application-form 2016
application-form 2016
Vermasmedios S.L. CIF: B70023064 Ronda de Outeiro, 232 bajo izda. 15010 A Coruña [email protected] T: +34 881926236 F:+34 981928781 Fecha / Date: FORMULARIO DE INSCRIPCIÓN / APPLICATION FORM Empresa / Company name: CIF / VAT: Dirección / Address: Código Postal / Zip Code: E-mail: Ciudad / City: País / Country: Persona de contacto / Person responsible for contacts: Mercancías que expone / Goods exhibited: Elija / Choice. 1. COSTE DE ADMISION/ ADMISSION FEE1 : 2. ÁREA / AREA: 2 ÁREA TOTAL M TOTAL AREA SQM. 3. Teléfono / Phone Number: AREA EXPOSITIVA EXHIBITION AREA (T,E,CA,CB) 185,00 € PRECIO PRICE %DESCUENTO %DISCOUNT STANDS 2 CARAS ABIERTAS +10% STANDS 2 OPEN SIDES AREA +10% COSTE TOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT STAND BÁSICO/ BASIC STAND2: COSTE TOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT STAND COST/ COSTE DEL STAND 4. MOBILIARIO / FURNITURE: REF / REF CANTIDAD / QUANTITY 1 coste de la admisión es obligatorio e incluye: seguro, presencia en el catálogo de la feria, 50 tickets de invitación, credenciales, plaza de parking. The admission fee is mandatory and it includes insurance, cover, catalogue entry, 50 invitation tickets for clients, exhibitors badges and free car parking. PRECIO UNITARIO / UNIT PRICE TOTAL / TOTAL COSTE TOTAL / TOTAL AMOUNT 1+2+3+4 10% IVA (Sólo España / Only for Spain) TOTAL / TOTAL 2 Stand básico incluye: pared, moqueta, rótulos con el nombre de la compañía en cada zona abierta del stand y luz. Renunciar a una o varias partes de la decoración no da derecho a deducción en el precio. Basic stand include: walls, carpet floor, identification sign for each open side and lighting system. Giving up to one or more parts of the furnishing does not give right of any reduction. PRIMER PAGO 20 (INSCRIPCIÓN) FIRST PAYMENT 20% (REGISTRATION) SEGUNDO PAGO 40% (Antes 30/04/2016) SECOND PAYMENT 40% (Before 30/04/2016) TERCER PAGO 40% (Antes 30/06/2016) THIRD PAYMENT 40% (Before 30/06/2016) El pago mediante transferencia bancaria a nombre de / The payment should be in favour of VER MAS MEDIOS, S.L. by means of bank transfer: ABANCA IBAN: ES2220805568493040000641 SWIFT: CAGLESMMXXX FIRMA/SIGNATURE Vermasmedios S.L. CIF: B70023064 Ronda de Outeiro, 232 bajo izda. ____________ 15010 A Coruña [email protected] T: +34 881926236 F:+34 981928781 GENERAL REGULATION Article 1.- Application for participation An application for an exhibition space should be made through the specific contract forms of the fair, and conform to the terms and conditions, fees, means of payment and timescales set out therein. By applying to participate in the fair, the Exhibitor accepts that this participation involves risk, with no right to compensation arising in the case of failure to meet the business expectations of the Exhibitor or the Organisation. Article 2.- Acceptance of participation Definitive acceptance of participation is decided by Organizer, which can reject with reasons any applications which are deemed not to be encompassed within the sectors and products of the fair and thus not to suit its purposes. Applications may also be rejected due to a lack of space and/or the application being made outside of the established application periods. The Management communicate these circumstances to applicants in writing. Withdrawal by the Exhibitor from participation in the Fair is a reason for dissolution of the contractual relationship between the Management and the Exhibitor, for all purposes, and the writing-off all amounts accrued to the Management at the time of notification. The withdrawal must be made explicitly in writing to the Fair Management. Participation, illegal acts, acts against morals and public decency, or which threaten the safety of people, facilities and goods, or which offend the decorum of the Fair, or bring the prestige or image of the Management into disrepute. Article 6.- Leasing the space The fair is open to the visitors carrying the requisite admission document. It is forbidden for anyone to make offers or bids for recognized institutes inside the fairgrounds, or to collect or distribute political, religious or other propaganda or to carry out activities that are not in any way connected with the objectives of the fair. The Exhibitor is however responsible to all intents and purposes, for the behaviour of those persons using the free entrance documents, as well as for the behaviour of his own employees or temporary helpers and collaborators in carrying out the duties assigned to them. Total or partial leasing of the stand or the rights acquired in the exhibition contract to third parties is prohibited. Also, the space cannot be occupied by several co-exhibitors, unless previously authorised in writing by the Fair Management in each specific case. The coexhibitor must pay 185€ for the inscription. Article 7.- Change of date, cancellation and suspension If the application cannot be accepted, The Management will return the deposited amount without any right to compensation on the part of the applicant. If The Management should (i) cancel the Fair, (ii) cancel spaces contracted by Exhibitors or reduce their size due to circumstances beyond its control, (iii) change the date of the Fair or (iv) suspend the fair temporarily or permanently, in part or totally, the Exhibitors will be refunded for all money paid, without right to compensation for such changes. Article 3.- Areas. Article 8.- Stands The Management of the Show may alter allocated spaces or make alterations in the layout of the halls for organisational purposes. The stands preparation should be ended by the day before the exhibition inauguration; otherwise, the agreement should be annulled for non-fulfilment. The distribution of spaces in the fairs remains the exclusive jurisdiction of The Management, in accordance with the circumstances of each fair. At the end of the fair and not before, the Exhibitor must proceed with there moval of all products and material installed by him or his staff from the stand. After obtaining the requisite exit pass from the Organiser, the Exhibitor is obliged to remove these products or material from the fairgrounds. The above mentioned exit pass shall not be given to those Exhibitors who have not settled their payments, either directly or indirectly with the Organiser. Article 4.- Payments Payments for the contracted services will be made on presentation of the invoices, following the means of payment that feature in the application form. In the case of failure to pay any of the items shown in the contract in the given period, the Exhibitor will lose all rights to the reserved space, which will become available to the Fair Management and can be offered to other companies. In all cases, the occupation of the space and, if applicable, assembly of the stand for which has been contracted, will not be authorised until the total price has been paid for them, and similarly in the case of contracted services, and in the case of contracting free-design stands, if the assembly rights have been paid. Article 5.- Waiver by Exhibitor The dismantling of the stands must be completed within the date indicated in the “Exhibition Technical Regulations” The Management may close a stand during the assembly or the Fair in the case of a breach by the Exhibitor of the regulations for Participation or the execution of a judicial order to that effect, without any obligation by The management to grant any compensation or repay the amounts paid for participation. Article 10.-. ACCESS FAIRGROUNDS. TO THE Article 11. - DAMAGE AND SECURITY. During opening hours the Exhibitor will have to attend to his booth personally or through his staff. The Management provides a general day and night security service in the fairgrounds during stand fitting, exhibition and booth removal period; nevertheless, it declines all responsibility for thefts and/or damages that might occur. The Exhibitor will be responsible towards the Management for any direct or indirect damage due to his fault or that of his staff (including damages from any installation or set-up installed by the Exhibitor or third parties employed). Article 12. - INSURANCE, EXEMPTIONS AND LIABILITY The organization has a Civil Liability. Article 13.-INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Neither the products, the goods exhibited, nor the stands housing them, maybe photographed, filmed, drawn or reproduced without the authorization of the respective Exhibitors and of the Organisation. Nonetheless, the Organiser reserve the right to photograph, reproduce, diffuse and authorize the photographing, the reproduction and the diffusion of both full shots or detailed shots of the inside and outside of the fair, giving their consent to others to sell them or even selling them themselves. Article 9-. Disqualification from contract. Article 14.- Law and Jurisdiction Disqualification from entering into contracts with the Management or attending any Fair organised by The Management or held on its facilities will arise from failure to comply with the Management Regulations for The fair is subject to Spanish legislation and in case of dispute of the exhibitors in the fair, both parts are under the jurisdiction of A Coruña Courts