AIBI NEWS - Sunset Alumni - Sunset International Bible Institute
AIBI NEWS - Sunset Alumni - Sunset International Bible Institute
Atlantic International Bible Institute A. I. B. I. NEWS A Branch of Sunset International Bible Institute Volume XV Issue I Jan.-April 2013 Whole people — Whole Gospel – Whole world — Wholly to please God Cuarta Graduación Graduación de Seminaristas en Cuba Fourth Seminar Graduation in Cuba —Roberto Pino —Roberto Pino El 12 de Abril de este año 2013, se efectuó la cuarta graduación de seminaristas para predicadores cubanos en la remozada sede social de la Iglesia de Cristo en Cuba ubicada en el barrio de Vibora Park, en La Habana, ceremonia que demuestra la consolidación de la colaboración entre la Iglesia de Cristo en Cuba y el Atlantic International Bible Institute, de Miami; con una experiencia de mas de diez años, y la dirección compartida entre los hermanos Roberto Pino García y Allan Mc Afee. Este grupo comenzó en Octubre de 2010; y estudiaron un ciclo de seis temas de adiestramiento con encuentros dos veces al año con profesores de AIBI. En la ceremonia de graduación, participaron funcionarios de la Oficina de Atención de Asuntos Religiosos del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba, en la persona de María de los Ángeles Pérez, y Niurka Diez en representación de dicha oficina a nivel provincial. También participó el presidente del Consejo de Iglesias de Cuba, Joel Ortega Dopico y la secretaria ejecutiva, Damaris. Presidieron la ceremonia Arthur Puente como representante de SIBI; Allan Mc Afee y Enrique Martorell como representantes de AIBI y Ammiel Perez y Roberto Pino por la parte cubana. En total confraternizaron cerca de 150 personas, entre hermanos, amigos y familiares de los graduados. Los nombres de los graduados son: Abelardo Romero Espinosa, Alcibiadez Davila Juanes, Alexander On April 12, 2013 we celebrated the fourth seminar–level graduation for Cuban preachers in the renovated headquarters of the Church of Christ in Cuba, located in the neighborhood of Vibora Park, Havana. This ceremony highlights the consolidation of cooperation between the Church of Christ in Cuba and the Atlantic International Bible Institute of Miami, with more than ten years of experience under the leadership of Roberto Pino and Kirk McAfee. This group began in October 2010 and studied a series of six ministryrelated themes in semiannual seminars taught by instructors from AIBI. María de los Ángeles Pérez, National Director of Non-Catholic Churches, and Niurka Diez, Provincial Director, from the Office of Religious Affairs of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba participated in the graduation ceremony. Joel Ortega Dopico, president of the Council of Churches, and Damaris, the executive secretary, also participated. Presiding at the ceremony were Arthur Puente, representing SIBI, Kirk McAfee and Enrique Martorell, as representatives of AIBI, and Ammiel Pérez and Roberto Pino representing Cuba. A total of nearly 150 church members, friends, and family members of the graduates were present for the event. The names of the graduates are: Abelardo Romero Espinosa, Alcibiadez Davila Juanes, Alexander Hernández Crespo, Bismarck Ruano Pompa, David Alejandro Rizo Bravo (Alumno mas destaca- (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 2) PAGE 2 AT LAN T IC IN T E RN AT IO N AL BIBLE IN ST IT U T E V OLU M E X V ISSU E I (Continued from page 1) (Continued from page 1) Hernández Crespo, Bismarck Ruano Pompa, David Alejandro Rizo Bravo (Alumno mas destacado), David Fernando Cantillo Sanchez, Daniel Alvarez Alvarez, Isaias Rodriguez de la Barca, Ivan Hendrikson Solis, Juan Pompa Infante, Oreste Mora Riberón, Ottoniel Hernández Valdes, raime Hipólito Gonzalez Pérez, Yiseliut Ruis Pino, Yordanis Pupo Rojas y Yosvany Abraham Morales. Con este grupo suman 91 hermanos graduados a este nivel desde que comenzó la colaboración en octubre de 2001. do), David Fernando Cantillo Sanchez, Daniel Alvarez Alvarez, Isaias Rodríguez de la Barca, Ivan Hendrikson Solis, Juan Pompa Infante, Oreste Mora Riberón, Ottoniel Hernández Valdes, raime Hipólito Gonzalez Pérez, Yiseliut Ruis Pino, Yordanis Pupo Rojas and Yosvany Abraham Morales. This group brings the total to 91 graduates since this collaborative effort began in October 2001. Ministry Reminder Since last fall AIBI has been focusing exclusively on its ministry training efforts in Cuba. In addition to moving forward in the Seminar and Bachelor’s level AIBI / SIBI are implementing a Master’s level program in the area of Pastoral Theology. AIBI / SIBI have recently celebrated eleven years of spiritual formation and leadership development in Cuba. During that time ninety-one men have completed training in the ongoing Seminar School. Before the first Seminar School had concluded AIBI / SIBI, in conjunction with a committee of Cuban church leaders, selected and agreed to train a group of men using its complete curriculum. On May 11, 2007, Roberto Pino, Reynaldo García and José Luis Hernández graduated with a Bachelor’s of Biblical Studies degree. In October 2007 a second group of twelve men began their training at the Bachelor’s level. They graduated on April 27, 2012. So, in addition to the ninetyone Seminar School graduates, we also have fifteen graduates at the Bachelor’s level. As the graduation date for the second Bachelor’s level group was approaching, we began to ask, what’s next? Of course, we wanted to continue with the programs already developed— the fourth group in the Seminar School and a third group at the Bachelor’s level. But, was there something more that we could do to confidently place the formation of future generations of Cuban preachers wholly in Cuban hands? We believed the answer to that question is a resounding, “Yes”! So, AIBI / SIBI desig- ned and has begun to implement a Master’s level program in the area of Pastoral Theology for qualified men. The goal of this advanced program is to equip men who exhibit the gifts of knowledge and teaching to prepare others for kingdom service. This Master’s program began with an introductory seminar in October 2012 and is running concurrently with both the Seminar School and Bachelor’s level training already being conducted. Atlantic International Bible Institute (AIBI) 5010 SW 94 Terrace Cooper City, FL 33328 Cell: (954) 258-7431 Kirk A. McAfee Dean of AIBI/Instructor E-mail: [email protected] PAGE 3 AT LAN T IC IN T E RN AT IO N AL BIBLE IN ST IT U T E V OLU M E X V ISSU E I PAGE 4 AT LAN T IC IN T E RN AT IO N AL BIBLE IN ST IT U T E V OLU M E X V ISSU E I Graduation Memories Left: Ángel Ammiel Pérez, president of the Churches of Christ in Cuba and, therefore, the recognized legal representative before the government, was Master of Ceremony during the graduation event. Right: Roberto Pino, director of the Cuban Bible Institute and student in the Master’s program, addresses the graduates. Both Ammiel and Roberto are elders in the 10 of October congregation in Havana. Left: Arthur Puente, Dean of Pan America at SIBI, challenges the graduates in their respective ministries. Right: David Alejandro Rizo, valedictorian, reflects upon the studies he has received and how God is leading him to use them. PAGE 5 AT LAN T IC IN T E RN AT IO N AL BIBLE IN ST IT U T E V OLU M E X V ISSU E I María de los Ángeles Pérez, National Director of Non-Catholic Churches from the Office of Religious Affairs of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba. Graduates and instructors. Kirk McAfee, leading the graduates in an oath: “May the God of peace fully sanctify you, and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless in the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ” (taken from I Thessalonians 5:23). AIBI / SIBI instructors (from l to r), Enrique Martorell, Kirk McAfee and Arthur Puente, received a small gift in appreciation for their services. The graduates proudly display their diplomas. PAGE 6 AT LAN T IC IN T E RN AT IO N AL BIBLE IN ST IT U T E V OLU M E X V ISSU E I AIBI/Cuba Academic Calendar 2012-2017 Bachelor/Master/(Seminar) Date October 2012 AIBI-taught courses Cuban-taught courses Spiritual Formation – McAfee 6-month courses (Cuba) Greek 1 – Laudino Introduction to Christian Research – Martorell Life of Christ 1 – Reynaldo Life of Christ 2 – Reynaldo April 2013 Message of the OT – Puente Greek 2 – Laudino Introduction to Pastoral Theology – McAfee OT 1: Genesis – Roberto OT 2: Exodus-Deuteronomy – Roberto October 2013 Message of the NT – Martorell Advanced Homiletics – Reynaldo Biblical Theology 1: OT – Puente (Spiritual Formation – McAfee) Gospel and Letter of John – Enoc NT Church – Noel April 2014 Worldview Analysis – Church History 1 – Noel Biblical Theology 2: NT – Martorell (Christian Home – Wray) OT 3: Joshua-David – Roberto OT 4: Solomon-Nehemiah – Roberto October 2014 Exegesis – Martorell Church History 2 – Noel Christology: Life under the Rule of God – Puente (Spiritual Leadership – Nin) Acts – Roberto Evangelism – Reynaldo April 2015 Minor Prophets – McAfee Ephesians: the Nature of the Church – Wray (Hermeneutics – Martorell) Jeremiah/Lamentations – Reynaldo Christian Home – Noel PAGE 7 AT LAN T IC IN T E RN AT IO N AL BIBLE IN ST IT U T E V OLU M E X V ISSU E I AIBI/Cuba Academic Calendar 2012-2017 Bachelor/Master/(Seminar) (continued) Date October 2015 AIBI-taught courses Cuban-taught courses Galatians/Romans – Martorell Advanced Spiritual Formation – McAfee (Expository Preaching – Nin) Prison Epistles – Laudino Wisdom Literature – Enoc April 2016 Isaiah – Acts: the Mission of the Church – Wray Biblical Theology of Discipleship – (Christian Evidences – Martorell) 1 & 2 Corinthians – Roberto General Epistles – Enoc October 2016 Hebrews – Martorell Pastoral Leadership – Puente Pastoral Care – McAfee Pastoral Epistles – Noel Spiritual Leadership – Laudino April 2017 Theology of Ministry – McAfee Spiritual Mentoring – Ezekiel/Daniel – Reynaldo Revelation – Enoc October 2017 Discipleship & Discipline – McAfee Comparative Analysis of Worldviews – Legend: ∗ Course titles in regular font are Bachelor’s level courses. ∗ Course titles in italics are Master’s level courses. ∗ (Course titles in parenthesis are Seminar courses.) 6-month courses (Cuba)