spanish culture programme


spanish culture programme
First-term course:
Second-term course:
First-term course:
Second-term course:
General History of Modern and Contemporary Spain
A (beginner & elementary)
From the Catholic Monarchs to the Enlightened Despotism
From the Liberal Revolution to Democracy
B (intermediate & advanced)
Historical Making of Modern Spain
The Long Road to Democracy
To introduce students to the history of Spain since the unification of the peninsula under the Catholic
Monarchs (end of the 15th century) until the crisis of the Ancien Régime at the end of the 18th century.
During this long period Spain was ruled by two monarchies – the Habsburg and Bourbons. The course deals
with interesting periods such as the Empire of Charles V, the Austrias and the Reformation of the Bourbons.
Visits to the historical area of Barcelona will show students the beginnings of the modern city.
During the second term and throughout the course we will study the history of contemporary Spain in the
19th and 20th centuries with special attention to events such as the establishment of the Liberal Régime, the
Carlist wars, the Bourbon Restoration, the military dictatorships, the division of society, right and left wing
ideologies, the proclamation of the Second Republic, the crisis that led to a bloody civil war (1936-1939), the
Franco Régime and Spain today.
PROGRAMME (First Term)
The Catholic Monarchs and the unification of the peninsula
The Habsburgs and Spanish hegemony in the 16th century: from Charles I’s Empire to Philip II’s
Spanish Empire (1516-1598)
Decline of the Austrias and the crisis of the 17th century: from Philip III to Charles II (1598-1700)
18th century Bourbon Reformism: from Philip V to Charles III (1700-1788)
The end of the century and the crisis of the absolute monarchy.
Geografía e Historia de España y de los Países Hispánicos, IBÉRICA, (1989), Barcelona, VicensVives.
COMELLAS, J.L., (1993), Historia de España moderna y contemporánea, Madrid, Rialp.
ELLIOT, J.H., (1991), España y su mundo (1500-1700), Madrid, Alianza.
EVANS, J.W., (1989), La monarquía de los Habsburgos (1550-1700), Barcelona, Labor.
KAMEN, H., (1996), Una sociedad conflictiva: España 1469-1714, Barcelona, Altaya.
First-term course:
Second-term course:
First-term course:
Second-term course:
General History of Modern and Contemporary Spain
A (beginner & elementary)
From the Catholic Monarchs to the Enlightened Despotism
From the Liberal Revolution to Democracy
B (intermediate & advanced)
Historical Making of Modern Spain
The Long Road to Democracy
PROGRAMME (Second Term)
From the crisis of the Ancien Régime to the Liberal system (1788-1833)
Isabella II (1833-1868)
The Revolutionary Sexennium (1868-1874)
The Bourbon Restoration: Alfonso XII and Maria Cristina’s Regency (1875-1902)
From parliamentary monarchy to Primo de Rivera’s dictatorship (1902-1931)
The Second Republic and the Civil War (1931-1939)
Franco’s dictatorship (1939-1975)
Geografía e Historia de España y de los Países Hispánicos, IBÉRICA, (1989), Barcelona, Vicens Vives.
ARTOLA, M., (1975-1976), Los orígenes de la España contemporánea, Madrid, Instituto de Estudios Políticos.
BIESCAS, J.A.-TUÑÓN DE LARA, M., (1980), España bajo la dictadura franquista (1939-1975), Barcelona,
CARR, R.-FUSI, J.-P., (1983), España, de la dictadura a la democracia, Barcelona, Planeta.
CARR, R., (1988), España, 1808-1988, Barcelona, Ariel.
FERNÁNDEZ ALMAGRO, M., (1977), Historia del reinado de Alfonso XIII, Barcelona, Montaner y Simón.
JACKSON, G., (1977), La República española y la guerra civil (1931-1939), Madrid, Crítica.
PRESTON, P., (1978), España en crisis. Evolución y decadencia del régimen de Franco, Madrid, Fondo de
Cultura Económica.
THOMAS, H., (1976), La guerra civil española, Barcelona, Grijalbo.
A written test, on one general or four specific questions, will be given at the end of the term in order to test
students’ understanding of the course material.