2015 Statewide Parental Involvement Conference 2015 Statewide
2015 Statewide Parental Involvement Conference 2015 Statewide
2015 Statewide Parental Involvement Conference December 10-12, 2015 Arlington, Texas Title I Statewide SS/FACE Initiative Hosted by the Title I Statewide School Support and Family & Community Engagement Initiative at Region 16 Education Service Center Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. Teamwork doesn’t tolerate the inconvenience of distance. Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success. Teamwork: Simply stated, it is less me and more we. Teamwork makes the dream work. 2 2015 Statewide Parental Involvement Conference 3 Table of Contents Dignitary Letters 6-7 Welcome Reception 8 Entertainment 9 Important Information 10-14 Conference Planning Committee 15 Goals, Objectives & Strands 16-17 Pre-Conference Session 18-19 Thursday Featured Speakers 20-21 Opening General Session 22-23 Luncheon General Session 24-25 Closing General Session 26-27 Conference Overview 28-29 Conference at a Glance 30-31 Concurrent Sessions with Descriptions 32-52 Spanish Sessions Cyber Café 55 Presenter Directory Exhibitor Directory 4 54 56-57 58-59 Session Attendance/On-line Evaluation/Certificate 60 Professional Development Credits 61 On-line Handouts 62 Special Thanks to Our Contributors 63 Arlington Convention Center 64 Sheraton Arlington Hotel 65 Publications 66-67 Session Log 70 Together Everyone A chieves More Tabla de Contenidos Cartas 6-7 Recepción de bienvenido 8 ¡Entretenimiento! 9 Información importante 10-14 Comité de planeación de la conferencia 15 Metas, objetivos y areas 16-17 Sesione anteriores de la conferencia 18-19 Jueves orador especia 20-21 Sesión general de apertura 22-23 Sesión general de comida 24-25 Sesión general de clausura 26-27 Resumen de conferencia 28-29 Sinopsis de la conferencia 30-31 Sesiones simultáneas con descripción 32-52 Español sesiones 54 Ciber Café 55 Directorio de presentadores 56-57 Directorio de expositores 58-59 Asistencia de la conferencia/evaluaciónes en línea/ certificados 60 Créditos de capacitación profesional 61 Apuntes en línea 62 Agradecimientos a nuestros colaboradores 63 Información sobre el Arlington Convention Center 64 Sheraton Arlington Hotel 65 Publicación66-67 Hoja de sesiónes 70 5 Dignitary Letter December 10, 2015 Dear Conference Participants: On behalf of the Texas Education Agency, I am pleased to welcome you to the 2015 Statewide Parental Involvement Conference in Arlington, Texas. As we look toward the future, the selection of the conference theme “Parental Involvement: Together Everyone Achieves More” is very appropriate. As Commissioner of Education, I commend you for attending this professional development opportunity focused on quality services that will empower parents and educators to effectively meet the challenges that face our students statewide. As changes continue to be proposed during the NCLB reauthorization process, working together as a state to ensure families are actively engaged in the education of their children and to improve the educational opportunities for all students is essential. Your participation in this conference will provide an opportunity to exchange information with parents and educators from across the state in an effort to identify best practices in parental involvement and family/community engagement. It is my hope that the information you receive at this conference will enhance and strengthen your ability to achieve quality and excellence for the students you serve. Together we can make a difference in the lives of the students of Texas. Thank you for your continued commitment and service to our children and their families. Best wishes for a successful conference. Sincerely, Michael Williams Commissioner of Education 6 Together Everyone A chieves More Dignitary Letter 7 Welcome Reception/Reception de Bienvenido Thursday, December 10 Jueves 10 de decembre 6:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. fun! llea friends! gue s! Food Bar! Refreshments! Networking! exhibitors! Enterta inm Sponsors! ent Door ! co Prizes! Appreciation! support! All conference registrants are invited to attend our annual welcome reception. Meet the exhibitors. Visit with friends. Network with colleagues. Make new acquaintances. Express your appreciation to our exhibitors and sponsors for their support of this conference. a oy ¡ap ¡Entretenimiento! r! ! ¡patrocinadores! s a g e ¡col ¡Aprecio! 8 ¡Reunión! ¡diversión! os! resc ¡Ref ¡expositores! ¡Premios! ¡Comida! Todos los participantes de la conferencia están invitados a participar en la recepción anual de bienvenido. Conozca a los expositores. Salude a los amigos. Haga una red con colegas. Haga nuevas amistades. Exprese su gratitud a nuestros vendedores y patrocinadores por su apoyo a esta conferencia. Together Everyone A chieves More Entertainment/¡Entretenimiento! Thursday, December 10 Jueves 10 de diciembre 3:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. - Mansfield Independent School District Mansfield Timberview High School Cheerleaders Director, Faith Elmore Mansfield Timberview High School Celebrities Drill Team Director, Ekena Wilkins 4:00 p.m. - Arlington Independent School District Color Guard - Arlington I.S.D. Air Force JROTC Commander, Major David T. Gray National Anthem - Mansfield Summit High School Choral Ensemble Director, Keli Ferrier 6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. - University of Texas at Arlington Buffet Entertainment - UTA Jazz Ensemble Professor, Timothy Ishii Friday, December 11 Viernes 11 de diciembre 9:45 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. - Grand Prairie Independent School District Grand Prairie Fine Arts Academy Jazz Ensemble Director, Bill Centera Garland High School Piano Lab Director, Edda Venable 2:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. - Arlington Independent School District Arlington High School Jazz Ensemble Director, Nathan Hervey MacArthur High School Cadettes Drill Team Director, Stephanie Garrett 9 Important Information Registration Pre-Conference and Conference Registration will be located in the Arlington Convention Center lobby: Thursday December 10 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Friday December 11 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Saturday December 12 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. A map of the Conference Center and Sheraton Arlington Hotel meeting rooms is located on pages 64-65 of your conference program. Name Badges Name badges are required for admission to all conference events. Spanish Language Translations For persons who prefer Spanish, headphone translation is provided for all general sessions and some breakout sessions. Headphones, provided by "Audio Resource Group," may be obtained from the Translation Table located in the Arlington Convention Center lobby. Persons who receive headphones will need to leave some form of identification, such as their driver’s license, for usage (page 14). Welcome Reception The Welcome Reception will be held on Thursday, December 10, 2015, from 6:15 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Arlington Convention Center Exhibit Hall. Conference participants are invited to network informally with their colleagues. A full buffet will be provided. Exhibits Exhibits will be open in the exhibit hall: Thursday December 10 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Friday December 11 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Saturday December 12 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Professional Development Credits Professional Development Credits (CPEs) and “Clock Hours” are available. Please refer to the Continuing Professional Education information in your program booklet for specific procedures for completing the required documentation. Participants requesting approved credit must sign in with the Session Facilitators at all sessions attended. See page 61 for more information. Conference Evaluations Please help us improve our conference by submitting evaluations. Speaker Evaluation Forms are available from the facilitator at each of the concurrent sessions. The overall conference evaluation will be available on-line. See page 60 for more information. Cell Phones/Beepers As a courtesy to all participants, please put your cell phone/beepers on vibrate or turn them off during sessions and luncheons. 10 Together Everyone A chieves More Información Importante Registro para la Conferencia El pre-registro y registro de participantes de la conferencia y la conferencia se llevará a cabo en el vestibulo llamado prefunction que se localiza en el segundo piso: Jueves 10 de diciembre 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Viernes 11 de diciembre 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sábado 12 de diciembre 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Un mapa del centro de conferencias y Sheraton Arlington Hotel salas de reuniones se encuentra en las páginas 64-65 de su programa de la conferencia. Gafetes de identificación Es necesario portar el gafete de identificación para ser admitido en las actividades de la conferencia. Traducciones al español Para aquellas personas que prefieran el español, habrá traducción simultánea al español de todas las sesiones generales y de algunas conferencias en particular. Este servicio lo ofrecerá "Audio Resource Group" por medio de audífonos, mismos que usted podrá solicitar en la mesa de traducciones que se localiza junto al área de registro. Para obtener el equipo será necesario que usted deje alguna identificación como la licencia de manejo (Página 14). Recepción de bienvenido La Recepción de bienvenido será el jueves 10 de Diciembre del 2015 de las 6:15 p.m. a las 8:00 p.m. en el área de exhibición, Arlington Convention Center. Participantes de la conferencia están invitados convivir informalmente con sus colegas. Se proporcionará una comida. Exposición de materiales Habrá expositores en el vestíbulo pre-conference area: Jueves 10 de diciembre 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Viernes 11 de diciembre 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sábado 12 de diciembre 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Créditos de capacitación profesional Serà posible obtener Creditos Profesionales (CPEs) y horas de estudio. Favor de leer la hoja de validación de créditos que viene en el folleto del programa donde se le indicará cómo llenar el formulario. Los participantes que necesiten confirmación de créditos deberán ir con el presentador de sesión para que firme la hoja de asistencia. Ver página 61 para más información. Evaluaciones de la Conferencia Ayúdenos a mejorar la calidad de la conferencia por medio de sus evaluaciones. En cada sesión podrá obtener la hoja de evaluación del presentador. La evaluación global de la conferencia podrá hacerla en línea. Para más información, favor de ver la página 60. Teléfonos Celulares/Beepers Por consideración a los demás participantes, pedimos que ponga sus celulares o localizadores en modo de vibración o que los apague. 11 Important Information Parking Hotel parking is complimentary. Convention Center parking is $5.00. Poster Session The 2015 Statewide Parental Involvement Conference will feature a poster session. The posters will highlight identified parental involvement programs within districts from Region 10 and Region 11. Displays will be viewable throughout the conference in the exhibit hall. Area Restaurants Steak’n Shake 2272 E. Lamar Blvd. (817) 652-3663 Saltgrass Steak House 2200 E. Lamar Blvd. (817) 640-3880 Rio Mambo 2150 E Lamar Blvd. (817) 795-4555 Chili’s 924 E. Copeland Road (817) 261-3891 On the Border 2011 Copeland Road (682) 888-1929 Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen 1304 Copeland Road (817) 543-0544 VB Steakhouse 2009 Copeland Road (817) 801-1440 Joe’s Crab Shack 1520 Nolan Ryan Expwy. (817) 261-4696 BFF Asian Grill & Sports Bar 2150 E Lamar Blvd. (817) 385-0760 Texas Land and Cattle 1600 E. Copeland Road (817) 461-1500 TGI Friday’s 1524 N. Collins Street (817) 261-2390 Boston’s the Gourmet Pizza 2501 E Lamar Blvd. (817) 633-7773 12 Together Everyone A chieves More Información Importante Emergency Contacts Emergency Number 24-Hour Emergency Room Arlington Police Department 911 (817) 644-3300 (817) 459-5700 Números de Emergencia Número de emergencia Sala de emergencia de 24 horas Departamento de Policía de la Cuidad de Arlington 911 (817) 644-3300 (817) 459-5700 A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down. Robert Benchley 13 Información Importante Como un servicio de cortesía para los asistentes a la conferencia, la compañía ARG (equipo de traducción simultánea) ofrecerá gratuitamente servicios de traducción para la sesión general y algunas sesiones en particular. Todas las personas que necesiten traducción y que estén interesadas en recibir este servicio, por favor diríjanse a la mesa de servicios de traducción que se localiza en el área de registro para recibir en préstamo un radio receptor con audífonos. El equipo se tendrá que devolver a la mesa de traducción una vez que termine la sesión a la que asistió. Gracias por su cooperación. The Choice Is Clear ARG’s Mini 900MHz Language Interpretation System stands out from the crowd! • Lightweight (less than 1.5 oz) • Long Range Reception (up 600’) • Outstanding Clarity • Easy Programming • Built-in Batteries (2-Hour Recharge) NO BATTERIES TO REPLACE! • Complete System Weighs less than 10 lbs Please call us today to discuss how the NEW Talk & Listen® Mini 900MHz Digital System can work for your situation. ARGaudio.com Call 888-468-4552 405 Main Ave W, Suite 4G • West Fargo, ND 58078 14 Together Everyone A chieves More Conference Planning Committee Terri Stafford, Conference Chair Skip Forsyth, Conference Co-Chair Statewide Parental Involvement Conference Region 16 Education Service Center Jonathan Armstrong Ramonia Bacon Nerissa Erickson Anna Flores Skip Forsyth Eric Hurst Dr. Cynthia Jaird Richard Johnson Lauren McKinney Samanda Miller Garland ISD Mansfield ISD Region 10 ESC IMP Inc. Title I Statewide Initiative Mansfield ISD Lewisville ISD Fort Worth ISD Region 10 ESC Garland ISD Aaron Olivares Aaron Perales Eric Phillips Jim Phillips Esmeralda Rodriguez Sheila Sherman Terri Stafford Maurice Walker Mary Whitt Region 11 ESC Arlington ISD Mansfield ISD Region 11 ESC Grand Prairie ISD Mansfield ISD Title I Statewide Initiative Irving ISD Garland ISD Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. Mattie Stepanek 15 Goals The major goal of the conference is to provide a forum for dialogue on No Child Left Behind/Elementary and Secondary Education Act (NCLB/ESEA) issues in parental involvement among all stakeholders with an interest in improving teaching and learning. Educators will be provided with strategies and networking opportunities to enhance their parental involvement programs and to create a more instructionally effective school. Parents will gain an insight on how the Federal NCLB/ESEA legislation impacts their school with resources and strategies to directly improve their family’s educational opportunities and relationships within the community. Objectives Participants will learn the parental involvement requirements for the Federal Programs addressed in the NCLB/ESEA legislation. Participants will learn the latest, most effective, evidence-based strategies and techniques for increasing and enhancing family/community involvement. Participants will share and distribute information concerning practices that will increase student performance. Participants will be provided the opportunity to interact with companies/vendors that can provide skills and tools to help meet the challenging standards for all students. Strands Strand One: COMPLIANCE (NCLB/ESEA) Parental Involvement Requirements Updates and resources Strand Two: BEST PRACTICES Strategies and techniques to enhance family engagement Strand Three: ENRICHING PARENTING SKILLS Practical strategies to enrich families Discipline, homework, social media, etc. Strand Four: VENDOR PRESENTATIONS Strand Five: 16 HOT TOPICS College Readiness SB 738 - Trigger Law Social media, bullying, and more Together Everyone A chieves More Metas La mayor meta de esta conferencia es proveerle un foro de dialogo de puntos decisivos en cuestión a Envolvimiento de Padres de la Acta de Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás a personas que toman interés en mejorar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. A los educadores se les va a proveer estrategias y oportunidades para acrecentar los programas de envolvimiento de padres y crear una escuela más productiva. Padres van ha poder obtener información sobre como la legislación Federal de la Acta de Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás afecta su escuela con recursos y estrategias que directamente mejoran las oportunidades educacionales de su familia y las relaciones con la comunidad. Objetivos Los participantes aprenderán los requisitos de envolvimiento de padres por los Programas Federales mencionados en la legislación de la Acta de Que Ningún Niño se Quede Atrás. Los participantes aprenderán de las novedades más recientes y efectivas de estrategias basadas científicamente y técnicas para aumentar y acrecentar el envolvimiento de la familia/comunidad. Proporcionarán a participantes la oportunidad de aumentar su conocimiento y compartir prácticas corrientes que aumentarán la interpretación de estudiante. A los participantes se les va a proveer la oportunidad de visitar a diferentes compañías/vendedores que pueden proveer estrategias y herramientas para ayudarle ha todos los estudiantes con estandartes difíciles. Areas Area Uno: CUMPLIMIENTO (nclb?esea) Requisitos de Participación de Padres Actualizaciones y recursos Area Dos: MEJORES PRÁCTICAS Estrategias u técnicas para mejorar participación de la familia Area Tres: ENRIQUECIENDO HABILIDADES DE PADRES Estrategias prácticas para enriquecer las familias Disciplina, tareas, medios sociales, etc. Area Cuatro: PRESENTACIONES DE VENDEDORES Area Cinco: TEMAS DE INTERES Preparación para la Universidad Ley de Disparo SB 738 Medios sociales, acoso, y más 17 Pre-Conference Session December 10, 2015 • 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Sheraton, Hall of Fame Dr. Willie Kimmons Save Our Children, Save Our Schools Dr. Willie J. Kimmons will reinforce the importance to forge partnerships between home, school, church, and community to enhance the academic achievement of students. Our children are our greatest resource; therefore, it is essential to save our children, save our schools. The ultimate goal is for our children to become successful, responsible adults and good citizens in their community. Children need a solid foundation upon which to build their lives. They need quality care. They need positive role models. They need learning experiences in a safe and healthy environment that promote optimal development throughout the child’s life. Quality parental involvement is paramount to the development of successful adults. Dr. Kimmons will provide many practical tips, strategies, and handouts to engage families and develop homeschool partnerships. T-E-A-M, together everyone achieves more to benefit the students. Dr. Kimmons possesses a wealth of experience with thirty-seven years as an educator: classroom teacher, college professor, college dean and president. He is an author of five books and a motivational speaker. He is a religious man, a family man, a parent of four children and grandparent to seven grandchildren. He has spent his entire career getting to the root of understanding the nature of the issues confronting today’s parents, teachers, and students. His life’s ambition is to expand the enthusiasm for education, and continue his commitment and dedication to the learner. Dr. Kimmons is a voice for partners in education. His motto: Help me to help somebody to save our children, and save our schools; Never, ever, give up on our children, because our children are our greatest resource; Our children are an extension of us; Our children are our future. You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. Dr. Seuss 18 Together Everyone A chieves More Pre-Conference Session December 10, 2015 • 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Sheraton, Champions Kriesti Bunch & Susie Hernandez Enhancing Parent and Community Involvement: A Systems Approach to Student Success Kriesti Bunch and Susie Hernandez understand the value of providing quality service to clients. In education the “clients” are our families and community members. Success in the classroom, in part, depends upon building a positive network with clients. Collaboration of ideas and resources leads to higher student achievement and increased customer satisfaction. It is a team approach. As Tom Landry, the legendary coach of the Dallas Cowboys, said, “The role of the coach is to get men to do what they don’t want to do, to achieve what they have always wanted.” This session will focus on strategies that promote, facilitate and enhance parents, student, and community involvement in district educational programs. At the heart of improving student achievement and school culture is the need to intentionally and systematically focus on relationship development. Learn practical strategies and ideas that can be implemented to enhance parent and community involvement through an intense focus on customer service. Kriesti and Susie bring a variety of experiences into their training. Kriesti is currently the Director of Organization and Staff Development in Somerset ISD. She also has experience at both the regional and national level as a Development Manager where she supported school improvement initiatives. Foremost, she is an advocate for quality services for staff and students in a supportive environment. Susie is currently a Community Relations Specialist in Somerset ISD. Prior to her educational employment she worked at Texas Community Bank serving in a variety of positions including Vice-President and Branch manager. Clearly she understands the value of effective community partnerships and how to develop win-win relationships. 19 Featured Speakers December 10, 2015 • 1:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Grand Hall (Educator Session) Anita Villarreal YES, TOGETHER EVERYONE ACHIEVES MORE This session will celebrate the work Texas has done for schools, parents, and educators, and will address how TEA intends to build on that success for continued effectiveness. You will hear the most current information that USDE has shared with TEA regarding parental involvement. Parent involvement statutory requirements updates will also be included in the presentation. The goal of this session is to empower parents and educators with the most current information. Anita Villarreal, Texas Education Agency, is the state Title I Director. She leads the unit that is responsible for the state-level administration and implementation of federal education programs under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. She has worked in Title I programs since the law was authorized in 1965. Her focus has been in Title I Migrant Education, Parent Involvement, and Drop-out Prevention programs. She has a BA from Boise State University, Boise, Idaho, and an MS from Texas A&M Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, Texas. Anita is a strong advocate for the development of policies, procedures, and programs that engage parents in the education of their children. Getting the parents and community involved requires a strong commitment and structured approach. Born and raised in a family of migrant workers has impacted her desire to see that all children are provided with equal opportunities to achieve a good education. She firmly believes a school culture that incorporates family and community engagement will result in increased student achievement. To bring up a child in the way he should go, travel that way yourself once in a while. Josh Billings 20 Together Everyone A chieves More Featured Speakers December 10, 2015 • 1:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. E 3&4 (English) E 2 (Spanish) Laura Beaver & Jill Nolen Jose Ruiz Anytime, Anywhere Learning! Do you wish you could help your child become a more successful student? But you have NO time to add another activity to your busy day? And…NO idea what to do if you had more time? Well….NO problem! This session will teach you how to turn daily routines like commuting, chores, mealtime, shopping, and even television time into learning opportunities. Come and learn easy strategies that you can do throughout the day to make learning happen anytime, anywhere. Laura Beaver and Jill Nolen, natives of North Carolina, have a combined 35 years of experience in education as regular classroom teachers, reading teachers for struggling and gifted students and site/district-based parent involvement coordinators. They have published “Into the Tub” and “Benjamin Bradley Benton,” parent involvement children’s books that include research-based reading strategies for parents to use during story time. Their vision of parent involvement is much more than simply having a school full of parents…it is also about making sure that all parents walk away from the school empowered to better support their children academically. Beaver’s and Nolen’s passion is contagious and continually leads educators to view parent involvement in a whole new light. Aprendizaje en cualquier hora y lugar! ¿Desea usted poder ayudar a su hijo(a) a ser un estudiante más exitoso, pero usted no tiene tiempo para agregar otra actividad a su día ocupado? Tampoco. ¿no tiene idea de qué hacer si tuviera más tiempo? Bueno ... İNO HAY problema! Esta sesión le enseñará cómo convertir las rutinas diarias, como los desplazamientos, las tareas, la hora de comer, ir de compras, e incluso el tiempo de televisión en oportunidades de aprendizaje. Venga y aprenda estrategias fáciles que usted puede hacer durante todo el día para que el aprendizaje ocurra en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar. 21 Opening General Session December 10, 2015 • 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Grand Hall Hanoch McCarty Everyday Heroes: Parents as Partners in Their Children’s School and Life Success Dr. Hanoch McCarty will share the ‘“two paths” to meaningful partnership in your child’s school and life success. Also, he will describe the “three shows” of successful parent or family involvement becoming a partner with the school and the teachers in supporting your child’s learning process. Children model on their parents, consciously and otherwise, learning values which enhance their performance in school and life activities. This interactive session celebrates parents as the first and most long-term teachers of each child – who teach the most basic skills, attitudes and beliefs which enable children to function as effective learners. Dr. McCarty will share the basic building blocks of self-confidence which empower achievement. Dr. McCarty draws upon a wealth of experience. He is a father of four and a grandfather to six. He began his career working on the streets of New York City with substance-abusing preteens and early teens. He has taught in the inner-city and suburban high schools and has worked for many years in teacher training and in working with parents and other caregivers. He was a professor of educational psychology, but his classroom is now the world. He is a nationally known speaker and author. He has co-authored several of the books in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. He is a champion for those least enfranchised to reach their maximum potential. Minds are like parachutes they only function when open. Thomas Dewar 22 Together Everyone A chieves More Opening General Session December 10, 2015 • 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Grand Hall Opening Remarks Terri Stafford, Conference Chair Region 16 ESC Greeting from Region 11 Dr. Clyde Steelman, Executive Director Region 11 ESC Introduction of Color Guard Eric Phillips, Entertainment Chair Mansfield ISD Presentation of Colors Arlington I.S.D. Air Force JROTC Major David T. Gray National Anthem Mansfield Summit High School Choral Ensemble Choral Director: Keli Ferrier Introduction of TEA Representative Lauren McKinney, Publicity Chair Region 10 ESC Greetings from TEA Anita Villarreal, State Director, Title I, Part A TEA, Division of Federal and State Education Policy Recognition of Blue Ribbon Exhibitors Nerissa Erickson, Exhibitor Chair Region 10 ESC Introduction of Keynote Speaker Aaron Perales, Parent Volunteer Chair Arlington ISD Keynote Address Hanoch McCarty Motivational Speaker, Author Announcement/Closing Remarks Skip Forsyth, Conference Co-Chair Region 16 ESC Drawing for Door Prizes Terri Stafford, Conference Chair Region 16 ESC Reception to Follow - 6:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall 23 Luncheon General Session December 11, 2015 • 11:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Grand Hall Dan Clark The Art of Significance Successful people get what they want. However, individuals who live lives of significance want what they get. Successful people identify themselves in terms of what they do and seek what’s impressive. Significant individuals identify themselves in terms of who they are and seek what’s important. In this powerful keynote, Dan makes sure your purpose is what you say it is, and that your influence is what you need it to be; so instead of merely continuing to follow the highly acclaimed business, leadership, management gurus you have been quoting for years, you become one of them! They will be reminded that successful managers are efficient in “doing things right,” and successful leaders are effective in “doing the right things,” but significant leaders relentlessly pursue a daily path of personal refinement and peak performance that creates and perpetuates both efficiency and effectiveness through obedience to the “universal laws of significance.” Dan Clark lives a full life: university professor, award winning athlete, New York Times best-selling author, adventurer, journalist, Gold Record songwriter/recording artist, master motivator and international speaker. He is a multi-talented, fascinating and funny man with a serious message. My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me. Jim Valvano 24 Together Everyone A chieves More Luncheon General Session December 11, 2015 • 11:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Grand Hall Opening Remarks Terri Stafford, Conference Chair Region 16 ESC Greetings from Region 10 Dr. Gordon Taylor, Executive Director Region 10 ESC Introduction of Sponsor Dr. Cynthia Jaird, Interpreter Chair Lewisville ISD Blue Ribbon Premier Sponsor Maggie McDowell Cigna - HealthSpring Introduction of Keynote Speaker Maurice Walker, Registration Chair Irving ISD Keynote Address Dan Clark Motivational Speaker, Author, CEO Announcements/Closing Remarks Skip Forsyth, Conference Co-Chair Region 16 ESC Drawing for Door Prizes Terri Stafford, Conference Chair Region 16 ESC 25 Closing General Session December 12, 2015 • 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Grand Hall Andres Lara - “The Cuban Guy” How to Raise Unstoppable Children by Becoming Unstoppable Parents There’s nothing wrong about having high expectations on your children as long as you have high expectations on yourself. Expecting your children to dream big when you have no dream of our own sends an incongruent message to them, which can outweigh anything you could ever say. In this session, you will find how to reawaken your dreams and, in the process, inspire your children to pursue theirs. Andres graduated with honors from Montclair State University with a major in Speech Communication and a minor in Creative Writing. He is an author and motivational speaker, and has spoken on numerous radio shows. Yet not everything came on a silver spoon for him. You see, at the age of 16 he escaped from Cuba. He arrived in America not knowing a word of English, without his parents, without any money, and was even homeless for a while. How was he able to turn his life around? How did he go from living his worst nightmare (living on the streets) to living his dream? What inspired him? What had him succeed in spite of all his challenges? That’s what he will reveal in this session. Good things come to those who Believe, Better things come to those who are Patient, and the best Things come to those who Don’t Give Up! Author Unknown 26 Together Everyone A chieves More Closing General Session December 12, 2015 • 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Grand Hall Opening Remarks Terri Stafford, Conference Chair Region 16 ESC Welcome Dr. Marcelo Cavazos, Superintendent Arlington, ISD Introduction of Local and Advisory Conference Committees Terri Stafford, Conference Chair Skip Forsyth, Conference Co-Chair Region 16 ESC Introduction of Keynote Speaker Jim Phillips, Committee Member Region 11 ESC Keynote Address Andres Lara “The Cuban Guy” Motivational Speaker, Author Announcements/Closing Remarks/ Drawing for Door Prizes Terri Stafford, Conference Chair Region 16 ESC 27 Conference Overview Thursday, December 10 7:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Pre-Conference Registration Pre-Conference Continental Breakfast Pre-Conference Session, Sheraton Hotel • Dr. Willie Kimmons - Hall of Fame • Kriesti Bunch & Susie Hernandez - Champions Conference Convenes - Arlington Convention Center 12:00 noon - 4:00 p.m. 1:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Conference Registration; Exhibits open; Cyber Café available Friday, December 11 The Division of TEA will provide Parental Involvement sessions in the following areas: • • • Federal Compliance Parent Involvement and School Improvement Initiatives Parental Rights & Responsibilities For more information, visit our web site at www.esc16.net. Click on Title I Statewide Initiative icon. Saturday, December 12 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Break; Visit Exhibitions 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Opening General Session, Grand Hall • Hanoch McCarty 6:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Welcome Reception; Exhibits open (Full Buffet) 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Conference Registration; Exhibits open; Cyber Café available 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. First Concurrent Sessions 9:45 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Mid-Morning Break; Visit Exhibitions 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Second Concurrent Sessions 11:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Late Morning Break 11:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Luncheon General Session, Grand Hall • Dan Clark 2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. Afternoon Break; Visit Exhibitions Third Concurrent Sessions Night on the Town (on your own) Conference Registration; Exhibits open Cyber Café available Continental Breakfast Fourth Concurrent Sessions Mid-Morning Break 7:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 12:00 noon 28 Featured Conference Sessions • Educators: Anita Villarreal, TEA • Parents: Jill Nolen & Laura Beaver - English • Parents: Jose Ruiz - Spanish Closing General Session, Grand Hall • Andres Lara Conference Concludes Together Everyone A chieves More Horario de Conferencia 7:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. Registración de Sesiones Anteriores Desayuno para Sesiones Anteriores de la Conferencia 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Sesiones Anteriores de la Conferencia, Sheraton Hotel • Dr. Willie Kimmons - Hall of Fame • Kriesti Bunch & Susie Hernandez - Champions Jueves 10 de diciembre Reunión de Conferencia - Arlington Convention Center 12:00 noon - 4:00 p.m. Registración de conferencia; Apertura de Expositores; Ciber Café Disponible 1:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sesiones Estelar de la Conferencia • Educadores: Anita Villarreal, TEA • Padres: Jill Nolen & Laura Beaver - English • Padres: Jose Ruiz - Español Pausa en la tarde; Apertura de Expositores 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Apertura de Sesión General, Grand Hall • Hanoch McCarty 6:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Recepción de Bienvenido; Apertura de Expositores (bufé completo) 11:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Sesión General de Comida, Grand Hall • Dan Clark 2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. Pausa en la tarde; Apertura de Expositores; entretenimiento de estudiante Tercer Sesións Concurrente Tiempo libre para visitar la cuidad (su responsabilidad) 7:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 12:00 noon Registración de conferencia; Apertura de Expositores; Ciber Café Disponible Desayuno Primer Sesións Concurrente Primer Pausa; Apertura de Expositores Segunda Sesións Concurrente Pausa en la tarde Registración de la Conferencia; Apertura de Expositores Ciber Café disponible Desayuno Cuarta Sesión Concurrente Pausa a medio día Viernes 11 de diciembr La División de la Agencia de Educación de Texas va ha proveer sesiones conforme ha Envolvimiento de Padres en el área de programas Federales. Sesiones Adicionales de la Agencia de Educación de Texas: • Iniciativas de Envolvimiento de Padres y Mejoramiento de Escuelas • Responsabilidades y Derechos de Padres Para màs información, visite nuestro sitio del internet www.esc16.net. En la parte interior de esta pàgina haga "click" en el icono de la Iniciativa Estatal Del Titulo I. Sábado 12 de diciembre Clausura de Sesión General, Grand Hall • Andres Lara Clausura de Conferencia 29 Conference At A Glance THURSDAY - PRE-CONFERENCE SESSION, 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 NOON KRIESTI BUNCH & SUSIE HERNANDEZ - SHERATON HOTEL, CHAMPIONS DR. WILLIE KIMMONS - SHERATON HOTEL, HALL OF FAME FEATURED SESSION, 1:15 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. ANITA VILLARREAL (EDUCATORS) - GRAND HALL JILL NOLEN & LAURA BEAVER (ENGLISH) - E 3&4 JOSE RUIZ (SPANISH) - E 2 Friday 8:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. Meeting Rooms E 2 E 3 E 4 M 1 M 2-3 M 5-6 M 7-8 TAG...You’re It! Ten Keys to More Effective Parent and Family Involvement Full Throttle Into Fatherhood: Teaching Parenting Skills to Expectant and Parenting Dads Educacion Bilingue: apropiada y de beneficios para todos Parent Involvement - It Starts and Ends at Home Families, Technology & Early Literacy How a Daily Ding Can Help Families Succeed Homework - Being the Master Teacher at Home Friday 10:15 a.m. 11:30 a.m. J. Nolan L. Beaver H. McCarty R. Wooten L. Rukovena L. Grosvenor R. Gioia-Fine D. McLaughlin Creating Dynamic Family-School Partnerships: Key Parent Roles SAFE! Issues Facing Teens and How Parents Can Help Parenting the Whole Child: What Does It Mean Regarding Success? Educacion Especial: la ley, los servicios, y el estudiante Kids First: My Unique Abilities General NCLB Requirements Parenting the Strong Willed Child P. Bunker S. Sanchez H. Ashwell-Hair L. LoCicero D. Garcia S. Stevenson Engaging Every Parent Juntos si se puede - los derechos legales en la participación de los padres Criar del nino con caracter fuerte L. Cantu A. Chapa A. Mena LUNCHEON GENERAL SESSION - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11 11:45 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. DAN CLARK - GRAND HALL Saturday 8:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. Friday 2:30 p.m. 3:45 p.m. Help! A Teenager Has Moved into My Child’s Body Overcoming Barriers to Build Strong Communities and Increase Learning Opportunities Social Media: Implications for Social-Emotional Competency and Affective Distress Get Moving! The Benefits of Physical Activity on Our Student’s Academics and How Parents Can Help C. Garrison S. Worley M. Powell A.Williams M. Johnson A. Smith A. Villarreal D. Rivera Cómo los padres pueden motivar a sus hijos para conseguir lo imposible 7 Keys to Preparing Your Child for College, Career & Life Do You Want to Control Your Children or Do You Want Their Cooperation? Reaching Hard-to-Reach Families Amplifying Community Leadership for Funding Equity and Curriculum Quality for All Compliance Reporting and TEA Desktop Monitoring Process iTunes U: A Global Perspective A. Lara N. Ambe F. Martinez T. Stahlke A. Montemayor D. Garcia CLOSING GENERAL SESSION - SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 NOON ANDRES LARA - GRAND HALL 30 C. McGuinness M. Fore Together Everyone A chieves More Conference At A Glance OPENING GENERAL SESSION - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10 4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. HANOCH MCCARTY - GRAND HALL M 9 M 10-12 World Series @ Sheraton Champions 1 @ Sheraton Champions 2 @ Sheraton Champions 3 @ Sheraton Desarrollando compañerismos dinamicos entre escuelas y familias: funciones claves de padres LivingTreeParent Engagement Technology: Social, Secure, Mobile, Two-way - in 40+ Languages General Education Complaints and the Role of TEA Don’t Gamble on P.I. Compliance Restorative Discipline: What Parents Need to Know Equipping Adults and Empowering Students with Strategies to Stop Bullying C. Huerta J. Carswell D. McKnight D. Nazworth S. Poteet S. DiMarco J. Linney Caja de herramienta practica para padres A Toolbox of Tips to Enhance Social - Emotional Development On-line Resources for Teachers and Students Parent Empowerment Toolkit Parental Involvement Policy, a Process and a Product Social Media Impact on Mental Health and Academic Achievement Refresh Your Family Engagement Toolkit with Two New Tools A. Phillips B. Claussen A. Dominguez M. Barnes E. Ramirez J. Gray L. Soliz L. Lopez M. Pastran Super Bowl @ Sheraton Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. Dad 101: Connecting with Their Kids M. Chavez R. Barbosa Measuring My World in Elementary School Foundations of Foster Care Education CTE, My Student and Me Tips and Tools For Successful ARD Meetings Five Steps to Success for Developing SchoolParent Compacts No More Singing the Homework Blues; On-line Resources Available 24/7 with TEXQUEST M. Tice D. Ray T. Waddell J. Fitzhugh K. Veitenheimer T. Martin-Brazil Walk the Extra Mile Engaging Parents and Community Best Practices From Reward Schools M. Vazquez T. Garrett Create your own session log, see page 70 31 Friday Concurrent Session December 11, 2015 • 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. TAG...You’re It! Room: E 2 Strand: Two: Best Practices Four: Vendor Presentations Target Audience: All Targeted Areas Presenter: Jill Nolen Laura Beaver Parent Involvement Co. Kaplan Are parents in your school part of the “learning dreamteam”? Are you prepared to be a game-changer that makes this happen? Start building that dream-team of parents who effectively work with their children to improve their literacy skills by incorporating powerful strategies into reading practices at home. Also learn how to use three criteria to make any strategy or information shared with parents more effective. Start making a difference with a new parent engagement game plan. Now, TAG! You’re it! Ten Keys to More Effective Parent and Family Involvement Room: Strand: Target Audience: Presenter: E 3 Two: Best Practices All Targeted Areas Hanoch McCarty Motivational Speaker, Author Involvement by parents, family and other caregivers, regardless of family income or background, in the school and in the learning processes of children has been shown to have significant results in which students with strongly involved parents or families will: 1. Have improved school attendance 2. Enroll in more challenging classes and programs 3. Achieve better grades and higher test scores 4. Achieve promotion, pass their courses 5. Attain enhanced social skills 6. Demonstrate appropriate school behavior 7. Graduate and often continue to post-secondary education This breakout session will explore ten key areas in which schools and parent groups can help develop really effective parent, family and community engagement in the schools to positively impact student success. The focus is on practical workable ideas. 32 Full Throttle into Fatherhood: Teaching Parenting Skills to Expectant and Parenting Dads Room: E4 Strand: Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: All Targeted Areas Presenter: Roy Wooten Executive Director, Author Shield Bearer There are countless Teen Mom programs and curricula. Learn about this effective Teen Dad program. Discover what works in helping expectant and young fathers learn the difference they make to their child’s outcome. Find out how this program has worked in juvenile facilities, pregnancy centers and high schools. Educacion Bilingue: apropiada y de beneficios para todos Room: Strand: Target Audience: Presenter: M 1 Five: Hot Topics All Targeted Areas Lisa A. Rukovena Education Specialist for Speech Language Pathology and Bilingual Special Education Region 13 ESC Los padres de ninos que son aprendices del idioma ingles pueden preocuparse mucho por lo muy importante que es para sus hijos aprender a hablar ingles. A veces, por esa preocupacion yo por presion de alguien mas, los padres toman la decision de negar los servicios bilingues y eligien solo programas de educacion en idioma ingles. Mientras tanto, muchos padres de ninos ingles hablantes se preocupan de como encontrar servicios bilingues para que sus hijos aprendan a hablar, leer, y escribir otro idioma. En esta presentacion, los participantes van a saber las razones de por que la educacion bilingue es, no solo apropriada, sino de mucho benificio para todos los estudiantes incluso los que no hablan ingles como primer idioma y los que tienen discapacidades. Together Everyone A chieves More Friday Concurrent Session December 11, 2015 • 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Parent Involvement: It Starts and Ends at Home Room: M 2-3 Strand: Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: Parents Presenter: Leanna Grosvenor Campus Support Team Trainer Dallas ISD What is Parent Involvement? What does it mean? Why is it important? This workshop will discuss how parent involvement is linked to academic achievement and strategies to implement a successful learning environment at home. Kid to kid: “I don’t get my mom - she expects me to know why I want to do something before I even do it.” Robert Brault 33 Friday Concurrent Session December 11, 2015 • 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Families, Technology and Early Literacy - How a Daily Ding Can Help Families Succeed Room: M 5-6 Strand: Two: Best Practices Target Audience: All Targeted Areas Presenter: Rose Gioia-Fine Manager, Professional Development and Consultation Tuscarora Intermediate Unit Participants will discuss innovative practices in Family Engagement, and learn how educators across Pennsylvania and the country are partnering with parents and caregivers to increase their impact on preparing children for school success, by utilizing technology to deliver content and daily videos of real families modeling best practices in early literacy. Attendees will gain insights into how to effectively enlist participation from parents of pre-school and school aged children, and how to equip parents to become partners for school success. Participants will leave with access to new ideas and resources including sample videos that can be used to enhance family outreach efforts, build content knowledge for both parents and children, and prepare children for success in schools. 34 Homework - Being the Master Teacher at Home Room: M 7-8 Strand: Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Four: Vendor Presentation Target Audience: Educators, Parents Presenter: Dan McLaughlin Author Damand Promotions This session will help parents create the proper environment at home so that children learn. This session will also include strategies on how to teach their children each subject. By loving them for more than their abilities we show our children that they are much more than the sum of their accomplishments. Eileen Kennedy-Moore Together Everyone A chieves More Friday Concurrent Session December 11, 2015 • 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Desarrollando compañerismos dinamicos entre escuelas y familias: funciones claves de padres LivingTree - Parent Engagement Technology: Social, Secure, Mobile, Two-way - in 40+ Languages Room: M9 Strand: Two: Best Practices Target Audience: All Targeted Areas Presenter: Carlos Huerta Director of Parent Engagement and Migrant Ed. for Family Leadership Family Leadership, Inc. Á¿Que son las funciones claves que padres toman en el exito academico de sus hijos? Á¿Que son las mejores practicas basadas en estudios de involucramiento familiar efectivo? Carlos Huerta, Director Nacional, demostrara practicas de desarrollo de capacidad probadas de 1000,000 + padrelideres y 80+ distritos en California y en la Nacion. Escucha historias de padre-lideres positivos involucrados en varias funciones en companerismo con sus escuelas. Esta sesion interactiva dara estrategias e ideas practicas para aumentar el exito estudiantil a traves del involucramiento de padres. Room: M 10-12 Strand: Four: Vendor Presentations Five: Hot Topics Target Audience: All Targeted Areas Presenter: Joni Carswell President LivingTree LivingTree’s private social network is the only two-way parent engagement system that can bring all communications (district + school + class + individual) into one simple and secure place. Available via mobile (iphone + android) and web application, LivingTree’s extensive feature set includes texting, sharing of media and content, two-way conversations, volunteer management, shared calendaring, private messaging, and more. Include everyone - LivingTree’s platform translates communications in all directions into over forty languages, even on mobile. See how you can very simply engage parents and every member of your community in open and relevant conversation. Imagine the partnership! 35 Friday Concurrent Session December 11, 2015 • 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. General Education Complaints and the Role of TEA Don’t Gamble on P.I. Compliance Room: World Series @ Sheraton Strand: One: Compliance Target Audience: All Targeted Areas Presenter: Darrell C. McKnight Program Specialist IV Texas Education Agency This session will describe typical general education-related complaints, describe methods for avoiding confrontations, and discuss techniques for resolving them. There will also be an overview of parents rights under Chapter 26 of the Texas Education Code. Information concerning Section 504 will also be provided. Finally, “Hot Topics” that are of interest to parents will be presented. Room: Champions 1 @ Sheraton Strand: One: Compliance Target Audience: Administrators, Program Staff Presenter: Daphne Nazworth Susan Poteet Education Specialist Region 16 ESC Here’s a chance to play your hand with all the cards for Parental Involvement Compliance. We will give you the dealer’s view of P.I. guidance and how it correlates to the compliance report. Be in the money and receive templates, samples, and documentation resources. Ante up to have a better understanding of P.I. compliance and requirements. As your kids grow up they may forget what you said, but they won’t forget how you made them feel. Kevin Heath Title I Statewide SS/FACE Initiative Title I Statewide School Support and Family & Community Engagement Initiative Region 16 Education Service Center 5800 Bell Street Amarillo, TX 79109 “Supporting Schools and Families” [email protected] (806) 677-5126 [email protected] (806) 677-5186 FAX: (806) 677-5167 - EMAIL: [email protected] - WEB: www.esc16.net (Click on Title I Statewide Initiative Icon) 36 Together Everyone A chieves More Friday Concurrent Session December 11, 2015 • 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Restorative Discipline: What Parents Need to Know Room: Champions 2 @ Sheraton Strand: Two: Best Practices Target Audience: All Targeted Areas Presenter: Sherry DiMarco Social Worker/At-Risk Specialist Region 13 ESC Schools across Texas are implementing Restorative Discipline practices to enhance student engagement, prevent disciplinary removals, and develop social-emotional skills. This session will educate parents about Restorative Discipline practices and how they can support their child’s school in implementing this innovative approach. Equipping Adults and Empowering Students with Strategies to Stop Bullying Room: Champions 3 @ Sheraton Strand: Five: Hot Topics Target Audience: All Targeted Areas Presenter: John Linney Director School Climate Institute Join in with an international speaker, author and trainer for a practical, interactive workshop. In this session you will improve your ability to identify and prevent bullying, social media harassment, and other forms of mistreatment and gain effective strategies for prevention and intervention when it happens. We can help children be Upstanders if they experience mistreatment or see it happening to others and create greater partnership between parents and school in addressing bullying as allies together to protect young people. Sisters are for sharing laughter and wiping tears. 37 Friday Concurrent Session December 11, 2015 • 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Creating Dynamic Family-School Partnerships: Key Parent Roles Room: Strand: Target Audience: Presenter: E 2 Two: Best Practices Four: Vendor Presentation All Targeted Areas Patty Bunker National Director, Parent Engagement and Training Family Leadership, Inc. What are the key roles that parents play in their child’s academic achievement? What are the research-based core components of effective family engagement? Patty Bunker, author, national trainer, demonstrates capacity-building practices that are manageable, transferable, and aligned with the U.S. Department of Education Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships. Interact with best practices of Texas and national districts with dynamic Family-School partnerships. Learn to build the capacity of parents to engage in Key Parent Roles for school success. This entertaining, interactive session provides proven strategies with easy-to-present parent leadership skills and practical ideas for boosting student achievement through parent engagement. SAFE! Issues Facing Teens and How Parents Can Help Room: E3 Strand: Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: All Targeted Areas Presenter: Sierra Sanchez Senior Program Coordinator Grant Halliburton Foundation SAFE! is straight talk about adolescent stress, social media, peer pressure, mental health, bullying and other issues facing today’s youth. This interactive program is designed to help parents recognize the signs of distress in teens, promote brain health and foster resiliency along with strong coping skills. This session will also help parents know the warning signs of suicidal behavior and how to find help for a teen in crisis. This program is designed to help parents learn and develop measures to protect and keep teens SAFE! 38 Parenting the Whole Child: What Does It Mean Regarding Success? Room: E 4 Strand: Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: Educators, Parents Presenter: Lucy V. Cantu Transformational Speaker & Coach Consultant Angelina Chapa Parent Liaison Without a doubt, children with high self-esteem are successful in school and in life. This session was co-created and is presented by two extraordinary moms with a passion for education and on a mission to empower others. They help parents connect with their children on a deep level to strengthen their sense of identity and to understand the significant role this plays in fulfillment. Methods to develop a child’s confidence in their own ability to overcome challenges and obstacles, and increase success are also discussed. Educacion Especial: la ley, los servicios, y el studiante Room: M 1 Strand: Five: Hot Topics Target Audience: Support Staff, Parents Presenter: Alma Mena Social Worker - Special Education Austin ISD Hay mucho que aprender acerca de Educacion Especial. Todos los distritos por ley tienen que ofrecer servicios para estudiantes con necesidades especiales. Acompaneonos en este taller para aprender lo basico de Educacion Especial; la ley, los servicios y como esto esta disenado para apoyar a su hijo/a.Como padre usted recibira informacion acerca de como puede involucrarse y participar en la educacion y servicios disenados especificamente para su estudiante. Together Everyone A chieves More Friday Concurrent Session December 11, 2015 • 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Kids First: My Unique Abilities Room: Strand: Target Audience: Presenter: M 2-3 Two: Best Practices All Targeted Areas Heather Ashwell-Hair VP Programs and Resources Texas PTA Lizeth LoCicero Texas PTA Programs and Resources Committee Has your school struggled to be inclusive of students with special needs? Kids First is a turn-key program that gives students and families hands-on insight into the daily lives of those with unique abilities such as autism, dyslexia, and ADHD. This is a great tool to help build a culture of understanding and acceptance and is free to PTA campuses. General NCLB Requirements Room: M 5-6 Strand: One: Compliance Target Audience: All Targeted Areas Presenter: Didi Garcia Division of Federal and State Education Policy Texas Education Agency General NCLB requirements will be presented to help parents understand their rights and responsibilities. Parental Involvement requirements will be addressed using “An Administrators Guide to NCLB - Parental Involvement.” 39 Friday Concurrent Session December 11, 2015 • 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Parenting the Strong-Willed Child Room: M 7-8 Strand: Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: Educators Presenter: Suzanne Stevenson Family Life Education Program Director The Parenting Center Must she always challenge me? In this class, parents will learn about the nine different traits of temperament and how these relate to the strong-willed child. Explore how parent temperament and parenting style affect child behavior. Learn effective and respectful discipline techniques for the strongwilled child, and ways to nurture the child’s positive qualities. A Toolbox of Tips to Enhance Social Emotional Development Room: M 10-12 Strand: Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: Educators, Parents Presenter: Anna Phillips Education Specialist Region 17 ESC In this session, parents will be provided with hands-on strategies to teach elementary-aged children appropriate social and emotional skills. Caja de herramienta practica para padres Room: M 9 Strand: Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: Parents Presenter: Lourdes Soliz Laura Lopez Mary Ann Pastran Parent Liaison Canutillo ISD Esta sesion proveera a los padres estrategias faciles y practicas que aumentaran habilidades para padres. Target Audience Administrators: Program Staff: Educators: Parents: 40 Superintendents, Principals Federal Program Coordinators, Parent Involvement Liaisons, Counselors, ESC Personnel Teachers, Paraprofessionals Parents, PTA Members, PTO Members How you speak to your children becomes their inner voice. Anonymous Together Everyone A chieves More Friday Concurrent Session December 11, 2015 • 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. On-line Resources for Teachers and Students Room: Strand: Target Audience: Presenter: World Series @ Sheraton Two: Best Practices All Targeted Areas Blair Claussen Program Specialist Texas Education Agency The Texas Education Agency offers hundreds of on-line resources for educators and students available at no cost, including professional development courses, TEKS-aligned lessons, and progress monitoring tools. This session provides information on how to access these resources through the Texas Gateway, iTunes U, the Response to Intervention (RtI) guidance app and website, and the Texas Success math and reading programs. Learn how to take full advantage of these engaging, interactive resources to support student success and inform parents on their child’s academic growth. Parent Empowerment Toolkit Room: Champions 1 @ Sheraton Strand: One: Compliance Target Audience: All Targeted Areas Presenter: Alex Dominguez Coordinator Region 20 ESC Creating a school culture that promotes family and community engagement is essential to student success; yet many schools fall short. This session will discuss the importance of developing a proactive parent engagement program. Texas has its own version of the Parent Trigger Law, Senate Bill 738, where parents have the ability to intervene in their child's school if it is performing poorly. This session will describe the law. The key is to continually improve and support family participation and empower parents through relevant and practical strategies. Extensive handouts will be provided. 41 Friday Concurrent Session December 11, 2015 • 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Parental Involvement Policy, a Process and a Product Room: Champions 2 @ Sheraton Strand: One: Compliance Target Audience: Administrators, Program Staff Presenter: Margaret Barnes Title I/NCLB Support Specialist Region 6 ESC The parental involvement policy should be highly descriptive of the program and broad strategies to engage families and develop home-school partnerships. The policy is a product that results from a process. This session will provide TEA approved checklists for both the district policy and the school policy to insure the product has the right content. This session will also discuss the value of parent participation and affirm a process that includes both staff and families. Discover how to strengthen your current parental involvement policy. Handouts will be provided. Refresh Your Family Engagement Toolkit with Two New Tools Room: Super Bowl @ Sheraton Strand: Two: Best Practices Target Audience: All Targeted Areas Presenter: Judy Gray District Title I Family Engagement Facilitator Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD Help families learn they have what it takes to help them build executive function in their young children from 0-5 with a free resource called VROOM! Learn how these free resources can help you build a stronger family engagement program. Also strategies will be shared to help teachers build Parent/Teacher Academic Teams. Learn how a local school district is using this concept to build parent capacity. Social Media Impact on Mental Health and Academic Achievement Room: Champions 3 @ Sheraton Strand: Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Five: Hot Topics Target Audience: Support Staff, Educators, Parents Presenter: Eleazar Ramirez, PhD Program Evaluation and Educational Research Solutions In this “cafe conversation” style workshop, participants will learn about the positive and negative impacts that social media has on the mental health and academic achievement of our children and youth. Workshop participants will learn how to guide students on how to use social media responsibility to obtain mental health and academic achievement benefits, as well as learn practical strategies on how to identify and seek assistance for some of the potential negative impacts of social media, that may become barriers to emotional wellbeing and academic success. 42 Do I look fabulous or delicious? Together Everyone A chieves More Notes 43 Friday Concurrent Session December 11, 2015 • 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Help! A Teenager Has Moved into My Child’s Body Room: E2 Strand: Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Four: Vendor Presentations Target Audience: All Targeted Areas Presenter: Cynthia Garrison Director of Curriculum and Training Practical Parent Education As our children grow and mature, we are often caught off guard by the rapid changes they, and we experience. Angry outbursts, rolling eyes, heavy sighs and sassy talk become the normal. As our teens experiment with music, clothes and the opposite sex, we struggle to understand and keep our cool. The strategies we once used for our younger children no longer work with the complex teenager. Join us as we have fun identifying normal behavior and refine our strategies for choosing our battles. Overcoming Barriers to Build Strong Communities and Increase Learning Opportunities Room: Strand: Target Audience: Presenter: Campus E 3 Two: Best Practices All Targeted Areas Dr. Sara Worley Board of Directors for Club Urban Outreach Marci Powell U.S. Distance Learning Association Chair Emerita and Past President As the world around us is becoming more diverse and we strive for greater inclusion, it can be overwhelming and frightening for families as they deal with new challenges in our neighborhoods or in an on-line global community. Dr. Worley and Marci Powell have spent the last 15+ years working to help engage students and parents with richer learning opportunities. In this session, we will look at how to build stronger relationships among diverse populations and how to fully engage the broader community so that all can benefit from lifelong learning. Football is football and talent is talent. But the mindset of your team makes all the difference. Robert Grinnin 44 Together Everyone A chieves More Friday Concurrent Session December 11, 2015 • 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Social Media: Implications for Social-Emotional Competency and Affective Distress Room: Strand: Target Audience: Presenter: E4 Five: Hot Topics All Targeted Areas A. Nell Williams Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP) Houston ISD A full 88% of teens have or have access to a mobile phone with 73% having access to a smartphone allowing for easy and frequent access to social media. American culture has become dominated by social media outlets such as Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, Vine, Tumblr, Flickr, and more with high rates of teens going on-line. This session will address social-emotional competencies in largescale social media communications and the implications for teen mental health. This session will address incivility, cyber-bullying, suicide and similar issues influenced by social media. Solutions to isolate teens from affective distress will be offered. ore Successful Students Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges arents for Stronger Schools, Communities A proven, tailored program, creating shared responsibility for student success Get Moving! The Benefits of Physical Activity on Our Student’s Academics and How Parents Can Help Room: Strand: Target Audience: Presenter: M 1 Two: Best Practices Educators, Parents Marcus Johnson PE Teacher and Adjunct Faculty for Kinesiology St. Philips School & Community Center Exercise directly impacts the behavior and development of the brain. Movement helps increase oxygen flow to the brain; oxygen is the brain’s main source of fuel, and it increases the brain neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters help facilitate the transmission of electrical impulses among neurons. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a significant role in the body’s movements, motivation, decision making, and mood. ADHD in children is thought to be caused by lower levels of dopamine. These are just two of the many benefits of movement that will be in this presentation, as well as hands-on activities that parents can use to help get their children moving! aking Barriers, Building Bridges proven, tailored program, creating shared sponsibility for student success velop More Successful Students Engage Parents for Stronger Schools, W. White Ave., Suite 102 Brighter Communities ey, Texas 75071 3.6262 0 W. White Ave., Suite 0.6262 8.789.3684 Kinney, Texas 75071 Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges A proven, tailored program, creating shared responsibility for student success 102 racticalparent.org .423.6262 acticalparent.org .340.6262 : 888.789.3684 Collaborator with the Title I Statewide School Support/Parental Involvement Initiative at Region 16 Education Service Center For This years WCLB Conference @practicalparent.org w.practicalparent.org We have been in business since 1984, developing Parental Engagement We have been in business sincein1984, developing curriculum and trainings 40 states and 3Parental foreign Engagement countries. curriculum and trainings in 40 states and 3 foreign countries. 2300 W. White Ave., Suite 102 McKinney, Texas 75071 972.423.6262 877.340.6262 Fax: 888.789.3684 We are still growing! We are still growing! [email protected] www.practicalparent.org New Services: New Services A) Building & Sustaining Positive School Culture A) B) Building Positive Culture Social&&Sustaining Emotional NeedsSchool of Children B) C) Social & Emotional Needs of Children Professional Development for Your Teachers and Leaders C) Professional Development for Your Teachers and Leaders Practical Parent Education/ [email protected] / 877-340-6262 Practical Parent Education/[email protected]/ 877-340-6262 45 Friday Concurrent Session December 11, 2015 • 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Engaging Every Parent Room: Strand: Target Audience: Presenter: M 2-3 Two: Best Practices All Targeted Areas Alrich Smith Campus Support Team Trainer Dallas ISD If you believe that parent engagement matters, then this workshop is for you! Whether you are a new or seasoned parent liaison, teacher, faith community leader, after-school activity coordinator or administrator, you will find numerous ideas to effectively engage and inspire busy parents and caregivers in your work. Continuous dialog, individual and group activities will give you fresh motivation for your parent engagement work. Whatever your vision is for active parent involvement, you will find support and resources in this workshop to help you accomplish your goals. Juntos si se puede - los derechos legales en la participación de los padres Room: Strand: Target Audience: Presenter: M 5-6 One: Compliance Parents Anita Villarreal State Coordinator, Title I, Part A Texas Education Agency Este periodo de sesiones se le informara sobre sus derechos legales de participacion de los padres. Usted aprendera sobre las maneras en que usted puede participar en la educacion de sus hijos. Have a great conference! “Enhancing student success by providing quality services.” 5800 Bell Street, Amarillo, TX 79109 Phone: (806) 677-5000 Fax: (806) 677-6230 www.esc16.net 46 Together Everyone A chieves More Friday Concurrent Session December 11, 2015 • 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Criar del nino con caracter fuerte Measuring My World in Elementary School Room: M 7-8 Strand: Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: Parents Presenter: Doriliz Rivera Family Life Education Director The Parenting Center Room: M 10-12 Strand: Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: Educators, Parents Presenter: Mamie Tice Education Specialist Region 17 ESC Debe siempre desafíarme? En esta clase los padres aprenderan sobre las nueve diferentes qualidades de temperamento y como se relacionan con los ninos con caracter fuerte. Explore como el temperamento de los padres y el estilo de crianza afecta el comportamiento del nino. Aprenda tecnicas disciplinaria efectiva y responsable para los ninos con temperamento fuerte y siempre promueva las qualidades positiva del nino. Discover how ordinary household objects and outstanding children’s literature make for unforgettable measurement experiences that are both purposeful and playful (the brain’s favorite way to learn). No worksheets in this workshop - just tons of interactive measurement games for ongoing family fun. Foundations of Foster Care Education Dad 101: Connecting with Their Kids Room: M9 Strand: Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: Educators, Parents Presenter: Matthew Chavez Migrant Youth Specialist/ Migrant PAC Ray Barbosa Coordinator of Migrant Programs Region 16 ESC This session is geared to help dads find methods and activities in which they can feel comfortable communicating with their children. Dads will learn how to talk with their kids while doing leisure activities or while working around the house as a platform for sharing their personal stories from their own childhood, as well as their goals and expectations for their children. Ultimately it is intended to help dads build a trust based relationship with their children, so that later on, their children will not feel threatened or ashamed to seek out fatherly advice and guidance. Room: World Series @ Sheraton Strand: One: Compliance Target Audience: All Targeted Areas Presenter: David Ray Education Consultant Region 10 ESC This session will provide a general overview of federal and state laws related to the education of students who are in foster care situations. We will look at the definition of foster care, discuss best practices for highly mobile students, and have a brief opportunity for audience questions. Target Audience Administrators: Program Staff: Educators: Parents: Superintendents, Principals Federal Program Coordinators, Parent Involvement Liaisons, Counselors, ESC Personnel Teachers, Paraprofessionals Parents, PTA Members, PTO Members 47 Friday Concurrent Session December 11, 2015 • 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. CTE, My Student and Me Room: Champions 1 @ Sheraton Strand: Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: All Targeted Areas Presenter: Travis Waddell CTE Consultant Region 10 ESC CTE Parent, have you ever wondered what all is out there for your child? What is CTE, also known as Career Technology and Education? Did you know they are currently using 3D printers to print human organs? How about engineering, culinary arts or health care services? Attend this session to assist your student to find what they are interested in. Tips and Tools for Successful ARD Meetings Room: Strand: Target Audience: Presenter: Champions 2 @ Sheraton One: Compliance All Targeted Areas Jennifer Fitzhugh Advocacy Consultant Jennifer Fitzhugh Advocacy This presentation is geared for parents to help them prepare for their child’s ARD meeting. The information helps to get a better understanding of the procedural safeguards as well as the ARD Guide and how these documents can guide them in the right direction in working as a team with their child’s school. 48 Five Steps to Success for Developing School-Parent Compacts Room: Strand: Target Audience: Presenter: Champions 3 @ Sheraton One: Compliance Administrators, Program Staff Kristi Veitenheimer Region 9 ESC The school-parent compact is a written agreement between teachers and parents and provides an opportunity to create new partnerships in your school community. This session will introduce a NEW publication and a NEW approach to writing the compact. The key is writing the data in userfriendly language and connecting the goals and objectives to practical parent strategies. This session will show you a different way to move through the process and produce a more valuable tool that supports the academic development and needs of students. Learn a better way to develop this required document. Handouts will be provided. No More Singing the Homework Blues; On-line Resources Available 24/7 with TEXQUEST Room: Super Bowl @ Sheraton Strand: Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: All Targeted Areas Presenter: Taunya Martin-Brazil Digital Resources Specialist, School Support Services Region 20 ESC Through TexQuest, the state supported on-line resources for K-12 public and open-enrollment charter schools, students and their families are able to access safe, high quality digital content with just an Internet connection. Learn more about this program to access TEKS aligned magazine, newspaper, and reference book articles, along with nonfiction E-books, full text magazines, videos, and copyright safe images. Experience how students can have these articles read aloud and translated with the click of a button. No more singing the homework blues; school library resources are always available with TexQuest. 49 Saturday Concurrent Session December 12, 2015 • 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Cómo los padres pueden motivar a sus hijos para conseguir lo imposible Do You Want to Control Your Children or Do You Want Their Cooperation? Room: E2 Strand: Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: Educators, Parents Presenter: Andres Lara Motivational Speaker A. Success Training, Inc. La capacidad de motivar a otros es crucial, pero no tan crucial como la capacidad de motivarse a uno mismo. Una vez que haya dominado el arte de motivarse así mismo, motivar a sus hijos será muy simple. Ya sea que quiera motivar a su cónyuge para que se involucre más en la educacion de sus hijos o motivar a sus hijos para trabajar más duro en la escuela o para que le escuchen más a menudo; todo empieza con dominar algunas técnicas de motivación muy simples aunque ponderosas. Esta presentación le proporcionará las técnicas sobre cómo motivarse a sí mismo y a sus hijos para convertir lo imposible en posible. Room: E 4 Strand: Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: All Targeted Areas Presenter: Fred Martinez Educational Consultant Region 18 ESC 7 Keys to Preparing Your Child for College, Career and Life Reaching Hard-to-Reach Families Room: E 3 Strand: Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: Parents Presenter: Dr. Nicoline Ambe Speaker, Educator, Trainer Nicoline Ambe International Your child’s college education and career future require early planning and careful preparation. As early as kindergarten, it is important to be aware of real world issues that can potentially affect your child’s future. This presentation will teach step-by-step strategies that parents can immediately implement at home to help their children excel in elementary, middle and high school, so that they can effectively position themselves for scholarships, good colleges, a good career and a successful life. It will show parents how to instill a success mindset in their children, and help them make independent decisions about their academic future. 50 In this session the participants will learn the following: 1. How to communicate with your child in a positive manner 2. The difference between “Empowering and Enabling” 3. Identify the “Five Barriers” of communication and replace with the “Five Builders” 4. How to use “Encouragement” instead of “Praise” Room: M1 Strand: One: Compliance Two: Best Practices Target Audience: All Targeted Areas Presenter: Tim Stahlke Sr. Program Coordinator Texas Homeless Education Office (THEO) In spite of the commitment school districts and communities have made to parent involvement, campuses and programs often struggle to find solutions to eliminate the barriers parents encounter to being actively involved in their child’s education. Barriers arise from highly mobile/homeless living situations, cultural norms and experiences, organizational structures, or a lack of information and understanding of the educational issues at stake. This interactive session will share proven strategies to help participants reach out to “hard-toreach” families and improve opportunities for parents to play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning at home and at school. Together Everyone A chieves More Saturday Concurrent Session December 12, 2015 • 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Amplifying Community Leadership for Funding Equity And Curriculum Quality for All Room: Strand: Target Audience: Presenter: M 2-3 Two: Best Practices All Targeted Areas Aurelio Montemayor Intercultural Development Research Association Access to a high quality curriculum and adequate and equitable funding for public schools are two key issues in educational opportunity for families. Texas has made dramatic changes to policies impacting both curricula and funding and communities and coalitions have spoken out and taken action on behalf of high quality schooling for all. This session will illustrate how community members, communitybased organizations and statewide coalitions can collaborate on education campaigns and how on-line information/tools can be critical conduits for community information and action. Exploring the use of these resources will point to the future of community partnerships for strengthening education. iTunes U: A Global Perspective Room: M 7-8 Strand: Two: Best Practices Target Audience: Administrators, Support Staff, Educators Presenter: Catherine McGuinness Michael Fore EdTech Trainer Mansfield ISD This exciting session will cover bringing your course from your classroom to the world. From planning, implementation, and execution, come see the whole picture of utilizing iTunes U. Individualizing student needs has never been easier. Put your course on-line and in the hands of all your students. Compliance Reporting and TEA Desktop Monitoring Process Room: Strand: Target Audience: Presenter: M 5-6 One: Compliance Administrators, Program Staff Didi Garcia Division of Federal and State Education Policy Texas Education Agency This session will provide current information about LEA compliance reporting on Parental Involvement statutory requirements and how it impacts the TEA desktop monitoring process (Initial Compliance Reviews, ICR). 51 Saturday Concurrent Session December 12, 2015 • 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Walk the Extra Mile Room: M9 Strand: Two: Best Practices Target Audience: Support Staff, Educators Presenter: Myrna Vazquez State and Federal Program Compliance Coordinator/ Newcomer Academy Coordinator Irving ISD Participants will have an opportunity to assess their communication style and apply new ways to improve and build relationships among their community. 52 Engaging Parents and Community Best Practices from Reward Schools Room: M 10-12 Strand: Two: Best Practices Target Audience: All Targeted Areas Presenter: Toni Garrett Coordinator, Capacity Building Initiative Region 10 ESC Take a look at best practices in action! Attend this session to see what Title I Reward Schools are doing to engage parents and community members. We’ll look at profiles and demographics of High Performing and High Progress Reward Schools around the state to see what is working in schools like yours. You will leave with practical ideas as well as a network of successful schools to contact for more information. GET A MEDICAID PLAN WITH MORE BENEFITS TO HELP YOU LIVE A HEALTHIER LIFE At no cost to you We are helping older adults and people with disabilities live healthier lives. That’s why you can count on us to make it easy - and give you more! • Vision and dental • Gym membership • Home Delivery Pharmacy • 24-hour Nurse Advice Line Restrictions and limitations may apply to all value-added services. We’re here to help. Call Cigna-HealthSpring today! 1-866-636-5688 (TTY 7-1-1), Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time. StarPlus.MyCignaHealthSpring.com To join Cigna-HealthSpring, call toll-free 1-800-964-2777, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Central Time. All Cigna products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation, including HealthSpring Life & Health Insurance Company, Inc. The Cigna name, logos, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc. © 2015 Cigna 53 MCDTX_15_29863 05282015 Sesiones Español Viernes, 11 de diciembre 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Room M 1 Educacion Bilingue: apropiada y de beneficios para todos M 9Desarrollando compañerismos dinamicos entre escuelas y familias: funciones claves de padres Viernes, 11 de diciembre 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Room M 1Educacion Especial: la ley, los servicios, y el estudiante M 9Caja de herramienta practica para padres Viernes, 11 de diciembre 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Room M 5-6Juntos si se puede - los derechos legales en la participación de los padres M 7-8Criar del nino con caracter fuerte Sabado, 12 de diciembre Room E 2 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Cómo los padres pueden motivar a sus hijos para conseguir lo imposible It is a fact that in the right formation, the lifting power of many wings can achieve twice the distance of any bird flying alone. Anonymous Es un hecho que en la formación correcta, la potencia de elevación de muchas alas puede alcanzar el doble de la distancia de cualquier pájaro que vuela solo. 54 Together Everyone A chieves More Cyber Café Need to quickly check your e-mail? Don’t have a computer at home to complete your on-line evaluations? Stop by the Cyber Café in the Exhibit Hall for your on-the-go computing needs. M M M 10 11 12 M-9 M-10 M-11 M-12 28’x28’ 16’x28’ 16’x28’ 16’x28’ M-7 M-8 M-7 &28’x48’ 8 28’x28’ M-5 &M-6 6 M-5 E-4 E-3 E-4 E-3 60’ x 100’ 60’ x 100’ 28’x28’ E-2 E-2 28’x48’ M M M-4 M M-3 M-1 M-2 M-1 28’x28’ 16’x28’ 16’x28’ 16’x28’ 60’ x 100’ 2 3 4 E-1 ‘D’ ‘E’ 162’ x 180’ x 25’h SALON A Exhibit Hall Gra nd ‘F’ Hal GRAND HALL l 150’ x 210’ x 30’h ‘A’ ‘B’ ‘C’ SALON ‘G’ B Cyber Café 55 GRAND HALL Function Room Square Feet Ceiling Height Theatre Classroom Seating Banquets Exhibit Booths 10 x 10 MEETING ROOMS Function Square Ceiling Theatre Classroom Banquets Presenter Directory Dr. Nicoline Ambe Nicoline Ambe International Dan Clark Dan Clark & Associates Leanna Grosvenor Dallas ISD Heather Ashwell-Hair Texas PTA Blair Claussen Texas Education Agency Susie Hernandez Somerset ISD Ray Barbosa Region 16 ESC Sherry DiMarco Region 13 ESC Carlos Huerta Family Leadership, Inc. Margaret Barnes Region 6 ESC Alex Dominguez Region 20 ESC Laura Beaver Kaplan Early Learning Co. Jennifer Fitzhugh Jennifer Fitzhugh Advocacy Marcus Johnson St. Philips School & Community Center Kriesti Bunch Somerset ISD Michael Fore Mansfield ISD Patty Bunker Family Leadership, Inc. Didi Garcia Texas Education Agency Lucy V. Cantu Transformational Coach & Speaker Toni Garrett Region 10 ESC Joni Carswell LivingTree Matthew Chavez Region 16 ESC Angelina Chapa Parent Liaison Cynthia Garrison Practical Parent Education Rose Gioia-Fine Tuscarora Intermediate Unit Judy Gray Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD Dr. Willie J. Kimmons Save Children Save Schools Andres Lara A. Success Training, Inc. John Linney School Climate Institute Lizeth LoCicero Texas PTA Laura Lopez Canutillo ISD Taunya Martin-Brazil Region 20 ESC Fred Martinez Region 18 ESC Sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, 56 Together Everyone A chieves More Presenter Directory Dr. Hanoch McCarty Educational Consultant, Educator, & Author Catherine McGuinness Mansfield ISD Darrell C. McKnight Texas Education Agency Dan McLaughlin Damand Productions Alma Mena Austin ISD Susan Poteet Region 16 ESC Marci Powell CEO/President, Marci Powell & Associates Eleazar Ramirez Programs Evaluation & Educational Research Solutions David Ray Region 10 ESC Doriliz Rivera The Parenting Center Aurelio Montemayor Intercultural Development Research Association (IDRA) Jose Ruiz Kaplan Early Learning Co. Daphne Nazworth Region 16 ESC Lisa A. Rukovena Region 13 ESC Jill Nolen Kaplan Early Learning Co. Sierra Sanchez Grant Halliburton Foundation Mary Ann Pastran Canutillo ISD Alrich Smith Dallas ISD Anna Phillips Region 17 ESC Lourdes Soliz Canutillo ISD simply by doing them with the right people. Tim Stahlke Texas Homeless Education Office (THEO) Suzanne Stevenson The Parenting Center Mamie Tice Region 17 ESC Myrna Vazquez Irving ISD Kristi Veitenheimer Region 9 ESC Anita Villarreal Texas Education Agency Travis Waddell Region 10 ESC A. Nell Williams Houston ISD Roy Wooten Shield Bearer Dr. Sara Worley Campus Club Urban Outreach Nicholas Sparks 57 Exhibitor Directory PREFERRED EXHIBITOR AUDIO RESOURCE GROUP, INC PO Box 389 Hannaford, ND 58448 (888) 468-4552 [email protected] CIGNA-HEALTH SPRING 2208 Hwy 121, Suite 210 Bedford, TX 76021 (214) 770-8336 [email protected] FAMILY LEADERSHIP/ PARENTING PARTNERS 1357 W Shaw, Suite 105 Fresno, CA 93711 (559) 240-7881 [email protected] KAPLAN EARLY LEARNING COMPANY PO Box 609 Lewisville, NC 27023 (800) 334-2014 [email protected] LIVINGTREE 2700 W Anderson Lane #412 Austin, TX 78757 (512) 582-0170 [email protected] PARENT’S HOMEWORK DICTIONARY DAMAND PROMOTIONS PO Box 1152 Twin Falls, ID 83303 (858) 663-5129 [email protected] 58 PRACTICAL PARENT EDUCATION 2300 W. White Avenue, Suite. 102 McKinney, TX 75071 (877) 340-6262 [email protected] TITLE I STATEWIDE INITIATIVE REGION 16 ESC 5800 Bell Street Amarillo, TX 79109 (806) 677-5000 www.esc16.net COMMERCIAL EXHIBITOR 806 TECHNOLOGIES 5760 Legacy Drive, Suite B3-176 Plano, TX 75024 (877) 331-6160 [email protected] AETNA BETTER HEALTH 2777 Stemmons Freeway, Suite 1450 Dallas, TX 75207 (817) 495-1799 [email protected] AMERI GROUP 2505 N. Highway 360, Suite 300 Grand Prairie, TX 75050 (817) 861-7700 Ext. 57609 [email protected] APPLE ABC TEACHERS GIFTS 2526 Timber Ridge Drive Garland, TX 75044 (214) 288-2497 [email protected] FEV TUTOR 500 W Cummings Park, Suite 2700 Woburn, MA 01801 (817) 296-9413 [email protected] FROG PUBLICATION 11820 Uradco Place, Suite 105 San Antonio, FL 33576 (800) 777-3764 [email protected] GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY 3300 W. Camelback Road Phoenix, AZ 85017 (602) 639-8217 [email protected] HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT 10801 N MoPac Expressway Austin, TX 78759 (214) 870-6781 [email protected] LEARNING CONNECTIONS, INC 3520 Hanson Drive Lincoln, NE 68502 (402) 423-6941 [email protected] Together Everyone A chieves More Exhibitor Directory PACIFIC LEARNING 269 Amanda Way Decatur, TX 76234 (940) 391-5205 [email protected] PBM, ADVANCED GRAPHICS, IMAGERY GRAPHICS 1509 Falcon Drive, Suite #106 DeSoto, TX 75115 (972) 224-9119 [email protected] REALLY GOOD STUFF 448 Pepper Street Monroe, CT 06468 (203) 261-1920 [email protected] TEEN SUCCESS MESSAGING PO Box 830128 Richardson, TX 75083 (877( 791-8289 lucy.long@teensuccessmessaging. com THIRD WEEK BOOKS PO Box 390771 Minneapolis, MN 55439 (612) 275-7331 www.ThirdWeekBooks.com STRONG FATHERS, STRONG FAMILIES PO Box 136188 Fort Worth, TX 76136 (817) 301-4086 [email protected] NON-PROFIT EXHIBITOR ESC-20 TEXQUEST 1314 Hines Avenue San Antonio, TX 78208 (210) 370-5746 [email protected] JUST SAY YES PO Box 670863 Dallas, TX 75367 (972) 437-0002 [email protected] PARENT PARTIES PO Box 2531 Huntsville, TX 35804 (256) 533-2766 [email protected] PARKLAND COMMUNITY HEALTH PLAN 2777 Stemmons Freeway, Suite 1450 Dallas, TX 75207 (817) 495-1799 [email protected] PEP IT UP PARENTS PO Box 380339 Duncanville, TX 75138 (972) 854-4141 [email protected] SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS 3470 South Watson Road Arlington, TX 76014 (800) 633-7034 garredeondo@scholasticbookfairs. com SPEDTEX REGION 10 ESC 400 E. Spring Valley Road (972) 348-1694 Richardson, TX 75081 [email protected] TARLTON STATE UNIVERSITY 6777 Camp Bowie Boulevard, Suite 5 Fort Worth, TX 76116 (817) 732-7300 [email protected] TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 6200 La Calma, Suite 200 Austin, TX 78641 (512) 771-7256 [email protected] TEXAS TUITION PROMISE FUND/MATCH THE PROMISE 111 East 17th Street Austin, TX 78711 (512) 463-1696 [email protected] THE PARENTING CENTER 2928 West 5th Street Fort Worth, TX 76017 (817) 332-6348 [email protected] 59 Session Attendance Concurrent Session Attendance • • • • Please arrive early to attend the session of your choice. All sessions are on a first-come, first-served basis. When a session is full, a sign will be posted and the doors will be closed. Participants will then need to make another session selection. "Sign In" • To receive credit you must "sign in" at each session you attend. • You sign in electronically. The bar code on your name tag will be scanned at the session you attend. Attendance is tracked by the electronic sign-in process and your certificate of attendance will be generated accordingly. • If you fail to "sign in," you will not receive credit for that particular session. On-line Evaluation and Certificate At this year’s conference, you can go on-line to complete your conference evaluation. You can stop by the Cyber Café to complete your evaluation, or you can complete the evaluation from your home or work computer. To complete a short conference evaluation, go to www.esc16.net. Click on Title I Statewide Initiative icon, 2015 Parental Involvement State Conference, then click on Evaluation. After completing the evaluation, your certificate of attendance will appear on the screen. Please print the certificate for your records. If you have any questions, please call Title I Statewide School Support and Family & Community Engagement Initiative, (806) 677-5126, [email protected]. Session Log is available on page 70. 60 Together Everyone A chieves More Professional Development Credits Sign In at All Sessions • "Sign in" electronically. • The bar code on your name tag will be scanned at the session(s) you attend. Attendance is tracked by the electronic sign-in process. • Verification of attendance will not be possible at any other time. Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Region 16 Education Service Center offers Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit under provider #188950. • Participants must secure an “Attendance Verification Form” from the Title I Statewide School Support and Family & Community Engagement Initiative. • Either request the “Attendance Verification Form” at the Facilitator Booth in the registration area, or by contacting the Title I Statewide Initiative. • The Attendance Verification Form will be sent to you electronically. For information concerning credit requirements, contact the State Board for Education Certification in Austin at (512) 463-9734. Continuing Education Units (CEU) are not offered. School Board Member Credit Region 16 Education Service Center offers school board members Tier III credit with approval of the Texas Education Agency. For more information, please contact Title I Statewide School Support and Family & Community Engagement Initiative, Region 16 Education Service Center at (806) 677-5186 or [email protected]. 61 On-line Handouts Conference Handouts For Concurrent Sessions On-line You may obtain the handouts from the concurrent sessions at this year's Statewide Parental Involvement Conference. To access the handouts: • • • • • Enter the website www.esc16.net into your address bar Click on "Title I Statewide Initiative" Click on "2015 Parental Involvement Statewide Conference" Click on "Handouts" Choose the session link from which you would like to download handouts. The handouts from the chosen session will come up in a PDF format. * You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to open these files. If you have any difficulties retrieving handouts, please contact the Title I Statewide School Support and Family & Community Engagement Initiative at: (806) 677-5126, [email protected] or (806) 677-5186, [email protected] 62 Together Everyone A chieves More Special Thanks Special Thanks to the following businesses for their contributions to the conference: 806 TECHNOLOGIES ARLINGTON CVB BATH AND BODY WORKS BFF ASIAN GRILL, ARLINGTON BIRRAPORETTIS RESTAURANT BLACK-EYED PEA COOKS CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL CORPUS CHRISTI CVB MCALISTER’S DELI MCCARTY HULL OMNI BAYFRONT HOTEL, CORPUS CHRISTI ON THE BORDER, ARLINGTON SHERATON ARLINGTON HOTEL SIX FLAGS SPIRIT MONKEY TEXAS RANGERS TREASURE BAY BOOKS WALGREENS 63 Arlington Convention Center Walkway to Sheraton Hotel M M M 10 11 12 M-9 M-10 M-11 M-12 28’x28’ 16’x28’ 16’x28’ 16’x28’ M-7 M-8 M-7 &28’x48’ 8 28’x28’ M-5 &M-6 6 M-5 E-4 E-4 60’ x 100’ E-3 E-3 E-2 60’ x 100’ E4 28’x28’ E-2 M M M-4 M M-3 M-1 M-2 M-1 28’x28’ 16’x28’ 16’x28’ 16’x28’ 60’ x 100’ E3 28’x48’ 2 3 4 E2 E-1 ‘D’ 162’ x 180’ x 25’h Exhibit Hall ‘E’ SALON A Gra nd 150’ x 210’ x 30’h ‘B’ GRAND HALL Hall GRAND HALL ‘A’ 64 ‘F’ ‘C’ SALON ‘G’ B Together Everyone A chieves More Sheraton Hotel Meeting Rooms om o r ll C Ba ’n s o pi 2 m ha World Series 3 1 Check in: 3:00 PM, Check out: 12:00 PM Guest Services Super Bowl Wheelchair Access Disability Accessible Facilities Dry Cleaning Service 100% Non-Smoking Safe Deposit Boxes Laundry/Valet Service Ice Machine 24-Hour Security Vending Machine Braille Elevators H all o Fa f m e The Market Place Stop by throughout the day for Starbucks coffee and grab-and-go foods and drinks. Cuisine:Snacks Hours: 6:00 AM - 8:00 PM Parkside Grille Cuisine:American Hours: Daily 6:30 AM - 2:00 PM; Monday - Saturday 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM Transportation Self and Valet Parking 65 Publications View these publications on LiveBinders at http://www.livebinders.com/welcome/home Select Education in the Category Column Type Name of Binder in the Search Window 66 The Ten Components of a Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program Developing a Written Parental Involvement Policy Five Steps to Success For Developing School-Parent Compacts An Administrator’s Abbreviated Checklist to NCLB-Parental Involvement An Administrator’s Guide to NCLB-Parental Involvement Involvement: Schools, Parents & You (I.S.P.Y.) Manual Together Everyone A chieves More Publications Title I Statewide School Support and Family and Community Engagement Initiative Publications Parental Involvement/School Support Five Steps to Success For Developing School-Parent Compacts Ten Components of a Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program This publication is only available on LiveBinders at www.livebinders.com Ten Components of a Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program walks you through the process of including the ten schoolwide components in your campus plan as required in Public Law 107110, Section 1114b. Price $7.00 Developing a Written Parental Involvement Policy Public Law 107-110, Section 1118 Involvement: Schools, Parents, & You (I.S.P.Y. ) Developing a Written Parental Involvement Policy describes the requirements and contents for a parental involvement policy. The document provides district and campus checklists, and additional online resources, including sample policies, sample templates, parental involvement policy FAQs, policy guidance, and PowerPoints. The online resources are available at www.esc16.net. (Under the Parents tab, then click on Title I Statewide Initiative icon, then click on Requested Materials.) Price $4.00 An Administrator’s Abbreviated Checklist to NCLB-Parental Involvement Manual Involvement: Schools, Parents, and You is a training tool for parental involvement. Each section is presented in a 45 minute training format, but each section can be adjusted to meet your specific needs. The training topics address the benefits of parental involvement, key stakeholders, legislative requirements, policy and compact, and a family friendly school. This would be an excellent resource to use to train educators about the value of parent involvement and their role in family engagement. It could also be used at PTA/PTO meetings and other trainings. Price $8.00 An Administrator’s Guide to NCLB - Parental Involvement An Administrator’s Abbreviated Checklist provides parental involvement requirements and pertinent information without detailed explanation, referencing: 1) The Statute, 2) Title programs, 3) Who must comply, 4) When the requirement should be completed, 5) Allowable form of documentation, and 6) Date of completion.Price $4.00 Developing a School-Parent Compact An Administrator’s Guide provides expanded information about each NCLB Federal program as it relates to Parental Involvement addressing: 1) Intent and purpose, and 2) Allowable uses of funds. The Checklist features the same columns as the Abbreviated Checklist, but includes an expanded explanation of parental involvement requirements as mandated by NCLB. Price $6.00 Developing a School-Parent Compact describes the requirements and contents for a schoolparent compact. A five-step process for writing and reviewing a school-parent compact is presented. Price $6.00 CALL: (806) 677-5166 FAX: (806) 677-5167 EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: www.esc16.net 67 My Biggest Fear Steven M. Constantino I am the child who tries each day, to learn and grow and find my way. And I know the message I send is clear: “I’m okay, I can take it from here.” But that bravado I share, well, it’s all an act. A clever ruse to hide the fact, that what I need is you right here, to help me face my biggest fear. Now lean in close and listen well. Cause my friends don’t think that I should tell. My worry of worries, my biggest fear, is what would happen if you weren’t here? So, stay with me at home and school and ignore the fact that it’s not cool. And try as I might to hold you at bay, it’s at that very moment, I need you to stay. Session Log 2015 Statewide Parental Involvement Conference December 10-12, 2015 Arlington Convention Center Arlington, TexasL Thursday, December 10, 2015 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Pre-Conference Session ______________________________________ 1:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., Featured Conference Session ______________________________________ 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., Opening General Session - Hanoch McCarty Friday, December 11, 2015 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m., 1st Concurrent Session 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., 2nd Concurrent Session 11:45 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m., Saturday, December 12, 2015 - 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., ______________________________________ Luncheon General Session - Dan Clark 3:45 p.m., 3rd Concurrent Session 8:30 a.m. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 9:45 a.m., 4th Concurrent Session ______________________________________ Closing General Session - Andres Lara I certify and attest that I attended the aforementioned sessions. ______________________________________________________________________________ Signature Complete and remove this form and attach to your certificate (available on-line starting December 14, 2015) for your records. 70 ____________________ Date 2016 Statewide Parental Involvement Conference CATCH THE WAVE December 8-10, 2016 American Bank Center Corpus Christi, Texas Hosted by the Title I Statewide School Support and Family & Community Engagement Initiative at Region 16 Education Service Center