Semana 12 - Radio Fe y Alegría Noticias
Semana 12 - Radio Fe y Alegría Noticias
Let’stalk talk about… Let’s about… The Latin American Family The Latin American Family Semana 12 Semana 12 Let’s learn En esta semana, aprenderás a: • Emitir opiniones. • Expresar acuerdo o desacuerdo con las opiniones de otros. • Resumir textos. • Localizar información específica. Let’s start En los últimos años, las naciones latinoamericanas en conjunto, han puesto en marcha proyectos de integración política, económica y social para el desarrollo de los pueblos del hemisferio. Esta semana conocerás acerca de la integración latinoamericana, que también está presente en las semanas 8 y 9 del área de Sociedad y Cultura, y aprenderás a emitir opiniones, expresar acuerdo o desacuerdo, con respecto a éste y otros asuntos de importancia. Let’s focus Latin American Integration in the 21st century In the 21st century so far, regional integration has been one of the most notable elements of South American foreign relations. Picking up speed in recent years, the continent’s heads of state have enthusiastically met in numerous summits, promising increased political, economic, social, and development cooperation. Across the spectrum, governments are expanding current integration frameworks and entering into new agreements. Expectations are no less grand. As Brazil’s President Luis Inacio “Lula” da Silva recently stated, “South America, united, will move the board game of power in the world, not for its own benefit, but for everyone’s”. Afiche sobre la integración Latino Americana. Imagen tomada de: imagenes/2010/08/1789732.jpg Economic integration is a starting point for this bold agenda. South American nations are pushing to deepen already existing sub-regional trade organizations, in particular the Southern Common 131 Semana 12 Let’s talk about… The Latin American Family Market (Mercosur) and the Andean Community (CAN). These two groups are also negotiating with each other, with the goal of creating a South America Free Trade Area (SAFTA). In addition to trade-based integration agreements, South American countries recently formed a new regional financing vehicle, the Bank of the South. Spearheaded by Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, its lending will focus on social programs and infrastructure in the Americas. Let’s know a little bit more Emitir opiniones I think Mercosur should join the CAN. I believe in Latin American integration. I believe so. I don’t think Mercosur should join the CAN. In my opinion, Latin American integration has come a long way. Expresar acuerdo I agree. Of course. Yes, I think so. I suppose so. I’m afraid so. I guess so. Expresar desacuerdo I disagree. I don’t think so. I beg to differ. La expresión ‘I beg to differ’ manifiesta desacuerdo y, generalmente, va seguida de una opinión contraria a la expresada por el interlocutor. Ejemplo: - I think Latin American Integration is stuck in the same place. - I beg to differ. I believe Latin America has come a long way in the last decade. Let’s work 1. Lee de nuevo el texto “Latin American Integration in the 21st century” y asocia cada premisa (a, b, c) con la opinión que mejor corresponda. a) I disagree with President Luis Inacio da Silva. 132 b) I agree with President Chavez’s project of the Bank of the South. c) In order to succeed creating a free trade area, Let’s talk about… The Latin American Family Semana 12 - I think South American countries need a solid financial institution. ________ - I think Mercosur and CAN members should form just one bloc. ___________ - I think the European Union will keep moving the board game of power in the world. ___________ 2. Tomando en cuenta el texto “Latin American Integration in the 21st century”, responde las siguientes preguntas: • ¿Cuál es la idea general del texto? • ¿Cuál es la idea principal del primer párrafo? • ¿Cuál es la idea principal del segundo párrafo? 3. Escribe un resumen de ocho (8) líneas, en español, sobre el texto “Latin American Integration in the 21st century”. Como guía, puedes utilizar las respuestas al ejercicio anterior. 4. En la sesión presencial, comparte el resumen con tus compañeros. Con ayuda del facilitador, determina cuáles son los mejores resúmenes, tomando en cuenta: a) Precisión en la información. b) Cohesión entre las ideas. c) Inclusión de las ideas más importantes. Let´s have a reading Southern Common Market Comprising Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil, the Southern Common Market - MERCOSUR represents a total population of 190 million individuals, living in an area larger than the total surface of the European continent, covering more than 12 million square kilometers. In 1993, the total Gross Domestic Products (GDP) of these four nations was approximately US$ 715 billion. Brazil has a territory of 8.5 million square kilometers and 155 million inhabitants, as well as the largest economy within MERCOSUR. Argentina, the second largest MERCOSUR nation, has 2.8 million square kilometers in area. The Argentine economy has been one of the fastest growing in the last few years. Paraguay, with 406 thousand square kilometers and a population of 4.6 million, has a growing economy. Uruguay in turn has the smallest population, calculated at some 3.1 million inhabitants, and the smallest territory in MERCOSUR - 177 thousand square kilometers. Let’s create 1. Completa la tabla 16 con información específica sobre la lectura “Southern Common Market”. 133 Semana 12 Let’s talk about… The Latin American Family Tabla 16 Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil MERCOSUR total surface US$ 715 billion Largest economy within MERCOSUR Fastest growing economy in the last few years 3.1 million inhabitants 2. Dibuja un mapa de América Latina en el que no existan las fronteras. Escribe dentro del mapa, una canción o poema sobre cómo debería ser, en tu opinión, la integración de nuestro continente. 134