 28 characteristics included in the minimum descriptor list. Forty-nine significant correlations were obtained, although for this work only the 20 correlations among the subterranean and leaf characters were taken into account, as the associations within the leaf and subterranean organs considered independently, were studied by Rodríguez Manzano et al. (1999a, 1999b). Four subterranean organ characteristics were involved in correlation among those studied: CFL, ROC, DMS, and NC. Four leaf characteristics showed significant correlations: SHT, SS, PC and SCL. Tanimoto and Matsumoto (1986) did not report significant correlations between characteristics of different organs, perhaps because fewer characteristics were studied. Thus, it seems to be important to use a large number of characteristics in biometric studies of germplasm collections. The highest correlation (0.949) was found between the colour of petiole–corm insertion and bud colour, as in all clones both organs are the same colour, either pink or white, with the exception of ‘Madere Soufre’ whose buds were white and the insertion point was pink. Incidentally, this clone is the only one with yellow flesh in the corms and cormels. The colour of the petiole–corm insertion point correlated positively not only with bud colour, but also with root colour, flesh colour of the cormels, palatability, and consistency. Rodríguez Manzano et al. (1999a) reported significant correlations between cormel flesh, bud and root pigmentation, and palatability, and that 100% of the clones with pink pigmentation in these SHT PH CSE SLW SS SCL LPU CUP VAB PC CAI CI PTS MHT PSR PLR CS CW NC PCV PCE PCO CLS CFL BC ROC PAL DMC DMC Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 35 36 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 three organs possessed a delicious, or at least good, palatability. Therefore, the association of these characteristics with the pigmentation in the petiole–corm insertion point will permit the use of this descriptor for indirect selection in taro breeding programmes. This will permit early selections for quality before harvest. Number of shoots at harvest time showed a positive correlation with number of cormels. Thus, it can be used as a selection index in yield prediction. It is negatively correlated with the cormel flesh, and bud and root colour, as well as with the corm dry matter percentage. That is, when the dry matter percentage in corms decreases, and when the cormel flesh, buds and roots are white, the number of shoots per plant increases. Pandey et al. (1996) studied the correlations between eight subterranean characteristics influencing yield, and pointed out that the mother corm and cormel weight can be used as selection criteria for yield. However, the correlations obtained in the current study have a great practical importance since the crop cycle is long and leaf correlations would allow prediction of the future qualitative and quantitative characteristics of corms and cormels. The matrix of eigenvectors and values for the minimum descriptors set (Table 7) shows the leaf and subterranean organ traits influencing 61.1% of the variability accumulated up to the fifth component. For the first three components, which accounted for 46.4% of the total variability, the most important characteristics in differ- entiation of clones were bud colour, flesh colour in the cormels and petiole colour in C1; petiole junction pattern in the upper part of the leaf, vein pattern colour from A to B in the lower part of the lamina, colour of the petiole to corm insertion point, and palatability in C2; and dry matter percentage in corms and plant height in C3. Other important components of variation were number of cormels and corm shape in C4, and corm weight in C5. Although the percentage of different cormels weights (<50 g, 50–100 g and >100 g) contributed more than corm weight in C5 (Table 7), they were not included in the list, since these traits are greatly influenced by the environment. Inclusion of number of cormels was found to be sufficient for the formation of core collections. Among the characteristics contributing most to the variability in leaf organs analysis, the petiole colour (PC) was less important than LPU, CUP, VAB, CLP, CI, SHT, PH and S6M, for the first three components (Table 4). However, when combining the most important leaf characteristics with those of subterranean organs (Table 7), petiole colour had the third highest value among all leaf characteristics, thus, it is very important for clone identification due to its great variability (Fig. 3). This result is supported by Rodríguez Nodals (1979) and Rodríguez Manzano et al. (1994, 1999b). Other important attributes in C1 were bud colour (BC) and colour of the cormel flesh (CCF). Table 7. Matrix of eigenvectors and values of the principal components resulting from the interactions of the most important subterranean and leaf organs Variance % total contribution % accumulated Eigenvector SHT PH CSE SLW SS SCL LPU CUP VAB PC CAI CI PTS MHT PSR PLR CS CW NC PCV PCE PCO CLS CFL ROC BC PAL DMC C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 6.2582 22.4 4.3889 15.7 2.3252 8.3 2.2031 7.9 1.9147 6.8 22.4 38.1 46.4 54.3 61.1 Percentage Principal components 50 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 11.9 7.14 –0.1750 –0.0879 0.1051 –0.1854 0.0250 0.1743 0.3634 0.3634 0.3375 0.0079 –0.0215 0.2644 0.1775 –0.1539 0.2218 0.0387 0.0856 0.0831 –0.1567 –0.2153 0.1605 0.0727 0.1935 0.0427 0.2372 0.1407 0.2637 0.1728 0.1592 0.3496 –0.1936 0.0620 –0.1845 0.1185 0.0119 0.0463 0.0160 –0.1658 –0.1040 0.1482 –0.0032 –0.2107 0.3592 0.2192 –0.2813 –0.2292 0.1777 –0.0194 0.0894 0.1661 –0.3411 –0.0750 0.0882 0.0376 0.1285 –0.3631 0.2274 0.0371 –0.0601 0.0337 –0.2727 –0.0925 –0.0032 0.0269 0.0656 0.0045 0.1498 0.1695 0.3222 0.3089 0.1074 –0.3346 0.3831 –0.0037 0.3860 0.0970 –0.2411 0.2662 0.1474 –0.0267 0.0846 0.0545 0.0608 –0.0994 0.0129 0.3679 0.1533 –0.2411 0.0645 0.1255 –0.0587 –0.1196 –0.2005 0.0778 0.2594 0.0293 0.1004 0.0989 0.0251 –0.1999 –0.1816 0.2431 0.0728 0.2469 0.3528 –0.3721 0.1627 –0.1675 0.1472 0.1792 0.1689 –0.1106 2 3 4 11.9 4.76 4.76 2.38 1 –0.2524 –0.0038 –0.2249 0.1415 –0.2753 –0.2193 –0.2208 –0.1999 –0.2039 –0.3160 –0.2169 0.2477 –0.0137 0.0270 –0.1136 –0.0713 –0.0348 0.1149 –0.1521 –0.0163 0.0323 –0.0317 0.0087 0.3262 0.2601 0.3272 0.1958 0.1580 7.14 5 6 7 8 Modalities Fig. 3. Petiole color. (1) Green, (2) green with light violaceous tint, (3) pinkish-green with purple tint, (4) verde violaceous with pink tint, (5) green violaceous with white edges, (6) green violaceous, (7) violaceous-green with strips, (8) violaceous-greenish with uniform colour. Table 8. List of descriptors for creating core collections Bud colour Flesh colour of the cormels Corm dry matter percentage Corm shape Corm weight Number of cormels Palatability Colour of the petiole to corm insertion point Plant height Petiole junction pattern (upper surface of leaf) Colour of the vein pattern (A–B pattern) Petiole colour Petiole to lamina length ratio Inflorescence formation Chromosome number Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 37 In addition to the 28 minimum descriptors, including subterranean and leafy organs, necessary to identify the genotypes of the whole collection, 13 characteristics of more variable attributes (Table 8) were included in a list of useful descriptors to establish a core collection. Also included were the chromosome number and presence or absence of inflorescences. Twenty clones were selected as representatives of this variability. Such a list is helpful for quickly accessing information on variability during collecting missions, of uncharacterized accessions in the genebank, or in different regions where in situ conservation in home gardens is taking place (Esquivel and Hammer 1994; Esquivel et al. 1994b; Castiñeiras et al. 2000). These results can be used for identifying variability present in each geographic niche, for example the clone ‘Isleña Rosada Sabanilla’ collected by Rodríguez Nodals in February of 1975 in Matanzas Province was again found near the place where it was originally Fig. 4. Groups formed from the principal component analysis combining collected (Rodríguez Manzano et al. 2000). attributes from the subterranean and leafy organs in components 1 and 2. Characteristics contributing more to the variability in C1 were bud colour and cormel flesh colour, as well petioles and violet pigmentation in the limb–petiole insertion as petiole colour; in C2 they were colour of the petiole junction point in the upper part of some lower leaves. pattern in the leaf upper part, and the colour of the vein from A to Subgroup 4 includes one clone showing green petioles as well B in the leaf lower part. Based on these traits, three large groups as pink buds and cormel flesh, located here because of the and eight subgroups were formed, taking into account the interstrong incidence of the white colour of the root. action of these characteristics (Fig. 4). It is important to note that Group II. This group contains 18 clones with pink buds and clones with a pink root were located at the right side of the X-axis, except clones 11, 15 and 22, which were placed at the left side, cormel flesh, except ‘Francesa’ (37), which was white, but is located in this group because of the strong incidence of the pink due to the strong influence of petiole colour. Groups I and II included clones exhibiting a green pigmenta- root colour. As in the clones of Group I, Group II did not show tion in the vein from A to B in the lower part of the leaves, while violet pigmentation in the petiole junction pattern in the upper group III showed a violet pigmentation. The descriptions of the part of the leaf, although some clones exhibited such pigmentation in some lower leaves: ‘MC-2’ (34), ‘Isleña Bayamesa’ (40) groups are as follows: Group I. This group includes 13 clones whose buds and and ‘Isleña Granma’ (41). The petiole colour (PC) was green in all cormel flesh are white, except ‘Isleña Rosada Bayamo’ (39 in Fig. the clones, with the exception of ‘Isleña Rosada Habana’ (24) and 4), in which they are pink. Nevertheless, this clone belongs to the ‘MC-2’ (34) which were green with a light violet tint. All the clones group due to the high incidence of white root colour. Only clone had pink roots. Group III. This group consists of 11 clones with both buds and 38 showed pigmentation in some lower leaves while the others did not exhibit violet pigmentation in the petiole junction pattern roots white, or with both organs pink. Pigmentation was purple or in the upper part of the leaf. Vein colour from A to B was always intense purple in the petiole junction pattern in the upper part of the leaf and veins from A to B, with different variations (Rodríguez green and root colour was white in all cases. Subgroup 1 comprised seven clones with violet–green peti- Manzano et al. 1999b). All clones had white cormel flesh, except oles; four clones (2, 3, 17 and 27) had stripes and the other ‘Isleña China’ (12) and ‘Madere Soufre’ (14) which had white flesh with violet and yellow tints, respectively. three (4, 10 and 20) almost uniform colour. Subgroup 1 includes only ‘Isleña China’ (12), the only clone Subgroup 2 is made up of four clones with green petioles (26, having cormel flesh with violet pigmentation, pink buds and 1, 21 and 18). green–violet petioles. Its root was white. Subgroup 3 is formed by only one clone (38), exhibiting green Table 9. Quantitative analysis of the 42 clones zymograms Isozymatic system Number of loci Number of alleles Number of rare alleles Polymorphic loci percentage (%) Allele average number per polymorphic locus Peroxidase Esterase Total 3 9 12 7 20 27 0 20 20 100 100 100 2,3 2,22 2,25 38 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 Subgroup 2 is formed by three clones (11, 15 and 22), with pink buds and white cormel flesh. Petioles were green—violet with a pink tint. Their roots were pink. Subgroup 3 includes five clones with pink buds and white roots. Four of them (13, 30, 31 and 32), however, had white cormel flesh and green–violet petioles, while the fifth, ‘Madere Soufré’, had green–rose petioles with a violet tint and yellow cormel flesh. Subgroup 4 includes two clones (36 and 42) with white buds, cormel flesh and roots, and green–violet petioles with whitish edges. Isozyme analysis Peroxidase analysis did not differentiate all the clones, and only seven bands were visually detected. However, the esterase banding patterns of all cultivars were determined and all showed a characteristic banding pattern. Within this system, 40 different bands were found. Table 9 shows the result of the quantitative analysis of zymograms of the 42 clones. Great variation among individuals was observed, since each enzyme showed 100% of polymorphic loci, with an average of 2.25 alleles per polymorphic locus. The grouping of the clones on the basis of esterase and peroxidase isozyme patterns is shown in Fig. 5, showing the associations among individuals, and possible genetic proximity among them. Clones were grouped in ascending order in six clusters, and subgroups within groups III, IV and VI were formed. ‘Isleña Rosada Escambray’ (6) and ‘Isleña Rosada Sancti Spiritus’ (9) clustered in isozyme Group I. These clones were collected in zones that were very close together in the central region, and are diploid clones (Rodríguez Manzano et al. 1998). In contrast, ‘Isleña China’ was placed in isozyme Group II; it did not associate with other accessions and was the only one with violet pigmentation in the flesh of corms and cormels. Group III was composed of 12 clones collected in Cuba and one introduction from Panama, and was divided into three subgroups. Subgroup a included three clones collected in the eastern region and one in the central region. Subgroup b had only one clone, ‘Isleña Miranda’ (22), which was obtained by through selection from ‘Isleña Japonesa’ (11), which was located in subgroup c. In subgroup c there were seven clones—six collected in Cuba and one introduced from Panama. Within this subgroup, four clones had very marked morphological similarities: ‘Isleña Japonesa’ (11), collected in Isla de la Juventud and probably introduced from Japan (Rodríguez Nodals, pers. comm.); ‘Selección Herradura’ (15) collected in southern Pinar de Rio province; ‘Isleña Yabú’ (36), a mutation from ‘Isleña Japonesa’ and ‘Panameña’ (42), very similar to clone 11 with respect to leaf characteristics. The clones ‘Isleña Blanca #1’ (26), ‘Isleña Blanca #2’ (1) and ‘Isleña Violácea’ (10) were collected in the Punta Felipe municipality, Villa Clara province, in the central region, and differed from the other clones in the group in leaf and petiole colour. Clones of this group could have a common origin in Asia, and could have been introduced directly from Japan or from the Canary Islands, developing a great variability since their intro- 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 6 9 12 41 39 40 35 22 10 15 26 1 36 42 11 37 27 4 3 2 31 32 30 38 13 16 19 21 20 18 17 5 28 25 14 29 23 34 8 7 24 33 I II a b III c a IV b V a b VI c Fig. 5. Dendogram that illustrates genetic similarities among 42 clones from Colocasia esculenta, generated by a cluster analysis of the peroxidases and esterases isozymatic systems. The Roman numbers indicate groups and the letters, the subgroups. duction. These results would confirm the suggestion that C. esculenta in Cuba is a plant of Asiatic origin (Hammer and Esquivel 1994). This fact was further demonstrated by the fact that there are several clones from this species in the Cuban western and central regions, but in the eastern part there are more clones from Xanthosoma spp. (Rodríguez Nodals 1984; Esquivel et al. 1994b; Castiñeiras et al. 2000). Group IV consisted of eight clones; three collected in Mexico (30, 31 and 32), four with striped petioles from Cuba (2, 3, 4 and 27) and one introduction from Asia (37). There is much evidence of the introduction of many Asian plants in Mexico from the Philippines Islands through the route from Manila to Acapulco, and the exchange between Mexico and Cuba from Veracruz to Havana was also very intense in the colonial period. Thus it is not difficult to assume the probable common origin of these clones (Fig. 5). Four clones with striped petioles (2, 3, 4 and 27), named ‘mulatos’ by Rodríguez Nodals (1979), and a clone from Asia (37) belong to subgroup a, while subgroup b contains three clones collected in Mexico with morphological similarities. These are the only clones with white cormel flesh, pink buds and white roots, except ‘Madere Graines’, which has a greater African influence. Group V contained only one clone (38). This clone was recently introduced into Cuba from Sao Tomé and Principe, and Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 39 showed no association with any of the other clones studied. Thus, during the colonial period no germplasm was introduced into Cuba from the west African Islands. Group VI consists of 18 clones, six of which were from continental West Africa (16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21), three introduced from Guadeloupe (13, 14 and 25) and the other nine collected or obtained by selection of somatic mutations in Cuba from clones of African origin. The germplasm coming from Africa has a strong influence in this group, since it gave rise to the other clones from the French Antilles and Cuba by the selection of somatic mutations. It is likely that several Colocasia clones were introduced from tropical Africa, a secondary centre of genetic variation of the Asian taro, through the slave trade and also with the Spaniards from the Canary Islands. These results confirm the hypothesis of Gonzalo Oviedo (cited for Esquivel et al. 1994a). This crop is related to African customs because this food was prepared in home gardens in Cuba using ‘pilones’—traditional instruments used for the slave trade (Esquivel et al. 1994a, Tirado and Martínez 1994). Within this group there are three subgroups. Subgroup a, consists of ‘Madere Graines’ (13). Subgroup b, is formed by ‘Camerun 2’ (16). Subgroup c, includes 16 clones, five of which came from West Africa (Cameroon), two from the French Antilles, six collected in Cuba and the other six obtained through clonal selection from spontaneous mutations of some of the clones included in this subgroup. No association was found between the ploidy level reported by Rodríguez Manzano et al. (1998) and the isozyme groups. These results confirm those published by Tanimoto and Matsumoto (1986) and Lebot and Aradhya (1992). These earlier authors found no correspondence between the zymotypes and the morphological characteristics studied. However, in this study a correspondence was found between some groups of clones based on morphological characters and subgroups from the cluster analysis formed on the basis of the isozyme analysis. This is the case with clones with striped petioles with a probable Asian origin (Group IV, subgroup a) and those from Mexico (Group IV, subgroup b), which are the only ones with white cormel flesh and roots and pink buds. Conclusions Twenty-eight descriptors, 12 for subterranean organ traits and 16 for leaf characteristics, have been included in the list of minimum descriptors for taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott]. These descriptors enable correct characterization and evaluation of collections of this species in Cuba, covering most of the existing diversity. PCA for the interaction of the 28 descriptors used in characterizing the clones showed that colour of the limb to petiole insertion point and the distribution of pigmentation in the upper part of the leaf, vein colour from A to B in lower part of the sheet, bud colour, colour of the cormel flesh and petiole colour were the descriptors contributing most to the total variability and were determinant in the formation of the groups of clones. Twenty significant correlations among the characteristics of the leaf and subterranean organs were found. Some of them are important for the indirect selection in taro improvement programmes. On the basis of the esterase and peroxidase isozyme analysis, clones were classified in six groups and several subgroups. Clones with striped petioles, as well as those with white cormel flesh, pink buds and white roots were grouped together in the dendrogram derived from the cluster analysis of the esterase and peroxidase isozymes, and possibly originate from introductions from Asia. Twelve polymorphic loci with 27 alleles, 20 of which were rare alleles, were found for the esterase isozyme system. The average allele number per polymorphic locus was 2.25. A taro core collection can be formed using only the proposed 13 descriptors that contributed to the variability, and should be composed of clones representing the three main groups of variability and the eight subgroups within them. Thus, information on the variability of the accessions collected or maintained in situ, as well as on the uncharacterized accessions in the gene bank can be obtained quickly. The Cuban taro collection has a strong African and Japanese influence, as well as influence from the centre of origin in Southeast Asia and the Philippines. References Castiñeiras, L. 1992. Germoplasma de Phaseolus vulgaris L. In Cuba: Colecta, Caracterización y Evaluación. Tesis presentada en opción al Grado Científico de Doctor en Ciencias Agrícolas. Castiñeiras, L., Z. Fundora, T. Shagarodsky, V. Fuentes, O. Barrios, V. Moreno, P. Sánchez, A. V. González, A. MartínezFuentes, M. García and A. Martínez. 2000. La conservación in situ de la variabilidad de plantas de cultivo en dos localidades de Cuba. Rev. Jardín Botánico, Univers. Habana, 21(1):25-45. Esquivel, M. and K. Hammer. 1994. Contemporary traditional agriculture—structure and diversity of the “Conuco”. Pp. 174–192 in “...y tienen faxones y fabos muy diversos de los nuestros...”, Origin, Evolution and Diversity of Cuban Plant Genetic Resources (K. Hammer, M. Esquivel and H. Nupffer, eds.). Inst. Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung, Gatersleben, Germany. Esquivel, M., V. Fuentes, C. Martínez, J. Martínez and K. Hammer. 1994a. The African influence from an ethno-botanical point of view. Pp. 47-74 in “...y tienen faxones y fabas muy diversos de los nuestros...”, Origin, Evolution and Diversity of Cuban Plant Genetic Resources (K. Hammer, M. Esquivel and H. Nupffer, eds.). Inst. Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung, Gatersleben, Germany. Esquivel, M., A. Rodríguez Manzano, U. Morales, P. Herrera, J. Gutiérrez and K. Hammer. 1994b. Collecting wild relatives and landraces of cultivated plants in western and central Cuba. 7 th Joint INIFAT-IPK mission to Cuba. Plant Genet. Resour. Newslett. 99:15-19. FAO. 1996a. Conservación y utilización sostenible de los recursos fitogenéticos para la alimentación y la agricultura. Plan de Acción Mundial. FAO, Rome, Italy. FAO. 1996b. Informe sobre el estado de los Recursos Fitogenéticos en el Mundo. FAO, Rome, Italy. Fraga, N., A. Prats and M. C. Alonso. 1996. Clasificación morfoagronómica de cultivares de cebolla. VIII J. Científica INIFAT, La Habana, Cuba. Fundora, Z., R. Vera, E. Yaber and O. Barrios. 1992. La estadística multivariada en la sanidad vegetal. INIFAT-MINAGRI, La Habana, Cuba. Fundora, Z., M. Hernández, R. López and I. Ravelo. 1997. Variabilidad y clasificación de cultivares prospectados de maní (Arachis hypogea L.). Resúmenes del Segundo Taller sobre colecta y evaluación de Recursos Fitogenéticos Nativos y Naturalizados, Fitogen 97. Est. Exp. de Pastos y Forrajes de Sancti Spiritus, MINAGRI, 25. 40 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 Gálvez, G. 1997. La interacción genotipo x ambiente. Curso de Genética Cuantitativa para Maestría. Fac. Biología, Univ. La Habana, Cuba. González, C. 1989. Comportamiento genético-bioquímico de la lima persa SRA-58 (Citrus latifolia Tan.), sobre diferentes patrones en Cuba. 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Pp. 193–201 in “...y tienen faxones y fabas muy diversos de los nuestros...” Origin, Evolution and Diversity of Cuban Plant Genetic Resources (K. Hammer, M. Esquivel and H. Nupffer, eds.). Inst. Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung. Gatersleben, Germany Plant Plant Genetic Genetic Resources Resources Newsletter, Newsletter, 2001, 2001, No. 126: No. 126 41 - 41 45 ARTICLE Characterization of the Cucurbita pepo collection at the Newe Ya’ar Research Center, Israel† Harry S. Paris Department of Vegetable Crops, Agricultural Research Organization, Newe Ya’ar Research Center, PO Box 1021, Ramat Yishay 30-095, Israel. Tel: +972-4-953-9511; Fax: +972-4-983-6936; email: [email protected] Summary Résumé Resumen Characterization of the Cucurbita pepo collection at the Newe Ya’ar Research Center, Israel Caractérisation de la collection de Cucurbita pepo du centre de recherche Newe Ya’ar, Israël Caracterización de la colección de Cucurbita pepo en el Centro de Investigación Newe Ya’ar, Israel The Cucurbita pepo (pumpkins, squash and gourds) collection at the Newe Ya’ar Research Center consists of seed samples of 320 cultivars, landraces and wild forms. The seed samples were obtained from both public and private sources and include 133 hybrids and 187 open-pollinated forms. Most are named cultivars, but those obtained from plant introduction organizations usually bore only numbers. The samples have been grown out, observed and classified according to subspecies and cultivar-group. Represented are 241 samples of subsp. pepo, 69 of subsp. ovifera, two of subsp. fraterna, two intersubspecific hybrids, and six mixed, subsp. pepo and subsp. ovifera gourds. The cultivar-groups of subsp. pepo contain more than double the number of cultivars of the cultivargroups of subsp. ovifera. The Pumpkin Group and the Cocozelle Group (both subsp. pepo) contain the most open-pollinated cultivars. The Zucchini Group (subsp. pepo) and the Straightneck Group (subsp. ovifera) contain the highest proportion of hybrid cultivars. La collection de Cucurbita pepo (citrouilles, courges et coloquintes) du centre de recherche Newe Ya’ar comprend des échantillons de semences de 320 cultivars, variétés locales et formes sauvages. Les échantillons de semences ont été obtenus auprès d’organismes publics et privés et ils représentent 133 hybrides et 187 formes à pollinisation ouverte. La plupart sont des cultivars désignés par un nom, mais ceux qui ont été obtenus auprès d’organismes chargés de l’introduction de plantes sont habituellement uniquement identifiés par des numéros. Les échantillons ont été cultivés, observés et classés selon les sousespèces et groupes de cultivars. Parmi les échantillons, 241 appartiennent à la sousespèce pepo, 69 à la sous-espèce ovifera, deux à la sous-espèce fraterna, deux sont des hybrides entre sous-espèces différentes, et six constituent un mélange des sous-espèces pepo et ovifera. Les groupes de cultivars de la sous-espèce pepo sont deux fois plus nombreux que les groupes de la sous-espèce ovifera. La majorité des cultivars à pollinisation ouverte appartiennent au Groupe citrouille et au Groupe cocozelle (tous deux faisant partie de la sous-espèce pepo). La proportion de cultivars hybrides la plus élevée s’observe dans le Groupe courgette (sous-espèce pepo) et le Groupe straightneck (sous-espèce ovifera). La colección de Cucurbita pepo (calabazas, calabacines) en el Centro de Investigación Newe Ya’ar consta de muestras de semillas de 320 cultivares, variedades naturales y formas silvestres. Las semillas se obtuvieron de fuentes públicas y privadas y comprenden 133 híbridos y 187 formas de polinización abierta. La mayoría son cultivares con nombre, pero los obtenidos de organizaciones dedicadas a la introducción de especies vegetales suelen llevar simplemente números. Las muestras han sido cultivadas, observadas y clasificadas en subespecies y grupos de cultivares. Están representadas 241 muestras de la subespecie pepo, 69 de la ovifera, dos de la fraterna, dos híbridos de subespecies y seis calabazas mixtas de las subespecies pepo y ovifera. Los grupos de cultivares de la subespecie pepo contienen más del doble de cultivares que los de los grupos de la subespecie ovifera. El Grupo Pumpkin y el Grupo Cocozelle (ambos de la subespecie pepo) son los que contienen más cultivares de polinización abierta. El Grupo Zucchini (subesp. pepo) y el Grupo Straightneck (subesp. ovifera) contienen la mayor proporción de cultivares híbridos. Key words: Collection, Cucurbita pepo, gourd, pumpkin, squash Introduction Cucurbita pepo is perhaps the most variable species for fruit characteristics in the plant kingdom (Duchesne 1786; Naudin 1856). It is native to North America, where it has been cultivated for at least 10 000 years (Smith 1997), but was introduced to Europe only about 500 years ago (Whitaker 1947). This species includes ediblefruited forms, known as pumpkins and squash, and small-fruited, often bitter, non-edible forms, known as gourds. Much of the variability in fruit characteristics among cultivated C. pepo can be attributed to the different quality characteristics needed for the culinary use of the mature fruit flesh and seeds as opposed to the use of young fruits. Today, C. pepo is among the economically most important vegetable crops worldwide and is grown in almost all temperate and subtropical regions (Paris 1996). † The Cucurbita pepo collection at the Newe Ya’ar Research Center was begun in 1978 as part of a breeding programme. Initially, samples were collected on the basis of horticulturally desirable characteristics. Later, emphasis was placed on obtaining samples from a wide variety of locations and sources, especially of named open-pollinated cultivars, so as to understand better the history, variability and potential of C. pepo germplasm. Many of the original seed samples were small and were maintained in the collection through self- and sib-pollination. Although such inbreeding results in a narrowing of the genetic base of the original material, it was the only practicable method available for reproducing and maintaining the genetic material. This method was also employed for commercial hybrids, as this was the only Contribution No. 104/00 from the Institute of Field & Garden Crops, Agricultural Research Organization, Bet Dagan, Israel. 42 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 way of maintaining their genetic constitution. At present seeds of some 320 accessions are available for distribution. This paper describes the breakdown of these 320 accessions into subspecies, cultivar-groups and, for the open-pollinated sorts among them, continents of origin, and in so doing aims at contributing to better understanding of how this crop species has developed. Materials and methods Seed samples were obtained over the past 22 years from commercial sources, seed cooperatives, genebanks, geneticists, botanists, breeders, plant introduction organizations, extension agents, family members, friends and travellers, almost entirely in North America, Europe and Asia. The samples obtained from commercial sources included cultivars described and illustrated in catalogues of seed companies. Mostly, these were modern hybrids. Information was scanty for most of the old cultivars and landraces. Some samples had no name. For many, the location from which it was collected, other than the country, was not known. Nearly all the samples have been grown out in the field at least twice. Although only a small part of the collection could be grown out in a single season, the conditions at Newe Ya’ar allowed for two seasons in the field per year, a spring–summer season (sowing in March or April) and a summer–autumn season (sowing in late July or early August). Cultural practices included direct sowing in the field, drip irrigation, preplant and drip fertilization, and either bare ground (spring–summer seasons) or silver plastic mulch (summer–autumn seasons). Based on information available before growing out the samples, similar accessions were grouped together in the same season and next to or near one another in the field for the purpose of comparison. Plants were observed for stem colour, leaf size and shape, presence or absence of silver mottling of the leaves, vine or bush growth habit, presence or absence of branching, relatively closed or open growth habit, fruit shape, developmental fruit colour and other characteristics. There is much confusion regarding names of cultigens in many crop species, Cucurbita pepo among them. Often, different names have been used for the same cultivar and the same name for different cultivars. For the purpose of this study, two samples were considered to be from the same cultivar if their plants did not differ phenotypically from one another in at least one trait, as expressed by the majority of the plants grown out from each sample, even if the two samples bore different names. If the plants of two samples differed in one or more phenotypic traits (as expressed by the majority of the plants of each sample), the samples were considered to be different cultivars, even if bearing the same name. For example, the ‘Grey Zucchini’ samples I obtained from the U.S.A. had plants that were identical phenotypically to the sample of ‘Faentina’ from Italy and to those of ‘Verte Petite d’Alger’ from France: the three names are used for the same cultivar. On the other hand, the plants of the sample of ‘Verte Non-Coureuse d’Italie’ from one French company were distinct from those grown from a sample of identical name from another French company. These I considered to be separate cultivars. Another problem of nomenclature is presented by the misleading names of some cultivars. For example, the ‘Grey Zucchini’ of the U.S.A. has short, tapered, cylindrical fruits and thus is a cultivar of vegetable marrow and not a zucchini (Fig. 1). Likewise, ‘Golden Zucchini’ from South Korea is not the same as ‘Golden Zucchini’ from the USA. The latter has uniformly cylindrical fruits and is indeed a zucchini, but the Korean cultivar has long bulbous fruits and is, therefore, a cocozelle cultivar. Classification of samples Beginning with Duchesne (1786), there have been a number of attempts at subspecific classification of Cucurbita pepo. I prefer to use a two-tiered, botanical-horticultural approach (Paris 1996). Botanically, the species is divided into three subspecies, based on allozyme variation, seed morphology and various phenotypic characteristics (Decker 1988): subsp. pepo, subsp. ovifera and subsp. fraterna, the last of these representing wild Mexican C. pepo gourds. The first two include gourds as well as edible forms. Horticulturally, the edible-fruited forms are divided into cultivar-groups (Trehane et al. 1995), based on the highly polygenic characteristic of fruit shape. There are eight such groups: Cocozelle, Pumpkin, Vegetable Marrow, Zucchini, Acorn, Crookneck, Scallop and Straightneck (Paris 1986; Figure 1). The first four groups belong in subsp. pepo and the latter four in subsp. ovifera. Of the non-edible forms, the ball, orange and warted gourds are more closely allied with subsp. pepo whilst the egg and pear gourds, as well as wild gourds of the United States, belong in subsp. ovifera (Decker 1988). Recent results, obtained using cluster analysis of an inter-simple sequence repeat multilocus marker system of the DNA (Katzir et al. 2000), are consistent with this classification. The 320 accessions were observed and classified according to subspecies, cultivar-group and whether they are open-pollinated or hybrid. No attempt was made to determine whether the purported hybrids were indeed such, or were merely said to be so by the seed company. The open-pollinated forms were further classified according to continent of origin. The hybrid sorts were not classified as to geographic origin because for many of them that is uncertain; many have been developed by multinational companies and their subsidiaries and are commercially available in many countries, but the parents and their countries of origin are kept secret. Fig. 1. Fruit shape profiles of the edible-fruited cultivargroups of Cucurbita pepo (after Paris 1986). Peduncular end of the fruit at top, stylar end at bottom. Top row, C. pepo subsp. pepo, left to right: pumpkin, vegetable marrow, cocozelle, zucchini. Bottom row, C. pepo subsp. ovifera, left to right: scallop, acorn, crookneck, straightneck. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 43 Table 1. Summary description of the 320 samples of Cucurbita pepo at the Newe Ya’ar Research Center Geographic source of open-pollinated sorts C. pepo subsp. pepo Pumpkin Cocozelle Vegetable marrow Zucchini Mixed/intermediate Unique Gourd C. pepo subsp. ovifera Acorn Scallop Crookneck Straightneck Unique Gourd C. pepo subsp. fraterna C. pepo subsp. ovifera x C. pepo subsp. pepo C. pepo subsp. ovifera + C. pepo subsp. pepo (Gourd mixtures) Total Hybrid Openpollinated North America Europe Asia Africa 241 43 43 50 81 16 2 6 69 17 16 9 9 5 13 2 2 111 4 12 25 70 0 0 0 20 6 4 3 7 0 0 0 2 130 39 31 25 11 16 2 6 49 11 12 6 2 5 13 2 0 38 21 3 2 5 1 0 6 42 11 6 5 2 5 13 2 0 68 14 25 13 5 11 0 0 6 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 21 4 2 10 1 4 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 6 0 0 0 Results Fig. 2. Mature fruits of Cucurbita pepo subsp. pepo. Left to right, top row, Pumpkin group: ‘Connecticut Field’, ‘Khutorianka’, ‘Ukrainska Nogoplodna’, ‘Cinderella’, ‘Uzbekistan Local Pumpkin’, ‘Porqueira’; second row, Pumpkin group: ‘Jack O’Lantern’, ‘Winter Luxury’, ‘Tondo Verde Scuro di Piacenza’, ‘Dagestan’, ‘Small Sugar’, ‘Gourmet Globe’, ‘Spookie’, ‘Ronde de Nice’, ‘Nonkadi’; third row, Vegetable Marrow group: ‘Beirut’, ‘Blanche non-coureuse’, ‘Bianco di Palermo’, ‘Bolognese’, ‘Caserta’, PI 181763 (from Lebanon), ‘Table Dainty’, ‘Gornurekhovskiye’, ‘Vegetable Marrow’, ‘Verte Petite d’Alger’, ‘Vegetable Spaghetti’, ‘Yakor’; fourth row, left, Zucchini group: ‘Black Beauty’, ‘Fordhook Zucchini’, ‘Nero di Milano’, ‘Nano Verde di Milano’, ‘True French’, ‘Verde di Milano’; fourth row, right, Cocozelle group: ‘Alberello di Sarzane’, accession from Burkina Faso, ‘Cocozelle Tripolis’, ‘Lungo Bianco di Sicilia’, ‘Long Cocozelle’, ‘Lungo di Toscana’, PI 165018 (from Turkey), ‘Striato d’Italia’, ‘Striato Pugliese’, accession from Slovenia, ‘Verte Non-Coureuse d’Italie’; foreground, gourds: ‘Flat’, ‘Miniature Ball’, ‘Orange Ball’, wild C. pepo subsp. fraterna. Of the 320 samples in the C. pepo collection, 241 (75%) are C. pepo subsp. pepo (Table 1; Fig. 2). Of these 241, 217 (90%) are classified into one of the four edible-fruited cultivar-groups of this subspecies. The remaining 24 are gourds (non-edible fruited) or classified as ‘mixed/intermediate’ or as ‘unique’. The Zucchini Group has by far the largest number of cultivars. Each of the other edible-fruited groups of C. pepo subsp. pepo has over 40 representatives, more than twice the number of any of the cultivar-groups of C. pepo subsp. ovifera. Each of the C. pepo subsp. pepo cultivar-groups has representatives from three or more continents. The mixed/intermediate C. pepo subsp. pepo accessions are not uniform or they have intermediate fruit shape; most are from Yugoslavia and Turkey. The unique forms are the two edible-fruited but small, gourd-size ‘Little Gem’ and ‘Rolet’ from South Africa. There are 69 samples of C. pepo subsp. ovifera, 51 (74%) of which are classified into the four edible-fruited cultivar groups of this subspecies (Table 1). The remainder of the C. pepo subsp. ovifera are gourds or classified as ‘unique’. The unique forms are ‘Delicata’ and similar forms from the northern U.S.A. and ‘Jack Be-Little’. C. pepo subsp. ovifera contains a greater proportion of gourds (19%) than does C. pepo subsp. pepo (2%). Of the C. pepo subsp. ovifera gourds in the collection, six are culti- 44 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 vated whilst the other seven are wild forms. The collection also contains two samples of wild gourds from Mexico (C. pepo subsp. fraterna), two commercial hybrids of C. pepo subsp. pepo x C. pepo subsp. ovifera and six ornamental mixtures of gourds from the two cultivated subspecies. The Zucchini Group contains far more cultivars than any other group, but 70 of its 81 cultivars are hybrids (Table 1). Of the C. pepo subsp. pepo cultivar-groups, the zucchini contains the fewest number of open-pollinated cultivars, 11, but this number is nevertheless greater than the average number of such sorts possessed by the cultivar-groups of C. pepo subsp. ovifera. The Zucchini and the Straightneck Groups have the highest proportion of hybrid cultivars: 86 and 78%, respectively. For the other groups, the proportion of hybrid cultivars is distinctly lower. Only four of the 43 pumpkins are hybrids and none of the mixed, unique and gourd forms is. The Pumpkin Group contains the most open-pollinated cultivars (39), followed by the Cocozelle Group (31). The majority of the open-pollinated forms of C. pepo subsp. pepo are European. The cocozelles and vegetable marrows have mainly an Old World distribution whilst the pumpkin and zucchini cultivars have approximately equal numbers of cultigens in the Old and New Worlds. In contrast, the majority of the open-pollinated sorts of C. pepo subsp. ovifera are North American. Discussion Before attempting to interpret what the content of the Cucurbita pepo collection at Newe Ya’ar might mean historically and with regard to crop development, the biases that may have affected the content of the collection need to be considered. The collection began with the goal of breeding improved forms of C. pepo, especially zucchini, pumpkins, acorn squash, scallop squash and, later, cocozelle and vegetable marrow squash. Initially, emphasis was placed on gathering cultivars from American seed companies, whose catalogues were easily available. Later, the collection was supplemented by germplasm ordered from the United States Plant Introduction System and other collections, as well as Italian seed companies and cooperatives and colleagues from North America, Europe and Asia, and by myself and friends who had visited various localities and purchased seed packets. For many of the accessions, only a small quantity of seeds was supplied and these had to be reproduced in order to assure their being maintained. Some, most notably plant introductions from Mexico, were very late to flower and set fruit and therefore could not be reproduced and maintained. Thus, it could be expected that this collection would be biased against crooknecks, straightnecks and gourds, local cultivars from areas to which I have not had access, and late Mexican forms. On the other hand, this inherent bias is tempered by the fact that for the past few years I have made a concerted effort to obtain seeds of all named open-pollinated C. pepo cultivars. Another tempering of the bias is that some common cultivars are grown in various, perhaps unexpected places, under a local name or no name at all. For example, I received an unnamed seed sample from Nepal in 1982. This was a cocozelle cultivar then unknown to me, and I listed it as ‘Cocozelle Nepal’. However, in 1989, I received a sample of ‘Romanesco’ from Italy and when I compared it with the Nepalese sample, I discovered that they had identical plants and fruits. Yet another tempering factor is the fact that many hybrids are short-lived and cannot be reproduced because their parents are not publicly available. Thus, the collection contains several crookneck and straightneck hybrids that no longer exist. However, newer ones have replaced them and the number of extant cultivars in these groups appears to have changed little in 20 or 30 years. C. pepo hybrids, first promulgated by Curtis (1940), have been available commercially for half a century. The number of hybrid cultivars and the proportion they form of the total number of cultivars provides an indication of how heavily a given cultivar-group has been bred since the commercial introduction of hybrid cultivars in the 1950s. From Table 1, it is clear that the zucchini, with dozens of hybrids, is far and away the most intensively bred C. pepo. Hybrid zucchini squash are offered in catalogues of seed companies from North America, Europe and Asia. The straightneck squash is a small group of cultivars but, nonetheless, most straightnecks are hybrids, as are a fair proportion of crooknecks; these necked squash hybrids have been developed and commercialized by American seed companies. Most of the open-pollinated sorts pre-date the hybrids and therefore give a better indication of the possible geographic origins of the cultivar-groups of this species and of their state of development before the 1950s. The Pumpkin, Cocozelle and Vegetable Marrow groups have by far the greatest number of open-pollinated sorts. I have observed great genetic variation, expressed in both vegetative and reproductive characteristics, among the open-pollinated cultivars in each of these groups (Paris 1996), suggesting that each has been cultivated for a considerable length of time. The majority of cocozelles and vegetable marrows are from Europe, suggesting that these groups developed there between 50 and 500 years ago. There are nearly equal numbers of pumpkins on the two sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Those of Mexico are often grey–green or black–green and grey–green striped with thick lignified rinds; those of the U.S.A. are orange at maturity, grooved and not lignified. Those from Europe are slightly ribbed, often black-green and orange striped, with thin lignified rinds; others have bush plants and are small, black-green or orange, with thin lignified rinds. Thus, distinct kinds of pumpkins have been developed in both North America and Europe. The zucchini group contains fewer open-pollinated cultivars than any of the other C. pepo subsp. pepo groups. Perhaps other open-pollinated zucchinis had existed formerly but became obsolete with the advent of many improved hybrids. I have not observed as much variation among the extant openpollinated zucchini cultivars as I have observed for the other C. pepo subsp. pepo groups. Thus, it appears that the zucchini group is a relatively recent development. The cultivar-groups of C. pepo subsp. ovifera contain fewer open-pollinated cultivars than their counterparts of C. pepo subsp. pepo. Again, it is possible that more cultivars had existed but were replaced by modern hybrids. On the other hand, except for the scallop group, these are almost entirely North American in their distribution; only the scallops have any commercial importance elsewhere. The small number of open-pollinated cultivars Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 45 of these groups can be attributed to their limited geographical range of popularity. The collection is maintained at the Newe Ya’ar Research Center in a cool (10°C), relatively dry (50% R.H.) seed storage chamber. Periodically, the collection has been and will continue to be renewed by self- and sib-pollination. The collection, in addition to being a germplasm source for breeders, is expected to be invaluable for obtaining a better understanding of relationships within C. pepo, especially using the latest techniques of DNA analysis. The list of the 320 accessions in the collection is maintained in a database using Excel® for Windows™ format. The list includes the name of each cultivar and its synonyms, seed source, whether the existing seed stock is original or from an increase, whether it is open-pollinated or hybrid and cultivar-group affiliation. This list can be obtained in printed or electronic form from the author. Small seed samples are available to all interested in the genetics, breeding and history and development of C. pepo, on formal written request. References Curtis, L.C. 1940. Heterosis in summer squash (Cucurbita pepo) and the possibilities of producing F1 hybrid seed for commercial planting. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 37(1939):827-828. Decker, D.S. 1988. Origin(s), evolution and systematics of Cucurbita pepo (Cucurbitaceae). Econ. Bot. 42:4-15. Duchesne, A.N. 1786. Essai sur l’histoire naturelle des courges. Panckoucke, Paris, France. Katzir, N., Y. Tadmor, G. Tzuri, E. Leshzeshen, N. Mozes-Daube, Y. Danin-Poleg and H.S. Paris. 2000. Further ISSR and preliminary SSR analysis of relationships among accessions of Cucurbita pepo. in: Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2000: the 7th Eucarpia Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding (N. Katzir and H.S. Paris, eds.). Acta Hort. 510:433-439. Naudin, C. 1856. Nouvelles recherches sur les caractères spécifiques et les variétés des plantes du genre Cucurbita. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. IV(6):5-73. Paris, H.S. 1986. A proposed subspecific classification for Cucurbita pepo. Phytologia 61:133-138. Paris, H.S. 1996. Summer squash: history, diversity and distribution. HortTechnol. 6:6-13. Smith, B.D. 1997. The initial domestication of Cucurbita pepo in the Americas 10,000 years ago. Science 276:932-934. Trehane, P., C.D. Brickell, B.R. Baum, W.L.A. Hetterscheid, A.C. Leslie, J. McNeill, S.A. Spongberg and F. Vrugtman. 1995. International code of nomenclature for cultivated plants. Quarterjack, Wimborne, UK. Whitaker, T.W. 1947. American origin of the cultivated cucurbits. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 34:101-111. 46 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. Plant 126 Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2000, No. 123: 68 -77 Book Reviews Biotechnology in Agriculture Series, No. 24. The Biotechnology Revolution in Global Agriculture: Invention, Innovation and Investment in the Canola Sector P.W.B. Phillips and G.G. Khachatourians editors. 2001. CABI Publishing. ISBN 0-851-99513-6 At one level, the book is the story of the development of the Canola industry in Canada, and I think that a brief synopsis is in order. Brassica rapa was introduced into Canada in 1927 by an immigrant farmer from Poland. Brassica napus was introduced from the Argentine via the USA in 1942 as a government response to the Second World War blockade of European and Asian sources of rapeseed oil, which was used as a lubricant in marine engines. The spring forms of these species proved suited to western Canada and provided farmers with a new crop, with the faster growing and earlier maturing B. rapa becoming established in northern regions and B. napus in the longer growing seasons further south. Public sector plant breeding began in 1944 and was followed in the 1950s by research into oil quality, which culminated in 1963 in the discovery of low erucic acid seed and opened the way to rapeseed oil for human consumption. The development and use of gas-liquid chromatography for analysing small quantities of seed had proved vital, and so did the half seed technique for breeding, whereby half a seed could be analysed for oil quality and the other half germinated and grown into a fertile plant. The first Canadianbred low erucic acid (single low) cultivars were Oro (B. napus) and Span (B. rapa), released in 1968 and 1971, respectively. Meal quality for animal feed was then vastly improved by selecting seeds with low glucosinolate content, with the first double low B. napus cultivar, Tower, released in 1974. By 1978, double low B. rapa was also readily available and the ‘meaningless’ name Canola (Can=Canada) was accepted as the Trademark for such cultivars and their seed. The establishment of Plant Breeders’ Rights in Canada in 1990 encouraged private sector breeding; by 1997 the private sector share of new varieties had increased to 74%. By 1999 F1 hybrid cultivars (B. napus) accounted for 30% of the acreage. However, a much larger private sector investment had already taken place in the 1980s as new technologies and patents allowed chemical companies such as Monsanto and AgrEvo to develop new transgenic (GM) cultivars tolerant to their patented herbicides. Rapid adoption followed the release of the first such cultivar in 1994 so that by 1999 over 70% of the Canadian acreage was herbicide tolerant. Recent transgenic field trials indicate that the first generation of transgenic cultivars with changed agronomic attributes (herbicide, stress, insect, virus and fungal resistance) will be followed by even more profitable second generation ones with altered end-use attributes (modified oil composition, changed nutritional balance, ability to produce nutra or pharmaceutical products). The purpose of the book is to analyze this story of Canola development in Canada as an example of how the agri-food sector is being transformed worldwide into an innovation-driven, predominantly privately managed and vertically coordinated life science business that exports differentiated high-value products and in which knowledge has replaced capital, land and labour as the new basic economic resource (the means of production). The eight contributors to the book are from Agricultural Economics, Commerce, and Applied Microbiology and Food Sciences in the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. The 17 chapters are grouped into six parts: The Setting, Innovation and Canola, The Actors, Regulating Biotechnology-based Growth, Winners and Losers, and Policy Implications. The book is a rich mixture of ideas, data and statistics, new economic theories, and analyses and interpretation, and makes a thought-provoking read. Each reader will no doubt find different parts of greatest interest and value and I am being selective in my highlights. I was particularly interested in the analysis of the changing roles of public-sector institutions, private firms and government, and their increasingly complex interactions. For example, on the one hand, Government wants to promote wealth creation so that its citizens can gain from the economic benefits flowing from the new technologies; in pursuing this objective it has introduced new intellectual property rights and supportive domestic and international trade rules and has engaged as a partner and promoter of research activity. On the other hand, Government also wants to act as regulator and custodian for consumer concerns over health and safety and environmental and biodiversity issues arising from the new technology, and also wants to ensure an equitable distribution of the benefits. Indeed, I was also fascinated by the analysis of who gains from research and the distribution of its benefits between biotechnologist, breeder, farmer, processor and consumer. Furthermore, the distribution is likely to shift as a new generation of transgenic cultivars changes the value of products to end consumers in contrast to lowering the cost of production. In this context, the authors conclude that North American regulations are more conducive than European ones to the development and commercialisation of agricultural biotechnology because the former are based on the end product, whereas the latter tend to apply the precautionary principle to the technology. Finally, and perhaps not surprisingly, on the structure and geographic location of the industry, the authors conclude that Saskatchewan in Canada has found a niche in the research and production chain, assembling the basic scientific knowledge and proprietary technologies, and using them to breed novel traits into Canola cultivars which are then planted, grown and crushed to a first stage of processing, before being exported to global markets. In conclusion, I found the book a fascinating and stimulating read, which I can thoroughly recommend. John Bradshaw SCRI, Dundee, Scotland Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 47 Monitoring and Surveillance of Genetically Modified Higher Plants: Guidelines for Procedures and Analysis of Environmental Effects G. Kjellson and M. Strandberg. 20001. Birkhaurser. ISBN: 3-764-36227-8 The book is a compendium of procedures that may address the environmental risks and public concerns over large-scale cultivation of genetically modified higher plants (GMHPs). It is readable and practical and offers a concise yet wide presentation of the technical issues surrounding the commercial application of GMHPs. It presents a helpful specification of the range of agronomic and ecological dimensions of understanding the environmental impacts of GMHPs. We agree with the book’s underlying assumption that the widescale introduction of GMHPs has risks: achieving superior crop qualities (e.g. stress tolerance, better growth characteristics, enhanced resistance to pests) through genetic modification, has the potential of altering natural ecosystems, or even of being toxic to non-target organisms, and hence would pose risks to humans and biota. The possibility is not remote, nor has it been sufficiently discounted, that multiple gene inserts that could create ‘super variants’ might out-compete less endowed endemic species and gene transfers may create unwanted effects on a chain of organisms in the intricate web of life across ecosystems. Yet, as the book also assumes, while the risks are real, so is the need to improve the world’s ability to produce foods, under, we note, a variety of ecological conditions that have been themselves much altered, more extensively in the past 100 years, that they pose unnaturally high risks to crops (e.g. higher virulence of diseases, altered cycles of drought and rainfall, lower soil fertility, disturbed balance of soil biota, and altered behaviour of pests and pest populations). We agree that, as the book suggests, developing robust and rigorous assessment, monitoring, and surveillance systems will allow for more effective control of the risks associated with GMHPs. However, the monitoring and surveillance (MS) procedure the book describes is restricted to the biophysical impacts of commercial-scale applications of GMHPs in environments that are mainly temperate to cold (i.e. NW Europe). If it were to be useful in more tropical countries like the Philippines, or where (a) environmental concerns heavily encompass social, political and cultural dimensions of ecological changes, (b) biodiversity is high enough that even field trials are heavily debated activities, and (c) the environment is much more complex and fragile, we anticipate that a more comprehensive MS procedure would have to include assessing (1) social impacts (effects of wide-scale GMHP applications on existing patterns of tenure and of income opportunities of farmers and other farming-related income earners—who wins, who loses, particularly where farming opportunities are thin and tenuous?); and (2) the risks of small-scale applications. The book does include discussion of environmental effects when GM plants are cultivated but it could perhaps also address the variation of biological features across ecological systems like, for example, variations of evolutionary rates in temperate, arctic and tropical environments, and varying hybridization potentials of GMHPs across landscapes with increasingly higher diversity and closer genetic affinity of endemic weed species. Regarding who will carry the risk assessment and monitoring ecosystem effects, the book suggests formal institutions or standing regulatory agencies, but in our view these would not serve well in countries such as the Philippines where core political and economic institutions (particularly those established with colonial roots) are still to acquire full legitimacy and widespread social acceptance and credibility. Ad hoc committees of scientists, members of civil society and industry, and credible personalities from among the general public would be more workable alternatives. In summary, we believe that the book should have been expanded to cover assessment, monitoring and surveillance of GMHP applications in different scales, and across different ecological, agronomic, agrarian and ‘eco-political’ conditions of the world. Ben S. Malayang III and Pacifico C. Payawal University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines 48 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2001, No. 126 First Announcement PROTA — Plant Resources of Tropical Africa Ressources Végétales de l’Afrique Tropicale FIRST INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP PREMIER ATELIER INTERNATIONAL 23–25 September 2002 Nairobi, Kenya PROTA will be the subject of an International Workshop to review the progress made, and to reach international consensus on the structure, organization, activities, and finances of the First Implementation Phase 2003–2007. The workshop is a forum for scientists, policy-makers and donors, in order: ● to highlight the importance of the Plant Resources of Tropical Africa through Commodity Group Reports, Country Reports and Plant Resources Reports; ● to review the progress made in the Phase 2000–2002 towards international cooperation, the documentation and information system, and the publication of the monographs; ● to make the recommendations for the Implementation Phase 2003–2012 on all aspects of the programme including organization, manpower, finances, publication policy and the databank. PROGRAMME OUTLINE The Workshop will be bilingual (English and French). Section 1: General Invited papers on the many facets of the PROTA programme; its relation with new trends in agricultural, silvicultural and environmental policies and new developments in information technology. Section 2: Commodity Group Reports Invited papers on general aspects of a number of Commodity Groups, like ‘Cereals and Pulses’, ‘Vegetables’, ‘Timbers’, ‘Auxiliary plants’ and ‘Medicinal plants’. Section 3: Country Reports Invited papers on the plant resources of the various parts of Tropical Africa, based on the documentation work of the PROTA Regional and Country offices. Section 4: Plant Resources Reports Contributed papers (Posters) on subgroups of plant resources, in particular treatment of the ecology, agronomy/management, uses and improvement of neglected and potentially important species. Section 5: Phase 2003–2012 Working Groups and Plenary discussions on organization, financial aspects, publication policy and databank. Formulation of recommendations. Excursion Half-day field-trip to interesting projects on plant resources in the surroundings of Nairobi. PREREGISTRATION Please contact: Or for more information: Secretariat PROTA FIRST INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP c/o ICRAF PO Box 30677 Nairobi Kenya PROTA PROGRAMME Wageningen University PO Box 341 6700 AH Wageningen The Netherlands email: [email protected] Web: Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter Bulletin des ressources phytogénétiques Boletín de Recursos Fitogenéticos Aims and scope Domaine d’intérêt Objetivos y temas The Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter publishes papers in English, French or Spanish, dealing with the genetic resources of useful plants, resulting from new work, historical study, review and criticism in genetic diversity, ethnobotanical and ecogeographical surveying, herbarium studies, collecting, characterization and evaluation, documentation, conservation, and genebank practice. Le Bulletin des ressources phytogénétiques publie des articles en anglais, en espagnol et en français, sur les ressources génétiques de plantes utiles, fruit de nouvelles recherches, d’études historiques, d’examens et de critiques concernant la diversité génétique, d’études ethnobotaniques et écogéographiques, d’études d’herbiers, d’activités de collecte, de caractérisation et d’évaluation, de documentation, de conservation et les pratiques des banques de gènes. El Noticiario de Recursos Fitogenéticos publica documentos en inglés, francés y español que tratan de los recursos genéticos de plantas útiles, fruto de nuevos trabajos, estudios históricos, revisiones y análisis críticos relacionados con la diversidad genética, investigaciones etnobotánicas y ecogeográficas, estudios de herbarios, actividades de colección, caracterización y evaluación, documentación, conservación, y prácticas en bancos de germoplasma. Parrainage Dirección Le Bulletin des ressources phytogénétiques est publié sous les auspices de l’Institut international des ressources phytogénétiques (IPGRI) et de la Division de la production végétale et de la protection des plantes de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) El Noticiario de Recursos Fitogenéticos se publica bajo los auspicios conjuntos del Instituto Internacional de Recursos Fitogenéticos y la Dirección de Producción y Protección Vegetal de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación. Distribution Distribución Le Bulletin des ressources phytogénétiques paraît une fois par an en un volume regroupant quatre numéros publiés en mars, juin, septembre et décembre. Il est distribué gratuitement aux bibliothèques des banques de gènes, universités, services gouvernementaux, instituts de recherche, etc. s’intéressant aux ressources phytogénétiques. Il est aussi envoyé sur demande à tous ceux pouvant démontrer qu’ils ont besoin d’un exemplaire personnel de cette publication. El Noticiario de Recursos Fitogenéticos aparece como un volumen anual compuesto por cuatro números, que se publican en marzo, junio, septiembre y diciembre. Se distribuye gratuitamente a las bibliotecas de bancos de germoplasma, facultades universitarias y servicios gubernamentales, centros de investigación, etc. que se interesan en los recursos fitogenéticos. También pueden obtener este noticiario las personas que demuestren necesitar una copia personal. Types de documents publiés Tipos de documentos Articles Artículos Un article contient les résultats de travaux nouveaux et originaux qui apportent une contribution importante à la connaissance du sujet dont traite l’article. Les articles, qui doivent être d’une longueur raisonnable, sont d’abord examinés par le Comité de rédaction qui en évalue la portée et la validité, puis par un expert qui en examine le contenu et l’intérêt scientifiques. Los artículos divulgarán los resultados de trabajos nuevos y originales que contribuyan de modo importante al conocimiento del tema tratado. Dichos artículos, que deberán tener una longitud razonable, serán examinados por el Comité de Redacción en cuanto a su pertinencia e idoneidad y posteriormente un experto juzgará su contenido y validez científicos. Brèves communications Comunicaciones breves On entend par brève communication un texte contenant, sous une forme abrégée, les résultats de travaux présentant un intêrêt pour tous ceux qui s’occupent de ressources phytogénétiques. Elle contient en particulier des comptes rendus des missions d’acquisition de matériel génétique. Las comunicaciones breves informarán de modo conciso sobre los resultados de trabajos de interés para las personas que se ocupan de los recursos fitogenéticos. Las comunicaciones breves incluirán, en particular, resúmenes sobre las misiones de adquisición de germoplasma. Autres documents Otros documentos Le Bulletin des ressources phytogénétiques publie d’autres types de rapport tels que des documents de synthèse, des études critiques et des articles commentant des problèmes actuels concernant les ressources phytogénétiques. Le Bulletin publie une revue de livres ainsi qu’une section intitulée Nouvelles et Notes. Les auteurs sont invités à envoyer leurs suggestions pour les livres à passer en revue ainsi que des contributions aux Nouvelles et Notes. El Noticiario de Recursos Fitogenéticos publicará otros tipos de informes, como documentos de trabajo, análisis críticos, y documentos que examinen cuestiones de actualidad relacionadas con los recursos fitogenéticos. El Noticiario publicará una reseña de libros así como una sección de Noticias y Notas. Las propuestas de libros para reseñar y las contribuciones a la sección de Noticias y Notas serán bien acogidas. Management The Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter is published under the joint auspices of the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) and the Plant Production and Protection Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Availability The Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter appears as one volume per year, made up of four issues, published in March, June, September and December. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter is available free of charge to interested libraries of genebanks, university and government departments, research institutions, etc. The periodical may also be made available to individuals who can show that they have a need for a personal copy of the publication. Types of paper Articles An article will publish the results of new and original work that makes a significant contribution to the knowledge of the subject area that the article deals with. Articles, which should be of a reasonable length, will be considered by the Editorial Committee for scope and suitability, then assessed by an expert referee for scientific content and validity. Short communications A short communication will report results, in an abbreviated form, of work of interest to the plant genetic resources community. Short communications in particular will contain accounts of germplasm acquisition missions. The papers will be assessed by an expert referee for scientific content and validity. Other papers The Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter will publish other forms of reports such as discussion papers, critical reviews, and papers discussing current issues within plant genetic resources. Book reviews will be printed, as well as a News and Notes section. Suggestions for books to review are invited, as are contributions to News and Notes. Submission In the first instance papers may be submitted in typescript form or as an Email message. The final version may be submitted as an Email file or as a Windows-readable file on diskette. Manuscripts submitted for publication and other communications on editorial matters should be addressed to IPGRI's Editorial and Publications Unit. Presentación Présentation En premier lieu, les documents doivent être soumis dactylographiés ou par courrier électronique. La version définitive doit être présentée en fichier de courrier électronique ou sur disquettes compatibles Windows. Prière d’adresser les manuscrits présentés pour être publiés et d’autres communications sur des questions de rédaction au Bureau de rédaction de l'IPGRI. Los documentos deben entregarse, incialmente, en forma de texto mecanografiado o a través del correo electrónico. La versión final debe presentarse como un archivo de correo electrónico o en disquete compatible con el sistema operativo Windows. Los manuscritos para publicar y otras comunicaciones sobre asuntos relativos a la redacción deberán dirigirse a la Oficina de Redacción del IPGRI. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter No. 126, June 2001 Contents Articles Classification of Italian maize (Zea mays L.) germplasm A. Brandolini and A. Brandolini (Italy) .................................................................................................................. 1 Collecting landscape trees and shrubs in Ukraine for the evaluation of aesthetic quality and adaptation in the north central United States M.P. Widrlechner, R.E. Schutzki, V.Y. Yukhnovsky (USA) and V.V. Sviatetsky (Ukraine) .............................. 12 Colecta de germoplasma en la ecoregión de la Península de Paria, Estado Sucre, Venezuela E. Mazzani y V. Segovia (Venezuela) ................................................................................................................ 17 Plant exploration in the Talysch Mountains of Azerbaijan and Iran L. Frese (Germany), Z. Akbarov (Azerbaijan), V.I. Burenin (Russia), M.N. Arjmand (Iran) and V. Hajiyev (Azerbaijan) ................................................................................................................................ 21 Evaluation of variability in natural populations of peperina (Minthostachys mollis (Kunth.) Griseb.), an aromatic species from Argentina O. Marta, R. Coirini, J. Cosiansi, R. Zapata y J. Zygadlo (Argentina) ............................................................... 27 Morphological and isoenzyme variability of taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) germplasm in Cuba A. Rodríguez Manzano, A.A.Rodríguez Nodals, M.I. Román Gutiérrez, Z. Fundora Mayor and L. Castiñeiras Alfonso (Cuba) ............................................................................................................................. 31 Characterization of the Cucurbita pepo collection at the Newe Ya'ar Research Center, Israel H.S. Paris (Israel) ............................................................................................................................................... 41 Book Reviews .................................................................................................................................................... 46 First Announcement...................................................................................................................................48