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Dear Readers:
As mentioned in the editorial in the first School Magazine,
this special edition of NORTHLANDS Today is “for the school,
of the school and by the school.” In this journal we have
collected articles from the time of Miss Brightman until today
so that you can feel and understand, as we did when we prepared
it, how NORTHLANDS was born, was raised and is constantly
evolving, always in pursuit of providing an education focusing
on high academic standards, and the personal, social and moral
development of each student.
We hope you enjoy it.
August 2010
The school stops
offering boarding
The old swimming
pool is built
Laying the foundation
stone of the Brightman Hall
The Old Northlanders’
Club (ONC) is founded
by Peggy Spoor
María Teresa Mayocchi
takes over the leadership
of the Spanish Section
moves to Roma
are divided
into 4 Houses
Miss Brightman
donates the school to
Jorge Luis Borges
1920 -1961
Winifred M. Brightman
and Muriel I. Slater found
M. Pelliza street, about
3 blocks from its
present site
The construction
on the odd side
of Roma Street
Miss Brightman is
awarded the Order
of the British Empire
in recognition of
her work in the field
of Education
Miss Slater leaves
and returns
to England
The Secondary
Choir is formed
First Concert for
all Preparatory
Parents is held
Mrs. Parczewski
is awarded the Order
of the British Empire
in recognition of her
work in the field
of Education
celebrates its
Golden Jubilee
Miss Brightman
rents what we know
today as
“School House”
Eduardo Constantini
donates 10 hectares of
Nordelta land to
The new swimming pool
and SUM is inaugurated
in Olivos
The Ministry of
Education authorises
Integrated Bilingual
The first computers
arrive at
Boys are admitted
to the Olivos
Primary School
The Nordelta site
is authorised to teach
the IBO Diploma
The Olivos site
is authorised to
teach the IBO
Primary Years
Violin lessons
are taught to The Secondary
(Annual Report) is
all student in Choir performs
published for the
Year 1 to
at the Colon
Year 3
The Cambridge
International General
Certificate of Secondary
Education (IGCSE)
replaces the “O” Levels,
to raise the standards
of English
Sir Western Greaves
donates part of land
where the Tortuguitas
Sports field is located
The Pastoral Care
develops to the Personal
and Social Development
Programme (PSE)
The IBO Diploma
is introduced
The Tortuguitas
campus moves to
the new site
in Nordelta
A Pastoral Care
programme is launched,
to supervise the academic
progress of each student,
while fostering his / her
personal and social
A new co-ed site
is opened next to
the Sports Field
in Tortuguitas
The “Leonardo da
Vinci” Media Centre
is inaugurated
in Olivos
The Nordelta site is
authorised to teach
the IBO Primary Years
2009 - today
1920 - 1961
“You girls all wear a little badge with Friendship and
Service on it. I think that if Miss Slater and I were choosing a
school badge today, we should write Friendship, Service and
Gratitude. Friendship is, as I´m sure you know, one of the
most important factors in a happy life. Friends while young
are easy to obtain, but they are also easy to lose. Don´t lose
yours! Keep your school friends throughout your life. We are
not put into the world to seek our own happiness but to help
others. Some of us are fortunate enough to do this through our
work, but opportunities come to us all.”
Miss Winifred Brightman
- Recording. Golden Jubilee celebration.
1961 - 1968
“We are all members of one school, with an inspiring
tradition handed down by our founder and added to by many
people down the years. The challenge to each of us, English
and Spanish is to see to it that our individual contribution
to the School is worthy of ourselves and is the very best we
can give.”
Mrs Wallace
- Prize giving 1967
1969 - 1982
“Of course Northlands has changed and is changing.
It must, to meet changing times and conditions. But I hope our
fundamental standards of good manners and good spoken and
written English remain constant.”
Mrs. Mary Parczewski
- Interview 1969
1983 - 1993
“Schools provide the foundation on which students
and teachers build the whole structure of their lives. If that
foundation is a blend of concrete knowledge and the grace
and harmony of aesthetic imagination, any amount of levels
can be raised without weakening that structure. How many
lives have received that strong foundation at Northlands?
Several thousands in the past 68 years. The new building
and the new curriculum add considerable dimensions to
the eduaction at Northlands which, like any living thing,
is continually seeking new areas to explore and new ways
to restructure its existence in order to attain fulfilment.”
Mrs Jehane Flint Taylor
- 1988 School Report
1994 - 1998
“With the introduction of the International
Baccalaureate programme, Northlands is offering a school
leaving qualification which responds to the demands of our
increasingly high tech and internationally mobile age.”
Miss Susan Jackson
- Prize giving 1996
1999 - 2004
“The spirit of Winifred Brightman still drives future
generations of teachers and pupils developing a community
with strong moral values, clear academic and social
objectives, and common aims and expectations.”
Dr. Susana Price -Cabrera
- Graduation Ceremony 1999
2005 - 2008
“Integrity, honesty, respect, responsibility,
commitment, perseverance are the core values of Northlands
and they will continue to be so, simply because they will
always be at the heart of a well-educated person.
I believe that by complementing the solid values and
academic excellence that has been the hallmark of Northlands
for 85 years with a modern vision of educating for the future,
we would meet with Miss Brightman’s approval were she with
us today.”
Mr. Timothy Gibbs
- Northlands 85th. Anniversary Book 2005
2009 - today
“…In the course of these last few years, we have gone
further. Today, Northlands aims at becoming a XXIst. century
organization with a ONE TEAM culture, with its members
working in a coordinated, cohesive way in spite of not sharing
the same geographical place of work. In this way, we move out
of a fragmented vision to a global one, where the institution as
a whole becomes the first priority.
We firmly believe in the richness of diversity, of different
perspectives. In fact, this is one of the pillars our educational
project stands on. Moreover, we Northlands staff should
incarnate the open mindedness, flexibility and adaptability that
we set out to develop in our students…”
Mrs Susan Magenta
- Welcome! In NORTHLANDS Today, Autumn 2009
Para mi, NORTHLANDS fue mi hogar.
Cuando ingresé al colegio, no había casi edificios,
había casas y algunas aulas de prefabricada.
También muchos árboles frutales, ciruelas, higos,
manzanos, uvas, naranjas amargas.
Recuerdos: las mermeladas y las gelatinas de uva que
hacia la cocinera, las flores en el jardin, las rosas de
distintos colores.
Esther Céspedes, Housekeeper since 1961.
NORTHLANDS, significa parte de mi vida. Primero
como alumna, pupila en aquél entonces, luego como
madre de tres alumnas, y ahora como staff member.
En cada etapa pude cumplir con el School motto:
FRIENDSHIP, como alumna, SERVICE, como staff
member y GRATITUDE, a lo largo del camino!
Cuando ingresé a NORTHLANDS, era un colegio muy
inglés, muy estricto, con mucha disciplina y donde el
respeto no podía faltar! Me sentía muy contenida y
guardo hermosos recuerdos! Ojalá pueda dejar las
mismas huellas que recibí.
Eternamente agradecida,
Gillian Hartley, ON `58- Primary Olivos Assistant since 1997.
Una anécdota divertida:
Ingresé a NORTHLANDS en 1979. Esto es en lo formal,
porque en realidad lo hice en Noviembre de 1978,
cuando vine a una entrevista con la Sra. Parczewsky;
ella había enviado una nota al pastor Ron Maitland de
la Iglesia Anglicana de St. Michael and All Angels en
Martínez, solicitándole si conocía un Director de Coro.
Esa entrevista me mostró una Directora muy firme,
severa, muy conocedora de sus alumnos y amante de
la música, disciplina que consideraba muy importante
para la formación de los niños. Cuando me presenté en
marzo, fui conducido al Brightman Hall, para esperar a
las posibles “candidatas” para el coro. El Hall, que en
ese momento tenía ventanas en ambos lados, estaba
iluminado tenuemente y luego de una breve espera
sentado al piano, asomó una cara por la puerta,
inspeccionando el lugar para ver de “qué se trataba”.
Luego de invitarla a pasar, comprobé que esa cara
pertenecía a Diana Sandford – excelente voz y fuerte
personalidad – que de alguna manera – creo – que fue
decisiva en aquel momento para que el coro fuera
“interesante y atractivo” para las alumnas. El coro tuvo
27 alumnas que cantaron un concierto al final del año
cuyo título fue: “Lights and Sounds in Christmas”. Al
año siguiente éramos 72: Y así comenzó todo. . .!
Humberto López - Head of Choir since 1979.
Recuerdos Maravillosos
Mientras cursaba mi secundario, en una institución
próxima a este colegio, solía pasar caminando por el
campo de deportes de Olivos. Varios años más tarde
logré ingresar como profesor de educación física al
colegio y hoy, dieciocho años después, continúo aquí.
Dicen que aquello que deseamos lo atraemos.
Comencé en el jardín de infantes de Olivos a dar clases
de educación física en la casa de la esquina de Tucumán
y seguramente, algunas alumnas/os que estén leyendo
estos párrafos se acuerden del árbol de los monos,
“pinochino”, el puente araña, las sogas de árbol a árbol y
la casita que parecía estar en un bosque. Así era el jardín
hasta que se mudó a un lugar moderno y actualizado
como es hoy.
Recuerdo la ceremonia de graduación en el jardín de mis
hijas y el enorme cariño que a todos les tienen.
Presenciar y participar del 75 aniversario del colegio y
el vuelo de las palomas.
Tortuguitas, otra sede y otros recuerdos como los
campamentos, el fogón, y los asados con chicos y padres.
Nordelta, otra apertura; el colegio seguía creciendo. Este
año cumplimos casi 10 años de vida.
Luego, Olivos inauguraría la pileta climatizada y sobre
ella, un gimnasio cubierto. Empezamos a ver niños
desde los tres y cuatro años comenzar a nadar y
acompañamos sus progresos.
Todos estos y muchos más son parte de los recuerdos
que siempre me acompañarán durante toda la vida y
hoy en este presente es un placer escuchar a mis
compañeros compartir sus ideas y buscar celebrar este
90 aniversario junto con todas las familias del colegio.
Patricio Maserati- P.E. teacher since 1992.
NORTHLANDS cumple noventa años y yo compartí
los últimos treinta.
Cuando comencé a transitar sus aulas, no existía el
edificio de Artes y Ciencias, allí un aula de madera
albergaba la clase de música; los grados inferiores
estaban en “casita”... todo cambió.
En cuanto a la tecnología, recuerdo nuestro entusiasmo
al comenzar a trabajar en las primeras computadoras
con los alumnos. El Logo y la tortuguita me parecían
casi de ciencia ficción.
Volver el tiempo atrás y recorrer la glicina, mirar el agua
de la fuente en el Shakespeare Lawn es reencontrarme
con el pasado y reconocer aquello que permanece a
pesar de los infinitos cambios. Las fuertes relaciones de
amistad perduran en el tiempo y hacen honor al lema del
Colegio: “Friendship and Service”.
Fanny Morales, Directora Administrativa EP Olivos since 1980.
Celebrating 90 years of Friendship and Service with
An evening of live art at
August 19 2010, W. Brightman Hall, Olivos
Architect Ma. Cecilia Gil de Bendinger ON ‘72, Curator
Assistant to the Curator Melisa Boratyn ON ‘05
Dolores Avendaño ON `85
Carolina Holste ON `87
Paula Baigros ON `95
Mónica Janovitz ON `81
Gladys Bain ON `70
Samantha Kaeser ON `03
Florencia Bellora ON `99
Felicity Kersman ON `95
Marisol Blasco Garma ON `02
Lucila Lauda ON `90
Bárbara Britvin ON `04
Sofía López Mañan ON `99
Bárbara Buteler ON `97
Benedicta Mai ON `92
María Marta Martineau ON `78
Roxana Manteola ON `77
Beatriz Campos ON `78
Florencia Menendez ON `58
Andrea Carbonetti ON `05
Georgina Nuñez ON `02
Inés Casarino ON `73
Marina Onabehere ON `71
Cristina Cassinelli ON `68
Valentina Ortelli ON `85
Jimena Centurion ON `05
Eleonora Peña Lassalle ON `94
Alicia Chague ON `58
Solana Peña Lassalle ON `91
Constanza Chapur ON `94
María Pereyra Iraola ON `75
Martha Chica Salas ON `54
María Pérez San Martín ON `00
Mariana Conesa ON `88
Marina Portela ON `09
Diana Crawley ON `66
Jenny Primrose ON `03
Yamile Daoud Fleing ON `05
Ginnie Sandford ON `71
Claudia Di Cocco ON `77
Silvia Santana ON `67
Luz Escobar ON `05
Jezabel Storey ON `93
Soledad Escudero ON `79
Sandra Tabera ON `80
Gabriela Etchepareborda ON `74
Diana Tchinnosian ON `80
Victoria Fejes ON `72
María Esther Terra ON `59
Ana Gallacher ON `79
Alicia Tilmant ON `67
María José Garat ON `02
Alicia Torres ON `70
Annalie Giebert ON `73
Andrea Traverso ON `72
Sibila Gowland ON `85
Mónica Zicis ON `67
Florencia Groppo ON `90
Flavia Hogg ON `81
Performing artists
NORTHLANDS students and former pupils