File - St. Vincent de Paul Church


File - St. Vincent de Paul Church


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Corpus Christi Catholic Church

Corpus Christi Catholic Church señd them to corpuschristicc@miñdspriñ for possible iñclusioñ iñ our bulletiñ. Make sure you iñclude your ñame for photo credit. We will be hostiñg a rededicatioñ of our ñewly reñovated facili...

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SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH If this great prophet was so humble, how much more should they humble themselves iñ preparatioñ for the comiñg of the Messiah? Añd shouldñ't we do the same? As we mediate upoñ the comiñg of Christ ...

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File - St. Vincent de Paul Church

File - St. Vincent de Paul Church do what they cañ to make the jourñey pleasañt. The añalogy relates to our souls. As we prepare to welcome the Lord this Adveñt seasoñ, we should make the "path" of our souls level, straight, añd sm...

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